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., O~.Aj A~BDEYEV, M.A.; KRAns, O.A.
Possibility__~f -red-u-cini-lead looses in slags by eiectroc-hemical
methods. Izv. AfI SSSR. Otd. telch. nalik, Met, J topl. no.2:43-
48 mr -AP 161. (MIRA 14:4)
Methods of determininE the diffuzion coeffIcient of lydrogen in
molten slags. Izv.vys.ucheb.2av.; chern.met. n0-4:5-14 T61.
(~LIRA 14:4)
1. Urallskiy politekhaicheakiy institut.
(Slag) (Activity coefficients) (Hydrogen)
AUTHORS. Lepinskikh. B.M., Yes1n, O.A., Manakov, A.I.
TITLE, Electrolytic precipitation of chromium and vanadium
from molten slags
PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Otdeleniye
tekhnicheskikh nauk. Metallurgiya i toplivo, no.5,
19611 19-21
TEXT. An electrolytic separation of vanadium under reducing and
oxidizing conditions as well as simultaneous pre..-ipitation of
chromium and vanadium from a works' slag were investigated. In
the initial experiments the starting slag contained 40% CaO,
15%0 A120 5% M&O and*40% S102- To this slag an addition of
10 to 2U'V205 or 5% Cr203 and-5% V'205 was made, The
electrolysis was tarried out in corundum crucibles placed in a
carbon resistance furnace heated to 1600*C. T%mgsten wire was
used for electrodes. It was found that under raducing conditions,
the current efficiency for vnnadium (about 8o%) is practically
independent of the -,urrent density. Under oxidizing conditions
the current sffi--ietv~y dooig tjot, (axc;o@(t 25%, prol;iably disp to the
Card' 1/ 3
Electrolytic precipitation E071/E435
oxidation of the reduced product by the gaseous phase. On
simultaneous separation of chromium and vanadium with increasing
zurrent density, the current yield of vanadium sharply de,~reasea V/
and that of chromium remains practically constant. At a current
density above 1.1 A/~rm2" silicon begins to be reduced. This
indi-:;ates that vanadium is mainly separated an the cathode at a
.:.urrent density below 1.1 A/,~zm2 and mainl)r chromium is separated
at a higher current density, The works waste slag on which the
electrolytic separation of vanadium was tested had the following
mean composition. 23% S102, 11% Cr203, 1.2% V205, 18% T102,
1.5% 140, 2.5% A12039 1.6% CaO and 35% of total iron. Since
electroly,tic separation of Jron 1-8 at present uneconomic, a
preliminary redu-c-tion of iron with carbon is necessary. It was
experimentally established that the slag had a melting -temperature
of 15204C and thdt it was very via-.ous, To improve the reducing
conditions the slag was mixed with 10% of a bladit-furnR..* Alag
(40% CaO, 395*' S102 and 12% A1203)- The slag mixture, with an
addition of some char~.oal (amount not ape.-.ified) was melted in a
10 kg furnace and retained for 1.5 hours at 1500'C, The reduced
Card 2/ 3
Electrolytic precipitation ... E071/E435
metal contained 2.5 to 4% Cr and 0.5 to 0.7% V and the residual
slag contained 0.2 to 0.3% V20q and 4 to 5% Cr2O3. In the
subsequent experiments, after retaining the charge for 1.5 hours
at 1500*C, a graphite anode was Immeraed"into the slag and a
direct current was applied (current density 0.8 to 0.9 A/cm2).
On the application of the current, the content of vanadium in the
slag decreased to 0.09 to 0.10% and increased to up to 1% in the
metal. It is concluded that the electrolytic method can improve
the extraction of vanadium from slags. There are 3 figures and
3 Soviet-references,
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii UFAN SSSR
(The Institute of Metallurgy UFAN USSR)
SUBMITTED. May 13, 1961
Card 3/3
Electrocapillary motion of oulfideo in oxide meltme 1zvovyv,,ucbOb.
zav.; khim.i khim.tekh. /+ no.1:53-56 161. (PMA 14:6)
1. Ural'skiy politek,hnicheokiy institut imeni S.M.Xirova, kafedra
tebrii metallurgicheskikh protoossov.
(Sulfides) (Electrocapillary phenomena)
!H IN, Nh, INN-4 11,11k, R N 1141111--flE.N 1111111111111 I~ 1 I[IN 11111ML111: : 1 14111
Tbermochemical characteristics of PW - SiO2 0 MRS.
Izv, vys, ucheb. zav.j tavet. met. 4 no.3:37-43 te. (14DA 15:1)1
1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut, kafedra teorii
metallurgicheskikh protsessov.
(Lead sodium silicates--Thermal properties)
: - o.~ ORU)V " V. I.; SHWGINj, P.M.; SWMTOBITOV,, M.A.
Investigation of processes in the interaction of cbrwium oxide
with silicon, manganeue and iron by the electromotive force methodo
Izy.yp.uchob#z&y*j ahornsmate 4 novW8-36 161. (MIRA 1416)
1, Uralfskiy politekhaicheakiy inatituto
(Chrodun alloyo-Electrowta.Uurgy) (BlectromotiTe force)
Thermodynamic properties of silicate melts in the system
FeO - CeO - SiO2. I!zv.vys.uchob.zav; khim.i khim.takh. 4 no.5:
825-831 161. (HIM 14:11)
1. Ural'skiy politeldmicheskiy institut, kafedra toorii metall-
urgicheskikh proteezoov.
Cathodic behavior of hydrogen dissolved in molten oxides IZV vy-S.
'61. -
ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 4 no.8:9-17 ZMIRA i-:Q-f
1. Ural'skiy olitekhnicheakiy Institut,
Mag) (Hydrogen-ion concentration)
SRYVALIN, I.T.; ]~-, Bill, O.A.
Dependence of the heat of mixing on compositioz. Izv,vys.ucheb.
zav.; chern.met. 4 no.9:13-20 161. (MIRA 14:10)
1. Urallskiy politekhnichoskiy institut,
(Idquid metals-Tbermsl properties)
(Heat of mixlng)
Mechanism of hydrogen diffusion in slags. Izv. vys. ucheb. zavi;
chern. met. 4 no.10:10-18 '61. (MIRA 14:11)
1. Urallskiy politekhnichaskiy institut.
(Diffusion) (Slag)
Hydrogen solubility in molten OlagB. izv. vys. ucheb, za-,.; chern,
met. 4 no.11:22-29 161. (MMI 14:12)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.
(slag) (Hydrogen)
Thermodynamic properties of the binary systems PbO - B 0 and
MnO - B203. Zhur.neorg.khim. 6 no,5:1223-1226 My Q.
(MIRA 14:4)
(Lead oxide) (Boron oxide) (Manganese oxide)
t , /I
I o / , " / ) "
AUTHORS i)ti hi it i it L. , Y vs i n , 0. A. atid Va to 1A nS. A
VITLE: MagnetLc stisceptibility of liquid alloys
PERIODICAL: Flzika metallov I metv.11ovedenive, v,12, no.9, 14h),
TEXT: The authors studied the isotherms of the inagnetic
susceptibility R of Fo-I-In, Fe-P and Mn-Si melts by means of t1je
Faraday method. To exe.lude the possible influence on the
magnetic field, the heator wits in the form of a bil-l-lar graphi.t(.~
tube, The alloy was placed into quartz ampottles with small holt-s
aL the end (0.5 to -1.0 mm). The magnetic suscetiLibility of nurs--
it-on and of inanganeme wq~rv (Interinitled for Sub.StAtICOs placed into
alundum crucibles. The ampoules w(!rt- stimpended to armLytical.
sca I es. Fhe mcastir(~metits were corl-i-PLI MIt In an arg.4an atmosplieve,
wnich was careftilIv purified of oxygen (O.oO9','4j1 0,0, npi)Iving an
excess pressure. The temperature was miiintained'-at 1400+100C and
was measured by it Ilt/Pt Rh thermocouple, Niv magrietic fleld was
maintained constant for each tyne of alloy tvithin the limit.-A of
4U0 to 7000 OC- The iunpoul-es were wei,rhed at the temperatitres tit'
Card 1./4
Magnef:Lc sisscopiJbility Ij/J 26/01/0 1.1!/oor-/o?o/oj8
the experiment in presence and in obsence (if the mngneCic fiold.
From the weight difference the pniling force and the magnetic
sit5ceptibility were calciiIated, As starting mnCeria.l.-i ror the
Aln-Si alloys studied (containing 0 to 9U wt.',16 Si~ 99,99/0' puritN
Mn and crystalline (99,99A) Si were itsed, the weight of the char~-e
being about 19 g and the magnetic fieLd intensity 690o Oe. All the
alLoys studied were paramagnetic at thF- teiit tempf?ratiire, I t was
found that the curve of the der)vndence of' the magnetic stisceptill r. I ify
on concentration has a sli.i0t kink at -)4~; qi- corresponding to the
compound MnSi. Similar kinks wore oi3taitied also in eMrlier stiviies
of' the e,m. f, in the system I'lit-C-Si . Fn-Mn alloy-9 worv prodov(-1
from carbonyl i-ron and electrolytic mangiinose. The charge v.;is
again 15 g and a magnetic fieLd of 9500 Oe was visocI5 At the '"sf
temperature all the alloys were paramagnetic; the slisceptibility
increases linearly with incroo4ing it-on content and this ib.
Pttributed to the absence ol cliemical comoolinds, The Fv-P
were produced by adiiing ferrophosphrir (enntaining ~19,~)' 10) to
(arbonyl it-on, The charge was 0 g, the magnetic fi.eld ~IPCJO tic,
;'It the test temperature all, the specimens were again oaramagnptic.
Card 2/4
Magnetic susceptibility of 5/126/61/01,2/005/020/028
The dependence of the susceptibility of the melts on concentration
.-illow." it hink at it P content of 22% corresponding to the compound
Fe'PV th- presence oV thin kink is iii agreemont. with earlier
pit lished data on e.m,f, The obtained results show that)tlt
t4oooc )' iron is a stronger paramagnetic than manganese, The
values of magnetic susceptibility for pure iron at 14000C agree
with those obtained by Vertman A.A., and Samarin A,M. (Ref.2t
DAN SSSR, ig6o, 134, No.2, 1326). The kinks on the curves )f vB,
composition of the Mn-Si and Fe-P alloys are attributed to a sharp
rise of the rate of increane of covalent bonds. Up to a
com-position corresponding to chemical compounds a relatively small
part of the electrons pair off and the compoundm MnSi and Fe 2P
are paramagnetic compared to pure re and Mn. After forming
chemical compounds the number of paired electrons starts to increa-~e
rapidly and the paramagnetism of the alloys decreases sharply,
A known confirmation of this is the fact that solid MnSI 2 is
diamagnetic and FeP is less paramagnetic than Fe zP, Thus, the
curves of the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility on
concentration for liquid Mn-Si. and Fe-P alloys give additional
Card 3/4
Magnetic susceptibility of S/126/61/012/005/020/028
information, indicating the existence in these alloys of atom
groupings corresponding to the alloys MnSi and Fe2P, There are
1 figure and 12 referencest 8 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Sovit-t-bloc,
The Engli sh- language references read as follows- Hef..3. Nakagawa
Y.J. Phys,Soc. Japan, 1956, 7, No.8; Ref.5. Secksmith W.,
Rearce R.R. Proc. Roy.Soc., 1938, 167, 189; Ref,12: Shu-Cuiha
J. Phys.Soc. Japan, iL96o, 15, No.4, 981.
ASSOCIATIONi Institut metallurgii UFAN SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy UFAS USSR)
SUBMITTED: May 5, 1961
Card 4/4
. .lt:~ Z), 1 A) ~C) - F'
?I '
~ - - NdVOI-IATSKI, 1. A. (Novokhatakiy, I. A.]; ESIN JL -A. [Yosin, 0. A. 1;
CIUCIMAREV, S. K. [Chuchmarev, S. fT
A method of determining the diffusion coefficient of hydrogen in
melted slag. Analele metalurgle 15 no,4:5-15 O-D 161.
(slag) (Hydrogen) (Diffusion)
5/07 61/035/012/003/008
B I O1YB1 38
AUTHORS: Musikhin, V. I., Yesin, 0. A., and Lepinskikh, B. M.
TITLEs Use of solid electrolytes in emf measurements
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 35, no. 12, 1961, 2710 - 2712
TEXTj Slags used as electrolytes for the examination of melts in
ferrous metallurgy by emf measurements have the drawback that they react
with the cell walls making the measured emf values unstable. In a
previous study (Zh. prikl. khimii, 31, 689, 1958), the authors obtained
well reproducible emf values by using a mixture of Al 203with 5~'
refractory clay as electrolytes Al Al 203 + clay Fe, Csat 9 Al (2). In
the present paper, the authors checked data obtained with this element
and compared them with those obtained with a liquid slag of 40i"a CaO,
40% Al2039 15% B2OV and 5% MgO. Results are given in the table;
Card 1/1P
Use of solid electrolytes... B101IB138
Emf of chain (2) at 12500
Liquid electrolytes
Solid electrolytes
NAl E, mv aAl NAl EY Mv 'Al
0-0036 304 0.0009 0-0036 320 oxoo6
0.025 180 0-0159 0.0255 182 0.0152
o.o67 127 0.0536 0.0865 120 o.o630
The almost i dentical values for solid and liquid electrolytes allow the
calculation of emf from the equation e = Ool log(l/mAl) (4). The emf
values obtai ned with solid electrolytes are of high stability , There are
I figure, 1 table, and 11 references: 9 Soviet and 2 non-Sov iet.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii LTrallskogo filiala AN SSSR (Institute
of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch AS USSR)
Card 2/0
-'YESINP O.A., prof., doktor takhn. nauk
Natvre of eilitate molts. Sbrr. nauoh. trild. Vral, politekh,
inst. no.122t29-39 0610 (MIRA 17;12)
Ailt! .... .-I.; . ........
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
AUTHORS: Musikhinj Vo I, and Yesin, 0. As
TITLEt The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in Molten Slags
PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 2,
pp. 388-390
TEXT: The authors deal with the behavior of slags in electrolysis. In
the present paper, they report on the determination of the diffusion
coefficients of ions in molten aluminate slags (450 Cao, 47% Al 0 p
2 3
6% MgO, e- B 2 03), to which eo Pep Cop Sip Nb, V, Tip and Zr were added
and in silicate slags (40 CaO, 4W- Si02 , 2()% A1203) with additions of
Nip Fe, V, Nb. Electrolyzer and electrodes were described in Ref. 6.
Molten copper was used as cathode. Temperature was 1350-15500C, the cur-
rent density, 0-13-0-40 a/CM2, Determination of the diffusion coefficient
D was based upon the cathodic deposition being accompanied by concentra-
tion polarization. With a current density, :L, being greater than the
Card 1/4
The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in
Molten Slags
limiting current density, the concentration C. of the substance, which is
reduced, decreases, and vanishes after a ce:ft
,tain time too This may be
found with an oscilloscope. D is onloulatod from to, Co, and is
D = 41 2tc~-IC2n2P2(1), where n is the number of electrons in the
elementary event of discharge. The change in the electrode potential was
recorded by a loop oscilloscope, auplification being carried out by
6 H9 (6N9) and 6 P7 (6G7) tubes. Results aro given in Fig. 1 as
log D - f(l/T). In each slLct two LTOUPS of ions could be distinguished.
The modifiers Pe, Co, Ni (first group), and also Ca (examined by other
methods - Refs. 8-10) showed higher values of D than the net-forming
elements of the second groups Si, Vb, V, Ti., Zr. The following holds:
D - Doexp(-E/RT) (2). The diffusion coefficients D I of aluminate ulag
are greater than D II of silicate slag. Do was found for the first and
second ion groups in aluminate slags D ii , 4-85, D 12 - 0.49; in silicate
slagi D111 0 0.231 DI12 " 0-014# Aooording to tho tboory of tho abooluto
reaction rate, DO = (e,\2kT/h)exp(AS`0/R) (3), where A is the distance
Card 2/4
4 W, !101191"! Aii! ME 111,11K.41.1 il! iNialis W."Ll 64 1.1 1A. 61 6~;
. ............ ................
The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in S/020/61/136/002/029/034
Molten Slags BOOVE056
between neighboring equilibria of the diffusion particlal h is Planck's
constant; AS""' is the activation entropy. From Ai jexp(AS"~S/~R) - Vij~
22. 2 1, 7-0 L; ill,, 4.8 A.;
the fOllowing is calculateds ri
ir 1.2'L. The incre&sad.valuea obtained Xor I-are explained by
greater activation, entropy El The difference bq,tween F and
is explained by different motions of the cations. The net-forming
cations move together with the large oxygen ions (Igor. 6). The diffusion
of thooo oations doponda on that of the small modifier ions and occupy
only vacanciee. Their transfer ig therefore small (0.6 - 0.7 i) compared
to the transfer of modifier ions from one equilibrium point to another
(2-7-- 3.5 A). This explains the low values of 3)0 compared to Do. There
are 1 figuret 1 table, and 14 references: 9 Soviett 2 USt 2 British, and
I Germdn.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk Sssn
(Institute of-Metallurgy of tha Ural Branch of the Academy
of Sciences USSRY
.3/4- ... .......... .
!!I; ell Fli~~~*111--t---Ill~~ifi~.."~~-ili:I ~i ~N' !I rL 1 ,1 11 1 1 11 11111 "1
W, .1 UNNIN WU flM W 4 wilh, ig
The Diffusion Coefficients of Ions in S/020J61/136/002/029/034
Nolten Slags
PRDSEITTED: july 20, 1960, by A. H. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: -July 91 1960 Fig. 1,i 1s Fe, 2: Co, 31 Ni 4t Sig 5v V, 6: Ti, 7% Zr, 8s Nb
01 05 :8 0
fi~. 4 i-v,
EIIE,11~11111 011', ri 11'!'!, 11' 11, rr I' I'l 111 ["i
1,11, 111 ~1 iT, M ri, 1111
N ffil I
AUTHORS: Manakovy As Iot Yesin, Oe A.g and Lepinskikh, B. M.
TITLE: The Struotmre of the Surface Layer of Molten Niobates
-PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No- 3t
pp. 644-646
TEXT: The authors deal with the problem of the formation of electric
double layers on the interface between melt and air. According to
published data, mainly oxygen anions will be found on the surface of the
melt. According to Ref. 8, however, a displacement of the oxygen anions by
large monovalent alkali cations ought to be possible. It was the purpose
of the present work to check this assumption experimentally. The method is
based upon measuring the surface tension a and the surface potential 6s on
the interface between melt and air in the systems OB20 - Nb205J
K2 0 - Nb205; and CaO - Nb 205 at 150000, the concentration of Cs 20, 120
and CaO having been varied between 0 - 50 mole%. Experiments were made in a
Card 1/5
The Structure of the Surface Layer of S/020/61/136/003/021/027
Molten Niobates B004/BO56
furnace with carbon resistor. The cello with the subetancen were
protected by means of a quartz tube against reducing atmosphere. a was,
according to Ref. 99 determined by measuring the maximum pressure in
oxygen gas bubbles. &a was measured in the following electrolytic chain:
PtjNb205102IPtIO2INb2O5 +MeOjPt. The external platinum electrodes were in
1 2 3 4 5 6
contact with Yb20 5 or Nb205 +MeO, respectively, which were in Zr02
crucibles. The middle electrode was in an oxygen current. The summational
potential at the boundaries 6 (6) and 5 (es) was measured by means of the
nnTB-1 (PPTV-1) potentiometer, and referred to the potential F-9 of the
gas electrode. Aa = f- + e8 - f9 ;~- 0. AEO = 60 + PIO - Eg remained constant.
The potential difference Ar:l - &0 -F_ at the boundaries 1 and 6 was
determined, the crucibles being connected with each other by means of a
thin layer of liquid Nb.0 The following values were calculated:
0 - 0 -. 54 The results are shown in Fig. 1. From
Card 2/5
11AI-111 --131111 1 ill !A -41111 1 kill! 41 1 11 n , Ill"III
The Structure of the Surface Layer of S/020/61/136/003/021/027
Molten Niobates B004/BO56
them the conclusion is drain that the outer plate of the double layer is
formed by oxygen anions. With increasing conoentration of Cs+ or K+ ions,
a partial substitution of the 02- anions occurs. The number of lZatione
adsorbed on the interface, their surface conoentration NS, was calculated
according to two methods. 1) Accordin to the Gibbs equation for ideal
solutions.. r. -CIN(l - N)/R~]ao/aN; 2~ on the basis of the change Aq of
the surface charge on ihe assumption that the double layer may be put
equal to a plane capacitor, and C - 15 mflom': 6q - ACOC; Net - 6q/2nN.e.
No is the Avogadrofs number, e the electron charge; the number 2 takes
account of the number of ions in the molecule Me20. The results of these
calculations are given in Table 1:
Oxide N 1010 mole/cm2 Ns
sl hTIIN
(calculated alculated
5 8 s
from a) from 0) from e,,)
C820 0.1 2.45 0.436 0.02-28 0-052
K20 011
1 3-18 0.415 0.0112 0.027
CaO 0.1 -0.92 0.072 0.0003 0.004
Card 3/5
The Structure of the Surface Layer of S/020/61/136/003/021/027
Molten Niobates B004/BO56
From the differences betieen Ns and Nb the following conclusions are
drawn.: The Me+ ions replace, above all, niobium cations in the double
layer, which are deeper and more distant from the surface than the 02-
anions. Only a small part of the Me+ ions displaces 02- ions from the
surface. The adsorbed Me20 are thus mainly orientated toward the surface
with their oxygen anion. The more difficult displacement of the oxygen
anions from the surface of the melt is explained by their easy
polarizaVility. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 13 references: 7 Soviet,
2 US, 1 French, 2 German, and I Roumanian.
ASSOCIATION: Institut metallurgii Ural'skogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Metallurgy of the Ural Branch of the Academy
of Sciences USSR)
PRESENTED: July 20, 1960, by A, N. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: July 9, 1960
Card 4/5
Legend to Fig., 1. Isothermal lines of the
surface tension and the change in.the
surface potential. 1,2,3: a-f(N) for systems
Of hb0r, With C820, X20 and Ca0j respectivelyr,
4,5,6: 70 9- 661 -f(H);
10,11 12: Ato a f W ior the samo systems.
a) mole%, b) erg/cm2, c) mv.
AUTHORS: Novokhatskiy, I. A., Yesin, 0. A., and Chuchmarev, S. K.
TITLE: Diffusion of Hydrogen in Molten Slag
PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Vol. 136, No. 4,
pp. 866-870
TEXT: Data available in the literature concerning the mass transfer of
hydrogen in molten slag indicate very hig 10-3 - 10-2 cm2
,h values ( sec-1).
These data were obtained under the conditions prevailing in open-hearth
furnaces, and rather stand for convection than for molecular diffusion
DR. To eliminate convection entirely and to approach the value for DR, a
nonsteady diffusion was used in the present work An A1203 test tube
contained a thin layer of viscous, liquid slag 1-5 mm, 3 - 100
Poisest 1410 - 16081C) of the composition 16.5 53.0% CaO, 8.2 - 41-0P
A12031 6.0 - 58-3~~ S102. Dried nitrogen was blown through to convey the
water liberated from the slag to a hygrometer. The dew point was used to
calculate the rate of water yielded by the slag.
Card 1/3
Diffusion of Hydrogen in Molten Slag S102 61/136/004/022/026
B/n2e-11 (1). If 9 is known, it is possible to calculate the
diffusion coefficient. D = 46 2Q (2). The values found for D assuming
H n2T H
throo thickhotnied of the slag layer (1.3; 1,61 and 2.6 mm) proved to be
very high (1.0; 1.1; 0.9 )-10-5 cm2/sec. V H2 0 was not dependent upon the
layer thickness. The fact that convection played no role in the
experiment was checked with Lin' Tszya-tszyao (Ref. 3) and confirmed. The
DH found thus characterized the molecular diffusion Of H2 which was
assumed to diffuse through the slag in the form of protons, and to pans
over from one oxygen atom to another. This transition takes place only if
the distance to the adjacent 0 atom does not exceed 2.65 A, as occurs with
S'02 (d = 2.64 A). DH was practically constant in slag with 56*4% Si02-
DH rises with an increase of CaO and so does the activation energy. Due to
D - 2-72 hT X2 exp(6 SAk FJ (A S"4 - activation entropy, ;I distance
h /R) exp ( ') -
Card 2/3
Diffusion of Hydrogen in Molten Slag S10201611136100410221026
between the equilibrium states of the movingpartiole) I D and E may then
increase at the same time, if % rises, X rises in CaO (laltioe distance
of the 0 atoms - 3.41 A). In the case 6f slag rich in CaO, DH amounted to
2.05-10-5 cm2/sec, E - 20800 a-al/mole. There are 3 figures and 16
references: 10 Soviett 4 USj 1 Canadiant and 1 British.
ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut im. S. M. Kirova,
Sverdlovsk (Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. M. Kirov,
PRESENTED: July 20, 1960, by A. N. Frumkin, Academician
SUBMITTED: july 9, 196o
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Toporishchev, G, A,, Yesin, 0. A., Bratchikov, S. G.
TME, Thermoahemical invontigation of PbO-Nnn
PERIODICAL- Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Tsvetnaya metallurgiya,
no. 1, 1962, 50 - 58
TEXT: To complete thermochemical data of the ternary Na2)-PbO-SiO2 system,
enthalpy and heat capacity values were determined for melts corresponding to sec-
tions PbSiO 3-Na 2S'03' PbS'03_1'a2O-3PbO-6S'O2 and Na~0-2M.3=2_Na2~'L-P The
measurements were mdde on a unit with an adiabatic calorimeter by the ml'od.of
mixing at 4oo - 1,ooo0c, including both the solid and liquid state. The authors
determined melting heats of compounds NaL,0-3fto-68'021 Na2Si~O?Oand Na2~iO
.2PbS'03, and the dissociation constant of the latter for Na2S 3 and PbSi3'
The existence of phase transformation in solid specimens of the system Na2S?6
-PbSi03'at 82OPK was observed. The nature of changes in the melting heats a2
the heat capacities with the composition, leads to the conclusion that there are
atomic orderings in the melts, approaching the structure of Na2S103,2PbSiO and
Na~0-3M'6S'02 compounds, ar-4 that there is a different degree of polymerization
Card 1/2
a/i4q/6V(jGo/vj i/w i/ooq
Thermochemical investigation of ... A006/A101
of silico-oxygen anions. There are 3 tables, 4 figures and 10 Soviet-bloc ref-
ASSOCIATIONS: Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy im titut (Ural Polytechnic InstitU4e)
Kafedra teorii metallurgichesRikh protsessov (Department of the
Theory of Metallurgical Processes)
SuBbirl7m.. Apr11 _'Y7, 1961
Card 2/2
YESSIN) Oleg A1ek_qqye-vt-q - GELID, Favel Vladimirovich; 141Y.ULINSKly, A-13,,
.p doktor, reteenzent; BURIKOV, red. izd-va; MATIYUY",
R.M.2 tekhn. red.
(Physical chemistry of pyromotallurgical procoaoea]B'i2ii,.,heskaia
khimiia pirometallwgicheskikh protaeasov. Svordlovskj Metal-
lurgizdat. Pt.l.[Reactions between gaaeous ar4 solid phases]
Reaktsii mezhdu gazoobraznymi i tvordyini fazani. 2.j ispr, i
dop. izd. 1962. 671 p. (MIRA 15:10)
(Mta.Is at high teviperature)
(Chomistryj Physical ajad theoretical)
Reducing copper losses In lead production slags by electrocLemil-cal
methods. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. W-,t.i topl. no.4:40-43
.Ti-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:8)
(Copper) (Electrocapillary phenomena)
N.A. (Sverdlavskl; N 0.~
VATOL;N -M~A. (Sverdlovsk); ABRAMOV, B.A.
Investigating iron-vanadium malts by the electromotive force
method. Iav.AN SSSR. Otd.tekh.nauk. MetJ topl. no.401-55
Jl-Ag 162, (MIRA 15:8)
(Iron-vanadium alloys-Electric properties)
Using quasi-chemical methods for metallurgical o;yste=-vitb teruary
compounds. Izv.vys. ucheb. zav.; chern.,mat. 5:10-16 162. (MMA 15;10)
1, Ural'skiy politekhnicheakiy institut.
(Systems (Chendstry))
Surface and volume viscosity of the simplest ferrous slap.
Izvo ypo uoh9b* zavo; chern i0t. 5 jio.D4,L47162.
(MA 15Q)
1, Urallskiy politekhnic4skirlnstitut.
slag) , - " .1 ,
!~ r~
Effect of iron oxides (,n the viscosity, surfaco tensl(,n, and
density of commercial sodium silicate, Izv, vys. ucheb. zav.;
chern. met. 5 no.3:24-29 '62. (WRA 15:5)
1. 11ral'skiy polit.ekhnicheskiy inatit-A.
(Iron oxides) (Sodium silicate)
NIKITIN, Yu.F.; M111, O.A.; Y.HLYNOV, V.V,; SOTHUX-71 A.I.1 KOROMrILD7,91, A.A.
Electrochemical investigation of the burn-Ing out of carbon. Izv.
vys, ucheb. zav.; chern, met, .5 no*5:16-24 162a (MIRA 15:6)
1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institiit.
(Liquid metals)
(Electrochemical analysis)
AUTHORS: Sryvalin, I. T.-, Yesin, 0. A.
TITLE: On the temperature dependence of thermodynamical properties of
metal solutions
PERIODICAL: Izvestlya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenly,.Tavetnaya metallurgiya,
no. 6, 1962'! 41 - 49
TEXT: In the theory, of regular'solutions an' method,
the Interchange energy W is usually considered to be independent. of temperature.
As a result, the excess isobaric potential of mixing 6 F', does, not depend. at all
or very slightly upon the temperature. In fact, acdol~dlng to Soviet, American,
and, Wis a complicated function of temperature. The slinplest way of
improving the theory is to consider W as a linear function of temperature;
W W. + T
0 dT
Card 1/2
on the temperature depondece of... AOQ61AI01'
Severa1examples are given for binary metallic alloys which ah6w the adequacy of
this function to describe quantitatively the experimental data on heats and free.,,
energies of mixing. Variants of the existing theonj are proposed which show the
effect of local surrounding and the composition upon the energy of the Interaction
between particles. The correlations derived show well.the behavior of various
metal solutions with both low and high energy effects, A quantitative description'.-
is given of the thermodynamics of metal melts of Sn-rTl, Fe-Sn,, Wa-Sn, Na-Pb -and
Ni-Si systems. System Sn-Tl Is related to the type of regular sydtems; the iso-'-
baric potential of Fe-Sn is described by an asymmetric curve;, systems Na-Pb, Na-Sti.
anO Ni-Si obe y the qu asichemical formulae where ternary compounds are taken into
account.:In all the systems a noticeable temperature dependence of the excess 9
baric potential-of mixing 6 F' is observed; it cen be well considered by the Un-
ear course of the Interchange energy W with temperature. The predicted thermody-
namical properties of the systems Investigated are in a satisfactory agreement
with experimental data. There are 5 tables.~
ASSOCIATION: Permskiy politekhnicheskly Institut (Perm' Polytechnic Institut,&
Kafedra fizicheskoy I analiticheskoy khiinil (Dep~artment of Physical
and Analytical Chemistry)
SUEMIT=: March 17, 1962
Card 2/2
Oxidation kinetics of slag sulfur by gaseous oxygen. Izv. vys.
ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.7tl2-].8 162, (?URA 15:8)
1. Urgltskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut,
(Sulfur) (03cidation)
Hydrzpn permeability tbrough molten alags. Izv. vyu. ucheb.
zave;.Chern, mat, 5 n0.10:5-13 162, (MIRA 15:11)
1. Urallskiy politekhnicheakiy institut.
(Slag) (Hydropxi)
Kinetics of oxide solution In molten silicates. Isve VY98.
ucbeb. zav.; chern. met. 5 no.12:5-3-1 162. (MIRA 16:1)
1. Urallakiy politakhniabeekly inatitute
(Oxides) (Silicates)
Kinetics of the burning out of sulfur in slags during the
passage of a direct electric current. Isy. vyso ucbebe zav.;
cbern, met. 5 no.12:12-19 162. (MMA 16:1)
1. Urallskiy politakhnichookiy institut.
(Slag-Sulfur content) (L'IectralyBiB)
11111 H I I i 1 I'l 111111 E HVT -1 Il 0"', 1 1111, 1
T PE111111 MIT I t n I ~ I MM I 11, 1
MuitAil Ae"O'rg~nicheskoy khi-mii, Vi -2225
7, Po&.9, 1962t 2220
Tfie~ elec' tricall 'oondubtivity:K'' in'binary oy'atems-of lib,O~ with up
A'o--'50:-m0i6'4- '1: 'ca -
P20 ~~'or V0 waslotudied,at
0, Al
IV; L 0 0 "-P
2 3 3 2 5
TOO '6, A d: i oiifidl t 6 .:Vi 6onnistent that ot si
milar v 205 systems
dIHb 0 1' t!ronial. 60*mto'
dro 0 00 '0
a ah (5nduoto Ei in'd lid and liq"id
2 2
oan vided':int64'*I) Fe 0 0
T be'iubdi 6 , 11b - Rb
2 3 2 51 V205 205'
Aniiig ',~emp'erature; 12) all remaining
vitb~-i-break in the k curve I ''Whidh is characteristio of the
s. 'For
3. fig'-6f :ion -0 n 0 or the Nb 0 system, the melting and
X2 P 5
i-Iti-Wition -.temperature's deri'ved'from, the polytherms of -K are fairly
S107 62 -Y
r~ B I Oyv 01
a with t oa6 '6f:-'ita dtutioh Thue, prelimin
conifi-tdtioir,11idirame %ierq eqt,abl.ished f 0' rall Me' 0 'eyatemn. From datf--
a b
% ~oti4a, -_,en.qrgie,a ~.o the
for'.the ~i6ri f, adhductlivity and of the equivalont
'Po-ndu6tivity of . aleotrolyti6, melts.# 'and for the visoosityt it io proved
IY are old' ~rohl oto
_'-that Ili- fhd. -alloys or a odndu rv independent of their
content causoo
quhh*tib,dt.iv~ 0-ampooition, w.heVoirAO JA 2) an incirnaning Me O-b
from ele'otronia -Io ionio'.donductivity. 'There ave 2 fijpivn!-
4Lnd-:5,'4L , 00 i
Vral a kiy ;ilial Akadeifiii nauk- SSSR (Ural Branch of khe
Academy of Satendes USSR)
December 79 19611
Card 2/2
HIgh-temperature melts of binary and psetadobdnar7 systems on
the-basis of iron and manganese. Zhur.noorg.khim. 7 no.l2x2778-
2791 D 162. (MM 16:2)
(Iron+anganese alloye)
406'j Y
AUl"HORS: Dubinin, E.L., Yesin, O.A. and Vatolin, N.A.
TITLE: Concentration de"endence of the niagnetic. susceptibility
of some liquid alloys
PERIODICAL; Fizika inetallov-i metalloveden,iye, v.1/i, no.2, 1962,
TEXT: In an earlier paj~er the authors discussed the rewilts
of measurements of the specific magnetic susceptibility x
of a number of carbon-free inelts. Using the same measuring
technique as before, the authors studied th.6 dependence of
L' uid 'al'loys: Fe-P-C '111(1
on the coinposi'ion of the following liq
Fe-C-Mn at 14000C, Fe-Cr, Fe-C-Cr at 1400 and 1700*C, Fe-C at
15500C and Mn-C at 1350 and 15500C. The carbon-saturated alloys
were produced from pig-iron made by smelting in graphite crucibles
Armco iron, electrolytic manganese and the desired additions of
other elements. 3-5 g charges of the sampl 'es to be investigated
were placed in alundum crucibles and charged into the furnace,
At this temperature all the alloys were paramagnetic. Tho
comp osition of the alloys (wt.%) is given in the Table. The
Card 1/4
Concentration dependence ... S/126/62/014/oo2/ol3/018
results are presented in the fort-ii of plots. Fig.1 shows the
dependence of the magnetic susceptibility, x .106, as a function
of the contents (wt.%) of C and Pz 1 - Fe-0 140occ; 2 - Fe-C-P,
14oo*c; 3 - Fe-C, 1550OC; 4 - mti-c, 1350%; 5 - Mn-C, 15500