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JS N_. A7c_1644~p ill I - -1 "d ha f u e r, rLld 7: _U ads' v E- ~,n 1 t Ll I') ~T rtfj Q I T V e~ tm(i ~.n o n, im r- r i :7 T.! I e I Y P+~ a (3 1 Ue I Fula 1 uS eG `4 Ipperation. The results are 4ven in a series of wear-rate versus cylinder-length cuneo3 nmd wear-rate versus ring thiolmena curves with and wlthoit addItivoo for the Card _____ZRNMF ~ i~g -"E 6 5 3. OIN _Vh i AT 5rC) q 64~ i "BY 7 00 NO REFF SOV 004 card 3/3 Tv r -r,-- lniltit~-,te of t 1 ti? t ;~A -,IZ lejerfir, 'KN DO arm: 000, YAROVSKIY) V. "Obzor-Olavneishikh MestorozMenii Uglei i Coryuchlkh Slantsev SSSR," by M. Prigor- ovskiyj V, Yarovskiyj et al,) Leningrad, 1930 L4 ~q V Ewa KOMTS, L., inzhener (Kiyev); YAROVSKIY, Yu., inzhener (Kiyev). Use of natural gas on airports. Grazhd.av. 13 no.1:23-24 Ja 156. (wak 9: 5) (Gas. Natural) (Airports) -,WIN mi. L 01225w66 EIVT(d) IJP(C) iACCESSION NR: APS019619 UR/0376/65/001/007/0961/0976 AU`rHOR: sjX!gv-Yarovgy, M. S iTITLE: On the integration of regularized equations for the tw(~- ko~y 'SOURCE:* Differentsiallnyye uravneniya, v. 1, no. 7, 1965, 961-976 TOPIC TAGS: motion equation, Hamilton equation, partial differential equation i ~.ABSTRACT: A general method for regularizing canonical equations and the correspond-,' Jng Hamilton-Jacobi equation is set forth, and this method is applied to the two- I body problem. Decomposed regolarized equations are derived for the rectangular co-! ~ordinates of the radius vector having the form of non-homogeneous linear differen- itial equations with constant coefficients. -The solution of these equations is found for all types of orbits. "The present paper was read at sessions of the De- 1partment of Celestial Fechanics 'and Gravimetry of MGU in June 1963 and April 1964, and also at the conference on the motion of artificial celestial bodies (Riga, May 11964). To G. N. Duboshin and-all coworkers In the department and participant- in i~ 4, ~the conference I express rW'Meartfelt gratitude for the valuable comments ex- ipressed.11 Orig. art. has. 124 formulas, Card 1/2 ~L 01225-66 ;ACCESSION HR:. AP561*9619 IASSOCIATION-. Gosudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy institut im. P. K.. Sht.emberga ~(State Astronomics Institute) !SLIBMITTED- 18Jan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: MA, AA !N0 REr SOV.- 003 OTHER: 002, NKI AF6001379 SOURCE GOM UR 0376/6 1 20h/1230 41~1 AUTHORt Yarov-Yarov~!! ORGx State Astronomical Institute im. P. K. Shternborg Gosudarstvannyy Q-j astronomichaskiy institut) TITLE: Solution of regularized equations in perturbation theory -A SOIJRGEt Differentsialinyye uravnerdya., v. 1, no* 9. 1965P 1204-1230 TOPIG TAGSs differential equationj, perturbation theory ABSTRAM The author considers the system of differential equations 49U . ... W .. du + Z. x +X, Y.=--+Y. Z=-- (1) where U has the form U-- + I? (r y' + e (2) r whers Rj Xi Y., Zhave small parameters as factors. To simplify this structure the author introduces a now independent variable 'J' to reglilarize these equations: C. L. Siegel (Vorlesungen uber Himmelamechanik. Springer-Verlag,, 1956. (There is a Russian translation.- Zigell, K. L. Lektaii po nebesnoy mukhanike. ILp 1959) and M. S. Yarov--Yarovoy (Differentsiallnyye uravneniya, 1, No. 7,, 962-976, 1965). The method L i385o-66 ACC NRs AP6001379 is. used for all types of unperturbed orbits to derive formulae determining sriaU perturbations in coordinates and time, The results apply to spatial motion under the influence of conservative forces. The author offers his gratitude to Professor ". --Duhgshja,and the entire D artment IAI MAPhAnil I - I for their valuable comments. Also,, this work was part of a report read by the author in Up at a conf oronce on the theory of motion of artif ioial celoqj4AJ~ bo4QU in May .1964. Orig.oarbs hast 56 formulas. SUB CODE: 12/ BUBM DATEs lOJan651 ORIO REF: OOh/ OTH REF 1 001 card ACC NR,' AR6027456 ...... .. SOU 11C'1:,--Cb]676-6i1bo-tA [6-6-/o 00 /0 05/ BO 3 2/ BO 3 2 AUTHOR: Yarov-Yarovoy, M. S. TITLE: -The integration of the equations of motion of a material point by the method 11 of separation of variabl-es SOURCE: Ref. zh. Matematika, Abs. 5B142 REF SOURCE: Tr. Mezhvuz. konferentsii po prikl. teorii ustoychivosti dvizheniya i analit. mekhan., 1962. Kazan', i964, 64-69 TOPIC TAGS: integration theory, particle motion, particle trajectory, Hamilton-Jacobi equation ABSTRACT: The work of Levi-Civita, Burgatti and Dal-Aqua, concerned with the integra- tion by the method of the separation of variables of the Hamilton-Jacobi*equation for the spacial motion of material point, is amplified. The general case of the integra- bility of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (1) is investigated; on the basis of the Levy-Civita theorem, the integrability of the given equation is connected wit 'h the integrability of the eauation for h - 0. During the transformation of coordinates, the properties of the Rieman curvature tensor are Card 1/2 _UDC: 517.933 AR6027456 utilized. The forms of the force function U, permitting the integration of equations by the method of the separation of variables, are also presented. The distribution of singular points of this function in various systems of curvilinear coordinates is also given. The author notes the current importance of the given problem during the cal- culation of the trajectory of artificial Earth satellites whenever certain terms of the series expansion of the potential of the Earth's gravitational field are taken into account. [Translation of abstract] V. Dobronravov SUB,CODE:- 12 ,~Vl YAROTfM, I. I. "Tiv~ Blood Circulatie-,n aryJ Lynphr: itic Systens of the Hum-an Pericardiu-i in R--13'ien "o It-z Const-rucl-lion." 11-11in P!~blic Health RSFSR, Leningrad Hygiene Med Institute, Chair of Normal Anatomy, Leningrad, 1956. (Dissertat4.on for the Degree of Candidate of Sciences) SO: Kn-.*Lzlin,.Iya Letopis' No 43, October 1956, Moscow USSR / Human and Animal Morphology - Lymphatic System. S Abs Jour Ref&' Zhur. - Biol., Nol 22, 1956, No. 101489 Author :.,YaroyyXh,_I_J_.__ Inst, : I-e-h-In-grad Sanitation Hygiene Medical Institute Title : The Lymphatic Vessels of the Mediastinal Pleura of the Anterior Modiastinum in Man. Orig Pub, ; Tr..Sev.-OBetinak. mod. In-ta, Vol.6,101-115 Abstract : On the baBis of studies of 500 cadavera tho follow- Ing classification of lymph nodca (LN) of the stom- ach was proposed. The visceral LN Include the cardial, lesser curvature, pyloric, splenic, pan- creaticosplenic, left and right portions of the greater curvature, pancreaticoduodenal, pancreatico- pyloric, and pancreatic LN. The parietal LN in- clude the retropancreatic and the 8planchnic LN. Lymph flowing from the left half of the fundus of Card 1/2 USSR /Human and Animal Morphology - Lymphatic systef'o. S Abe Jour : Ref. Zhur. - Biol., No. 22, 1958, No. 101489 the stomach passes through two systems of LN, while that from the right half of the fundue and the lesser curvature passes through three, and from the greater curvature through four. -- A. 1. Braude Card 2/2 YAROVYXH, I.I. (laningrad, X-67, u1. 10arakiria, d.1/3. pavillon 26, kv-75) yl ~A, !Ymph flow from the pericardial sac in man. Arkh. anat. gist. J embr- 36 no.4:71-75 Ap '59 (MIRA 12:7) 1. Kafedra normallnoy anatomii (1.0. zav. - dotsent V. N. Nadezhdin, nauchn. rakovoditell - chlen-korreepondent ANN SSSR prof. D. A. Zhdanov) Leningraclakogo sanitarno-gigiyenichatikogo meditsinskogo instituta. (PERIOMIUM, anat. & histol. lymph on flow (Rus)) (LYMPHATIC VESSBIG, anat. & hietol. pericardial outflow (Run)) LIM MUM ,Iric, 'I Trudy !,f,A,jMlr 6 5) 11",' 8- 32 Bloorl-va.-,cudar sys+,-,rn of the paricardium. lbtd.:133-137 Kafcclra normallnoy anatomit Loningradskogo ranltprno-glg-lyt)n!- t!'nL~i,kogo irsUtutij Nav. kat'cdr-oy prof. z . . . . . . TAROYSKIYO V-I-, prof,, doktor tokhn, nauk; CHMUMA, D,,y,, inz'h,; T=SOVI TROSMOTI, YaOL,O i33zho; OYMBNMP AOM99 inzh.; in2h. Degasifying steel In ladles and molds by means of direct electric currentee Sbor Iust. stali no~38:209-225 '58, NIRA 11:8) !Gasee in metals) (Meatric currents) --- ---- ---- V -YRR -VIIAVIC EXCERft~! YIDICA Sec 5 Vol 12/1 Gen Pathology Jan 59 166. ROENTGFNANGIOGRAPHIC EXANIINATION OF TUE STOMACIi IN GASTICIC CANCER AND PRECANCER (Russian text) -I a rozk a i a V. P. Nled. Inst. Koorsk - VOI-IR.ONKOL. .1958, 4/3 (295-300) Illus.5 A total of 55 specimens of gastric resecti,on were studied. The vascular network of adenocarcitiomas is clearly outlined against the rest of the stomach in that it forms a sort of crown corresponding to.the-border of the tumour. In scirrhous Cancers the vascular pattern cannot be distinguished from.that of the unaffected parts of the stomach. Polypi have an additional net of vessels radiating from their pediclc~,The changes is found in chronic ulcer and gastritis are described as well. (V, 16) KHARAKWH, V.G., inzh.; YARMHEVSKU,.S.A., inzh.; ALEFSEYEV, W.N., inzh.; KOLESNIK, N.A., inzh.; FRIDMAN, O.A., inzh.; GRUBA,A.I., inzh.; GRIN, L.V.; PETRAKOV, V.I. Electric insulation coatings on the inside surface of battery boxes of electric mine locomotives. Ugoll Ukr. 10 no. 1: 31-33 Ja 166. (MIRA 18.12) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledevateltakiy institut plasticheskikh mass, 5W AUTHORS: Roykh, I. L., Yarpovetskiy, L. Ya., SOV/74-28-2-3/5 (Odessa) ----------------- TITLE: Chemical Electron Emission (Khimicheakaya elektronnaya emissiya) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi khimii, 1959, Vol 28, Nr 2, pp 168-188 (USSR) ABSTRAM In the present paper the authors give a general view of the main results obtained by investigations of the chemical emission. Since this is a matter of single investigations, no final conclusions can be drawn as yet. The chemical emission was investigated by various authors in various wayss by means of the drop-weight method (Refs 18, 19-26, 28 et a!) at low pressure (Refs 44, 45) by point counter tube (Ref 31) with cylindrical counters ( Refs 32, 34-36, 39, 40) as well as with copper tubes. Recently chemical emission has beer. investigated by an electron multiplier tube (Refs 41-43), From the results obtained it may be seen that the chemical emission is primarily conditioned by electrons. For this reason the authors consider the whole emission flow to be an electron flux in order to simplify matters and use the Card 1/4 term chemical electron emission. The investigations of the Chemical Electron Emission Card 2/4 SOV/74-28-2--' .10P., emission dependence on reacti7e substances have shown that the emission of charged particles occurs during a chemical reaction on the metal surfaoo. It takes place only in the presence of active gases (R;)fa 17, 23, 25-28). Its intensity is increased with increasing energy released during the reaotior- (Ref 18). It was found that the presenl;o of gaseous oxygen and a metal eurfaca free from oxide are pre- requisites for the emission ( Refs 35-36). Ort comparing the emission intensities of various metals the authors came to the conclusion that the intensities corresponi to the position of these metals in the periodic system (RPf 41)- T6 emission of refined metals, which apparently are not in any connection with chemical processes, wan investigated (Refs 31, 32, 41, 42, 48). The conclusions draxn by numerous authors from the time dependence of emission on the oxidation mechanism of metals in various stages appear to be premature. The investigatiors of temperature dependence do not yet permit any generalization (Refs 31, 33-37, 40, 44, 45, 48, 54, 58)- The dependence of the emission flow in the electric field and the distribution of emitted electrons according to energies were investigated in (Refs 23-26, 28, 43, 55)- On connecting Chemical Electron Emission Card 3/4 SOV/74-28-2-3/5 the inhibiting field to the emitter the distribution of electrons can be found according to energies. Richardsor determined the distribution functions of the electrons, which were emitted by the influence of numerous active gases on the alloy K2Na, according to energies. With respect to the number of investigations carried out in this field, his publications are the only ones. Denisov and Richardson recommended the emisuion mechanism in 1934 ( Refs 24, 27)- It is their theory which permits the electron emission of gases on metal during the chemosorption to be explained. Numerous authors have shown that during the chemical-reaction also an emission of negative ions is to be observed. This may be explained by the ionization of gas molecules during their reflection from the metal surface. The ionization of molecules may take place only when their electron affinity is greater than the work function of metal. This condition ,was confirmed for alkaline-metal halogens (Ref 44). The chemosorption of active gas molecules leads to electron emission. The ionic emission is caused by molecules which were not adsorbed on the metal. For this reason the electron emission may be considered. to be a direct result of the Chemical Electron Emiusion SOV74-28-2-3/r~ chemical reaction. The emission of negativa ions must be regarded as an attendant phenomenon. According to certain reasons the separation of H 202 and the chemical electron emis*ion may be considered to be connected processes accompanying the oxidation of metala. Other ways of exoelectron emission are here des6ribed briefly, which were investigated in the course of past 10 yearss a)'emission during phase conversions ("crystal emission"), b) emission during destruction and deformation ("triboemis8ion"), o) after-emiss�on and d) induced photoelectric effect. In conclusion it is stated that the investigation of various ways of emission 4 -s still in its initial stage in spite of the relatively large numbez of publications. There are 10 figures ani 124 references, 12 of' which are Soviet. Card 4/4 % zi% IF' IAM _j!!jM~ nzh.9 rukovoditell brigady kommunisticheskogo truda; IGIARRASOV, N.L.., tLuUomekhaniko udarnik kommunisticheskogo truda; LARIONOV, L.I., monter, udarnik kommunisticheakogc truda; BARANOV, F.M., brigaZir Leading workers in the fields of wire broadcasting, district telephone communications, and television receiving networks exchange their experience. Vest. sviazi 21 no.9:19-23 S ,61. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Moskovskaya gorodakaya radiotranslyatsionnaya set' (for Yarre). 2. Teleatellye No.1 g. Ufy (for Kharrasov). 3. Smolenskiy radiouzel (for Larionov)- 4. Stroitellno-montazh- noys upravleniye radiofikatsii Voronezhskoy direktsii radio- translyatsionr*42 setey (for Baranov). (Telecommunication--7Employees) T MMMMM YARSKOV, A. In a big factory.Poth.dolo 3,no.3:27-28 Ur '57. (miRA lo:4) l.Nachallnik posharnoy okhrany obuynoy fabriki imeni Mikoyana, Rostov-nam-Donu. (Roo-dkv-on-Don-Vire prevention) -777 Y ARS K,.iV 7 f, "ki, Fi - MR199-M YAYOrJLA G. A. '7777777=~ 7777- USP cIne Fermerl-ation, Bacteriva., Medicite::- Hicrobiol6gy "Acetone-Ethyl Fermentation: Fermenting Tricar- ~Onic' Compounds by Means of Acetone-Ethyl Bartea ria'" G. A. Yarsola, Chair of Microbiol., Moscow State U., 5 pp Mikrobiol" Vol XVIII., No3 iiNcusses possibility of fermenting glycerinp pyroracemic and lactic acidaby bacteria, and cases of the formation of Adbtone. Submitted. 6 Feb" 48. 50/405. A fe. 5 30 i0 4:1 YARTAPETOV, Artashes Akopovich (Sci-Res Dermatology and Vernereology Inst of the Ministry of Public Health Gtorgian SSV)q Academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, based on his defense, 19 October 1954, in the Council of Tbilisi State Medical Inst, of his dissertation entitled: "Materials for the study of the pathogenesis of some neurogenic dystrophies of the skin in clinical observation and experimentation." Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences 30t Decisions of VAX, List no. 18, 10 Sep 55, Byulleten' MVO 53R, No. 17t Sep 56,, Moscow, pp 9-16,, Uncl. JPRS/NY-435 -I, I-T ~-- ~,-) /-~ w2s-~- "f-, ZYUZiN, Fedor 6tepanovich; YAW Ar- VAMNTSOV, ---6w V.S., redaktor-, MYOVEAV, L.Ys., tekhniche-skiy rodaktor [Repair of peat cutting machines] Remont mashin frozernogo sposob" dobychi torfa. Moskva. Goe.energ.izd-vo, 1957. 2.19 p. (KW 10:10) (Peat machinery--Maintenance and repair) ZYUZINj Fedor Stepancrvich; YARTSEV,_Aleksandr Konstantinovich; SUR1,10VO V.V.,, red.; LARIOEOV,, G.7e.p tekJxn--,--re-d-.f' (Repairing peat machinery] Remont torfianykh mashin. Mo- skvao Gos.energAzd-vol 1961. 382 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Peat machinery-Maintenance and repair) GUTSUNAYEV, V.K., inzhe [decesaed]j YARTSEVO A.L., in2h. Standardization and typification in peat me bluery manufacture. Torf.prom. 39 no.3s25..28 162. (MM 15:4) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut torfyanoy prorqshlennosti. (Peat maehinory) SARDAROV, G., kand.tokhn.nauk; YMT!ZV A. inzh. Laying pavement of cemented soil vith polyacrylamide additive. Avt.dor. 26 no.12:16-17 D 163. (YIRA 17:4) YM~11'511; A. 1,11, Yartsev. A.- '11. and Muller, V. G. "The Valldm-n Bottle Te-zt for spreading endal-teritis,11 Trudy Gospit, kliniki. (-'Vr;mtl. n,:.d. 1-n-t), Vol r1, 19ltPj, p. ";lr;'-IP, so: U-3850, 16 June 53, (Lettlopsis lZhijrnallnykh Statoy, No. 5, 1949) YARTS!',Y) A. IT. Yartsev, A. 111. "On the m,oblem of rmotional. lolicoc.,,to-Js in min, (Ni-in.-, interientions),11 Tni(!-. f7ionnit. k1hiruri!. klirtiki 1948, P. 166-61 SO: U-3850) 16 June 53, (Letonsis lZhurnal Inylh Statc- .10 5) 191,9) USSR / Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Patho- T logical). Blood. Formed Elements Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biologiya, No 21, 1958 974i? Author : Yartsev, A.N. Inst : Not given Title : The Question on Sources of Emotional Leucocyto- sis by Man. Orig Pub: Probl. gematol. i perelivaniya krovi, 1956, 1, VO-3, 19-22 A bstract: Analysis of theories on possible source of leuco- cytosis in negative emotions (increased leukopoi- esis redistribution of leucocytes, participation of shn and spleen depots). None of the concepts explains the mechanism of this phenonenon.-I.I.Yuro- vskaya Card 1/1 YAIITSBV,A.H. Can changes occur in the morphological compbsition of peripheral blood and blood coagulation time in man during strong emotions? Lab.delo 2 no.4:11-14 Jl-Ag 156. (Ian 9:10) 1. Zz goopitallnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. prof. A.T.Lidskiy) Sverdlovskogo maditsinskogo instituta. (BWOD--ANALYSIS) (BLOOD-COAGUIATION) (EMOTIONS) Humidity factor in determining blood coagulability in Sitkovokii- Egorov's apparatus. Lab.delo 7 no.9:15~-17 S 161. (MM 2.1,:10) 1. 1(linika gospitallno~ khirargii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSS'i prof. A.T.Lidskiy Sverdlovskogo maditainakogo instituta. (BLOOD--COAGULATION) (HUMIDITY-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) JARTSEV, A.H., CapUlaroscopic observations. Vrach. delo no.6sU9-120 J6163- (WRA 16:9) 1. Maika gospitallnoy khirargU (zav. - zaiduzhemiyy deysp- tell nauk~, chlen-korrespondent A14N SM, prof. A.T.Lidskiy) Sverdlovskogo meditainskogo instituta. (CAPILLARIES) (141CROSCOPY,, MEDICAL) -L 54970-65 0,17 (m)/I--'PF( Cli /EZJP4 )/T Pc-4/Pr-4 RK ACCESSION R., AP5012111 UR/0191/65/000/005/0061/0064 678,01:536.485 JW TITLE: Determination of the cold resistance of polymeric materials SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy, no. 5, 1965, 61-64 TOPIC T&GS: polymer stabilityv cold reafatance, polyethylene elasticity, poly- propylene elasticity, cold hardness I opylene were tested with a Low.pressure polyethylene and po ypr atures-between Z -aw OC. --- During, nave s . e _s_tr_a_t'ch1n_g"_ o"Uthe sAmp re a curve in'the coordinates .th lef this instrument co rds, stress - relative deformation. A useful index of the cold hardness of polymeric materials was found to be the elastic - hyperelastic deformation on stretching; this characterizes the intact internal structure of the material. In determin- ing the cold hardness, the tensile strength indices should not be used. In de- termining the stability of reinforced articles, the tensile elongation at low temperature should exceed the shrinkage of the material when thie article is cooled, The elaotic hyperelastic deformation (and hence, the cold hardness) C 1/2 1 5497M5 ACCESSION UR: AP5012111 is higher wher, the direction of the-flow of the melt is utorm as the moldis filled. At service temperat"re abovr -25C, Rolypropylend s more cold-resiso tant than low-pressure-jgjqt ~Ienejl at lower temperatures, the latter is more cold resistant. Origs art* has% 5 figures and I table. OBPMTSOV, Sergey Vladimirovich, 1901-; YARTSEV, G., redaktor [London: notes from a travel diary] London; Iz putevogo dmevnika. Moskva, Izd-vo "Pravda,* 1955. 63 P. (Biblioteka 90gonelc R no-37) (London--Description) (MLRA 8:8~ 7.Z YIARTSEV, G. (Irkutsk) Cutting tool in a mist, Izobr.i rats. no.10 163. (Metal-cutting tools-Cooling) w (KIRA 16:3) ,I-.-- HITROFANOV, V.; ZUYEV, I.; MASHKAUTSAN, S.; KAMKINP L.; ZBARSKIY, S.; GLUSHCHENKO, M..,- ROZKIN., G. Shortcomings of the stage system of teaching. Prof,-tekh. obr. 21 no,7s2Q,-31 JI t64, (MIRA 17;U) 1. Ilachaltnik otdela podgotovki kadrov Yuzhno-Urallskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Mitrofanov), 2. Direktor tsentrallnogo uchebnogo kombinata Yuzhno-Urallskogo, soveta narodnogb khozytLystva (for ZuYev). 3. Nachaltnik otdela tekhnicheskogo obucheniya, Chelyk- binskogo traktornogo zavoda (for Yartsav). 4. Nachallnik otdela takh- nicheskogo obucheniya Chelyabinskogo metallurgicheskogo zwroda (for Kamkin). 5. Direktor TSentralfnogo uchebnogo kombinata "G~avyuzhural- stroy" (for Zbarskiy). 6. Nachalfnik otdela tekhnicheskogo obucheniva Magnitogorskogo metallurgicheskogo kombinata (for Glushchenko). LIU- _T SATOVSKIY, B.I.,,in'phener, laureat Stalinskoy premii; VIKOKUR,SKIY, Kh.A-, kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, laurea t Stalinskoy pronii; PPA-' blbk, V.R.. inzhenir; YASEM, D.A., inzhiier; ISAYZV', T.Ye., Inzhe- ner; YAWS3ff,'G.H.', inzhener; Rmi swim,,-, r.r., Inzhoner; PAR- HITSKIrrlrP%-7E-w'Aldat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor. D~';Sh_i4/75 ~ralking excavator) Sh&&;siv6hchli skskavator ISh-14/75. Ustroistvo i skepluatataiia.,Moakva, Goo. nau6no-takhi. i'zd-vo .mashinostroitelinoi i sudostroltellnoi lit-ry, 1953. 210 P-(KLRA 7:7) 1. Rassia (1923- U.S.S.R) Hinisteretvo traasportnogo I tyashelo- go mashinostroonlya. Okcavating machinery) YASMT, D.A.; YARTM, G.M.; DUGINA, N.A.. teldmicheakly redaktor; re [Aid to the operator of the ML-3 excavator., T pomoshch mashinisitu skskavatora S3163. Svercilovisk, Gbs. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. i sudostrolt. I-It-rv rUralo-Sibirskoe otd-nis] 1953. 50 P. (KI-RA 7:8) L' Uralo-Sibirskoye otdeler-iya Hashglza (for Kravtsov) .(Excavating machinery) -V ,0A' VfNOKURSKIY, Khaim Aronovich; ISATEV, Timofe7 Yenellyanovich; RUDOISKATELI, Vladimir Vasillyevicb; TAUSEV,,,Grigoriy Matvayevicb; YASRIW, DmItriy Andrayovich; SATOVSK oris KMACW- C. Vladimir Rudol Ifovich: SHARASHDT. A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; DUGIIIA, N.A., [WalkiAg.excavatorn mnufacturod by the Ural Heavy Machinery Plant] Shagalushchia ekskayntory Uralmnahzayoda. Monk-.a, Goa. naucbno-tekbn.izd-vo mashinnstroit. lit-ry, 1958, 329 P. (Excavating machinery) (MIRK 11:12) 3- M S MJDOISKATHLI, Vladimir VaBillyevich; SATOVSKIY, Boris Ivanovich; YARTSBY, Grigoriy Katayevich; SUBASHOV, A.P., kand.tekhn. rd-d.'-`MMMOT;-N.P., [The XKG-4 and EX-3 excavators; operation manual] Ekskavatory XXC--4 i SP-3; rakovodstvo po ekspluatateii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryg 1959. 271 Po (KIRA 12:8) (Excavating machinery) SATOVSKIT, Boris Iva novich; _=W,--Qr1eorijy-1(&tv-eYejiqh -._YASMIEV, Dmitriy Andreyevich [deceased]; TbV=OY, Vladimir Mikolayevich; FCUMCHUKO Pavel I00ifovich; DIDKOVSKIT, D.Z.,; KAUFMAN, A.M., red.izd-va; BOLDTR3VA, Z.A., [Modern excavators for open-pit mining] Sovremennye karternye ekskavatory. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. 196o. 4z3 p. (MIRA 13:11) (Excavating machinery) DCKHROVSKIY,N.G. professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, laureat Stalinsk cy premii; GRZOV,A.R., inshener; KRATTSBM,M.I., inzhener; LWIAKIN,V.P., inzhener; TARTSNV,G.P., inshener. Excavator with an electromagnetic sliding coupling. Mekh. stroi. 12 no.4:16-21 Ap 155. (MLRA 8:6) (Couplings) (fteavating machinery) ;M OR - MIT 7-1 1 ME 4;1w, P - " -_ _~17 ZISHAN, N.A., in2hener; POPOVA, N.E., inzhener; SHHIDELI, A.A., inzhener; YAR SEV, G.Ye., inzhener. VS-3 apparatus for compositing steel circuits. Vast-sviazi 16 no.5: 5-7 Je '56. (HLRA 9:8) (Telephone--Apparatus and supplies) ZISMAN, N.A., inzhenar; POPOVA, N.R., Whener; SHMIIMLI, A.A., inzhener; YARTSEV, G.Te., inzhener. VS-3 apparatus for composing steel circuits. Tast.svlazi 16 no-7: 11-13 Jl 156. (Telegranh lines) (MLRA 9:9) MYSHIVA, Hatallya Tladimirovns- HATA10Y, Boria Konatantinovich; OSTINSKIY, Alekney Yakovlevich; '~ART~LRYO#Ye..,; LEYBOY, M.K., red.; rARA I VA, S.F., [Direct system of automatization and operation of long-distance telephone commnications] Nemedleanaia sistema skepluatetaii i. avtomatizataiia mezhdogorodnoi telefonnot eviazi. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po voprossm sviazi i radio, 1958. 53 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1.Ze,mestitell nachaltnika TSentral'uoy mezhdygorodnoy telefonnoy stantaii (for Malyahava). 2. Glavnvy Inzhener Rizhskoy meshd-a- gorodnoy telefonnoy stantaii (for Naumov). 3. Glavnyy inzhener Leningradskoy mezhdugorodnoy telefannoy stantaii (for Ostinskiy). (Telephone) A~ITHORS: Petrushi.-, I.P., Deputy-Head of GIUYITTIS: Yarts~er; I of the Technical Department. TITLE's New Rules for the Technical Operation of Lotq Dietetics rfejeecrm Communication (Novyye pravila tekhnioheskc.:r ak.3.uluatat mezhdugorodnoy telefonnoy svyazi) PERIODICALt Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 7, pp 20-21 (USSR) ABSTRAM The organi zat Ion cfa long distance telephone Y1,3two-k., and the delegation of reSPQRSib~14'y for j.tS %raricus b7a-v~hp ana services are described. The new r,~Ies cf the MAInistry Of Communications, USSR, for the operation of the retworks, wen', into effect on 1 January, 1958. The artiole 3_49ts scme of '' these rules dealing with operating standarda, organizational control and responsibility, operating discipline, ser-lice breakdowns and how to deal with them., the drawirig up of indi- vidual channel record sheets, safety precaution;-, sa::viclng and repair. Card 112 New Rules for the Technical Operation ,)f Long Distance Telephone Communication r ASSOCIATIONi Ministerstvo svya-zi SSS.11 (USSR Min48try of 1. Telephone conmicatiom sybtem&-Stand&rds Card 2/2 7- W777 SCLOVITZ7, Shaya Grigorlyevich; TARTSEV, G.Ye.,; RTAZANTUTA, N.M., red.; KARKOCK, [Apparatus of a trunk iutraproviuos long-distance semiautomatic teliphone system with a one-frequeucy signal code] Apparatura magistrallnoi i vnutrioblastnoi mezbdugorodnoi poluavtomatichaskoi telefonnoi eviazi a odnochastotnym signallnym kodom. Koakva. Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po voprosam eviazi i radio, 196o. 66 p. (KIRA 13:6) (Telephone-3quipment and supplies) PETRUSHIN, I.P.; YARTEEVo G.Ye. Telephone-televisi,in coaxial main line. Vest. sviazi 21 no.3:3-3 mr 61. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Glavr*ry inzh. Glavnogo upravleniya mezhdugorodnoy telegrafno-te. lefonnoy svyazi Ministerstva svyazi SSSR (for Petrushin). 2. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Mavnogo upravleniya mezhdugorodnay telegrafno- telefonnoy sWazi Ministerstva svyazi SSSR (for Yartsev), (Telephone lines) (Television) IONTOV, L.Ye.; KOVALEVI S.M.; PUSTOVOYTENKO, O.D.; SHAMSHIN, V.M.,- -7ABTZEX,-G-IA--~ IONTOV, L.Ye., otv. red.; BOGACHEVA, G.V., red.; RORMVA,'S.F., tekhn. red. (24-Channel apparatus for multiplexing cable communication lines] 24-kanallnaia apparatura uplotneniia kabelInykh linii; informatsionnyi sbornik. [By L.E.Iontov i dr.) Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 184 P. (Telephone) (MIRA 16s6) YAlMFVv G.ya. Individual 6quipment, of 24-charms--l LIY-24 Vent. svia2i 24 no.5:12-Ic Ry 164100 (M-RA 17-6; 1. Machallnik tekhnicheakoga otdola Glavnovo uprftvlenlya mezhdugorodnoy telegrafnoy I tolefonnoy s,;yani Mlril!?z~t~vs~va svyazi SSSR. YARTSEV, G.Ye. Generating and group equipment of 24-channel BK-24 type apparatus. Vest. aviazi 24 no.11:10-13 N 164. (HIPI 18g2) 1. Nachal*nlk tekhnicheskogo otdela Glavnogo upravleniya Mezhdugorodnoy Lelegrafnoy i telefonnoy svyazi. YARTSEV, G.Ye. BO-12 type apparatus for multiplexing overhead line circuits. Vest. sviazi 25 no.10:9-12 S 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela Glavnogo upravleniya mezhdugorodnoy tolefonno-telegrafnoy svyazi Kinisteratva svyazi SSSR. Moe MR owl R.Ye.; YAMTSEV, T.K. tile ("k-RTaAce of a double-41.94 1. YAMET, L. 2. U33H (600) 4. Siberia - Potatoes 7. New potato varieties for Siberia. Kolkh. proiz. 12 no. 12, 1952. 9. Ifonthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, March 1953. Unclassified. TARTSHV, L.P., starshiy leytenant mad. sluzhby I R esidt of using dry living influenza vaccine. Voen. mad. zhur. no.1:71-72 A 157 (MIRA 12:7) (INFLUMIZA, prevention and control, vaco. with dry living prep. (Rue)) YARTSEV, L.P.; KADYROV, F.A. Case of malignant degeneration of cbondroma of the sternum. Vop. onk. 6 -,io.3:80-82 Mr 160. 011"1 34S2) 1 (STERNUM-CANCER) TEVYJM, M. ; -!~~ ~M~ Electric circuit for DW-100 weighing and sacking machines has been changed. Muk.-olev.prom.22 no-7:27-28 'J1 156. (MDU 9: 9) I.Chkalovskaya mallaitsa no.5. (Flour mills--Bquipmenf and supplies)(Scalas (Wei~,himg ixotruments)) (Bagging) YARTSEV M - KOCHKAREVA, &; MAKRETSOV, S., partiyW rabotnik (POS. Sele=hihakogo rayona Amurakoy oblaati); SOLODOVNIKOV, V. akter (Ri a); KBOTSEVA, 0., aluxhaahchaya; BFMIS, A., inzlh. (Moakva5; DIORZHETSg Ye. Frank converution. Zhil.-ktm. khoz. 12 no.3:28-29 Mr 162. (MIRA 15tio) 1, Zamestitell direktora govtiniti~ "OktYabrIsk'ayall Leningrad (for Yartoey). 2. Direktor dvortea kulltur7 g.. Lipstaka (for Kochkareva). 3. Ministerstva utro.itellaiva slaktrostantsiy, Moskva (for Kazartseva). 4-.'Direktor Moskovskoy kinostudii. nauchno-populyarn,ykh fillmor (for DrorzhetB). (Botels,.taverns.. etc.) . . . . . . . . . . . . .,u: v S/13-3/61/000/007/007/017 AO54/A129 ALMORS: Yartsev, M. A., Tulin, N. A., Bastrikov, N. F. TIM: Use of concentrate instead of ferrotungsten in the ChNZ PERIODICAL: Stallp no, 7, 1961, 613 - 614 T = i When the metal bath is alloyed with ferrotungsten containIng 70 - 73% tungsten, the quantity of tungsten that can be recovered from the bath is 85 - 95%, depending on the steel composition. The great losses in tungsten are due to -its Wei specific gravity (19.32) and high- melting point (about 3,3800C). Even at the maximu-m temperature of the molten metal tungsten will not melt entirely and part of it settles on the bottom of the bath. In order to reduce tungsten losses, tests were carried out in the Chelyabinskiy metallurgichaskiy zavod (Chelyabinsk Metal- lurgical Plant) with the cooperation of M. I. Shatalov, P. I. Puzikcrg,, T. A. Bros- lavskaya and N. T. Privalov to try out replacement of ferrotungsten by a tungsten concentrate. The test meltings were made in a 5-~ton arc furnace, the concentreve was added either during melting or in the charge. The latter method was found more efficient, both with regard to operational conditions and the utilization of tungsten, because when the concentrate is added to the charge tungsten can be re- Card 1/3 S/133,/61/000/007/007/017 Use of concentrate Instead of ferrotungsten in the ChMZ A054/A120, duced from wolframite during the melting of the bath. As reducing agent silloo- chrome 1501 (49.2% Si and max. 30% Cr) was used, the charge consisted of 0.5 - 0 .7% C, 2.70% Cr, 8.40 w and 0.60% Si, as prescribed for 3X2E6 (3Kh2V8) type stAels. On the bottom of the bath 250 kg lime was added, next 400 - 500 kg ball-bearing. steel scrap, low-carbon waste from the rolling shop, silicochrome, then again ball-bearing steel waste, and at the edge of the burden the tungsten concentrate. The melting of 3Kh2V8 steel takes 3 hours and 20 minutes. The finished metal con- tained: 0.33% C, 0.24% ma, 0.23% Si, 0.017% S,. 0.023% P, 2.34% Cr, 0.17% Ni, 8.36% W and 0.43% V. At a power-consumption of 686 kwb/t 5,040 tons of good quali- ty steel were produced. The tungsten-concentrate has a high sulfur content (0-55 - 0.65%) which can be lowered by skimming part of the slag in the reduction pericd for 30 - 40 minutes after refining starts and adding fresh slag or by processing the slag with aluminum powder. The phosphorus con-tent of the steel produced with the concentrate Is lower than that of conventional steel, beoause the wolframite concentrate contains less phosphorus than ferrotungsten. The reccvery of tungsten is less efficient when the carbon content decreases during smelting, it also de- pends on the excess a-mount of silicon and on the way in which the concentrate is fed bito the bath. The use of wolframite concentrate instead of ferrotungstan re- Card 2/3 S/133/61/000/007/007/017 Use of concentrate instead of ferrotungsten in the ChMZ A054/A129 duces tiae. cost of 1. ton.. ofc3KhM steel by 44 rubles and 95 kopecks (new currency) If the new method Is further-improved, smelting time can be reduced by 10 - 15 minutes (which saves electric power), while all the tungsten can be recovered. The metal produced with the concentrate corresponds to the standards. The method is already applied on gn industrial scale. Card 3/3 P S/130/63/000/004/004/004 A006IA101 AUTHORS: Tulin N. A., Chief of Shop,~ _?c zdeyev,, -N..- P. I)eputy-Chief of.Shop, Yartsev,-14. 'A., Senior Electrometallurgisto Sergeyevp A. B.j Senior Master, Zhivichkin, L. A., Electrician, rjbyduk, Yu. A., Mechanic TiTLr,.: Assimilation of the ME -571- 6 (OKB-571-D) vacuum induction fur- naoe, A I PMIODICAL: Metallurg, no. 4,-1963j 24 26 TW:~ A schematic diagram ofthe OKB-571-B vacuum induction furnace is, 1- given. During industrial tests made with the furnace several deficiencies were I revealed and the following improvements were achieved. The inductor was insu- lated with glass 6trip soaked with silloo-organic varnish. It consists of three sections.- The central and lower sections operate continuously. Its multi-coil design and reliable insulAtion proved satisfactory. To use more efficiently the upper inductor section the tilting mechanitm of the furnace was redesigned making -the crucible through 40 - 450 it possible to incline to the side opposite to the Card 1/d _7 _7 S/131)/63/000/004/004/004 Assimilation of the... Aor;6/Alol '.discharge. The charge mechanism Was developed with electro-mcchanical drive, ~the chain was replaced by a single-rope drum. A new mechanism for mea-muring the temperature and tankingwoff samples consists of two compact stainless steel rods, 32/25 mm in diameter, placed into-a hermetic pipe shell, 160 mm in diameter, which is connected with the melting space through a vacuum seal. The rods are moved by driving~rolls without rotating around the axis.. Graphite blocks are th mounted on the threaded rod ends,.having borings for quartz tips for the ermo- couplesand.the sample-taking.devices. The new vacuum sealin devices represent 91 a simple levep system preventing the breaking of parts during different pres-, :Sure. l.with.a lifting mechanism assures constant trajectory A new teeming funne ~of tMl et during teeming.- The standards are WO l./k. Hg/uec for the melting chamber,and 30 Hg/seo.for the.other chambers. Instead of sealing boxes, vacuum hose -sections are used, operating by torsion and preheating the furnace shell to 6o - 7oOc with hot water flowing through the cooling system of furnace.-. As.a result, the air evacuation time was reduced by a factor of 1-5. The inflow In the-cold furnace was 60. - 100 1. Hg/sec, and residual pressure at operational temperatures was 20 H8. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: ChM, Card.2/1 31133-1-6 If/00z/0 I l YOW/00 A054/A126 AUTHORS; ~!Kapollnitskiy; V. 0. A Shved, F. I,,, Yartsm M. A., Tulin, N. A., Pozdeyev, N. P., Sergeyev, A. B. Merenishcheva, 1. 1., Kalinina, M., ~ozdnyakov, M. V.' Z . .,Melting of steel 'and alloys in vacuum furnaces TITLE ,PERIODICAL. Stal no. 4, 1963, 325 328 TEXT: UIX 15 (ShKhl5) and X2OH8O (Kh2ON80) grade steels often display spotty liquation.. bright streaks, and bright skins. Tests for eliminating these defectcvwei~e carried out by V..N. Kuzovatov, R. F. MaRsutov, 0. Ye. Mysina, A. V. Shelgayeva,'L. A. Zhivichkin, Yu. A. Gayduk, V. S. Galyan, D. A. Soskov, .1 -1#* Khme lev, G.-I. Birabina-et al. To prevent the rotating-movement-of the liquid metal, the circuit scheme was modified (under the control of I. S. Pinchuk, Candidate of Technical Sciences) and upon the suggestion of the NI3M (Chblya- binskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatiiut.netallurgii/Chelyabinsk 3oientifio Research Institute of,Metallurg'y) all ferromagnetic parts were eliminated from the electric system which then was redesigned on a,bifilar-coaxial scheme. In Card .1/3 S/133/63/000/004/002/011 :melting of steel and alloys in vacuum furnaces A054/A126 the current system of the are a negative reversed connection was realized for generator-induction. The are was kept constant by a NIIM-pulse generator. The steel.for the self-baking electrodes was prcxluced according to the standard th method, while care was taken to limit the content of S to 0.006,16 and at of P ~,to 0.015pl.. The'induction type vacuum furnace ( oXB-571B/OKB-571B) with a ca- pacity of 0.5 ton and a vacuum of 1,Lt ITg, supplied by a high frequency BrO -250-2500/fVGO-250-2500 type generator, irith an inductor voltage of 1,000 :.(formerly 2,000),and a frequency of 2,500 cps was also revised. The vacuum sys- ~.,:tem consisted of 5 mechanical ( Hi-6r 10-6G) and 3 oil-vapor ( BH-4500/EN-4500) .,pumps. The furnacelconstrudtion was improved (in co-operation with the Vseso- yuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institutelektrotekhnicheskogo oborudovaniya/ ..-~.All-Soviet Scientific Research Institute of Blectrotechnical Apparatus and the Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) by fixing the inductor more rigidly, by applying lever-type vacuum sealsl, suitable for the mnemonic furnace dontrol system, by redesigning the feeding, tilting appara- tus etc. The crucible.material having a marked effect on the metal quality ;.:was also tested. 1lie most uniform macrostructure was-obtained with a crucible me ed rftqgnesite -and -was- found--to be- the- Optimum -Vacuum-- The effect _f - it- 30, ~L Hg o '3 71 -;--ACCESSION IM:-- AP3001468------ ----- -8/013 3/63/=/OO5/1A 2 6/04 29 ~AUTHOR: Privalov, ff. T.;'Yarts ev, M..A,.; Tulin, A. TITLE: Improved techn1qUrfd_p=_7u_e7g__s%el DI.1 SOURCE: Stal no. 5, 1963, 4~6-429 TOPIC,TAGS-. steel DX-1, ateel.20MI15N3M, steel Kbl7N2, Or, C, raiduction of defecti ve product ABSTRACT: A new teebaique-in production of stainless steel DI-l( ho co tioni w se mWd is similar to that of steel 2OKhl5N3M) yfis introduced after numerous e XP(" 2 'a ments. This new type of a replacear ft, former stainless steel KMU and has a number of advantages.- The procedure of making steel KU7N2 was app ed for steel DI-1 but proved to be unsatisfactory. In later experiments the proper chromium content in the.furnace charge was found to be below 9%; the blowing through with oxygen was accomplished at 0.09-0.1:4 of carboncontent; the 't;emj:~6_1'~tures of 1590-1610C at the beginning and the end of refining add 1570-1590C in pouring were foundcorrect for securing satisfactory maordstrue- ture; the soaking time during the process of refining was 70-90 minutes. This A. Card, l/2_ POW" TULIN.. ILA.; POZDEYE'V.. N.P. - YARTSFV M A SERGMT, A.B.; ZHUMIM) L'.A.,, qlektrik; GAYDUKP Yu.A.,, mekhanik, Adopting the vacuum induction furnace OKB-571-B. Metallurg 8 no-4:24-26 Ap 63. (MIRA 16:3) (Electric furnaces-Design and construction) T", TULIN, N.A.; NOVOZHILOV, N.G. YARTSEV M A LANDE, P.Aj Service of electric furnace linings at the Chelyabinsk Xpetallurgical Plant. Stall 23 no.5:429-432 YAY 163. Off RA 16: 5) (Electric furnaces--Design and construction) A 7w, +i, cull --M PPM YARTSEV, M.A.; YdfAYRUTDINOV, R.M. Economic efficiency of using liquid cast iron in electric furnaces. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 7 no.11:195- 199 164. (MI-U 17:12) 1. Moskovskiy institut stali i splavov. L h2972-65 ACCESSION NR, AP5006709 5/0133/651000/003/0232/0235 AUTHOR* Lubenets Zkukov., D.G.; Voinov,, S.G.; Shalimov A. C.; Kovoy&_.4 _L, F. Lralinnikov Cbernyakov. V. A.1 A.; Golik.." Y.. S.; Nysing, G. ye Ye. S.; TTTM: .5yrithetic slag jefinipj_Sf ste~j from large-capacity are oven& Stall, no. 3. 1965, 232-235 TOPIC TILGS. steel refining, synthetic slag* ball bearing steel, chromium steel, law Impurity steel, are oven steel ABSTRACT! During the second half of 2963i one of the electrical steel-smelting enterprises started Introducing the refining of steel by meant of synthetic lIn'_1 alumina slag into industrial use. The present article reports on the preliftimly findinge concerning the efficiency of this new process. Tests were carried out with a slag-calting OXB-284 oven having an Interior diameter of 5350 M and a 4500 kVA tranforwaro The wall, an4 cover we,,* made of ihrosomagnesite while the tank was Ifted viLh carbon blocks-, the msItLng chamber had a dta"ter of 3000 les and was 800 m deep, All. psAinant construction and operational data are given C-J 1/2 L h2972-65 ACCESSION NP: APS008709 In considerablr. detail. Specifically, 1) the oven produced 2.5 metric tons/hr. of slog; 2) during production of ball-bearing,and construction chrom, -5.0% of the mass of processed m the slag cons6ption amounted to 2.8 oven consumed about 1420. kWh per metric ton of slag produced; 4) the shortenr4 refining operation decreased the consumption of electrical energy by 30-40 kWh per metric ton of metal, which compensated fully for the energy requirements for' the production of slag; and 5) the productivity of the large-capacity electrical ovens was increased by 10-15%. The new method markedly reduced (as shown in several tables presenting the results of impurity determinations) the amount of nonmetallic impurities and improved the plastic properties of the finished pro- duct. The technological procedures described shoi~ld be able, In the future, to improve the quality of the above-mentioned special 'stools even =or* and reduce the impurity content even further. "In this work, carried out in conjunction with N Dv, Ye. 3. Men'shenin, M, As Barnovalov, 0. t ~.Xe a, V., C, PegE N. Shirer M. 1. Shatal , A. A. MolchanVaA.M. Ye. Anlaiwra, and othervalso took par-.." OrIS. art. bas; 5 "bles. ASSOCLMOV: None SUBHrMD: 00 1=1 00 03 CDDB.t M NO REY WV: 01 UZRUS 000 r L-35031 EWT(M)AWKWUP(t) 4D ACCESSION NRt AP5008155 0/0286/65/000/005/0034/0034 AUTHOR. Paton. B. Ye Dudko, D. A 14edovar, B. I Latnah, Yu. V -, Hakalmo-jichL Sheychenka. A. L.; Stup , L..M.; Goncharenko, V, p.; Grigorlyev,' L."11,; 111in, If# Ag I AU2j'njZflKiY_ V# Q. I rrjYjkJ0Y. ff. T. *# Ftg'mennov. V. E.; Kholodov, Yu. A ; Bzatroy. Q. N ; Bastrakov, Ni ; Donets, I.-D.; Silayev, . ya. TITLE: 14etboA of electroslag-caftin ingots. Class 18, No. 168743 SOURCE- By.1l,te.1 I.obreteniy I tovarnykh snakov. no. 5, 1965, 34 TOPIC TAGS: Ingot casting, ingot electroslas casting, electroslag melting, steel melting, alloy melting, metal melting 1~ ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a method of electroslog casting of Ingots in an open or protective atmosphere or In vacuum, in which slag is first melted in a mold with a nonconsumable or consumable electrode are or plasma jet. To impro-ee-the metal quality and the Ingot surface and to raise the yield, the molten metal or, if needed, the slag in poured Into the sold through a hollow con- sumable or nonconsumable electrode (*&* Fig. I of the Mclosure).. Orig. art. haa: END) I figure. QW L 35D31-65 ACCMSIOIV WRT ASSOCIATIONt Chelyabinekly."tallurgichenkly sayod (Chelyabinsk Metallurgical' Pint SMITrEDo o6yeb63 ENCLi 01 SUB POM HN, IN No IMT sov :, MM: 000 p .ooo ATD PRZS8i 3M5 2 QL GALYAN, V*S& YART-EV M A KHAYRUTDINOV, R.M.; GOLIKOV, Ye.S.; USHAKOV, S.T.; MALY~~Yu.D. Use of intermediate products in the making of electric steel. Metallurg 10 no.3:14-16 Mr 165, (MIRA 18:5) 1. Nauchno-isaledovateilskiy institut metallurgii i Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod, j 3 -0 LUBENETS, I.A.; ZHUKOV, D.G.; VOINOV, S.G.; SHALIMV, A.G.; KOSOY, L.F.; KALINNIKOV, Ye.S.; CHEPNYAKOV, V.A.; GOLIKOV, Ye.S.; MYSIUA, G.Ye.; Prinimali uchastiye: KEYS, N.Y.; FEEGOVP V G - MEN'SHENIN, Ye.B.; BARNOVALOV, M.A.; SHIFER, G.B.; SIIATAi~l~' M.I.; MOLCHANOVA, A.A.; ANISIMOVA, M.Ye. Refining steel with synthetic slag from large-capacity are furnaces. Stall 25 no.3:232-235 Mr 165. (91RA 18:4) ~Yz oo 0 0 0 0 a 0 I I A j to 11 u u W 11 16 if Is X is v B_ 14 is it v n m 10 it u u m 35 h I L - "& it Cc It V A I L A - a'--- .--- -41 v m 39 a it 61 is A 14 00 - . - . _ - C?ue.j I-D .-D - '00 00 o The conuslive p9oportiva 61 shale tars &ad SWIMIC ACIJG KravelA Goryuchle Slamiss-1 ~ MIMI 3L 0. VAILACY, ' - 7 - W '; l l 1 0 I'll - _q ate& Was lilt Ineta i ci 0 13 1#( 1 ILIA): S. No. 11. p _ : 00 it calmd by shallp tars only at the boululay III oil alml ilif while severe cmitmion was amused by sullonic avi-Is. Anums tile 111rialA investigated, Cts and bra" wrfr tile 1114AI ir- F* and ciiat iton. tile I"t twil followed hy Al Avant 00 . . weft UnEwtable for roulaincts (of ShAle S1116,0110 061%. P* Imt 357 a. per sq. m. per luouth. The meawreineut III the potent" of Vt. cast Iron Cal. bra", A) and Ph, 1 .00 00 1 stumed that Fe. imet irtm. Al end 'b jue beat for buildins il bl h l . ' 00 e- e ncra as* unsu a The Nuipalent. Cvmrni comas 0 rauve 44 their Iselmoskility (or Im as well so fix "11111411C LOO acids. A. A. Iluchtfinilk goo 06 F"m -40 66 A 16 - I L A 09TALLki"KAL LITIRATLAC CLASSIM&TIOu L t;W 0 I $goom) so O.T 1314 T_ -0 111111 aw 0%T lit i U S 49 00 Lt Of tat INC IF It If a f 2 A 0 2 a o,0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 o o 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ': a 0 0 0 9 0 90 go 0 to 0 09 0 It 1 1 4 1 6 1 1 9 4 It q q I, M a I is 6 N M a it u 13 is a is v a 0 4. 0 u 64 'A a 4 a r 6 a 0 a M I a L 4 f -A j t 1 0 A. !. PEOC141411 A-* W-PIMIS M0118 00 Cadsithass-AsUmMY Awyii~ 'If. 0- Yartary (ftirplik Natick 44tdatuki. RaW Kuy6yAev ladw-1. /no.. low, 07-Myt; KUM. t .0 00 Nnd. Zhar.. 1941, 4. (4). 141); 0. A6#., IN3. $7, M.NA)-l In Russian.) Corrosion of eadutiuto and cadmiumi-antiminny alloys in 6.V.11(1 wax invea. 00 tigated in a 250-c.c. cylintler with a memory lock. To this rylinder was -00 0 "inn"ted a vessel filled with liquid WMAtum, &M the vessel in turn was con. 0 0 0 t! necled to small calibrated cylindrrs. The hydrogrn evolviNI an the result of ax 14owl from the cyliwkr with 1111 to) the treisirl, where It fivon] Cnrrasioll .00 1 00, ii out the o in the callbratal rylivulers, Vie triAllori betvirt-n the "wrosinn- iT 40 41 n-pixtance (if the alloys and their compositi,in is ttimplex. In gen4al, tim. "bstance tit the alloys increamed with rM in Antinumv content. coo 00 0 so 0 0 0 use S .09 I. Of WROICAL 1.0111101*1 CLAS$PKAY)ON _ Joe It t411040 If&& &41 ant - u S If IF 1- I ;t 3 -1 u 6, , 0 LOS a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 -K 4', ,r L ~a: l'- c, Fna" CrYSIG. ant-.1 ti) 15'% (CfIlOtNit and tli,-- A phase an the M4HOiN't side dc~wv, to rj5l,. C,,fl,. The tutcctic mixt. ciortaips 47 nint (38.4 wt c,~.,; th., entectic a] F" pha.- 1~ a 111w nw h, 2 P. KOKIN, Aleksandr Davydovich; YARTSEV, N., red.; SHLYK, M.,, tekhn. red. [New techaiques in the finishing of buildings] Novoe v ,:,,otde'Lke zdanil. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1963. 63 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nachallnik Upravleniya otdelochnykh rabot Glavmostroya (for Kokin). (Building materials) (Construction equipment) DUBROVKIN, Semen Davydovich, kand. tekhn. nauk;~Tk~TP~V, N., red.; SHLYKV M., tekhn. red. (Innovations in sanitary engineering work] Novoe v sanitarno- tekhnicheskikh rabotakh. -Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1963. 84:P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. fbikovoditell laboratorii sanitnrno-tekhnicheskikh rabot Nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta Glavnogo upravleniya po zhillshchnomu i grazhdanskomu stroitel'stvu v g. Moskve (for Dubrovkin). (Sanitary engineering--Technological innovations) NESTBROT, Aleksandr Konstantinovich; TART=, N., red.; FATLOVA, S., ...................... . (Master of rapid calcination] Koster skorostnogo obxhiga. Moskva, goak.rabochii, 196o. 28 p. (wml 14a) (Gement kilns) n NESTEROV, A~~kssndr Konstantinovich; YARTSHT, H., red.; KUZIOTSOVA, A., to red. (man of creative initiative] Cholovek tvorcheskoi Initsiativy. Hookva, Xosk.rabochii, 1961. 37 P. (MIRA 14:4) .(Lobedev, Anatolil Favlovich) KONDEROV, Irtem Illich; YARTSEV __red.; KUZIIETSOVA, A., takhn. red. [Construction workers master new professiondStroiteli os- vaivaiut novye professii. 14oskvaj. Mosk. rabochii, 1962. 69 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. .",'Glavpogo otdoloniya po zhiliphch~ nomu, i grazhdanak6tu strotelll~~ v g. Moskye (for Konderov). (Building trades-Study and teaching) I T- MM j7 CHUYKO, Aleksandr Vladimirovich; YARTSEV9 N., red.; USTINOVA, S.s, tekhn. red. ------------- [Artificial types of 8tone)Iskusotvennye kamni. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1962o 199 po (MIRA-16:3) (Building materials industry) 77 MUKHIN, Aleksey Alekseyevich~ zasl. stroitell R6S.F.S.R.; YARTSEV,N., red.; SHLYK, M., tekhn. red. (Assembly-line finAshing of.buildings] Konveiernaia otdelka zdanii. Moskva, Mosk. rabochii, 1962. 33 P iMIRA 17:3) "N. M MIMI- KOSTASH, Mariya Stepanovna, brigadir betonshchikov, Geroy Sotsiali- sticheskogo Truda; YARTSEV, V., red.; --U-STLNOVA, S., tekhn. red. [Always on the move] Vsegda v puti. Moskva) Mosk. rabochlij, 1963. 49 P. (MIRA 17:1) HYBiIN, Aleksandr Pavlovich; GUROV, Sergey Zotikovich; YARTSEV, N., red.; FOXHLEBKINA, M., tekhn. red. (Industr7 and science] Ptomyshlennost' i nauka. Moskva., Mo- skovskii rabochii, 1963. 101 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Moscow region-Reaeareh, Industrial) (Moscow region-Technological innovations) DUDAREV, Anatoliy Fedorovich; YARTSEV, N., red.; KUZNETSOVA, A., Du~ takhn. red. (Welding in enterprises of the construction industry) Svarka na predpriiatiiakh stroitellnoi industrii. Mo- skva, Mosk. raboohiip 1962. 43 P. (MIRA 16:6) (Concrete reinforcement--Welding) On R F-PREIMP M.-T, MR. 0 U77 -~ - - . i-~ NN BUDAREV, A. red.; KRECHETOV, A.,, tekhn. red. (Excellent products for construction sites] Otlichrwe izdeliia - stroikam. Moskva, Moskovskii rabochii, 1963. 106 p. (KM 17:1) SVERDLOV, Natan Borisovich; YARTSEV, N., red.; POKHLEBKINA, M., (Masters of high proficiency] Mastera vysshego klassa. Moskvap Moskovskii rabochii, 1963. 115 p. (MIRA 17:1) Al~i2~1 Lin-