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SIDOROCHKIN, S.S.; OSAIINKIN, Ya.M.; GHURIN, V.111.; YUSHTIN, Ye.I.; YANKOVSKMA, ; poMWVSKIY, M.N., otv. red.; PENOVA, , red.; SOSIPATROV, O.A., red.; KOMAROVA, N.P., red. (Handbook on safety engineering and industrial sanitation in three volumes) Spravochnik po tekhnike bezopasnosti i proiz- vodstvennoi snnitarii v trokh tomakh. Leningrad Wdostroonio. Vol.2. 1965. 679 P. 411RA IS: 10) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Laws, statutes, etc. 7-7 1 L, ta Ie o ft, r afja'jvgjg of fte -ce5-i'ts a" an 'nviastizatfur, af TOXV~IC T"AGS: turbine model, turbine characteristics HE '7 SOV/128-50-10-2/24 18(394,5) AUTHORS: Yankovskiy, A., Pyaskovskiy, I., and Kumor, I., Engineers TITM Production of Magnesium Cast Iron in a Sealed Ladle While Using Magnesium Rods PERIODICAL% Liteynoye proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 10, pp 8-10 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors*present a reporl, on experiences gathered in the fields of magnesium cast iron production in Poland. The report is-based on the refs.1-11. A substantial improvement in the production pro- cess was reached only by using specially sealed ladles (JPK-58) (Ref.12). These ladles work at a luw pressured. The sealed ladles have a capacity of' 1750 1(g. F1g.l gives the layout of such a seal- ed ladle. 01 in the diagram is a steel bush-, #2 is the flange with cover; #3 are both of the ferrite magnesium cast iron or steel sheets, #4 is the stand. The cover (3) is sealed by the fire re- sistmit clay (6)9 with six bolts (6). Before the cast iron treat- ment, the Indlos are well preheated (Fig.2). Experience showed that the results are better, If the forrosilicon is not introduced Card 1/2 at once, but in two or three stages. The Initial cast iron be- SOV/128--59-10-2/24 Production of Magnesium Cast Iron in a Sealed Ladle While Using Magnesium Rods fore any additional elements are lead in --- has the following com- positions 3.3--3.7% C; 1.5-2.2% Si; 0.4--0.-3% Mn; 0.09-.0.13% P; 0.06- -0.1% S. With the help or -the de4l-ribe-d device it is possible to obtain high quality cast Irons 1) Of typf, ZsP-55 piarlitic and 2) ferrite 10, according to the Polish Standard RN-53/hIPM-22002. This method is already being used in several foundries in Poland. The publications of R. Radtke in Leipzig are mantionad (Refs.9-40). There are 2 didgfdMS, 2 grnrhs, I table and 10 references, 1 of which is Soviet, 12 P0liBh, 3 Englishl 2 German and I Cze-cli. Card 2/2 YANKOVSKIY A.P tokart My suggestion. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 11 no.4:24 Ap 161. (van 14:6) 1. Romontnyy tsekh elektrostantsii g. Kursk. (Lathes) V V Name! yuyO~V-SKIY ~A. A~o ligilt for discharge as a so"rce of Low-voltage :U*11131 Dissextati0r) eLjissiOn c9ectral unalys's Degree- Card PhYO-biat"' Sc' Department of PhyGicomatheMatical : Acad Sci BelOl-ussian SSRY und Technical SCI Place: 1956, Minulu Do 115, 1956 A. sour(;e-. 'j -g; Ct YANKOVSKIT, A.A. Role of electric parameters of pulse circuits In the case of spectrum excitation b7 a low-tension pulse disebarge. Trud7 Inst.fiz. i mat. All BSSR no,2:110-123 ' 57, (MRA 12:1) (spectrum analysis) (Electric dischargen) TANKOVSKIT, A,A. Ara units used in hIgh-voltage condensed srArk generators. Insh.-fiz.zhur. no.10:113-116 0 138. (MIRA 11311) 1. Institut fi2lki i matematiki. AN BSSR, g. Minsk, (Osdillators, Blectric) Or Ott e.. 01 A 9 F i F E % A 2 F. la m Sw 0. SH Of ON r, -k 26~ BOV/48-23-9-21/57 A URSt Burakov, V. S., Yankovskiy, A. A. TITLE: The Application of Contact-spark Sampling of Substances in Spectral-analytical Investigations PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23v Nr 9, pp logg - 1100 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the contact-spark method of sampling is used for the investigation of the dependence of line intensities on the quantity of the burning substance and on the electrical characteristic of the light source. The quantity of sampled substance was determined by dissolving it in acids and a follow- ing spectral analysis of the acids. An increase of capacitance in the circuit led to a rapid increase of the transferred sub- stance in magnesium and zinc and to a slower increase in the case of aluminum. It was found that the quantity of separated substance may be varied also by varying the other electrical parameters in the discharge circuit. The line intensities of spark- and arc light sources were compared with the quantity of the transferred substance. For high-voltage condensed sparks Card 1/3 the linear dependence between line intensities and quantity V;4. The Application of Contact-spark Sampling of Substances sov/48-23-9-21/57 in Spectral-analytical Investigations Card 2/3 was more exact than for arc- or low-voltage sparks. An increase of amperage from I a to 10 a increased the line intensity of Mg, Zn, and Pe by the 2- to 5-fold. A similar influence was exercised by capacitance variations in the circuit. By the use of monolithic samples the dependence of line intensity on the electrical characteristic of the light source underwent a much more considerable change. The increase of line intensity in the burning of a dosed sample is then dealt with in connection with temperature conditions in the discharge, and formula (1) is given for the calculation of the line intensity ratios for two similar electrical characteristics. An increase of amperage also entails an increase of temperature in the arc, and thus also an increase of the line intensities of magnesium, zinc, and iron. Likewise, a variation of line intensities in spark light sources is connected with temperature variations in the discharge. In conclusion, it is found that by a variation of the electrical mode of operation of the light source the sensitivity of the spectral analysis may be increased. Furthermore, the influence exercised by "third" elements in alloys on a copper base may be "f7 The Application of Contact-spark Sampling of Substances SO'1/48-23-9-21/57 in Spectral-analytical Investigations practically avoided by the burning of dosed quantities. There are 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet. Gard 3/3 V V jit ~~L !-N42M~Mg~ ;-R- BURAKOV, V.S.; YANKOVSKIY, A.L. Studying the effect of sulfur on the Intensity of spectral lines of iron. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. n0-10:19-25 0 '59. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Institut fisiki AN BSSR, Minsk. (sulfur) (Iron-spectra) a A., PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5529 Burakov, Viktor Semenovich, and Anton Antonovich Yankovskly Prakticheskoye rukovodstvo po spektrallnomu analizu (Practical Handbook in Spectrum Analysis) Minsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR, 1960, 231 p. Errata slip inserted. 4, 000 copies printed. Ed. : B. I. Stepanov, Academician of the Academy of Sciences BSSR; Ed. of Publishing House: L. Timofeyev; Tech. Ed.: I. Volokhanovich. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for technical personnel at plant and other spectral analysis laboratories. -WERAGE: The handbook examines the more essential problems of visuk-1 aInd photographic methods of spectral analysis. Standard apparatus are described along with concrete methods for the analysis of ferrous and nonferrous alloys on a steeloscope and spectrograph. Atlases of spectra and tables of spectral lines, required for practical work, -are included in the material. The authors thank T. M. Zhbanova, L. I. Kiselevskiy, Card-l-/~ Practical Handbook in (Cont.) SOV/5529 M. A. -Kr1vosheypva',..1'P. A. Naurnenkov, G. V. Ovechkin, Ye. K. Palta- rak, and A. M. Tokareva. There are 90 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Introduction 5 Ch. 1. Sources of Light for Spectral Analysis 1. Arc of a direct ctirrent 13 2. Arc of an alternating current 15 3. Spark generators 23 q Arc attachment to the high-voltage spark generator 26 5. Choice of a light source for spectral analysis 28 C YANKOVSKIY, A.A. Yffect of the electric conditions of contact-sperk sa=pling on the calibration gvaow of tin Ixonzoa. Dokl.AN B3$R 6 no-0226-228 .Ap 162. (HIRA 1514) 1. Institut fiziki AS BSSR. Predstavleno, akademikom AN ESSR B.I.Stepanovym. (Bronze--Analysia) KEPOKOYCHITSKIY, A.G. [Nerkoichitskii, A.H.]; YANKOVSKIY, A.A. CIAnkovokii, A.A. Combus.tion of a proportioned quantity of matter in spectrum analysis using the photoelectric method. Vestal: AN BSSR. Sar. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3tl24-127 163. (MIRA 16:10) J, tiEPOKOYCHITSKIYp -LG.;.jVN4.GJSKIY, A*A, Relationship between the burning out of a measured quantitY" of a substance and calcination in spectrum analysis Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.12014-816 D '63. (kRA 17:8) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSSR. Predstavleno, akademikam AN BSSR B,I. Stepanovym. SAMADOV, K.; YANKOVSKIYI--.A,.A. Dependence of the relative sensitivity of spectrum analysixon the electric mode of the light sources. Dokl. AN Tadzh. SSR 6 no.5:17-19 163. (MIRA 17W 1. Otdel fiziki i matematiki AN Tadzhikskay SSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR H.L.Yellyashavichem i akademikom AN Tadzhikskoy SSR S.U.Umarovym. f ACCESSION NR: AP4042726 B/0250/64/008/006/037Z(0376 Yauk6vskly'. A. A. AUTHOR. Kepgkoychitiddy, A. G. TITLE: A: method of quantitative emissiorr soectral analysis according to the max1mal spectral line Intensity In the process of substance burn-up -6,, 1964, 372-276 SOURCE: AN BSSR. Doldady*, v., 8 no. oPi. TOPIC'TAGS. quantitative analysis, spectral analysts, -emission spectrum, spectrosc ;'I spectial line Intensity, combustion spectrum, metal determination ABSTRACT: The authors show that the change In Intensity of a spectral line In the pro- cess of complete bum-up of a measur d quantity of a substance under the actJon'of an electrical charge can be described by' the e pirical equation -11h tho* jptens ty where I Is the Intensity of th6 efic'Is I of. the line at the onset of an -terizing the raos instantaneous Increase In Intensity, c)(and P are constants chara- of substance burn-up and spectral line Intensity grawfli, depending on the analytical Cw;d ACCESSION NR: AP4042725" procedure, and t Is time; &ey also sho~v that the.intensity of the line rbaches, a maximitm expressed by the equation its%. following which it subsided, "d that both'the integral and maxinhim izitensities may be used for measuring the coficenfratioii of the ele=~6nt being deteribined 4uantitatively. by emission spectral analysis..* Calibrating cuives'for the quantitaftive. determination of, Cr, Ba, Zn, Mn, Ag and Fli in solutions and. N1n, Cr, Za and KI in alloys,'plotted in a coordinate system of Igi P',:v6rsus.IgC!, are pkesented in thoarUcle. Orik. art. has: 2 figures and 4 formuMs. ASSOCIATION: JAstitut Mild AN BSSR (Physics Institute,, AN BSSR) ENCL:; 00 SUB D: 12Feb64 SUB CODE: IC, 1~0 REF'SOV: 002 OMR-. 1000 s a 2j2 M. -- -- ----- - A R- 1-101KOVSKIYj V.V. f7liukcitiki, V.V,.]; YANKOVSKIT, A.A. flArikou.-ki, A.A.] "ime base of eminzion spectra of P, low-voltage pulus Vootei A.'I L013R. mv, na-4:4C-42 104. OUR,', 18:3) HEMOYCHMSKIY, A.G. (Nepa~rdchytski, A.R.]; FINTEVYLV, V.V. (Pantalaleeu, U.U.); ~TANYMFSKIY,, A.A. [JAnkouski, A.A. Possibility of using the laws governing the burnup of matt~er in light sources in increasing the concentration sensitivity of spectrum analysis. Vestsi AN BSSR. 68-72 165. (MRA jqt1) REpOKOYCHITSMY, A.G.3 YANKOVSKII, A.A. Mechanism underlying the flow of -matter In light sources for spectrum analysis. Zhur. priki. 8pekt, 2 no,3:201-206 Mr 165, (MIRA l8t6) M 6". M Q WO _,*qj TIF nN -1~ -,,M~MR - -1V 46 'r1TW/D1A(d)/W; )I;W(Z)l 'b)_.'- -IJP(r-). L 4101 Vt X_ AP5018851 -603 XCU'MrON NR: UR/0369/6~/ /001/0996/0098,, 535-89 n Ya_h_kovsk1y___A AUTHORS: Pa teleyev V 1-TITLE.., ~P ossible-use of lasers for spectral analysis of copper-base ialloys ISOURCE: Zburnal prilcladnoy spektroskopii, V. 3, no. 1, 1965, 906-98 :TOPIC TAGS: copper containing alloy, brass, laser, spectrum analysis.. ;ABSTRACT: -The authors investigated the possibility of evaporating and exciting the atoms of the tested alloy by means of a laser, using, a solid-state laser similar to that deacribed by A. N, Boncb-Druyevich' et al (ZbPS, v. 1, 115,, 1964). The laser medlum was noodyinium glas!j, i, band the beam powe'r was approximately 10 J. The vapor produced direct,-'. ly by tbe la2er beam turned out to yield weak opectrograins, so that e -~r by meanu it became neac:irjary to o7cit. It furthe of an clectric dis-i charge. Inthis case one pulse f rom the laser was sufficient to pro- duce satisfactory spectrograms. The processes occurring,in.suoban 1/2 -card- ---------- ------ K L 443ln(~O ACCESSION NR:~ AP5018851 ard are described brief 1y, 4The spe tral-analytic capabilities of thel laser were tested 6n sili o " brass Ch strongly pronounged influencel of the third elements, and also on binary copper-aickel' Alloys. The I IresUlts show that altboug'h the amount of matter evaporated by the ;laser depends on the content of silicon. In the alloy, the influence ;,of the silicon on the spectrum itself io lower than In the case when ,~ordinary sources of light are used. This makes. the use of laser radi-i for emission spectral analysis promising because of the appre- !4ciable reduction of the influence of the third element. However, lbefore lasers can actually be used for spectral analysis it will be necessary to Increase the reproducibility df the analysis results, !since the average error ranges from 7 per cent, when spectrograms of ~the vapor produced by the-laser .1tself are obtained., to 25 30 per I !cent when an additional'discharge is-produced-,in.the vap6r. Orig. lart. hAs: 2 figures and l.table. 'ASSOCIATION: None !SUBMITTED: 02Feb65 00 SUB CODE: NR REV SOV: 005 OTHEIR.., 0 J. 03 Card L 2086-66 0,4A(k)/FBD/Wr(1)/a4T(m) I XC-C NR.-AP5026321-st-P,8/IJPCP-)--V-141-/ /gi?(t)/WP(k)/E7dP(b)/FwIA(m)-2/DIA(h)/Eo(?.)-2- -AUTHOR.,. Panteleyev,-V, Y.' Yankovskiy* Ae ORG: none TITLE: Utilization or laser radiation energy for ev.aporation of matter in spectral analysils SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy apektroskopil, v. 3, no. 11, 1 6 350-354 TOPIC TAGS- spectral analysis, all2y __ctr4,!Rin1Ysis, metal spectral analysis, laser beam spectral analysis, laser beam efficiency, laser beam matter evaporation ABSTRACT: An experimental investigation vr~z; ruade uf' the use of laser bearn for the spectral analysis of copper-based alloys. A GSI-1 laser with an output energy of about 2.4 cal was used. The laser beam was focused on silicon brass end binary cop- per-zinc alloy specimens through a 90-rza lens with a focal length of 200 mm. By assuming that all the energy absorbed by -qie specimen turra to luat ani 17.r wizig the kn5~Ti ther- mal properties of the material, an evaluation of the amount of energy expended on excitation can be made on the basis of the molten, evaporized, or chemically trans- formed quantities of the metal. The total weight of the fractions collected in the sealed glass bulb was checked against the weight of the samples before and after the experiment. The results agreed within 20 percent. Each specimen was struck ten timef for data averaging. Not calculated in tile experim,~nts was the energy expended on Card 1/2 UDC: 535.89 L- 2o86-66 ACC NR3 heating.the metal adjacent to the spot of Jimpact,.that conveyed to detached particles and that absorbed by the plasma flarei Their total, however, was shown experimentall, to ])-~ about 5 percent of the impact beam energy. The quantities of energy expended on displacement and excitation of atoms in the metal varied from 14 to 32 percent of the impact enerey, depending on the composition of the alloy. The average figure was 20 percent. The remainder (80%) of the beam energy was assumed to be reflected from theface of the specimen and diffused within the hemisphere roughly bounded by the plane of the face. A concave mirror, placed between the laser and the specimen, al- lowed passage of the impact beam through its central hole and made it possible to collect the reflected radiation over one-third of the area of the diffusion hemi- pphere, A calorimeter in the focus of the mirror was used to measure the energy thus reflected from the face of the specimen. Various details of the energy distribution were determined by positioning the mirror off the laser beam and by partially or fully diaphragning it. The measurement data of the reflected portion of energy were in fair agreement with the reflection factors of the eight different metals tested. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 2 tables. (FP] 1J, 7_66/ ACC 6036816 SOUiFCi~C0DEf*_--UH/O3W- AUTHORt Korunabikor..A, L; YankoYakiye A# ORG: none '0586/0594 TITLE: Certain special features of the generation of a planss, and its spectra under the effect of laser radiation SOURCEt 'Zhurnal prikladnay,spektroskopii, Y. 5, no@' 5,,1966, 586-59h, TOPIC TAGSt plasma, plasma jet, plasma generation, metal plasma, magnesium, aluminum 9,iron, copper, nickel, zinc, tin, leadq carbon, laser effect, laser spectroscopy,-shock wave physics ABSTRACT: An experimental study was made of the development of a plasma jet and its emission spectrum under the effect of laser radiation. Radiation from a 10-j solid-state GSI-l laser van directed by dielectric mirror onto a specimen and focused by an f a 200 mm lens. The plasma generation was recorded by a high-speed J62,500 frames/see) camera'on DK-35 film (sensitivity, 350 units GOST). The plasma jet spectroscopy was carrie4L out with an ISP-22.spectrographl, the .Tpectra were photo- graphed on RF-3 film.(senoitivity, 650 units GOST , Magnesium, alumin iron, copper, nickelp mine, tin, lead, and carbon were investigated. The results are shown in Table 1, It was shown that an explosion-like Card I PA UDCt 5 3 *r 5 2 AO NRI AP6036810 Table 2. Average volostiloo of plasma jot* and the amount of evaporated tube not per Vale TO-1-0-tti-I Owe-fe) at a dis,- Hamm Atoodo 1(1*oM of ronso. kwunt of Moment t=2 O= No Mnimon Surfamr. an temperature, W*Jcht tion of Mcm ( froporatod 5 10 go from Gr9dow" owrftooo, ~Anos, y4 Tin 12 4.5 232 119 9.7 Load 11.5 4.2 P7 307 54 U.2 Zino 9 4.1. 419 65 67 4.) "agnestan 11 3.8 650 24 - 1.0 Aluminuis 10.5 3.2 660 ry 74 1.2 Copper 0.5 2.5 1063 63 91 0.9 Hirkol 9 )01 U55 58 72 1.2 Iron a 2.7 1530 56 60 0.6 Pb2ybd- 5.5 2.0 2622 0.5* fw4dm 5.3 1.4 "90 164 60 .015 0.5 3.0 Acool U 27 son bomm*# U19 I of M 640 datag t Vol" Al" 64 on. MMM It 1 w&wtt~ Is 2 " : rem Motive*6 I Vale', . tb, b-Parature at *OSPO 2L3' Card, ACC-NR, -_ AP60-3-6, evaporation-Into PIAGM& occurs under laser radiation. The substance evaporates in the form of separate Jets vith-velocities up to 20 km/sece The supersonic outflov of the substance leads to the formation of a shock vave in the plasma. The emission of the evaporable substance is due primarily to-the luminescence of the plasma and ahock-vaye regions vhich, apparently, determine the nature of the spectra. Laser opectro- scopy of the experimental specimens exhibited intense continuous back- ground, 'considerable broadening and reabsorption of spectral lines, and the emergence of absorption lines. The plasma jet spectrum is practi- cally independent of the energy density of-the incident laser radiation* The structure of a plasma jet and its spectrum vary considerably vhen the'pressure of the air around the specimen in decreased. Orig, art@ hast I table and 4 figures* SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATRI 28Dec65/ ORIG RHYs. 0081 ATD PRESSt 5107 Aj WV-,OJL- wf NR. AR6028131 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/m/005POWDOT, AUTHOR: Burakov,'V. S...Zhukovakiy, V. V.; Haumenkov, P. A.;'-.Yankovokly, A. A. TITLE: Investigation of atomic absorption spectra of an electric diochargewith spatially separated emitting and absorbing layers SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abu. $D235 REF. SOURCE: Tr. Komis- p oskopii All SSSR, v. 2, vyp 1, ig6h, 478-483 TOPIC TAGS: absi7sption, atomic spectrum, electric discharge, gas discharge spectrosoco Py ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for obtaining atomic absorDtion s'Pqctz:a, based on the spatial separation of the same electric discharge into absorbing and emitting layers. Unlike the existing methods of atomic absorption analysis., the proposed method en- sures the production of atomic absorption lines with high excitation energy. A study is made of the iifluencc'of the discharge parameters and of the method of introduaing the substance ir the discharge on the character of the spectrum. The possibility is discussed of uaJig the obtained discharge to measure the relative probabilities of the transitions and ~o solve analytic problems. (Translation of Abotract] SUB CODE., 20 LCard 1 ji nut j~ R ff, Pailroads--Zlwitcl es Planning railroad switches, Trudy TSU11 f~TS no. 27, 1948. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1951, Uncl. -6- pt~ - i!jI., .'I '4 POVALIS11111A, T.P.; YAN?,OVbF.v., A.K. Geographical distirlbution of hevorrhagIc 7ever vith a renal syndrome. Zhur. m1krobiol, epid. i im=i. 40 no.5127-31 My 163. (MJRA 17:6) 1. Iz Instituta po lzueheniyu poliomiellta AM SSSR I Poskovskogo okruzhnogo voyennogo gospitalya. 0, OY-- i~ Mtn- qg 40 M - 5i"k -,X ~z YANKMKTI. A.K.; POVALISHINA, T.P.; VLASOV, A.S.; KOZHUSHKO, M.I.; SADOVSKAYA, Ye.V, Data on the natural foci of henorrhagic fever with a renal syndrome in Moscow Province. Zhur.mikrobiol.,epid.i i=nun. 40 no.12:46-51 D 163. (MIRA 1702) 1. Iz Instituta poliomielita i virdanykh entsefalitov AMN SSSR. .11 Allti;!'R_-~,~Y -f g!,- ?,f gt4 ~Y,, 1YI, hH, Ri 'W t'~ t~ 1~ 10~ ~ T' ~11 I V I 1~ 5 ASTSATIMOVO V.N., inzh.; YANKOVSKIY, A.V., irizh. Automqtic control of irjection birnora. Mnkh.1 avtom.praizv. 18 no.201-32 F 164. (MIHA 17:4) AS TOATUROT., V.N., lnzb; YANKOVSKIY, A.Y. Automatia control of Injection burnors. Hatsionalinatolia 15 no.5t19-20 lf~' I& qu E4 "Ile K1. -*,M T. 0" UNKOVSKlY, A.V. Pat".101OP-7 of infuscri~-nc-. Pep-rt flo.2-. L!fp, parasiting in Urosty2a and Pammocium. To"itologlia 5 ti:).4.-42&. 439 J:L-Pg 163. (MIF-4 17: 8) 1. Kafed,ra. zccl,r,,gli br-.apozvono,-,hiykh Lening-radskogo univFrsitet-a. IN, 4 A nalm V, YMTKOVSKIY, A.V. Morphology and evolution of Ciliophora. Report No.l: flev system of Heterotrichida occurring In sapropel. Zool. zhur. 43 no-4z503-517 T64 (14IRA 17:8) le Laboratory of Cytology of Unicellular Organismap Institute of Cytology, Academy of Sciences of U.S.S.R., Leningrad. M jL ~-N IIPT'~-e NO R nr~ YANKOVSKIY. A.V,. Conjugation in the rare brackish-water infusorian Paramecii= woodruffi. DAL Ali SSSR 137 no.4:989-992 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. loeningradskiy gosudarBtvennyy universitet im. A. A. Zhdanova. Predstavleno alcademikom 1. 1, Shmallgauzenom. (InfueoriA) (Reproduction) Z, Vr _:V lly~ L t:vP TIRI-1-IL~* 5., -W '0,700 0, IZO ,l .4i ~~P ~4:,' YANKOVSKIYP A.V. Nuclear reorganization of.the endomixis type in clones of Cyclidium glaucoma O.F.M. (Holotricha, Pleuronematidae). Nauch.dokl.vys. shkoly; biol.nauki no.4:14-19 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy zoologii bespozvonochnykh Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.A.Zhdanova. (CELL NUCLEI) (HOLOTRICHIDA) YANKOVSKIY, A.V. Conjugation processes in Paramecium putrinum Clap. et Lachm. Report No.2: Apomictic reorganization cycles and tho system of mixotypes. TSitologiia 4 no.4:434-444 Jl-Ag t62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Kafedra zoologii bespozvonochnykh Leningradakogo universiteta. (PARAMIUM) (CELL NUCLEI) YANKOVSKIY, A.V. Proceoces of conjugation In Parnmeclum putrinum Clap. et 'Uipchm. Report No.3: multiple system of mating types in P. utrinum. Zhur.ob.biol. 23 no-4:276-282 Jl-Ag 162. MRA 15:9) 1. Biological Department of the State University of Leningrad. (PARAMECIUM) (REPRODUCTION) 'r6 'N.6 36 -T -Z~A Vv F" tA YAVXOVSKIYI A.V. A case of parasitiffm of Tetrabymena, in the flatwom Himetce=m Test.LGU 17 no.21tI53-153 062o (HIM 15t12) (PAWITES-TUREELLARIA) (INFUSORIA) zg; px N"i W ism -~j 0i NAORIMPON 1,02R YANKOVSKIY, A.V. Differentiation of the ciliary apparatus in sapropelic infusorians. Dokl. AN SSSR 154 no.6tl462-1465 F 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom I.I.Shmallgau- zonom. 0"0" -M C R, BRAGINSKIYO M.B.; BOBOKHODZHAYEV, I.Ya.; YAi'TKGVSKIY, A.V. Duration of the courise of hemocy-toblautosis. Zdrav. Tadzh. 10 no.3:13-16 163. (MIRA 17:4) 1, Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. doktor med. nauk K,A, Khasanava) i patologialic-skoy anatomii maditsinakogo instituta imeni Abuali' ibri.-Sino. .YANIKOVSKIY, A.V. Conjugation processes in Paramecium putrinum Clap. et Lachm. Report NO.59 Return to amphimixicin mixotype B. Dokl. AN SSSR 163 no.23523- 525 J1 165. (MIRA 18s7) 1. Institut tsitologii AN SSSR. Submitted July 200 1964. LOPANOITY Ya.M.; YANKOVSKITY ItIv. Une of tho neutron aellivation method In dete-mirlrg b1stwith In rock and orts t,",plee. Izv. AN :Ser-. fiz.-mat.nauk 9 no.3s65-66 165. Wlfo 1.9a) 1. Instit-ul. yadernoy fizik-4 AN U7.!,:,R,. ~M:rnltted January 12, 1965. M R M~ P~ onovich; SHVCHU1Cv L.V.' red.; KHOLODUMIN, A-A*, WOV:XIY, Boris Ant wray; an account.of the history of navigation (On the Irtyah water on the Irtyahl No Irtyshokoi Mistrali; ochark po istoili sado- khodstva na Irtyehe. LOmok] Omokoe obl, knishnoe izd-vo, 1957* 70 P. (Irtysh River-Ruvigation) (MIRA lltg) YANKOVSKIYP B.A. y LIman following its cormection with tyle Fit,h fauna of Volochny- Sea of Azov. Hauch. do'xl. vys. shkoly; biol. nauki no.3:44-1+7 61. (MIRA .14:7) 1. Rek6mendovana kafedroy zoologii Melitopollskogo pedagogichoskogo instituta. (MOLOCOMYE, L&U-FISHES) V '-U MQ- jA R R NEN't Vs p I-110,1102HENKO Aleksandr Vasillyevich; YA~-'-UITEUX.,E~ ard GEIgorlyeYich IIAnovytolkyi, E.H.]; BEREZINETSt, L.T [B~erezynetsl, red. (Tables for calculating the radiation intensity of planetary atmospheres] Tablytsi dlia rozrakbunl-u intensy-vnostei vyp- rominiuvannia atrosfer planet. Kyiv, 1111aukova dunka,," 1964. 143 P. (14IRA 17:6) 7, ACC NRI'- AP6031637 SOURCE CODE ".-6'~/024'6~i~6iO'OO/OO9/0015/0017 AUTHOR: Vashkov, V. I.; Volkova, A. P.; Toetlin, V. H.; Yankovskiy, E. Ya. ORG: Central Scientific Research Disinfectant Institute, Moscow (Tsentral'nyy -issled- --.. . _... - - - _ _. .... "... . - - . _.Y. .. naucl~~o- ~ - ' ovatel'skiy dezinfektsionnyy institut ; 6WCi~al_Yesign Bureau for the ~_Chc',nical and Silicate-Ceramic Industry, Riga (Tsentral'noye konstruktorskoye byuro khimicheskoy i silikatno-keramicheskoy promyshlennosti) TITLE: Evaluation of the use of DDVP in an insecticide mixture SOURCE; Gigiyena i sanitariyal no. 91 19661 15-17 6 TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, DDVP, pesticide, aerosol, cholinestera .se activity,16;CJ4~.j ABSTRACT: -The toxicity of 8~3%', 92.12% and 99.46% DDVP mixtures was -tested on cats, rabbits, rats and mice enclosed in an aerosol chamber and exposed to aerosols with a density of 1 g/ml and a particle size of approximately 5,p. The experiments were con- tinued for 10 to 40 days and lasted about 2 hr each. Inhalation 'was less toxic than ingestion, in nearly all cases: at an estimated ,concentration of 15-18 mg/m3 of'air the compound produced no lobservable toxi6 effects over the entire 10-40 day period. (WA-50; CB9 No. 12]' SUB CODE: 06/ SUBH DATE: 24Feb66/ Card UDC: 614,449.57:[614.484:615.778.3 17 J W~, ti-Tlclt-, -7f' ft- ii-trnr mixture of 4-Q'~ 2~7 ia -1 ~ , -- ,-- ir~, ~ I :,~' , , ~ -~ 5-Y .~-: ;~ : ', - NR RUF SGVV 004 07AER: 004 -3-13i,QiCr H' ACC NR. AP6031637 SOURCE CODE: UR1G749/_&6/DDO_/U09/GGI3_/OOl7__ Ab-IHOR: Vashkov, V. I.; Volkova, A. P.; Tsetlin, V. M,.; ORG: Central Scientifi c Research Disinfectant Institute, Moscow (Tsentral'nY7 nauchno-issledovatel'skiy dezinfektsionnyy institut); Central Design Bureau for the Clic.-,ical and Silicate-Ceramic Industry, Riga (Tsentral'noye konstruktorskoye byuro khirmicheskoy.i silikatno-keramicheskoy pro-myshlennosti) TITLE; -Evaluation of the use of DDVP in an insecticide mixture SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no-. 9, 1966, 15-17 .TOPIC TAGS: insecticide, DDVP, pesticide, aerosoi; cholinesterase activity,-/Cr%;,A1 es was ABSTRACT The toxicity of 8 3%, 92.12% and 99.46% DDVP mixtur .tested on cats, rabbits, rats and mice enclosed in an aerosol.. charrib'erand exposed to aerosols with a density of 1 g/nl and a particle size of approximately 5.1j. The experiments were con- tinued for 10 to 40 z3ays and las ted about 2 hr each.. Inhalation was less-toxic than in nearly all cases: at an estimated :concentrat 'ion of 15-18 mg/m3 of air the compound produced no ....observable toxic effects over the entire 10-40 day period. (WA-50; CB'r, No. 12) SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 24Feb66/- Card' UDC: 614-.449.-57.,[614.484:615.77 q ~"Ovll Irl y ., fr, obl~f;, ol Lu YANKOVSKIYp G. Hydropneumatic rocket. Kx7l.rod. 14 no.3s26-27 Hr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Rukovoditell aviamodellnoy laboratorii oblastnoy stantsii yimykh tekhnikov, g. Zhitomir. (Rockets (Aeronautics)-Models) RN loan=== YANKOVSKIY, Cand or Med Sci (diss) "Ref lexes of the meaulla osIs-jum of normal bones and bones with tubercular foci." Riga, 1957, v8 pp (Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS Latvian SSR), 250 copies (KL, 29-57, 94) A OR Country : USSR rAtoGory: HUman and MorpholoGy (Nor,-x,-l _%nd Pathological). IPatholorgical ;~Matozw Abs Jc;ur: RZhBiol., No 2, 1959., No 7661 Author : Y=kovsk* 0 ' Inat ; '=~~~irzcntal Medicino of Sciences LatvSSR. Title Experimental Tuberculosis of the Bone in Cats. On the Problem of Cruntion of Models of Tubr-rculosis of the Bone. Ori(; Pub: Tr. In-ta eIcs-.L-K_-riu. ned. AN latvSSR., 1957, 15, 47-56 Abstract: It was shown in experiments on 23 cats that in intro- duction of tuberculous culture into the metnepipbysis of tibia, its limited affection devolops which usually Card 1/2 3 Country : USSR 3 CatcGory; Human and Animl Mor-pholoGy (Norwal and PAhological) Pathological Anatomy Abo Jour: RZhDiol., No 2, 1959, 110 7661 takes its course without aisseniruntion. The dissemi- nation of affoction runs in the proxim.,%1 mid distal directions. The reflex reactions are raorc Intensive in irritation of bone narrow of the affected bone than in irritation of bone narrow of the nornal bone, par- ticularly :Ln thu burinning and the he-idits of the process of bone tuberculosis. Card 2/2 8-53 KRAUKLIS, A. (Riga); YANKOVSKIY, o. (Riga) Segmentary displacement of skin vascular reflexes in the sick with tuberculosis of the bones and joints. Yestis Latv ak no.12:141-146 159. (EEAI 9:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Latviyskoy SSR,, Institut eksperimentallnoy meditsiny. (REFLUES) (SKIN) (TUBERCULOSIS) 20 41, q. IJ '12- SRI'- I'v w PS"k, V, M-LES, E.; LMOVSny., G. (JankovBkis,, G.); PRAULI79, G.. Electrooncephalographic data of mechanoroooptor and baroreceptor stimulation of the wal.1 of the uterus on the cerebral cortex of a pregnant woman. Vestis Latv ak no'.2:109-3-15 162. 1, Institut ekeporimontallnoy i kliniohoskoy meditsiny All Latviyakoy SSR. .. ~3 ~~P 4AI q N, "2NiV - 'iE ~R -Oz.�g "-?R 01 k Pit S/2851,/63/000/034/0217/0223 ,:AU:HCRi Yankovskiyp Os Aol Lazdap As 0* TITLE. The methodology of permanent implantation of intraosaeous electrodes in bons D=row for leading off potentials and stimulating it -SOURCE, AN LatSSR9 Inatitut eksperimantallnoy i klinichaskoy meditsiny*e Trudy*,p;. '-:no, 34, 1963& Regionarnoye krovoobrashcheniye i mekhanizmy* yego regulyataii, 'ARegional blood circulation and its regulation machanisms)o 217-223 TAWD. electrode -.Wr.LU , implanted electrode,, Intraosseous electrodep electro- .-~physiology,, bioalectronicap osteroreception ABSTRACTs A method of implanting silver electrodes in the upper medial part of ,,the rabbit and cat tibia was developed at the Laboratwy of Bioelectronics and ";Electrophysiologyp Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicinep Acaderv of (..Sciences Latvian SSR,,to assist in determining the functional condition of the ,~bone marrow in healthy animals under approximately natural conditions* The elec- Arodes form an integral part of a rectangular plastic electrode unit which is Cord _777 ..-14~~iACCEZSIOU NRs AT4022342 At ached to the bone by two metal or plastic screws (see figure). The position of ~,?P.Itfie three electrodes in the bone marrow permits their use individually or in dif- rent combinations with either a small or large inter fe -electrode distance* Tito :~-,-'electrodes themselves are made of silver wire with a cross-section of 0.4 mm with an inter-electrode separation of 3 mm, and are insulated with BF-2 insulating glue*. :~,:~jThe implantation surgery seldom resulted in postoperative complications, Position-i .1,,~ing of tho electrodes in the bona marrow was chocked rotgenclogically and anatom- 'ically. An eiaht-channel "Allvar" encephalograph and an ENO-1 osel.3-lograph which permit recording of.both spontaneous and stimulated electrical activity were used; ;a Oneurovar" generator was used to stimulate nerves and bone marrow. The'method "',is designated for physiological studies of osteoreceptions particularly in con- .,.-,.:inaction with re search on conditioned reflexes* ;AS30CIATION-. Institut-eksperimentalinoy i klinicheskoy moditsiny AN LatSSR '(Institute of Experimenital and clinical Medicine) P SUMaTTED 1 00. --DATE --13Apr64 -ACQ ENCLs 01 4- ,"'SUB CCOSI AM NO REP SOV s 005 OTtE Rs 000 C.,d 2/1 -A T -T ARG033796 SOURCE CODE: UR/0059/66/000/007/11011/11011 AUTHOR: Yanovski TITLE: Appearance of latent characteristics described by the sum of exponential functions SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizilca, Abs. 7Zh80 RE F SOURCE: Tr. Nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii. Leningr. elektrotekhn. in-ta svyazi, vyp. 2, 1965, 83-92 TOPIC TAGS; mathematical analysis, applied mathematics, biorthogonal function apparatus, exponential functions ABSTIVACT: The problem of determining characteristics composing the sums of exponential functions is investigated. An apparatus of biorthogonal. functions is proposed for its solution. An example Mustrating the proposed method is given. [Translation of abstract] [GCI - SUB CODE: 12/ Card SHTALI V., kand.geograficheakikh nauk (Leningrad)j YANKOVSKIY I., .9 . nfl-- .kand.geograficheakikh nauk (Leningrad) How to observe and evaluate the weather during flight. Grazhd. av. 12- no.11:12-14 N 155. (MIRA 15:9) (Yieteorology in aeronautics) YANKOVSKIY, I., inzh. Minsk housing construction combines. Zhil. stroi. no.7:11-13 il 161. (MIRA 14;8) (Minsk--Precast concrete construction) (Apartment houses) SBTALI, Viktor Alaksandrovich; !!LK4pnF -11~1 - I.,...Otvetstvennyy redaktor; SKEZHINSKLYA, I.V., redaxT bujIvyAlu A.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor [Ketaorology in aviation3 Mateorologila v aviateli. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheakoe izd-vo..1956. 83 P. (MLRA 9:7) (Ketaorology in aeronautics) MATVEYEV, Leonid Tikhonovlth, YANKOVSKIY otv, red.; YAsNoGopj,,)DsKAYAP M.M:,', [PrinciPleS of general meteorology$ Pbysico Of the atmOs- pherej Oanovy obshchei meteorologlis Fjzjka atmosfery. Leningrado Gidrometeolzdat, 1965. 875 p. (MIRA l8tl2) '!X .XA4KQISI~q;L:Lvan-Dmitr4yavich[IMIKOUSKI, I.D. W.KS3YOV, Vladizair Aleksandrovic'biMaksimaup U.A.l. nauchnyy Botr.; KATSYUsffN, M.S., red.; UCROKRUBAU, A.A., tekbn. red. (Intensive fattening of young cattle]lntensiuTW adkorm malad- niaku buinoi rah&ta:L--zbyvWyi Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-.-7a sell- skal~&cbmi lit-ry BSSR, 1962. 32 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Beef cattle-F.eeding and feeds) F ~rA TANENSKIYO I.I. The metrology of radioactive emissions. 8-0 '56. (Radloactivit7-Heasurement) (MM 10:2) '04M, MT -.2 -RV Ut i W, 3, R-A ON" - - - - - --- - - -- PRM=OVAp V.I.j BELOVA9 R.S.; YANKOVSKIYP 1-1- Working conditions in coring with neutron aources. Mad.rad. 5 no.2:62-66 7 160, (MIRA 13%12) (POLONIUH) (BERYLLIUH) (RADIATION PROTECTION) BEWVA9 R.Se; TMOVSKII'l I.I. Trainim of technical persomnel in.medical radiology, Ned@ rado 5 no,2t74mr6 IP 160. (KERA 13,10 (RADIOLOGY9 MEDICAL-STUDY AND TRACHIVO) ge~ Rck V, NON �R" 131 Mir z f; vo ot ' t i SN, YAROVSKIT 1 1, Pt aratua for automatic interpretation on the basis of the statistical method of signal emission, Geofiz. prib.-no.2Oi8-25 164. (MIRA 18:9) :L. 8potsiallnoye konatruktorokoye byuro eq~amicheskogo priborostroyeniyn. zzei FA P. '.' j"O R ? 3 YAIIKOVISKIT,,,K. -biolog-okbotoved Vanishing tracen of the Tunguska tragedLY. ZnA4*-fii2A 35 no.2:6-8 Ir 160. (MIRA 13:5) (Poakamehha7a Tunguska Valley--Meteorites) m YAMMSKIYt-K.. Siberian beavers. Znan.aila 35 no.7:18-21 j1 o6o. (Siberia-Beavers) (HIPA 13:7) !Y R. -w 3 W. TANKOVSKIT,,,Konstantin Artemlyevich; BOTVINIIIKOV, A.D.# kand.pedegog. na=,.naucnnyy *red,-; VYSHNSPOLISKIY, I.S.. red.; SUSWTICH, V.I*q tekha.rede [Teaching mechanical drawing in technical schools] Prapodavanie chorchaniia v takhnikumakhe Moakvnj Vaesouchabno-pedagog.isd-vo Proftekhizdat, 1960* 162 p. (KERA 13:5) (Mechanical drawing--Study and teaching) 2:" 1 - 2 J. 6, LJOSO-66 WT(i 1 0111 ACC NRs Ap6005351 SOURCE CODE: U AUTHORS: Lorne Shekht Ze Kho; Yank?y F ORG.- none TITLE: Device for, inserting kinematic corrections during rerecording of seismograms. Class 42, No. 1776 announced by �ppqial of Seismic--- 43 C all Instrument Manufacture of the "NizhnevolRoneftegeofizik T s~ no ___ru _(Spetsiall ye konstruktorskoye byuro, seysmichaskogo priborostroyeniya tresta "Nizhnevolgoneftegeofizika")7 SOURCEz Izobreteniya., promyshlenayye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki) no. 1, 1966p 93 TOPIC TAGSs seismograph., magnetic drum ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a device for inserting kinematic corrections during rereco ding of seiamograps~-'It consists of a magnetic dr an information carrier, and a readout head, To simplify the production of the device, an electric stepping motor is mechanically coupled to the readout head to insure its quasi-discrete motion (see Fig. I)* The motor is nupP34ed with a pulsed voltage with a programmed frequency of pulse sequence. Card 1/2 UDCt 550.340.8 -7 42oao-66 ACC NRt AP6005351 Fig. 1. magnetic dr" with i information carrier; 2 - roadout head; 3 electric stepping motor Orige art. hass 1 diagram. SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DAM 25sep64 LCord 2 2 Al RI AUTHORs TITLE: PERIODICALs Sov/100-58-6-4/11 Yankovskiy eer. so of Precast Reinforced Concrete in the Belbrusbian MR. (Primeneniyesborqpgo: zhelezobeton4 v stroitel'stve BSSR'.) Mekhanizateiya Stroitelletva No, 6 1958 PP 13-16 USSR ADSTRACTs The total volume of precas* reinforced concrete uaat inBelo--~ r.ussia between 1955 and 1957 increased by 2-j times. Sin'ce 1956 this expansion has been accompanied by the introduction of the most up-to-date economical constructions e.g hollow floor panels (58% of voids) requiring 11-7 kgo per 1m2 of steel reinforcbment. Expansion also took place in the field of precast prestressed reinforced concrete production, Trust No, 5. in Minsk and Trust No* 12 in Mogilev started production of prestressed reinforced concrete roof slabs for industrial buildings and component NII-200 beams of spans ranging'from 12-24m (see Figure 1) and precast assembled frames spanning 24m. (see Figure 2)o The Minsk Trust and theNo 9 Trust in Vitebsk turn out prestressed reinforced Card 1/3 F Use of Precast Reinforced Concrete in tht! Belorussian SSF. concrete ground beams, crane supporting beams and prestressed reinforced electrical grid pylons. Blocks of flats 4 to 6 floors high constructed in Minsk were standardised and approved by Gosotroy SSR. In 1957 Trusts 4 and 5 constructed two large skeleton- less blocks consisting of 30 flats design,.,d by the Leningrad Inatitute The panels of the outer wall are of cliW::er co-crete Mark 50, 50cm thick, of volume up to 3.67ms and weight up to 4,067 kgs. The foundations are of precast reinforced concrete type from concrete Mark 150. The roof construction consists of precast reinforced concrete slabs type PKZh. Crane BK-5-195 with a capacity of five tons was used for the assembly of thesa.blooks of flats. Large silica and, clay blocks were also used in housing. In 1958 Production of large walling blocks began. Aggregates used are "Agloporit" and"Keramzit" Multi-hollow reinforced concrete floor slabs as illustrated in Fig. 4 are used for school buildings. The manufacture of these slabs in metal frames is illustrated in Figures 5 and 6. Figure 7 shows a multi-hollow floor slab with prestressed reinforcement from steel Mark St- 5. Anchoring bolts for the prestressing of this reinforcement Card 2/3 M Sov/100-58-6-4/11 Une of Precast Reinforced Concrete in the Belorussian ~SSIR. are illustrated in Figure 8. Precast reinforced concrete flue and ventilating blocks as shown in Figure 9 are widely used. The method of casting is similar to that for hollow slabs (see Figure 10) Figure 16 illustrates a prestressed reinforced concrete roof' truss 1111-200 from spans 12-24M used for industrial buildings. Panels XSP 6mX 3m in size and also beams are cast on a special stand where reinforcement is tensioned by hydraulic Jack SM-513 of the VVIIStroydorm, type. There are sixteen Figures and one Table. 1. Reinforced c~ncrete--Preparation 2. Reinforced concrete- Card 3/3. Applications VIMMITGKIY, N.D.; ZAYKOVEKIY, I.M.; BASTIMN, S.60 , red.; KAWANOV, F., red.; X=CHITSf G,,, (Suggestions for greater efficiency made by White Russian builders] Ratsionalizatornkle predlozhaniia stroitelei Belo- rusaii. Minsk, Gos.jzd-vo BGS, 1959. 142 p. (MIRA 13:4) 1. White Russia. Hinistarstvo stroitellstya. 2. 2amostitell ministra stroitelistva BSO (for Ba'turin). (Building-'-Technological innovations) ATAINY, S.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; Z.ALOGO, V.F., inzh.; KOROBOCHKIN, M,A., inzh.; PENZIM3. , E.D., kand.tekchn.nauk-, ROGOYLIF, Ta.A., lnzh.; RAKMI, B.A., inzh.; RUBIN, V.I., inzh.; TIRIMITAIJB, I.D., inzh.; FROWV. N.P., knnd.tekhn.nauk; TANKOVSKIT, I.P., Jnzh.; MOROGOVMT, V.M.. inzh., reteenzent; OIMM~, imh.. red.; KAZAGHEK, G.A., red.; GOLUBTSOVA, P., red.; SUTANOVA, N., tekhn,red. [Builder's handbook] Spravochnik mastera-stroitelia. Izd.4., perer. i dop. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSSR. Red.nouchno-tokhn. lit-ry. 1959. 659 P. (MIRA 13;1) 1. White Russia. MiniBterstvo goroaskogo i sellskogo stroitell- stva. (Building) ,_TAILKOVSKIT, I. F., iazh. Automatic mortar and concrete plant. Nekh. stroi. 17 no.10:13-15 o 16o. NBA 13:10) (Automatic control) (Concrete plants) ig, .:51. va '3 Nr _141 P ANKOVSKIY I.P.; SKLYADNEV, V.M.;.ZAYKOVMY, I.M.; DORSKIY, H.Te.; LAKHTAN . A.7.; TXRZOGHUKO, Y.. red.; STITANOVA, N., [Introduction of automation in the construction indus'ry of the White Russian S.S.R.1 Vnedranie avtomatizataii no pr:dpriiatiiakh otroitellnoi industril Belorusekol =. Hinsk, Gos.izd-vo B=p Red.proizvodstvannoi lit-ry, 1960. 56 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Orgtekhotroi, trust. Minsk. (White Russia--Construction industry) (Automation) VERZKBITSKIY, N.D. L_jAUKQV3XIYJ..F~jKURATOVICH, P.P.; KRULI, A.V.; TEESSHCHENX0, V.p red.; D(VOVSKAYA, G... teklm. red. (Efficiency suggestions from construction workors of White Rus- sia]Ratsionalizatorskie predlozheniia stroitelei Belorussii. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo, BSSR) 1961. 151 p. (MIRA 15:10) 1. White Fassia. 1-tinisterstvo stroitellstva. 2. Zameatitell mi- nistra atroitellatva Belorusakoy SSR (for Krull). (White Ruania-Building-Tachnological innovationa) 7~.-""~ -J =RA, V.I.; ZAYKoVSKIY, I.M.; ROGOVIN, Ya.A.; red - VARENIKOVA, VS) tokhn. red. [Carpentry and joinery]Plotnichme i stouarrWe raboty. Minsk, Gosizdat BS9R, 1962. 235 P~Oinery) (MIRA 151:12 (Carpentry) k BCryKOy L.S.; SOKOLOVSK1-Y) M.V.,' FEY, V-M.,- X CUMI'llyYp V.1%; KAMOVI V,V.; PYATNITSKIYj A.A.; GIIASOVNIKOV, L.D.0 dots.j rotsonzent (Reducing and variable speed gears; atlas of designs) Reduktory i variatoryl atlas konstruktsii. 14oskva Mashinostroenie, 1964. 95 p. (MILk 17:111 1-7 .7. 7- SEREBRYAKOV, Aleksey Alekseyevich;.IAHN-QV,%-IY,,-KQAA_tantin-Arteml-Yovig - ~ _h; PUSIMIN, Mikhail Mikhaylovich; LEVITSKIYp V.S... nauchWy red.; BABULIN) N.A., namobnyy red.; BAIWIOVSKIY, nauchz~j red.; KOBRINSWA, M.V., red.1 PMN, M.N., tokbn. red. (Mechanical drawing) Cherchenie* 69y ispr, izd. Moskva, Wes. uchebno-podagog.izd-vo Proftokhizdat,, 1961. 225 p. (MIRA 14ill) (Mechanical drawing-Study and -teaching) 9 0 0- 0 0-0-* 0 Q-4 4 0 0 It It to 14 it It is I#A h 11 n a I. P A A I, wit - 1- t4 0 It 0 -to A I a A J -t- N-J-9 A A 0 to a &V it I yri V', A ' t of the Rommel ad tnes #At Industrial wa%n 0* &=Moab=-rtrvQ Industry. A. vitniogyAll-J. pp(&d CAM. 03) 8 = 0 j (MM Its Witte, by filtering i' (IM),-cu can be 1Z through Is lay" ol 11 x"lite, and nLmwrc-d from the xMitt zoo by treatnit t with WW. A. A. Pcdgumy to :0 1:4 0 - '90 0 L40 0 * 6 ~ - 6 ; 9! 00 1 , $a.%&a 00 J c;0 0 I* u a Lit OD w I or -k 2'-,6-4 , .0 00 0 ;q 0 0 9 0 'a to a 0 00 0 0 41 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1:0 00 0 a 04 4 k 4 0 0 C1,04-ilw-ri WIN 0 . - 0 - * IMI mie. ot 7se.*,av too 000.0 4,,bing Sck- A. I'lulnores SIMI F. U, C - Am'"" t r-- ItqtUffatlo" 0 t f wattf- 4 Will' tjcjjtrae~ it 6s gag. h bjj~ U.S.S. , ;",f It. 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