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ALITSHULER? S.A.; BASHKIROV# Sh-Sh.; ZARIPOV, M.M. Paramagnetic resonance and spin-lattice relaxation of 713t ions in corundum. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.12:3367-3372 D 162. (MIIIA 15:12) 1. Kazanskly gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina. (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Titanium) (Corundum) L o5o63-67 EWE (d)ITW ACC NRt AM6616663 Monogriph UR/ Kulikovskiyt Longin Frantacy1ch- Zar 11! Hadi-ar ;Akh,-1jd1nzxjxjt- MadiLw Inductive migration' converters with distributed parameters (Induktiv;n~yye proobrazovateli peremeshcheniy a raspredelenny-mi parametrami) (Moncow). Izd-v6 "Energiya I" 1966. 111 p. illus., biblio. 8000 copies printed. Series note: Biblioteka po av .tomatike,. vyp. 156 TOPIC TAGS: inductive converter, inductive displacement converter, information system PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This book is intended for a wide circle of engineers and technlcianajL~oncerncc ith the problems of designiftg .~ v information and measuring b ~~eMfl.~L~jt may also be used by atudento ;Ls and aspirants o specialties. The book describes inductive converters with distributed magnetic and electrical parametera. The theoretical fundamentals of basic converter types are given; cal- culation methods of thece devices are discussed; and examples of thoir use are given. No personalities are mentioned. There are 30 references, all Soviet. 1/4 UDC L 05o63-67 016003 TADhE OF CONTENTSs Introduction -- 3 Ch. I, Inductive Converters of Linear Displacements With Distributed- Magnetic Parameters -- 9 1. Ba6l c type of converter vith distributed magnetic parameters -- 9 2. Basic relations for no-load conditions of converter opera- tion -- 15 3. Converter errors under idling conditions -- 19 4. Basic relationships for load conditions of converter operations -- 21 5. Basic designs of converters with distributed magnetic parameters -- 25 6. Example of calculation design of displacement converter with mobile coil and distributed magnetic conductivity -_ 2T T. Some examples of the use of converters with diLetributed mag- netic parameters -- 30, Ch. 11. Converters With--Distributed Magnetic and Elect:r1c Parameters and Mobile Core -- 33"( 1. Basic structure of a converter with distriVutied coil and Card 2/4 I ACC NRs TMIM! F ........... mobile core -33 2. Basic relations for a cq~ivdh~ter under no-load. conditions-- 35 34 Converter operation under foad coneitions -- 44 4. Determining optimal dimensioms of a converter with 11-shaped mboletle cirmit- 4 6 5. Calculation of a converter -- 53 6. Sources of additional converter errors -- 58 7- Examples of using a converter with distributed coils -_ 66 8. Design of convertera with diatributed coila tind mobile core -- 71 Ch. III. Inductive Converter With Distributed Magnetic Parameters and Mobile Core -- 75 1. Basic types of converters with mobile-core --- 75 2. Basic converter characteristics -- T8 3. Converter errors -- 84 4. Calculation of-a converter with a triangular measuring winding (coil) -- 88 5, Design features of converters with a planar ineasuring winding -- 90 6. Examples of using displacement converters with a planar measuring winding -- 92 Ch. IV. Displacement Converters With Distributed Electromagnetic Parameters and Mobile Shield -- 95 4 ZA31,111DIV, 1'. , th e F e c o r d IR e c e i v e r , I I I i-- d --' a , 11 o . 3 , 49. It a ETc ir Samarkand, -cl'/Y~9-. LETOhliOV, V.S.;-VATSURA, V.V.; PUKISIK, Yu.A.; FEDOTOV, D.I.; KOSOZHIKHIN, A.S.; ZHABOTINSKIY, H.Ye.; DASHEVSYJLYA, Ye.I.; KOZLOI. , A.N.; RUVINSKIY, L.G.; VASIN, V.A., YUPCENT11, L.S.; IIOVQI-'-TFOVA, I.Z.-, PETROVA, G.N.; SHCTIEDROVITSKIY, S.S.; BELYAYEVA, A.A.; BPYKINA, L.I.; GtEBOV, V.M.5 DRONOV, M.I.; KONOVALOV, M.D.; TAPAPIN. V.N.; 14IKHAYLOVSKIY, S.S.; ZHEGALIII,'V.G.; ZHABIN, A.I., GRIBOV, V.S.; MALIKOV, A.P.; CHERNOV, V.N.; RATNOVSKIY, V.Ya.-, VOROB'YFVA, L.H.; MILOVANOVA) M.M.; ZARIPqV,,_,k4F,; KULIKOVSKIY, L.F.; GONGHARSKIY, L.A.; TYAN KHAK SU" Inventions, Avtom. i prib. no.l178-80 Ja..Mr 165. iI (MIRA 18:8) VINOOR'.17, T.M.; VARTPOT, M.H.; KR--;Tfr(Tl, ~MTANO'Tt V.G, E-I.e,,-trcn parama e'le reso-liance of T-h24 ions Ir. cor-dic-,ite. GookhIltdia no. -IM1486-14f~7 1) 165 9 (MTFA 1-9t1l) 1. Fazanekiy gosudarsLvcmwyy urdrersitel. Subiltted flo,rmbfr 209 1964, GREMEV, YuS.; IZARIP37, M.M.; STEPPI107, V.G. Electron purl=,"MeU.t- reionfunno Of tvrblum in Cofl),, Fil. fvfrf. - 4, tela 7 LO. 1-2:3614-3645 D It,5 (ml RA 11) .. L ) 1. Nazanskly gosudarstvennyy u-niversitet imem- nlymom-lenina. L i573i-66 E7,4T(m)/ _IJP(c) JD/JG ACC NR: AP6000892 SOURCE.CODE: UR/018l/65/ooT/oi2/36-8-8 A AUTHORS: Dernov-Pe Fe Ste anov, V. G.; M, garev, V [Samoylovich, M. I. ORG#. Kazant State University im. V. I. Ul1yanov-Lenin.(KazanskiY gosudarstvenny urjiVersitet) 2+ A ITITLE: In'vestig'ation of EPR of Mn ions inisingle ZnMoO4 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, 1965, 3688 TOPIC.--TAGS'e. zinc compound,_ molybdenum 'compound, -epr i..)pectrum, angu lar distr~ib~tioh,-paramagnetic--16n .1-spectral -line, -- eingle crystal JABSTRACT: The ZnMoO 4-were grown by the hydrothermal synthesis method. Investigation of the EPR spectrum at room temperature with a video spectroscope at 8 mm wavelongthdisclosed a spect!rum due to the di- vaient manganese and weaker lines of Cr3+ -ions. The Or 3+ spectrum could not be investigated in detail because Its lines overlapped the L 15731-66 ACC NR: Ap6ooo8q:2 2+ more intense lines of Mn which contaminated the crystals. The- angular dependence of EPR opectrum Indicates that tbe-s,,fmmetry of the 24- crystalline field acting on the M, Ions is not higber than rhombic, so that the spectrum can be described with the spin Hamiltonian of the rhombic system, for which tbeconstants are given. The orienta- tion of the z .. axis of Mn 2+ in ZnMo.coincides with the orientation 2+ 04 obtained for Mn- in CdW04' -Authors. thank Ye. A. Pobedimskaya.for,. -tbe_goniomet-ric-measureTnents. Orig, art.. has: 1 formula.. SUB CODE: o7/ SURM DATE: 14ju165/. OTH REP: 001 7 ON Pa BB/(, t,.nr i r 6 u, i 2 /olin ^3 v -A "I . A' Clan-) 42, 7 !96~ niy j tc:tvarnykh zzriakov tp C- n zobr- - - ron c me as ul-, m nt Calculatov, elect WE ec n e, Ch 111 Cal deVi-Ce fOr MiU m o '07 ,I n i s 'a, a a-Pt 'lit 1-5 ul~ Cnzit a~fl 7 1 717 - M 1 :1 , . . . . . . . .. . ov ZAPIP ZARIPOV) M. M.-I'The Theory of Fine and Superfine Structure of the Spectra of Paramagnetic Resonance." Y-in Higher Education USSR. Kazan' State U imeni V. I. Ultyanov-Lenin. Kazan', 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Physicomathematical Science8). SO: Knizhnaya Leto2isl No. 27, 2 July 1955 - 7 110 1' PrA (11 A - lbssk/E~ysics Paramagnetic resonance FD-2217 Card 1/2 Pub 146-22/25 Author Gariflyanov, N. S., and Zaripov, M. M. Title Hyperfine structure of the paramagnetic resonance of Tutton copper salt in intermediate fields Periodical Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 26, 629-6301 May 1955 Abstract Up to the present time the hyperfine structure of the paramagnetic re- sonance of compounds of ferric elements has been investigated at high frequencies of the order ten billion cycles., in which region the re- sonance conditions for elements of the ferric group are fulfilled in strong magnetic fields, such fields permitting the oplittings due to the interactions of the moments of the nuclei vith -the electrons. The authorsnote that at lover frequencies, in the decimeter and meter range, conditions are created that correspond to the Zeeman effect in inter- mediate and weak fields (S. A. Alltshuter, B. M. Kozyrev, and S. G. Sali- khov, DAN SSBRo 711 1950; B. M. Kozyrev, Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz. 16, 1952) theue investigations at low frequencies being used to verify the general theory of paramagnetic resonance absorption in aryotals and also to deter- mine precisely the constants of the hyperfine rtrueture. In the present Cird .2/2 work the authorv atud the paramagnetic resonance in single- crystals Of CuK2(SO)2.6V20 diluted 1:200 by isomorphous Izinc salt at fre- quency 526.~i million cycles at temperature of liquid air. Eight refer- ences: e.g. Ye. K. Zavoyskiy, Dissertation, Physics Institute, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 144. Institution Physicotechnical Institute of Kazan Affiliate, Acadejay of Sciences USSR. Kazan State University Submitted November 30, 1954 ZAR.UIOV, M. M. (Kazon) "T v Hyperfine s-plitting of the Si=le Electron le-vcls of Para-magnetics," pupor prc5QI-.tQd at tw~, interimll-ionu.1 Confr~,rerco on Physics of 1.1-31,metic Phenomena, 2'1-31. 1956 AUTHOR I Zaripovt MAI. - -C TITLE S Hyperi:n_e_"p 1tttng of Singlet Electronic Levela of Paramagnetics (Sverkhtonkoye rasshchepleniye prostyl~h elektronnykh uroyney pqramagnetikov) PERIODICAL t Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, V XX, # 11, 1220-1223, Nov 1956, OSSR): Serlya fizicheskaya ABSTRACT : A theory of paramagnetic resonance caused by transitions between hyperfine sublevels of singlet electronic levels of paramagnetic ions is proposed. The effect under consideration is intermediate between the phenomena of electronic and nuclear paramagnetic resonancet both-in the-position of resonance-lines and their-intensities. The Hamiltonian of the problem is composed on the basis of the general theory of paramuenatic resonance spectra in crystals (3). A table in the article contains the values computed for the coefficients of the spin Hamiltonian and the relative Card 1/2 values of probabilities for magnetic dipole transitions. AUTHORSt Zaripovq M,M. and Shamonin, Yu.Ya. TITLEt Electronic Paramagnetic Resonance in Hatural. 7ieryls (Elektronnyy paramagnitnyy rozonans v yasteLitvc.,ii1ykh berillakh) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadamii Nauk, V. XX, # 11, 1224-1225t Nov 19569 (USsR) , Seriya fizicliqbkaya ABSTRACTs A spectrum of paramagnetic.;~,*sonance absorption in 5 natural monoorystals of b6s7l was discovered during an investigation of.param ghetic resonance at a fre- quency of 996~5.megacycle's. 'A curive in the article shoirs the general view of the spectrum. The table shows resonance valuce,of the constant magnetic field (4n oarotede). Since the monocrystals of pure beryl do not oontain paramagnetic atoms, the aRmarance of a paramagnetic re- sonance absorption spectrum is,oaused by paramagnetic admixtures in the beryl lattice. This admixture may be Fe... ions, which can substitute in an isomorphic way Al++'~' ions in the beryl lattice. The optical spectrum analysis has confirmed the preaunce of iron. The results Card 1/2 of this research show that a qualitative analysis of USSR/yAgnetism Ylagnetic Radiospectroscopy, F-6 Abst Journal: Referat'Zhur - Fizika,, NO 12, 1956., 34.977 Authorj Zaripov.. M. M... Shamonin., Yu. Ta. Institution: Kazan' University, USSR Title: Paramagnetic Resonance in Synthetic Rubies Original Periodical:--Zh. eksperim. i teor. fiziki, 1956, 30, No 2, 291-295 Abstractt Experiments were made at room temperature and at a frequency of 9,580 Mc. Investigation was made of monocrystals of artific-lal rubies, the general equation of which can be written IV. the form (1-n) A1203-nCr2O3 with n = 0.1 - 0.01%. The paramagnetic resonance is given by the Cri+ ions. The observed spectra'are well explained if one assumes that the electric field of the crystal las fundamental- ly a trigonal symmetryj this does not conkradict the ca-ystallograpbic data on ruQ~ The initial splitting of the growd level of c0t is found to be 0.38 cm-1 and the g-factors entering into the usual Elp:tln Card Ha,miltonian is found to be gj,,~dg L = 0.98. 48.6-12/23 TITLE: Resonance Paramagnetic Absorption of Ultrasound in Some Salts of Rare Earth Elements (Rezonananoye paramagnitnoye pogloshchen- iye ul'trezvuka v nekotorykh solyakh rodkozemeltnykh -,lementov) the formula e-,--- jcc/3 z Irz where U - is the interaction energy with a neighboring partic- le of the magnetic atom under consideration r - is the separation between the given particles, and x - is the r-projection on the direction of sound propa- gation. Ultrasonic absorption coefficients for longitudinal waves were cajoulated by the above foz-aulae for Pr3+, Eu3+, Tb3+, Ho3+ and Tm +, and it was established that the maximum absorption must occur in europium in an ercited state.. The phenomenon of paramagnetic resonance absorption, caused by transitions between oub-levele of hyperfine structure, will be intermediate in its magnitude between the phenomena of electro- nic and nuclear paramagnetic resonance. Frequencies of the order of 107 cycles can be used for the ex- Card 2/j perimental discovery of the absorption effect, if ultrasound is A IAUTHOR 0ARBkQIOV, N.S.IZARIPOV, M.M.IKOZMEVJ B*M*j 2o-6-W59 TITLE on the Value of the Spin of the ItPijuclaus. (0 isnachenii spina yadra Fe57 - Russian). PhRIODICAL Doklady Akademii Mauk SSSR, 1957, Vol 113, Nr 5,pp 1243-1243 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT The authors of the paper under review conducted measuremonts of the paramagne- tic resonance in a congealed vitreous solution of borax, this solution contai- ned iron.The cylindrical samples were obtained by meltin,.- together 5 mg of 2 FeCl3.6H%O and 4 g of borax.Sample t I contained an iron which had been enri- ched with twhebotope Fe57 up to a concentration of 71-910/o,whereas the ana- logous samplejA II contained the common mixture of isotopes that had not been enriched.The measurements were conducted at 770 K at the frequencies of 115, 24o and 430 megacyclessand they were carried out with the aid,of the method of the grid current,with the constant magnetic field H being modulated. The amount of the effective g-factor,the asymmetrical shape of the curves;611 (H),and the widening of these curves at frequency multiplication (all these phenomena can be observed in sample # II) permit to draw the following con- clusionsThe ion Fe... is under con&ions that are analogous to the conditions in the derivatives of haemoglobin.It is probable that also in the case con- sidered in the paper under review the lowest Kramers doublet (Us it + 1/2) la in a considerable distance from the other sublevels.In such a caFe,,taking into account the low frequencies employed in this investigationjone has to expect that the maximum of the absorption corresponds to the effective g-fac- Card 1/2 torB--14, as a matter of fact, this was also observed in the experiments car- 24.2000 771-11 sov/7o-4-6-12/3i AUTHORS: Vinokurov, V. M., Zaripov, M. M. TITLE: Magnetic Properties of Tourmaline PERIODICAL: It Kristallograflya, 1959, Vol 1, Nr 6, PP 873-877 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Magnetic properties of tourmalines depending on their chemical composition and color were studied. Previous works in this field are briefly reviewed. Measurements of the specific mass magnetic sus- ceptibilities (Xm) of green, black,and pink tourmalinea were taken on the radio freqiaency unit described previously (V. M. Vinokurov, Kristallograftr4 3,5, 600, 1958). Results of the measurements of specific mass magnetic susceptibilities of black tourmalines (schorls) are given In Table 1, those .of the green tourmalines in Table 2, and those of the Card 1A_ 2 pink tourmalines in Table 3. masnetic Properties of Tourin-aline 77111 soy/7o-4-6-12/31 The following conclusions, from the data obtained, were madp. The high susceptibility and consider- abl,~ anistropy of the blacg tourmalines is due to the Presonce of Fe'"' ion FDO - Introduction of Fe H! ions ( 6S5/2 ) and Mn ++ ions ( 6S5/2) into crystal lattice of black tourmaline increases susceptibility and decreases anisotropy of the crystal. In the authors' opinion, the difference in the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the gre(.~n tourmalines is determined by the ratio ++ 4-++. -to M 0 1, Fe t. o F e This is contrary I . Leela, who attvibuted the differences to the presence of ++ oll, r -1 ; (5DO According to the apectral analyses C of the investigated tourmalines, made by A. L. Stolov on the author's request, and also literature data, the tourmalines in question contain no Cr. Card 5716- In the authorol opinion the pink color of Magnetic Propertl,~s of Tourmaline ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card -6-/~ S/-3 77111 sov,/7o-4-6-12/31 tourmalines is not determined'by the presence of Mn +4-+ ions, as was suggested by S. V. Grum-Grzhimaylo and M. M. Slivko, since the presence of Mn"! would CaU3e a higher anisotropy, which is not the- case (see Table 3). The low susceptibility and --iome anistropy of the pink tourmalines are de- Lermined by the presence of small quantities of Mn ++ and Fe ++ ions, and also by the diamagnetism. There are 3 tables; and 14 references, 2 U.K., 2 German, 2 Indian, 8 Soviet. The U.K. references are: Wilson, Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 96, 429, 1920; J. E. S. Bradley, 0. Bradley. Mineral. Mag., 30, 220, 1953. Kazan' State University (Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) March 16, 1959 24 (7) AUTHORS; Vinokurovp V. M., Zaripov, M. M., sov/56-37-1-54/64 Yafayev, N,, R. TITLE: The Fine Structure of the Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Natural Sapphire (Tonkaya struktura spektra, paramagnitnogo rezonansa yeatestvennogo eapfira) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoretichookoy fiziki, 19591 Vol 379 Nr 1, PP 312 - 313 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the paramagnetic resonance spectrum of some natural sapphire crystals at room temperature within the frequency range of 9600 - 9200 megacycles, and tell of the re- sultB obtained in the present "Letter to the Editor". The black- ish-blue color of the sapphire was caused by Fe3+- and T13+- ions, which substituted lGhe A13+ amorphously in corundum. Be- cause of the short spin-lattice relaxation time8p the T13+_ion8 give no effect at room temperatureg for which reason it is as- sumed that such an effect is due to the Pe3+-ions, which was confirmed by the present investigation. Korniyenko and Prokhorov Card 1/2 (Ref 2) already.earried out an investigation of the fine struc- The Fine Structure of the Paramagnetic Resonance SOT/56-3T-1-54/64 Spectrum of ratural Sapphire 3+_ ture of the paramagnetic electron resonance spectrum of Fe ions in the Al203-lattice, and showed that the spectrum ob- served is possible as a reaalt of the here given Hamiltonian (1). By basing upon these and using other results of reference 2, the authors theoretically investigated the parama6etic r-31- sonance spectrum of sapphire and numericall computed the con- stants of the Hamiltonian Mq gq I DI) I a-F1 and I ali they found it to agree within the error limits with thooe of the pe3+-jona (Ref 2) introdUCed artificially into A120 3' Also the splitting 3_resonance lines found Jn reference 3 was likewise up of Fe found In the sapphire crystale. There are 2 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudaretvenn& universitet (Kazan' State University) SUBMITTED: March 26, 1959 Card 2/2 SVO 58/6 I/bO D)b 10/b4 9/100 AOOI/AIOI AUTHORS: Baru, V.G., Zaripov, M.M. TITLEt Calculation of times of spin-lattice paramagnetic relaxation in hy- drated cobalt salts PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurmal.Fizika, no.10, 1961, 164-165, abutract 1OV366 (V sb. "Paramagnitn. rezonans", Kazan', Kazanak, un-t, 1960, 66-74) TEXT: In the framework of Van Vleck's theory ("PhYs. Rev.",.1940, v.57,' 426) the authors calculated the spin-lattice paramagnetic relaxation time taking into aocount the contribution from spin-orbital coupling and crystalline fields -1/r/7 In calculations were uaod oon3tants ob- of tet-ragonal and trigonal symmetries. a tained in the interpretation of the paramagnetic resonance spectrum of hydrated Co salts (Abrahams, A., Pryce, M.N.L., "Proc. Roy. Soo.", 1951, v. 2o6, 173). Direct processea and Raman-processes of scattering of phonons on spins are con'- sidered. It is shown that the presence of a consIderable admixture to the ground 4F-terii bf Cc ion of an excited 4P-term does not cause any peculiarities in the form of dependence-of relaxation time on temperature and constant magnetic field. Card 112 S/0-58/6i/Ow/blo/049/100 - I -Calculation of times ... A001/1110-1 z A quantitative comparison with experimental data (Bleaney, B., Ingram, D,J.E., ~g "Nature" , 1949, v. 164, 116) -oonf irms the aorrect.ness of relaxation mechanism selected by the authors. U. Kopvillem [Abstracter's note:, Complete tran3lation] Card 2/2 BILIDTUBM-VICH, A.L.; VINOWROV. V.M.; ZARIPOV, M.H.; FOLISKIT, Tu.Ye.; STEPAITOY, V.G.; CHIRKIN, G.K.;- S~, ~.a.~ Electron paramagnetic resonance in andalusite. Zhuz. ekop. i teor. fiz. 39 no. 6:1548-1551 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Kazanakiy gosudarstvannyy universitet. (Paramagentic resonance and relaxation) (Andalusits) VINCKUROV. T.K.; ZARIPOV, H.M.; STWAUOV. Y.G. Paramagneitic-resona'aco- of Ha2l in dolomito and wignesitle, Zhur. elrep. i teor. fiz. 39 no. 6:1552-1153 D 160. (MIRA 14:1) 1. Kazanukiy gosudarstvonnyy universitet. (Paramagnetic resonance and relaxation) (Manganese) (Dolomite) (Magnesite) 97299 5/16 1/61/003/008/029/034 BI I I/B1 02 510 0 AUTHORS: Vinokurov, V. M., Zaripov, M. M., Stepanov, V. G., Pol'skiy, Yu. Ye. , Chirkin, L. Ya. TITLE: Electron paramagnetic resonance i*n natural chrysoberyl PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 6, 1961, 2475 - 2479 TEXT: The electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of the Fe3+ions which substituted isomorphically the Al 3+ ions in Al2 BeO4 was investigated. Measurements were made of triple, double, and single crystals fit room 9 temperature, at, (7 - 50-10 cps, and in magnetic fields of up to 20 kilo- gauss. Nuclear resonance of hydrogen, deuterium, and lithium was used to measure the field strength. The single crystals were placed iik a cylindrical Hill resonator, and their natural laces (100) on its bottom. -If could be changed by an angle of 360 0 in that plane. For studying the angular p -i09 9 e endence of the e.p.r. spectrum between 10 and 20-10 CP13 a HOil d Card 1/4 27299 5/18 61/003/008/029/034 Electron paramagnetic resonance ... B111XI02 resonator was used. The crystal in it could rotate around an axis perpendi- cular to the resonator's axis. The magnet rotated together with it by 3600. The measuremonta showed that the angular dependence of the e.p.r. 3+ spectrum was due to paramagnetic atoms substituting the Al ions. The direction c was found to be one of the main directions of the electric field in the crystal acUng on the paramagnetic ion. Whilst the existence of four magnetically nonequivalent, pairwise identical complexes was expected from X-ray diffraction studies, investigations of the e.p.r. spectra indicated the existence of on3y two identical complexes oriented in opponite directions. The orientations of ';he other two include an angle of about 700 The authors attempt to explain t.iis divergence by the assumption that the Ai3+ions are replaced by Fe3+ only in those complexes (II and IV in Fig. 1) in which the A13+ions are arrangil symmetrically around the 0 2- ions. If one considers only the neighborho.-,-l of the substituting Fe3+ions, they seem to be subjected to an almost cubica.-.y symmetric el.,ctric field. It is, however, shown that the spectrum observr.:. can be descritad by a Hamiltonian of lower (rhombical) symmetry. This fa-,-~ is explained 1:~ the assumption that the atoms farther Card 2/4 27299, 8,/181/61/003/008/029/034 Electron paramagnetic resonance ... Bill/B102 from the Fe3+iona which are arranged in rhombical aymmutry have a aignifican 't influence upon the.crystal field. Only in a few cases A13+ions in octahvdral 3+ sites (I and III, Fig. 1) are substituted by Fe ions. V. D. Kolomenskiy and V. G. Kuznetnov are tbanked for having supplied specimens, D. Kh. Dinmukhametov and R. M. Mineyev for their assistance in calculations, and S. A. AlItshuler for discussions. There are 3 fitures. and 4 referencess 1 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIO11; Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. V. I. Ullyanova- Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni V. I. Ullyanov-LeniO SUBMITTED: April 5, 196, Card 3/4 09k" S/056/61/040/001/035/037 4-~ 7 V 7, IASI',, / It e;j 3102/3212 AUTHORSi Alltshuler, S. A., Z1ELr_iP_2YL_X__U_ TITLE: Theory of the paramagnetic resonance of Ti and Co ions in corundum PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 40, no. it 1961, 377-379 TEXTt Experimental investigations of paramagnetic resonance in A120 3 crystals with different paramagnetic impurities has been interpreted to the effect that the Ti and Co ions in these crystals possess magnetic properties differing from other compounds. The authors of the present "Letter to the editor" examined this problem theoretically and showed that all experimental results concerning paramagnetic resonance spectra and spin-lattice relaxa- tion time can be easily explained. For Ti in corundum an anoLialoualy large = 1.067, g anisotropic factor (g, 1< 0.1) has been measured, and the spin- lattice relaxation time Ti did increase from Ti - 5-10- 8 to 0.1 sec in the Card 1/3 69229 S10561611040100110351037 Theory of the paramagnetic*.. B102/B212 transition from 9 to 1.55 0K. If it is assumed that the trigonal component of the crystal field has a much stronger spin-orbit interaction, and if the cubic and trigonal components are considered at the same time, and, moreover, if the constant of the trigonal field is taken to be negative, then it is possible to explain those data. The spin-orbit interaction splits the 1 orbital gTound level into two Krameral spin doublets (interval S = 70 om and one obtains g, = 0 and g, - 1.07. If the importance of the covalent coupling between the metal ion and the surrounding oxygen atoms is taken into account then one finds that gfor the Ti ion has to be somewhat dif- ferent from zero. Considering the very strong spin-lattice i~-teraction one obtains, due to the main role of two-phonon processes: T -T- . Theoretical 2+ 1 values for Co ions agree with experimental results if the constants of them. trigonal, field are changed somewhat in the spin Hamiltonian D 2_ 1 3 (S + I + g H 3 + g A (H S + H S ) + AI S + B (1 3 + I S 1Sz 3 11 Z z I x x y y Z Z x x y y the spin-orbit interaction in second perturbation theoretical approximation Card 2/3 89229-- S/056/61/040/001/035/037 Theory of the paramagnetic.,,.. B102/B212 being taken into account, the change being such that the initial splitting of the spin quadruplet is 2D - 24 am- 1; (S - 3/2). It has been established experimentally that the spin-lattico coupling of Co 21 ions is much atrongar at 250K than that of Cr3+ ionsl at helium temperatureal conversely, T 1 of Cr3+ ions was much shorter than Ti of Cc 24 ions. This can be also explained if we consider that at higher than helium temperatures the spin-lattice coupling will be strong and is governed by tWO-Dhonon processes, while at temperatures below helium temperature it will b; governed by single-phonon processes which are related to transitions between spin-levels of the lower Kramers doublet. There are 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet- bloc. ASSOCIATIONt Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Kazan' State University) SUBMITTEDi November 2, 1960 Card 3/3 28756 S/056/61/041/003/009/020 11'~L 7/ /& B125/BIO2 AUTHORS: Valiyev, K. A., Zaripov, M. M. TITLE: Theory of spin-lattice relaxation in liquid solutions of electrolytes PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 41, no. 3(g), 1961, 756-761 TEXT: The spin-lattice relaxation of hydrated metal ions in aqueous solutions, caused by interaction of the ionic apin with the internal oscillations of the complex, has been studied by the methods of the theory of random processes. The energy of interaction of the spin 6 of the central ion of the complex with the oscillations can usually be 7e _ y(l ) + v(2) p * represented as a series: 4L, (8) Q + E P AQ~Q.+. . i J J ij ij where P1 (8) and Pij (S) are quadratic functions of the components of the vector SOX, 8 y9 SZ). S. A. Al 'Itshuler and K. A. Valiyev (ZhETF, 22, 947, 1958) calculated the relaxation rate of the spin -8", which is due to the Card 1/7 28756 S/05 611041100310091020 Theory of spin-lattice relaxation... B125,YB102 terma in the aeries expansion of the spin energy ')whioh are linear with respect to QJ6 The terms in the expansion of W( , which are quadratic with respectto Qj, excite a more efficient relaxation. Independently of the present authors, 1. V. Alsksandrov and G. H. Zhidomirov arrived at the same conclusion (ZhETF, 41, 127, 1961). The relaxation-transition probability between sublevels of the spin energy is calculated from the perturbation-theoretioal formula wM'H' ;K-2 Z f,,-[2D I - 1) + -g- f (H - 2) -f (-At) 2Aft%l + (Sgj.PU)2 (S +.1) (0 + I)i IS 4-8 + 0 - (A( + 12 3 -20 (M +!I) + f(M + 2) (M + 2 Card -3/ 4 On the- calculat ion, G-f the S/051/63/ol4/oo3/o13/oiq F.039/6120 F 2 2 2 2 where f(M) 30M S(S + 1) + 251K 6s(s+!)+iS (S+1) 0 M and m arc mar ine t i-c- cluant-u-mv, numb a ra --corres pond ing to electroll a nuclear.spln* With calculations of the second and third approximalion it it; assumed thtvt A = Es. fly the uac of thic- ;~~Jjvcar;ion tho position of the absorption lines is calculated (determined from the resonatce rondition r. 'm HIM M-11 a4d agroo with the exporimontal results within the error Df- monsure--- mcrit if the 1-0116ifing values J'or the conatanta aro aaaumedt For It 0 --F, 7 704 A ~95. 95 2.001_6; For It A_ z... -=:F ----704 --7 6ut by Hurdwere used. SUBMITTEDs ~July 10, 1962 Card 11/4 I t 7~ Q8 -1b SD316 rall[xatia' 0 'ut -~;l -..C. c i-L CIL ne rare ea-Fz~[-- L ~;-up iv- n-d 1-1- t 2 an 1963~ -176-379 II!, Lma-LL Brownian mate- P'onon, Dnra:n.-nf,t~c 71 vi &I gT --xelaxat On - M.-t- Case or the rare~euti rml A a n b xe a I iz a d J. a' 6 two, - a t c p p r o a e s a i n, v4hi ch 't t a a x 3. 4% e as- i: a Ll e L 1 ev T ~it:;n Mtt. 4 - th ~jj C, r" I I IsyLotcIll and t v 1; 0 10 Corp, VF; 7 F I'M: AR4046536 ACCESSION , a L i - . 4- i i ti ji qu d solutions Is j for 0 t . - - . . rZLng j(~ e t, O e ic --mi n e d The f r (3 qu e P, c i e 3 of t1le. ititerlal oscillations of paramag- LEI L res u C interaction witl% I-Ile Broum- 14-1 C t7 -IIT I r U p,:) O.L Li.-= LVLlIz~ C E:-.L CU I 1~ 2 C) TI 5 Ml Z! U U ' cc r~-I , ina o f the Zeeman an I orbit- LL-L z] ~01, C,!, m n -i t u (~i -1 f a I-i --i r T u1 '11; L -3 fl - i ;, = , I . 1 nrl I rn r COD 00--- -UB, PM % 2 12 C crd ACCESSION NR! APhO3h9h3 s/oiai/64/oo6/Oo5A%5A546 AUTHORS1 Gariflyanov., No So; Zaripovj, Ho M. iTITLEt The study of glass by electronparamagnetic resonance at low frequencies ;SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telat ve 6, no* 5, 1964s 1545-1546 !TOPIC TAGSs glass, electron paramagnetic resonance, g factorp fine structure iABSTRACT: The authors studi*ed electron paramagnetic resonance in sulfate and ';borate glasses, (containing about 0,01 mole/liter of Cr and ad) in the frequency range 100-600-megacycles ~md at 300 and 77K* The g factor in the stiLfate glass at 77K and in Cr-bearing borate glass at 300 and 77K ranged between 3-0) and 2.95# ,depending on the frequency. An absorption line with g - 5033, indep,,,ndent of frequency) was observed in Gd-bearing sulfate glass at 77K. A linewith g - 4-70P :independent of frequency and temperature, was observed in borate glasso A study of; .electron paramagnetic resonance spectra indicates the observed effects to be due to;' the Cr3* m)A Gd'~ iona., It is notod that partially- allowed fine structure was ob- .served at frequi)ncies of about 10 kilomegacycles in the M spectrum of Gd3*4)oar tn glaoi; in low-temperature glasses a broad line with g 0 1.99 was foMA-e aVd boDie 71 -NRt AP4034943 'Orig. art. has: 1 figures 1 table# and 2 formulaae 'ASSOCIATIONs Kazanakiy fizikb-tokhnichookiv institut, AN SSSR (Kazan :"icotachni- ~cal Institute, AN SSSR),- Kazanskly gonudaretvemim univorsitet im. V, Is :Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan State University) 'SUEMITTEDs OqDec63 ENCLs 001 :SUB CODSs GMEM 0011 MT NO REF SOVs. 002 -10 ~D qull~~QR*~-'Q~Vlm N ACCESSION HR: AP4039647 S/0l8l/64/bo6/bo6A645A648 AMORS: Zaripov, X. M.; Chiekin., G* Ke 2+ iTITLE: Investigation of the electron paramaaMetio resonance spectrwa of Cu in NH C1 4 ISOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v*,6,, no. 6, 1964, 1645-1648 .TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, unit cellj, bxcoss charlre,gfactor, ispin orbit constant, crystal structure, crystal lattice, doublet, intercrystalline ielectrie field, spin Hamiltonian ABSTRAM. The authors inivestigateck the electron paramagnetic resonance spectrum of :CU2+ in NH01 at frequencies"of the order of 40 kilomegacycles at a temperature of :77K, They observed the spectrum and studied,its angular variation for single J i 2+ :crystals grown from a parent solution having the proportion of Cu I NH4C1 w '1 : 104. The studies showed the presence of three magnetically nonaluivalent CC !ions. The axis of the intercrystalline electric field was orientedalong the cube ACCESSION-NR: AP4039647 !edge of the unit call. From these studies the authors proposed a hyp)thosis-for the, 24- mechanism, of penetration of the Cu ions into the NH 01 lattice and analyzed the 4 t:g factor and the spin orbit interaction constant. Experimental values are given by ithe two sots of coefficients 0.7736, 0.0894," c. =' 0.'6*2'74';- 1 q, 0.7082, CS=0.7011, F3.=0.0825.i, :and g is given by i9 -Ic2 2 (M, qI (2) 10rig. art. has: 7 formulaso ASSOCIATION: Kazanskiy gosudarstvenny*y universitet im. V. 1. Ullyanova-Lenina. '(Kazan State'Univeraity) SUBMITTEDs WeaO DATE ACQs 19Jun64 INCL: 00' StM CODE: IC NO REF SOV-. 003 OTHER: 005 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041727 S/0181/64/006/007/:!178/2178 AUTHORt Antipin, A* A.; Vinokurovs V . H; ~ar P.o v-,, H,oH TITLE: Electron paramagnetic resonance of C02+ in CalCii:a SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 6, no. 7, 1964, 2178 TOPIC TAGS: Co sup 2 plus paramagnetic resonance, paramagnetic resonance effect, electron paramagnetic resonance ABSTRACT2 The affect of paramagnetic resonance has been detected in synthetic single crystals of calcite containing a small impurity of cobalt atoms, at a frequency of about.9 x 109 cps. One group consisting of eight absorption lines was observed. Resonance magni- tudes of a constant magnetic field for all eight lines simultaneously' reach extreme values when the magnetic field H-is perpendicular or, parallel to the third-order axis (C3) of the crystal. At room temper- ature and at 77K, no effect was observed. The measurement data for H parallel and perpendicular to C3 and for some intermediate orien- tationsshows that the spectrum can be described bj sons:ka Hamiltoniap.*-- It can be assumed that the spectrum is due to C02 i (C0599 1 M 21)0 11/2 -card ACCESSION NRt AP4041727 g2+ in calcite. i: isomorphically substituted for C ASSOCIATIONt Kazanckiy gosudaretvanny*y universitat im. Ullyanova-Lenina (Kazan State University) SUBmITTED: 2lJan64. ATD PRESS: 3048' ENCL: SUB CODE: NP NO REF'SOV: 000 OTHER: 2 2 If. I* 0.0, 000 Cc 'Zf ia:7, r-Pir' DU Df thn internal __j thin me spin- ~I4,ork of tL C4 u ar [I ZARIPOV, M.M.; CHIRKJN, G.K. Electron paramagnetic resonance appetra and the structure of the immediate environment of paramagnetic ions in NH4GI. F-Lz. tvar. tela 7 no.lOs2947-2951 0 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni U11yanova-Lenina. __XCC__RRF__AP5027425 _WURCE CODE: UR/0181/65/007/11-1/3409/3410 AUTHOR: Zarlpav, M. M.9, Mirkin, G. K. ORG-:. , Kazan State Institute Im. V. 1. Ul lyanov~- Lenin __(Kazanskly gcmudAtrstvennyy-uni__ versitetY_ ;7 1) j TITLE.- Electron parmagnetic. resonance and second order phase transitions in am- monit m- chloride SOURCE: Mika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 1965, 3409-3410 TOPIC T.AGS:_ EPR, ammonium compound, chloride second order phase trausition ABSTRACT- The parmagnetic resonance spectra Of NH4CI are studied as a function of temperature in the phase transition reglans of -30.5 and 184.30C -since these transi- tionr, have a stron& effect an the M'Wnetic relaxation of hydrogen and chlorine nuclei. Diva-Lent ions of manganeno and copper were used as paramagnetic centers. Effects of tht) 104'ar phaad trannitlon wro obt;orvii~d on curvol for the rd-nonance magnettc Reld. g-factoi~-j rjid constants of the hyperfine structute of the ions as functions of t-_-I'perd ture. No effect attributable to the higher transition were observed, which indicates that rearrangement-of tho annonium chloride crystal.lattice at this point does not take place close -to the paramagnetic center. The - authors thank V* . Fe XaInFagin and G. 1. Novikova for asaistance in the work. Orig. art. has: 2 figtire-e-'s-it~ #1, Y51' SUB CODE_"i'J'16&7*20/ SMIX DATE: , llMay6S/ ORIG REF: 00l/ OTR REF: 002 ACC NR-V Ap6oooSTo souRCE-CODF.: U9/01131/0/001/012/3644/3645 :ORG: K zant State Universit im. V. I. Ultyanoy-Lenin (Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet .AUTHORS.- Greznev -Yu. S-.-;- Zaripov, M M -Stepanovj--'[. G.--- 5- paramagnetic --resonance of -terbium -in- C4,hO 2 2-- ,SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1961~,13644-- v. 7, no. 1 ---.TOPI0-TAGS:- electron paramagnetic-resonance, terbium, i,, pound, epr-spectrum, hyperfine structure,-.line splitting 3+ ABSTRACT: The authors observed paramagnetic resonance i:) and 'Th 4+ -in single-crystal CeO -doped with terbium-at tempe'ratures 4.2K 2 and-frequencies - 36-Gcs. It follows from the angular dependence of- ~the EPR spectrum that there are four magnetically nonequivalent 3+ in the electric fields of . symme try. The EPR spectrum Th 4+--- 17K '-t- --The ,of Tb is observed also at but not at room empera ure. Card 1/2 L 14136-66 ACC NR: AP6000870 4+ angular dependence of the spectrum indicates that all the Th spectra :,are in electric fields of cubic fields. This shows that,tbe substi- :tution of Th for Ce is isomorphic. -When the magnetic field was parallel to-the (100) axis, 11 groups were observed, with four lines ~.,~eacb, in the range from 0.5 to 13 kG,; the groups had different in- It is assumed that each group represents-the. fine struc- .ture of the EPR spectrum and the four components represent the hyper- .fine structure. The spectral analysis was based on the usual spin Hamiltonian. The values obtained for the initial splitting (,, 54 fortbe g falptor_(2.0136) are larger than 'those known for 3+ 2+ :the -4ons Gd and Eu in electric fields of cubic SYMMetry.- This .suggests that the covalent nature of the bonds plays an',important -.role.-- - The results al,-o indicate that the initiale-plitting increases. -.monotonically with in6reas'ing- unit -dell - dimens tons., _- unlike the Gd3+ lons. The data are Interpr et tbis:.pbenomenon. Authors -thank Z._.zA.4__j_offe and Z. R. Zonn for supplying - the CeO 2 crystals. Orig. art. has: 2 fonadas. SUB CODFf.*, 20/ -SUBM DATE: 03,Tun65/ ORIG, REF: OW/ 00 1* REF: 006 Card_ 2/2 1 14129-66 34M) LJP(c) Vdlr.:G ACC NR: AP6000880 SOURCEICODE: uR/6i8i/65/oo7/bi2/3666/3666, :AUTHOR: Zgripov, M. M. ,;ORG: Kazant State 'University Im. V. I, Ullyanov-1,enin ('Kazanskiy2- ~gosudarstvennyy universitet) TIM E#* Concerning an article by V. K. Zakharov and D.- 14. -Yudin 'Study of Waqses with ChromiuW-7by the EPR Me'V`aod. I SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 7, no. 12, i965, 3666 ~TOPIC TAGS: ppr spectrum, chrbmium,'multiplet-splittitig, spin !lattice relaxaticn, chromium, glass, paramagnetic.ion ontains a ,ABSTRACT: Me article -I nquestion -(FTT v.'\7, 1571, 19(5) c pbenomenological-interpretation of the EPR)spectrum of-chromium in glass, using a -complete spin Hamiltonian of rhombic syrunetry. The present note stall.-les that the deduction that the main spin quadruplet 3+ -1 of Cr is split into two doublets with interval - 300cm is ~Pbysically unacceptable, because splitting of the spin quadruplet by Card 1/2 --- - ------- - ------- L Ila29-66 ACC NR: Ap6ooo88o :300 cm can be due only to very large contributions --- of-the-upper orbi tal- -st ates -of--cr to the ground state Thia leads to a sharp, reduction In the spin-lattice relaxation time. The resultant situa- tion should be similar to that observed for the Col ion in an octa- ~hedral coordination, wherethere iz no EFR effect not only at~:room temperature but -also -at-:nitrogen temperature, SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: o3jul6.1.;/ ORIG REF: 001/ Card 2/2 2 .,-66 1111(In JT)1JG1 SOURCE U'R/Olp U0 14R: APr)0Q3795_ -CODE: 81/56/003/001/0233/0230- - AUTHORS:i. Zariipov M.;M.; Livanova, L. D.; Stepanoir, V. G. ORG: Kazan' State University im. V. I. Ullyanov-Lenln e TITLE~ Electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd+ in double molybdate of yttrium and lantbanum, - SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 1966, 238-239 TOPIC TAUS: yttvium compound, lanthantim commund, molybde'num containing alloy, gadolinium, epr spectrum, optic spectrum, rare earth Plement, line width, cryst-al symmetry, electron pi2ri;niar'netic resonance ABSTRACT: In view of the appreciable attention paid recently to the e 2+ G+ study of optical and EPR spectra of compounds of the.typ 14 M 0 (M 2+ =:: Ca, Sr, Ba, Pb; M0+ = M06+ J, W6+), alloyed witb elements of the rare-earth group, the authors have grown and investigated by the Card 113 L 21AC~-66 ACC NR: _AF6003795 EPR method single cryi3tals of 1",+Y(MOO and M+La(MOO where M+ 4)2 021 Na, Li) and K with add mixture of 0.1 atomic per cent gadolinium. The crystals were grown by solution In the melt, in a programmed oven who se temperature could -be set accurate to IC In tho limit 600 --- 12000. The cryt3tal gi,owth procedure is brief:' 'y deooribed. In all the crystals, Including KY(MO04)21 very broad absorption lines were observed, with the lines of the tranal-tion 1/2 1/2 -1.99) a width of 200 Oe oven-for the field parallel to the z axis. having The wldthrr~ of the linea remain constant If the gadolinium concentra- tion remains constant. The large width is attributed to tho scatter of the axes of the local electric field acting on the.-magrietic ions. 3+ A distinct spectrum of the Gd ions was observed in the KY(MOO 4)2 single crystals. From the angular distribution of the EPR spectrum At is deduced Ahat -the- structure- 9L1Y(MoO_ has either: monoclinle or The a ~pl> C I - rbomble Byngony. onstants of the Yn Hamiltoni~Ln has been - - ''evaluated and it-is.-concluded from-the near-equality of some of the _~.constants for Gd3+ in.crystals Rit-11slahe that the CaM 2 13 nearest surrounding of Gd 3+ ions in the KY(Moo 4)2 are, similar in structure In all these cryatals. Orig. art. has: 1 formula SUB CODE: 20/ SUB DATE: l2jul6-r-/ OTH REF: 002 Card 3/3 poem= L 21397-66 IO~ (c) JD/JG 181/66/'008/00.1/0247/0248 ACC NR: Ar,(M3799 SOURCE COM UIVO AUTHOR: Dernov-Pegarey, V, Fe; Zaripovp M. M." 8~!~Iovich M. I.;Stepanov, V. 0. ORG: Kazan' State University in. Y. I. Ullyanov-Lenin (Kazanskiy gosudaretvemw univeraltat) TITLE: EPR of Gd3+ in CdMbO. SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telap v* 8 no. 1p 1966, 247-P-48 lectron par%- TOPIC TAGS: gadoliniump cadmium compound, molybdenum compound, e. magnetic resonancep single crystalp crystal lat tice structuro-0 A BS TRACT: The authors Investigated the M spectrum of Gd3+ in single-Matal CdMoO4 at a frequency -37 Gee and at room temperature. The ainglt! was o~m by the hydrothermal method and has a schaelite structure. Cne type of Gd3+ 9r ions was observed# aituated in electric fields of tetragonal sy=etry (-- axis parallel to the c axis of the crystal)o This Indicates isomorphic substitution of Gd-14' for Gd2+. The parameters of the spin Hamiltonian are determined for this constant and are found to be In agreement with those obtaiaed for other single Crystals with scheelite structux-e (CaW04, FbMo04., end SrVoC,&) . The authors thank 0. 1. Marlyakhina for coaTuter processing of the experimental data. Orig. art* has: I HgEe-and 1 formula* SUrs CODE: SUBM DATE: 16JU165/ ORIG REF: 002/ OM REF: 001 rd L 21218-66 ijp(c) jr# ACC NR: AP6003807 SOURCE CODE: UR/ol8i/66/oo8/ool/0262/o262 AUTHORS: Zaripov, M. M.; Manenkov, A. ~qhi!~kirj, G. K. ORG: Xazant State 'UnIversity Im. V. I. Illyanov-Lenin -lzari6lkly gosudarstvennyy universitet) 3+ -0 TITLE,: EPR of Gd in SrW04 SOURCE: FIzika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 262 TOPIC TAGS: gadollnium, electron paramagnetic resonance, single crystal, strontium compound, crystal symmetry, spin lattice .-elaxatkn ABSTRACT: The authors investigated the EPR spectrum of Gd3+ ions In single crystal SrWO, grown by the Verne-ail method. Tbe-crystals contained -.0.1 atomic ~er cent paramagnetic -Jons. The authors 3+ found that the Od low are In a cryotalline Cleld of tetragonal synxictily, the z axio of wb1ch coincideo wtth the a axis of the crystal, This is evidence of isamorphic substitution of Gd3+ for Card .1/2 L 21218-66 ACC NR: AP6003,307 2+ , the Sr Uons. The parameters of the spin P-amiltonian of tetragonal~ syumetry are determined at room temperature and at'wave lengths of 8 mm. The relaXation charactevistics were measured at 9.4 Gcs by the pulse saturation method. The spin-lattice relaxat-ion time at T = 4.2K was the same for all transitions (8 msec) wi,,-b the field parallel to the z axis. Cross relaxation with a time constant 0.5 msec is observed for all lines. Orik. art. hast 1 formula. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 29jui65/ ACC NR* AP5025370 SOURCE CODE: IIR/0181/65/007101.0/2947/2951 AUTHOR: ar 1pov. 1M. 11. Chirkin K. z ORG: Kizan' State University ilm lqipv o3E7 en gostUars t- _T,_Aa_(Kazanskiy verLnv-y universitet) TITLE, Z"Loctron paramagnnt3o r~,;onpnce spectra of the neamit gurrounding-1 of paramagnetic tons in aymzontum SOU'RCE: F~zika tverdogo tela." v..7, no. 10, 1965, 2947-2951 TOPIC TAGS: EPR spectrum, paramagnetic ion, aim. oniumi -chloride 1 ABSTRACT: A study was conducted of the temperature dependence of, electron para- inigneric resonance spectrum of tv V,--, a na -Mm 2+ the- -tragon.p. -and-CtT--.--Md _tempern-, -7tttrt-d0jMTTdC Cle OT tT16' ine b5) otructuve constimt for Mn* ~ixpiained by the change of the lattice collitant chlorid e' z The negatLve Z+ ai'2+' Co~_f sign of b', an analysis of g-factors of Cu and the hyperfine 2 struc~ture constant of CU2+ indicate that the bivalent paramagnetic ions are located in 0xi actahedrnk sl,=nuridirigs formed by the four (;I- iotis ind thia wo Cnrd 1/7 ACC IM: AP5025370 it 0 molecules , They are arranged in the center of, q common grain of adjacent 2 uklit, C(.Itn of INIVI-An which the vacancies of NH4f- are replaced b 'I water silake- ckties. Thia model clarified the obscrvntlon of the "Hitimbic" Cil'. lonn. Tho st--r'llig telvngollsil compolivilt. of. the" o4vecrieiil i'lold cautiml it gr(lixt amoillil; of upaLlartoti jIf tti(-. ()f IIS14+ AII arid Ano the obiiervation of Lit, clectrm paramplftc resonance opectrum of Fe at,77R. Orig. ' 4:Ct. har;: 7-1 L 29!539_;.'j6 L 0 T i ACC INRi AT601476~ SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/64/000/000/0005/0041 AUTHOR: Zavlpov, M. Shekun, L, Ya. ORG: none TITLE: Electron paramagneticresonance in crystals SOURCE: Paramagnitrqy rezonans (Paramagnetic resonance); abornik statey. Kazan, Izd-vo Kazanskogo univ., 1964, 5-41 TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, Hamiltonian, EPR spectrum, ion ABSTRACT: Ordinary bpin Hamiltonians are used for describing electron paramagnetic resonance spectra in crystals. Expressions are given for the openitors which describe the fine structure of the spectra for various types of electric field symmetry: cubic hexagonal, triagonal,, tetragonal, rhombic and purely axial. The procedures used for absorption line identification to find the constants of the spin Hiuniltonian are dis- cussed. Expressions are given for calculating the hyperfine structure due to inter- action between the electron magnetic moment and the magnetic moment: of the nucleus of the paramagnetic atom. Experimental research done at the Kazan Unfversity an electron paramagnetic resonance spectra in crystals is briefly reviewed. The data on ions with identical effective spins are grouped together. Ions with spins of: 1/2, 3/2, 5/2 and 7/2 are considered. Orig. art. has: 25 figures, 30 tables, 30 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ SJBM DATE: 04dun64/ ORIG REF: 014/ VTH REF: 017 C,,d L32566-66 EINP(e)/Evr(m) wii/wti .ACC NR: AP5003792 SOURCE CODE: UR/0~81/66/008/ool/0231/0233 AUTHORS: Zaripov, m. m.; Kropotov, V. S.; Livanova, :fj*. D. 'ORG: Kazant S-tate University im. V. I. U11yanov-Lenin Kazanskiy* Z :gosudarstvennyy universitet) 'TITLE 2+ Electron paramagnetic resonance of Mn ions in MgF 2 !SOURCE: FJ.zika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 1, 1966, 231-233 ]TOPIC TAGS: electron paramagnetic resonance, magnesium compound, i-_imanganese, paramagnetic ion, fluorine, hyperfine structure, line splitting, epr spectrum 'ABSTRAM. To obtain Information on thc,',nt,~raction between paramag- 'Ms, netic ions and their nearest surround-laig ato -the authors investi- f , - __ - --f 1- 'concen- I s o magnesium uoride doped with manganese itration 0.5 at. in the charge), grown ir, a Kraphite crucible by the -4 2+ Bridgman method at 10 mm; Hg. The.immediate environment of" he Mg ions consists of six fluorine Ions and has a high symmetry (D 2h Card I/ L 32566-66 ,ACC NR: AP5003792 ~This symmetry could be observed on the plotted-EPR spectrum of the 2+ 2 2+ Mn , evidencing isomorphous replacement of the Mg ions by the Mn lions. A super-hyperfine structure is observed for the spectrum in a !magnetic field parallel to the a axis, wherein each line of the 2+ 1hyperfine structure of Mn Is split Into 15 components. It is de- 2+ ,duced that out of the six fluorine atoms surrounding the Mn ions, four are at equal distance from the central ion, and two are at a different but likewise equal distance. A formula is written out for ~,the spin Hamiltonian describing the observed spectrum. The constants, of the fine and hyperfine structures,are determined by the usual procedure. The results do not agree with those obtained by M. Tinkbam (Proc. Roy. Soc. v. A236, 535, 1956), and the discrepancy is *attributed to errors in Tinkham's paper. Orig. art. has: 1 figure andi'3 formulas. !SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Jun65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003 Card 2/2 _L_4_1~b3A-bb FWT(1)/EWPke)/EWT(m)/Ewptt)/E'VI lipte) J1)/WW/(iU/Wt1 6013643 SOURMICODE: UR/0058/65/000/010/D075/DO75 AUTHOR: Gariflyanov, N. S.; Zaripov, M. M Y Lrents in, REF SOURCE: Sb. Itog. nauchn. konferentsi 'Kazansk. un- jaza 1963 g.'Sekto.; Li i fi,,k z. .par-amagnitn. rezonansa , spektrosk ii i fiz. nojjmCrQy, XWSr-Lz-- L ast n.L~on~._ azan, 1964, 6 10/ L 3* and Gd3* TITLE: The study of,EPR of Cr in glasses at low frequencies ep SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. I D540 TOPIC TAGS: EPR, Hamiltonian TRANSLATION:. Experimental and theoretical studies of EPR of Cr3+ and Gd3+ in a number of different supercooled solutions and glasses were conducted at frequencies of 100 , Mhz. It is shown that the weak field condition obtains at these frequencies. The theo retical interpretation is based on an assumption that the rhombie component of the ' spin Hamiltonian is large compared to the others. A good agreement between calculated values and experimental data was obtained. SUB CODE: 70/ Card "CC INNI.- ~ - -t * - Al"16037021 1,10 SOUR CE - CODE: IJR/0181/66/008/011/3445/3,1,i) AUTHOR: .- acipolz- Potkin, L. 1. ; Samoylovich, M. 1. ; Stepanov, V. G. ORG: Kazan' State University im. V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin (Kazanskiy gosudar- stvennyy universitet) TITLE: Electronic paramagnetic resonance of gadolinium 3 ions in barium tungstate SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3445 TOPIC TAGS: crystair, gado'linium, gudg4#;~am ion, electronic paramagnetic resonance, awaoorqatW, bariumAtungstate j ru ABSTRACT- A study was made of the electron paramagnetic resonance spect m in hydrothermally grown crystals containing /N-~, 0. 196 Gd3+ ions. In BaW04, as I in earlier studied bases, one type of Gd3+ ions was found, occurring in an I- electrical field of tetragonal symmetry. Measurements of the spectrum were madet at room temperature at X - 8 imm . Approximate values of the parameters of hamiltoni.~n spin, determined by the method of.the perturbation theory, were Card 1/2 XCC --NR: AP6037021 verified onan electronic romputer. Itwas found that atg 1.991 ba=873. gal 60=11 go, 641z-113 4 For H lix .go, the position of resonance lines is described to an accuracy of =t--3 17s, and for H -L z - =05 go. This provides supplementary data ofi the splitting of the ground state of G'd3+ ions by an electric field in crystals of a homologous series of scheelite. [Translation of abMractj [SP] SUB CODE: 20/SUBM DATE: 13Jun66/ Card 2/2 VINOM)IROV, V.,,,.; ZARRIFOV, 14.,M.; Electron paramagnetic refjertan~e of Min 2 in apatitle., !~',,z, '%ve-. Lela 6 no. 4:1225-1229 Ap 164. Paramagnetic reLmnance of EM 2+ iOn:3 ill d]Op3ide r.-y;;ta-'-. lbid.:113-10-1137 (M*IPA 17:6) 1. Razanokiy gostzdarst,,ennyy universitet irrieni V.'I.Ullyanova- 1,en.,na. ViNumov, V.m.; ~,~RIFOVY STEPANOV V.G. - -ay2 ~e Electron pararagne-tic rescnanze of Mn2~ v -ass i Geok,himiia no.12:1318,1319 D 164* kMIRA 18:8) 1. Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. fRi 1. 1 17 VINOKUROf V.11.; ZZARIPOV, M.M.; if~rll-llii''11'01, V.S.; STEEPAINOV) V.G. Studying Rrif isomorphism -in baryls by the miethod of electronic paramagnetic rfarxnance. Geokhljrlia no.1;104 Ja 1654 (MIRA 18;1j) 1. KazansRiy gosudarstvannyy universitut. c f'r (.)I, I j~%a C, 7 rio. _,f7 n ~T sitet imeni nov. c Ft- T 1 r1' LL, -VQ or -1, f -C-11 4n Tic I o Ctre use(I GARIJ IY!I!iG.VY N.S.; ZAFt'lPOV, SLulying or'ass~!s by 1~iin par-amagnetic resoria-we m-l-i-xi 'v ~ U- 1. 1 I -)w Piz. tver. tala 6 no.5.154r 1546 " - 104. Ae .1 , %~ (MIJUS 17:9) 1. Kazanski~/ fiziko-Leklinicheskiy institut AN 44 Fazansnlviy grosudnrsf~verriyy univc-,~rsit,r:t Lmoni. Ullyanova-Leiiina. ZARIFO.V, ; -Gill HKIN, 1, G.F. :1- E.-lec"ron jjarana7netir _resonj~Lnce sp-":tI7u'_ 1:f Ca I- uin Piz, tver. tol-a 6 no-6:3.645-160 Jo ! 6/, . ri!(") 1. Kazanskiy goaudarstvennyy universitet imeni i'llip-mova-Lenina. 'I --AP7005879 ACC NR SOURCE CODE: Uj?/0181/66/,:)08/012/368o/3(,81 1=1110R: Zaripovj M. M.; Kropotov,, 7. S.; Livanova, L. D. ; StolDy,, A. L.; Yakavleva, h. S. --- --- I IOBG% Kazan' State University im. V. I. Ullyanov-Lenin (Kazanskiy gosWarstvenw universitet) TITLE: EPR and optical spectrum of Cr3+ ions in MgF2 SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela) v. 8p no. 12) 1966, 368o-3681 TOPIC TAGS: laser material, epr spectrum, luminescence spectrum, optic spectrum, mag es um compound, fluoride, activated crystal, chromium, e-nAJI"Le STRACT: To cfleck on the two types of EFR spectra observe in ZnF2 activated with Cr3 , the authors measured the luminescence spectrum of Cr3 I in single crystals of '%F2 to which Li, Ila, and Cu were introduced as additives. The crystals with lithium showed an Fn spectrum (at 9.3 G11z) with a line structure having 5, 7, and 3 com- ponents when the field was parallel to the z, x, and y axes,respectively. The lumi- nescence sDectrum of the same crystals had an intense band with maximun at 7860 A, a weaker band at 6805 A, and narrow lines at 7320 and 7620 A. The levels corresponding to these lines are identified. In the case of the copper impurity, the same EPE and optical spectra were observed but with lower intensity. In addition, a more com,- plicated EPR spectrum with new lines due to several centers is observed. In the crys- tals with Wa impurity or those without any impurity, the EPR spectra observed in the Card ~/2 UDC: none ACC NRI AP7005679 crystals with lithium vanishes, and only the complicated EFR spectrum obserred with copper is seen. The maximum at 6805 A in the optical spectrum becomes stro er. The results do not lead to any unique conclusions other than that the excess Cr charge is compensated by the Up Ila, or Cu in a nonlocal manner. Orig. art. has: 1 figure 0 (WA-14] (0211 CODE: 2o/ suBm nATE.. 28jun66/ ov REF: ou Card 2/2