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L 3151 r(I (M) P(t)/FTT I I ~CC Mt AP6008552 - SOURCE'CODE: UR/0166/667000/001/0081T6004 AUTHOR: Kellbert, S. L.; Nagaybekov, R.B Yagudayev A. M. 73 ORG: Physics-Technical Institute, AN UzSSR (Fiz'k--tekhnicheskiy Institut**1109R) TITLE: Some problems of pulse discharges In a vaclp- SOURCE: AN. UzSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fi7iko-matematicheskikh nauk, no. 1, 1966, 81-84 TOPIC TAGS: refractory metal, pulse discharge, elee'Lrode, metal property ABSTRACT: The authors study some problems of heavy-current commutation ai-A erosion of electrodes made of refractory metals (Mo W) In a vacuum. An analysis is made of the diffusion products precipitated on various FaN layers. The erosion of Mo, W electrodes has been determined in a vacuum In a.pulse discharge. A qualitative dependence of the pro- ducts of erosion on the parameters of the circuit Is detected. A possibility Is established for the creation of coatings of refractory metals of various density.' Orig.. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: 11 SUBM DATE: 02Jul66 ORIG REF: 001 'OTH REF: '001 w V1, LLard 'huppe, surf-ace Jov-izaf.iorill Tl-udy Yagudayev, If. j ~..n in-ta (Akad. nauk Uzbek. S-31R.), Vol. II, Issue 1, 1948, p. 6c~-94, Eibliog: 9 '4- S0: U-3261, 10 A-ril 53, (LetODiS 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 12, 1949). -e fur d-lic7cm frm3 -T~ wan I., dealf nown mb- k!tt"$1v C, it- toils- t- 01 W2 Y 1-7 V U Y AUTHORS: Nosenko, B. lot., Strukov, 1I.A. and 'Yagudayov, hl. 1). 111,11LE: Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions. (Lywainestsentsi7a kristallofosforov pri vozbuzhdenii ionami.) PE11IODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.III,. 14r.4, pp1.351-355. (USSR). ABST"CT: This paper was read at the Plfth All-Union Conference on Luminescence (Tartu, June 1966). It reports results of the work on luminescence on excitation with ions, Card 1/6 carried out in the Department of Physics in Mid-Asian State University imeni V.I. Lenin, in Tashkent. The workWas partly published in the local journals jRefs.1-4). Ions of "medium" energies were employed. These 11medium" energies are defined as the energies at which no ionization occurs due to the Coulomb interaction in the motion of the particles. The upper limit of such 'Imedium" energies is of the order of 5-1U0 keV, depending on the ionic mass. Only a small number of papers have appeared so far on luminescence due to ionic excitation Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions. 51-4-9/26 (Refs.5-8). The present authors used comparison of ionoluminescence with cathodoluminescence as the basis of their measurement. The same place on the screen was irradiated by an ion beam and an electron beam. One source of ions and electrons was used, together with a focussing system anda receiver, which included the screen. Uniformity of the.ionic beam wa;7 controlled by magnetic analysis. To avoid charging of the screen ton which phosphor was placed) by the ion beam, the phosphor was ~,a thin layer (0.3-0.5 mg/cm2) on an aluminium base, and ~t was excited by ion pulses of low density. To improve the conductivity of the phosphor it was heated 'j. auring measurement. he main series of measurement vr,as made,on willemite. lonoluminescence of ZnS-Ag, ZnS ZpSMS-Cu, CaS04-Mn, CaMgSi 0 -Ti, and sublimates KI-Tl, -and Cd12 ~V6 V~I-Tl, OdBr2 act ated with Mn and Pb. The pj~osphors were excited with positive ions of alkali metals of energies from 0.5-6 keV. The spectral distri- Wtion and brightness of emission, and their dependences or the type of exciting ion, on its energy and on the Card 2/6 ;ree of irradiation (ageing effect) were studied. Luminescence oj- Crystal Phosphors on Sxcitation with Ions-51-4-9/26 The spectral dintribution of emission was the same for iono- aiid co tho(to ltuo ine seen ce. Ageing of phosphors under the actibn of' lo-i does not change the spectral distri- bution 09 0-1-Aiss"Loil. Brightness of emission is proportion- al to ioniic-cur3' uiit density (from 10-10 to 10-6 A/cm2). Tho lirlit ,_~ . yielci on i onolurai. ie sconce depends on the type of ioli (hoaVier ions excite the phosphor less). Table 1 dves values of t-lie ratio of the light yield of iono-~ 1~riinescence to the li!,-)at yield of cathodoluminescence Uat the sw,'_,ie enel-gies) for the phosphor Zn2SiO4-bIn, ing Li, Va, K and Cs ions of 1.2-6.0 keV. For other phors the values of this i~atio are of the same order. = Vnder the action of ions the phosphor is decomposed and i ' ilia luuminescent properties deteriorate. The rate of comPosition of a phosphor b~ various ions of the same et, orgy is the swae; it rises with the ion oneriy. The 3:-te of decompoBf-tion of various phosphors is very differert. il~ehl (Ref.9) foand that the rate of ageing on ion Irradiation in phosphors based on zinc sulphide dues not Card .3/6 /depend on the activator concentration. The present 61-4-9/26 Luminescifice of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions. authors found the same to be true for the phosphor CaS04-bln. Decomposition (ageing) due to Nal K and Cs ions is irreversible. Decomposition by Li ions is partly reversible. The process of ageing is due to :1 structural damage produced by themoving ion in the crystal. The results obtained in the study of iono- luminescence may be used to explain certain aspects of interaction of ions with solids. Althoueh-the path of' an ion in a crystal is much less than the path of an electron of the saj-.,io energy, the density of ionization (or,-more correctly, the density of excitation) due to wl ion is of the same order as that of' an electron. The r4echanism of ionization proposed is that on approach of an ion to an atom~in a crystal, and. on displacement of such an atom, a strong deformation of the electron clouds occurs. In such a process the excess of potential ener6y may be,transferred as the oner,~y of excitation to the. 01"O'etrons iii such clouds. Depth of the action of ~he':Ions ,in a crystal can aloo be found frora iono- lwiinesco~ca. This vias done aa follows. First the 10ard 4/6 phosphdr.~Vlas irradiated with ions until luminescence was Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions. 51-4-9/26 destroyed (the ageing effect discussed above) in the layer penetrated by ions. The depth of this layer was measured by ccuipwing- cathodoluminescence on a -fresh and an aged phosphor; in the latter case electrons had to traverse the layer in which luminescence was destroyed by ions before they (electrons) could excite the phosphor. Table 2 shows the estimates of depth of penetration (in R) of Li, Na, K and Cs Ions of 2.4-6.0 keV in willemite. This depth of penetration by ions is found to increase.with ion energy. Once again the behaviour of lithium was quite different from that of the other three ions. A mothod olmilar to that just described for measurement of the penetration ,depth can be used to find thickness of the iayer removed (pulverized) by irradiation of a phosphor with iona. There are 2 tables and 11 references, 6 of which are Card 5/6 Slavic. w mr~ V, 51-4-9/26 Luminescence of Crystal Phosphors on Excitation with Ions. ASSOCIATION: * Chai3~ of General Physics, Oint=1 Asia State 'University, Tashkent. (Kafedra obshchey fiziki, Sredneaziatskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) Tashkent.) SUBMITTED: January 31, 1957; submitted to the Editor of "Izvestiya AN SSSR" on December 8, 1956. AVAILABLE: Librory of Congr,ess. Card 6/6 G- SUBJZCTt USSR/Luminescence AUTHORS: Nosenkog.P.M.t Strukov, N.A. and Yagudayev, M.D., TITLE: of Crystallophosphora Excited by Ions (Lyuminest- Luminescence l sentsiya kristallofoeforov pri vozbuzhdanii.ionami) PERIODICALs Izventiya AkAdemii Nauk SSSR Beriya Fizicheakaya, 1957, l 21 01 0 V USSR~ # -7 o 59 pp 7 3 ( , ABSTRACTs The following phosphorat Zn 2Sio 4-Mnj ZnS-Agj CaSO 4-Mn; CuSI,CdS-Cu, and sublimate:Dhosphors: KJ-Tlj NaJ-Tl; CdBr 2; CdJ 21 activated by Mn and Pb were investigated. The excitation ~was performed by positive ions of Li, Na, K, Pb and Cs with energies from 0.5 to 6 kev. The basic method of investigation was comparison of ionolumi- nescence with cathodolumineseence. Results of this investigation are as followas The spectral composition of ionoluminescence does not differ from that obtained by electronic excitation. Card 1/3 TITLEt Luminescence of Crystallopho 'sphorB Excited by Ions (Lyuminest- sentsiya kristallofoeforov pri vozbuzhdonii ionami) The luminescence spectra of a "fresh" phosphor and a phosphor subjected to a prolonged irradiation by an ion beam are the same. The brightness of luminescence is proportional to the density of ion current and linearly depends on ion energy. The light output of ionoluminescence depends on the mass of ions. For willemits it amounts to 4 % of cathodoluminescence output at excitation by Li +. and about 0.5 % at excitation by Cs+. Th'.e quantity is different for.various phosphors. The deterioration of luminescence (aging) of a phosphor is determined by' thedensity of irradiation. The speed of aging is different with various phosphors and.does not depend on the concentration of activator. Zinc-sulfides are most liable to aging, and alkali-haloid sublimate-phosphors are the least liable. A scheme of the aging process and mechanism of ionization, which is brought about by a heavy partible in the solid body, is suggested by thi authors. The report was followed by a discussion. Card 2/3 48-5-31/5� TI TLEs Luminescence of Crystallophoaphore Excited by Ions (Lyuminest- sonteiyt kristallofoeforov pri vozbuzhdonii ionami) One Russisai referonc* is cited. INSTITUTIONt Central-Asian State University im.Lanin PRESENTED BYt SUBMITTEDs No date~indicated AVAILABLEI At'the Library of Congress. Card,3/3 21 'j62/000/001/006/009 B1251PI04 AUTHORS. Dalctskiyj G. :9., KniCin, P. I.j Landqman, A. P., O~ P. , Shavrin. N. V., Yagudayev, M. D. TITLE: Effect of nolar energy carc~n ra t tion upon the operational properties of (a -0 ar phatopiles Akadomiya nauk Uzbekakoy OSR. Izventiya. Sarlya -fiziko- rBRIODICAL: matematicheakikh nauk, no. 1, 1962, 49 T ErAT A.joint investif;ation with the VITIIT was conducted by the authore in Tashkent from April to June, 1961 on the output power of silicon photoconve,rters of luminous -flux. The aim is to collect data for the The Sun's light vrat concentrated construction of a solar power,station. B_cm2 water- throurh an ordinary parabolio:oylindrical mirror-onto the 26 cooled silicon photopile constructed at the above Institute. The angle or incidence of the Sun's rays was of no practical significance for the precent purpe.Del., The maximum yield funct!on 4 11he pilos.roce, although somewhat - tts/~2, at surface -more slowly, even at photocurrenie.of 6600-7700 wa tomperatures.fr6m 100C to TOOC and air temperature rom 150CL(i.a., f 'Card 1/2.. z !;/166A7/oco/coj/c-c6/C*9 2 5/B Effect of t.. 131 104 under practical operational conditions). Thin also holdo in the cas,, of considerable tompordturit differoncen between the pile and the nurrouniint, medium. It probably takea hiGher luminoua fluxes for saturation to be Icrease The max4mum output power vas 4~4-2 viatts. At an n -brought about. of the luminous flux fr)m 0 to,7000 kcalb-ii-hour, the pile emf roan- by only -6~~. Since pile heati-ag, by.luminoun flux produces a-linoar power reduc- 5 tion, :it is neceseary to develop i!Mcient cooling eystems, The iprocal exchant:e of:photoconverters in the pile would also nerve to rea check th's power drop_~Since the temperature difference between pile and air can attain rather.bigh values In the extremely hot summers of Soviet -Central Aoia,'the,power drop can be conaiderable. Tho.yield function of Solar power stations ccuia be aurmLnted to the eight to ~improving thd:cooling eyatom, b providing uniform,illuminatiofi all over the pile surface, and by enuurine.optimum,committation conditions. There are' 6 fi&mroa and I soviet refarence.- ASSOCIATION:, 'Fiziko-toklinicheakiy inatitut Ali UzSSH (Phyaicoteahnical Institute of the AS.Uzbekokaya ISSR). Voosoyuznyy n.-i. inoti- tut istoohnikov toka, (All-Union Scientific Reacarch In3titute of Current Sources) 4M: August 1 1961 4, ~UBMI3 1 ar z / . v -, "; -~,m i I . 1 :`F , - .: m to , SOURCE, qeliotekhnika, no. electric power station, )n _e converslc TOPI C jar en~. silicon ng me r. hrLS a f~r -ABSTRACT; Uzbekist an L"= nts (15 x 10 Inm eaerl, in 1962 in leme - pr Phc-toe- _e '6.7%. Tkie conver-ul heigat Of pments in hour to 0, ii, aevelo abo,_It "'On"o western ar.- are eTapha r6 The revieW of 15 arious aVIIIee"0-r'-q Igolar energy Conver,j)Ion for V _:i,card 1/2 L 52747-65 ACCESSIM HM AP5912024 J 4ct:- :.-I,) it: solstr light fluxes o-f up! to 5 kv/m2 the: output power increases to' Wes up- -11 . / kv m2: no saturatiad is attainect, even though i the rate of output inrreaiie is reduced: 3) collectors must distribute light evenly over the photosensitise surface; 4) tne photoDattery must be provided with ar, effi._ cient heat remova-I syrtem; and 51 a mechanism for automatically orienting the '-r.- stallation towp-rd the sun ip necessary. It Is con~_Iudcd that, becauae cf the ,cost of silicon (which is still considered the most effective material), photo- ivoltaic converters calmot at present compete economically vith,other means of energy, A (ZLI .W t tilt Ut ~~R PhkaIcdtechnb:dl- Institute. OCIAT A N.-j -.I~r sc7: -'THEP: 00i SbT cf,-IIE: ATE F4ZSS: 4013 52579-65 5,'T(r~.)/D]P(w)/Ea(d)/T/EWP(t)/-ViP(b'I JD ACCESSION N A115012028 `R- (a/0377/65/(JOO/001/0031/00,78 lacentTe-M ~M/ k, A Ye. Ncc~n AUTHOMiffaguiiavey ashn _y!IN~Yu, Ye. 'Nfavaahe%,, Yu. Y; 1"ITLE: TKktaTr2rature olar furnace 2 m in diameter SOURCE: Gelitoteklnika,lno. 1, 1965, 31-38 TOPIC TAGS: solar furnaci, solar energy converter, heliostat, reflector orientation, gaig-system electronic tra ABSTRACT- A two-meter solar furmice with a hellostat was constructed in 1962 at the solar laboratory of the FTI All UzSSR in order to permit the study of then-noph Pical of-materials at high temperatures. TM furnace consists two unitz, a parabolic reflect:)r with a mirror (2 m in diameter) an(I am orientato-r. euach having Its rr~vn svstern :if a2imtthal-,.eniLrial axes. T--t~, can be uspd: (,ii t--)r thp riirort "n 1:t'~: 'T! the h"1..-!.'i1 j f'ho L t L: were used to dext r-mae trio heat flux at the focu& (1600 kcal/hr. for Lhe two-meter 'R: AP5012028 ACCESSION N furmace ~~vithovst tl~e heliostat and 1400 kcal/br, writh tlj,-- heliostate) and the density of ths) heat flux at dhe focal s-,ot (1-3 x106 kcal m C- hr. .. The determination ot, the optical characteristics o. the nagh-ternperature solar furnace - size and shape of the focal ~F f-7"--< rjorcify eivor th., Fwal imagp. rpflection coefficierts of the A I v r) 1 ;Lad I lom, ulas, e7-~e- A -11, T 3~: T !-7 -q-gR [Phvczfi--q amd Prir-InoorlIng SUB11.11TTED: 02qo,iG4 ENCL~ 00 H UB CODE: TD, MT NO REF SOV- 0(3 IDTH ER., 004 2- kd SIO 5 8/63/000/00 1/0 5 9/1 A160/A101 AUTHORSi Krivovyaz,., I. M., T-=: 'The use'of infrared absorption speotra for studying the processes of briquet and cokebriquet-formAtion _PERIODICAL: Referativnyy 7:hurnal, Fizika,'no. 1, 1963, 30, abstract Md1l 0 .("Uzb. khim~ya zh., Uzb.-khim,.zh.", n 3, 1962,-77 - 82, mmary in zbek)' bm -an efficient methr;.' ed ra may~serve-as TEXT: It is shown that the infrar speot bd *. for itudying the machanism.of briqujet.and-coke briquet formation. It waa as-, tablishea thati under the effect of the thennal action in the investigated ~wwbon-, .0 .Subatahces,thc decay of the H-bonds, Snds at a temperature of -1*0 C for Inter- molecular. hydrogen bonds, .. and . at-600 C -* for intra'moleculal, bonds. A gen6ral dis- 0 appearance of the infrare'd bands of functlofial.oarbon groups -~ 8W .C. The so-called "volatile" part' of the o Iarbon are apparently copo .lymeric 11nks which bind in the.initial carbons monotype condensed links (humites) of the I=- -v olatile part. The.peculiar features in the.struoture of the oarbons are the Card 1/2 YAGUDAYFVijLR.g VDGVTSOVAp Ye.A. A,4kUtio.n of aromitic~ compounds with dlen's hydrocarbons. Part 6.1 -Speittrallnvestigw',ion of products of alkenylation of phenetole with pij~~ryiene iri the presence of anhydrous orthophosphoric acid. Zhur. ob. IdAm. 32 no.7~,2184-2190 Jl a62. MU 15 -.7) 1 0 stitut khimii rastitellnAh In veshchestv-AN Uzbekskoy SSR. (Pheneltole) (Piperylene) ----------- YAGUDAYEV, M.R.; SHEYNKER., YU.N. Integral intensity of the"deformation, vibration bdnd of an amino group in infrared spectra of substituted anilines. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.12:2230-2232 D 163, (MIRA 17:1) Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i Institut khhnii rastitellnykh veshchestv AN UzSSR. YAGUDAYEV, M.R.; pOpOV, ye.MV; YAKOVLEV, I.P.; SHEYNKER., Yu.N. Frequencies and intensities of infrared absorption bands of the stretching and deformation vibrations of the NH, group in primary amines. Izv. AN SSSR Ser. khim. no.7:.1189-1196 il 164. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR i Institut organicheskoy khimii imeni Zelinskogo AN SSSR. m YAGUDAYEV, M.R.;,SIIEYNKER, Yu.N. Integral intensity of bands of stretching and deformation vibrations of a primary amino group in different solvents. Uzbikhimzhur. 8 no.4:86-89 164,9 (MIRA 18t12) 1, Institut khimii rastit6lInykh veshebestv All UzSSR. Submitted August 22, 1963. FASMAN, A.B.; KABIMV, T.; SOKCLISKIY, D.V., akademik; YAGUDEYEV, T.A. Promoting the skeletal nickel- catalyst by a---cnz 65 of transition metals. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.3i600-602 MY '0 (MIRA 18 5) 1. Kazanskiv gasudarstvenryy universitet im, S.14,Kirova. 2. AN KazSSR (for Sokollskiy). assi8tent, kandidat meditsinekikh nauk; ZHILINA, V.V., ordinator; YAGUDIN, A.D.. ordinator. Aloe.extract therapy in parodontitis. Stomatologiia no.2:20-22 Mr-4-154. (MLRA 7:4) 1. Ix kafedry terapevticheakoy stomatologii (zaveduyushchiy - professor Ye.Ye.Platonov) Mockovskogo meditainskogo stomatolo- gicheskogo institute, (direktor dotsent G.N.Beletakiy). (Teeth-Miseases) YAGUDIN 14 BAKSHI-SARACH V., starshiy inzhefter Mechanizing manual operations at Zaporozhlye enterprises. Sots. trud 6 no.12:114-119 D 161. (MMA 14: 11) 1. Zamestitell nachalinika proizrodstvehno-takhnicheskogo otdela Zaporozhoskogo sovnarkhoza (for Yagudin). 2. Proizvodstvenno- tekhnicheskiy otdel Zaporozhskogo sovnarkhoza (for Bakshi-Sarach). (Zaporozhlye Province-Automation) SVERDLOV, Ge]yLriy Maksimovich - YAGUDI12 KOVALENKO, B.M., ved. red. (Systems awl means for the tattomation of the technol- ogical proce3ses of petroleum production] Sistemy i sredstva avtoi!oatizatsii tekhnologicheskikh ob"ektov nefttedoby~,hi. Moskva., Nedra., 1964. 157 p. (MIRA 16:1) KUIAKOV, D.V.; OGIIKIN, F.V. WIPOVA, V.V.) SIMAKRIA, N.V.; Z.Khft-_ aMENSHCHIENTA, 1U.; ClIMMIUSMINA~ V.14.; YELIELYEV, I.A.1; CHMVYAY%OVA, A.P.; IMEZU., A.A.; FEDGIFOVA, A.I.; SILKIIIA, I.V.; NOVIKOVA, V.P.; TMOVA, V.Fe; ITESVETAYEVA, G.M.; ADSKAYA, V.M,A DRYUCIIIII A.P otv. red.- KONDIMBROVA, V.Lp toklm. red. JEconomy.of Saratorv:Ptovinco in 1960; collected ntatisticsjNa- rodnoe khoziaistvo Sarat.ovskol oblasti v 1960 godu; statistiche- skii sbornik. Saratov,, Goa.stat.izd-vo~1962, 325 p. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Saratov(Province)Stat:isticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Vachallnik statisticheskogo uprravleniya Saratovalcoy oblasti (for Dryuchin). (Saratov Province-,-Statistics) M-1-Ij 5~-HW MriM --~;tf-WZM Flo BUOUJOV, A.C.; 10'cvix~ TP1.2.1, L~. I., 'grma it, V. I Photoproduction of pions from Complex nuclei (11/54) Cj,;,U~I-S osium on High Energy Accelerators and Pion yTnT) Physics, Geneva -24 jwne c(S In. Bran,.-h 21M AUTHORSi Popova, V. M., Semashko, 11. G BOY/56-36-5-5/76 Yagudina, F. R. TITLE: The Photoproduction of Charged-W-Mesons of Low Energy 6 .n Composite Nuclei (Fotorozhdeniye zaryazhennykh I -mezonov maloy energii na slozhnykh yadr7-kh) PERIODICAL:. Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 5, PP 1357-1359 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors ihvestigated the yield of positive and negative photomesons with energies between 0 and 3 Mov at the angles go 0+200(laboratory system) to the direction of the photons. Work was carried out on the synchrotron of the PIAN with a llimation of thef-beam maximum photon energy of 265 Mev. Co , was carried out by means of a lead block with a 3.21 mm2 cleft; a magnetic field of 7000 oe eliminated the charged particles. The following foils were used as targetat 0446 g/cm2 Al - 0.0377 9/cm 2 Be 0,0659 g/cM2, 0 - 0. Card 1/4 1 2 Cu 9/cm In the case of simple Coulomb scattering The Photoproduction of Charged ff-Mesons of Low SOV/56-36-5-5/76 Energy on Composite Nuclei the-average angle in these thin foils was not greater than 0 5 , the energy losses amounted to 0o1 Mev for 3 Mev mesons; the targets were fine caprone fibers (0-0015 mm thick), which were located outside the beam. Mesons were recorded by means of NIKFI-K.plates with an emulsion layer of 4001j, thickness. During irradiation the target and the plate were in a vacuum chamber which was surrounded by a lead- and graphite protective shield (of. Fig I). Evaluation of the plates with respect to pion stars (negative pions) and -ir - p decays (positive pions-) was effected with a degree of efficiency of 96 - 98 ~'P. Energy measurements were carried out with an accuracy of _+ 3 When calculating the meson production cross sections, charge exchange and inelastic meson nucleon scattering were not taken into account; for slow mesons these effects small. Results are shown by figure 2 in form of a diagram, which shows the pion yield ih dependence of Z. Curve I corresponds to the meson production on the Card 2/4 surface nucleons of the nucleus, and curve 2 corresponds The Photoproduction,of Charged it-Mesons of Low SOV56-36-5-5/76 Energy on Pomposite Nuclei to the production on all nucleons of the nucleus. CKbstracter's note: The text given in connection with figure 2 says exactly the contrary, so that probably the authors committed an error3. Figure 3 shows the ratio betwoon tho yielda of pooltivo and negative mesons as a function of Z. The curve (Z) shows a steep decline with growing Z, which may be explained as being due to the interaction between the departing mesons and the Coulomb field of the nucleus. A comparison between experimental.results and the theoretical calculations by A.: M. Baldin and A. I. Lebedev (Ref 8) shows that meson 'production apparently occurs on the surface nucleons of.the nucleus. The authors finally thank V. 1. Veksler for supervisingthe vmi; and they also thank A. M. Baldin and A. I. Lebedev for discussibna.,There are 3 figures and 8 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P. ff. Lebedeva Akadeinii nauk SSSR (Physics Institute imeni P. N. Lebedev of the Academy of Card 3/4 Sciences USSR) The Photo prIodu.ction of Charged T -Mesons of Low Energy on Composite lluclei SUBMITTED: November 21f 1958 SOV/56-36-5-5/76 88430 S/056/60/039/006/016/063 Boo6/BO56 AUTHORSt Adamovich, M. I., Panova, N. M., Popova, V. M., Yagudina, F.IL -TITLE. Ratio ofthe Cross Sections of Negative and Positive Photo- meson Production on Beryllium PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i tooreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, Vol. 39, Rd. 6(12), pp. 1585 1588 .-TEXT: The yield of charged photome sons in, in general, proportional to .2/3 A: but the ratio for high-energy pions % denoted by K-IN+, shows a considerably higher value for some nuclei, thus also for beryllium. Thus, N-IN+, for'56-Mev mesons produced by photons of E = 256 Mev, Is equal max to 3.3�0-3, whereas, according to the,A 2/3 law, it ought to amount to only 1.51. For Blow mesons, the law is, however, cerrect. To explain this diBerepancy,:the authors measured the ratio ff"'/d+ for pions of medium energies on beryllium. By means of the 250-Mev photon beam from the synchrotron of the FIAN, a 3-mm.thick beryllium target was irradiated; the.mesons leaving the target under an angle of 90 0 to the photon beam Card 1/3 88430 ..Ratio of-the Cross Sections'of Negative and S/056/60/039/006/018/063 mijeon-Produlc Positive Photo tion on Beryllium- BOo6/BO56 were.recorded i-i a H 0 KIN-? (NIKFI-R) 400?,thiok emulsion. Of all tracks of pions.stoppel in the emulsion, those within'the energy Interval of 12 - Mev were selected, for which the correction for Coulomb inter- 40, action between pion and.residual nucleus is-negligible, and in addition, the ratio.(I-/d+ for free nucleons is known. Altogether, 981 T1_- and 370 It+ e rec rded; it was found that N-IN+ - 2.65�0.22, and mesons wer 0 that the pion Fields are.practically independent of B The yields may be de.scribed by thIeeq uations N_(E1 Amax C cl~ (E,,,e).f(E )dE and E_ n ma~: N+(E,,e) Cd+ (En e)f IE~U., where C denotes the number of nuclei E n Per cm 2~ of the target, 04-(En, 9) ~ the pion production cross section for ER and,the angle (3, f(E is the' photon spectrum 6 /6+, k(N-IN+); for 0 E 250 Mev,E 26 Mevp e 90 one obtains k Ms. N IN+ was max Card 2/3 88430 Ratio -of the. C:ross Sections,of Negative:and S10561601039100610181063 tomeson Production on B Positive Pho eryllium 3006/B056 determined as 2.65 0.22; thus, one obtains 1-8 +:0-15,ae a Wio of the m6an oross sections in the photon energy interval,of f.r,om n tO1E max and in the meson energy interval of 12 40 Mev. This value agrees well with those found by other authors. The anomalous behavior +of the yield ratio X_1N+ may be explained by the fact that,the:71_,and n mesons have, different.produotion thresholds. The authors thank Professor-P.A. Cherenkov, Professor V. I Golldanakiy, E. G. Gorzheviikayaj and S. P. Kharlamovifor discussions: There are 2 figures, 1 and 10 reforenoesi 3 Soviet and 7 tS- -ASSOCIATIONt Tizioheskiy Inatitut im. P. N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics imeni P. X. Lebedev of the Academy of Boiences-USSR) SOMITTEDs July 12, 1960 Card 3/3 I'ADJAM s/056/61/041/006/023/054 B102/B130 AUTHORS: - AdamWidhs M. I., Gorzhavakaya, E. G., Larionova, V. G., PanoTitj IN 14. opova, V. M.., Ytharlamov, S. P., TITLE: The energy. dependence of the photoproduction cross section of + "mes'Ono on hydrogen nqar,the threshold PERIODICAL: -Zhur~ai okeporimental!noy I tooretiohookoy fiziki, v- 41P not 6(423, 1961, 1011-1017 + TEAT -. The papal gives rosults.of n. photoproduation cross section meanuremento made in the photon energy range from 167,to 212 Uev at an angle 6 - arccosj1c-.:-0-93)/kq, I. e. the angle in the c. m. a. at the coitribution.6f hu.-ion-physical region to the dispersion integral vanishes. k denoiev the p4iton momentum, 0-93 An its, threshold, q and- are momentum and total en~rdy at the pion, 9 the angle of eminaion or the meson; c 1. The energy range wao chooon so as to 'satisfy the kq coo 0 0-93; it holds exactly for 195-Ney photons, for relation kii 167 and 212 Mev It is 0.88 and 0.99,which are both close to the threshold value.. The photon ray.from the7 synahrotrol~ of the PIAN with a maximum 'Card I B/056161/041/006/023/054 The energy dependence of the ... 102/B138 B energy of 250 Uev was collimated and directed on to'the hydrogen target a braza cylinder of. 17g.vall thickness, placed In a vacuum ohamber, The otector wao-a at .ask of 50 laYera of P:V~k"Jf (I;IKFI BK-400) emulsion plat-as. It was placed betwo2n two 2cm-thick cmuleion blocks and fixed Go that e---, the masons*struck its end. The emulsions were evaluated an usual, by P1'01~1 (;S1-1) microscopes. All' n-ji decay events were selected. An area of 340 cm 2 yiIalded 3322 n-p, decays and 64 i7decaya. The differential photoproduction crone 4actiona wore platted.after applying corrections for n doony and background ~(Fig. ~). -Thu results energy lossr;soattorlng moss good agreement with dispersion theory, where the imaGinary part of tha-reannance amplitude in determine.3 empirically. The experimental rosulto wexetreated by the method of least squares to find;the threshold value of tht matrix element of x + :photopro d-atior i da/d-.1 and its depen Idenc -on q 21 U -2 U nucleon mass.: Par 0. IT 0- 74 D34-+022)0 (5) ic -L'(2 30+0 (2.87 (6) 0,93) ~2,801 1,0) q4, card 2 j, ,!f6 qft 5/05 61/04i/oo6/023/054 B102 136 TheI Aepsildel3ce of ~tbe gx;a4biOI1G Of ined from powet hold value.was-detern _~29 es od2/ateradiant 'Was found. The,. t 1. -4 ~ .90 + 0.15)'10. iX elements, Ro-w (1 1 ~ joal valUat tho squares Of 'the thboret 6undo .4j,.Ms.t '~Jth f .11 11- .tall Y. 1.34 + 0 which i0 in 9c d 2 Exper men /d+ 1.2s. The, ao.2 -04- 10 ajoulatod value is 0 value 9, otion a ii.init the- thOOrct'Oal 0 L_ f"notion 'of the photoprodu 3/0' 6jo'i./041/006/023/054 The 6norgy dependence- of the B102/B130 0 in the p denotes pion V~lccity. From experimental data for 15 and 165 a. m. a..tho amplitudoo.were 'calculated for 18 tars Fit+ Fla), -_(0.105�0,034) j05j-0,034)-1V, vw .81 :h 0,034). IV.' (Pit 4- 4.), " (0- 'The authorp ih~nk Professor P. 'A. Chorenkov'for holpt A. U. ~41din And I. L'Lebcdev for dincussions and A. A. Svetlov, Fnginocr,.for anaintAnce. There are.5 fi&ree, 2 tables, and 15 efere can: 3 4oviet and 12 non- r n soviet. The four moot recent references t6 Englich-'language publications road an follows. J. Hamilton, kv. S. Wooloodk..Phys.~Rov. 118, 291, 19601 11. Y.'Samioa. Thya, Rev. Lott., At 470, 1960; U.-Darrick -0t al-phys. hey. Litt., 5-, 230, ig6o; A. F-DUnnitativ 6t al. Proo., 1960 Anfi:Intarn. conf. on high enerkr physics at Rachenterp,Publ..Univ...Rochotiter 061, P. 101. ASSOCIATION: Fiziclieskiy institut Im. P. N. Labodeva Akademii nauk,SSSR"N (Physics Institute imeni P. 3. Lebedev of thol,.A~ndemy of Sciences. USSR) SI~BYITTZD: July D,-i 961 Varli,L. 4/,# &/ 5/05 62/043/00',/057/063 B104%102, AUTIJORS: Adamoviph, 14. 1., Gorzhevskaya, E. G., Yagudina F. R. C'- 'TITLE: The production of n photomeson3 at angles of 25-360 in the energy range 1.52-162 Mev 'PE IO.DrCAL: Zhurnal eksperimenthllnoy i tooreticheekoy fiziki, V. 43, no. 3( 1113-1116 -9), 1962, TEE Thi s study was directed to establishing th e differential photo- 'pro uction cross section of 7t+-nesons when the momentum transfer kto -kqc6sQ is close to 'i ts threshold value of 0.93, k and q being respectively the momenta of photon and pion, and &) the. total idn energy in.the c..-n.s. The r.eson s emitted by a thin polyethylene film at an angle 0:1 aboat 300 from the pAhoton beam -were examined by a method described 'Ich-et al., ZhETF, 40, 974, 1961 plevio,,,zsly (,I. I. Adamd;1 to was ymax "I All; n-p. decay ~even--s viere recorded. The ends of the pion and m~iori L t2ces ,,;ere e6tablished for c"hac*kin--. The results (Table)-are in good agreement -,,,,ith the calculations. The threshold value of (I/X)da/dq is (2 18 1 0.37).10-29 CM2/sterad. The threshold value calculated from Ca d 1/2 51003,110r, 5 _3 + 9/05 62/04'- 7/06.j The production of R -photomesons at... B 104Y3102 29 2/ Panov s' formula is 1.99-10- cm 15terad.. The mean valuds of do/d9. and 1/-X)dd/dQ agree well with,the values for ko - kq cos 0 = 0.93 as extrapolated from experimental data. There are 2-figures and 1 tabld. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy institut im. P.'N. Lebedeva Akademii nauk SSSR .(Physics Institute imeni.P. N. Lebedev of the Academy cf Sciences USSR)- SUBMITLED; July 3,1962 Tab le. Results of measure- I do daldO. mentis. Ey. hiev E, Mev q* Ago - kq Cos 0to"CA01CM.-Paa Legend* E mean photon 10-1 cu-,'cme;?a6 energy laboratOry system; mean pion energy in ~153,4 3.8 0 023 0 91 0 32�0 051L 2,70�0,4r) 155 7 7,3 0:048 i0:86 0:39�0:070 2,26�0,41 11. the energy interval of the 157:6 9,7 0,069 0 84 0,43�0,077 2,12�0,38 photons; proton mass; 159,3 11.6 0,088 0 83 0 40�0,076 4,77�0,31, 2 100,8 13,3 0, 10i 0 , 82 0:39�0,007 1,59�0,40 q/k) I + O/M) Card 2/2 L'16678-65 EINI (I i) /T/T--KdA (m) - 2SSD/AR-I% NR: AP4045625 ,,:.,ACCESSION S/00201641158/002/0309/0312 AUTHOR: Adanicvich. M. 1. Lqrionova~,_ OL; Lebe'd A. 1. Kharlamov, 1,9 P. , Y~~dina, F.. R, It .0ptogeneration ofpa2s~itive ~pf,p 75 photon energies of I -3 ii U_ of positive ABSTRACT, T V omp r son b experimental data on phot6gene ration oions~ in hydrogen near the threshold, withAhe theoretical estimation is import- ant for the evalu.ition of various effects instrumental in'the process, particularly afect"dUresonance -interaction (ameson). Thf! authors conducted such a. c riergi -d. e exper omparison in a wide range of angles and e e Th' iment was made.. with the 260 Me v synchrotron of the Physical Institute, ol'AN SSSR using piles of -photoemulsions for- detection. The Jr-A-decays were recorded, and'also - --------- UBMITT190. --(,!IM6r-'-6- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l2w 2100101 00 - Ri ..-iravild Ina TITM: -Ditei IWiWAM Got spin' tatof- -4 70f the I opic at threshold' -17A ..... . - 35,143- izi 2,i no, 1 196 Yado*d f M ~._TDPICTAGS:- ii.scat 8 sections differential cross section g Lill tering, sca ering cros p on sea erinqi.-phqton=lear:reAction . + di fferential: cros 6 s'e~ctionsJbr 4MS.TRACr: Thd _~the.process:y + p 4 n w .'for labova~ les - 15 -24 '36 56 --64 ~tked in 04 . photon ~911 # - -11 and 6 have ~ been, was pion ~pg riwnts wern perfb=idVitfi-tha. AN_(Physics,-l!.----,':_'_~.:, - () __hn~rgy regicn.465-23 expe Fl Cie I ..~_ ;,~~ I liqui 3)astitute ~tbd-i. emy of SaOn6es) ~ 265-Nev electrmpynchxvtron~$ using a id~' ren Aarget-* The detector was: a, stac'k of NIXFI BK-600 nuiAear peUicles.__.:., pion The brembstrah1twig flux, was ~ neasuied ~iith a j The itive-picn quantum nv--ter POPI., photo-! dti6tion a_mplitude. in', th6:S state ~ ti4s-, obtained for zero pion moim!ntun by pola-~ P17:0 ~~Aing,tm eMixlca. dependence of~the_.CrO-Gs_s( U)n on e pion nvakntum to he. oces + and the old. ~t 13 "T - n P Cl#_AM analyzedjfi the ~saw. manner cc -XT% bho")piodu6tion aq)litudd~,;:ititii~dned, plitxides Ollsponding helAt vea-plon -p tc These an ~Ath~ ih~. SiiAlar -~afi We fbr.'ne4tim~ -a Used- At-o,;',: -to x ax ,H 31-%-WMW MAI ACC NRi AP5020265 find the isoscalar w4 isoscalew parts of the photaproductim aWlitudless which a" Conpared With the theMtiC&l predicticris, MA Agme=M is Vat PaticuliOrlY IF-Odt wetly bdcame of the low a=aucy with utdch the S-4mve photoproductim a0plitudes are know. "The authors thank Pxvfesaor Ps A# ChemnkoV and ALK&JUldiA for, tivair intermet aml for a disa, ajpn~ of this worCK-5ag-,art. hast 5 #9"ag ibmam, and 4 tables. ASSOCUTIONt FizI&AWdy,Anititut is. P. M. Lebadw& AMdmdI n" SSSR ft2IM- Institute, JVxdmV of Sclmvo* SMR) 00 SUI*a=: 17J&*6 'ENMI MR-REF SOVS OD2-- W r N., 14 LC~J~/I M ~-- ~ Nomura W.000000,41100 see 0 0 4- * 0 Is 06 * 0 1 *, 1, 0 a 0 F4 It a 1i I )a 11 V 0 j, a 1A 14- g-,L-s f L A R AA "4 -00 04"114,19 ANDf clPff"O* -049 00 ^os 00 so t C Ktk CS"-,"At to the lans, of the WA-00 Of sibWW- ~11 34. L. RokhHna an 10 an so (b) X-) Witre apd, Into Vwlft: (a)coo. I "# 0) VrO IW Mll, aac"bic acid daily tor 2 weeks. (c) MO- - b U~`Iaf 60 M8,- And (d) 60 Mg. awatisic acid &04 4 Mg, ribo&via daily. in no can weft destneradve sea thmses noted in the Y-- Tbe Ngh dome o(vitamin C land ribudlavin failed e zoo to give a signifimt rise of C in 04C tmnsea. Control aninab had WmAnt no vitamin C fit the tenats. and adnt~pistmtjoo ot even IOU Mg. daily (ailed to yield appcftWM kvtb. Ifowevrr, the combined C and 009 ribo&yin admisixtratioa gave a sharp incrr.14 0( C LW. are 0 tent 'a the k"' '!hus- co"MinlinlstratiO0 u( C SIMI Ih is vffwtive for cunco. of C In Ike leapt while C along I* WA effect1vt tren In very Wgh domm. 0. too LjJfajjjV#t CLASUPCITICK Z, -Q. glee h fu a a 5 1 Ir U 9 LV H3 Is A 99 a K tt ZI It 09 KW A I IA so so to 411-0 0 0 41 * 0*0 00 so 6 a 0 a Yjq U-D/ gtq USSE/Cultivated Abs Jour Author I. st Title Orig Pub Plants - Fv.*.its. Borrieu. M Ref Zhur Biol., No 18, 1958, 823213 Mirzayev, 14.M.,_ja~~~, St~:auberry CtLl-tivation with Sqvare Pocket PiantLig Byul. na-achno-tckhn. inform., 1957, VYP- 1, 5-10 Abstract In 1,954-1956, Uzbek Scientific Resea*InInstitute of Hortic-alt-tre ime-ni Shreder coaducted trials to determime the bast plan of p1nating strawberry which wozld permit mximtm utilization of mcchaiUzed tillage. Thu develop.. ment of the leaves ancL roots in the variant of sq:,,.are- pocket planting with 80 x 00 and -10 x '(0 squares with 2 plants in a pocket, was cozziderably more vigorotis, ia comparison irith the control simpel row planting on 80 x 25 ccntimeters, and tho yield of Kullver variety ia the 80 x 80 ceatimeters variant was 120-7 centners/ha or 138% of the control (ipi.4 ceataera/ha), in the variaat Card 1/2 USSR/Cultivated Plants Frvits. Berries. M Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 18; 1958, 82523 with 70 x 70 centimeters sqyara - 139fil the yield of Asl=y, -V-ie variant with 80 x 80 square - Tashke-, i in I 131.7 ceatners/ha or 113',j'; in Vae variant with 70 x 70 centimeters - 137.4 centliers/ha or 116%. An 54% eniarge- ment of the berries compared with the control was noted. The development of parental-rosettes on 1 hectare ins 396-693 thousnnd with sq:oare-pocket planting and 260- 510 thousand with the row planting. -- Z.A. Zlotina 139 USSR Cultivated Plaits Fruits, Berrie a M-7 Ala Jour Ref Zhiw 131dlogigs,, No 13., J-958, go 56757 Author I ::Title Now Stimberry VariOtles Orig Pub Byul6 nauchno-tekhn. Inform., 1957, vYY 1, 11-15 Abstract A Scientific collaborators in Uzbekistan produced 3 now strawberry varieties in 1948-1950: PaWat' Shredera, Uzbekistanakaya and PozdrWaya Sladkaya. Those varieties are characterized by their excellent taste: they are resistant to Gray rat and are not greatly affected by white spottiness. They withstand rigorous winter conditions (up to 320 frost) well-. They yield 8-15 t/ha when irrigated. They taste so well that they belong to the category of high dessert Card 1/2 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fruits, Berries. Abe Jour Aef Zhur.- Biologiya, No 13., 1958,, No- 58757 varieties. Their fruit bearing lasts fr= *rch up -to the end of APril. -- Z. A. Zlotina M-7 MIRZAYEV, M.14.; KUZNETSOV,-V.V.; CHEREVATENKO, A.S.; CHERNOVALOVA, V.P.; TOSHKATOV, L.T.; KUE-TOV, D.P.; AMINOV, Kb.; ZHIVOTINSKAYA, S.M.; SHREDER,,A.G.; LEPLINSKAYA, A.A.; PAVLOV, A.K.; SHAPIROV, S.K.; KALMYKOV, S.S.;Y-rTMTtJA GULYAMOV, Kh.; DZHALALOV, Dzb.[translat LTrMKHMEDOV, S.(translatorl; BONDARENKO,M.,, red.; KADYROVA, R., red.; BAKHTIYAROV, A., tekhn. red. (Fruit of Uzbekistan] Frukty Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Goa. izd-vo UzSSR, 1960. 6 books in fold. Abrikos, persik, sliva. 84 P. Granat, inzhir, khurma. 40 p. IAblonia, grasha, aiva. 96 p. Mindall, orekh. 26 p. Vishnia'. chereshnia. IS p. Zemlianika, malina, smorodina. 36 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Uzbekistan-Fmit-Varieties) Y;V7MM, G. 1-7. 'ydr, i nf~,r al fa r s ajl;,- E r4,! r i 4,~7 n t 1 t ."The Di~. .n of Sorle 14 on 2Lt-j-l- a! n.~3 W it- hl tncei 7 for n~? n h R Yn, ~` 711 S -I f Deforvition of Ground as Da-)th Is Increased." Cand Te(h Sci, Mosco-a Order o~ Labor 4d, 3anner G)n9truction rin Inst imoni V. It. ,inen 9 Kuybyshev, Min Higher Education USSR, Moscow, 1955 L, No 10, Rnr 55) SO: Sum. No. 670, 29 Sep 55-~5urvey of Scientific and techy al Dis- sertations Defended at USSR Higher Educ-ational Institu~llions' ('15) KUZNETSOVI N.D., inzh,; OBOROTISTOVA, M.L.,,,inzh.j YMOIAYEV.. A.U., inzh. YAQPAq.~-A,,A,, inzh.; KRASNOV: A.I.; RYSIN,,V.1., inzh. ExChange of experience among theenterprises of economic councils# Torf. prom. 38 no.7:31-34 t6l. (MIRA,14:22) 1.~ Sya,~skiy lesokbimkombinat Gorlkovskoy oblasti (for Kivanetoov)s 2. Shatursktiy torfotrest Mosobleovnarkhoza (for ObDrotistova). 3. Predpriyatiye.0sintorf eovnarkhoza BSSR (for Yermolayev). A. Monetnoys torfoprodpriyatiye Sverdlovskogo suniarkhoze, (for Yagunov). 5. Makelkha-Zybinskoye predpriyati7a rasnov 6. Torfopre-dpriyatiya Yaxoslavskogo i3ovnarkhoza (for L Ra-dovitskiy molch Mosoblsovnarkhoza (for Rysin). (Peat machinery) A I t GUMVOY, L.Ye.,,prof.fdeceased]; IVANITSKAYA4.Yo.P., doktor med. nauk,- MAZJIBITS, A. M., prof.; PREYSMAN, A.B., prof.; STARTSEVA, L.N.J. kand. med. nauk; TRUYEVTSEVA, G.V., kand. med.nauk; SHUB, R.L., zasl. deyatell nauki Latviyakoy SSR prof.; JMLVAQL_&A..j,~rofjd co~~s - PERSIANOV, L.S., prof., otv red.,- ZMUKIN,'K.W~-, 'pror., zaal.- deyatell nauki'RSFSR, red:; RYABOV, G.Z., red.; RDMANOVA, Z.A., tekhn. red. (Multivolume manual on obstetrics and gynecology] Mnogotom- noe rukovodstvo po akuBheratTu i ginekologii. Moskva, Med- giz. Vol.4. Book 1. (General gynecology] Obahchale. gineko- loglia. 1963. 674 p. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Chlefi-korrespondent Akademii meditainskikh nauk (for yagumov, Persianinov). (GYNECOLOGY) 3oao-6.g IN ix v8p, I-jq 41 a fill S Its r. 7.S t dA vt a air" .;1 .4! .. . .............. sov/126-8-2-6/26 AUTHORS: Popov, X.V. and YaWanova, V.Ai TITLE: Dire-tod Diffusion of Ilydxngen in Solid Solution Pro due 3d by Driformation,and -the Strength of the Metal PERIODICAL: 'Fixika metallx;v imetallovedoniyo, 1959i Vol 8, Nr 2, PI) 187 192 (USISR) ABSTRACT: kiong hypotheses of hydrogen embrittlement of steel lo that thIs is due to int ornal prGssure produced in mlera-i-oids as a restCLt-oze directed diffusion of hydrogen during plastlf:t deformation (Ref 1). The authaz*s dzsQr-'-n thei-1- --s-ork almei at testing this hypothfisl~s. -Text p-.*occs 8 ium in diameter of Type 20 steel ..rare Hubje-,ted to zaturation in a normal aqueous solution of sulp4uric. acid with added arsenic. Durlug aaturation. bl-.Lstere; appeaved on the surface, otranks-being found underneath t4m (showing the incorrectness of the (V.F. Loshkarev - Ref 6) that hydregon could.hover produce enough pressure T to disrupt the mesa. -.~eating~the blisters (Figure 1) Card 1/4 sov/i26.-8-2_6/26 ViffixBion of Hydrogen in Solid Solutlon Produced by .,D-eformation, and t1le Str4mgth of 'J'h_S Me$taj as thG walls of a thick-waLl.led hemispherical vessel (Figure 2) . the authcrz as t imat ethe m:Lnim?.i= pressure f4Ot' the,;, bjiStj;r to- ri-se to be about 2 500 atm. The c-oafflvient of..diffutsion-of hydrugon in the stool at room temperature 'traS, found, uzing two series of test piei,,as, the first being sixbjected to cathodic polari- zatlon for ovct and.the se~uond for two hours. The hydrogenated test pia4,es weretuxued to diameters of 6, 4 and 2.5 itun, wh:jLj e two were left intact. In the cylinders thus obtained, hydrogen was determined by hat-VaCUUM extraction- The results represented the diatribution tf hydrogen n-cress the.cross-section of thO test pieaes (TableL3).) the vtilue of the coefficient 2 being 2.3 x 11) cm se-- The authors also calculate the least width of a crack which can, in a deformation -6/9-6 iracted Diffual n of llydrog6n --n- Solid Solution produced by D 0 Deformation, anJ,, the Strongth of tho Metal hydrogen to a time Of 60 seco3ds, booome filled with presslure of 21~ m. b diffusiox:t from eiolid-solution i0o at y graiiis. boundin. the erack. They aasumed the width to be 9 considerably less than the.other dimensions and that its Irallm are parallel (Figure 4). Thcy deduce equations which together,with rimpirical values for the diffusion Iciont, the h-Tdrcgen concentration and the pressure c o ef f! produced by diffuej...-)P., give a crack width of o.6 x io-5 .M. The authorB consider, on the basis of the obserirGd (H. Schilmanil - Ref 10) higher rate of dIffuslon In dreformed metals and of' the fact that deformation-tinie frequently zxceeds their assumed 60-se,.,=d -valu.-., 'that theis!- ostimates of pressure are probably 1,3w. . 11hey conclude -that directed diffusion :Lnto structural defecto during plastIc deformation may IL OL gill get t t kit kv fl tr, S/126/61/012/002/001/019 E 073/E335 AUTHORSi. 64),a _V_ A and Popov, K.Vo Hydrogpn Embrittlement of Alloys of Iron With TITLE, iromigm ai; it Function of the Temperature and the Testing Speed PERIODICAL:, Fi,l,,ikd, metallov J metallovedeniye, 19,61, Vol. 12,_ 'No. 2,!,PP 176 .182~',~'. work was TEX ucidat the causes of ~Vhb aiin -of the el the nonl7;.monotonouo dependence oi the plasticity of hydrogen- saturatod metal on the test~temjperature. According t o publish4'id views the degree of hydrogen embrittlement depends to -a considerable extent on the'speed of hydrogen diffusion. Thereforelin add~tlon to varying the temperature, the diffusion speed wits influenced by using steels -s-rith differing chromium 'contents,(0.5 and 5%).,~ Chromium was chosen as an alloying addition. in view of the fact that it reduces the diff- usion sj)eed of ' iron,1 Forged rods, in diameter and' 15 imnlong wer e chosen for the mechanic*al tests. These wer-6 Card;- 1/4, ViWft/012/002/001/019 Hydrogen.;Embrittle ent E073/V335 annealed under conilitions ensuring approximately equal grain size in,both alloys. ~The plastioity was estimated from the contraction in tentsile tests at temperatures between .1-20 and -196 OC find deformation. speeds biatween 20L and 0-045 mm!/min. The,specimens wero saturated with hydrogen elec- trolyticially in a molar solution: of sulphuric acidi. ' -,;adding sodium arienate (3 mg arsenic per litre of solution). The -hydrogen-content determined by heating in vacuum at 600_% was 0 about.2,ml./100~g. Down to -120 C tests were carried out in propanol, cooled.With solid carbon :d:Loxide or I:Lqu:Ld nitroten. 'The tests were carried out in liquid nitrogen at -196 OC. A temperature minimum of the plasIAcity was detected which was most low-strain rates. The minimum is in the temperature range -6o to -loo 0C and with d6creasing rates of deformation it shifts towards the lower boundary of this temperature range. Cold brittlj'~ness was detected at -196 OC; the plauticity dropped sharply both for hydrogen-saturated Card 2/4 S/126/61/012/002/001/019 Hydrogen enabrittlement ... E073/E335 as well as hydrogen-free specimena;. Alloys with 5% chromium showed.a 6old-brittleness threshold at a higher temperature than alloys with 0.5% Cr. The minimum plasticity shifts towards lower temperatures with decreasing-speeds of deformation. Chromium had no influence on the hydrogen embrittlement at high rates of deformation; at Iow rates of deformation embrittlement was more pronounced in the alloy with 5% chromium than in the alloy contain'ng 0.59, Cr. This -difference was the more pronouncedthe lower the test speed. The presence of a minimum on the curves of contraction versus test temperature can be explained by the occurrenceof additional barriers impeding movement of dislocations. These additional barriers are dis- locations made immobile by clouds of hydrogen atoms. Dis- appearance or -the barriers may be the consequence of diaplacement of dislocations that.have been stopped earlier, together with hydrogen clouds surroundinj~ them. There.are figures, L table and 20 references: 9 Soviet and 11 non-Soviet. The four latest English-language references quoted are., Ref. 1 -,J.T. Brown, W.M. Baldwin - J. Metals, 1954, Sec.2, 6, No. 2, 298t Ref. 12 N.J. Petch and Card 3/4 S/126/61/012/002/001/019 Hydrogen embrittlemen E073/E335 P. StablIes Natureo 1951 169, 842- Ref. 14 - F. Kazinczy ron and Steel Inst.v 1954,-177. 85; Ref. 18 F. Kazinczy Engineers Digest,, 1956,, 7, No. 12 ll~ ASSOCIATION& Vesstochno-sibirskiy filial SO AN SSSR ('r,-afwt,,-Si)orian Branch of SO AS USSR) SUBMITTED~ May 9,196 (initiallyY April 18, 961 (after revision)