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KURIOSOVA, N "k.; i~,*jN.[6--7J-"KO, V.h.; WUXLMAU, E.Z.; YA11RUMOV, L.A.: MANOLOVA E.?.; ESSEL A.Ye.; TARASROWTT-.A.; FIPOGGOVA, A.!.; PIROGOV, I.Ya,; A-KC)PY2.1, R,Ael BABUNASHVILI, N.P.; PROTE-0;-KO, O.A.; FUNSKAYA, I.G.; BUW11STROVA, O.G.; POGORMISK-4-YA, S.A.; DIYA~ICHZNKC, T.F.; TOPURIYA, I.I.; MATABELI, G.V.; GIGITASHVILI, M.S.; VACHNADZE, T.G.; MAZURIN, N.D.; NABIYEV, E.G.; BLOKHOV, V.P. Abstracts. Zhur. mikrobiol., opido i immun, 41 no-4;142-147 Ap 164, (MICRA 182-4) 1. Moskovskiy Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii (for Kurnonova). 2. Faleshtfkaya rayonnaya bollnitsa Moldavsko~r SSR i Vinnitakly meditsinskiy institut imeni Pirogova (for Bondarenko), 3. Stavropolloki-y institut vp'ktain i syvorotok (for Fakhman)- 4, Kaluzhskiy ablastnoy otegi zdravookhraneniya for Yavrimov lKiryushJua). 5. Donetskly meditsinskiy institut for Manolova~. 6. TUJIqs~z~ya rayonitaya imoni 26 komissaro ~ tianitarno-epideniio3.ogichoskaya starritaiya (for Akopyan, Babunashvili). 7. Kemerovskiy meditsimkiy institut (for Protsenko). 8. Turkmen- skiy meditainskiy ini;titut (for Punakaya,, Burmintrova). 9. Gorl- kovskiy institut apidemiologli i mikrobiologii i Gorlkovskaya rayonnaya sanitarno-epie,--l-icheskaya stantsiya (for Pogorell- sl,aya,, Dthachenko). 10. inatitut meditsinskoy parazitologii i tropiche8koy meditsiny imeni Virsaladze Ministerstva zdravookh- raneniv.- Gruzinskoy SSR (for Topuriya, Matabeli# Gigitashvili,, Vachnadze). 11. FAzanskiy institut usovershen8tvovanlya vrachey (for Nabiyev). YAVRUMGVP .-A. Some epideMiological characteristics of infections in children in Kaluga Province. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i imun. 41 no.9: 16-21 S 16-1*. (KIPA 18W 1. Kaluzhskiy oblastnoy otdel zdravookhranonlya. YAVRUYAN, Kh. K., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Rational conditions of per- formance of acidic lead cell batteries." GorIkiy, 1960. 9 pp; (Minis- try of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Gor'kiy Poly- technic Inst im A. A. Zhdanov); 200 copies; price not given; (KL, 18-60, 153) MI -TP. TITLE: Applying a magnetic amplifier in a constant currentV constant voltage stabilizer PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-2-11k (Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in-ta, 1960, no. 59, 55-62) TEXT: Stabilization of current and voltage is considered in a rec- tifying system connected in parallel with an accumulator, in the output circuit of which is the magnetic amplifier. The stabilizer has two amplifying stages: The first is a d.c. electronic amplifi- er, the second a single-cycle, choke-coupled amplifier with a dif- ferential output. The stabilizer works in stabilized regimes of cur- rent and voltage. The power supply is from an a.c. mains at a com- mercial frequency. The problem of an automatic regulation of cur.- rent and voltage at the output of a magnetic amplifier is investi- gated. 4 figures. /-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.1 Card 1/1 A YAVRYAH I X. A. Some perturbations of self-adjoint operators. DAL AX Arm.SSR 38 3-7 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Odesskiy lnzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut, i Yerevanskiy gosudarst- vennyy universitet. Predstavleno akademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR M.M. Dzhrbashyanom. -JAVRL V M -Ale Fuhation of the spectral.shift for Sturm - Louiville operators. Dokl,.~ AN Arm.. SSR 38 no.-4:193-198 164. (MMA 17:6) le Yerevanskiy gos'udarstvannyy uni,vbraitat. Predstavleno ale-ademikom AN Armyanskoy SSR M.M.Dthrbashvanom. YAVRYAN, V.A. Trace formula for Sturm.-Licuville operators. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 41 no.ltl4-21 .165* (MIRA IM) 1. Yeravanakiy- gosudarstvennyy universitet. Submitted February 25, 1965. P, L T -so -i--uit/0020/66/169/001/0049/0051 ACC NRs AP7005422 URCE CObG 4Y,1tVRYjkN, V. it. (Yormn Stato Univorsiiy (Yorovanuldy gosudaratvonnyy univorsitot- 11,11crularizod Trace of tho Difference Between Two Singular Sturm-Liouville I Operators" ;Xoscow, Doklady, Akadcmii 1,11auk SSSR (Proceedings, Academy of Sciences USSR) ,Volo 169, hro. 1, 1966, pp 49-51 'bstract: This paper is a follow-up to tho work of M. Go Kro ..A yn choskiy Sbornik, Vol. 33 (73), No. 3 (1933); Doklady Akadanii Nauk. SSSR, Vol. 1151, No. 5 (1963) and concerns the Gellfand-Lovitan equation for the sum of the differencos of tho olgenfunctions of two regular Stum-Liouvillo operator3. Analogs of tho3o'equations for certain singular Stui-m-Liouvillo operators aro i also considered.. This paper was presented by Academician No No Bogq~yubov on 27 September 1965. Orig. art. hass 11 formulas. _RSs 38p TOPIC TAGSs mathematic operator, mathematics SUB CODE: 124 SUBM DATEj IOSep65 ORIG REFt 014 Card -j 1i UDC1 517.94 VRI _E A YAVTUS 0. I.H. felldsher (Poltavokaya oblast') Valuable handbook.(Review of *Brief manual on medicinal preparations.0) FaIld. i akush. no.2:62 7 155. (MLRA 8:4) (PRAMUCOLOGY--HLMOOKS, HWAIS, ETC.) TAVTUBMINKO, I.N. I Work of pharmacautic centers. Apt.delo 4 no.2837-38 Mr-Ap '55- (MM 8:5) la Zaveduyusbohiy Xhalturinskim aptsohrqm punictom. (PHARMACY, ' in Russia, ruril) (RURAL CONDITIONS, raral Rassia) ZHMAK, B.G.. felideber (Smolevichi '.Minskoy oblasti) DURKANIM, I.V. felOdsher (Pradiahchi VlMUirskoy oblasti) TAVTUSRMO I.N. SAUTIM, I.G., felldsher(MegrIno, Tologodsko,'38TVTT7'--"--- How I improve a7 professional qualifications and boraden my Ideological and political outlook; from articles submitted for the contest. Felld. i akush. no.6:55-58 Je 155. (MLRL 8:8) 1. XMIturinskaya sellskaya bollnits Poltavskoy oblasti (for Tavtuahenko). (Ifurses and nursing) 4 YAVTUSIDWO, I.N.., felldsher MClinical symptoms and first aid in occupational polsonings.0 I.IA.Sconovik. Reviewed by'I.N.IAvtushenko. Felid. i akush. 21 no*2:63 7 156. (KLRA 9:5) 1. 1halturinskaya sel'skays, bollnitsa. (INDUSTRIAL TOXICOLOGY) (YIRST AID IN ILLNESS AND INJURY) (S06MOVIK. -ILOU UKOVUVIGH) 7 ;77777- TAVTUSHMfKO. 1.11., felldsher (selo Ehalturino Poltavakoy oblanti) rerosone poisoning in s child. Feltd. i akueh. 23 no.8:46-47 Ag f58 (KEROSMM--=jCOWGT) (MIRA Ilsq) EXCERPTA YEDI"A S90 17 Vol 519 Public Health SePt 59 2554. PREVENTION OF TICK ENCEPHALITIS IN' THE TONISK AREA (Russian text) - Y a v y a A. It. - TRUDY TOMSK. INST. VAKTS. I SYVOR. 1956, 7 ( 127-111) The tick Nodes persulcatus is the only vector of the disease in the area. It Inhabits mostly marshy fields with shrubs and bushes, pine forests with grassy undergrowth and cedar woods. Natural reservoirs of the virus are made up mainly by herd vole, field hamster, shrew-mouse, common vole and forest mouse. Systematic preventive measures were first instituted in 1951. It is pointed out that extermination of adult ticks should be the main step in the prevention of encephalitis. This is effected by the treatment of cattle, sheep etc. with DDT powder over a period -of 2-3 yr. As a result the biological processes concerned with the reproduction of the tick popula- tion are interfered with so much that a great reduction of their numbe rs follows. (S) 77-77 --- 7`~ jf i~,Pov-' S.P.; POPOV, V.M.; SHIPOVA, A.A.; YAVfYA, A.R LAPTEVA ,K Materials on eradicating an endemic center of tick-borne encephalitis. Vop.virus. 1 no.6:55-58 N-D 156 (MIRA 11:3) (ENCEPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC, prev. and control In-Hussia, extermination of ticks In newly acquired areas) Beroprophylaxis of tick-borne encephalitio. Vop.virus. 4 no.6:686- 689 N-D 159. (MMA 13:3) 1. Tomakiy nauchno-lealedovatellakiy institut vaktoin i eyvorotok. (ENCIMLITIS 19FIDEMIC prev. & contrl) (IWWN SMRUKS) aft? lip 8 5 51 if f IMF r~ 2t 9 V~ v 1: ON Ic I, %. 89 ~y 1z YAVIYA., A.R.; IGOLKIN, N.I.; FOOROV, Yu.V, Materials an the characteristics of the (6r'ymk focus of tick-borne encephalitis, Trudy TomIJIIVS 11&52-61 160, (ENGUHALITIS) (MIRA 16:2) (=4EROVO PROVINCF,-TICKS AS CAMUMS OF DISKASE) 'RI RI Nv K KARPOV, S.P.; )WleYA ALR- Epidemiology and prevention of tick-borme encephalitis in the Tomsk f4wuo in the season of 1957. Trady TomNIM t6o 0 ~ FMIiA 16 z 2) 1. Tompkiy nauo%no-issledovatellskiy institut vaktsin i syvorotok i Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut. (TOMSK PROVINCE-ENCEPHALITIS v, - KARPOV., S*P.j YAVIYA, ~.R.-,. Tick-borne encephalitis in the Tomsk focus during the 1958 season. Trudy Tom NIM 12t18-21 "60 (MIRA 16.-11) 1. Tomskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inatitut vaktain i. sy7orotok i Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut. TRUMANOV, B.G.; YAVIYA, A.R. ReacIto.genicity d the epjAemiological effectiveness of an- tiencephalitic'Alaone according to its evaluation by Pub- lic health agencies. Trudy Tom NIIVS 12:22-28 160 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Tomskiy naiichao-issledovatelfskiy institut vaktoin i sY- vorotok. In KARPOV., S.P. UY!AA,_R.! KOLMAKOVA, A.G.; VEISHIN121A, T.A.; FEWROT, YU. YEROmm, V. S. Sanitation of the natural focus of tick-borne encephalitis: in inhabited areas. Med. paraz. i paraz. bol- 32 no.3s292-296 My-je'63 (MIRA 17RA 1. Iz Tomskogo nauchno-issledovatellskago instituta vaktsin :L syvorotok (direktor B.G. Trukhmanov). yzvl k; BWORKOVA, N.1A.; KUZNICTSOVA, A.A.; TAVZIII&, N.Te. On the W-1 n4turO Of spheruliteg in POlytrifluorochloroothylene Lvith uumoary In English. Zhur.fiz.khim- 31 no-9:2061-2o65 S '57. (EthYlene) (Spherulites) (MIRA .11:1) if attention is restricted to static approximation, the equation d2u/dx2 PHYSICS CARD 1 2 PA 1886 QSA SUB ECT AUTHOR JAI6NICYNIV.G. TITLE 4 static solution of the Nonlinear Meson Tation. PERIODICA1 Zurn.eksp i teor.fiet3l,faso.69 1082-1083 1956) Issued: 1957 -, (u3/x2) _u -.0 1is obtained for the spherical-symmetrio case. On this occasion'the variables x = k0r and u _V_X_rT were introduced. The present work determines the asymptoLie solution of this equation and furnishes its numerical integration. According to a theorem by HARDY (?) every rational function R(Xfu,u:))along the solution u(x) of a differential equation of the type u" -P(x u /Q(x,u) is necessarily monotonous. Here Q and P denote polynomials with respect to u and x. The application of this theorem to the ratio of any two terms of the equation QuI - P - 0 permits the determination of the asymptotic solution of the differential equation at x 4 0. The limit- ing value of such a ratio can be + oo, 0, or also equal to a constant which is different from zero. At least ;ne ratio must exist in this case, which tends towards a constant value that is different from zero. A similar result can be proved for an equation of the type.P(ufx)/Q(utx). A physically interesting solution of the first mentioned differential equation is that which vanishes at x oo. The asymptotic behavior of such a solution in the case of great x can be written down in the form u - - WX-e-x, where g denotes an arbitrary constant. The first-named differential equation can, in ~urn.eksp.i teor.fisp3l,fase.6,1082-1083 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1886 the caso of short distances, be replaced by the asymptotic equation d2u~dx 2 _u3/x'. The latter is an analogy to the equation of EMDEN-FOWLER and can be reduced to an equation of the first order, for, by the substitutions X = e_t and y - Du/dt one obtains dy/du - u3/y - 1. A qualitative investiga- tion of the behA*ior of the phase trajectories on the plane (yu) shows that all solutions of the asymptotic equation mentioned as the last but one have a singular point (as a characteristic feature). The position of this point is not fixed, but it depends on the integration consta4t. By the application of the theorem of WDY (?) to dy/du - u3/y - 1, u - -r2/in(x/xk) is obtained for the asymptotic solution in the case of short distances, where xk is an arbitrary constant. Further, the equation d 2u/dx 2-(u3/x2)- u - 0 was numeri- oally integrated. This integration extended, beginning with the asymptotic solution, to large distances. To each value of g there corresponds a certain value of xk* According to an attached diagram it is possible to representAe VA --x solution obtained in rough approximation by means of the functions u --g e and u 2/ln(x/xk). The author hopes to be able to interpret the results obtained and its application to a two-nucleon system for the case of short distances in the course of a further work. INSTITUTION: State University Dnepropetrovsk ry tZ .. ..... N'1 YAYES S. B. Morphological and functional characteristics of hemopoiesis in hypoplastio states. Sbor. trud. L'vov. nauch.-isol. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh, khir., nos4s76-84 160 (MIRA 16:12) V 47-sy P.Be (*vov) meth*o3.ogy of marrow punctures for ani-IB. Arkh.pat ,20 no*l: 7941. '58. iHIU 13112) 1. It Llvovskogo nauchno-4saledovatellskogo institut4L perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent D.G. Petrov). (MARROW) (HUMERUS-PUNCTURA) _R YAYES, S. B. Comparative data from cytochemical studies of the peripheral blood and bone marrow in leukoses and aplastic states. Probl. gemat. i perel. krovi 7 no.7:43-49 J1 '62. (MUM 15:7) 1. Iz Llvovskogo inatituta perelivaniya krovi i nootlozhnoy khirurgii (dir. - dotsent D. G. Petrov) (LEUMNIA) (BLOOD-ANALYSIS AND CHMISTRY) (MARROW) YAIW~, S.B.; KUCHUK, A.P.; KRIVORUCHKO, R.A.; SHIMAVSKAYA, B.M. Transfusion of blood preser7ed vith cation exchangers and its erythrocyte mass in hypoplastic states. Sbor. trud. L'vov. nauch.-issl. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh. khirt no,4z 155-161 160 (MIRA 16:12) YAYES, S,B.j 11OVIKOVA-DANTSIGER.. T.I.; AKIMOVA) R.N.; KRIVORUCHKO, R.A. State of hemopoiesis and gases of the blood in transfusions of blood preserved with cation exchangers following hemorrhages. Sbor. trud. Llvav. nauch.-issl. inst. perel. krovi i neotlozh. 160 (MIRA 16:12) LYSENKO, T.D.; OLISHANSKIT, M.A.; SINYAGIN, I.I.; GLUSHCHEUKO, I.Te.; VARMSTAH, I.S.; PIOZENT, I.I.; SHCHERBINDVSKIT, H.S.; SHUNKOV, V.I.; TUSTIGHL73T, S.H.; BOCHEM, A.M.; LITVIN, V.M.; jWTKDy A.T.; PODVOYSKIY, I.I.;'SAKS, Te.I.; KRALIFUN, I.A.; FgrU=11- 'TT; SHCHEGLOVA, Yu.N.; DLUGACH, G.V.; STUNIN, R.A.; LISOVSKAY'A, O.V.; GUBINA, T.I.; ROURUSLID, M.I.: TSVETATEVA, Te.M.; PAMM- MENKD, Ye.V.; NEYMAll, N.F. Sofia lAkovlevna Voitinakaia; an obituary. Agrobiologila no.4:191 Jl-Ag 158. ' (MIRA 11:9) (Voitinakaia, Sofilia Iakovlnvna, 1898-1958) 77 AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/3 SOV-10--re-9-18138 Bunimovich, S; Kireyev, 0; Osonenko, V; Yayienko, L. A Club SW Transmitter (Klubnyy KV peredatchik) Radio, 1958, Nr 9, pp 23 - 28 (USSR) The transmitter was designed and built by the authors for use as the Stalino Radio Club's transmitter. It transmits on the SW amateur bands, 80, 40, 209 14 and 10 m, and can operate with telegraph, microphone and amplitude modulation, or with the microphone on a single side band (SSB), sup- pressing the carrier wave. The set consists of 3 basic units - final and penultimate transmitting stages, master oscillator and SSB generator - which can work independent- ly or in conjuction with other apparatus. Band changing in the final stage is effected by replacing the coil. Band switching is avoided to reduce RF energy losses. A switch alters the value of the negative feedback to the control grid - for telegraph work 150v, for AM, microphone work 130,v and for SSB microphone work 95 v. The triode penultimate stage has automatic bias and a switching sy- stem for the band change. The output of the transmitter is not less than 10 w. The master oscillator makes it pos- sible to obtain an RF output voltage up to 50 v. Band change is effected by RF relays. The master generator ~-Nl D A Club SW Transmitter SOV-107--58-9-16/38 stage works at a frequenc5r in the !60 r- band, Key' . n g .!3 carried out on a triods.keyer, A stabilitron i9 built in to stabilize the plate and screen voltage of the mastsr generator and the screen voltage of the buffer stage. The RF voltage is fed from the master generator via a choke to the grid of the buffer tube. The lst doubler is tuned to 80m, the 2nd to 14 m with a relay which, by switching in a condenser, retunes it to 40 m. The 3rd doubler is tuned to 14 m, retuned by a relay to 20 m. The final stage is a cathode repeater. 'rho modulator consints of a 4-qtag-~, AP- amplifier with a modulation transformer, Automati,~ level limitation is provided to prevent non-linear distortions, In the SSB 'generator the AP signal, together with the volt- age from the let carrtor wa,,ro gonornt'r (465 0 k kc)j ii fed to the lat balanced modulator equipped with a single band crystal filter for isolating one sideband. One crystal passes the lower SB (463.5 kc), one the upper SB (466~5 kc) and the other the resonance frequen2y of 465 kc. The se- lected sideband passes through an IF amplifying stage to the 2-stage 2nd balanced modulator excited by the master oscillator, operating at .3.0-3.3 14C for 80 and 40 m bands and at 6.75-7-15 Mc for 20, 14 and 10 m bands. The final Card 2/3 stage isolates the 4th harmonic in the 10 m band, works as A Club SW Transmitter SOV-1071-58-9-18/38 a tripler in the 14 m band, as a doubler i.r. the 20 and 40 m band, and as an amplifier in the 80 m band. The power pack has 5 separate rectifiers. Relays are used extensively to protect the power pack and -transmitter from voltage over- loading. The transmitter is arranged in 3 separate units sliding in and out of a rack assembly% 1) final and penul- timate stages, modulating transformer, 2 750v and 280v rectifiers, bias and relay rectifiers, 3~ 1,500v HT rec- tifier and filament transformer for gas-discharge recti- fiers. Construction and tuning details are given, There are 5 circuit diagrams, 4 tables, 1 figure and I schematic diagram, 1. Radio transmitters--Design 2 Radio transmitters--Performance Card 3/3 BUNINDVICH, S. (UB5TAB) Cbanges in the design of amateur radio transmitterse-Radio no-7: 13-15 il 160. (MM 13:7) (Radio. Shortwave-Transmitters and transmission) YAYLENKO., L. (UT5AA) (Donetsk) A word about radio frequency allocation to radio amateurs. Radio no.1:12-13 A t63. (MIRA 16:1) (Radio operators) BUNMOVICH, Sergey Goorgiyevich- PROZOROVSKIY, YU.N.P spe s. red.; GODINER, F.Ye.0 red. [ArAtour single-stdoband radio comiunication tocluilquou) Tekhnika liubiteliskoi odnopoloanoi radiosviazi. No- skva, Izd-vo DOSAAF, 1961, 243 p. (MIRA 17:12) YAYLOYAN, B.A. Summer planting of cucumbers in southern regions. Kons-i ov.p--om. 17 no.6:29-30 Je t62. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Kurganinskiy konservnyy zavod. (Cucumbers) E9 YAYLPYAN, B.A.- Green peas culture in the area of the Kurganinsk Canning Plant. Kons. i ov.prom. 18 no.3:31-33 Mr '63. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Kurganinskiy konservnyy zavod. (Kurganinsk District-Peas) YAYTS~~OJ.,, brigadir;'FAVLEM,-I'.Ta.; ANTIPOV,'V.A.; FETRENKO, Ye.V., kand.tekbn -rijaurr, 'RUSIN.. D.A., inzh. Produced 28,M tons of coal in,one,month with the "Donligso-l" cutter loader. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.110-10 N 162. (MMA- 15212) 1. Upravlyayushably Shakhterskim treatom ugollnykh predpr.Vatiy kombina.ta Rostovugoil Ministeratva ugollany promyahlennosti SSSR (for Favlonko). 2. Glavnyy inAh. Shakhterskogo tresta ugollnykh predpriyatly kambinatal Rostovugoll Ministerstva ugollnoy promyshlennosti. SSSR (for Antipov). 3. Zameotitell glavnogo inzhenera Artemovskogo ugollnogo kombinata (for Petrenko). (Donets BaBin-Coal mines and mining) Cultiwlolc Pl~ntz Ref Zhix PrYadchcnj!-,u, Bretan, r-alav" V. z la,. 2 BDMY4~, Chobotaru, ?~_41,1-, Acade~. The D2,,"L, _-_,jrt!-i Or!L; Pub Diol. 7,h. JOC6, 1, !1o 1, 147-2-055, The re%uI,'.c~ "iXe Tiv~;n 0~, tile c-',jr, . L-heat varieties', conducted. In 1952 on -,,-'ix unq)crizentul baces,'cituated in different p'rc,,'1uctj,rc Zones of.~_thc RUG- Girn Peorxle~~ YAZADZHI.t A.; DREGICH$ L. [Dragici, L.1; (BUMW =,T, RINVIYA) Comparing spring barley yields with the yields of dual-purpose barley in spring and fall oowing. Agrobiologiia no-4:6ii-622 Ji-Ag 161, (Barley) NIRA 14:7) YAZADZI112 A. [lAzadji, A.); BURLOY, G. Promiaing wintor wheat linoo for Rumania, Agrobiologiia no.5: 774-775 S-0 161. (MIM 14:10) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy agronomicheakiy institut g. Bukharest, ltumyniya. I (Rumania-Wheat-Varietios) EM USSR/Biology BotarW ~card 1/1 -t Pub. 86 - 28/40 Authors Yazan,, Pe Gi Title. I Long-leaved Juniper on the Torok sands Periodical priroda 43/4.,:, page 13,30 Apr,1954 Abztract A'description is given of long-leaved juniper trees ~.(Junipewus oblongs) -found in the sarAy soil of -the Terek-massif., w#h observa- tions on the goologLcal factors their appearance in that region. One Rassian ref erence (1949). Mustratione Institution Submitted 14- 57- 6'12 54 1 Translation from; Raferativnyy zh,;I,nal, Geografiya, 19570 Nr 6,' p 115 (USSR) AUTHOR: Yazan, P. G. TITLE: Forest Planting in the R0111M Sar4o~ (Obleseniya Tersko-Kumskikh bugristykh pesleo'v) PERIODICAL: Izv. G~-oznensk. clol. k-rayeved. muzeya, 1956., Nre 7-8, pp 205-210 ABSTRACT; Two types of trees were usad in the plantings on the Tarelic..F-MM sands in 1895-1898.* fast-growing hybrid black poplars (Sa3 "- caspica), and stands of firm- ' - leafed commeriial or f rul t -bearing trees: white locust, summer oak, white mulberry, oleaster, plum, etc. The " author proposes a new refore-Btati7on- plan which takes the needs of local grazing into considerations The following sand groups are distinguished; 1) light, mobile sands in the process of being covered with vegetation; 2) grey sands,, already overgrown and Card 1/3 settled; 3) dark (ohernozeril-like) friable soils in Forest Planting (Cont.) 14-57-6-12541 'the arenaceous low plains. When reforestation is undertaken, the lVirst sand group should be withdrawn from general use and placed in the state forest reserve, while the second and third groups should*be replanted. Silver and black poplar, willow, oleaster, quince, smoke tree, dog rose, tamarisk, etc. should be used for the reforestation of Terek sands. Crimean and Austrian pine as well as numerous berry bushes and trees can be grown successfully in any ecological condition of the sands. Sinoe small oak and pfiie seed- lingo perish when burned, blown down, or out, their stands should be protected by being planted with fast-growing bushes which thrive in dry regions. They must also be irrigated three or four times a year. In the years of abundant humidity, one or two-year seedlings or"grafts of oak, black locust, honey loolist, maple apricot, and oleAster can be planted in the permanent locationB tafter-sands have been stabilized). It is proposed that in a case of barren hilly sands or those developing a vegetable cover, lower areas and lower- slopes with highest moisture content should be planted first [Tekh- nicheskiye i plodovo-yagodnyye naeazhdeniya (Commerical and Fruit Card 2/3 ----------- Forest Planting (Cont.) 14-57-6-12541 Tree Plantings), Gayell., A.G., 1952, 19541. When reforesting sands forming small dunes, it is necessary to plant compact screens, bands or groups of poplars or willows. These should be located on the highest places, where hydrological conditions are most favorable. Card 3/3 PHUBIN, G.G. I XAZLNv lu.P. ------------------ Organization and mans ement of a mose form, Trudy Peoh,-32. goo.zape noe7&213-240 159. (MM 15:5) oookoro-nych Preser.we-Hoose) YAZPII " Yu. P. MaBsification of breeding grounds for beaver in the upper Pechora Basin. Trudy Poch.-Ilegoo.zap. noo7z241-267 159. (KML 15 a 5) (Pechora VaUey-Beavera) YAZAN., YU*P, -1--l- Quantitative estimation of beavers in the Fechoro-Ilych Preserve. Trudy Pech,-U.gosazap. no.7226&276 1590 (MMA 15 s 5) (Forchoro-Ilych Preserve-Beavera) ji~ YAZAN.- Yu,,P, New movement recorder (actograph) for studying the behavior of beavers and how to operate. Trudy Poch *-n 4os. zap. no*7:277-283 159. (MIRA 150) (Beavers) YAUN, Yu.P.. starshly nauchW sotrudnik Beavera in the upper Pechora Valle7- Trud7 Inst. blol.lU7AX SSSR no-18:153-168 159, (MM 1338) 1. Pechero-Ilychekiy goeudarstvenny7 zapovednik. (Pechora Valle7-Beavers) R'! -::!Tll, 5., T TAUN, Tu.P. A now actograph and the method of handling it* Zool.zhur. 39 no.1:147-150 Ja 160. 04IRA 13:5) 1. Pechora-Ilych State Preserve (settlement of Taksha, Troitsko-Pechora district, Komi A.S.S.R. (Biological apparatus and oupplien) (Beavers) SVERDWV, Ya.G. (Perm'); DUBININ, I.A. (Gorikly); YAZAN, Yu.P. Snowfall following warm weather. Priroda 49 no-5:126-127 My 160. (14IRL 13:5) 1. Pechoro-Ilychokiy zapayedniko Komi ASSR (for Yazan). (snow) YAZAHI, Yu.p. Masa destruction of elk. Frlroda 49 no.11:107-108 H 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Pechoro-Ilychakiy gosudaretvenxW zapov.ednik. (~omi A.S.S.R.-Ilk) -Dw TU.P. Effecit of air temperature on the activity of moose during their '4in and winter migration, Zool, zhur. 40 no.3:469-471 Mr 161. (MMk 14:3) 1, Perliora-Ilych State Preserve (Settlement Yakshaj,Komi, A.S.S.R.). Oeaho Ilych PiWorve-Moooe) kw~4MO j Habits and behavoir of) (Teip'erature-Physiolo'gical effect) YAZAN, Yu.P. (poo.Yakeha, Troitako-Pechorakiy rayon, Komi ASSR). A nwnace to moooe. Priroda 50 no.Ilt69-71 H 161. (MIU 14:10) (Komi A.S.S.R.-Mbooe) YAZANI YU.P, -P YAZAN' Y - lo-upirten responsible for the diminishing squirrel population? n respol 0 Zool. ihur. 41 no.4%633-635 AP '62. (MA 1594) hur. 41 1. Pechora-Ilych State Game Preserve, settl. Yaksha, Komi A.S.S.R. 1. Pechora-Ilycl (Pechoro-Ilych Preserve-Squirrels). (martens) (peal 77 A~ YAZANJ YU.P. Morphology and ecology of martens, sables and their hybrid (kidas) in the Pechora taiga. Zool.zhur. 41 no.8:1241-1246 Ag 162. (MM 15:9) 1. Pechora-Ilych State Forest Preserve. (Pechora Valley-Martens) (Pechora Valley--Sables) N! BOGAN, F.Te.; UNINA, L.B.; MEGALISKIY, K.O.; SOKOLISKIY, S.M.; YA ; KNORRE, Ye.P.; SOLOVITEVAI M.Te., red.; INOTM,jr.i., tekhn. red. M [Reservation in Pechomf popular science sketch] Zapo.;- vednik na Pechore; nauchno-populiarnyi ocherk. (By]-F.E, Bogan i dr. Syktyvkar, Komi knizhnoe izd-vo 1963. 114 p. iMIRA 16:10) (Pechora Valley--National parks and reserves) FOGUISMI, L.I.; YA7,13URSKIS, B.I. Radioelectrocardiography as a method of determining cardiac activity during the performance of work. Kardiologiia 4 no.4s 67-73 ji-,Ag , 64. 04M 19: 1 1. Terapevticheakaya klinika ( zav. - prof. L.I. Fogel'sor.) TSentrallnogo nauabno-issledovate?lskogo instituta eksimrtizy trudosposobnosti i organizatsit truda invalidoy (direktor - prof. D.1. Gritskevich), Moskva. Submitted AVgust 10, 1963. KUCHIS, Ye.; YAZBUTIS, T. Tachometer bas6d an the hall effect. PAdio no.3:26-27 Y-:-164 (MIRA 3:1.-7) d. k; KUCHIS, Ye., inzh.; YAZBUTIS, T., inzli. Galvanostat. Radio no-1-2:45-46 D 164. (MA 18:3) FADEYEV, A.S., mashinist; CROPMOV, F.K., machinist; YAZOVSKIY, D.D., mashinist Some observations concerning the design of a.c. locomotives. Elek. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.9:13-14 S f63- (MIRA 16:10) 1. Depo Bataysk Severo-Kavkazskoy dorogi. ~~Ij,'-TI,,, red.; KMIG, N.Y., red.; SHAPOVALOT, )~AZDPT Y,I,, (Medloal problems in interplanetary flights] Toprasy neditsiny pri mazhplanstnykh poletakh; ebornik sokrashcheuyI&pereTodov inostrannoi pariodicheakoi literatury. Moskva, Izd-To inostr. lit-ry, 1955, 161 p. (MIRA 12:7) (INTMIPLMTARY VOTAaXS-HYGIUICG ASPICTS) "zi y,k--7 edical Service) ,.DOVJ'KIY, V. 1.1col) om, "Reconnaissance Scouts of the Cosmos," (Razvedchiki Kosmosa), SovetsIdy Flot, Moscow, No. 245, 16 Oct 1957. 9. 4. Acct. of 6oviet Experiments with stratospheric rockets usIng dogs as passengers Trans 1154351 YUGANOVY Ye.M.; KAS'YANq I.I.; YAZDOVSKIYj V.I. Musnle tono during weightlessness* Izv. All SSSR. Ser. biol. no. 4:601-606 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Akademiya moditsinakikh nauk SSSR. (WIGHTLESSNESS) (MUSCLE) YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; YUGANOV9 Ye.M.; KASIYANp I.I. Posture reflex in intact animals during weightlessness. Izv. AN SM. Ser. biol. no.5:762-767 S4 160. (KERA -13:9) 1. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiologyt Academy of Hadlaal Sciences of the U*S*S*R., Mbscowq (WEIGHTLESSNESS) 77777 V. A. ZO'lclzE:w b. C, 3tic 71034- xrIca 07" 0: tt! Q1. DDI,-irfov) Zzu L. 0. 1. V. ri.-JaZirG-1 .33 to cpacc col-4.icar, - r:!jUltn of --l-YZACOD, actic C=, C. - C. d. Ca TA.3 c: thn D-Cl erarban', Po~%;r in G. L. V. V. 0"1 V. X. r.:,Jcrfjc-u Fj-n5 Cooled 1-,r R:,Uatdall - G. xvl-_Ov2:w ic:l OT tzl manct=y Itccznz -V-4 rtrt~,,tv, - Z. 1. Gzi-,3~11LZ f C* ~~ O Cm p"dVitim On 7. Z. 4-CLI:mv, z1'. r. 1. A. Sw;- ~o, P. 1. Eh-,vrln.- re-portn to bo prcsontDd at tho =1th Intonw-tio-al AitrOP-autical Ccm~-raas, Waslh:Lnaton D. C. 1-7 OcWDor 1961 Ov YUGANOT, Ye.K.; KASIYAN2 I.I.; GUROVSKIY, W.N.; KONOVALOV, A.I.; YADBOY, B.A.; YAZDOVBM,. Tole Sensory reaotions and voluntary movements in man under conditions of weightlessness. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.biol. no.60197-90 N D 161. &K9 1432-1) 1. Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiologyp Academy of Medical Sciences of the U*S*S~R*,q Moscow# (WEIGM7MOMS) Imam 44- 37201 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 0"-/ E027/E635 AUTHORS: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.N., Mayskiy, I.N., Yazdovskiy, V.I,, Peldlov, A.P., Gyurdzhian, A.A. TN-ef-e-dlyeva, N.P7.~ Kapichnikov, M.M., Podoplelov, I.I., Rybalcov, N.I., Klemparskaya, N.N., Klimov, V.Yu., Novikov, S.N., Novikova, I.S., Petrov, Sushko, N.G., Ugryumov, Ye.P., Fedorova, G.I., Zakharov, A.F., Vinogradova, I.N., Chamova, K.G. and Buylizo. Ye.A. TITLE: The results of the first microbiological and cytological experiments in Space in Earth satellites SOURCE: Akademiya nauk USSR. Iskusstvennyye sputniki Zemli. no. 11. moscow, 1961. Rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovaniy, provedennykh vo vremya poletov vtorogo i tretlyego kosmicheskilch korabley-sputnikov, k4 - 67 TEXT: The authok-s report rthe results of their investigations of biological objncts which had been exposed to space conditions in satellite vehicles. The first part of the ,-Tork was devoted to a study of the survival of cells of differing levels of ereanisation under the influence of radiation and other ai~d 175 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 E027/E635 9%e results of the. unfavourable factors, in comparison with control materials which remained in the laboratory over the same period. * In experiments with bacteria 2ml. samples of suspensions of Escherichia coli, Aerobncter acrogenes,. Staphylococcus aurcus and Clostridium butyricum containing 500 million organisms or spores per ml. were scaled in ampoules, and exposed to a spnca flight of unstated duration; the number of viable individuals after the exposure did not differ significantly from the values for the control samples. A similar experiment was carried out witl) tl)c T21 phage of E. coli and the 1321 phage of A. acrogenes, which were sent in the second satellite; again, no sigificant reduction in the titre of the phage preparations could be detected after return from space. Similar results were obtained with -preparations of phage nent into space in the fourth and fifth satellites. Two bottles and six tubes of HeLa cells, some of whichiere saturated with oxygen, were exposed to space flight Card 2/5 9/56o/61/ooo/oil/007/012 E027/E635 The results of the conditions, after it had first been shown that vibration and acceleration (lid not detach the cells from the glass. The cultures without oxygen appeared normal on return, whereas in those exposed to oxygen most of the cells had degenerated. Subculture shov~ed that 90r,.~ of the cells, whe0er detached from or remaining on the glass, were dead; however, two tubes gave good growth, and the cells which grew up showed no abnormalities of morphology. No antigenic differences could be detected in the cells in anaphylaxis and degensitization experiments in guinea- pigs. In subsequent space flights fibroblast and human amnion cell cultures were --Wdied, with sirrilar results. Pieces of human and rabbit skin were also used. On August 12th 1960 two pieces of skin 2.5 x 3.5 cm. in size and 0.5 mm. thick were taken from a human donor, placed ifi Hanks solution and sent into space in the second satellite. On recovery they were regrafted on the original site in the donor and became firml'y attached after seven days. Card 3/5 S/560/61/000/011/007/012 The results of.the E027/E635 Similar results werb obtaiied with two other donors. An apparatus was devised for making a subculture in space, in order to study the ability of bacteria to multiply under space conditions. In experiments with Glostridium butylicutzi no d6viations from the controls were observed. The second part of the work wa.-s devoted to a study of possible genetic effects brought about by exposure to space conditions, mainly '.-Jy looking for the production of auxotrophic mutants and lysogeny in bacteria. The former were c~etected by inoculation on a layer of minimal medium which was then covered*with an overlay of the same medium in order to fi.-. tne colonie!~. When the latter had grown up their posi 'tion was noted and an overlay of complete medium was then put on, and the colonies which then grew up as a result of the diffusion of essentialnutrients were selected asaixotrophic mutan-:s. No such mutants could be found in suspensions of Escherichia coli recovered from the second satellite. The oxporiments on the induction of lysogenic bacteria were carried out on a strain of E. coli lysogenized by a X phage which had been exposed to cosmic Card 5 -M The results of 'the --- S/56o/k/ooo/oll/007/012 E027/E635 radiation in the fifth satellite. Free pharc Particles were' removed by-adding phage antiscrum; after the end of the latent period the action of the antiscrum was cut short by diluting 1:100,streptomycin was added to inhibit the host organisms, and the mixture was plated out on 'the indicntor strain in ordor to count the phage part1cles produced. The results obtained, -onsidered in comparison with control experiments, provided no evidence of induction by cosmic radiation during a space flight of ninety minutes. No difference was observed in the plaque morphology. No changes could be detected in the chemical and physical properties of calf thymus deoxyribonucleic acid recovered after a space flight. The results as a whole indicate that no damage was suffered by isolatod cells during a brief exposure to space conditions. There are 6 figures and 10 tahles. SUBMITTED: May 23, 1961 Card 5/5 PARINI V.V. (Moskva),- YAZDOVSXIYI V.I. (14oskva) Path of S aviet space physiology. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no-10-IZ7-.1226 0 16J.. (SPACE BIOLOGY) GERD, Mariya Aleksandrovna; GUROVSKIT,, Hikolay Rikolayevicb; XAZQOVSKIY, Y'j., Prof., otv. red.1 YASHKOVAI N.V.j red. izd-va; GUSEVA, A.P.., tekhn. red. [The first astronauts and the first space scouts] Fervye kos- tuonavty i pervye razvedchiki kosmosa. Moskva~ Izd-vo Akad, nauk SSSR, 1962. 196 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Space flight training) VOLYUKIN, Yu.M.; YAZDOVSKIY,,,V.I.; G.'--NINp A.M.; VASILIYEV, P.V.- GYURDZ1iIA11-,-i.A.; GUOVSKIY, N.N.; GORBOV, F.D.; SMYAPIN', A.D.; BELAYp V.Ye.; WEVSKU, R.M.; ALTUKHOVp G.V.; KOPANEVj V.I.; KASIYAN, I.I.; YEGORGV, A.D.j SILIVESTROV~ M.M.; SINTURA, S.F.; TERENTIYEV, V.G.s- KRYLOV, Yu.V.) FOMB, A.G.; USHAKOV, A.S.1 I)EGTYAREVp V.A.j- VOLOVICH) V.G.; STEPUTSOV, V.I.; NYASNINOV, V.I.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I.; KARIN, P.S.9 tekhn. red. [First space flights of man- the scientific results of the redicobiological research conducted during the orbital flights of the spaceships "Vostok" and nVostok-2"]Pervye kosinicheskie polety chelovska; nauchny rezulttaty mediko- biologicheskikh issledovanii, provedemykh vo vremia orbi- talinykh poletov korablei-sputnikov "Vor3tok" i "Vostok-2." Moslwa, I,,A--vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 202 p. (muaA 15:11) (SPACE MEDICINE) (SPACE FLIGHT TRABING) -77 WREVICH, I.I.ftranslator]- YAZDOVSM V.I., prof.., red.; POPOV, - BALD I.G., red., [Prob2ems in space medicine; a colle 'ction of articles by foreign authoralVoprosy kosmicheskol meditsiny; sbornik sta- tei zarubezhnykh avtorovi, Moskva., Medgiz., 1962 323 P. iKIRA 15:9) (SPACE 14EDIdnTE) SISAKYPIt', N.M., alcademik, glav. red.; UKTIGOVSKlY, V.11., akademik, red.; PAM1, V.V., red.; LEBRMTSKE, A.V., red.; YAZDCV5KlY V I dok-tor med. nauk, prof., red.; GAKENKO, =Ll-=1 oktor biol. nauk, red.; GOITCHAZU, L.S., red. izd- va; POLYAKMIA, T.P., tekhn. red. [Problems of space bloloff)Problemy kosmicheskoi biologii. Pod red. N.V.Sisakiana. Foslva., Izd-vo Almd. nauk SSS,',. vol.l.~ 1962. 1,61 p. NIRA 15:10) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Otdeleniye biolo.giclieskikh nauk. 2. Doyatvitollnyy chlen Akademli rieditoinskilth nauk SSSR (for Parinj, Lobodinskiy). (SPACE BIOLOGY) M47,DOVSKIY, V. 1. and GAZULEV) S. A. Ilsome Medical and Biological Problems of Manned Space Flight" report presented at the 13th Intl. Astronautical Federation Congress (IAF) Varna, Bulgaria, 23-29 Sep 1962 Yi* -'K' s , 7~, SISAKYAN, N.M.; PARIN, V.V.; CHERNIGOVSKIY, V.N.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I. Some problems of studying and conquering outer space. Probl. kosm.biol. 1:5-16 162. (MIRA 15:12) (SPACE BIOIDGY) 39281 S/216/62/000/001/001/002 101511215 AUTHOR: Yazdovskiy, V. I., Mansurov, A. R., Agadzhanyan, N. A. and Tsivilashvili, A. S. TITLE: Effect of explosive decompression of pressure overfall on the organism PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk. SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 1, 1962, W89 TEXT: Experiments were carried out on 15 rats, 21 rabbits and 13 dogs. The pressure overfall was extensive and the speed at which it occurred was 0.004-0.008 sec. Extensive and rapid pressure overralls resulted in a number of functional and morphologic changes in th-. internal organs. These changes were particularly marked in the lungs: edema, atelectasis, and hemorrhages into both the parenchyma and pleural cavity were the most prominent features, X-ray observations in the thorax showed that the traumatic changes in the lungs progressed rapidly and caused death of the animals if they were subjected to great and rapid pressure overfall without any compensatory measures. The authors stressed the importance of knowing the etiology, pathology and clinico-morphological picture of pressure overfall. There is I figure. ASSOCIATION: Institut normal'noy i patologicheskoy fiziologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Insti- tute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED: May 22, 1961 Card 1/1 7 4-2 39282 S/216/62/000/001/002/002 1015/1215 AUTHOR:. Yuganov, Ye. M., Kas'yan, L-I. and Yazdovs TITLE: The tolerance of animals to shock overloads acting in the direction close to the long axis of the body PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya biologicheskaya, no. 1, 1962, 90-95 TEXT: Freely fastened animals (dogs) were catapaultcd with an overload of 20-23 units, in supine, sitting, and standing positions, for 0. 1-0.5 seconds. The animals were subjected to a ne.gative overload (direction pelvis-head) in the final stage of the experiment. The soft tissues of the animals, as well as the supporting apparatus, were not affected by the experimental conditions. The catapaulti ng brought about transient func- tional changes in the cardio-vascular and respiratory systems, wWch returned to normal within 4-5 minutes. The results obtained were useful during the planning and performing of the space flight in the second, fourth and fifth space ships-sputniks. There are 4 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Institut normal'noy i patologicheskoy fiziologii Akademii meditsinskikh nauk SSSR (Insti- tute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) Moscow SUBMITTED: June 22,1961 Card 1/1 ZHUKOV-VEREZHNIKOV, N.N.; MAYSKIY, I.N.; YAZDOVSKIX-,-NI,.;- FEKHOV, A.P.; RYBAKOV, N.I.; KLEMPARSKAYA, U.N.; YURDZHIAH, A.A.; TRIBULEV., G.P.; NEFEDIYEVA, H.P.; KAPICHIIIKOV, M.M.; PODOFULOV, I.I.; ANTIPOV, V.V.; NOVIKOVA, I.S.; KOPIYEV, V.Ya. Problems of space microbiology and cytology. Probl.kosm.biol. 1-118-136 162. (MIRA 15:12) (SPACE MICROBIOLOGY) (CYTOLOGY) s/865/62/001/000/015/033 L028/r185 AUTHORS: Antipov, V.V., Dayevaltiy, n.M., Gazenlco, O.G., Gonin, A.M., Gyurdzhian, A.A Zhukov-V Zj)nilkov~.NI.N~,, V4 l~ Zhtiravlov, B.A., Farpova, L.i. ,4.-IrNn'of G .P., 4. SoryApin, A.D., Shcoelev, Ye.Ya., 'Yazd9vakiy, V.T. -TITLE. Some results of medical and biological investigations in the second and third satellites SOURCE: Problemy kosmicheskiy biologii. v.1. Ed. by "N.M.Sisakyan. Moscow, Xzd-vo AN SSSRI 1962. 267-284 TCXT: Thelmaintenanca of life conditions is discussed with special reference to the second Soviet satellite. During the flight ilia proportion of oxygon in the air of the cabin could be maintained at 21 to 24%, whereas the relative humidity rose from '37 to 47%. The temperature ranged from 16 to 19*C. Water and food were provided together in a mixture solidified with agar, in order to facilitate automatic dispensinj in conditions of weight- lessnoss. This was carried out twice daily by command signals from Earth. Telometric recor-ding of the physlological parameters of the dog* Belk& And Strolka during space flight showed thei:' Card -1/2 S/865/62/001/000/015/033 ~Iomo rsul ts of medical E028/EI85 occitrrence of tachycardia as a resuft of acceleration, noise and vi I) ra C i oil ;there was also a rise in~ the respiration rate: a ratum Co 11or'.1al pre-flight values occurred during the condition of I.-CightIce-Slicss. Novciaents of tlic:aniwals were observed by I in .ulovifiion cameras and also by pot~ptiomctric sensors mounted L'ou ii;Irness. No abiiormalltics werti observed in the behavior of tl;,, animals after return to earth ozi during the following 3 months. TL concludad from the oxp(~rimonts carried out in the second satoltita that dogo could readily 6o accustomed to space flight conditions. G(-rIOLiC chanrus wurcj~otcd in the progeny of plant *coda and fru;L~ nius after return from space rlight. The third space satellit6icontainod two dogs (Pcholka and two guineapigs, two r~is, twenty six mice, fruit flies, .-ccd.,; and o.ther biological'i-4xtaria14 which were included in order to st%idy tho.offacts of cosmic ra diltion. The rasults are not described. ~4-~ j4- V" GAZENKO, O.G.; YAZDOVSKIY V.I.- CHERNIGOVSKIY, V.N. Medicobiological investigations In artificial earth satellites. Probl.kosm.biol. 1:285-289 162. (MIRA 15:12) (ARTIFICIAL SATELLITES) (SPACE 1310IDGY-PESEARCH) WWW. 12 M2 2 k s/865/62/001/ooo/ol6/033 E028/E.183 _AUT11ORS;____:. Dakhranov,A M., andYazdovskiy, Vol* -fdr--housing A ~,~,.SOURCE. Problemy, kosm icheskoy,biologii. v.l. Ed by N.Mo Si -~Ioscow- Izd-vo AN SSSR,.196~. 289-298 sakyan* -TEXT: A sealed cabin for housing animals during space.- flights is illustrated and described. It consists of a cylindrical -CApsulc 64 cm in,diameter and 80 cm long,, made of 2 mm, aluminium sheet and provided with a detachable lid containing a plastic -inspection port 16 cm in diameter. The capsule resisted excess internal and external pressures up to-1.5 atta-,without structural :'damage or leakin's, and also t 'mperatures ranging from -40 to +50*C. L ;The capsule is equipped internally with air conditioners and ,regenerators, automatic feeding and other apparatus, which are supported upon a metal frame, It was possible to maintain animals in a normal state of activity in the capsule for 20 days. There are 6 figures. Card, I/Ll BAIAKHOVSKIY, I.S.; GAZENKO, O.G.; GYURDZHIAN, A.A.; GENIN, A.M.,- KOTOVSKAYA, A.R.; SERYAPIN, A.D.;_YAZDDVSX1X,_V.I. Results of investIgations In an artificiol satellite. Probl. kosm.biol. 1059-370 162. (MIRA 15:12) 11SPACE FLIGHT,-PIMIOLOGICAL EFFECT) ~_W' _Um iP7~.:.V:~!""~'a'- 2tS zeal VOLYNKIN, Yu.M.; FARINq V.V.1 YAZDOVSXIYp V.I. Pre3iminaz7 data on,pbysiological studies during manned space flight. Probl.koB4biol. 2j7-10 162. (MIRA 164) (MANNED SPACE FLIGHT) - 'k mx-, S1216162/000/002/001/002 1021/1221 AUTHOR: Sisakyan,.N. M., Parin, V. V., Chernigovskiy, V. N. and YazdovskjY_Y.J. TITLE: Problems of space biology and physiology PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Scriya biologicheskaya, no. 2, 1962, 153-162 TEXT: Lecture at the General Session of the Department of Biological Sciences. The article deals with space biology and physiology in the USSR. Although a young science, it has already created new methods of biological experimentation, realized automatically by special devices installed on spaceships. The results of these experiments are registered and delivered to observation points on the earth. According to the authors, 3 problems are at present of great importance: 1) study of the effects of cosmic fac- tors on living organisms of the earth, 2) study of forms of life in outer space, 3) investigations into the biological basis for securing cosmic flights and life on planets. The authors outlined 3 periods in the development of space biology in the USSR. The first was connected with biological interpretation of the data on physical charac- teristics of the upper layers of the atmosphere, cosmic space and flights of rockets. In the second period experiments were carried out under conditions near to those of cosmic flight. In the third--experiments were carried out on Sputnik 11. It was demonstrated that life is possible under conditions free from gravity. In the fourth period biological experiments were carried out on spaceships with animals. These assembled the data Card 1/2 Problems of space biology and... S/216/62/000/002/001/002 1021/1221 necessary for putting a man in to orbit. The fifth period was characterized by the flight of man in space. The authors deal further with all factors liable to affect living organism in a spaceship. They divide them into 3 groups; 1) factors connected with the dynamics of the flight-vibration, lack of gravity, 2) ultraviolet, infrared and visible parts of radiation, ionizing radiation, concentration of gases, 3) factors connected with more or less prolonged life of organisms under artificial conditions of a spaces hip-isolat ion, lack of room in the capsule, microclimate and nutrition and rhythm of life. The authors also refered to exobiology. -`F YAZDOVSKTY, V.I. Progress in space biology. Izv. Ali Mr-Ap'62. (HIM .164-7) (SPACE BIOLOGY) .......... H/O 16/62/060/011/001/001 D249/D308 AUTHORS: Yazdovskiy, V.I. and Gazulov, S.A. TITLE: Some medical and biological problems of manned space flights W-RIODICXL: Fizikai Szemle, no. 11, 196~, 349-351 TEXT: The present worl; is a lecture-given at the XIIIth' irnh. Perspectiv Internation'al Astronautical Conference at V. e s resecirch can be classified into a) the effect of space conditions on living organisms, b) the provision of - living conditions during the flight, and c) study of the conditiong and forms of extraterres- trial life. Point a) may be subdivided into: 1) aspectr, conne-cted with the fl*ght d ICS, e.g. acceleration, vibration, noise and ightlessne a ing from'the properties of interplan- we as, 2r:pects aria etary space (radiation, compositions of different gas media, lack of pressure, intensity of electromagnetic field), 3)'psycho-physico- logical and hygenic aspects of the conditions inside the space ship. ~Attention is concentrated.on the effects of-.prolonged weightlessness, Card 1/2 H/016/62/000/011/001/001 Some medical and biological D249/ r,308 co'smic radiation and on the reaction of the human organism to ner- vous and mental stress. A brief survey is given of some medical observations made during the flights of Soviei spacemen. ASSOCIATION: Szovjetuni6 OrvostudomAnyi Akade'miAja (Academy of Medical Sciences, USSR) Card 2/2 '17 FARIJI, V.V.; GAZENKO, O.G.; YAZDOVSKIY, V.I. Possibilities of protective adaptation of the body and the lir-its of adaptation in conditions of raximal overstrain and the state of weightlessness. Vest.AKI SSSR 17 be.4376-81 1620 NRA 15:8) (ADAPTATION (PBYSIOLOGY) (SPACE VEDICIVE) (WEIGHTLESSPESS) .--mpgu-~ ;l 77, M~ YAZDOVSKIYV V.10# Prof. Achievements and main problems of space biology, Vest.Aff SM 32 1no*4sl5-20 Ap 162. (Space biology) (M7RA 15:5) YAZDOVSKIY V.I., prof,,; BAYEVSKIY, R.M., Vedic.obiological control in space Might. Vest. AN SSSI 32 no.9:9-15 S 162. (HIM 15:9) (SPACE MEDICINE) 4 F