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FOLAND/Thoorotical Physics CLuentm Mechanics B-4 hbs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizikn, No 9, 1958, No 19655 Author : Biellcoviski G., Wrzocionko J Inst : Not Given Title : Theoretical Problm-s Connected with the Fundernontnls of Conservation of Parity Orig Pub Postopy fiz., 1957, 8, No 5, 519-548 Abstrnat -,Survey. Bibliogrnphy, 16 titles. Cnrd 1/1 7 Rm ~A-T, POUND/Theoretical. Physics - Quantum Theory of Mechanics B-4 Abs Jour W Zhur - RLzika) No 3, 1959, no 488o Author Bialkowski Grzegarz, Wrzecionko Jerzy Inst Title : Problem of Parity in Modern Physics Orig Pub : Kosmos (Polska), 1958, B4, No 2, 109-121 Abstract No abstract Card 1/1 3w POL-AND/Nuclear Physics - Penetration of CharGed and Neutral Particles C-6 ThrouGh Matter Albs &.ur Ref Zh-ur Fizika,, ITO 5, 1959, 1,10 101P6 Author Werle J., 1-7rzecionko J. Inst Warsaw Univ-er-SIMYTROTH-11711- Title Cherenkov Radiation of Polarized Electrons Orig PWb Dull. Acad. -nolon.sci. Ser. sci. mth., astron. ct phys., 1953, 6, ITO 3, 191-1911 ' V Abstract The author considers the Cherenkov radiation of polarized electrons. The chanGe of polarization of the radiation, due to polarization of electrons is- most substantial at smll an~;les. However, the effect turns out to be too snal Ito be able to determine the polarization of the elec- trons by measurinC; -Vac polarization of tl-.e Cherenkov radia- t1ol A.G. Siteliko Card 1/1 POLAND/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. C Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizillm, No 12, 1959, 26837 Author : Wrzec~onko, J. Inst : Institute of Nuclear Research., Polish Academy of Sciences Title : Decays and Time Reversal Orig Pub : Bull. Acad. polon. sci. Ser. sci. math., astrDn et phys., 1958, 6.. No 6, 387-393, XXXII Abstract Me author investigates the question of the invarianco of the theory of weak interactions under the opera- tion of time reversal afLer Wigier. As an example, (3 transitions are considered between the states of Va the nucleus with moments 1 and 0., General properties of the S rntrix are investi~pted for the t3 decay. It is shown that the probability of (J transition can Card 1/2 4,~ U, 5 gj 1% VIM 2- I- 0 M POLAIND/Nuclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nuclei. C Abs jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 12, 1959, 26837 contain variable pseudoscalars even in the case vinen the theory is invariant under time reversal. TheIT V) correlation in f) decay of oriented nuclei is do- termined by a forrr,.Ua that contains scalar paraneters, which Ater into the general expression for the tran- sition operator. However, if the operator of the transitibn is Hernitian and the state vectors (iaiitial and final) are vectors of the states of free particles) then the condition of invariance under tine reversal forbids the gppearance of tine-like pseudo-scalars in the exDression for the transition probability. A.Z. Dolginov P/04Y60/005/011/018/018 D24 9 V3 03 AUTHORS., Deloffy Aag and Wrtecionko TITLE:, The phenomenological barion-barion scattering theory and the relative paWty determination PERIODICALs Nukleonikay va 59 noo 11, 1960P 791 TEM (Abstract Report Noo 154/VII (IBJ - Institute of Nuclear Researchs, PAS)): The reactions a + b --4-c + d,with four ions are consideredo Two case of relative intrinsic parities Tri = + a b Ic Id are takeninto account. The phenomenological S - matrix technique is used for obtaining the cross-section and polarizati- ons. An approximation where in the initial state only the 3 wave is present is discussed. In this approximation theStross section ,for unpolarized particles is isotropic and the polarizations in the final state are a) zero when I Ib Ic Id; b) ,-/sin 2 0 when I a Gard 1/2 1'/046/66/005/011/018/018 The-phenomenological barion- D249/.D303 L11 b do Some experimental tests for the relative parity de- termins. tion are proposed. (Abstractor's note: Complete translation] WZEC-10M. -A- SWOUVE,, Given Names Country: Poland Academic Degrees: (Not given) Affiliation-. Department of Ferromagr s (Zaklad Ferromagnetykow) of the Institute of ,etick-- ?-ofs-ka Physics Inst7tut Fizyiff~o the Polish Academy of Sciences (P~,N- -Mka-deja Nauk) j, Poznan W= Source: Berlin, Monatsberichte der Deutachen Akademie der Wissenschaften x zu Berlin, No 1 (1961), pp la-13 D ata "Magnetic Blementary Regiors in Mn Ge 5 3 rro 9516*3 77. Ll S-11 P/047/61/012/001/002/002 D221/D306 AUTHOR; Wrzeciono,.Alojzy TITLE-.- Distillation and sublimation of manganese PERIODICAL: Postpy fizyki2 v. 12, no. 1. 1961~ 89 97 TEXT.- Pure industrial manganese is prepared,by reduction of the ore with silicon, by the aluminothermic process oJ~'electrolytically. The last method yields the purest product containing ,J99-3 % Mn, whicho however7 oxidizes in air and thus always contains some oxy- gen. Highest quality Mn, important in fundamental researchg has so far been obtained by the distillation #,sublimation in vacuum, a method which is now beginningltb be used on a large scale. Such Mn may then be further zone-refining. Vapor pressures of a number of common metals are quoted in the region 200 - 2000OC9 and a short theory of distillation is given. In thecase of 2 metals immiscible in the liquid state, the top layer tends to distill off Card 1/7 P/04X61/012/001/002/002 Distillation and sublimation ... D221 306 first'even when its vapor presslilre is lower than that of the bottom layer. When two ideal components are totally miscible, a ,reduction of pressure facilitates their separation, and the forma-- tion of azeotropic mixtures may often be avoided. Thorough degass- ing of the material prior to distillation-is essential, since its neglect will lower the vacuum and.allow contamination of the pro- duct with nitrogen. Condenser design is important when the metal collects as a condensate - e.g. the rate of cooling will determine the grain size. To.accelerate the sublimation processesi the start- Ang material should be in a fine-state'of division. The maximum rate -of vaporization rom g/=2/sec~is given by: M O)m PO Vt -RT where p is the vapor pressure2 M is the molecular weight and T is 0 theitemperature,,.This i's only obtained at pressures e,10-3 mm Hg Card 2/7 P/047/61/012/001/002/002 Distillation and sublimation D2_211 '306 -and when the~mean free path..of the metal molecules > distance bet- ween the evaporating surface and the condenser (X). 'When vaporiza- --tion-is fast, some molecules will return,to the liquid due to in- termolecular collisions,and the rate of evaporation, co is given by CU (2) P where o) is the weight of vapor returning to the surface in 9/CM2/ p actual rate of evaporation may be calculated from the va- por pressure gradient; the gas pressure and the geometry of.the apparatus. When X is small w.r.t. the size of the vacuum chamberp the rate of vaporization is chief~-y dependent upon the rate of va- por diffusion. Providing the gas pressure in the.apparatus'is lower than the vapor pressure of the rmterial, the rate-of distillation is equal to co and is given by: P1 - P2 co DM X (3) Card 3/7 P/047/61/012/001/002/002 Distillation and sublimation D221/D306 --where-pi andp2 are the vapor pressurea of -the metal above the eva- porating surface and in the condenser and D is the diffusion codf- ficient. In practice co is independent of the gas Pressure if -the latter is below a few tenths of a torr, and very high vacuum is, therefore,.only needed where the vapor interacts with'the,gas.'At ~higher pressures DIM p3 - P2 W x 1n P-3 - P1 (4) where P3 equals pressure of the Eas and D' is a coefficient oldif- fusion of the vapor through the gas (/ D). Vacuum distillation of M-n haabeen investigated by many Western aiito rs. An apparatus used by Ch. Guillaud (Ref,'t4; J. Rech, C.N.R,50, 1f 159 1947) is des- cribed and illustrated. By distilling the metal at 1350 - 14000C and jo-3 mm Hgq Guillaud obtained 30-40 % yields of 99.98 99.99% Card 4/7 P/04,1/61/012/001/002/002 'Distillation and sublimation ... D221/D306 pure-manganese.- The.apparatus used in the present work for the sub- of Mn is shown in Fig. 5. Samples of electrolytic Mn (r,_~100 g)2 were held in pure alumina boats (A) made by the Insty- .tut materialbw ogniotrwalych w Gliwicach (Refractories Institute ,at Gliwi--e).:The silica tube (33) which runs axially through a re- alstance furnacep (F)p built by the Zaklad grzejnictwa elektrycz- nego politechniki 16dzkiej (Electrical Heating Department of Lbd~ Polytechnic , contains two condensers"(C)t both*fixed ri~ldly~-by supports (D~ and is made vacuum tight by rubber washers (E). Re- flectors (G) were added to protect the rubber. The exposed ends of (B) were.cooled by lagging with wet cotton-wool. An oil rotary pump and a mercury diffusion pump were usedq producing a vacuum of --/-10-4 mm Hg. Mn sublimed, at e--,10000C and deposited solely on the condensers in the form,of round plates easily removable at the end of the operation. Approximately 50 % yields of 99-99 % pure u.-Mn were obtained over periods of 7.hours from the original ~-Mn. Dis- tilled or sublimed Mn is easily fractured and powdered, has a me- Card~,5/7 P/04%11~01 2/001/002/002 Distillation and.sublimation ... D221 D30 tallio lustre and does not bxidiz e in air - thus a sublimed sample had undergone.novisible corrosion after two years. The author wishe:.4. to thank K. Nesteruk for his help in construction of the apparatus, H. Szydlowski for designing the automatic temperature, control, Professor S. Szczeniakowski for constant encouragement and the late Professor S. Loria for-his'advice. There' are 6 figures', l'table and 15 non-Soviet-bloc references. The references to the 4.most recent English-language publications read as follows; A.H. Sullyq 'Manganese', London1l, 1,955; R.S. Dean, 'Electrolytic Mangane- se and its alloys', New Yoj~k 1952;-S. Dushman~ 'Scientific Founda- tions of vacuum Technique' New.York.1949; H.U. Saint-Clair, Destyla- qja metali prz-obni~onym. ci~nieniu wyk-Idd wygl:osz j Y ..ohy w Nowym Jorica (Di Bt4 llation reduced pressures' lecture given in New ~York)12 1957. (Russian translation from Englishi. ASSOCIATIM, Zakl:ad ferromagnetyk6w, instytut fizyki Pan, Poznafn (Ferromagnetics Enterprise, Institute of Physics, PAS, PozneA) Card 6/j-, /62/002/010/004/004 G/030 0 o D290/0303 ALITHORS Wrzeciono, A. and Gemperle R. TITLE: The influence of external magnetic fields on'the domain formation in. 11n .5Ge 3 '.`.'-.PERIODICAL: Physica status solidi, v. 2f no. 10, 1962, 1384-1392 TEXT: The effect of external magnetic fields on the forma7 tion of domains in ~In5% was.studied'by meahs--of Bittor powder terns.' The,specimens consiste'd.of-,Iarge. crystallitds----whose at, p hexagonal axes.were approximately parallel. Bitter patterns showing, a honeycomb domain structure were obtained: when the specimens were cooled below the Curie point in the presence of external magnetic fields-(20-- 350 oersted) that were both parallel and perpendicular, to the preferred direction:.the patterns obtained in the absence of! an external magnetic field showed the well-known meandering struc- 'ture., Honeycomb patterns were also obtained after the specimens I had been subjected to a field of 20,000 oersted. There are 7 fig- ures. 1, Card 1/2. 1)/047/62/013/006/003/003 D207/008 AJTHORS: Wrzeciono-, Alojzy and Grycza, Jo'zef TITLE Induction*furnace of 8 W power based on the trans mitting triode RD5XF PERIODICAL: Postqpy Fizyki,. v. 13, no. 6, 1962, 671-672 -j TEXT: A prototype induction furnace based on the trans- mitter diode RD5XF (made by the Tesla. Company3 was developed at the authors' department. It is intended for preparation or- ferromagnat- ic alloy samples, vacuum,deposition of ferromagnetic-films and metal purification by distillation or zonie melting. The oscillator is supplied from a three-phase bridge rectifier based on gis-discharge tubes RCQ 10/4. The maximum voltage at the rectifier output is 8 kV and the maximum current is 2 A. The oscillator working frequency is 0. 5 Mc/ 8, but it can be easily altered to work at lower or higher frequencies. The anode and grid circuits are coupled by a capacitor., An air transformeris used to step-down the high-frequency voltage: copper wire of 6 mm'diameter wound in 30,tu-ns,of 250 mm diameter Card, 1/3 ~P/047/62/013/006/003/003 Induction furnace ... D207/D308 forms the primary winding; the secondary winding consists of copper sheet 0.5 mm in thickness and 400 mm wide wound in a single turn of 400 mm. diameter. The primary circuit o~F the transformer supplying. the triode heater (heating current of 110 A and voltage of 12 V) in- cludes a 20 S~ resistance, two time relays DSL 10 and two contactors which malte it possible to increase the cathode voltage automatically and gradual?y in such a way as to prevent damage of the cathode on starting. 'Me anode of the triode and the cathode and grid termin- als are cooled by an dir stream from a special ventilator. Induc- tance in the exciter circuit depends on the type of exciter used .J~ and on the test sample, It varies also with the sample temperature, e.g. on transition through the Curie point in the case of ferromag- netic materials. To match the exciter circuit to the oscillator ximum power to the sample, a suitable -frequency in order to supply ma. number of ceramic capacitors is switched into the exciter circuit and the degree of matching is judged by the anode and(grid currents. The furnace is fitted with safety devices protecting the operating personnel from electric shock and the triode.from overloading. Acknowledgements are made to Doctor of Engineering, Z. Kachlicki, Card 2/3 ............ 1>/047/62/013/006/003/003 Induction furnace D207/008 Mastdrof Science H..Szydkows1-,i, Engineer 14. Norek and Technical ~~i.Assiatant Z. Przanowski for their help in constructing the furnace, and to Professor S. Szczei-dowski for his support. There is I figure. CAbstracter's note- Essentially complete translation2 -ASSOCI&ION; Zaklad Ferromagnetyk&y I.F. PAN, Poznan' (Department of Ferromagnetics of the Institute of Physics, PM, Poznan') Pard 3/3 J S/126/62/014/002/004/018 J B073/E535 AUTHOR i Wrzaciono_,_A~. TITLE: '601ilain structure of the intormetn1lic compowid Ma Go 5 3 P -RIODICAL: F!z!ka*metal1ov i metallovedeniye, v.14, no.2, 1962, U 182-386 TEXT: The domt%in structu~rc was investigated by the method of powder.patterna in planes parallel~,to -the hexagonal axis, perpendicular to that axis an~ one forming 'with this axis an angle 06x