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7_ _z/oll/62/019/001/009/017 E073/El36 AUTHORS: J.X.;~ and Yuzbyakp-.A.G.. TITLE: of vifiylcyclohexane-a,,id-styreite-i!rom--.- butadiene, PER-IODICA Lj -'Chemio-&-- che mieka'--te chno 10 gle. sh led - t ii chit icks'. -A av liter&tury,_.v.1.q,_..nol, - 1962, 311., abstract.Ch 62-450. (Neftekhimi3ra, v.1, no.1, 1961., -6o--64) __TEXT x The --authors studied-Ahe influence-of variouji -factors on the yields of butadiene polymerization: the composition of catalysts, the volume, speeds and temperatures* The optimum temperature offormation- of vinylcyclohexane is 400 ()C.: Selective hydrogenation of vinylcyclohexene-to vinyloyclohexane on platinum catalysts is at atmospheric temperature. The ~possibility of conversion of vinyloyclohexone to styrenig was proved by.means of the mochan-ism-describodd- 9 figures, 6.tables, 10freferences. -rAbstractor'.9 note'j Complete translation.] Card 1/1 ~YUZEF) F,A.,- aapirant 711FAMM Mmm"PWOMMMI M~414% ICKV94 -If _Ivolw.0a!VAq Ell yu, 7~_ 93101- Translation from. Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr.. 5, p 73 (USSR) AUTHOR: Yuzefov,1V__f, TITLE Production of Wire Bars From Oxygen-free Copper (Proizvod- stvo, vayerbarso-v beskis,lorodnoy medi) PERIODICAL: Byul. Tsentr. in-t inform. M~-_va tsvetn~--metallurgii SSSR, 1957, Nr,2, pp 29-30 AB~'ft~~t,--T,---The~shop-for-cast,ing.-g-~_~~_ppper, wire bar's at,,the ~Yugoslav cable -manufacturing plant at Sv~V6iii-rovo--is-eqtiipped-mv,ilt-h a mechanized installation for continuous ca.sting. A ;',()-ton tion-type smelting furnace with a rating of 1200 k% is ~t'nounted on the upper platform. The alternating current employed h.asa t i I-of -500 v; the metal in the furna o entia ce is maintained at a p temperature of 1160-1,1800C. From the furnace the -Cu entersa -rar recepta-cle from which it proceeds through a cf. -nic, heat inIsulated pipe to-a funnel 100 mm'in diameter with four outlets (6 mm-in diameter each); on leaving the funnel the Cu enters a crystallizer unit with a cross section of 102xI02 rnm. The smelt- casting of the Cu takes place in a reducino, atmosphere Ca rd 1/2.- of produce-r. gas which -is-introduced under pressure into the L;arcL Z/z oil 9u WAR Al -1 Ii Uo - --p. J; , ~- .;.!, 41- K 11.1 '1 ij a 0 u g 0 Bill g.: all.-I ig U j;m-g oil. ii- f 4 1 U13;uVW 9 Rr IS'n-M Ulm mm 2 &qqap MFAFA 00 43 Ulf ii 41 i I ; I - I 37 PALICS-82ANTO. 0. (ShdaposhOo 0. profoosor [traoslatorl Aole of the Bot'lan antigen In eye disesses..O.Falloo-fisanto Tivuslated from the Oerman by 7.1.lUzefova, Ofteshtu,, 11 nol 99-34 156. (HLRA 9:9) (STAI.-DISJUs -AND DVAMS) (ANTIGAWAND ANTIBODIM) vu OVICH# A.A*; KWHAXOT, D.N... WaYST, YU.*A4 flat colored gas AVer for v1sualislag- the. "rodynaula spactra, of flow-pakst-&XIA14 'symmetrical.bodies.- Dokl.AJF SMI 108- no.l: -73-74 KY '56. (KrBA 9 - 8) 1. Lent- skly - f IsIkbi~-/-teIdmIcheakiy Institut Akm4euli SM. Predstaylano &kBAomlkvu L.A. Artsimovichem. (Ballistics) (Asiodymmilai a) (gas flow) 14 9(4) AUTHORS% Kireyev# ~43* SOAT/55-58-5-16/34 and, TITLEs som--Optical - Investigations 06faStrong PiLie Gas Discharge in Hydrogen (Fekot*ryys~aptich*skiye Issledovanlya moshohnago impu11anogd,g&&*vaC* x&zryad&_v vodo,rode),- PERIODICALs Vostaft Moskovalcog*-universi tote# Seriya mat%WAki, maklicuititi# eAtronMiip fitiklo kbWi 1958#.Nr, 5#pp 105 - I'll) (USSR) ABSTRACTs -This pap4ri.113porter, on, ther revults of an optical-;- investi&tion of ths--plasax,of, a gag discharger i-a- hydrogew-ft!Jong-daration The siderabl-y-4apands - an the -i-nittail . pressure in th4t, gow chembisr. With increasing:pressuris -the -lines -causedr-by thei mterial of the wall and- of, the electrodes vanish, an1L_._tbe_ H. - 11AAa become more -_JiLtenAlvo.. The, hal JS for -P--5mm-~19- --is- 11.9 � ~O-I:A -1 -I*r.:-p z 10 -an. lig Only- 3.7 C1. IA. The authors thank L.A,.-,Ar.tsLmovLohv. Academiciart,', for his assistance@ Card 1/2, L_ 32182-66 EWT(1) -13CTB- ----DD, ACC NRs A3~6010431 SOURCE CODE: UR/0020/68/16',1/002/0440/0443 AUTHOR: Moshkov -G. B. S. Fukshanski L. Ya.; Yucefovick- --.OltO.---Sc.'oiititio-Itesea~ch-InaUtuto-of-Agrop!lysioa-(Agr fialcheaklynauiguid isseldavatal-lakly- 0 institut) The construction of a mathematical model of a "biological clock" TaLt .SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 167p no. 20 19660 440443 TOPIC-TAGS: --- tdathematte-model.-biology,-4mMag-physiology,-plant-pbysiolbg3r,-analog---- computer, -computer application ABSTRAM.--Diurnal-varlations -in-the Intensity- of-phystoloocal processes-have- been-eaWbUsh- -ed in-all biological. organisms having.a.more complex. structure than-bacterbi.. -ft Is-customary -1, --to assume that these-variations - ("physiological- clocks" or lVological clockill) -are developed in the process of evolution by a property which ensures the coordInation of the time dependence of the various pbysiological processes among themselves and with the course of the periodio varl- -ations in tho -environmental conditions, An analysis of the properties of the,"clocks" shows -that-their mechanism could be unified -.(with -some variational for-all I a.-- ffmv of living ------ argmisms# from plants to man - The present -article proposes a mathematical -model of biological clock -with-analogo in IiZ tissue. - -The model proposed, termed the first approximation model, . has been investigated both analytically and on an electronic analog computer,, 31s shown that., pro- me 677. a 1/2 ,wd ACC NRs APGOI0431 vided-certain conditions are satisfied. Ahe model simulates all the basiqlircoortles-of the.-blo-, I---- -basi of-the __ --deang - log cal clo a o n- ifie a- mo consideratkins, the authors pro- .33533 S1043162100016011003100-9 Constructing dynamic-instability of, D299/D303 Poin,#14* set is:considered in the plane of the parameters~e. and yp for 'whioh:system (0~3) has unbounded solutions. for T --+ o.D. 0-The totali- -interior-pointe--of --this --- set- decompoo'cio--into--rogiciiis-of. "dy..-!- namic-instability" which are contiguous to the po into (Ot yo),, whe- -re is- -the critical- value of -the parameter T. - FOrMU16o are deri- 0, ved for the angular coefficients of the tangents to tht Ii boundaries of the instability-regions; these formulas are derived for the so- called general case, when-the matrices H, 11~and C are iLrbitrary functions of the parameter T. The main result Is formuLated# for system (0 43)p as the theorem: Let yo be the root of equation W Mo + Wh(7) where-m is a-positive integer,*-the general case is,cohiiidered# i.e. from w (yo) -=.M follows J, jp h ho M m9 and al- ji(yo)._+ Whi so d 0 (1.2) (W~ + Wh)1Y I 0 Card 2/5 MIM PIMMA Mwltwwl~ FAN a a mmmmm am OV# -H T unhastlyst V M -RIIS ZHULMUYA Ap: ------- - ~AUTHORSt -Vereshchagln' L. Y. YU7,of ovich -.Uo A, J, 0 -a- -PrQ s sure- TITLEt The Measurement of Sound of up to 2500,Atra. by Maw of -the. optical -Metha4j. Mothod. (Interoniye, skor'ost.i- zvuka v zhidkostyakh pod dav- ieniyem do 2500 atia optichodkiin metodom) PERIODICALs Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Tooreticheskoy'Pizikij 1953, -P 534 536 (USSR) Vol. 34, Nr 2, p ABSTRACT: First.-.the authors shortly ref eir to--previou!3 w6rks dealini, with the same subject. The optical lLay-out of ~:---he apparatus authorsis, -shown in a diagram.~ Ala: Jight souroe --eerved -thd - CBJ tYP6 a Imp of AU1 The: --ultraeoliie oscillations vere excited by a piezo-quartz plate wbich wal Connected to- 7 the oscillation circuit of, t h.0 high-f requency: Gene rator. The range of the operational frequencies covera fron 3 - 4 aeGa- cycles. ..The ultrazonic,oacillationo ponetrato,d ttirough the Yessel in1vo the liquid to be inv'estig!ated. 1~ order to let Card 1/2, liobt pass throuab the liquid to be investigzited two glass- BORMARDT-:Vo$,tVASIL!YIWj T*V#-t-KOZLOVSWAp N,,V*j KUKOVSXkYA:';~LoA,, , . ,. . ..- I - .: ~ -,-I.- - -- - - -- -- --- - I I L 10795-67 EwT(1) Old ACC NRt AP7003511 C'ODP,':*--UR/041~/66/000/012/0090/0090 iNMENTOR Ray:Aher, L. _D.; ;w2p_ort M. 1B. Chp-ri-asski N. V. C~he zk-47, X. I.; _Yuzevich, Yu. V M.:- -Ylothod.- -for constructing-temporal qeiMi o olloss-sections. Glasgi Y+2,, It'.196t t4no-un-oo-d -by Mraino Sci -ontific RoseArch'Goologioal Prospeddng~ Ins SOURCE: Izobreteniyal promyshlermyye obraztsy,, tovarnyp %naki, no 12, 1966, 90 A- - I..; -,-. ~,-~, -_ _.. _- - - _. -- - --1 -__~ :-.- . - p: - 41 TOPIC TAGS: -seismic viavep geophysics, AbSTRACT: ---Author Is -certificate-: no. 1829010--dateid, ~'-_-has _b 0.- April -196 4en_Assued__to__ L. ~- D. R--Ykhc!r V 14. - B. _R4oport, N.. V. Charkasskiy, H. 1, Chervonakiy, and. i Yu. V. Yuzovich of the Ukrainian Scientific Geologi~zkkjrqsp_~ing: Instituto s, for a method described as r constructing temporal s-, i:ae isnic cross section using a single-t.rack multichannel magnetic record. - It diffcrs in that for the purpose of - increasing the-quality of the-re,,?ro- 'duced -,wterial and- speeding up the processing rate the rotating drum Li ex- posed along its. gencratrix to seismic,signals which are displayed on the reen--of a cathodd-ray~ tubc;--schnninr,-ba8ina~ z;c N - rer~ponaa- to- 4ppearancit of A - tho c imo mnri,- of- a 0 iot; tra)v;icion frQm traco td trAco is:4ccompliahall by IJPRS; -.37,397 rotation of the-photo drin ~A SUB CODE: .08, SUBM DAT9; lMpr65, car UDG v 550#034 =Mat K.V.; TUZIMA K*So. 777-707~ SUBJECT: USSR/Fire Alarms 25,6,26/46 AUTHORi Y-azhakov TITLEs Automatic Fire'Alarms (Avtomatichookiya signaly o pozhare) rERIODICALt Nauka. i..Zhiznl..- June 1957# #6# P 50 (USSR) ABSTRAM Fire alarm systems used in factories.and millearq t expensive . , and- of no use rhen not set in itotion by bresking !;he glass and th- #---bu*otoiy~~--A- now way ~of--trlmsmi-ttl ng - fi r*-alarms _~ftutomatically-c,)nsists in using - the --telephone 1- lino-_ with, the switchboard as receiving station.. Automatic firel.alarms con- im6toid-lif-9-1 so tromagne tio - re lay- with--the - nea rest.-A, s91 sphons set up In the rooms to be guarded, In case of fi%rej the rising temperature in the room sets the alarm in motion 1)y sending sig- nals to the switchboard, which the telephone operator will transmit to the fire station. Experiments have groved that the system is cheap and does not interfere with normal telephone ti ~13 -opera o. ASSOCIATION : PRESENTED BYs SUBMITTEDj AVAILABLEs At the Library of ,~Congrese. Card 1/1, _ amp AUMORS UmbWamp As P-, TITLE: Canputim ~4m Integral, -,ofafumt1an of -two can x-variabliwia :46 l -closed-two4Umasional-coMour (cas4 A m SOUMNS Ref# zho matemtikas Abse Ulm TOPIC TAGS: _vw~le _f=t1cnp --closed _tvw dimanstomwa -caat*ta,#-1nftgm1- Camnutatimp =Llti dimmloval residue tbeary:, - PoinameaVaory of mlU TRANS:) H. residues MA. VIAU A - Ion an Used a Wear" t w a SA vog Pv 0 ~ Ubovell to a -tim-&%miamA mm)jG ji JA .a NiOU04"01MC4 4UdMO 7 2 _ - _. __ _ 1w, dam. regl#4 -coaludnIna-6-0 --t- fibt6vd. An 42galtba for thsocapt4ftopq Of such am Intogna-u at"49--a* DA 0 ISMay 4 ENCL: C 10 it ACQ ,