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ZASLAVSKIT, D.M., inzliener*
Core mixture with cast-iron chIps, Lit.proizvo no*22-*29 D '56#
- ---- -----
ZASJAVSKIY, D.M. in2haner.
Tin bronze casting of critical machine parts In loaa solds. Lit.
proizv. no.3125-27 Mr '57. MRA io:4)
(Bronze founding) (Machinery industry)
3t gtl~
AUTHORS: Petrov, B. M., Saftnov~ A. I.. and Zaslavskiy,
. ........... . . . . ..... .
TITLE- Ultrasonic QualiiZ_2.ontrcAf Weld Seams on Prame
PERIODICAI: Zavodskaya labore.toriya, 1960, Vol. 26, No. 11,
pp. 1241-1244
~TEXT: In the plant of the authors and in cooperation with the branch of
the TBNIITS and the co-workers S. A. Anufriyev , E. V. Kharitono7 V. G.
Shilov. and N. Ya. Sereda a method was devised for ultrasonic control and
qualitative classification of weld seems. The classification is made by
dividing the defects into three groups (three marka) according to the
standards of the X-ray and gamma-radiographlo flaw de~ectica, with the
quality being establishedfrom t~e result of the defect control of the
workpiere. A was used to devise the method and
to-fix the atandard series and -the gamma-radiograms of the defeot were
compared with the ultrasonio diagrams of the same defect. Prelimin"ry
Card 1/3
Ultrasonic quality,Control of
Weld Seams S/032/60/0261011/014/035
on Frame Constructions B015/BO66
p racy of the asonic method in
ns ections disclosed that the accu ultr
detecting defects such as spots in the weld seam which are not welded
-tur ag,
through, loagitudinal and transverse aracka and f j Inolunione of alt
Is nonolderably higher than in the gam ma- Ur ph "? and frequently also
~Lwdio a yl,,f
higher than in the X-ray diffraction pattern. In cases such as up to
10 mm long defects which are not welded through, and large slag inclusions,
the ultrasonic method gives a poorer classification and thus a worse
differentiation between the marks 2 and 3 of the given qualification. Some
indications are offered fot a more exact flaw detection by meane of th4
-rasonic method. In principled the quality rating is classified as
ul L
follows- Mark 3 - no internal defecta,~or only single point inoluoions~
less than four per a length of 100 mm; mark 2 - neither cracks aor points
not welded through.or honeycomba, but a) some defects may occur which do
not extend into the seam,*but not more than a per 400 mm, and b) series of
defects over a length of 30 mm 1?er 400 mm at the most, the length of all.
defective spots being at least 10% of the rtctal-length to be tested; and
mark I - defects Wh4cj rk 2 with respect to alzo~
-.1 aXoeod those of ma
ebaracter and quality. There aro 3 fig-i-res 1 table.
'Card 213
,Ultrasonic quality Contrc
1 of ~Wre` d Seams S/032/60/026/'011/0!4/035
Pn Frama Constructiono B015/3066
ASSOCIATION: Kikolayevskiy zavod im. 1. 1. NoBenko (Nikolayev Plant
imeni 1. I.Nosenko)
7i a-M! -~5 W-
Template for determining tba.coordimtes of defects in the ultra.-
sonic inspection of steel parts with the aid of prismatic
analysers. Zav.lab. 25 no.7:883-884 '59.. (MIRA 32:10)
(Steel-TaRtirg) (Ultrasonic tooting)
--PETROV B.144,~VSKIY, F.Yfj.-~
Porfecting gam.,a-ray radiograpb7 In a factor-I Zav,labo 25
no.?;885 159* Z14M 12310)
(Wolding-Togting) (Gazv,~a rays--Indus trial applications)
26(5) SOV/32.-25-7-38/50
AUTHORS: Zaslavskiy, F,- Ya., 11haritonov) E. V.
TITLE: Pattern for the Determination of the Coordinato8 of Errors in
Ultrasonic Cor~trol of Steel Parts With Prismatic Feeler Gauges
(Shablon dlya opredeleniya, koordinat defektov pri ul'tra-
zvukovom kontrole stallnykh detaley prizmatichaskimi shchupami).
PERIODICAL: Zrwodskaya laboratoriyn,; 1959, Vol 25P lir 7P I)P 003-0611 00010
ABSTRAM, A special pattern was worked out by which the coordinates of
the detected material defects in connection with the method
mentioned in the title can be determined without immediate
calculation at.the control positions The pattern is a steel or
brass triangle-ABC (Fig 1)1 the angle CAB equals 900 - a,
(a - the angle between the normal with regard to the metal
surface and tho axis of the ultrasonic ray penetrating the
metal) (Fig 2). The pattern shows a min-coardinate system, the
hypotenuse a micron arraneement corresponding to the distances
of the passage , of ultrasonics as far an the material
defeat. If reflected ultrasonics is used the position of the
material defect is determined by an equation. There are
Card 1/1
26(5) SOY/32-25-7-40/50
A19THORS: Petrov, B. U., Zaalavskiyf F. Yas
TITLE: Attempt at Perfecting Gammagraphy at the Factory (Opyt
sovershenatvoN,aniya gummagrafirovaniya na zavodo)
PERIODICAL: Zavodakaya.laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 7, 1) 885 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Radioactive preparations for irradiation have recently been ship-building yards. In the TsZL (Central Works Labo-
ratory) a suitable spherical container with a revolving look
on the cast-steel body (Pig 1) was designed. The container is.
resistant, offers good protection againgt radiation and is
comparatively light (about 20 kg for Co 0 preparations of an
activity of 0*5 gram equivalent Ra and.45 kg with an activity
of 1-5 gram equivalent Ra). Tvo additional types of containers
were designed.for special purposes. One serves for the ir-
radiation of weld seams of discharge pipes of boilers and has
an installation device (Fig 2),-the second serves for the ir-
radiation of cylindrical weld seams of long pipes (Fic 3).
At present, all the gammagraphical work at the works is car-
-ried out by these three apparatus. In examining the function-
Card 1/2 ing of these 'apparatus by a dosimeter DX-0.2 it appeared that
, Z'~ 7 - ' ' ' " " - -
I: I . . , ~ w;
t . . ! - . I - I . , - I 4,~4~ V~-_z.', - t- ~ ,
I . I , . -'. . 3 , , : :~ : iiill-11. -, .- . )
I -,:.- - ~., i - . , -'. ~ L ~ ,
7empht for determining defect coordinates in ultra-
scnic testing. Defektoskopiia no. 5t8/+-86 165.
(MIRA 19t1)
USSR Pharmacology and Toxicology--Narcotics V-1
Abs Jourt Hof Zhur-Biol, Na 239 1958, 107255
Author Zaslavskiy, G. I*
Inst Department of_ Legal Medicinef-Ist Leningrad Medi-,
Title Indication of. Alcohol-in the 8aliva in Appraisal of
Orig Pub: Sb. tr. kafedry sudebn. med.-l-y Leningr. med.
in-t,- Vyp. 21 1,79-182
Abstractz A qualitative test for.'ethanol:(E-)* in-the saliva
is proposed#~. The author utilized A. I. Grinberg's
method (ascertaining the layer of alcohol hydrate
while the distillation product containing E is
saturated with potash, with subsequent identifica-
Card 1/2
Pneumatic controllers, signals, and liquid level Indleatoto put
out by -the "Lanno:ftekip" factory. Trudy Ip' 11TO PrIlbo6ron, no.3:
133-163 156. (HLRA lore)
(Liquid level indicators)
~ZA94VSKIT, 0*1,
Gasketlese pneunatic licpda level controllers. [Izd.] Sekta. prib.
te~le kontr, LMTOPRIML nool;98-113 133. (KWAI 8: 7)
(Automatic control)i (J~reesure gauges)
31629 /bO4/b25
r9 t'l, A001/A101
AUTHORSt Zaslavskiy, G.M., Moiseyev, S.S. (Novosibirsk)
TITLE:- On behavior of some plasma states with anisotropic velocity distribu-
tion in a magnetic ifield
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy nekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 6, 1961,
24 - 28
TEXT-. In the present article the authors analyze cyclotron instability of
anisotropic relativistic plasma.- They.use relativistic kinetic equation of the
distribution function of electrons for processes with a frequency considerably ex-
ceeding-the frequency of collisions. Making use of cylindrical coordinates with
z-axis directed along the H. (constant magnetic f0ld) they derive the expression
for the tensor of dielectrio,conistant of the plasma 16cq and calculate its 5 non-
vanishing components,other 4 being equal to zero. Instability can arise, as in
-the non-relativistic case, when the sign of anti-hermitian part of -i~ap is revers_
.ed. Investigating the conditions which may lead to this case, the authors estab-
lish the following formula expressing the condition of instability-,
Card 1/2
On behavior of some plasina A001/AIOI
P2 2
CO (1.20)
17 -R-
where 15~, and 6are distribution parameters (A)2 - and no
is the density of electrons. The next probiam Ronsidmered ispthle ro"lae-ol gradolation
of electrons in a magnetic field which may turned out to be essential in studying
instability of relativistio plasma. On the assumption that charaoteristio time of
radiation is considerably less than that of scattering, the distribution of elec-
trons is investigated and found to be anisotropic. The aniaotropy manifests-it-
self in the following wayt TO = T; TL = Texp(-Kt), where T is temperature of
the initial Maxwell distribution of electrons. At T_L < T , there is no insta-
bility of electronic oscillations. There are 6 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBKITTED.- May 26, 1961
Card 2/2
;i; 1z
TITLE: Relativistic hydrodynamics.of plasma in a magnetic field
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no- 5,
1962, 42-47
.TEXT: The relativistic magnetohydrodynamic equations of a plasma are
derived with the aid of, the Chew-Low method giving the "equation of state"
..a(T ill, + T221')/Oxl - 0, aT 331/ax 11 0,.6T 441/"l' 0"with the equation of
dontinuity d(nUi)/Oxi - 0 and with aT 'Pkl , Where T is the
ik/axk ik ax ik,
energy-momentum tensor and Flk is the electromagnetic field tensor. The
problem of low-amplitude plasma waves is solved. For MIRs
2 2
2 k H 2 2 2 2 2 (P
4) V .( - + 43 = k a where-all c yp- -2 L + Pt).
1 ;in- 2 Clog n.L mo
'I P1 P
C~rd 1 /2
Relativistic hydrodynamics of plasma... B108/B186
2 k 2 2 2/4n), 2 2( 8PI
For 71Hi to (n,. s I + H where a 0 In the case where
both k, and k.L are nonzero, thia conditio-n of stability of the wa,~e is
k2a2 (k 2/4u) + k2 2 2 H2/4
2A - k 2H 11 kl,,.L(-Ph + P.L) > 0where A' P
SUBMITTEDi May 8, 1962
Card 2/2
ZASLAVSKIY. G.M. (Novosibirsk); MOISEYET, -M.---(NO-voAbi-r--s-k-)
Effect of magnstieviscosity on the stability of a plasna under
anisotropic pressure. PMTF no.6t119-120 ff-D f62. (~M 16:6)
..(Magnetohydrodynamics) (Plasma (Ionized gasep))
Q11 B108/B102
AUTHORS: Zaslavskiy, Go 2.9 Moiseyevq Sw So
'~TITLE: Some features of the behavior of a relativistic plasma
with anisotropic, velooity distribution of the electrons
PERIODICAL:. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichoskoy fizikit
v- 42, noo 4p IcI62, 1054 - w6o
TEX --Some -properties of, a--reldtivistio plasma with anisotropia-volo V
T city
distribution are considered in kinetic approximation. The cyclotron
instabilities in processes with the characteristic frequency Re 1/'r
scattering time in collisions) are calculated.- It is shown that they
vanish if the external magnetic field is zero. In this case, however,
aperiodic~-instabilities occur. In the ultrarelativistic case both types
of instability decrease with u in such a way that the stable limit is
shifted to longer waves. This me y moan that a relativistic plasma of finite
~dimensions-has greater stability. The stability of a relativistic plasma
is greater than that of a nonrelativistic plasma. Go I. Budker, 11. Z.
~~L 0 Novosibirsk) MOMYEV, S.S. (Novosibirsk)j
6TwEvgkI ~V.11. (Novosibirsk)
Turbulent diffusion of a slightly ionized magnetized
plasma. PMTFno. 6:29-33 N-D 163. (MIRA 17:7)
70 -A
ACCESSION M., AN.0 4.5 S/0057/63/033/007/0782/078
'ItMIOR: zasiavskiy, G. Moise iv, S.S
VITIX Viscious,
ocesses in relativistic magnotohydrodynamics
SOUnCE: Zhurnal tokhnichooltoy fi:ziki v.33, no.7, 1963, 782-787
.TOPIC TAGS: relativistic magnetohydrodynamics, viscosity, plasma
ABSTRACT; The yiscosity tengor of a rolativistic.plaGma is calculated from the
kinetic equation. The viscosity tonsor is first oxpressed-in terms o,-? the soctond
moments of the ccilision term in the rolativiotic kinetic equation by raferenco to
work of H.Grad (Commun. on:Pure and Appl.Mathem. 2, 331,_ 1949) o From this and the
kinotic equation, an expression Is obtained.for-,the-viscosity terms of
the energy momontum,tonsor of the plasma, theoxtornal electromagnetic field, and
the divergence of .a third rank tenser Involvin g cubic tormq in the volocities,. pre-
viously introduced by one of tho authors (S.S.Molseyoy, Izv. vuzov,,F1zIJca, No,3,
159,.1060). The rate of strain ionsor is introducod and an equation is obtained
that can bo solved for the visoopit tonsor. The solution of this equation for tho
case, in which the, applied electric. and magnetic fields are mutually perpendicular
in an appendix. Including the viscosity tonsor in the hydrodynamic des-
- - - - - - - - - - -
LIQ64a-63 gPI
4 1,)/SWT(1~/,WkYjBDS/ES(w)-2 -AFF,TC1ASD1F.SD-1'.
Fqigd-4 Fz-h/Pi- /Fab-4 Fo-4
OMPAWORP300392 iAE37/63/033/007/0802/0304
AUTHOR: Zaslavskix
11oat flux in relativistic magnotohydrodynamig
1 SOURCE- Zhur~nal tokhnicheskoy f kziki, v.33, no.7, 1963, 801-804
re magnotohydrodynamics, hoat flux, plasma
TOPIC TAGS, lativistie.
-The-. heat-, f low--in -a relativistic--plasmain a.-magnetic -tield is derived
~:'f rora tho,Rinatic'equation. By x0ference to a paper by S.SJ1oisoyov_7(ZhE-T.F___ 37
an equation is written Involving-tho heat-flux,.the third voloci ty-
moments of ~tho collision term in the Unotic oquation,.and a tonsor involving the
third velocity moments of tho distribution.funation. This is solved for the heat
flux, the expression obtained involving the divergence of the tenser representing
the fourth velocity moments of the distribution f unction. The values of the re
quired dictrIbution function moments are written for a Maxwellian distribution,
dissipative processes are taken into account by further roforoneo to Uoisoyev,
and an expression is finally obtained involving the heat, fluX. The axprossion
obtained- for -the thermal. conductivity -reduces to the usual 6xprossion in the non-
relativistic- limit. As an- axarrplo,, the heat flux is obtainad.oxplicitly f or- the
~Cu 1/2
'ACCESSION NR: AP402056G SA_O5!/64_10a410031G4l01Q4l8
Avnim ZaBlavskiy, G.M Moiseyev, S.,
TITLE: On anomalous diffusionof a plasma in- a marnatlc field
S OURCE: Zhurnal tolthnichoskoy fiz-,iki, v.314, no.3, 1064, 410-418
_TAGS. plasma, plasma stability, . xnalous plasma diffusion, plasma viscosity
TOPIC -in,,
instability, plaama heat, conductivity in:-;Lability, plasma resistivity instability,
plasma longitudinal current instability
ABSTRACT: The effect of viscosity, hoat conductivity, clactkical conductivity, an'd
longitudinal currenton the stability oZ a plasma in a magnetic field is cnlculatcd
in the two-2luid liydrodynamic.apTiroxi),,i;ttioii, and the anomalous diffusion coeffici-,
CnIt-is obtained in certain limiting cases. The two-fluid hydrodynamic equations cm-
-Srom-work of S.I.Braginsliy (*7 MTF 33,645,1957). quasi-neutrality
ployed are taken
Al's assumed. Linearized equations for the perturbing field,-and the corresponding
diffusion cqVations, are derived for the following three cases; 1) there is no ini-
.-Lial current, and the electron temperaturo is uniform and large compared with the
iion tomperature; 2) there is an initial current, the electron temperature may be
Card 1/2
'=Mdj~ V~y Ee-"--
Aca. SSION fm: AP4020566
non-uniform, and the transvers friction force is negligible; 3).tho ion viscosity-
is not negligible. The conditions are derived under which these equations for the
.perturbing field admit localized solwitions, and 'Uhe roots of the dispersion equa-
tions are obtained, under various Surichl-111 simplifying assumptions. Approximate nno-
malous diffusion constants are derivcd from the roots of the dispersion equationa.
'It Is found that as the electron temporature decreascs, the critical magnetic field
Sor anomalous diffusion duo to Icn.-itudinal current increases Moro rapidly than th-t.
lor diffusion due to other instabilities. This should explain the anomalous diflu-
sion observed by R.W.1dotley (Nuel..fus'~on,Suppl.p.1,199,1962) when passing a curreat
through a cold plasma. "In conclusion, we thank R.Z.Sagdayev for his constant inte-
na. 75
st in the work, and I.O.Foraskin for stimulating discussio
f '~mulas and - I f igure.
./4SOCrATXOX: Novor-ibirskiy Cosudtrstvcnny*y universitet (Novosibirsk State Univ.)
_.:SU1314I7=-D:' IlFeb63 DATE, ACQ: Mlar,64 ENCL: 00
OMER.- 002
S/02 63/1~6/004/013/025
TITLE: Stabilization of:the "universal" Instability of a weakly
nonhomogeneous plasma with relativistic electrons in a-
magneti,c field,
PERIODICAL; Akademi ya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. .148, no. 4, 1963, 803-805
TEXT: The stabilization of "universal" instabilitiesp which do
pend on the magnetic field and on the ratio of temperature and density
gradients, is studied under the following assumptiors: The plasma contains'
nonrelativistic ions and relativistic electrons; the plasma pressure is
much lower than the magnetic 'pressure (P