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I Cathode switch detector SUBMITTEDs October 15, 1960 Ct C, C. 8/651 6*06020/005/005/009 D209YD303 put 4&w 2. Va. Card 4/4 CHEWIVSKIY, M.I., YOWOV, A.H. (Khorikov) -.000iow." Pninting'fn~an electrostatic field and hygienic aspects of the worke Gig.truda I prof.zab. 2 no.3:57-59 VV-J& 158 (mmA iiiQ 1. Gorodakaya. sonitarno-spidemiologicheakaya stantelya i Velozavod. (SPRAY PAINTMI-ETYGMIC ASFC6CTS) 0~ YELINSON) rx1riull Vladimirovich; PETROV, Karl Ivanovich; KU;1A'-;ETS"V, V.I., prof., ret--enzent; YE'v-(V~M:GV, re 4scrizent; VINGMADOV, A.P., akade-ltx i5l=-! , 11~.I.j rc-);. (Analytical chemistry of zirconium and hafniuml Analiti- cheskaia khijrdia tsirkoniia i gafnlia. Vo-,kva) Nauk-n, 10,65. 239 p. (YdRA 18.,2) RTABCHIKOT, Fetr Alsksandrovich; MMMOT, A.P., prof., redo; YEWROTo T.P., red.; T ' (Seagoing vessels; history of their development and modern types] Morskle suda; Istoriia razvItiia i sovremennys tipy sudove Isdo2op dop, Pod red. A.P.Irmakova. Koskva, Izd-vo ONorskoi transport, 1959. 63o p. (MIRA 13:5) ~Ships) IM"Ovs AeP. SelmeWsph for we li shmalow -bodies of watere noi4600-33:1-620 (Selmmaters) j PrOA6 goofise (MIRA 160) jq~X~qvich; SYWAY, Anatolly GermRnovich; YERMAKOV Andrey ~, Ye.M., red.izd-va; POLENOVA, T.V., (Atomic energy and transportation] transport. Moskva, Izd-vo AN SSSR, Atomnaia energiia i 1963 149 P. WRA 16:11) (Transportation, Atomic-powered) VERSHININ, P.P.; XUIMAKOV.. A.P. Using automatic intake 8USP-2 hydraulic coal dredgers for the cleaning of water sumps. Gor.zhur. no.3:73-74 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5), 1. Vaesoyuznrj nauchno-insledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiy inatitut dobychi uglya gidravl1cheakim sposobom (for Vershinin). 2. Shakhta "Koksovayu-111 (for YorimLkov)* $AVIS, M.A.; KISEM, M. '; TIRMKOV, A. S. Revision of "Safety regulations,* Prox.energ. 12 w-1:7-10 Ja ~57- (XLRA 10S2) 1. Am It osbyt Lenlngradskoy elaktro7n:r tichesko7 sistezV (for Sayin) 2. Zavod "Sibelaktrosta I rfor 118616T) 3- Sverdlovskiy_., podshipnikovyy zavod (for Yersakov). (Ilectric engineering-Safety measures) YIRMKOVI A*So It is necessary to modify para&aph 293 for the operation of e160trie equipment Promoenerge 12 no.2:36-37 7 1576' and ?98 Of OR094ations in industrial astablishmentsew 10:3) 1. Pedshipnikovyy flavod, Sverdlovsk. (Blectric motors) YBYZWM, H.H., Inzhener;, STOLYAREVSKIY, N..A., inshener; GOLIDUBLAT, B.I., I-n's5e;er; GURGEVINS, D.P., in2hener: KDZLOV, A.P., takhnik; GORBACHBV, W.I., tekhnik; GRINBEW . B.V., inzhener. Protection of substation Dower transformers In industrial plants. Prom.energ. 12 no.10:29-3i 0 157. (min 10:10) 1. 11har1kovskoyeotdoleniye Gosudarstvannogo Proyektnogo Instituta Ty&2hpromelaktroproyakt (for Yeyermnrk). 2. Svordlovskiy podghip- nikovyy zavod (for Yermakov). 3. ProyektW institut, Odessa (for Golidenblat). 4. Ust'-Umenogorskiy evintsova-tainkovyy kombinat (for Stolvarevskiy). 5. Tbiliaskiy -oryadillno-trikoteshnyy kombinat (for Gurgenidze). 6. Kamvollnyy kombinat, Minsk (for Grinberg). (Electric transformers) AUTHORS: Yermakov, A. S. and G-alimov, R. Kh. SOV194-58-8-2122 TITLE: ontinuous Regenera ion of Transformer Oil in a 5EO kVA Transformer (Nepreryvnaya re[,;eneratciya transfoi-maturnoio masla v ~ransformatore 560 kVA) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika., 1958,ANr 8, pp 7-8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article describes a silica 6c1 contniner that was mounted on the lid of a 560 kVA 6 kV transformer to r,,iaintain bhe neutraliGation value of tho oil at a satisfactory level, The transformer containo one ton of oil and the container 5 kg of silica gel. The transformer waa filled with new oil in Augu~t, 1955 but 'by October. 1956 the rieutralisation value hod rlt;en to 0.17 in~, of K011 and the aqueous extract was of acid reaction. The transfor-jaer was operated -with the silica gel container and by February, 1957 the neutralisation value had dropped to 0.06 mE5 of YDH and the aqueouc extract was neutral. There is one fi&ure. ASSOCIATION: 6-y Gospodshipnikopjy Zavod. (State Bell Bevrint-- Works j Card 1/1 14o. 6) YEMIAKOV, A. V. Some anpecta of sod deformation. Pr1roda 1,2 no.9:114 S '53. (KI-R- 6:8) 1. MoskovRki,.r gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni H.V.lomonooovu. (Frozen ground) (Soils) 11JOUXOVI AOV, Natural grovth of nod in strips. Frirods, 45 no.8:113-114 Ag 156. (ML 9:9) 1,1ustifut geografil Akedemli nauk SSSR, Kookm (CbAchi Feninsula-Tundra) yERMAKOV. Aj.; LILIYXNMG. D.A. "- 1 4 - --, aeogr%~ajcal Conference* IXT,AN SSSR Ser,geoge no.lsl6l-164 Jet-I 157. (Kuu 101:4) ngr (Transcaucasia-Geol,raphy-CO saves) (Lillenberg, D.A.) YXRMAKOV, A.Y.; IOGANSON, V#Yu. Fourth All-Union Conference on Study of Torrential Strpsms. Isy. AN SSSR Ser. geog. no.2.,,162-164 Mr-Ap 157. (MIRA M12) (Floods) m TERMAEV, A.Y.; IOGAIISON, Y.Te, All-union confmrence on land-eroding flood writers. Prlroda 46 no.4:107-108 Ap 157. (MM -20:5) ra 1, Institut gee rafil Akademit, nauk SSSR (Moskva). (Floods) fHydraulic engineering) TXRKAKOV, A.V. The role of various vertical zones in the formtiou of torrential streams. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.gbog. no.6:83-86 W-D 157. (MIRA 11:1) 1. Institut geografli AN SSSR. (Iloods) ?-7 -F flii~xovt A.T.- IOGANSON, V.Ye. Ukrainian conference for the study of torrential streams &ad mensurne of controlling them. Ixy. AN SSSR. &r. geog. no.6:174- 176 N-D 157. (min 11:1) (Floods) %% I?~~ A stone grown Into a tree. !~'riroda 46 no.7-1115-116 i1 157. (ISPik 10: 8) I.Institut goorrafii Akademii rauk SSSTI. Vozkvu. (Abnormalities (Plants)) YM,',AY,0'1, A. V. , aucasus." "Erosional Waters in the Central C paper presented at the 4tb Conference of Young Scientists of the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1957 (Izv. AN SSSR, Ser Geog, 1958, No. 2, p 151-53, GORBUNGVA, M. N.) AUTHOR: Yermakov, A.V. SOV-26-5~'-,-;O-36/51 TITLE: Frozen Ground Relief Forms in the Caucasus (Merziotnyye formy rellyefa na Kavkaze) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, fir 10, PP 114-115 (USSR) .ABSTRACT: The author discusses the polygonal formations rhici charac- terize the frozen ground relief forms observed in the high- mountain region of the Caucasus. There is 1 phe.,to and 1 Soviet reference. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii Akademii nauk SSSRjMoskva, (Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences,MoBcow) 1. Soils--Temperature facX6~s 2. Geophysics--USSR, Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Yermakov, A.V. SOV/10-59-1-9/-:~2 TITLE: On the Genetic Classification of Local Base Levels of Erosion (K geneticheskoy klassifikatsii mest- nykh bazisov erozii) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR I Seriya geografiche- skaya, 1959, Nr 1 pp 79_82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author finds fault with the lack of knowledge of local bases of erosion in the study of river terraces. lie presents a table systematizing the factors instrumental in the formation of base levels in the area of the Caucasus, based on the experience acquired during field work there. There is 1 table and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut geografii AN SSSR (Institute of Geography of the AS USSR) Card 1/1 N - 111 ... YER-MAAV I A. V. Third Congress of the Geographical Society of the U.S.S.R. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.geog. no.3:149-151 W-Js 160. (XIU 13:6) (Geography--Congresses) I YEMUKOVt A.V.1 IOGANSON, V.Ye. Scientific results of the conferenco on erosion and flash flood control. Izv, AN SSSR, Sor, eeo[;. no.1:161,-166 Ja-? 161. (MIRA 14:2) (Erosion-ConLTesses) (Floods-Con6Tm;os) YERMAKOV) A.Vo Operationa of the Acade=ic, Council of the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciencev of the U,S.S.R. at the end of 1960 and begin- ning of 1961, Izv,AN SSSR.Ser.gloge noo3tl49-130 My-Je 161. (MM 14:5) (Geography) ----TEILMAXOV I A. V. In the Academic Board of the Institute of Geography of the AcadePW of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geog. no 51139-143 S-0 '61. (Geography) iMIRA 14--9) 1 1 - YEILMAKOV A-V.j IOGANSON, V.Ye.p kandogeografichookikh nauk Let's preserve and increase our mountain resources. priroda 50 no,6:60-63 Je 16.1, (mm 14:5) I* InAitut geografli AN SSSR Moskva, (Erosion control (Forest and forestry) VORONTSOV, Ye.S. (Chelyabinsk); YERMAKOV, A.V., (Chelyabinsk) Comparative Investigation of the rate of-iron-oxidation and of its reduction from oxidet, by the-slactrneonductiTity.wthod. Izv. AN SSSR. Met. I. gor. delo no.5t23-29 S-0 163. (MIRA 16s11) 1 VORONTSOV, le.S~; YERHAKOV, AN. Study of equilbirium. in the system oxide - metal - gas by the eloctric conductivity jwthod. Zhur.prikl. khim. 37 no. 5ill,60-1162 My 164. (MIRA 17M VORONTSOV , R.S. )' yt~""Ffr 'I I P-.- - Com 3 COPPC-" , %.', ~:" partitive Investgation of the rates Of and its reduction from oyides by tho electric conductly!"", method. Izv. rjs. ucbeb. zav.; tsvet. met. 7 no. 4.6-53-59 ' 64 (1.1,[F,A 'ir)..I,) I 1. Ghelyabinskiy polAtelklinichr-sMy ingtitut, kafedra 'izl"c- khimIchcsMkh ir-al.ado7anlymetallurgicht-skiki- protsesso7.