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Snow line in the mountAdw. Trudy ThiI.MGMI no.9:45-2.7 161.
OMA .15:3)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Dona gosudarstve=yy universitet.
(Toeya Glacier-Smv line)
Some characteristics of temperature distribution in the layer of air
ipmediately.above the glacier. Trudy ThiLMIGHI no.9:136-138 161.
(MM 15:3)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Danu gosudarstvennyy universitet.
(Tseya Glacier--Atmoopheric temperature)
Studying the glaciers of the Caucasus. Trudy Thi-I.NIGKI no.9:190-
192 "61. 09M 15:3)
1. Rostovskiy-na-Donu osudarstven universitet.
fTseya Glacie7r
v,-I- -ZAKIYEV, Eh.Ya.
Iffect of Tsymlansk Reservoir on the weakenIng of dry winds In
the adjacent region. Uch. ZaP. RGU 44:223-224 '59- (MIRA 14:1)
(TiymlymnalcRaservoir region-Vinda)
e. V fh,
'A t; r,
23 A
nail M
-0 :1:5
4's J. t
9:1 ZZ 31
A mo
13. .. i~,
8R -j It
gala ~:j
u r
Ell '3.
j ~
A j
UKITIT, Kh.Ta.; ATSM, G.A..; OGANOUXIT, P.M., red,
(Third Antarctic Continental Jxpedition; snow cover] Tretlia
kontinentallnaia antarkticheekBia skepeditaiia; snezhayi pokrov.
Moskva, 1960. 38 p. (Materialy gliatolologichaskikh Issledo-
vanii). (MIRA 140)
1. Akademlys nauk SM. Institut geografii.
(Antarctic regions--Snow)
ZAKIYE;Vj Khriotofor Yakovievich; BABAKIIOVA, N.Kh., md.; BOROVINSKAYA,
(The queen of cold; from a geographer's diary] Koroleva kho-
loda; iz dnevnika geografa. Rostov-na-Donu., Rostovskoe
knizbnoe izd-vo, 1961. 93 p. (MIRA 17:4)
i: 9,60--11 7-bbY
Amirkhanov, Kh. I., R. 1. Bashirov, and yu. -E, Zaldy_qv. IN; Akademiya nauk
SSSR'. Doklady. v. 148, no. 6, 21 Fob 1063,-1279---1282,
Pulsed magnetic fields of up to 400 koe have been used to determine the depen-.
dence of the longitudinal and transverse magnetic resistance of InSb single-
crystal samples of varying purity on, external magnetic fields in the 20 to 770K
range, and to investigate the Shubnilcov-de Elaas effect in strong magnetic fields.
Results were obtained by direct oscillographic recording and are shown to agree
(within the range of experimental errors) with theory and with resultsobtained
previously by other methods. It Is ;3hown that with I/H, where H Is the external
magnetic field, magnetic resistance und.ergoes quasiperiodic oscillaftons which
disappeAr with -large magnetic fielda. , Splitting of the Landau levels Is taken into
account. Small deviations of the reaults from theory, which persist even after spin
effects are accounted for, are expladned as being due possibly to the nonparabolic
nature of the InSb conductivity zonei, JBBJ
Card 1/1
C ~rv- ~-V%j ~r'vyim~j pnuk U I I ril LL-JL Nu IW~
cc M' AP6012489 SOURCE CODE: UR/018V66/008/004/122
AUTHOR: Zakiyev, Yu. E.
ORG: Institute of Physics, Dagestan Braneb,AN SSSR, Makbachka
(Institut fiziki Dagestanskogo filiala AN 558h)
TITLE: Longitudinal magnetoresistance of n-type indium arsenide in the
ultraquantum limit 0
ISOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8., no. 4., 1966, 1221-1226
PIC TAGS: indium alloy, arsenide, magnetoresistance, quantum theory,
11 effect
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation was to check on the quantum-
theoretical conclusions of E. N. Adams and T. D. Hallstein (J..Phys.
Chem. Sol. v. 10, 254, 1959) and to determine the predominant scattering
mechanism. The investigations were made on n-InAs which is claimed to
be more suitable for this purpose than the previously investigated n-Irsb
The experimental data on the longitudinal magnetoresistance were obtained
in a temperature interval 20.4 - 608K in a magnetic field up to 450 kOe.
The strong magnetic fields were obtained by a pulsed method and the
pulse half-cycle ranged from 200 -- 300 psee, so that Inertia could be
L 29985-66
ACC NRs AP6012489
neglected. The change in the resistance of the sample wan dr.-termined
directly with an oscilloscope. The longitudinal magnetoresistance and
the Hall effect were measured on samples with conduction electron densitj
3'X 1016 cm-3 and mobility p 0 = 31,,000 am2/v-sec. The results show that
the longitudinal magnetoresistance increased with the fie1J without limil
a(,- almost all temperatures except in the region of 600K, where complete
saturation set in. In the rane-e from 100 to 300K, the longitudinal mag-
netoresistance varies like AH2/5., where A :~ 3.88 x 10-5 ohm-cm/kOe. At
higher temperatures this dependence becomes somewhat weaker. The tem-
perature dependence of the magnetoreststance Is such that the magneto-
resistance drops from 20 to 77K, has a minimum near 100-K. and then rises
to a maximum near 350K. The results are in full agreement with the
theory of Adams and Hallstein for a nondegenerate system in the ultra-
quantum limit. Some results observed in the interval 20 - 77K do nor,
agree with any of the known scattering mechanisms discussed in the tbeor.
and can be :interpreted as being due to a possible gradual lifting of the
degeneracy of the electron gas in a quantizing magnetic field. The
author thanks Kb. 1. Amirkbanov and I, M.. Taidillk2yakiy for a discussior
of the results. Orig. art. ha : 3 figures, 9 formulas, and 1 table.
SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: l9jul64/ ORIG REP: 005/ OTH REF: 007
L .38818-66 EW(1)/W(m)/E0(t)/ETI ~JPW JD
Acc NRs AiF02561 SOURCE CODE: up/WW66/a/7006/iq:~/1923
ALPMOR: 2Akiyevp Yu. E.
ORG: institute of Ptwsics of the Dagestan Branch, AN SSSR, MakhachkalA (Astitut
fizbd Dagestanxkogo filial AN SSSR) -el - 0
TITLE: Transverse magnetoresistance of n-InAs in the ultraquantum limit
SOURCE: triziks tvardogo te1a,, v. 8, no. 6j. 19", 1919-1M
TOPIC TAGS: magnotoresistance,, indium compound arsenidej, quwtum theory.. electron
mobility,t teaperature dependence,
ABSTRACT: Since their earlier measurements of the storesistance or inAs in a
longitudinal magnetic field (ZhW v# 41.. 6, 1961) -did not agree with the theory or
E. N. Adam and T. S. Wstein (J. Mars. Chem* Sol* ve 10j, 254, 1959), the authors
report-the'measurements in a transverse magnetic field in a wide range or fields (up
to 42o koe), and tezperatures (2D.4 - 6oox). Preliminary tests were made to establish
the region of applicability of0bm1s law and to ensure that the main measurements are
meAb in this region. This was done Iry determining the magnetoresistance at different
current densities. These tests have shown that the magnotoresist4we decreased .
rapid37 in the region where Ohm*s law was not satisfied. The magnetoresistance in-
creased almost without limit with increasing. field intensity at all temperaturesp and
the temperature dependence of the magnetoresistance was calculated from the plots of
the magnetoresictance ag&inat the field. The Hall angle decreased with increasing
L 38878-66
ACC Nits Ap602561
temperature for almost all fields >100 k0e. The results are explained by postulatizzg
that the equiUbrium carrier density is independent of the magnetic field, that the
carrier energy becomes quantized in the field, and that the impurities are not uni-
form3,v distributed over the sample volume. It is shown that at temperaturwX'- M
the comparison with theory is not feasible, but at temperatures 77 - 300K the rela-
tions obtained for the transverse magnetceresistance and the carrier mobility can be
reconciled with the theory of V. L. GurevIch and Yu. A. Firsov (ZhLW v. 40, No. 1,
,1961), and that in the region -500 - 60OB: the agreement with the theorf of Adams and
Halstein Is zatlsfact=7, OrIg. art. has.- 4 figures and 8 forma".
SUB CCDR: 2D/ 'SUBM DATE: 24Zul65/ MUG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 003
L :058-60" r~,vr (m)/DT( t') /E'T IIJ P JD
ACC tZ AF60'18585 SOURd'C-0- D-E---:- JV661-66BI666 74/1975
ORG: Institute of Eusics of the Dagestan Branch, AN SB5 (Institut fiziki Dagentan- j
skogo filiala AN SSSR); Dagestan Statc University im. V. 1. Leniny ~Wchachkaja
(Dagestanskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet)
TITM Concerning the oscillations of the longitudinal magmetoresistance in strongly
doped n-type,.,indium arsenide
SOURCE: Fiz ka tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 6, 1966) 1974-1975
TOPIC TAGS: indium compound, arsenidep magnetoresintance, electron spin, quantum
oscillation, impurity level
ABSTRACT: The purpose of the Investigation was to check on the theory of longitudira
mignetoresistance., with allowance for the electron spino recently developed by A. L.
Efroa (FTT v. 7, 1501, 1965)- To this end, the author measured the longitudinal
magnetoresistance in strongly doped n-InAs at 15K and also thoroughly analyzed the
data at 20K which he reported earlier (Candidatets Dissertation, Physicotechnical
Institute, Leningrad, 1964). Ilia results yielded an oscillation maximum at H - 230
k0e, against a theoretical calculation, without allowance for the smearing of the
Lr,ndau sublevel, of 269 kOe. Reasons why this discrepancy cannot be attributed to
superposition of the transverse magnetoresistance are presented. Calculation of the
Dingle temperature shows it to be much higher than the measurment temperature (91 vs.
AWRKHANOV, Kh.,I., akademik; BASHIROV, R.I.; ZAKIYEV, Yu.9.
. Quantum oscillations of magnetorexistance in n-TOMhigh
pulsed magnetic fields. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.6:1279-1282 F
163. . (KM 160)
1. Institut fiziki Dagestanskogo filial& AN SSSR. 2. AN AzerSSR
(for Asirkhanov).
(MagnetoraBistance) (Quantum theory) (Indium antimonide)
Effect of the solid disperse phase content on the intrinsic
viscosity of concentrated sunponxions in a otructurated
medium. Koll. shur. 24 no.6:678-"l NZ 162.
(KM 16-- 1)
L Izwtitut fixicbettkay khimii AN SSSR,, Moskva,
(Colloids) (Viscosity) (Suspensions(Chesistry))
B014 B007
AUTHORS: Asirkhanov, Kh. I., Academician of the AS Azerbaydzhanskaya
SSR', Bashirov, R. I., Zakiyev, Tu. E.
TITLE: Galvanometric Effeethin n-InSo~in Magnetic Pulsed Fields
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 132, No. 4, pp. 793-796
TEXTt In the introduction, some investigations carried out with germanium
are mentioned, among them those by jj,_G. Fakidov and & A. Zavadekiy
(Ref. 6). The present paper contains ex-i-e-rimintally determined dafa of
investigations of the Hall effect carried out on five n-type indium-
antimonide samples in magnetic pulsed fields with field strengths of up ~/c
to 900 kilogauss. The dependence of the effects on the field strength
and temperature were investigated. The dimensions of the samples are
g-iven, and the measurement of the longitudinal magnetic resistance and
the transverse resistance are discussed. Fig. 1 shows the dependence of
the longitudinal and the transverse magnetic resistance on the magnetic
field strength for n- and p-type samples. Fig. 2 graphically represents
the dependence of the Hall constant of a sample on the magnetic field
Card 1/Z
Galvanometric Effects in n-InSb in Magnetic S1020V6011321041161064
Pulsed Fields B0140007
strength, and Fig. 3 is a graphical representation of the dependences of
the longitudinal and the transverse magnetic resistance for two samples.
The results are inexplainable from the classical standpoint of galvano-
metric effects. The curves given in Figs. 1 and 2 are explained by the
quantum character of the motion of electrons in the magnetic field. The
author discusses this standpoint in detail and gives several formulas. VC/
The dependence of the longitudinal and the transverse magnetic resistance
on temperature is brought into connection with the two scattering
mechanisms acting within'the temperature range of from 770K to 2000K. The
dependences of the galvanometric effects on the magnetic field described
here were observed also in n-type samples of HgTe and InAs. The authors
thank ff. B. Brandt for taking part in the discussion of the results.
There are 3 figures and 14 references, 3 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATIONs Dagestanskiy filial Akadomii nauk 88SR (Dagestan Branch of
the Academy of Sciences, USSR)
SUBMITTEDi March 4, 1960
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Amirkhanov, Kh. I., Bashirov, R. I., Zakiyev, Yu. E.
TITLE: Quantum galvanomagnetic effects in n-type InAs
P=ODICAL: RefLerativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 5, 1962, 31, abstract 5E246 ("Zn.
eksperim. i teor. fiz.", 1961, v. 41, no. 6, 1699-1703, English
Ta-W: Hall effect and resistance in high pulsdd magnetic fields were do
examined on n-type InAs specimens between 20 and 3600K. Magneivoresistance grew
unlimitedly as a result of the quantization of carrier motion inihe magnetic
field. A concentration effect was established at hydrogen temperatures.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 1/1
S/05 6/61 /041/00 6/001/0 5 4
B108/Bi 38
AUTHORS: Amirkhanov, Kh. I., Bashirov, R. I., Zakiyev, Yu. E.
TITLE: Q~uantum galvanomagnetic. effects in n-type InAs
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 41, kl~
no. 6(12), 1961, 1699-1703
TEXT: Hall effect and resistivity were studied in a n-type InAs strong
pulsed magnetic field at temperatures from 20 to 3600K. A magnetic field
of up to 450,000 gauss was achieved by discharging a 1200-tLF capacitor
block through a beryllium bronze coil. The relative change in resistivity
in a pulsed magnetic field does not depend on the length-to-width ratio of
the specimens where this is greater than 10. The specimens studied had
16 -3 18 -3
impurity concentrations of about 3-10 cm and 2-10 cm , Figs,. 5 arid
4 show the results of measurements of Hall consthnt R and resistivity in
a transverse magnetic field for two kinds of samples: ri (Gi)-type inAs
with a conductivity of 175 ohm-1 cm-1 and R = 200 cm3c-1 at 770K, and
Card A ~?
Quantum galvanomagnetic effects in... B108/B138
"-13 (M-13)-type InAs with a = 2870 ohm-lem-1 and R - 3 cm3C_1 at 770K.,
In GI-type opeoimena at 300 and at 770K Hall constant was independent of
the magnetic field strength up to 400,000 gause. At 200K It wao oonotant
in fields of up to 160,000 gauss and then rose slightly, due to the fact,
that at H >160,000 gauss the activation energy of the impurities is
greater than the mean energy of the free electrons. Therefore, the
carrier equilibrium concentration decreases. In the strongly degenerate
M-13-type specimens at 200K Hall constant did not change in a magnetic
field, owing to overlapping of the conduction band and of Impurity iev!4;
It is pointed out that InAs could be used as a pickup in magnetic-I'le1d
strength measurements, Scattering of carriers in GI-type InAs haa a mixed
phonon-ion ch~~&cter. In the range 20-771K a strong magnetic fle'.d
reduces the degeneracy which is marked by only a slight dependence of
AQ/Qo on H. This becomes stronger if the concentration of the equllibri=
carriers decreases (M. I. Klinger, P. I. Voronyuk. ZhETF, 51, 77, !957)
There are 4 figures and 13 references; 5 Soviet and 8 non-Soviet, The
three most recent references to English-language publications read as
follows: P. N. Argyres, J, Phys. Chem. Solids, B, 124; 1959; & N.. Adams,
Card 2/f 3
V05 61/041/006/0, /054
quantum gelvanomagnotic effects in... B108 B138
To, D. Holstein. J. Phys. Chem. Solidet 10, 254# 19591 J. -R. Dixon,
D. P. Eright. J. Appl. PhYs-, 3-0, 733, 1959.
ASSOCIATION:, Dagestanskiy filial Akademii nauk SSSR (Dagestan Branch of
the Aoademy of Sciences USSR)
SUBMITTED: February 5 1961 (initially)
July 25, 1961 (after revision)
Pi 9 - 3'. Resistance versus magniatic field strength.
1egerid. (a),',(b), (bl) for Gl-typd InAs, (a) 'for M-13-t~pe InAs.
'Abscissa - H.103 gauss.,
Fig. 4. Gl-type*InAs.
Legend- (a) resistance versus temperature',..(H 252tOOO gauss)p Hall
constant versus magnetic field strength (T - 200K) 0 (a) resistance versus
magnetic field strength (T 200K)
. Abscissa H-1 gausel T, degree K.
Card 3/4
Galvanomagnetic phenomena in n-InSb in pulse magnetic fields.
Dokl.AN SSSR 132 no.4:793-796 Je 160. (MIRA 13:5)
1. Dagestanakiy filial Akademii nank SSSR. 2. All AzerbSSR (for
(Indium antimodde-Magnstic properties)
f '
Variation of resistance in high magnetic fields in a-type
indium arsenide, Fiz. i'ver. tela 5 no.2:469-474 F 163.
(MIRA 1615)
1, Institut fiziki Dagestanskogo filiala AN SSSR, Malchachkalao
Undium. arsenide--Faectric properties) (Magnetic fields)
Htwband and vife are radio amateurs. Radio no.8:12 Ag 162.
(Radio operators) (Amateur radio stations) (MM 15:8)
.2 P o
AUTHORSt Zakiyeva,_$-.-Kh., Belugina, G. V., Konstantinova, V. V.,
Rebinder, P. A.
TITLEs Effect of the solid disperse phase content on the limiting
viscosity of concentrated suspensions in a structurized medium
PERIODICALi Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 4. 24, no. 6, 1962, 678 - 681
TEXTt The aging of a suspension of aluminum'(particle size, 6 13g)
dispersed in a purified paraffin-naphthene fraction, thickened with 2' by
weight of aluminum naphthenate, was in4estigated for y the solid disperse
phase content, which ranged from 5 to-~1% by volume. Measurements were
made of go the limiting viscosity of the medi4s and of the
limiting viscosity of the suspension, where K((p) is the relative viscosity
of the suspension dependent on y. An investigation of % and TY as
dependent on age showed that within 21 days the 19,1s of suspensions with
T - 5 - 23% dropped to the same value as the 9. of the unfilled gel. This
means that the particles of the solid disperse phase did not form any
Card 1/2
Effect of the solid...
S/06 62/024/006/005/009
additional coagulation structure. For more strongly aged gels with lowered
~o values, K(q) is higher in the low 9 range (up to 23~), and lower at
higher y (31%). At T - 31% the particles of the disperse phase begin to
act as an active filler. The fact that the K(T)'s of all highly
8tructuralized media, i.e. gels with % >115 Poises, is independent of ~o
UP to T - 23 - 27~ suggests that the suspension is completely stabilized.
There are 2 figures,
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR, Moskva (institute Of
Physical Chemistry of the AS USSR, Moscow)
SUBMITTED# July 12, 1962
Card 2/2
AUTHORSs Beluginal G. V., Konstantinova, V. V., Zakiveva. S. Kh., Rebinder,
P. A.t Academician 105POPM ---
TITLE: Investigation of the Gel-forming Ability of Aluminum Oleates in
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960t Vol. 132, No. 2, PY- 380-383
TEXTt The authors discuss the behavior of the gels of aluminum soaps of the
general composition Al(OH)n(OOCR)m, where n + m a 3. They mention the dependence
of the properties of such substances on the number of hydroxyl groups, on the
association of the molecules, and on the molecular weight and the type of acid
radical. It was the aim of the present paper to investigate the behavior of the
aluminum soaps of unsaturated fatty acids on the basis of the exa 1e of oleic
acid. The aluminum oleates were prepared by the reaction of A12(SOM5 with an
alcoholic solution of sodium cleats at 700C. From the aluminum olMes gels were
formed in pure benzene. The influence exerted by composition on the viscosityn
was investigated on 8% gels, which were precipitated in the case of an alkali
excess of 25-200%. Fig. I shows the dependence of q on the content of free alkali
Card 1/2
Investigation of the Gel-forming Ability of
Aluminum Oleatcq in Benzene
after 5, 7, and 30-32 days. q attains a maximum at 50% alkali excess (n - 1
and a second lower maximum in the case of an alkali excess of 150% (n - 1.7~.'
The soap precipitated with alkali excess of 200% was no longer soluble in benzene.
Like in the case of saturated fatty acids, bisubstituted aluminum soap (n - 1)
of oleic acid had the greatest viscosity. The stability of the gels wan low
(Fig. 2). This is ascribed to the low chemical stability of unsaturated fatty
acids. However, also ot-naphthol added as antioxidizing agent does not influence
gel &ging. This aging does not depend on the composition of the aluminum oleate,
which fact distinguishes the Al oleates from the aluminum naphthenates (Fig. 2).
Fig- 3a shows the increase of viscosity with increasing concentration of the
soap.- The dependence log-q- K + a log, G (1) was found (K and a = constants,
0 - concentration). Increasing concentration (Fig. 4) retards the aging process.
However, also 12% gels age and are durable for not more than two weeks, whereas
4% gels of aluminum naphthenates remain stable for longer periods. There are
4 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of
Physical Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, 'USSR)
SUBMITTEDt February 6, 1960
Card 2/2
Stabilization of concentrated suspensions by the structure formation
of the dispersion (hydrocarbon) medium. Koll.zhur. 23 no.6:6.58-
668 N-D 161. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Institut fizichoskoy khimil AN SSSR, Moskva.
(6uspensions (Chemistry') (Hydrocarbons)
NIKIT11U,, laind.ldlim.nauk; TAIMMidl, -k-B-, cloktor kilin-nauk; &, ,yly."'~FA, "r!)-,
kznd. Ichim. nalik
Pk,jqjcaj and chenical principles of the diist-cOllOctinf, action
of surface active agents. Borba a eii. 3:29-39 '59.
(HIRA 12: 0)
Invostigation of the dust tmpping capacity of wetting so-
lutions In dust cbambers. Zhur.prikl.khim. 32 no.4:797-800
Ap 159. (MIRA 12:6)
1. Institut fixicbeekoy khIvII AN SSSR.
(Air filters)
AUTHORSs Belugina, G. V., Zakiyeva, S. Kh., BOV/20-126-2-25/64
Rebinder, F. A., Academician, Taubman, A. B.
TITLEt On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated
Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic Soaps
(0b ustoychivosti i vyazkosti kontsentrirovannykh
suspenziy v oleogelyakh metallicheskikh myl)
PERIODICAL3 Do klady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 2,
pp1318-321 (USSR)
ABSTRACT3 In the course of the investigations discussed in the present
paper the aluminum soaps of naphthenic acids were used as
structure-forming additions. They form oleogels with peculiar
structurally mechanical properties. These properties of
oleogels depend on the molecular nature of the dispersive
medium and may be regulated by variation of these factors.
In this connection, the authors investigated the time-
-dependence of the viscosity of the gels of aluminum
naphthenate in hydrocarbon media and in concentrated
suspensions which are built up on the basis of such hydrocarbo
media. Ordinary technical surface-hardened oxidized aluminum
Card 1/3 powder with particles of aluminum powder from 6 to 13 1P_ served
On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated SOY/20-126-2-25/64
Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic soaps
as dispersive phase. The dispersion medium used was the
purified basic paraffin-naphthene fraction of the fuel
T - 1. The production of the aluminum soaps used for
structure-formation is briefly described. A diagram shows
the typical curves lglL- T for a 2% aluminum-naphthenate-gel.
HerelL denotes viscosity and T - time. The introduction of
a solid phase increases initial viscosity considerably, but
without changinp the character of its aging. Analogous
curves of aging are given for 2%- and e/6-gels of an
aluminum-naphth9nate of other composition. If benzene is
substituted for the paraffin-naphthene fraction, the initial
viscosity of the gel is reduced, but the viscosity of the
gel in the suspension undergoes practically no change for
the duration of one month. The decrease of viscosity in the
oleogels of the aluminum-naphth*nate and in the corresponding
suspensions is probably a consequence of the latent formation
of aggregates. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 10 references,
9 of which are Soviet.
Card 2/3
On the Stability and Viscosity of Concentrated SOV/20-126-2-25/64
Suspensions in the Oleogels of Metallic Soape
ASSOCIATIONs Institut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute for Physical Chemistry of the Academy of
Sciencea, USSR)
SUBMITTEDs February 26, 1959
Card 3/3
5(4) SOY/60-32-4-15/47
AUTHORS: Zskiyeva, S.M. Taubman, A.B.
TITLEs Investigation of the Dust Collecting Capacity of Solutions
of Wetting Agents in the Dust Chamber (Issledovaniye pyleu-
lavlivayusheb" sposobnosti ra-stvorov-smachivateley v
pyleyoy kamerd)
PERIODICALs Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 4yPP 797-800
ABSTRACT: Water is widely used in mining operations for reducing the
concentration of quaxtz or coal dusts Special wetting
reagents are added to water to increase its dust collecting
capacity. The purpose of the present investigation was to
test several wetting agents in a laboratory dust chamber of
1 m3 in volume. The chamber is illustrated by Figure 1 and
described. A special-method was developed-which consisted
in determining the dust collecting-capacity of water and
-wetting-agent solut-iona by-the muddiness of suspensions
which were formed by the dust collected in the process of
liquid spraying. It was found that the new synthetic
Card 1/2 wetting agent PAC-Na, prepared in the Inetitut nefti AN SSSR
Investigation of the-Bust Collecting Capacity of Solutions of Wetting Agents
in the Dust Chamber
(Petroleum instit'ate of the AS USSR)v effectively raises
the dust collecting oapaoity of water. The results of
experiments are shown in Graphs 2 and 3 and in Table. The
muclainess of the- suspeneiorvi was measured by a nephelometer
of the NNF-type. Acknowledgement to A.Ya.Lariv. Is expressed
for the supply cf wetting agent samples.
There are I diagTaM. 2 graphe, 1 table and 9 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Institut fizichaskoy khimii AN SSSR~(Institu-te of Physical
Chemistz7 oi the AS USSR)
SUBMITTEDt December 31, 1-957-
Card 2/2
Sboariffs oboes land $be"* limit of lemolobviall rostaile
is Me ovalloaden of their moothaskal properties. A. A.
Traportaill"Y sjul 8. D#kWy Abad. N.oik
3.5.3.R. 73.819-2209W)~Slrakrl (S)-time (r) and strain -
(S)-otrr*s (P) curves were detol.. at W anti -40", for a
gressir (1) with 10- Ca stestrotte in riontlolaw paraffin nil.
and onlidtal (FI) with " 24)~. cattonaml-itil soop. under comil.
tions at steliviiic application of small I,iasl lonctions ain; 4
such S~ curves permit the detti. of the litniting %irm P.
(yield point) of 1xvinning marked plastic flow, &nil of the
corresponding eLut;c S. The S-P curves constructed from
such S-r pl,)ts. rwrrqtxmtl to Infinitely idow Insiding. i.e.
to the equil. .1 as a function of P. At P ~1- Pa. the X-t
Curves, bec'mot linear, &oil file S-P riuves vertical. At
awh infinitely al-nor hosiling, the Pa wins ro4nori'les Willi lite
strorw-b limit P". On M1141 aptilk-StIoli of equal load lxv-
tkins AP. e.9. *M time titervaut Ar - 3 and I tnin. Iar-
lyr sprilrallims, the S-P curves of 13 at 25 .i
we WWhqd woolnewbast. relative to the equil. curve. In zahe
diteortbas; of higher P. whereas for I they colooselds with the
oqwM. coor". 71hia Indicates that, for 1. P. is identical with
r6, Wl for 13 there is a slight dillcrenc- At -4U
the 3 Clity" 4-1 S (At - I 4nd A "tin., 4ful th~ "141W rinvew
1jjVrtSr Vely mustiledly for "h I WfUl 11, I.e. 1, t% 111AIL"11V
higher than Pa. This result contrailicts the rspeclont in-
cream of brittleness at lower tempt.. according to which
Pa and P, shouUt draw cloatir to each other at lower temp,
The contrary behavior of the cnn,itrnt xrm-s it attfiltuted
w a more rapid growth of the P~Irprndlomt structural
%-14CAM17 9, of ploptle tlefarmallom (characteristic in file
range > P&) truip., as comlaared with Ili
Irsi rapid derrmse with decreasing 11. and all compiard with
the arnwth Of Pa with failing temp. The magnitude of the
qttml lwtween 11. and P, clutracteriz" the plailk-Ity of the
grora'sor as against It. twittlenew; In this sense. I is motor
twittle than It of 1.%*. Whereas at -40* 1-th I *out It wv
tatk-. That t It 6 sprrad in Jrld, toy "vat 1,,n. and not only
Ey an increase of the viscosity of the oil with titic"ooMns
temp.. follows from the fact that paraffin In pareffin oil
at -40' shows only holittle rupture. The rapid growth of
-e# with decreasing temp. Is dur to) Increased strength u( Ow
linkage 4 the ini4q, Ill their anivate eniorhop". line that
les..j. lit'-dirf plasticity. In the 41"Ove sense, Moto, goes hAnd
in hand with greater stability of the Xtraw with retaild tu
mpn. of the oil. Frorn the point of view o( practical re-
to, a Cream. in order to attain a large strain in a
'=== bid t . . . . not .tZhigh " at P slightly aho"
Ps. strut falling rapidly with further increasing P. i.e. P,
%hoosid not fit full flit *!Nwe Pa. N. Tbon
Wetting capacity of surface-active substances and their rate of
adsorption from aqueous solutions. Zhur. prikl. khim. 31+ no.Ut2658-
2661+ D 161, (MIRA 15:1).
(Surface-active agents) (Adsorption)
UL"I'S'VAJ, S.. Mi.
"S'ur"act-aral-'I-Iecha.-i'-Ical Propertie.-~ ai:d R~ase Changes in I'llodell- of 3oap Con-
sistency Creases." Gand Chem Sci, Inst of Faysical Chemistry, Iloscow, 1951-,.
(RZhKhi-.i, No 5, Mar 55)
So: Simi. No 670., 29 Sept 55 - Survey of Scientific and Technical aisLertations
Defended at jSSR Ilig",cr Educational institutions (15)
Akademiya nauk Latvlyskoy SSR. Institut ekspdrimentallnoy
Voprosy kurortologii. (t.] 5: Problemy fiziologicheskogo deystviya
I terapevtiche3kogo primenenlya aeroionov (Problems in Health-
Resort Therapy. v. 5: Studies of the Physioloji6al Effect' and Ther-
apeutic Application of Air'lons). Riga, Izd-~b All.-Latviyokoy
SSR, 1959. 424-p. (Seriest Its: Trudy, t. 20) Errata-'slip In-
serted. 1000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agency: Akademlya nauk LatvIyakoy.SSR. InstItut eksperl.
mentallnoy meditsiny.
Editorial Board: Resp. Vd.: L.' L. Vasilly4y, Prbfessoi~,-P. D.' Perlij"
Professor, F. G. Portnov, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Ya. Yule
Reynet, Candidate,of Physical and-Nathematical Solences,'and L.M.
Tutkevloh, Candidate of Medical Salenasaj Id.a A.'Vengranoviahj 11
Tech. Ed.s A. Zhukovakaya,
Card 1/7
ILI r---
Problems In Health-Heoort (Cont.) BOV16150
PURPOSEt This book in Intended for phiaicians workiAg at health
resorts and for the Seneral practitioper.
COVERAGE: This book, a collection of arildles, in essentially the
proce6dings of the Second Conference on the-Phgalological'Effeot
and Therapeutio Applioation of Air*lons,'.held qt Riga',(Lat.vian.
53R) in December 1957. The use of negative air ions'la believed
to be beneficial in the treatment of nonheqaing*woind~ and ulcere*-
which often result from radiation injury'.-. The b6ok ohhtains
photod, of numerous devices described Infttat. - Noorodis refer-
ences, mostly Soviet, are given at the *#d of xwq c;f the'ar.tlcles.
T.AXX 6F COMMS (Abridgedli
Gerlie, P. Ya. Introduction 3
Vasiltyevp L. L. Current.Problems of the Physiologic&;
and Therapeutic Effect.of Air Xqns
Card 2/j
Problems in Realth-Resort, (Cont.)
C~azhalaj Ye. M. Influence of Lightweight Air Ions
Upon the Heart Muscle of a Rabbit Under Normal
Conditions and With Experimental Diphtherial Myo-
carditis 187
Fislyegin, A. K. The Biological Significance of Air
ions and Some Peculiarities of Their Effect Upon
the Organism 195
Liyepa, V. B. Influence of Various Doses of Air Ions
Upon the Excitability of the Nquromuscular System 205
Siyrde. E. K. Some Fliysiological Indices of the Ef-
feci of Negatively and Positively Ionized Atmos-
pheric Gas and Water Molecules 215
Zakke,. 1. F.~ 3. Yu. Udris, 1. F. Yaunkalns. Effect
ve and Negative Air ionization on,the Cy-
tology of the Blo*od and Gonnecti*e Tissue of White
Rats 221
Card 6/7
Track stralghtening machine in the Track HaenJnery -Station. 1put'
i put. khot. 8 no*11216 164 (MIRL 18o.2)
1. Nachallnik putevoy mashinnoy stantaii No,132, strantsiya
Poltava, Yuzhnoy dorogi.
_Z~~Oy, V.
Life itself dictates It. Bov.profaoiuzY 7 no.22:42 H 159.
(14IRk 12:12)
1. Chlen prozidiums, TSentrallnogo komitsta profsoyusa rabochikh
i alushashchikh sallelcogo khozyaystva I Wotovok.
(Labor laws arul legislation)
SHKgRA20V) I.; ZAKI-A NOY, V... otarshiy nauchWy sotrildni
For the correct organismtion of vages 'on state farms, astmetrud
8 no.3,.-34-39 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:3)
1. Sekretarl ~seso3uznogo tsentrallnogo soveta professionallnykh soyusov
(for Shkuratov)9- 2. Irse.soyuznyyua)ichno-iseled~v4oliskiy inatitut
ekonomiki sei skogo-khozyayatva. (for Zakladnoy.).
(Agricultural vages)
ZAKLADNOY, Viktor Stepanovich
[Wage tables for piecerwork of state-fars workers engaged in
mechanized operations]' Tablitsy dUa nachislenila zarabotnol
platy rabochim sovkhozov na mekhaniziz6vannykh rabotakh, pri
sdellnoi oplate truda. Moskva, Gosstatizdat, 1962. 301 P.
(MIRA 16--5)
(Agricultural wages)
2AKLADNOY, Viktor Stepanovich, at. nauchnyy sotr.; KOMAROVA, Tamaro
Alek-s-e-y-e-=-A-,--s-t-.--eko--n-omist; DMITRIYEV, L.A., red.;
SAYTANIDI, L.D., tekhn. red.
[Wage for drivers on at-ate farms] Oplata truda shoferov v
sovkhozakh. Moak-.a. Izd-vo M-va sellskogo khoz. RSFSR
1963. 155 P. (MIRA 16:Z
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iaeledovateliskiy institut ekonomiki
sellskogo khozyaystva (for Zakladnoy5. 2. Upravleniye organi-
2rtsii truda i zarabDtnoy platy Ministerstva proizvodstva i
zagotovok sellskokhozyaystvennykh produktov RSFSR (for
(Wages-gi$hyay transport workers)
(State farms)
ZA-KLADNOY, Viktor Stepno,~Lich; KOMAROVAO Tamara Alekseyevna;
I I 1---ml."Ir .1111mi-
, 02% , E S. I
(Wages for motor vehicle drivers on state fame] Oplate.
truda shoferov v sovkh02akh. 2., dop. izd. Moskva,
Rossellkhozizdat$ 1965. 159 P. (MIRA 18:3)
Some problams pf controlled change of the heredity in millet.
Agrobiologiia My-Je 163. (MIRA 16:7)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sernobobovykh
kulltur, Orel.
(Orel Province-Millpt),
Some problems of scientific justification of strain
renovation time and improvement of millet seed production.
Agrobiologiia no-3:353-358 ttr-,Te 165.
(MIRA 18:11)
1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom krupyanykh kulltur Vaesoyuznogo
nauchno-issiodovatel,lakogo instituts. zernobobovykh kullturp
g. Oral.
Study of conditions Infl-tiencing, the effectiveness of immunization
against tick-borne encephalitis. fleport llc.]: InfItience of the
imanogenic propertlev of Lhe vaccinf, on th~~ ei'l'octlvonvos of
vaccination and revaccination. Vop. viru:i. 11, no.2:168-172 Mr-Ap
165. (MIRA 18:10)
1. Institut poliomyellta I IlLm:3nvkh All~lrl SSSR, Moakva.
"The bearing of glacial and interglacial epocho on the formation
and extinction of plant tata" by J.Iversen, Reviewed by E.D.
Zaklinskaia, N.G.Senkeviche Biul.Kom.chetv.per. no.27:160-161
,62. (KIRA 16:4)
(Europe, Western-Glaci&l epoch)
(Europe, Western-Plants, Effect of temperature of)
(Iversen, J.)
, - - -
Raising chicks on rations with a prevalence of corn. Biol.v shkole
no.2:90-91 Mr-AP 157. (KLRA 10:5)
I*Saratovskly zoovaterinarnyy IrAtItut,
(Poultry-Fe9ding and feeding stuffs)
(Stock mind stockbriteding-Study and teaching)
Two cases of modulloblastoma of the cerebellus in adults. Gesk-. neur,
21 no.6:)98-403 Nov 58.
1. Neurologicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta. akademik K. Henner.
(CMMBUUK, neoplasms
medulloblastoma, in adults (Cs))
(KEDULIDBIASTOML, cane reports
cerebellum, in adults (0m))
B3tab3ish technically based production standards for agriculture.
Sots. trud 5 no.6:90-97 A 16o. (MIRA 13:11)
(Arviculture-Production standards)
ZAKLADNOY, Viktor Stepanovich, PRIJTOVYKH, P.N., otv. red.; MAKAROVA,
red-.; ILU WA, T.F., te.khn. red.
[Tables for calculating wages for state farm workers engaged
in manual work and work with horse-drawn machenery where-the
piecework wage system is in operation]Tablitsy dlia nachisle-
niia zarabotnoi platy rabochim sovkhozov na, konno-ruchnykh
rabotakh; pri sdellnoJ. oplate truda. Moskvas, Gosstatizdat,
1962. 191 p. (MIRA 15'.10)
(Agrioultural sragoo-Tables and ready-rockonors)
7ArF.A Yevganily 14khayloyich; SHCHINCLIT, Nikolay iladimirovich;
-ZUXAk9, _N.A., red.; KATTAM, A.P.,
[Tales about polymer's] Ramskazy a -polimerakh. Moskva, Izd-vo
*Sovetakela Ronslin," 1960, 132
WRA 14: 4)
N(YJAKOWSKA, Anna (Lodz); ZAKLICKAp Barbara (Lodz)
The use of actidione for microbiological control in the yeast
industry. Przemysl spoz 16 no.2:32-40 162.
Effect of the length of intervals between inoculations on the
efficacy of vaccination and revaccination against tick-borne
encephalitis. Vop. virus. 10 no.3:266-270 W-je 165.
(MIRA 18-.7)
1. Institut poliomiyelita i virusnykh entaefalitov AW1 SSSR) Moskva,
i Kemerovskaya oblastnaya aanitarno-epidemiologicheskaya stantsiya.
Tmmunogenic and aritulgenic activiloy of the Inactivatpd culturel
vaccine as r,lpted to different viruBes of antigenic tick-borpe I
encephalit1s. complex. Vop. virus. 10 no. 6:6419-656 N-D 165 IlI
N f FlL~ 19 " I )
1. InstItut pollomiyelita I vi-usp-,jk-h Pntsefalltov AlOr "!S".6.,
Moskv-e- Submitted July 9, 1964.
1. 1, 11.1 S, 11 A Y." , V, A. ; C I IU K t " 11, IM ~ Y, P; V-1 I!,% , 11-
Opectrum of antlhe:iag
tal virus immunization of tick-borme wireply-OAtis ccTrpItcr. Vrp.
virus 10 no. 6:657-663 N-D 165 (MIRA 19~1)
1. .1notitut poliomlyelita I vir-Lianykh entneralittw A.1-W
Mookva. Sulmitted July 9, 1964.
k Y~.A.; UMMISM, X.G.
Comparative study of the epidemiological effectiveness of vacci-
nations with tissue culture and brain vaccines against tick-
borne encephalitis* Vop. virus. 8 no,,3007-315 My~6163.
(KM 16:10)
1, Institut poliomyelita i virusnykh entsegalitov AHN SSSR,
Moskva i Kemerovskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-epidemiologichaskaya
LIVOV, D. K.; _. j! A------
Use of the hemagglutination inhibition reaction for the study
of the immunogenic characteristics of formalized vaccines
against tick-borne encephalitis. Vop. *Yus. 8 no.3s360-361
MY-Je'63. (MIRA 16:10)
1. Institut policimlyelits i viruanykh entsefalitov AMN SSSR,
an~llwdy ac-nimulation in paLients durIng th= ea.-' .7 Period
follo-wIng vfi,-,0Arnt,on enrid rolm?ninntion agninst tink-bo-rno,3, Vop. vlri~s.. 9 no.5-601...604 S-0 164. (MIRA 18:6)
1. lzis~-!~w% poliom-4yell.ta -4 virusnykh entsefqlit:)v AMN SSSR '-
kafedra ~?P-ld-mlulogf-i T Moskovskogo ordena Lonina ineditsinskcp
"'meni Sechenova, Mo3kv,,i.
L125986.66 EWTM/T JK
AUTHORt Llvov, Do *-Lvov, Do Ks; ?Aklinskffa. V9 Ael Chumkov, He Pot Levin*, Le S
ORG: Institute of Pollowelitis and Viral Enenhalitis, AMN SSSR2 Moscow (Institut
poliords4lita i virusrWkh Zt-aofalitciv MI SSSR)
TITIB: AntihoreAgrlutinating'antibociS, opectrum following experimental immmisatto
with tick-borne encephalitia,viruses
SOUHCP,: Voprosy virusologii, no. 6, 1965, 657-M3 4~
TOPIC TAGS: antibodyi immmization, encephalitis, virus, rat
ABSTRACT: . This study, deals with the patterns of fomation and dynamics of
homologoiis and heterologous antihemagglutinine following the experimental
immmization with various Eastern and Western strains of tick-borne encephali-,
tie virus (Soffin,, F[habarovsk-17,, Bars, Al'shawkiyp Pang Khiprp No 256s No
20536) as well as with louping J11s *On* hemorrhado favep.,Kyasanur forestp
.Langaty Powassan and Negishi -druses., on using white rate as the experimental
animils (immunization by injection of a 10% brain suspension of suckling rate
,infected Atli the corr'-zz-ponding strains). The hemagglutination-inhibition
,reaction was carried o~~ by the standard virus titration technique, The dif-
ferences in the developnent of homlogous and heterologous antibodiev follow-
ing hypo-p hyper- and roinmmization were found.tobe qA~antitative In natur96
L 25986-66
ACC NRt APW16097
110 essenti&l change in the difference between homologous and heterolosoui
antibody titers was observed in animals teated at different times. Immuni-
zation with any strain of tick-bornie- encephalitis'Virus leads to the develop-
ment of anti hemagglutinins for all the other strains of this viruso At the
same time, antibodies for all the other representative strains of the complex
are formeds but at lower titers. For Omsk hemorrhagic fever,, Langat# louping
ill and Negiohl viruses the difference in antibody titers is not large (log
1-3) but for Kyasanur forest and Powaaaan viruses the difference betwaen
homologous arid heterologous antibody titers is significant (109 3-5 and 3-7.,
respectively)@ Imunization -,dth W virus of the subgroup except Foinssan
virus leads to the development of antibodies for 41 the other viruses of
the complex; thcn the antibody titers are log 1-3 lower than for the homologous
,virusp and with respeot to the Kyasaitur forest and Powaasan viruses these titers
are always awch lower (log 4-6). Following i=ani2ation with the IaA 2 virusess
and particularly idth Powassans hateirologous antibocV titers are mich lower . !
than homologot!j Ontibod7 titem Orige art# hast 4 figures and-i taGio.* fj'FR-37
L ?_~985_66 EWT (1 T JK SOURCE
ACC NRs APki-606- (N) CODE s UR/OMT6-5 0000676
AUTNOR: Za"skaya, V. As; L'vov. tie Ks_Lvov, Do Kel Chumakov, Me-?*; levina
Lo S
ORG: Institute of Poliomplitis and Viral Encephalitis, AMN SSSR. Moscow (Institut
pol-tomiyelita i virusnykh entsefalitav AMN SSSR)
TITIE: Irmunogenic(Qand antiganic activity of inactivated cultural vaccine with"r
respect to various-Viruses of the antigen complex of tick-borne encophalitis(D 21
SOURCEt Voprosy vllrusologii, no~ 6. 1965. 649-656
TOPIC TAGSt encophalitisj~vaccine. virus, mouse, immunity
ABSTRACTt The existence of various viruses of the- tick-borne encephalitis com-
plex requires developing a aingle effective vaccine for all these viruses. In
this connection,, the authors investigated the immunogenic and antigenic pro-
perties of a cultural vaccine against tick-borne encephalitiss developed at
the Institute of PoliomVelitis and Viral Encephalitides. Immunogenic propertied
Ifere investigated in experiments on the resistance of inmunized (double sub-
-tit,mneous inoculation of 0.5 cc at a time) pure-bred mice with respect to LD 501
folloAng infection with the corrosponding virus atraino The antigenic pro-
perties of the vaccine were determined by investigating the sera of the vac-
cinated and rovaccinated volunteers and the agglutination reactions. The
imnunogenic properties of the vaccine were found to apply more or lose; to all
the investigated eight Eastern and Western strains of tick-borne encephalitis
Card - 1/ uDc: 615-371:576o858.2ff-092.22:61~.9L8.~
L 25985-66
virus (Sof 'in., Khabarovsk-17., Barsp ILI'shevsklyj, Pan., No 256., Kh1pr., 110 20536),j,
,and they are sijnilnr or lowur with nispect to the viruses of Omsk hew3rrhagie
1everp Scotland ovine encophalowyclii-As and certain other viruses. Sinxilarlyo
,as regards antigenic properties,, the virus-neutralizing activity of the oem
,of inoculated volunteers proved to be the same with respect to all the strains:-
of the tick-borne encephalitis virus and nearly the same for viruses of otha14 '~
~typess These findings warrant the &ssumption that the now cultural vaccine -1
.against tick-borne encephalitis vir%is io effective not only In Eastern but,
,also in Western USSR* Moreover,, Wo does not preolu4o the possibility of
employing this vaccine in the propkr1axis of other Infections caused by
viruses of the antigenic subgmp of tick-borne encephalitis./ orl'
go art# hass
4 figures and tables, fJPRS7
SUB avEs o6 SUEM DATEt 09juI64 / ORIG REFt 003 OM REN 006
Analis izkopeyanykh nylltey i sper i eve
Paleogeography)s Ogis, Geof-rafgis,
ZAUI-",1SKA-IAs ile D
Opisaniye pylitsy i spor nekotorykh vidov rasteniy pollyarnoy tundr-y. Opisaniye
nekotorykh vidov pylltsy i spor, vjdelennykh iztretichnykh otlozheniy Pasekovskogo
karlyera Voronezhskoy oblasti [>scription of the pollen and spores of certain plarit
species of the arctic tundra. Description of some species of pollen and spores
isolated in the tertiary sedimentation of the Pasekov Quarry, Voronegh Oblas~7 Moskva,
Izd-vo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1953.
117 P. illus., diagrs (Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Institut Geologicheskikh Nauk.
Trudy, Vyp. 142, Geologicheskaya Seriya, No. 59)
Contains bibliographies.
KAterials on the history of palsogenic and neogenic flora of ths
Northern Caucasus (representative data on the results of spore and
pollen analysis of a basic cross section). (Int Akadexiis, nauk S8SR.
Voprosy petrografii i mineralogii. Koskya, 1953. Vol. 1, p.419-446)
(KLRA 7:4)
(Caucasus, Northern--Psleob6tany) (Paloobotany--Caucasus, Northern)
(Caucasus, Northern--Pollen, 7osisil)
(Pollen, 7osell-Caucasus, Northern)
Spare-pollen spectrum of a treeless zone. Priroda 41 no.7;94-97 JI 153.
(MLRL 6:6)
1. Institut goologiohookikh nauk Akademii nauk SWIL (Pollen)
1. Z:,KLIN._,EAYA, E-. IJ.
2. u3sR (6w)
4. Paleobotany
7. Principal stages in the development of the Cenozoic flora in the south of tile
European part of the U.S.S.R., based on data from analyses of spores and pollen.
Dokl.. J~ SSSR 89, No. 5, 1953.
Discussion of the distribution of Cenozoic floristic conplexes and of
the spore-dust spectra in the Maykop area. States that spore-dust analysis is one
of the most used methods of palsobotanists. Presented by Acad D. S. Belyankin.
9. Monthly List Lf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April 1953, Uncl.
IAKLDMKAYA, Ye.D.; SUKACHIV, T.N., akademik.
Spore and pollen epectrus of the marine Oligocene of the northern Aral lake
region. DDkLAN SSSR 92 no.6:1213-1216 0 '53. MHA 6:10)
1. Akadenlya nauk SSSR (for SWmehav).
(Aral lWke--P&le6bctauF) (Plaledbotany-Aral lake)
~ I
Materials on the history of the flora and vegetation of the Naeocene of
northern Usakhatan in the Plavlodar region of the Irtyah Basin. Tradly Inst.
geol. nauk 141:34-69 153. (MLBA 6:12)
(Irtysh basin--Pbllon, Fossil) (Pollen, Fossil-
Irtysh basin)
Description of pollen and spores of several species of plants of the
polar tundra; description of several species of pollen and spores
yielded by the Tertiary deposits of the Pseekovskiy pit in Voronezh
ProvInce. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk no.142:1-115 '53. (KLRA 7:5)
(Voronezh Province-Pollen, Fossil) (Pollen, Foagil-Voronesh
"Stratigraphic Significance of the Pollen of Gymnospermous Cenozoic Deposits
of Favlodarsk Pri-irtyehlye and of Northern Priarallye." Cand Gcol-Min Sci, Inst
of Geological Sci, Acad Sci, Acad Sci LISSR, Moscow, 1954. (KL, No 1. 'Tan 55)
Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Htrher
Educational Institutions (12)
SO: Sum- ITO- 556, 24 Jun 55
UM/Geology - Paleontology
card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 38AS
Authors 3 Zaklinskaya, E. D.
Title t Vegetation during the period of life and death of the Taymirsk mammoth
Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 98/3, 471-474, Sep a, 1954
Abstract : Scientific report on the veg6tation existing during the life and death of
the Tavmirsk mammoth was prepared by a special expedition of the Academy of
Sciences USSR. Eight USSR references (1901-1953). Drawing,.
Institution : ...
Presented by: Academician V. N. Sukachev, June 19, 1954
USM/Geology - Paleontology
Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 35/45
Authors : Zaklinskaya., E. D.
Title : Spore-pollen spectra of tbe upper Eocene of the northern iral. region
Periodical : Dok. AN SSSR 99/4, 621-624, Dee 19 1954
Abstract : Geological data on the peculiartypes of pollen-Opore spectra of the upper
Eocene discovered in the Aral region, are presented. Seven 'USSR references
(1930-1953). Illustrations.
Institution :
Presented by: Academician V. N. Sukachev, October 5, 1954
On Paleogene flora fowA nmw the eastern edge of the Turgai
Gates (Upper part of the Turgai River, AmwWl'dy District)
Dokl. Al SM 105 no.2:357-359 155. (W-BA 9:3)
1. Institut geologicheskikh nit" Ak&deuit nam SM. Predstav-
leno akadealkom V.11. Sukache"u.
Mrod gates-Paledbotany)
: GRICHUK. V.P., otvatetvannyy redaktor;
ZAKLIlff-qrA XL AwRizvWx"m
CHNPIKOVA, I.M., radaktor izdatel'stva; NOVIKOVA, S.G., tekhnicheskly
[Stratigraphic significance of gymnospermous pollen in Cenozoic
deposits of the Pavlodar region in the Irtysh Valley and the Northern
Aral rooonl- Stratigraficheskoe zaachenis pulltsy golosomennykh
kainozoinkikh otlozhexii. pavlodarokogo priirtyshli& i severnogo
priarallia. Moskva, Izd--vo akademli muk SSSR, 1957. 219 p. (Akademiia
nauk SSSR, Geologicheskil Institut. Trudy; no.6) (mLnA 1o:4)
(Iri;ysh Valley--Pollen, Yossil)
(Aral-region--Pollen, Fossil)
Llaklinskaya, "fe-D.,
T IT LE The Principles of Paleofl.oristle, Mlet,hodo of Stratification
of the Cenozoic Deposils of Kazakhstan and Adjacent Parts
of the 'Nest Siberian Lowland ~'Printsipy paleoflor-istiches-
kogo obosnovaniya raschleneniya kayno-?.oyski-kh otlozheniy
Kazakhs-t.ana i prflegayushchikh chastey Zapadno-Sibirskoy
PERICIDICALi Izve3tilya Akadem'.'- nauk SSSR, Seri-ya geologicheskaya,
10,58, Nr 10, pp 12 - 8:~- (UISSi)
ABSTRACT: The author strGsiieG the imuortance of determining the con-
nection between 4,hr, fosoilized flora and the 1ELyers of
rocks formed dur:Lng different periods of the Conozioc era.
The study of gpores and pollen found in Cenozoic strata of
Kazakh---tan and '.Vest Siberia showed the evclu-.ion of clima-
tic cond-itions, ir, ',-hat roginr from 3ub-tropical in Pale-
ocene-Locene tine to temperate during the prooont time.
The following geologists and paleontologists are mention-
ed for their contributions to thils study: A.I. Yanshin
/-T-Zef , 287; K.V. 11-i-kiforova ZRef, q17; IN.K. Ovechkin
-=./ -
t s ovafRe
,a,,rc-,r iff
e -
. ; Ye.P , Boy
Ref, ~2
; V.V. j
S.B. Shat3kiy fRef, ?2,/-, V.S, Kornilcv, - ef, 15,167;
Card 1/2 -
L.N. Rzhannikova ZR-e4.'- 2'1 ; L.Yu. Budantsev LRef.
The Principles of Paleo-fioristi--, Yethods of Stra t4 fication 'he Ceno-
.L `,
zoic Deposit's of Kazakhstan ani Adjacent Parts of the West Siberian
A,G. Kovalsv3kaya fitef. 147; G.A. Baluyeva JRef. 17- A.N.
Krishtofovich, V.P. Grichuk; V.I. Baranov Lilef. 2&;
V. 2ukhov !_4Z; M,G. Gorbunov ZT'ief. 10,11 ; A.A.
Lari all f. Thero are 12 maps, 2 tables, 2 dia-
grams and 20 reference3v 27 of which are Soviet, 1 Poli8h
and 1 German.
SUBMITTED: August 7, 1957
ASSOCIATION: Geolog-icheskiy Tnstitut AIN SSSRI, 7.1cskva (The Geological
Instititute of AS USSR, Moscow)
1. Geology-.-USSR 2. Paleoecology--Analysis 3. Geological time
Card 2/2
Stratigraph7 of loose sediments in the Zeva-Bt=eyu Plain. Izv. AN
SSSR. Ser. geol. 23 no.2:25-43 F 158. (MIRA 11:5)
1,Inatitut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdani7, petrografii, mineralogii
i geokhimii All SSSR i Geologicheskiy institut All SSSR, Mosk-7a.
(Zeya-Buroya Plain--Geology, Stratipyaphic)
Paleogene flora in the Kara-Tau.
102-3-15 Mr-AP 160.
Biul#MDIP.Otd.gool. 35 no*2:
(mm 1/,.-4)
Significance of anClosperm pollen for upper Cretaceous duld
Palsogene stratigrapby. Dokl-AN SSSR 133 no.2:43i-434
JI 160. (MM 3-3: 7)
1. Geologicheskiy institut Ak-demii nauk SSSR. Predstavleno,
almdemikom TOLSakmehevym, ----
(Pal,ynoloff) (PalsobotwW. Stratigraphic)
ml oh llw~ I
Eu - -?.,I
i io
5 RP
9 Fa
j M Fig. ,r
KORENEVA, Yelena Vasillyevna; ZILKLINIKAYA, Ye.D., otv.rad.; FEYTE,
A.V,, glavnyy red.; F~I., .. red.; '-ENNTR, Mlz, red.;
TI,1.50FEYFV, P.P., red.
(Spores and pollen from the bottom sediments in the westorn
part of the Pacific Ocean.] SDory 1 pylltsa iz donnykh
otlozhenii. zapadnoi chastJ T:kviogo okeana. Moskva, Izd-vu
"Nauka." 1964. 87 p. (Akaderrdia nauk SSSR. Biologichesk--',
institut. Trudy, no, 109) (14IRA 17t6')
1. Chlen-korrespondent MI SSSR (for Peyve).
L 4673Q-6~~ EWT(l) GW
ACC NRi AP6019459
SOURCE CODE: UR/0384/66/000/001/0056/0064
AUTHOR: Zaklinsk2xa, Ye. D. (Candidate of geologico-mineralogical sciences); Udintsev
G. B. (Candl-date of geographical sciences)
ORG: none
TITLE: The Indian Ocean under the keel of the-Vityaz'
SOURCE: Zemlya I Vselennaya, no. 1, 1966, 56-64
TOPIC TAGS: oceanographic ship, oceanographic expedition, upper mantle
ABSTRACT: Research conducted by the oceanographic vessel Vityazl in the Indian Ocean
starting in October 1964 is described. The research, carried out In connection with
the International Indian Ocean Expedition, was aimed at the study of the upper mantle
of the earth. The most significant aspect of the voyage is described as the gatheripg
of new data on the structure of the rift zone in the Central Indian Ocean ridge and '
ore specimens collected in this area. The analysis of the chemical composition, physi
cal properties and absolute age of these ore samples will do much to clarify the prod
cesses by which the earth's crust develops in the ocean. Orig. art. has: 8 photo-
C.,d 1/1 ZL
Distribution of Maastrichtian sediments in the northern trans-
Ural region. Biul. MOIJI. Otd. geol. 39 no.1:75-87 Ja-Y 164.
(MIRA 18:4)
SAFIWA, Saniya P'4TrUllovna; ZAKLITISKAYA, Ye.D., otv. red.
[Into the depths of millennia with a microscope) 3 m1kro-
skopom v glubl tysiache'l-etii. Moskva, Nauka, 1964. 55 p.
(MIRA 17:8)
All-Union I'alynolo'gical Conff.,ronce cm t.he Hommiclattwo and Taxonomy of
Fossil Sp,)res and Pollen and Methcds of Spore--Pollen Analysis. Izv. AN
SSSR.Ser.gool, 28 no*8:119-120 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:2)
Features of the vegetation cover of Kazantseva Inter lacial
Siberia. Dokl. AN SSSR 152 no.4:937-940 0 163. IMIRA 16:11)
1. Geologicheskiy instutut PJI SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom
V.N. Sukachevym.
GITERMAN, Roza Yevseyevna; U_KLINSKAYA, Ye.D*.q; PEYVE, A.V.,
gJaynyy red.; MARKOV, M.S., red.; WNNER, V.V., red.; TIMOFEYEV, P.P.,
red.; RABINOVIGH, L.A., red.izd-va; DCROMINA,* I.N. i
[Stages in the development of Quaternary vegetation in Yakutia
and their stratigraphic significance] Etapy razvitiia chetvertichnoi
rastitellnosti IAkutii i ikh znachenie dlia stratigrafi.i. Moskva,
Iad-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 191 p. (Akademiia jauk SSSR.
Geologicheskii institut. Trudy, no.78). (MIRA 16:8)
1. Zaveduyushchaya laborator#w sporovo-pylltsevogo analiza Otdela
chetvertichnoy geologii Geologicheskogo instituta AN S13SR (for
Zaklinskaya). 2. Cblen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve).
(Yakutiya-Poleobotany, Stratigraphic)
Preparation of the Interdepartmental Conference on the TaxonoW
and Nomenclature of Fossil Spores and Pollen. Paleont. zhur.
no.3:130-135 162. OIRA 15:9)
1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheakiy institut.
zAnINSKAYA, YelenA Dmitriyevna; VAKHRAMEYEV, V.A., red.; GOLUBEVA, L.V., red.;
CHEPIKOIIA, I.M., red;izd-*a; KASHINA, P.S.,
(Angiosperm pollen and its significance for the stratigraphy of the
Upper Cretaceous and Faleogene] Pylltsa pokrytosemiannykh i ee znachenie
dlia obosnovaniia stratigrafii verkhnego mela i paleogena. Moskva,
Iod-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1963. 255 P. fold. diagrs. inserted. (Akademiia
nauk SSSR. Geologicheskii institut. Trudy no.74). (MIRA 16:10)
I d
-d 0
3 (9)
Zaklinskiy, A.- B. SOV150-59-9-10116
Modificationsin the Construction of the4hite Disk for
Measuring Color and Transparency of Sea Water
Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 9; P 40 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: During his voyage on "he expeditiona.-Y ship "Mikhail Lomonoso7"
in the Atlantic Ocean, the author carried out aome modifica.,
tions in the construction of the white disk for measuring
color and transparency of sea waters A 4 mm alit was made- i.n
the disk.along the radius from the center to the-edge. The
metal tube for the rope was removed, and the falling weight,
of the blade was fixed in its place. The slit in, thq diek
incided with th4t of the falling weight. The disk was fitted
to the wire rope abour, 10 m abcve the weight at the end of ths
rope. In this place, there was a mark preventing the acooping
devices from sliding towards the weight at the end of the ropL.
This mark was in the opening of the disk weigh", and pre-gnted
the disk from sliding on the -rope. The disk was fixed to the
wire rope by a rapid turning of the head of the falling weight.~,
and required no preparations. The advantages of this modifica-
Card 1/2 tion are: 1) No preparation and marking of a particular line
Modifications in the Construction of the White S07150-519-01-10116
Disk for Measuring Color and Transparency of Sea
of bearing sinco the lowering of the disk is done by means of
a rope winch on the wire rope, and not by handi 2) the length
of the rope loosened is determined by the counter of the rope
winch, not by the number of marks lowered; 3) the disk can be
lowered at an intense ship drift because the weight of 50 k9
at the end of the wire rope ensures the perpendicular position
of the wire rope in measuring transparency and coloT. There is
I figure.
Card 2/2
Vertical stability of water mss*s In the northeastern Atlantic
in fall and winter. Trudy MG1 17:76-95 '59. (MIRA 12:10)
(Atlantic Oceam-Hydrology)