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r- 18'987-63 EPR/EPF(c)/EWT(1)/EPF(n)-2/19DS -4/p _p/jjp(_C)/SSD_,_.. ps ACCES9YON PiRt AP3005686 S/0146/63/006/004/013710144 AUTHOR: Yary*shey, N. A. TITLE: Dynamic properties of various bodies under convective -conductive heat exchange SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyanlye, v, 6, no. 4, 1963,, 1137-144 TOPIC TAGS: heat exchange, convective heat exchange, conductive heat exchange ABSTRACT: The heating of various pieces of equipment (temperature feelers, thermistors, transistors, thermoanemometers. microcalorimetera, etc.) depends upon conductive, convective, and radiative with the gas or liquid ambient medium. By schematizing the real objects and processes, equa- tions are set up that describe simple heating and cooling of~ a body, internal heat generation, and variable ambient temperature. The equations can be used in !,Card A 18987-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005686 ,calculating the body temperature under various heat-e*change conditions. Orig. art. has; I figure and 37 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Len grad Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics) SUBMITTED: 090ct6Z DATE ACQ: 06Sep63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GE, IE NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 tard YARYSHEV, N.A. Determining the mean volume temperature under trawlent heat transfer conditions. Inzh,-fiz,zhuro 6 no.lOs6l-66 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optil--i, Leningrad. 11-66 NRt AP6015567 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0146/66/009/002/0123/0125 AUMOR: Ispiryan, R. A.; Yermakov, B. r.; Y2ashev,,_M,,.._,A. ORG: Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Opti a (Leningrads~iy,;,Institut tochnoy mekhaniki I optiki) TITIX:~ An arg -arc heat source for high temperature research SOURCE: IVUZ. Priborostroyeniye, v. 9. no. 2. 19669 123-125 TOPIC TAGS: high temperature research, electric arc, argon, heat source ABSTRACT: Data are given from experimental tests of an argon-are source with a power of up to 20 kw designed for thermophysical research (see figure). An electric arc is struck between electrode I (the cathode) and nozzle 3 (the anode) which beats the ar- gon injected into the nozzle cavity through aperture S. This results in jet 4 which is the source of heat. Power is Increased by using an additional copper or graphite nozzle 9 to which a p t1ve potential is applied after ignition. The arc is struck r hitlfo tungsten rod 10 into the cavity of the first nozzle 3 until by introducing g 2? r it makes contact with electrode 1. A graph is given showing the specific therinal flux of the output Jet as a function of the electric ~6,;cr of the source. The heat flux 15 mm from the cutoff of the output nozzle is 6.4o106 w/m2 for an argon flow rate of UDC: 621.365.2 Card .1/2 L 29711-66 ACC NRs AP6015587 7 7 1--electrode (catho&-); 2--insulation 3--first nozzle (anode); 4--jet; sleeve, ? 5--argon input; 6--vater input; 7--water outlet; 8--insulating liner; 9--second nozzle., 10--graphite or tungsten rod. 9 2. 6. 1.77 M3/hr. Thi temperature of the jet is'at least,'7000'OK. It should be possible to increase the power of the source still further by using additional anodes. Ori 9 art has: 2 figures. SUB CODEt 20/ SUBM DATE: 03D*c64/ ORIG REr: 003 Card 2/2 G(m)/EV1P( I )/F-VIP~ V') L 4252-66 EPF(C )/EPP( n)-2/B,T(d)/EWT( I )/EWP(k)/EWP(h)/ETC/FA' ACCESSION NR: AP5018462 UR/0115/65,1000/005/oozo/oozz 536-24:536.~:S N. A" AUTHOR: Yaryshev, TIT LE. f a thermometer with an allowance for heat transfer and radiation SOURCE: Izmeritelinaya tekhnika, no. 5, 1965, 20-22 TOPIC TAGS: temperature measurement, thermometer ABSTRACT: The results are reported of an analytical inveBtigation. of an idealiz tempprature-sensing element placed in a stream of gas flowing In a channel. This approximate equation of complex heat exchange of such a sensor is developed: I di,, T) + Uy"t) i= + 8c,"CA -+J0 5 air d-v whis re Mi+MT+ =Mot SP Mr 2a M 7- Card- 1/2 J-~ - -, , N- -,-- i - i . , - -i - - ".. . : . 4*,:::- - , 1-- 11777 1:~~. 1 ~ ~~ PIdaUNOV) E. S.; YARYSHEV, N. A. "Theoretical foundations of Lwrestigation methods for then7gil parawtcrt; of materials in the monotonic temperature-variation regime." report submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Leningrad Inst of Precision VL~chanics & OptiCB. SOV/44 58 4 3288 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Natematika, 1958, Nr 4, p 143 (USSR) AUTHOR: 'YarYsheva, I. M, TITLE: Finite Difference Methods of Solving Goursat's Problem (KonechnoraznostrwA metody resheniya zadachi Gursa) PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul..Leningr. politekhn. in-t, 1957, Nr 5, pp 35-40 ABSTRACT: The author examines the problem of the numerical solution of Goursat's problem: by the analogous methods of Adams and Cowell. The computation scheme: If Aot, t)~I, (2) + Card 1/2 oijkWo, 0 sov/44 - 58 - 4 - 3288 is given where h is a mesh step along the x axis and k along the t axis. A proof is given for the theorem on stability and convergence for scheme (2) in the case when f(x, t, Vj = c(x, t)U(x, t) +~O (x,t ). The possibility is noted of deriving analogous theorems also in the case when f(x, t U) is a nonlinear function of U. If the right part of problem (1) has the form: f(x, t. U) +b(x, t)U-t,-,(x, t)U , then it is possible to construct schemes analogous toxschemes (~), for which the stability theorem will be valid. The values of U(x,t) on the initial layers are considered to be known and the problem of finding them is not studied. N. K. Chukhrukidze Card 2/2 WS&VOO-MMUM- ~ft- . . . . . . . . . . . jlu 2. a ja a i 'L3 'd 9 - Its -,h ifimzv.: YARYSHEVAP X. G.; TURANOV, N. M. --------------- Incidence of syphilis in foreign countries and the state of its control (Review of the literature), Vast, darm. i van. no.10:" 33-40 161. (MIRA 14:12) (SYPHILIS) . .......... TURANOV N. M. _~MY~M~VAI K. G. Incidence of gonorrhea and its current control in foreign countries. Vest. derm. i ven. no.6:38-48 '61. (MIRA 15. (GONORRHEA) TMANOV.. U.M.; YARYSHEVA, K.G. Incidence of venereal diBeases In capita-lintic countri-:j, V~,I;t. der=. i ven. 38 no.6t75-80 Je 164- (MIRd 1.8-6) 1.6-66 ACC NRs o26898 SOURCE CODE: UR 0062 65 012 219 2198 AUTHOR: Reshetova, M. D.; Yar-isheya, L. M.; Perevalora, E. G.; Nesmeyariov, A. N. ORG: Moscow State University im. Lomonosov (Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet) TITLE: Synthesis of certain substituted ferrocenvlcarbino~sl SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya., Seriya khimicheskaya, no. 12, 1965, 2196-2196 TOPIC TAGS: chemical synthesis, ferrocene, hydrolysis, methylation ABSTRACT: . This is a continuation ot a p'~evious investigation (PEREVAIDVAY'l"' 'which deals with the synthesis of hateroannular chloro-, bromo- and cyano- ;(alpha-oxyetbyl) ferroconos and (alpha-oxypropyl) forroceno by roducing the icorrosponding acy1forrocenes with LiAl~4. The compounds thus obtained were;. il,11-ohloracotylforrocone, 1,11-chloro(alpha-oxyethyl)forrocone, I'll- ibromo(alpha-oVothyl)forrocene, 1,11-eyano(alpha-oxyetkyl)ferrocone, and .i,il-carbometho2W(alpha-oi7ethyl)ferrocone. 1,11-eyano(alpha-oxyethyl) :ferrocone was converted to by alkaline-hydrolysis and subsequent mothylation with diazomethano. 36,4551 SUB CODE: 07 SUBM DATE: 05Apr65 ORIG REF: 002 OTH REF: 002 'Card UDC: 542.91+547-11 YARYSIMA P.D.- AYZENSHTARK) E.A. Preparing medical reports'vith the tape recorder. Zdrav. Ros. Feder. 5 no.7:33-34 JI 161. (MA 14:7) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na-Donu gorodskogo onkologicheskogo dispansera (tlavnyy vrach P.D.Yarysheva). (MEDICAL RECORDS) USSR/General Problems of Pathology - Txwors. Comparative U Oncolo6y. Tt=rs of Man Abs Jour Ref 21wr Diol., No 6, 1959, 27563 Author Jarzonskas J. Inst Title A Case of Sarcona of the Stomach Orig Pub Sveika-tos apsaurp, 1956, Ila 2, 34-35 Abstract No abstract. USSR Ger~eral Problems of Pathology. Tumors. Nervous U System. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 102567. Author : Jarzemskas, J. Inst :'Kauna"_edrc_a_l Institute. Title On the Problem of Metastatic Spreading of Malig- nant Tumors. Orig Pub: Kauno med. inst. darbai, 1957, 3, 63-68. Abstract: 1 ml of an emulsion of Brown-Pierce tumor was In- troduced to rabbits (19); the vagal nerve in the neck region was stimulated by means of electric current in 3 rabbits. The life span of rabbits subjected to stimulation is shorter. The data in respect to metastatic spreading is not clear, -- From the author's reaume, Card 1/1 USSR/Genc-ral 2roblens of PatholoL7 - 'kamrs. Tumor of kj~'. '0 Us Jour : Ref L'hur - Biol.. j No 21, 1953, 98341 Aut1hor : YtirmhaimIcas, 1.10', Lyw'u-'"us, L.Yu.' Inst Title On the Study of Chore~oim* Orig Pub : Vopr. oifltolordi, 1953, 41 '10 1; 80-83 Abstract : Dcscri--I)'ion of 3 cases of clijrCom in patients 40 a:- 46 yeart; of aGm. III all 3 cases, chordoms ImC. a nant course with bone Cocti-uct-i'm and crcrwth int,.) svw- roiuiclia,; tissue. Dcpan(Uii- o- localization of procv:;5) L.j It they Cisruptedl the Amctions .3f nearby orcpns of paralysis uf loiter extrerAties ane. Of S7mll pelvis). rL'Lru:)r-, !:)cMlized in zyc?orml-lic (Ist case), in the ref;i,a ;.'L' ltwibar vertebrae ("-'lc. case) anC. in the rerdon of aacmi (3rd case). The si,,.;AAVica:icc of biopsy for a chor(I,.-,;'m ic streasoO., Ii 2 Card 1/2 . ........... CIBIRASq P kand. med. nauk; DAKTARAVICIENE, E kand. mod. nauk; VARZEMSKAS,_ J.,_,-kand. med. nauk [deceased]; JOCUICIENE, A., kand. med.nauk; EIRIKSTOPAITIS, M., kand. med. nauk-; ITNISUS,J., kand. med. nauk; STEPONAITTIDIE, L.,, kcp~. med. nauk; SUMMS, j., kand. med. nauk; SIMIAHAS, S., kand. biolog. nauk; CMLIS, St., prof.; KUPCIRSKAS, J., prof.; LASAS, Vla, prof.; SIDERAVICIUS,Br., prof.; KANOPKA, E.,dots.; ININLYS, V.,dots.; LAMMUSKAS, K.j dots.; POLUKORDAS, H., dots.; BABUBLYS, P., doktor; CAPKMCIUS,V. doktor; MAKARIUITAS, P., doktor; PAKONAITIS, P.j doktor,- STUOKA.R., doktor; SURGAILIS, H., doktor; PAUIJUKONIENE, J., red.; IDIAITIS,J., tekhn, red. (Health and diseases) Antrasis pataisytas leidimas. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines literaturos leidykla,, 1961. 356 p. (MIRA 15:3) (HYGIRIE) (PATHOLOGY) 7 tw - -- -I ~. i ~ . . . . P- 3~- . - ll~' A -.- ..'~ /'~ - . X. !:~ "0;" - r- i IN 129-12-~O/ll AUTHORS: Nikishov, A.B., Kurganov, G.V, and Yarzhemksaya, Engineers. TITIX: influence of deep anodizing on the fatigue strength of the aluminiumalloys, AK-4 and BA-17. (Vliyaniye glubokogo anodirovaniya na ustalostnuyu prochnost' alyuminiyevvkh splavov AK-4 and VD-17) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i.0brabotka Metallov, 1957, No.12, pp. 66-68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Institute of Physical Chemistry Ac.Sc., U.S.S.R. (Institut FizicheskOy Thimii AN SSSR~ has studied the physical and chemical properties of thick anodised layers obtained at below freezing point temperatures in a sulphuric acid electrolyte. Thus produced films have a high hardness and wear resistance, a high porosity, lubricant capacity, heat resistance, good anti-corrosive properties and also good thermal and electrical insulation properties. The authors considered it of great interest to study the influence of deep anodising on the fatigue strength of aluminium. components operating under conditions of vibration and, therefore, the aim of the work described in'this paper was'to establish the Card 1/2 influence of 70 to 80 4 thick anodic films on the fatigue J I-' V AP '~~Ig -11:1, taw K, I -d i ri N ks' 11 cf~n -124 nt* .- : - - Wn- -CCI 0a 0 0 0 0 1 a 0 W 4 0 0 0 6 4 0 0 44 08 -I j Is 11 a to a 11 a a )b J? is Jif 1) 11 V 1i R J3 lilt M*4641 0416041!0 a- i _L_L "r q9 1 _I U _V _"~ A I AA. W U $-A -1 4_1 f P I a fi.- iiYoe 4,4 ') I -t, " 0 t I - ;q Psixtslas .'~V Tsislylic oxidation rd boossine in 46#04 Phase. ' V, it, --it V "'At. Yx !V414YA, J. Chem* 00 00 3, anti rtarlillix Wt. i i-00 was wtithard In an eleciTivally heated Fe chamber fl.11 cm. X 17 cm.) charged to $1s of Itst earAwitT wilh ih~ "_04 ca;?Iy.t 1wem. lirptitC, NIIq vanadisle on fIr"t lump4 anti ac ivating at 450 u: a current of air and 0. The trarlbyn %*a,& carried out with mists, cutils. 3-R% Ul. ainil to.7. -00 Mi"I 0 by a temp. interval o(370-41W)* andconla- 1 -00 toids of 0.4-20.6 wc. The reaction 11sisei were rim. 00 8 :1, ducted through is system of contftnws cooled to rooni -00 14-trip., 0' and liquid sk. DrystfrorOwc%freed from the Roo 00 Ij,t traces of Uri) by greeting with liquid air. A max, go 13 yiAd of 397V trisitic acid (1) wits obtaintd at 4&)* -nd a =00 contact period of tess than I w. let an 0 atm. The chief products of reartim are I (or l"Alcic anhydride (H)) and 11,0; the by-products we quitione (4-"%) and some 00 decompti. products probably coutg. quinhydrone. When r0 the first (air) condenser nuit heated to 40-rA)* to prevent I any condensation of list IfjO formed in site ce=tion, only zoo 00 -F ure 11 collectcd in the first condenwr ond I in the second '00 lice, conden-wr. It follows that the primary product of the catalytic oxiWitin of Cjfs is 11, "filth elmn6ins:3 with Z4140 o"O the reaction Hit,) in the condemwm with the formation of 1. goo Tbe most probable ris"hanism of the reaction 6 alternate Watitut of Cilf. to by(himpoinane, quinnor and It with -rim. of Co~ and 11,f). Chat. Illssibir Asa. ~L A 411TALLUIKKAL UTIERATURE CLAISIVICATION t* 0 *00 NMT1 0 U U AV - a is ado so fflarl" 1 41 (3 3 1 v d' it Or Ka a * 0 0 0 0 10 0 do 0 a 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 004 0 041 .6 0 ISTOO will ofe, 04 6*004 064: NEGREYEV, V.F.; 14ARMOVAj T.Kh,,j GADASKINAt NX,; RUDKOVSKIY, D*M.,j YARM t__uSYAA Inhibitors for protecting oil well equipment against corrosion. Neft.khoz. 39 no.8:42,49 Ag 161. 1 (KatA 14 i7) (Corrosion and antioorroaveo) (oil wells-Equipment and supplies) 0 CA Igo 10 0 00 00 00 00 00 8 *0 00 06,3 ID 0 00 000400000000041 1 0 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 L-A-A-.I-&"- r It 0'.. to of -00 -00 .00 .0# .00 MO 0 -00 goo to 0 '00 woo U00 woo pool Detenalsatics of de tis carbousts, dtpWts by SO low 1111411"a P'v"Day'u. H. K. Yarshemaksp ancl Ys. Va. VarshcuuU. R4nWk4 Xedp. 1938, No, 1g), V'40.-;--Divst the sample with limited Vol. of lull. 0.1 N IlCl and titratc the resulting onto. with lime water (mid.) In the Pr= of thymulphtbaleln. A table for twnputinx the IV its is tive". A. A. P,,dgt)rny q U- A SM43 wit 0MV Got CK 0.1 all 19 at 11 a 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 o 9 " - I; o o ' 411, 411-00 0 0 0 0 It o 0 0 a 0 *00 0'. 0 0 0 al 0 q 0 0 0 0 OHIO .-0-6-4 0-0 41-0-0-0 0 #-a- -01 . 9 1,96`90669041404600: 6 : 0 0 so $4 0 If W To 1 0 a .4 n A III IQ at u 41 " 45 A It 0_2 a `-too fly 0 0 ------- _40 of 0 .4 in of Inder borallps, ard4, jrj. U. HAS, 47, 1112 Ill Ito 1.3), j Na N k S~ S - S. R. 4 7, .90 at tilt. is -111-triul 1wrate driscmit 6 shown Ifs, Iw a residual pri st-I -00 0 f"FrIll-If fly mccal-fisali.pso tif xylvitc, flillitv. 01111 kaillil, a," .00 I I' "Y'110"eliC With 113C %'Ildt~il3X XVI)IIIIII. Tilt- -Ijj.-j "ilh 11161 v! Is .*a Ittv tallulatell. 0 too 00 Cog =41o ire 0 001 Sao ire 0 6t .CfAil.04KAL LIMAILM CLASSIPICATMON RZ 1 1, Pw 0 Is I K 94 1) 0-3 a U IV so 11 or Ditto (VoI KA x u III a n it at 14 #10 *1 71 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 006 0 0 Sao a 411111111 of so 0 0 0 0 ago 0 0 0 J I'M ly., Ya. Ya. "Origin of Inder Borates," DpIld. AN' SSSR, 47, pp. W-71) 1945 � -5 ii *- OR WIN it- 14 is 16 At P A .-a W I K L T U JL.J-I Peeproms ..WI md.". Sci. V.R-~J' 49'. so 9 nj-R p) isitu in salts were dismvemd by the analysis of the ,$fie twinci in the Indef arem. Drilling has revealed the 00 1)rt-setictofsylvitcan(itlifntaytriiotpuiyhalite."Ilalite- Although the merves cannot be estd. without further drilling, It appears that this deposit will rank second to 00 Suft-Anuk. The occurrence of K lit the Itotme etc* In. 0 creases the value of the Inder drIW14Ls. G. T. Faust so 00 00 e`90 00 00 '09 so* :1* 0 i Cie 0 CIO 0 I L A SCIALLURGKAL LITERATURE CLAWKATION Iles be 1100 JAOSO 1141444 wit 04V 4191 011111(me 04111, d.9 4.W its -T a A U is AV 00 It P it It OF K .1 ~Ix ~nn 4 st, 1110 1111 x V t 44 0 9 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 0 0 6 40 0 *1 0 be 0s9 *of 16 0000 j '-d, Sf M17 -7 101'ZLIT, IA. IA . nA I I-A UZI% Apr 1948 ORY -Stratificatim "Celestine In the Cambrian Deposits of the Angar Region," Ya. Ya. Yarzhemskiy, All-Union Soi Res Inst of Halurgy, 3 pp "Dck Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LX, No 2 Dsecribes results of studies made on the slate levels of the Cambrian 3Ayers of the southeastern boundary regions of the Siberian platform, by means of shafts sunk in the vicinity of Balaya, Polovina, Station on the Nast Siberian Railway, the confluenoe of the Belaya. and Irkut RiTers, and arou~.d the southwestern regions of Iake Baykal. Submitted by Academioian'D.. S. Bely&*inp 11 Feb 1948. .2T5.4 juwm/be~iogy '/Oct POP Petrography. 'Concerning the Origin'of Inder Borates," Ya. Ya.. ~ I YarzhemskiY, 3 PP ' "Iz Ak Mauk. S~SR,-Ser Geol" No 5 Discusses A..V. Nikolayev's book,. "A Physicochemical , Study of Natural Borates Book, very valuable',as & pbysicochem-Ical study, explains natural processes Im formation of main borates of Inder upheaval. aon-~ icept presinted of transformation of kaliborite ifito; Asba ite, ulexit and hydroboracite'in the boron ;beaciink, ~poit"jeivi' :cabflr~ 'b Up 0 j,pstrogra materIaL ow:'M . . it b1MV81 I BO-rates' mexitio nIid -are':' "kal. ibor, e;-aebariu~ hydr6b cite ionite, colezranite and, Ora 0 111,0 0 a 0 a M J, is r li-pill n n 14 .5 - 74 17 n 11 1, 11 to t, 1. i 1: A' 4; 4, W -4~' I-JA of lot 1,4111. fo-oill. ;I*,-%.-. J K no. to,. TW~,tn- T A the LOWC1 I'VilaiAll stall delmoiti, 44 %oov-s Kalldrellik (that 114min), anti the 'itincenc Pic-Carliathian dep(&its of Stelonill, secondary quartz (often in rosocite-like aggre- Ratel) is Observed. in intimate connection with the salt- clay which forms inictlayers and micraveirtlets in the k %alt. Its taragenessis is charactetized by 4 Ma"'Ve lr"C Occurrence with rhomfoahedral carlmalesi (dolomile- of I i magnesite, itith x. I.WJ) and short-prismatic anhydrite, ill a typical tpigelletir There is no doubt that Hica hydrogel, probably the quartz crystd. frown a 4 00 Ji hraugh an intirmediate chalervinny formation. The high-disriew particles of the mIt-orlity nften appear not only on the toutfini:4 (of the qnartz cryqtaf,4 but atto included in their intetior. Mica, eslocrially hydrromiat anti wcF)nd- ary Chlorite, are wmairrics i)b%rrvt-rf Ili a very high diq- rersity. biolite Is alwayit dercomild. The i)to)lllcm of the epittinclic gnartz (-ry%tn. k intimately cOnnected with the 2 file eLty frsmatiton unit its diUCH"It. Since .r 1 reactions CA tern, the high iml C- ability Of (he Clay iinrK41CS 9 tllOrOUgh ritrulalitin ill swints. in the %alt mck, thcre niust have liern more If" roractiOns; Of the salt with the setlitnent clay mium1n. NfgCI,, was hydrnlyzed, anti the free 14,27, famned In this way may have reacted with the biotite of q! the clay. fulnuiulf chlorite and colloidal siticat hydrate. which later was pptd., and changed to ch"cony and g, 41 1:! 1 quarts. W Pit.[ 0 AM Ili; to to Color Kit OtV tf"lf Ito( 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 00 00000 0 0 0 0 00 00 a4 0 Zoe 1-06 A I _i see )zoo tie* too 0 ,A 0 .3 .4i 11 L 11 to a I A( of 9 dno 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4, 0 00 0 0 * * 0 0 * 00 0 0 61A t 129 USSR/Geology Petrography 21 jun 49 Potassium Deposits "Problem of the Polyhalite in Deposits of Potaa- sium Salto," Ya. Ya. Yarzhemakiy, 4 pp ,-"Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXVI' No 6 On basis of.geological studies., personal field ob- servation in Kalush, Stebnik, and Inder potassium deposits, author concludes primary polyhalite is formed directly In oalt-fomlng baoine. lie aloo .istablishes that processes of secondary polyhalite formation are very prevalent in almost the entire set of halogen6us formations of potassium deposits. -Introduces data to support conclusions. Submitted 1~b Acad D S. Belyankin 12 Apr 49. 151T29 L USSR/Geology Petrography 21 Oct 49 H&1ida-,DePouitd 'Petrographic Characteristics of Recent Halide De- ~posits," Ya. Ya. Yarzhemskiy, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Halurgy "Dok Ak Nauk" Vol IXVIII, No 6, pp lo85-lo88 Describes several characteristlc~ features of present- day mineral formation and deposit accumulation in Lake ElIton. Institute has more information on this lake than on any other salt reservoir. Submitted by .Acad D. S. Belyankin 19 Aug 49. DMITUSKIY YA'. YA. USSR/ Mineralogy - Langbeinite U Oct 50 "Schoenitization of JAngteluite in Water Vapor," Ya. Ya. Yarzhemskiy, All-Union Sci Res Inst of Halurgy "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXIV, No 5, PP 1015-1017 Nutnerous observations on behavior of kainite and langbeinite rocks under damp conditions of and Kaluga mines from 1941 to nov convinced author these rocks undergo intensive schoenitization (i.e#, turning into schoenite or picromerite),.accompanied by formation of epsomite. Submitted by.Acad D. S. Belyankin 14 ~ug 500 172T71 minar4itw comiosidon of quittemary SoilLmousho 0( the N. cosplan rogion. VA. Ya V W-A I*Lwkjl (All-Ultiokn 'ej r. p I_Rsrc~imh just, of 1UTurgy, xisingr4d). Z Vs. In. Migral, obsAw Awjtw (Ittkin. Ism, ru*be tni=.; 79 4 M (11,30) .-The totimentAtiou of cAk-ite- atillYd(Ite, $yI.sujj. and Imlile Its the wilijutok, ", ctilly ill lite Ile. of IAILC I"llcor, k hill"Miallt for X"thrucy 01 salt ;Jtjw^lI,s. In lite ilmirmay v-slistirolk. Ilse , of 111111hil)oIc %ith rpidole k 111(ist chaactryi4lice together Willi the Common as-Awn-, fit ore suilimil., K:Itljtt, r1sholle, futile, kyallitc. Unit Suturolite. W. I"'itcl 1. YARZHELBKIY, Ya. Ya. 2. USSR (600) 4. Sandqtdho 7. Sandstone with augito and amphiboles as the essential rock-forming mineral. Dokl. All SSSR 67 no. 6, 1952. 9. Monthly Lists of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1953, Unclassified. YARZMISKIY, YA. YA. "Concerning the Matrix Borates of Inder," Mineralog. sb. Llvovsk. geol. o-va., No 7) 290-294, 1953 On the basis of a detailed geological and minerological study of the borates of the deposits of Inder., the author, in contrast to the theoretical representations of physical chemists, recognizes as primary minerals the following four borates: New strontium-calcium borate, called kurgantaite (Ya. Ya. YarzhemBkiy, Ibid., No 6, 1952); hydroboracite; kalibroite (potassium borite); and boracite, which have been distinguished at various times. Kurgantaite is found in the gypsum-anhydrite rocks of western Kurgantau, presumably separated from the natural brine of lagoons during the formation of anhydrite sediments. RZhGeol, No 1, 1955 R V A I A MI A USSR/Geophysics Borates 11 Feb 53 "Processes of Silicification of Borate Rocks of ,the Gypsum Cap of the Inderskiy Upheaval," Ya. Ya, Yarzhemakiy DAN SSSR, Vol 88, No 5, PP 913-916 Separates primary matrix borates of the salt- bearing stratum of the Inderskiy upheaval into four types of boratests Kurgantite, hydrobora- cite, potassium borate, boracite (khilgadrite). Of most interest is potassium borate which yields a whole gamut of borates of later generations in the zone of hypergenic transformation. Presented by Acad D. S. Bely-nk'n a 1 4 Dec 52 249T(& 17-irq 'f3) I. YARZB174SKIr, YA. YA 2. usm Wo) 4. Hydroboracite 7- Origin of hydroboraoite in halido rock,, Dokl, AN ssa 88 No. 6, 1953 States hydroboracite can be formed from potassium boride. Also derived from red colored balopel-ites. Presneted lt~y Acad D.S.Belyankin. 258T74 9.~ Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. USSR1 Geology - Halurgy, Upper 21 Jun 53 Kama "Problem of the Facial Transitions in the Salt Stratum of the Upper Kamskiy Deposits," V. N. Lubinins. and Ya. Ya. Yarzhemskiyj All-Union Sci- Res Imt of Halurgy DAN SSSR) Vol 90) No 6, PP 1131-1134 States that completely regular facial transitions often occur within the limits of one and the same layer folded by chemical sediments, just an they do in other sedimentary rocks. In other words, 269T59 along with various terrigenous and other facies, original facies have halogenic rocks which are due .,to specific, physical-chemical conditions of sedi- .ment formation. Presented by Acad D. S. Belyankin :,(deceased) 14 Feb 53. YO.-Ya- ---- ------ - 0' l SsItle rV I ~jd ~1 k' rl 'D' *As ff!'JOV 9!tR O~i ~ k 8 M04 1 1 1 , . . , y (104),;-w-The aoocn. of dolomitc-anhydrite rocks. with b d i h d d i i e o e is ts is analogous to t serve recent on fait epos t m of som lornite in the lZam-11opi -Gal, Lake BaWtash, tic. The Palectoic MU deposits of East Siberi. -%. VAtite ii t Ural Kungura, etc., are l c~l ocally connected with t a t bydrite-magnesite laytra of more thAn lWin, j thickticu, The duloinife b almiya a primary crFstn. pwd- f l e I -granu uct o ar development, but t 6 often re- .vtry fin krystd. to rhombobedra of about 0.2 mm. size near tenses these, Re- of secondary hall'te and is often Licluded In crystd. dolomites also show same silificati6n and sporadic crystals of fluorite and celestite. magnetite, or ankerite. The "halopelltes',~ or "salt CLLYS" in V!!~u~pper hotizoas of ~--the i6lt'deposits contala li~;i6h~ assocd. with the mr-. bonates, among which magnesite gradually replaces doto,-, ' mite, aptclally,, in the sylvinite dqxslts of Vetkhtickimsk llemati ths with ankerite (W - LOSJ-, te Ia regular intergrow 1.690) Is a characteristic accessocy inineml, The enda-- meat Ia Wif observed In the camallitc horizons is characterr! ized by tabular maguesitft with, (0001) d 1.738). sfiniLtr to the magaesite, occunin wart. C.A. 45, 508W) and from Now Mexico and S ~ ~ Schalkr and Henderson, C.A. 261 4563), or to that in d PmszLan deposits (cf. Strakhov. Zapiski Vjejoyus. Afhw4k ObshzAesha73.No.2(I044); Trudy Intl. Geol. Sank, AM Nauk S.S.S.R. 124, Geol. Ser. No. generally absent in the dolomites and Calt thy$. W. Hital WOM 0 1 ---zg I ~-qfJ3 tz R 15-57-12-17371 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 12, pp 102-103 (USSR) AUTHOR: Yarzhemskiy, Ya, Aa, TITLE,:. Mineralogy and Petrography of Potash Deposits in the Soviet Union (Mineralogiya i petrografiya kaliynykh mestorozhdaniy Sovetskogo Soyuza) PERIODICAL: V sb*.- Vopr. geol. agron. .rud, Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956~ pp 162-181 ABSTRACT: The author presents a summary of common and abundant minerals in various potash deposits of the USSR and gives a brief description of the main ones, such as halite, sylvite, carnallite, polyhalite, glaserite, kainite, langebeinite and piersmenite. He also presents a brief and generalized description of the principal potash rocks: sy'lvinite, carnallite rocks and polyholite rocks. This work is based on the varities of materials from all the better known Card 1/2 deposits. When describing the borates of the Inderka I :'~ Fj f~- 7- lrl~ f, 1, ; i . ~ k- i, T., I ~A , US-c'R/Cosmochemistry Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. D. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Xhimiya, No 9, 1957, 30409 Author : Yarzhems1ziy, Y&.Ya. Inst : -Kc-ademy of Sciences USSR Title : Preobrazhenskite -- A New Borate of Salt-Bearing Stratum of Inder Upheaval Orig Pub : Dokl. AN SSSR, 1956, 111, No 5, 1087-1090 Abst : During studies of core-sample materials, in rock salt with polyhalite interlayers were found 5 x 3 cm nodules of a new boron mineral, which has been named preobra- zhenskite, in honor of the investigator of USSR salt deposits -- P.I. Predbrazhenskiy. Intimately associa- ted with the new mineral are potassium borate and bora- cite. Color lemon-yellow. HarcIness 4.5-5.0. Lowest singony (monoclinic ?); finely-crystalline; shape of the crystals, tabular, flattened along (100); characte- ristic rounded contours, due to a large number of Card 1/3 USSR/Cosmochemistry -'Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1957, 304409 D. minutes facets. Optically monoaxial slanting ex- tinction of about 25-angle; N 1.59 1 N N - 1.573 0.002, double refeaction of abAt o.021. %iderential thermal an lysis: endothermal effect at 54o-6oo-(emis- sion of 15-16% 4,..0), the characteristic of all borates very strong exothermal effect at 730-750'(cosolidation and sintering to a solid mss~ endothermal effect at 900-950 (cause uncertain). Original roentgenogram has been recorded. Results of chemical analysis (in %): Cl 0.82, Br 0.008, B,,,P,. 6o.91, CaO 0.01, MgO 20-82, Sio_~,O-13, R;,03 0-11i K 0-25, Na (by difference) 0.38, residue insoluble in HCl m6, H_O- 0.20, ILD- 14-30, total 98.00; no SO,.,, was found. Formula 3MgO.5B:203" 4.5HpO. At the present time widespread occurence of preobrazhensite has been ascertained and three modifica- tions of this mineral have been differentiated. It is assumed that it was deposited from sulfate brine Card 2/3 USSR/Cosmochemistry - Geochemistry. I~ydrochemistry. D. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - KhimiYa, No 9, 1957, 30409 (at a higher concentration than hycIroboracite and potash--. sium, borate) during the stage of halite deposition with .admixtures of anhydrite. polyhalite, sylvite, sometimes of kainite, kieserite and carnallite. Card 3/3 - 9- ~-f lfl~ V.~ -, , Z.. '. -, - .. -- .- - , C ., I , ; \ /- 11 - 1 - - , - A A fzW, - ~ r ,-~- ~ -- 1, ~ - - -, - "I - , ~ I Prospecting for boron in halogenic formations of the U.S.S.R, [with summary in English]. Sov.geol. I no.7:3-14 JI 158- (MIRA 11:11) 1. Voesoyuuwy usuchno-issledovatel'skiy institut galurgii. (Boron) LOBANOVA, V.V.; YARZHEICKIT, Ya.ya. Mineralogical atudy of the Inder nlevation. Yop.min.osad.obr-5:177-190 58. (MIRA 121-3) (Inder region--Mineralog7) P9RPF!FW YARZHEMSKIY, Ya.Ya. Origin of oylvite. Mln.sbor. no.12:460-465 158. (14IRk 13 ' 2) 1. V9esoyuznyy nanchno-issledovatellstrAy institut galurgii, Leningrad. (Sylvite) MIA Formation of carnallite-bearing rock-salt in the Inder Mountains. Zap. Vaes. min. ob-va. 87 no.5:607-612 158. (MIRA 12:1) (Inder Mountains--Carnallite) (Inder Mountains-Rock-ealt) OWL. YARZHEMSKIY,, Ya.Ya. Petzography of the ailt. deposit in White Rusoia. Trudy PrIld no.40~307-321 160. 14!11) (White Rusoia-Salt deposits) BLAZKOV L. P.; KONDRATIYEVA, V. V.; YAM104SKIY, Ya. Ya. Aksaite, a new hydrous magnesium borate. Zap. Vees. min. obva 91 no.4:447-454 162. (MIRA 15;10) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut galurgii, Leningrad. (Minerals) (Magnesium borates) TARZHEMSKIY, Ta.Ta.; MKOVA, NIVI.; PROTOPOPOV,, A.L.; BLAZKO, L.P. Formation of gliding surfaces in some halogen rocks. Dokl. AN SSSR 148 no.5:1184-1185 F 163. (KRA 16:3) 1 Vaesoyuznvy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut galurgii, L;ningrad. Predstavleno akademikom N.M.Strakh?vym. (Halo! dite) v Law- fly YARZHINSKIY, Yaya, Nmenclature and classification of marine-t;rps Wcgene rcc.3. Upo i polo iskop, no.6165,-73 N-D 164. 3 1. Vaesoyuznyy institut galurgli, lAningrad. z- 11-322~6-66-arr(e) 5-"T(mY1EWPCwY1V t I IJP(c) JDAW/JO/DJAT~dH ACC NR, AP6018606 SOURCE CODE: UR/0420/65/000/004/007610083 AUTHOR:' Belitskiy, Ye.; Yas', D. S., Parkhomenkov M. A.; Skopenko, I. ~iv ORG: Kiev I6stitute of Civil Aviation (Kiyevskiy institut grazhdansk*oy iatsii); institute of the Problems of the Science of MaterialspAN UkrSSR (Institut problem materialovedeniya AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Investigation of the strength and antifriction properties of mica crystal materials with boron.nitride additions SOURCE: Samo~ y-eniye Aekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1965, 76-83 TOPIC TAGS:. bearing, high temperature bearing, bearing material, packing material, sintered material, mica containing material, boron nitride containing material, antifriction material, heat resistant material ABSTRACT: A new packing material of the UMB-SKT system for gas turbine and compressor shafts has been proposed. These materials are made from a mixture of fine powders of KM93(A1-Si3010)F2 synthetic mica (specific weight 2.75 g/cm2' 70-75 HB hardness) and boron nitride. In tests, the mixtures, containing 2-202 BNt were moistened with a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solu,4on, compacted under a pressure of 1.0-1.5 t/cm2 and sintered in air at 1 050-1070C. The sintered materials, which had a porosity of 10-15%, were tested for compression and.bend strength and for antifriction pro perties in dry friction and in frictionyith lubrication. M echanical Card 1/3 L 32036-66 ACC NR: AP6018606 tests showed that as boron nitride content increased from 2 to 20%, the compression strength of the materials decreased from 6.4 to 2.8 kg/mm2, the bend strength from 2.6 to 1.4 kg/mm2, and the hardness from 5 Tto 15 HB. In friction tests with a lubricant (MS-20 oil) at a speed of 1-4 m/sec under a specific pressure of 10-150 kg/cm2, the friction coefficient of all tested materials decreased with in- creasing specific pressure at all testing speeds (see Fig. 1). Materials containing Fig. 1. Specific pressure depen- 4j e ce of the friction coefficient 2/y/i3ec ?of UMB-5KT materials. H 2 U4 44 Containing 2% BN (1); 4X BN (2); 0 6% BN (3); 8% BN (4); 10% BN (5); 0 and 15% BN (6). tested with 0 lubrication. 02 -5v 'fa eo lag -/?a 14"0", Specific pressure kg/mm2 Card 213 L 32036-66 ACC N.Rs AP6018606 2 to 8% BN sustained a load up to 150 kg/mm2 , those with a higher BN content, up to 70 to 100 kg/mm2,,and no bearing seizure was observed in the entire ratige of the investigated pressures and speeds. Under dry friction, materials contai.n.tng 4 to 8% BN had the best antifriction properties. The UMB-5KT parts are readily fabricated and machined. They have low hardness (55-14 HB), satisfactory strength and high heat resistance at temperatures up to 1100C. These qualities make it posiyible to use them as high-temperature packing materials an also as materials foriAllding working under conditione of ~11 bearings dry friction and, especially, under conditions of friction with lubrication. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. [MS) SUB CODE: Il/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 3/3 L 40784-66 E7dP(e) ENT(WENEWAZENT(WETI IJP(c) 1AVVINJO j__A_CC_NR-. A.V#aU10bU-j SOURCE CODE: UR/0420/65~/06-OTC04-/Ub-81~-/66'-----' AUTHOR; Belitskiy, M. Ye.. Yas'. D. S.. Parkhomenko. M. A.; Skopenko,_I. F. aviatsii); t (Kiyevskiy Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation institut grazhdanskoy titute of Problems in the Scie-n-c-e-oT Materials AN UkrSSR (Institut problem materi- a.Lovedeniya AN UXr5bR) 1~ iTITLE: Investigating the thermal stabilit of new packing materials in the UMB-5KT Isystem SOURCE: Samoletostroyeniye i tekhnika vozdushnogo flota, no. 4, 1965, 84-9o TOPIC TAGS: thermal stability, gas turbine engine, aircraft engine, high temperature oxidation, nonclay refractory product, packing material/ UMB-5KT pabking material, K30/70 packing material I ABSTRACT: The authors study the problem of deterioration of sealing inserts in qir- craft turbines due to the effect of gas flow. It is shown that the properties of sealing inserts may be radically improved by using new materials in the UMB-5KT sys- tem. The base used in these materials is synthetic rp ted crystalline micaNVith high thermal stability, and the binder is-toron nitride qhich is chemically inert in an oxidative atmosphere to 800-9001C. The thermal stability and changes in some of the strength properties of the new materials were studied during protracted oxidation. Cord L 110784-56 ACC NRs Pxt)U.LC30U Parallel control tent were conducted uning convential K30/70,packing material with a heat-treated graphitekase and additives of various refractory compounds. Specimens measuring 7x7x7O mm were tested for thermal stability at 300-11000C with a maximum holding of 100 hours at each temperature except that maximum holding was 15 hours at 1100*C. Thermal stability was evaluated by the change in weight of the specimens. The results show somewhat of a reduction in the strength properties of the new materi- als with practically no change in thermal stability when the boron nitride concentra- tion is increased. Protracted oxidation increases the strength properties of the ma- terials which makes them useful for long-term application under conditions of periodic low bending and compressive stresses which are generated by distortion of guide vane assemblies. The optimum composition for the packing material is determined by its mechanical strength, erosion resistance and running-in properties. The new materials shoved higher thermal stability than the control material from 20 to 11001C. There are practically no changes in the chemical composition and structure of the materials during oxidation and they also have the advantage of low hardness (2o-4o HB) which should make them useful for packing the flow sections of compressors in gas turbines. The experimental results show that K30/70 material has satisfactory thermal stability only up to 5000C and cannot be recommended for protracted operation at higher tempera- tures. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, I table. I SUB CODE:O////_3/OSUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001 I ) Y ,, Card 2/2 Al 177777 ACC NRt AP603639 SOURCE CODEs UR/0032/66/032/011/1413/141( AUTHOR: Belitekiy, He Ye.; Yen'# Do So ORO: Kiev Institute or Civil Aviation Engineers (Kievnkly institut inzhenerov grazhdauskoy aviataii) TITLE: unit ror testing the ant,ifriction properties of sealants SOURCE: Zavodakaya laboratoriya, v. 32, no, 11, 19669 IhI3_1416 TOPIC TAGS: sealant packing materialg antifriction material, sealant antifriction property, sealant wear resistance, test stand, high speed test stand ABSTRACT: A high-speed laboratory unit for testing the friction and wear of antifrictionipacking materials under !simulated service condi- tions is described. The unit incorporates a drive, a main shart assembly an assembly for the face end and radial loading, an airtight chamber for testing materials in aggressive media, attachments for grinding the working surfaces and protective casingg and a control panel. The unit makes possible tests of packing materials in air and in liquid or gaveoue media at sliding speed varying rrom 7 to 540 m/Bec and at specific pressures up to 30 kg/:&2* Origo art# has: 3 figureoo SUB CdDE1 11/' SUBM DAM none/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD'PRESSI 5107 tine 42n_T7A_i62 DUBININ, V.M.,, inzh.; KOZILENYAKIN, N.A., inzh.; DICK11CM, B.S., inzil.; NARYSM- IN, A.P. I irizh.; TAP-AZOV, M.V. , inzh.; YASAFC11, inzh. Tyrnyauz ore dressin~g plant. Gor. zhur. no.9:10-11 S 165. KRIVCHIKOV) P.F.; CHUGUNOV, L.F.; YASAFOV, A.F.; Y11fiNIZIN, V.A. The Tyrnyauz Combine is 25 years old. TSvet. me,- 38 S 165. (MIPA 18, ohm DUBININ, V.M.; POLURANOV, P.A.; YASAFOV, A.F. Practices for recovering (rxidized molybdenum from Tyrnyauz ore. TSvet. met. 38 no.9:-12-17 s 165. (MIRA 18:12) STZPANTSRV, A.; YASAKOV, A.; LIBERM". S.; MOISEYEVA. L. Rayidw tho instructions for remoTing fat from carcasses* Hiss. ind. SSSR 4:39-40 '58,, (MIRA 11:8) 1. Hichurinakiy mvasokombinat. (Packing houses) -t . . . . . . . . . . )pSAAQV-r-P.-t- inzh.; VYSHKIM, F., arkhitektor BaUding on state farms in the Golodnaya Steppe* ZbiJL.ot-roi. no.8:22-25 Ag 161.. (HIPA 14:8) (Goloduaya Steppe-State farms) US&KOV, V.; UNIN, S. Testing the parts of the front suspension member of the M-20 truck. Avt. transp. 33 no.11:30 N '55. (KM 9:3) (Notortracks--Testing) YASAKOV, V.P.; TANIN, S.A. Making a copying device for the machine tool used for grifiding came of distributing shafts., avt.transp.' no.3:48-51 160. (MIU 13:7) (Grinding machines-Namarical control) ZISLIN, D.M.; YASAKOVA, 0.1.; LEBEDEVA, G.G.; KODWI, F.S. Pneumonia in influenza. Sovet.mad. N0.3:16-18 Mar 51. (CI14L 20:6) 1. Docent D.M. Sizlin; Candidate Medical Sciences O.I.Tasakova, 2. Of the raculty Therapeutic Clinic of Sverdlovsk Medical Institute (Head--Prof. B.P.Kushelevskiv). VwxIavacy, B.P.; TA;AWVA, O.I.i-XVIKOVA, G.Y,. Therapy of *76cardial Infarct with dicamarije Sovet md. 17 no.10:10-36 Oct 1953. (GUM 25:5 1. Professor for lusholovskiy; Candidate Medical Sciences for' Yamakova. 2. Of the lkmlty Therapeutic Clinic of Sverdlovsk Medical Institute and Sverdlovsk Met Ranicipal Clinical Hospital. Ql~ I 41~,.-, KUSHELIVSKIY. B.P.. professor- YASAKOVA, 0.1., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; YEF IMOVA, G. M. 14-~ 7unctional evaluation and prognosis of the capability for work in patients with myocardial Infarct. Report NO-3. Sov. mad. 18 no.12: 19-21 D 054. (MLRA,8:2) 1. Is fakul'tatskoy terapevtichaskoy kliniki (say.-Prof. B.P.Kttsha- levskiy) Swerdlovskogo maditainskago instituta. (KYOCARDILL WARM. physiology woridng capability in) (VCIRK capacity deterp* In myocardial infarct) TASAKOVA, 0.1.; kandidat maditsinskikh nauk; 1XVINA, S.I. Method of determining prothrombin time during anticoagul&ut therap7. Lab.delo no,4;1940 Jy-A9 '55, (MIRA 8:8) 1. Is fakulltetskov terapeyticheskoy kliviki (diroprof, B.P. Kulesbevskiy) Sverdlovskogo seditsinskogo institute. (ANTICOAGULARTS. therapeutic use, prothrombin time deteirm. in control) (PROTHROMBIN TIME, determination, in &Uticoagulant.ther.) Y.'tSIMVA. 0.1., glaviVi terapevt oblasti. Basic problems of organizing therapeutic services in Sverdlovsk Province. Sov.zdrav. 14 no.4:8-14 Jl-Ag. 155. (~a&A 8:9) (PUBLIC HKALTH, In Russia, organiz.) -z4 YAUAKOVA, 0.1., lumd.mod.nank Cardiac infarction in the young. Vrach.delo no.V.:1237-1241 D '56. (HIRA 12:10) 1. Valailltetskaya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav. - prof.B.P. ~uahelevskiy) Sverdlovskogo meditainakogo instituta. (HEART--II]FARCTIMI) -Y YASAKOVA. G.I., Doe Ycd Sci-(di--s) "Infarcl. of the ,- ocLrdium. L u rclr~tcd clinic..,.1 cllar.c;~cristics, t4v~rvi-;,y -.rid outcomo)." S~icrdlwv~;'- 19508. 32 pp (SvorCllovsk. Eod Inst), 200 copien "U,25-58,110u) KUSHILEVSKIY, B.P..Drof.; YASAKOVA, O.I., Evnluntion of the effectiveness of anticongulant therapy in myocardial Infarct. Terap. arkh. 30 to.3!3-10.-Kr 158. . . (MIRA 11:4) 1. Iz fakul'tetakoy torapevtichaskoy kliniki SverdlovBkogo med. inatitutn. (ANTICOAGULAETS, therapsqntic use, myocardial infarct (Rue) (MYOCARDIAL IUARCT, therapy, nnticongulants (Rue) GORBUBOVA, Z.V.., prof.; YAMOVA, 0.1.,, dotsenty- 'UDINTSEVi, N*A* Iffeat of glutamic acid on oxidative processes in circulator7 Insufficiency in patients with rh?~matio heart defects. Terap. arkho 32 no.8750-57 Ag 160,, (K[RA'13211) 1. 1z kliniki propedertiki vnutre=ikh bolesney (zav. - prof. Z.V. Gorbunova) i kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. S.A. Braydov- iiiy) SVerdlovaikogo meditainskogo instituta. '(MTZMTIC HFMT DISEASE) (GLUTAMIG ACID) YASAKOVA, O.I.,,(Sverdlovsk) flemodynemic indices in traumatic exteriovenous aneuryamr. Wore tr,.-; following surgery. Khirurgiia 40 no.llt66-74 N 165. (MIRA 18:7-~ TIMOFEYKV, V. N.j FEVRALEVA, I. A.j VAVILOVA, M. A,j Prinimali uebaBtl3vt GMWIMOVII 0. 1., laborant;''RUZHENTSEVA,, T. M., laboranty CH904AYEVA, L. A., laborantl T~~PN-T., laborant Inveoti'pting eonveative beat transfer to plates in a flow of gaven.' Sbor. nauch. trud. VNIIMT no.83431-453 1620 (mrRA 1631) (Heat-Convection) (Gas flow) YASAKOVA,Z. __- Urgent problems of technical training. Yast ugl. 4 no-4:31 AP 155. MU 8: 6) 1. Nachallnik uchebno-kursovogo kombinata, tresta Prokopyovsk- ueoll kombinata Kusbassugoll. (Prokapyevsk--Minivg engineering--Study and teaching) OGANOV, S.S.; YASASHIN, A.M. Testing re C not requiring casing in undergiround repairing of wells in Buovny, Neft.khoz- 35 no-3:62-64 Mr 157. (MLRA 10:4) (Buzovny--Oll wells-Zquipment and supplies) YASASIIIII, Anatoliy Mikhaylovich; GAYVOi',01I',']KIY, A.A., red.; LAVROV, II.I., ved. red. [Eliminating sand plugs in oil wells] Likvidatsiia penche.- nykh probok v neftianykh skvazhinakh. Mos]-vay Izd-vo "Nedra," 1964. 150 P. (MIRA 17:7) 00 - ---- -- - - -- - -- - - - --- - -- -- - - - - - - - - ---- ---- - YASASHIN, A.M. Drilling in the producing horizons without excessive hydrostatic I reservoir pressure. Trudy VNIIBT no.10:54-65 163. (YJRA 17:4) PLESHKOV, B.P., kand.biolog. nauk, dotsent; SAVIISKAYTE, Ye.M., [Savickaite, E.); YOAYTIS,, A. [Jasaitis., A. 1, aspirant Correlation among freo amino acids in the grain and the straw of soft wheat. Izve TSKIK nc.5s 100-105 163. (MURA 17.7', GRIGGROYEV, G.G.; SUBBOTA, M.I.; TMKILITAUB, N.M.; YASKW, B.F.; ALIKSITIV, P.A., redaktor; TITSXAYA, B.F., NA, A.S., takhnichookiy redaktor. [Gall and gas-core surveys and the analysis of gas; handbook of methods] Gazovaia i gasokernovaia s0emki i analiz gaza; metodichaskoe posobie. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takhn. izd-vo nef- tianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1954. 225 P. WRA 7:8) (Gas, Natural) AID P 20 Subject USSR/Engineering Card Authors Yasenev, B. P., Turkel'taub, N. M., and Subbota, M. I. Title Perfection of Geochemical Methods of Oil Prospecting Periodical Neft. khoz., v. 32, #3, 23-28, Mr 1954 Abstract Various geochemical methods oE analysis of gas traces are reviewed. Their significance is evaluated for different conditions and compared with absorbtion and microanalysis methods. The values of mass-spectrometry and radioactive indicators are also mentioned. In con- clusion, the authors call for the coordinated work of different research institutions and for perfection in precision of geochemical methods. 11 Russian refer- ences (1939-53). Institution Scientific Research Inst. of State Geochemical Prospecting Submitted No date k I 11i YASENEV, B. P. Yasenev, B.P. and Yu. M. Yurovskiy reported on "Gas surveying work in the northern Caucasus"(Severnyy Kavkaz). report presentr-d nl.,u Conference In tha Dept. or Geological wrid Geograpnicril Sci., oa Geoctxmicn~' Ibthodz of Saarch and Proajx~ctlng for Deposits, 21-Z6 April Ic;~. (Vest. Ak Neu.1c S533R, 1958, 1fo. 7, rp. 125-261 Ro WET-, 11 B. P SOKOLOV, V. A., AT-,r--i-YVj OF. A., A., G70:)7~-,,,YA'1, A., YUROVSKIY, Y. N. (6ECTIO-1 "Investigations of Direct Oil-Finding, Eetho-;s." Ib &-, Report,$pubmitted at the Fifth ~Wcrld eetroleurn Congress, 30 haY - 5 j,jne 1959. flew York. Geologiya nefti i gaza, 195'~, Ur 2, PP 36-39 (Us"R) Information 13 given on experimentu carried out (luring the last years for the purpose of revealinr~ the genetic relation U between gas emanatin6 sources (Gao and oil abrata) and thq hydrocarbon gas content in blankets covering the stratum. ~:xperimentu were carried out in plateau and 41~(.-o3ynclinal, areas by investigating the hydrocarbon Cos 2atur,,.tion of rocks covering oil and gas strata, The invoo%ipationn were conducted by V.A. Lobov in the Kuybyshev Oblast ; Ye. Lt. 'Geller in the Saratov Obla3t and V.S. Kotov in the Krasno- dar kray. 'It--ia3 stated that hydrocarbon -,as concentration wan higher in cores tak-en from above the ~;a3 stratum than in cores taken from unprodqptive areas. The connection between anomalous gaseous effects on tlie-surfac,e and in oil-and-gas bearin.- blankets in the depth was.proved by determininE rimilar gas composition on the ourfa?e and in subsoil le,-_ josits. The prevalenre of light groups (methane) over hea- vy hydrocarbons was established for the zones overlyinR gas 14(5) SO'ol 9-55-2_-7-16 AUTHORt jaLenev, B.P. TITM Goco-letry of '~ollfj and Ita rXP!OrfLtor,,, Importancr., (0,1~0_ motriya skvilzhin i yayo poiakovoyo -.;ntxchuniyo) ..PERIODTCAL: ABSTRAM 4 Gasometry of Wells and Ito Exploratory Importunce strata, in well crosL;-rjectionz and subsoil. depozits. Above oil strata, heavy hydrocarbons prevail over methane. The non-uniform hydrocarbon satur,~.tion of rocks coverinE; oil and gas strata depend~3 on gas losses, dw~, ~d 4.h* existing core- sampling methods, and on their gau '41 hL t Is connected with the litbological composition of su,;1h rocko, the humidi- ty, tempera-6ure etc. The in-cronsed content in core drilir, above oil and gas stratE~ e;.~te~zvlzthe use of ge-ochemical pro- specting methods. There are 5 tables. ASSOCIATION: V"'JUNI WNW B.P. Geochemim-al iuvestigations of wells. Geol. nefti i gaza no.10:48- 51 0 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Vaeso~n=nyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy geologo-ramvedochnyy neft- yanoy inBtitut. (Geochemical prospecting) ANTOMV., P.L*j BOTNEYA, T.A.1 YEMENKO, N.A.j ZHABREV, D.V.j SUBBOTA, M.I.; TURKELITAUB, N.M.; -WEliEv, B.P. Present status of oil and gas geochemica2 prospecting methodis. Trudy VNIGNI no. 10:227-240 158.~ (KIFA 14:5) (Geochemical prospeeting) -YA5UW..,-Borjn Ntro jZiCI14'SOKOLOV.p V.A.p doktor khim. nauk, red. SIIOROKHOVAj L.I.9 ved. red.; BASIBUZOVp G.M.,, tekhn. red. [Direct geochemical methods of oil and gas prospecting; methodologycal instructions for sampling, sealing, and degassing of rocks]Prianye geokhimicheakle metody poiskov nefti i gaza; metodicbeskie ukazaniia po otboru, prob gor- nykb porod, ikh germetizatsii i degazatsii. Pod red. V.A. Sokolova. 14oskva, Gostoptekhizdats 1962. 57 p. (MIRA 15:9) (Gapes in rocks) f