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- ZAMTARADZE, G.K. I-- Fossil glacier of Madatape mountain, Soobo X Graz, SO 25 no,3;47- 298 S 160, (KIRA 14:1) 1. Akademiya nauk Gruzinskoy SSR9 Institut geografii im. Vakhushti, Tbi-lisi. Predstavleno akademikom V.Z. Gulisqahvili. I (Madatape region-Ice) ,ZANTARAME., G.K. Geography and bhe~olcgicc charac, "-- o? t%(- fc,.7c3cnt,~I: 3 of the genus Sibbildla in the so-u-thern Cnucav-4s. Flkocb. 0 Crt,--7. S'S'l 34 no,1:1411-14:7 Apt4-,l fffll),l 1747) ZlAhT4'U-U,ijZ!~, '1. K.= "The study of the Sibbaldius of tb-; &.juwhern hi6hlunds of Ceor6i,-,." Pub"ILsholl Ly the Acad Sci Georgian S-At. Acad jci Gcorgian S.;R. Inst :)f T,ilis.,., 1-)556. (Dis,,all,tatiom-, for the DeGree of Candidate in '131,)IoLgical .~Cicncas). 60: E'.~,-dzhnavs kaUjiL 16. 102~ 191/6 ZAMTARADZE, L.A.; TSAKADZE, Dzh. S. Thermomechanical effect near the ~ point in rotating liquid helium. Zhur. eksper. i teor. fiz. 46 no.1:162-164 Ja164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fiziki AN Gruzinskoy SSR. . . . . . . . . . . . 4CCESSION NR.: AP4012538 S/0056/64/046/001/0162/0164 AUTHOR: Zamtaradze, L. A.; Tsakadze, Dab. 8--, TITLE: Thermomecbanical effect near the L4mbda point in rotating i liquid helium 46, no. 1, 1964, 162-164! SOURCEs Zhurnal eksper. i tooret. fit., V TOPIC TAGS: -helium, belium,l,.,belium 11,;rotating helium, helium vortex, macroscopic: helium vortex, Andrnikashvili.vortex, Onsager Feynman vortex, quantum fluid, superfluidity, Lambda point, thermo-, mechanical effect, Lambda point shift xperimental check on the conclusions of E. L. ABSTRACT: In an e. Andronikasbvili and I. P. Kaverkin (ZhETF v. 28, 126, 1955) that superfluidity not only does not vanish under rotation but that its quantitative characteristics also remain unchanged, particularly near the X point, the authors show that the temperature dependence of the fountain effect in rotating He II does not cause a shift of the X point in the 2.17--2.230K region,,where-,hydrodynamic experi- ments (E. L~ Andronikashvili, K. Do Mesoed, and Dzho So Toakadzet I c rd a ACCESSION NR: AP4012538 :'i ZhETF v. 46, 157, 1,964) detected the presence of vortex effects. The.damping observed by Ancitonikashvili and Kaveekin must be attrib-' "The authors consider it their pleasant' uted to relaxation effects. duty to thank E. L. Androntkaslhvili for suggesting the topic, for I useful discussions, and interest in the work.": Orig. art. has: 3 figures. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fipiki AN GruzSSR (Physics Xnatituto,.AN GruzSSR) i SUBMITTEDs 06Aug63 DATE ACO s 26Feb64 ENCL: 01 SUB CODEt PH NO REP SOVt 005 OTM,?Rt 000 Card 2/3' K~T sL UYNATW7ZI, V. Sh. Plasticity, Cre p, Str-.~ngth Diss3rtation: "Investigation of (~dck E,;Ahods for Determining the StrEaight of Coals.' Cand Tech Sci, Inst of Mining, Acand Sci USSR, 7 Apr 54. (Vach,-,rnyaya Moskva, lioscow, 29 Ilar 54)- S0: SU4 213, 20 Sep 54 W..vszv. N. 9 . Ukhotekly yeterinary district, Vaterinarila 30 no.2:15-18 -J& 'A. (KLRA 6:2) to 0, ,.,* .6 it 1 4 1 4 1 9 1~ It 11 ij R IS "4 of 14 11t a I It 27 It A$ 21 A 0 X IV W 11 111 Is Jd A Is U to A 4, ii is n A 47 so A G" edm of Wdl- G- U- =4, Umija". Z4 Z4UkrgA*Axvy-_ lid. 1U5. Na, 1, A with 13% at its wt- Of CSM' 00 (01j), J1 the mist. is AMy Ittated trom IOU* ;p 29D*; --fie nkWC XMWIkJY With 6 iMb cmts. 40% MAW -4141 hmuloas than With 96% ester (,WuKd 6 *0 uwtul as that trwa alreaul. H. M. Lek"Ict A 4 0 00 Of 00 S 00 It -.4r,d 14 13 9a 1 3 4 7TO, is 0 0 41 4111 q 0 o 0 0 go 0 0 0 IF 0 0 'a 0 4111 0 0 0 4111 0 4111 0 0 00 0 so 41 0 0 0 _m4*_A 0-0 111 9 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 1111 06 60 00 *4 0 0 41 0 0 00 0 000 0 6 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 411A WOO 0 sot:!! tog 004 -~IA &ITALLMKAL LITIVIATURN CLASUPICAt" AV 10 Ls' vp 49 olo * * 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 0 -0-0 e 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 HUROW4164 0 4, - -f-AL - k- 4 ~i fo &to fro Clioli;;" -00 -so ;-so "Os -40* fee MID* 008 ites v It 0 0 a 1 0 1 "aZ 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 a v a x1m is a a a A Its Me a the ctofvmw sysual in the f9cmatfas Ot sam - o Z VUY 9*9=46 13 Mtttf*Q to q "Ittiff" (Wd Ckan,at. Af- K zo S h ud b" M S S . . c - - . 1&,, . . R,) 34. ;nrMftn 112)(1934).-rsc CEOs. wav Pa. 00 R ,z formet! on 3 dogs with dewwated parotild gtandit arm s a l. control dop, walatalued on chkily =cip or c4rWhydrate 00 l diets. At a Certain pt" of car YdMte ftedin CO- 00 411M OPWM In the Wive. In lite dingrated ltmw the mmu of dbutase is t th I h 00 . er en n t e normal gland, " W. A. flewlzwcfx 00 Oe 0 ~06 Sir OS A 9 a x a 41 a a a el Also $see 1-.09 -00 soo '00 A s al L a sITALLUR6KAL LITtRA11,49 CtASSIMAIMN 4-9- to 415ill Fai 7;~- -ill 100 ;w 0 a 6 "1 1 . i u 11 u to is TV to IP 0 K K a 19 Or K cc M it M KLO -It Ill W 0 a 0 0 0 * 00 0 0 t 0 1 , 0 *1 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 44 : : : 00 : 11 :00006i0::::040:000.0004: 00000000000000 SOCRILOVA, A..A.; BLTUNOVSKAYA, I,S.; MINA, A.Ye.; DHIT11IYZVA, V.S.; FUIMR, U.K.; BILTAYkVi, I.A.; OVSHINOTA, Ye.Y.; VAKULEM, N.A.; UXMXI- VAX4---A.N.; LIGNOVA, A.G. JLgar diffasion method for determining the activity of anti-biotic$. TrudY VNIIA no.1:10-26 153. (HLRA 8:1) (Antibiotics--Testing) (Baoteriology--Culture and culture media) ZAmMOVSrAYA, A.K., kandidat biologicheskikh nauk. Whematical baels for setting.up a standard activity curve for antibiotics. Trudy VNIIA n0-1:34-39 '53. (KM 8:1) (Antibiotics--Tasting) 7z 19M Ilelle vxlf'049 Y4 /V. 41 USSR/Microbiology - General Microbiology F-1 Abs Jour : 11of 22aur - Biol., No 10, 1958, 43094 Author : Zamikhovskaya, A.N., Shvartamn, L.A., Finkelshteyn, N,Ra, Kasyenova, L.K& Inst : - Title : Biological Properties of B. Coli When Cultivated on a Liquid Medim with Aeration. Orig Pub : Tr. Mosk. n.-io in4a vaktsin i syvorotok, 1956, 81 191. 201, Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 ZAMUKHOVSKAYA. A.M. !,- - domparative investigation of immunogenic properties odr Ti-anti en A. g of certain bacteria of the enteric group. Zhur.mikrobiol.e-Did. i inmun. 21) no.3:88-91 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. 1% 14oakovskogo institutn vaktain i eyvorotok imeni Hechnikova. (ANT IGPIIIS , Enterobacterincea Vi-antigens, immunogenic properties (RUB) _ N -p red.; GABKRLAND, PETROSYAN, Yevgerdya Arutyunovna; ZAMMOVSKAYA, A, . M.I., teklm. red. (Compound antigens of the typhoid-paratyphoid group of bacterial KomplaksrU-e antigeny tifo-paratifoznoi gruppy bakterii. Mookval Goo., izd-~vo med.lit,-ryt Medgizi 1961. 229 p. NIM J-4-9) (TYPHOID FEVER) (PARATYPHOID FEVER) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODIES) KOSSOVAY A.K.; SHANIR, V.I.; ZHURBINA, V.I.; SURNINA, T I.I.; SIURNOVA, Ye.A. Imunol-cgJx.iLL.characteri,stics of complex antigens to microbes of the enteric group obtained by meann of the tryptic digestion method. Nauch. osn. proizv. bakt. prep. 10:33-42 161. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Moskovskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok im. Machnikova. ZANUKHOVSKIT, S. H- - Principles in group classification of tuberculous in disponearies. Probo tuberk., Hookva no.3:59-63 ma7- June 1951, (OLML 20:11) 1. Honore4 Physician RSM, He9A of Suberculosis Dia- P8UGALr7 no. 4, Moscow* Need for centraV.xed machinar]r- repair centers. Shysin.prcm* no*2: 30-31 Mr--;AP 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Nekhanik fabriki imeni Tolodarskogo, g.Zaporoxhlye. (Clothing industx7-lquipment and supplies) Nchinery-Maintenance and repair) L 4085-66 ---ACC- NR& AP5027576 SOURCE corz: UR10170165100910051066710e-FT A11THOR: Zamula, Go. No ORG: Central Aerohydrad Institute im. Prof. No Yii. Zhukovskiy (TsentralIny, ynamics aerogidroainamichea TITLE: Distribution of,temperatures and thermal stresses in a cylindric -shell containing liquid SOURCE~. Inz.henerno-mfizitheskiy zhurnal, v. 9, no. 5j 1965, 667-673 TOPIC TAGS: liquid fil ed shell, cylindric shell, thermal stress distribution, thermal radiation, convective heating ABSTRACT,:-, The steady convective heating of a thin vertical cylindrical chell part,ly -I ui-d---d -4 -d in-a-diathermle medium of-a--given-temperature 19 d1.9- .filled with iq ', an -p ace cu9s -ed, taking thermal radid-t-6-hu into account. An approximate analysis of the distri-, butions of temperatures .and of the thermal stresses thus-produced-in the shell is pre- sented under 6e assiumpl:ions that-the thermal parameters (theheatemission coeffi- c enks--on--both--siirfiices.-of-the-~shcll)--atxd,.~he_ physical -characteristics of the shell- -material are-temperature indep -the- shelf s quite-lo-n-g-a-ind - diatea -like- endent- -1that _fi ra a grey body, and that the liquid (whose low-t is constant- -or-- changes very -slowly)-fa a black body having a given constant.temperature. The equations of thermal equi- :Jibrium and -the-. bovndary-cond-ItionG for-a shell element with the internal thermal Card -516J4 3 jMC4 ZAMULINp G.T.p uchitell Study of phemol formaldehyde plastics in the chemistry course of the sec.ondarr school, Khim. v shkole 16 no. 3:55-65 My4e 961, (MIRA 24:5) 1. Shkola rabochey molodozhi No.2, g. Kropotkin. (Chemistry-Study and teaching) (Phonol condensation producta) LOGINOV, A., kand.pedagog.nauk; KOVACH, S.K. (g.Satanov, Khmellnitskoy obl.); BAM, S.Ya., uchitelf; POPOVA, A.N., uchitellnitsa; 7JUMULD1, SI.T.; YWE11YAl"011-~, T.I.; PLAUNITSI-TY, MI.F.; URC-SHCHVK, ~[.A., uchitell; CHISTYAKOV, V.14.,, uchitell; LENSHIR, A.S. (g. Novosibimk); NOSKOV, V.I., (g.Feodosiya); RUDI, K.A., uchitellnitsa; VASIK, C.Ye.p uchitell; GAPONENK0, I.M. Editor's nail, Dint. v shkole 15 no.3:73-78 MY-Jo 160. (MIRA 140) 1, Pedinatitut, g. Ularz-Bator (for Loginov). 2. Ordzhonikidzevskaya arednyaya ahkols. No.5, Stavropol'skiy kray (Eor Bayev). 3. Nikifo- rovskaya shkola sellakoy molodezhl, Tambovskoy oblasti (for Popova). 4. Pedagogicheskiy institut g. Krasnodara (for Zamulin, Yemell yanovap Pyatnitskiy). 5. Srednyaya shkola No.8,, g. Vinnitay (for Yaroshchuk). 6. Sradnyaya shkola sovkhoza "Spartak" Saratovokoy obl. (for Chistyukov). 7. Srednyaya shkola V0.14 9. Stalina (for Rud'). 8. -"hkola N0.569 g. Moskvy (for Vasik). 9. Pedagogiches',dy institut, g. Novozyhkav kfor Gaponenko). (Chemistry-Study and teaching) W~k~Nj G.T*, uebitell Studying,tp+amides in achool. Khim- v ohkc4e 18 no.1:41-52 Ja-F 1631. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Shkola rabochey molodezhi No.2. g. Kropotkin. (Polymerization-Study and teaching) TTTT.P-- 1-h- amalga- --thrui 1-4 AN TOPIC "ACS: 7ead r-2finirijz, bi~;olar ar;-.alza-m electrode. electrolvze.-. ul"ra-)ure :ea. operauve cur-renr ciensmes anG IL reiauon ovmeem me kiieotTocie ppo~m nai arin tne c r r ~~n t :r,r 7rit, oyin -,p A fl,-! P; rr- 'n q I- n t ni j- H 4Z~ M., MR12-ir-M-1 Nt ~.Itlr?-rtr-,~iL,,,.Soi F: -:11 1.; 1 IRWIN L 21197-65- ATS001023 ,&C,GESSION NfL electrolysts, no stafaminic electrolyte may be use( --i, ~i-,,t-funnndUCLIViLv 01 !~.t! e L ~, c,. r o. ki ....... Fz r r~ S 'i n A, ~c ~--cGs AeaJemy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSA) SITMITTFE.: G,,~ "E, SU-B CODE': NIM, GC: NO REF SOV: 056 07 H ER; rd WEIR iRk" KO It, I If Y L.F. ; 4NJIL UK IN. A ~.T. 1____ Amalgam method of lead SSR 12:37-50 '64. Electrochemical behavior Ibid.:51-56 rEfininq. Trud:., Tnsz. kh.;:2. nauk AN -Kazakh. t, - - - of lead amalgam in an acetate electrolyte, (HIRA 18:2) T .7. U-1-ULYTIKIN, A.T~ KOZIN) Flectrc,~.-hemical bt~~7,avior o-f leald aralgam in p rcsnosph.-ate 'I?. k"-',%~ '18 nr,..),2270-227~', 5 it' e'o.-Arol ~M-TRA 17-,.12) 1. Ins4li.,ir, khlmichesk.'kh nau~c PN XazSSR, ZAMTJRA, V.G*,, inzh. (Novosibirsk); DUBITSKIY, T-S-, inzh. (Novosibirsk) , e,- Prolonging ttle life of steam locomotive units and parts. Zhel. dor. transp. 40 no.3-.74-75 Hr 156. (KiRA 11:4) J.Zameatitall nachallnika sluzhby lokomotivnogo khozyaystva tomqkor dorogi (for Zamura). 2.Glavuff inzhener depo tayga Tomskoy dorogi- (for Dubitskly'). (Locomotives-Maintenance and repair) 'Vi DU,BNITSiIY. Vladimir Stepanovich, inr hone r;-,WURA. Viktor Grigorlyevich, inthener; FATLOVICH. Yevgenty Stanis vovt'dh;--td04 A.A.. inzhener, redaktor; BCBROVA, Ye.N.. takhnicheskiy redaktor LIxperiences in organizing locomotive repairing (Talga depot of the Tomsk Railroad)] Opyt organizatsii remonta parovosov (depo Taiga Tomskoi dorogi). Moskva, Gos,.transp.xhel-dor.izd-vo, 1957. 42 p. (HLRA 10:7) (LocomotiV68-Maintenance and repair) ZARURA, V.G. (Novosibirsk); LITYINOV, I.R. (Novosibirsk). Modernizing the sand box on the V122a electric locomotive. Zqaj. dor.transp. 37 n0-7:80 J1 156. Ocut& 9: a) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika slushby lakomotivnogo khozyaystva Tomakay dorogi (for Zawara); 2. Glavnyy Inzhener olushby lokoiaotivnogo khozyzyatva (for Lityinov) (Electric locomotives) THOITSKIT, Aleksa:mdr FilippoTich; dokt*r.tekhnIcheWdkh'uauk; ZAMURA Vlktor G i r1yevich, inzhener; PAVWTICH, Taygealy Stani*I;wO_V~Ch,_ luns" r go r, _WdWr-,T.-G7.~ Whener, rodaktor; KHrTROT.P,A,,t9k:hnichsakIy teditktor. [Metal spraying in repairing locomotives] Primenenie metallizataii pri* isseatio lokonotivov. Pod red.A.1r.Treitakogo. Moskva, Gos.transp. shel. dor. i!zd-To, 1956-55 P. (wmA 9:6) (Locomotives-Repairs) (Metal spraying) ZAMURA Vc4G. -(NovoaIb-rsk)? LITVIINOV, I.R. (Novcaitir-sk"' 9 L flew developmen-3 ir: the argan4-2ation of and repaiz. Zhol. dor. tran3p. 47 no.1,38-42 Ji, 16::o 1 Nacho"Inlk sluzzhty t" ri kc~y dorogi 2. G-1avriyy khozya,vst-,m Zepadnc-S-;.bJLrskok -jorrog,~. NIKULIN, V.N.; ZAJLM~~i-.P.V. (Kazan') Ellect,of the structure and crystallographic characteristics of electrodes on the electroreduction of pyruvic acid. Zhur. fiz. khim. 35 rLoi2:287-293 F 161. (miRA 16:7) lo Kazamskfty khimiko-tekhnologichesldy institut imeni Kira7a. (Pyruvic acid) (Reduction, Electrolytic) ZAKMAGIN. P.V., inzhener (gorod Mb.-Chelny Tatarskoy ASSR) Textbook of tha technology of basic chemical industries (wilechnoloff of inorganic substancesO. B.A. Pavlov, A.S. SolovIeva. Revieved by- P.V. Zamaragin.) Xhim.v shkole 10 no.2:69-71 W-Ap 155. (ML 8:7) (Chemistry, Technical) (Pavlov, Boris Alekseevich, 1892-1947) (SolovIeva, A.S.) RABINOVICH, R.I. Prinimali, uchastiye: ALEGLANy L.K.y kand. sellkhoz. nauk; BARABANOVA,, N.N.; BOSENKO, K.S.; VINNIKy V.V.; GRIGORChTJK, Ye.V.; GUMEROVy A,.Kh.; DODROCHASOV, D.F.; ZAMWRAY9V._j.,-V ZAY.L EV q. TS A, A.G.; kand. sellkhoz. nat*; KOLITSOV., Kh.Z., kand, biol. nauk; LISITSKIY, D.Ya.; MAWASH, G.P.; MUITOV, A.V.; RABINOVICH,R.I.j SALINIKOV, V.V.; 9-V4C1ff1IKOV) I.V.; S.IMONOV~ P.K.; SNIRNOVp V.V.j SMIMOV, L.P.; SMIRNOVA, V.I.; STEPANOVA, V.I.; TARASOV, A.A.; FIIA- TOVICH, V.1r., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; FEDOROV, N.G., kand. tekhn. naukj TSAPLIN, M.Y.; KHROMOV, L.V.; DAVYDOVA, Lt red.; PALIMINA, H., tekbn. red. [Sverdlovsk in A' Fricultural Exhibition of 19591 Sverdlovskaia sell- khoziaistwiianaia v-jstavka. Sverdlovsk, Sverdlovskoe knizhnoe izd-vo,, 1960. 131 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Sveralovsk. Sverdlovskaya oblastnaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya vyatavka, 1.959. (Sverdlovsk-Agricultural exhibitions) -oh- NR: AP40112195 S/0207/64/000/003 /0073/W80 'AUTHORs Zamurypys _4 _(Uovos ibirok) ,TITLE-. Laminar boundary layer in radiating absorbing gas noar a plane plate ZOURCE: Zhurnal priklacbioy mekhaniki. i tekhnicheskoy fizik:L., no. 3, 1964, 73-80 ,TOPIC TAGS: laminar boundary laybri radiating gas, absorbing gas, plane platey 'laminar flow, radiation transfers heat transmission.. heat.con4uctivityp thermal :radiation3 thermodynamic equilibrium,, Kirchoff law,, gray mediums transverse flow, ,temperature profile ,.IBSTBACT: The author m-akes the following assumptions in studying the laminar iboundary layer near a plate. in a more precise description of radiation transfer ,:Vian has boon dono previously. Heat transmission is affected by the usual heat ~:conductivity and radiationo He uses the hypothesis of local thermodynamic :equilibrium, i.e,., radiative ability and the absorption coefficient are related to Kirchoff's law. The medium is gray and the walls are absolutely black. Radiation ifl(rds along the plate are negligibly small compared- to transverse flo-its. The ch&:ige' ;of temperature along tbe plate over the length of run of radiation is small. Weak Ord 1/2 CGMSION IlRt AP4041195 Itemperature change along the plate is such that transverse radiation flows are Ideter7uned by thoo temperature profile, and the thermophysical properties of the medium, may depend on temperature, He uses a difference mthod for solving the !partial differential and complex integro-difforential energy equations, and lie 'investigates the nature of the asymptotic behavior of heat tran,-missLon far from ,;the leading point of the plate. He studies the nature of heat transmission and tha! 'Possibility of computing radiation by an approximtion of radiant heat conductivitrii 'Results are given for one of the cases considered by R. Viskanta and R. I. Grosh ,(Boundary layer in thermal radiation absorbing and emitting media. Int. I. Heat !and Mass Transfer, 1962, 5, 795-8%'06). "In conclusion I thank A. T, Onufriyev for* 'his valuable discussions o.P. the work." Orig. art. hass 7 figures and 29 fornulas.1 1ASSOCIATIONs none ,SUBMITTEDt 17Feb64 'SUB CODE: TD, ME NO REF SM 007 OTHERS Ow Cord 2/2 ZAHWOM, V.F. (Novosibirak) lardnar- boundlar7 layer it. an s-ziltting a.,,td absorbing ga-, naar a flat plate. FMTF no.3:7.3-90, Myr-Jo I 61/,~ (VIR-4, --,'7.6) TITLE: On the error dLe to the u s ef the nlnk-no-la- i s ~he 7piane-i-ayer alyprox-imntion, for tte boundary laver ni&y it Mail Ccrd ACCM,15STWIT riFf AP5W- 57 on by U "Cne Q7 -rgrWeg -';Zq~t%p='the-O=ct and-- tha -- -j :. Th ---for -rad-la F I - U or -4i by v ibna + arloi S-r-~g th bdunda y ia~~6r e C-1 terion is expressed in the form of a dcmmarmcion ew-ve for the upper limit of ap- plicabiliti of the anDioximtJon. It ~s -,ointed out In conclusion that In real i vEL.j finite a-ad Ifti. catimal, f~ ob- tajp.~! "n this nar".-, nn~ T,~~ Ir J f V-7 MM CODE - N'T T7T) VIETLUTSKY., V.N.; 7.F.; KUIRBATSKY) A.M.; ONLIFRIYEV, A.T. (Novosibirsk) tfOn cooling of radiating grey gas flowing in a channel and past a pLite" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Moscow, 29 January - 5 Febraary 1964 ZAMMYRT, tu.M.2 Jt2zh. Euthusiastff of new technical matters. Klek.i tepl.tiaga 6 no.12:25 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Sluzhba elektrifikataii i energeticheskoye khozyaystvo Upadno-Sibirskoy dorogi. (Electric railroads-Ekaployees) _JAHJRAY~V Yu.M. i-nah.; KARPOV, A.P..,-I,nah. Effective mthod for protecting contact network mqpportm from corrosion. Elek. i tepl tiaga 7 no.W6 Ap 163. (KMA 16:5) (hectrio i*kilroads--Wires and wiring) ZAMURAYEVA, N-1-1 TER-OGMYAN, M.G.; FEDOTOVA, I.A. Some recomm)ndationo for a work method for tranalatore of acientific and technological literature. NTI no.11:19-20 164. (MIRA 18:1) SHCHNOOLOV. A.V.; PARSHIKOV, V.I.; LUKASW, A.A.; ;Ammiy, A 1D.- KUQO~j I.H., kandidat tokhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent. ret-se-us-4int-;' bl[AVE GA, N.I.. kwididat takhnichookikh nauk, dotsent, redaktor; LKUUA, T.I., redaktor,,- POLISKAYA, R.G., takhnicheakly redaktor. Nachineo for grinding aphwrical surfaces] Sfaroahlifoval'Aye stanki. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. isd-vo mashinoetrolt. lit-ry, 1956. 114 p. (Grinding machinns) (Km 9:5) ZAMUFOM . G, Improve the payments of interfgL= orgmdz&UM to collective fa=g, for catt:Le fattening, Den. i kred. 20 no,7:40-a 11 162. (MIRIA 15:7) .1. UOST.'41mrWhOMY Zdb2bwWskim otdoludyam rAumbw*a Rovenskoy oblastie (Collective farms-Interfarm c6operation) Wattle-Feeding and feeding atuffs) (Faymnt) Mw 49 Sbeep, Diseases j! "Natural Recovery of Sheep Afflicted With Bracellosis'" 1. R. 7Ammwiy, Cand Vet Sci, All- MAW Inst 'of Experimental Vet Sci, 3j IYP -yet' No 5 As a result of experiments, it may be stated that an abs-clute majUirity of sheep quarantined in clean quw-tars for 2 years properly fed, lose their HA (agglutination reaction), Am (sen= reaction), and &23mrgy to-bracellosio vltlumt other treatment. It can be asserted'that such.sheep are practically UM/kedicine Brmcellooiz (Coutd) May 49 cured. The young fran eves kept in isolation prow to be healthy. 67149M ---- -.-- W-fliPlIt T pf __m I t-~. I L 22602. ZAIPIRrf, 1. p. Zriacheniyo rodillnopo Pomeshchonlya. v horlbe 8 bmtsellezon, Veterinarlya, 19119., Uo. 7, S.-5-6. SO : LETOPIS' No, 30) DO USSR Zooparasitology. Acarina and Insects. Vectors G of PathoSenic igents. Acarina. Abs Jours. Ref' Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1959, 242c3O. Author : -Zamurik,, I. R. Inst : Research Institute of Vet- erinary Sanitation and 2atoparasitolo6y., Title :Ixodic Ticks as Possible Carriers of Brucellosis Under Erperimental Conditions. Orig Pub: Tr. Vses. n.-i. In-ta vet. sanitarii i ektopara- zitol., 1957, 12, 127-136. .abstract; The! ticks Rhipicephalus bursa were infected in feeding on sheep infected suboutaneously by a highly virulent culture of Brucella melitensis. Placeaent of ticks was realized at the time of bacteria, which was confirmed by isolation of Bruoella (b) from the blood of sheep. The infec- Card 1/p, 36 UC--,R / Zooparasitology. _,Icarina and Insects. Vectors G of Pathogenic Agents. jicarina. Abs Tour: Aef Zhur-Biol., 1'o 6, 1959, 24291. Author : Zamuriy, Inst : M_-U-n1vn-11'c_ientif1c Research Institute of Vet- erinary 3anitation and '",ctoparasitolor!y. Title : Transovarial Transmission of 3rucella by Ixodic Tic.'--cs Rhipicephalus bursa Under 2xperimental Con- ditions. Orig Pub: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta veter. sanitarii i ekto- parazitol., 1957, 12, 137-148. ."abstract; In examination of eggs laid by females of' Rh. bur- sa infected in feeding on sheep sick -,-!ith brucel- losis, the infection of 17.3% of eggs with Bru- cella (B) was established. B were discovered dir- eotly in the ovicells, which assured the transovar- ,jard 1/2 39 Z I.-R. Cand. of Vet. Sci. and GUBIN, A. P. All-Union Inst. of &xperlwntal Veterinary Medicine I'llew antigen for RSK (Comlement Fixation Reaction) in diagnosis of bruceUosis.11 . SO: Vet. 27 (4) 1:950y P. 50 0 0 0 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 411- ~,-) 1, - - , J " 1, ;~Th ~11 ZAMURIYP I.R. ( Cam. Vat. Sol.) (VIEV) 'Corderning the Pathological Titre of Blood Serm In Paratyphoid rnfection," SOi Trud VISVp Vol 18p 19519 pp 134-39. ZI M-Tys T.R. (sci. Iowa. " VM) 74muriy, I,R., Ye. S. Orlovt O.T. morAkova, m.r. cbmwobera (cands. ef vat. set.) and Ve Ye. xuwyeva) mRsadto of Testlug the ksti-Brucenoolo Vacoine from the Strain 19 under Comeroial Conditions,* SO: Trud VMV Vol 18v 19510 pp 154m63. '~.-__Jc~TT T. Goats - Disease3 Diarnosis ol' BanGl.- diseage in nur3im? owes and Couts by tho rlr~-- rerxtion. Ear. i zver. , 5, 110. 1, 1",52. F'onthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Gon.,ress, june 1952. UlfClp'.SSIFIla) C. TEUNTIYU, F.A., prof.; VASILOYEV. K.M., dotuent; ZjWtMIl. L.R.. Itand. veterin.nauk; KAWGIN, V.I., dotsent - Production and use of dry eems against swine erysipelas. Voterinarlia 36 no.6:24-26 Je 159. (MIRR 1?-.10) (Snrum) (HrysipaloW USSR/Zooparasitology. Ticks and Insects - Vectors of G Causal Organisms. Ticks. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No 231 1958, 101+122 Author Zamuriy, I. R. Inst All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation and Ectoparasitology Title Ticks of the Species Boophilus calcaratus as Possible Vectors of Brucellosis under the Con- ditions of Certain Regions of Azerbaydzhan Orig Pub: Tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta vet. sanitarii, i ekto- parazitol., 1957, 12, 159-165 Abstract: B. calcaratus is widespread in Azerbaydzhan, inhabiting various types of areas. In checking ticks of this species taken from animals of two herds - unfavorable and arbitrarily favorable Card l/13 with respect to brucellosis - strains of 52 USSR/Zooparasitology4 Ticks and Insects - Vectors of G Causal Organisms. Ticks. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No 23, 1958, lC4122 brucella were isolated in both cases. It should be noted that the arbitrarily favorable herd promptly became unfavorable with respect to brucellosis. Ova obtained from females taken from animals in the area of the unfavorable herd were also found to be affected by brucellae, which is one of the proofs of the existence of the transovarial transmission of the infection. The larvae which hatched from these ova were placed on healthy sheep. In two sheep from which satiated nymphs were removed 20 Aay-,; later, a positive agglutination reaction was found in a dilution of 1:200+ to 1:160+. Cul- tures of brucellae were isolated from the organs of the sheep. In this way it was shown that B. calcaratus ticks can be aources of brucellosis infection of animals. Therefore, the elimina- Card 2/3 USSR/Zooparasitology. Ticks and Insects - Vectors of G Causal Organisms. Ticks. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No 23, 1958, lc4122 tion of this vector of infection should be included in the complex of measures for com- batting brucellosis, - L. V. Babenko Card 3/3 53 ZAHURIT, I.R., Xxodid ticks as possible carriers mental conditions. Trud7 VNIIVS3 of brucellosis under experi- 12:127-136 157, (KIRL 11:12) (TICKS AS CARRIERS OF DISFASS) (BRUCHLLOSIS) ZAMIY, Transovarlan tralnomiseton of Brucella by Rhipicephalus bursa ixodid ticks under eyperimental conditions. Trudy MIVSZ 12:137-1118 '57, (MIRA, U: 12) (TICKS AS CARRIMS OF DISUSES) (BRUCEIJA) ZAXLIRIY~ LR*#kandevetenauk Ixodid ticks as possible carriora of spontaneous brucellosts among farm animals in Krasnodar Territory, Trudy VNINSM 12:149-158 '57. (MIU 1-1: 12) (MUSNOD"--TMITORT-]~A~SIS) (TICKS AS CARRIMS OF DISBAR) ZAIMY# Ishookaydevet*nauk Ticks of the species Boophilux calcarafts as possible carriers of brucellosis in some areas of Azerbaijan. Trudy VNINSE 12:159-165 157. . (HIM 11: 12) (TICES AS CARRIERS 07 DIMON) (AZI-RIMIJAN-BRUCELLOSIS) induced ja hypl~rial-LlctcrnlLed rAN D ..4- A,-- Mfd IU4,21-99 7, -t. 111, S. the 3.; of the ms--s- C .4 und ,ZAMMVIC, DUMB A, frul and h o h yp yr " it CtOtillZed r4l:; 14-illt ev, 4, tu"'Ors 11" " , I-11 I -TI Zl- l AbA ' )614 1--,. (SIXTific i i Chemica . act v milli. ty Of 0.1111 lx.lce) U-11, Vol 1 8 No itjiliFIQ ills . . 4 10 b F ' flit i l l a . 1, 1954 i1 t it (fit, lut"I iological Chemiatry B KPIWA4110111lu'd rm~ .11TIO 14 Ms: W is:.- 13. 17. ' I . 1-1-324 29x- - I 0 .12, ()::, ill. 0.48. 037; tiuliL~l 0-115 14 o . 0-17; ,;,a ' JTOVANOVIC, L.; JAMOIC, A.; ZAMMVIC, I. Poisoning with nitrites and the role of nitrites in the preser- vation of meat products. Glau.hig.inst.Beogr. 4 no.1-2:1-31 Jan- June '55. (NITRITIS.Poin. potassium nitrite & sodium nitrite inpurities in sodium nitrate, & In preserved meat,diag. & ther.(Sar)) (POISONINQ# potassium & sodUm nitrite impurities in sodium nitrate, in preserved meat, diag. & ther.(Ser)) (KWI . ' preaery.,nitrites poia..dlag. & ther., in Yugosl.(Ser)) (SALT,eff. on meat preserv.,Indic.(Ser)) The littent peMod of chemically jpdcud caiicer fg-jats t,A with pitultit" res"tion. D. A. Zimurewitch (Ut'W BA-1 :Kmde Yugamavial. siq Cau;4 was prod4ced with bentommut. Them was noi diffemnce in tbc latent InticA ob~rved In nacmil and! hypophysectovulted rats. Docit L. Mocifier 0, _02 - ZARSKOV-, P.- I. "Attempts to St-nn&ardize thn Elements of Multispindle Hends" StRnki i Instnimnnt, 10, No- 3, 1939, Khtz- RF.Tort U-1505, k Oct 1951- A 00 4 1 a t a f to it u of --- _ZY-f I u it w if 14 it a a- Zs, a 34 v 24 fuwtkad auto ef CM Omddu of tm U*umb la VA w" kin&. Vsavymawl Sqw] - SrArd.-s- ZMadko (Mancow) Rxpts. wrm pct6xuKd M-440ti st1=1U).- :wp witb4dildus &W16% of t1w stotnuh. Submtsomw it ifilraframm US)WOM W tynmhw tw SIAllim An&*PIOnC (0.05 4XI J./kS. I[XIII)II WC) Slld 9UbCUiA%ftM!l ,~f-,twa of h4utldne tog.) &ad LkWg's 6-4.0 tj dwinst a perw of Ittatim reqt 44 the 1 LI" pfokwigrit alk. trwiMts 4 t1w Monwh) MOO of no wemowy If4twnw. NtIlitat ItIjKlkm tilt- twifixt of caviric 9"t'ru"y setivily (am tilt stunach) ptqxfumi a muked awntury respotm. 44 -i A I# it A OIAMO-OkAt 411CO44mr ftAlOPkAIII)m 4 v r 1 -1 v Is, it a " a n (I tv Ofq [13, *%% All I s I 0600 04, 0 * Go 0 0 00 0 10 )11 uu ma kli *poll 4waJ414J.'a awe" IM, an 4 Ms.) est. aam&ch psklismi (111CIR4 fl im Of MW ca"m coo Mae rw 0 1 w 14 Als 0 4 9 go 4 as 00 o so a * 000 0 000 4): UMwJOvICt:;Y.A. iogenes's in hypophysectomized ratc. Actr Study on chemical carcir .1 med. iugoslavl. 1~ no.1:95-104 f6l. 1. Radioloski, institut Medicinskog fakultata. u Beogradu. (MOPMECTOMY exper) (URCINIOGENS pharriacol) ZAMUROVICI D. A. Electrophoretic changes in rat serum in the course of the growth of experimental tuwrs. Acta -ied. lugols. 15 no.2:179-194 161. (NEOPLASM experimental) (SARCOMA experimental) (BLOOD chemistry) ZA-1-11-Rovir", DUSA'T A. "La distribution du radiophosphore p32 chez les rats. Lobservation coniparativue chez les animaux avec la tumeur or.maina, chez les hypophysecto-mises et chez les rats de contrcle" SO: Recuei-I de Travaux, De L'Institut De Recherches Sur La Structure De La Matiere Vol. 2, Delgrade, Janvier 1953 DROGALI V.V.; DEGTYAREV, V.F.; _ZAMURUYEV# A.M.; If ZENTSEV, I.S. Copying gas-cutting machine "Odessa" with photoelectric control. Biul.tekh.-akon.inform. no.5:26-28 161. (MMA 14:6) (Gas welding and cutting-Equipment and supplies) (Pholoolectric measurements) ZAMLY-AUYBV, G. I" -~ " Theorem of three moments for a spatial system of forces and equivalent u7stems of equilibrium equations. Islauch. dold. v7s. shkoly; mash I prib. no.2:86-94 159. (MTRA 12:12) Neohanics, Analy-tic) ev 1H -2 f , f,:5 I ' Al 04 55 .2 11 vt 1. 02 41 1 1 6~4 13 lit Hif .22 'is SK In alailla Jai 0-5 ji1 X" j.~ 2411- ': , I :! a :-6. 1 flip i jal SHADURIV L.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; LUXIN, V.V., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk; RTDELI, E.14, dotsent, kandtekhnnau4-ZAMURIJYSV~ V.T, Capacity and design of boxcars. Zhel.dor.transp. 47 no.1200-32 D t65. (MIRA 18:12) 1, Glavmjry konstrul4v Altayskogo vagoncs .troitoslInogo %&voda (for Zamururev), TOEMAKOV, P.P.L_ ; PETROV, V.P. Ilature of gunbelite.; Trudjr IGEM no.4-8:80-93 ~61~ MJRA 15:1) (Shun:ga region.--Gumbolito) PMOV, V.P.; ZAHURUYVAs H.G. vItreous pillow lavas of the levava Isfa Valle7 in the Far &at. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 25 no.11:69-75 H 160. (MA 13:11) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdaniy, petrografii, mineralogli i gookhimii AN SSSR, Koskva. (Isfa Valley-Iava) 4 1 A 9 la it U Is W it b tl to a it a it Is a 19 A -L-a 1--P r A I I 00 A so 00 00-- 00 041 00 go of eez all U13mbial) lerfAidlauve I 71- -00 69 .00 .00 "Watrateaftes of III* power Requiad for lho amilid" Go TO". N'. .11, 7 7,nitiolMs- (M,bsllwrV jJ1,bdIkrVi-4). ISM (M. 62 .0; (Ill), 40 Alf). 1114NIn-16-141 A.jowt in dinl-U-1alld Ols- Cleo val prilwifill-4 fit I tul.. 7(hMin".1 41~1: M hra.- itfill , we* fill I, Illirr-lignt.A. File I.,",-r n,pii-l Ili dr-msc 1- 1, Is's it I Ill- 4111"11111 4 wild'.1 isig dia 4 is'p. -too IN, sitraill Ill 1110, %61", after INS-111A Ow.h... rill'I 10 moo woo ties u I If f D e AtVILA litIALLOIGICAL tITIOSTOW Ckh%SIPKAIPC- 1)!4; 4 Ott woo s limit Pt 04, 0" 4 ~W - ' too U so ~ 1 T A& a 3 4 1 a A T K4 rA A 1 a nd 0 00 is I W 64 " a Z 1? 11 Ival silt ptu viraft it It W14 a I -j ooessoolo - 6* 0 0 0 0 010 ogoosoogooootooooooesoosooesooesseose 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 6 0 CP * 0 0 45 0 Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 1. ZAVIMTS, Ye. LM, INA, Le 20 lum Wo) 4* Corrosion and Anticorrosives 7. GbIloid-chennical Phenombfia on the surfaces of metals and inhibition of corrosion in salt solutions. IAVv,-PM Zin.Akad.Vastis, no. 7. 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Apzil -1953, Uncl. 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 6 W, G_ e 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 a also -w- I a 1 6 bi 1- 12 1 1 14 1% 14 11 to AID I IIf a id 0 J6 )I A )v It LI U Id III Is U 0 IN K 41 U 41 a a - - I AA 0 CC go U i 4 . . I is, v .1-L '1 44 b I I a 4 6 711,60 .ft. of "I"Per Of I j"Ifful" tj'j 4, 1174) /%4%%114 Ch'incti-friA147% ["AV IN. 'im"ficalit: (a) ih, of idi ell all m nd On the Marfacr of pyrite 47TV't,111; (A) tj" all . fm 14 c,,vrlliljc mt Lirg'. 41"1 fi f"rt llitj slic crystall of , of pyrij, if) 141`K~ rfy't;'I' Of Iff if h . , I Ii"Is VI' Id, 's IONF Ivf`vvI1Ia1r of rUnivur, it ('it 111, if a . AN' to t Litift.1"I ciaisIOICA140k 00 1 -1 - - ~ _f__,-:- _-_ 1-t I to JA a n 0 AID* 04 114 0 4 1 0 84 If 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 - - .0 a *Go** 0--a- 4 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01*04 a 0 0 fe-OW-64 o 0 0 *a Go o 4 Y A4, L ~09 AT r 6 f 10 11 1) i1 1A It 16 1? It " 10,11 12 a 24 A 16 1? is N It L, u 34 J5 1; m ft 41 K A. r. Q k I _T u VC M tt 4.t- ~w "1 ..0 .. -t., 41 u 13 ! Go _60 00 .00 00 1 Sair stv(sivio, Met 4, 12 M(M 11, 1 0ite 14 the prinvIllat twr foculing miarral Inall 00 a I drIxitit-c. Alnum fill contain In guldn. a cqmpAratIvvIy 14111C mut .4 %1,1144filt, All'I - N( d h kil i i f l i h A W hil = t d -00 00 te an rutat te are ouru aguict wi e n rivvs I. t, w e 3pytite. y n t k tennantite acempanici all dcpcmt-,t In muAll quantitim The 9w(pience 4 the mmt -.0 a es imj~wunt mi'wral. ic Pyrite. quafts. sphalt'rite. tennAlitife 11111 ChAIC')VVfitV. 00 or! of 400 00 .00 00 S L A iffift.1"t CLAWFiCAMN 10- .. .1 .. wee It; u is 44 0000 0 0000 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 o 000 O's 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a s 0 *'0 0 &A 0 41 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 ti 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o '.-) 0 o a 0 a 0 0 ROZMNI Ya.B.; ZA?,ffA.TTIJ, A.U. New sets of' drives with-magnetic amplifiers. Stan. i Instr. 36 no.6:6-10 Je 165. (MIRA 18:8) ZANYATIN, B.N. Date of the founding of "Aptekarskiy vegetable garden" on Aptckarskiy Island in St. Petersburg. Bot. zhur. 49 no.W91-293 F 164. (MIRA 17t6) 1. Botanicheskiy institut imeni V.L. Komarova Akademii nauk SSSR, Leningrad. I .- ZAMYATNIN., B,N, Case of-bldden sexual dimorphism in a young katsura tree. Blul. Glav. bot. sada. no.413:81-82 164. (IC-PA 17-.6') 1. Botanicheskiy institut ivini V.L. Komarova. Akademii nauk S.M. ZAWATNINP 14. M., kand.tekhn.nauk . Rate of carbon diffusion during the transformation of laminar perlite to austonite, Trudy NIITVCII no,4t64,-69 163. (MIRA 17:7) ZMATNIN M. M.. k,nd*tekhn.nauk,- HALUYP4 T. A., inzh.; prinimali ucha"tiv-q KkKAROV, A. I.; ZIMIN, N. V.; TELEGINA, 14. e.; ZAYTSEVA, Study of chemical qr4 thervA,1 processes in the treatment of steel cOmpononts irit), high-frequency induction heating. Trudy IIIITVGII n0.1/2:1-16-126 160. WIRA 17t7) GREKOV., N.A,,, inzh.; ZAMYATNIN M*Mo, kand. takhn. nauk; ZIKWEVAv T.F.0 _ a=%== inzh.; TOiffLEOV, SHUTOV, I.A., inzh. Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of soft solders and copper compounds soldered by them. Vast. alektro- prom. 34 no.7:59-63 J1 163. (MIRA 160) WO/RataLs S#M-el 21 Sep 49 Physlc6 The~ Proceeies Z_: Z::, '08peods of. Pracesr3es In. tue Chemicolthc-mr-s' wo--ric- IA9 Of St-_el," M. M- ZAMYGtUln,~ 4 Pp "Dok Ak Nauk SSM" -701 LXVIII, No 3 In chemicothexual steel-working processes, it U twuauy ass-umed that depth of layers is a functior- -of time and an eiponantial functi,ba of t-emperwturs. jiovt~*er,'practi6e does rot bewr orAt, t~b.-,-m - &.~=_=P-151oma. Author is un- Ole to ftud am eiplicit expression for this -depth, but hes finds that It ia a function of temperat-a*- 14--tvas - Steel (Contd) 21 Sep 49 length of process, actjvtty of medium.. aud Welative. 'Limiting concentration of elemat taken at boundw-y Introduces curves showing - dlstribu~,ion of concenwatIons of diffusing ele- -ftomut Vith xsspect to de-ptb,,. and dependency cif depth'upon. time;.- Depth is =t* a pax-jibolic. fauc- tion of time; it is almost linear 'at'high ~on- centrations. Submlt;tesd by Acad. N. T. Gurltsov 22 Jul 49. i4M7 15(2) AUTHORt Zamyatin, A. A., Reviewer SOV/131-59-4-14/16 --------------- *N TITLEs Exploitation of Fireproof Clays and Kaolinu (Ra,zrabotka ogneupornykh glin i kaolinov) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1959, Nr 4, pp 190-191 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This is a discussion of the book by I. N. Berezhnyy and G. Ye. Zaychenko which was pubUsbed'in 1958 by the publishing house Metallurgizdat,, and has the title given above. Card 1/1 ZAKYATIN, A.A., inzh.; KOSOV, N.P., 'Anzh.; ASWITOV, V.K. Introducing modern machinery at the ORestselfaash" plant. Trakt. i selikhozmash. no-1:33-36 ja '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1.7ilial Rauchno-iseledovatel'skogo insti 'tuta Traktorosailkhozmash (for ZarWittin, Kosov),, 2. Starehiy tekhnolog Otdela gusenichnykh traktorov zavoda Rosts6llmashina (for Aslonov). (Rostov-on-DDn--Agricultural machiziery Industry) Z_ T f -T. Ft AUTHOR: Golovanenko, I.M., Zamyatin, A.A., Pokrovskiy,D.I. 131-10-5/6 TITLE: The Raw Material Ba-s-1-s ~cf then ustry of Refractories in the USSR (Syrlyevaya baza ogneupornoy promyshlennosti S3SR) PERIODICAL: Ogneupory, 1957, Nr 10, DiP- 464-472 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The volume of the production of refraotories in 1957 surpasses that of the time before the revolution by the 10-fold, and the USSR at present range second among the nations of the world with respect to this kind of production. In the time before 1917 refractory clay was mainly found in the Donez basin and in the districts of Voronezh and Novgorod, while magnesite vas found in the neighborhood of the to=, of Satki, district of Chelya- binsk. The production of raw material at that time was insignif- icant and manual labor predominated as may be seen from fig.l. In the years 1941-1945 the mechanization of raw material pro- duction attained 40%, and after the war it rose to 97,0-99,9%, as is shown by a small table, a fact which was mainly due to the iutroduction of rotatable dredges with caterpillar wheels (see fig. 2~. For loading on to railroad trucks bunker stacks were built fig-3) and rotatable excavators were used (fig.Q. For loading the clay on to the trausport cars of the suspension railway special machines were introduced (fig.5). In connection Card 1/2 131-io-5/6 The Raw 11aterial Basis of the Industry of Refractories in the USSR with planing caterpillars the rotatable dredges are used also for the work of making new deposits accessible (fig.6). The costs for I m3 of this kind of work are shown in table I for different kinds of working systems, and so is the distribution of the various working systems in tables 2 and 3. Table 11. shows the inores-,je of raw material production in the individual 5-Years' plaw. In the course of recent years building of fireclay-burning plants on sites where clay and kaolin vas f=xd was started in order to rationalize production and to reduce transport costs (fig,, 7)- In recent years a considerable number of new occurrences of re- fractoxy clays have been discovered. Table 5 shows the various places and the amount of their yield in 1956. Table 6 contains the production costs of raw materials and of the work of disclosing new deposits.'There are 7 tables and 7 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ZAMYA'JIN, A.S.; POLYAKOV, V.I. Introduction of electrovibrating machines at the -Alchevsk Sint-ering Plant. Obog. rud 5 no.6:54-149 16o. WIRA 14:8) (Voroshilovsk--Sintering--Ec~,uipment and supplies) ZAMYATIN, B.M. Campaign to increase productivity in stockbreeding. Veteri- nariia 37 no.6-.13-18 -To 160. (MMA 16:7) 1. Prodsadatell Kotallnichakogo komiteta Kirovskoy oblasti. (Kirov Province-Stock rayonnogo ispolnitelinogo and atockbreeding) I"JAMYATIN, G.F,, kapitan 3-go ranga Raise the level of B;ecial training. Mor. abor. 48 no.1:47-51 Ja ,65. (MIRA 1884) ZAMYATIN G V., aepirant~ SERGEYN, M,P., prof. Effect of the pDaition of lor4itudinal traction foreez of a mounted device Qn -the tractional resistance of the MI-4.2 cultivator. Trwkt. i sellkhozradh. 32 no.2:29-30F 162. (MiRk 15:2) 1. Chelpbimkly institut raekhanizatsii i elektrifikatsii sellskogo 1diozywpt-va (for Sergeyev). (Agrieulturrl machitery)