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-A.-;- BRAUDE; ZAVENYAGINA, - Ye. Studies on the effect of tetracycline antibiotics, neomycin and levonyeetin on regenerative properties and cytochemical propeities of macrophages. Antibiotikd 10 no.1253-58 Ja 165. (MIRA 1814) lo Laboratoriya meditoinakoy taitologii (zav. - A.I.Braude) pri kafedi%e mikrnbiologii (zav. - doyatvitellnyy chlen A~U4 SSSR prof. Z.V.Yomoll)ava) TSentrallnogo inntituta unovershonstvovaniya vrachey, Moskva. BRUDE A.I.; BRAUDE., N.1o; ZAVENYAGIMI-Ye.A. Activity of acid phosphatase of macrophages as related to special features of their fum-tional state* DokleAll SSSR 145 no,,3:677-680 J1 162. (IMA 15:7) 1. TSentrallnyy inatitut uoov,Drahenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskiy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii, Prodstavleno akademikom N.HaAnichkovym, (PHOSPIIATASE) (MACROPILMES) BRAUDE.M.; atulbr of the effT~ct of -Lq-.ra--3,rllrAe and Dome other antiblotico on macropbages 177 cultivating these cellB in vitro. Antibiotlki 7 noJ-~zIO91-1097. D 162. (KM 160) LaborAtoriya norych antlbiotikov #i kpXcdre mikrobiologii kill SSSR prpf. Z*V.Yormollyeva) Men- #allnogo Inatit-uti., tin o,.!-rl-Jhcr..Stvovaniya vrachay.- (MACROPRAGM) (,UITIBIOTICS) NIKOLAYEVAP V.D. [Nikolaieva).V.D.); ~~~~[Zawrbnyi,, N.I. Uoe of neuroplegia aubstancea (artificial hibornation) in toxic dyspopsia. Pod., alcuzh. i gin. 23 no.3t14-16 161, (MIPA 15:14.) I* Klinika detskikh bolezney (zav. - prof. S.I.Ignatov [Ihtatov, S.I.J) L'vovskogo maditainskogo inslituta (direktor - prof. L.I.Kuzmnnko) na bazo oblautnoy klinichookoy tollnitsy (glavnyy vrach - N.I.Besodin [Besiedin, 11 I-D. iDYSPEPS-Ik) (ARTIFICIAL HIMMATION) Int,reas-Ing, the roliability and duratility of rACh!-.(j3 ArOT. ohemJoal protcCtion of plnnto, VAnhinontroenlo no.500~-- sx 165. (Mlilk 1819) - JYJB~~ --- - - - --- Sorption and Structure of Active Charcoals. Zhur. Fiz. nim., 21, 3-947, 12, 1373-1386 ---LIq)MYOVt---AlSkeandr~-Pe-tr6vidhi-ZAVERIN-,i----Ai-S----re-d--~-1-PEVZNER-V.-I*--takhn-,-- red, [Fallowo aM their cultivation] Pary i ikh obrabotka. Yfoskva, Goo. izd-vo sallkhoz., 1960o 66 p. (MIU 14 s 10) 1, Glavx*7 agronom po zernovym kullturam i obahchim voprooam zemle- deliya, Hinisterotva oell okog-o kbo2za7stva SSSR (for Usenkov). (Fall~wing) PLTERBURGSKIYt A.V.,.prof., red.; ZAVERN, A.S., red.; 7RUKHINA, O.N.p tokhn,--red, F Olanual for workers in agricultural chemistry laboratories] Po- sobie dlia rabotnikov agrokhimicheakikh laboratorii. Moskva, Izd-vo sellkhoz. lit-ry, zhurna-lov i plakatov.. 1961. 431 (MIRA 15:45 (Agricultural chemistry-Laboratory manuals) LYMKOI Trofim Donisovicho akademik; TEMAINIKOV, V.11.; ZAMR111, A.S.p red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Plzwt nutrition-from soil iv the basic pr~" of agricultural research) Fochvennoo pitanie rastenii - koroi&~'k vopros nauki zemledeldia. ~., dop.. izd. Moskvap I7d-vo is'Wkboz. lit-r7 2hur nalov i plakatov,, 1962, M p, (14IRA 15M (Crops and soils) (Pletnts--Nutrition) AVWIII# Hikolay Sorgoyevich, Prof.;. 7AVI=, A.S., red*; IRMA, TeMes takhn. red. [Fertilizer application to farm crops] Podkormka sallskokhosiaint- vennykh rastenii. Koakwa. Goa.ixd-vo sallkhoa,lit-ry, 1 60 63 p. I (Fertilizers and manures) YELAGIII. M.N.; ZAVZRIN,_A..B., red.; TORTKOVA, V.A.. red.; IOUVA. V,K,,' (Advanced practices in sugar beat cultivation; experience of participants in the All-Union Apricultural Exhibition] Peredovye agrotakhnicheakis priemy v aveklovodetva; opyt uchastnikov VSKhV. Moskva, Oos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 237 P. (MIRA 12:9) (Sugar beets) ZAVXRIN, A.S.P redaktor (Achievements of science and progressive practices In sugar beat growillo ostishanits nauki I peredovol, opyt v eveklovodstys, kooky&, Goo. izil-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1957. 310 P. (KIRA 10:11) (Sugar beets) SOKOLOV, N.S.redaktor; ZA 114""olaktor; ZUBRILINA. Z.P. takhniclieskiy radaktor [Principles of crop culture] Oo:aov7 zemledalita. Isda 4-oa, parer. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo sallkhoz. Ut-ry, 1957. 439 p. .(MI3A 10:4) 1. Chlon-korrespondent veasornoy akademit seliskokhozyaystvannvkh Aauk Lm. Janina.(for Sokolov (Agriculture) CHMPAXHIN. Mikhail XirillovichLWOL AfS, relaktor; MBRILINA, Z.P., takhnichasidy rectaktor; YAEOYIRVA.. ?"u. tekhnicheskL7 redaktor Yu. u [Supplementary scurcee of feed] Dopolnitellayi istochnik kormov. Mouicva, Goa, izd-vo ealkhoz. lit-ry. 1956. 28 p. (HLRA 10-1) (Sudan grass) LESIX, Borto Vitsillyevich; TXACHMO, DmItrIy Yilipovich; ZAVIMIX, A,S., redaktar; VICSKOVA, To. I., teldmicheakiy rodaktor. '--- - -- (Manual of hemp] Spravechnik konaplevada. Mookva, Ges.isd-vo aelk-has.lit-ry, 1955-139 P. (miRA 9:4) (Hevip) YBLSUXOVt H.P., redaktor; ZAVIRIN, A*13., rodsictor; GURIVICH, H.H., takhnicheakiy MAIM ""Ox" [Raising gorage, cropa] Xormoproizvolstyo. Izd. 3-os, LSDr. i dup. Aookva, Goso izd-vo sellkhoz. :Lit-z7, 1956. 317 p. (kaA 10:3) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Yeesoyw:noy akademii oel$okokhozyaystvennykh nauk.imeni V.I.Ienina (for Yelouk-ov) (Forage plants) ----- - ---------- LYSEM Trofim Denisovich; ZAVERIN, A.S., red.; S141RHDVA, Ye.A., (Selected works In two volumes] Isbrannye sochineniin v dvukh tomakb. Moak-va, Goo. izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-r7. Vol-l-, 1958. 484 p. (MIRA 12:1) (Growth (Plants)) (Plant breeding) (Botany-Variatloh) ZAVERIN A red.; BALMD; A.I., t4khn. red, A --o [Manual for the sugar beat gzvwer] SpravoohnU avoklovoda. Mo- skva, Gos.izd-vo..sel'kboz,lit-ryp zburnalov i p:Lakatcvo 1961. 192 p. (MIRA 24112) (Sugar beete-Hamidbooke; manualej etc*) zAvqaLAj., red.; BALLOD, A.1 tokhn. red* [Manual for the sugar beet grower] Spravochnik svek:Lovoda. Mo- skvat Goo.izd-vo,obI'khoz-Iit-rYj zhurnalOv i Plakat'avj, 1961. 192 p. -12) (MRA 14, (Sugar boots-Handbookily manuals.. etc.) ABASIIIDZE, IrakIly Visoarionovich; GAII;S, B, (tranalutorl; MWERIN, 14. [translator]; 11ACYAMMIXII, V., red. [Palesti ne diary. Tramlated from the Georgian] Pale.- stinskii dnevnik. Tbilisi, 1:~d-vo Soiuza pisatelei Gruzii "Zarif- Vostoka., 1962. 62 p. WIRA 18:4) 7AVERITTA, fe. D. IF ~;lj I - ~- "- ~~ '. t~ , , - ,! " IN, DECWED C.1961 Sa ILC 1962/4 PHYSICAL CHFMS3Y DUBININ M. M. ~'~AV~RI NA _WX4 OVA L. S. KAVEROV., A. T FMATOCH KIN, V. I. Nature of the microporous structure of activated charcoals. Report No. 1: Activated charcoals obtained from phenol-aldehyde resin. Izv. AN SWR. Otd. kbim. nauk no.1:17-28 Ja 1610 (MIRA 14:2) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Inatitut goryuchikh iskopayemykh All SSSR i Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii AN USSR. (Charcoal) -DUBIRINI,- 14A;,- ZAVERIKA# -Ye.D. - Nature of.-the microporous structure of activated charcoals. Report No.3t Activated charcoals obtained from various carbonized materials. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khim. nauk no.2:201-204 P 161. (MIRA 34:2) -k-h-Wi-AN-SSSR-0 (Charcoal) DUBININ, M.Mi; VISHNYANOVA, M.M.; ZAVIMIKA, Ye*Doj ZHUKOVSKAYA, Te*G.; LEONTIM, Ye.A.; -LUX I LMVIC-1~,-T. -M.;SAIWIMOV, A.!. Adsorption properties and secondary p=~ms structure of adsorbents acting as moleoular -sieveso Roport No.l: Industrial speciments of synthetic zeolites. Izzv.AN SS.SR Otd.khim.nauk no.3:396-406 Fir. 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iwtitut fisicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR. (Zeolites) --SARAXHOV-- A.10;- DUBININ, M*M.; -BMZKIEA- Yu&Fo; -ZAVERINA- YeO& -Vapor, adsorption on. model- nono- rous sorbents with physically modified surface* Report Ix Lov temperature adsorption of nitrogen vapors on carbon black with preadsorbed watere IzveAN SSSReotdo khim.nauk nod6:974-983 Je 1.619 (MIRL 106) Io Institut fizicheskoy khimli AN SSSR. (Nitrogen) (Adsorption) DUB' mik; KADIETS.. O.j BOTLIKj I.1 ZAVERINA, To.D. ZUKALt A.; SUMETSO B. ~J~DUBI bents with molacular nieve propertion,'Dokl, AN SSSR 257 no.3t656-659 JI 164. (MIRA 1717) I* Inatitut tizichookoy khlmii AN Chokboalovatakoy SM I Institut fitichaskoy khimii AN SSSR, 8(5) CZECH/14-59-6-13/60 AUTHORS: Vrana, J., and Zav4rka, 0. TITLE: A Simple'Saw Tooth Generator PERIODICAL: 'Sdelovacl Tochnikap 1959, Nr 6, pp 215-217 (Czecho- slovakia) ABSTRACT: This is a description of a simple generator of saw tooth waves whose output voltage does not depend on the wave frequency. Saw tooth voltage is obtained by a graduel charging of' the capacity over a high resist- ance and an sudden discharging over a low resistance. Por the diechargingt a diode is ueed~ composed of a grid and a triode cathode. In figure 1 the anode characteristics of a system of double triode 6CO31 are shown, from which the value of the resistance of the diode generated between the grid and the triode's ca- thode m be obtained. This resistance is usually 1Y 200-300 . In figure 5, the connection aystem is re- P 2 sented of the saw tooth,generator. The triode U/ 60C31) has the characteristics mentioned in graph Nr 1, Card 1/2 V2 is a terminal electron 6L31. Originally, this A Simple Saw Tooth Generator OZECIV14-59-6-13/60 generator was drafted for frequencies up to 20 Kc/8 but it can operate with much higher frequencies as well. The resistance must be of several hundreds Ohms even for the highest frequencies. At a low re- sistance, the generator stops oscillating. It is possible to simplify still more this generator by using modern combined electrons as for instance ECF82. A synchronization of the generator is easily achieved by bringing synchronizing voltage on the first grid of the electron V26 The generator can also be used in oscilloscopes. A peak output voltage of 50 V can be achieved, it may be lowered by using an amplifier. The output voltage of the generator is asy=etrical. In a supplement to this articles the author presents the formulae for calculating the time of the active and back motion of the apparatus. There are 3 photo- graphs, 1 graph, 1 circuit diagram and 4 references, 3 of which are Czech and 1 American. Card,2/2 ZAVFMHIN,`XAYA,. L.1. - Funotional state of the u-,4-.nqry bladder in somp rpr-ca-logrical diseases* Aku.5h, i gin. 40 no.3:125-126 Mv-Je t64. (MIRA 18:6) 1. :Kafc-dra akunhpratva 1 ginnkolagli (zav. - dotsent Ya.l. - KrIvitakly) Or,-n1mrpskogo ru-iital-nskogo institute. ZAVERML KH, M.Ya. The workers of a cro3abar manual.telephone exchange in Kharkov. Vast. eviazi 23 no.9t25-26 S 163. (HIRA 16slo) 1. Starshiy inzh, Kharlkovskoy direktsii radiotranslyatsionnoy satil redaktor atengazety "Radiofikator". ZAVJMNYAYEV,-A.K-.. kandstekhn.nauk Review of E D.L#vov'# bock "Theroy cf the tractor," Trakt. i flellkhomamL 32 n6*5W-48 P-3 of co"r My 162, 041RA l5s5) (Tractorsi (Llvov, E. D.) GATAULIN, Akhlyar Muginovich; ZAVMIIYAYL'VAO L.V.j red. (Prime cost ana aggregate labor input in the rxinagezent of farm output] Sebestoimost' i sovokupnye zatraty tru- da v proizvodstve sellskokhoziaistven-noi produktsii. Moakvas Economika, 1965. 187 p. (MIRA 18s6) --- -- - ----- - --- --- PRUTOVYKH, Pavel Nikolayevich; K~~ red. (Economics of state-fam productionj an ecorxr-ic outi- ne I Ekonomika sovkhoznogo proizvodstva; ekonomicheskii, ocherk. Moskvap Ekonomikaj 1963# 334 p. NIRA MO OBOLEITSKIYI X.F., doktor ekon. nauk, prof., red.; KOTOVA, G.G., doktor ekoni nauk, prof., red.; RUSAKOVA, G.K., kand. sell- kboz. naukp red.; USTINCII, VI.A., red.; ZAYRFI,'Xk red.; RYBAKOVA, V.D., red. [Efficient organization and the economics of agricultural production; methods and recommendations] Voproay ratsionall- noi organizatsii i ekonomiki sellskokhoziaistvennogo pro- izvodstva; metodiki i rekomendataii. Moskva, Bkonomika 19 64. 49 5 p. (MIRA 17: 1~ 1. Moscow. Vuesoyuzrqy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut ekonomiki,sollskogo khozyayatva. (Agriculture-Economic aopecte) ZAV,=RfEVA,.,.L.V.,j red.; POVOMMEVA, A.A.~ telchn, ,~ed.; GE]USI1,110VA, Te.S.., tekhn. red, (principles of the economics of socialist agriculture) Os- novy ekonomiki sotsialisticheekogo sel'skogo khoziaistva. Moskva', Bkonoirdzdato 1963. 416 P* (MIRA 16:12) (Agriculture-Economic aspects) ALEKSETEVA, R6mirt, ValentinovnA, kand. ekon. naukj VOWNIN, Andr8y ~Pavlovich, kand. ekon. nauk; ZAVERNYATEYA,, L.V., red.; CERAMMA, U.S., tekhn. red. [Accu=lation and development of collective farm property) Nakoplenie i razvitie kolkho7mol sobstvennosti. Moskva, Izd-va ekon. lit-ry, 1963. 247 p. (MIRA 16:10) (Collective farms-Finanee) ,GABlDULLII:, Vazikh Yukhanedzyanovich; plW11111, Anatoliy Andreyevich; .ZAVERIJYMEVA, L.V., red.; UUMA, L,V., tekhn. red. (Collective fam incornes and their utilization] Dokhody kol- khozov i ikh ispollzovanie. Ifoskvap Mconomizdatp 1963. 106 P. (MILk 16:12) "Collective farms-Income distribution) VOROPAYEVy Vasiliy Ivanovich; BELICEENKO, Potr Parmwriovich; AAMAj A.A.0 tokhn. red. upplemontary wages on collective fams]Dopolultollnaia oplata, truda v koMozakb. I-look-vap 91-onomizdat 1962 178 NIFA 15:10) (Collective fcxms-lncome distribution) KARNAUKHOXA,Ye.S., doktor okon. nauk, red.; KOZLOV, H.I., knnd. ekon. nauk, red. GAVRILOV, V.I., red.; OBOLE]qSXIY, X.P., knnd. ekon. nauk, red.; ZAVERNYAYEVA, L.V., red.; PONOMAPEVA, A.A., tekhn. rod. (Resources and ways for increasing labor productivity in agri- culture) Rezervy I puti povysheniia proizvoditelinosti truda v sel'skom khoziaistve SSSR. Red.koll,: E.S.Karnaukhova i dr. Mo- skva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 490 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyurnyy nauchno-inaledovatellakiy institut ekono- miki sellqkogo khozyaystva. 2. Institut ekonomiki AN S.SSR (for Karnaukholi, Koslov). 3. Nauchno-issledovatellekiy ekonomiche- skiy institut Gosudarstvennogo nauchno-ekonomicloskogo 'sovete. Soveta Ministrov SSSR (for OboVnskiy). (Agricultura-Labor productivity) ORLOVSXIY roy Kirill Prokof lyerlob,, Geny Sovetskogo $oyuza Go SotsialisticheBkogo- Trada,,depirtat Verkhovoogo Soveta SSSR; NIKITENKO,, Alekse7 Afanaslyevich; .PoNOMAREVA,.A.A.,, tekhn,rads [Economic.efficiency-of the peoializition of the collective fam produatiotl from the p#4tidO of the "Raeavet" conective Farm) Ekonomicheskaia effektivnost' spetaUlizataii kolkhoznogo proizvodstva; is opyta kolkhoza "Raesve%" Moskva, Ekanomizdat, 1963. 70 p. (MIRA 166) 1. Predseda~ell kolkhoza "Rasovet"(for Orlovo.kiy - ) ., 2. Glavnyy agronomp,ockreta rl.partiynogo komiteta kdlkhold "RagaVet (for Nikitenko). (Collective farms-Management) STOROZHEVp V.I.; KORKUNOV, I.N.; RUDAKOVt Ye.V.; MELLINY1, S.A.; LUKOVNIKOVA, S.V.; POTAPOV,, Kh.Ye.; ZAKUSILO, P.S.; ZAVERF.NYAYEVA,-L.V., red.; GEWMVA, Te.S.,,-tekhn. red, (Triumph of the Lenin cooperative plan in socialist countries) Pobeda leninskogo kooperativnogo plana v stra- nakh sotsializma. Moskva, Izd-vo ekon. lit-ry, 1963. 274 p. (MIRA 1614) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki mirovoy sotsiall- sticheekoy aistemy. (EuLrope, Eaatern-Agriculture, Cooperative) (Collective farms) AViRNYAYEVA.. L.V. 1~qux, rod.; Z basis, of' l1w stvunf.uN.! ol' agricultural produc- tion] Exon:-.michalskoo obooncrvanie strukLury oellakokho- Zialst.,fam-logo protzvodstva. Moskva, Ekonondka, 3.965. 284 P. (MIRA 18:8) ra I tf-~ o t~ ei e~,) i11 yehurv~micho2kiy institut, KIIIELL"4SKIY Nikolay Nikolayevich; ZAVEWYAUVA, L.V, , rod. I GERASIEOVA, Ye. S., - tekhn.. red [Method for the utilization analysis of capital assets on collective faMI31 Metodika -anali za ispol I zovanlia onnov- nykh fondov v kolkhozakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Ekonomika," 1964. 133 P. (MIRA 170) TRUTOVYKH) Pavel Nikolayevichl ZAVERNYAXEVA, L.V., red, (Economics of state farm production; an essay on econosics] Ekonomika sovkhoznogo proizvodstva; ekonomichaskii ocherk. Moskve,, Ekonomikaj, 1964. 334 p. (MIRA l7ill) URIN, Grigoriy Vz"IVO-Iod")VIC)I~ dAt!~-r d uopu,As of 7oll fordlityl Fkcnomdo lien. ko.) p".- dorodio Noskva. Ekonomika, 1964. 238 p* L40GVINOV, LeyDavidovich; ZAVERNYAYF.VAO L.V., red.1 GERASimou, YO.S.1 tekhn. (Differential land rent and collective farm economics) Differentsialinaia renta i ekonomika kolkhozov. Mo- Ava, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 201 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Rent (Economic theoz7))_ (Collective farms) KRASAVIN, Nikolay Nikolayevich; Z VrfUlYAYEVA,-L-.N.-,-e-d.-,*-GERASMVK,-- U.S., tekbn. red. (Ways to improve the economic efficiency of the use of land in agriculture]Puti povyshenila ekonomicheakoi, offektivnosti iapolfzovanila zemli v vellakom khozialstvie. Moskva, Ekonom- lzdat, 1962. 132 p. (RIIRA 16t2) (Agriculture) GWANYUNOV, Matvey Vasillyevich; ZAVER11YAYE:VA L V .9 red.; PONOMMA, A.A.,, tekhn. red. (Development of agriculture and social relations in a village] Razvitie sellskogo khoziaistva i obshchestvennykh otnoshenii v derev7ie. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 161 p. . (MM 15:12) (Agricultural policy) (Russia-Rural conditions) MINEYXV, Viktor Andreyevich; ZAVERKYAYEVA_,_.~.S~-,--=d.; GERASDiDVA.9 Ye. S. p t*Jw. ~ red. [Economic baaes of farming near cities]gkonomichookis osnovy prigoradnogo sellskogo khosiaistva. Yoskva, Ekonomizdat 1962. 333 P. (Agrimlturs) PAKIIOMOV~ Afeksey Mikhaylovich;_~~rd~~1~141_L.V.p red.; GERASIMOVA, Te.S., tokhn. red. (Finances of IntercoLlective-farm organizations and enter- prises]Finansy mezhkolkhozrqkb organizataii i prodpriiatii. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1962. 131 p. (RIRA 15:10) (Collective farms-Interfarm cooperation) (Finance) 7 14 . .- _.ZINOV ICH, Ivan Yovdokimovichl ZAVEIMAINVA L,V., red.; POIWAREVAp AvA.-I tekbn-6- red.----- [Economic analysis of collective-fam produotion]Ekonomi- cheskii analls kolkhoznogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Ekonomizdat., 1962 148 p. (MIRA 15:10) Nhze-11nitskiy Province-Colleotive farms-Accounting) OM ZAVEMI It MIAYA, Lol.p assJstent Treatment of functional urbiary Ancontinencelm vown. Akush. i gin* 37 no,WO-84 7 161. (KMA .14:3) 1, Iz kafedry akusherotva i glnekologii (iooo zav* - dotsent Ya.Yeo Krivitskiy) Orenburgskogo meditainskogo irstituta. (URBE.-INCORTIMCE) (GM=WGY) ZAVI-70,11PISKAYA, L.I,,, assistent Diaposis and treatment of vulvovaginitle in children. F.' -zhur. no.1146-47 Ja-F361 (DIIRA 1.6:11) 1. Kafedra akusherstva i ginekologii (Loa zav.-dots. Ya.Ye. Kr.i,vitskiy)orenburgskogo.meditainskogo Inatituta. KRIVITSKIYj Ya.Ye., dotsent; Aggr,,A Xk, Formation of an artificial vagina from amniotic membranes. no.3:81-82 It-.4063. (IMA 16:9) 1. Kafedra aktucherstva i cinekologii (zav. - doteent Ya*Yoo KriiritskiA Orenburgskogo meditsinskogo ino-tituta) (MAL MEMILUMS) (VAGINA-SURGERY) KRMTSKIY# Yaole.; ZAVMHINSKAYAp L.I. IP-apoois and treatment of primary ovarian tumore In children emd adolescents, Vbpa:k* 6 no.D61-6 060 (HTRA l' At 10) (OVARIES.,TUMOES; 'T- cum FN ""N FORTMOMM, 26525 s/o65/61/000/009/002/003 0/ C? 6) E030/E135 AUTHORSt Pavlova, S.N., Driatskaya, Z.V., Baranoval Z*N*, and Zavershinskayaj S.V. TITLE: The first exploitable Siberian crude PERIODICAL: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, 1961, Ko.,q, pp. 8-14 TEXTs An assay is given on this crudev discovered in April 1960 in Western Siberia, 400 km North of Tyumen'. The present find is called the Shaim field, and is at 1487-1500 m depth in a Jurassic bed. It has the following characteristics: Density ei 0- 0.827 Elemental crude composition, % Carbon residue, % 2.08 C 85.8 Composition, % H 13.28 sulphur o.46 0 0.36 adsorbable resins 10.2 S o.46 asphaltenes 0.82 N 0.10 paraffins 2.89/550 gas 3.5 Card 1/3 26525 The first exploitable Siberian crude s/o6s/61/000/009/002/003 E030/EI35 Gas composition, Yield of white products, % C2H6 1.2 up"Ao 200oC 28.5 C3H8 25.8 11 3000C 45.7 i_C4HJLO 17.2 350CC 55.3 n-~-COIO 55 - 8 Properties of fractions are as follows: SRB (28-850C), yield 7.6%. ON 71.5 straight, 91 with 2-5 g TEL/kg, auitable for motor spirit 9-91/155 (B-91/155)- SRB.(28--IZOOC)g yield 14.3%. ON 65-5 straight, 76.5 with 0.41 g TEL/kg, suitable for spirit A-76, SRB (28-18oOc), yield 25%, ON 66.6 with 0.82 g TEL/kS, suitable for motor spirit A-66. 0.05% S in all abo-v,e fractions; aromatic content rises from 0 to,14%, and the naphthene content falls,from 43yo to 34%, of which just under one third is six-ringed. The crude thernfore gives a much better platformer feed than Tuymazy. 150-280 OC cut gives colour-stable kerosine, with 22.8% yield on crude. Density is o.811, and smoke point 21 mm, with 0.07% S. Diesel cuts, in the 150 to 330 OC range, give Card 2/ 3 26525 The first exploitable Siberian crude s/065/61/000/0109/002/003 E030/EI35 52-39 cetane number, 0.08-0,12% S, and -18 to -25 OC pour point, with 27 to 36% yield. The residue range from 350 OC to 480 OC was examined in 3 OC cuts, and found suitable for all grades of fuel oil except naval grades. Throughout the range, the oil qualities change as followas Density () 20 o.864o-o.9126 Viscosity, cs 4 -; 500 7.5 - 60.7 Temperature, pour point, .0 1000 2.2 - 10.1 0C 10-40 Sulphur content, % 0.3 - 0.84 There are 4 figures and 8 tables. ASSOCIATIONt VNIX NP Card 3/3 PAVLOVAI S.N,i-DRIATSKAYA, Z.V.; -BARANOVAp-Z*No;-ZAVERSHI14SKAYA S.V. First industrial petroleu= in Siberia. Khim.i tekh.topl.i masel 6 no.9:8-14 S 161. (KMA 14:10) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i polucheniyu iokusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva. (Siberia., Western-Petroleum-Analysis) .4" PAVLOVA.. Serafimet Nikolayevnaj: DRIATSKAYA, Zoya Vasillyevna; MICHITAII., I/Ariya Artemvna; BARANOVAO 7oya flikolayevna; ZMMOV41lataliya Mikhaylovna;.-ZAVER=SXAY&,-Rof-i-ya~Viktorovna; KMMOVA, KOF*p ved. red.; POLOSINAp A.S., tekhn. red. [Petroleum in eastern regions of the USSR)Nafti vostochMkh ralonov SSSR; spravochnaia kniga. Pod red. S.N.Pavlovoi i Z.V. Driatskoi. Yoskvap Gostoptekhizdatp 1962. 607 p0 (MIRA 15:12) (Petroleum-Analysis) 21(4). PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1441 Pavlova., S,,N.,, Z.V. Driatskaya, Z.H. Baranova, M.A. Mkhahiyan, N.M. Zhmykhova, and S.V. Zavershinskaya. Nefti vostochnykh rayonov SSSR; spravochnaya kniga (Oils of Eastern Regions of the USSR; a Handbook) Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 5o6 p. 11000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR Gosudarstvennyy planovy komitet, Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut po pererabotke nefti i gaza i poluchenlyu iskusstvennogo zhidkogo topliva, Eds.- 'Favlova., S.N.; and Z.V. Driatskaya; Executive Ed,:,,Ragina, G:M.; Tech. Ed.: Yashchurzhinskaya, A.B. PURPOSE: This handbook Is intended for petroleum production personnel, refiners, scientific research organizations,as well as students Card 1/22 Oils of Eastern Regions of the USSR (Cont.) SOV/1441 and faculty members at petroleum vuzes. COVERAGE: This book consists of two parts. The first part constitutes a card index listing the characteristics of crude oil found In eastern regions of the USSR, aa well as of its ond products. The second.part is a continuation of the handbook published in 1947 under the title Soviet Crudes, It contains more data, however, and treats a much larger number of crudes. The card ind6x shown theproperties of crudes as well as the products obtained froia~lthem by straight-run distillation. Card format as well as the method of showing the characteristics of crudes and their products was adopted by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, and approved by the All-Union Council for the Study of Petroleum, Its Products* and Methods Used To Analyze Them. Earlier work done by Profeasor A,S. Velikovskiyj Candidates of Sciences S.N. Favlova,, P.S. GoFman, and Ye, F, Rudakova had been used in this book. P.N. Yenikeyev was consulted In matters dealing with petroleum geology. There are no references-given. Card 2/ 22 ZA11-r-R-SHIN-MY. nd. tokh tviuki 9WIAMELV, A. I Ju,, Prof., doktor teklin, nauk Formation of 6cab mri atetil Ingots and ways to prevent it. Stall 25 no.23122-125 F 165. (M1RA 1813) SOV/133-59-5-8/31 AUTHOR: ZaverBhinskiy, Yu.V., Engineer TITLE.- Valitages of Ingot Moulds with a Wedge-shaped Bottom (Preimushchestya izlozhnits s klinoobraznym dnom) PERIODICAL; Stall, 1959, Nr 5, pp 413 - 417 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Advantages of ingot-moulds with a wedge-shaped bottom (Figure 1) for slab ingots were invesitigated. ThG above shaped moulds were cast using the same equipment as for the usual 9.3~-ton round-bottom moulds, only changing the shape of the bottom part of the sand cores. The _experimental moulds were put into operation simultaneously with a fresh consignment of the normal moulds. Steel was teemed through an intermediate 28-ton ladle with a nozzle 40 mm in diameter and from 200-ton ladles with a nozzle 30 mm. in diameter. Wedge-shaped ingots as well as the normal ingots from the same heat were rolled Into plates. Bottom crop of wedge-shaped ingots was decreased to 2-36.0 (as compred with that of normal Ingots of 8-9901 on rolling only to slabs the bottom crop amounted to 1 - 1*5%* It is expected that on developing optimum dimensions for the Cardl/2 wedge-shaped Ingots the bottom crop will be even smaller, Advantages of Ingot Moulds with a Wedge-s a In order to check on the possibility of rolling such ingots into plates from one heating without dressing, 24 ingots teemed from an intermediate ladle (10 with sharply opened stopper i.e. without the initial slow rate of teeming) and 2 from a 200-ton ladle were rolled (no details). The surface of plates had no defects caused by skin and hardly any dressing was required. Mechanical properties, macro- and m1crostructure of plates from wedgo-shaped ingots were found to be better than from the usual ingots (no details). The appearance of the bottoms of wedge-shaped and usual ingot moulds after 39 and 36 fillings, respectively, is shown in Figure There are 4 figures and 3 Soviet references. SOV/133-59-3-11/32 Engineer AUTHOR: ,~ver~shins~kiy, ~Tu. TITIE: A.Rational Shape of the Bottom for a Plate Ingot Mould (Ratsionallnaya forma dna listovoy izlozhnitsy) PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 3, pp 226 - 228 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In order to decrease bottom crop of 10.5-ton ingots for plates, which for ingots with a horizontal bottom (Figure 1) amounted to 5%, and to decrease the amount of surfaca defects, two types of the shape of ingot mould bottoms (Figure 2) with a rounded and truncated bottom were tested. The influence of the change of the shape of the ingot mould bottom on the weight of ingots and the size of crop of plates is shown in Table 1, on the state of ingot surface in Table 2 and on the state of the surface of alloy plates in Table 3. It is concluded that a decrease of the weight of ingots by using ingot poulds with bottoms of semi-circular or truncated (angle 1?-2l') shape decreases bottom and side crop of plates without decreasing the yield of good steel. A truncated shape of the bottom of ingot moulds promotes decreasing the depth of skin defects, the number of transverse cracks and instances of sticking of ingots in moulds. Ingots-with a truncated bottom can be of any weight if rolled in slabs but Cardl/2 a limited weight when rolled directly into plates. I)OVI/ 'A-3-11/32 A Rational 8hape of the Bottom for.a.Plate Ingo~ Mould There are 2 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 2/2 Z 4T~ f W H-WAV s.. 4. T. Great changes, Avtomap telem, i avias' 7 no*5:24,-27 My 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1, Zamestitc-11 nachallnika Ruzhinskoy dintantaii Bignalizataii i avyazi Dallnovootochnoy dorogi. (Railroads) _77777777 r9rebral hemorrhage in bacterial endocarditise 7AraV.Ve13t., LJU- bijana 24 no-3:102-IC4 1955- 1. Interni oddelok splosue bolnisnice v Celju - sof primarij Dx. J. Flajs. (ENDOCARDITIS, SUBACUTH BACTMM, complications, cerebral hemorrh. after spinal puncture) (CMMR&L HEMORMGM, etiology and'pathogensais. spinal puncture in ardocarditis, subacute bact.) (SPINAL PUNCTURE, complications, cerebral homorrho In subacute bact. endocarditts) ZAVERSIIIXI- Morbortf-dre Gastritis an old problem In the light of ncv ccneepts. Lijacn. vjean. 87 no.31293-~00 Mr 165. 1. Iz Gastroonteroloskog odjela Splonne bolnionice u Ce1ju. ZAVERSNIK.. Iferbert 7no problern of viral. heral.ltls. Odrav. vs,-Bfr-,. 33 no.1013Cf;-.3Irj 1. Interni oddele , Gastro3tittroloBki od5ek, Splonne Ix)lril.-,nice celja (?redstojnix: Ir. Lojze Rojnik). 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1.954, 2LJncl. ZAVERTAYLO, 1A.M.; VASILIYEV, Selecting the necessary heat-exchange surface of gas "pipe in pipe" heat exchangers for cooling gas. Gaz. delo no-1:3-5 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Krasnodarskiy filial-Vaesoyuznogo neftegazovogo nauchnc-issle- dova-tellskogo instituta. .,,Z-AVERTAYLO, M.Me i BAZLOV M,N DIADIMOV.- G L-- 0 Cooling natural gas on units of low-tem;erature separeaticn, raz. delo noe'10:12-14 164* (Ia'p-A 18.a) 1, Krasnedarskiy filial Voesoyuznogo nefteRazovogo nauchno-issle- dovatellskogo Inatituta. ZAVURTAYLO, M.M.; ADONIN, A.N., STROTIN, A.M. Experimental study of the heat-trans-fer coefficient of dou'Ue~_ pipe gas heat exchanger3. Gaz. delo no.6/7,60-61, '6). (MIRA 17il0i 1. Krasnodarskly filial VBesayuznogo neftegazovogo nauchno- isaledovatel'skogo Instituta I Moskov3kiy ordena, rrudovogo Krasnogo Znameni insriltut neftekhimicheskoy i gazzo-ioy promphlonnout.1 im. Aad. Gubkinu. - . ZMWAYLOv.~.M.; BAZLOV, M.N.; SULIMENKOV, G.P, - - - - - ; - -, - -, - - r- - - Using water for cooling natural gas in low-temperature separation units. Gaz. delo no.9:13-16 165. NIRA, 18:9) 1. Kraonodarskiy filia.1 Vaosoyvznogo neftegazovogo nauchno-issladovatell- skogo institutat. Z.AVERTAYID, V.K.; HUBlMSKIY-,--lT.11-s-, Dfien'se cauoed by roe of the Dnieper bmrbel (Ciprinus bArbus). Vrnah,delo no.2:197 7 158. (HIRA 1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitanlya Dnepropetrovskogo meditainakogo instituta. (FOOD POISONING) ZOYRTAYLO V.K. Cobalt content in some food products originating In Dnepropetrovsk Province. Vop. pit. 24 no.100-91 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Kafedra gigiyeny pitaniya. (zav.- dotsent T.F. Starodubov) Dnepropetrovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. ZAVERTAYLO, V.P.,- inzh.; NEKIROVSKIY, I..Ya.p inzh. WNW, Stationary double unit for welding in a carbon dicadds atmoaphore. Stroi. truboprov. 7 no.5127 W 162. (MIRA 1636) 1. Kiyevskiy filial spetsiallnORo konstruktoriskogo byuro. "Gazatroymashinaw. (Pipe-Welding) NUIMLIMAN, Moysoy Grigorlyevich; SATENKO, Semen Pavlovich;,.ZAVEUAYLO, .T,P., kand.takhn.nauk, rateenzonti LUMPE, dqtaen'to kand'. _W6n.nauk, red.;.SOROKA, M.S., red. .0noreasing labor productivity In the manufacture of machine parts] Povyshenis proizvoditallnt3ti truda pri makhanichaskol, obrabotke detalei mashin. Kiev, Gos.nauchno-takhnAzd-vo zashinoetroit.lit-rye 1959* 155 po (miu iz:6) (Labor productivity) (Machinery industry) vELIGIIKOI p.p. ZAVF.RTAYLO, V.P* Avtcot svar. 18 no.lo174 Tvo-position SDI12 Welding equipmen (HW 18%12) o 165., ARONOVICH~ V.V.; GALITSKIY, A.Ya.; ZAVERTKIV,.K.V. Usle of chromatographs in chom-co-technological. process control. Khim,prom. no.9076-580 Ag '62. (14W 15%9) 1. Gosudarstvonnyy institut po proyektirovaniyu zavoday kauchukovoy promyshlenriosti. (Chromatographic analysis) (Autcoatio control) GOLIDSHTEYN, A.N.; ZAVERTKINt R.Aly-,-11 Corrosion of reinforced concrete structures under the action of otruy currents. From. stroi,, 40 no.7:25-29 JI 163, (KM 16:10) 1. Vaeaoyuznyy I.aochnyy politekhnicheakiy institut, ZAVF.RTYAYEV, B. P.: Raster Agric Sci (diss) "The effectiveness of crosr-ing East-Frigi2n, catt-le with Tagil producers". Leningrad- Pushkin, 1959, 18 pp (Min Agric USSR, Leningrad Agric Inst), 150 copies (KL, No 11, 1959, 121) GAVRIW40 BG,; ZAVERTKIN, V.A* Effect of lead and mauganese naphthenate additions.on the explosive properties of certain hydrocarbons, ZhureprIkIekb1z, 34 no.3.-389- 592 Mr 161, (IURA.14s5? (Naphth6nic acid) (Motor fuels-Antiknock and antiknock mixtures) BRIGINZTS, H.L. [Br7hinets'. HOL.1; ZAVERUXHA, 3.V.. assistent V.H. Bonner, outstanding botanist of the first half of the 19th century,. Hauk.zap.Krem.dershoped.inst. no.4:89-92 '59, (MIRA 13:9) (Bonner, Villbald'd Gotlibovich, 1784-1842) ----ZAVEMRA, B.V., SHIMANSKAYA, V.0. -Rare medical plant. Priroda 49 no.11:109-110 N '60.(MIRA 13:11) 1. Kremenetskiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (Ruphorbia) ~ - - - - - ZAVERUFJIA p Bove -- -- -- ---- -- --- - -- -1- -l.---- I - New speciea of plants frcm the area of Kremeneto., Ukr,bot,zhur, 19 no.5s4g-63 162. (KIRA .16s1) 1, Institut botaniki AN Ukx%Rp otdel vysohlkh rasteniy. (Kremenate Hillo-BotAmW) ZAVERUKHAI B,V. Nov and rare birch species of the Ukrainian flora, Ukr, bots shur. 21 no.5t7846 164, (MrRA IW) 1, Mel vysehikh rasteniy Institute botaniki AN Ukr3SR,, ZAVEERUKHA, B.V. SCientifia activity of the Botanical Institute of the Af,-sdemy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. In 19N.. Ukr. bat. zhur. 22 no.2s 107-112 165. (MIRA 18s4) --- . - - - -, .ZAVEFaYM, BV* ~ -- - -1 - - ~ - ~ ~ - -- I - - - -1 ~ -- --- - -- - - - Kromenoto Hills as a valuable natural monument. Hat.prc.okhr. Ukr. no.2:31-36 160. (14IRA 13:8) (Kremensto Hills-Botany) I---Beva ----- - - 04"'flowering of the carimn, Priroda 49 no~5:103 N7 16o. (mm 13:5) 1. Kramenotakiv pedinatitut. (Ceriman) ZAVERMU, B. V. Coriman and aloe. two rarely blooming house plants. 31ol.v shkole no.2:90-91 Mr-Ap 160. (MIRA 13.8) 1. Iremen-Ptakiy pedagogicheskiy institut. (ceriman) (Aloe) BEtIGINITS,-IT*L.; ZAMtYMP- Bove- Botanical garden at the Kremenets Pedagogical IwItitute. BIu2. Glav. eada no.30:7-9 158. (KIRA 11:6) I.Kramenstaki.r pedagogjchsskI7 institut. (Kremenets-Botanleal gardens) J4 i4aX MicodrJencidin sucoma, Vgssmik l-,-W %led. ln%t.), Oftalsvirtil,31, No, 1. 31 -!k Nitotinica6d %I I'm Ili fravellou4y (3 Isig.) itylprt)vr% ej 1411a ry tit-t-UtAti(m. fAIM4 The late of ti-Ile "letillX414111 L1, Im. fW-V"dCr1Cirnf Vk1On(CCnffAIall(I IM [it glatimna, imptowein4pill of vj~tjil at-Slity may Ile af~ tVlltptC41 Ott Ilfflinlill,try tti.114; III Olk C,11C 11 11hMill Ile oolithivint with pffixwpine: IS Injectiewm site imully suffi- cornt. ZAVXRUMU, F.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauko. (Hookva) Prism glasses for children at a sanatorium for osseous tuberculosis. Sov. medo 19 no-11:66-67 N 155. - WRA 9:1) (TUBMCULOSIS. OSTNOATITICUTA-R , In infant and child, prism glasses for child. in sanator!&) (GLASSES, prism glasses for child. in sanatorium for ooteoarticula-r tuber.) I-SM ZAVIRTACHET, I.A..; SALITAN, L,G., red.; WELI, Te. [Service radio codes] SIuzhebny6 radiokody. Izd.Z., dop. koskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi L radio, 1959, ~10 P. IMIR02:7) L-Rassia (1923- U.O.S.R.) Gosudaretvounaya inspektal7a elektroisvyazi. (Ciphqr and telegraph codle) PITIOV, A.D.; ZAK M OV, Yo.P.; ZAVEIYAYN, Yu.M, Synthesin of diPhen7l alkanes b7 the Wartz reaction in a tetra-Arofuran or methylal medium. Zhur. ob. khIm. 30 no.9:2838-2846 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut organicheakoy khimii Alzademii nauk SSSR. (Paraffins) (Furan) (Methylal) SOROXOp L.N.. inzh.; FILONOVp V.A., inzh., XSMZUKp F,A,O i1wh.; Tsmillp B.M., inzh.j FAVUSHCHEV, pV.B.,, inzh. Prinimali uchastiye: BABAKOV, A.A.; BOROVSKIY, V.V,;,YA3HCIIMIY.O# B,V.; IAZUTIN, A.G.; ZA-VMYUM, A.M.; IWIFTSUM, I.V.; MILOVA, T.K. Experimental rolling of stainless steel slabs on a 1200 mill with coilers in the furnace. Stall 21 no.12:1092-1096 D 161. (MIM 14:12) 1. Zavod "Zaporozhatall" (for Sorokop Filonov., Ksenzukl, I'Sirlin., Pav-lishchov). (Rollingmina-Bouipment and supplies) (Steel,, Stainleoo)