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~rIERZBICKI, A- of the application of fiberboards. P. 167 Importance Vol. 12, no. 5. May 1955 INZYNIEM I BUDOWNIGNO WarszaAa List Of East European Accessions,(E&kL), Lc, Vol. 5. no- Soure montw feb. 1950 WIERZBICKIJ A. Plastering of fiberboard. p. 247 PRZEOLAD BUDO"NY Warszawa Vol. 27, no- 79 JulY 1955 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956 WIERZBICKI, A. New materials of organic origin and savings in lumber. p. 22b. .(MATERIALY BUD(MLANE. Vol. 11.9 no* 8, Auge 1956)'Warszawa, Poland) ~50: Monthly List of East European Acceasions (FEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Unc 1. 'dMMITKI, A hTew Polish standard for fiberboards. p. 11~3. PRZEI-YSL DRZ914-Y. Gentraine Zarazady Przemyslow- Drewnego, "Mablarskiego, i lasnego i 3towarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa. Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 9, Ro, 4, Apr. 1958, Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959- Wr&RZBICKI, A.; SILIWCZYNCKI, J. The export of bentwood Purniture. p. 165-. PRZEMYSL GRZEWNY. Centralne Zarzady Przemyslow: Drzewnego, ~%blarskiego, i Lesnego i Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow heanietwa i Drzewnictwa. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 9, no. 6, Jine 1958. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAI)., LC, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959. U Ml. WI---RZBICKI, A. New methods of producing hard fiberboard. P. 77 (KRZEEGIAD PAPIERNICZY) (Lodz, Poland) Vol. 13, no. 3, Var. 1957 SO: Montbly Index of Fast European Accession (EE'A1) LC Vol. 7, No.5, 1958 WIEFMICY1, A. The problem of wood raw material in the fiberboard ai:d the shavings board industries. P. 198 (PRZ&,zLAD PAPIMICZY) (Lodz, Polard) Vol. 13, no. 7, JulY 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European A-cession (E-EAI) LC Vol. 7, No- 5- 1958 I 'I A. 11TERZB10% Fiberboard industry in Sweden, p. 298. MATERIALY BUDOWLANE. (Naczelna Organizacja Technicznal) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 13, No. lOp Oct 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions, Index (EEAI), LG, Vol. 8, No. 11, November 1959 Uncl. WIERZBICKI,, A. TECIDIOLCOzY. Periodicals: NORIIALIZACJA. Vol. 26, no* 6/7, June/Jul.,,- 2958 VTMZBICKI, A. Remarks on the properties and standardization of fiberboards. P. 307 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCI Vol. 8, No. 2, February 1959., Unclass-. WIERZBICKI, A. New large fiberboard factory In Canada. p. 217. PRZEMYSL DRZEWNY. (Centralne,Zarzadv Przemslow: Drzewnego, Meblarskiego, I Lesnego I Stowrzyszenie Inzynierow I Technikow Lesnictva I Drzewnictwa) Warszawa, Poland. No. 3, Mar. 1959- Monthly List of East European accession (MI), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959- Uncl. COUNTRI, CATZOORY ABS. JOUR. AUTHOR INST. T IT L1":1 o-alet. PUB. ABSTMICT CARD* h Cbe-lical Tecbnolnivy. Chemieml Prodlic-Ls and Their A-lications. Cellulose an(I Its RZKhm, WO. ~'3 1959, No. 8CM Vier?bick*,-A,- Prodtid-tion of Woodfibre Tiles in polp-nd in Przejv'l. naniern. , 19S9, 15, No 4, 111-114 The total mit-nut of tiles in 1958 cowlri7,ed 64.5 thousand tons or 17.3 million m2 (Polan occunies the 61~b- -nlctce in LAirone aftor Sweden Finlandl West GermRry, gorwpy anti France. ex- cbiAinp USSR). Hard srd -orous tiles are bein manufacttire6. The waniifactore of ti1eq havinp hakfl surfpce is, acheaved by trps~tinp finished tiles.with oil followed'by tberm-,.1. liardenirv. Tbe same P-~nrosch is beinp, followed in the mAnufactytre of nerforated acciisticel tiles. *Derivatives. Pa-er. 1/2 H - 1.50 COUNTRY CATMORY ABS. JOUR. AZXhi1rj.,. -.-;o. 23 195-90 1'io4 04370 AUTHOR T I T LM ORIG. PUB.t ADMACT ;Lx-,icrimental lacquered tiles, havinp., nitro-, Con'd melamine-9 and ,~mameled coatings bRve been -nroduced, In 1959 the increene in -nrodiictian is o"ected to be 20% bipber comna to 195P. -- Ye-Gurvicb. 2/2 WIERZBICKI, Antord Some statistical data on chJp boards in Emopee przem (bzewL7 _13 no*4-.16-18 Ap IW,;, WIMMICKI, Antoni Statistical data on fiberboard production and utilization in Europe. Frzem drzew 13 no-5:18-20 Vq 162. IWIERZBICKI An- _F_ Wni Warsiawa)__ TAM made of "Alpe3el fiberboard. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 34 no.8:482-44 Ag 162. I I WIERZBICKI A. 4th Consultation of the Flaxboard Seation of the Association of Engineers and Technidians of the Paper Industry in Konieepol, May 30-June 1, 1962. Przegl peipier '18 n6.10034 0-162. ~ 1 2,1!ilv&v-~~,Y,-,~qt N.-- WIMZBICKT 9 A. Production and mcpart of f!b-a:-b-,ard. Przegi papler 20 no.2:60-61 F164. WILEIVBTGNT, Antard, mgr. inz. f'Ourzzalwl) Certain rw a-iterial prob.-'!eni ~-;f the fJberb-,ard industry. Ag'61, .Frzeel papier 20 W'IFJUZN"- AngjX7,~j POLAND Department of Automation and Telemechanics, Warsaw Polytechnic (Katedra Automatyki i Telemechaniki, Politechniki Warszawakiej) Warsaw, Archiwum automatyki i telemechaniki, No 2, April-June 1965, pp 129-147 "Correction methods of relay control systems.* WIERZBICKI,, Andrzej, Concept of conditions for the occurrence of sliding motion in relay control systems. Archiw automat 9 no.4085-421 164. 1, Department of Automation and Telemechanics of the Technical University, Warsaw. IiIIFM,BTCKA, Fir-i'Ut"a p! f f ii t J- e s ::n - t1h a p 0 3nr t ~Z, d i a g, 0 s 1 s C. f 'Ka rf ar. 15 a yr., r cr Pril. tyg. lek. 420 noeSz28-1-282 2.2 F165- -um Dos n0lenla L6,~Fjrzy 1. Z Zaklacba Aratamii Fatologimej Suadl km 1 4 w War8zawle (kierownikz doe. dr. med. 11. KoLruszev;:!k&-'Fa---yn%). "Repair problem in the gas industry." Gaz, lelodna I Technika Sanitarna, ~,Iarsaw, Vol 28, No 5, May 1954, p. 141 SO: Eastern European Accessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 10,54, Lib. of Con.gress -' WTERZBICKI, Jan, prof. dr inz. Review of some problems of protecting eLvers from pollut-ion by sewages in Rumania. Gosp wodna 24 no.12:4957-459, 460 D 164. 11'a c e~, "Nacessity for specialization in trainin- persons employed in molloratif'n works." r, Gospodarka 'Vodne., Wcxsav, Vol 13, ND 11, ',,Tov 1953, p. 400 SO: Fastern Euronean A-ccessions List, Vol 3, No 10, Oct 1954, Lib. of Congress ~ East.European_ Vol- 3. No. 2. , SO: Monthly List of/9999SWAccessions /Library of congress, Feb . 1954 A" Uncl. m W=BICKI, J. 1110 Years", P. 1. (GAZETA) OBSERVIATOPA, Vol. 7, No. 7, -TUlY 10,54, Vlarszawa, Poland) SOt Monthly List of Fast European Accessions,(EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. I tu r 1 1951', T-!~- Polnno) SO lfontlily Li:--t', of E-rsL L"C' 7~"cvl. i-Y 1955, lf-ncl. WIC-RUICKI., J. Utilizing nourishing elements in town sewage for fisheries. p. 11, (GAZ, WOU I TEGWKA SANITARNA, Vol. 29, No. 1, Jan. 1955, Vffarszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessionsp (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4., NQ- 5 May 1955, Unal. WIERZBICKI, J. Utilization of drain water from dwellings and factories and the importance of keeping surfacelwater free from impurities. P. 238 (Prace i Studia) No. 1, 1956, Warszawa, Poland SO: MONMY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) IJC- VOL,1 7, NO. 1, JAN. 1958 WIERZBICKI, J. Data for watering with sprinklers. pe 161 (Frace I Studia) No. 1, 1956; 14arszawa, Poland SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EFAI) LC, VOL. 7, NO. 1, JAN 1958 MERMIM, L ~WIERZBICKI, J. A sanitary danger in the use of town sewage for agriculture. p. 13. GAZA., WODA I TECHNIKA SANIT ARNA. Warszawa., Poland. Vol. 30,, No. 1., Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 5. No. 6, June 1956 WIMMMIJ J. Irrigation by rain on hilly aread and in mountains. P. 151 00SPODARKA WODNA, Warszawa. Vol. 16, no. 4, Apr. 1956 SOURCE-. East Eurppean Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol- 5. no, 8, Augtmt 1956 POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products H-5 and Their Application. Water treatment. Sewage water Abs Jour Ref. Zhur. Khimiya, No 2, 1958, No 5144 Author : Wierzbicki Jan Inst : ~ot Given 'Title :Purification of Sewage Water of the Dairy In- dustry Orig Pub Przegl. mleczarski, 1957, 5, No 4, 11-16, Abstract Purification procedures used primarily in Eng- land and the German Federal Republic, axe con- sidered. Equipment used to convey the sewage water to the irrigation fields is mentioned. Card : 1/1 WIERZBICKI, J. Problems of pastures in Poland. i"00 P. 497 (Gospodarica Wodna) Vol. 17, No. 10, Oct. 1957, Warszawa) Poland SO: MIONTHLY 1NDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EKAI) LC, VOL. 7, t,0, 1, JAN. 1958 KUTEM, Jan; WIERZBICKI, Jan Problem of utilizing sewage for agricultural and forestry irrigation. Nauka polsks, 10 no.3:120-126 My-je 162. 1. Instytut MeLioracji i Uzytkow Zielonychl Warszawa. WIERZBICKI, Jan,, prof dr.; IMTEU) Jant dr, I I inz countries of People's Democracies connected with the problem of sewage disposal for agricultural purposes. Gosp wodna 22 no. 1: 6-11 162. WIEMBICKI, Jan, prof, dr inz, Works in countries of the people's democracy on the problem of utilizing sewage in agriculture* Gosp wodna 24 no.3tlG9-122 Mr 164. Review of publications. Gosp wodna 24 no.33112-U3 Mr 164, WMZBICKI Jan Util-ization of sewages for agricultural purposes in.Poland; irrigated fields and experimental works. Zesz probl post nauk roln 47t29-42 164 1. Institute of Soil Improvement and GrasBlandst Regional Research Center, Wroclaw. WIRMICKI, Jozef Analgesica in acute surgical diseases of the abdomen. WWomosci lek. 7 no.1:40-44 Jan. 54. (ABWKIN, ACM, therapy, analgesics) (ANALGBSICS. therapeutic use. acute women) LUKOMSKI, 16mund; W ICKI. Josef Significance of cholacystograpby in diagnosis of diseases of the gallbladder. PoInki tygod. lek. 9 no.22,.694-698 31 *y 54. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiezuej A.K w Poznaniu, kierownik prof. dr St.Nowicki i z oddzialu, radiologiesnago P.S.K. w Pomaniu, klerowalk dr I.Lukomski (GHDLICTSTOGRAPHT9 diag.; value) WISMICKI, Josef; BOWBELSKA, Irana Water, electrolyte and protein metabolism in tbel:arly po~stopera- tive stage in partial gaistractomy. Polski tygod. k. 10 n0-12:354- 360 21 Mar 55. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Modycznej w Pomnaniu; kierov- nik: prof. dr St.Nowicki. Otrzymano: i.rir. 1954; adres: PoznAn, ul. Dluga 1. (STOMACH.'aurger3r, excia., partial. postop. water, electrolyte & protein metab.) (BODT FLUIDS, water-olectrolyte,balAnce, ebanges in postop. gastractomy) (PROTEINS, metabolism,. in postop.,gaatrectomy) VIEMICKI. J.; LMMI-ISKI,E. 1kriy roentgen examination of acute stomach and duodenal hemorrh&- gee. Polski tygod.lek.10 no.25:833-835 20 Juns 155. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicizimej A.M. v Poznaniu; kierownik: prof.dr St.Novicki I z Pracowni Radiologli Szpitala Ilinicznago im.Pavlowa kierown1k: dr..E.Lukomaki) Pozymn, I Klinilm Chirurgiczns A.M. (STOMACH, hemorrhage diag.,x-ray, early) (WODWM,~ hemorrhage dlag..x-ray. early) duodenum & stomach, diag.x-ray) WI M BICKI,Jozef. Postgastrectomy biochemical disorders. Polski prsegl.chir. 27 ni.8:807-813 Aug '55. 1. Z I IlInIki Chirurgtcznej A.M. w Poznantu. Klerownik: prof. dr St.Nowickt. (STOMACH. surgery, gastrectowV, postop.metab.disord.) (BLOOD, metm. after gastrectomy) (ELECTROLYTIS, metabolism after gastrectoor) WIFMBICKI, Jozef Tracheotomy following strusecton7. Polski przegl. cbir. Z7 no. 12:1191-1196 Dec 55. 1. ZJI Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Poznaniu. Kisrownik: prof. dr. St. Nowicki. (THYROID GLAIM. surg. excle., postop. tracheotomy) (TRACHEA.: surg.* tracheotomy, after thyroldectomV) No]I m0 I, S.; WI]MBICKI Modifications of retinal arteries in peripheral arterial diseases. Polski tyged.lak.10 ne.28:917-921 11 July '55- 1. Z KlInIkJ Oczuej A.M. w Foxnaniu; k-lorowulk; Ar. 1. Dziegialewskii. I z I 111niki Chirurgicznoj A.M. w fasnaniu-, Klerowalk; prof. dr St, Nowtold; Poxn&u# ule S)mrb)m 13, .(VASCULAR DISICASMS, PIRIPIWAL, manifestations, retinal arterial changes) (RNTINA, bloo'd supply. arteries, In peripheral vasc.dlsl~ WI'KRZBICKI DuPu7tren's disease. Polski przegl. chir. 28 no.5:493-300 May 56. 1. Z I Kllniki Chirvirgicznej A.M.' w Poznaniu, Kierownik: prof. dr. St. Novicki, Poznan, ul. Dluga 1, 1. Klin. Chirargiczna. (DUPUTTMtS CONTRACTURE, therapy WIZRZBICKI, Jozef; PRUSKI, Janusz Surgical indications in diseases of the gallbladder and bile .-ducts' -P61ski tyltod. lek. 11 no.11:495-498 12 M&r 56. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Akademii Med. w Poznaniu; kier.: profi dr. St. Nowicki. (BILIART TRACT. surgery, indic. (Pol)) WIERZBICKI, Jazef 1-0-w9ot ~Z- 14,Ac~' Remote results of histamine therapy of arterioacleroBis obliterans. Polski prffegl. chir. 28 no.7:685-687 July, 56. 1. Poznan. ul. Dluga 1. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS OBLITIRANS, therapy, histamine (Pol))' (HISTAMINE, therapeutic use, arteriosclerosis obliterans (Pol)) WIERZBICKI, Jozef Postoperative hemorrhages in the alimentary canal. Polsid przegl. chir. 28 no.12:1237-1242 Dec 56. 1. Z I KlIniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Pqsnaulu Kisrownik: prof. dr. St. Nbwickj,. Adres autora: Poznan, ul..Pluga 1/2 1 Kliniks, Chirurgiczna i.A. (STOMACH, hemorrh. post4-, our .g. (Poi)) PISXCRZ, A., WMMICKI, J,,WOJCIECHOWSKI, 1, Effect of largactil & phenergan on the henling of homogenous skin. grafts in rats. Pat. Polska 9 no.1:15-90 Jan-Kar '58 I' ZI 11iniki Chirargicznej A.M. w Poznantu. Kierownik:prof. dr. St. Nowicki; Adres autorat Poznano, I Klin. Chir. ul. Djuga 1, (PROIOMZINE. off. on healing of homogenous skin grafts in rat (Pol)) (CHLCROMZM, eff same (Pol)) (SKM TRANSPLANTATION, eff . of drugs on chlorpromazine & promethazine on hoaling of homografts in rat (Poi)) WJJMZBICKI J'ozef. AD&MIAK, Stanislawa; TUKALID, Konstanty Studies on ciremlating blood and on its coaponents in gastric or duodenal hemorrhagtu. Polski przegl. chir. 30 no.5.*466-469 MRY 58. (DUOMEM. hemorrhage, blood picture (Pol)) (STOMACH, hemorrhage, same) (BLOOD OWS, count in dnodeial & gastric hemorrh. (Pol)) WJI"17,BICYI, Jozef; AMMIAK, Stanislaw; TMLYJ), Konstanty Determination of circulating blood in operated patients. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.32:1224-1228 11 Aug 58. 1. (Z I niniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Poznaniu; kierownik: prof. dr St. ITowicki). Pozana ul. Dluga I- I Klinika Chirurgiczna A. M. (SURGENRT. OPM&TIVE postop. blood volume & coinponenta (Pol)) WOOD 'VOIUM postop. determ. (Pol)) (BLOOD components, postop., determ. (Pol)) WIRMICKII Jozef; YAAMSKI, Czeslaw Histological lesions of the liver duftng acute cholyacystitio. Polski tygod. lek. 14 no,7:311-314 16 lob 590 .10 Z I Kliniki Chirurgiazuej A.It.'.w'Foznaniu;'.kierowuik: prof. dr St. Novicki I, z Z&klacU Anatomii fttologicznaj A. X. w Fozuaniu; kiejrqwAIk: prof. dr J. GroniowskL Adres: Poznan, ul.'.Dluga 1/2. (LIVAR,,pathol. HOIM%~ymje cholecystitis (Pol)) --jC -77-2 T S .-,patho-l.'--' iVV4]eI-AA!--:adite cholecystitis (Pol)) WI&GBICKI, Jozef; -LUK MMI, Edmund Diagnostic value of intravenous cholangiography. Polski przegl. chir. 33 no.6:535-541 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr S. Nowicki i z Zakladu Radiologii PSK nr I Kierownik: dr E.Lukomski. WISRUICKI, Jozef; NAPIERAIAI-Marian Early complications following surgery of the bUlar7 tract. POIBId przegl. chir. 31+ no./,:283-292 162. 1. z I Kliniki Chirtirgicznej AM v Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr S.Nowicki. (BILIARY SYSTEM Burg) WIMBICKI, Jozef clinicai we or laparoscop7. Folald przegl. chir. 35 no.2z 137-141 163a 1. z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu Klerowniks prof. dr S. Novicki. (ENDOSCOPY) (JAUNDICE) (IXM CHRRHOSIS) (LMR NEOPLASMS) (ASCITES) (BILIARY TRACT) (HEPATITIS, INFECTIOUS) WIERZBICKI., Jozef _7IEF(ZB,3 Restoration of respiratory and cardiac activity. Polski przegl. chir. 35 no.3:245-253 163. 1. Z I ninild ChirurgiC2n8j AM w Poznaniu Kierown1k: prof. dr S. Nowicki. - c (RESPIRATION, ARTIFICIAL) (RESUSCITATION) (HEART ARREST) WIERZBIC~q, Jozef; KOSINSKI, Woj6iech Value of liver function tests in differentiating jaundice. Pol. przegl. chir. 35 no.7/8:736-,738 163, 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik: prof. dr S. Nmricki. A (LIM FUNCTION TESTS) (LIM ENZYMOLOGY) (JAUNDICE) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) WIERZBICKI, -Tozef; ZAPALSKI, Stanislaw Acute renal failm~e in obstractive jaundice. Pol.-przegl. chir. 35 no.7/8s747-749 t63. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgiamej AM w Poznaniu Kierownik-. prof. dr S. Nowicki. . : ACUTE RENAL FAILURE) UNDICE, OBSTRUCTIVE) M (SURGERY, OPERATIVE) WIERZ'BICKI, Kx7Btyn Philometrosis in cruclan. Wladomosci parazyt., Warsx. 4 no.5-6:653-666; Bngl. transi. 656-657 1958. 1. Z Zakladu Chorob Wb WSR w Olsztynie. (NM&TOIW UMWIGNS, philometrosis in cruoian carp (Poi)) (FISH, dis. cruclan carp, philometrosis (Poi)) WIERZBICKIj Krystyn Philometrosis of crucian carp. Acta parasit 8 no.8/20:181-193 Je 6o. (EW 9:11) 1. Zaklad Chorob Fqb W.S,,R. Olsztyn-Kortowo. (Poland--Carp) (Poland--Philmetra) =ROM JEZEWSKI~M.; MORSTIN, T.; WIMZBICKI, M. On the immersion method of measuring the dielectric permittivity of solids, as compared to other methods. Acts. physics. Pol 25 no.2t:L87-192 F 164 1. 1 Institute of Physics, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy., Krakow* BOGDANSKII K.1 BOGDANSKA, H.; WIERZBICKI, M,; OSTROWSKA, I. Rate'of vitamin C penetration from fruit flesh into the surrounding sucrose syrup. Rocz tech chem zywn.-S947ZA4 161. 1. Fruit Horticultural Institute, Skierniewice. WIERZBICYJ, Ilieczyslaw; OLSZLMSKI, Narion Determining the content of mois"Wre in cem-acted molding sands and compounds by the zethcv~ of the dielectric constant and hardneao. Metal i odlew 36 no.i~;171-1810 161. 1. Katedra Fizyki I i Katedra Technologii. i Gorniczo- Hutniczej. ~11ERZB11-KI, JV, nzard; DMOCHO!,,i.,-,,H, Rib~, till It,, i,; aci~lo if g]pr!:'1s of ne-ik of Calf. Ft.. 1. llaukd. matinan j1-rz:[.%,c no.16,29-35 f 6.!. 1. Dwtaxtmant of Bt--nh-3-ril ~!t,,7, 1hu'vernity, Lrdz. WIERZBICKI, Stanislaw. mgr inz. ---Cone-trT~VYZ,' 'd6sign solutions of apartment buildinge with cross-sect'ion carrying wall system. Inz i bud 21 no.9.-3120- 324 s 164. ffiullffffm-ffii~ C d ttj) C- C k~ I JUS, And z9j; LASOWSKA. DRnuta; WIXUBICKI, Tadeuoz-. KRA ILMICZ, Attempted antibiotic therapy of &auto psychotic states. Smr. & c.polelm 5 ne.4:353-365 JUIY-Aug 155- I,, Z 111niki. Psychitrycsaoj AA v Lodal, Klorowalk: prof. dr. 1. Vilcskowskt-Ze aspitals, d1s, lervowo i Psychicuale Chorych In. Babinsklego w Kochtnewco.Dyrektor: dr M. Hariyaski. (ANTIBIOTICS, therspentic use, psychoses) (PSTCMS]lS, therapy. antibiotics) Powdip/Pharmacology and Toxicology. TTanquilizers V-2 Abs Jour : &f Zhur - Biol., No 15., 19~8j No 71111 Author : Bukowczyk Adam, W Inst : - Title The Treatment of Ochizophronia with Recorpino neurochirurg. i psychiatr. polska, 1957, 7, 10 5., Ori- Pub Neurol. 701-705 Abstract In the treatment of ~4 schizophrenic patients with high doses (5-15 mg daily) of reserpine for 68 days, remissions occurred in 7 and irrprovement in 16 patients .. One patient died during treatment, from perforation of the duodenal ulcer. Dradycardia developed in 80 percent of patients, sym- ptoms of Parkinsonism aluost in all. The authors connect the improvement of the psychic condition with the appearance of this symptom. Card 1/1 SOSMSKIL, Dantela; ICKI, Tadeuez I disorders dur Henta, ing anticol therapy. Polski t7god. lek. 14 no.20: 924-926 18 MaY 59. 11. .(Ze szpitala "Kochanowka* w Lodzi; dvrektor: dr mad. Chicah Mirzynski i zrwojewodzkiej przychodni Zdrowia Payohioznego w Lodzi; dyrektor: dr ,Tadeusz Wierzbicki). (DIBUIYLUH* inj. eff. ment. disord., case report (Pol)) (KOUL DISORDIKRS. stiol. & pathogen. disulfiram' ther. of a1c.oholism, case report (Pol)) n -CKIJv qNAR, Sta islaw; RYDZYNSKIO Zdzislaw; SIUCHININSM, Helena; WIMBI Tadouzz Our experience with the use of Nitoman In mental disorders. Pol. tvg. leki, 17 no.17:633-635 23 Ap 162. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej AM v lodzi; kierownik: Prof. dr med. Stanislaw Cwynar i ze Szpitala im. Babinskiego v Lodzi; dyrektor.* lek. med.,-Tadeusz Wierzbicki. (TRANQUILIZING AGENTS ther) (MENTAL DISORDERS ther) ~-- ~~ GNAT, T.; WAWZAKO B.; WIERZBICKI,, T.y ZIMNY, S. Preliminar7 results of chlorprothixene therapy of mental patients.'Neurol. neurochir,, psychiat. pol. 13 no.11103-106 1. Szpital d1s. Ne-rwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w Kochanowee Dyrektdr: dr T. Wier-zbicki. (CBLORPROTHIKENE) (FSYCHOSES, INVOLUTIONAL) (SCHIZOPMUMIA) (MENTAL DISORDERS) WIFRZBICKI, T. Quasi-static flow of rigid---- visec-plastic circular plate. Bul Ac Pol tech 12 no.12:(Yll-618 164. 1. Department of Mechanics of Gontinuous Media of the Institute of Basic Technical Problems of the Polish Academy of Seiences~ Warsaw. Submitted September 28, 1964. P-muta; KUC.'IYNSKA, Mzbiata; VIERMCNI, Tadeusv, lek. med. herape-atic results in Stauder's amen-ti and cataton-c ayrdrc-mes in the hospital -'Tochanowka": dur.Ing the period of 1951-1963. Neurol., neurochir. psychiat. Pol- 1-4 no.6t923-927 14-D 164. I. 7e S:--itala dla Nerwowo i Psychic-.nie Chorych "Koebanowka" w Lodzi Oyrekton lelk. med. T. Wierzbicki)o JXZIERSKA, Aniela; Attempted luwatren therapy of schlizophreniao lieurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 15 no.21299-302 Kr-Alp 165. 1* Z Panstwowego Szpitala dia Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych im. dr. J. Babinskiego v Lodzi (Dy-rektor: dr. med. T. Wierzbicki). IF-R, I W "BiCK T h4gulsive Icading of ajj7h;erIcP-2 v~zzel, a-A Ac Pc-- tech 32 !:--.4: Department of Mechan,ic--!; or (ontInlicas Medla, Institute of Basic Techn Ical Problems, Poll ish ti-cademy of Sciences, Warmaw. Presented by W. Olc-zyik. GNATI T.; JIEZIERSKA, A.; KHASILEWICZOWA, M.; WIERZBICKI, T. Preliminary communication on the treatment with new antidepressive agents saroten and surmontil. Neurol. neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no. 2023-326 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Ze SzDitala d1a,.Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chroych Kochanowka w Ledxi (Dyrektor% dr TJIierzbLcki). FrFIFIYI%,A. P.; W,-ERZBICXI, Temperature dependent and strain rats sonnitive plastic matemals, Bul. Ac Pol tech 12 no.4:275-2821 164. .L. Dep~irtment of Nech-anics of Cont-iriv.ous Media, Institute of Basic L TecII-1.1q.'cal Froblem~--, Pcll 4h Academy of Sciences., Warsaw. Presented by W. WIERZBICKI Tomasz A thick-walled elasto-visco-plastic spherical container under stress and displacement boundary value condition. Archiw mech 15 no.2:297-308 163. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Media, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. VIERZBICKI, Tonasz Impulsive loading of a spherical container with rigid-plastie and strain rate sensitive material. Archiw mech 15 no.6t775-790 r-63. 1. Department of Mechanics of Continuous Kedia,, Institute of Basic Technical Problems, Polish Academy of Sciences,, Warfmw. ACCESSION NR: AP4038484 P/0033/64/016/001/0135/0143 AUTHOR: Perzyna, Fiotr (Warsaw); Wierzbickig Tomaaz (Warsaw) strain rate sensitLve lastic TITLE: Temperature dependent and materials ~SOURCE: Archiwum mechaniki stosowanej, v. 16. no. 1, 1964, 135-143 TOPIC TAGS: dynamic metal property, strain rate effect, dynamic stress, dynamic strain, temperature stress relation A13STRACT: A of previou's works concerning the effects of simultaneous action of both strain rate and temperature on the dynamical properties of metals beyond theelasticity limit is presented. Constitutive equations describing the behavior of metals under these conditions are modified by using available experimental data to obtain more accurate results. Therefore.only narrow ranges of temperature and strain rate are investigated. Theoretical and experimental results.are compared in diagrams by plotting the otreso- versus~-temperature curves for various strain rates for steel, iron, and alumin um, and a fair agreem ent between theory and experiment.,,, ,ICord 1/2 ti I :Card 2/2 % , - 'I WIEMIGNT, Witold (Varazava) $oil pressure in the light of experimental researa. Rozpr. Inz PAN 32 no,J % 115-3.20 161j, VVIERLMCKI , 11,69MI41S all 91IMMUNI "Wivilmale suffmistl to"" fin KAWO, Iriva 11mlowtv. Nov. 1017. VAA pp'. IM -437. Vie Pa1wr offerv it getlermligAim tit kilown effillifivAl rt-.Ulls, cotimstilta notw1iiltic bwklitllg U( a strwiftlit Imu. to VAK*4 that haytq not Invu ittv"lipuNt. VoII NsirmAll" IVIO Iffilm-ir m-,tvlv ax a matting Iloills, III Ili* nittatiol. Ejy' - -31. 111,, r4qtiv nuftfuliti, R 6 wipwvil fly it MIUMI glu"11JUA N, 4h-Ill-l"1111A sill tilt) playwieml Ptol", Im will thr Crt" WV14811 Will Shalk- Of tilt IX-Aill. Thill V11114tiol. AIIIAWA to 1110 CASL #4 JkliAl IMMIS dilill'IbUIC41 141011i( thi'31%6 Of [III' [Air Xlhl Ifir Criliral bitill 6 elerili,n] lot milrb rum-s a. 11, of (.sVV)/ItwIwrAo 0, delmmbo On If Ila. likVI. ilia will N' - Nilpl. 11.0. mullwx williftn" ilia (will III,, L"t equation milli thm.- 44,14n(ftl for Isillited clid.1 tests. stul olitaiiwa trIstion lwtwtvn the numfultm X will (tit, Aquivernem rallool' Ille ~ A firsilsh tit thigiviatiumbils i,4 hitown (,it oittvl sirr. Thr Ittilwor ironcludt~ wit 11 exallip6 it( I Ila- dvit-f otillat itin 0( the wtitical limit 6'r Olawltixtie fluvkhoig U11114-F Vail."ta qjxv Polluid