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:U-SSR Tlent .Fh~Dlology. noral-Nutrition. Abo Jour' ief Zhur - v0 8' 1958 No 3425P estrblishedi- The ebsorption of isotopes by plents of the Poilculture hers slowed down, due to the absorption of svMs b~ voil.- Redioictfve isotopes entering into the nbnve- ground portion of the plent, concentreted 11rionrily In the strv;,,, less in the husic Fnd reletively querAity of t~t- rm-i-victed in the seeds. Sr9O vica reemvIrtin- in the seed5 in a significent quentity. By c-plying r-dicective isoln-cs to the u-oDer leaf surfeces of sun flo,lers r-nd bems, estp blished W"leakeriing -of their movement cbout the --lents. Sr vrs Ecemuleting, for the lErge Fert, in old orgprs' while cs137 v2s cceumulpting in young orgrns. Applicc-tion of isotoi!es. in- later periods of grovith, helpad their occumulG- tion in the seeds.. 1.1heet end cat plents vre nore suscep- tible to the-hermful effect of redioretive ei~,.cnvtion in Card,2/3 17 M-SR/Flant Pl,~midlogy. Mineral thybrition 1-3 Abs Jour i Ref zhW N6-7 19~8, No 29388 Author Maiakin 16M aints Inst Hot Given Tiae :s The, Intalm Into Plants of Radioactive Isotopes of Strontium,, Cesium$ Ruthenium., Girconium and Garium Orig Pab Dokl. AN SSSIR., 1956.9 JU., NO 1.. 206-208 Abstract The radioactive isotopeB of Sr and Cs in water cultu- Tee in 0.05 re-urie"tor concentrations actively centered into above-ground part of the plant., but Zr and Ru were detained in the roots, The content of radioisotopes in plants increased at the end of vege- tation. Tbay had no barzfa effoot on the gants. In an experimnt on onto at a radioisotope concentra- tion of 1 moruie/liter a decrease of the yield was ob- served, In both cases the radioactive Isotope accumu- lated mway, in Us vegetative organs and in relatively small amomtB in the reproductive organs, Card 1A kg - J Courit~~y USSR catnaory Soil Science. I-ineral FertilizIers. Ab3. jn,,ar. 53414 Gulyakin,!.V.; Nudintseva, Ye.11. -Inntit-at. Tiiqiryazev Plant Uptake of Radioactive FisLion. Products and Their Accuriulatioii in the Crop after the Applica- tion of Lime, lfumuo itrid Potash Fertilizoils Izv. TLmiryazevsk. s.-kh. ak (I., If)5 "o.2, I'll- 140 f,b5tr-,ct Card; Lime and ocmpost villich proluotuo fixiatioll ja tile ab 58 rbed stiate of stront (Sr~,9 and earium (CF,144) - i, (I Sr P , ru,,henitur. Ru and cesiurn (cs137), whan applicd to the nuil, reduced the plant uptake of these. A considerabl,, smullerl .Y L Ij content of deoomposition products is noted in the I xeproductive orgens. The authois consider it all oportune time to raine tile qua-,tion of possible spreading of radioactive deconj)osition products in nature. --V.V. Prokoshev USM/Plant.Ernysiolocy Goneral, fibs Jour Ruf Zhur - Bioltj No 21, 1953,- 95596 Author Gulytdcin I..V.,,, iMaints ;va; Y,.; OV Inst Timiryazovsk Adricul'i'mral AcadL7. Titlc Effcct on Plante and ILarv,-st Acew-mlation o? Rarlijact Fission Products wit'.., Distributions ia t*.,,.~ S:A1. Dria Pab 1--v. TirdyazQvsk* s.-kho almdol 1957, ITO 31 53-6c) tative and snall lt~d plot experitionts vit'i cats, Abstract In v w%~nt,, pc;a and ndllet w,ic'.i wxc conducted on p_idz,.lic, avQraa,, clayey vell-cultivatcd soil, t!,e offuct of _:'icsion pro ducts of uranium on plants vas studied; mainly of '-,c;ta- xitters, with a smal adLd.,zturc of gamm-cmitters, witI. a mas .-alf-lifo of pcriod 300-400 and nore days. LU ta - blisl.,cd that the harmful ~I.Icct on plants of radioactivc emposure to fission produc~l of uranium depends on theit Card 1/2 USSR/P1aIIt.P_IYr-iol'.)Lzr General Abs Jour Rc:f Zliur - Biol-) 110 21, 1950, 95596 dc,,)tll in the soil and on t:-.Q loioloCicai featuros of t'~Iu plantas During t4clolvadinZ of fission products in con- tainars filled of s:)ils a '-,amful cSfect on poas was na- tcd. with, a dozage of 1 -mcurio per I kp, of soil, and in 1"ne case of application iii Uto uppcx part of the containx - With 0o5 1'Acuria p,-r. 1 k;~. According to the data .3-1 '.LL~ authors, ~meat and milLit arr- nore sensitive to rnd,*,_Iactivc C!Xposuro than oats and p,.~_,s. Entry into the plants ana harvest accurmlation of radioactive fission products is ir-croased with an inercasu in their dosageo; ',,,owcv,,r, with haimful dosages: their entry into the plants docrcast2s. if the fission products are set deep in the soil, their entry into plants and '.-.armful effect decrease sharply. Application in uodzolic roils of liua and 44M.1us also dc- creases the content of fiss-ion products in the harvest of agricultural plants. -- D.P. Pleshkov Uss oil science. General problems. I- Ref Zhur Diol., No 19) 1956, 86684 Gulyakin, IN., X~~diqt Timiryazev Agricultural Acade,,qy Plant Uptake of Radioactive Fission Products and the Soil's Biological Purification from Them Orig Pub Izv. Timiryazevsk.P.-kh.-skad., 1957, No 31 81-109 Abstract The plant uptdke,_distribution in the separate oroang and accumulatipp in the crop of Sr-90 Y90., Rulo6 Rhlo~, C 137, CeI44, lpr144 yD95, co60 and a Inix`ia-e s Y91, Zn95 U o and. d,--emitters containing the rzijority of the -indicated radioisoto-oes vere studied in vegetation expe- rimnts.with wheat, peas, oats and kidney beans in aqueous cultures. It, was deminstrated that -with placement of 0.25 microcutie,of each radioisotope per I vessel (5-5 liters) Card 1/3 USSR/Soil -Science General problems. Abs jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 19, 1958, 86684 a negative effect, on the.plant was not observed and the plant, yield was almst undiminish -ed. The fission products 'were taken up by the Plant rather intensively and accimi- lated in large quantity in the above-ground organs. cs!37 and Sr9O were taken up from the solution m�rre intensively and accumulated in aerial organs in greater quantity than otherradioisOtOPOB- The major part of the radioisotopes concentrated in the plant vegetative organs; Cs'37 and Sr9O absolutely and relatively more than other isotopes accumulated in the reproductive orEpns. As the plants, age, the absolute quantity of isotopes in the above-grourid or- gans is increasea,, but their content-is-diminished er 0 - Y-substance. The uptake of Sr f dr 90 and CsI3~ in plants of oats, peas, clover and timothy grass was studied in vegeta tioh experiments ill soil cultures. It was deter- mined.that Sr9O was taken up from the soil into the plant a great deal more intensively than cs137. Plants can to a rl.~A 0/2 WSR/Sbil Science General Problems. Abs Jour, Ref Z.hur Biol., 'alo 1%, 19581 86684 certain extent,purify the soil of the Sr radioisotopes it contains; besides, the lighter the soil is in mechanical composition, the more Sr9O Is extracted from it by the plants. Sr'37 /csl37?/ is strongly sorbed by the soil and feebly-taken up by the plant; biological means of -Ing the soil of it cannot, therefore, be con3idered purifj applicable. B.F. Pleshkov GULYAXINO I*Vs, doktor b1ol, nauk prof.; KIRILLOVA, H&H. mladchly nmuohviyy sotradnik; KMOVEM, A*V99 WA, nol'skokhozyaystvenny" nauk; -70IMSMA, To.V., )mrd. b1ol. nEak. Effect of.radiothorium on the growth end yield of wheat (with muUmv in ~:Dgushj. Imv. TMA no.6:7-18 157. (MIRA 11:3) Meat) (Plants, Affect of radiothorium on) 'g R GULAYKIN~ 1. V. aa i~:r~A3 31 V, "LVtake -of Strontium., Cesium and SMe Other Fission Products by Plants and UheiT ACQUadution in crop Yield,*" Mar to be -presented at the. 2na UN lutl." Comf on the pmeeful. usea of Atomic Energy., Geneva., I -13 SePt 58* I! GULYAKIN, 1.7t, prof e9doktor bioIvnauk*,_TUMUSEVA,-~YV . kand.biol.nawk.. starabiy naudhneyy sotradnik; PBTROVA, R.K., nauchnyy sotrudnik. -II - Rsaiootrontium iwrslAtion-to calcium, and radlocesitm in relstion to potassium in soil and plants. I%v., TSW no.5:29-4? '58. (HIRA 11:11) (Stroxitium-Isotapen) (Cesium-190tapes) (Minerals In soil) CultiTatid Plants. 0,'namont VL A~ lief zh.UT-?1icIOg'iya3' x959, no. 190.5 "~UT9 .' , 0? Lotan:Lval Gnx dA;a AS USSP The Prvb-lem of Prepagatirg Rlvvea by Gre-in T 'T' 12 brjte~i. cad2 AV &WTI$ I-9ACS JA --- th A - twa e Af t A:OVx -0iF, a &--rrxvpa vpy b_rI a2ybrid pclyintho And ramb-tc;.r. The a~mcrimantr. whirr: rad~ rt 'b,7 Ilaia !;Ptanicaj '3);~rds;3 zix~ce 1r:48. !n t n 1)y2Or.-4r'vDt6 the lzraz 6-ho".-n -?'~ tos -04C. t - irg W: the -xcan cLttin,-,s of acn' rl.te 0' gr .rrodu,nfae b!, the ~~rvw "n-A'Dp- ezir dates or cutt;~ng. Mrreezvc!i-, a u d i o 170) .,ZOV/20-123-2-45/50 AUTHORS:' Gulyakin, 1. V., Yudintseva, Ye. V. 60 ------ ~TITLE- Co Supply to Plants and Its.Accumulatign in the Crop 60 ( .~v rasteniya i yego nakoplaniye v urozhaye) PERIODICAM. Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1956, Vol 123, Nr 2, PP 368-370 (USSR.) ABSTRACT: As is well-known, the lack 'of-trace elements, especially of cobal't,, causes disturbances in the development of animals and plants (Refs 1,2). The fact that cobalt is absorbed by plants in very small portions only, makes it difficult to determine its absorption and storage in organs during various stages of de- velopment though even minute quantities of trace elements can be determined by means of radioactive isotopes. As it can be seen from publications (Refs 3,4),a Supply of lime diminishes cobalt absorption from the soil. The authors used wheat (Triti- cum Persicum) and.peas (the type "Capital") for experiments in vaterand sand sultures. The plants were,alternatingly placed into the solution with Co 60 every 24 hours. The Co 60 doses Card 1/3 applied did not cause any effect on the growth of the plants 60 Cc Supply to Plants-and Its.Accumulation in the Crop SOV/20-123-2-45/50 .(Table 1)..The cobalt absorbed-by the plants is stored mainly in-the-root-system (Table 2). Towards the end of the process of growth a relatively greater storage in the overground organs is observed. The Co-absorption continues during the whole period of growth (Fig 3) and has-itB climax at the time of maturity. In this pro.aess the absorption of cobalt is more intense during the early, stages of development. The Co-storage per unit of plant dry substance decreases with the pr3ceeding growth of the plants: in the case of ripe wheat about 5 fold, in the case of peas.2.5-fold, as compared to.the Co-concentration in young plants. This is the case in vegetative and reproductive parts of the plants (Table 4). The relative Cc 60 -distribution is not equaI in some overground organs of wheat during various stages of development (Table 4). This bo-lds also for the pea, which, however, conditions unchanged stores about 8 times the Co-quan- tity as compar *ed to wheat (Table 5). There are 5 tables and '4 referenc'es-,'3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskaya sellskokhozyaystvennaya akademiya im. K. A. Card 2/3 Timiryazeva (Moscow Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazev) Iif. Li 5- V, A V~ A IR ZB ij PH a Isid 11H .1 jig GUYAKIN, I.V*', prof.. &Dktor biologenauk; YU3)IU_TSWA Ye V., kand.biolog. Tiank, StarmbI7 narcbmVy Botrudmlt"~'~~ Effect of continuous fertilizer use on the accumbulation of -radioactive fission products-In eats. Izv.TSKIIIL no-3:3?-56 (HIRA 1?.-10) (Oats-wyortillzers and "anuran) (Radioactive suboUnces) OMMMIM U, go H g go Mr, M-M., S, GULTAXIA31, I.T.. prof., doktor biolog. mauk. ~MWJUT53VA,jej., kand. biolog. nauk.. starably maucbAn sotradnik: N=3RG1 Ya., aspirant; L-311M. 3.M., nauchVy sotradnik- Inveatigating the proportion between strontium-90 and calcium in soils and In plants, Izv. TSW no.5-.29-46 159 (MIRA 13-3) (Calcium) (Strontium) (Plants--Assimilation) WLUJIS, 1.7.0 prof-* doktor biologicbeOkM MAUkI.-TUDINTSEVA.. YGOV69 kmd.biOlO9icbovkIkb nauk ACCU=Istjon of :rjBsj()n products in different crops as related to soil properties. Izv*TMQA no*6:19-38 ~q- (mm 13.-6) AA (RI~dIvactive fallout) Lli, ~ ., YI-TUM-5EVA, 10 . V - FAnd "Agrochemis try of F-ragmental Elements . " report preaebted at the Seventh InternationBI Congress of the Intl. Society " C, of Soil Science, J~,adloon, Wif3coi-,BLn, 15-2-- Au6 1Q'Z. Soil MISOU-m. Timiryazev Aexicultural Academy, Moscaw. I.V.j doktor biologicheakik~ nauk prof.j IUD:VTSEVA, Ye. V., 101 nalak, otare~"i7 naUChDY7 actrudn1k; L%Pyrigikcmi+~" Proportion between cenivm-137 and potanslum in soil and Pl&ntn- Imv) TSKhA no.3;18-29 160. Cesium) ~3:7 IQ pa L egg" iO AV, 0~ M -Mf*gj~m` RE 05 , oioEi -hes',Ik' -,auk, Drof na'a c nv-l F K a 00 C '~'3 2ce E of c n 6 8 a c t n -znma r -Va_, a J s17- ~Fi,ants--~53irnilat ton GULYAKIN, I.V.; rdDINTSMI, '.e.V. Plant uptake of some radioactive fi5slon product-s arid their in crops. Izv.,01 SS'SR. Ser.biol. no.6:874-885 N-Z ""C. I , Ina sel'skok!~,~,zyaystvennava a~a e _~ Moskvvskaya ordena Len.. a IT K.A.Timiryazova. (RADioAcTrn suBsT.Axas) (PLANTS-- ASSIMILATION) MIME, I.V.., doktor biologiehoskWh nauky prof.; jIjVINTSEVAj-~e.v!-I--- Jmr,d.bjojogich9s'kM nauk., Starshiy nauchurf 1~-oti~dzak; Lr-vnL4,, 7-.M. , nauchnyy sotrLdnik Effect of the stable si= isotope on the CW137 accession ce l6i. OIIIPJI 14:1,1) by plants. IZV" TSYJA no.5:97-3-11 (Sojls-Ca:~J,um content) (plants, Effect of cesi-um on) GULYAKIN, I.Y., dolftor biblog. nak3kp prof.; YbDINISEVA, Ye -.V., kand.. biblo . nauk, stambly rsuchn7y swtrsA~t.- 1---ni =lads?-dy 9 naucbW sotrudnik Effect of stable stro;itluin on the uptake of atrontj=-c,~D I~y planto. Izv. TBDA- rioii$;97m~105 '63., (MM 16:8) (Pla,nU., Effect of strbntium on) BYLOV~ V.N.; MUMIXOp I.I.; IUDL7lTS4V.4_,,.Xe.Y,;-Pa)=L.OV, I.L.; TSITSIN, VA"; G.S., r-A. izd-7a; VOLXOVA~ V.Vey tekM* reds rema-tB of Introduction at the Main Botanical [Roses; brief Garden of the AkadenW of Sciences of -the U,S.S.R. ) Ro-.y,- kratkie itogi introduktsii v Glavnon botanicheskom sadu lzd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. Akademil nauk SSIR. lloskva 223 p. (MA .15:8) 1, Moscow, Glavm57 botmicheskly and. (14oscow-Rose.--Varieties) GULYAKIN, Ivan VaBillyevich; ANXEY-ENKO, Z.D., red.; IMAZEL-2 Ye.l., tekhn. red. [Radioactive fission products in soils and plants'Radioaktiv- nye pmdukty deleniia v pochve I rasteniiakh. Moskva, Gosatom- izdat'9 1962. 275 P. OMA 16:2) (Plants, Effect of radioactivity on 1MINTSM, Ye.voft kand.biolog. nauk, starshiy nauchny-y, sotrud-,Ik Harmful offect of strontium-90. on wheat (with ,summary in 4-inglish] Izv, TSKHA no.3:94-102 163. (14M 16:9) (Wheat) (Plants, Effect.of strontium on) YUDINMEVA, Ye.Y.,, )mnd. biolog. nauk ----------- -of--Potassiun Effect -Sodilmp-and. calciUm VC=PVL"WV:-4= the a c =7,atlon of ceqium-J37-in6rops -1-2v.: -TS-RD. nhA cur -76-93. t63.; R RI'm R mo u(,hrjyy sotrudnik; kand* bicaog. ., star. Ily p_ 11,V1!4,11, E.M., r,,,Iadshiy usuelmlyy 'Sotrudnil Effect of ealciwj, potassiumg and sodiun compoUndS OTI Lhu accumu- 161. laticon of strontium,90 in crop--. Izv. TSKIM. no.5;20t~--120 (Illlik V. 7) GULYPYJN,, I.V., dok'or bir. prcf.; IUDINT.Sl!'ITA, fe.V... kand. ul:~g bioiov muk, starEihly "H r Effect of a jnetlij~-dlc4j~ l)-so et i'er".4-lizare on the aammulation SM of radioif~otopes in (MIRA l7a) 111 D 11, rr S EV' y adi OtCpe.S C Z;L 5-n z Fjj of -;(,i J.Lb~.-.aloriya Mool i%!;t ver. wuy ts' V-z -j3. SK IS -P - 6 0 0 0 0 0 1D ory-two-w-wwwwwro -8 -0 -0 -0 - * e e a 4 a,j 00 Go cb got The cbtmlcsl 3utwo d retimUt. 11.5 2A moaths trabrynuk dcvtV mimbn hoex wrrv rDtrin wr fibms so h t, t p y l Move bimpk proirlm.and o1ber e*tr.)rtiv". compirx l A d b ki i - n. n a so y sca nx protritis arm romore ot god fbar vro 4DI71abnd ).2 f. fat-JnT, air-djirdl, uiffi a 0.3 siniur wrm p7rW31; tyrosine anti cy3itint! wext aly*nt. H. N"Ikv iRIP th j 1. 451.SL4 XTIAVL10,10M &ITERATWE CLASSWCATZ-11 ; d4 X, At Ix- a- 9-1 it ;, m. 'a, ; 4.T0 u Is AV v is i 0 0 4) 4b o 6 * 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 *10 0 0 -00 r,()o 00 coo coo CC* Zro 10 -~M rfa 0 :!0o -00 t:ov IA U 6111 1 % 1 -1 2 s, 0 1, W" 1 S 0 a 41 0 0 000 0 cO c0 0 0 66008060660GO660,300, 14 GULYAKIN, I.V.j. prof., doktor biol. zauk- YU-DINISEVA, Ye.V., doktor biologo ~a~; KORM-KINA3 AV,., Effect of mechanical fractions of the soil on the uptake of strontivm 90 by a plant. 12v. TSKU no.4g36-.47 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Kafedra agrokhinii ibiofideheskaya laboratori-ya Moskovskoy s8l'akokho2yayBtvennoy ordena Lenina akademii 1-meni Timilryazeva. Submitted Fehmary 16, 1965. R-It R MIT TOSCRESIMIL Iliko'187 Alskmilrovich; YUDIT AlIn Ivano a; 318TA, 12smars Mikba7loyna; T-MSKOVICR, V..4.. red.; T3- BUNDY, A.I., spots.. red.; FOIWALILWI, Ye.A., tekhn. red. Ecomparati ve evaluation of various mathods of fish sno)Z- img] Srisvnitellnuis otsenka razlichnykh sposobov kopcheniia. Moskva, Vs8s..nauAno'-issl. in-t norskogo rybnogo L-hozialstva i okennograflis 1960. 4i i). (HIRA 14:5) (Fish. bmoked) P'. 70;TSYMA~ A.I., kand.tokhn.nauk; L'E~VA, T.Mv., nladshiy,n4uchnyy sotrudniY I YAothodB of separation and qaalitative analpis of ph-enols omoked fio4 Trudy,101111W 45.-47-56 162. (1-URL 16:5) (Fish., Smoked) (Pbenolo.-Analple) -N USSR Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Appli- 1-30 cation. Fooa.1naustry. Abs. Jour Ref Zhur Khimiyax No 3,, 1957, No 10450 Author Yuditskaya A0119 Inst lot given Title Dr: k Proteins from Low Value Small Fish "_11AKOye. A-62-No-, 4 __6 i- W-90-5 -59- Abstmets A method Is described for the preparation (on a semicom- m ere ial_scale)~Of dried Droteins from low-value small fish (Pollack and ruff) of different oil contents* 9he process consists in the separation of the more valuable nutritive proteins from the raw fish, and in the processing of these proteins, to give them -certAin properties, Me separation of the proteins is carried out by treating the fish meal R with a 0.25 - 0-5017aOR solution and allow-Ing to stand fOr-- 15~17 -hours --at - -~he --usual te=-_crature, after which pe- Card :112 USSR Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and 7heir Appli- 1-30 cation. Food Industx-y. Abs Jour Re.f Zhur- Ehimiya, No 3 1957., iio 1o450 Abstract riod the muscle proteins dissolve. The proteins are pre- cipitated-in the form-of an abundAnt yellowish white flaky precipitate from the alkaline solution by acetic acid; the precipitate is extracted for oil, alcohol being used in the case of lean fish and ethylene chloride, in the case of oi- ly fish. The nade soluble in vater by treatment with 1-5 - 1.6% VaOH at 1000 for 15-20 min. The solution is neutralized with acetic acid, clarified with perhydrol, and dried. The yield of dry protein from lean fish averages 13%, and from fish of average oiliness, N~ oily fish yield an average of 7% proteins.".The chemical composition of the dried protein is as followsi moisture content 7-9 - 8.65%, oil traces, inineral substances 11.94 - 12-59%, nitroge- nous substances 78.76 - 80-36%. 7he wastes are processed into fish meal for feed, which May amunt to 5-10% of the weight of the raw fish. Card 2/2:- MAXEM MV 0 5 YUDI red.,- TSAY, A.A., te-khn. red. zSSE, 1962. 12 p. Tasl*ent, Yledglz* -feve IS)r u r arj8tjDa. -- (MIRA 16:3) (SCARLET FEVER) 4 ,7 LLL-' za:L Institution: None Title: On the-Problem of the Ast of Falmdrops origbml Periodical: Hoksla darbai Yilmiaus wiv-,,1955, 7, lkl-!150J lithuanian resume Abstract; A Aeasurenent sras.made of the radioactivity of rain with the aid of a setup using ~d Geiger-Mueller counter Based on the analysis of the ratios of-PaA/EaB/Rac in a sample of rain, conclusions are drawn concerning the duration,of the precipitation of the active substance ps and an eBtizate is madde of the tine interval -C from the on the-dro time of the seeding to the,time of. the preciyltation of the droplets frm the cloud. -Table is given for the valu~js of r- obtained. In each case.there is given a brief description-of the rain. The time is calculated and anounts $p tens of niputes and hours. It is em- phasized that this attempt of,determining T is the first and there are- still many problems to be. clarified .Card 1/1 Yu D 1r5 K19 YA) V. YudLtR~aya, Belorussian Thstitute for Advanced Traimir-,Z of i-, ry - -H~ians, Zdravookhraneniye-.Bolorusaii., No 3, VAr 57, p 10"J Observations made by the author have shown the. blood coagulation-in L~ man is conslderaWy increased under the influence of nicotinic acid. On .the average, a 0.1 dose [sic] administerea intramuscularly results in a threefold increase in blood coagulation in mar. Nicotinic acid may be lation. ~U) USSR/Pharmacology!- Toxicology. Chemo-TheraDeutical Pre- U-7 paratIons. Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 7, 1958, 33055 Author :_jUAj qxn L.-J. Inst : Not given Title : Effect of Penibillin on Blood-.Coagulation in Hemorrhage. OrIg Pub -..Zdravookhr. Belorassii.,-.1957, No 5, 3.3-34 .Abstract The effect of pe.nicillin on the duration of lie- morrhage., and the.time of-blood coagulation was studied on 79 patients (511) observations in the therapeutic, surgical, and-oto-laringolo-ical sections. A single dose of penicillin was equal to 100-150 thousand units; the course of treat- ment comprised up to 25 million units. No rerru- 0 lar chanbres in the time of coagulation or in the hemorrhage were noted in any of the blood samples taken at various times in a 24 hour Deriod. Card 211 2L- HUR fudi Ivil -i:Il e"a 1 sl a R7~d to ti 14 Z' ~T d ni m.)t ai. he I r ~o f., 'D C. l n -in 3~~ t e i i a JX13 4ezef Mac,", h ll 7 N Ulm p", F~ S-A-; TINDSMIX0. Y.G.; YUDITSKIY, B.D. (Stalino) Zk7elolorlcal and hygienic characteristics of new models of gen respirators for mine rescue crave. Gig.truda I prof. zab. 3 no.4:54-55 JI-Ag 159. (HIRA 12:11) TSentralInaya nauchno-issledovatellelmya Uboratorlya po gornospasatelluonn delu. (RESPIRATORS) R _RRM "M I M TDITSKIT. BeTa. %f retautasis of choricepitbelioma Into the lung. Case c rad- 34 U0.5:70-71 5-0 1590 (MIRA 13-3) 1. Iz PermBkogo oblastrogo-onkologicheskogo diepansera (glavnyy vrach ma. isakova) I kafear'y rsm~genologll I radiologii Permakogo meditsin- skogo imotituta (zav. - dots. Gel, 1~rlova). (CHORIOWGINON& case reports) (Uma YDITSKIY;, B.Ya. ~Cass of a 10-year follow-up of a patient ticated for a nazliLmant tumor Of the testis'. Urologiin 26 no.2s6l+-65 '61. (MJ-'RA 14:3) (TESTICLF-CANOR) cilu" ~vlll,, Effect of s ~>d fv-n n! 1: na t e ribolla-Ari &r.1 ft~-Ililz cr: phi-goc-,,ytoals in tht~ Cf -K-ray fli-I'vap" I'd Pied. x-nd. 10 1659 -M . Y o:;man) Pw,rm,,kog~ VIVO W v j7j . . . .. . . . . M gp . u m sib 1 ' IwA .0 ID T.!5bwn% RYA, 81 -I V--ZyWn jod - .00 it rtin d0ris eAh be tlwd W-AIDY 1-* Olin* wrl .08 .)27, Imismult in latmvt 4w ImAt Own to I I- '00 4 Iva 94 age Zo so NITALLUSS"I UTWI-1 ckxswxa" Lee w Gx tg It jo n it -..e u 11 U. NA a 0 0 0 0 a a ' t IR e a e a V c e e H I so I n -Mmmm. mp Qqp Ow RM zoo Dal YUDITS11y, J).O. InDi;allatioz diagram for decoction tank manometers and safety valves. Spirt.prom. 20 no.2:42 '54. (KLRA 7:6) (IIquo7 industry) (Manometer) ER M - d: Ain R~ YM' Tsxpr; Praliinm of the selection of rectification anDaratus. S-Dirt. Prono 24 no.6:13-15 1580 (Distillatio-.2 apparatus) YUDITSKIY, D.G.; RUDAMV, A.A. Rapid cooking of raw vaterial. Sipdrt. prom, 25 no.6:5-10 159. WIRA 12:12) (AlcohDI) TM . . . . . . . . . . MEMO WSW -41 I C -A QA 'Y IVW- 47 k KIN YUDITSKIY, D. G.; ZVORYKIN, V. V.1 ANPILOVI 0. D. Stean eexpenditure In the production of alcoho2 fron z-olazzaB and in the procesving of bakers yeast. Spirt. prom. 28 no.8- 29-33 '62. t (MM 26: 1) 1. Kiyevskiy tekbnalogiaboaki7 institut pisbeheroy prcmyshlb-~t- nosti im. Mikoyana (for Yuditaki7). 2. Upravleni-ye '"Ely-evenerr - naladkn" (for Zvorykin, Anpilov), (Dist-ming industries-coats) YLTDITS-M. D.G. Economic offxcienoy of the use of noder equipment in alcohol, liqueur,and vodka diotilleriene Spikovzo 29 no.029-11 163. (MIRA 16: 5) 1b Riyavekly tekhmologicheakiy inotitut pichohavoy preWshiennonti imeni Mayana. (DistilUng irAustries-4quiprant avid supplies) ASHKIITUZI, Z.K.; -YUDITSKIX_~,P:~-q- __-, - . . Methods for the water and beat treatument. of corm kernels. Ferm* I i spirt. prom. 30 no.1:11-13 164. (MICRA 17; 11 j 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut Bpirtovoy i likero-vodochnoy promyBhlennosti (for Ashkinuzi). 2. Kiyevskiy te)dinologlcb~eskiy institut pishchevoy promphlennosti im. Mikoyana (for Yuditskiy). D.G. [171dytP~yi,, D.)i.'; MOMN,, i.M. -r >St:L c la cereal .L~h-erm-A and te ng 'r a tukpl- 4ndustria-L ooker' L t65a 0 '*t.-,Y'- Pr=. no-3-.28-33 JI-S .18.9) -I~ A IT - - K MA ItIrT."r, -D YOU Y (3 HTLK B i I N OAAMI -1..V. iG., Centra' zed dellva~ry Of C,-I- borl d -27 165. 13. 31 nc.6. -Z8 .jtlt.vt ch ns l.,UlwalXL3ld7~mu n vodor;tinoy proWold'erincLiti (fclr 2. tekhno3.ogLcbe:jkly pl-hf~hL-vr3y pm-aysiLlennost.' lmcn~ ~-":,.e~cyana (for Yudittlskily), c YUDIISKIY, 0. Diproved ~hlgb, nd continuous spt~.,m for t~ ri,-4, Pitorialo in the Vinnittia.Distillory. Fern. 1. 31 no.3:32-36 165. T jjj~ 185 1. Flyevskiv. Ukhnologiolieskly institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti i-mmi Mikoyana. YUDITSKIY) D~,G* ficiency of the prowaction.of dry focd yeaztn fro= Economde. ef., riolasses vinasse. Far--a, i apirt. pro;T,,-30 no. 5;27-311 16,li,, (1.qla 17, 10) 1. - Uyevskly tekhhologichoony inatitut plahchovoy prOTilyP]LI(,W103tt W's F;~!Qg- - q 1- -- 4 iE-- - g I MAF~W -04,-,pj;~ 'r WN~ MIN YVDIT 5UY., F., dotsent',L; SAVIN's.; * EMOROV~ F., 3twr:-0):!,y Testing graphitp ringn in the main en-71ne r-.-^ the, Govorov." Mor flot 25 no.5:34v-35 fly 5. (MIR-A .18:5) 1. Mningradskiy korabltistroltellpyyz Institut (for Yaditskiy). 2. Star,shiy Hekhqnik teplokboda "Marsbal Govorov" (for !Sn-,rl.-.n) Leningradskoye vyssheye inzhenernove morskoye uchili J-T-,,nj- admi-rala Makarova -(for-Yegorov), System of Separating Condensed Water from Oil In Tup-of 300-09timm Borbe Power," T.-Yuditakly, 5 PP "Zor Flot" No 7 lDiscusaea atta'cbments for boilers for the vepa- ration of condensed. vater from oil. Diagm-ne of experimental aqua ment, and adaptation to the tugs "Dezhnev" (1939) and "Riga" (1946). 16r, YUDIMILY.,_ F_. _CLj "Separating COndonj3ate 7r= oil Steam-power pl,,t, 210--Presoure A4 J)P "Ibrakoy %e Cen Sci Rea lust of COM-Prehenalve perfor, the River plee., cO-duct,d .a.ce ~ enig"88 wIth 3r,,o-h,,3 tests Of 111&13~preaSure thorou t0wing power. At same time, 8h atuay 'Was made of the 6 Condensate f~rom oil. 'Yotem Uhich SeDarafea Of which will result ISets forth Problems, sol j2' n efficient equio Uu -vital task. ment f A&M 'GORHOOT, -B.A.; -YUDITMY- F.L.; NOISEYEV. A.A., nauelwyy radaktor; BAUM$ kar:~ VM M.Ta., takbnlchazkiy :radAktlD7-. [Constraction of marine steam anginea (with a cupplementu of dravlngs)] Konstraktoiia. sudovvkh paravykh maeb-In a priloiffie- niem Atlasa charteshei. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva morskogo i rechnogo flota. SSSR, 1953. 343 p. (HLRA 7:7) (&Sinaa) YZIDITS a U boviah- GOLOVAROV, N.V.,,iredaktor; VOLGHOK, K.H., CpOwerplants of tugboats equipped with MP-10 machinery; Operatiozal experiened.Silovye ustano*fbukeirov s mashinami 4P-10;~,iz- opyto eksoluatstaii. Uningrad, Izd-vo "Rechnoi transport," 1956. 78 p. (HXRA 10:3) onts) UA !L-)-. U-4-7 Z) VUdimilr hadim lioV'Ch"P'6t- dAtt)2' tekhn.nauk; YUDITSKly reteenzent- XOIUKCV- P-X., rod. SRUMUOYA.- Z.V., red. izd-;~F, MATKOVA, SIT., Disat calculations for marine staBla equiptnt based on the thAory- of similitude] Teplovoi raschet sudovykh parovykh maehin, o9novan- nyl na teorli podobiie. 310sk7a, lzd-vo RRecbnot tranaoort,u 1957. 137 P. (HIRA eriginev) (Dinenslonal analysis) will ~D OtvOtstvenW redaktor; SAIMIMR, 0 1. tekhnicheakiy red~k- [Testing obip steam eng'APBI IsPy`tati:la:5llddVkh ParovM m-ashla, an por, 276 P. (=A lo.- 6) IMINXIT 7 z taidat tokbulobes3tikh AscOliarltles of Us SrOuPbg Of geared turbine unitg On river craft. ftdostroonle 23 no.?:206-24 il 157 . (mm lot8) (PArlue turbluss),. (Gearing) gzg-kj 'p alk. AUTEORS Xu A ditakly, Fo Lo' /17OJ59/002/10/M/020 311 5/BDOI. TITLE% The Rebistanoe to wear of Graphite Piston RingaTo a ete-an Medium PERIODICAL3 Inibene2mo-fizicheakiy zhurnal, 11959p Vol 20 lir lop pp 88-92 (USSR) ABSTRACTS The resistance to wear of graphite piston rings made.of an antifriction material of the type D produced by the Moskov- akiy elektrodnyy zavod (HOBDOW 'BleatTodo Factor,71 was tested in a special device at tfi=es is rachnogo Note, kT:1'911 of the River Fleet). The basic scheme of the experimental device ib given (Fig 1). The packing rings are fittod into a bushing made of cast iron of the type SCh-21-40. The purity ofthe working surface of the bushing corresponds to grade V7V 7. Each graphite Ting consisted of three segments vith straight butts (Pig 2). For the determination of wear the voighino m,-',thzd was used, and a formula for calculating the opQoifio radial wear from wear with roBpeot to weight is given. Table I con- tainB data for the average specific radial wear of piston Card 1/2 rings made from antifriction graphite material of the ty-pe The Resistance to Wear of Graphite Piston Rings S/170/59/002/10/015/020 In a Steam Hadium B115/BO07 15JID in dep6ndence on the duration of operation and the number of'.piston rings. Table 3 shows the results of wear resistance tests carried out with the rings at vaz7ing pressure drops between the'lower and upper cavities of the cylinder. The wear of graphite paokings depends only little on the piston velocity (Ref 1). The life of a ring made of D-type material is, according to the results obtained, 1000 - 2000 hours, but under favorable conditions (oVpr1fOat6dt'.-.iOtOam) and if the graphite material is impregnated with -metal, life is con- Biderably longer. Thorough purification from oil is of im- portance in this connection. There are 2 figureop 3 tables, and 2 references$ I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATIO113 TzentraVnyy nauchno-issledovatolfskiy inntitut reohnogo flotal g. Leningrad (Central Scientific Revearoh Xnotituto of the River Fleet, City of Leningrad) 'Card 2/2 SOV/122-59-6-12/27 AUTHOR: Yuditskiy, F.L., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent TITLE: The Mechanism of the World-ug of a Graphite Piston Ring Consist-Ing of Sepa~ate Segments PERIODICAL; Vestnik.m;~shino.stroyeniya$--1959, Nr 6 -pp 40-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Graphite pist6n rings, owing to their lack of elasticity, are made in (usually three) segments. In operation, the cylinder wall is covered with a graphite film, but experiments bave shown that some clearance remains between the ring and the wall and lea%age taken place. The piston- ring section is surrounded with clearances and lealcago flows exist in each clearance when the piston ring seals off a pressure difference between two sides of the piston. An element of the piston r i r. g, is exam_~nnrd_ -and all the forcoo a-ating on It are_li~fted under the headings of forces parallel tv the_cylinder_oaxis-i- radial forces and tangential forces, The conditions of equilibrium of forces and moments are formulated and an integration is carried out along the segment. EvaluatIng the forces, those due to gravity are negligible. In a cylinder of 120 mm dia, at Cardl/I The Mechanism of-the Working of a Graphite Piston Ring Consisting .,of Separate Segments 600 strokes/min, the maximum.inartig force is 0.3.6 kg. At a pressure dif.-ference of 5 kg/cm the force uhich presses the ring against tha piston groove is 120 kg, The conditions necessary to ensure that the segment is pressed against the cylindor wall aro distussed. With a realintic coefficient of friction (about 0.05), the conditions arv fulfilled at a pronsure difference of 2-3 hg1cm he limits of ring-sectlon vidth necessary to avoid tipping of the segment about Its end po:12atz are considered. A width of at least half the height of-the action is required. These considerations do not change ftmdamentally when several piston rings aye arra-Aged in series. Tests carried out iii an enx-perlmental cylinder of 100 mm dia, with dry/affiurated steam at z)resBures of 6 and 1 ata, respectively, and a piston speed of 2.4 mm/aec are recorded in the table, where rates of wear are given for each of the three piston rings, The upper ring in the fi'rst 100 I-sours suffered wear at the Card2/3 sOvKI22-59-6-12,V The Mechanism of the Working of a Gr phi f27 'Of SOParate Segments a te ston Ring onsisting rate of 0 78 p/h. The intermediate and lower rings suffered 92 and 46% of thin rate of wear, resrectively" Thexate Was much higher ih the first 50 houro (2.16 11/11) but was halved again for a poriod of 250 hours. There are 6 figures, I table and 5 Soviet references. _MITISM, F.L. Determining losses t1rough graphite piston rimp compo-sed of individual assments, T=d,7 LKI no,29:199-208 1.9.99 (~UA Il,;7) lo Leningradakiy korablestroitellMy inatitut, kafedra wpot-n- gatel3nykh zelchani =ov i parovykh mashia. (Marine turbines) TMITSXIT, 7.L,p Imnd.tokhr.naulc Antifriction materials in marine engineering. Sudostroenle 25 no.1:29-32 N 159. (19M 13:4) (Marins engineering) IMMI. ,'vo, ~--IIIIIIR41- Allmll YUDITSKIY, Pjmyas Leybovich; VASIDV V.V. p j, kand. tekbn. nauk.. reteenzent;, SHISHM, V--b-., kaiA. tekhii r=k,; VIKITIVA, R.D., reA-.; SHISHKOVA, L.H., tekbn. ked. Oraphito pecking deviceslGrafitwye uplotnitelInyo ustroistva. Leningrad, GoB. soiuznoo i2a-vo sudostroit. pronyshl., 1961. 188 P. (KIRA 14:9) (Packing (1100h=ICEa engineering)) MHAROV, Arkadiy Mikhaylovichp kand. IC'ekhr..nauk; YWTGV,, Viktor Sergayevich., do's., kand. takbn, nauk; MXI~Y~,IY L. _L - - dots.; kand. tekhn.naWkj,- retaenzent; IIIAOU0, N.V., red.; Wi, P.M., red.izd-va; BODROVA, V.A.J. tvkhn. red. (Steam power plants on river-goin vesoels and an increase in IIIParosilovyo ustanovki rech- the efficiency of their operation nykh sudov i povyzhenie effektivnosti Ab raboty. Moskva, Izd- vo "Recbnol transports" 1961. 20,77 D. (MRA 15--10) (Boilers,, 14arine) (Steam tarbines, Marine) BUBER, B., kand.tebhn.nauk; YUDITSEllt F., kand.tekhn..iauk "Parine steam enginez V. V. Laakhanin. F~---ch- tranop. 20 no.0': r6 s t6i. Wi?,A 14: 9) (Marine-engines) (Lakhanin, V. V.) T"t 0 WAS. ~gn P, a~ F.L.. kand.takbn.nmikj, dotBoxit Expe.rimtal iuvenigation of t-ho pral)0=0 Of tho actuating fluid on graPbits PistOt ritgs- VOJot-msh. 41 nc).?.-38-42 n i6i. (Platon ritga) (IMIA 14.- 6) I ~ - ~-. t - 11. , .~; -, - - - , - -4- , , '..-R.- ~; :-, : - 7 ~, - I - ;I , VORONKOVSKAYA" A.Pot In2b.; VORONKOVSM, V.P., kandtekh.nauk; KMIDV.V V.I., kand.tokhn.nauk; TITOV, P.I. prof.; 'AMITS"K-TY, F.L., kand.tekhn.nauk Temperature of heated surfaces and 3tvab-ility conditions of engine rooms in seagoing motornhips. Sudostroenie 29 no.2:18-22 F 163. (~UUI 16-2) (Ships-Heating and ventilation) (InsulWon (Beat)) off .AP6020382 SOURCE CODE: UR/0114/66/000/006'0035/0038 AUTHOR: Yuditsk1Y,_Z&_h,_ (Candidate. of technical sciences); X2Eqyoy,-, P,, Go (29FI-neer); Komarov, V. A* ORO: none TITLE: Tests of graphite piston'rings in the gas plungers of diesel .fuel .0um*03 .50UROE: FbergonashAnostroyenlye no -6, 3.966, 35-38 TOPIC TAGS. engine piston., graphite, diesel engine k~STHACT% 4VIia mirtiole rep- orts the results.of tests o:6 the tear r9Sistqn14\ am. sirvice life, of piston rings made of different brands of sr~tifrictlon graph.1te,materialst to determine the optimum cast iron- er,~pbitepvir under conditibns of dry friction in a gas medium, at cdbparatively bigh temperatures. The wear was determined by six mdBouraments of each ring* The relative wear and the rate of wear were determined from the value of the absolute wear. The test materials for the rin s were native materials Brands A0--l5OOSO5 and 2P-1000 and ~Brsnd A9V'3 nade by the "Acheson" eonp~My, Results (tabulatedi indicate that., of the tbree materials tested, the beat wear resistance was shown Caro 1 /2 UDG: 621.887.621.892.7.001.k