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YUDAYLV, prof. (Moskva)
BiosIynthesis and secretion of aldostdrcn,e under norml and
pathological conditions. Pat. fiziol.,i ekspe terap. 6 no.623-3.1
N-D16Z (MIRA 17:3)
1. Chlen-korTespondent AM SSSR.
Role- of the adrenal cortex im the processes of glucose-6-
phosphatass adaptation by the liver in rats. Vop. mad. Kh:lm.-g--
no. 3t267-273 My-je 163. (KRA DO)
1. Institut biologicheskoy i meditsinskoy khimii AHN SSSRp
Study of the stimulating effect of ACTH and reduced trlp~ospho-
PYridine nucleo de on the formation of cortionsteroids from
choleaterol-4-cil. Vop. ined, khim. 9 no.6:597-600 N-D 163.
(IGRA 17: 10)
1t Laboratoriya biokhimi:L gormonov i gormonallnoy regulyabsii
biokbimicheskikh protseBl3ov Instituta biologicheskoy I meditsin-
okoy khimii AMI SBBRI 1.1013kva.
M. S.
Activity of.21- and 1111-hydroxylases in the adrenal gla-rads
of ribbits following repeated administrations of ACTH. Prob!.
endok. i gorm. 11 no.1:81-87 Ja-F 165.
(MIRA 18.5)
1. Institut biologicbeskoy I meditsinskoy kliniki (dlr. prof.
V.N. Orekhovich) AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Effect of adrenosterone an the trPrinformation o f racortiso~-e
into cortisone in guinea pig tissueo in vitro. Probl. enlok. i
(MIRA 18:7)
gorm. 11 no.2.-72-75 Mr-Ap 165.
1. Laboratorl'ya biokhimi'L gormono-7 i gormon-allnoy regulyatsii
funktsii (zav. - ahlen-korrespondent AW1 SSSR N.A.Yudaye-v)
instituta meditsir-91coy i biologicheokoy khimii INN SSSR, !~oskva.
YUDAYE7. N.A, (Maclaw)
Ids ana' ACTH C-n the n,,Tc-piTsis
P-ffact ef ccrticostercli
syst6m, Vast. AM S-iSR 20 no.10-.','--.U 165.
(MIRA 1&10)
Nc!,~'? PANK V y
of j-.9 of sts- Id ~.3=cnss he adrac~~
1r t
VC-st. ~-Tl E',-2R, 20
tiff R& 18 10)
1, Tastitut. bic'7cg4~c;hask--,T I lwditslrw-~xy khimll PIN SS~IR, KO!qkra,
Y U M!, Y
N A.; YLAZMI.11 L.G.
-E C f iL .7 It., of nucleoUde -0-Cphat-P, a!;-!j
gIuco.,;e-6.-phc,5rhate on the formation of corticosteroids from
40,11-progesterone in slices of guinea pIg adrenals. Biokhimitia
30 no-5--913-921 S.-O 165, (MIRA 18: 10)
1, Institut b1ologichiFskoy, i ro3ditsinsLay khImii 9111 SSSR, 1,10610ra,
M111RONIOV) S*N*, kand, teklm. nauk;jUD.ATYI..._V.G., -inzh.i-- IVANOV, A.G., inzh.
Study of the ae-rodynamics of furnees with angitlarly- Placed
burnerv and ito relationship With the combustion process of'
ground anthrac-ite culm. Teploenergetika U no.4.-15-20 kp 164.
(MIRA' 17:6)
1. Vsesoyuznyy tepploteldmichetakiy institut.
POLYAHSXIT,~T.A,#- kandidat maditsinakilth na*j RAIWIM, S.R. Anshanar;
-A portable aspiration pump. Khtrargiia no.10:65-66 0 .154.
lO,.Iz Novosibirskoy atantsil pqrslivantya krovi (dirs-kande made
nau); B.A.Polyanakly) Jaboratoril Novosibirskogo Inatituta mar I
tzaaritellrqkh priborov (rukovod. -C.R.Rapoport) i onkolog. otdal.
bolinitay (,Eav,. Yu.I*Yudavey)
(ASPIFATION, apparatus amd instruments
portole' aspirat ion pwip)
..... ...
Comparative data cn th-; rc-p2acement of the sto:7Ach by an, 5--A'l
and large intestine foll-cl,"ing- gastrectrmy. Klin. khir. no.3:33-
37 165. (MIRA 18:8)
1. Kafodru gospibillncy rkbirurgli (Xzav. dutsent B.A.Vitsyn)
Novosibirskogo meditsirokc.6--c inst.ituta,
RUBIVSKIT, A*. master-Povar (Kiyev); MOMAD, D.,
or-povar (Kilev); BALASHOTA, Z. (YJ.Yev); SEMMUT,, L. (Klyev)
Culinary exhibitions in the Ukrainian 6apital. Obahchestv, pit,
no.4:5-8 Alp 158. (MIRA 11:4)
J,Zamestitoll nachalinika Upv~vleniya obahcheatvannogo pitanlya
Ministerstva. torgovIl. USSR (forJudoye!m), 2*Z&ved4ushchiy proizvod-
st4oim-stolovoy a. 9 for 13
NO; 21 RAlievskly zavedirmhORY& proizvo&-.
stvom Otolovoy No, 119 (for Zimoglyad), 4,-Direktor StolovoT YO- 339
for Balaahova). 5. Direktor stolovo7 No.422 (for Senderov).
-(Kiev--Restaurantal, luncbrooms, stoo-fthibitions)
P7 v Vc
- - - - - - - - - - --
ct_p,,nges-la the d6p,-~Jty of' tiia andirw-ntary rw~kp, of th;~
d Gencizoic ir lhe western Bert of Centrp-l Asiae Trudy VSA'-l'Gu,;i
n U
100:-63-280 '63, 17.,l)
Some remprks on vr. -Pronin's and D.A. Sokolov's article! "Methods of
boring inclined directionAl boreholea.' Pod%em.gFvr,.ugI. no.1:70-72
158,e 0,11RA 11:4)
I..Sialchanskaya-stantsip "Podzemgma.11 kantorn ogytnogo nppnvlannogo
%Boring machinery)
Beginning worle on alictric drilling, of directionally drilled
borehol"s at the Lisichansk "Podsonges" Station. Podsatl, gas.
ugl. no.3:37-41 158. NIRA,11:10)
1. Lisichanskaya stantmiya "Podzamgaz", Kontora opybnogo naprav-
lannogo bureniya.
(Borine machinery) (Coal gasification, Underground)
Kku Gtjoy 0i 46 r vvwevsK'~T.~--,
Ig direCtIOMA borehales.
in drilli,
I)aViation of the 9ILl'ory, (MIR& 12:12)
a no.3-.43-49 - 15-9-
1, LialchAll gasif ication. 'UndargroarA.)
(Boring) 00a'1
Calculation of We inscribed action radius of Mine facs motors
and boring equipment In directed,hole boring. Pbd%em.gag;.ug1.
no.4:42-46 159. (MRA 13:4)
1. Lisichanskaya stantstya "Podzempz.*
(Boring) (Lisichanek-Wal gasification, UndergToiand)
0 O'A
V L A, r 0 a
OfOcArSM A.* 04.1crtal FS ~Cea
Oaams to kWmdl&to WAAW AfN
SlUd of
thm 49 smiat odds, , 1.
al bt"d. Vadclis &M L. Kry-
(0.1-0.7 CAS. - body wtJ
(mtrwvrtKv4V to
ocis 04 an
&W wa-ma, Uw4 was tk(d. (accogdinc to
A. 20. &W) Wme ato hr. alta
WoudwaM and Fry., C.
the clr~dse Im 10 (out 0 12) exqu. there
watur of tlu"Wme NO
cif its axidised ratio d asWited red" as*
fractiam lko beinig hxreawd. ll* c&ct Is mcclated
with the eq. 41 ic ad of clycim. S. A. C. -
z too
00 9
4 84W 9 too
- -
M" 00 fail #I .0w4 *v
6 tr - ap ar if gi x it 1AW Aft s 8 641-0 0- 0 1 w 91 9- a, c 0 V~
40 : #--
10 0 * 0 a w 0 * It
10.11 1112W is$$ Its
film. A. V. Muetttv. Arck. Ird.
(tow) 214d&mdon 0 Faun* miccomethid (tic intal -00
00 9
The intravmms or oral
IF.. Ircep.. of clycift in 5
YI ~"- Jecu twWtkvd an jiv. 1myca" of -U% in the
-hr cu-mtIon of croatittim. In 6 out of 2% em" of
411411i"iftralffm of 111yVitic" its 21 cawt Itfluttkit all Otv'341%
11--frow Its 4-rceticAme eltemam, Im ittv 1witufs With
oil ctratiettvial, thic v %*A ittOft" Ohdr dW ctrottialtW
wAs dwirtaffed. ciae effect ots the cledtifte ex-
ctetkm In P=M matous hepatitis appears to parallel
the ACTIcrity o(Alic dEvate. W. A, 1*1tweig
I ago
F r4 I
C* 41
A 14
Off ~y
11114111 am O"T its
04 -a- Il- I IF
d 21
AV 00
-is- tv tv it a it if 9 a. it, it
o-0-4 0
v 0 0. 0-000-0-
oQ-'-qj :~o 0 * 0 0 0 lie 0-0 a 0-0
0 0-0-00's i~
is 7-
it a to .~, -a Fl_
I.: ~ -0- o 4
AL-k- .9,1_1-', - its
00 -00
lot orwald ammia cad
T"a Otdaid,
1 R.) 40. all? 4
.--III ct"Parial file Va'!Qujk t(MrtLfd% f(k t1j, 4(cla,
_Wk acid in the Wood, the aL,11gam Ob(gWcd (fic beu
Vftilts frm a moditicu ' jcrr wd
, , , -_ f~ it
W. A. 26. 4891). Oxakma
Ve 8: f
arid clink-At anoxem Tbv tftc~wy
I he twigin of awic,
lee 4~! ~V71-111,Z41Cite anti glyt:11W (no.
*,*-- ~i, . Im"lista was not Ca W. A. Pirdewtilt
00 j
i, ng J.. 454
ia ft -4C It -tt % tv tt at Kla 11 1 -1.
~, TO
0 At 0 0000 f- 0 _0 (1 04 9 0
,a 0 0 0
,64 40 Ilk 0 -W A a
0-0-41 0 6
I lids# rd tionu 13 IA Is 4 tis 44 4t Q 4f v a
-A A-jc~~c f
of a latemalaw cadruboUsm in thcI admiaiscmdock 41 amino 00
acids. U. n* WhrAwa d didat uPw am* mumts-
tatic" of d(aftfts. A. L.
A. 31, 39721.
1912-1~tltbe blood and urine sugar Was ob*
tic IMMOvemeat wa,,i =00
wvcd iwa (cw Cues. Sowto-it
j"vtcd ix ow case u-cattd owtW11XMslv fw a We Period
'at g1rcime wa% ob-
witk Oyciste, No-ittlulin-likc actwu
W. A. 11Tgttwtig
Etc.. t-ff.-
All 1:L
u I; 1v -0 111 - :4 J",- v-r- a 3 a
An & I a
K a ff 41 K It t9 A( 49 W.0 941,
0 e.e ::~s 0 soo
---0 i
-J~ . ,
14 ff UU_il,_ (S _IG IV NJ .11
14 Al x -if- a
curldWillm MOM 10 IiW i4t~Oduc'
"ot., aim. Ea. Timpoupwamcwtala..
00 A.L.Vadek
It. p. Kmamonra.
No, 1, 117-20(tw4); Cf. C .4. $1,
OWN ghxtivuk "C14
W-sn-dy-d I 110.1ster,.
00 a I S 'new spedtic dymmk,47 "OTC "s Pccdvgc it de"Mm
to the Nwd tw0c " fAkkb (s dwc(b0d w a paWW lq~
4"[W (a the Olkwatko of mctYAjlAlvvxjd 9w of pvruvk
t4 an tmtftw
*0 factibat to chief- ks Me Ic"Ittlas 444 wavalW414
mboby dratem, V'A WWd OWk 11099
V4 after target do*
UM40 Amts. d $4due am Motto# (wh"
TWA pats&1W bekdrim'd the (WOM to 44'
pigined by the laat*~td mto uf Its *W2000 (W tky 4
The of fAq; oft(
biwd. A. L. Yadekso; T. A. PolawAhIcA
sad . A. Wxhabawya. 00. 12t-&-Usirls; the -m,,
Irchnic as in peeceding utkk the Ruthu" Obt-~ Aft coo
inertm in tba Oymm am --c-psaw by 4 4001`1*50
in the IwL- aM sod an Incluse In We K(YcDgm Of thc
clycine I~r kg. body wtight. This is UX(ftV"Ud Us (160
4f.,-euj=g*s themi--m as the hggratedlary tactabaNuts
rubohydrates. W. A, Pdttvdg
it tr tra49 Ica leg KWU (tKw In
00710 so 0 a 0 joa c 6 9 0 0 0 0 0 4p tif
00 4 9&*V 0,00 too
0600, 090 . :
0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 # 0 :*
.-- -1
a a) w is 4 )J, $1 19 45 v - 4 _;4 ~61 A 32 it- m a Al M-
io 2i
y_Q_ U-1-t It &
AGO d ctroces ia the
miume(w (at the detema"t
MOW. A, twitmmavil,
f(to and V. A. M'c
04 Iola. U, 1104-The prex-rdfurv flit t1w dequ. #4 glympni
je(wdinx to Kccfmv (1934) will Simonavil% (0. C. A.
1e I 'see
itifew0sed withm few 0
W. A. %tillwe
MW44 1
osiAll C.4 "I all
It v w 0 W Jw
;7Tb u is AV 10 ni" to tt It or Of K a a 91 T
10; 4 14 m~
'S'1 0 00,000 0 a,* 00 00 a 0 0 v 0 0 00 0
00 *ie 0 0 0 0 0090 0a 0 0000,41 0, (pie -
- - '___ - l 0.0 0 00 00
-a- _~V4-076F
1- ,
C r.1
oromstio too, ffr*(4f
wailuW4, 0mpamas 144 their Infi-
t(fuce dri (fit'
A it of h1w4. - 1, Va, pt
Vudda-v4 T. 1. Kamt C
*a- in tht (Or= 0(a thin fitot an the surfut at an star hWck.
to s1 -Posed for 5 taim. to Wood coutz. I -ZMW di~:. of
The inemm im the ;fl
v bode *tW. perruhted rut "tn. d tize &jt=sj(T o(wo- '06
cmik radfatim of blood. Sulf3uftguide, v4(jpyTjjjvr.
W4 Wfatbfu4to tKaduaA Ca extinction of lummewcom oaf
#6 An the short-wave LdIffivickt, AS CX(4tsWd in 4 diAthsct
-did poir esect - this depressive -
ac .-The Wda. of 1:100AW of A-qwfmot"vok
to a 1 20M w1h. of wffauitzw4de manaUed the Jeveiting
effect of the Utter witiv respmt to the mitagmetic radiation Zoo
ew J of Wood; - the late"fif of Me radiation t
y hen umpaved
r that d the MyS of Cke WMe bibad in thlu Coatiol tftt&.
The koemk o- and wAds did rot restate
0a- the mitateuetW radf&664- of Wood %oppressed, by suffon -
lumme Compds. Men 5 cc. of I - 10, or 1. 100 Sato. of P-
amimobewok add w" added to 6 cc. a I;WM tun, at
-U int-ft adtmWk rgdia~ was Obgft-TW
Via- 2"44w
IA4 to Hwo to alit N$":-G 3 q
1W I
a- 9 0.
a 000 a OF
006 41
& go* Gas'
f - I --, - - -W, W - -- - ,W -
-0 SO
tt.!- - "1"I. nm vlk~`--JJ
V414amdabi W*Q4r1ff4WV4p (K1*11 (a b(oot A. L.
I)Ak4y Ala, Naark
mi. VAS.S. 44, 42- 4,
~%SAR. Ot 45-9(190).-The byMbealsAdva"t
&Wkm of Profit" gj%V rise
the rfect otloff"-
autW ct=144. as daL4 P-andnabermck #,,qd. To
tW b"hests, use arts miule at the InUNtory effect
=Ia~ sOadkmWc om the mitoemtk c#Aiatkm
if* f"lation by IfthiNto". ~ 1rhe intrm4tr 00
of miloceactic mliatim W44 dt(d. Kowding to the 1109
*04 int4had of A. Courvich Wftogrmir Wkfiaic. p. ZKO. XIO
- ~ .13 (IM) by ig the no, of gemmatatit I,
kobjectrof to the cfftd of the ruitoputtk
90 with that (a the control withotst railiatlao, Theincrew
in the can fit). Is glytit Im prMO(SO (it flu ir Inifixf no.
And redie"s the relative Intensity of (he Wialbm The
of 4MUS Mg. of "0". the intect"Itm aduct
~,I( 1wottindecomimpts.. permi, lAblood restartrolto
full intemity the mitoemetic racliation Imt by m;44ioc 0.3 go*
'mg, of sulfintilamide per, ud. at blood- fit bMthy
itit*oi 11K Wis. o( sWanilmWe tothe U.'and pcorfiice4 40*
an inWitsitittit 'it mitogenctle r0fixtim in I(K6; of too lmw% Woo
but in Ve cv" of qubjects having alitmenury dv
without Complications. mly 5 sbmrtd norma its 'bit 7e0
in 16'Caws the inhibitiorl W*% extremely %mmir or tot4fly"
sibsent. atmi In IM retuaitzins in CRsft the liffallizaW&
soft$ irtfe obtAim-4 Whit
9441" CUM
-1 awl ia
toil*> It OftV as% a3u), flails me ftV goo,
W -j-- r q F 4 4 10 1, F ~tw *-'a ?A AN L S 0 Gd0 9 1, W q4 -3 a 11 3 6
o so L, 1, m a a n; x m Kull W190" 1 14
*a 6
ri otr'-denii
putt dezilitol4nikutsii orj~ln -,," ~) Ejolo,,Ov
37591- 0'?Olf, mikro
SB: 7,11 vsec-OYUZ SIU."D gigienistoV opidemi-ol
T. I.
SO; Letopis, ZIellirbalInykh Statey) Vol. 37, 1949
4-~,;o'-mg NI Bill
I L-5-
7 i
4699- 51~ 14 cr CID ap
- -!KL9F--qq:1 C A
T, Tweles, A." wvi Kwantse7a, T.I.
Acad Sol. U.S.S.R. 811.1cwto (per'ba 0
-!ljkozw.j, 19,1j, (1)", 301-3001 &btjtr. In Rat. 2A. KbIr6 ON. J.
-- - --------
MM/Pharmcology and Toxicology- - Toxicoloay, V-9
Abr, Jour Rof Zhur Biol.., No 21o 1956, 986W
Author Yudcles,-A-,,L.
title Actual Problem of Industrial Toxicology,
Orig Pub v sb.-. vopr. gigiyony truaa, profensionallnoy patoloGii i
toksikilogii v prom-sti Svurdl. obl, Sverdlovsko 3.955.,
Abstract No abstracto
~11'd R. V. lf,!S AO
A. L. ViL
fliki" ~,wm
Csi ;1i
nivsl tiffi~ rLses fi-im I-T i~ r;. tis wht~a
ml. ,9L
6ffeine 'd-2 in-3A ~x
=141.1r,11 1_1~tisl cricitntly C-"ftfA vila th at f frwx
fe Other
1014n V.
otv. red
ion Of ore
[c,.,ntralizatiOu automation of the lubric,at zatsiia
dressing 0 ui ent] TSentralizatsiia j avtorr,,ati, skva, 1jecirap
bogatit.eltrqkh fabrike 14C )%
smazki obo dov is, 0 (MIRA 17:L.,
1964. 211 P.
Analysis of inorganic substances. G-2
Category: e
Abs jour- Referat Zhur-Xhimiya., No 9, 1957, 31035
levich IG*y Kovaleva V G-Y Jevitina A
of Lead
Tet1 Analysis
Ti -
rig--Pubs. -1310-1312
laboratd4.iya~- 1956,1 22, ~No .11,
t* of Bi, Sb) Sn' Cu" zn Y As" Mg,
Descri.Dtion of determination
condenser spark Of
Abstrac of spectra in
11~'and Fe with excitattion
Current intensity
compound boo
IG-2 generator connected in a inductance CI-05
analytical gap 2.5 mm,,
2a, auxiliarY gap 3 MM, ;r%ph, spectral type IT
Medium spectrog
.1 f.
mh and capacitY 0 ",t._ and Sb at concentrations
determination of As.1 Sn, Zn
plates. the spectrum is excitated. in alternat
ound sample f:rOM
of 0
oration of file-gr
rent arc discharged On evsP
eat intensity of 10a. Diffe-
. at curr
channel in carbon electrode been Provided fol' different grIDUPS
rds have
Analysis error
rent sets of stan
f elements and different concentration ranges- her elements
the ot
tion Of Mg =d Na is 8-14, for
in determina
it is of 4-4.
caa C4,Mlstry
substances. Anal"" Of In
Ab I organic
a jour..
rat zhur
Author -Khimlya) No 91 '1957, 30973
Yude-levfch I. G., revit
in& A. L.
Title 4ectr&l Analysis of
Calcium in, Uad
OrIg Pab: Zavod. laboratoriya, 1956, 22, Alloy with StYIO--t,r
1~0 1320/132-1
Abstract: The spectrum 1. exci
Connected in tated in spark dial
tan a COMPOund eircult ( aw8* If ZG-2 generator
ce 0-01 and Jndutanc current jut
Of Araco iron a 0-55 mhenry). Gnsity 2a, capacl-
2-5 1 'a cut to a truncat Fixed electrode made
Ina' auxiliary 3 mmy G.Parking I 4~d COne. oper&ting q
Ca 5262.2-5227.2 A, conc, 0 seconds. Analti ark gap
_ntration range of del, 1
CoWrls endn, caa
on line IS outside the t ill 2.2-
afaly~Bt* Intensity eTM11zation Is field OJ! Vision of th4k
Ca -line by moving the phot attained by attenuation' Of
duration of the dete 0'2*trc 'redge' Analysis error + 5'.3%.#
rm'n&tiO. 5-8 minutes.
C/ /Jc//
Catdgory USSR/QPtica Optical Methods of Analysig. lastrumento K-7
Abe Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, U0 2, 1957.. No 5157
Author t
Yudelevich Law Levi ina, A.L.
Inst Thimkentsk Tead Pl=t, uSSR
Title Spectral Analysis of Slag, Agglomerate, guid Charge of a Lead Melt by
Means of a Stylometer,
Orig Pub ZaVod. laboratoriay, 1956, 22, No 4) 450-452
-Abstract Description of a method) empolying the ST-7 stylometer for the analysis
of,slag., aggloi4erate, and chargq! of lead pl-oduiction into its princi-
Pal cOmponeats: FeO, CaO
Si02,v--'NnO, ZaO,_ 17b,..anA S.- Tlwrange of
- 4 -4
4 f
for ZnO,
or CaOi
5- ~fof Mao,. M$ for ~ Siog o.4 4b$ for Fb)~and o.8
8% for S. -The excitation source Is a .IG-2 generator operlating in an
elaborate-circuit. The'constant--schedule method is employed. The
analysis time required for the analysis of .912 the components Is 30
35 minutes . The determination error is 5% for CaO,, 10 for MgQ, Bf
for ZnO) 4% for FeO, 100 for rb, 4% for sial, and 10% for.S.. A table
A' comparison oil' the results
for the analytic pairs of lines is given.
of chemical and spectral analysis is also given.
AUTHORS:Malk,int Ya.Z-.t Sergiyenko# f. Yd.- YVdelevicho. fijG'.
TITLE:~' 'Production of High- Parity Lead (Poluoheniye sviiLtsa vysokoy
PERIODICAL:-Tsvetnya-Metallyt 1957P :Nr 8' -PP'44-51 __(TJSSR,)
-ABSTRACT--The-autho 44s --investigation to
M cribe a,systematid
secure the. incbstrial'production- -of highi-purity lead in which
-the concentration pf 25 elements is, controlled s6., as- not to
exceea~ -10-4 to 107-~ the maximal concentration 'Df silver,
copper .andI ca-dm-ium being 2 x 10-.5, 10--~. and .10-4%r,respect-
ively* They give analyses of lead after repeated electro-
lysis in an industrial jTable 1) anda.,purified-e.1ectrolyte,
(Table:S)t~ e~nd-des,qribe the 'scheme used for.removing silver
and copper (Fig.1). Changes in process conditions and im-
purities-co ncentrat ions during-the-ref-ining--
1 ead- obtained -by
refining--of cathodic lead with Cmd without
repeat electrolysis are'compared (Table 3)'.- Rapid. analyti-
cal methods'developed for production.control are described.
It was shown that -by using pyrometallurgical refining of
Card 1/?
_Ya~ Bovtuta,
AUTHORS:Malkinp Ya'.Z'.,, Perglyenkof
Yadelevich I'.G.
TITLE: Extraction of Tellurium. from-Soute- Lead-Industry Products
(Iz*leoheniyd -,tellura' 1z - nekotorykh, produktov -svintsovogo,
MIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metallyt I %5.7-t yr 10 '~'pp~AO-87 (USSR)
ABSTRAM. The. authors 4 as nibe results -of work carrie& out at the
-Chinikent.leddc'mor". with the objeot of finding,the concen-
tration of tellurium in-various matetials involved'- in lead
production and of.determining methods-for it
s- recoveryi The
concentrates received at the works have 0'.005-0.7013% Te and
the distribution of the element in different produots (Tables
1 and 2) showed that some contained increased-concentrations,
particularly alkali skimmings from the ozygen refiaing of
bismuth. A method for recovering elementary tellizrium from
these is --described;-- and, -it-is., shown -that-- the -elememt can
-------- -be--r-e-6-o-vered from- slag from the melting of sodium antimonate.
Details are given of two-new spectroscopic methods., developed
for'determining ~elluriumJn lead 11-6.006%). bismtth (1-
0'.003%), tin(I-0.01%) ia4 antimony,(1-0' 005%) and easo in
Card 1/2
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiya 1958, Nr 12, p 196 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Yudelevich,, I. G.
TI TLE: Spark- excitation Spectroscopic Analysis of Complex Specimens (Spekt-
ral'nyy analiz- prob slozhnogo sostava pri iskrovom vo:rbuzhdenii)
PERIODICAL,, Sb, nauchn tr, Kazakhak. gorno-metallurg. in-ta, 19517, Nr 15,
pp 226-244
ABSTRACT: A study was made of the laws:governing a discharge in the case of
powdered specimens, using an IG-2 spark, generator. The author
established the fact that a change in current intensity in the.primary
circuit has no.effect on the discharge temperature, :which is affected
predominantly by changes in the self-induction and capacity. The
best r,eprodLcibility of the conditions for the excitation of the soec-
trum was obtained with C=0,005 and.0.01 jif for a single circ.uit
with L=O~55 m henry, -afid: f6T ~a itbrnp-t6k oiie w4h LzO. 55 and. 0.,15 mh.
The following three methods,for" the' bittoduction of sp~!cimens into
the discharge area are examined: From a metal pipe,: -by briquetting,
and by evaporating the element off a metal electrode. The spectra
Card 1/1 were photographed on an ISP-Z2 spectrograph. V.- S.
AUTHORS: Malkin, Ya.Z., Sergiyenkoi~Md.,, Bovtuta, U.V,,: and
YA-elevich, I.G.
TITLE: _~C~tractiiono `rium'ana'Indium from Antimony Slags
(IzvIecheniye tellura i indiya iz sur'qranistft. shlakov).
PERIODICAL: TevetnyyeMetally., 1958, Ur.8,.pp.34-39 (USSHY,
-ABSTRACT: The authorshave previously shown (Ref.1) that Ct the
_.Chimkent lead smelters.the tellurium-content ofAhe
slag, from re-smelting of.sodium antimonate can reach
___~O.2-0. -Since~-these slags.also amtain indiur! the
-determine-the -the
authors- carried wori W naturi., - of
diIstribution of - t1ils- eiement in th6 various _-PM1UctS of
-the-lead industry (Table 1) as a preliminary to:the
elopment of a process to~recoverlit-and,tellarium.
It was found that the indium, tends to concentrate in the
dry dross diwing de-coppering of.crude lead. This,dross,'
dusts from the shaft smelting of sinter or circulating
materials or antimony slag could be used for indium
recov .ery. The last material,-obtained from a pilot-
Dlant., was chosen, its composition being 9.6% Sb;
Card 1/2 6.29% Pb) 0.05% Cu, 0.55~ As, 0.65% Sn, 0.67% Fe., 0.99% Alip
Extraction of Tellurium and Indium from Antimony Slaga.
S- (total).- 0. 5%S(sulphide) 5464%-SiOi
NaOHY 54.65% Na2C03, 0-3-0.4 TeYVOL-0.02% 'In., It was
found that tellurium and indium stay in the solid residue
(Table 2). After a sulphatizing roast at 2gO-30)"C the
indium. can be leached out by water at 85-90 0 but the
tellurium is practically insoluble. Based on this a
flowsheet (Fig.) has been devised which gives elementary
-tellurium (by caustic-soda -leaching-of the -insoluble
imillin" (, no by_.e_1j9ctro1Ys
--i. residue from. the 1ea 41 --followed, is)~
and an-indium concentrate-from-which metallic indium. can-
be obtained. There is I figure, 5 tables~and 4 Soviet
ASSOCIATION: Chimkentskiy svintsovyy zavod (Chimkent lead smelters).
1. Slags--Properties 2. Indium--Separation 3. Tellerium
--Separation 4. Electrolysis
Card 2/2
AUTWIRS. Yuaelevich, I.G., Kovale-ia, V.G.
TITLE: the Spectrographic Determination of Small Admixtures' ir. Lead,
Bismuth, and Tin ._(Spektrograficheakoye opredeloniye malykh
primesey v avintse, vismute i olove)
PMODICAL: Zavodslm~ya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol. 2)+, Nr 4, pp. 461-462 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A rutthod was worked out and introdueed in industry which is more
favorable _than -those mentioned in earlier publications. An alter-
nating current generator PS -39 is used, and ~samplos and standards
aro introduced in pulverized form into a obannel of' 5 M depth
and 4 mm diameter in the lowerIcarbon eleetrode. A spectrograph of
the t a -ISp -22 with, a UF -154 lens, as Ymll as " IS -163 and
2 stands were also used, -An auxiliary elect~ria arc -is used,
and the spectrum is photographed in a 10 ampere electric are after
an exposure-of 80 seconds, the sample being,poured,into the elec-
trode omter only after 40 seconds of burning. Analysis is carried
out~by, the method of three atctndard saMles. Blaoken~ny_of the
spectral line is measured on a MF -2 microphotometer. The results
.,obtained are given in tables is the manner,'in v;hich the
Card 1/2 standard samples are prepared. The relative error:of this,methad
AUTHDRSs Welervich, 14G. 0Kova2evaj V.G~; 32i-0+4-27/4-
TITLE; -T*h-e -Spectrographic Determination of Admixtutea in Elementary
Tellurium (Spektrografiaheskoye opre4elenlye primesoy Y
elftentarnam tellure)
PMIOPICAL: _Zavodskv.a Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol- 24, Hr 6, PP, - TA-754 (USSR)
ABSTUM N.I. --Belousova and H.A.1vanova, assisted in carrying, out several
tests in the course of which e- methoa of analzming tellurium on
Fe, Al, Sit Cut Bit Asp Sb and Sn was worked cut for the conoen-
tration intervals according to TOM 42-41 (1., Mand IIIAbid). nical con4itions have as yet been.provided for the deter-
mination of Sb, Ast Sn and Bit buttheir content must be known
as they cause impurities in tellurium in one case. The elal~oratiozx
of a spectrographic method. of determining sulfur ard selenium In
tellurium has hitherto not been possible. In the case of the
analysis concerned here a speotrograph ISP-22 was~used; the cad-
mium line served as an inner standard and standards were previous-
ly analyzed by various chemical methods. Atable show3 analytical
pairs of spectral lines with correspor4ing concentiation inter-
Card 1/2 vals, and calibration curves are linear. The error limits found
J~Vfqgnn V
The Spectrographio Determination of Admixtures 32-24-6-27/44
in Elementary Tellurium
according to the results obtained are given separately for each
element,,and it is pointed out tbiit by a comparison idth, the
chemical method it could be shown that results do not differ to
any considemble extent, e3tcl~pt in the case of silicon. The
method desoribed is being employed in the imrks laboratory of
the plant mentioned below. There- in i table.
ASSOCIATION: Chimkentskiy ordena Lenina svintsovyy zavod im. M.I.&xlinina
(Chimkent Orderof Le;ain Lead Works imeni M.I.Kalinin)
1. Tellurium--Impurities .2. Tellurium--Spectrographic analysis
3. Minerals-Determination 4. Spectrographic analysis--Errors
Card 2/2
Translation froms Referatlvnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, fir 5, p 281 (USSR)
AUTHORS: ludelevich, I,G,, Levitina, A.L.
- ra~Phic Det
TITLE: _-'spect 09 ermination of Small Quantities of Antimony, -Arsenic,
Tin and Zinc in Lead
PMODICAL. Tr. Sibirsk. fiz.-tekhn. in-ta pri Tomskom un-te, 1958, Nr 36,
pp 305 - 30T
ABSTRAPTt The athors-desoribe the.. speotrographi a determination of 81) (0.04- -
0'.0005%), Sn _(Q.03 -0.001%) As 0.63 -- O.-601M, - and -Zn_ (0.01
0.001%) in Pb.They used en AC are excitation source and an ISP-22 spectro- Q~
graph. Standards were prepared by-mixing pure Pb filings with the filings
of an alloy of known composition. The analysis error amounted to -110%.
Card 1/1,
.5~2)t 24(4) -25-3-19/62
Yudelevich, I.
~ Folatbekov, F,,P,, Ybyaie7ta
TITLE: Spectrum Analysis of Antimonate, Stannate, and the Products of
Their Preparation (Spektrallnyy analiz antimonata, stannata i
produktoy ikh pererabotki)
PERIODICAL: Zavodska.,,,a Laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 3, pp :505-307 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A method is described which has been worked out J!or analysing
antimonates, stannates, metallic tin and antimony, antimony-
slage and several of their product3. The evaporization proper-
ties of the individual components of the-sample and the in-
fluence of various buffers were investigated. M. Seysengaliyeva
and Kh. Abrakhmanova, Candidate for Diploma of tile Kazakhskiy
gosudarstvennyy-universitet (Kazakh State Univernity) participat-
ed in the investigationfi. The following devices were used; a
spectrograph ISP-22, an alternating current-lumitious are PS-39
or DG-1 as light source, carbon electrodds (diatanoet 3 MM),
films of the type 11 and III (for the determination of tellurium),
=da. The
and an 8-amp6re cuirent. Time of exposure: 60 sec
analytical element-coupleo and the concentration interval are
Card 1/2 given (Table 1). Biomuth was used in the form of Bi 203 with 3F/'6
SOV/32 '.25-3-19/62
Spectrum Analysis of Antimonate, Stannate, and the Products of Their Preparation
by weight and the analysis carried out', according to the three
standard patterns. For determining admixtures in metallic tin a
method, which had been described in publicationa (Ref 3), was
successfully used. Admixtures in antimony can be determined by
the slightly modified Giredmet method. Indium and tellurium are
----determined -in--the-al-ternating-curren in the combustion of
a pulverized samp1r, (Table 3)- As S. Ba"Moy, atudent of the
Kazakh State University, and.N. Ivanova, and N. 1. Belousova,
collaborators in the Worke mentioned in the Association, took
part in elaborating the methods of determining Te and In in
-olags-and aimilar products. There are 3 tables and 3 Soviet ref-
ASSOCIATI03r. Kazakhokiy gosudarstvenny~- universitet im. S, M. Kirova i
Chibkentakiy svintsoyvy zavod im. M. I. Kalinina (Kazakh State
-University, imeni S. 14. Kirov and Chimkent Lead Factory imeni
hl~ I. Kalinin)
Cara 2/2
5' (2)
AUTHORS: Shelpakoval If R.i SOV/32-25-8-21/44
Soonovskaya,.T. 1.9 Bortnik, L. S.
TITLE: Spectrographic Control of the-Froduotion Process of.Rare Metals
PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriyap 1959,,Vol 25, Nr 8, p1j,959 961
ABSTRLCT: To-control the-extraction of rare elements frota semi-finished
products and wasted of the lead-zinc produbtioli, a spectro-
graphic determination method has been developed for In, Tl,
and Te in the semi-finiehi3d products, and for the determination
of the imp,uritiee-in metallic Tl,-Te,,and Se. The determinable
concentrations are,for powder 0.001 - 20% and for solutions
8 - 300-mgll..For lower concentrations-0-001 0*5%) an are
PS-39 is used, at"higher concentrations (0.5 20%) aspark
IG-2. A ".fulguratorn is used for the~analysis of solutions
(Ref-1).-The article contains a description of the,working con-
ditions with the are and with the spark. The aimull';aneous de-
termination of In and Tl in lead dust and lead prod.ucts was
partly effected according to the method reference 2. The ar-
Card,1/2 ticle contains the conditions of analysis for the final. deter-
-Production Process of S67132-21-6-2114-4:
Spectrographic Control of the
mination, (Table), It. T. Alontseva developed the method for the
determination of Na a 'nd other impurities, It was effected ac-
cording to reference 4 with a for Na relative accuracy of + 1Cr**
The determination method for Se and Te was developed in colla-
boration with V. N. Vardugina and occurred under conditions
differing from the above. A method for the determination of Fe,
Te, and As in Se was also developed at which an are PS-39 was
used. There are 1 table,and 4 Soviet references.
ASSOCIATION: Vaesoyuznyy-naixchiio-iseledovateltslciy gorno-metallurgicheskiy
..institut tavetnykh meta (All-Union Scientific Uining-metal-
lurgical Research Institute of Non-ferrous Metals)
Pard 2/2,
AUTHORS: Shokarev, M. M., Sosnovskaya, T. I., Stanevich,
V. V., Alontseva, N. T.-
TITLE: Spectrographic control of tellurium production
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 28, abijtract 4GI78
(V sb. "Nekotoryye vopr. emlss ion. i molekulyarn. spektroskopii",
Krasnoyarsk, 1960, 126-133)
TEXT: Detailed information is presented on methods of determining Te in
semi-products of Pb-manufacture and admixtures in commercial Te. Foe products
containing 0.01 - 0.05% Te, th6 are method of exciting the spectra is recommended
with admixture of 7% Bi(NO3)3- To determine high Te contents (up to 10%) spark
excitation 'of spectra is used on a mixture of samples wish Cu powder- in a I ; 3
ratio, after briquetting under a pressure of 3,000 kg/cm . To determine
admixtures in Te, it-is evaporated without a buffer from a carbon electrode
crater of 5 mm depth,and 4 mm in diameter. Graduation graphs are given. There
are 5.references.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translationl A. Tseydler
Card 1/1
AUMORS: Yudelevich -G-,- Shelpakova, I. R., Polatbekov, F. A., Sosnovskaya,
TITLE: Spectrographic determination of arsenic In semiproducts of rare
metal metallurgy
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 4, 1962, 11 12, abstraot
)1K70 ("Metallurg. I khim. prom-st' Kazakhstana. Nauchno-tekhn. sb.",
1961,no. 3 (13), 77 - 81)
TMU; Spectrographic methods of determining As in.powdered tost samples
and,technological solutions are proposed. Small and medium contents of As (0.02
8%) in powders aie determined simultaneously with Te by the arc metJiod of excit-
ing the spectrum; the test sample is introduced ipto the discharge out 6f a car-
bon clectrodefs crater. Charcoal powder containing comparison element Bi
is used as a apeotrographic buffer. Mean relative reproducibility error -.5 -
Determination of high concentrations of As (5 - 15%) in In products Is carried-
out by thespark method of spectrum excitation., Test sample is briquetted to-
Vard, 1/2
Spectrographic determination of... A154/Alol
gether with copper powder. Analytical pair of lines used for analyzing tech-
nological solutions is As 23349.84 R Cr 2,408.62-R.-, Cr is- introduced In the
form of K2Cr20 aqueous solution. BI can be used as the internal standard. Spec-!
.tra of weak alline and sulfide solutions are excited in the are of a 3 - 4 amp*,
-alternating current. Electric current usedin the analyses of strong alkaline
solutions with a low concentration of As must be 9 - 10 amp. Changes in the con-
tent of-Pb,_Sb, Sn and Zn have no effect on the results,of determining As.
Average relattive error in the analyses of solutions containing As. in an amount
of .0.5 4o g/1 is -,5 - Q%.
~L. Voroblyeva
-note: Complete tranaiationj
Card P_12
B107 B.138
AUTHORSs Yudelevich, 1. 0 and.Shelpakoval 1. R.
TITLEi 'Spectroscopic determination -of indium, thalliumf and.,
tellurium in solutions whon extraoted from Intermodiate.
products of the lead-zinc'industry
PERI.ODICAL,# Zhurnal.analitibheakoy khimii, v. 17, no. 2, 1962, 174 179
TEXT: Spectroscopic.methods of determining 0.0005 - 20 9/1 of indium,
0-005 1 g11 of thallium, and 0.1 ~- 40 9/1 of tellurium and arsenic in
process solu.~Ions were worked out. Feeding the solutions into the dia-
charge was thoroughly examined. Using Pisarev's fulgurator (Ref. ~i
V. D. Pisarev, G. A. Ivanova, Zavodsk. labordtoriya, 18, 1112 (1952)) the
following optimum conditions-were determineds-ourrent strength 2a, upper
electrode surface of fulgurator.3 mm, and,channal I mm, in diazt6ter. A
NaCl concentration of-at least 80 jg/l lowers.the intensity of:cyanogen
bands (from 3569 A down) and permits 'a better datermirtation oT.Tl. The
use of solution-eaturated carbon alectrodes,was found to be as good for
the determination.of.In, TI, Teland As ae-the use'of th6'fulgaratdr.' Me
ard 1/3
determination of ... B107tB138
absorbing power of carbon electrodes was improved by heating them for
30 see with 10a-A. C. An investigation with labeled atoms revealed that d
In and Te..are kept in place by capillary forces onlyt whereas TI is selec- J
tively a:d6,6Aed by the carbon. 20 min are sufficient for electrode satu-
ration. -A.100 gli sodium or potassium salt concentration (chloride,.
nitrate, sulfate, carbonate) lowers-the are temperature and thwoontirsom
backgroind. An increase in the content of H 80 , used to acidulate the
2 ~4
solutions, produces a parallel displacement of,calibration curtroo in the
AS - log C diagram. This displacement is probably explained bir the in-
creased formation of sulfates of the elements to be determined. Lithium,
bismiith, and. chromium -served, as :the internal. standard. The following line
pairs are in'question for Indium and thallium:- In 3256iog - Li 3232.62t
T1 2767-841- Li 3232.61;,.or T1 2767-84 - Bi 2809.63, 11 4511-32
Li 4602.86;~or In.4511'.32* - C'14'45930-18#~Tl 5350-46--ji.4602.86; or
Tl 5350-46 CS 4593-16; for-tellurium.and arsenict Te 2385-761-
Cr 2408.62, !As~ 2349-84-'- Cr'-240&-6.2j,.Te: 2~'85-.76_- -Bi 2400-881 As 2349 84
Bi 2400-88- .~The mean arithme-tio,,'~ies's Ahan 10 (reiative~
T. I. -Sosnovskaye,, Ye'
d in
at,4 F~ K. Kh4miditlina- participal
the iAvestigationo There are 5_Lki&r'6~ L I", nd,-"A~' -rdN -9
r neew-0
A C` I ~~APOOOZ34~ - CCOE: 1JR/0289/65 Milt) fnf)"> /M5-1
F Yudeievlch, 1. G. ; Strokina, T. G.
ORG: institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, AN SSSR, Nnvosibirsk
(Institut neorganicheskov khfmif
i 5pectrochemical determination of. trace impurities in high-Duritv ;flLrq! i -;~e'a!
zvastfya, Sertya khimichiskfkh nark,
no. , P365, 71-74
TONC TAUS: sDectrographic analysis, rubidium compound, cesium compound, lithium
Compound, trace analysis
ABSTRACT: A speqroc49
mi~al ~echniquq was developed for je~qrmfning 20-~race im-
7 17 0
purities (Cu, 47e' ~'Ga, NoA In' Bi:"Ni,~7Cr, , V ,sr~,7 Ai',-' As-',"
TI b , Ld Sb
A ~a- -' t
L r, rubidium and cesium acetates, in lithi t_,,.~esium, a7nd Fu tum n- rates,
-~Rfi-te-s, and rarbonatesrZnd in rub'-'3iLIM anj
? n I
"i.Zci~Lzuu WTUn cnioroform at various pH's of the aquFojs phase.
The bulk of the impur-ftiec (Cu, Fe, Ca, Me, Sn, x4i, Cr. Ag. P~,.
f 13 .7n
i.,; a y u L u xy q. u i n o i a,: c gatr
eti ar-
ACC mRi AP6000234
Pvaoor-qre~ off on carbon p owdez 0.5" 1 ithium in the form of lithium
'ahloride. Leas tnan v~L --TA ing in the extract. The concentr-
aLe af impurities obtained is analyzed ap--ectrographically. The sensicivi-_y uL L"
determination is I x 10-5 5 x 10-1%. orig. art. has.- 3 tablea.
StIB CCOE.~ 47 5LMa QAig'tj J De 1, R F F 01 i IM REF, 003
77 77-
SPeOtrOgraIphic det., 0 F"'; SoStIOVSKATA$ T. 1.
rMinatIon of arSel2iC
In raw materials and in 9antimOnY, and t.1,11
industry. S termediate pr
.bor.trud. VIIIITqv~VTMET Oducts Of the lead
n0*92181-185 165.
(MIRA 1811l)
L 3h862-66 EWT(M)AUPWAITI rip(e) D
ACC NRo AT6013544 (A) souncE com un/oaoo/65/ooo/ooo/o1.u/0ll4
1AMHOR: Yud4gYkq4,'T-,'_,q Shelpakova, 1. H.; Avs~Xko, Ye. H. Hinaka
ya, L. N.; 'd I
Larina,'t. K.; Chalkova, N. Y Sosnovskaya, T. I.; Zaks, I. V.; lKhamidulina, F. K.
ORG: None
TITLE: Spectrographic determination of trace elements in the raw materials and
intermediate products of the rare metals industry
SOURCE: Ural'skoye soveshchanip~--_Dg--ap-q_ktrosltgpii._4a~, Sverdlovsk, 1963. Materialy.
Moscow, ~9 5, 111-114
TOPIC TAGS: spectrum determin Iation, zinc, lead, indium, thallium, germanium, selenium,
tellurium, spectrographic analysis
=T are described for determination of indium, thallium,
,,~, 4enumber of new methods
lenium and tellurium-in intermediate products of the lead-a-u-&-zinc
industry. Germanium is spectrograpbically determined by injection of powder specimens-
into an a-c are discharge. The spectroscopic buffer for determination of more than
0.001% cc is carbon powder containing 5% Bi(1103)3 as an internal atandard. The
analytical line pair is Ce 269.13 mo-Bi 280.96 mu, For determining higher concen-
trations of germanium (above 0.1%), use is made of the Ge 258-91 MU-M 280.96 mil or
Ge 274-011 mp-BI 280.96 mti line. A buffer consisting of a mixture of quartz and sulfur
Card 112
L 34882-66
ACC NR, AT6013544
was used for determining traces of germanium of the order of I part in 100,000 in slags
qnd mattes. The sensitivity of germanium determination with respect to the Ge 303-90
mp line is 10.-4% in this case with axelative error of about 15%. Commercial solutions
are analyzedby electrode saturation.. The relative mean square error is 9% with this
method. Indium, thdllium, gallium, and germaaima are simultaneously determined jy
pouring the solutions to be analyzed into a socket'in a special copper electrode and
then drying the electrode so that the solution adheres to the surface. The'advant-%ge'
~of this method over the saturation of carbon-ele-ArOdes lies in the possibility of
,usi'ng the sensitive'long-wave lines located in the-ragion of cyanogen bands: In 410.18
mij, Ga 417.2 mijand-Ti 377.5T mv. This method gives a relative error of 9%. Methods
are discussed for determination-of rare elements in zinc and lead ores with a sensiti-
vity of at least 10-4% using spectrographic analysis vith a,buffer solution of sodium
fluoride. Orig. art. has: I figure.
SO CODE://,20/ sm DATE: o6jul65/ oRIG REF:*. 005/ OM REF: 000.
.L 36078-66 W(MVEWPM/ErI IMC) JD/JG
F__ - AP6016126 SOURCE CODE: UR/0269/66/OOOA,01/0083/0087
AUTHOR: Fedyashina, A# F.;,Yudelevicb, I, G.; Gindin, L, M.; Strokine.6
T. G.;
ORG: -Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the AN SSSR,.
NovasIbIrSk (InstIM neorganI esicoy Ichl. ii, Sibirskogo otdolenlya
TITLE: .-CbemicT1 and spectral determination of micro.impurities in salts,
Pf high puritll'rare al.kali metaleby extraction with aliphatic
monocarboxylic acids
SOURCE: -AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdoleniye. Izvestlya. Seriya
kbimicbeskikb nauk, no. 1, 1966., 83-87
TOPIC TAGS* alkali metals, spectropbotometric analysis$ solvent
extraction, carboxylic acid
ABSTRACT: The metals,ere arranged In the following series in decreasing
order of their go over into the organic exabanee
J~haae in an
reaction: Sn(IV) B_I(M); Fe(M);)!b(Ill), Pb(Ijj;;Cu(II); AVIII);
Ag(I); Cd(II); ZnIII); Ni(II); Co(II , Nn(III; Mg( Na,(I)o To
investigate the possibility of concentrating micro Impurities of the
Card IZ2 UDC: 5k6-31 -5"42
L 36078-66
ACC NR, AP6016126 0
heavy metals in salts of the alkali metals by a mixture of fatty acids
of the 07-C9 fraction (specific weight 0.915, average molecular weight
141-143), a study was made of the disposition of U. Cso Rb. and K in
the exchange extraction series. Anequeous solution of the hydroxide of
the metal being investigated was shaker,, for 1.5 hours at 2500 with an
equal.volume of fatty.scid in agraduated cylinder furnished witb 9,
stopper. The starting concentration of' cesium, rubidiuni, and potassium
in the solutions varied from 0,5 to 0,015 N. and the starting
concentration of lithium from*0.8 to-O.-l N. The extractability was
evaluated from the activity coefficient in the aqueous phase. After
separation of the phases, their alkali metal content was determined,
The article continues with a-descriptionof the method of spectral
anlysis. Experimental results are sho= in two Igrge tables. The
sensitivity of the determination was from 1 x 10-P to 1 x 10-7%. The
coefficient of variation varied from 15 to 40% for diff9ront elements*
The metbod is. said to ~be in actue.1 plant use. Orig. art. buz: 1 figure
and 2 tables.
Card 2/2
SOURCE CODS: UR/0075/66/02liOlO./1232/1235
AUTHOR: Fedyashina, A. ?.;.,,,Yude1Qvich% I. G.; Strokis-ta, T. G.
ORG: Institute of Inorganic.Chemistry, SO AN SSSR, Novosibirsk (Institut
neorganicheskoy khImIJ 50 tul SSSR)
TITLE:. Determination of trace Impurities in hIgh-purity rubidlum and cesium
SOURCE: Zhurnal analitichoskay khinii, v. 21, no. 10, 1966, 12312-1235
TOKC TAGS: arsenate, cesitm compound, rubidlun compound,,spectrographic
analysis, trace Impurity
ABS.TR&',-r-. A 6pectrachemical mathOd-was developed for'determining trace im-
pii~itie*r. 0k cu, Fal Ga,. Vjo, In, B:L, x:L, Crp Tio, ASp, Pb, Cd, VP Sn, Bb, Al, Sb,..
Mn and Cc in cesi= and rubidium arsenates. The method consists Of Joint cOn-
centration of the.trace-impurities Iin the fOM Of. eiiethAdithicearbaminates
and 8-hydroxyqttinolinates using chlorof0=1 extracti0a at vaXious PH values of
the aqueous phase- 7ne process'Includes prelUAnary distlli~tion of the ar-
senic in a quartz.vessel. The extracts eav subjected to evaporation using car-
bon powder vhich.c64~aln4,3.ithium.chlOridAt (0-0 of the zatal.cOuceutratiou)-~
card UDC: 543.70