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SOY/2o-126-1- 33/58 On Particular Features of Electrolytic Oxidation Reactions on ~ Germanium Anode (referred to normal hydrogen electrode) on the currenl density of an n- and p-germanium anode with a specific resistivity of 1.5 ohm-cm and a diffusion length of 0-4 - 0-5 mm. The introduction of potassium oxalate into the solutions decreases the potential of n-germanium, This phenomenon is particular- ly marked in the case of high current densities at which,, for the anodic dissolution of the n-Ge the limiting c-arren't of the diffusion of the holes occurs. By the addition of the oxalate ion this limiting current vanishes. The oxida- tion of the oxalaie, which occurs simultaneously with the dissolution of the Ge, increases the latter within the poten- tial range, in which it is otherwise limited by diffusion of the holes to the surface of the semiconductor. The im- 'pression is conveyed that the anodic oxidation of C 02- increases the concentration of the holes on the surface 2 4 and thus facilitates dissolution, This is explained by the authors by the fact that the oxidation of the oxalate ion is not due to the holea but to the penetration of electrons Card 2/4 SOV/20--128-1-33/58 On Particular Features of Electrolytic Oxidation Reactioa8 on a Ge-rManium Anode into the Ge-anode. In the case of p-Ge the lowering of the potential by oxidation of the oxalate ion occurs only at low current densities. If curr;nt densities are higher, an anodic dissolution of Ge, which is not influenced by the presence of the C 02- occurs. In a similar manner the oxidation of 2 4 KJ (Fig 2) develope. Ifere a further process is added, which accelerates the anodic dissolution of Ce, viz. the reduction of J on'the anode by the capture of electrons from the valence zone. This reduction could also be visually confirmed because the discoloring of the solution, which is character- istic of iodine, did not occur. Iodine in this case probably plays the part of a current carrier and promotes the exchange of electrons between the valence zone and the zone of con- ductivity. Herefrom the authors draw the folloving conclu- sions: Only the reaction of the anodic dissolution of Germanium, which is connected with the destruction of the crystal lattice, is limited by the diffusion of the holes to the surface. Other oxidation reactions davelop without the assistance of Card 3/4 the holes, but by the penetration of electrons into the anode. There are 2 figures and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. 5/076/60/034/012/017/027 ,B02OJBO67 AUTHORS: Yefimov, Ye. A. and Yerusalimchik, lo Go, Moscow TITLE: Hydrogen Evolution on a Germanium Cathode PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizioheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34v Ho. 12, pp. 2804-2807 TEXT: In contrast to the results obtained by W. Brattain and C. Garrett (Re 1) the authors found no difference in the course of the polarization curv;B (il-logI) which were taken on p- and n-type germanium at current densities of 1o-5 to 1o-1 a/cm2 after previous long-lasting polarization (Ref. 2). The authors attempted to study the reasons of the rbeence of a distinct electron diffusion boundary current on the polarization curves. The curves potential - current were taken by a quick method which permitted the polarization measurements to be made at a low hydrogen overvoltage. In the experiments the voltage was applied to the electrolyzer by a special generator of sawtooth_pulses which allowed the voltage supply to be changed from 30 to lo 4 see. The potential of the germanium electrode was measured in 0.1 N HC1 at current densities of jo-3 to 3.10-2 a/cm2 Card 1/3 Hydrogen Evolution on a Germanium Cathode S/076j6C)/034/012/017/027 B020/BO67 and 200 as referred to a hydrogen electrode in the same solution (Fig. 1). Curve 1 corresponds to n-type germanium and curve 2 to p-type germanium. The curves were taken within three seconds. At a potential more negative than 0.6 v the curves I - I for n- and p-type germanium cathodes diverge. At I - 3-10- 2 a/cM2 the polarization of the p-type germanium electrode increases by 0.3 v compared to that of n-type germanium. When measuring the potential after preceding cathodic polarization of the electrode to a constant potential no deviation was found between the curves of p-type and n-type germanium. The difference in the kinetics of the electrolytic evolution of hydrogen on p- and n3type sermanium becomes manifest only at current densities exceeding 3.10- a/cm and in a very short initial range. This phenomenon is connected with the bending of the energy zones on the semiconductor surface during adsorption and the entrance of the hydrogen atoms into the cryiital lattice. Fig. 2 shows the y - I curves for a solution of 0.1 N HC1 + 0.1 N (NH4)2S 208which were taken within three seconds on n-(curve 1) and p-(curve 2) type germanium, whereas curve 3 corresponds to the hydrogen evolution in20 1 N HCl on n-type germanium. At current densities exceeding 10-1 a/am ;he potential of the p- and Card 2/3 W Hydrogen Evolution on a Germanium Cathode 3/076/60/034/012/017/027 B020/BO67 n-type germanium electrode rose strongly and anomalously (Fig. 3). This was not the case in degenerate semiconductors because of their ohmic fall of potential in the impoverished layer on the germanium surface and in. the semiconductor mass. The electron diffusion from the mass of p-type germanium to its surface reduces the rate of electrochemical reaction neither in hydrogen evolution nor in the reduction of the peraullato ion. There are 3 fiaurcz and ref'eronccn: "5 Sovl(!L, (1";, tird British, Card 3/3 4 3 ~67 116 0 0 SOY120-111 -2-31/69 0 AUTHORSt Yefimov, Ye. A., Yerusalimchik, L G~, TITLEs On the Particular Features of the Electrochemical Dissolu- tion of n-Type Silicon t~ PERIODICAL; Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol 130, Nr 2, PP 353 - 355 (USSR) ABSTRAM This paper is an experimental confirmation of the assump- tion made by J.Flynn (Ref ~), ao cording to which, un- like what is the case with germaniiimq mainly the holes are used up in the electrochemical 'isoolution of Si which are formed in the space charge layer on the boundary between semiconductor and electrolytev and where only an insigni- ficant number of holes is formed by generation within the semiconductor. The method employed is described in refer- ence 3. The experiments were made by means of an a-silicon lamella (resistivity about 3 ohmo*cm), On one side of the lamella a p-n junction with an area of 0,03 GIM2 was pro- duced by melting aluminum, and an the same side an Qhmic contact was connected. The lamells. was insulated by means Card 1/3 of silicon-varnish and paraffin with the exception of the ISM 3 0n the Particular Features of the Electrochemical SOV/20-130-2-51/6~ Dissolution of n-Type Silicon place opposite the p-n junction-The thickness of the n-Si layer between the boundary of the p-region and the electrolyte was 20-251t- The experiments were made at 200 in 2.5n IIF. Figure 1 shows the polarization curves of the anodic dissolution of ^i in the interval of current densities from 10-6 to 5.10-4 a/cm2. Curve I was obtained with an open circuit of the p-n junction and connection of the positive pole of the current source to the chmic contact. Curve 2 waa obtained by connection of a back bias of 100 v to the p-n junction. Both ,,urves are -in full agreement, For comparison, curves are introduced; whish were obtained with ordinary Si-electrodes with a specific resistance of 3 and 10 The change i ii e I ec - trode thickness in the case of the same specific resistance exerts no influence on the anodic disoolution of S!, which is in contradiction to the results obtained with germanium (Ref 3). Thus it has been proven that the holes necessary for the anodic dissolution of Si are essentially formed Card 2/3 within the region of the space charge on the boundary f- I.,_ 13 On the Particular Features of the Electrochemical SOV120-130-2-31,169 Dissolution of n-Type Silicon between semiconductor and electrolyte, but not within the semiconductor, A further confirmation of this opinion was provided by the experimente made with reduced (C 02-) and oxidizing (K Fe )-additions to the elea- 2 4 3 (CN)6 trolyte (Refe 6,7). There are I figure and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet., PRESIENTEDs September 81 1959, by A. Ii, Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTEDs September 81 1959 Card 3/3 S10201601134100610231031 B000054 AUTHORS, Yefimni-le. A. and Yerusalimchik, I. G. TITLE: celState of Anodically Polarized Investigation of the Surfs Germanium in Alkaline Solutions PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 6, pp. 1367-1389 TEXT: The authors studied the state of anodically polarized germanium by recording the curve of charge. To exclude semiconductor effects, they used degenerateopolycrystalline germanium. The experiments were made in 0.1 N KOH at 20 C. The germanium electrode was anodically polarized at various current densities for a certain- eriod. Then, the curve of charge was recorded at a current density of 10 3 a/cm2 by means of an ;H0-1 (ENO-1) oscilloscope. Fig.1 shows the curves of charge after anodic polari.- zation at the potentials -0-350 v and -0-330 v, and a duration of 10, 20, 60, and 120 sec. In all cases, the authors observedv at about-0-75 v, a retardation of the potential increase which is due to the oxygen dis.- charge on the germanium surface. In anodic polarization T = -0.35 v, the amount of electricity needed is about 4-5*1o-4 coulomb/cM2 , and does Card 1/3 Investigation of the Surface State of S10201601134100610231031 Anodically Polarized Germanium in Alkaline B004/BO54 Solutions not depend on the time of polarization. The potential of about 1-4 v cor- responds to the potential of hydro en separation on a pure germanium sur- face in 0.1 N KOH at I - 10-3 a/eX The amount of chemically adsorbed oxygen depends on the potential of anodic polarization. It is completely eliminated by cathodic polarization at q 4 -0-35 v. With an increase in the potential to -0-330 v, a horizontal step appears in the curve of chari/ at YFv -0-75 v. The total amount of electricity needed to remove the oxygeft- rises by one order of magnitude, and now depends on the duration of the preceding anodic polarization (jo-3 coulomb/cm2 at T - 10 see, 7-10-3 coulomb/OM2 at T - 120 see). The observed step makes the authors conclude that with anode potentials higher than -0.35 v, part of the elec-- trochemically adsorbed oxygen is bound more closely to the surface. A monomolecular GeO layer is formed. Fig. 2 shows that the retardation at Y = -0-75 v can only be observed at anodic potentials below q - -0.180 v. At higher potentials or after longer polarization, the horizontal step disappears. Fig. 3 shows the curve of charge at anodic polarization with I - 2.5- 10-2 a/cm2 (T - -0-03 v). After longer duration of polarization, the potential of the electrode rises to +0.6 v due to slow diffusion Card 2/3 Investigation of the Surface State of 31020 601134100610231031 Anodically Polarized Germanium in Alkaline B004/4054 Solutions of OH- ions to the electrode surface, and a new retardation appears on the curve of charge at If = -0.25 v. The experimental data show that the total amount of 0 adsorbed to Ge may attain more than 10 monomolecular layers, In the cane of anodic dissolution, an oxide layer forms which is cathodically reduced at -0-75 There are 3 figures and 3-non-Soviet referenceg. PRESENTED: June 8, 1960, by A. 11. Frumkin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 8, 1960 Card 3/3 B/076/61/035/003/006/023 Ll too C) 104S, 11'15,IZ73 B121/B203 AUTHORS: Yefimov, Ye. A. and Yerusalimchik, I. G. TITLE: Anodic dissolution of germanium in the presence of reducing agents PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, V. 35, no. 3, 1961, 543-547 TEXT: The authors studied the mechanism of anodic dissolution ?S thin germanium electrodes on addition of reducing agents such as C20 4 or I-. The electrode used was a germanium lamina with a resistivity of 20SIem and a diffusion length of I mm. The germanium lamina was 200 p thick. On one side of the germanium lamina, a p-n electron transition was produced by al- loying with indium. The potential of this germanium electrode with respect to a saturated calomel electrode was determined for vario-Ls current densi- ties at 200C, All polarization curves obtained in the presence of reducing agents showed a distinct limiting current with potentials more positive than 0-5 v. The authors discussed the mechanism of accelerated germanium disaolu- tion on addition of a reducing agent. Experimental data showed an additior& supply of holes from the lower semiconductor layers to its surface in the Card 1/2 S/076/61/035/003/006/023 Anodic dissolution B121/B203 presence of reducing agents. Electrons are injected in germanium during the oxidation of reducing agents. This produces an electric field permit- ting the supply of holes from the interior of the semiconductor to the sur- face. This accelerates anodic dissolution. The increase in the saturation current is higher on addition of I- ions than of C 02- ions to the solution. 2 4 This circumstance is due to partial reversibility of the reduction of molecular iodine according to Gerisher and Beck's mechanism (Ref- 3: J- Phys. Chem. (K. F.), 13P 389, 1957). There are 3 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: Gerisher, Beek, J. Phys. Chem. (N. F.), 13, 389, 1957; Shockley, Bell, System Tech. J., 28, 435, 1949- SUBMITTED: June 19, 1959 Card 2/2 -AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: JOL(3 116Y 111T1 89574 S/076/61/035/002/0111/015 B107/B220 Yefimov, Ye. A. and Yerusalimchik, 1. G. (Moscow) ------------- Anodic dissolution of silicon in hydrofluoric acid Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v- 35, no. 2, 1961, 384-388 TEXT: The procens of anodic dissolution of p-type and n-type silicon with specific resistance of about 1OD-cm in 2.5 N hydrofluoric acid at 200C has been studied. The investigation is of practical interest for the electro- chemical etching of silicon. The silicon samples tested were toward (111); the minority carriers have'an ave~rage lifetime of 30-40 gaec. Polarization and differential capacity were measured referred to a saturated calomel ele:trode; the potential-veraus-time curves were measured with anNO-l (M-1) oscilloscope. The method has been described by the authors in a pre- vious paper on the dissolution of germanium (Zh. fiz. khimii, ~J, 441, 1959)- Fig. 1 B ows the rtential for anodic dissolution at current densities bet- ween 10-9 and 10- A/cm2. n-type silicon shows a clearly marked limiting current which is still increased by adding potassium ferricyanide to the Card 1/5 89574 Anodic dissolution of ... S/076/61/035/002/011/015 B107/B220 solution. For p-type silicon, however, T is a linear function of log I between 10-~-6 and 5-10- 3. It follows therefrom that the dissolving process is determined by the number of holes at the silicon-electrolyte interface. The dissolution causes the formation of an oxide layer which is dark on p-type silicon and dissolves hardly in concentrated hydrofluoric acid, but with vigorous evolution of hydrogen in cold potassium hydroxide. The ox- ide lay'er on n-type silicon is much thinner and reacts hardly with potassium hydroxide, but is dissolved in concentrated hydrofluoric acid. Apparently, the oxide layer on p-type silicon consists mainly of bivalent, and that on n-type silicon of tetravalent silicon compoundu. Differential capacity was measured at 200, 1000, and MOM cps. (Figs. 2 and 3)1 the curves corre- spond to those for germanium, but the capacity is lower. For p-type silicon it is about one order of magnitude higher than for n-type silicon; this is due to the fwt that:h the 1-Ater t~_- impov6rishad carrier band is broader. The chwige of the electrode potential after reversing from cathode to anode direction is shown in Fig. 4. Conclusions: The first stage of anodic dissolution is the electrochemical oxidation of the electrode surface) then, the hydro- fluosilicic compounds formed on the surface enter the solution; this process Card 2/5 3/07 61/035 002 011 0 kiodic dissolution of B107Y5220 ~.s, however, limited by the number of.holes at the semiconductor-electrolyte .interface. If there is an insufficient number of holes (as in the case of io ~A-type silicon)y the dissolution of the silicon oxide compounds formed on the durface is rendered difficult and electrochemical oxidation of the electrode Aurface continues unimpeded. Probably, this is the reason why tetravalent .and bivalent silicon compounds are formed on n-type and p-type silicon, respectively. There are 4 figures and 5 references: I Soviet-bloc and .4 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the three Engliah-language publications. read as follows: Uhlir, Bell System Techn. J.j J~j 333! 19561 Turner, J. Electrochem. Soo - P j_O.~p 402 f 1958 Flynn, J. Electrochem. Soc. j-0-2) 715) 1956- SUBMITT ED -June 10, 1959 ..Legend to Fig. 1: Anode polarization in the dissol 'ution of silicon: '(1) n-type silicon in 2-5 N HF;(2) p-type silicon in 2-5 N HF;(3) n-tYPe silicon in 2-5 N HF + 0 -05 N K Fe '(CN)6- Legend to Fig. 2: Differentiai capacity for p-type silicon: (1) 200 cps; (2) 1000 cps; (3) 10000 cps. Legend to'Fig. 3: Differential capacity for n-type silicon: (1) 200 cps$-' dard 3/5 (2) 1000jI(3)~ 10A00 CPs. Na FOE ME I M WOMOMMOR" -M-MORIM 3/076/61/035/002/011/015 Anodic...dissolution of B107/B220 __.__'.~89574 S/076161/035/002/011/015 dissolution of B107/B220 "~'j,O bege Le to Fig. 4: Electrode potential6 for th6 dI of current directii !-~rever on: (1) P-type i~ Si:Lj io-4 A/cm2; (2) p-type silicon con, 4 1 2.16- A/cm (3) p-type siliconj -4 2 5.10 -type silicon, I A/am (4) n -A jT . . ..... S/076/62/036/001/008'017 -B 10 7 /13110 AUTHORS, Yefimov, Ye. A., and Yeruealimchik, 1. G. (Moscow) TITLE: Study of the surface condition of anodically polarized germanium in acid solutions PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 1, 1962, 98 - 102 TEK'V-. The surface condition of a germanium anode has been studied at a current density of 10-5 to 10- 1a/cm 2 in 0.1 N H2so4 at 200C. All the experiments were made with polycrystalline, non-semiconductive, degenerate germanium with an impurity concentration of nearly 0.01%. Preliminary tests have shown that germanium of this type behaves in anodic dissolution like p-type germanium. The charge curves were measured with an 9H0-1 (ENO-1) oscilloscope. The germanium electrode was anodically polarized at different current densities for some time, whereupon thel -Q curve was recorded at a cathode current density of 10-3 a/cm 2. The germanium electrode was etched in CP-4 (SR-4) before each experiment. In addition, Card 1/2 S/076/62/036/001/oCr,,/017 Study of the surface condition ... B107/B11O its resistance and capacitance were determined between 60 and 5000 coo. It has been found that an electrochemically adsorbed layer of oxygen is formed on the germanium surface at a potential less than 0.38 v. The layer has a thickness of about 2 - 13 oxygen atoms, which is independent of the DOtential and of the time of polarization. A monomolecular layer of a defined compound of one germanium atom per oxygen atom starts forminE above 0.33 v. This monomolecular layer exhibits a high resistance and can be entirely dissolved cathodically. At 0.57 v and more, thick, macroscopically detectable layers of GeO, the thickness of which grows with the potential and with the duration of polarization, are formed on the germanium surface. The oxide is not completely dissolved by cathodic polarization. The potential required for the separation of oxylgen on it is higher than on pure germanium. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 1 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: D. Turner, J. Electrochem. Soc., 103, 252, 1956; J. Law, P. Meigs, Semiconductor Surface Physics, N. Y., 1957, P. 383. SUBMITTED: April 6, 1960 Card 212 5/076/62/036/004/005/012 BIOI/B110 AUTHORS: Yefimov, Ye. A-j yerusalimchikt I. G-p and Sokolova, twoscowT TITLE: oxidation of germanium surface during chemical etching PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v- 36, no- 4, 1962, 765-769 TEXT: A report is given on experiments for the purpose of studying, by means of charging curves, the oxidation of the surface of polycrystalline Ce, which was treated with various etching agents. The Ge contained a maximum of 0.011,16 impurities. The following substances were used'aa etching agents: (1) CP-4, consisting of 50 cm3 Hijo 3, 30 cm3 cH 3COOHP 30 cm3 HFf and 0.6 cm3 Br2; (2) etching agent no- 5 of S- G. Ellis (J. Appl. Phys.f 29, 1262, 1957); (3) etching agent no. 8 of Ellial (4) 20 cm3 H 202P 1 mg KOH; (5) 20 cm3 HF, 10 CM3 HNO 23 11 80 v 5Q cm 3 H 0, 1 5 g K Cr-0- 3' 5 OE 2 4 2 2 Z-r and I g N9Cl. The charging,curves were plotted at 200C in 041 N 11280 4 and. cathodic current density of 10-3 a/cm2 (Fig. 1). The stationary potentials .Card 113. 5/076j62/036/004/005/012 oxidation of germanium surface B101/B110 of the Ge electrode after etching for 15 sec were measuredy and also the 2) required for removal of the oxygen quantity of electricity (coulomb/cm bound to the Ge surface after etching the sample for 5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 see. Results: (a) on the germanium surface, each of the etching agents formed oxide films of a structure and composition specific to the etching agent; (b) the most homogeneous film is formed by the H 0 etching agent 2 2 no. 4; the charging curve of Ge treated with this etching agent shows a clearly horizontal course for -0-3 vi (c) with the exception of the etching agent no. 4, the specific effect of all etching agents is loot after 1-4 hrs exposure to air. The quantity of electricity necessary for reducing-the oxide film was 4-3-10-3 after I hr exposure to air; 5-0-1o-3 after 2 hre; and 5-6-10-3 coulomb/cm2 after 4 hrap from which the formation' of Ge021 which is reduced at T -" -0.2 Y, may be inferredp this being in good agreement with R. J. Archer (J. Electrochem. soo.t 104t 619t 1957)- There are 4 figures and I table. SUBMITTED: : June(30, 1960 Card 2/3 S/076/62/036/004/005/012 Oxidation of germanium surface ... BlOl/B110 Fig. 1: Charging curves of Ge after 15 see etching. (I)9 (2)l (3), (4) and (5) etching agents seen in the body of the 2abstract. Legend: ordinate v,- abscissa coulomb/CM Card 313 3 7631 S/076/62/036/005/006/013 BJOI/B110 79 0 AUTHORS: Yefimov, Ye. A., Yerusalimchik, 1. G., and Sokolova, G. P. TITLE: Blectrochemical evolution of hydrogen on monocrystalline silicon in hydrofluoric acid solution PEIRIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 5, 1962, 1005 - 1009 TEXT: The authors studied the electrochemical reactions of P-and n-type Si in 2.5 11 H? and measured (a) the H 2 overvoltage at 2-5*10-6 _ 5-10-2 a/cm2 with preceding I-hr cathodic polarization at 1. . 10-2 a/am2; (b) the oscillograms for current inserzion with Si as cathode; (c) the anodic charging curve at I a ' 5-10-5 a/cm 2 with precedingcathodic polarization at various potentials. Results; (1) Slowly taken cathodic polarization curves i-L- f(log 1) are equal'for n- and P7type at V -0.7 v and obey Tafel's equation, b,-,;0.17 V. With more negative q the potential rises quickly: for p-type Si at 10- 3 a/cm2 for n-type Si at 10-2 a/cm 2. Card.1/3 S/076/62/036/005/006/013 Electrochemical evolution of... B100110 (2) Oscilloscopic measurement of the potential by an )P-1 (EI'10-1) oscilloscope, synchronously connected with a sawtooth pulse generator, showed no change of the polarization curve for n-type Si, and an increase of the potential by 0.35 v for p-type Si. (3) The oscillograms for -4 2 current insertion are equal for both types at 1 0- 10 a/cm . At Ic- 10-3 a/cm 2, the curve for p-type Si shows a distinct peak 2 v high. (4) The anodic charging curves for Si polarized at -0-5 v show a retarda- tion of the potential at I,> -5 a/cM20 This suggests'the formation of ,~, 5 - 10 a surface compound from Si and H at -0.5 v. Two processes are possible for H evolution: (A) Si + e- + H+ SiH + e + H+--Isi + H 1. The 2 val 2 second reaction is much retarded. for p-type Si. (B) Hydrogen forms dipoles with outward-directed negative poles on the Si surface. With n-type Si, the negative charge of the surface is compensated by the positive charge of the surface barrier, and fur~.her hydrogen adsorption is restricted. I.ith p-type Si, the positive pole of the dipole is a hole. As p-type dipoles do not reach into the body of the semiconductor the formation of Card 2/3 77 B/076/62/036/005/006/013 Electrochemical evolution of ... B101/B110 further dipoles and further hydrogen adsorption is possible. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: July 27, 1960 Card 3/3 F&IN IMMA UYUMOV, Ye.A.; YERUSALIMCHIN, T.G.; SOYOf,fitrAt G.F. (Mo3oow) State of the surface of anodically polarized silicon In hydrc- I fluoric acid solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 36 no.6:1219-12.21 Je ~ 62) (MIRA 17~7) W44 S/076/62/03'/006/005/011 BIOI/~144 AUTHORS: Yefimov, Ye. A., and Yerusalimchik, 1. 0. TITLE: Effect of the-bichromate ion on the anodic dissolution of germanium PEIZTODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 36, no. 8, 1962, 1791 - 1794 TE.',2: Proceeding from observations rrade by F. Beck, H. Gerischer (Z. "lectrochem., 63, 943, 1959), the behavior.,of p- and n-type Ge (resistivity 1.0 ohm-cra, diffusio-f. length 0.5 mm) in 0.1 N H2 so4was studied in the presence of 0.15 - 0.03 1", V.2 Cr207at ro-om temperature. Results: (1) ."lith p-type Got the potential of anodic dissolution increased in the presence of the bichromate by-0.2 v for the whole range investigated (0 - 1.6 ma/cm2). (2) "With n-type Go, the potential of anodic dissolution increased whereas the saturation current d;opped to nearly one-half. Exposure of the Ge electrode to light eliminated the bichrom9te effect. (3) On thin Ge electrodes with p-n junctiona. small bichromate effect with reverse bias and a reduction of the saturation Card 1/2 S/076/62/036/008/005/011 Effect of the bichromate ion ... B101/B144 current with open p-n circuit vere observed. Conclusion: The Cr 2 02- anion 7 is adsorbed on the positively charged Ge surface. Since he valence electrons of the ion are drawn to the oxygen atoms, the Crg+ ce.iter attracts electrons and repels holes. This inhibits the anodic dissolution and reduces the saturation current. On exposure to light, this effect is compensated by the intense generation of holes on the surface. There are 3 Z~'~ igures. SUBYITTED: December 8, 1961 Card 2/2 RMT LOMIMMININ FM MM I MINI R, pmr. ~== ION SOV/6448-. PHASE I,BOOK E(PLOITAT Yefimov, Yevgeniy'Ale 1coandrovich, and 'Josif GrIgor 'YeVich Yerusalimchik E,Iektrokhimiya germaniya i kremniya (Blecirochemistpy,of Germanium and Silic6n) Mos-cow, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 180'p,. -Errata slip insdrted.,. 5000-coPies printed. Ed.,.! 'A. T. Kochnev; Tech. Fd.:, V. V.'K6gan., -the book is Intended for seientific.'%workers, engineers, -and technicians working in the semiconductor indubtry., It may also be.useful to advanced students s~ecializinig both in semi-- conductor engineering and in electrochemistry.,. ~COVEROE: The book is a.generalizatiop of investigations carried'out', by.Soviet afid non-Soviet scientists in-a new area of physical chemistry, the electrochemistry of semiconductors'Buch as germanium' and qilicon. It offers a systematic outline of the structure of theelectrib d6uble layei~ at the semiconductor-electrolyte inter- face,and the kineftes of the anodic disaolutio'n of germanium and 'Card 1/17- El eet'r~ o'e'hemlst ry of Germanium and Si I i oo7n' SOV/6448 -18ilicon and'provides date on.other electrochami6al-reactions .'oecuring on'germanium and silicon electrodes. AJpecial chapter has been devoted to a discussion of-electrochemibal operations perform6d'imthe production of semiconductor devices'.. Thd authors -thank Ye, N, Faleglos., Can"didate of Ch6mical, Scie~ceso for 'his ,valuable comments.' Each-chapter is Accompanied'by-references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: .Forew6rd I.~. Structure of the Sealponductor-,Ele6trolyte. Interfa ce 7 .1. Surface properties of a semicondilctor 7 Chargea layers at seniiconduotor'-electrolyte. boundary- Bibliography 22 Card I ~_,Xp*A*; SAPKO, V.N.; GREBENYUK, V.P.; PIORO, E.Ch.; SHCHaTNYY, P.M.; KSENZUK, F.A.; SHIRINSKIY, D.I.,* TOISTYKII, V.I. Rapid top pouring of rimmed steel into ribbed ingot molds. Metal- lurg 8 no.lltl7-19 N 163v (MIRA 16:12) ACCESSION NR: AP4033398 S/W(6/64/038/003/0589/0592 A. (Moccow); Yeruaalimchik, X. G. (14oscow) AVDIOR: Yefimoy~ reneltioa on tho anodic Effects of electric and atructurel haterog ~diasolution of germanium. SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheLoy khimii, Y- 38, no. 3,, 1964) 589-592 TOPIC TAGS. Germanium, anodic dissolution, polarization., anodic polarizet-ion, whole, electric heterogeneity, structural. heterogeneity !ABSTRACT: The purpose of this investiGation was 'to find the cause of the discre- pancicG--between the theoretically calculato-d limiting current for the anodic dissolutioi~ of gemanium and the much greater experimentally observed current. Since the ordinary single crystals of germaniwa are not strictly homogenious specially grown crystals of n-germanium withJ0 = 3 ohm,cm and length of the order of 0-7 mm, containing ~ minimum amount of impurities and the density of disloca- tions.of 50 dioloc./cm and also germanium with the a e electric rd physical loc./cm were used for parameters but having a density of dislocations -6910 dis this investigation. The anodic polarization curves were obtained by the potentio- .:Card, 1/4 IACCESSIMI NH: AP4033398 static method in 0.1 N 112S04 (Fig- 1). The experimental results show that the .increase of the limiting current during the anodic dissolution of germanium is tassociated with an additional Generation of boles on some parts of the electrode surface. A higher concentration of Cu and Ni on such parts of the electrode may lead to the formation of the high resistance micro regions where the acceptor 'impurities compensate for the main part of donor impurities or it may lead to segreGatioa of Cu and Ni into a separation phase, primarily at the places of dia- ruption of the, crystal lattice. In the areas or germanium on wbich the conductivi-I :1ty is close to the bulk conductivity, the limiting current due to holes is much $Greater than on bulk n-germanium. U- pon increase of anodic polarization these zones may completely change the type of conductivity. The p-regions which occur at the n-germanium electrolyte interface will carry a large fraction of currentj thus individual areas of the electrode surface dissolve more rapidly than others. !A segregation of Cu and Ni in a separate phase in the germanium Prystal, may be :Produced due to break-through and local generation. This was verified by measuring: ~the photoelectric potential as a function of the potential of germanium electrode I "The authors express their gratitude to L, It Koleanik and Yu. A. i in 0-1 11 H2S04- :Kontsevoy for their help and valuable suggestions during discuoaioa of the reflultat" Orig. art. has: 2 fitpires. 2/4 4 mmmigm EUCL: 01 ACCESSION NR: AP4033398 B14CLOSURE s 01 Fig. lo Anodic polarization curves obtained by the potentiostatic method in 0 - 1 H ",':P04 SOW vith n-germanium electrode.s. Resistiviiy of, j germanium was 3 ohmoem. U I Z 0-7 mm, 50 dtaloc./CM2 2 L = 0.7 mm, 6*40 disloc./CM2 3 L = 0.03mm, 101 disloc./c~a2 L = 0.0_~=, (upecimen 2 after removal of Gu Ni impurities -.1 Card 4/4 ACCESSION MR: AP4033404 S/0076/64/038/003/0720/072 3 AUTHORS;-Yefimov. Ye.A.; Yerusalimchik, I.GS; Gorgoraki, Ye.l. TITLE: Reduction of persultate ion at a germanium cathode SOURCE: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khtmil, V. 38, no. 3, 1964, 720-723 TOPIC TAGS: persulfate ion reduction, reduction, germanium cathode, n type germaniumt p type germanium f t ABSTRAOT: Because of the contradictory data given In literature i on the reduction of persulfate Ion at germanium electrode,, this reaction was studied by the potentiostatio pol4rization method and also via measurement of the photoelectric potential of the germanium. electrode, This permitted determination of the magnitude of the curvature of the energy zone on the electrode'surface. 2lectrodes' from n- and p-type germanium with specific resistance of 1.5 ohm. )(cm and diffusion zone length of 0.7 mm were used. A series of experiments were made on a degenerated polycrystalline germanium ILwhioh does.not have semiconductor properties and also using electrod- e 'with p-n transition. Polarization curves taken in 0.001 N "2S206- till Vo Ir AcassioN NR: A2403304 on'n- and p-degenerated germanium show that under'given oonditio a the reduction process'does not depend on the type of ele9trods. .conductivity and that*a limiting current of ivO.35 ma/cm7-d I a the. normal spdoifio current for persulfate Lon diffusion to the electrode surface. The addition of an Indifferent eleotrolyte to a'. 0.001 N K S OA solution decreases somewhat the Inhibition pf the electroch9mioll reaction. It wis found that on increasing the coi2oontration of the persuifate ion In the adlution, the polarizatioz curve s f or p- and n-garmanium. begin to dif far and at 4v = -0. P,, -j* -0, 2,v the rate of reaction increases. With increase of the concentration.. onium persulfata the ph9topotential Increases and the value of, of amm the potential of flat zone isjdisplaced toward the more positive potentials for the p- and n-tjbe germanium electrodes. Since the polarization curves on n-~ andp-garmanium corresponds to poto t als.1 n, I -0.2 -w, It was concludeA that in both cases the reaction is Inhibited. On the basis of the lack of limiting c = out for the diftusion of electrons in the,p-gormanium it was assumed that also- trons of the valence zone'take part In the reduction or the rato of ryfaoe reoombiTln at the ~lectrolyto boundary la very great. Bu 9 ran* arto hael 9u It -- - - , - - - , I I T i I 11 1 I I 1. - ;I !AOOESSION NR: AP40334b4'----- I' 11 1. I.: . YEFIMDVS, Ye.A.~ YERUSALIMCHIK, LG.; SOKOIDVA, G.P. (~oskva) Electrochemical behavior of the silicon electrode in solutions of owidation agents. Zhur, fiz. khim. 38 no.9:2172-2175 S 164. (MIRA 17.12) M=ntm 4AMA,-WEA L 62f 04--65 44 7(m )/Eh"! ( t j ( b !JP(c JD ACCESSION 11P_ APS0184S4 UR/0364/65/001/001/0818/M21 541.13:621.315.592 AUTHOR: Yefimov, Ye. A.-I Yerusalimchik, 1. G. i ITITLE: Anodic dissolution Df_&2L1i= arsenide SOMWE. Elektrokhimiya, v. 1. no. 7gS65, 81 7OPIC TAGS: galli= arsenide, slectrochemistry, anodic dissolution, photoelectric semiconductor. oxidation ABSTRACT: T'he anodic dissolution of gallium arsenide proceeds with the participa- tion of holes. For this semiconductor with a wide forbidden zone the ma-in potential! jLunp takes place in the space charge region. This investigation was carried aut by means of anodic polarization curves, measurements of photoelectric potential, Jif- femntial capacitance, cathodic charging curves and current efficienc-f. Single crystals of n-type galliLm tirsenide (doped with telluri=) were used as electrodes. The electron concentrations in these crystals were 1018 and 8'1016 cm-3. Scne elec- trodes wem made from p-Me gallium arsenide (doped with zinc) in which the concen- i0n '~'f 110166 was [~.1010 nd 1.114 ma-3. oriented along the III plane. The poten- tio,itatic curves (Fig. i of the indicate that tho d1santution of n-typv Card 1/4 L 62804-65 ACCESSION RR: APSOLS454 -6 a/cM2, .gallium arsenide Is retarded at current dcnsity of 10 . At 1.2-1.3 V a breakthrough at the electrolyte boundary takes place, and the avalanche of cm-nent carriers is produced. In 1 N 112SO4 the potential of gallium arsenide is indepandent of the concentration of gal-litri ions in solution, apd for n-type it is 0.3 V mire inegative than for p-type. Analogous curves are obtained in 0.1 M H SO In 4* 0.1 N KOH and 1 N KOH the curves for p-type gallium drsen1de are shifted 0.70-0.75 .mo.--,- positiv,~ as compared with acid solutions. in these solutions the potential of ,n-tyr?e is more positive than of the p-type. Illumination of the electr--de surface ;causes a large shift of the potential of n-type gallium arsenide in the negative di- rection and essentially results in elimination of the retardation of the anodic re- act'"on Jue to hole deficiency. Illumination of p-type gallium arsenide resu3l:s in potQntial shift in the posLtivE direction- Analyses of anodic dissolution pr