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YRUMANOV, V.A..9 aspirant
Investigating the hole drilling~process with manual dril-jj~n
j 9
tools using vibrations. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; rAshipostr.,
no.8:174-182 164. (MIRA 17:11)
1. Moskovskoye vys.sheye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche imeni
Ninth Sovlot Anl~~ctic axrP-diticn- In-f arm. biul.
-kap. no.47:169-71, 164. NIRA 1314)
ioAiIIg of-
Irmo t ~-Ilo stick Insulattors in Central Asia. Izv.
All Uz. SSII. gar. takh. nauk no.5:21-24 159.
(Zlectric insulators .and insulation) (HIRA 13:3)
ACCFZqjal IM., A114034020 8/002.0/64/155/006/2286/32P-9
AMOR: Adirovioho E. 1. (Academician RI UzSSR); Yuabov, Yu. M.
TtTIZ. -Silicon Jrilma with anomalously lace photoelectric voltages,
SOWiCB: M SSSR. Doklwlv*, vw 15~0 no. 6, 1964.. 3.286-1289
TOM TAG-S: phato-voltage, semiconductor,, silicon filmj aaccaloun photovoltagep
Ohm1a law, solid state physics, transistor
ABST11=: The authors bave pointed out In a, previoua co=unication (DAN 151; no. 51
lo6o, 1963) that one camot speak of emf produced by Illuzdnation of semicoa-
ductors., but only of voltages) since the latter cannat ba.preseated as the
ditference between the amf and the internp-I voltage drop. The preaent pkner deals
with photoelectilc voltages on ailicon films. The method of preparation of clean'
silicon films in vacutm b sublimation and evaporation of silicon crystals is
described, and'viessurements of the short-circuit current utuler.illumiaation by
light of variolul wavelengths is given, The resistivity of the film
.was measured as a function- of illuminatioa, and the volzag943wera ob ta IW-
by electrostatic voltmeter# Without illumination, the resiatanoo of tho sillcon f flas obeyed
ACCESSION 11 R: ~,AP4042017,
AUTIIOR:~ Adir:'DVich B. -1. (kca.domician AN UzSSR); Rub inov, V H.;
Yuavoll Yu. M,
TITLE: Investigation of anomalously large photopiotentials.Ln thin
:Silicon films
:SOURCE: AN S,S511. Doklady*, v, -157,_ no. 10 -1964, 76-78
4ilicon film, silicon f I'm -pot ntial, allicain film char-
gation-of thini,silicon films,
'ABSTRACT-.- Rd~sultr, are given of an -investi
~-having --anona louRly large photopotantials The diependence of
d~t 'perature:T, as well as
V light intensity I-, v
P. on avelength X -an - em,
t he-- -e f f e c t - oawp9p.-In-polarized Jirht were-- investigated, and-the,
dependence-of- V an the orictntation of 'the polarization plane was
'IPP f I a
deter-mined, The electretleffect ittv ii.p4p*~~ i ms~w 5 detected
All Miliq were prapare'd by:nmthoda:~described
at room teimpe,ra ture
iously- ,(Oi- -1v Adtrovich 9 Yu,' H Yu bov~ ~DAxp 05, noi 6 (1964)).
-Xn addition -to- auf f Lciently.~pure . (p- 1500- ohmscm> sLlicon,, a low-.
Anomalously large phota7oltages in thin silicon films.. Dokl.
All SSSR 157 no.11.76-78 J1 t64 (MIRA-17:8)
1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN UzWR (for Adirovich).
7 77
~~.,['~-ACC~ AP60.00674:~
- : , - - - - - - , . - - . : . ---- 1 - , : 1, 2 ~ =d ~ ~ 1 9 : % & 1 ~ - -
ACC NRI AF6021603 SOURCE CODE: UWOO20/66/iW/oo~jl~37j].014
AUTHOR: Adirovich., E. I.- (Aca&mIcian'.AII UzSSH); Rubiv2y
V. M. WatgU- Yu. 14.-e
ORG: fts c qcIgn (Zal itute Agadenq of Sciences UZGSR (Fiziko-tokhnIcbeakiy in-
_t_qt __ I __IMt i
Gtitut Akadomiinauk UzSSR)
The nature of the effect of anomalously large photovoltageo in semicon"Ctyr
f i 1M a
SOURCE: AN SSSR.- Doklady., v. 168., not 5p 1966, 1037-io4o
TAGS:_"photovoltaic offectp Vn junction, physical diffusion, mngular dependenc(p
ABSTRACT: This is-a continuation of earlier work by. the authors (DANj Y. 164y 529)
1965) and deals with the consequences of two possible hypotheses explaining the
nature of the anomalously large phctovoltage (apv) effect - that-it constitutes ei-
ther a photovoltaic effect in micrciscopic P-n junctionsp or a photodiffusion (Dember)
effect in microscopic regions of Me conductivity. The theoretical expressions for
the apv-vy~altage are written out for both cases and all the present],y known experi-
mental data are examined from the point of view of reconciliation with the two IVPG-..
on the light intensity. It is
theses, especially the dependence of the apv-volta
shown that in the case of photovol~~aic microelements the linearity of the lux-
voltage characteristics should be 7iolated sooner than in the case i6en the film can-
sists of photodiffusion microelements. It is proposed that a decisive experiment for
-Cord 3/2 um: 539.216022: 1621.315,.592: "5.215
Theorems on the behavior'of Green's functions of a finite-
difference - analog of Stu]%-Liouville I a boundary -value problem
ano their use in studyinij differential,equations. Sib. WLt.
zhur. 5,no.5:1163-1180 S-0 161~. IMIRA 17: 11)
Features of.the course of combined disorders caused by the action
of ionizing radiations omd burn Injuries. Ked.rad. 4 no,10:54-59
0 159. (141RA 13:2)
(RADIATION 11=Y exper.)
(BURM exper.
i4 -
E#arience of a mixed bAgade. Mast-ugl- .13no*1:15-16 Ja.154.
(KU?A 7:1)
1. BrIgadir zaboytshohlkj~v 131LOMY No.6 "Severnava" Icombinata
Kuzbaesugoll. (Coal mines and mining)
?2(l) SOV/3-59-4-39/42
AUTHORS: Gorshenev, A.N.j and Yudachevg S.A.
TITLE: Abroad. Remarks on the Higher School in Poland
PERIODICAL: Vestnik vysshey shkoly, 1959, Nr 49 PP 87-91 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A delegation of the.IJSSR Ministry of Higher Education, head-
ed by Deputy Minister S.A. Yudachev, visited Poland in Decem-
ber last year and familiarized itself with the organization and
activity of the Polish higher school. The authors praise the
Polish hospitality and point out that during the 14 Years Of
the People's regimep the Poliah Republic considerably develop-
ed its economy and industrial and agricultural production.
The achievements viere also great on the cultural sector. Tho
number of students has risen by more than 3 times- New forms
of higher educationg as e.g., without leaving one's job, have
been introduced and comprise at present 459000 persons. A
marked increase of higher schools is noticeable in the viestern
districts of Poland. in .1937/38t there wore onlY 3 vuzes with
5043 students against 21 vuzes and 49,132 students in 1957/
58. The number of students within a population of 10,000 has
,Card 1/5 increased from 14 in .1937/38 to 45.2 last 7ear (excluding
SOV/3-59-4-39/ 42
Abroad. Remarks on the Higher School in Poland
correspondence students and those taking examinations without
attending lectures). The social composition of the atudents
has also considerably changed: in 1957/156 .31.6~L of the stu-
dents were workmen' children, peasants - 21%, of intellectual
parents - 41.71%, of handicraftsmen - 4-1%, other social groups
- 1.6%, The total rumber. of engineers and technicivo.,is employ-
ed in the national economy rose from 48,000 in 1938 'to 218,000
in 1956. There are at present in Poland 76 higher educational
institutions including 7 universities, 10 polytochnical schools
7 higher agricultural schools, 8 higher economic schools, 10
medical academiest 4 higher pedagogical schools, 6 higher.
schools of Art, 7 higher schools of Musicl 3 higher theatric-
schools, a higher school of.Cinemal and 4 higher achools
of physical culture. Besides,'there is a Catholic University
in Lublin and 2 theological academies. The Polish vuzes con-
sist of 274 day-timo departments, 45 evening departmenta and
2,360 chairs. Data per 31 December 1957 show that 129,045 per-
sons# including 47,228 womenj studied in these vuzee. Besides
Card 2/5 this, 10,715 correspondence and 14,920 students not regularly
Abroad. Remarks on the Higher School in Poland
attending lectures were registered. The authors also give
particulars on the composition of the teaching staff, and
their mromotion. The small Lublin University imeni M. Curie-
Sklodcvska, has a,at'aff of 26 profes6orsq 30 docents and 180
assistants. The authors emphasize the good impression which
the numerous the vuzes made on the
delegation. As aa example they mention.the laboratory of
Vacl.~am Technics at the Warszawa Polytechnical School which
is headed by Professor J. Groszkowaki. They also point to
the high organizati,onal'level of the scientific and instrlict-
ional literature. In addition to the chaira, knoynas tho
centers of scientific and educational work, there are in Po-
lish vuzes special organizational cells which unite the in-
structors for scientific work. In this connection the authors
quote the Chair of Theory and Practice in Journalism of the
Warszawa University possessing 3 sections - on technique of
publishing# science of style and culture of the Polish lang-
uagep journal-keeping and literary criticism; in the Krakow
Card 3/5 Mining-Metallurgide-1 Academyy the Chair of Mining Geodesy
Abroad. -Remarks on the Higher:School in Poland
has 'the sections of' Miniii Goodesy,:~and Thotogrammetx-y. -An-
other,_way of uniting the inntructora-i for scientific.-work
rf ent is the lllnstitutel~, a union of related
_wit.hi.A. the depar m
cha-irs. Thus e C of the
g.,th6,Historico-Pjiilologi al Depax-tment
-se son an Institute of
TageUodski Univ,ardity ~in Krakow pos.. a - :
History,co rising -the Chairs of Ancient 11istoryt IT
MP Ge.neral low
and Ifewest HRiatory, Polish History:up to the i5th century, etc.
~The authors-also,mention-an-or anizational--form-which is-ape-
cific: to- Polish vuzes the...unionof vuz sections and scienti-
lic institutions of the Academy of-Sciences.under a-common
guidance. In this,.aonnection,the authors quote the .13zo claw
University, I The, developing -_ of , scientific themea is ;carried
Polish vuzes on,
Government. means--and on.agreements
with the industry- -The -latter is very popular in technical
vuzes, At the Warsz ava Polytechnical School, Radio-'Engineer-
ingTepar.tment, 120 persons are engaged on this work. They
turn out series of complicated radio-engineering, devices, a
part of which are even being exported. The authors,describe
Card., 4/5 detail the organization of training-specialists in Polandq
AU TH 0 7103 Kheyfeter Ye -Y'e Mil6vidova,'K. V.._Ze1'W4fiSk4ya, Ye. BI
lVino,B. 1; ak~3~~N- Rapogort, 10 E~
TITME: The-Prepardtl~d~cf Detergents From' O*1ef1ns,,1(Poluoheniye
toyushchtlch~:veahchestv iz olefinov),,
PMTIqD1CAL:, Khimiya i Tekhnologiya Topliv, i Masel, 19,58,01 Nr 9,
pp 48 54, (IJ83R)
ABSTRACT-.,- 0 C_- 616f ins are- used. as -raw, i~aterials in -the. prepara-
Ron ok secondary alkyl sulphates,-These-coinpounds are
marIketed in the !Uest ufider the trade name "Teepol" - More
raw fnaterials become available'when Or, - 06,unsaturated
hydrooArbons a-~e utilized The lattd~ are'Jobtained in
considerable quantities Kring the Flacher-Tropsch pro-
cess and'diiring the cracking of paraffin. These olefins
canbe polymerised to di- 8Lnd trimers over hlo-q~nd Ni-
catalysts. ~ Preliminrtry Investif.;ations confIrwed lit-erature
d4tA on-the'poisibility of preparing olefin&i bollinC. be-
tween 1500 - 3000C by dehydrogenation of paraffins bollinn
within the same limits. Thus it was possible to use paraf-
''t.En; obtained durine the carbamide deparaffination of
-diesel oil-for the-preparation of Teepols i,
Olefins -ob-tAined in this way occur. in a mixture vilth
Card 1/4 saturated paraffins and are tre9ted with sulphuric acid.
The. Pregaration of ~Detergents_ 2ron. Olef ins.
thi's ptocess dialkyl'sulphates and polymerised
olefins are formed (Ref-18). The yield and,quality OIL
the prodbotbAs'influenced-by the concentration of
li2so -I-by the molar'Zra t1o' H2 S4- Ole f iris --the. temperature
and length of * the reaction, - by ~the conditions o.,Wmial
ie reaUen s, and -coil tions
the raw material a~jd tj t by the di *1
ofneutralis,-ition'and-hydrolysis. This method was used
--for' the preparation of detergents from different stairting
mate r ial a.'6 ofttaihing varyin?- ar.,iounts 'of unmtburated
fin and
hydrocarbons., Oynthesis &Is, cracked
-dekydro&nated'p.bxdffihs viere used as startint, materials
Their eo ent Ifitiniaturftted hydrocarbons varled-between
7 ajid-GB1MTabl6 1). P-Poobda coriditiohd viere 6uch that
minimal sid6L ree~ctions,. of polym6risation and* forin,~vtion of
dialkyl sulphates-laere achieved. The6e products vere
sulphonated in a glass apparatus (Fig.*l)v and contacted
N11th H 20 - 70 secq Th
.230 for- pd.6. e reaction products-
Tuere neuttalised with a 3V solution of 1,1011 and the
for~ed-djalkyl sulphates."hydrolised ffor-two hours at
700, The unreacted hydrocarbons and.formed~polymers
-were'-separated from -the aqtieouft -'alkyl- sulpW~te. Solu tion-
Card 2/4 by-settling -and extraction. .-They vere treated with
---- _ -----------
om 0le:rIns
The Preparation of Detergents I-r
Na=~ And-ddndOmtrated over a water bath. The final
product,- debe-fiding on the'obnoentration,of the active
subotandd, appeared as apowder (containing a:bbUt 26/e~
of-a-etiVe s -as _-(approxi~mately
abstance-Yor -a'pasta `509
of active substance);- Aqueous alIcyl sulphate :~olutlons
..of ~iven'concentration were"also prepared Uief.10)
Results of tests carried out on-the sulphona~ion of
narrow~fr4ctions containing mainly Old, 12P and
.17 fractions-are tabulated (Tab e 2), TaHe 3.
d a on the'Dreparation of detergents from'olefins con-
tained In- the 1800- _- -32000 ftactibn made- by, synthesising
the-same .over .Fe -Cu adtalyst- " -The large6t,rdte of-con-
versloh.vias aohleved when th6molar rationlof GAn
H2SO - "*2 -Sulphondtion e-rperIm(jnts-'on ~rariou8_xayi
A - ~*
mate'viais (Ttible 4)'broVed that the ~4pth ~if donversion
in one veration amounted'tb'73 -The renmining
19 - 27p, 6f olefins &Cn'be used fbr'a second 6ulphonation
operation. Furth6r experinient4 wer * carriod out on- the
180 -_'320P-'frActions containing'32 olefins in order to
separate thd excess-H SOI ~nd re- -id de of the iAme in the
dyale According tbolhe' conclusioh6 of A..-Yu. Habino-
---Card 3/4 1,V. n f the 116o, a c ow Branch of VNIIZh
~nd S. 0
The Preparation o-P Detergents Prom Olefins. 3OV/G5-q8-?-10/15
the Drdpared'detetgents showed good surface-active proper-
'The'mbst satisfactdry results were obtained vrit
ties. th
solut ions prepared from narrbvo' fractions oontalninr, moLitly
0 and C15 -''C 7 hydrocarbons and from the,.230 - 39,000
fl2action. The - letergent -action of aqueous :solutions can.
:be ff'urthet:improVed by the addition of carbo-cymethyl-
---cellulo,96 -are'A Table "p.J'Pigute-an.d, 19 ... Refer,en-_
There a
ces: 5 English, 1 Prench and 13 Soviet.
1. Detergents--Preparatiom 2. Det&i&nts--Mdtekia:L8
3, Ethylenes--PoJywrization--4. Methanes--Fractionation
Bo; HANIFORTt 1.13,
-Obtaining detergents (secondary- alkyl sulfates) -fro-m-oleflIbms.
Tiudy WI 14P no,. 901-94 163. (MRA 17:6)
Experimental diagram of a unified general plan of thj~ Angersk
industr1al center. Prom. atroi. 42 no.1:2-5 165.
(MIRA 18. 3)
1. 16-ati)kly gosudarstvennyy proyektnyy institut po obahchestroitell-
omu i sanitarno-tekhnicheskomu proyektirovaniyu promyshle kh
n nny
predpriyatiy Gosstroya SSSR.
~,;, ~ 1;~
. 't~
. ........
F -Rub, aim of
4c tie
14 Sur. is
6 'E dgft [y
&bL%v am to aw h'=j a( he
OCIISk ia tk to
00 or* usf"' dwactor of *-W-
Ifla di44tM WF
WY in the 1~&; 0
4 rlA
'i it 9-W b Akika
in LN ms b""
at 4 ma
fttkx of the iff, wl4wkn M&4
UM' .1"," -me
Out Of Of (IL
It 94' sow
Mo (fa
voy" C44 be
0 oc
A i7-t
ift-- -- ~ w cc5 Ra
a 10 0 Goals*
--AUTIIORS. Bekenev,
YKua!dLal~evich~~ Candidate of
-Physida-Mathematical Soiences, Senior Scientific Assistant
TITLF',: Rare Phenomena (Rodkiya yavieniya)
PERIODICALt Prirod 9-8
'r 12, p, Ill (USSR)
a' A
ABSTRAM G,P..Dekenev-reDorts-on~two instancee wbere he-noticed-vi-
silyle bound waves dueto..the-flight of_j6t aircraft.- One
as at the occasion of A! aerial review of 1 ;1954 in
-he May
el.Mi, where lens-shaped bright aureolea.were for, Ided around
MIG aircraft flying with. subsonic speed towards thi) sun; the
.other instance took place in the vicinity of Moslcow on 4 July
1957 at 2130 hours over the settlement of Zhavoronki, where
two jet fighters with vapar tralls-behind dashed-through
.rain clouds.- Suddenly the setting sun appeared between two
clouds and, at a distance of about 25 to 35 m in front of
each aircraft and at the same speed,.three very bright
white.waves of a width of about 30 to 35 m became YLsible.
These observations by G.P., Bekenev are commented on by F~F,
Card 1/2 Yudalevich as an instance where expanding sound impulses that
Rare Phenomena SOV/26-5;8.12-26/44
influence strongly the medium, air,,are visually.noticeable.
It appears when the expansion of the sound impulses takes
place in front of.the background of a sky strongly con-
trasting in light, and thus meets appropriate c=ditions
connected with the livlt of the'-contrast.sonsiti,nty of the
eye. There is 1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: Tnstitut fiziki atmoafery AN SSSR (The In.stitute,of the
Physics of the Atmosphere of the -AS USSR)
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Yudale v ir_- h, F. F.
TITLE: Commission of Physics of the Atmospheria (V komissii
po fizike atmosfery)
PERIODICAL: Izvestip Akademii naWc SSSR, Seriya geofizi(,heskaya
11-)59 Nr 2, pp 335-336 (USSY.Z)
ABSTRACT: The Commission of Physics of the Atmosphere (~7..A) was
established in 3,953 as, -a branch-of the Department of Phjsics
and Mathematics of
the Acaderay of Sciences USSR (OFh AN SSSR)j
the meteorology and physics
_sse7aon. of the Commit.,,ee of Geodesy and Geophysics. The
chairman of the Commission is A. M. Obukhov, whose office
consists of a staff of 5 persons. The Commission took part
in the investigations on:
1)- Theory on turbulence and climate.
2~ The flicker of stars.
3 Weather forecasting.
4),Physics of-the atmosphere(for-'the I.G.Y.).
.5) The Antarctic atmosphere..
The Commission also investigated the problems of atmospheric
Card 1/2
e-n-s-ity--,-dii+r uion
TITU."; On c-A Oulat'Ing U6 int -ii *i-
and the degree of polarization of a
twilight aky
L U 1". C I; I Akademiys nauk K&zakhslcoy SSR. AEtrofizichos-
materialy Save9hahanviya- po rasseyantyu i
polyaxizatoii oveta v atmoefere. 237 - 21o)
T~,,? r~ot~q~btlitiaf-. of ui3lrig electi-or'c ~7om~
illy and -r:~rei
ro e s -i ,7o ssi t ,? e e a s,--
`7 ~~R_2
3V!2/003/000/031/0 3 3
On~ 16a culatij~g the intens Orl Mco"
P sin (XY
I,\(O, CK (0') 2
0 si it
where 1, (0') is the light intensity at the point of, is the
acatte?ing coefficient at the same point,
is the optical thickness,
and Y is the new (amgvlar) Integration -iariable. Several foraulas
dre IIALrived and a scheme for evaluating (2) is proposed.
Tlie following 2 problems were programmeo~,. I ): Setting = I I ,
to determine the in-tensity of primary scattered 'Light at 20, celestial
Pe4ats for a given wavelength and for 4 different values of the
zenith distance; 2): same as 1), but two pre-assii-ned wave-
length and two zenith values. By using the proposed calctlatcn
acneme, the machine time oi; the computer Ural-I was 120 hours,
'i ~raas t.~,e comFv,er K"`M required approyimately YQur oaly. The
ac.em.e for calculating the intensity of the 8eoondary scalltered
was given in an earlier work by the author. Here, too, thp-
'HSM is much more aonvenient in
cc: Puter ~~,Kure and
iai~tvrirs mutc-
two or
Of ire*
ft shmat bd&-
lItIM Mao at* 44C MUS&I OK aw ati'.
Lit - dow
00-0-00#1#0 0 Soto 0 0 0 ct 00 0 ff 4 0 0 w a W-6-0 to 0_4 qto.a
TI I --
O W 4F 4Fa W (f 0 OF a &
AUTHORz Yudaninftg A.B.
~TITM Elliptic system of differential equat-ions on an
orientable closed surface
'PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk Ukraynslkoy HSH. Dopovidi,
no.2, 1962, 859-860
'Lons t
TEXT: The author investiptes the system of equat.
A t GA + Aq(k )a f Q,
~.A~ q j 0,1,2, arelp matrices tocontinuo usly, differentiable
~on the surface'S. The entries of A )-are'scalars while'(Almn,
A2m,n)-is Ft contravariant voctor.'The.ellipticity condition is:
Caid 1/3
Elliptic system of...
c, and ev ry
Lot (A' Q) gi ~o for every vector oc., L4? e 6 S.
The ol-osed orientable surface S is required to satisfy somenatural
conditions, which allo%t the refludf'on of (1) to elliptic system in the
plane., The results obtained read then: I) there is a finite number
k of independent null solutions; 2) the system (1).is,solvable if
and only if,,f qa~iqfies,j,'linear conditionst
ffgipcis - 0 q (2)
.3) The index )t = k-L is given by
+ Pi X (3)
!.where is the Buler characteristic of S# tand X is the characteri-
stic of the)system*, see,A.N. Vollpert (Ref*2: DAN SSSRP,V-'1339
.,no.15, 1960
Oard 2/3
elliptic syst4ims of the firat order
Boundary - value Probleme for an edge. DOP, AN URSR no.-US1569'-1572
on orientable surfaces with
I.,.Ltv, skly lesotelchnicheskiy institut. Predstavleno akadomik=
AN VkrSSR Yu*A.Kitropolls~iz [Yqtropollel.kyip lux-ol.
Use-of dynamic capacitors in the modulal lon of we ok. electric
sigimls. Prib. i tekh. eksp, 9 no.1:1,27-131 Ja-F 164.
(MIRA 17:4)
-act, -1
P6 -55
ZAKHAROV B.A. (Moskva); POTEXHIN A.M. (MbAva)-i YUDANOV, B.V. (Moskva)
Effectiveness of negative feedback in.a. logarithmic currentamplifler.
Avtom. i telem. 26 no.9:1649-1650 S 165,
(MIRA 18:10)
Fdrd I L 2 UDC, 551,551.8
AM NRt A 16 SOURCE CODE: -UP,/0362/661002/0067)57riTo5a4I
AUTHOR: Yordanovp Do Le
ORG GeoPhyqics Institute*-Bulgarian AcadenW of Sciences (Geofizilcileakiy institutt
.Bolgaraka, d nauk)
ya aka emiya
TfTLEt Diffusion of a pollutant from a point source in the atmospharLe
surface boundary layer
-SOURCEt AN SS$R~ lavestLya. FLzLka,atmosfary L oksan4f ve, 2p n6o 66
1966, 576-584
TOPIGTAGSs -atmospheric OA-6,6 JVA,4:0- Afr&dk,~ CifliZI~ 4V',;) AV I CI
.. % ':- r-! , -atmospherilloutidary layer#, surk4ca
boundary layer-
-the-semiempirical equations developed by D. L. Laykfitiiar~ (Fizika
P"'._nnichnogo sloya at-moofery Phy~ics of-the-Atmospherl.c Boun ary Lkrer,,. i
1961).-,~ describe the distribution of pollutanta in the surface boundary'
layerof the attnaaohere did not take into account the dmmvind diffusion
lof particles. '11he present, paper develops a statistical approacl,t to de-
scribing the downwind horizontal diffusion of Vollutants from a continuous
point source and preients semiempfrical equaitions'for,the vertical diffu-
sion. The condition of unstable stratification is treati3d al!
-Y Ir
A LOA, N.S-; r MA UM
h of the 9e=sSebftstS* in
Distribution of larvae Of the sea-pere 2:489-4go iC'56.1
the -Norwegian Sea# WCUAIT SISSR III no@ (KE4 10:1)
1.0 lino-Iseledo7atel'OklY institut mOrOlcogo r~bnogo
PolyartWy naUC mkim.
kho Pridetavlond aketdamikaq Yalu" Ravi
lu-. Yu..
"BiolIogical Peculiarities of the Accumulation of Atlantic and Si.,andinavian
Herring of Co=ercial Interest in Autumn and Winter."
report-presented at the All-Union Confereace on.-Biological Foundathias of-Ocean
Fishing) 11-16 April 1958, by Ichthyological Coranittee of AS USSR, VNIRO, and
,Inst. Oceanography, AS USSR.
AN SSSR, 1958, No. 7, pp. 131-133)
AUTHOR3 Yudanov, I. G. 20-119-1-50/52
The Results of Inspection of Spawning Place3 of tho Atlantic-
-Scandinavian Herring in 1956 (Rezulltaty obsIedOWLniya
nerestilishch atlan'uichosko-okEtndin,.i-vsl,.ilch sal'dOY Y 1956 g.)
PERIODICALs Dok-lady ilJcademil Nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol. 119, Nr 1, Ipp. 182-184
ABSTIUCT i Two expeditionary ships; "Akademik Berg" and "Professor
Mesyatsev" inspected the main upring-spwwning-places of the
above-mentioned herrings in the domain of the continental
shelf of Skandinaviya (Scandinavia), further the shallow-
-water zone of the Shetlands and of the Farge ISIXaft.
In the year 1956 the region was extended southward. to the
northern group of the Gebridskiye islands (Hebrides) and north-
ward to the shallow-water zone of the island of S6rd(Sdrd).
The congestions of herrings were to be studied du-ing their
approach to the spawning places, the conditions and the nature
of spawning as well as its productiveness were to be
determined on the basis of the caught larvae and 'the departure
of the conge3tions from the spawning places was t;D be observed.
1/3 As a result of these works the places of most intenaive
The-Results of Inspec;ion of Spawning Places of the Atlantic- 20-'119-1-50/52
--Scandinavian Herring in 1956
spawning -mere discovered, differences in thecomposition
in size of the larvae in the individualdistricts were
determined (figure 1). The fullowing details were observed:
1. In the year 1956 the spawning in the investigated regions
took place uniformly and some,,,rhat earlier than in 1955. 2.
The main and i.,iost massive opawning places of herrinpa at the
southwestern coant of liorvogiya (Norway) were con4dderably
displaced toward the north and the spawning predominantly
took place at the southern --andbanks of the shallow water:
Langrund, Bogrund and Griptarene (district IV). Further to
the north the number of herrings decreases. 3. The times of
spawning in individual places do not agree. They often.differ
by weeks- 4- In another checking of the main spavaing places
after 20-25 days the number of laevae wany times decreased,,
as compared to the data of the first examination of the same
places. The-decrease in quantity and the larger size of the
larvae are on the one hand caused by their growth, on the
other hand by the drifting away due to currents. Matters were
inverse in another examination of the shallow water of the
Parerskiy (Farde )archipelago (April 10-20), whore the
Card 2/3 average size of the larvae decreased. 5. The geographic
The Results of Inspection of Spawning Places of the Atlantic- 20-119-1-50/52
11 -,Scandinavian Herring in 1956
disjunction of the individual spawning places and different
times of spaiming according to the environmental factors give
rise to the assumption (as in the yeax 1955, reference 1)
that individual populations exiot in herd of the
Atlantic-Scandinavian herrings. 6. The amount of supply of
the total stock of herrings in the year 1956 was due to
spawning considerably higher than in the year 1955. There
are 1 figure, 1 table,and-1 reference, 1 of which is Soviet.
AOW-jOCIATIONt Polybxnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut morskago rybnogo
khozyaystva i okeanografii g. Murmansk (Murpianak Palar
Scientific Research Institute for Marine Fish-Economy and
PRESE-11TED: July 31 1957, by Ye. N. Pavlovskiy, Member, Academy of
Sciences~ USSR
SUBTAITTEDs June 26, 1957
Carl" 3/ 3.
I f(4) SOV/20-128-4-61/65
TITLE:_ Peculiar Features of Slawning of Atlantio-Scandiviavian Herrings
, '
the Zone
d the Faroe 141a04a -
PERIODICAL:,_ - Doklady Akaden-ii nauk 335Rt 1559t Vol 1 ?8 Ur 40p 853-456(USSR)
ABSTRACT., The shallow water,rouad the Faroe Tolands id onalof-the main
zones-of mass ,aps herrings mentionad~ in the title.
wning of the
It, to .assume .d that spawn hare (Rafe -:51 - 6) - one. of
whicht OPaTAing in spring# is larger in ii~umber. Danish'and
British Investigators proved that the latter species spawns In tW
first half-of March-$ The.main places for spawning are situated
within the 50 _m Isobath Rhich is near the shore The emerged
larvae, still verylemallf are driven by the current into very
(Refs 3, 4, 7-9). At that tlae the :places of the
deep-region -a
could not - be- discovei-ed,.rigure
species .9pawning in summer
shows the. distri~jution of Soviet fishing in the mentioned
17 and- 1-958 Figure 2 - shows the . .4iotri-
zone in March 1955, 1956
bution of the catching of ichthyo-plankton containing herring
larvae,. Table 1 given the dimensions and amounti3 of these larvae
in In4ividual hori -z-one-of April of the mentioned y6ar. T hese
results show that spawning takes place not only,within t he
-..Card 1/2 50 m isobath (see above), but also in much lower regions. The
-.Peculiar-Featuresiof Spawning of Atlantic-Scandib.av:Lan-Herrings Within the
Zone of the Faroe Islands
majority_of herring spawns at depths between 100 and 200 m.The
main- Spawning 'period-does not fall within the-firsto-but with-
in the second half of Maroh. Finally it was found that the
summer species of herrings does not spawn there. There area_
2 figures, I tableland 9 referenoesg 2 of which are Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Polyarnyy nauchno-isoledo.vateltakiy.inatitut morskogo.rybnogo
khozyaystva i~okeanografii im,. He He Knipovicha g. Murmansk
.(Polar Scientific Reaearoh Institute- of Maritime Fishery mf, CKeOMz-
raphy iment N. Me Knipovioh)Town of Murmanak)
.-P4ESENTED: May 28t-1950.. by Yoe N. P-avlovskiyg-Academician
SUBMITTED: Kay 25, 1959
Card 2/2
mmi, TUOYUO otv. red.; A&SLOI, %A4 tam -o*tv, redo; ALHKMTXT, A.P.
red.; VIMOGRADOV. L.G., red.; D~~;Iyiv. M.A., red.; ZAYTM#
G.H., red.; EGIISPAIMINOT, E.G., red.; MOTAN, T.H.. red.;
CHUMAKOVA, L.S., red.; MANOT, red.; LANDA, IF.G., red.;
AYHZAFT, Tu.S., red.; red.; LIMIMETAg D.T.s,
Lsov iet fisheries Imestigatioas lu.North luropean seas]
Sovetakis rybakhoxiniatymp tasledovaniin v woriukh Ivra-
peiskogo Severa. RoGkva, Itybnoe khoziaintyo VIIIRO, 1960. 468 1).
mu 14: 1)
1. Hoacow. Vaesoyuznp, nauchno-insladovateltskiy institut
uorakogo rybnoge khazyaystva L akeanagrafti, 2, Tuasoyuznyy
nauchnG-issladovatoltalciy inGtit-at moralcago rybnogo khovyaystva I
okeanografli (for Karti, Dmitriyov, ZaYtnav). 3. Polprnn
aauahno-issladovatellakiy inatitut morskogo rybnago khompyatva i
-oksanograM (for Kaslov, Aleksayev, Tudanov).
Gpneifle features and characteristics of commercially important
fall and winter eancentrations of the Atlanta-Scandinavian berring.
Trwly finv. Ikht. Icon. no-10:59-65 160. (MRA 13: 10)
K.G,spets. red.; KUTAKOV, B.G., red.; MASLOV, N.A.p red.;
1'AJNDE1t,-L-.P.p rod.; HOLISM, L.S.,, red.; S'i'A?,OVD'-qOV,
P.A.J. red.; SURKOV, S.S., rbd,,- KMANOV.TUY,-,A.,Yui., red.;
G.. OBIYEV, A.T., red.
..,red.; VOR
[Materials of the session of the Scientific Council of the
Arctic Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries
and OceanograplW dealing with the results of research in
1962-19631 Materialy sessii Uchenogo sovota PORD po razull-
tatam.issledovanii v 1962-1963 gg. Mumansk, 1964. 237 p.
(MIRA 18%1)
1. Murmansk. Polyarnvy nauchno-issledovatellskiy i proyekt-
nyy institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii.
2. Direktor Folyarnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo i proyekt-
nogo instituta morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva, i okeanografii,
Murmansk (for Aleksayev). 3. Laboratoriya vos,-roizvodstva
Polyarnogo ilauchno-issledovatellskogo i proyek-mogo insTituta
morsko;ro rybnago khozyaystva i okeanografii, 1-furmansk (for Sur-
kov). 4. -aboratoriya tekhniki promyshlemogo rybolovstva
Polyarnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo i proyektnogo instituta,
morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii., Murmansk (for
Pro&,ctivity rate of Atlanto-Scandinavian herring in 1960 based
on the estimated abundance of their young-of-tho-year in the
Barents Sea. Vop. ikht. 2 no.1:69-72 162. (MIRA 15:3)
1. Polyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy i proyokt institut
morskogo rybnogo'khozyaystva i okeanografli (PINRO7, Mimansk.
05~9 UP. 04
ar;i sc%n~
hg,.,-ri-r;Z. Tnir,'Y 10)
-k and
-t thE, and
4170. 17 .
=ANITI, K V. ~G. AZ,IIAZHA).--And 0. - N.-- KIM=
"The Application of Hydroacoustic Equipment for Ylshing,."
report presented at the All-Union Conference on Biological Foundations of Ocean..
Fishing, J-1-16 April 1958, by Ichthyological Committee of AS USSR, VNIRO, and
Inst. Oceanography, A" USSR.
(Vert. AN PSSR,'1958, No. 7~ PP. 131-133),
E_== ..
Now data on the spawning places of Atlantic and Scandinavian:
-herrings. Dokl.AN 335R 112 u-p.6:1139-1141 7 157.
(Km 1(0:5)
I.Poly"nyy nauchno-tooledovat6l'skly InstItut rokogo
rybnogo, khoos, ii goroda Kurmansk. Predstairlano
.79tva i okeanogrO
Wmdemmm -14. M. 4viovskim,
(Atlantic Ocean-~-Iferrivg)
MON il~
DEKIYAIWMO, Tledlen Mikolayevich,-, YUMOV. Tu. ,:red.; KOSOUTA, R~, ,,
[Th6` imperialistic struggle -for rubberl.- lmperialistichesk~kia
bor'ba za kauchuk, Moskva. Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon.lit-ry, 196o.
101 P, (MIRA U:7)
(Rubber industry)
TIM(WEYET, T., red.; YUDANOV. Tn.. red.; ULANOVA, L..
--- (9aw forms of exploitation and.the workers' tw-rement; saterials
on-the exch4n&- of -opinions among Marxists ina numba r of'
European, American and Asiatic countries on the problem of the
theory and practice of Oluman relationO in capitalistic enter-
Prisesl- Novya.formy.-okspluatataii i rabochea dvizhania;:zaterialy
obmsna mianiiazi mezhdu markeistani riada stran Xvropyg-Ameriki-
i Azii po voproau teorii i praktiki "chelovachaskikh,otnoshenli"
na kapitalistichaskikh predpriiatiiqkh. Rim, i3-15 oktiabria,
1958 g. Moskva, Izd-vo sotaialtno-okon.lit-ry, 1960. 343 p.
(141M 13:7)
(Industrial relations) (Labor and laboring classes)
ZORIN, V. S. red. PLETNEY, E.P., red,; YUDANOV Yu.I., red.;
YEROKHOVA, Ye.A., takhn. red.
-["Co=on Market" is Ft tool of mono lies) "Obshchii rynok"
orudle viono-polU. Pod red. V.S-.Zo4na i E.P.Pletneva. Mo-
IW,,11.963. _3r7 p. WRA 16:6)
1,%%scow. Tnstitti~w m,3zhciunarodnykh otwiheniy.
(Europed.9bonomic Commnity)
(Europop Waslarn-4rusta,, Industrial)
Clinical-biochemical characteriaticts of separatephases of
atherosclerosis. no.5:12-24 S-0 162.
(MIRA 1624)
1 Klinika goopitallnoy terapii (zav. - Prof. L.S.Shvarts)
S;ratovskogo meditainakogo instituta.