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YHPIFANOVA' V.I.# kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; GORSHKOV, A.M., dotsent. The KTK-12.5 oxygen turbocompreloor. Kislorod 10 no.2:10-15 157. (oxygen--Industrial applications) (compressors) (KM lotg) souwa Vt. -i~. :.. 9~ -ft.I: ASAM (a R~ -- r Ea- '~- - ft. of soples as mrbd JL.. khwm.;Vw a. vwwop -lab- .6-6.w A% ...... Ro- p b-~ am S.W~ D%L ow- 4m at-. Vft Ld~ --Wt. Kft,.~ Kfttft~ bb ........ $~ M-0-- Oft- 0-6~ M-ft~-d Vld #ft Ww vm KA.-A.- W--ft kWh, cw..~ rm P,K It L.~~ ~W- 06~ A-b~ hw~ om~ CM: ft A.-k- 1~ t-k.- ItMi Akjqj*14ZK "Low Temperature Expansion Turbines." Report submitted for the 10th Ijitl. Refrigeration Congress, Copenhagen, 19-August - 2 September 1959, t 140) 10M BOY/67-59-6-3/26 AUTHORs _Yepifanova, V. L, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEt Considering the Real Character of a GaAn Calculation of the Nozzle Apparatus-of an Expansion Turbi -A-3 PERIODICALs Kislorod, 1959, Nr 6, pp 23 - 218 (USSR) ABSTRAM In order to consider the real character of a gas in calculat- ing the critical pressure conditions the highest flow1density, the velocity of gas in the nozzle cross section, etc, the introduction of the compressibility.coefficient z into the equations for the ideal gas is recommended and calculated. First it is shown that the value for k obtained usually in the set of equations pv-RT, py kconst, T k/k-1 /p.const, can not be used for all sections of the diagram z,d p and zq Z. The compressibility ooefficient in pvmzRT should be considered as a standard messurs for the difference of the real from the ideal gas. z is determined from the diagrams mentioned (Figs 1,2,3), Equations are set up for specific constant values of z in which case again the equations for ideal gases may be Card 1/2 used as follows; pv-zRT, pv k.const, T k/k-1 /p. const and Ll-*"- Considering the Real Character of a Gas in Calculation SOT/67-59-6-3/26 of the Nozzle Apparatus of an Expansion Turbine 61 /6,T -Ek/(k-I AzRT. Assuming z-0.92, k-1-406 which shows that the value J.4 may be used for the usual calculation, only in special caaes such as in the case of damp vapor, z must be-introduced,. Further, the general formula for an iso- entropic process in set u#, and the determination of z from diagrams is explained. The diagrams were drawn at the VNIIXIJLASh. There itre 5 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 140) sov/67-59-5-25/30 AUTHORS: Yepifanova, V. I.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, -K-o-cNWTg-rn-,-VT.-V-., Engineer TITLE: From a Trip to tho German Democratic Republic PERIODICALs Kislorodt 1959! Nr 5, Pp 58-59 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In February, 1959, Soviet oxygen experts had traveled to the German Democratic Republic where they participated in a sci- entific and technical conference on refrigeration convened an- nually by the Chamber of Technology. 8 papers were read before the conference, inter alia a paper by V. I. Yepifanova, Candi- date of Technical Sciences: Oxygen Turbo-compressors of the Types XTK-12-5 and. KTK-7. After the end of the conference the participants were given the opportunity.of visiting individual departmentsin specialized enterprises of oxygen apparatus and machinery, namely the designing office and plant for refrigerat- ing units and machines at Wurzent oxygen plants, compressors, leakproofing materialp plunger pumps. At this plant high-per- formanoe air cooling units for compressors are manufactured and used. Furthermore, they made a field trip to the Rudieleben Card 1/2 plant for chemical machinery. At-this plant Lir separators f 7 From a Trip to the German Democratic Republic SOV/67-59-5-25/30 oxygen in gaseous state are built among many other chemical apparatus. A particular feature is the use of two different steel types for the warm an d cold ends of the unit. Experiments are being conductod at this plant as to the use of aluminum for adsorbers. The third plant visited was the Leuna plant. Of the activities of thi3 plant particular mention is made of the preparation of argon and krypton as well as of the gas analysis methods based on ohromatography. Card 2/2 C' YIPIFAVOTA, Vs I.. kmnd.tekhn*nAuJc-, GORSHKOV, A.M., inzh. lzperience in designing higb-speed oxygen turbocompressorse Trudy VNILKINASH no.3:3-10 060. (NUA 13 t 9) (Turbomachines) (Compressors) (Oxygen) TZPIFANOVA, V.I., kand.tekhn.rauk Designing nozzlon for turboexpanders with the aid of gas dynamic , functions. Trudy VNIIl:lWH no.3s73-84 160. (MIRA 3,3:9) (Gas turbines) YUMM.-Ysra-4wno,vmf POLUOVSKIYP V.I. doktor tekbne nauki retoonzent; SDIMOVIC111, K.I., prof.# rotaenzent; KONDRYAKOV~ I.K., dotes, retsenzenti: WGRIOV, V.G-v inzh.2 red.; SOKOLOVAj T.F., tekbn. red.1 CHERNOVAp Z.1.1 tekhn. red. (Low-temperature radial turboexpanderol Nizkotemperauuwe radialirle turbodetandery. Moskvaj Mashgizp 1961. 399 P. diagrs. (Tarbomachines) (MIRA 15:3) LLLLLL -A DAVYDOV, A.D*j inzh.; MUMMA, V.L, kwW.tokhn.nauk Comparing various wthod~s for the control of the refrigerating capacity of turboexpandcirs in low pressure oxygen plants. Khimemashe no*4;13-16 n-Ag 162. OURA 15:7) (Qvgen) (Refrigoration and rofrigorating machinox-1) -khri. nc-,;~ DAVYDOV, A.B., Of t in 1~~rre plants Evaluating tbf~ effici614'. for 'he production or vrt:-il~-)Wl rixyA~an. Triiev ';"ll KIK~31- no. 5 13-29 162. (FIRA 18: 3) im W~-, XMIVOIVIII YEPIFANOVA, V.I.; doktor tekhn. naukj DAVIDOV,, A.B.0 kand. taklm. nauk d Some results of the stadles of turbine erpansion engines. XhIm. i neft. mashinostr. no.6zl2--15 D 164 (MfRA 18a2) . -Wla 4,N o - - - -- --- --- --- --- -- --- - - - - - --- -: - __- -_ _--_ ___ - )(L=AVOVA) V. 1. and CHERINSHOV., t. It. (Scientific Research institute) - - "Stirling Cycle Gas Refrigerating Vachines" Report submitted for the Cryogenic Engineering Conference, 18-21 Aug 1964, Philadelphia, Pa. Zj. -7 -2 4,Z 1- 194MM-1) SP (b Y"Pi. zr T~' A.CGESSION MR AK40-49552 BOOK EXPLOITATION 4011LAN2M. Irl is (candidate of Technical Sciences); Aksellrod, L. S. (Doctor geleneos)t Gorokh V. S. (Enginear)i kh W-.W, (Candi- B. A. (Eng-Lneirli Or,ligh-evskiy_L 'Enwineer't r v n 1 : lae Aov. f Aenko q rt-arj- aal r-- e r j Purif-ying air by deep co*ling; t ichnology and apparatus, in two volumes. V. 2' Industrial plantg. macAnery and accessory equipment (RAzde1GniY& vozdukha metodow Klubokogo okalazhdeniya; tekhnologiya i oborudovaniye, v dvukh toma-4h. t. 2: Promy'shienny*ye ustanovki, maahtnnayo i v8p0mo- 014 gatel'noye Moscow, Izd-vo "Hashinostroyenlye", 49( 1 591 v. illus., biblio., index. Errata slip inzarted. ~.000 copies printed. vq TOPIC TAGSt oxygen generation:, strgollf C~ton,.ntonj xenon* centrifugal Card 1/3 Part 1. Industrial equipment Ch. 1. industrial equipment for air separation -- 7 'Ch. 11. Obtaining argont crypton, and xenon -- 72 Part 2. Compregsore and axpansi*2 machines Ch. III. Piston compressors -_ 1A Ch. IV. Centrifugal comprnesore -- 130 Ch. V. Refrigerator-gas and expansion maahinea -- 165 Ch. VI. Piston eng-ineg driven by compressed gas (detandera) 177 Ch. V11. Turboengiaes driven by compressed gaa (detauders) 233 Ch. VIII. Piston pumps for low-temperature compressed gases Z98 ,Ch. IX. Protection oC equipment from vibrations -- 332 Part 3. Control and prodviction cutomation Ch. 1. inapection-measuring eqW.pment -- 346 Ch. XI. Automation -- 355 Part 4. Staraget transportation.. gasification Card 2/3 YEPIFANOVA, V.I., kand. takhn. nauk Taking the characteristics of the real gas into consideration in the deuign of low tomparature machAnery. Trudy VN11K1,MASH no.8:90-98 164. (1411LA 1'1:10) -n uk YL F A Ol "I A1;i thp ga:; n,1.9i,,-35 154 n uk DAVYDOV A*B#, kand. tekh.-.. rwj~; Experlinen-tal sturaly of -~ :Fadlf--- flow With- rp-rtlal gas supply. Trudy 165. L 36207-66 lip(c) WIVID ACC NR: AT6016840 (A SOURCE CODE: UR/2800/65/000/010/0003/0046 AUTHOR: Yegifanova, V. 1. (Doctor of technical sciences); Gorokhov V. S. (Engr.); -Chernyshev, B. A.--(Engf.T; Narinsk!_y, G. B. (Candidate of te-cYn-ical _1 sciences) ORG.- None4_1_ TITLE: Th6'VUIIKIMASh BR-6 n~~Lrtrr0j~an oxygen app r~!tya SOURCEr'TVoesoyuznyy nau4noi-issledovatel"skiy institut kislorodnogo mashino- stroyeniya. Trudy, no. 10, 1965. Apparaty i mashiny kislorodnykh ustanovok (Apparatus and machinery of industrial oxygen plants), 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, chemical plant equLpment, chemical production ABSTRACT: The authoi~s~-'4scribe in considerable detail the VNIIKIMASh BR-6 ap- aratus developed by the"All-Uniort Scientific-Research Institute of 2~S ~en E~quip- p ment Duil~~ (Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kisA rodnogo 3/hr of nitro&en~ ontaining mashinostroyieniyal for the productior4of 15,000 ra 0 002% 02, 7840 m-)/hr.of industrial46kygen with a conce7tration of 95% 02, and 1~0 m3/hr of 99.5% pure 02. The apparatus operates with a single low pressure circu t. used previously in technical en6ti~ntsW. The paper discusses Card L 36287-(A ACC NR: AT6016840 the basic features of the apparatus and the selection and development of the technological design of the unit and technological diagrams. The following main components are treated in detail: regenerators, carbon dioxide freezing traps, fractionating columns, condensers-evaporators, supercoolers, N and 0 reheaters, technical oxygen column, block housing, armature, compressed-gas motor, and the remote and automatic control system. The results of a test run of the apparatus are presented. The article concludes with a brief comparison of the apparatus with the characteristics of the I'Link" (West Germany) and "Kobe-Steel" (Japan) devices. The BR-6 is already in use in chemical enterprises of the Soviet Union, Rumania, Hungary, and Bulgaria. Orill. art. has: 16 figures and 5 tables. ACC NR, AR6032311 SOURCE CODE: UR/0081/66/000/010/LO07/LO07 AUTHOR: Yepifanova, V. I.; Garokhov, V. S.; Chernyshev, B. A.; N G. B. A TITLE: Nitrogen-oxygen plant VMI1aMASH BR-6 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Xhimiya, Part 11, Abs, 1OL55 REF SOURCE: Tr. _Vses. n. -I inm!a-kKiQggn.-,-kinlar-odn-Lkampreasorn mashinostr., vyp. 16, 1066 3-46 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen, oxygen, oxygen plant, nitrogen plant ABSTRACT: The technical characteristics of the equipment are given and its basic features are pointed out. The flow chart to presented and the basic equip- ment Is analyzed. A comparison in made of the VNIIJUMASH BR-6 plant with those manufactured by foreign firms. Orig. art. has: 7 reference items. M. Gusev. [Translation of abstract) SUB CODE: 07 Cwd ACC NR. ARG035070 SOURCE,' CODE: TJR/0282/GG/000/008/0052/0053 AUT11OR:' Yc2ifanova, V. 1. ; Corokhov, V. S. ; Chernyshev, D. A.; Narinskiy, G. B. TITLE: VNIII(IMASH BR-6 nitrogen and oxygen plant SOURCE: Ref. zh. Ehimicheskoye i kholodillnoye mashinostroyeniye, Abs. 8.47.369 REP SOURCE: Tr. Vses. n. -1. In-ta kriogen.,, kialorodn. i kompressorn. mashinostr., vyp. 10, 1965, 3-4('1 TOPIC TAGS: nitrogen, oxygen, ammonia ABSTRACT: The All-Union Scientific -Research Institute for Oxygen Equipment developed a VNIIIGMASH type BR-6 machine designed to produce 15, 000 m3 per hour of nitrogen with a 0. 00276 content of 02 ; 7840 m3 per hour of low-purity oxygen with 95% 0 - and 160 M3 2, per hour of high-purity oxygen with a 99. 501'o concentration of 02' As a basis for the development of the new equipment, the designers used the G-6800 air-fractioning unit with production capacity of 5400 m3 /hr of nitrogen with 0. 02-0. 05% 02, and 1400. m3 /hr of oxygen with a I-99rd 1/2 UDC: 621.59 AR6035070 90-9216 concentration Of 02-- Th(l latter did satisfy the industrial demands for ammonia with respect to both quality and quantity as well, or with regard to the flow chart and equipment. The new BR-6 plants have been providing adequate supplies of pure nitrogen and technical oxygen to synthetic ammonium other chemical plants. The BR-6 plant consists of several air turbocompressors an air-fractioning unit, turboexpanders, a controlling and measuring instrument panel, switching mechanism, preheaters, and other equipment. Unlike the G-6800 machine operating at two pressure levels, the BR-6 nitrogen-oxygen plant is designed for a low pressure level, a system used earlier only in technical oxygen plants. The low-pressure system makes it possible to eliminate reciprocat- ing engines, chemical air purifiers for removing carbon dioxide from the air, an ammonium refrigeration unit, and reversible heat exchangers for freezing out the moisture thus resulting in a highly efficient unit, simple In construction and dependable and convenient In operating. The principal considerations in designingi the DR-6 plant were (on comparison 'basis) a flow chart with an improved organiza-, i tion of heat exchange, removal of air impurities, rectification, and refrigeration I cycle. Orig. art. has: 7 bibliographic titles, and 16 diagrams. f KPJ L- SUB CODE: 07 C9rd 2 / 2 ,,YVIIANOVA, Te. N. The effect of vitamin 31,,and choline on pathomorpholgical ohs ages in the, liver in experimentift hepatitis. Trudy ISOMI 5f'0:15]j-155 '58 (KM 32 1. rafedra propedevtiki vmitrennikh sabolevaniy (zav. - prof. S.M. Was) leningradakogo sanitarrv)-gigiyeniaheakogo meditainskogo institute. (VITANIN B12, affecte on pathol. changes in liver in exper. hepatitis in rabbits (CHOLIO, effec ts same) (HEPATITIS, experimental eff. of oboline & vitamin B12 on pathol. changes in liver of rabbits (Rua)) 13P go SKIYO 8.0 insh, IrVortant potential for Increasing the output of lime. Strol. mt. 3 no.121l-3 D 057. (Mmakilne) (MIRA Ila) I TWI]PAITOVSKIT, 5.9 ins be ation. Stroi. raw x&terisl~ in lime produ Yor "~--jilization of (MIRA 11-7) full u 0-22 JI '5,8- mat, 4'noo 7*o?- (Line) - TIIPIYAIIDV 9 Insh. ton of local binding ResourCes for the ~XP'Lnd~d PrOdnct (MIR& 12:12) materials* Stroi-mat- 5 no.8:12-15 Ag '59- (Binding materials) YEFIFANOVSKIY, S..G.$-. Production of lime for zanufacturing articles hardened by autoc2ave. Stroi.mat. 7 no.6:22-15 Je 161. (IOU .1437) (Lime) (Reinforced concrete) YEPIFANGVSKIY, S.G-; )MMUNS)Tr, S.A-; MURWMf P.O. ~ try, Stroie sat. 9 no-los Technical POUCY in lbe lim indus (mMA 16111) 21~.26 0 163o . ~k STF,TSYUKt L.; PAAMNp M.; YEPIFANTSEt.A. 0 p Traffic organization and safety. Avt.trAnsp. 42 no.ls44-45 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Nauchno-issladovatel'skiy in5titut avtomobillnogo transports. 44TSEV je; KARPINSWAI, I.M.; YEPIFJ sTErrSYUK., L.S.; PARSIRINt-MA.; DEBERDEyEv, B.S., red.; BODANOVAj A*P*j"t:G;: [Road adhesion of whoels and traffic safety] Stseplemie ko- loss a dorogoi i bezopasnost' dvizheniia. Moskva, Avto- transizdat, 1963, 66 P, (MIRA 17:3) YzFTF-Altr-j-2V, K. F. SUMARA, MeN., doktor goole-miners U4* ~hener; SLOBCD1111. D.S., Inshener; Inkfif? Rock plugging to reduce gas emanations during shaft sinking. Shnkht.stroi. no.2:21-!.22 7 057. (NLU 10: (Shaft sinki ') (Xine'gases) n9 IFANTSj~t ~X.Fa inzb,j',.SmcjVTSET# L.A,t inmb, WAL't la*G., Insh. Construction of the litnovskiy bldraulic mine. Sbakht. stroi. 4 no.12:1&22 D 1600 (KUU 33:12) .1, Nombinat DonbassaVwatsitsbakhtostroy. (Donate l3asin-Wdraulic minin YKPIFANTSEV, K.F., inzh.; SUROVTSEV, L.A.# insh.; RAFAL", Ya. G.j in4h. Reducing the time needod for lining Tertical shafts. Shakht. btroi. 5 no.6:32-15 Je 161. (KMA 14:6) 1, Kombinat Donb"oantratsitshakhtostroy. (Shaft sinling) YEPIFANTSEV, Vitaliy Fedorovich,-, IXJFANDINp I,V,, red.; MATUSEVICH, n. ad. [Manuel for the maintentuice and repair of motor vehicles] Spra- vochnik po remontu i tekluAcheskomu obaluzhivaniiu avtomobilei. Kiev, Goetekhizdat USSR, .1961. 63o p. (MIRA l5sO (Motor vehicles-44aintenance and repair) p_-mLtm1iy-ZadQ-rovI-ch:_)MLB, Alekeandr Stepanovich [deceawd]; AF011111A., G.T'oj, -red.; MATUSMCH, S.Y,.,t tekhn. red. (Manual for rotor vehicle drivers] Spravocbnik ahofera. B~r V.P. Epifantnev) A.86-knelin, Kievj Goo,izd-vo tekhn. 3At-ry UM, 1961. 547 P. (Motor vehicles) (MM 1512) yu. Y. Yu. K. --"Anal, siz of the efl"ectiveness, of U_rir_-Dia;7~-at onbazs jjol,~.s fQ_ the_ Nain 5bifto of Mines ia tc- D Educa'ion Ussit. Mo-COVI 1"Jining List Imni 1. V. Stali!_- 1955, V(DiEsertA,ion for tlie De,,,,,rec of Ca~tc,,lat-0 in, Technical sciencp). 30 Knizhancr,.'' No 2, 1956 F- A V) p DI NILOV, Url Petrovich, inzhever; Unpts4t ior kandi4st takhnichaskikh nauk; XATSAUROV, gor 41otyev c12. doteent; POIROVSKIT, Nikolay Mikhaylovich, professor, doktor tokhnicheakikh naukj SHEY , Mikhail Nikolayevich, kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; CIMARILV,, Vladimir Aleksayesvich, inzhener; SMIWIOV. L.V., redaktor isdatelistys; ZAZULIWUTA, V*F.j takhnicheskiy redaktor [Problems-in conducting mining operational Topromy provedenAia kh vyrobatoke Pod rod. I.M.PoIcrovskogo. Moskva. Ugletakhirdat, 19520'. 80 P. (Coal mines and mining) "T ANDROS9 LA-1. inz~.; ASSONOV, VIAOO imnd. takhn. nauk.; BMSUTAIN, S.A., linsh.; BCKIT, B.T.. Prof.; BROVMAN9 T&J., inzh. BONDARIINKO, A.P., lnzh.; FUCHUT, V.X#. bad. taikhn. wtuk; VXRXMNOY. G.P., Irand- takhn. - nauk; TOLKOT, A.]P.l limzh.; OXIXM=, Rol., kand. tekhA. nauk; GORMNIDFW, V.X,, inzh,.; DIKINTIM, A.Th,q lnzh,; DOKUCHAYV, N.M., inzh,;DUBSOV9 L*T~# kand, tekhn. nauk;-0MWWjZA#TSW, 1~. F., kand. tekhn. nauk.-,-4MSHK0, I.S., inzh.; ZHIMOV, S.A., iiid. tekhn, nauk-t; ZILIBIMROD, A.P., inzh.; ZINCHMMO, llsMs, inzh.; ZORI. A.S.9 inzh.; XAPLANq L.B.,, inch.; XATS&UROVq I*N.I'dote.; KITAYSKIY, I.T.. inzh.; DATTSOY.YX.P., inzh,; KRIVOROG, S.A., inzh.; KRINITSKIT, L.H.. kand. tekhn. myk; LITTIN, A.Z -,* inth.; HALVICH, N.A., kand..,tekhi. nam ; MANIKOVSKIY,-G.I., doktor takhn. nauk; HATKOVSKIT, K.L., inzh.; HIMMI, V4O.,* kand. tekhn. vauk; NAZAROT, P.P.. )mnd. tekhn. nauk; XA.SONOV,,]:.Ds, kand. te*khn. naiuk; NEI TIR , V.ya., kand. tekhn. naik; 'PWIOVSKIY, G.I., prof., doktor tekbu. nauk; PROYAWIN, X.T., kand. takhn. nauk; ROZMAUH. lnzh.; ROSSI, BaD.9 )mnd..takhn. nauk;'SIKIVSXIY. V.N., doktor tekbn. nauk;-SKIMIUXO, O.B., lnzh.; SUKRUT, A.A., inzh.; SUKHANOV, A.Y., prof.. doktor tekhn. nauk; TARANOV, P.Ya.'. kand. tekhn. nauk; TOLUOVSKIY, D.I., inzh.; TZMAK, N.G., prof.,.dolctor tekhn. nauk; MOROVO S.A., prof., doktor tekhn. iank; FXDYUUN, V*A., lzzhj; KH0KWbVKW, D.M., inzh.1 KHRABROVI W..I. kand..tekhn.' nauk; ClUKARIT, V.A*, lnzh.; OMMMTKIN, N*Noj. luzho,; ;6;ymt ~B.P.O- kand. tekhn. nauk; SPOT, B~A.v k6zd. tekhn. Aank; YAKUSHINg N*P.9 ~snd. tekhn. nauk; TANGHUR, AoKo, inzh.; TAKHONTOV, A D. luzh.-, POKROVSKIY, N.X., ot-retstvann" red.: XkPWN, Ya.G: [Lceasedl red.; XONIN, G.I., red.; SAVITSKIT. V.T., (Continued an next card) I I ANDROS, I.P.-(oontinued) 'Card-2. red.i UNOVICH, P.O., rod.; VOLOVIGH, MoZe, inzh., rod.; GORITSKIT, A,V,, insh,, red*; POWUNOY, V.A., iuzh., red.: 7AMMY, A.Z., luzh., red.; GREORK079 LsVs, red,, lzd-Ta; FROZOROYSICATA, T.L,, told%n. red.-. SAIMINSKAYL. A.A., takhn. red. [Xining; an encyclopaedic handbook] Goruoq d6l6;'_-ent9iklopsdichsskil spravochnUp (~24v;- rod,,; A,,Ka -Terp igoray o~ .,Kos%Ta j Gqsi-.64ucbno- tfthnichss%to6-,Is4-vq'lJ.t-ry pQ,Vgol nol Prqv"hli.vol.4'[*tnun& yr4botalto Red-!.- and-timberl4l Provederile.t k-roplenla gornyxu v 1958a, 464 pe (Nine timbering) (Mining eneneering), yEpIFAMSEV) 'YuoKep kandoteklm-nauk ventilating Mechanization of rocl: spoil removal in drifting entries in the mines of the central part of the Donets Basin. Ugoll.prom. no*4:24,'26 Jl-Ag 162. WPM 15:8) (Donets Basiii-Coal mines and mining) TEPIFANTSEVi Yu.K., kand. tekhn,, nauk; KMISTEHOI P.N.j inah. Expediency of reducing the number cof simultaneausly active faceslin-development workings of Donets Basin mines. Sbor. DonUGI no.W14~123 163. (MIRA 16:10) ..(Donats'Basin-Goal mines and mining-Labor productivity) KRASOZO,V, YEPIFAN113,00 Yu.K. Ways of ixicreauing the rutg arri improving technic&l ll~ economic indices of do-welolnent operations In Ukrainian Done's - 165. Basin mines. Ugol' 40 z0 lltl6-"l (MIRA 18:11) 1. Donetskly Muclino-1.0sledovatellakiy xigollnyy Institut. (jr-,j7rj,, c)ut Ljj;; cw,! ~n f )vrotu In Of orking 'o 0u' 1 w li D*netskuaoll Co-ffhine. '.ilbor. lionUil nci.33:273-283 DANCHICHp V.V.; AVDIYBIMO, T.G.; ARXHMiGZLI~xIY' A.F.; GAX, 4.~0;S'WIFANT5zV, Yu.P.; WINMaY, VA.; IYANOT, P.'S;; IVASHCHWO, d i ~A,. &.-, " I P.R.; MiN OtftefflW6, A.G.; XOTLYAROVA, A.T.; KRUGLTAKOVA, X.D,; LXVIXOV, I.I.; L.IBKIHD, R.I.; HIKOLAYNYA, N.A.; HAUHZIIKO, T.Y.; PRISHHU. I.B.; PRIM7MIKOV, V.S.; POBEDINSKAYA, L.P.; POKALYUKOV, U.N*; POPOV, A.A.; SOLOMENTSBV, M.N.; TARASOV. I.V.; VILONZIMO, A.S.; SHISHOV, Ye.L.; MUYMAN. L.I.; YMMIN, N.P.; ZVORYKINA, L.N., red. isd-val LOMILINA. L.N., takhnered. [Hori:#tal mining in foreign countries] Provedenie gorisontalinykh vyrab tok za rabeshom. Koskva, Ugletekhisdatp 1958. 34~ p. (MIRA 12:4) 1, Kharkov, Vseaoyusnyjy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut organizateii i sekhanizateii shakhtnogo atroitalletva. (Mining engineering) YEPIFANLSFVAU A-I- Personality perspectives and their psychological characteristics. Vop. psikhol. 10 no.6;97-103 N-D 164. (MiltA 18:2) 1. I'adagogichookiy InStitut, Irkutak. A. V. LIBDW, AoP., doktor goologo-sinerologichookikh nauk; YWIIFMTS]ffA,A.T.; LATRXKO, A.Y., redaktor. (What 2tones can tell] 0 chem rainkaiyvalut kammi. Moskva, Goa. isd-vo tekhmi o-teoretichookoi lit-ry, 1953. 53 P. (liauohno-populiarnaia bibliotaka, no.65) (KIMA 7:7) (Geology) P.O.KROVSKAYA, A.G.; YEPIMTSVA, M,,& Teeth - Diseases Results of using "albucid" and cuprous sulfate in the treatment of gingivostometitis and the healing of postoperative alvoolar wounds. StOmatologiin No- 2 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress~ October 195 IM, Uncl. . Vitaliy Fedorovicbj W0VIKj AsHop redej MATUSMCH, S.146P YEPIFANTSEV. --- ' takhn. red. (Fundamenteas of drawing and laying out Of Part0l Elsmeuty cherchoniia i razzatki detalei. 2.j, izd. isp. Kievjv Goo. izd- vo tekhn. lit-ry USM9 1961. 143 pe (KEU 15:2) (IArjin out (Machine-shop, practice)) 9chanical drawing) 'I GUSARSKAYA,, I.L.p; DUDKINAj K.A.; MASLENNIKOVAp L.K., 14. med.nauk; YEPIFANIOVA., X.I. i Clinical and epidemiol()gical characteristics of adenovlrus Infections. Vop.okh.mat.i det. 7 no.4j6-10 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Iz Gosudaretvennogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta detakikh infektoiy (di:r. - prof. A.L.Libov)t Detskoy infektsionnoy bollnitay Leninekogo rayona (glavnyy vrach K.A.Dudkina), Leningrad- skogo nauehno-Issledovatel'skogo instituta opidemiologii I mikrobiologii imeni Pa;3tera (dir. - prof. V.G.Nikitina) I Gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologi,3heskoy stantsii Leningrads (glavnyy vrach V.N.Kovshilo). (ADENOVIRUS INFECTIONS) YEPIKJ, O.P. [Epik, O.P.) Fourth seminar on diffusion saturation and coatings at the Department of Physical and Technological Problems of the Study of Materials of' the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrai- nian S.S.R. Dop. AN URSR no.3:394-397 165. WIRA 18:3) ower categories* 71A rale mamter trains sportsmen of the 6) 18 no.2:1 I '6o. ;skogo morskogo kluba .DobrovolluOgo obshcbestv& 1, N&Cballnik Tal UMB Yederataii sodaystviya armij, aviataii I flotu, chlen presidl vodno-motornogo,sporte. SSSR. (Motorboat racing) NALkSHNIKOVA, L.M.$ ka-d. ekon, nauk; ZAGOIIGIIIK, 14,14. [deceased); KAUSMIIKUI~ V.D.; NAMIN., G.V.; HYABOVA)OOLP red. (Organization and planning of production in building mate- rLals industry onter.Prl~ie!jl Organizatslia I planirovanie F.rol4vodstva mri predpriintilaki) proryshIfinmitl qtroIA&I'- zjykh materialov. JAroslavll, Aoavu;Azdat, 1903. 31.6 P. (MMA 38:311) KALASHNIKOVA, L.M., kand. ekon. nauk, dots.; KAIASHNIKOV, V.D.; YEPIKH111 P'S.; LAPSHINL, Ye.A.; PE;TKOVSKIY, N.I., prof., ,re sonzon GORBUSHINt P.B.p rotoonzent; RYABOVA, O.A.,red. [Economics of the building materials 1nduntry) Ekonomika provWshlennosti striiteJ.'nykb materialovo fily) L.H.Nalastmikova i dr, Moskva Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 307 p. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Zavoduyushchiy kafedroy ekonomiki i organizatsii Mookovskogo inzhenerno-stroitellnogo inBtituta (for Pentkovskiy). 2. Chlen- korrespondent Akademii zitroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Gorbushin). 2" SZLKWOVA, H.S.; %VASILLVj V.A.;-YEPIKHINj Yu.A. Activity coefficients of alkali metal chlorides in -JxeA aqueotp solutions, Zhurefiz.khim. 37 no.2;354-360 F 163~ (MIRk 16:5) 1. Khimik kbnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I.Mendeleyeva. (AlIngli metal chlorides) (Electrolyte solutions) (Acti-rity coefficients) ~--NUMIT,- ITO YEPIKHIN, Yu.A.; STAKWOVA, M.S.; KAWKIYANTS, M.B. (Moscow) Changua in voltm and heat capacitioa in aqueoua salt solutiona. Part 3. Zhur. fiz. khta. 38 no-3:692-696 Hr 164. NnU 17:7) 1. Moskovskiy khUndko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. STAKHANOVA, M.S.; YUjMLk1.juA.; KARAPETIYANTS, M.Kh. -7 changes in aqueous aalt solutions. Volume and heat capacit Part 2. Zhur. fiz. khim. r, no.11:2570-2573 N163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichookiy institut imeni D.I. Mendeleyeva. KOLOGRrVOVA, N.Ye.; KHEYFITS, L.A.; SHCHEDRINA, M.M.; YEPIKHINA, A.A. Sterle course of thymol. hydrogenation. Zhur. pri)&l. kh.lm. 36 no.12:2740..2745 D'63- (MIRA 17:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inetitut sinteticheskikh i naturallnykh dushist5-kh vashchestv. nUgKIN, M.L., starshiy nauch:ayy eotrudnik; NOVALISKATA, L.P., starshiy nauchny7 sotrudnik,-_IZPIKHIFA, N.j._qnjadshly nauchny7 gotrudnik Steam-heating method of preparing potatoes for drying. Trud7 VNIIZDP no.9:53-67 159, OEM 14: 1) (]Pbtatoes-Drying) WAVIN'Tiq BEIDZEROVA, O.P.; YEPIKHINA V.I. ..A. Methodology for the quantitative determination of HIM'- dibenzylethylenediamine irt dibiomycin. Antibiotiki 9-(MIRA 17t12) no,2tl72-176 F"64.' 1. Laboratoriya lekaretvernykh form (zav. Ye.N. Lazareva) Voesoyuznogo nauchno-iseltdovatellskogo instituta antibiotikov, Moskva. ZAVARZIN2 G.Aqjq~Rjy~# Symbiotic growth of Metallogenium. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 no.4s933- 934 F 163. (KMA 16:4) 1. Institut mikrobiologii AN SSSR, Predotavleno akademikom A.A.Inhenetakim. (SMIOSIS) (MICRO-ORGANISMS) (MANGANESE) )%firdlINAP V.V.; ',',1sv1.ftzjNP G.A. Oxidation-reduction potential In thp development of Yetallo- genium. Mikrobiologiia 32 no.2-.227-230 Fr-Ap, 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Institut mikrobiologil AN S35h. STAIGIANOVA, M.S. (Moskva);, KbRWET-YJ~NTS, M.Kh, (Moskvn); W--SIL'Y--'--V, V.A. .PTY'.1j", YU.A. (Mosk-va) (Mo s kv aYj' Comparative study of tie heat capacities and densities of aqueous electrolyte solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.10:2/.20-2429 0 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. 14oskovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy Institut imeni D.I. Mende- leyeva. AZIMOV, A.A.; GRIBACHU, A.A.; YEVTUSHENKO, Yu.I.; YEPIMAKHOV, N.M.; KACHANOVICHP L.L. Studying the travel mechanism of the door extractor with various systems of speed regulation. Koks i khim. no-10:51-58 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Konstruktorskoye byuro, Koksokhimmash (for Azimov, Gribachev, Yevtushenko). 2. Bagle skiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Y6pimakhov, Kachanovich~. ORLOV, M.L.; TUMARKIN, L.A.; YEFIMAKHOV, N.M.; SORKIN, M.M.; KOPTEV, G.P. Improving the process ofthe primary separation of crude benzol. Koks i khim. no.3.-36-43. 164. (MIRA 17W 1. Ukrainsk~y uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Orlov, Tumarkin). 2. Bagleyskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Yepimakhov, Sorkin, Kaptev). 4 AUTHOR: Yepimakhov, N. M. 68-58-7-21/27 TITIX: The eys ly dkia Oven Plant (Na Bagleyskom koksolchimichesKom zavode) PERIODICAL: Koks i Khimiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 58 (USSR) ABSTRACT: 1., In tho rectification department the hydrogen sulphide column was transferred to automatic operation with satisfactory results. The automation of the benzole colume is being carried out. 2. In April, 1958, the plans of mechanisation and automation of the coal preparation plant was approved. The use of televieion and the control of the plant from one point by a duty engineer is included in the plan. 3. Automatic pH meters capable of maintaining constant acidity in saturators of the sulphate plant are being installed, 4. A loudspeaker system was put into operation on Nos. 1-6 batteries. 1. Coke--Production 2. Industrial plants--Equipment 3. Industrial Card 1/1 plants-Operation YVIKAIXOT. P.Th., inzh. llfficlent mining systex,for thick flat seams of the Tom-Us& deposit. Izv. vys, ucheb. sav.; gor. shur. no.B.-3-10 '58. (MIRA 12:5) l.lemerovskiy gorn" institut. (Altai Mountuins-Aining engineering) TSERKOVNITSYMA, I.A.JIELPIIIAKU~OV, Determination of Ge, Sc, and Sn In ffemiconductor r-aterials b3r occillographic polarography. ?av.lab. 31 no.10M78- 1179 165. (KRA 19: 1) 1. Ioningradckiy goaudaretvennyy universitet. ROSHCHZVSKIY, M.P.; PATRUSHEV, V.I., prof., doktor biolog.nauk, otv. red.; YEPIIWMVA, M.Ya., red.,; BELYAM, S.A., [Electrical activity of the heart and~electrocardiographic methods for cattle) Elcktricheskaia aktivnost' serdt9a i metody 9"emki elektrokardlograrim u krupnogo rogatogo skota. Sverdlovsk, Ural'skii nauchno-isal. in-t sell.kbox., 1958. 77 P. (MIRA 11:12) (Cattle-Physiology) (Electrocardiography) KHOLODOY. Vladimir Ivanovich; IRTWV, Aleksanar Ivanovich; MD(MOTA. 9 --'W" *QLjTAqmpv red.; LROMOTI, L.P., - -MUMwmft [Through'the years (18!i8-1958)] 3cvoz' 'godyp 1858-1958 gg. Vladimir, Vladimirskoe knizhnoe 12d-vo, 1958. 97 p. (KIRA 12:9) (Sobinks-Textile workers) TSURKOVINITSKAYA, I.A.; YEPI'~~IKHO.V, V.N. PoIarographic b-*,Ia-. of gvy,noinium In the red S, Zhur. anal. kh--m. 20 no.6-(,8F,--')'I3 65. 1. LoningradvOy gosudill-f-it"Joinyy 1,1;)i.vpv~!itot iulonl Zridan-'~vIt. L 04492-67 EWT(m)/EWP(J)/'r DS/RM ACC NRt SOURCE CODE: UR70034 ~65[6WI667jldidilo_206 AP6017112 AUTHORi laorkovnitakaya, 1. )CMimakhov. V MGi none TITIM: High-froquency alkalimetric titration of polyphenolgermanium ac SOURCE: Leningrad. Universitet. Vee;tnik. Seriya fiziki I khimii, no- 3, 1963, 101-106 TOPIC TAGS: organogermanium compound, arToromotrie titration, polarographio analysisl ABSTRACT: Based on polarographic datat It was fouhd that co:a2lexl compounds of germanium with polyphenols are reduced in a acidic medium on a mercury drop,eleatrode Irl-e highest maxtraum current was observed-I-na hundredfold excess of organic reagent with re- spect to germanium. The composition of the complexes InvestlEated was established by amperometric titration in a; alkaline medium .wIth respect to the reduction current of germanium. The germaniumt; polyphenol ratio In the complex was 10. It was of interest to -compare results on a scudy of complexes usinG the polarographic method with those obtained frovi high-frequenoy noncontaot ti~;ra- t' .on, since in this case there are no electrochemical processes at the Interfaces (eleotrode.p2.-!qcesses), and the electrochemical 1/3 ux; 546.289:543.241 -L-04492 ACC NR: tp6o17112 properties of the entire che'mical system enclosed between 6,he electrodes become manifest. Xeasurements were made with an instru-- med o~ the Pungor system. The capacity of the titrimeter together .with the mixer motor was 48 watts; the working frequency was up- ;wards of 100 megacycles. The experimental conditions were as followas 10 ml of 1010-214 Ge02 solution was poured Into a cell, and then solutions of pyrocatechin or pyrogallol were added until ~ditferent ratios of germanium to polyphenol concentration were Attained, from 1:1 to Is200. The volume in the beaker was brought tb 70 ml in order that the level of the solution would be above the upper edge of the electrode. This was necessary to eliminate the effect of variation In solution volume on microammeter read- ings., The resulting mixtures were t1trated with 0.1 N NaOH solu- tion. Another series of experiments were conducted in parallel, using the potentiometrie titration of germanium compounds with polyphenols, employing a glass electrode. Measurement of solution. solution PH values were made on the LP-58 pH-meter, calibrated ~with respect to a saturated solution of potassium carbonate with J: IPH = 3.59 0 )As a result of the titration us'Lng sodium hydroxide, curves were [obtained,whioh points of Inflection. Be Inning with a . -_.____.1_..___.-_-__ ._4-_.__ - L 04492-67 f_ACe'N R__ metal; addend ratio Of 1r3 anl"higherg two equivalents of alk-all were expended in titration. A similar effeet was also observed in the case of titration of a germanium-pyrogallol mixture. 7his confirmed the formation In the solution of complex dibasic acids with the structure; 0- A Ge -0 _~With in errio--r,up to dV Germanium can be detected 10' when Its c-on- tent is 0,5 - 0.8 mg, using the high-frequency alkalimetric titra- ..t1go method. The authors tliank"V9'.' t. Ti~hori~rov kor'his vajuable and Substantial gaidanco in this work, Orige arte W.- 6 figures, 1 formula, and 2 tables. fj-FR-S7 SUB CODZi 07 SUM DATE: 260ot(A / oRIG REF: 003 / OTH REF: 001 Card q/-A 4TF40 VASILIYEV, M.D., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; YEPIYAKHOVA, M.Ya., ,red. (Reports and communications of the Ural Scientific Re- search Institute of Agriimlture; plant growing] Doklady i soobshcheniia...; rasten:levodstvo. Pod obahchei red. M.D. Vasilleva. Sverdlovsk, '1959. 138 p. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Sverdlovsk. Urallskiy nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut sellskogo khozyaystva. (Field crops--Research) "AUTHOR: Yepinatlyev, M. 11, jOV/50-5a-6-6/24 _'TITLE: On the Problem of the Diagnosis and Forecast of Fog (Y. voprosu o diagnoze i prognoze tumana) PERIODICAL: Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, 19561 Nr 6, pp. 25-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The values of the meteorologic elements at the surface of the earth supply the basic data in the existing methods of fore- casting fog. The problem of the possible formation of fog is solved by the comparison of the forecast minimum air temperature and the calculated temperature of for formation. The probability of realization is rarely higher than 10-75Y~16. The main cause for this low probability is the fact that the change of the humidity content of the near-the-earth atmosphere is not taken into account and reliable methods for forecasting the minimum air temperature tire lacking. The analysis of the results of the probing of the almosph6re in the case of foa shows the following results: 1) As a rule fog is accompanied by an inversion of the air temperature. 2) During fog 'the specific air humidity in the near-the-earth layer of the atmosphere increases or renains practically unchangedi then a humidity transfer from the upper Card 1/2 layers into the lower ones must take place which promotes the On the Problem of -the Diagnosis and Forecast of Fog sc)V/50-58-6-6/24 formation and conservation of fog. 3) In the case of a POBi- tive gradient of the specific humidity and of the temperature in the near-the-earth layer the current of the humidity is directed to the higher layers of the air and no fog is formed. 4) The use of the diagrams by A. S. Zverev, or the emacram for the purpose of fog forecast is limited as the value of the humidity in the ground-near layer io variable. An auxiliary diagram must be used for precizine the fog forecast. There are 3 figures and 5 tables. 1. Meteorology--USSR 2. Weather forecasting 3. Fog--Meteorological factors Card 2/2 ) G . A . , j I ZN I ;-'I: iik"Op la . i. f BLiZ6i;j I. j . ) a al IS NA. T I Yi-,7A ). . Mbr., Institute of Theoretical 6coplldaics, Ac.;.d. --jci., -11)4,~,'-s "A Combined Plethod for Seismic Trozpictin,,Yff Dck. AN, 51, 114-0- (), 1946 YETINATIWAt A. M. ."Average Speed of Propagation of Elastic Waves under Conditions of the Fastern Apsheron", Tzvestlya AN SSSR, serlya peoeraf. I F,,eoflz.j No lo 1948 (63-72). SO: U-3203%, 11 Mar 1953 YEP11";nYLVA, A.Im. PA156LT-43 0s0/i;e0P4$IC5 selsNology Jan/Feb 50 Selsubmetry "Certain Types of Diffracted Waves Registered in Seis- Observations," A. K. Yepinatlyeva, Geophys Inst, Acad Sci USSR) 6 pp Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geograf i Geofiz" Vol XIV, No I Analysis of seismic data obtained in seismic studies of refracted waves in section where wedging out of limestone layer lying at depth of 0.5 to 10 meters was observed. Showed that among waves registered there*vere waves of complex type, which were dif- fradted in 6'certain part of their path. Diffracted vaves.'created' valeg of other a, in particular Min- trop waves. Subsitted by Acadr. Yu. Shmidt 6 jun 49. 156T4-i USMiGeopbysics -, Geopbysical Pros- Nov/Dec 50 pecting Seismic Method "Seismic Screening," 1. S. Berzon, A. C*'-*' Yepinatlyeva, Geopbys Inst, Acad Sci USSR "Ix Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geor i Geofiz" Vol XIV, No 6, PP 473-501 Gives seismic data on screening of beds by cover- ing strata in which elastic waves prope4ate with bIgh velocity. When waves impinge on boundary of screening stratum at greater than critical angles, stratum's screening action depends upon 171T63 LISSR/Geophysics - Geophysical Pros- Nov/Dec 5) pecting (Contd) ratio of width to wave length, medium's velocity ebaracteristic, and incidence angle. Submitted by'Acad 0. Yu. Sbmidt 9.May 50, 171%3 PA 187T27 Aiii/Goopilisic ei-iiii4o& Tul/,Aug 51 -Iviieitirsted Shoc); in Seismic Observations," A. M, Yepinatlyeva, Geophys Inat, Acad Sci USSR "Iz Ak flauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz" No 4, pp 43-60 Describes expts c.~Arifying ratio.of.time of appear- ance of repeated shock and ite amplitude-to strength Q of charge and depth h of explosion. Ratio A2/A of amplitudes of 19t and 2d shock decreasno with increasing Q. At amalI Q the repeated shock appears to be stronger than the 1st. Submitted 28 Mar 51. 187T27 GAKBTJRTSEV, G.A.; RIZNICBMO, Yu.V.; BFIRZON, I,S, - TIPMATOYEVA, A.M. PASXCIIUIKO I.P.; KOSMINSKAYA, Lp.: wus', ie".0r."MMOTATAra, AeAs, redaktor; XISELEVA, A.A., takhnichankly radaktor (Correlation method of -Ysgfraoted waves; man%L%l for selemological engineers] Korreliatsionnyi metod prelomlennykh voln; rukovodstvo dlia Inzhsnerov-saIRmor&zvedchIkov. Moskva, Izd-vo AW. nauk SSSR, 1952. 238 P. [Microfilm]. (MWA 8:7) I* Ohlon-korrespondent A."T SSSR (for Gamburtsev). (Seismometry) --YEFINATtYEVAP A.M. USOJI/Oeopbyslcs Absorption of Seismic YAy/Jun 52 Waves "Method for Deteimining the Difference in the Coeffi- cientd.of Absorition of Seismic Waves," A. M. Yepinatlyeva, Gecphys Inst, Acad Sci USSR "Iz Ak Nauk SSSRI Ser Geofiz" No 3, PP 70-77 Describis a methoi for detg the difference in the amp- lituAe'coeffe of ikbsorption of seismic vayes in varl- o" refracting laters. Presents examples of applica- tion of this method during the processing of seiemo- grams obtained in observations according to correla- tional method of j~efracted Vayes. Submitted 29 Dee 51. 1 . 224T72 YEPTHATI.YEVA, A. N. 6610110) WAYON -IWAU; "Repeated Refracted Wwres," I.S. Berzon, A.M. Yepinatlyeve) Cleoyhys last, Acad Sci USSR '11z.Ak Nauk SSSR,Ser Geofiz" No 4, YP 9-32 ~Dlscuoses the problem concerning certain kinematic and dymamic peculiarities of repeated refracted waves. Presents exptl data on recording of re- peated refracted waves under field conditions and shows that the observed peculiarities of these vaveo agree well vith results of theoretical con- oiderations.. Submittted 2 Feb 52.. USSR/Geophysics seismic Waves Nov/~ 52 "Cerbain Seiamic Waves With Large Arrival T~izes, A. M. Yepinatlyeva, Geophys Inst, Acad Sci USSR "It Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Geofiz" No 6, pp 21-38 ON N -4 Describes expts intended to clarify nature of s-ub- J14 Ject waves. Obtains seismograms revealing many waves characterized by small regions of detection and large apparent velocities. Such seismogra;ms are typical for a number of regiorLs with various seismogeological structures. Concludes that these 23W46 waves are not single reflections" according to analysis of dynamic peculiarities of recordpigs and comparison with theoretical results. 23W46 EPRUTIYEVA, A. M. USSH/Geopbysics ~"'_-Kodographir.'' Jan/hb 53 "Some Problems of Interpretation of Transverse, Hodographs of Refracted Waves in the Presence of Vertical Boundqxles of Bepa 'ration," A. M. Epinat'- yeva, Geophys.Inst Acad Sci USSR "1z Ak Nauk SSSR),Ser Geofiz" No lp PP 1T-25 Discusses the prcblem of detg the boundary velo- cities V and the increments of depthsAh of re- fracting boundarics along transverse profiles which -'intersect lines cf vertical contacts) using for this method the deterns of V andA h which were developed for the case V = const. Theoretical re- sults are confirmed by expts. 241T3o ?A 241T-10 YEPINATIYEVA., A. M. *Compilation of Charts of Bwndary Velocities of Menlo Wavest a Iz. Ak. Nsuk 88SR, Ser. Geofis,, No,2, ppl24-:L30,, 1053. Oeophysice Inst,,, AS USSR Explanation of system of observations and methods for determining boundar7 velocities by compilation of theme charts. Presents methods and examples for preparing boundary velocity charts, 254T76 BUZON# Is; YZPINATIT2YAl A, I . AWOA.1,W I - IW "Instructions for seismological prospecting." Reviewed I. Berzon, A. Spi- nat I ova. Izv.AX MX Sor. goof iz. no. 3:271-274 W-Je 133. (MA 6:6) (Prospooting--Geophysical methods) USSR/Geopbysics -,.Seismics Jul/Aug 53 'Review of the Article 'Short Reflected-Refracted Wavies as a FactorlIhich lowers the Quality of Seis- Mic..-Data on the Russian Platform." Bcrzoa AIA M." Yepingt yeva It Ak Nauk SSSR,,Ser Geof iz, No 4, pp 388-390 ~'Review an article OA. X. Ur'upov an X. Ryabin- ~n which a ppeared in Trudy Moskovskogo Neftyanog6 Inatituta imeni I. M. Gubkina (Works aloscow I. M. Gubkin), iio 12, pp 86~:~i, Xo cow,, Gostqp. tekhizd&t_--I953 9 rubles. -265T88 TV", FD 393 USSR/Geophyaica Seismic waves Card 1/1 Author Yepinatlyeva, A. M. Title Certain problems of increasing the accuracy of interpretation when the data from methods of reflected and refracted waves are Jointly utilized Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. ge3fiz. 4, 331-348, Jul/Aug 1954 Abstract : Treats certain most widespread methods for replacing the actual medium by a fictive medium in the interpretation of hodographs of reflected and refracted waves; namely, laminar medium by a homogeneous medium, and .a continuous medium by a homogeneous and stratified medium. Compare the methods of reflected and refracted waves. Points out the advantages of a combined employment of these two methods when one selects a method for substituting the actual medium. Institution : Geophysics Institute, Acad Sci USSR Submitted : June 11, 1953 4 V- - -Fl' r1 v1 - -USSR/(;eqbys-iCa--,~~tritioism-azid-Bib phy FD-1196 Card 1/1 Pub- 45-7/8 Author : Yepinatlyevs, A. M. Title : Critical article by A. 1. Slutakovskiy Periodical to Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geofiz., No 6, 1954, PP 575-577 Abstract The author answers a critical article published in "Prikladnaya geofizika", No 10, 1953, which was directed against one of her earlier articles, "Repeated shocks in seismic observations", originally appearing in Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geofiz., No 4, 1951. She asserts in rebuttal that Slutskovskiy's experimental results are unconvincing and of low quality. She enumerates several flaws in his arguments. Institution Submitted VW&I'll -!Mft V -,,-Pr 4114 ry-z:-V- A-4 . m ~ - -- U~. ysieA the- _Faitt-h Card 1/1 : Pub. 45-4/12 Author : Yepinatlyeva, A. M. MeW Title : -Mxperimentai data on NeMacted waves in media with weak velocity differentiation Periodical : Izv. AN SSSR, Ser. geofiz., 130-136, Mar-Apr 1955 Abstract : On the basis of exper1mental results the authors show that refracted waves can form when thtre is a very small difference in the velocity of distribution of elastic waves in covering and refracting media. These waves are of conaiderable intensity. The authors indicate the peculiarities of seism:1c materials for media with weak velocity dif- ferentiation. They note some peculiarities of the methods of studying media with weak velocity differentiation with the aid of the correla- tion method of refracted waves. Institution : Geophysical Institute, Acade=y of Sciences USSR Submitted : June 1, 1951, t( F (--' I P q 7- USSR/Geophysics - Seismology FD-2573 ,Card 1/1 Pub. 44 - 3/19 Author Yepinatlyeva) A. M. Title Refracted Waves in. media with weak rate of differentiation Periodical lzv. AN SSER, Ser. glaofiz, Jul-Aug 55, 303-322 Abstract The author examines the question of geometric oeismics for media with a weak rate of Ufferentiation, and conducts an approximate examination of certain questions of the dynamics of refracted waves. The results obtained permits clarification of certain peculiarities of refracted waves in media with a weak rate of differentiation. Comparison with the data of the experiments as set forth in an earlier work of the author (Ibid, No 2, 1955) gives good agreement. Inttitution : Geophysics Institute) Academy of Sciences USSR SubzO tted : January 6, 1954 P I A M Kinematic characteristics of refracted waves in media having wedge- shaped bedding of layerij. Izv.AN SSSR Kr 156. (KUU 9:7) l.Akademiya sauk SSSR, Goofisicheskiy institut. I . (Seismology) YEPINATOYEVA, A.M. 111_~Iftx.%~166~~_ ~, Recording refracted traverse waves In selsvic proopecting, hy. AN SSSR.Ser.koofig. no.11:1309-1315 N 156a (MLRA 10:1) lo Akademiya nauk SSSJ1 Geofisicheskir institut. (Seismic waves) (Prospecting--Geophysical prospecting) Y)WINATOYEVA A.H, -- - ~ .0 -, - - . - --, 't ~*X- Nethod, for jotting mtjs of Isoamplitudes of refraction vstv~4. Trudy 1569' (MLRA 16.01) (Sels"Ac waves)