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;,.I IBM. 1!4 y were: Ye. G. Bobin, k- - U - MARX. jj"13. IlErlr 0.-fv; uvlz Yf,~,TUTZVq,--Y..L; FOBIN, Ye.G.; USTROUSHKO, [.A.; NUATSEV, M.V.; DEMIN, K.V.; PLTKH, V.A.; KPJVGHIKOVO P.F.; CHUGUNOV, L.F. The PZK pneuwitJ.c charging columns w!th automatic proportioning of the air. Gor.zhur. no.8:47-49 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Severo-Kavkazskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut (for Yemekeyev, Bobin, Ostroushko). 2. Severo-Kavkazakiy filial konstruktorskego byuro TSvetmetavtomatika (for Burnatsevp Demin,, Plikh). 3. Tyrnyauzskiy kombinat (for Krivohlkov, Chugunov). MARIYENK01, V.X'.,. Q`Tll(~UIAKO, !.A.; UTF~LNFYa. Safety prable= in the mcb--nized charging of chimbers anj borcholes wJ.tb looa& ezpl.os'vnso lzv*vys.ucheb.zwj-, tovet.met. 8 no.2,-13-3.7 1,65. 6RA Igil) 1. Kafedra spetsirilfnykh ki-,,--,crv Cyarnogo dplat gorrometallurgiclieskogo Anstitute. Suhmitted June 16, 1964. TMLIOIMKOO ~ L competition between workers of grain procuremnt stations In Mmonoyarek and Altai Territories. Muk.-elev. prom. 23 no.6., 5.Ze-'57-- (MUM 10:9) 1. Glavenab Kinisterstva, I:hleboproduktov LSM. (Grain trade) Couxtructkon crevs traveling to eamtern regions. MUk*-91eV- promo 24 n0-7:4 Jl '58. 11:10) l.Kipisterstvo khleboproduktov RSM9 (Grain elevators) (Flour sills) s-DMZLICHCV, V.A. Solution to certain algorithmic problems for comatative nazigroup. DokLAN SSSH 1" no.2t261-263 My 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Vladimirskiy filial Moskovskogo vachernego mashinoatroitellnogo instituta, Predstavleno akademikom A.I.Hallteevym. , (Groups, Theory of) YrItELICHE.VP V,As 7" Algorithm denotLng the regularity of a finitLly defined comuta- tive semigroup, DokI# 91 BSSR 9 no* 11013-716 17 165 (MIRA 191l) L Vychislitellnyy tsentr pri Gosplane DSSR. MELICHEV., V.A. - -- . . . . . . . . . .64*0.k# Algorithmic solvability of certain mass problems in the theory of commtative semigroups. Sib. mat, zhur, 4 no.4:788-798 n-Ag 163. YEMELEVSKAYA, A. lie are landscaping our own section. Zhil._kom. khoz, 11 no.lC:22 0 61. OURA 1~~:1) 1. Predsedatell komissii po ozelenaniyu pri Stalimlom rayispolkome, g. Khabarovsk. (Khabarovsk--Landscape gardening) VINOGRADOV, X.R. [deceased]; YWLIN, A.A.; RZMNIKOV, VoSofs SLINKO, B.Lo Manufacturing bearings vith reticular surface. Tren.i 164-174 153. (Bearings (Kachiner7)) (Km 9:9) "r m1tr.i. i h., Afx . Tjil6o.A34 TTEASURE ISEAND BOOK REVIEW AID 856 - s YEMELDi, A. A., P. Ye. D1YACMTJy4, and B. L. SLI14KO PRIMEITENPE RADIOAKTIVNYKH IZMPOV DLYA CrISENKI IZIWA DETALrEy MASHIN (7he Use of Radioactive Isotopes for Determination of the Wearability of 14achine Parts). In Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Peredovoy opyt novatorov rashinostroyeniya (ProgressWe Experience or LeftdirI6. Mlerl In the TAW,.hine -Build Ing, 111d11'-LrY) 19511. Part 1: Skoroatnyye metody mekhanicheskoy obrabotki metallov (Iligh-Speed Methods in Machining of Metals). p. 87-102. The authors dencribe in de4ail the tine of radioactive isotopes and the Geiger counter for determination deterioration of parto of a i;iachine 'In operatton. 'Die selection of proper i3otopes, the methods of their introduction Into the part to be examined, the process of analysis and the method of calculation of the part's wearability are described. The authors outline numbrous advantages of the method, and uALke several recommendations for further de-.reloixent. Nine drawings, diagrams and 1 table. SOVI 137-57-6-11154 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 6, p 252 (USSR) AUTHORS: D'yachenko, P.Ye., Slinko, B.L., TITLE: Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in Evaluating the Wear of Mach- ine Parts (Primeneniye radioaktivnykh izotopov dlya otsenki iznosa detaley mashin) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Povysheniye dolgovechnosti mashin, Moscow, Mashgiz, pp 177-193 . ABSTRACT: The advantages of th e radioactive -tracer (RT) method over other methods for the evaluation of the wear (W) of machine parts is noted, the main advantage being the feasibility of measuring W with- out dismantling a machine. The measurement of the magnitude of W is done by measuring the radioactivity of the oil by means of; a) placing the counter directly in the stream of oil in the oil conduit, b) placing the counter outside the oil conduit, and c) regular sampling of the oil from the oil conduit. IThe organization of the investigations and monitoring for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the mag- nitude of W is described.' The methods for the introduction of RI into Card 1/2 the rubbing parts are examined, the technique for the application of SOVI 137-57-6-11154 Utilization of Radioactive Isotopes in Evaluating the Wear of Machine Parts electrolytic coatings of Cr, Ag, In, and Zn onto the rubbing surfaces and the method for radioactive insertions which serve as tracers for the W are adduced. Experimental data are given on the monitoring of the W of a graphite layer on an .Al piston using the RT Zn65 and also the dependence of the W of bimetallic. bear- ings (steel - Ag) and of bearings with a Pb-In coating on the magnitude of the load and the number of revolutions of the rod. It is established that bearings with a Pb-In coating wear in more quickly than bimetallic bearings. The authors note the great difficulties in the employment of the RT method for the quantitative evaluation of W. L. P. Card 2/2 Ilk ml I X , a !ma I fill H Win* V.Pli 73 - IQ 5, Era r n 'g- "Is o 1 00 w t- 2 Iif 1.0 4!11~ H RR Rvi I :J V- F. H row ji i!-14 ai F lo 5 ~':l H r U, Eli, U - M. -V 'r 4.;r H;v w at Ef -gar A p"A" r 91 :41 FRI N. Sir, AUTHOR: Yemelin B.F- 109-3-5-4/lr/ TITLE: Waveguide Equations for Irregular Waveguides (Volnovodnyye uravneniya dlya neregulyarnykh volnovodov) PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, 1958, Vol III Nr 5 pp 615 - 627 ~USSR)' ABSTRACT: The fundamental principles underlying the theory resented in this work are based on the idea of Kisunlko f Ref.1), who sug6ested that the unknown field can be repres- ented in the form of a series consisting of vectorial eigen- functions and of a system of linear differential equations for the amplitude coefficients of the series. The analysed waveguide is assumed to be formed of a closed conducting surface, having an arbitrary cross-section. The direction of propagation is arbitrary and it is also assumed that the wave- guide space is filled with an isotropic medium having scalar parameters, e and A , which can be variable. A certain curve situated inside the waveguide is considerid as the axis of the system, so that a plane perpendicular to the axis cuts the walls of the guide over a contour L . The area limited by the contour L is regarded as tl--e transverse cross- (;ardl/4 s-ection of the waveguide, S A system of co-ordinates, ~ and 71 is chosen in the cross-section, suchthat its originis veguide Equations for Irrer-ular W,veguides Wa 109-3-5-4`/17 situated at the axis of the waveguide. The length of the arc of the curve representing the axis of the waveguide is taken as the third co-ordinate, ~ , so that the local co-ordin-ates S and q are a function of The problem is x folloris. For a given set of boundary conditions for the E vector at the surface of the waveguide, the Maxwell equations should be transformed into a system of equations deBcribing the electro- magnetic field in the above waveguide. The complex amplitude Maxviell equations can be written as Eqs.(10), in which V denotes the magnetic flux density (RefS._4 and 6). The solu- tion of these equations is expressed by: -4 -9 E + ZU, Use h _% Y_U h + T_Ue e .e a h e a . (18) H ZIhh + Iele + ZI~hlqi 2 Ibhb (;ard 2/4 b Waveguide Ecluations for Irregular "Naveguides 109-3-5-4/17 where U a and Ib are the unknown functions of the length co-ordinate which can be determined from the Maxwell equations and the boundary conditions; the vectorial eiGen-functions and 9 are expressed by Eqs. (13), in which 175 is a two-dimensional Hamilton operator in co-ordinates 9 and q and the functions (~h and ~e are the eigen-functions of Eq.(14), which has to fulfil the boundary,conditions expressed ,by.Eq,(15). Substitution of the solution expressed by Eq (1 ) into the Maxwell equation leada to Eqs.(19), from which it follows (see Appendix 1 on p.625) that the system of waveguide equations can be written in the form of expressions (25); the coefficients for these expressions are defined by Eqs.(26> and (27). Expressions (25) are very general and can be applied to a wide range of waveguide problems. It is shown that the coefficients of Eqs.(26) have the following property: Card3/4 Tbla + Kab 0 (34) 'Naveguide Equations for Irregular Waveguides 109-3-5-4/1~11 The proof of Eq.(34) is given in Appendix 2 (see p.626). For the purpose of numerical calculations, the coefficients Tbla can be expressed in the form of IEqs.(43). There are 2 figures and 12 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 4 English. SUBMUTTE-D: April 3, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 1. Wave guides-Theor7 KOGAN, Natan LIvovich; HASHKOVETS, Boris Kikhaylovich; TSIBIZOV, Konstantin Nikolayevich; KISUNIKO, G.V., retsenzent; YEMELIN B F kand. takhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.t ODOYEVTSEVAJ. I.G., red.; KONTORDVICH, A.I., takhn. red. [complex wave guide systems)Slozhnye volnovodnye siatemy. Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1963. 355 P. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kisunlko). (Wave juide5) GAWK, K.1,; MMLIN B I 7f!,- im; ri r - o; RaPid analysis of carbonfres or low-carbon forroohrous for silicon content on the basis of thermoelectromotive force, Zav ,lab. 24 no.16t1218-1219 .158, it Dnepropetrovokly metallur4lohankly institut. (Iron"chromium alloys) Wilicon-Analysis) . Y94WLIN, F., shakhtar-pensionar. chlan Komiministichaskoy hirtli Sovatskogo Soyuza.; KON0110Y, T., stroitall-pansioner, chlan Kommunistichaskoy Partii Sovetskogo Soyuss.; BATAYMN, I* As oldtimars sae it now. Mast.ugl. 9 no,8:16-17 Ag '60. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Glavnyy vrach nochnogo profilaktoriye shakhty "Ob"yedi- nennsys." (for Batayan). (Cheremkhovo Basin--Coal minas and mining) ft MMIN I Antho.. Kilning brick in piles. Sell., otroi. 12 n0.5119-21 Hr 158. (HIRA 11:6) (Penza Province-Brickmaking) YNNELIN, K.I., inzhener An invitation that was never extended. Zdorovle 2 no.6:18 is 156. (MIRA 9:8) (PHYSICAL IDUCATIOE AND TRAINING) pit kie1946 Coaidtruotion., St"l Water Tank a, Omeabanization of the trootion of Vjot%a Cisterns)" K, knlln) ftgro St&1'Kbnstkuks!,yap 21 pp A199khanIzatelya Stroitelletva" No 8 .*Ief desorlption of various types of mechanized equlp- Imint, partioularly.oranes., and cantilever brackets) 'vh Ich are used In the erecticn of steel cisterns at the Steel. Construction (Staltkonstruktalya) Trust Statos that the apparatus ccMments for the assembly are. olmple'. and no diff Iculty Is enocnmterod In .-setting up the equipimmt. PA 28T27 w ) T --T - - TA 2A9T27 YEHE-LIN, K. 1. Welding - Electroilas Machines) Stirfacing "A I-Inchine for Cleaning Electrcde Wirea," K. 1. Yemelin, Fngr, P pp "I Mekb. Strol" No 9 Veldingr elo--troda vire =at be freje fr= dirt, rust, and surface corro3lor.. Describ-on machine for performing tbla vor* Cl > Br > I > H. Orig. art. has: 8 figures and 8 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Novokuybyfthevskiy filial nauchno-issledov~tellskogo instituta sinteticheskikh spirtav L organichaskikh produktov (NovokuLbyshev Branch of the :Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Alcohols and Organic Products) - 'SUBMITTED: 13Dec63 DA7Z ACQ:" 06Apr64 ENCL: 00 'SUB CODE: CH SOV; 004 07HER: 018 Card 2/2 .ANTONOVSXIYP VA.; Yj',~~bLJN, u.D.; KYSIIEVAt N.I.; FILIPPOVA# G.F. _j~ Synthesis of cumenyl peroxide. Khim. prom, 40 no.9:657--559 S 164. (MIRA 17sll) Y-MELINA, A.M., aspirant Zootechnical and economic estimation of cattle breeds raised on collective and state farms in Ivanovo Province. Sbor. nauch. trud. Ivan. sellkhoz. Inst. no.19t251-259 162. (HIRA'17:1) 1. Kafedra chastnoy zootekhniki (zav. - prof. M.P. Korzenev) Ivanovskogo sellskokhozyaystvennogo institute. ISMINA, K. 1. -I Antitoxf~-'livsr fanction in rh, tiss. Klin. nod.. Moskyt. 30 nn. ?.-91- 92 July 1952. (ODM 22:4) I.' Of the Faculty Therapeutic Clinic (Director - Prof# L. A. Tot- sbmey),Saratoy Medical Institute. asisterrt (Saratov) Changes in the functional state Of the liver in rheumAtic favor during compound treatment. Kaze mad. zhur. no.1:67 j&-F'63- WIRL 16:8) (NO SUBJECT HEADING-3) KRYIDVA,Vera Semenovnap kand. sellkhoz. nauk PETUYJIGVA, Yekaterina . Nina Trofimovnay Alsksandrovna, kand. sellkhoz. nauk; YMLINA kand, sellkhoz. nauk; POIZAKOVA, red. [Vitamins in the feeding of farm animals and poultry] Vitaminy v kormlenii eel Iqkokho z1al. styenzWkh zhivotTWkh i ptitsy. Moskva, Mosk# rabochii, 1962 93 (MIRA 15:6) (Vit"4' (Feeding) COLYARKIN, F.Ye., kand. sellakokhoz. nauk;jla*,Lj,-N~pXJ.l PETUKHOVA, Yv.A.: KHALENEVAp L.D.; GAVRTIDV, I.V.; POFOVO B.V. Pity morp. Attention to the qixality of stocked feeds. Veterlndrl~la 41 no.7s4-7 31 164. WRA isill) 1. Moskovskaya veterinarnaya akedomiya (for femellna, iletukhova, Khaleneva). 2. Vneshtatnyy korrespondent zhurnala WaterinarAlyall Vladimirskaya ohlast' (for Gavrilov). 3. Nachallrdk veterinarnogo otdola Stavropollskago krayevogo upravloniya proizvodatva I zagotovok sellakokhozyaystvennykh produktov (for Popov). YEMELINAP ToAe Health protection for woron v-4 rhildren in Tatar A.S.S.R. Vop, okh, mat. i dot. 6 no. 2:79-82 r 161. (MR4 14 %2) 1. Zamestitel! m3nistra zdravookhraneniya, Tatarokoy ASSR. (TATAR A.S.S,,R.-WO14EN--MEDICAL CARE) (TATAR A.S.S4Rv-CUILDREI~-CARE AND HYGIME) GULTAYLV, A.P., professor, dokt#r tekhnichookikh Asuk; YFMLINA, V.P.. dots4Mt, kAndidat tokhmicheskikh nauk. Iffect of tht alloying constituents on the properties of forrit*. Stall 7 no.2:139-143 147. (mm 9..1) I.Mookovskiy avittatommyy institut. (7orrito) A, .-Gwymv -Ibwmd-j;s~ w lot l9d). 'jL lowt ad 'ad V. 1p, mmo&, Sm I. ;,:; w" S. i~~- Was, k 4 4111 A Cr (C.A. 41 11111;U-1 Tw alk," allaying W. W, siod 1-6 of wiw wt. TM tbrnrA If"011"A I #rGoths A-911dwim (61101) tbr 7-pha- oc cd le (gm-). Tw- a wben the A"vd and cka*ww 60"" CSW WAS phame. The to odwe Ing kow tim"iti 91 cc 43, 3da 4% in observed for adwo, to In tbc wbkb caag time us"Came WAS Drimell um - Si M.. a W &d w* raimme ibc mg tram on T-0- bwdem; dw WAS bardamms. Ni 1'"m The rose c4 cooling ILI" Imter tba I&SW tw C, 2.1 "Atening. iflocted the wti- Of M2"L. .wm -: btw alw" ryw ad 4h. C. .9wo b-t 0- k"- 01 ' ~, b.,ins au I wbm wat#f-cVGIe`f- IU d'-' awt ,."j" Mo. W. No S1 ,,I-d be A. =4 , the bardato of Write- ,60 00 domrstl j" 1% WtAM 10 and cr, towemol As iav~- W"= 01'ecrWk asaft-ft. ,,Us** Arwtum &a krim). Tb* farritic wkg at fm'. tin is rctowd dw ~ M. 11,41"a the k"m Wdat" 106WOld Only tamw at 110sch by Aaw codw. -YFALj!gj,_A,t kand.tekhn.nauk Tenperature deformations of precast concrete roofs. Zhil. stroi. no.10s25-V 1.62. (MMI 16: 1) ., (Roofo) YEHEL'YAMV9 V- S.., ED. Kratkaya antsiUopediY& "Atamnaya energiyaw fA short encyclopedia on atomic gnergy-7 Moskva, Gos..Ud-vo "Bol'shayl Sovetskaya Entsiklop- ediyawq 1958. 610 P. Mug.,, DUgrees Ch&rtsp Tables. ------ ----- KBAIATSKIT, A.M. (Astralchant); ZASUKHIN. D.N. (Koskya)-- ORLOT, G.A.. (Moskva); TIKILIYANCEIK, I.K. (Astrakhan'); ]FALOiRTATA, TO.T. Date on tozoplasmosis; problems of toxoplasmosis at a psychonearo- losical clinic Lwith summary In Fr*ncb3. Zhur.asyr. I polkh. 57 noe3:360-369 '57- (KLRA 10:6) (TOZOPIASMOSIS. case reports. psychoneurol, aspects (Ins)) USSR-/ 2-ooi~rrtDitology.---Fr--fti-ittc ar i ur Abs Jour :R4f Zh Biolos No 8, 1958, No 33904 Author :Khr-lctEkiyj A.M., Zonukhin, D. V., Orlov, 0. A.9 )-6nolyan- ch1.&_&.-Wrr,r Fodoscove, E. V. Inot tITO-t givch Title tDatr on ToxoplaBrosis. The Froblon of Toxoplasnosis in the Psychonourologic Clinic. -- Matoriely k izuchaniyu tokso- plaw.oze. Problonn toksoplazina v poilthonovrologichoskoy kliniko. Orig 'Pub tZh. novropatol. i psikhistrii, 1957, 110- 3. 36o-369 Abstrect sClinical end scrologicrl oxeninatinns were conducted on 63 paticnts in tho psychirtria hospitnll mong than 43 with a suspcctod congcnitnl or acquired toxoplemosis and 20 with vrrious disoanoB (schizophroniv, opilopsy, rhtunctie onec- pholitis, otc.). In tho, firet group the ntrabor of positive Cord 112 r 0 USSR / zooparaeitologY- Pnrvoitic Protozon. 0-1 Abs Jour j nof Zhur - Biol.p No 8, JW, No 33904 I Abstract : reactions with ateining tgont end BBR was throo timas thnt in tho socond. Of 12 oncophelitis pationts of mixod otio- logyp nino producod positivo reactions in gract dilutions. Card 2/2 U 11 It it 4 to it at D )A I) M V A A IV 11 17- It 0 is A 0 4 J-1 -1-,L,AA N (A W It 0 W A -M, ".Its it, Oes, 06 .4 '-00 06 f Seal meat&&* stl=& d botulism. li'l.Kill'ahkin ;-00 Ckswer & k4itaror 39, MN, Cf. C, A, U. 344141- A tolkin title to R. "diiiiij *2.* found in wid men( 0o a having cau-1 the dralli (44 licruln's, Vwfattifthewitir lication of inest did not iNintain any. This wilin dif. f"rd Ifoill R. N-:011mat A, a slid C, A1141 the Inxin allwit AGO 00 Ir it tn'islw~l was lwa hruttallf"I Ivy 1114."111111. Allti- 9 1411ints .1. B Oral J% %f-j)lk1WX%-LLllT minit littil. AMS filif IhC Pea Will" E Wa- VUMAt 241 411AIII C. A. Papini-4n Omlwitw See, 609 see t:O 0 to 0 A 01,111,111 A Itell 1111k, A., t At 'a s, .1 at -41- U 111 AT "I IIT I p rp tteeff Kit 111111 "art It at IS si, 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 *to 0 0 0 a 0 0-0 00 0' *' q 0 0 4 41 a **@egg* q u 00 a" a` 0 XftN %Zr K 00 of If A badirtWOSIMI d"Y Of t" 901111'"kis of b*W'M- 90 2 r #,No. 3 WI r in tierma 9A).--A "m r i'll t d f lt X -in e rom se m we lvilate q ia'ift.$ bWA yiekkd a tcvmn which "old wt Ite riviltralilrd Il "II. 00 I'ming amained from 11. bolituNal IV A, It and r, Wt ~ Thr tit for 1/2 hr ti b 4 b , es ng whkb was dtaroye y " " MmIll "(fmfulln"" wal %train pecritq to btrelated to the 00 .9 It bo" Ito proemlytie charwirrWk-i. IP)t lieftlifYing fix 00 ) 00 and ("Winge with "I and gas bmnxtm~ It dr WO lml ~ maliow, simpsti 00 0" yunw.dukitcAurglyrttul. so fmm M"ed sturrm"Ok-h yi.-U!"I a Imin that wa- w'I w 00 %imv*r tit thoft of the Ist stral" ncvf)t that It fer"It"It IRKTW with " and forrilatky", It Is anarrAic. Is 0o O r nwre4orming. but emm not Ildmittly be Wrolifittf th the at julksatiom Framittil't sugg"t 4 cli" rv- cm a l A211 r f t t v . n ytw l and e Wpm olrairm ti Imtkorlt ,p with I ~ Ii, A. Kittlalm .go #low, 11VII41. 10joo %vio*3 It G.1 G.i Ant iftwo .."0 W11414 I's u a I, to 04 0 0 a 0" .14 S 4 S Is o * o o 0 o o 9 0 0 0 0 o 0 4 * 0 0 a * 0 0 q 0 -1 000 o o 0 o 0 #1o 0 co of* *food too** 0 0 * 4 0 .00 .00 so 0 -00 Soo '00 Soo 2,1.00 so 1300 No's tio 4 10* 0 V 0! LuWjcr - Krasnoyqrsk Territory open-air dryint; oC lumbf:r under conditions of Krasnoyarsk. L--s. -rcm. 12 no. 7, 19:52. 2 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, - September 195y, Uncl.