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117(10) .AUTHOR: TITLE- PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ..Card 1/4 SOV/177-58-7-9/28 Korchanov, L.S., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Pryakhin, I.I. and Yakubenko, A.V., Colonels of the Medical Corps Characteristic of Several Kinds of Combined Radiat- ion Injuries and Their Treatment Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, Nr ?, pp 44-49 (USSR) This article is an attempt ot generalize the ex- perimental material for studying the effect of pene- trating radiation in combination with traumas and wound infections. I.A. Peymer and A.A. Vikitin experimentally proved that a 800-r radiation of rab- bits disturbs their hemodynamics. According to data of A.A. Nikitin, I.A. Peymer (1952), V.M. Burmistrov, V.G. Slinko, K.K. Zaytseva(1956), traumas aggravate the hemodynamic disturbance and increase the death- rate of radiated animals. Similar results viere ob- tained by I.I. Pryakhin, L.S. Korchanov (1953-55). SOV/177-58-7-9/28 Characteristic of Several Kinds of Combined Radiation Injuries and Their Treatment Based on their experiments, A.V. Yakubenko (1953), M.N. Kondratlyev (1955) and V.K. Kulagin (1955) stated that in radiated animals the initial phase of a shock lasts longer than in non-radiated animals. The complex therapy of a traumatic shock in the initial period of the radiation sickness in dogs is fully efficacious but data of T.K. Dzharaklyan and G.F. Fakhrutdinov (1954) prove that intravenous injection of novocaine exerts an unfavorable effect on the course of acute radiation sickness in animals. According to data of I.I. Pryakhin (1954), the in- tramuscular injection of anti-gangrene serum in com- bination with penicillin prevents an anaerobe in- fection in dogs. Based on their own investigations of wounds of the soft tissue, complicated by an anaerobe and purulent-saprogenic infection in rabbits suffering from second and third staC;e radiation sick- Card 2/4 ness, the authors conclude that in the initial period SOV/177-58-7-9/28 Characteristic of Several Kinds of Combined Radiation Injuries and Their Treatment of the radiation sickness the natural non-speci- fie resistency of animals to wound infections is reduced. A.V. Spittler, I.V. Betch and B.A. Rutled (1954), A.G. Zemlyancy. (1955) and I.L. Krupko as- certained that the processes in the organism during the climax period of the radiation sickness take a negative effect on the formation of young osteogen tissue. The experimental material makes the authors conclude that penetrating radiation changes the reactivity of the organism, and radiation of ani- mals with sublethal and lethal doses cause a distur- bance of the haemodynamics in form of a pronounced hypotonia. General radiation with large X-ray doses .has no effect on the arterial pressure. Mutual ag- gravation of pathological processes in combination with a trauma and injuries due to penetrating ra- diation generally have no biological regularity, but Card 3/4 depend on the individual features of the animals. SOV/177-58-7-9/28 Characteristic of Several Kinds of Combined Radiation Injuries and Their Treatment According to Gempellman, Lisko and Gofman (1954) changes of the vascular tonus in a human after a general radiation are similar to the chan es ob- served in rabbits. P.D. Gorizontov (19M stresses the importance of the toxemic factor in the de- velopment of radiation disease. The physician's main task in the initial period of radiation sick- ness consists in taking measures to quickly heal the wound. The authors recommeiid in combined in- juries the application of antibiotics, beginning from the latent period, blood transfusion and vi- tamin complex. There is 1 Soviet reference. Card 4/4 KORCHANOT, L.S.,, polkavuik mad.sluzhby;_LAMR~~O, A.T.,, polkovuik med.oluzhby Some questions on methods of experimental studios in surger7. Voon.- med.zhur. no.10:55-60 0 159. (MIRA 13:3) (WOURDS AND IWMICS, experimental) KUDENKOO_A e,_D4qskva) Stationary flow of a viscous incomprossiblo conducting fluid in pi]~ba under uniform and nonuniform magnetic fields. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd, tokh.miuk.Mokh. i mashinostr, no. 1:90-95 Ja-F 161. (KIRA 14:2) (Pipe-Hydrodynamics) (Magnatohy&odynamics) 20632 S/020/61/1,6/o,)6/008/024 Lj B104/B204 /02 0 L AUTHOR: Yakubenko, A. Ye. TITLE: Motion of an incompressible conducting liquid in the form of plane waves in consideration of the emission of electromagnetic waves PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, v. 136, no. 6, 1961, 1310-1312 TEXT: The author investigates the oscillation of a plane layer of a conducting incompressible liquid of finite thickness. This oscillation is produced by the liberation of energy, Ev in the liquid and by .the counterpressure, p, on the free surface of the liquid, which is produced by an external magnetic field and an external medium. By the oscillation of the free surface# an electromagnetic wave is emitted by the latter. In his investigationsp the author proceeds from the drawing shown in Fig. 1, a-*d assumes infinite conductivity for the liquid. If xo is the position of a liquid particle at the time t - 01 it follows from the continuity condition that x - xo + A(t) (1). Owing to the infinite Card 1/4 S1020 61/136/006/008/024 Motion of an incompressible ... B104/004 conductivity of the liquido the magnetic field Is invariableg and for t - 0 one obtains Hz = -IXO/2ca, JX01!S a , Hz - -1 sign x,."'C 1X01 !~a. 2a is the thickness of the plane liquid layer. For calculating the pressure distribution, the following differential equation is obtained: X0A11(t) -(1&)(p + 11 2/8n) + B(t) (4). B(t) is an arbitrary function, z and A(t) and B(t) may be determined from the boundary conditions. On the assumption that on the edges of the liquid, the total pressure is P - P + H2/an 9 the result B(t) - 0 is obtained from the corresponding z boundary conditions. The jump of magnetic field strength occurring on the fren surface of the liquid is explained by the occurrence of a surface current. Further, the following relation is obtained from the wave equation and the Maxwell equation of the system investigated here for the field strength of the external field with x0 . a; H 't,a) -(I/2o)/(l - AI(t)/c). Thus, with a Blight neglect, z1k Cai e. 2/4 S1020161113610061008102A Motion of an incompressible B104/B204 2 028%0 P(t,a) p, + I AI(t)/2 ard from' (4): All 3 2 2 2AItt)/i6n'~ao I/a?)(p -(13) is obtained. +,I /32%o d from (1), and the energy equilibrium The initial conditions are obtains at the first moment. With t - 0 A(O) - 0; 0 They read: A I IjEo/9 a R02)/?' (t/a), holds. By means of the following substitutions: T V(PI+12/32 2 2 2 3 S(p +12 u A(t)/a E +I /327(o )a I /16no 13 ~he OAP1 following system of.differential equations is obtained from this system: ~2 u/dt2 d~ +,.xdu/4v -1 (15) and u(0) 0, (du/dlr)t,_O.- V vo ' (16). + -solution of (15) reads: U(U) 0 -ar) t/a (17)- he (1 - e T There is I figure. Card 3/4 Bl 04/B204 motion of an 'incompressible ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: October 129 19609 by L. 1. Sedovj Aaademi6ian October SUBMITTED: io, 196o Y1,Y1A r111A 20632 YAKUBENK~, A.Ye. (Moskva) Some problems involving motion of a conducting flaid in a plane channel. PHrF no. 6t7-12 N-D 163. (MIRA 1737) a 77-7-- L 1709a-w6 (I)IEW (k) S/EW,(b)!!2/L1S(w)-2 AFMIASD ED-3/AFWL/. EWT /ED Q/z #1-4 Po-4/Pab--4--- AT AUTHOR: Yakub Ienkoj_ A. 76. (Moscow) TITTZ.: Soma solutions of otoady-flow motion equations of an inoompreselbloo Vincous..elootrically conduoting fluid RIODICAL; -Zhurnal -prikla(~4,oy za.akhamW I takhnichaskoy fiziki, no. 2j 1963,, 73-79 TFM: The author discusses two problemn concerning the flow of a viscous, conducting fluid In a magnetic field. The first,represente'the flow of a conducting fluld,through a -tube of elliptic croea section. Slailar problems concerning rectangular and circular tubes ware solved earlier (Rof. 1: 1. Shercliff, Proo. -Phi-l-.-Boa.,-1953,-V-01,-49,-R- 136; Rof- 2: Ya. S. Uf1jund, ZhTF.. 1960.. vol. 30, "Ij-Makhaniki-i-mashinoo-Wrop no. 10; Ref. 3:- A. Ye. YaJmb6nko., Izv. -Aip, 1961, no. 1). 'The motion Is due to a constant pressure gradient along thq tube., and the outside-magnatio field Is uniform and transverse to the dirootioa of flow. The author shows that tho presence of the magnetic field causes a decalarationof the flow. The second problem descrIbes.the motion of an elliptical rod and of a -plate of finite-,width-in-an-inflnite-fluidliko in the case of the elliptical tube., Card 1/2 17092-63 S/20T/63/000/OW/WT/W5 7 SOM13 aolutions-or.-, Tho'external magwtio- fiald is alcog -the minor eami-axle vh1Ia -both the 1nduo*4 magnetic rie3A and velocity have ccly components-In the dirsotion perpendicular to the elliptic cross-sootion of the rods The plate part of the problem vas already --,--solved by H. Hasimoto Oafs 4: Journal of Fluid Moohanics, 1960,, Vol. 8,, pt. 1) for large and small Hartmana numbeire using the approximte solution of the integral equation. This paper presents the, solutions for any values or the En-tmann number. The analysis shows that the velocity and magnetic fields differ from zerg only within a narrow layer of flow adjoining the surface of the body. At high Hartmann numbers, the sharp incroaae in ramistan to motion can be explalmd by the reduction in width of this adjoining layer causing the veloolty drop over an extremely short distance. Derived equations show also that for an arbitrary Mtrtmann number the idoaUv conducting plaia suffers a larger resistance to moticn then a corresponding nonconducting surface. The additional resistance Is due to ad4,y currents Interaction within the otLtside, magnetic fla]A. Tbare are 4 figures. C~ r--,d-- 2/2 ----------------- d L 04492p S/0179/63/000/006/0062/0065 CC ESS ION N R AP40 k' Ir ,~-UTHOR: Yakubanko, A. Ye. Vto s cow) ifTLE: The problem of the.entry or a conducting liqtkid into a plane channel S6URCE: AN SSSR. Izvestlyn. Mckhanikn I masbinostroyeniye, no. 6, 1963, 62-65 TOPIC TAGS: hydromagnotic flou, boundary.lnyar, Hartmann flow, in- cagral relations method, Incompressible Quid, Incompres.sible flow, viscous fluid flow, motion equation, conducting fluid ABSTRACT: A method of integral relations is applied to deternine the length of the entrance section of a parallel-plate channel with in- sulating (case 1) and conducting (cane 2) plates through which an in- compressible, conducting, and viscous fluid flows in the presence of aimagnetic field, with R. ccl. The entrance section ends where the boundary layers on the upper and lower surfaces merge to a fully de- v,'Cloped Hartmann flow. It is assumed in the first cas! that the Cord -1 /3 L_ AC.CESSION ::R: A11400449Y no.T'nctic field is normal to the platess 'the velocitv distribution is uniform and R