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YAROSHEM&,, Yu.G.,; LAZAREV, B.L.; OVCHINNIKGV., Yu.H. Comipletion of heat t"fer procesoes in blast furnaces. Izv. uckeb, zav.; chern. nk. 6 no.3:185-188 163. (KOU 16:570 1. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy institut. kBlast furnaces) (Heat-Tranamiosion) M(1)/EWP(q)/EW(m)/BDS---AFFTC/ASDZ.-WH L 11219-63 AC.CESSION IM; AP3000024 ..910131163100010051019910206 1-7 AMOR: Budr In, D. V.; _Suchkov, V. D.; Yaroshenko, Yu. G. TIM: Rapid c~termination of the co t; and heat diffusivity in refrac- tory material BMCE., Ogneupory, no. 5p 1963, 199-2o6 TCPIC TAGS: refractories, thermal conductivity, heat diffusivity, magnesite, fire clay, thermocouple ABBITMACT: The authors propose a method,of using limiting conditions of a third kind, more general than previously employed, in solving a differential Fourier equation as a means of determining thermal properties. The technique for deter- mining measured values,requires no observation of special conditions in setting up the tests ' except the maintenance of uniformly symmetrical heating (and cooling) of samples in an environment of constant temperature. Cylinders of magnesite, fire clay, and foamy fireclay were used in the.experinnnts, and measurements were made by reeans of Chromel-Alumel thermocouples with thermoelectrodes 0.2 mm in diameter, connen.ted to an EPP-09 electronic potenticAneter. Errors in measured temperatures did not exceed 2%. The method is simple and needs no special heating device. It can be used in any plant laboratory and permits determination of tbnrmal properties Card 1/2 - , I . lWF 7~~7i~f -F kAt BRATCHIKOV, S.G.; BAZILEVIGH, S.V.; YAROSHENKO, Yu.G.; MAYZELI, G.M. Analysis of heat-exchanging processes during sintering by the filtration method. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.6: 18-26 .163. (KRA 16: 8) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy i'nstitut. (Sintering) (ifeat-TranBmission) BRATCHIKOV, S.G.; DAZILEVICII, S.V.; YAROSIIENKO, Yu.G.; MAYZELI, G.M. Calculating temperatures during the sinte-ring pro-cess. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav,; chern. met. 6 no.8:47-53 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Ural'skiy politekhnicheskiy institut. Y k I K I L~ Y F, IBI L A Z, A TCE VPL 11 ~114 0 Stah-12izirxg hea'l'- txriditiona of a blast fuxma~e b~,, inJecting ths fuel through the tuyar,,,~sd Izv,VY5.-ucheb.zav.~ chern.met. 8 r1j.6227-32 165- (MIRA 18:8) 1. Urallakly poiltekhaicheskiLy ipntitut. KITAYFV B. I.; YAROSIIENKO Yu r.- LAZAREV, fu.; SUKHANOV, Ye.L. Quantitative eat'-mate of heat conditions at a blast furnace top. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8 no.1001-305 '65- (ICRA 1839) I. Urallskiy politekhnicheskiy instit-a'". I 8~65c~ 13,,; 7ilO 5/520/59/000/022/019/021 -2 / 2,0 E073/E535 AUTHORS-, Vdovin, Yu. A and Yaroshenko, Yu.N. TITLE& On the Sheet by S~eet Nnuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of Cold Rolled Electrical Steel PERIODICALt Akademiya nauk SSSR. Urallskiy filial, Sverdlovsk. Institut fizikl metallov~ Trudy, no.22, 1959,PP-137-142 TEXTa Experimental results are available on the sheet by sheet nonuniformities of the magnetic properties of hot rolled dynamo and transformer sheet. However, such data are not available on cold rolled sheet. This paper contAins some data on the variation of these properties in cold rolled 0.35 mill thick and 0.50 mm thick transformer sheeis. The data were obtaLned by means of Epstein apparatus. For detailed study of the nonuniformity of the induction of cold rolled transformer steel, sheets 1500 x 240 x Oo35 mm were investigated by means of simple apparatus, the basic circuit of which is shown in Fig.l. It consists of plywood frames:- placed on top of each other, 1400 mm long with windows of 20 x. 260 mm. A metering coil of 600 turns is mounted on the central part (3/5ths of the length) of each frame. The magnetiza- tion winding surrounds both frames and has 522 turns, which are Card 1/7 S/520/59/000/022/019/021 E073/E535 on the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of Cold Rolled Electrical steel distributed longitudinally as followS3 Number of 89 44 4-5 41 42 42 41 45 44 89 Total turns 522 Length of 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Total the sectian 140 (cm) The resulting longitudinal distribution of the induction in a pair of equal sheets placed into the solenoid is plotted in Fig.2. The indicating instrument is a magnetoelectric one, which is series connected with a half-wave controlled bridge rectifier made up of equal cuprous-oxide elements. The instrument is shunted with a smoothing condenser and with a resistance for the purpose of adjusting the sensitivity. The indicator coils are connected in a differential circuits The control voltage is obtained from a supplementary win ding with 80 turns, which are wound on a central Card 2/7 S/520/59/000/022/019/021 E073/E535 I.On the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of Cold Rolled Electri*cal Steel ipart.of the solenoid; the control voltage is several times the value of the e.m.f. difference in the metering windings, as a result of which the rectifier circuit is piactically blocked for a half-cycle of the control voltage, whilst during the other half- cycle it shows only a low resistance to the current flow in the :metering coils, regardless of the direction of the current (this lis necessary for ensuring an unequivocal relation between the -;readings of the measuring instrument and the difference in the amplitudes of the induction in the "standard" and the tested sheet 'The instrument Is fed from'a.c. mains via an autotransformer. The J Imagnetization winding is fed with a voltage of 45 V, thus obtaining, :a field amplitude of 15 Oe, which corresponds to a point on the ~magnetization curve beyond the bend, on a relatively "flat" section: Iso that fluctuations in the mains supply voltage will not seriously.- ~influence the relation between the induction amplitudes in the 'tested sheet and in the sheet used as a standard. By means of this instrument two batches of cold rolled-steel were sorted out Card 3/7 S/520/59/000/022/019/021 E073/E535 :On the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of Rolled Electrical Steel ;which, as regards induction, were.rejects from ordinary tests. ~The results obtained by the Epstein method for 0-35 mm sheet before after sorting on the basis of induction values were*as follows: Table 4. Batch Type of specimen P P B B 10 15 25 30 1 Shop specimen o.81 2.07 16620 176oo Specimen after scrapping 0.74 1,76 1721b 18130 2 Shop specimen o.82 1.84 1694o 17850 Specimen after scrapping 0.83 1.95 17180 18010 ..Specimen from the better sheets 0,-7 1.52 18920 19500 ~Card 4/7., 89656 S/520/59/000/022/019/021 E073/E535 On the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of Cold Rolled Electrical Steel The distribution of the 0.35 mm sheets of individual batches sor ed on the basis of the B values was as followsa 11 25 Table_5 Batch Grade, % Satisfactory,% Rejects,% ~~330 4320 )310 (E330) (E320) (E310) 1 12 14 35 61 39 2 39 35. 15 ~89 11 Thus, it was found that the nonuniformity within individual batches of cold rolled transformer sheet is very considerable and, therefore,.. the properties of standard specimens chosen arbitrarily may deviate considerably from the average properties of the batch. A real increase in the testing accuracy can be achieved only by increasing Card 5/7 S/520/59/000/022/019/021 E073/E535 On the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of tile Magnetic Properties of Cold Rolled Electx*.cal Steel .very considerably the number of sheets tested within each batch. It is recommended that this can be done by means of the instrument described in this paper-, using as a criterion the induction Blpy or B2~ since the quantity of sheets scrapped due to unsatisfhcto lo s values is only a fraction of that scrapped due to unsatisfactory induction. It would be advisable to combine the system of preliminary sorting of sheets on the basis of induction with subsequent more accurate evaluation of each batch by means of apparatus which permits obtaining absolute values. The work described in tile paper was directed by R,, I., Yanus, There are 3 figures, 5 tables and 4 reforences2 2 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. Card 6/7 S/520/59/000/022/619/021 ~ EWVE535 !On the Sheet by Sheet Nonuniformity of the Magnetic Properties of !Cold Rolled'Electrical Steel Fig.1 Fig.'2 MAO" v A AsIm Q., 40 .41 --7 'Card 7/7 MAC%-, S/133/60/000/008/011/013 AUTHORS. Belyakov, A. 1. and Yaroshenko, Yu. N. TITLEt Relation Between the Magnetic Induction of Cold-Rolled Transformer Steel and the Conditions of Final Annealing ~6 PERIODICAL: Stall, 19609 No. 8, PP- 750-752 _a~ali~n'of cold-rolled transformer TEXT: The effect of final anne i steel in vacuum on magnetic induction in weak and medium fields is not sufficiently clear. Many steels with high induction capacity in strong fields display relatively low induction in weak and medium fields. In order to investigate this problem, tests were carried out with three kinds of steelsz 6260 (SiO-16%), 6247 (Si:3.23%) and 6230 (SiO-10%)- Until a 0-35 mm thickness of the sheet was obtained the technological process took place according to the conventional methods. Final anneal- ing was carried out in vacuum electric furnaces up oto 1,1500C for 30 hours. The.metal was cooled by the furnace to 600 C, after removing the hood cooling was continued to 2500C under a muffle in a protecting gas medium. Test specimens (0.35 x 30 x 250 mm; 1 kg) were made of all three types of steel, the magnetic properties were determined by the Card 1/3 S/133/60/000/008/011/013 Relation Between the Magnetic Induction of Cold-Rolled Transformer Steel and the Conditions of Final Annealing Epshteyn ballistic method before and after the additional annealing which was the main feature of the new process. Type 6260 was cooled by the furnace between 6000C and 4500C to.various degrees and the types 6247 and 6230 were tested in 6 charges, three of which were cooled by the furnace to 6000C and three to 4500C- The results obtained with the 6260 type specimens showed that in proportion to the decrease of the temperature, at which the hood is removed, the magnetic properties in weak and medium fields improve; magnetic induction B 0 M increases from 1.25 to 1.62 gauss, B0.008 from 10.11 to 25.10 gau;s Fig. 1A) and B Ifrom 12,680 to 14,650 gauss; the coercive force H increases from 0.18 to 0.13 oersted, maximum magnetic permeability/.z., from 18,280 to 36,380 gs/oersted max Fig. 2),q the plasticity of the metal increases from 2.7 to 18 bendings. This change in the magnetic and plastic properties can be explained by a more thorough distribution of the internal stresses upon the removal of the hood at a lower temperature with a corresponding re-distribution of the admixtiires (Ref. ~). With additional annealing of the specimens at 7500C, in order to eliminate work hardening due to cutting, the Card 2/3 S/133/60/000/008/011/013 Relation Between the Magnetic Induction of Cold-Rolled Transformer Steel and the Conditions of Final.Annealing improvement of magnetic properties can be maintained. The results obtained with specimens of 6247 and 6230 type steels agree with the results of the 6260 type specimens. Generally, it was found that after the additional annealing of specimens to eliminate the work hardening due to cutting, the yield of products complying with F'OCT (GOST) 802-58 increased from 40% (in the conventional cooling by furnace to 6000C) to 80%, when cooling with the furnace to 4500C. There are 2 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION:. Novosibirskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (Novosibirsk Metallur- gical Plant) Card'3/3 S/1 10/61/000/001/012/0-2-3---l E073/E455 AUTHORS: Vdovin, Yu.A., Engineer and Yaroshenko, Yu.N., Engineerl TITLE, ___oT ~-Rolle Experience Gained in Sorting d f~Llectrical io Steels According to Their Magnetic Properties PERIODICAL: Vestnik elektropromyshlennosti, 1961P-No.1, pp.38-4i TEXT: For a detailed study of the nonuniformities of magnetic induction in cold-rolled transformer sheets of 1500 x 240 x 0.35 mm, the authors used tho circuit shown in Fig.l. Two 1400 mm frames 1 with windows of 20 x 260 mm are placed on top of each other* A 600-iturn metering coils, El and 't2 are differentially series- connecte'd and feed into the indicator loop consisting of a capacitance-shunted microammeter and a phase-controlled'half-wave 20 rectifier system. The driving voltage for.the loop is fed to the rectifiers from an 80-turn winding L2 which surrounds both frames~ . The magnetization winding Ll has 522 turns and is distributed nonuniformly along the length of the solenoid for the purpose of obtaining a more uniform magnetization (variance below 10%). One of the frames carri#a a standard specimen, and.the other carries J.the sheets to be tested. The system is fed from the maiiis Card n. S/110/61/000/001/012/023 '455 E073/E Experience Gained in Sorting Cold-Rolled Electrical Steel# %jAccording to Their Magnetic Properties. throughan autotransformer giving 45V on the magnetiz'a'tion kiinding. The maximum field strength is about 15 oersteds. 'Thus it is lbeyond.the bend point and on the flat section of the-magnetization curve, where even the highest voltage fluctuations cannot change igreatly the maximum induction. The indications of the metering ~instrumenta are proportional to the differences in the maximum iinductions of the reference specimen and the tested sheets. By means of this apparatus, several batches of cold-rolled steel were ..,tested. The average B values corresponding to the B25 and the ~mean square of the variance 02 as'well as the integral idistribution function WB = NBIN were determined for each batch (N = total number of sheets and NB = number of sheets for which B25 is lower than B). The distribution function WB proved near! :to the Gauss distribution law. Sorting results are given,for .,.a number of batches. Fig.3 given the normal distribution of the IB2!; values for batches of cold rolled steel; the circles denote I I Ameasured values, the curve is-the calculated Gauss distribution Card 2/5 S/110/61/000/001/012/023 E073/E455 Experience Gained in Sorting Cold-Rolled Electrical Steels According to Their Magnetic Properties curve, It was found that the properties varied considerably inside, the individual cold-rolled batches. It was also apparent that tests by the Epstein square give only very approximate indications of the properties of the batch. Even in scrapped batches, the number of sheets that eventually proved satisfactory was over 50%. It is necessary to increase very appreciably the number of sheets tested. However, it in sufficient to limit a test to measuring a .single quantity, for instance B25 The following conclusions area arrived at: 1) Individual 'sheets of cold-rolled electrical steel differ considerably in their magnetic properties. no 2) The induction B25 is one of 'the most reliable guides of the quality of cold-rolled electrical steel. Therefore, it should be used as a basis for quality control in mass production. 3) ~quare,_there Before testing on the Epstein should be a preliminary sorting into several groups on the basis of results obtained on whole sheets'with the author's instrument. The proportion to be tested on the Epstein square is thereby reduced, Card 3/5 S/110/61/000/001/012/023 E073/9455 Experience Gained in Sorting Cold-Rolled Electrical Steels According to Their Magnetic Properties so that more gener ous sample s may be taken, thus giving closer supervision of the magnetic properties inside each'batch. There are 3 figures and 4 tables. SUBMITTED: June 21, 1960 J~' 0 Card 4/5 Y 31058. 5/126/bl/012/004/020/021 0 E073/E535 AUTHOWI: Ounayev, F.N. and Yaraslienko-, Yu.N. ,rrru,; volume magnetoAtriction in iron-si con alloys PKI? 101) ICAL: Fizika inetallov I metal lovedenlye, V.12, no.4, l.9.61, 620-b22 TEXT: According to the theory of It. Becker (Ref.1i 'Zo.Phys., 1.933, 87, 5147) volume magnetortriction in the sum total of thre different phenomena: 1) the inflijence of the demagnetizing effe:t of the ends of a Verromagnetic on its volume; 2) a change In, volume 'occurring during turning of the magnetization v*ector in the crystal Inttice; 3) a change in volijme caused by the magnetiza- tion. I.nvestigation of volume magnetostriction ii% to yield useful information on the magnetic and the volume interactions in ferromagnetics. The authors of thla paper investigated'the volume magnetostriction on iron-silicon specimens in the form of rotation elli-psoids. Four specimenq were tined, the chemical compositions and the geometrical cliaracteristics of which are gJven. The silicon content in these alloys varied between 1-05 and 4. IW4. The iapproximate nhape of the ellipsoid was: Card 1/3 31058 Volume isiagnet.ostriction ... s/1'26/6J/012/004/020/021 E073/E535 3 major axis, a = 150 mm, minor axis, b -t 9. '35 mm, volume = 2280 mm ALI the apecimens were heat-treated in vacutirli at 10000C for two hours and, followitig that, cooled at a rate of' 100"C/hour. The change in the volume magnetostriction wits by tile dilatometrIc met-hod. The mpecimen was sealed int-o a- container with a capillary which was filled with distilled water From which the air bubbles were removed hy boiling Vor a long time. 'fo ensure isothermal conditions, th"e container was placed in a (fewar vessel which in turn was placed inl.o a magnetizing iolenoid capithle of producing fteldn of up to 6000 Oe, the unirormity of' which-was maintained throxighout the specifffen with an accuracy of tip to 2%. Th e displacement of tile meniscus in the capillary was measured by mersoog a microscope. The sensitivity of the equipment was 4. -1 - and the relative error or mcasurement of' -the volume magnetostriction was'about T"'. The results, which are plotted in the pap~er, show that I**rom a field z4t-renith of 1000 Oe onwards up to 5700 Oe the dependence of W . on ~H is linear, i.e. tho volume mngnetostri ct ion in this t -t~, t tPi L ields I m due to the Para- process. The inclinat ion of' tile sLraighl. I ine .9ection.-4 of tile curveA increases with increasing content of silicon in the alloy: Card 2/3 3L 058 Volume magnetostriction ... s/j26/61/012/004/020/021 E073/EI35 dw/dH increases from 7.3-10- 10 for a silicon content of 1.05% to 9.8-10- 10 for a silicon content of 1#..10*)(. The results also show that the initial section of the curves,..vhich is usually attributed to the form effect, differs considerably for alloys with various silicon contents Ailihqigh blfetipitlmona-.are*i~- of the name shape. With increasing silicon content curves at the initial range of field strengths are lower and for specimens with 3-40 and 4.M, silicon the volume magnetostriction has negative values in the field range 0 to 500 Oe. This phenome- non cannot be expl.nined solely by sAturation magnetization and elasticity moduli and apparently the voltime magnetostriction tn this range of fields is due to a considerAblG extent to processes of technical magnetization. 'there are I figiore, I table and 11 references% 6 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloc. Tho English- language references r1ead as followst llef.l: Gersdorf It. J.Appl. Phys., 1959, 30, 2018; Ref.4t Gersdorf It. Physics,1960, 26, .5531 Ref."51 Stausis H.J!". J.Appl.Phyx., i9!;9, 30, 098. ASSOCIATION: Ural'skiy gosudarstvennyy univeraltet im.A.M.Gor1kogo (Ural State University imeni A.M.Gorlkly) SUBMITTED: April 21, 1961 Card 3/3 j- .......... ......... NEFEDOV, A.A.; BELYAKOV,, A.I.; YAROBHENKO, Yu,No; DUKHNOVA, Z.I. High-alloy., cold rolled, electrical steel with low anisotropy. Stall 22 no./+:349-351 AP 162. OMIRA 15:5) I* TSentra Inyy naachno-isaledovateliskiy institut chernoy metallurgii i Novosibirskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Sheet steel) (Anisotropy) NEFEDOV, A.A.,, inzh.; BELYAKOV,, A.I., inzh.; YAROSHENKO Yu.N.4 inzh.; DUKHNPVA, Z.I., Inzh, Cold-rolled 1 m. thick electrical steel. Elektrichestvo no.ls75-77 A 163. (NIRA l6t2) (Steel-Electric properties) NEFEDOV, A.A., inoh.; BELYAKOV, A.I., inzh.;_XMOPHENK,O,,. Yu..,11., inzh,; DUKHHOVAI M., inzh. Cold-rolled o.35 mm thick generator steel. Elektrichestvo no.8; 70-72 Ag 163. (KRA 16:10) 1. TSentralInyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii (for Nefedov). 2. Novosibirskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod (for all except Nefedov). GRIGORIYEVA, V.I., prof.; KRAYCHIK, V.R.; SHULITS~ V.A.; YAROSHETSKAYA, B.S. Outpatient service to glaucoma patients. Trudy LPMI 31 no.2:40-47 163. (MIRA 17:10) 1. 17, kafedry- glaznykh bolezney Leningradskogo pediatricbeskogc medfm. Awln#b"o tnatituta i glaznogo otdolenlya Ob"yedinennoy bollnitst-Imeni -;~;:.eva, Leningrad. YAROSHETSKAYA N.A. Clinical observations cn the treatmont of syphilis with bicillin-4. Vest. derm-1 ven. no.l.*62-65 '65. (MIRA 18ilO) 1. Kozhnaya klinika (;,av.- prof. A.A. Akovbyan) Tashkenlu-skogo maditsin"kogo institute. 8(6), 14(6) SOVI 112-59 -4-6726 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 4, p 47 (USSR) AUTHOR: jaL2,hey,, I. F. TITLE: Joining the Earth Dam of the Pavlovsk* Hydroelectric Station With Itc- Foundation PERIODICAL: Tr. N.--;. sektora Mosk. fil. in-ta "Orgenergostro7," 1957, Nr 1, pp 7-Z4 ABSTRACT: The blueprint of the hydraulic -fill -and - core dam of the Pavlov3k* hydroelectric station envisages a counter-seepage system in the foundation. The system con3ists of a concrete wedge, that cuts through the latest alluvium and the upper disintegrated limestone layer, and a deep cement curtain wall. Extensive actual exploratiors of the permeability of the dam-foundation rock have corroborated the selected version of seepage-resilstive protection for the given geological conditions. *Translator's note: It is not clear from the Russian original whether Pavlovsk, Voronezh oblast, or Pavlovo, GoAiy oblast, is the site. A. A. S. Card I / I YAROSHETSKAU, N.A. HIstopathological cLangos in secondary syphilids of the skin following treatment with bacillin-1 and 3. Vest. derm. i van. 36 no.10946-49 0162 (MMA 16:11) 1. Iz kafedry kozbn-ykh i. venericheskikh bolezney ( zav, - prof. A.A.AkoVbyan i kafedxy gistologii (zav. - dotsent K.Td. Usmancv; nauchnyy rukovoditell - dotsen't L.A.Ellkind) Tashkentakogo me- ditsinskogo instituta. It T~. I - I ~~ Ir7".f. ~~ A F ,-, - M. USSR/Electronics - Secondary emission FD-569 Card 1/1 : Pub. 153-9/28 Author : Shullman, A. R., and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. Title Secondary electronic emission of thorium oxide Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz. 24, 845-854, May 1954 Abstract Investigates the dependence of the coefficient of secondary electronic emission upon the energy of the primary electrons and upon the tem- perature of the target. Concludes that the transition of theorium oxide from the inactivated state to the activiated slate is accompanied by a decrease in the coefficient of secondary emission, which fact does not substmitiate the conclusion of Arizumi and Esaki (J. Phys. 30c. Jap. o' 11.5, 1951). Thanks Acad. P. I. Lukirskiy, in whose laboratory the work was done. Institution Submitted December 10, 1953 49,4-.77oo AUTHORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: S/181 60w#/04/02/034 B002 Bo63 YB Konopleva, 2. F., Ryvkin, S. M., YaroshetskiY,_1__4),. The Problem of theThgoing Cross Section of Holes in Germahium by Defects Formed by Gamma Irradiation Ig Fizika tverdogo tela, 19609 Vol. 2, No- 4, PP. 566-56a TEXT: The trapping cross section of holes by defects formed by neutron bombardment vas found to be - lo-15 cm2 (Refs. 1-3). The trapping cross section for gamma irradi&tion was 4 .10-16om2. The present paper shows that this difference is due to a false assumption: A defect formed by gamma irradiation has not two but four acceptor levels in the forbidden band. The dependence of the lifetime on the irradiation with gamma quanta was determined on 11 specimens, wherefrom the trapping cross section of the holes was calculated (Table). A Cobo preparation with an activity of 400 gram-equivalent Ra was used as gamma source. The authors used the photomagnetic method, the method of photodiffusion, and the examination of the relaxation curves of photoconductivity to measure the lifetime. The mean value of the trapping cross section was found to be 3.8-10- 15cm 2. This is close to the value obtained for the neutron Card 1/2 819W4 The Problem of the Trapping Cross Section 5/181J60/002/04/02/034 of Holes in Germanium by Defects Formed B002/Bo63 by Gamma Irradiation bombardment (3-10-15cm2 in Ref. 1). Ther a are 1 table and 7 references: 4 Soviet, I American, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhniobeskiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad Physicotechnical Institute of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED: October 14, 1959 830222 S/161 60/002/008/041/045 .4p.*j 11DO Boo6YBo63 AUTHORSs gyvkin, S. M., Yaroshetskiy, I. D. TITLE: The Influence of Adhesion Levels on the Relaxation of Non- equilibrium Conductivity in Germanium Irradiated With Gamma Rays 7\ PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1966 - 1977 TEXTt In order to stixdy the mechanism of recombination processes of defects, the authors made a number of experiments which are described here and whose results are discussed in detail. The main purpose of the experiments was to determine the effect of 7-induced defects on the ,temperature dependence of the relaxation time of the conductivity of n-type germanium. First, the method and the experimental arrangement are 3 discussed.-n-type Ge single crystals of 5 - 5 - 15 mm , etched with CF-4 (SR'4) to reduce the rate of surface recombination, served as ,samples. They were exposed to ?,-rays of 120 r/sec (Co 6o ) at 200C. The concentration of the resulting structural defects was determined from Card 1/4 --- - ------- 1 83022 The Influence of Adhesion Levels on the S/181/60/002/008/041/045 Relaxation of Non-equilibrium Conductivity in B006/BO63 Germanium Irradiated With Gamma Rays formula Nt M '6N.J, where 0 ist the V-f lux per am2of the sample surface, NGe the concentration of the germanium atoms, and a the cross section of defect formation which was assumed to be 6 - 4-3-10-27cm2 according to Ref. 6. The experimental arrangement is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The sample is placed in a cryostat between the poles of an electromagnet which can generate a field of up to 4,000 oersteds. This cryostat permits a change in temperature from room temperature to that of liquid nitrogen. Fig. 2 shows the temperature dependence of the relaxation time, T', of non-equilibrium conductivity as the function Inil - f(I/T). The six 13 -3 curves refer to six Jifferent Nt-values between zero and 1.0-10 am With inoroaning Irradiation, a dropping slope of the curves having a minimum could be obt,erved. After passing through this minimum, they steeply rose again. Thus, the relaxation time first decreased with dropping temperature and again increased with further dropping tempera- ture. Fig. 3 again shows lnT' - f(l/T) for the same sample, however, for Card'2/4 83022 The Influence of Adhesion Levels on the S/181/60/002/008/041/045 Relaxation of Non-equilibrium Conductivity in Boo6/Bo63 Germanium Irradiated'With Gamma Rays Nt - 1.5-10130M-3 in a wide temperature range. The curve starts in the minimum, riBes-linearly and quickly, and after having passed through a peak, it slowly drops. Yext, the results-are discussed in detail and compared with theory. The curves In'll - fO/T) may be well represented in thr,-)~_characteristic parts (I - drop, II - rise, III - almost saturation) (cf. Fig. 5). The posit'mon bBS of the recombination levels of these 31'~_ induced defects in the forbidden band are determined (Fig. 4) from the slope of the curves (part I, Fig. 2). The authors found that AES - 0.2 ev (distance of the S-level from the conduction band). The hole trapping cross section on the S-level at room temperature was determined to be VX 3.5-10-15cm2. The position of the second level (M) is determined by its distance from the valency band AEM; it was1found.that AEM - 0.24 ev. The values found for the second sample deviate but little from those of the first sample; the second sample had a somewhat lower resistivity. The numerical values are compiled in a table (P- 1976). The S-levels are Card 3/4 --- - ------ 83022 The Influence of Adhesion Levels on the B/181/60/002/008/041/045 Relaxation of Non-equilibrium Conductivity in B006/BO63 Germanium Irradiated With Gamma Rays recombination levels, while the M-levels play the part of adhesion levels under certain conditionsl as may be seen from a comparison with results of other authors. At low temperatures, the adhesion -levels become recombination'.1eveli. Finally, the authors thank E. Borutayta for assistance in the measurements. There are 5 figures, 1 tabIT,.and 20 referencesi 9 Soviet, 3 US, 2 German, and I Dutch. ASSOCIATION& Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS 6SSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTED: February 20, 1960 Card 4/4 S/089/60/009/005/010/020 Boo6/B07O .25 0.~, AUTHORS: Konovalenko, 3. Ryvki S. 14.) )~aroshetskiy, !o Des Bogomazov, L. P. T#L-E: An*Ap~paratus for Studying the Effect of Gamma Radiation on Semiconductor Materials Vr PERIOD;CAL: Atomna*ya.energiya, 1960, Vol. 9, No- 5, PP. 408 - 409 TEXT: jin the present "Letter to the Editor", a cobalt apparatus for th4d itudy of the effect of gamma radiation on 'the electrical proper- ties of semiconductors is described. The apparatus was developed in 1956 by,the Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Insti ute ;f Physics and Tec nQlogy of the AS USSR). The principal use of the apparatus is in the !production of defects that'are constant in time. To obtain enough,defects, fluxes of 1011 cm-2sec-1 are required. Fig.1 gives a schematl~c representation of the apparatus; FiG.2 shows'the experimental; chamber. Both are described in detail. The dose rate was measured at differeInt points of.the chamber, and some of the results are Given in U-he center of a Table The highest dose rate of 128 r/sec was found at I Card .1 85566 An App ratus for Studying the Effect of SIOB91601009100510101020 G:amma radiation on Semiconductor Boo6/BO70 Materials the ch mber flo6r; 10 mm, above the floor it was only 72 r/sec; 20 mm abovei 43 r/sec,'and 40 mm above, 22 r/sec (all values refer to the centerlof,the chamber). There were no disturbances during the experi- ment, ~he work was satisfactory in all respects. L. V. Maslova is thanked for help in measuring the field of 6amma radiation. There are 2 figu4es, 1 table, and 2 Soviet references. F; .4 SUBMITIED: April 6, 1960 Legend.1to Figl: Scheme of the 4 apparaius: 1 - C660 standard sourcei activity: 400 &-equ..Ra; 2 '- ir tank, 2.9 m high, filled comple ly with water. 2 5 x 0.6 M21 wall,thio%neas, 5 mm; f- coppel, tube 125 mm wide on the)inside; 5 chamber with the sample. Card .273 85566 ~S/089/60/009/005/010/020 2 Boo6/BO70 21 3 3 Legend to Fig.2: Scheme of the sample chamber. 1 measuring vessel; 2 - cover; 3 - rubber ring; 4 - hermetically closable opening through which a cable .(8) is introduced for the moasurement of the electrical parameters of the irradiated samples; 5 - two supports; 6 --holder for the sample (7) made of 7 asbestos cement; 9 conical insert; 7 10 f;uide box. Fig.. 2 Card 7_ 71 89297 3/181/61/003/001/036/042 77 B102/B204 AUTHORS: Ryvkin, S. M., Paritskiy, L..G., Khansevarov, Ro Yus, and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. TITLE: Investigation of the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity for the purpose of determining the parameters of local levels PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 1, 1961, 252-266 TEXT: An investigation of impurity photoconductivity is not only of interest in principle, but is also of practical importance for studying the local electron states in the forbidden band and especially of its interaction with exciting radiation. Apart from an earlier paper by the authorst relaxation processes of impurity photoconductivity have hithert not been investigated in detail; this was, however, the aim of the present voluminous paper. The authors set themselves the task of investigating theoretically the most important cases of photocurrent relaxation during excitation in the impurity region. The rules governing the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity have certain peculiar features as is shown Card 1/6 IS11811611003100110361042 Investigation of the kinetics of.*. B102[B204 here, due to which impurity photoconductivity relaxation differs essentially from that of intrinsic photoconductivity. An exact analysis of these rules shows that an experimental investigation of the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity may serve the purpose of determining various parameters of impurity centers as, e.g., the photon capture cross section, the trapping cross section for free carriers, as well as the energy position of the impurity level in the forbidden band, the concentration of centers and the degree of their completion. In part 1 of this paper, the most important rules of the kinetics of impurity photoconductivity in the excitation of carriers for one type of local centers are dealt with. This is done on the basis of an example of a semiconductor, in whose forbidden band there is a sort of local level with concentration M; these levels are assumed to be in the upper half of the band, so that they are in heat exchange with the conduction band. This semiconductor is irradiated with monochromatic light of such a wavelength that only electrons pass from the local levels onto the conduction band, and that monopolar impurity photoconductivity occurs. The equation of motion (13) d &n/dt (m a- an)qJ y,8n(N am +M-M 0+n0+ on) Card 2/8 S11811611003100110361042 Invoutigation.of the kinetics of**$ .13102/B204 (2.13) _I:~ VXn )q AJ-r For I- O.'o-ni n -4- rtj t H ~_M-L4 :- , " , `N' 0 nis IM TMO - is obtained. In part 3 of this paper,' th6 effeo.t.of constant exposure Within the region of intrinsic absorption upon the relaxation of impurity "Photoconductivity is investfgated., This is done on the basis of a simple example of ".absolute adhesion levels" (levels for which the trappi ng cross sections for carriers of one kind vanish) for short-wave exposure of Anten ity~Ip.which conveys-electrone from the valence band into the I .,..conduction' ba'ndj electron-hole recombination was carried out over the level S. Here,the most simple case of monopolar electronic intrinsic photoconductivity in linear1recombination of free electrons,is. 'investi atdd. 9 The kinetics of the electron tranbitione is described by the, system an Pkj 7- (M m) -t-.jtn1Vx -t- qinj-.-a (3.1) =7nW M) mMm qmj, (3.2) 7 Caid 618-., :A. -7- 7e--_ -7 r-71 ov~ Lm~ 2206h S/101/61/003/004/030/030 - (16 Tr, 11443 10r-459J B102/B209 0 :1 AUTHORSt Dobregop V. P.p Rogachev, A. A.t Ryvkin, S. M.p and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. Low-temperature breakdown in germanium in connection with TITLEt radiative defects PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 3, no. 4, 1961, 1298-1300 TEM In germanium doped with elements of the third or fifth group, the current may suddenly rise at helium temperatures when the field applied exceeds a certain critical value. This effect is known as low-temperature breakdown. The following is the mechanism of this effect; At these tempera- turesp the majority of carriers causing impurity conduction is localized at impurity centers, and resistivity is high. When a field is appliedf the free carriers are accelerated and, at a certain field strength, their energy is high enough to cause impact ionization of the filled impurity centers, The low-temperature breakdown in Ge or Si due to donor or acceptor impurities has been investigated repeatedly. The present paper is a report on studies of this effect which is caused by radiative defects; such defects have been ,---Card 1/4 22064 S/18 61/003/004/030/030 A. B102 209 Low-veinporature ... YB produced by irradiating the semiconductor with gamma quanta or fast neutrons. First, the energy levels of the radiative defects are discussed; Fig. 1 shows the level scheme for gamma-irradiated (a) and faat-neatron irradDateft (b) germanium. The two shallow levels of the radiative defects axe only 0.02 and 0.01 ev, respectively, off the valency bandl at helium temporatur,r"', they are occupied by electrons only partly or not at all. In neutron-iv- radiated Go specimens, the 0.01-ev level was found to be free from clectrcais at helium temperatures. In chemically impure specimens, the presence of donor centers offered a certain compensation, and the level wa8 partly oc- oupied by electrons. Volt-ampere characteristics of such specimens were taken by means of a "characteriograph.11 They were analogous to those ob- tained by B. Vul, E. Zavaritskayal and V. Chuyenkov for the low-temperature breakdown due to impurity centers. Altogether; three specimens were examin- ed; gamma-irradiated 1-,r had a concentration of shallow radiation levels of Na - 7-jol3cm-3 and a hole concentration on them of p a = i.iol3cm-3; 1-n and 2-n were n-type specimens having a resistivity of 2 ohm-cm; after neutron irradiation they were p-type. n-type and p-type specimens having a resistiv- itY Of 3 and 12 ohm-cm, respectively, were measured for comparison. The Card 2/4 S/18 611003100410301030 Lo"w;temperature ... B102YJ3209 values of the critical field strength (1) and of the bre~2kdown field strength (2) for these two,specimens are listed in columns (3) and (4) of 'th6,table. The authori thank T. V.Mashovets and N. A. Vitovskiy for having prepared the gamma-irradiated specimens, as well as S. R. Novikov and R. F. Konoplevaya for the neutron-irradiated specimens. There are 2 figures, 1 table,and 11 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. The most recent reference to an English-language publication reads as follows: McWhorterf R. Rediker, Proc. IREt 471 1207f 1959. ASSOCIATIONt 'Fiziko-tekhnichesk iy inatitut im. akad. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology imeni Academician A. F..Ioffe AS USSR Leningrad) SUBMITTEDs December 2 1960 :QKTVOAb- :OXTPGAb- E.P" N/Cu 110 12 9.5 7.5 14'. As, x1cW 44 110 ~'15 10.2 9 Card 3/4 29702 811811611003101010321036 B125/B102 l'UTHORSt Ryvkin, 8, 1.9 Khansevarovg R. Yu., and Yaroshetskiy, I. D. TITLEs Impurity photoconductivity with gamma-irradiated germanium PERIODICILi Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 3, no. 10, 1961, 3211 - 3219 TEXTs gamma irradiation of n-type germanium gives rise to an appreciable impurity photoconductivity which exceeds that in nonirradiated germanium by some orders of magnitude. 'It was examined in n-type germanium specimens (Q - 20 - 30 ohm-cm irradiated with Co 80 quanta. Since irradiation took place at .INC, the radiation defel were stable at room temperature. The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 1. The specimen was placed in a cryostat with Or- indow. All measurements wero made at N1000K. Parasitic light was eliminated by a set of filters. The gamma-induced defects in n-type Ge form four levels in the forbidden band which are 0.02, 0.11 and 0.*26-ev above the edge of the valence band and 0.2 ey below the bottom of the conduction band. The Fermi level was con- siderably above the level at 0.2 ev throughout the temperature range in- volved. The typical dependence of this photoconductivity on the energy Card I 29qO2 5/181/61/003/010/032/036 Impurity photoconductivity... B125/B102 of incident quanta is presented in Fig. 3. The relaxation of unipolar impurity photoconductivity was also examined. In these experiments, the light frequency was chosen such that electron transitions occurred only from the 0.2-ey level. Growth and decay curves of photoconductivity, when, respectively, switching the light on and off, are "asymmetric" and do not obey the exponential law. The experimental results may be explained by calculations of S. M. Ryvkin et al. (FTT9 III, no. 1, 1961). quenching was obseryed in all n-type specimens when irradiating simultaneously by light corresponding to the self-absorption band and the impurity band. Fig. 5 presents typical curves of quenching spectra. The complicated characterl the great variety of relaxation curves, and of spectral proper- ties of querohing are due to the superposition of two concurring processes, namely, of quenching and of the impurity photoelectric effect. The shape of the spectral distribution curve, while depending on the ratio between the two light intensities depends on the experimental conditions and is not characteristic of the examined material. Conclusionst The radiation defeats forming as a result of gamma irradiation of germanium gives rise to an impurity photoconductivity reaching as far as 6 microns. The posi- tion of the two independent radiation defeat levels agrees with results Card 2X 7 29 S/1 8715 1/003/010/032/036 Impurity photoconductivity... B125/B102 earlier found from the-measurement of the Hall constant and from the Icinetics of intrinsic photoconduction. Quenching resulting from the com- bined action of light corresponding to the self-absorption and impurity bands results in the trapping of minority carriers. There are-7 figures, 1 table, and 16 referenoeas 8 Sovie 't and 8non-Soviet. The three most recent references to English-language publications read as followst R. Newman, W. W. Tyler, Sol. State Phys. Acad. Press. 1 19591 Z. Johnson a.,H. Levinstein. Phys. Rev., 117, no. 5, ;Igi,, 196o, R. Newman, H. H. Woodbury a. W. W. Tyler. This. Rev., 102, 613, 1956. ISSOCIATIONj Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy inetitut im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR Leningrad (Phyeiootechnical Institute imeni A. F. Ioffe AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDt xarch-6, 1961 (initially), June 13t 1961 (after revision) Card '~Y 29 702 003/010/032/0316 Impurity photoconductivity... B125/B102 Fig. 1. Experimental arrangement. Logendi 0 - sample, 31 2,3 - mirrorsq set of filters, S 1 - Nernst light source, S - whit: light source, G filter for varying light 2 intensity, JqTM-2 (UIPP-2) d-o amplifier, M electromagnetic shutter, NO-1 (ENO-1) oscilloscope, CD synchronous detection, ~M-09 (EPP-09) recorder, K - calibrator.. Fig. 3. Spootral.distribution of impurity photoconductivity. Curves were taken for,an equal number of incident quanta. The daahed section of the curve of Fig- 3a is reproduced in Fig- 36' on alarger scale. Fig. 5. Spectral distribution of quenching. Curves were'taken for an equal number of incident quanta. IMII(2) NO). Card 4/ 6 34228 S/18 62/004/002/011/051 B102YB138 AUTHORS: Konovalenko, B. M., Ryvkin, S. M., and Yaroshetakiy7 I, D., TITLE; Radiation defects caused by fast electrons in n-type germanium PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v- 4, no. 2, 1962, 379-382 TEXT: The concentration M of radiation defects, the number 1 of the defect levels and their energies were determined for n-type Ge (" I ohm-cm, n =2-10 15 cm-3) which was irradiated by 2,541ev electrons, The electron current density was - 5 j-a/cm 2, pulse duration was - 2tAsec and repetition frequency was .50 see- 1. The samples (8,1.1 Mm 3) wer~- -water-cooled. The electron energy behind the specimens was -1.5 Mev, so -that for calculations the electron energy in the specimen was taken to be -/2 Mev. Carrier concentration was determined by measuring the [fall constant between 770K and room temperature, M and 1 were determined using the relations: n 2 = Nd Ml1 and n4 ~ N d- M(1-1); n2 is the electron Card 3h228 4/002/0,,/054) S/16 62100 Radiation defects caused by fast- B102XB138 .~~onct,ntratioIn in tho conduction band at low temperatures, when all defect, !e7els are filled up and all donor levels are completely ionized (section I in Fig. 1)~ At high temperatures, when the upper defect levels ate completely ionized, n 4 is the electron concentration (section II in - V~ Fig~ 1). M was also determined from the activation energy of the upper levels and the carrier concentration of the linear part of II, using the relation n-n,, = ff- ---xp(-AE-./2kT). No was calculated for the effeat-1,.e c __hI Mass M' = 0.25 mo~ For several different specimens, the following results n -1015 cm-3 , hIl was 0 6c~ - 2 ~ 03)-,015 _'3' were obtained: 11, was (2.08 -2~26) cm d 14 3 M was (4.25 - 5.2)-10 cm- , 1 was 3.9 - 4.2, AEM 0,20 0.23 ev, and the radiation defect formation cross section was 1~45-1-55 barn; it was calculated from a = M11N Ge' electron flux density, N Ge - number of Ge 3~ t h atoms per cm Electrons with j25 Mev were found to produce defect:, wi. the following levels: E -0.24 ev, Er-0-36 ev, E +0.25 ev and E +0.11 ev, c v v There are 3 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references: 3 Soviet and 4 non- Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as Card 2/3 7_7 -7K 342ePi F, 1 //0'21/CC4/002/01 1 /05 1 Radiat.1un duf(;Cts -Follows: J. Ciel&nd i-I. Rtav- 7-2, iq~-6; L. Brown et al. Ph-s. c,:" 2 Procress in Semiconc-acia, ASSOCIATION: inst4-'ut 4m. A. F. o"e A"' ~---SR Lenin,,~rad ~cc i~~c..nicai institute A. F. loffe AS USSR, Lenin-rad) SUBLUTTED: Aiigust 8, 1961 Ig n 14.9- 2 3 4 5 6 7 d .Car 3 ITIM RYVKIN S.M.; DOBPEGO, V.P.; XONOVALENKO, B.M.; YAROSHETSKIY, I.D6 Induced impurity breakdown in compensated germanium and-,. current oscillations related to it. Fiz.tver.tela 4 no.71 1911-1914 JI 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Flziko-tekhnicheskly institut Imeni A.F.1offe AH SSSR, Leningrad. (Breakdown, Electrid) (Germanium-Electric properties), ~si T (.q)/EWt(m)/ S WTG /ASD L 13869-63 EWP ACMSIOU IM: 03MOT8 8/0181/63/005/007/1833/1841 AVMOR: VitOvGMZj H. Aj Kmovalenko,, B. H.;- Hashavete, Te Vo; IV*vldn, so Mt. -jaroshetskiy, I, TMM Gamna-ray- 69 generated dafacts in go ISOURCEs Fizik% tverdogo tela,,'.V* 50 no* 7s 1963,,.1833-1841 T'OPI" TAM.- Xs=a-m semiconductor irroAiation radiation defeat monopolar i=ealin~, bipolar annealing, germaniUM irradiation, gennaniun defeat, germpnim iABSMWT; In the latest stage o,- research on the subject,, dating back to 1959, :a large nudber of n- and y type specimens was investigated. 11-type germanium ;was doned with antimony and had a donor ecracentrati-cm between 2-1012 to 8.1015 cm 5; p-type geifilanium was doped with Gallim and'had an acceptor concentration ibetveen 1012 to 1015 an-13. The source van Co6o at, a dosage of 2010U jrr1,:jj2*seO and temperature of IOC. The work was aimed at clarifying the saturation of ir- radiated specimens which occurs after polarity reversal, whereby further exposure to radiation, however, prolonged, no longer affects the slope'of the themal de- Pendence of carrier concentration. The latter remains equal to the activation wenergy. while the saturation process is evident up to very high concentrati :Card 1/2 16 KONOVALENKO, B.M.; RYVKINj S.M.; YAROSHET9UY, I.D. Radiation defects in getmanium caused by fast 28 Her. electrons. Fiz. twer. tela, 5 no.8t2O75-2086 Ag 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A.F.Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningrad. (Germanium crystals-Defects) (Electrons) GERASIMV, A.B.; RYVKIN, S.M.; YAROSHETSKIYP I.D. impurity photoconductivity in germanium irradiated bf fast electrons. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.3:695-705 Mr t64. OaRA 17:4) 1. Fiiiko--tekhnlcheskiy institut imeni A.F.1offe AN SSSR, Leningrad. I-IMN N, I 'LZ20L_A-._ BVT(I)/EWri(k)/SqT(m)/EPF(c)/FPF(n)-2/EFC(t FWP(b)/ENP(t) Pz-,6/ P-r-4/Pli-i IJP(C)/AS(mp)-'/AFrIL/SSD/ASD(a~~ 1Z 4 .-5/--T3D/ESD(gs )/ ESDf tJ'Dlri,-/~' TI ACCESSION NR: AP4046643 S/0181/64/006/010/3166/3158 AUTHOR.: Gerasimov, A. B.; Konovalenko, B. M.;Yaroshets!ii Barkalaya, A. A. TITLEo Impurity otoconductivity produced in gormanium by gamma-----_ ray irradiation SOURCE: Fizika tverdoqo tela, v. 6, no. 10, 1964, 3166-3168 TOPIC TAGS: gamma irradiation, photoconductivity, germanium, for- bidden band, line up3ctrum, carrier density, impurity conductivity ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier research in which one of the authors participated (S. M. Ry*vkin, R. Yu. Khansevarov, 1. D. Yaroshetakiy, FTT v. 3, 211, 1961), using a larger y-ray flux in order to observe a more extensive line spectrum in the forbidden band In this case n- and p-type germanium with initial carrier densities n = (2--6) x 1013 and p. = (0.6--2) x 1013 cm-3 were used. The sampleR Cord 1/4 maw -o-s o-y-ray rdtn---Co_ at-a~Aose_-_ rat"- 0;;;'-~~s9O- e exp ed t s tallation d ribed- 61sewhere (13' alenko, S. H. an, ins esc -M., Konov Ry*v' kin, I. D. Yaroshetskiy, and L. P. BcK jomazo Atomnwya energiya v. 9, 408, 1960). The results are illustrated in Fig. I of the enclosure. The spectral curves disclose a large number of bends and ledges, pointing to a complicated spectrum of the local levels in the forbidden band. Measurements of all the investigated samples indicate the presence of the following energy levels: Ev + 0.52, Ev + 0.48, EV + 0.43, Ev + 0.41, Ev + 0.37, E V + 0.33, Ev + 0.31, and Ev + 0.27. This spectrum coincides fully with the spectrum of the local levels produced in the central part of the forbidden band when germanium is irradiated with fast neutrons, to which the levels with, energies Ev + 0.31 and Ev + 0.43 eV, which are symmetrical re- lative to the center of the forbidden band, are added. It is fur- ther concluded that the various levels introduced by impur- ities in the central part of the forbidden band are not due to any clustering of the point defects with the atoms of the doping impur- Card 2/4 ~E L 120016-65 ...,ACCESSION NR: AP4046643 "The-Authors are deeply* grateful to-..q H n for a discus- sion of the results." Orig. art. has: 1 figure. :ASSOCIATIONs Fiziko-tekhnicheakiy inatitut im. A. F. loffo AN SSSR (Physicotechnical InatitutepAll SSSR) ,SUBMITTED: 18May64 ATD PRF.SSI 3120 ENCL: 01 ~SUB CODE: ic, NP No REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 000 L 12006-65 NRt AP4046643 ENCIDSM: 01 rig, 1. PhotoccndWtivity gpectra of Ge irradiated with ga= rays from co~o. I - Sanple with initial cmductiv- ity n-type and Nd 5.5-1013 cm-? after irradiaticn - E + 0.27 ev (T = 85K) . 2 - swpie v -ith in- itial cmdwtivity p-byW and 11 6.5-1012 cur3i after irradiatica 00-18 -ov. (T Cord 4/4 19M MDR =11-M-1- =F-MY-1 -002_'~a~ T- k) ACC NR. 6030009 IJP(c) WG/JD/1,~W/&// SOURCE, CODE: UR/0020/66/169/005/1041/1043 JG/D1/VJ1 .71-7 i-qWOR: Ashkinadze. B. M.; Vladimirov, V. I.; Likhachev, V. A.; RyvKin, S. 14.; -7 S1.1lmanov0_- M.;-Yaroshetskiy, I. D.; Konstantinov, B. P. (Academician) ORG: Physicotechnical institute im. 1. F. Ioffe, Acadeny of Sciences SSSR (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut Akademii nauk SS,SR) TITLE: Laser induced damage in transEarent dielectrics SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v., 169, no. 5, 1966, lo4l-lOh3 erwam GF162dimm TOPIC TAGS: laser garglass, dielectric, alkali halide, cr7st&l duced I an ant-pulse lasers in a broad class ABSTRACT: Demagq4n ,by standard materials (alkaliv-4alid6Phingle crystalsl~lgi polymers, glasses) was inveetl;:,--;~a 'experimentally., Pla-ne eVacko were observed in'. V 4 0 poly.(methyl methacrylarA.A(PIM) Under t standard-pulse radiation Za a 5 angle with respect to the laser beam axis and at ra4dom with respect to th crack rotation plane around the same axis. A large nuAer of isolated 'cracks\ as observed at superthreshold energies, A,20-j beam fociieed at f a 6 cm caused tail-end dwwge in glasses, The same pulse caused total de0ruction along the cleavage-planes in alkali-halide crystals at energies slightly ab~re threshold. In each instance, damage was observed when a giant-pulse beam was foopsed oti the inside of specimens. In single crystals the damage occuj~red along 1-CON I/Z; ROL .,-,stimulated L 4.3025-66 ACq. NRs AP6030009 all three cleavage planes; In the case of PMW it had the form of an extended cone codsisting of small individual cracks (of the order of 0.1-0.5 mm); 1h, glasses, filiform, damage appear'ed sharply with the thickening at the focus. To explain the damage mechanism and kinetics, the effects of pulse energy, focus position, temperature, and the focal length on the nature and extent of the damaged region were investigated. The experimental dataindicate a strong dependence of 'the nature' and extent of damage on the test material and the operating (peak or total energy) eonditions. The damage in each spot occurred independently and was caused by beams of a small critical density. Die most probable damage mechanism. is thought to be the coherent hypersonic phonons generated as the result of Brillouin scattering. The.thermal explosion accompanying damage due to hypersonicphmorij in the 'case of strong optical dbsorption is suggestea as a secondary mechanism. The experiments showed that the thermal explosion occurred I basically near therfocus and that its role varied with materials and energy density. Crack formation occurred during a period not exceeding the pulse auration (for 11 giant pulse laser 10.9sec), Abe damage taking place first at the focus and traveling backwar&3. Damage Induced by powerful laser beams can be used as a method of tcomparing the bulk and surface-AIXIn.&W of a material, Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1'formula. [YK1 01 SUB CODE: 20/--suBmTATE.-24Yft65/ ORMREF: 002/ ftl Rkif-6W11A 2 ,4T 1-312634-66 F L-11).IFAP(-)/PliT(m)/EE~C(k)-?/T/EyiP(k) -IJP(c WEI WG/WH 1101i~61 - ACC NR: SOURCE CODE: ' UP/00b/ 050/VJ5/ A116018797 AUIMOR: Ashkinadze, B. M.; Vladimiray, V. I.; Likhachey, V. A. Eakin, S. Me. Salmanov, V. M.; Yaroshetskiyy ORG: Filysicotechnical Institute im.,A. F. loffg,_Academy of %cienr_es_SSSR_(Fiziko- tekhnicheskly institut Akademil nauk SSSR) TITLE: Breakdown of transparent dielectrics by intense laser rAdiation SOURCE: Zh eksper I teor fiz, v. 50, no- 5, 1966P 1187-191 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric breakdown, laser effect, laser radiation, phonon interaction ABSTRACT: The transparent dielegtricu investigated were alkali-halide single crys- tals (LiF, NaCl, CsI, KBr KI tand others), polymers (poiymet~yl methacrylatelani pol 6 - e), and glasses'ianilicate glasc-and fused quartzi? RLbM5and y tyren neodymi lasers generating 1-79 and 1.1t ev photonsreopectivelywere used at first, but when it was found that the breakdown was qualitatively the same for polarized (ruby) and unpolarized (neodymium) radiation, only the latter was used, since it could operate in both the ordinary (20 J) and giant-pulse (2 J) modes. The diagram of the experi- ment is given in Fig. I The samples were parallelepipeds with polished faces of varying lengths and cross sections. The character of the breakdown was examined under a microscope and its size measured with a horizontal comparator. The laser- induced breakdown begins in locations exposed to high light-flux intensity and spreadi to lower-intensity regions. In the case of focused beams, no destruction occurs be- hind the focal point. The bre&~Aown occurs in Yory short time Intervals, shorter that- _J ACC NR, AP6018797 Fig. 1. Diagram of experiment. 1 Totally reflecting mirror or rotating prism, 2 - ruby or neodymium rod, 3 partially reflecting mirror or plane- a. 13104- 5-.. parallel plate, 4 - light filter, 5 - .. 1 2 34 /a 12 14 Is plane parallel-plate, 6,10,14 - neutral H 13 filters, 12 - tested sample, 7,11,13 lenses, 8,15 -photodiodes, 9,16 - oscilloscopes. the length of the light pulse, and develops independently at various points of the solid. Estimates of stresses caused by the hypersonic wave due to the laner,beam in- dicate that local effects play a substantial role in the breakdown process. In the case of an ordinary laser pulse, the breakdown mechanism is governed by the peak power, whereas in the case of a giant pulse the decisive factor is the total energy. The cause of the breakdown is shown to be connected with the action of coherent acoustic pbonons generated in the course of a stimulated Brillouin scattering, thermal effects being secondary. Study of the breakdown makes possible compari. son of volume and surface strengths of the material and can be used to evaluate the time of phonon coherence loss, which Is found to be of the order of 6 Rsec for poly- methyl methacrylate. The authors thank B. P. Konstantinov for continuous interest and valuable disdussions, and A. M. Prokboroy, P. P. Pashinin, A. V. Prokhindeyev,_L._ N. Filimonova, G. V. Vladimirova, G. M. Malyshev F. F. Vitman, Vs P. Pukh. -a=. At. j_fAly&in for help'with the experiments and for discussions. Orl-g. art. has: 10 fig- ures and 11 formulas. 102] ard 2/2 SUB COM.- 207 SUBM DATE: 3ONov56/ QRIG'RSF.' 004/ OTH REP: 004/- ATD PP A ~--A~~~-~AP6 0 3 0 ~97 1' ~q) AUTHOR: Ashkinadze, B. M.; Likhachev,_V. A.; kak-ing S._M.; Salmanov, V. M.; Tomashevskiy. E. Ye.; laroshetskiy. I. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe AN SSSR, Leningirad (Fiziko- tekhnicheakiy institut AN SSSR) -,X,. J~ the effect of laser TITLE: Occurrence of par agnetic centers*in p lymers under radiation SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2735-2737 OPIC TAGS: laser radiation, laser effect, laser r and d, polymethylmethacrylate, polystyrene, electron paramagnetic resonance ABSTRACT: The authors report observation of paramagnetic centers in polymethyl- methacrylate (FMMA) and polystXrenel(PS) under the influence of radia-t-To-n from pulold ruby. and' n dymium lasers (0.69. and 1.08 p, respectively) and also i under the ' influence of a giant-pulse , neody-mium laser. The samples (20 ma long, 7 mm dia) were investigated in a standard radiospectrometer, using a procedure described earlier (ZbETF v. 50, 1187 (1966). In both materials, clearly pronounced electron parampgnetic resonance (EFR) was observed above a certain threshold radi- I ' '" f stion. The EPH sped Card 1/2 ACC NN AP6030971 lines characterized by g factors close to 2.002 and small-width (1-and 3 Oe between t~ for fied ~ maximum-slope points for PMMA and PS, respectively). The Curie law is satisfied for the EPR signals from PMMA, but not PS. The observed paramagnetic centers have a con- cm;-. difference was seen centration estimated at. -. 4 X 1,015 4 and are. quite Vkt!Pjg.,,, t,,,V9 between the effect of the ruby0and neodymium laver, 'or_ ~qtyeeg 'Qri - ana giant Unary pulaeo. The paramagnetic centera appeared only,in the pregence of cracks produced.-in.-wi,w the material by the laser radiation. In view of some unusual.-featurea of the ob- served paramagnetic centers (absence of macroradicals and absence of hy-perfine struc- ture), it is difficult to draw definite conclusions concerning their nature, but it is suggested that they may be the results of the decomposition of the polymers under the influence of the laser beam. The differences between the centers-of PMMA and PS may be caused either by differences in the centers themselves, or by differences in their local concentration. Orig. art. has: .3 figures. (02] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 28Feb66/ ORIG REF: 004/ ATD Prins: 5085 2/2 Cord i MR. "A IT AP603o966 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/006/009/2668/2671' AUTHOR: Volkova, N. V.; Likhachev, V. A.; Hyykin,-S. M.; Salmanov, V. M.; Yaroshetikiy, I. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. loffe AN SSSR, Leningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Deatruction of LiF (single crystals b~ iaser radiation SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tell, V. 8, no. 9, 1966, 2668-2671 TOPIC TAGS: lithium fluoride, laser radiation, laser effect, crystal defect, crystal' dislocation phenomenon, laser r and d ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier studies of damage to transparent die- lectrics by laser radiation (ZhETF V. 50, 1187, 1966), where principal attention was paid to amorphous substances. The present article deals with the effect of the ener- gy contained in the laser pulse on the general evolution of damage to aingle-crystai LiF and describes the dislocation structure in the cleavage surfaces. The experi- mental procedure is similar to that described In the earlier paper. A pulsed neoOymium glass laser was used, with the light beam directed always along the (001) crystal axis. Dal3age occurred at pulsed energy density exceeding 100 J/cp2. corresponding to 1-, 0.2 x 100 Wcm2. At this threshold value, damage usually started Card 1/2 L 45783-66 ACC NRs AP603o966 with a single crack e (001) plane, perpendicular to the beam direction. With... in th increasing energy, additional cracks appeared and their character and pattern varied with the energy. The evolution of the damage is explained from the point of view o~ - the existence of a hypersonic damage mechanism, wherein the crack is produced first's' by a hypersonic waved and absorption of heat in the crack leads to further disinte-, gration. The peculiar dislocation pattern observed on the cleavage surface (concen'-!-,~-,.',,, tric circles or ellipses) is attributed't*6 the initermitte'ni dh&ia~cier' of propaghtiolt, ,of the crack front, due in turn to spiking, Orig. art. has: 3 figures. '[4 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 3lJan66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 001/ ATD PRESS- 5085 CQ,d 2/2 pb .ACC NRt IAE6037017 CAIN) SOURCE-CODE:' _6R/03131/66/W;/011/~)~32/3~34 AUTHOR: Likhachev, V. A.; Ryvkin, S.- M.; Salmanov, v.. M. ; yaroshetskiy, 1. D. ORG.- physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Joffe, AN SSSR;-T1i6h-1n'grad_0iziko- ~tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Fatigue under optical damage to transparent dielectrics SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 11, 1966, 3432-3434 TOPIC TAGS: fatigue strength, dielectric material, polymethylmethacrylate, poly- styrene, laser effect, irradiation damage, crack propagation ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (ZhETF v. 50, 2735, 1966), and con-1 tains more detailed information on the fatigue produced during optical destruction of transparent bodies in polymers (polymetbylmethaerylate and polystyrene). Tibe ex- perimental procedure was the same as in the earlier investigation. 71he radiation source was a neodymium laser operating in the ordinary-pulse mode. The tests con- sisted.of determining the influence of energy on the number of irradiations necessary! for the first visible crack in the material to appear, or the change in the dimensioW of the damaged region with changing number of pulses. Comparison of the results of the two tests has shown that the true threshold of optical strength is approximately one-third as high as expected from an analysis of results of damage produced by single irradiation. An investigation was made of the nature of the irreversible changes due to the fatigue occurring at pulse energies lower than critical (necess ary. Card ACC NRt AP6037017 -to start visibledamage by a single pul-se), and also the Influence of such factors. .as,,-the temperature and the healing time between successive pulses. Experiment has .-,,shown that,neither the temperature (from 20 to 100C) nor an increase in the pause 'A~iyeen I aditions (from 3 to 70 minutes) exert any influence whatever on the damaged rr aken as '.vidence that the changes introduced in the material hreshold. This is t e '4t-energies below critical are microscopic cracks which gradually grow 'upon repeated '4*12*xradiation to sizes visible with the unaided eye:' Favoring this deduction are the ,-absence of healing of visible cracks in polymetbylmethaerylate up to the temperature of complete softening, and the increase in the visible cracks upon repeated irradia- tion. It is thus concluded that fatigue effects must be taken into account in stu- dies of damage to transparent materials by laser beams. The authors thank I. A.- Kodaneva for help withthe experiments. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. SUB CODE: 20/ SUEM DATE:~ lLxn66/ ORIG REF: 001 Ccrd 2/2 ACC NR; AW005V19 SOURCE CODE: UR/6i81/66/oo8/O12/3595/36o1 AUT11OR: Volkova) 11. V. Likhachev, V. A. ; Salmanov, V. M.; Yaroshetsk-11y, 1. D. ORG: Physicotechnical Institute im. A. F. Ioffe, AN SSSR, Teningrad (Fiziko- tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR) TITLE: Kinetics of formation and healing of damage produced in lithium-fluoride single crystals by a laser beam SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 12, 1966, 3595-3601 TOPIC TAGS: laser effect, 8emiconductor laser, semiconductor single crystal, crystal lattice dislocation, ar=ing 0ee.,90.4 rqA- ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work (ZhETF v. 50, 1187, 1966 and else- where), where it was shown that a laser beam produces cracks in alkall-halide crys- tals. although no detailed description was giVen of the nature of the cracks). To de- termine this structure and to explain the mechanism whereby the damage is initiated, the authors investigated LiF single crystals measuring 20 x 20 x 20 mm cleaved alon.- the cleavage planes. A neodymium laser operating in the spiked modewas used. The beam focusing procedure iias the same as in the earlier work, the damage was - exarained under'a microscope, and the dlslo~ation slWucturawas revealed by selective etching. Besides confirming the earlier results,, the present tests - demonstrated that the damage produced by the laser pulse consist; of a main crack in the cleavage plane (001) normal to the beam., and dislocetion slip along directions forming a rosette-like 1/2 Card UDC: none '-ACC NO:- A'F7605849-- pattern, the occurrence of which can be interpreted by assuaing a suitable cc-.birP-- tion of thermal and elastic stresses produced in the crystal by the passage of the laser beam and hypersonic oscillations accompanying it. Annealing the crystal after the damage) either in air or in the oven, led to'healing of the cracks characterized by a unique structure of the front of the annealed rosette. "lile the causes of this healina are not clear, they definitely can be ascribed to transport of matter via the gas pha-se, as proposed in a number of papers. The authors thank S. M..Ivvkin for continuing interest and a discussion of the results. Orig. art. has: 5 figures.[021 SUB CODE: 201 Sum nA-.E: 27Yay66/ ORIG,W:, 007/ OTH REF: 003 ATD PPXSS: 5117 Card 2/2 M TERM71OV, A.A.,inzh; SEULINp N*As,lnzh; CHUHISMY, P.L., lnzh.,- OMMLE. Yu.M.i j4USATOV,'.T.P., 662h.; YZD636T, A.A., )Wad,tekhn#nauk;. iizhS;'ZA00Nq' N.k,, In'zh.; SHOMiIN- B.M., inzh. Improving planning of industrial power suppl7. Prom. energ. 13 tOG7'- 18-29 A .'58- (14in 11:105 lN'Tvazhprvmelektroproyekt. (for Yermilov). 2.Zhemproyektasg-g**Kauna9 ifor Chep?le).Denbassonergo (f6r Musatov),.; 4 KOBkovskly efibrgbtichenki notitut for Yedorov.). 5.Uzgiprovodkhoz. it lashkent Uor YaroshetskiiT. 6.Proyaktny7 institut Ministerstva strotte atya USSR.,Odessa Ver Golldenblat). 7031ektroproyekt. goKuyb7shev (for Rudryai3hov). Mouradioelektronika, (for Zakharov).-9. Iltdroproyekt.g. Kuyb7shev (for Shchukin). Ollectric Power) YAROSHE TSKIY, L.M. Automation and remote cor trol of hydraulic and land-Improving structures in the Golodnaya Steppe. Mat. po proizv. sil. Uzb. no.15:332-336 160. (MIRA 34:8) 1. Institut, "Uzgiprovodkho-,?'# (Go-lodnaya SUp e-Irrigation) (Remote contro,3 a 2 ~&fflmm=a YARWHEV,, A.~-', (K,~,Yov) Effect of I'actnrs m the re-ul.:~ of a quAlif,7 nortrol nf the ax~arna'L layers of machine parts by mean-9 oi' the eddy eurrimit mothod, !-,JkI. mak-h. I no.4397- 100 165. (IMj. 18; 6) IS Ins"Atul, mek-haniki AN Uki-315P. 7--F-r~ V (A -I i7 if I I rv I ITTTW-YTI-T-~0 YASIL'Y3V, A.A., lm=eat Stalinskoy premil, inzboner, redaktor; BORO- DACHW, I.P., kandidat tekhntcheskik~ nauk; PRUSSAK,B.N. inzbener; URUSOV, H.M., Inzhener; WSMOBT, A.T., Inzbener; YAMSMU" , kaadidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; NWIROVSKIT, B.I. Inzbener, retsenzent; PETROV, G.I., inzbener, redaktor; PISTIUAKOV, A.I., inzhener, redaktor; POPOVA, S.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Road bulldlW machinery,] Doroshnostroitel'rW~ mashiiW; Bpravoch- n1k. 2~-oe perer. i dop.izd. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo maahinostroit.lit-ry, 1955. 8~2 P. (MLRA 8:10) (Road machinery) SOVALOV,I.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nmuk; YAROSHEV,D.H., kandidat tekhnicheskikh .4 New specifications for construction and building erection. Strul. prom. 33 no.8:22-25 Ag'55. (MLRA 8:11) (Building) ly. PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 1010 Yaroshev, D.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences Problemy kcmpleksnoy mekhanizatsii i energeticheskiy metod (Problems in Complex Mechanization and The Power Method) Moscow., Gosstroyizdat, 195;8. 119 p. 7,000 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Voynik, O.M., 2ngineer; Edo. of Publishing House: Begak, B.A. and Udod, V.Ya.; Tech. Eds.: Guseva, S.S. and Borovnev., N.K. PURPOSE: The book is intended for engineers and technicians working in the building industry. COVERAGE: The book describes the fundamentals and practical applications of a:nev method of studying mechanized processes in the building Indu try. The author explains how the power indices of individual machines are reduced to indices common to the whole machine group. He shows how laws governing construction processes are determined and gives solutions for various practical problems in complex mechanization. The author states that this nev method has 'been employed repeatedly and successfully in practice by Profeesor V.A. Kirpichev., Card 1/5 ME Pr&lems in Complex Mechanization (Coat.) 1010 Academician N.I. Gersevanov., and others. The present vork is based on an analysis of teohnico-econamic indices of constr-action machines as published by VNICMS.Thexe are 5 Soviet references. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Theoretical Principles of Complex Mechanization in Construction Work 5 1. Power method of analyzing mechanized construction processes 5 2. Consmption of energy by building materials (minimum energy required to process unit weight of material) 3. Efficiency of energy sources 7 4. Interrelation of basic techn-Scal indices of mechanized processes 5- Nomograms for mechanized construction processes 10 6. Productive capacity of ma-hines in mechanized processes 11 7- Ormanization of mechanized constractiaa processes and tneir power indices 15 03rd 2/ 5 Problems in Complex Mechaalzation (coat.) 1010 Ch. 2. Methods of Determining Power Indices 19 1. Diagrams of the interaction between the working menber of the machine and the material being processed 19 2. Interaction between grader blade and soil 20 3- Interaction between roller and compacted material 21 4. Power indices of machines 26 Ch- 3- Complex Mechanization of Individual Types of Work 31 1. Complex mechanization of earth work 31 2. Complex mechanization of building the road bed 39 30 Ccmplex mechanization of transport and handlin , operations 53 4. Complex mechanization of other types of construction work 69 Ch. 4. Examples of Applying the Power Method 83 Card 3/5 ProblIems in Ccmplex Mechanization (Cont.) 1010 1. Selection of machine groups 83 2. Analysis.of mechanized processes 85 3- Power analysis of production data 88 4. knelysis of design changes in maebinery 90 5- Productive capacity of machine groups during erection of various structures 91 6. Establishing efficient, use of 1"a-bines and machine groups 92 7- Establishing values for various technical indices 94 8. Canparative evaluation of machines 95 Ch- 5- Solution of Problem of Ccaplex Mechanization in Individual Cycles of Construction Processes 101 1. Equation of the process 101 2. Energy consumption by stone as a function of its initial and final dimensions 106 3. Laws govering the perfazmance of transport machinery 107 card V5 Problems in Complex Mecbmnization (Cont.) 4. Vacwn treatment of concrete 5- Pile driving Conclusion AVAnOLE: Llbr=7 of Congress Card 5/5 1010 1-30i59 109 112 112 BARANOV, L.A.; GCMTOV, V.I.; YEWINOV, D.V.; YMIMOV, Ye.I.; PITER OT, N.I.; RILITSEV, A.M.; RYAXANTSHV K.G.; TORCPOV, A.S.; TSMLIM, G.I.; TAROSH97,D.R.; TOBIN, T.'A.: glavu;yy red.; 30SHIN, A.Y., za ".- AqWo'je-i~d.; RAKITIN, G.A., red.; GRINWICH. G.B., red.; YEPIFANOV, :�.P., red.; ONMIYEV,'I.A., red.; KHOKHLOV, B.A., red.;, tIMIM. P.A., red.; TABUNINA, K.A., red,izd-va; OS = 0, L,M.,, (Kanual on accident prevention and industrial sanitation during construction and repair operational Spravochnoo posobie po tekhnike bezopasnosti i promeanitarli pri proizvodstva stroitelluo-montazh- rifth rabot. Pod red. G.A.Rakitins. Koskva. Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.materielam, 1961. 359 p jHnU 14:4) 1. Akademiya stroitel'stva i arkhitektury SSSR. Institut organi- zateii, mekbanizatail i takhnichookoy pomoshchi atroitelletvu. (Construction industry--Hygienio aspects) YAROSHEV, Dmitriy Mikhaylovich,, kand. tekhr, naukj RYAZANTSEVA, O~ [Problems in overall mechanization and the power method] ProbleW kompleksnoi mekhanizatsii i energeticheskii me- tod. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskvap Stroiizdat, 1964. 185 p. (MIRA 17:5) AINDROSOV, A.A., inzhener; YAROSHN, D.M., redaktor; GUROVA, O.A. toikhnicbeekiy redakttr, -4 Mgt& [Machines for building and maintaining city streets] Mashiny dlia postroiki i sodermhantia gorodakikh dorog. Moskva, Izd-vo Ministerstva. kommunallnogo khoziatstva RSFSR, 1948 148 (Road machinery) (Ou 8:83* A'. VA-"l--v, 1 4 41 4L 6 "CLami.-es in Qi2 Atorta 4, I.o 1, Janu r~-11",-!briuar, the Val-i-isl and ~~Ioro!~,Ury 1)51.., k*; i6mp-~r), Losco*.l. M YAROSHIVA, A.A..kandid&t maditainakikh nauk. Fatal hemorrhages from the aorta and large vessels in cases of foreign bodies in the esophagus. Vast. oto-rin. 18 no.1:55-57 J&-F 156. OLRA 9:6) 1. Is kafe(try patologichaskoy anatooli (sav.-prof. SM. Krinitakiv) Rostovskogo-na-Donu maditsinakogo inatitut&. (ZSOPHAGUS, foreign bodies c&us ing fatal hemorrh. from aorta & large vessels) (ACRTA, hemorrh. caused by foreign bodies of esophagus) aorta 8~ large vessels. caused by foreign body of esophagus) (YMBIGN BODIES esophagus. causing fatal hemorrh. from aorta & large vessels)