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LEVIN, R.S., prof. I TWIMOVt
Congenital familial craniofacial dyaostosis. rad. 34
no.2:80-82 Mr-Ap 159. (MIRA 13:4)
1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdoleniya Hauchno-iseledovatellskogo pedi-
atrichaskogo instituta (direktor - prof. A.Lo Idbov) Ministerstva
zdravookhraneuiya RSFSR.
(HYMMELCERISM, case reports,
x-ray (Rus))
90 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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45-MOU Vagibb 66) --Thc
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Abs. Jour,
Farm Animals.
General Problems.
Be.-C Zhur-Biol, I No 21 2 19532 96817
Yefimovs-Fo F*- Obraztsova, A, S.
I! -Unloi Scientific Research Institute of*
:The Utilization of Urea as Fertilizer and as
a Partial Protein Substitute in Animal Ratio
orig Pub. :Byul. nauchno-teWin. inform* Vses. n,-i, in-t
zhi,rotnovodstval 19517, No 2 (4) 40-43
Abstract :One tiact of land was fertiliza In field testv~
by urea$ another by salpator* The corn.crop of
the first tract amounted to 100 percent, of
the second to 63 percent. Aa experiment was
performed nith 8-9 months old calves. The firt
group received corn silage derived from the
field fertilized with ureal the second - from
the field fertilized with salpater the third
- from the control field, the fo~gh - f-"om
the control field wM additional 90 S of urea
Card: 1/2
*Animal Husbandry,
Country USSR
Category Farm Animnas.
General Problems,
Abs. Jour Ref Zhur-Biol.j No 21, 1958, 96817
OrIg Pub.
Abstraot containihg 41 S o-.,O nitrogen# in tho first two
groups of CaIV03 a negative nitrogen balance
was observed in the third, a small positive
balance in the foi=th, a considerable posi-
tive W:?ogen balance were observed.
Cards. 2/2
YXFIMOV, 7 ~andidat zel'ekokhozyavqtjrennVkh nauk; OBR&ZTSOVA. A.S.
nitrogen fertilizer. Naulcm i pered. op. v sellkhoz.
7.,no..4,---3~-r3~.AP.157. (mT2, ic:6)
1. VessoyuzW7 nauchno-losledovateliekly inutitut zhivotnovodstva
(for abraxteovs).
DOYAKOV, Mikhail Iudovich, skqdemik (deceased]; BIMNIKIY, N.G.,
obahchiy red.; DMITROCHENKO, A.P., prof., doktor sellskokhoz.
nauk., obahchiy red.;,XOUDYR3V, T.Ye., knnd.sel'skokhoz.aiuk,
obahchly red.. V radaktirovenii prinimAli uchastiye: GMU-
BiMITSOVA, Yu.V., knnd.9el'skokhoz.nmtk, nauchnyy sotrtidnik, red.
(deceased]; MYSYUTKINA, M.V., kand.sellskokhoz.nouk, nauchnyy notrud-
nik, red.; M., ROOLI.F., kand.ael'skokhoz.nauk, nauchnyy
sotrudnik, red.; Z S.M., kand.rjellakhokhoz.nnuk, nauchnyy
aotrudnik, red.; BEDNARSUYA, G.A., red.; BALLOD, A.I.,
(Selectod works in two volunes] Iz-brannye sochinenlis v dviikh
tomakh. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry. Vol.l. 1959. 515 P.
Vol.2-, 1959. 647 p. (MIRA 13:1)
1. Vaesoyuznaya akdemiya sollskokhoz.nauk in. V.I.Lenina (for
D'yakov). 2. Daystvitelinyy chlen Vaesoyuznov akademii sel'sko-
khozyaystvennykh nauk imeni. V.I.Lenina (for Belenlkiy). 3. Vee-
soyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut kornleniya sel'sko-
khozynystvannykh. zhivotnykh (for Golubentseva, Mysyutkina,
Yefimov, Kabozev).
Ls~~ ~tibzw- ~
Studying physical characteristics of rocks. Geol. nefti I no.2t
60-63 IF 157.- MRA 1018)
F, fil,
analvais. Geol. nefti 2 no.1:63-
69 A '58. (Rocks--Magnetic properties) (MIRA lltl)
.. .......
I-lagnetio-fractional-mizier,ilogica:L study of rocks. Izv, AN
SSSR. Ser.geol.-26 no.9,-24-36 S 161. (MIRA 14:8)
.,sesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellakly geologorazwdochnyy
neftyanoy institut-(MGNI) Ministerstva geologii i Okbraiq zwdr
SSSR, Maskva.
(Rocks--l-lagnetic propertied.)
New method for analyzing rocks and iron ores. Sov.geol. 6 m.2:152-155
P 163. (MM 16:4)
1. Voesoyluznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologIF azvedochnyy neftyanoy
(Rocks--Analysis) (Irpa ore&.-Analysis)
0 .
j:~h; POSPELOVA, A.M.p ved. red.
YEFIMOV.. Fedor,.Nikol~y~~7
[Yiagnetic-fractional-rineralogica1 (14FMA) analysis of
rocks] ~tagnitno-fraktsionno-mineralogicheskii analiz
(M~) gornykh porod. Moskva, Nedra, 1964. 223 p.
(MIRA 17:11)
,I -
~ ~wl--;
.YEFIMOV, F.T.; FROLOV, N.G.; MAKOVSKIY, G.M., inzh., red.;
GORD YEVA, L.P., tekhn. red.
[Metal shot and sand; production and use] Metallicheskie
drob? i pesok; proizvodstvo i primenenie. Moskva, Mashgis,
1963. 142 p. (MIRA 16:7)
(Shot) (Sand, Foundry)
Ixesplary work of motion,-picture operator Ramiantsev. Kinomekhaaik
no. 10-6 ja 155. (MLRA 8;2)
(Ramiantsev. N.
YEFD4()V, G.
Russia. Posol'swo. India.
bputniks breaking into cosmos. PA. by G. ainov. New Wlhi, IJL;ZiR hinua!jsy, iy5*f.
78 p. illus. (Booklets on the Soviet Union)
GALEYEVp A.; YEMOVI.G., ribkor; SERDYUKOVj N.2 inzh.; LOBZAp L.
ULIkINj uchlU
-X"Novoiybkovskiy rayon '3ryarwkoy oble);-
PF,TRM,, V,,q uchitell (?Iovozybkovskiy rayon BryanBkoy obl.)
rE G I YAREV p. 11. -
Letters to the editors. Sov. profsoiuzy 17 no. 2:46-49
ja 161. (MIRA 14:2)
1, Predsedatell_,promyslovogo komi0ta profsoyuzat g.
Oktyabrtskiy (for Galeyev). 2, Gomel' hayr rem,,.)ntro-
ekspluatasio=aya baza rechnogo flota (for Serdyukov).
,5.,Chlen rabselikorovskogo soveta gazety "Vpered" Razdelf-
nyanskogo rayona, Odesskoy oblasti (for Degtyarev).
(Trade unions)
YEF314OV, G. , kand.tnkhn.nauk; KUT'SENKO, V. , inzhoner-polkovnik
Method for calculatitiC the n=b3r of cars. Tyl i snab. Sov.
Voor. Sil 21 -nn. / t8l-83 An 161. (I-IIRA 3.4:7)
(Autombilons, Mlitary-4"wposrUtion)
(KiUtar7 railrialu)
YEFIMOV 0. (Astrakhan')
Improve the streetcar lines. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 13 no.4:25 Ap
163. (KRA 16:5)
LOBOV, V. , kand. biolog. nauk; YEMOV, G. (ILPfimov, H. 1, nauchny3r
Chemical protection of plantse Nauka i zhyttia 12 no.2.*8-10
F 163. (MIRA .16--4)
1. Institut organichaskoy khimU AN UkrSSR (for Yefizov).
Agricultural chemicals)
Flantev Protection of)
USSR/General and Specialized Zoology - Insects. P.
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., go 8, 1958, 353PI
Author Zagaykevich, I.K., Yofimov, G.A.
Title Elateroides DOMCOtOM03 as a Beach Post in the Carpathian
Orig Pub Lasn. k-vo, 1956, No 11, 44-46.
Abstract Elateroides dermestoides is a mass technical pest of the
beech, birch and fir trees. It Inhabits the alder, oak,
elmp ash, chestnut, mple, asp, poplar, pine, fir and
larch trees. The emergence of the beetles in various
forestries in different years lasted from April 17 to
June 29. The females picked out for egg-laying thick
trees lying on the ground or weakened-in the loxer parts-
standing trees, stump5 and root lugs. Curved larvae pas-
sages penetrated horizontally into the wood or around the
trunk. The larvae cleared the bore meal from the
Card 1/2
USSR/General and Specialized Z0010GY - Insects.
Abs jour Rof 7,hur - Biol., go 8, 1958, 35321
passnGcs. The walls of the passages were oovered with
mycelimi Endopomoo hylecooti (tile spores were carried
by the femle),vhich served as the chief food for the
larvae, The decay (and rapid destruction) of the Wood
frequently starts from, t1le paoac%ges; it is caused usually
by pore fungi. Sanitary care of the forest Is needed,
and in the centers of mass propa(ption of tile posts it if;
necessary to treat the stumps, trunks and wood residues
With a DI)T solution in diesel fuel prior to egg-laying.
Card 2/2
ZAGAMTICH, I.K. [Zahaikevych, I.K.); YFYIMOV, G.A. [Uflmov, H.O.]
Dilus fugax Olive as a pest of papIllonaceous shrubs. Zbir. prats'
muz. AN URSR rios28;103-104 .157. (MIRA 11:5)
(Kiev Province-Longicorn beetles)
(leguminosae-Diseases and pests)
(Kiev Province-Borers (Insects))
LOBOV~ V.P.; YMMOV2 G.A. LlEfimov,. H.O.J; GORDAYA, 14,V. [Iforda; M.Y.1-1
Herbicidal propertl~-3 o~ rilphanyle-tharia, derivatiff-36 Pop. All
URSR no.5t682-686 `64. (1.',IFA 17:6)
1. Inatitut organiohaskoy khimil All UkrSSR. Predittlavl,~-no a-kademiko-m
AN UkrSSSR D.K.Zero-rjm,
~G.A~Ufjmov, H.O.]
Avenin, a ner-w systemic insecticide. Dop.AN URSR no.8:1095-1097 160.
(MIRA 13:9)
1. Institut organicheskoy khimii AN USSR. Predstavleno AZT USSR P.A.
YEFIMOV, G.A. flEfizoov, H.O.J; KAGAN, Yu.S. [Kahan, IU.S.]
Toxicity ofAl.esters of arethanphosphorle acids to insOcts and
warm-blooded Anim,als. Dope AN URSItno.2:275-278 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Institut orgahichaskoy khimii AN UkrSSR. Predstavleno akademi-
kom AN UkrSSR A.P. Markavichem'[Ylirkevych, O.P.J.
YEFIMV, G.A. [-jEfi-novp H.O.]; LOBOV, V.P.
Insecticidal properties of Lhe para!,hicrothicphenyl ester of
pheny1fluorothiophosphinic acid. Dop. All UTOR no.7:969-9711
"64. 1 (WRA 17:9)
1. Inotitut organicheskoy Wmil Ukr3,13M. Predstavleno akademikom
AN Ukrf)~R, A.P.Markevichem (Markoqoh, O.P.J.
Pathomorplholcgy of afrcrenr~ and effamrtv atr-m-tums o-` intram-aral
nervous System:of the lungs In fibreavernous tubarp'iilosis. Probl.
tub. 41 no.8:66-72 163. Off RA 17:9)
Iv, klinik-i obahchey khlrurgli"(zai. znaltizhe4y doyatollimilkL
MFSR Prof. A.A.P61.vantsav). Volgogradakog6..merlitaintikogf) lnstttv~d
.1 kh1rurgicheskogo otdelenlya oblastnoy klinichonkoy bollnl S
(glavnyy vrach znsl,.izhennry vrach RSF8R A.1 Gllqev).
-9.1-66 F (,M)IFS(y) 3 (d) a
ALMIOR: Yefimov, G. B.; Okhotsimakiy, D. Ye.'
ORG: none
TITLE: On.optimum acceleration of a spacecraft In n central field
SOURCE: Kosmicheskiye issledovanlya, v. 3, no. 6, 1965, 811-825
TOPIC TAGS: energ optimum triaector , optimum acceleration, low thrust spacecraft,
hyperbolic velocity )~4
ABSTRACI!: s article can be considered as an extension of the article by D. Ye.
0k Wl
___2~ ~(Investigation of motion in a central force field with constanT-ra-n-
gential acceleration. Kosmicbeskiye issledovaniya, v. 2, no. 6, 1964, 817-824).
The simple asymptotic formulas derived there make it possible to calculate the param-
eters of motion in the neighborhood of a gravitational center as well as at points
.distant from it. Hare, the authors raise the question of the extent to which this
scheme is optimal. -They analyze the variational problem of the energy-optimum ac-
celeration of a low-thrust spacecraft in a central gravitational field from a nearly
circulak orbital velocity to hyperbolic velocity under the assumptions that this ac-
celeration is variable and that its direction deviates from the direction of the
tangent to the trajectory. The properties of such motion in the neighborhood of the
gravitational center and at points distant from the center are analyzed. The energy-
L 949i-66
,ACC M AP6000301
optimum motion is compared with the corresponding motion of a spacecraft with con-
stant tangential acceleration and its advantages and disadvantages are indicated.
The authors emphasize that the scheme of motion with constant tangential acceleration
presented in the earlier article is sufficiently simple and rational. The construc-
tion of the limit solution of the variational problem by which estimating the basic
flight parameters can be reduced to the use of single-entry tables or to calcula- means of simple formulas (as is done in the case of motion with constant
tangential acceleration) is cons.'dered. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 53 formulas,
and 2 tables. [LKI
SUB CODE: 22/ Sum DATE: l7Aug65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF:- OOl/ ATD PRESS:
BRYLEYEV, A.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; MOZHAYEV, S.S., inzh.; YEFINOV, G.K.,
Modernized numerical a.c. code-type automatic block system. Avtom.,
telem.'i sviaz' 5 no.11:10-13 N 161. (MIRA 14:11)
(Railroads--Signaling--Block system)
____BRYLEYrEV_,_ A-, M.-I d-Oktor -to khn-. nau_k_,__p_r__o f -.--;--PUG I I I) DpK., kand.tekhn.natik;
YEFDOVI G.K., inzh.
Coded a.c. circuit blocking with time division of coding in the
adjacent track culcuits. Vest.TSNII M 20 no-5:3-8 161.
(MM 14:8)
(Railroads-Signaling-Block system)
BRIJEYEV, A.M., doktor tekhnnauk.. prof.; SHISHLYAKOV, A.V., kand-Zekhn.
nauk; FUGIN, D.K., kand.tekhn.nauk;-YEF 1OVEG.K._j-inzb.;
MCZHAYZV$ 3.8.1 inzh.1 GRIGORIYEVO N.I., inzh., retsenzent;
KAZAKOV, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, reteenzent; PETUSIIKOVA~ I.K.9
inzh., ked.; USFJIKO, L.A.,,
[N6w systems of coded automatic block signaling] Novye sistemy
kodovoi avtoblokirovki. Moskva., Wes. izdatellsko-poligr.
ob"adinenie M-va putei soob.1:1961. 135 P.'(Moscow. Vaesoiuznyi
nauchno-isBlodovatelfskii insAtut zheleznodorozbnogo transporta,
Trudy, no.219). (MIRA'15:1)
'(Railroads-Signaling-Block system)
YEFIMV,q.K..,- mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; DMITRIYET, V.S.
A se;ective device for meaAuriagthe harmonic components of traction
natWr~ current#, Avtom., telem. I'i "vi 1 7 no.1:7-9 Ja 161,
(MIRA 16:2)
I* Vses&yuznyy nau6no-issledovatel'skiy institut'*zheleznodorozhnogo
transporta MAnisterstva putey soobshcheniya (for Yefimov). 2.. Starahiy
inzh. Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-Issledovatel'..9kogo Instibita zheleznodo-
rozlv.wgo trails va
poAA MWaterst Y~Aqy soobahcheniya (for Demitriyev).
(Blectric rai-Iraods.-CuRpnt supply)
(Electric railr'aods-Blectric measurements)
SHISHLYAKOV, A. V.11 kand. takhn. naukj YHFIMOV, 0. X.,, kand. toklm.
nauk; DMITRIM, V. S. .1
Track circuit vith tuned reBonant joint transformers. Avtom
telex. i svias' 7 no.4:4-7 Ap 163. (MDU 16:4)
1. Starshiy Inzh. laboratorii avtoblokirovki i avtoreguUrovki
Yeesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta zhelezno-
dorozhnogo transporta Ministerstva putey soobshcheniya (for
(Railroads-Signaling-Centralized traffic control)
BR=EV, A.M.y doktor tekhn. nauk; YEFIMOV, G.K., kand. tekhn. nauk;
Code-type automaticId.c.lblock system with a Dla, stage.
Avtom., telem. i sviazl 7 tio.6:3-7 A 1.63. (MIRA 17:3)
ACC NRI AP6014731l SOURCE CODE: UR/0006/65/000/~~U0031/0034
AUMIOR: Yefimov.LG.N.; Sigalov, V.M.
ORG: None
TITLE: Experiente acquired in the use of electronic computers in triangulation c
SOURCE: Geodeziya i kartografiya, no 12, 1965, 31-34
TOPIC TAGS: geodesics, geodetic survey, triangulation, computer application, digital
computer/ Ural-I digital computer/ Ural-2 digital computer/ Minsk-l digital computer
ABSTRACT: This paper is an account of experience gained in the use of 10P in geode--'
tic surveying..Computer programs were writtenand computations performed for various
phases of triangulation and.related geodetic surveying work. Triangulation adjustment
computations, small, under 10 determinable points network, were performed;
these were transferred from Ural-1 to the Minsk-1 computer which does this work 12
times faster an&~4.5 times cheaper. Preliminary processing of triangulation: programs
for this work were originally written for both the Ural-I and Minsk-1 computerS, but
beacause of the better effectiveness of the Minsk-1, the computations are now done
only on the Minsk-1. Coordinate transfer between adjacent 6 degree zones: programs for!
this work have been written for both the Ural-I and the more powerful Ural-2 computer.l.
For the solution~of the reverse problems, other programs have been adapted, with minor~l
ACC NR& AP6014731
switching addenda - the triangulation adjustment program and the zone transfer prog-
ram. A special program enables the computer to verify the perforated tape using' opti-I
cal means. Characteristics and limitations of the developed programs are given. The t~
tal computer time for the processing of a triangulation system is 6n minutes'for the
Ural-1, with n -~the total number of points; for Minsk-I the time is k minutes, whei
re k is the number of (only) the points to be determined. Much checking is done by
repeat computation with changed coordinates. A maximum of 27 triangulation adjustnen
problems can be handled; the time is 3b minuts. 7he preliminary processing of trian.
gulation is done twice, independently, acting upon information supplied independently
by two persons. A maximum number of 73 points and 599 directions can be handled "on
the Minsk-1), The transfer of coordinates program can handle up to 320 points, with
up to 2240 directions (Ural-2). Computer time is 5 seconds ( 1 minute on the Ural-1).
Various programming and chechout pointers and observations are presented.
has 1 table.
SIUB CODE. 08, 09/ SUBM DATE: None/ ORIG REF% 000
Card 2/2
IoOBOVP V. P., kand. biolog. nauk; YEFIMOV Ji-Efimovo if. 0.1
Modern methoda of the chemical control of wee& Khim. pr=.
[Ukr.] no.1:40-43 Ja-* '62. ~MIRA 15:10)
1. Hauchno-issledovateltaki3r inBtitut organicheBkoy khImii
Need control)
WDO"119 V,P. kand. biol, rau-k;-Y:r-F.ArWI(, G,.O. (Mflmav,
Field testing of the domestic II.Avenin' preparatilon In -.1he
control of suaar beet weevils. Khim. prom, [Ukr.] n3.4.
35-37 C-D163~ (MmA 17-.6)
ACCESSION NR; AP4012393 S/0021/64/000/Q02/0273/0278
AUTAORs Yor t Kagan,. Yu*
TITLE: The toxicity of dioatorB of urethanyhosphoric acids for insects and marm_
blooded animals
SOURCE: AN UkrRSR. Dopovidij no. 2. 1964, 273-278
-TOPIC TAGS: organophosphorus compound, insecticide, organic phosphorus insecti-
cide, anticholinesterase, toxicity ~
ABSTRACT: The dealt with organophosphorus compoundsp the diesters of
urethanphosphoric acids of the type ROOCIEP(O)(ORI)2, where R and R1 are alkyls.
The dimethyl esters of isopropyll, methyl- and othylurethanphosphoric acids are
very toxic for the sugar-beet weevil, the first-mentioned being the most toxic.
Preparations of diesters; have high selective toxicity for certain insect species
of the orderiDiptera (Musca domestic&, M. stabulans, Hylemia antiqua and Pegomia
hyosciard). The preparations were tested on rats and found to be practically harm-
less, manifesting a very weak antichdlinesteiase activity in vitro and no". being
transformed into active anticholinesterase agents in the animal organism.' Orig.
art. has 2 tables.
Cord 1/2
ASSOCIATION.- Insty*tut organichnoyi khimiyj AN Ukr.RSR(Institute of Orgarde
Chemistry, AN UkrRSR).
SUMITTED: .0614ay63 DATE ACQs 034ar64 ENCL: 00
Eflinov, Or. P. "Apparzitus Constructed by I. !-. S. for Determining the Ela.-tici-L3- "Odulus
of Rocks." Vincrullnoo Syrie, Yo3cow, !,10. 1,
3OGDAUOV,U.K., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; YZFIMCV,G.P., inzhener
Cnlculating securing devices for freight transported on railroad
flatcars. Tekh.zhel.dor.6 no.12:7-10 D147. (miaA 8:12)
Peredovaya Tek?mologiya ispol I zov,:;niya Fogruzehikov I Kranov odern Techniolo&y
of the Utilization if Loaders and Grane3, by) G.P. Yefimov. Moskva, Tr.-.-i)zwi,,:Idori
datp 1)5.1.
10'I p. Diagrs., Tables (Trudy Veenoy-umiogo f-lauchrio-.'Ls.,iledoviALullsko~o
Instututa Zheleznodoroziuiogo Transpork-la, Vyp. 44)
1 ! .~t~P7.~ '~ ! T'; : - '- ;r - I,
TUMON, D.H., tekhnichaski
Advanced technology in the use of loaders and cranes. Trudy TMI RPS
no.44:3-108 151. (KM 8.7)
(Loading and unloading) (Cranes, dsrricks, etc.)
t1SSR/1Q_i_n_ we ri-ng _Au_t_
Card IA Pub. 71 - .13/17
Authors Efimov, G. P., and Korotkov, V. It.
Title The effectiveness of the use of lift-trucks In rail transport
Periodical Mech. trud. rab. 5,, 41-45p July 1954
Abstract A study was conducted concerning the Advantage of using lift-
trucks for loading cormercial goods on rolling stock. General
of ZIO, 4004, and WIL6 lift-trucks is presented,,
together with-instructions-tor-thei-r-operation.,---.Il.lustrations;
r-T--, -
BENSSHAVICH, I.I., kandidat tekhniche*".-cikh aazk; BOGIN, ll.iL. Icandidat
tekhnicheakikh nauk; BYKOV, 'Is.!., inzhenar; VIASOV, I.I., kandidat
tekhnichaskikh nauk; GRITSEVSKIY, H.Ye., inzhener; GRUBRR, L.O.,
inzhener, GURVICR. Y.G., inzhener; DAVYDOV, V.H.. inzhenerl YKR-
SHOV, I.M., kendidat takhnicheakikh nauk; ZASORIN, S.N., kandidat
tekbnIcheskikh nauk; IYANOT, I.L. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk;
KRAUXLIS, A.A.. inzhener; UWOV. L.B.. inzhener; IAPIII, V.B.,
inzhoner; LASTOVSKIY, V,?.. dotsent; LATUNIN, N.I.. inzhener;
MARKVAW, X.G.. professor. doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; MAIMYLOV,
M.I., professor, doktor tekhnichesklkh nauk; NDIANOROV, V.A., inzhe-
ner; OSXOLKOV. K.N.. inzhaner: OKHOSHIII.L.I., inzhoner; FARFENOV,
K.A., dotsent, kandiclat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, PMTSOVSKIY. L.K.,
Inzhener; POPOV, LP., inzhener; PMSIUTXV, B.G.. inzhener: RAT=,
M.P., inzhener; RO3SI'NVbKlY, G.L. doteent, kandidat tekhnicheBkikh
nauk; RYKOV, I.I., kandidat tekb-nichaskikh nauk; RYSHKOVSrIY, I.Ya.,
doteent, kandidat tekhnlcbet;kikh nauk-, RYABKOV. A.Ya., professor
Edecessed.l.- TAUR. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; KIIAZEIT, H.M.,
professor, doktor tokliatcheskikh nauk; CHERNYSHEV, M.A., doktor
Wdinicheakikh nauk.- WE III, L.Ya., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh
nauk: YLU&N-AV, B.N.. dottient; AK8i;H0V. I.Ya., doteent. kandidat
tekhnichaskikh nauk; AIU:HANriL'J3KiY, A.S.. lnzhenor-. BAmNHV. P.V.,
professor, doktor teklmicheakikh nauk; BARNGARD, K.A., kandidat
telchnicheskikh nauk; BORONT, AN.Ye., dotsent, ;mndidat tekhnichalskikh
nauk; BOGDANOV, imhenar,-, BUGDANOV, N.K., kandidat tekhnicho-
okikil nauk: VINNICTINHKO, N.G., dotsent. kandidat okonomichookikh nauk:
(Continued on next card)
BINISHEVICH, I.I.----(continued) Card 2.
VASILOYEV. V.P.; GOITCHAROV, N.G., inzhener; DICRIBAS, A.T., inzhener;
DOBROSELISKIY, K.M., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; DLUGACH,
B.A., kandidat tekhnicheokikh nauk; YXFIMOV, G.P., kandidat tekhni-
chesk-ikh nauk; ZEMBLINOV, S.V., prWe-s-isoF,-h-Ct6r tekhnicheakikh
nauk; ZARZILO, H.L., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; WIN. K.P.,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk,- "RIUNIKOV, A.D., kandidat telrhnicho-
skikh nauk; KAPLUX, F.Sh., Inzhener; KANSHIN, M.D.; KOCMOV. F.P.,
professor, doktor tokhnichaskikh nauk; KOGAII, L.A., kandidat tekhni-
choskikh nauk; klJORVAIN, 3.F., inzhenor; UIVASHOV, A.D.. inzhener;
MAKSINOVIGH, B.14.0 doteent, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; HARTYNOV,
H.S., inzhener; MKDXLI, O.M., Inzhener-, NIKITIN, V.D., professor,
kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PADIITA, V.A., inzhener; PANTRIXYXV, P.I.,
Imndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PXCTROV, A.P., professor, doktor teYhni-
cheskikh nauk, POVOR07MNKO, V.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh
nauk; PISKAREV, I.I., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SERGRYIV,
Te.89, kandidat takhnicheskikh neuk; SIMONOV, K.S., kandidat tekhni-
cheklkh nauk; SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., inzhener; SUYA20V, I.G., inzhenerl
TAIDAYEV, F.Ya., inzhoner; TIICHCVOV, K.K., kandidat tekhnichaskikh
nauk; USHAKOV. II.Ya., inzhenr; USFEWSKIY, V.K., inzhener; FELIDUAN,
M.D.. kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk: ITWOIITOV. G.V-. inzhener;
KHOKHLOV, L.P., iuzhenr; CFMRNCHORDIK, G.I., professor, doktor
tOdmicheskikh nauk; SHAMAYSV, H.?., inzhener; SHAFIRKIN, B.I.,
inzhener; TAKUSHIN, S.I., inzhener; GRANOVSKIY, P.G., redaktor;
TISHCHHNXOj A.I., redaktor; ISAYEV, I.P., dotsent, kandidat takhni-
chaskikh nauk, redaktor; KLIHOV, V.F., dotsent kandidat takhnichaskM
(Continued on next card)
BEMSHEVICH, I.I.- (contintwd) Card 3.
nauk, redaktor; MRKOY, H.V., inzhenerl, redaktor; KALIUIN, Y.K.,
inzhaner, redaktor; MPANOV, Y.N., professor, redaktor; SIDOROV. II.I.,
inzhener, radaktor; GXROIIIWS, B.Ye., kandidat tokhnichaaklkh nan1c,
rednktor; ROBBLI, II.I., otvctstvenzqy re"ktor
LTochnical reference manual for railroad engineers] Takhnichaskii
spravochnik zheleznodorozhnika. Moskva, Goa. tranap.xhal-dor. izd-vo.
Vol-10, LElectric power supply for railroads) Snergoanabshania shalez-
nykh dorog. Otv.rtd. toma K.G.14arkvardt. 1956. 1080 p. Vol-13-
(Operation of railroads] Ekepluntataiia zheleznykh dorog. Otv. red.
toma R.I.Robell. 1956. 739 p. (MLRA 10:2)
1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademli nauk SSSR (for Petrov)
(Zlectric railroads) (Railroads--Management)
KOGAN, A. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YEFIMOV, G.P., k&ndIdat takhnichaskikh
nauk; DOIGOV, NA,
Tasting small-sized loaders. Vest.TSNII MPS 15 no.2:61 S 156.
(MMA 9tl2)
(Fork lift trucks)
Z: L"~Jj C7 vL, Lyl r U;
AUTHOR: ' Wimov, G.P., Engineer. 133-2-14/28
TITLE: Production of Rail Soleplates for Reinforced Concrete
Sleepers. (Proizvodstvo rellsovykh podkladok k zhelezob-
etonnym. shpalam)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 195?, Do.?, pp. 62? - 628 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The types of soleplates and their manufacturing methods
are described and illustrated in Figs. 1 - 3. There are
3 f-41.gures.
ASSOCIATION: Kuznetsk ~Aetallurgical Combine (Kuznetskiy Metallurg-
icheskiy Kombinat)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: -yefimov G.P. , Engineer. 133-12-13/26
TITLE: Eanufacture of Hole-piercing Punches for Rail Fishplates
(Izgotovleniye puansonov dlya proshivki otverstiy v
rellsovykh nakladkakh)
PERIODICAL: Stall, 195?, No.12, p.1111 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: The design of the punch is described and illustrated.
The punch is capable of making 20 000 holes without repair.
There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Kuzntddy Metallurgical Combine (Kuznetskiy metall--
urgicheskiy kombinat) [located in Stalinsk (Remerovakaya 0)]
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
AUTHCR: '~ef i2ov G
TITljii,: Avoidinf, nicks i nrail cover plates. (Uqtra~-Ieniye
zaboin v rellsovyl-ch nakladhaldi).
PERIODICAL: I'Actallurg, 1358, No.A., p.0.6 (USSR).
ABSTIUCT: Nicks viere found to be produced in blanks froi~,. which
rail cover -olates are ,i,-id.e .-Aien the blanlKs pass over
plates fro= the furnace to the roller table. This
arooo -~ihoji Wic., platoo boefum, covored viith scajo im(l
nece,se.itated thf,1% freauent clemin- cand roplacement of
the cast (Steel JlWplates. The difficulty-was
overcome by usinG 10 ma thick and 0.8 m long plates
of qM417 steel which could be replaced without
stopping the furnace.
There is 1 figure.
ASSOCIATION: Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combine.
(KuznetskiY Metallurf~icheskly Kombinat).
AVAILABLE; Librai:7 of Congre5.9.
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Yefimov G.P Engineer 133-58-3-15/29
TITM: Manufacture of Clamps for Separate Fastenins- of R-50 Type
Rails (Proizvodstvo klemm dlya razdellno~o sk~repleniya
k rel'saju R-'O) U
PER.IODICAL: Stal'i 195031 ITr 3, pp 240 - 241 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The r;.ethod of manufacturing (stwrjpin[,~) for
fixinG the rail foot to the sleeper, used on tjIr Kuznetskiy-
Metallurgical Combine is described and illustratc;~'.
There are 2 fiLures.
ASSOCIATION; mctuallurp~icl~eskiy kombinat
(Kuznetskiy etallurr-ical Combine)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 1/1
---- --------
GONCIMOV, gikolay Grigorlyevich;-.YEFIMOV, Gorman Pavlovich-, MANTUKOV,
G.S., inzh., red.; VERINA, G.P.,
[Transportation of oversize and heavy freight] Parevozki ne-
gabaritny)ch i tiasholoveonykh grusov. Moskva, Gos.transp.
zhel.-dor.izd-voo 1959e 2 23 p. (MIRA 12:6)
..... 7~7_
UUMOV, An6tolly Alekseyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk. Prinimal uchastiye
TEGOROV, K.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. TEFIMOV, G.P.. red.;
(Principles of the automatization of loading and unloading
operational Puti avtomatizataii pogruzochno-razgruzochnykh
rabot. Moskva, Vaes.izdatel'Bko-poligr.obledinenie X-va putei
soobahchaniia, 1960. 113 P. (MIRA 1):9)
(Loading and unloading) (Automatic control)
1 7,7
[Iiew types of automatic loaders, small containers and pallets]
Novye tipy avtopogruzchikov malotonnazhnykh konteinerov i poddonov.
Moskva, Gos.transp.xhel%,dor.izhd-vo, 1960. 175 p. (Mopeow. nauchno-isoledovatellskii institut zheleznodorozhnogo
transporta. Tvudy, no.183). (MIRA 13:11)
(Railroads-Preight) (Loading and unloading)
RIDELI, Eduard Ivanovich:- SH=O"Igorl Vladimirovichj YEFIKOV, G.P., retsen-
-1 zent;-TSAREM, A.P.9 red.; M'~~Ap 14.A., tei~~. red.
[Transportation of panetizea loads] Opyt perevozok gruzov v iashchich-
I nykh poddonakh. Moskvay Wes. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M!,-va
putei soobahcheiiiial 1961. 47 p. (MIRA 14:7
(Unitized cargo system)
GOLOVKIN, Mikhail Favlavich; NAWGV, A.F.., retsenzbnt; NAUMKIN, A.N.,
inzh.y ret'senzent; RX40321, V.N., inzh.p reteenzent; SOIDATE21KOV,
A.G.y retsenzent; kand.tekbn.nauk, red.;
MEDVEDEVA, M.A.., tekhn; red.
[Design and operation of motor operAzed loaderal UstroiBtvo i ek-
pluatatsiia avtopogruzchik6v. Vloskva., Vses.izdatellsko-poligr. obn-
edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 77 p. (MIRA 14:12)
1. Abkhasian A.S.S.R. Statisticheskoye upravleniye.
XOROTKOV, Valentin Nikolayovich; kand. tekhn. naukp retsen-
zent; TSARE.21KO, A.F., inzh., red.; KHITROVAq N.A.0 tekhn. red.
(Manual for the operator of a gantry cranal Posobie kranovshchiku
kozlovogo krona. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Vsos. ligr. ob"edi-
nenie M-va putei soobehahaniia, 1961, 271 p@ rmIRA 14:11)
(Cranes, derricks, etc.)
GOUCHAROV, Nikolay GrigorOyevich)- Y!E~F~DIOV German Pavlovich RANYUKOV,
y inzh., red.; KHITROV, P.A., tekhn. red.
[Transportation of nonstandard size and heavy-weight reight]
Perevo2ki negabaritr7kh i tiazhelovesnykh gruzov. lzd.2.,
perer. i dop. Moskva, Vaes. izdatel'Bko-poligr. ob"edinenie
M-va Futei soobshcheniia, 1961. 259 P. (MIRA 15:1)
KATOLICHEIIKO, V.A., inzh., retsenzent; CRLOVA, I.A., inzh.~red,;
[Demountable truck trailers and high-capacity containers]
Kontreilery i krupnotonnazhnye konteinery. Moskva
Izd-vo. -poligr. ob"ednienie m-vA putei soobshchniia.
1962. 185 p. (Moscow. Vse,,3oiuzn7i nauchno-isslodovatellskii
institut zheleznodorozbnogo transporta. Trudy, no.238).(MIRA 15:11)
(Piggyback transportation)
SHTEFKOt LV.; RIDELI, kand. tekhn. nauk,
retsenzent; SHISHKIN, G.S., inzh., red.; MEDVEDEVA, M.A.,
tekhn. red.
(over-all mechanization of the Idading and unloading of
fruit and vegetables] Kompleksnaia mekhanizataii pogruzki-
vygruzki plodoovoshchei. Moskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963.
58 P.1 (MIRA 16:7)
(Lqpding ajj3 unloading) (Fr4t-Transportation)
STOGOV, V.N.., doktor tekhn.nauk prof.; PLYUKHIN, D.S., kand. tekhn.
naukt kand. tekhn.nauk; GRINEVICH, G.P.,
VII-61ii - aFw
doktor t-elffffi-.-na-M-Iretsenzent; SHISHKIN, G.S., inzh.., red.,-
USENKO, L.A., tekhn. red.
[Loading and unloading machinery] Pogruzochno-razgruzoohnye
mashiny. 14oskva, Transzheldorizdat, 1963. 239 p.
(MIRA 16:8)
(Loading and unloading-Equipment and supplies)
Transpiration of cotton and alfalfa in Rurgab and Tedzhen Oases.
Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Ser. biol. nauk no.2:24-29 164.
(MIRA 17:6)
1. Turkmenskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut vodnykh problem
i gidrotekhniki.
Green's function in the model of scalar charged mesons with a fixed
source. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 38 no.1:198-200 Jan 160.
(KRA 14: 9)
1. ObIledinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy.
(Nuclear models) (Potential, Theory of) (Mesons)
AUTHORSt Barbashov, B. M.,.Yefimov, G. V.
TITLEs A Method for Field-theoretical Problems Involving a
Stationary Nucleon
PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1960,
Vol- 39, No. 2(8), pp. 450 - 460
TEXTt In the present paper the authors consider the example of an
interaction between charged scalar mesons and stationary source and
develop a new method for the solution of mesodynamical equations of this
class of models. The applied formalism is not related to the coupling
constant. It is based on the matrix method of solution of differential
%iven by I. A. Lappo-Danilevskiy. The new formalism is equiva-
lent to the perturbation theory, if the Hamiltonian of the system of
neutral mesons and a stationary nucleon is taken to be the unperturbed
Hamiltonian. While in the perturbation theory the approximation can be
made only by taking an arbitrary number of terms of the series, the new
method gives in a closed form the value of the n-th term of the
Card 1/3
A Method for Field-theoretical Problems S/056/60/039/002/032/044
Involving a Stationary Nucleon B006/BO70
approximation. This fact also allows, in principle, the test of the con-
vergence of the series. Thus, the field-theoretical problem is solved in
the form of a series whose n-th term is known. Since the coupling con-
stant does not act as the parameter for the expansion of the series, no
assumption need be made about its smallness. The advantages of these
facts are discussed. An investigation of the renormalized coupling con-
stant leads to the conclusion that, in the exact solutions for some
models, there exist poles at the point g-0. This fact makes all the
methods doubtful when they are based on an expansion in terms of g. The
renormalization constant is calculated according to the proposed method.
It is found that the renormalized charge gr has no logarithmic singular-
ity in this model when a transition is made to the point interaction,
Pinally, it is shown that the method of functional integration, still
only imperfectly worked out, lea" to correct results in the given case.
The authors hope that after further development, the method would lead
still more efficiently to exact solutions of the field-theoretical
problems. The authors thank Professor D. I. Blokhintsev and Academician
N. N. Bogolyubov for stimulating discussions. Tamm, Dankov, and
Card 2/3
A Method for Field-theoretical Problems S/05Y60/039/002/032/044
Involving a Stationary Nucleon B006 B070
D. V. Shirkov are mentioned. There are 9 references; 4 Soviet, 4 US, and
1 British.
ASSOCIATION: Ob-iyedinennyy institut yadernykh isBledovaniy (Joint
Institute of Nuclear Res earch)
SUBMITTEDt March 18, 196o
Card 3/3
Properties of the solution ofithe equation for one model of the local
field theory. Dubna, Izdatel skii otdel ObIledinennogo in-ta iad-,ziqkh
issledovanii, 1961. 10 p.
(No subject heading)
(Renormalization of models In the theory of a field with a
fixed nucleon) 0 perenormirovke modelei teorii polia B fiksi-
rovannym nuklonom. Dubnal Ob"edinennyi inati.tut iadornykh isal.,
1961. 12 p. (MULk 15:1)
(Nucleons) Ouantum field theory)
[Properties of'the solution to low's equation for a rcdel. in the
local field theoryl Svoiatva reabeniia uravneniia Lou dlia odnoi
modeli lokallnoi toorii polia. Dubna, Ob"edinanniy in-t iadernykh
i0alloy 1961. 14 p9 (MM 14 t .11)
(Nuclear models) (Field theory)
AUTHORS:. Barbashov, B. M., Yefimov, G. Ve
..-'1.,TITLE.- Model of local field theory with finite charge renormaliza-
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 40,
no; 3, 1961, 848-859
TEXTt A method previously developed by the present authors (of. ZhETP,
60 and R, 450, 1960) has now been used to treat the modified
IsIt, 198, 19
Lee model of local field theory (T. D. Lee, Phys. Rev. Yt, 1329, 1954)
proposed by I. Bialnicki-BiXula (Nucl. Phys. 12, 309, 1959), in which the
condition of cross symmetry is satisfied. For this which the
-fixed nucleon appears in two states of different masses, the S-matrix and'
the renormalization oonstants are determined first. The solutions are
obtained in the form of expansions in series of the renormalization con-
stants Am (Am is a physical parameter corresponding, to the d-ifference in
-mass between the two fermion states in the model)l these series converge
-in the ultraviolet (E;~ Am). The principal feature of the model is its
Card 1/6
.... .......
S/05 61/040/003/017/031
Mod 1 of local field theory... B102YB205
finite charge renormalization in all orders with respect tohm for point
interaction (unlike the Lee model where the problem of zero charge
arises). On the strength of the Hamiltonian
H m. (iP"V) + dx (x) + (Vq) (x))'j + py (X)I: +
+ g WTM dx (P (x) 8 (x) + Am.
the adiabatic S-matrix, Soc, was found to be
S'-(I, to)1 (2 x
X: exp g ds e (a, 7 S) (S) C
t t
x exp d~l
A (s, s. C R, S2)
X exp -CC23 (3)
j, -Card 2/6
Model of local field theory... B102/B20~"';
.,This expression is exact up to a phase constant. The matrix elements of
A the S-matrix were investigated, and
S1.4 Jim. I PI 6(pi-pl) -2a16(ml-ml) MI-I(ml); (10)
M~O .