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ABRAMSON, 1(h.I., iazh.; ZAKOVRYASHIN, I.I., inxh.
Mining and timbering the main workings in Donets Basin deep mines.
Ugoll Ukr, 4 no.7:6-8 Jl 160. (KIRA 13:8)
1. T5entrallnyy nauchnco-iseledovatellskiy institut Podsomohakhto-
(Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) (Mine timbering)
.-UXGVXA-SHIN, I.L. in2h.
For an active water se"ge control in shaft milakdre . Shalcht.
stroie 4 no.7:6-8 JI 160. (MM 13:7)
1. T.Bentral'My nauchm-isoledovatellskiy ingtitut podzemahmitbto-
(Shaft sinidag) (*ium vater)
Z11-)A-C--)e-54,14., I- ,-
A Polish journey. Cask. peliat. 10 no-1:57-61 Yeb 55.
In PolazA. report of journey)
0 0
0 * 0 0
Un AM9 all CIA; 340 UZI jl?OC 91 U ii 0!! 0
A A--" it L ~L_jL_F_jL..jL_j_
r2woviKv. 7, ""Cliff ..& pa"ItT116 "~R,
Sol -00
An p swWrWx-rsyhw4&rvcturvpbo&~gr*Oy -00
Ukinv~. (Ri5atratechniscben Vcrmwhwuta)t. Vs-
rnna). Z. EkkAFackew. 50. 215-16(1144).-An expmic
0 inettT using an imizatian ctAmber and an electrostatic
log it vAi"wirr LA dmnitxA. Saxt H. wigmt
00A -'s
go 00
0: '.00
00 zoo
00a rue 0
09-3 zoo
0 0
41LIVIONC! ails)'
AA L S V ,w a PC w 5 a
U a AV 'D it" A 0 " ; 0 1
at Of 9 It cc X It KLOn . IN
:Too 0 00*004900001000000000ooooes~04000,0
62)1.*314.7 .537.S31.9
J/Depeaden o4
puldlatfor- T-U-
I"S, v
F:"riments on comm"ciotl juktion tram Ato" ex m
to,X rays ar~ briefly reporl,vd; resultil arc give(l. ft- the!
Typj-000 as typicuL Cmrvts thow Ahe varl;" n of'
emitter and collector current (a) with wayrleglh 4ad
aLgle of irradiation and (b) with temperature.
"A few notes on the tectonics of the Pezinok-Pernek crystaLLine rocks".
GEOLOGICKE PRACE; ZPRAVY, (Slovenska akademia vied', Geologicky ustav
Dionyza Stura) Bratislave, Czechoslovakia, No. 15, 1959.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (MU), LC, Vol 8, No. 8, August 1959.
Goniatitidae and DimorDhoceratidae from borings in Radoozyce 3.
KwartALInik geol 5 no.4:1004-1005 '61-
1. Swistokrzynka Stacja Terenowa, Inotytut Goologiany, Warozawa,
"Vacuum casting of ironallays." p. 290. (HUTIFIR. Vol. 20, no. 9. 1.953. Katowice,
SO: Mont1ily List of East European Accessions, L. Cot Vole 3, No, 5, MaY 1954, Uncl,'
MstaUiwgical Abstracta
July 1954
Foundry Practice and
00"AldwL of xM2041-from- w-d* -Al-We~o-.,
*Mkinawalpmax-T-1w. ifixis
-1576MIFr-ting experiment, OUTW out, with 8 w1op or
'the AW and jUnioo type, In or&r to detannim tha MUM'
o"t and rsta of cooling, are described. Itoeut, been
f=gtheTpiho variations in ma atlo pmpertka multing
front differenoes In O"Ung ponlillons dimppoa*r antimly
during the heat.trogtment of " twAt gpealmfis,-8. K,4,1.~
vol. 0 -5
"Frecision Casting by a Lost Wax (Inve5tMent) Method," by H. ZAKMA; Prace In5tytutow
Ministerstwa Hutnictwa, Gliwice, Nos. 2-4, 1 955.
I 1499a' n Vmu
Cu m, Tuplets(e
I odlow ;&.,Ilufnik, v,
v. 0, nos. N~ 1 , V. 20-3j
Design and ma of vacultm furnaces: mehing and costing tech.
thluctl comMition ana quality Of castings obtained. V13-
parns, ph&ograpb. micilogravbS.
winding Lri,l caitirip, 1- a vaci!-l:;I. ~ , I .,. i,-- t. -, r .1).
I - ~r 5.
no .J'Pj , J?., I
I Ll", Katowice, Vol. 22j,
60: "'onthly List of Sast ;~ur ~ iorls, LC, Vol. 4, no. -ct. 19951
op~an Access .l,
nzy ~rti%licr Alitlidlva,
wtL-k Olt ttz citc-11 to wilXh waa!tol stwcl czi,.i I-,- Elt cg.:i!~itd
ZAKO'~,'AjH -
The problem of biostratonomy. p.84
Warszavr, Poland. PRZEGLAFj GEOLOGICZ17Y. Wydawnictwo Geologiczne.
Vol-7, no.2, Feb.1959
Monthl,r List of East European Accessions -ndex, (EEA--) LC, Vol.8 no.6
June 1959
ZAK(-)',-i'A, H.
Gmeral inforration concerning the vacupm technique in metallugy. p. 6F
(HUTNIK, Vol. 24, No. 2, Feb. 1957, Katowice, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East Luropean Accessions (E,:AL) LC., Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 19-57, Uncl.
18(192p3) POL/39-59-9-2/36
AUTHORS: iakowa Hanna and Kulifiskil Zdzis~awf Masters of
TITLE: Nitrided Perroalloys and Their Use in Metallurgy
PERIODICAL: Hutnik, 1959, Nr 9, pp 342-351
ABSTRACT: Because of the shortage of nickel supplies, nitrogen
is frequently added to ferroalloys to retain two impor-
tant properties: to increase the austenitic state and
to decrease the critical cooling speed of alloys. The
nitrogen in added in the steel bath from cyanides and
nitrides. The energy release during the reactions
(Fig 1), and the entropy and enthalpy (Table 1) are
given for several metallic nitrides. Taboratory inves-
tigations were made to determine the duration of re-
action of granulated manganese and PeMn compound with
nitrog6n. The experiments were carried out with the
laboratory equipment illustrated in Pig 3 and the re-
sults are summarized in Table 2 for manganese and
Card 1/2 Table 3 for Pe-Yn compounds as a function of the
Nitrided Perroalloys and Their Use in Metallurgy
grain size and of the temperature. The nitrogen con-
tent as a function of the temperature in metallic man-
ganese is shown by Pigs 4,5,6 for the granulation a,b,
c as indicated in Table 2. The solubility of nitrogen
in chromium was also investigated and found that a
correlation between the granulation and the nitrogen
exists as illustrated by Table 4. Further calculation
methods are elaborated according to Ref 21. The au-
thor concludes that no difficulty is experienced in
attaining 0.25~4 N in ferroalloys. There are 5 graphs,
8 tables, 1 diagrRm and 23 references, 7 of which are
Polish, 5 Soviet, 2 German, 2 French and 7 English.
ASSOCIATION: Instytut Metalurgii Zelaza, Gliwice (Tnstitute of
Iron Metallurgy, Gliwice).
Card 2/2
Lower Carboniferous in the Gory Swistokrzyakie 14Duntains.
Kwartalnik geol 6 no,,2:435-436 162.
1. Swistokrayoka StacjgL Terenowa, Instytut Goologiczny, W&rszava.
ZAKOWAv Halima
L _ __ _ -
Lower Carboniferous oulm facies in the bad of the sunken basin of
Carpathian Foreland. Kwart&Wk gaol 6 noe2s445-446 162.
1. SvietokrsyWm Staoja Terenowa,'Instytut Goologiczny, Warszawa.
ZAKOWA., Halina
Stratigraphic position of Gigantoproductus latissimus in the Lover
Oarboniferous of the middle part of the Sudetes. Przegl geol 11 no.2:
105-106 F 163.
1. Swietokrzy'ska Stacja Terenowa Instytutu Geologicznego, Kielce.
ZAKOWA, 11alina
Age of the Carboniferous "schisto and vackeem from GalezLce.
Przegl goo]. 10 no.B:*4006-403 Ag 162.
1. Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiczny, Warmwa.
7 IIJI 11-Y A I F.
. I f olo g:--ALs
r: - :: -.- c. -, t ~, 3 ~~ .., , c f L In, :. 4,isor &L-.-in r-- Gs
~'%'i I I
- V. - * -
.. , I ~ - G .~ - - -,
c f , r;* ~ - ,- : ~- I a w 1-1 v -, r. ~.~ r-, ~ " , y . - , - ? e i~! ~',, 9 C-. . I-. 1 ri ) 9 , ' PC~ Zr, 7
~ ZAKWA, Halina; _ PAULM!,13KA, Jadwiga
The Upper Vi-ean (Gulaczow beds) tn t1he Piotrc-v sy-noline.
Kwartalnik geol 9 no.1:79-96 65.
1. Gory Swietokrzyskie Field Station, Kicloo, and Department of
Mineral Raw Material Deposits of the liv,;titute of Geology-, Warsaw.
Submitted December 3, 1.963.
ZAKOWA, Halina
Outlines of the development of the Upper Visean in Euror-v.
Kwartalnikg)ol 9 no.1:64-78 165.
3. Gory Swietokrzyskie Field Station, of the Institute of
Geologyp Kielce. Submitted November 9, 1964.
ZAKOWA, 11alina; JAGHOWIGZ, Alakiiander
Lower Carboniferous culm facies in the substratum of the
Carpathian deep Foreland. Kwartalnik geol 7 no.2:19/7-213
1, Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologicznyp Kielce.
ZAKOWA, Halina
Lechowok layers in the Lagow Synclino, Kwarta-Inik gool
6 no.3:373-402 162.
1. Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologlemy,
ZAKOWAJO Halina; GWTJACKI., Euganiu;3z; JURKILUICZ, Henryk
Reconsideration results of the Carboniferous Beries from
borehole, Zalucze 1. Kwartalnik geol 7 no.2:215-227 163.
1. Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut GeoloGiczny,
Kielce i Panstwowe Przed]31ebiorstwo Poszukiwan Naftowych, Jaslo.
Wizen in the northwestern part of the Galezice-Bolechowice
Syncline. Kwartalnik geol 6 no-4:812-813 162.
1. Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiemy,
ZAKOMPly 1132-Lina
Wizen in the northwestern part of the Galezice-Bolechcwice
Syncline. Kwartalnik geol 6 no.4:812-813 162.
1. Swietokrzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiczny, liarsznwa.
ZAKCWA, Halina
New data on the Lower Carbon in the substrat= of the Carpathian
piedmont. Rocz geol Krakow 33 no.1/3:281-288 163.
1. Instytut Geologiczny, Swietokrzyf;ka Stacja Terenowa, Kielce.
ZAKOWA, Halina --I.,
Stratigrapby and the extent of the lower Carboniferoua facies.
in the-Sudeteso Kwartalnik geol 7 no.l.-7-3-94 163.
lo Swietol-rzyska Stacja Terenowa, Instytut Geologiamy., Kielce,
/-7 6_
3VdOtOlcrzYnId Pleld Station,, Goological In3LJtjjtc
(3vdetolcrzy.,jka 3tacju Terenowa Instybutu Goologiez"nego)
'Vlarsaw, Kwartalnik meolog-le7my, No 3, 1963, PP 565-66.
"Carbon in the Copper Mountain (Iliedzianogorski)
- ZAKOWA, Halina
A now stand of Upper Visean fauna from Walbrzych Tovn- Kwartalnik geol
4 no.3t619-631 160.
1. Czlonek Hady Programowtij "Kwartalnika Geologiesnego" Stsoja Swieto-
krzyska Instytutu Geologioznego v Warazavie.
Outlook for the occurrence of petroleum in the Palsozoic formations
of the Swietokrzyakie Mountains. Przegl geol 11 no.73349-352 J1 16-1.
1. Instytut Geologiczny,, Warazawa, ul. Bakcvieoka 4,
,Z-Am- 0-4t,",
Periodical: DIARTALNIK MUMMY. Vol. 2, no. 3, 1958.
ZAKa,,IA, H. The upper Visean formation of the Lower Carboniferous Jn
the Central Sudeten Basin. p. 609.
Monthly List of East European Accessions (EZAI)., LC, Vol. 8, No. 5,
May 1959, Unclass.
ZLKOWL, Hanna, dr ins.; KULIWKI, Zdaislaw, mgr ins.
Production of carbonless forroebromium. Hutnik F 29 no.9.'3+'6-
349 s 62..
1, Inotytut Metalurgii Zelaza, G3.iwic*.
National Conference on Transforlr-,(frs p. 159
,.-dadomosci Ele*~ctrotechniczne. (Stowm-z, szenic !Ae!-try-ow Polssk.ich, Central,,V,
Zarzad --EnerEct-ki, CentralMi Zarzad Prz(:~-,sysiy kLabloiero) Folirld
Vol. 11~, no. 7. July 15Q55.
'.1onthly list of EEns-Euro-pean Acce-ssions (E;YI) W, Vol./no. 2, Freb. 1~40
Comparative evaluation of detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by
flotation method. Polski tygod. lek. 8 no.17:6jg-W 27 Apr 1933.
(CIML 24:5)
L-Of the State Pediatric Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Director--Zygmant
Dadles, N.D.) in Istsb4a.
MAIM, Grazym; TOTRUS, Wienlawa; ZAKDWSKA, Barbara; 1XD13z, Zygmmt
Cvtochemical reactions and al
ca results in anses of the
reeistAnce of tubercle bacilli to isonicotinic acid bvdraz Me.
Polaki tygod. lek. 14 no.24:1092-1096 15 June 59.
1. (Ze Sznitals Przeciwgrazliczego w Cieezynie: d;vr. dr Maria
1(raeowika, I Panstwowego Sanatorium dla Dzieol i Mlodziezy w Intebnej,
(1yralctor., dr Zygiwnt Dadles).
(POHIAZID, therapy)
DABROWSKI, Stanislaw; WOZNIAK, jaA;_4KOWW,_~~?resa
Military aspects of psychiatric legal e=ert testimony. Neur. &Ce
poloks 10 no.6:831-838 160. .4
1. Z Kliniki Psychiatryesuej A.M. w Poznaniu, Kirrownik: prof. dr
EPSZTEIN, Adam, mgr inz.; ZAKUtIS?:Iy Janusz, mgr
Application of polarography in determining pollution in gas.
Pt. 2. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no.4/5.-137-140 Ap-V7 163.
1. Central Gas Engineering Laboratory, Warsaw.
19- . ~
Ell-qZTEIN., Adam, mgr inz.; ZAKOWSKI, Janusz, mgr
'Application of polarography in determining pollution of gas.
Pt. 1. Gaz woda techn sanit 37 no. 3s99-102 Mr 163.
1. Central Gas Engineering Laboratory, Warsaw.
OTTO, Edward, prof. dr.; WCOLSKAs-BOCHEM, Janina, prof. dr.; SADOWSKA,
DanutaY doe. dr.; CDERF=, Jan, prof. dr.; BORSUKI Karol, prof.
dr.; RYTEL, Zdzislaw$ prof. dr.; PIATKIMGZj Alesky, prof. dr.;
LEITNER, Roman, prof. dr.; ~gOWSKI,.Vbjciech, doe. dr.;
Professor Witold Pogorzelski; obituaries. Matematyka'Warsmawa
Pol no.20-13-136 D64
ZAKOWSKI, Wbjciech
P~-oof of compaotness of a oartain set of funations of class,
Matematyka Waramwa Fol, noe2257-62 t64
1. Department of Mathematics ft*j Technical Universit,79
1. DE par tme-,.t~ rt 't- rpr~.t
Prencr.t~~d bi
-p-Aximsm, W. (WarszrAva"
Studies on Hil*wrtts nanlinear Prollem for a aet :' n
functions by the succesBive approx.-mation r;eT-hc--4.
Rocz prace mtem 8 n0.1155--69 163.
Hilbert's nonlinear and discontinuous problem for a system of
functions, Bul Ac Pol mat 9 no.7:525-529 161.
. 141--
- 1. Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa. Presented by
T. Vazewski.
Problem of generalized Hilbert-Haseman limits. Bul Ac Pol
mat 3.1 no.8:53-1-515 163.
1. I-Iojskowa Akademia Techniczna, Warszawa. Presented by
T. Wazewski.
Study of the propertiao of ths generalized Van der Pol equation.
Bul Ac Pol tech 11 no. 12:763-768 163.
1. Department of Basic Electrotechnical Problems, Technical
Military rollege, Warsaw, and Department of Mathematics
EY Telecommunication Faculty, Technical University, Warsaw.
Presented by S. Ziemba.
Properties of a singular generalized integral of Caucb7. Bul. Ac Po2
mat 8 no.8:525-529 160. .- I.
1. Haute Ecole Militaire des Sciences Techniques. Presented by
T. Wazovski.
(Integrals,, Generalized)
The Z-23 electronic computer. Obz mat fiz 11 no-4t150-153
D 164.
ZAKOWSKI, W. (Warszawa)
On a non3-inear problem of Hilbert. Annales pol math 9 no.l.*79-99
160, (MAI 10: 9/10)
(Aggregates) (Topology) (Approximate coqmtation)
Survey of pulmonary tubercalosis In aged subjects treated in
the pulmonary ward in the Nove Mesto hospital. ZdraV. Ve8tCi.
33 164
1. Pljuani oddelok nplovie bolninnicie v Novem Vientu (Pred-
stojnik~ prime dr* Ivo Smr--.mjkl.
CAZAFURA. Krsto, prof. dr.; WOIID%"Z, Janez,, inz.; 7AMJSEK, Joze, inz.
Obtainment of germanium from zinc sulfide ores. flud met
zbor no.3:261-271 163.
1. Oddelek za montanistiko univerze v Ljubljani, Askerceva- 20,
Ljubljana (for Cazafura). -
2. Metalurski institutt Liubljanap Lapi pot 11, Ljubljana
(for Wohinz and Vakra-ioak~..
OAZUURA, Krato, prof. dr.; WOHINZ, Janes, inz.j ZAKWSEKJo~!, Inz,
Hydrometanurgic production of nickel from our nickel-bearing
oxide-silicate iron ores. Rud met zbor no~1:5-19 162.
1. Metalurski institut, Ljubljana, Lepi pot 11.
-.0.1 ......
"An improved fuel gauge."
P. 22 (Silaice) Vol. 6, no. 11, Nov. 1957.
Prague, Czechoslovakia
SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4,
April 1958
I.F.J KOMAROVA, Te.V., red.; ROMA110VA, S.F.,
(Telegraph devices using noncontact switches] Telegrafnye
ustroistva na beskontaktwjkh perekliuchateliakh. Moskva, Izd-
vo "SviazY 1964. 295 p. (MIRA 17:3)
Structural changes in nonsintering and coking coal =7-der
the action of temperature. Chemia stosaw 7 no.4:679-701 163.
1. Katedra Technologii Chpmicznej Wegla, Politechnika, Wroclaw
Zaklad Technologii Chemicznej Wegla, Glowny Instytut Gornictwa,
Oddzial Wroclaw.
- ------------
Measurements of the intensity of solar radiation in Suwalki during the total
eclipse of the sun on June 30, 10~54. p. 170. (Prze.-lad Geofi-zyczny, Val. 1,
No. 3/4, 1956, 'alarsaw, Poland)
SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAQ LC. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uricl.
. 10.1-228 531,521.1:551.59
P IH)f W
' w
Barbam and Za
Grzedzi Wca
an (
~~Wit-;~-9; 6
6cdca w dalu
zas za&W
t j
t" .
a A
i c
ego Prom
lki d
lit S
30 CUM& 10
LK, 0 a
4 fok [
th '0( tU4 4sun 'una,30, 1954.] Prmlkd Qqftsycssy, Warsaw, 1(3/4):179-182.
e tota
19s& 2 gs,~ table, e L n c4 zurnmary p. 182, DWD, DLC--Glabal radiation intensities
Ms. m
A oudinem and temperature,
wlfh data ot
arc premited ilong
Measured during,a lsolir ecliplm
' ndicate"J.
weather provented
TImcs of hint tonLKt, nt&xUnum and last contact are 1
failiation messureincnts othei, than global radiation. -Subjea Area4ingn 1. Global radlattesC
meaxurl~mcntm durln% ectipse 2. War ctilp", June.. 19% 3. Suwalki, Poland.-G.T.
ZAh'REX', S.
International actinometric scale. D. 274. (Przoglad Geofizyczny, Vol. 1,
NO. 3/4, 1956, 'Warsaw, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of Fast Eurorean Accessions (ELAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. P, Aug 1957."Uncl.
-,AO.E',?r, S.
Isotopes and oceanography. p. 275. Wmegiod Cz-ofizyczny, Vol. 1, No. 3/L,,
10,56, Warsaw, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1997. Uncl.
Zakrent, S.
Semiconductors and their practical application. Ft. 1. p.6.
(Gazeta Obsen,,ators. F.I.H.M. Vol. 10, n0. h, April 1957. Warszawa, Poland)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl.
/. krcnr%Jan 'Mittody perniarow parowania wody I ltrtchnl efuntu.
Oblf,u4fara PIIIAI
VVJN.fA6M fr"Ill tte V~~l m
OV.,'miw, 4ft):l J.40., 11131. C, fjDW. -nt Ian,], of ~~j evaporimcirt;
Vurov'sl an(I 111ttli-6 nt wing t1win am d-rri" and ilh3,
gravi. SO""'t 11-dixiv 1. Eys ration mcamureatcn~
Spectral sensitivity of the human eye; from a series on physical
foundations of bimeteorology. p- 5- GAZETA OBSEM&TORA. Warszawa.
Vol. 8, no. 5, Mw 1955.
SOURCE: East European Accessions List (VAL), LC, Vol. 5., no. 3., March 1956
Certain methods of measuring the velocity of wind; from a series on
physical principlies of biometeorology. p. 1. GAZETA OBSERWATORA.
Warszaida~' Vol. 8, no-. 6, June 1955.
SOURCE: East Europ4~an Accessions List (EEAL), LO, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956
--!k Cj
1 Its 6 1 1 419RUIjunlanq U u It Is 1. L' M )w
C a L 11 L
AA 0 9) w
a A t I
A 7 00
ego Gooloilks) climActerisfies of useful twoeralli of the Qu*-
lemay estios in the Garyid Nlvvf taillon beturen
000 Yampol &ad Ostirom. G. V. Zm4vrv,'L~s. J. i;t.4. A,,jd
ego S6. I kraw. S. S. X. T, V6,:- f 21-3-1.1 1 (in liugh,h. 21 1
-C h icily whiie and cOmed jrl*jys, wher bjojlJtn,,
F. if. kmIlmann
ttrwis and mi.
0913 r.
It 0mv Ott
43W C"t
If 4, X"Q I S I w 0 a 0 1 IF It 0 11q 4
0 000 e 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 * 0 so *
to 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000000 00 e
Quarternary deposits in the Ukrainian Follssis of the Dnieper Region.
Avgsburg, T-vo Prykhyllnykiv UVAN,, 1948. 29 p. Ukraizmlka Vil'na
akademlie nauk. SerlJs arkbeolohichne. 1. ZbJrhyk "polsollt Ukrainy, ch. 1.1
Vitamin B group in the grain of hybrid and self-pollinated
lines of corn. Fiziol.rant. 12 no.6:1024-1028 N-D 165.
(MIRA l8sl2)
1. Ukrainskiy ordena Ienina nauchno-iBeledovateltakiy institut
rasteniyevodstva, Belektaii i. genetiki imeni V.Ya.Yurlyeva,
Khartkov. Submitted May 6, 1965.
Production and use of M-60 resin for furniture veneering. Der.
prom. 6 no.8:21 Ag '57. (MIRA lo:11)
1. Rechitskly mebellnyy kombinat.
(Adhesives) (Veneers and veneering)
Phyoical developmont of children during the first year of life
In Murmansk. Vop. d4h. mat. I det. 7 no.1:77-80 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Iz Yfurmanskoy detskoy oblyedinennoy bolinitay (glavnyy
vrach M.P. Nemzer).
AUTHOR., Zalcrevskiy, A.D. SoV/141-2-2-18/22
TITLE: operatorial blothod of the Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zovedeniy, Radiof�zika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 306 - 315 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The problem considered is formulated as follows. Thoro
exist two sets, X and Y - The first of these represents
a selection of problems to be solved, while the second
represents a set whose elements contain answers to the
problems. It is necessary to synthesise a system which
carries out automatic transformation of X into Y in
such a way that to each problem there corresponds a correct
answer. Only digital automatic compq~ers operating with
binary variables arc considered, it being assumed 'that they
can produce satisfactory answers. Further, it is assumed
that the sets are finite. The information at the input to
the computer is represented in the form of an element of
cholcej~ k from X , while at the output it is y from
Y . Theoretically, the simplest computer is a parallel
device which accepts all the input information at once,
Cardl/7 i*ev n x binary symbols, which are represented by spatially
jff/j~&-mr2-484f 21
Operatdri'al Method of the Synthesis of g ri lc y ems
(kit 42" '1 tj (9)
The values of the function represent fixed sequences of
the operators a~ It can be said that the function
represents an algorithmic distribution of the operator
0 1
a into a system of the operators aI . The operator
a can further be split Into a system of operators a which
belong to a set A , etc. Finally, a multi-stage system
of operators is obtained in which the operators of the
stage r control the operators of the stage r + I
(r = 0, 1, ..., q - 1) . These operators are termed the
11control operators" and are indicated with a symbol - .
The Initial information is therefore directly processed
only by the operators of the last stage q . There exist
various forms of representizig the algorithmic systems
(Refs 5 - 10). The system chosen by the author is illustrated
Card3/7 !~i Table 1, p 309. Here, the operator
Operatorial Method of the Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems
aa is represented as a function of binary variables
~2 and 43 . The brackets in Table 1 symbolise a
periodically repeated group of operators, such as represented
by Eq (10). Table 1 can be transformed into the matrix
form and -the result is shown in Table 2. Tho rows i of
the matrix correspond to the rows i of Table 1, while each
column k, with the exception of the zero and the last
ones, is in correspondence with a definite operator from
a set Ar+' . An element a :Lk of the matrix represents
the number of the column j corresponding to the operator
which should function immediately after the operator
corre-sponding to the column k , provided the values of
41, t2 and ~3 correspond to the row i . For the
purpose of further investigation, the following functions
are introduced. The function a i(a) represents the
j-th order binary representation of a natural number a
Card 4/7
Operatorial Method of the Synthesis o gorithinic ystoms
The function PI represents the value of a variable
which is delayed by a time interval -At . This function
is neee*Aary for the description of the computers con-
taining delay circuits. On the basis of Table 1, it
The following function is also introduced:
11i= ai(k)
The output variables of the system can therefore be
expressed by:
(IC (Xj (j (18)
The matrix representation of the function in terms
of the Gray code is therefore given by Table 3, P 311.
Operatorial Method of the Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems
The matrix is essentially similar to that of Table 2,
except that the elements are given in the Grey code.
By separating the first orders of the elements of this
matrix, another matrix is obtained which represents the
function (Table It is now necessary to introduce
a method of combining the block-operators a s 3.nto a
single-control system which produces the operator a
It is shown that the logic variables are given by Eq (26),
where ~ represents the synchronising variable which
assumez the value of unity during time intervals -r such
that /'1,, 4 6 t < T represents the repetition period.
The output variables are given by Eq (28). The above
method of synthesis is advantageous on account of its
clarity and flexibility, but it leads to a certain
redundancy in its structure. The redundancy can be eliminated
by employing the *quivalent transformations of the
algorithmic systems.
Operatorial Method of the Synthesis of Algorithmic Systems
There are 4 tables and 24 keferences, of which 22 are
Soviet and 2 English.
ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Tomsk
State University)
SUBRETTED: October 23, 1958
Card 7/7
16, 6 FO 0 S/141/59/002/05/019/026
AUTHOR.- Zakrevskiy, A*D EO4l/E32l
TITLE: --TW--e~:~ynt=esis ~bf Logical Multipoles
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiofizika,
1959, Vol 2, Nr 5, pp 814 - 817 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The block diagram in Figure 1 shows m outputs which
are binary functions of n inputs. Suppose we represent
m by 2 s by adding, if necessary, dummy outputs. Then
the block may be represented by a single Boolean function
of n + s variables, Eq (3), equivalent to Eq (1). It
therefore follows that two distinct methods of synthesis
are possible. In one of these, Eq'(3) is treated as the
structural formula for a (n + s, l)-pole, as shown in
Figure 2. In the other the equation is considered directly
as representing a (n,m)-pole whose transfer function
is given by Ect (1). Eq (3) can be represented as the
superposition or lland",t 11oril and "not" elements. However,
the negation symbol cannot be within the group of more
than one variable if the group contains ~k . After
Cardl/2 minimizing Eq (3) and observing the above restriction the
The Synthesis of Logical Multipoles E041/F-321
formulae for the circuit are arrived at in three stages;
the variables Ck and their combinations are regarded as
codes for the parallel links in the multipole; the
coefficients of these combinations being functions of
the input variables represent the structure of the
corresponding links; the outputs are determined by the
disjunction of the links passing through the circuit,
whose conjunction codes for the same value of i are not
identically zero. Figures 3 and 4 represent two stages
in the synthesis of a (3,8)-pole by the second method.
There are 4 figures and 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Tomakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet
(Tomsk State University)
SUBMITTED: April 25, 1959
Card 2/2
16(1),9(5),16(2) 67242
AUTHOR: Zakrevskiy,A.D. BOV/20-129-4-4/68
TITLE; A Method of Synthesizing Functionally Stable Automatic Mechanisms
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1959,vol 129fNr 4,PP 729-731 (USSR)
ABSTRACTi The author considers the synthesis of highly reliable automatic
mechanisms of little reliable elements. The reliability can be
guaranteed if elements or parts of the automatic mechanism can
be changed in case of a failure or a disturbance of action. The
author gives a parallel between the automatic mechanisms and the
lines of communication and obtains a method for the synthesis of
logical structures containing an information which is sufficient
for a localization and consequently for a removal of single dis-
turbanoes of action. The method is denoted as method of syn-
thesizing of functionally stable automatic mechanisms. In a
special case there results the code of Hamming f-Ref 6_7.
The author mentions I.A.Chegis, and S.V.Yablonskiy.
There are 6 references, 2 of which are Soviet, and 4 American.
PR33ENTED- July 9, 1959, by S.L.Sobolevp Academician
SUBMITTED: July 8, 1959
Card 1/1
ZAKREVSKIY, A. D. Cedd Phys-4;ath Sci - (diss) "Matrix methoa
of synthesizing relay circuits,01 Tomeks 1960, 8 pps 150 cop.
Tomsk Polytechnical Institute im S. M. Kirov) (KL, 44-60,, 128)
40 3 /, 1/ 3 -X3 D201/D304
AUTHORS: Zakrevskiy, A.D,
TITLE: Feedbnck relay systems
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. tWt(xnatika i radioplektronika,
no. 8, 1961, 47, abstract 8 V357 (Uch. zap. Tomskiy
un"t, 1960, no. 369 68-78)
TEXT: Methods of analysis and of synthesis are considered
of a relay automaton (A) - switching system, based on separatirg
out feedback circuits. The process of analyzing A may be split
into 2 stages: 1) The d-m - transition from a detailed design des-
cription, consisting of the juxtaposition of operators of separate
elements (or more substantial parts) of A and of interconnections
between those elements to a design description, in which A is rep-
resented by a single operator and 2) The m-f analysis - transition
from the latter to a functional description, i.e. establishing re-
lationships betvmen input and output variables. The d-m analysis
C ard 1/3
Feedback relay systems D201/D304
shows all possible meshes, i.e. sets of oriented couplinga making
a closed loop and shows also the minimum numbers of couplings which
when broken make all meshes disappear. After this an A with n in-
puts and m outputs may be represented as a (P.+e, m+s) - pole, in
which the outputs yo, yl,..., Ym_lV ZOI z, ....... z,_, may be
represented as Boolean functions of variables of input xo, x, ......
Nn-l' ZOI, Z, 1'---P "s-1- The broken couplings zi -to zli may be
considered as certain delays determined by the transients. The
problem is considered of the stable behavior of A, i.e. such a
behavior, at which a small power noise does not affect the function-
al properties of A. It is shown that the stability of A may be ob-
tained by means of synchronization. To do so it is suggested to
have mesh elements which would transmit the disturbance from the
sync. pulses. The m-f analysis is a transition from binary vari-
ablen x,y and z to multi-valued variables: input X, output Y and
the constant Z of A, the result being recommended to be presented
in the form of matrices [Y3 and [Z], whose elements represent the
Card 2/3
Feedback relay systems D201/D304
values of Yik and Zilt for X-i and ZI-k. From the matrices the
stable and periodic regions may be determined of operation of A
together with the Y-serics for any scries of X. The Gray code is
recommended in matrix construction and when going over to the multi-.
valued variablea., The pynthesis of A reducer, to determine, from
the matrices (Z] and (Y of min. number of states of A, such a bin-
ary code which, providing for stability of A, would establish the
correspondence between Z and Z' and it is shoxni that this may be
achieved using the Gray code. Methoda are shown in conclusion
which make it possible to go over from matrices to design. 19 ref-
erences. f-Abstracter's note: Complete translation_7
Card 3/3
AUTHORt A. D. Zakreliskly ITWSIO
TITLEt Visual Matrix Method for Minimization of
Boolean Functions
PERIODICALt Avtomatika i telemelchanilca, 1960, Vol 21, Nr 3,
Pp 369-373 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper suggests a method for minimization of
Boolean functions. The method is partly algorithmic
and partly based on the visual perception of the
func tion matrix, An arbitrary Boolean function
x21 ... jX ) may bf-- determined by a triatrix
ents of which represent functional
(CL 1k the el
values. Each pair i, k corresponds to a ce~rtaln
set of values of the argurnents x,
.1y X2
It is convenient to divide the arguments into two
possibly equal parts. The values of one part
determine the values of 1, and those of the second
Card 1/4 part determine the values of k. Singular values
Visual Matrix Method for Mlnimizatlon of 78166
Boolean Functions 3011/103-21-il-12/21
of the Boolean function may be represented by a
point in the corresponding matrix element.
Empty matrix elements correspond to zero values
of the function, and shaded elements Indicate that
for the corresponding set of arguments the function
is not defined. The minimization of the functions
(a, b, C) ---- ah + N-J-
XjXZXS + X:X3XA + XDXBXO + TIZ& + r2llslt-
is illustrated by Tables 4 and 5, respectively.
Table 4.
94=1 104+0
C lab+ bc + 11C C f- ab + dc
Card 2/4
Visual Matrix Method. for of 78166
Boolean Functiorip~ SOV/103-21-3-12/21
'r, S ~-r 4' ~IXJ'l+ 'r, r4
The matrll, re-Dvesenting the functIon Is broken u1)
Into partci, the totality of which covers all
matrix el--~ments corresponding to the unity value
of the fu.-i~;tlon, arid may also cover elements for
which t1he function Is not defined. However, the
elements corresponding to zero values of the
function 31iould not be covered: It is stated that
after short.practice the breaking Lip of the matrix
may be made mentally. The author concludes that the
UUGLreSted met-hod may be applied for minimization of
Boolean CLinctiono with a number of variables up to
Card 3/4 10 or even 12. The method is especially effective
Visual Mat-r.1,-x Metlio(l rov 14 1- n1-vat J. till of, '(81r)('
130010all FLInCtIons SOV/103-21-3-12/21
when minimizing functions that are not entirely
determined. There are 6 tables; and, 20 references,
10 Soviet, 1 Czech, 0 U.S. The 5 most recent U.S.
rererenoe'cl trel Acred, N. B., Control Circuits
DO-jign, Electronic Engng, Vol 29, Nr 358 (1957);
McCluskey, E. J., JD, Minimization of Boolean
Functions, BSTJ, Vol ~;5, Div 8 (1956); Harris, B.,
An Alcro-ithm for Determining Minimal Representation
of a Logic Function, Trans IRE, Vol EC-6, Nr 2,
(1957); Roth, J. P., Algebraic Topological Methods for
the Synthesis of Switching Systems, J. Trans. Amer.
Math, Soc., (Vol 88, Nr 2 (1958); Epstein, G.
Synthesis of Electronic Circuits for Symmetric Functions.
Trans. IRE Vol EC-7, Nr 1 (1958).
April 25, 1959
Card 4/1-1
AUTHOR: Zakrevskiy, A. D.
TITLE: of logical aiode circuits
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 8, 1962, 47,
abstract 8V246. ("Tr. Sibirsk. fiz. tekhn. in-ta. pri Toms-
kom un-te", 19614 no. 40, 73-88)'
TEXT: The author points to difficulties'combined with the
synthesis of multistage diode~circuits 4ccording to formerly known
methods. For most of the circuits an essential part of the resistances
can be eliminated which, according to.the-author does not make the
working of the circuit worse but improves it. Such.circuits with a
diminished number or resistances.allow an essential increase of series-
connected cascades in the circuit. In the paper these is e. g.
described a circuit, which realises the function
Y - (... ((x 0+ x0 x2+ x, )x 4*+ ... + X,_,)x n normally working at a
humber of cascades n :~-150. A general method for the construction of
such "simplified" circuits according to a given structure formula is
given. The simplifications described in the paper have no logical but
ther technical character.
Abstracter's notet Complete translation.]
Card 1/1
?M) 0
TITLE: On the synthesis of sequential automata
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 9; 1962, 39, abstract 9V204
C'Tr. Sibirsk. fiz-tekhn.. in-ta pri Tomakom un-te", 1961, no. 110,
89 - 94)
TEXT: A method is'proposed for minimizing the number of states of a fin-
ite particular automaton (with incompletely defined state-transition and output
functions). The method consists In forming sequeneea:of pairs of Joint states
and the replacement of every such pair by a single.state. The condition for
jointness is formulated as follows: The states J and k are'Joint (J - k) if
(Yij - Yik) V (Yi-J ='X) V (Yik - X) - 1
(ZiJ _'Zik) V (ZiJ - X) V (Zik - X) q' 1
for all where Yij is the output corresponding to the input i and state J;
Card 1/2
On the synthesis of sequential automata A060/AOOO
Zij is the state into which them automaton transits from the state j under the
action of the input i; the equation Yij = X (Zij X) denotes that the corre's-
ponding output (state) is undefined. The sequence of pairs of joint states
(j1, kj), 02, k2), ..., (jl, k1) is selected in such a manner that Jr+j ~ Zjj r
kr+l = Zikr for some i. The-author notes that the effectiveness of the meth-
od depends upon the order of the choice of the sequences of pairs of joint
states. To minimize completely the number of'internal states it is necensary,
in the final analysis, to go through all the possible variants of the choice of
sequences. To reduce the selection a criterion is necessary fo *r the choice of
transformation at eVery step. However, such a criteVion is not known at the
present time.
A.A. Tetichevskiy
[Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation]
Card 2/2
f". X V, S;/044/62/000/008/052/073
AUTHOR: -Zakrevskiy, A. D.
TITLE: The minimisa:ti~_Yi_'6f-the structure formulas of multi-
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika*, no. 8, 1962, 46-47,
abstract 8V243- ("Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri
Tomskom un-te", 1961, no. 40, 95-9'9)
TEXT: At the formulation. of the working conditions of a multi-
cycle circuit by the termini of 'switching-on tables the working of
the *circuit is only given a concrete sequence of input states.
i'or other input sequences the working of the circuit is not given
and the transition table of the 'circuit proven to be subdeterminate.
The problem arises to choose an optimal variant for the completion of
the determination such that it ,leads to minimal structure formula; of
the circuit. The contents of the paper leads to the proposal to
accomplish the remaining determination only if the states are already
coded by binary numbers and if the logical functions for the chains of
the'intermediate elements are obtained. In that way the remaining de-
termination is done during the minimisation of the functions of
Card 1/2.
S/044 62/000/008/052/073
The minimisation of the structure ... C111/C333
the intermediate elements, thereby the known methods for the minimi-
sation of not completely defined functions are used.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation.]
Card 2/2
S/19 62/000/009/033/100",
AUTHOR: Zakrevskiy, A. D.
TITLB: Synthesis of on-off systems from incompletely defined
PERIODIOAL: Reforativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radiocloktronika,*
no. 9, 1962, abstiact 9-2-152 (Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-
tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, 1961, no. 1~0, 100-111)
TEXT: The problem of synthesis of.a logical circuit, the operator
o'L which is an indeterminate Boolean func *tion,'is considered. The
operator of a logic circuit is called completely determined if,
for every combination of1the values of input variables, it uniquely
detcrmines the corresponding combination of values of output vari-
ables. Otherwise it is called an incompletely determined operator.
Its indeterminacy can be estimated quantitatively by taking the
'binary logarithm of the number of all possible additional determi-
nations.. The analysis of an incompletely determined Boolean func-
--tion is equivalent to the analysis of a set of determinate Boolean
Card 1/2
Synthesis of on-off ...
functions, i.e. to a set of input functions which correspond to a
unit valuo or Boolean value of the output variable. Z-Abstracterle
note: Complete translation.
Card 2/2
40 0 -6 0111/C222
TITLEt Functional stability of relay circuits
PERIODICALo ReferativW zhurnalg Matematika, no-1, 196,)p 47,
abstract 7V203. ("Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri
Tomskom un-te", 1961, no. 40, 11Z-126)
TEXTs one discusses the improvement of the reliability of relay
circuits. First of all a short survey is given on the situation of the
problem. Then-the idea is uttered that the analogy between the-working
of a relay circuit and the transmission: of a discrete information by a
communication channel could be used, if one understands the structure
of the circuit as a signal transmitting the information on the operator
of the circuit and the disturbances of the structure as the distortions
of this signal. This conception is explained by an,example (the intro'_
duction of the Hemming excess to the code of the function of the algebra
of logics, given by a table of matrices), Then one applies the method of
Hemming for the correction of a single error to the logical (m,n)-poles
with independent realization of the outputs. The last result has been
formerly published (RZhUatp 1961, 3A309).
[Abstracter's notes Complete translation .3
Card 1/1
"Machine for solution of logical problems of switching synthesis type"
report submitted for the Intl. Sympouium on Pelay Systems and Finite Automata Theory
(IFAC), Moscow, 24 Sep-2 oct 1962.