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ML S/653/61/000/000/005/051 1042/1242 The appl-ication of plastics.... .:-strength is 1220 kg/c. .M2, tenuile strength 416 kg/cm2, flexing 2 strength - 791 kg/em'. The KharIkovskiy zavod zubovrachebnykh mater- ialov (Kh-arkov Plant of Dental Materials) has-produced a universal plastic.,ACT-T (AST-T).which can,be used for sealing defects in metals& organic glass (plexiglao) replaces in many applicatione,, -coats such as protective'vis6ft. Bituminous cements. find wide'use in foracid baths*- a Card 2/2 ---- -- "/ "Int"I ---- - - - /j - - - --- --- - --- --- f" '/7 ' --- ZAMORIN, Ye., inzh. lr=~ irrigation. Rauka i. pored. op. v sellkhoz. 8 no.1:43-44 .T4 15 8. NZRA 11: 2) (Irrigation) ZAMORIN, Ye. V.: Master Agric Sci (diss) -- "Soil-improvement conditions and the effectiveness of using a trough-type irrigation network under the conditions of a slightly sloping region (the example of the Sovkhoz 'Pakhta-Aral')". moscow, 1958. 15 pp (Min Agric USSR, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Hydraulic Engineering and Soil Improvement im A. N. Kostyakov), 110 copies (KL, No 7, 1959, 127) LEONTIYEVp M.N.; px,,inimali uchastiye: BAKINA, X.V.; KISELEVA# O.M.; KRAVETS9 U.A.j KARIDVAj S.A.; DUBNOVAt S.S.; SM40YAK09 A.G.; -ZhIM,RIU#j;.T.;-MILAYIffAp Ye.F.; KOZELISKAYA, O.P.; VASILIKOVAq z I zaTojr, S.N.; YEMODDVq A.I.; BEZLYUDNAYA9 V.V.; RAZAROV9 , JASHIIaIINAq V.M.; ASYAKIIIA, A.N.; TROITSKAYA# B.I.1 B:A: ~ SKVOP.TSOV, A.V.t red.; LESHAKOVp I.T.p tekhn, red, (The econany of Orlov Province; a,.statistical manual] Varodnoe khoziaistva Orlpvskoi oblasti; s4tiaticheWdi s~ornik. Orel, Goestati%&Lt, 1960. 281 p. (MIRA 34:5) 1. Orel(Provilipe) Statjsticbq6koy6 upravleniye. 2. Zamostitell nachallnika statisticheskogo u~ravleniya Orlovokoy ob3jLsti (for Leontlyev). 3. Statisticheskoye upravleniye Orlovskoy ob- lasti (for all except Lesbakov) 4. NpLchallnik statisticheskogo upravleniya Orlovskoy oblasti'(for Mcvortsov (Orlov Province-Statistics) I 1 0 11 litimislo till Itaft2al a Ill V IS :41 A-J T -1 A. - M M PDCK9$111 A.0 #0901#11111 'hVI# 00 l 0 0 V i Ole 1.40 Racgicte d*pWts in the Volodsak-Whydia-I dittfitt - 00 ad. Of the ZWtomLf rgeou. p. K. Zainoril. J. (,tot, At Uk"in- ~ i - *0 1 S-V. R. 7. No Nei, (Irflipo ' 1-00 4, simm. Shlaw-svoi vlayl Contain up to I'V " 401imanitr, P" kyanile. 3 -M tournialim. YX rUldr, v 1% b .00 ruann l 0 staurolite and 1.3% tPhlotc. F- 11- xos Azoo roo age Iroe 00 00 !so* a-ILA ICTALLUAWAL UTIRAIM CLASSWKATION U00 it slaw 11olml ea.$ 141alp) .4. on 6)[4111 -"~; 44w 01 ------ -- . . . . . . . too q ,0 1 , U 19 1w n I I md 0 a w I w N 0 is a 3 1 1 0 1, * 1 4 4 1 1 1 00 o 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 * a 0 0 00 0 0 4 0 0 0 zo 0 411 0 0 0 9 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 q * o 4 0 6 0 0 4 0 is to 1. f. o: 10 MA) jib MUM 'u a-,-- 4 pwts Ot th -#9 ILI '00 AIL, Ac'Id. lei, A The xl~t Contain CII, !,q,. 6. N1 (in 11"AnWiL- 1.4 1.01, COW., 0.11, Acisko'l 1wavy hydot- 6"jqA.tj4 RIM 0.1W. VOI ).1 .1.11411.1 111, WWI V-111, -y- y471 f? it IF c9 P( it It it aof ff nit tv tv I NIB 0 Im Q 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 Zs 00 Zoo 'too t:0 0 L40* i-v 41`1131 0-00 0 0 66600 0 0 0 0 0 USSR/Soil Science - Soil Genesis and Geo6:raphy. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., flo 1, 1959, 1315 J Author : Zau,)riy, P.K. Inat Kiev University Title Buried Soils -'An Loess Stratum of the Ukranian SSR Orig P.1 Nauk. zap. Kiivslk. un"t, 1957, 15, No 10, 17-21 Abstract In loess deposits of the Ukraine there were encountered buried chestnut soil) chernozem (south, middle, thick, and extra thick), gray forest soils, podzolic aM mea- dow-bog soils. These types of soils had a regiotml as wellas a latitudiiml and vertical distribution and could serve as an excellent criterion for stratil3raphic differentiation of loeas strata and the study of the ecuesis of loess deposits. Card 1/1 - a " 4 L. ~4--m 000 Stratigra:pby of Quatermr7 ondiments in the Ukrainian S.S.R. vism/k Kylv.un.ser.geol.ta geop,. no.11111-123 i58. (MIRA 12:10) (Ulcraine--Geology, Stratigraphic) i Za.moriy, F. K. "On the problQm of the ~ovimsnt of the earth's cruet during the quaternary jariod in the Ukraing", Cool. zhurn2l, Vol. IY, Issue 4, 1~4E, L. 7C-67, (In Ukrainian; r.sume in Russian), - Biblic~v: 54 it6ns. SO: U~-3261, 10 Al:ril 53, (LQtojis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statay, No. 11., 1949). Zamoriy, P. K.- "The buried peat bogs of the Ukraine," Mauch. Fos. un-t im. Shevchenko), '01. VII, Issue 5, igh-8, p. 169-215 (In Ukraftian, resume in hu~:Silan), - Bibliog: L9 items SO: U-4931i) 29 Oct 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 16, lgbg). -- - ZAMORIT.- P.-- - K .-- - - - -- 33053 K Voproau o vremini obrazovaniy,, B ugskogo limana. Doklady Akid. gauk wkr. ssr, 19/+9, No /+, a. 11-14- Na ukr. yaz- Rey=e na. Rua. Yat- Bibliogr: 7 Haim. SO: Letopis' ZhurnalInykh Statey, Vol. 45. Moskva, 1949 I.- 'ZAMORIY~ P. K. 2. USSR(600) 4. Hydroelectric powe--r.stations 7. Task of the geologists of the Ukrainian S. S. R. in the construction of the gigantic hydroelectric structures, Visnyk URSR 23 No. 3 1951 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May ~1953. Unclassified. UMCRIY, P.K., professor. Red-brown clava in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Pratel lyiv. un. 2:199-211 1549 (MIRA ]LOW (Ukraine-Clay) ZAMDRIY. iAo._professor; DIDKOVS'KIY. V-ya-. starshiy naukovI7 -ify1mitnik. Geomo alogy of the Uzb Valley (right bank tributary of the Pripet . Muk.zap.Kiev.un. 13 no-3:195-205 154. %,KLRA 9:10) (U*zh Valley--Physical geography) I ZAHCRIY P,& profeenori vidpovidellaty redaktor; MRINICS, O.M., doteent. --Z99x;w4 A"Mor; KVXOKNL'. 1J., doteent, redaktor; IFAZAROT. T.O., professor, redaktor; PCGMXYAK, P.S., professor, redaktorl POPOT. IF.?., profossor, rodaktar;PYARTLI, X.P., dotsent. redaktor pare on the nature and agriculture of the Ukrainian Polsayel Naryel pro pryrodu i sillelks hospodarstvo Ukrainalkoho Vollselei. 141YJ Tyd-vo XTivalkoho dersh.univ.1al T.H.Shaveheaka 1955r 529 P. IMLRA 10:7) 1. Kiyev. Univermitat,- (Pole 15-1957-12-16974 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal., Geologiya,, 1957, Nr 12, p 41 (USSR) AUTHOR: ZamoriZ,--!,JL_ TITLE: Quaternary Deposits in the Ukrainian Poleslye (Chet- vertichnyye otlozheniya Ukrainskogo Polestya)Ukrainian, Summary Russian. PERIODICAL: V sb: Narisi pro pr1rodu i sillsike gospodarstvo Ukr. Poliasya. Kyyiv Un-t, 1955, pp 45-90 ABSTRACT; Bibliographical entry Card 1/1 BURKSAR, Yevgeniy Sanoylovich-,-Z&hpRIY,_Petr Koustautinovich; ROKODANOVA. Ada Petrovna,- BUREM, Vasilisa Vasil9yorn-a-, POIDWO. Ivan Kirillovich; XULISTAYA, Ollga Adollfovna; Zsydis Bronya Borisoyna; BMARCOX, T.G., otvatstveaW radaktor; LYSENKO. F.K.. redaktor izdatellstva; ZEUXOT- SKIT. A.D., teikhnicheskiy redaktor [Geochemical conditions in sovuthern distrios of the Ukraine and the prognosis of their posable transformation as a result of irrigation) Gookhimichegksla obstanovka v iuzhnykh raionakh Ukrainskot SSR L prognoz ee vozmozhnvkh izmenaaii v rezul'tate oroshentia. Kiev. ltd-vo Akademii nauk Ukrainskoi SSR. 1956. 135 P. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Deystvitelinyy chlen Akademii nauk USSR (for Bondarchuk) (Ukraine-Soile) ZAICRIT, POK [Zamoryl. P.K.] Goomorphological study of the irrigated region in tho aoutbarn Ukraine, Geog.zbir. n0-1:113-13? 156. (MIRA 112:7) w (Ukraine--Physical geography) Translation from! Referativn y zhurnal, Geologiya, p 28 (USSRT AUTHOR: Lysenko, M. P. TITLE: Conference on the Loess Formations of (Kiyev, June 16 through July 1, 1955) po le,ssovym porodam Ukrainskoy SSR (g . j_ i~jjjy~L, 1955 gt'j_,7 15-57-1-199 1957, Nr 1, Qe Ukrainian SSR ~Soveshchaniye Kiyev, 16 iyunya- PERIODICAL: Vestn. Leningr. un-ta, 1956, Nr 12, pp 113-115 ABSTRACT: The purpose of this conference consisted of a thorough investigation of a large quantity of data on the loess formations in the Ukrainian SSR; establishment of the main goals and problems to be solved it the future; a general interchange of ideas on the subject of loess. A general report entitled "Loess in the Southwestern Part of the Russian Plain" was delivered by Professor P. K. Zamoriy(Kiyev University). Card 1/1 T. A. G. 4::~- fj FOIDVKO, Ivan Kirillovich, professor; ZAHOKI P K., professor, otyetstyea- 7i; n" redaktor; POLOTAY, A.MS, uNmrATA. ?.I., tekh- radaktor. (Great'and wnall phenomena of nature] Velikis I maly* tavlanila pArod.r. (Kiiav] lsd-vo lievskii gO8a.UnLT*iM*T*GeShevChsUkv, 1957. 30 po' (Km io:16) ,[Geophysics) Country : USSR Catcf,ory: Soil Science. S. 5.1 Gunesis and Go(,=~:hy. Abs Jour: MBiol-, H, 14, 1958, No 63021 Author : Zamoriy, P.K. Inst : 'ih9't---3f G_,_3-L:uLcnl Sciences. A.S. UIzSSR Title : Loess FQrmtiQna of the Southwestern Part of the Russian Illcia. OriG, Pub: Tr. In-ta L(jjl. nauk AN USSR. Ser. Cco:.,,orfol. i chetverticlui. Cool. 1957, VYP- 1, 9-21 Abstract: Features of the occurrence of looss deposits fron the Rhine 11--vor (FRG) to the Huang-he River in Chim are exardued. Hypotheses for the colian and water mode of for-,ntiun of the loess are reviewed. There are exai.dnc:d i;%;nctic types of the loess, the break- down of the LA~ss rmss by the mineral soils into Card 1/2 J-5 SOV/14-57-12-25516- Translation from: Referativn zhurnal., Geografiya, 1957, Nr-12, p 23 (USSRTY AUTHOR: Zamoriy, P. K. TITLE: ied Soils in the Loess Stratum of the Ukrainian SSR (Pokhovani grunty v lesoviy tovshchi URSR -- in Ukrainian-' Russ. summary) j PERIODICAL: Nauk. zap. Kyy-Jvs1k. un-t, 1957, Vol 15, Nr 10, PP 17- 21 ABSTRACT: Thickest loess cover and greatest amount of buried soils are found in the lower regions which tended to subside epeirogenetically during the Quaternary period. The soils buried in the loess stratum of the Ukrainian SSR are distributed locally. Chestnut, southern, central and degraded ' chernozems, gray I ''orest soils and pod 'zols are found among them. .'All these soils ex- hibit both veftical and horizontal zoning. The author Card 1/2 1 1 SGV/14-57-12-255i6 Buried Soils in the Loess Stratum (Cont.) I believes that buried soils with well-formed genetic horizons should be aorrelated strailigraphically. , Faleo-pedological observations, supported by dust analyses, show that climates and morphology altered during the Quaternary period, and that these changes influenced the formation of the buried soils. Card 2/2 M. G. B. VIKLICH, M*F. [Veklych, M.P.]; Tv P. K, I.[Zamor ;C~~ yi, un6'e-44'ai'; AJAJ DYADCHERKO. M.G. CDWchenko, M.H.1; P.K .1; ROMODANOVA,.A.P.; KHATURSEVA. A.U. Principal chga-acteristics of the geolog7 of Ukrainian placers. Geol. zhui. 1.7 no-3-40-47 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Ukraine--Ore d.oposits) AYZEMRG, D.Ye.:, geolog; bALUKHDVSKIY, N.F., geolog; BARTOSHEVSKIT. V.I.. goolog; BASS, Tu.B., geolog; VADIMDV, N.T., geolog; GL-AIECIY, V.Ta., geolog; DIDKOVSKIY, V.Ya.. geolog; YHRSqOV. V.A., geolog; ZHUKOT, G.V.. goolog-;-_ZA14)RIT, P.K,, gnolog; IVANTISRIN. M.N.. g-solog; KAPTkM,4KO-CHEF1iOUSO7A, O.K., goolog; KLIMBNO , V.Ta.. goolog; KLUSHN, V.I., gnolog; KLYUSHNIKOV, M.N., geolog; KRASHOINAIKOVA, O.V., g-solog; KUTSYBA, A.M.. gaolog; LhPCOK, F.Ys., geolog; LICHAK, I.L., geolog; IWMqIN&, A.A., geolog; MATVIYENKO, Ye.M., gaulog; ?IEDYTIA, V.S., geolog; 14DLTAVKQ. G.I., geolog; NATDIN, D.P., gfsolog; BOVIK, Ye.O., geolog; POLOVKO, I.K., geolog; RODIONOV, S.P., goolog; SEIGENKO, N.P., akadamik, geolog; SERGEYEV, A.D.. emolog; SIROSHTAN. R.1., geolog; SLAVIN, V.I., goolog; SUKHARIVICH. P.P., gnolng; TKACHUK, L.G., gaolog: USHNKO. I.S., goolog: USTI- 11OVSKIT, Yu.'B.i goolog; TSAROVSKIT, I.D., geolog; SHUL'GA, P.L., geolng; YURK, Yu.Yu., geolog; TAK11CHENKO, I.M.. geolog; AlawPOV, P.Ta., glavn7y redaktor: FILIPPOVA. B.S., red. izd-va-, GIM.VA. O.A., & [Genloar of the U.S.S.R.] Geologlia SSSR. Glav. red. P.IA.Antropov. 761-5.EUkrainian S.S.R., Moldavian S.S.R.3 . '. Ulcrainskaia, SSR, f4oldavakaia SSR. Red. V.A. Ersbov, N.P. Samanenko. Pt.I.LGeological doscription of the platform area] Geologichaskoe opAsani~i platfor- mennot chasti. Monkva, Cron. neuchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrans nedr. 1958. 1000 p. [ supplanant] Prilozlianiia. -7continuad on Tex-t card) AYZENVERG, D.Ye.---(continued) Card 2. 3 fold.maps'(In portfolio) (MIRA 12:1) 1. Russin (1973- U,S,S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye geologit. i. okbrany nedr. 2. Ukrainakoye genlogichaskoye upravleniye Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR i Institut geologicbeskikh nauk Akademii nauk USSR (for all except Antropov, Filippova, Gurova). 3.Glavnyy geolog Ukrainskogo goologicheskogo upravloniya (for Tersbov). 4. AN Ukrainskoy SSR (for Semenenko). (Ukrain.9--Goology) (Moldavia--Geology) ZA140aly, P.Y... IVJIIIIICH, A.M.; SHClautBAXOVA, Ilev. Review of "Geonor-pholoMr of the Yarropean part of the U.S.S.R." by 14-VoKarandeev. Reviewed by P.K.Zanorii, A-M-Marinich, H-V- .naukt llo.2: 11mehorbalcovo. )T(mxQh.dokl.vya,shlcoly; geol.-gool- 2;!7-228 159. (MIRA 12:8) (Geolov.. Structural) POPOV, V.P., prof.t otv, red.; BOGATYR, T.K., red.; DTBROVA, Q.T., prof., red.; ZAMORIY, P.K., prof., red.; MARYNICH, O.M.p doktor geogr. n& red.; POGRZBNYAK, P.S. [?ohrebn1akj p S. 0 akedemik, red.; PYSHKINB.A., red.; STAROVOY7"MO, I:P.18taro,voitanko, I.P.), kand. geogr. nauk red.; KHARCHENKC,f A.S., dote., red.; HELINIK, G.F.fMalinyk, H.F.1, red.izd-vq TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Materials on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine] Materiely z meteorologii i gidrologii Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd- vo AN UFS11p 1963. 140 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Akademiya nauk URSR, Kiev, Ukrainalke geografichne to- varystvo. 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Pogrobnyak). 3. Chlen-korres- pondent AR Ukr.SSR (for Pyshkin). (Ukraine-Meteorology) (Ukraine--Hydrology) POPOV~ V.P., prof., otv. red.; BOUTYR, T.K.(Bohatyr, T.K.], red.- DIBROVA, O.T., prof., red.,- 7AWRY' , Izamorti) PA. 1, prof., red.; MARINICH, O.M.[*rynich, O.M.], doitor geogr. nauk, red.; POGREBUY9, F.S.(Pohrebniak, F.S.], akademik, red.; PYSHKIN, B.A., red.; STAROVOYTENKO, I.P. (Starovoitenko, I.P.1, kand. geogr. nauk, red.; KHARCHENKO, A.S., dots., red.; YXILINIK, G.F.[MelInyk, H.F.), red.izd-va; TURBANOVA, N.A., tekhn. red. (Materials on the meteorology and hydrology of the Ukraine) Materialy z meteorologii i gidrologii Ukrainy. Kyiv, Vyd-vo AN URSR,, 1.963. 140 P. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademliya nauk*URSR, Ki~v. Ukr~lnslke geografichne tova- rystvo. 2. AN Ukr.SSR (for Fogrobnyak). 3. Chlen-korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Pishkin). (M&aine-Meteorology) (Ukraine--Hydrology) zAmoRn, P. K.-; maamo, G. r. Status of -the boundary' between the Tortiaz7 and Qmtermry in the Ukrainian S.S.R. Tr~ Rom. chetr. par* 20:170-172 162. (MIM 16: 1) (Ukraine-Ge*1007, Stratigraphic) I ZAMORIY, P.K., prof.; KHARCHENNO, A.S., dotsent Work report of the Ukrainian Geographical Societi for 1960. Geog. 2;bir. no.6:201-207 162. (MIR.# irl;q) i. Prezident Ukrainskogo geograficheskago obshchestva (for Zamoriy). 2. Glavnyy uchenyy sekretar' Ukrainskogo geografi- cheskogo obshchestva (for Kharchenko). (Ukraine-Geographical societies) ZAMDRIY,_P.K,_,,_prof.; KHARCHENKO, A.S., dotsent Resolutions of the Academic Council of the Ukrainian Geographical Socielty. Geog. zbir. no.6:209-211 162. OGRA 15:9) 1. Pre:sident Ukrainskogo geograficheskogo obshchestva (for Zamori3r). 2. Glavnyy uchenyy sekretarl Ukrainskogo geografi- cheskolro obshchestva (for Kharchenko). (Ukraine-Geographical societies) ZAMORIYj F.K., prof,; KHARGHENIKO, A.S., dotsent Decree of the Academic Council of the Ukrainian Geographical Society. Geog. zbir. no.6:211-212 162. (KMA 15-9) 1. Pres;ident.Ukrainskog geograficheskogo obshchestva (for Zamoriy'). 2. Glavnyy uchenvy sekretarl Ukrainskogo geografi- cheskogo obshchestva (for Kharchenko). (Ukraine-Geography) ZAMORIY,, Petr Konstantinovioh (Zamorii, PA.); BEZUGLYYp A.M., otv. red.; 1301,ITIYEV, P.r (Leontliev, -j-dOT9-. rGd.; KINEVICH, I.I.L(Minevycho M.1.1p tekhn. red. [Quaternary i3ediments of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Clietvertymi. vid- klady Ukrainislkoi RSR. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Kyivalkoho univ, R.I. 1961. 548 P. (Ukraine-Geologyp Stratigraphic) (MBA 15: 6) (Ulcraine-Geomorphology) 1301MARMIUK) V.G.,, akcderik, otv. red.; KORDLEVA, M.A., glav. red.; HGOBSY, A.D.,, red.; RADULL, M.N., kand. geogro naukj relo; BILYK, G.I., kand.biol. nauk-p red.; GEYDEVAII, T.S., kand.. biol. nauk, red.i ZAM)RIY,--.P,K,, oktor geol.-Min. -.qaukj, prof.., red.; KUGUKALO, I.A., kand. ekon. iieiik, starshiy nauchnylj stor., red.; MRINICIT, A.M., dotsent, red.; MKOMEL', I.F., kand. geogr. nauk~ stareMy nmicluW ootr., red.; FRIKHOTIKO, G.F., kand. googr. nauk, red.; ROMMUIRO, I.N., alkademik, red.; TALINOVA, N.N., red.l~ :BYUSHGMIS, L.M., kand. geogr. naukp retsenzent; DIDKOVSKIY, :E.Ya., kand. geol.-miner. naukp retsenzent; KELINER9 YuAr., kand. geogr. naukp retsenzent; IIADEZHIII, P.F., retsenzent; NIKISHOV, M.I., doktor tekhn. nauk. retsenzent-. PIDOPLIGHKO, I.G., retsenzent; KURMA., O.P,,.rPd,-kmtOgrdf; RACMSKaA, Z.p.,,.Md.-kartograrj SLEPTSOVAt L.M., rOaktar- kartograf- [Atlas of thei Ukrainian S.S.R. and the Moldavian S.S.R.) Atlas Ukrainsk,oi SSR i Mfoldavskol SSR. Moskvaj 1962. vi p. 90 P; of col.maps. .5 NIRA 15, (Continued ( BOVDARCEUK, V.G.- ~(continued) Card 2. I.;Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.)Mavnoye upravlenlye geodezii i kartografii. 2. Al-aderdya naulk USSR, direktor Instituta geolo- gicheskikh nauk Akademii nauk TJSSR (for Bondarchuk). 3. Ilachall- nik kartosostavitellskogo tsekha fabriki No.1 (for Koroleva). 4. Z-amestitell predsedatelya Gosudarstvennogo planovogo komiteta Soveta 1-linistrovUSSR (for Kochubey). 5. Direktor Instituta eko- nomiki Akademii nauk Foldavskoy SSR (for fladul). 6. Zamostitell diroktora ~v nauchnoy rabote Instituta botaniki Akademii nauk USSR (for BJ.3.yk). 7. Direktor Botanicheskogo sada Akademii nauk Moldavskoy 'ISR (for Geydeman). 8. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy georaor- fologii Kiyevskogo gosudaretvennogo universiteta (for Zaroriy). 9. Institut ekonomiki Akademii nauk USSR (for Kugukalo). 10. Zaveduyv.shchiy kafedroy fizicheskoy geografii Kievskogo go- sudarstvennogo universiteta (for Marinich). 11. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut ekonoirlki i organizatsii sell- skogo khozyaystva (for Yukomell). 12. Direktor Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo gidrometeorologichoskogo instituta (for Prikhotiko). (Continued on next card) BONDOCIPM, V.G.-(continued) Card 3. 13. Direktor,Ukrainskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo inst"ituta ekonomiki i organizatsii sellskogo khozyaystva., Chlen- korrespondent Vqesoyuznoy akademii sellskokhozyaystVorn-qkh nauk im. V.I.Lenina (for Ramanenko). 14. Direktor fabriki Vo.1 (for Tallnova). 15. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk U&SR (for Fidoplichk-o). (Ukraine--4-laps) (Moldavia-l-laps) ZAMORIY, F.K. Main goomoiThological problems in connection with the seven- year plan for economic developmont. Geog. zbir.' no.4:3-23 61. (MIRA 34: 8) (Goomorphology) (Russlaxw&ohomic pq3icy) ZAMORIY, P.K., doktor geol.nauk, prof.; MAIRINICH, O.K. (MarMch, O.K.I. ~.ograf.nauk, dots. Discoveries and studies of Soviet geographers. Hauka i zhyttia 10 ao.9:21-22 3 160. (14IU 13:9) (Geographical research) BONDARCHUK, V.G. LBondarchnk SOKOLOVSKrY, I.L. [Sakolovalkyi, I.L.1 Crustal movements in the Ukrainian and Moldavian S,S.R. in post- Alpine orogene9is. Geol. xhur. 19 no.4:16-20 159. (MIRA 13.1) Nkraine-Geology, Structural) (Moldavia-Geolog7, Structural) ZABIYARIN, G.I.~,~-Yq VONO Transistorized; decade scalar. Prib. i tekh. oksp. no.6:126-327 H-D l6o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. ObOyedinemiyy institut ysdernjkh issleaovaniy. (Zlectronic apparatus and appliances) 7AMORIONOV, M.P.; CBMMINOV, D.K.; PZCMVSIKIY. V., redAktor; PISAM- , tekbnicheskiy redaktor. [organization of conti=ous operation In preparatory mine workings; practice of mines of the Ministry of Local and Fael Industries of the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Orhanizataiia tsyklichnoi roboty u pidhotovehykh vyrotitkakh. Z doevidu shakht, ministerstva mistaevoi i-palyvnoi promyslovosti ukrainsikoi RSR, R~riv. Derzhavne vyd-vo takhnichnoi lit-ry UMR, 1953. 42 p. (972A 8:2) (Ukralme-Goal mines and mining) SOV1112 ' 2-72-V -59Nq-~8322 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal E-lektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 23, P 152, (USSR) AUTHOR: Zggoz TITLE: On the 37fficiency Calculation of Klystron Electronics PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Saratovsk. un-t, 1957, Nr 56, pp 22 - 29 ABSTRACT: Additional effects of interaction of a grouped electron flow with the HFfield of an output resonator, leading to some corrections In the efficiency evaluation of electronics of a ,are analyzed. In deriving formulae doubll-circuit klyajr2ry for electronics efficiehoy it is taken into account that a modulator has a finite width and the speed modulation affects the Interaction process In the output resonator, An analysis of thet formula for infinitely small amplitudes warrants a conclusion, that besides the main effect that of interaction of the electron flow grouped in the drift zone with the HF-field of the output zone, there are three interaction effects more; inter- Card 1/2 actiaa of the electron flow grouped in the modulator with the W, 21 SOV/112-59W48322 On the Efficiency Calculation of Klystron Electronics HF-field of the output zone (second klystron effect); interaction of the electron flow grouped in the output zone on account of an additional speed modulation in the Mfii)ld of the same zone ("speed effect"); "diode effect". An allowance for the'latter three effects gives a correotion,to the electronics efficiency tip to 30%. In. case of finite amplitudes such ex- pansion of the formula cannot be done simply enough, tblerefore an error of about 20 - 30% in the electronics efficiency evaluation is probable. In case of a reflex klystron, the second klystron effect and the "speed effect" are mutually cancelled without affecting the value of electronic efficiency of the klystron. A.O.P. Card 2/2 KASHIRIN,A.I.; GPIKHNO,G.P.; BOERIK,P.I.; ZAMOROV,D.F-.", Investigation of adjustable tool attachment used 1:~ surface machining. Trudy KATI no.24:69-79 154. (MMA 8:10) (Machine tools) STALIX UMOV, V. S. 2heory Of the electron beam diode with pre-modulation. Sar. un. VYP.fiz. 56:3-21 '57. (MIRA 12:11) (Diodee) ,.~qyOZKOV, STAWMAMOV, V.S. ~ t -?ig~ Problem 31' calculating the efficienO7 of the electronic components of a klystron, Ueh,zap. Sar.un. TYP.M. 56:22-29 157. (MM 12:11) (Klystrons) USSR/physics - Magnetron Nov 49 phase Focusing ~-Phase Focusing in. a Magnetron With Plane ElectrodeB* 04B. M. Zamorozkovi, PhYs In-st, SarstOvy 8 TV. "Zhur Tekh Fiz" Vol XIXi 170 11- Attempts to find '; physical laws which would generalize. the mechanism controlling sustaining of oscillations in all known types of iritrahigh-frequency oscillators Construction of a generalized theory attempted is based on the idea of phase focusing suggested by Prof :;olubkov of Saratov State U In 1939 as applied to.the magnetron oscillator. One, fundamental. conclusion 150T75 USSR/Physics - Magnetron (Contd) Nov 49 obtained is that the process of phase focusing of electrons and the following interaction of the electron bunches with the variable electric rield is responsible for sustaining oscilla- t1ons In oscillators with a magnetic field in the same vay that it is responsible in other types of m1cFovave oscillators, where the pro- cess of phase focusing has been siudied more completely, e.g., in klystrons. Submitted 19 jul 48. 150T715 Influence of dimothyl-emino-azobenzene (butter yellow) on the liver of tadpoles of Rana temporaria L Prace zool no.7147-67 1162. 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Mernat., Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Krakowp Kiarowniki prof. dr. AAhlazycki. NIWELINSKI, Jozef; Ustochamistry of oxidizing enzymes in the rat throid under t*,.n influcnaa of mothylthiouracil. Endokry. Pol. 13 no.3:267-274 1;92. l. Zaklad Biologii A14 w Kralcovio Morowniki prof. dr S. Skowron Pracoimia Hiatochamil Zakladu Zoologii Dcawiadczalnej PAN W" Krakovie Kier=Ukt doe. dr J. Niuelinski. (THYROID GLMD metab) (OXIDASES metab) (THIOUIMCIL rol cpda) USATENKO, Yu.I.; ZAMORSKAYA, T.V. Solubilit- of thionalide and metal thionalidates. Ukr, khim.zhur. 29 no.9:925-928 163. . (KRA 17-4) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut im. F.B.Dzerzhinskogo, IISATENKO, Yu.I.; 4MIRSBYA.,_.TV- Amperwetilic titration of palladlum by thlonalide. Zav.lab. A"19 no.3t291-293 163. (MM 1612) 1. Dneprepetrovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheakiy institut imni F.E., Dzerzhinskogo. (Palladium-Analysis) (Conductometric analysis) (Acetamide) USATENKO, Yu.I.; ZVORSKQA, Comparing the mathod of amparometric titration of metals with a 3olution of thionalide to other wthodo. Zav.lab. 1/0 no.3s 270-272 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Dnepropet,rovskiy khimiko,-tekhnologicheskiy institut. USATENKO, Yu.I., doktor khIm. nauk; ZA1,S)MMA, T.V. (Zainoro'kaY T.V.] "- Amperometric Vtv-ation of mercury, anti=on7 and with a solution of thionalide. Khim. prom. [Ukr.) no-3:78-79 jI-S 14, (I-111RA 17:12) I - - - ~ t- - , F;" - a ~ ~,;~ a, ~ " i -&-, ViIW ZAM,Q~~KAYAI Yeev* Glandular cyat of the sophagus. Vest. k-hi . 85 no. 8:122-123 Ag 160. (ESOPHAGUS-TUMORS) (CYSTS) (MIRA 14:1) ZAMORS KAYA Comparative evaluation of the clinical studv of some types of combined endotracheal anesthesia. Zdrav. Kazakh. no 4:2 32 162, (MIRA i5t6~ 1. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy khirurgii (zav. - professor M. I. Bryakin) Kazakhskogo iieditsinskogo instituta. (ITITRATRACHEAL AMTHESIA) ZAMORSKAYA Ye.V.- A.Ueviating or analgesic narcosis. Zdrav. Kazakh. 21 no. 4;10-14 163.. (KM 14:4) ie Iz kafecb-y goopitallnoy khirurgii lechebnogo fAkullteta (zav. - professor MJ. Bryakin) Kazakhskogo meditainakogo instituta. (ANESTHESIA) C-ZAMORSKAYAp Ye.V. Reflection of N.I.Pirogov's ideas in moderm emesfh~sia. Z-&-av. Kazakh* 21 ]a0,90-6 161. (MIRL 149) li'-kafedry goopitallnoy khJ=gii lechabnogo fakullteta (zav.* - professor bt I.Bryakin) Kazakhskogo meditsinakogo instituta. iPIROG(AT, IaKOIAI IVANOVICH, 1-810-1881) I' I ~ I ~.- i I I iii Pr I,r cz :,t,wuaA itimmiae 9 Old a forced labor in the Z!,MOR3K1- Kazimierz. Kolym,,~; p nd USSR.-ly Silvester Mora seud,7. washington, Foundation for Foreign Affairs, T19W. -'ri) u, P. ~Foundation psmphlat, no. 7.). Bibliographical fiDot-notes. DW : KV8959.R97,3 SO: In) Soviet Geogrnphy,, Part Uy 1951/helnssifted FOLJ,TD Ghomical T()chnc)loC5y* Chomical Froducto, and Their .Pplication. Wator Tr-jat;.x;n-b. Sowago. ~bs Jour: Ref Zhur-KhiLiiya, No 9, 19592 31,7175. ;~.uthor :-Zamorski, J. In9t :N ol -,- ~6~ Title :Concerning the Problara of tho PLl-rificat,ion of Wator in the Uppar Silesian Rc,,~.-icn. Orig Pub; Go.,5p:)d. wodna, 1957, 17, No 19, 420-424. ~',.bstract: The nature of tho pollution Gf the Vistula and Oder rivers and thuir tributarics, and tho pos- sibility of th, utilization as an everyday water swaply in the fish and agriculturo indus- trics, is described.. progmm of the building and orploltation of purification installations is studiod. -- S. Yavorovskaya, Card 1/1 ZAIMORSKI I J. Typical Imhoff tanks for the smaller sewage-treatment plants. p. 210. GAZJ* ',,'ODA I IECHNIKA SANITAR11A. (Stowarzyszenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow, i Technikow Sanitarnychp Ogrzewnictwa i G azown'Letwa) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 32, no. 6, June 1958 Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) LO, Vol. 99 no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. CATEGORY CherylicP-1 a r~y. Cl-undert I '"Tod T I c Ls it I It! An-lications, 1;~ntcr Treatment. ABS. JOUR. mema.., N. lgr-,g., 110. am, AUMOR Vnvnn, Y., '..amorsl.-J, J. tj ', i I i1. iird Porifi.critAnn of -H,o 'If f 1, 11 Phe-110""ic fro-a and ("is opq(). puB. Ga~; wola i -tlec)2), aftnit., 1958, 3`,'q ?To 10, U'll- AWMACT absirpef *ill i'he USSR. CzLn'.: 1 /1. ',7,A'-,,3RSF,I-Y, A. on Deterrin a 'Ill. on of CIDlidine--s Under the Ib~,erverls Horizen A,~,cordinr to th(~ Shacb,,,.r Phenomena ir, thL- Aurora, by A. Zwwr.Idy, Gent-ril Iioard of IIyImjmct.--,oro- logical ~'ervice. Iz Ak nauk SSSR, Ser Gepluraf. i Geofiz, No 1-6, 1944 i~A:!IO-ASKIY~., A,, D. PA 27T74 7- "Teheran Dust Storms," A~ D. Zamrskiy, 1y pp "Prit-ode No 5 Short, deacripticn of dust storms fcun(i in the area arourid Teheran. Gives,some data of the more Jmpqr- tant dust storms duxing the past four years, Dle- oumigis the generatim and causes for "colored" rain, usuiLl-V the droplets are colored orange. This OedL5wed" rain is usually found in. a cold front area. -ID 27T74 9, ji.6 U0 SAPOZHNIKOV, A. A.j. ZAMORSKIYj A. D., FINDIMEN, V.,, of the Formation of Ice Par.ticles in the Atmosphere," (Vieteorologiya i Girlrologi3ra, No 6 Nov/Dee 1947) and SHULITSi G.., llbcperinontal Study No 11 pp 90-97. SO: U-3218, 3 Apr 1953 ZWORSKIYJ A. D. Meteorology Some rare meterological occurences. Met. -4 gidrol, no. 6, 1947. Monthly-List-of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. -ZAMRSKIYy -A.D* Mar 1947 11'dog/deopbysics .4olar Radiation. "Photometry of t1he Twilight Glowt MV. Gushchinal A.D. Zarorskiy, 9 pp "Izv Akad Nauk SSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XI, No 2 Photography of the particolored horizontal strip along the horizon caused by the ikbsorption and scattering of the light of the twilight light-body on the way to the observerle eye, carried out through red and green filters. Data shows that the more the air mass is covered with dust,, the larger the relation green/red and the higher the angle+-height of the maximum of brightness of the given color. With the sun's ddpth under the horizon the angle-height of the maximum of brightness decreases. The relation green/red decreases with the sun's depth to 20, and then increases slowly to the end of the twilight. The relation green/red increases continuously from the horizon to 20o. Submitted by Academician L.S. Leybenzon. Pik 50T46 - -, - 'r ' - I- - - - -- - - - - - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - , 17T -1 . .~ , , "- j. "Fonr,s of GI-xri.~luz "loAs", T:---ly IrTo 7, SO: U-3039, 11 liar 10,533 of Precitnitrwon-, Slio V 10210 33: U-3039, 19~~3 ZAKCRSKIY. A.P, 1. vllll~ ~. - Force Of Snowflakes. Trud7 GGO no-13:52-60 M. (MIRA 10:1) (Snow) - ZAMORSKIY, A.D., Sublimation growth of snowflakes. TruV GOO n0-13--61-69 '48. (snow) (KERA 10:1) Z,I,C., - rtsvil, A. . 1). ru L~ 4L "Ground Needic Ice.." Prir-,L-, 74'a. 10, 1949. 61*0000* tiiso-* *~o so 00 0o000 000000041 0 0 Sk 0 0 of' - h." v 1. it f - in of L L it S t op., A so 9 so 0* 00 it dLA-D- pot (Tbe WCCut d"O p&t&] IIIAM -KcromMal pt*vk MY Ifft 3 f4p~ 10 fd4L OW-DOWIll of the mmmittly Jqp (is 04D truLlsmuVA wkkkvlea Oct. A I%q (OWLA&Vvo. OdwMAD- m dud 00 thd ht=60 Of MM P&tV 41CM44 LAMMI pWM -I the phylks * 0 to-O mm. OVI StrAklith, Ivil). gvewic .Wlko. a, Mtk 4k COWOC acrw. N--vwjy at the twe of a dmp eydom. f&*WCf CW4140 JfA d"tk ft*d 00 UndAth lit over LenlaseW.' The In t1uribartber" port d tWdLy. 'At, .40 -00 *041 .00 zoo Zoo Sop goo "so Los t It =Wvj u is AV No n ig a Ig it I( tit 0 Oda 01 10-1011 9 As e 0 0 049 0 090 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 1 IIA 10 "49 0 , I *;: 10 40 o 0 0 -!!ve 0 * * 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 6 goo 00 Sam op 0 & e * o 0 o 0 0 a to 40 0 111 0 * 0 a 40 0 40 a 0 * 0 * 0 a 2MOMIT, A.D.; KIRYUKHM, V.T., redaktor; TULISH, F.A., tekhnicheakiy ;~! 9. i- ~ "i o,r ; RUIEVA, H.S.. tekhnicheekly redaktor (Hoarfrost, ilme, ies emstj Inst, Ismoros', loled. Leningrad, Gidrometeorol.ogichaskoe izd-vo, 1951. 63 P. tmoicrofilml (Ice) (MIRA 7tlO) USSR/W-terology - Criticism Aug 52 "Atmospheric Phenomena," A. D. Zamorskiy, Lenin- grad, Higher School of Arctic Navigation "Meteorol i Gidrol" No 8, 41-44 Remarks on the description ul: atm phenomena in "Nastavlenlya Gidromteorologicbeskim Stantsiyam -1 Postam" (Instructions toHydrometeorological Stations and Posts) No 3, Part 1, 1946. Ex- presses criticism of the chapter "Atmospheric Phenomena" in using wrong or obsolete terminology. Suggests improvements in classification of atm 'Phenomena such as: liquid and solid depositions (and not pptns) on. earth's surface of water and 229T105 ice; liquid and solid yptns of rain, snow, or hail.; turbidity of air; solid suspension; wind phenomena; and optic phenomena. >4 229TIO5 USSR/Meterology - Criticism Aug 52 "Atmospheric Phenomena," A. D. Zamorskiy, _Lenin- grad, Higher School of Arctic Navigation "Meteorol i Gidrol" No 8,-j~ 41-44 Remarks on the description oi' atm phenomena in "Nastavleniya Gidrometeorologicheskim Stantsiyam i PoStam" (Instructions toHydrometeorological Stations and Posts) No 3, Part 1, 1946. Ex- presses criticism of the chapter "Atmospheric Phenomena" in using wrong or obsolete terminology. Sv ,~Wests improvements in classification of atm. pbenomena such as: liauid and solid depositions (and not pptns) on earth's surface of water and 2M105 ice; liquid and solid pptns of rain, snow, or hail; turbidity of air; solid suspension; wind phenomena; and optic phenomena. 229T105 A. D., 1'ror. Snou Acicular crystals or snow. Priroda 41 no. 8, 1952. 1-bnthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Gongress. November,1952. L17CLAj6IFIED. li ZAYORSKIY. A. D The Quantity of Hoarfrost and the Temperature of the Air Mateorol. i gidrologlya, No 2, 1953, pp 30-31 From the data of observations by the meteorological stations of the USSR the author shows the develorment of hoarfrost (iney) during severe freezing spells (down to 400 and lov He carries out calculations that -er). clarif 10 .y the possibility of the f ritation of hoarfrost at such low temperatures, but for vhich the moisture ;-a still sufficient. He notes the sLmtlar char- acter of hoarfrost for various temperatures of the air from sz.-Lall positive values down to -409. He gives a n-Lmber of statements on the causes for this, at first glance, anomalous phenomenon. At high temperatures the qvantUy of hoarfrost is limited b7 the low relative huA~dlty, briefness of' the summer night, and decreased heat capacity. (RZhGeol, 111o 5, 1954) SO: Sum. No. 5681 6 Jill 55 ZA7."01n, Y A 1), Frost (morls') and Glaze (gololed) During Marked Freezes Meteorol. gidrologiya, 116 4, 19531 Pr, 34-36 The author deocrLbes a number of cases of the fall-out of surer- cooled rain and of the formation of glaze at temperatures form -1~O to 160, and also the synoptic circumstances surrounding them. Under natural conditions drops of atmospheric water coolinIg, at the rate of 0.7-1.00d/min can remain liquid down to temperature -1 C, , having a diameter of approxi- mately 0.2 mm. Freezing of the drops on objects occurs under these condi- tions so slowly that. they succeed in fusing together and in foridrig glass- like hoarfrost (gololed). SupercoolinF of rain or frost down to temperatures below -10P each year recurs Ln the USSR. Such supercoolinr is not aLwrays realized, being disrii~ted by the action of stLIl unkown factors. Zino fact of the simultaneous fall-out of snow toghther with supercooled rain requires that the concepts of"wet snow" and "snow with rain" be more precise. (MGeol, No 5, 1954) SO: Sum. No. 568, 6 Jul 55 _____~~MOIF0 XW, 8_1>. PHASE I TREASURE ISLAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 452 BOOK Call No.: AF632826 Author: ZAMORSKIY, A. D. Full Title: ATMOSPHERIC PHENOMENA Transliterated Title: Atmosfernyye yavleniya Publishing Data Originating Agency: None Publishing House: Hydrometeorological Publishing House C'Gidrometeoizdat") Date: 1954 No. pp.: 94 No. of copies: 15,000 Editorial Staff Editor; Karol., El. P. Text Data Coverage: This is a monograph of the series "Scientific-Popular Librar2r. It explains in a very popular form the physical causes of usual and rare atmospheric phenomena and their relation to each other, and de- scribes the distinctive characteristics of apparently similar phenome- na. New definitions are given and the old terms are made more precise. The Introduction contains a Classification Table of Atmospheric Phenom- ena. Descriptions of various unusual phenomena observed In Russia are scattered through the book (with names of places and dates). The monograph is illustrated. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Introduction 3 1/2 ZAMORSIIY, A.D. Solar reflection on clouds. Izv.Vaes.geog.ob-va 86 no.1:104-105 Ja-Y '54. (KI-RA 7:2) (Clouds) (Solar radiation) BUCHIBMIT, Yasiliy T(w9taflyevich; ZAMORSKIT A.D. professor, redaktor; YAS-WGORODSKAYA,, K.ff.. redakt6i;; tekhatchesk-1.7 redaktor. [Atlas of Ice formations on electric conductors] Atlas abledonanita provndov. Pod red. A.D.Zamorokogo. LeniW, ad. Gidronotoorologichoskoe Izd-vo, 1955. 21 P. 55 plates. (HLRA 8:11) (Ica) (.1lectric conductors) AID P - 3848 Subject USSR/Meteorology Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 11/35 Author : Zamorskiy, A. D. WPM" %"00" Title : Thunder In a cloudless sky Periodical Met. I. gidr., 6, 37-38, N/D 1955 Abstract The author describes a phenomenon which occurred in Leningrad on July 12, 1954. While the sky was cloudless and the sun shining, a very loud sound of thm.,ider without lightning was registered. Institution : None Submitted : No (late ZAHMSKIY, A.D., Profess-or (Leningrad). Fluttering af leaves in the evening. Priroda 44 no,12:10e,-109 D 055. (MLRA 9:1) (Temperature) (Leaves) ZAKORSKIY, A.D. DGtsmlRat:ion of the optIC4 air am@ at different altitudes above the eprihliv surface *a the 4axis of-quarime coloration of clouds. Meteor. i ddrol. no.3:34 Rr*156. 1. . (Km 9--7) (Atmospheric. 'transparency) (Ifeteorological optl;s) ZAMCRSK ~,A ~' Rose colored overcast sky. Hateor.i g1drol. n0-7.127-28 il 156. (Ketserological optics) (KM 9:10) ZAMORSKIT, A.D. m-Regulations for hydronoteorelogical stations sad posts. 19,3, part 1, naction 2, chapter 9, 'Atmospheric phanomenAl.0 R~vlswsd by A,D.Umarskii. Izv.Tses.gsog.*b-v& 88 no-3:303-304 Hy-Jo 156. (He tser9logy) (Him 9; 9) ZAMDRSKIT, A.D. --- . 1 -077- Definiffij ohcept of climate. Izv.Tses.geog.ob-va 88 no.4: 389-390 JI-Ag 156. (MLRA 9:10) (climatology) 26-10-10/44 AUTHORS: Skarutakiy, A.A., Baraa-Keltmeaskiy Reservation; Trishin, V.P.# Village of Kozel'shchina, Poltava oblast I and Zamorskiy, A.D., Professor (Leningrad) ............. TITLEs Rare Forms of Solar Halo (Redkiye formy solneohnogo gelo) PERIODICALs Prirodap 1957P No 10t PP 79-81 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Two "Friroda" readers, Zarutskiy and Trishin sent in reports about solar haloes of very unusual shape and size which were accompanied by several pseudo suns (Figures 1 and 2) and luminescent bows or stripes, they had observed in 1956. Pro- fess017 Zamorskiy, whom the editors approached for informationt says that such light phenomena or haloes are due to refraction and reflection of sunrays caused by tiny ice crystals in the air. Some forms are very unusual and originate from rare optical phenomena of the atmosphere. There are 3 figures and 2 referencest of which one is Sl4vio. AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 1/1 "InstructIona Projected for the Observation of the Shape or Trudy Taulikentskoy Georizicheskoy Observatorii (Transactions or the Tashkent Geophysical Observatory), No 13, 1957 ZAXORSKIT, A.D. Outline of instructions for observations of snowflake sbapes. Trady Usbk. geofix. obser. no.13:152-161 157. (KM IM) (snow) ZAHORSKIITZq,Ajekaimdr Dmitriyevich, TMKHIU, G.I., red.; MYS, I.G*O tekhn.ri.3 [Manual of atmoaDheric Dhanomenal Opredelitell attaosfernykh Dkvlenii-, posobie dlia uchitelei. KoskvaO Goa. uchebno-padagog, izd-vo VI-va proav. RSFSR, 1958, 79 P, (MIRA 11:9) (Meteorology) AUTHORs Zam.orskiy, A.D., Professor (Leninerad) SOV-26-58-3-16/51 TITLE: Precipitation of Large-Sized Hail (Vypadeniye Krupnogo Grada) 41 PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1956jANr 3Y pp 76-79 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the phenomena and disastrous effects of hail as recorded in literature and by contemporary ob- servers,among them Zandidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Scfences M.I. Aleksandrova; Senior Scientific Assistant of the Voronezhskiy zapovednik (Voronezh Natural Reservations) S.A. Kazadayev, Senior Forest Master N.N. Ivan1kov; Scienti- fit., Assistant S.A. Kostrovskiy; Geologist R.A. Ilikhovskiy; GJ. Konev; Students of the Voterinarnaya Akademiya (Veteri- nary Academy) V.M. Mutsetoni; A.M. Lenkova; and Candidate of Physico-Mathematical Sciences N.I. Yegorov (Leningrad). There is 1 figure, 1 chart, 2 photos and 1 Soviet reference. 1. Hail damage-U55R Card 1/1