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ZARRAROVA, MOGO ogig. Probl'tube Symposim on chesotherap7 in pulmonea7 tuberma 36 ito,-6ing-322 158 (Xru ;!: 10) (Twmmmls) SUKACHEVA, M.P.; SHAKOVAI A.N.; ZAKHAROVAI M.G. Stratigraphy and lithology of Paleogene sediments in the western Kopet-Dag. Trudy VSEGEI 46.229-253 161. (MBU 14:11) (Kopet-Dag--Paleontology, Stratigraphic) ZAKHAROVA, M.I.;*BELYATSKAYA, H.S. Substructure of crystals of a supersaturated solid solution of silver in aluminum during the decompositIon process Fiz.met.i metalloved. 14 no.5s678-682 It 162. , NIRA 15112) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M,V.Lomonosova, (Solutions, Superfsaturated) (Aluminum-silver alloys-4(etallography) ZAKHAROU.-H.I.; TURAN)YAN, Yu.A. Precipitation of germanium in the breakdrrmcf the ai--Ge volid solution. Kristallngraftia 9 no.4:498--500 J1-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:111) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstveiw-yy universitet.imeni Lomonosova. 0 O o0 s 1 1 1 ) u . t 0 A a , JO 1i u 11 a Ad Id 0 411v L AA A -,Los --_-._-- - 11 - ____ ------- ;~-, &NO -attfatis ."l woo l Wa 00 zoo ON)- M 99 , go* it Oki 40( Ot", or,[ da %a Ica i 9 0 0 * 0 0 X00 11NAMI If N a I jr 0 0 0 0 a 0 o * 0 0 0 0 ........ ....... Aa c a IF t c if I J- -L a 11 r 4 a I I y . .,oo 04 -00 040 00 00 irl *0 *0 Wish chip M"u1scluto of bimetal$ .1 00 -00 -TfwdIflu.*,4 t C141.441 1 111 k 041 IX.10,xw of Fc-Cu sdid stAn. bttwtm the CII oglL; the Vr arr I.., I'.* 1" 1. 1 00 'E't r.* 0 -02 00 0 *10 j i ;00 041- i.0 0 00 0 j 'Mr . ;00 00 00 _0o 90 :90 0 00 4 ' 0( It It ft " OF ' It Ad I . (I , 4x , 4" 0 000060 *0000000 0 7010 00000040040*00 .1 14 00004000 0 0 0 a 0,0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0000004 000,0000000000s oosoo 0 00 00 goll ft I It V, it 11 p A 6 .1 m A f. -A- A 3 J_ It A-1 44 14 M 0 ti i s ;r4f sit Ol AhA"sm Alkm 14. 1. Ut lot (Jlr*al%rV (.V,Ad. ' PPW). UK Ob 02.101) It .-On umiwl A SLIMY (lm owing "( alu. i0i"al-upper MUD^ 'll'y" Dumilumin. am! untwum-awma & W ys- MW Of thu WRONOW of plasti, defbnw~, on the dWauWatim 0(" l 99.4i 0* Aj%,jLA Ot tAL,tFf WAL LiTtRATUAl CLASSIf tCA fjCM *OF .2c., L- -.;-7 , -- - -------- AT 3 is u u K Oc K 49 K a I, o 0 #~o 0 41 0 00 00 . 0 oio 0 0 0 41 111 0_41 0 0 * * 0 0 COO see see too two 1.11. SO. 41, AIX I I I am .3.. AA L 1 0 FW 0 9 0 1 N 14 0 J.) 0 3 a 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0400004111411104111 0 fliPs. it 0 em 00 00 oo.f 009 *0 *0 004 004 00'a 0 0 a 0 Ali a J~ws. A-. -41.V~k~,-"-91"- -1-1-11 -- "'.. - - - imdv" ft the Ar MP04kdafts of 0 Arf. lAti& row"I (A=*M). (7). a With me bwyukm #q4" tmpw%&wo, and is aw wColl"fed by j= MPOCWIY Ohm ifill if-femcall aAw the bwactica plioll rather 1 awyalUrgoNmAlew. 1uhtwou* Vgt'dA &M MWIP0401 t0 OW dWVC&Ipftftt 41( fkMW OAVOM dUft tW jgjff~ twes brtwwa the sclict "utkm avdltbA now pbaft,-X. A. 1!~ SSIT0.1- -041 *00 0 "SO coo 1900 000 400 goo X*O LiT11141441 Ct&SW*:AIWM ------- 114W *"Inv 0.0 .;s -LA i I ft( at, It-. . . . . . . 11o0 -V--r -v- An & %~XA,o 10 151; q a to to I* ag a a it Im It C, tv it t wo 0-010 : :-:Io 0 000 0 0 0 411 0 0 'a a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 1016 0660*600060690 A-*4460409*0090 Ahl 04 90 'r 40 00 000 go's o 0o, 0 0 9 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 j ? 'p 9, f I I I I woo I 00 -TbwiW YAW41111111111" Of 1W WINOVA& NOPWAVA tO 011 170WO 2IM " -4111 ""1"' 1 P I' " J,tA 'It r, .11 -41L 3d. 0. ItK1 2112 KA,mirAcAqu .(;# ~ . nn. Xrd. A*al. W. I. IN Ittwisti.1 Aflo)% kAwmixMiag to Mgzu anti Mg7m, vlerr 11mught I'l "tullimum by Climpit annftling ant', subjecttA to themmi AiA. 4 In .; mg, I... .file diffen'11111AI mituff rurve 111' URZI), AMWIR Inviltmi at 367, tl-' 111s "KI-1-111di'49 it' thv 4`14tretic ImIlmillf"I'll 1-111 ft"Of file ""'Iml t" Ill' 1-11--tir n~et"% NjuM -t- 34ilYn. - MiiYss,, Few alkvi a war tbo, min - jmmifl;qi c4 '*IgZn imly om armt j.t Ww'k%, s1w w 'ifie ruwcciv, trmw multim u" f,.jtjuj,." thrm was no indicatim, v,( a .1-mi-ilkat t,( M~,h% Inh, %Iqysl, slol 4-mid, N. A. A I a - I L A SITALLU"CAA, LIMIATwe CLASWOCATOOM 0 T U 0 -0 0 0 0 0 0 J!, Woe go woo -40-sq. 1111421 Olot O.v Of a 1 0 46 0 0 **goof JLA JOLAL-ILILO 0 I I a it 11 to u ,,L#404 ','Lt. A I -A-A , -4--& 4 041 00 00 09 d 00" At x 10 0 4 It a 1-1- 1 is cc a #-A, J, S i J, li-0 1 4 is ccox j 1 11 1 Al 11 11 It AA 4.r. ..6 41. toots$ 00 0.0 ""for-IS -C.6 1.00 041 -90 41 -00 .00 Docam"ddem of copper-b"Zill"S &"OF$. W 1. zakfutra". J1,4,11ort 11. Nc,, C112mrs, %hf)W that 11h. dritAnpri. t)( '00 thr %LM mAts. in querwhiki Cu-11v kWiy% clifitff. 1,4 2.1',", 9 He i% lwm&4vf by inaming the tic "itcal. it-rra~ini 4** the drawing tm)p. muM m4i-wwkinc the quvoch-1 -Fwvi- men, If W ttathrrivin a a - a SITALLWGICAS, 1,8111rat*1001 CLISSOICSTICO 00 ,00 4,09 00 Is* I Now 1#00 %30w 00014V a I A ri -1-mi -~. so 0 4 bi n 0 1 ff (A 0 a a 1 0 v 0 -0 dW 0 0 0 9 0--p-0 o o is o o o o 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 o o o a 0 o 0 o 0 0 0 go u It m is It -6 a. A~ X 11 v U is it a A-) too- k0- 11. Coos In, d ARM md Udbsb 41 Tb* I&VONnow 00 a Trod rdtabul (hootlarlo. h'.' Z'Rttr'. lox), Its. 00 11m. in?. 50 8;-, 1 (1). 41SM-A -V*w Of X-mv mAbO& of studying structu"? ith a)"* Imampke of their applk-stion, -Tojoics emsidervol inelmle StructUre &5E t of tin an phaw Ilia 0 In binxr%' AIOY svMctns~ the eff-' ~"-nwnt III the co nwr- %ine s~voteco. alinctural rhangre during the an"raling Of Ituck"I Virl trun. zfmtIm of thr, "w Rotlution in worked And unworktcl shoniniurn- dWni moleminium-silicton alloys, with stalw,stiorm mi the tent1wring of '3 00pper - so v aIs ILA "'T"LLVIRCKAL MINATIONE CLASILWAIJ011 Roo., 11 .31 1).# ow. EiEE' -. ---1- 414111 u 10 to 19 11 "M met ICU Rall It WWII 40: 0 vocclIsM Ra -swim?-rs otv a 41 41 a 41 It --tA .ee 4*0 zoo ~o` go* '00 1'00 0 of It Ric OW 0 11 1 1 ft-0 As 43 go O's 0 0 0 see* 4 11 4 pf a 1' 4 u a A I K L A 11 r -2 lff-VOLIMAILA WL-- ;00 1-~:LS9 00 *0 DOWORWOM41 W 11161111101MV 41WAfMI &M SOW M.L 0o a 7AhAIU%'A (ZANIVOW TftAM1kACAkPr fiSiki (J. ?WA. Phf?4*4~ IP37, 7. (IW-- 11tPOW1.) X-!* 11"Ir .7 ONAMINAUOD bY 94 At a "' V i U i 1 au"M g 5 P4 as g of g4f. with "t, to in sumse. ,, nom ftw amm s Xow " Lnd al C he a bm immik ko tu4 Sh I 4 U fi , . a so a w . op A in enU at tbm Wm siontunm W 10 16-W% MA 17-3 of tim"r =110 a IW . i y 1 "ma of m 4AL 44017 A utti i s '. m W g IneftswO to 4-1(M Ti sio wki 4.1114 A the forw =10a wn . ., . K s yt to pm of mormur Mc i i m t s y. w s o y to te mtmm Wag maww OW0 to 4 dift l i , w rm am mp I 6 VIL .00 of so "Oe 00 Zee [coo 400, "Do 00, too =Fill ME EMS flow 44fdOw loo ..IQ*" *it C41 Oof "IMM404 fAIII Got Gw tot I -a1w 0- a 4 i-T to as 41, it 41, to It 11: plait Ifir I 0 0 .9 0 0 0 0 00 0 00410 00 00 40 -" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6000600000 o's r OL 0 11 6 0000 00 00 so* a * 0 0 a a 0 0 a -~7 eks 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 o o Iwo 0 0 a 0 0,0~5 4 a 0 Al 0 0 0 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0 :10-0109 0 0 6 9 OF 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 9 0 0 00 02 1 p 0 0 to 1'"umusi frig t-JR11,314uni'l va"All IJU mumvit"Co oil u age 0 L R I t U- T 9 &AW M CRU it- A~ r. ~'d' 0 4 00 r-Rp mnj, 19J1, No. 2. #?N'--,m--A11.y-7 7.2% Sn anti 2.5% Ile. aral alloy, Witjjj,5% S go Corantwniadriolittgin,hehasin,.,~f- A; mlo- by cold-tacelting folkywi-d by Aging At :1111) M11'. -00 00 Alky" COntir. % 1k, and 5.7% Mn or tp..j% fit and 141.47, -00 00 a l"n can Attain 8 tr"lik- strength 14 115 kg.!,q. cron. and a s iardnvi,% of XWo hSjjq. into. by ontbined qu"Wh on#, 0 In aging. Re"mmentiftl treatment to rAosin th,,v .00 OW11"firi ii: quenching from mill, inid.frAling 11) f"I'st-lion fr4lowed by aging 11/4 hrv. at 3-W or d hrs~ At 11o". The degree o( hardening of alkws quenebrd from zoo 0: it the=me trinp. ine"mvis with the degree of deformation by 00 a Am-rolling. It. 14. Daroloff zoo 00 Of .3 00 u clog 00 ago age zoo WON 0 Cz got CL&SIOPKAT10" see A 10 -L A afTALLUNCKAL 1,1714"T j, Gj 0 -11, cm. C.C N w Im 9 a it 0am. IF I - T-1--T-TOU2 An L Cd 0 0,14 U a AT No ill; dc of & it it ic C-1 11,10900 00 q 0 0 Q 00 0 0 0* : : : :,* ol 0 0 0* 0 & 0 9 * 0 0 41 6 o see 6 0 1000 00 * 0 # 0 0 00 41110411100 0 0 "s 0go 00 I I a P 0 if I) U w is 14 IS linfiabi6oxin L go a A A L a " & a it u u Mis 14 v x10 a k 1 0 L-1 I I & II f S - - - - .. andt'. 1. Minov (reek. Nysicp. 8~ sbatmct from a Rusolan anuf4L*; Md. Abe., IM, L dK2.-N. It. V.L-~j of Of 0 1 to ao* are* so* -00 tie* t 4Ofiljk~f~Ksi (01*41"t CLA11114CA116" t z rjo* 4- joitiald"t, 4�'&t) W J-- 11, i SOO 43 1, -TT III P It If A( it it ft9IT " . I, w'r, e11100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a All 0 0 0 :10 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 000000040000000:0 see 1 11111111 is 91011UP)MI341 11"Al a 30 b if 141111111PA110 *4, at it a 0 Is L R_ I K L A b 00 4 PRC-CIIIII AND PSC0141141 .01S at go 'r 2 I7A=! lAhAmtal mut 11. 1. PaIrmoT (Zhur. TtAxieA. Fixiih (J. TtrCl In". IL n.1 In the be"Iflum-chromium mv-stem a cam- AW 68.77 statuic:% Iletyllium; fmitand of the ^ gyp exists betart. M:b 00 fh~i' its structure is xWmA, the unit cell contsInIN It atom@ st"I Mvi!1149 a 4-238 A. c &982 A.-N. A. 00 see eel Oq *g" 0-3 COG 09. 4010 too -00 0 is 1, wee see 80* see ties Its- It;-43 wee da,, .1. j1lv UM At -Ti F - -f' T-C-i -i r-r 14 AM A I NNO is VIVO#* 1Is It "colt 014 Its Its Kurt it 11 KW a1 14 a 3 a v 44 I I Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 eg 0 Z 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 * 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 -4 A 11, it 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 *0000. 0 O'W_ 40 . i 000 W~ 00*0*0000 00 0 0 0 0 9~ I to 11 U is W is is 91110 11111 V13 1011 111V NO.* 41 6:41 I I, A It O S g 8 J A A a It r 491%,Co l 1 A 004 - - - __ - - - - Ilk.-(-. .&-X. )OPO t o o GOP POIXIMS Ado "Of"as -60. 00A _ -00 0.2 AY 3l-_& OAW%a and A. Chumnor loo (YAar. TrAniek. Fiziki (~/. Trek Phyjie~), 1914. S, (N). in .00 006 ltuoisiAn.1 Tlve solubility at WO C. of beryllium awl silicon when Itres.-rit 09 tqwther in copper was dirtermined by micro-examination. anti that at' W.IT'C -00 : hy hArdt"40 tivis, 11w decomitimition of the Whi solution wax xttplieti hy '00 00 h;nlnrrA nwatturementa tit YXj' and 350'C., buth in drfornimt anti &Y',, 008 reduction) anti uruleformed coWitions. I)eftwintion anti i1jerraw in trill. -Ifi 00 00 jip Lk'MmlamitIon of tile arilklat'luti'm j 0 1l h -00 0 a : a& oys wit bervilium 0-3. sliken 4 yllium 1-0. silicvAj 2-75",. ;. &W bet & C k th i 90 '& O e Mc itltatiOlu of a orcenct ph&-P, VujrSi. which mnisims a Ansall - 001) amourit of beryllium in imlatim.-IN. A. 00.3 Ce 0 coo ooW too 00 it 600 4:00 600 Woo N Noo O L noo of wool 1A Iv, Ap., 44t 4111,481619 131911 OK a- sit *0 ' ~,' I a fW 0 0 4 1 IN of 2 a a 2 4 IF I I ; UAt 10 11 R I Y"A 0 , C I to W it 11 1 ooooooosoooooooeooo*o00006040*ooooooooooo 4: :44900000000000;10*0*000000006*fooooooooooo 0 000*00 0.00*0 *as 410*0 0 0 0 Moo' 16 a IF 11. e0440600009 ; 1 4 1 a 1 0 F 30 m ij w I$ b 11 7 10 a a 10 it a a if is v a 19 40 ~ ft, V15.9 *It,. I AIs I - _411 V. MR Az &-A itoi iita ut", _ I - 4 Illocisits AND 01401#10 "f4i sop so Now= 001~*A* -st"I A. Nhtrfnfehi (7Avr. re W (J. reeh, Mrw~ .11hriSt M04 -00 ). V03- Them im no f4milnuouswuls of x01W wgutimis bpi % ron ('W'4'; the tw" Ph--- fOrm It rutrMic. CuS1 t6wArre about I" 'wryll'um, wh'k- the t0lubifikv td8dicon in Culk- ix bm than AWO no* 00 3 r-O so .3 00 w 4900 foe ISO* -A I I L &VALLU"KAL LITINATU49 C&AISOOC47004 Isom am Q%v M ti -i_- a" cut - I w 61 1 A 4 3 u to 0 040000 0 0 e 0 0 144: 0 4 a 0 o1@ 0 0 0 * 0 so Is 11 A a M-4Q.-tt )~__s --k- F I j 1. 1 Al -I~W b*AWdzw AkMhWNAB. Of ON"" oe C IL L in Aluminkm ad d AkwAskm is AML jZM. it, &kc faiko-IMmaid. Auskm (Anim. Sod. stulownt of C'(Ui- Uw librium of " mu whitwes. Gump mm Ulm 0t do albys aft- t~lhing e4b md. At I .21ml. w4 befo" asumbsts -, tbeh P-6- - 01- - %W%1 xv, Qp mspr4tum diind"do 2. 3-36 &W 5-3 wttbt-% aluminium- 00 "p"IwAy. AluraWAss diewlyss obtiost 0-11% Wlkxm bl4wf*n 2W slut 24(f Q, stA as 4W Q 04VY*; ad betwom W wvd IW Ul. 0,2, at 2W C. 00 &W ~4 300P C OWY. copperN. A. 0- 0 0 it ;S~ !j; AI -ILA 69TAL4.040CAL UTINATM CLASSWKAIICN lid" fj~,qjt- I& IS AV 10 At 1# 0 D a It or Of it it ti Ot i I N 0 0 a * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 4 00 00 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 O-AL 1 AA A 1 0 ?w 0 1 v of 40 n 1 14 i ., TI: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 *1 00 0 O.-P-P -A. 0 0 *so**** 00 0 ***1 -00 Boo roe C, 00 are 0 Soo !Noel rsoo noo ~~I, U zi &I q a V~, W- 0-0 F w w w 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 'OW '0 W We It it m it 11 11 m 11 is 17 tf JS )I D J) )4 b A .7 Ri )q NA it v 13 M &I w a re 11, A_L-ft I 1 1, L M _jI - P 91 L U 1( j_j I., I A.A P W "41 b I a a -1100 tit A Mciplitation, hardenliall; of copper-silicon beryUium Iind copper-rumpneve-lit"Illium alloys. M. j-,zakharova. MriaUsirq 14. No. 2, X)-6010.4-Cit ali('jys contg. lk -00 a 10 and Si 2.75-4.41% or Be and Mn 2.76-1(1.4170 .60 afirr qumhitill (tont Wit)' can be aged at 3(mi-au), twit 00 litiocU hardnksA of U). 111tv hardrtutts 11tw-1 i-$ Re- ~11110 0 Lclcmted by cold working after quenching. It. W. It. .40 06 00 00 06 1.00 so .00 ISO* !,00 :1 .r1r_`t :130 0 A S Is - I L AMITALLURGICAL LITINAILAI CLASSIFICATION It Z - go's ~- A 0 I low 11 C.t %.nova -A .14 4 A I Ow 0~. III -T --T---F- - __ An L s It w o m * i w 111 3 ja a It U a it go is 0 " ; 1 19 111 if a It or 11 ct it it or Kw It I z4 .. 010 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0:* 9 0 6 9 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 IS 0 0 016 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 it 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 9 4111 a 0 0 * 0 4 v a" IN 11 u 13 m :6 W IF IS 10 40 1 Llf 41 a iu " 6: .. . n 2m 0 C D V 0 4 A L A 0 0 4 1 A 1142 JINDW110 I. cooM s . ? GRCV01 0 X0 L1 s 4 .W.Of ."a :__7 ~ - - ..Ogg W 3WILVNIM 'VWN0U411f1IW 9 11 1 V oop 0g; 911! 0 ob .,Ina/W padv4v nos . JOJ M03 U1 IV qXjq so a3iAl 91 S1111 PMftig 111931,10qds jo uopvuuo; 2ulAnp Wo 9,0 Son -laA&p SM19 'PaUU01 qqg"a, olp jo "Up OW UD puadop mareasiff pow ;o xmjvA &ql vareatp qmjq ;a 1"O'dol"SP a" IPIM P"3�UUOO 6XV 'amid $*%in aturtIGA oupwi jus"Ipp Inq u0plooetusoo Iotows at" SUIA94 jgj3OU "d ;0 U0fjWMUoj Otp q3jqA XUjjnp W44 aAlfnj;tp,UGU %P JO RUO"TWADJEU9,11 alvqd oen ' ' Uj) P901-9101 *d etal -4 'GO 'Jaluen 1*31uqn.L )0 Uopmel 'WRIS77 A opmape4a gimopwv owl vs 10 W9011"R '0314891 'A -M PON VAOJIRZ(IlVZ -1 So" W~ A po)"M R"If p I"Itrou"Pe IP IDS Poo 0 r: -poll, o f J 7 a a 0 a 0 0 0 0000 0 *o f. Cam"dom betwom 4111maim mW rate of vow* of the new me is 9~M vilmOmm. L. A. Vainshodn and hf. I - -2, Am Ak,w a. IWUdy AIkW. NmA SJ.S.R. SO. 11121-4 (1947).-It Phe growth of a pisame Is cmddtrvd as progreo. sive adhesion of diffusing particks to a mucirms of a new phase, the imas of tba nocku caa he given by: M - :rak*I(Df/*) + 2 beta V Is diffasim coeff. rut the rate of growth by- 9MIds - 4m%I(Dla) + (Dl- wo,"I. where a is Ow radius of the I initiated at time s - 0 in homsovenems obedium. with to aspertats. Cam of isuclei of vzrkms shapes am conskkird. G. M. K. ZL ,US=/pb,yCjcz Sep 49 Metals, Solubility *V&riation in the Boundary Solubility of Metals in the Solid State Under the Influence of Free- i5 s'ure During, Compression on All Sides,". X. 1. 19 Zakharova, Phys Faculty, 116scov State U.-imeni N. V. Lomonosov,-3 Pp *Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol LXVIII, No I Concentration of a solid solution vhich is the equilibrium concentration for atmospheric pres- sure varies under actlon~ of high pressure during compression on all sides. It takes from 2 to several tens of hours to establish concentration 2/50T101. uSM/Physics - compression Sep 49 Metals, Solubility (Coutd) vhich is the equilibrium concentration for higher pressure. Submitted by Acad N. T. Gudtsov T-1 110 2/50TIol WaROVA) M. Is Chemical Abet. vol. 48 No. 6 Her. 259.1954 HatallUrgy and Hf3tallograpby ell, Intnum. JAI. I.-LaNDUM an uo~ 134, Fix., No. 5, lbo---- )~:--*'-lWcn1 of alloy Im" . 10% Mg. balance M'outl tly AM: Were U Ch I I 47Mnto (1) water at W, (2) water at 100',13=). = 9fith; at 218 or3W'. or (4) water at 16% then deformed. Lattk-e:* parauittcr3 vv= detd. after heating The sprefineas at 218 or300*1orperlodsuptollf1hre. After heating at 218*, the It Miami. of the Al-Mg solki toln. resulted In the formation of awfles of solid solus. having a varying Afg content; the Wfe-uChlog rate had no significant effect on this dccornpn. ter licatin at W. a heterogeneous 2-phasc transforma- tion occurrrl In specitnem quenched at 16' and deformed; a homoge -im transformation occurred In specimens quenched lit a salt bath at 3W" srmelmens quenched :n watcr a' 10 mid 1001 Indicated both homogeneous asid hettrogtilcous transformations. It. W. Rathmann - -7-Aiawq6u , ramapt&M -i, 4 P . MAZZAlifaftowls fill jp I 1 ".1-0 % wt aun Chestael Abet. -- ,ffa No. 134, Fic. No. A. 107-12(1940).- ' Vol. 48 go. 6 Spoclawn (A alloy cwtS. Cu 3M. Pin 0.77, Mg 0.62, Ske OZO. Fe 0.90%. and balam-c At were quenched from IW* f 3) 20G* and a 2) 150' f ed 2 h 0 h t (1 Kar. 259 M4 a or or rs.,X g ) rxjj fcr5.2G.or45min.,*r(4)1ZI fvrl.6,or3Otnin. Sped;- Matallurg]r Wtallogralphy , mem; from (1) vW (2) wem them heated (it 115, 2M, or 271;4-")' for palads up to I hr.. and the Ruckwell hardn"s wv-i detd.; spedmens from (3) and (4) were heated at 275* forl1wdods' up to I hr. and tested. In (1) and (2,1. the hardnevs de- creaved after a Olwt heating period to a1wrox. the harthirwi ~ of the quenched all ain creamd a Its ( o then hicfeawd to a inax. and de. 3fla at 276' atin ult h d (4) ( I . g revefdon of the Allo e rts v n n . g Y to the quenched hardnc&,t only If aging was limited to a very short period (1 6 In.). If. W. R. cha* 14 "id watin, Fargo during-it w4 cpwqrvr~, - prissurt La. the qfiterax Al-Mg &A4 A!--A9--._ Nt~. F_ ZQ iuri~' - -a- Mo-cow).- -Zhur~ Nz. Mint. of Vltla normlt for Urc La 3- 1170 'UK) -k j DIM, an,& tw` cl!;~. of ZAK in _tLQ solid wla~ in areas 6'6' 9.0; 9,,9;4; 18, 8.9;- 70, 8.0" 'N1111 1(4.* it 410% Ac.-&Gf!,f_-Aj alloy undEr 106 kg-./sq. inta." fielex6p., tUn_-.of_hchLt1nFja hr., 4n.1 cj',Aj-a-re:_ - 5-6; 600 ., 4. 155.5,~ 45L_1 '0, 9.6,,400% and'300% %V T~4-l"(193j).-Th, heating of alloys undc-, preistut Nus,--; q 14ift in the acliJ joln. rcj[rfii.;- boweyer, this ef- fr"_"t t4411 pLacc O"Ay ALI Fruit-111gril mhjrctio AQ Pro,- Thi ttr --t Lv raLetUrm-ii low to lilgh-Willd w. wa cqa~ -4twn. lish the c e qvil, of I.,-- Solid ~Olirj.' Th-C lir~!Jj am J to""p-d =L delXII& Upv~ the Pr-.q L.-JA A'd .7muen-of pressurcor at atm. prmsurc cvmpni witbia.errtain limits. does 10C 4koend on the. allo, for ZAJWROVAj Me I. Prof* *The Influence of Pressure on Phase at the All-University Scientific Conference No.8v 1953. Transformations in Allays,,w a paper given "Lomonosov Lectures". 7est. Mosk. Un., Translation U-7895, 1 Mar 56 th; IAtWA'j;I'dq ItAtec!'Pid Lit' of t1s, M. i.- Ma. t., jrAol- Ib*- sulting frous th go was Investigated. The'"hase dissocs. Into 2 new- phases-at temps, below 520% Monocrystals of fthase, %~Snd ad PIWOfeal GIMMIstry were growti by coolingst a rateof B*Ibr. from the melt to the, beginning of &y3tn. and 15*/hr. (coal this point to 7W*,~ after which temp. th talloy was quenched In cold HA~ -The roonocrystals were annealed at IW*, 218' aM 300% and the eutectoid d1wocd. appeared In x-ray phatogram as a series of diffuse bands and spots, the d= and no. of which depended on the annealing time. Complete recryAn. of them ngw pbases was observed after a 31-hr. stmeal at 2WO mW a i67-hr. anneal st-218'. A dislocation of the lattice Is ob- Jefatmation tained not otdy~. by"plastic Init also by eutec ZAKIUROVA, M. tectold ff.911 - I'll 11 1-a"Havda, X~- ~nptl.`a ~V.Ydy~ made on tut'allby of Cu with 12,51 Al prelad. from efectro- lyth: metals. Ilie'aliny tvn~ hjinc~kenixcd after casting by heating at MW for 8 firs. A pr~,stjre of 1(),(Xlk) kg./sq~ can. In compression was exerictl on at qwcimen 5 inni. It% diam. by using a cylindricM die in 2 fl rinell lircis. The %pechnen and die were heated togethcr by Ait clec. resistance furnace. The furnam, ww; runiravcil itfici the specinicit had been at temp. for 15 min., and the spi-cinicts waq quenched while still under pressure. I'lic ra~vil!iiig structurin were exanid. tilicromiropically and liv thc Debye x-ray inethod with Cat and NNI radhidain%. Ifeat-ireatbig ttintas. cif JIM-595" save a fi-ne-grained, lamellar tut- tei,l of . and 5. Tolup'. of h 19)0-650' gnrc a inartazn,~ it; itructure of 11'. Thus, the eutectraid temp. is M) :L- 4 . T"Li under free cotnpre,,ioti - ntso gave the 0' pha,~,c. 4 Studlem were also ota,le of the effect of pressure Cluring qtlena~hhig atill durilig tetillicrilig oat the decointan. of 11' to ~ and 3. Men (Itienelliur was alone without pressure Land tctiti)ering ivas d(me mider 1)ri-.,- sure, tempering lot- 15 11111%. prothwed decompli. ton alld a at 4rg)* and nbove. At 440" atid lower tit) dccontim. occurred. At 41k) und 4FA)* all 3 pliam-; ucrv pmeitt- After 4 firs. tit 480', decompti.:%vas cnintaletc. M'licit IM11 It quenching andjeutperitig were doity. without pressure the decompn. at 4(Y)* was'ai great its that at 41N)' in the prVvi- Oils Case. When quenching w.Lq done untk~r 1)r4,--qttre and tempering Without Pre-mure 3 phases appeared at .140'. ;and the 0' PhAse disappearcil tit 4639. - Mien both (Itivitclihig I "I'd Ul"Pering were done Isticler I)r(,iwtrc, 3 pha,t.-i tippi-mo-I tit 460'. A. 0. (',it% Card Authors Balli, D., and Zal'icharova, M. 1. Title A -ion of jhe striieture and properties of Cu-111-Fe Investigat alloys Periodical Dokl. All S3SR, 96', Ed.. 41 737 -.740# June-1954 Abstract Tho structure and!,pr operties of ton Cu-Ui-Fe alloys, with- -varying-copper, WIckel and -1ron-contonts, were Investigated. A comparison of Oia x-ray-analysis results, vilth the data of the measured coor(:%Ive force and Curie point, showed that nuclei of new phap es and non-equilibrium composition are formed in the basi c crystalline lattice, during the in4tial staGes of decompo.~iltion of the solid solution. - Ilis main role In this period 1s:played by stresses of the third order and the coercive force- reaches values of tens of Oerstedts for a majority of the~alloys_,, Two reference3. Tables, graphs. Institution The M. V. Lomonosc~,v State University, Moscow, USSR .Presented by: Academician G. V.~Kurdyumov, March 4, 1954 2. fll-k KTI:ii--wmu:ol of =1 o uzv,-o FTRM in M, 7-.Mm -0, a wg Aboy I'v did q-,t I 'U;- 77- - - - - - - - ILI ,f T SUBJECT USSR PHYSICS CARD 1 2 FA - 1222 AUTHOR ZACHAROVA9 U.I., SOEOLEVA, I.N. TITLE The Decay of a Solid. Solution in Thin Plates. PERIODICAL Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 108, 841-842 (1956) Publ. 6 / 1956 'reviewed 8 / 1956 According to K.N.BUJNOV and R.M.LERIM, Izv.Akad.Nauk. SSRp Ser.fis.No 3, 363 (1951) the decay of a solid solution probably takes a different course from a certain critical depth onwards than in thick samples. In order to find this out, the temperature dependence of the decay of a solid solution of Ou in Al was investigated in samples of OA; 0,02 and 0,004 mm thickness. After quench- ing, the plate-shaped samples we;re annealed for one hour at 180,200,220, ... 3000. The decay process was radiographically analyzed from the modification of the lattice constant of the p,rimary solid solution. Not only in eamplija of 0,004 mm thickness, but also in such as are 0002 mm thick, decay develops in a different manner than in 0,4 mm samples. Domains with different degrees of oversaturation exist in samples of 0,02 and 0,004 am thickness after tempering at 260 and 2600 . After tempering at 2600 (or 2800) crystal domains with a concentration similar to the initial concentration (i.e. with equilibrium concentration) predominate. In the samples Of OP4 mm thickness tempering at 260 and 2800 causes homogeneous decay, on which occasion the lattice constant changes steadily. If temperature! is further increased, the solid solution has a uniform concentration at all thicknesses from OtOO4 to 0,4 mm within the en- tire domain, and the lattice constant diminishes by the increase of solubility. ZAMROVA, M.I.; STETSMO, P.H. avowoff""*~' 'etic properties s.nd structure of an Fe - V(27*/& ) a2loy- Vest. Moak. un. Ser. mat., mekh., astron., fiz. khim., 1-2 no*5: 47-52 '57. (MIRA 11:9) l.Kafedra magnetism Moskovskogo gosudarBtVOnUOgO universiteta. (Iron-vanadium allove-Magnetic properties) ZAKWOVA, K. I.; ";TZTSIffO, P.H. Phase transformations in Fe-V alloys. Vest. Hook. un. Sor. mt., makh,, aotron,, fiz. khim., 12 no.5:53-61 '57. (MIRA 11: 9) 1.9afedra mgnatism Mookovskogo, goeudaretvennogo universiteta. (Iron-iranadium alloys--MetallograpV) ZAKHMVA,,M.I..,; KITATANDVA, N.A. Investigating structural changes during' 77 -~d-) Phase transformations in Iron nickel,olloys. Isal, po zharopro 8PLeve 3:178-182 958. (XIRA 11:11) (Iron-nickel alloys--Metallorgraphy) (Phase ru16 and equilibrita) AUTHORS: Zakharova, M.I. and Khatanova 70-3-3-28/36 TITIZ: The Mufv-.Wi-0rT#Wflition of Crystals of te cx and a Phases on the Decay of the Solid Solution in Alloys of Iron and Vanadium (Vzaimnaya oriyent1ravJm-.krJAta1lov q- i cr-faz pri raspade tverdogo rastvora v splavakh zheleza s vanadiyem) MMIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, PP 376 - 378 (USSR) ABSTRACT. Fe-V alloys at temperatures above 1 234 0C form a solid solution a with a cubic face-centred lattice. Below this temperature the solid solution decays and a a phase with the 0 - U structure havirig 30 atoms~per unit Sell separates. An alloy of 2636 V in Fe was annealed at 975 C and decayed to the two phases. Monocrystalline specimens, prepared by heating for 60 hours at 1 350 'C and quenching in-water were used for X-ray examination. Specimens of 1 am dia. were thus converted to singlo crystals and ivere cut up for examination. Laue phgto- graphs were taken after different annealing times at 975 'C- For times of 1-30 hours no changes were evident. After 40 hours.spots showed that the nuclei of the a phase were oriented parallel to the 001 plane of the a phase. After Card 1/2 155 hourd anne~4Ng the orientation was seen t,o be such that AUTHORS: Zakharova, M.1- a-nd Kha-tanova, N.A. 70-3-3-29/36 TITLE: The Substructure of Crystals of the y Solid Solution of Nickel in Iron During Polymorphic Transformation (Sub- struktura, kristallov y-tverdo o rastvora nikelya v zheleze pri polimorfnom prevrashcheni 5 PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, Nr 3, PP 378 - 381 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The investigation of the transformation y4y+(x in an alloy of iron with 32% nickel by the methods of X-ray and microscopic analysis showed that the initial stage proceeds following the martensitic type of transformation scheme. In this the layers of the a-phase are oriented parallel to the 111 plane of the y-phase. Because o; the low value of the elastic limit of the Fe-Ni alloys at 400 0, the coherence of the lattices of the y- and a-phases is destroyed in the initial stages of the transformation and the further growth of the nuclei of the a-phase proceeds by diffusion. In the matrix round the nuclei a zone of plastic deformation is formed clearly distinguishable under microscopic investigation, There are 4 figures and 7 references, 1 of which is Soviet, I German and 5 English. Card 1/2 70-3-3-29/36 The Substructure of Crystals of the y Solid Solution of Nickel in Iron During PoLymorphic, Transformation ASSOCIATION: Makovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. loomonosova. (Moscow State University imeni M.V. Lomonosov) SMMITTED: March n. 1957 Card 2/2 10 1 A. and Klialt,--ino7a, A U T 1" RS TITILE: Investigation of tli-W Phase Transformatior y--.*(y + a.) in Alloys of Iron T,Iiitla Nickel (Issledovai-.Lye fazovo2;o prevrashcheniya y---* (y + a) v splavakh zholeza s nikelem) PERIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye, 1958, Vol 6, Nr 3, pp 475-479 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The polyffiorphous trans-Col-1111titiolif, IN 11-11,OY13 Of iron with 30 and 34'16' Ni are investigated since in spite of the fact -that much work has been done on the problem of y -* (y + a) trtuasformations in Fe-Ni alloys (Ref 1), the extremo stability of the nori-equilibriwa state in these alloys has so far not been satisfactorilly clarified. The alloys were produced from electrolytic iron and electro- lytic nickel. After casting, thS alloys wei-e subjected to homogenization annealing at 01000 0 for ten hours, then to heating f or 18 hours at 600 C which was f ollovied by . %,,,ere produced by quenchinZ in water. The sinGle crystalF, Le method of recrystallisation at 1200'C~ after continuous annealinS for 60 hours, crystals of 20 mm grevu in 1 mm thick plates. The investigations were effected by X-ray Card 1/3 and microscopic analysis of polyery2talline specitions and SOV/126-6-A-12/32 Investigation of the Phase Transformations y--*(y + a) in Alloys of Iron withNickel X-ray analycis o,V atatic cingle cryoUila. Tho procestj of polymorphous transtormation was 0studied for isothermal heating at a terl,;)erature of 400 C; at this teiaperature a 32% Ni containing alloy in the equili-brium state should contain a-bout 271% of the a-phase. For investigatin.: the y -p (y + cx) transformation by X-ray structural analysis, powder was fi ~ed from the homogenized specimen which was heated at 600 C for 30 hours and then subjected to isothermal annealing at 400 C. The X-ray patterns were photographed using iron radiation in cameras of 114 cm dia; the spScimen dia. equalled 0.4 mm. It was established that at 400 C the transformation is very slow. Deformation of the alloys at room temperature does not only accelerate the process of y to a transformation; deformation of an alloy a6ter being subjected to martensite transformation at -196 C will accelerate also the reverse y to a trans- formation, At temperatures above the martensitic point, the initial sta6e of the y to a transformation proceeds Card 2/3according to the relations governing the reconstiuction of Investioation, of the Phase Trariofori-v?t Jior Y-b, (Y in Alloyr:-, of Iron with Nickel tho lattice In 1,ho e.-kce oi~ filar tc)jjF3i L ic The formInE 111tel-lirlJor of -the y-phoxo is lo(-,jjtwj purv-Dol to the plEuie (111) of the y-phaso. Apparclitly for a tempering temperaturo of I~OVC the lattice coherence I.,, disturbed in the initial sta.-;e of transforrilation,1.11hich brings about a brakiri- of the transformation process. Further increase ii-i the growth of the nuclei of the a-phase is by diffusion; deformation. zones are for7lied in the inatrix around the nuclei. There are 2 figures, 1 table and 4 references, 2 of ~'Ihich are Soviet, 2 Enblish. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy Eosudarstvennyy universitet imeni 11. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Loiqonosov) SURMITTED: June 23, 1956 (initially), Feb.8,1957 (after revision). 1. Iron-nickel alloys--Transformations 2. Iron-nickel alloys --Stability 3. Iron-nickel alloys--Casting 4. Iron-nickel alloys --Heat treatment .5. Iron-nickel alloys--X-ray analysis Card 3/3 I-_ZAKMOVA,,,~.I,!.; XHATAHOVA. N.A. Investigation of structural changes In Fe-El alloyw during the polymorphic t -* t+ai4. transf ormation. Izv. AN SSSR. bar. f iz. 22 no-10:173-176 0 "i8. WRA 12:3) I.Moskovskly gosudarstromqy universitate in. N.V. losonosoys. ( Iron.-nickel allorm) ZAMUROVA. K.I.; VAN KHUA-IMU J.Wang klua-f ouj; ROGOVA. R.N. Investigation of austenits, decomposition In moapnese steel. Isv. AN SSSR. Ser. fis. 22 ito.10:177-179 0 '58. - (MIRA 12:3) l.Mookovokly gosudaretrannyy i4niversitets In, N.V. Lomonosova, (Austenits) AUTHORS: Zakharova M ' I Ignatova, I. A., 20-119-3-27/65 -7 ~emen6il~_ ra. ~L.' Khatanova, N. A. TITLE; An Investigation of the Phase Composition of Iron-Vanadium and Iron-Chromiurl Alloys (lasledovaniye fazovogo sostava splavov zheleza, a vanadiyem i zheleza a khromom) PERIODICAL: Doklady kkademii Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 3, PP. 498-500 OUR) ABSTRACT: Though there is a domain of the I-phase in the state diagrams of the alloys in question which passes over into the domain of salid solutions of the a-phase at > 12340C for Fe-V-alloys and at 8200C for Fe-Cr-alloys, these trans- formations are assumed to be more complicated, because these alloys aria transformed rapidly in the single-phase region of the cr.- as well as of the a-phase. Thus the brittleness occurs very obviously after annealing at 400-5500C in these alloys that belong to the aingle-phase region. The plasticity is here reduced to stro, by this their practical applicability is restricted. According to references 3 and 4 a solid solution rich in chromium is Card 1/4 assumed to precipitate at low annealing temperatures. An An Investigation of the Phase Composition of Iron-Vanadium 20-119-3-Z7/65 and Iron-Chromium Alloys modification of the properties which does not correspond to the single-phase structure of the solid solution was observed also above the transformation temperature from a- into the a-phase (ref. 6,7)- It is difficult to be explained by the! atomic regulation which is assumed at low as well as at high temperatures by several authors (ref 7). In the present paper the structure of the alloys in question was to be investigated after a heating between 1400 and 6000C with quenching in water. The investigation was carried out by means of X-ray diffraction methods in the polycrystal and by means of microscopical analysis, The alloys were homogenized after casting at 13000C from 20 to 100 hours and iramediately afterwards quenched in water. Structure of the iron-vanadium-alloys. The radiographs of the powder obtained by mcans of a file were ta~ken with a chromium radiation. After a homogenization at 13000C these alloys are (with a vanadium content of 28,5-74 %) not single-phase, but two-phase. It was proved mier,3stopi-cally Card 2/4 that on a background of the crystals of the a-phase An Investigation of the Phase Composition of Iron- 20-119-3-227/65 Vanadima and Iron-Chrcmiwa Alloys (hardness- 250 kg/mR2) crystals of another phase with a hardness three times greater than the first mentioned become visible. The content of this last phase increases with increasing vanadium content. The radiograph confirmed this: 2 systems of lines appear on it. The other phase is denoted as P-phase by the authors. The content of the phases was detennined in the case of different vanadium contents. The two phases still existed at temperatures above 1150*C. I-a the case of annealing at 8000C the alloy with V-content of 28,5 ~ consists of the (x-phase only. From 43 % V on it consists of a- and-Y-phaze. In the case of annealing at 600:C and 49,5 % V it consists of the O'-phase only. Thus the course of the phase transformations in more complicated at a vanadium content of 28,5-74 % between 1400 and 6009C, than described by the phase diagram in publications, i.e. (a+ P) - - + a + Card 3/4 Chrcmium-iron-alloys. After the same treatment the An Inyestigation" the Phase Composition of Iron- 20-119-3-27/65 Of Vanadium and Iron ,-Chromium ALloys microscopical and radiograrhic investigation showed that the alloye with :55, IJ2 and 48 % Cr conaiat of tho a- a~d P-phase crystals in the case of annealing at 13000C. The amount of the 0-phase decreases with dropping temperature (figure 1.2). In the chromium-iron-alloys with 35-48 % Cr the phase transfomations consist of a polymorphous transfoxmation oj' the Lr- into the a-phase as well an of the a- into the fl-phase, exactly an it was the case with the above mentioned vanadium. There are 3 figures.and 7 references, 2 of wh ich are Soviet. ASSOCULTION: Moskovskiy gosucULrstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESETIM: November 1P., 195T, by A. A. Bochvar, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITT November 12,,'1957 card 4/4 UKH&ROVA. M. I. -, IGN&TOVA. H. N. ; SE14ENOVA. L. N. ; KHATkNOVA. N.A. Investigating phase transformatlons la lron-rawdiun and iron- chromium alloys. Isol.po zharopr.oplave 4:263-265 159. (MIRA 13:5) (Phase rule and equilibrium) (Iron-vanadium alloys) (Iron-chronium alloys) 1 00 V V 67807 SOV/180-59-5-2V37 Sam, AUTHORS: Zakharova, M.I0? enova, L.A.$ and Stotsenkov P-N MsW6VY_ V1 TITLE; Phase Transfo atio s\ in the System Iron-Vanadium~i D PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademil nauk SSSR)Otdoleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivo,1959,Nr 51pp 135-138 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The deterioration of the properties of Fe-V alloys which follows the separation of the a-phase on cooling has attracted consideriable attention. In the present work an investigation was made of the atructure of alloys of Fe with 27 and 47.7 weight % V after annealing followed by hardening from various temperatures. X-ray and microscopic analysis and measurement of magnetic properties were used. Both alloys were found to have a two-phase structure, the quantity of second phase bei.'ag greater for a 1400 than a 1250 OC hardening temperature. The magnetic properties likewise indicate (Figs 1 and 2 show these as functions of teaperature for various conditions), that the two-phase is the equilibrium structure at teaperatures above the a-a transition point. Card X-ray analysis pointed to the existence of a new phase, 1/2 rapidly disappoaring at 975 OC. The authors studied VK 67807 sov/18o-59-5-24/37 Phase Transformations in the System Iron-Vanadium conditions for the formation of this now (0) phase. The quantity of a-phatio in the 47.7 and 27% V alloy was found by Nechvolodov's method to be 35 and 10% respectively. The magnetic properties of the low- and high-vanadium alloys.annealed at 1350 OC for 60 hours are shovn as functiomi of tesperature in Figs 3 and 1+, respectively. The work shows iUat,~4wro- are -two polymorphio changes (11-(% and a-a) in the Fe-V alloys, both proceeding slowly in the 1000-1300 OC range. The 0-phase has a.Curie point of about 200 OC and Card' crystallizes in a.cubia face-cent*red lattice. 2/2 There are 1+ figures. ASSOCIATION: Otdeleniye stroyeniya vashchostva. fizicheskogo fakul I teta MGU (ELtructure of Matter Departmentq Faculty of Physics, X_GUj WEMITTED: March 28, 1958 IBM MWN I DOCK XXPWITATIOX 30V/3355 Akadeslya nauk SSSR. Institut astallurgil. gauchnyy.Aovet po problems xharoprochnykb op2awav IsAaedomalya pa zharoproc"ya splavam. t. rV (Studios On Heat-rt- alstant Anoys, vol. 4), Moscow, lzd-wo AN SSSR. 1959. 400 p. Xrrst& slip Inserted. 2,200 copies printed. Rd. of Publishing Houses V. A- 911mov; Tech. Ed. t A. r. Guaeva; ZdItorl&lJ3oardj 1. P. Bardin, Academician; U. V. Kurdyumov. Acadamicianj X. V. Agaysir; Cz--r*Sp ndlng Meter. USSR Acadeny or o ludLa, Candidate , and 1. F. 'clancetl 1. A. 0ding, 1. X. Favlo at Technical 3clances. PVRPWgs ThLa book Is Intended for metallurgists concerned with . the structural metallurgy of Alloys. CGVEEACZj This is A collection of specialized studies of varlou: . rablema in the structural metallul-97 Of hc4t-r*s1stAMt Alloy oft are concerned with tba2r*tlcal principles, soce ulth do*- g arlptions or now equipment And methods, others with proportloS Of specific materlala. VAr-'=3 occurring under peelflad candltlona Are atugled And reported on. For detaIls, a Table or Contents. Us artlcXsa are Accoop4p'41 by a nua- : And- St~Adi~e (cant.) Uv/3355 Z&kbA=12-- Sameno , &Od X- ~,L= Satlon or-Phiii Mformationa 1*42`00-TROAdIUS And Xron-Chroalum Alloys .263 Zud1Js -X- P.. and 0. A, Bs=ykh Effect of Chromium, ~7~iytasnun. and ftogstan on th Time and Tax?*raturv Do. peadande of the Not Wdoess 0; ferrite 266 T*av*ratu:-e Creep - 73 trongth of Cc&;IXWX A~Uays of arrlte with Chromium, Tanadlus, Tuags%sm, and PridFAUST~X-V. 30me Problems In the Theory of seat 2081stance 280 Ing,jtA- and V. Kethod or Extrapolating Ime 3trot4fth Properties from Short-Mme Endurance Test &at& 29T Stanw.kovich. A. V. Investigation of Plasticity Properties 'Card 9/12 is-(t) AUTHORB: Zakharovaj No lop NogArYchev&, I. B- BOY/48-23-5-23/31 TITLE: Invostijra*iol~ 0.1 the Phase Transformations in Copper - Tin Alloys (Issledovaniye fasovykh prevrashcheniy v splavakh zedl-olovo) PERIODICAL; lavestiya Akadeviii nauk 558R, Beriya fisicheskayap 1959, Vol 23, Nr 5t pp 643 - 645 OUR) ABSTRACT: It is mentioned by way of &a introduction that several earlier investigations had dealt with the decomposition of oversaturat- ed solid solutions@ The subject of the present paper is the eu- tectic transformation and the ph4se transformation Poop + a* Reference in then made to two papers by Iaaich#v and lurkumov concerning the disordered position of &tons at room temperature in the P phaset and the ordered position of atoms at 7000Cs with 25 - 26% tin. The investigation under review deals with copper alloys.,with 25*5%, 27*5~ and 30.5% tin. The samples are monooryetals which are investigated Immediately after anneal- ing at 70000, In addition, a general investigation was made of the copper alloys with 32.6% tin, and the alloy with 27-0 tin- Card 1/3 was investigatod with regard to the outectic transformation at Investigation of the Phase Transformations in Copper - SOV/48-23-5-23/31 Tin Alloys 350 and 4000C- Ln alloy with 25-5fo tin was used to investigate the phase transformation P-+p + a at 5500C- Investigation mL-th- ods applied were the diffraction of X-rays in monocrystals, the crystal vibration and the monochromatic emission of molybdenum. The repults are explained on the strength of roentgenograms and- Laue diagrams. Picture (Fig 1) shows the beginninG of separa- tion of the *-phase in the alloy with 25.Yjtj tin. Also the de- composition of the P phase in the alloy with 30. Ylo tin is dealt with. In these investications, the phase transformations are inferred from the location of the diffraction maxima. For ex- imple, the diffl:laction pictures (Pigs 2 and 4) of the alloy with 27.ep tin, taken at various time intervals after the therm- al treatment, are shown, and the progressive phase transforma- 'tion is investigated thereon. The eutectic transformation is investigated in the same way and described with a number of pictures. There are 7 figures and 13 references, 6 of which are Soviet. Card 2/3 j:nvestigatiori of the Phase Transformations in Copper - SOT/46-23-5-23/31 Tin Alloys ASSOCtATIOIT: Kafedra fiziki tverdogo tela Fizicheskogo fakulltets, Moskov- skogp gos. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of the Physics of Solids of the Physics Department of the Moscow State University imeni M. V..Lomonosov) Card 3/3 rWz Z Wax MaWITATioN SOV/15457 -L7 YOU41mo-takhnichaskoye obahchostva MaShInGstraitellacy Prceashlon- Coati. Sekt4iya mateLlovedenlys, I tormicheakoy abrabatki metal- lov. X4taUcv*denLya I tormIaheakaya abrabotka imetallov. trudy Saktail. motallovedenlya I tormichaskoy obrab43tkl metallov (P14sIcL1 Xetallurgy and Beat Treatment of Metals; Transactions of the section of "hysical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment air Metals) ma. 2.11oscov, '_~ahglz, 1960. 242 9. 6,000 copies printed. spannoring Agencyr V%uchno-ta%6inIch*skcy* obabehaxtyo stashinostroitaPnoy procWnhlennosti. Tsentrallnoys pravlenlye. ZdltorlAl Board Pogodin-Alokseyev, Yu. A. Geller. A. 0. Rakhahtadt. =JdOi,XX.. 3hroyber. Ed. at Publishing Hausoz 1. 1. Leanlch*nko; T&Ch. P~z. i B. 1. Model I j Man a&Ln C 94. for LI ter&- turs an Metalworking and Machine-Tool Ptaklngt V. 1. )"-tln. rwtrm: This collection or articles to Intended for metallurgists. xwchpalRaj tnopeorj.. rd scientific research workers. CCVXUUI The Coll CtIon 0 n a articles describing "suits of research Conducted by members of STO (scientific T"hzical society) or the machlne-bulldlng inlustry In the field or physical metallurgy, and in the heat t-estment of steel, cast .4-cn$j_md nonferrous metals and alloys. No personalities arc mentloned. Most vt arvIclan a" A===anlod b7 SovIlat and non- 3avlot references and contain conc2,Ltllons drawn frem invenzi- gatland. TASLZ Ci CONTENTSt 4 JUanter. X. To.. Doctor of Technical sciences. Professor, and L. 1. =znetvav and L. A. Yetashop, tagimears. Softening and. xacrystanization rrooosses In Xron arA Nickel Alloys 3 Trunin, 1. X., Engineer. Effect of Cald-Working Conditions an thA Endurance of Ateel 12 zarnshtw, K. L., Candidate of Teetnical Sciences, and L. V. ralranakay-A. Engineer. Effect or Cold Working on the Structure *id HZVj-rt;oe.or the VU-Titaniun Alloy KIdInjj. X.. Doctor of Tectmical ScIencea. Professor. On the Reasons for the Improvetient or Xron-Alloy Properties After High- Prequanoy QA%ench Hardening 25 Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. ?roressor. the SIFma-Phame Pormatlan in A11072 39 Zakharovat R. 1. structural Transformatlona In Highly C*erciie 52 Pagodin-Al4k Doctor of Technical Sciences Profeamoramd 7 ~v &y&. C;;dldato of Technical Sciences EAeceaa*dl. jhr.~Ct;F-Aa Rijr0structure on the Deveiopment or Reve=ible Tsqpor_Brjttlan*ss in Low-Carbon Manganese steel 59 X. X., Candidate at Technical sciences, Docent. Factors on strain Aging of Construc- tional Carbon Steel 67 un N P Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor. and 3. 1. . Engineer. 2zrwilng the Preheating TemPerature In Forging ZAWROVA, M., 1. .).VAN CHYA-FOY _-"J3%ZP5. Investigation of the Matrix Structure Dur-ing the Ageing Process In High Mariganese Steel and Aluminium Zinc Alloys." Moscow State Univ., Faculty-,.of Physics, Moscow, USSR. paper submitted for 5th Gen. Assembly, Symposium on Lattice Defects, Intl. Union of Crystallography, Cambridge U.K. Aug 1960. - ZAKHAROVAY ~'.I.J. doktor fiz.-mwt.naukj prof. conditions for the forattion of the oigme phase in alloys- 7rWT -Sek.metallaved.i term.obr.met.11TO mash.prom* no.2:39-51 160- (NIRA 14:4) (AUoya-Mete,11ography) (Phase rule and equilibrium) ZAKHAROVA, MI,, doktor fiz.-mat.nauk, prof. Structural transformations in highly coercive alloys. Trudy Sek. metalloved.i term.ob--omot*NTO mashoprom, no*2:52-58 160. (KCRA 14:4) (Alloys-Magnetic properties) (Phase rule and equilibrium) S/180/60/000/005/020/033 E111/E135 AUTHORS: Van Khua-Fou and Zakharova, M.I. (Moscow) TITLE: Investigation of.Substructure~~in the Decompopition of the y-Solid Solution in Manganese Steels IZ PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akadenii nauk SSSR.Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurg*Lya i toplivo, 1960, No. 5, pp 167-170 TEXT: The authors describe their investigation of y-solid solution structure changes in steels with 1.77 and 12% Mn and 2 and 1.2% C, respectively, after holding at 750 OC. X-ray analysis of polycrystals and stationary single crystals with mixed Mo and Fe radiation was used, supplemented by magnetic measurements. Single crystals were prepared by recrystallization after 5% extension. Heating of specimens for recrystallization, hardening and prolonged tempering was effected in evacuated quartz capillaries; salt baths were used for tempering for a rew seconds, Fig.1 shows patterns from the low-Mn (top) and high-Mn steels after various haat treatments. The work showed that in the initial stage of ageing at 750 00 redistribution of dissolved components of carbon and manganese takes place. In -the low- Card 1/2 S/180/60/000/005/020/033 Elll/E135 Investigation of Substructure in the Decomposition ofthe y-Solid Solution in Manganese Steels manganese steel the austenite in carbon-impoverished regions is converted into martensite on cooling from 750 OC: this produces plastic deformation of unchanged regions of austenite and conversion of a single into a polyerystal. In the high-manganese steel disorientation of matrix blocks occurs in the initial stage of ageing. There are 2 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 in Acta Crystallografica, SUBMITTED: February 9, 1960 Card 2/2 rxS700 AUTHORS: TITLE: 68626 S/126/60/009/02/013/033 EIII/E335 Zakharova,__M.I. and Van Khua-fou Investigation of the Decomposition of Super-saturated Solid Solution 'in Manganese Steel jl~ PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol 9, Nr 2, pp 236 - 242 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors point out that in spite of much work the role of individual factors in alloy hardening is not clear. They report their investigation of the decomposition0of super-saturated solid solutionl/in a 0 120% Mn, 1.2% C steel after isothermal temperIng at 750 C, Its structure above 950 0C consists of austenite, which decomposes on lowering the temperature to 750 0c, precipitating carbides 1-mm thick rolled plates were used. X_ra~Cinvestigations showed that by quenching from 1 100 an austenite structure is obtained but tempering at 750 0C for 12 minutes gives rise to diffuse lines of carbides, further carbide lines appearing on prolonging tempering. At 750 0C, however, these remain weak. The qurie point of carbide in the steel rises from Card 1/3 - 90 to -70 C when tempering time is increased from 1/2 to 3 hrs: the authors attribute this to 4w", 68626 S/126/60/009/02/013/033 I Investigation of the Decomposition of SoupellMrated Solid Solution in Manganese Steel manganese-atom movement in the austenite lattice. For studying in detail structural changes in the first stage of decomposition X-ray diffraction with mixed and monochromatic radiation was used on single crystals (prepared by recrystallization of 5% elongated specimens) at 1 100 OC in evacuated quartz tubes. A special holder fixed the crystal to the goniometric. head. Figure 1 shows the diffraction pattern from a hardened single crystali Figures 2-4 those from single crystals tempered at 750 0C for 2, 20 and 180 min, respectively. Figure 5 shows Individual regions of a series of patterns obtained when the crystal temBered at 7gO 0C for 2 min was rotated through 1.5 - 3.0 up to 25 - Some of the patterns include small bow-shaped lines and the authors discuss these in terms of the reciprocal lattice (Figures 6, 7). On the basis of their analysis of the Card 2/3 68626 S/126/60/009/02/013/033 Elll/E Investigation of the Decomposition of Supor-sMrated Solid Solution in Manganese Steel geometry of diffraction patterns they conside nucleation and block effects: disorientation of blocksV- lof the initial solid solution does not increase continuously with increasing size of crystals of the precipitating phase but decreases after reaching a maximum. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy M.V. Lomonosova M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 22, 1959 go:3udarstvennyy universitet imeni (Moscow State University imeni Card 5/3 S/126/6o/oio/oi/oo8/oi9 EIII/E335 AUTHORS: Zakharova. M.I. and Van Khua-Fou TITLE: Inv estlgat~xono?_ Eut ect o1dal Transformatlondi. Austenitic Steels \ -i '16v PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 14" , V01.10, No. 1, pp 70 - 74 TEXT: The authors maintain that in spite of the numerous investigations of the eutectoidal transformation its initial stages need further study. They report their work on the transformation in a steel with 125'0 Mn and 1.2% C and one with 1.77% Ma and 2% C, using X-ray analysis of poly-and single crystals. For the 12% Mn steel the investigation was carried out after tempering at 670 OC. The authors discuss the /patterns obtained and calculate stresses, crystal size and ~blatt_ice deformations. Fig. I shows the pattern from a single crystal after hardening and tempering for 3 minutes; Figs. 2 and 3 after tempering for 14 and 40 minutes, respectively. A conclusion trom the results is that the sequence of alpha-- phase liberation is different at the same temperature in a AS Card 1/2 51126/60/010/01/008/019 9111/E335 Investigation of Eutectoldal Transformation in Austenitic Steels polycrystal and a single crystal; after carbide liberation in the former, before it in the latter. The 1.77% Ma steel was investi6ated after tempering for different times ht 700 OC and at 500 C on polyerystallinei specimens. The work shows that in the initial stages redistribution of carbon occurs; for carbon- impoverished areas the martensite-point is above room temperature. There are 3 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonoso-va (Moscow State University im. M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 11, 1960 V/13 Card 2/2 S/126/60/010/004/oO9/023 E021/E4o6 AUTHORS: Zakharova, M.I. and TITLEs Study of the Initial Alloys Yeliseyeva, I.I. _V1 k1 Stages of Ageing of Aluminium-Zinc PERIODICAL: Fizika etallov i metallovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.4, PP-560 63 p a TEXT: The of aluminium-zinc alloys of single and polycrystals was investigated by X-ray analysis and by Itch figure techniques. The starting materials were AB 000 (AVOOO)Nluminium and 99.8% pure zinc. The single crystals were prepare by slowly cooling melts of the alloy. Fig.1 shows an X-ray photograph of a single crystal of aluminium - 10% zinc alloy after natural ageing. The presence of streaks indicates the formation of areas rich in zinc. Single crystals and coarse grained alloys were also polished electrolytically and chemically etched. Etch figures increased with increase of zinc content from 5 to 15%- After two days ageing at room temperature, the etch--figuves were uniformly distributed within the grains. After five days natural ageing in individual crystals of the aluminium-10% zinc alloy, the etch figures were arranged in parallel lines (Fig.2). The uniformity of the etch Card 1/2 S/126/60/010/004/009/023 E021/E4o6 Study of the Initial Stages of Ageing of Aluminium-Zinc Alloys figures depended on the orientation of the grains and the time of ageing. After seven months ageing, theletch figures were distributed uniformly in all the 4ELinsItforming a network with an angle of 70* After 50 hours ageing at 1509C, spots appear on the Debye rings corresponding to (311) reflections. After 255 houra, the intensity of these spots sharply increases and streaks appear in a radial direction across the Laue maxima. After 320 hours the intensity and angular length sharply decreases (Fig.5). This effect is caused by the reorientation of small volumes of the matrix as a result of differences in the specific volumes of the matrix and the precipitating planes. There are 5 figures-and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosuda.rstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) - SUBMITTED: February 11, 1960 Card 2/2 ACC NRz AP7006204 SOURCE COM UR/0383/67/003/001/0087/0093' AUTHOR: Prokoshking D. A-;, ORG*. Metallurgy Institute in. A. A. Baykovp Academy of Sciences,, SSSR (Institut SSSR) metallurgii Akadwdi nauk TITM Isothermal sections at 600 and 750*C of the molybdenum-titanium-zirconium phase diagram SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izve3tiya. Neorgwilcheskiye Materialyl, V- 3P no. It 1967,, 87-93 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum alloy, zirconium alloy, titanium alloy, alloy phase diagram 1. ABSTRACT: On the basis of x-ray and rdcrostructural analyses and measurements of the hardness of alloys after quenching from the equilibrium state at 750 and 6oo0c, iso- thermal sections at these tva ta=erttures of the phase diagram of the Mo-Ti-Zr 57B- tam were constructed. A sizable region of a A solid solution, extending continuously, from the Mo-Ti system to the Ti-Zr system and bounded by a region of heterogeneous state of the alloys on the side of the Mo-Zr system, was found in the section at 600*0 (see Fig. 1). The region of heterogeneous state of the alloys occupies SL small vart of the concentration triangle mid protrudes t(reard the titanium cornor (see ~vig. I). Unmixing of the 0 solid solution into two solid solutions occurs at = oquiatomic content of Mo in Zr and 61 at. % U. Two three-phase regions, Al + 9~2 + 6 and a + 92 + 6,exist inaside the haterogensoms region. The 6 phase extends up to 13 at. % Ti UDC1 ACC NR& AW006204 Tt 0 0 0 0IV IV 00 o0 'PS V 0 0 df #1 cat 0 Aw- zr w 0 v v M ;r, rig. 1. Isothermal section at 6()00C of the phase diagram of th3 MO-M~-Zr 47r-tm. -a - bowxlarjr of phase I-region2 based on x-ray diffractics IV Peat IPA Q 0 00 so a 0 0 JL1 Zo a, fe zr X-/fe Jrvfo xx Fig. 2. Isothermal section at 7500C of the phas-e diagram_ of tkLe N-O-TL-Zr 48tin ACC NR, AP7006204 at 33.3 at. * Zr in the ternar7 system; no approciablo solubility hto boon notod in i thiS Dhaso. The isothormaLl section, at 7500C (see Fig. 2) ic bADiOally no differ(intI ifrom the section at 600*Cp but the region of tho 0 colid solution incroasoo considor-I ably both At the expense of the heterogeneous region (on the side of the Mo-Zr syatom)' and At tho expense of the two-phase a + 0 regions adjacent to the Ti and Zr corners of the section. Unmixing of the 0 solid solution takes place at 57 at. % Ti and 19 at. % Zr. At 7500C, the region of the 6 phase degenerates into a line (as it doos at 60000 and exists in this sootion up to 13 at. $ at 33.3 at. % Zr. Orig. art. hass 9 figuou, SUB CODSt 007/ SUBM DATSt 09Feb66/ ORIG REFt 004/ OrH RF.Ft 008 Card - - 313 ZHDANOV, German Stepanovich; BEWV, N.V., akad., retsenzent; AIZMOV,, V.I., prof., retsenzent; BEWTp K.F.t prof.g retseuzent;-ZAKffAHM,-K-l-,, prof.9 reteenzent; GOLIMEBERG9 G.S.t red.; GEORGIMAI, G.I., Uftm. red..' I [Soliidrstate pbysics] Fizika tyerdogo tela. Moskva, I7A-vo Hook. univ., 1961. 500 p. (MIRA 14.-6) (solide) ZAKHAWVA M.I. (Moskva); PROKOSHKIN, D.A. (Moskva) Investigating the system niobium. - molydenum - chromium. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i tople no.4:59-67 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA U,-.8) (Niobiura-molybdenum-chromium alloys-Metal-lography) (Phase ru-le and equilibrim) r S/.18o/62/Ooo/oo6/ol5/022 E071/E151 AUTHORSs Zakharova and Mogarycheva, I.B. Oloscow) TITLE., Ageing'of a copper-tin eutectic alloy PERIODICALi Ahademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurglya i toplivo, no.6, 1962, 147-i4q. TEXT: An investigation was made of the structure of single ,crystals of alloys of copper with 27.8 and 25-5 wtO; of tin, together with hardness determinations on polycrystalline specimens (27.8 wt.% Sn) both after hardening and'during natural ageing. The microhardness of the polycrystalline specimens increased'from 200 to 450 kg/mm2 during two years of ageing. To elucidate structural changes causing this increahe in hardness, three single crystals with 27.8 wt.% Sn.and one with 25-5 wt.% Sn .were examined after ageing for 40 days, 8 months and 3 years. The single crystals were prepared by a slow crystallization from the melt followed by a homogenizing treatment-at.600 *C for 26 hours. Mixed and monochromatic Mo radiation were u3ed-for the X-ray studies. The results obtained indicated that during natural Card 1/2 S/18o/62/Ooo/oo6/ol5/022. Ageing of a copper-tin eut,4octic alloy E071/EI51 ageing$ separation of dispeised crystals of 6-phase and the deformation of the ma6rix take place.' The latter causes work hardening of the alloy and an increase in the microhardness. There are 3 figures' SUBMITTEDj June 13, 1962 Card 2/2 s1659, 62/008/000/002/028 10 Y7248 AUTHORS: .Zakharova, idol*, Mogarycheva, I*Bop and KhAtanoVa. N,A, TITLE: Structure of the inatrix during the initial stages of do- composition of the solid solution SOURCE: Akademiya nauk S&SR.*Institut metAlurg ii, Issledovania po zharoprochnym splavame v,,8* 1962, 27-31 TEXT: X-ray and microscopic examinations of various Al alloys and lAn steel during the initial atages of deoomposition show that at 21800 of the A1-1.25~o Si solid solution there is a pnerated stress not relieved by thermal relaxation, and the matrix is subject to plastic deformation, This is exhibited on the X-ray diagram by asterism and fragmentation of the Laue maxima for the solid solut- ion, The same alloy, annealed for 10 minutes at 218% shows slip .bands under the microscope, and disintegration of monocrystals into smaller structural blocks. Irwo slip-band systems, intersecting with each other at a 700 angle are observed uxider certain condit- ions, Essentially the same microstructure is observed in an Al - Card 1/2 3/659/621008/000/002/028 1048/1248 Structure of the matrix durine the initialese . I 16 Zn alloy after natural aging for q months,. and in ateel contain- ing 12% Mn and 1.2k after aimealing for 5 seo, at 6W; electro- chemical etching shows that-the nature of the microstructure re- mains unchanged to a considerable depth within the alloy. As all three alloys mentioned have an f.c.c. lattice, the slip plane being (111)9 it is assumed that tho appearance of two slip-barLd systems intersecting at qOOris assoo.Lated with nucleation on the (111) and (117r) planes, There are 3 figures, Card 2/2 S/659/62/008/000/009/028 1048/1245 AUTHORS: Prokoshkin, D.a.., and Zakharovaq M.I. TITLE; The isothermal section*at 120000 of the phase diagram for the system niobium-molybdenum-chromiwa SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. InstitVt metallurgii, Issledo- vaniya po 7.haro,)rochnym splavam. v.8. 1962. 70-74 TEM, Alloys of the niobium-molybdenum-chromium, system were tempered at 12000 and subjeacted to a series of microstructure, x-ray, and hardnes3 studies; the results are summarized in the form of the isotheniial section at 12000, and of gra-)hs showing the variations in the lattice Darnmeters of the various phases as a function of the Cr content. The solubility of chromium in niobium. at 12000 is llfo (all percentages given are atomic), that of Nb in Card l/P 3/659/62/008/000/009/028 1048/1248 The isothermal section.... Cr is 2~. In the binary ?~,Io-Cr system, all alloys containing 10-1% Mo consist of a sin,-~le phase with a b.c.c. lattice. In the ternary system Nb-Plo-Cr, all alloys containing above 50~ Mo are composed of a single phase with a b.c.c. lattice, designated as thea( I., ) phase. Another single phase vrith a narrow range of homogeneity is confined within the 2oints 62-68fo Cr on the 0% Mo line and ll~ No on the 61% Cr line; the structure of the phase corresponds to that of the intermet,-,.llic compound NbCr2, .-nd it is designated as the phase. ThebL and ~ phases exist in the Nb-rich and the Cr-rich corners of the isothermal section, respectively. There are three two-phase z-nd one three-phase regions: and There are 4 figures. Card 2/P 2- 5/126/6a/oi4/004/012/017 E193/E383 AUTHORS:; Zakharova, M.1. and Amosov, Ye-M. TITLE: A study of the transformation of the'p-phase in the copper-beryllium system PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 14, no. 4. 1962, 559 - 563 TEXT- The object of the present investigation was to study solid-state transformations in the 9.34% beryllium-copper alloy. by X-ray and metallographic analysis. Both polycrystalline and.. single-*crystal specimens were used. Theresults are summarized 0 below. 1) The P-phase, stable,at 855 -'890 C, could not be retained by quenching. Polycrystalline specimens, held at 870 C for 5 hours and water-quenche consiisted of the y-phase with a lattice parameter of 2418 On subsequent ageing at 500 C the a-phase was formed, the intensity of the X-ray lines produced ,by this phase increasing as the ageing time increased from 3 min to 7 hours* Examination of microsections revealad that the a-phase particles were formed first at the grain boundaries; after 1-hour ageing at 5100 0C the a-phase precipitates could be Card 1/2 S/126/62/Oi4/oo4/012/017 A study of .... E193/F.383 observed in the interior of the grains along the slip lines formed as a result of plastic deformation caused by quenching stresses. 2) Single-crystal specimens, prepared by slow (10 OC/h) cooling of the melt0in the crucible and quenched (with thecrucible).on reaching 870 C, had a structure which depended on the rate of cooling during quenching. Specimens quenched in porcelain crucibles consisted of the y-phase; those quenched in a graphite crucible constituted single crystals of a metastable phase with a face-centred cubic lattice; air-cooling of a single crystal produced by the pulling-out technique resulted in the y-phase, in which the procei3s of precipitation of the a-phase had begun- 3) Slip on the (110) and (112) planes took place in' water-quenched, single-crystal specimens; This was accompanied by the formation of atom aggregates with destroyed periodicity which, on subsequent ageing, became crystals of the a-phase, oriented in accordance with the principle of structural conformity. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V* Lomonosova (Moscow'State University im.M.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTED, April 13, ig6a Card 2/2 35595 S/048/62/026/003/003/015 0 B139/B104 AUTHORS: Zakharova, M. I., and Mhatanov~, N. A. TITLE: Investigation of the structure of solid solutions dependent on crystallization conditions and heat treatment PERIODICAL:' Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26, no- 3, 1962, 345 - 346 TEXT: The change in the block structure of the matrices %ith phase transformations 0of Al-Si and Al-Cu alloys was investigated. After being hardened at 5500 C, single crystals of an alloy of Al with 1.2~ Si were tempered at 218 C. The lattice constant changed' from 4.0380 to. - 4.0386 A after 10 minutes; and the block boundaries were clearly discernible after 20 minutes. The angle of disorientation of the blocks was measured by an X-ray reflection method. Single crystal plates vith an area of 1 - 2 cm2 were grown in air in a furnace with a temperature gradient of 10 degree-cm-1. The alloy had a dendrite structure immediately after crystallization. Most of the crystals were not ideal anJ composed of ;- relatively few blocks. After 2 min annealing at 280 0C the maxima halve, Card*1/3 S/046/62/026/003/003/015 Investigation of the structure ... B139/B104 showing that the blocks are disorientatgd by 4'. The disorientation after 5 min is 61. After an annealing at,280 C for 10 min the blocks turn, and after 20 min the orientation of the blocks in a crystal increases. Consequently, the formation of the second phase from a solid solution of Si in Al causes a disorientation of the blocks. The structural changes are irreversible. Al alloys %ith 4 per cent by volume of Cu have a band structure under the'same crystallization conditions, and the crystals consist of a multitude of minute blocks. After 20 min annealing at 2160C the distance between 'some of the reflected maxima increases, while another group of maxima remains unchanged. After annealing times of 30 - 60 min the samples again show the sane picture as immediately after quenching. Consequently, after the coherent bond between the newly forEled Material and the matrix has broken, the disorientated blocks return to their initial position. Howeverg this elastic disorientation has a local nature and covers the total crystal volume non-uniformly. The degree of in- homogeneity is dQtermined by the substructure of the initial crystal of the solid solution. There are 6 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference to the English-language publ 'ication reads as follows: A. Guinier, J. Tennevin, Acts, crystallogr..Z, 133 (1949). Card 2/3 S/048j62/026/003/003/015 Investigation of the structuro... B139/BlO4 ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gos. universitet im. M. V. Lomonooova (Yoscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) Card 3/3 ZIKHAROVAv X.I.; MGARYCHEVAI I.B, Chmges in the structure of-Y -phase crystals in the cu - Sn system during the process of natural aging, Fiz.met.i metalloved. 15 no.4:538-543 Ap 163. (MIRA 16t6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Copper-tin alloys-Metallograpby) ZAKHAROVAI M. I. (Moskva); MOGAUCHEVA, I. B. (Moskva) Aging of eutectoid couposition capper-tin alloy* rzy. AN SSM. Otd. tekh. nauk. Met. i topl. no.6t347-1/+q N-D- 162. (MIR! 164-1Y Copper-tin &.3-loys-flardening) Phase rule and equilibrim) ~ ZAKHAROVA, M.I.(Moskva); MELIK-ADAWAN, V.R.(Moskva) Investigating the substructure during the decompostition-of solid oloutions of zinc in ahminufa,. Izv, AN SSSR.Otd,tekb.nauk. Met. i topl. no.5:210-211 S-0 162. (MM 15:10) (Aluminwo-zinc alloys.-Metallography) 4' 7-7- -- - ---- F6T(6_!1'/EPR/T.ZW1MCk r.YW ~d/Psz;4- AS -37 861 ASD(f )_2/ARjCC jD1j-M1 8/0000 64/000/ 0001131V0321- [ ACCESSIMI NR: AT4046 MLK aB V_' _777 tmdWre of _kfti~a~ affoys Under tinCE: -"-SS6R.- Nwi hir-! "-A -otyv-eOa Problem. thar 46, fth splavoir reall c 00 OW Strisy i sji~alrav tuues on ateela aw alloys). Moseowi lzd-vo- C 195" 315421 TOPIC TAGM metal atructure, allay atructure, metd crystal, alloy ory-albil, thermc~-- d ation, inechanical Lreatment. alloy hardiraling, zinc, aluminum, plaotte d orm j, mar tensitic tranaformation, q!iqk&L910_1 I AlrSTRAM Thermomechadcal lireatmed to widely used for improviag the properties of metals and allM, particularly for lacreasing ractUd and elloy strength. 7`he present the remAiting at-ucturRI variations for both alloys ard pure metals, Ir --vnftu n-itcnititify, trav be measured try rnaano of electron :Tdcroscapes n,1_'nC1_rL1 K-I-ay nrellodB, t!eut Ui4 ti-RT rcsLL~o _tz-_t 1-vv X.-ray FitiAled tpf single a r4irii mnLal was invt-emmed. 77, F;t =L - 9958-66. - NR- ATIO46861 ACCEBSTON -that maoro- azuL zaia~o-blacks were formbd if ter 12% elonE mm ysid showed e- redig of mf cm-blo6w cordd ':)e observed afte7r daneging at 459C fvr 2,5 IID~-_ql redistribution occurred after 10 more hours. The --eats parformEd rer,,Wtcd in homogeneous pcdygoiU;~aauun whea the alumint-un was stretc ied 12%-. no change was obaerv.pd after annealing at 630C for 70 hours. Ilermornechanic3d treatmenL of -uld lead tia even higher liardening thaff in pure metals due to phasia tranatorma- alloys sho -hat high-tempera,L-rc- plastic de- tinna ~ L. S. Maksimova and I. N. E2 ga chey s bowed t fer-,nado'n. m well as cold deformatMon-77-nickel alfoyv, leads to an ivcrewie in austenitic st~,bjjit-~ ThAgo wqithora, aa wal' m L.S. Yarghova -did not investipte the strurture but thiLit., notod i~iat disinte-gr,'.ition of j&e -bj,)7,kT~_vs_uJts in 9tabilization by preliminary no iniLial solid plastic'def ormation. Only direct im estigation of the crystall structur -3 'of t. W~11, -Iqrifv whv low pla5tiv deformation of many alloys actillates mart-ensitic traasfor-aiation, wfiiie hio preli.nilrary (iviunuatioa 9tabtliv-7 "I in'tial phase. -tuflr~lne C" ! iTivturt; of the Laftiat aolid solutlon, it Is p-)asible m raq Lr r co Mel phase transformations and vulation oi pruperaes a U _,c has: I figure. ASSOCIA110IN: none ACCESSION NR: AT404666'.7L gUBMITTED: IgJunUl NO REF SOV,. 002 ~:Nc--E: on OIIIER: 001 am COD E:. Mm 'ACCESkON NR-. AP4039253 iS/0032/64/030/006/0721/0724 'AUTHORSt Zakharovaj M. I.; Khatanova,, N. A. ,TITLE: Investigation of the substructure of single crystals by the x ray focusing method SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, ir. 30, no. 6, 1964,, 721-724 ;TOPIC TAGS: crystal substructure, x ray focusing, microblock, macroblock) gonio- metric measurement, aluminum alloy,, angular disorientation, polycrystalline 1 annealing :speci,nen, meta metal t4,-mpering, microscope UMV'1OO ':ABSTILICT: The authors used the method of A. Guinier and 1. Tennevin (Acta Crystal, '2; 133, 1949) to study the disorientation of a specimen of alloy during ther=1 or imechanical treatment. They measured the angular-disorientation of a block to an :accuracy of 10 seconds. The specimens they used had cross sections of the order of 2 .1-2 an . The thickness was determined by the atcmic number of the alloy-for=.g :element. For Al this is 1-2 mm. Goniometric measurements were made on specimens ~obtained from originallypolycrystalline blacks by sending the latter through I C, -adient furnaces at a speed of 10 mm/sec. The results of exporimants oh a block '&rd 1/2 ~ !ACCESSION NR: AP4039253 !of monocrystalline solid. solution of 4' Cu in Al are given. The angular disorien- ,tation of'the specimen tempered at 550C was found to be 10. After annealing at ';218C for 24 hours the value increased to 10241) alter 3 days it was 20201, and after :6 days it was 20561. Orig. art. has; 3 figures and 4 formulas, ~ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstve:any*y universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova. (Moscow ~State University) :SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: l8Jun64 31CL: 00 :'SUB CODE: M NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER: 001: card 2/2 P,,T!rn) IEFFf 1-2/-r/E4F(t)/Ei1F(b) Fu-4 !JP(r) _jD/j r, L. 31553-65 T ZSIO' AP S/G126/65/019/00110145[0147 N N F. .5004276 AMMOR: Byk6vi Ve H Rudenk6, V. A.; Zakharova, H. I. The redistribution Gf-d'.0-ocations in a.mol ybdenum single ~-rystal hy EITLE: A anneatin__ kA metallov L taetallovedeniye, v. 19*, no. 1, 1965, 145-141' .TOPIC TAG13: -dislocation redistribution, subgrain-boundary, molybdenum single crystal, vacuum furnace, slip plane, subgrain fragmentation, dislocation rosette, pickling pit, udcuum annealing, Uttice defect '"STRACT -A study has beea made :~f the redistribution of dialocations and the for-o ~A :mation of the process of annealing a sample; of monocrystal Aine. molybdmum.oroduced by electron-beam smelting-1he.groups of- dis Locations 2,7. ilre, ug,ually-'airan 0 Sed.- in'- the form of a, d is locati n- 7rcisette under, the inf luence 0-7 0 of local plastic-deforwations.- In cast metd1s, 1 cal. plagtic mation.-can be produced by the preeence of submicroscopic pores develop during 'the --meta 1-rcadlin& -period. it-nnealing of the mentioned samples at temperatures of wi orf' -the dfalocations-- Some of the anct*Z 0000 results-in a redistributia latter -htf t te'tIve boundaries i3f -the subgrains-And ar absorbed hy them. others 7, A! .ZAKHAROVA, Mj,.; TUMANIYAN, Yu.A. Determination of the mutual orientation of cry5tal.- in -olid solutions of Ge in Al and precipitating germanium crys-t&ls. Vest* Moskune Sere It Fiz., astron. 20 no,4:50-55 Jl.-.4g 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Kafedra. fiziki kriatallov Moskovskago gosudaratvenno.go universiteta. Submittod April 26, 1964- L 36560-66 EWT(m)/T/ETI/E1VP(t) IJP(c) JD/JG 30810812 ACC NRt AP6015772 SOURCE CODE: AUMIOR: Zn1thnrova, M.I.; Mogarychova, I.B.; Khntanoval N.A. OW: Physics Dc2nrtment, Moscow State Unive sity,im M.V.Lomonosrv fakultet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennoge, universiteta) ITLE I vestigat-t,?n of the initial stages of decompositionof the solid solution in s - ITCLN~r Cd Cu-Be-Ag allo rs /Report,, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Microscop .X _ held in'Sumy 6-8 July 1965/ SOUWE: AN SSSR. Izvostiya. Seriya J?izichesknya, v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 808-812 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum base alloy, copper base alloy, solid solution, thermal decompos tion, electron microscopy, electron diffraction, x ray diffraction A13STIMT: The changes in structure occurring incident to thormal-aging docomposition of the supersaturated solid solutions in Al + 3 % Cu + 7% Ag and Cu + 1.6% Be + 1.9%. Ag alloys (the percentages are by weight) were studied by electron microscopy, clectro diffraction and x-ray diffraction (singl A tn1s) techniques. Masi: of the report is , "Cry dcvoted to the results obtained for the ;uusnum-basc alloy. The decomposition of the alumintun-basc alloy was studied at aging, emperatures of 130 and 2180C. The initial stage of decomposition at 1300 is _Ch'c zone stage, which is most clearly evinced after .The electron micrographs of the aged alloy disclose spherical zone two days of nging; A (diameter about 6 ) and lamelinr Guinier-Preston zones (transverse dimensions of 100 ACC NRt AP6015772 to 200 A). The former are enriched in silver; the latter - in copper. The crystallo- graphic and other procedures employed for estimating the zone dimensions are described. A table gives the values of the spherical and Guinier-Preston zone dimensions as esti- mated from the x-ray diffraction and oloctron microscopic data for specimens aged for 2 days at 1300 and for 30 min, 5 hours and 15 hours at 2180; the agreement is generall, satisfactory. The same thing is true of the identified 01 and yt phases (the phases wore identified by plotting the reciprocal lattice and 01-phnso networks). The data for the ternary alloy are compared with the analogous data for the binary Al + 3% Cu alloy, obtained by Hardy and Hill (reference cited in Russian translation) and some significant differences are noted. The decomposition of the solid solution in the Cu + 1.6% Be + 1.9% Ag alloy was studied by similar techniques after 5 min, 30 min, 13 hours, and 30 hours isothermal annealing at 2180. The results for this alloy are given only briefly. The electron diffraction data indicate that after 30 hours anneal. ing the structure of this alloy consists of the matrix, spherical zones, y' and 7 phas. es and silver crystals. The microhardriess is increased from 80 kg/mm2 after quenching to 200 after 30 hours anneal. Several micrographs and diffraction patterns are reproduced in the text. Orig. art.has: 4 figures and 1 table. SUB CCDB: 11, 20/ SUEN DATZ: 00/ ORIG REF: 002/ OrH REF: 001 ---L 04291-67 - -&4TW/T/WP(-t)/ErI - TJP(c) - JH/JD SOUCE CODEx U AUTHORSs Zakharovaj, Me I.j Tumanlyan, Tu. A. 3 Offis Moscow State University in, M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosuniversitst) TITLEs Decomposition of solid solution_.In Al-Ag-Ge and Al-Cu-00 alloys SOURGEs Fisika metallov i astallovedeniye, v. 219 no. 6, 1966, 868472 TOPIC TAGSi thermal aging, aluminumbase alloy,, copper containing alloyp germanium containing alloy# silver containing alloy,, solid "lution decomposition I ABSEACTi The effect of germanium upon the aging -of Al-Ag and Al-Cu alloys has been inv63tigated. Methods employed in the study were x-ray analysis of the rigid nono- crystals, oscillation and rotation, and changes in hardness. The alloys were prepared of Al (99.9Q,6%)., Cu (99.9%).. Ag (99.9%)o and Go (99.99%) and had the following compositionst. 1) A1-10% (by weight); Ag-2% Ge; 2) Al-4% Cu-0.4% Gej 3) Al--3% Cu-I%Ge. Decomposition of the solid solution was observed""ILfter aging at 20 io ,, 100l 3,309 and 216G. It, was established that introduct a of 2%*.(by weight) of Go in Al-10% Ag alloy alwat entirely suppreased formation of GWy~TPreston zones during natural aging* Additioa of Go to Al-Gu alloys also bas a..'.~Iptarding q'0 affect upon the formation of these simes and accelerates the separatioji-' f Cr-phase at 130 and 216Ce Orig. art.. bass 4 figures. LOB G 33 ll/ SM DAM OBJun6,15/ ORIG REFt 002/ OrH R]Ws 003 ar~ 5a. 512 .3-191621 09(08,-()?_ '_WT(m)/LWP(t)/ET1 1JP(c) Jj)lJrIJII ACC NRL AP6027785 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/001/0055/0057 K-hauuiova, N. A.; Zaldiarciva, M. 1. 3? .. A.'4~ ORG: j\,joscow SLIte University ji-n. IM. V. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosuniversitot) I'tI ~ o 'j ,, " TITLE: A study of the initial stages of phase transitions in an Al-Cu-Ag alloy SOURCE: Fizilca metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 1, 1966, 65-57 TOPIC TAGS : electron microscope, alloy phase diagram. aluminum base alloy, solid solution / UEAW electron microscopo ABSTRACT: Thcaging of the suporsawratcd solid solution of Cu in Al involves the formation of laniellar Guinier-Preston (G. P.) Zones during the pre-segregation stage; the aging of tho solid solution of Ag in Al involves tho formation of spherical G. P. zones. In t1iis connection the autors investigate the process of the decomposition of an Al-3 wt.% Cu-7 wtA Ag alloy by analyzing anomalous effects on the roentgenograms of immobile monocrystals and by per- forming an clectronmicroscopic analysis of thin, foils following their aging at 130 and 218*C. Findings: the investigated specimens contain both lamellar and spherical G. P. zones. Fol- If lowing 30 min of aging at 218*C the 1~hotographs made with the aid of an UEMV-100 electron 1/3 UDC: 669.715:620.181.5:620.183.48:620.183.4