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ACCESSION NR: AP4040358 2/0045/64/025/003/0323/0336 i AUTHOR: Wasolowskag Ca iTITLEt Optical properties of thin gallium films In the wavelength ,range from 4,000 to 10,000 Angstrom units ~SOURCE: Acta physics polonica, v. 25, no. 3, 1964, 323-336 !TOPIC TAGS: thin film gallium, thin-film optical, thin film technol- Idgy..infrared !ABSTRACT: The techiLo'logy of fast and slow vacuum deposition (*at !5.X 10-5 torr) of gallium films on a plass substrate at room temper- ature is described, The reflectance coefficients of slow and r:pidly, deposited gallium films were mez.sured for white light. Only al w ideposition (10 Angstrom units per minute) produced gallium films of ~metallic luster and a high reflection coefficient. The following ca- vefficients of the deposited films in the.wavelength range from 4000 :to 10,000 Angstrom un ita were measured by a,ZaIss spectrophotometer: jCord 1/2 'ACCESSION NR: AP4040358 the reflectance on the air side, the reflectance on the and the transmittance. The,thickness of the deposited ured by the multLple-beam Interfarence method. Electron :of gallium films of various thickness exhibit a droplet ifirming that these are films of t;upercooled liquid when the substrate at room temperature. The author thanked band her colleagues E. Dobierzewsha, K. Fulinska, and J. 'vice and encouragement throughout.- the experiments, also :electron micrographs, Orig. am. has: 30 E1gurea,,.And)2 iASSOCIATION: Katedra Fizyki'Pblitecbniki,Wz-6clawskioj,, Wroclaw 'Experimental Physics, Technical University) 15May64 substrate side, films was meas- micrographs structure con-: deposited on 'Prof. Z.' Bodnar~ Wilk fQr ad- i A. Kubica for tables. (Institute ofit. DATE". ACQ: SUBHITTED: 2lAug63 ENCLS 00 CODE: OP -NO F.EF'SOVs OTHER: 015 'SUB p. Card 2/2 WLSOLUWSKA G.; DUBARZ!'-"14SKA-MOZRZYVASOWA, E.; JAi"USO-,661, B. Optical coefficients of thim.gallium and indium films in the near infrared and ult:-aviolet range. Acts, physica Fol 25 no-3:44-3-451 Mr 164. 1. Institute of Experimental Physics, Technical University, Wroclaw. Ij WICI, U S1.1111 vv IAN u j ..... 38MV, . 2 _ ~ e jet% rat f6ml In- C U bf ill wh Ch both. and x tire Iffitell 1j, I 1 11 rgert inn 'I, were.. x 4)~~ aight. irt fif=ltioiis tA thd Till rep of.U.S; I at, - '', molts 8101 was Ual!ed iAtif 23: molesi KiL W Dq.arur,12 1443 1 a V;kl l I see, to give Was hydrolyzi I md ~ AfeSiO- 1,03 times SiC4-wits tztn~d i It -3.97 moles C . xz ICA WA-the Me~%Cl d h IXCI rl:i-5 I ~tls.obtaisittd was, ,Ai ,jjO ol t I d z ~Itb l o l SiQ d M 4N( j e r : t critt e ; - lms,, % e c., ly c~ j, j j;, y 1-4 the I N COj,+U%O,t1IC id6tdzuridgri, W,s ivere obtihied hilfik way.-,the.."Jiurt n h tat'goirigover at I.W. about UO g. Py.eltanging this oxmies.- -recilw--svitablyi , 10 Air thj4polysilL ' 7- 7 6t , were not gtvca~i,, pupd.j all Of-wl it Lick had p -below- -m-70*, saii%e below -74% tlOycom1mre favor. points ;!A W.1xith thi Dow, coi-niatoil vi~-2m, W pule.. "'U'-, the I finatltute of:Technol 'i-ble;i:chin'S of-.p ..u.lpv, wiphitte pa p,..~prcy 0 wide Ohd:. h*'Oi Wit cent (tinra IC per, tratio lncr,*Isq i tit n propp ~r nd Na~O also p togk~er h the '.Ir zeCtidN Of 6'r"n I cz--, I 295~~ tj~ thed~-j~~of- peroxIde' blench[ng-,,;w ,e. uve'.~af peo-xides -~la ble. aching arlincrit 'of:~Crltujdw. Toldinology, ea6d u6ted on i3xpe ,r-Imc-nt.,3,on final, Wa'chtng: WaOcd bi..- imillialastr op-iatlo~ -'With Tth: 110i s6lutl6ns: Iii concentration -s froi n mt ach ee. It)' ae n#r t ha t;-w p- thi~q~ uh he. cm u V ~r I r I ced ta ah e ults n- b ~it ema~ ti i.~ UL; POIJIM/Chmiccl Tc,chnoloL~-.-* C'MmIcal Products 1-25 cnd Tlicir jA.PP1j.c:~t-".on--1-Tood chcniStrY products. Ccilulosc and its tinnufcc' P'POr, -,)s z, No 19-W, 10045 Tcuv: 111of ~~riur-iaiiniy, ...uthor : Wosolowska, W. Inst, : Not Grvcn Titlo Wztcr Ropc1lont 'L-.,.)cr. An 1-porincnt on th., C11"rification of the 14c.chlmiom of 1Tntorproofin,-,, 36, Vol 12, No U 220U-230 (in n. 19! Ovig Pub: Prz apicr Polish In En-3.1sh and 111w3i-.n) Abstract: R is shown thl-~ uvc,:-,fornz1dchydc resins olf Polish rx-nufacture -vo twl`cd for the imtcrj)roof- U U inG of.p~jl-cr prodiiccd fi,on siilf~-tc and sulfitc Pulp., Thc nrolon.,-O -c;fon.of watcr,ct 200 on J. papor ti,c--tcd W.-UD theoc r-coins proCuced only cn tnairmificnilt low.,jAwl of tfic., witor rcii9t-nec. Tp 0 1; 01' Tho uti.lizati-on uf -. m.'!.-.turc of F)OC.) I AL2(S0)!),-,,, is 1-ccot-.!mcndcd1 fop tho m-intem-mce of a -)If 0 f4-4.5 Czrd l/*1 ----------------- ----------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ I 'SOM 12 c s ser-Ace in ;.he at in ~,.y .P. - Current probjcj"~js of a macchani r kIRKA 11JES'NA, Vol. 7, ro. 8, Aijr*. 1955. ~)SPOW vlarszawra am -TACHOTZHI, Jerzy; IVIII-101,01WISKI, Fran-Aazek . ......... .... Magnesium In tlia soU pr*'LPL.-f"r, and the yield -:)'A sugar beet-s. Rc-z rviuk roln rc6l 88 no.4.1835-853 164* 1. Department of Beets, In3tifute o1" t'lant Cult-Ilration ard za ti on an d t-tie Sta ti Dn fo r 1 gri clal tural C hemi a try, Bytigos Z L 2. BRAGIEL, Irenal JANIS2EWSKI, Doleolaw;,- ~ISOLO~1411- Relall.don of congenital ma:-formtlorna to rAternal irA-f IlUenza infection. Wiad. lek. 28 z;o.lOz831-834 15 My 165. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Kobiecych i Poloznict,4a 2. Contr. Szpit. Klin. Wojskowej AM (Klerownik: iloc. dr. ined. J. higier) i z Pracowni KlInicznej 2 Centr. Szpit, Klin. Wojskowej AM (Kierownik: dr. med. N. Symonowicz). 23025 P/045/61/020/004/003/004 B133/B205 2 q; -Tro o AUTHORS: Wesorowski, J.~ Jacitimowski, h~.+,.Dragon, R. TITLE: Luminescence of "drlr" aluminum oxide films in electric fields PERIODICAL: Acta Phynica Polonioa, v. 20, no. 4, 1961, 303-311 TEXT: The electrical and lumines-.ent,properties of electrolytically formed "dry" aluminum oxide films have been studied. The properties of such films were found to resemble strongly those of both electrolytic and typical electroluminescent cells. ItAs therefore assumed that the lumi- nescence of both electrolytic and "dry" aluminum cells is a process of electroluminescence. The typical properties.oflelectrolytic cells which. have received special attention in the last few years (see Ruziewicz, Z., Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Cl. III.; A, 537, 543 (1956)), are presented in the introduction. The propertieE'Of "dry" cells prepared by the authors are compared herewith. The lattetr consisted of aluminum plates of about 20 cm,2 area,,which were oxidized anodically in'l-2% aqueous solutions of oxalie acid at constant current or constant voltage. Part-.of the oxidized Card 1/5 23025 P/045/61/020/004/003/004 Luminescence of "dry" aluminum B133/B205 area was coated with a -transparent and conducting CdO or SnO 2 film. The cadmium-,oxide film was,deposited by the cathodic reactive sputtering technique, and the SnO2 film was famed by the procedure of chemical depo- sition (Fischer, A., Z. Naturforsc~- 2-a, 508, (1954)). There appeared to be little differencein the behavi,)r.of cells prepared by either method. The simple arrangement used for th:? purpose allowed for simultaneous ~measurement of both the intensity,-I induced by d-c voltage in the cell, C and thelintensity, If, of-the photocurrent which was produced in an F.E.U. 19-M pho.tomultipl.ier Iand was proportional to the brightness of luminescence.- The cells emitted 1:.ght if the voltage applied in the in- verse direction was sufficiently h'.gh. Sudden transitions between the states (A1+) and (Al-) produced anode and cathode flashes as in the case of electrolytic cells. Measurements (if 1. and If at different d-a voltages (see Figs. 4 and 5) indicated the following: "Dry" luminescent cells ex- hibit a pronounced property of rectification. As in.the case of electro- lytic cells with constant oxide thicknes.s, it is found that L c-I Card,2/5 23025 P/04 61/020/004/003/004 Luminescehce~lof "dry" aluminum B1 33Y,3205 .(L brightness of luminescence); the brightness,of luminescence can be given as L.= a(exp bV similarity of the curves obtained to those of Thornto~n_z,-~iggp~ts that the phenomena described in the present article can be interpreted'-6Ls-effc:cts -of luminescence. It is' however, noted that the results rere consie.erably affected by air-moisture; a later paper will be devoted--to this influence. There are 6 figures and references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 33.non-Sovie't-bloc. The three moE?t recent references to English-langitage publications read as follows: van Geel, V.I. Ch., Pistorius, C. A. and Bouma, B. C., Philips Res. Rep., 12 _,46~2~ (1957); Smith, A. W., CanVL J. Phys., Ey 591 (1959); Thornt,on, A., J. appl. Phys., ~_0,12-x (lS:59)- ASSOCIATION. Institute of-Experiniental Physics, Boleslwv Bierut Univ6rsi- ty, Wroc-law; InstitiAe of Physics, Teb~chersl College, Opole; present-address of q-+: Institute of Physics, Medical Acacle- my, Cracow. StiBMITTED: October 12,, 1960 Card.~3/5 ACCESSION NRS APW11791 P/0045/63/024/006/07UM.34 AUTHORs Rozenfeldj, Be; Saunzkiewicat Me TnUt Influence of absorbed hydrogen on the angular distribution of photons I from two-quantum annihilation in titanium SOtRCEs Act& physica,polonicaj, ve 241 no* 6. 1963# 729-734 TOPIC TAGSi absorbed hydrogen, ng' a ulardistribution of photons, two-quantum annihilation,, exothermic hydroger~-:metal Bystemp hydrogenated titanium, gamma, Fermi momentum distributionj free electron., positive ionization AESTPJLCTs There is, still considerable disagreement on the nature of tW bonds -and.the state of hydrogen atoms In exothermic hydrogen-metal systems. Compari- son of free electron density in ;ure and hydrogenated metal may throw light on the structure of these syatcma atid tho degree of positive hydrogen ionization* The paper describes maaeurenents of the angular distribution of gam;nas from two- quantum annihilation in pure and,hydrogenated titaniump and the experimental us used* The curve correaponding to the H-Ti, system seems to be broader j. appArat - than. the one obtained fcr pure'Utaniume The experlimntal curves were compared C047- ~V2 ...... I-. f~ - - - , I I i- ~- `~: I -; ,;. ~' '. -; ~, ~ ~ " , . -IME= i WESOLCWSKI, J.; DRAGON,.R.; MOCHNIAK, J. -,-~ 0 IN * 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 * IN 0 0 41 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 8 1 4 1 1 00 11 a IS If IS 16 v 4 Ifa n a 9 a if a a a a W a a a 41 a a it a 0 r a it A L A ?-a a I T 9 -, p- A4 11 d I , A I J-. M ako ofa, 040cal VIP F-60c4mo, a.0 *otplay'll wool 1. DielwItric Polarkmidomi of ConconaMell Seftmfiom. A. J06SOMM *444. WftdbwM. Amt. Pokwke &i.-*# Lj*", "U. g S 3 &4A. pp. In Gamew-Experiamento am go 9 OOM medo,toobc datlLin Comaustloa at Suldws metifod fog the doominaticia of dipole jx om ts. Accordlm# to this uwthW the poWW, e0- A -a tion Ptat the notate in acdom-hatedsolution Is gim by Ps - M[(t. -I)/ T .00411 (go + 2). (4- 1)11e +-2)JJCf,, wbe;v X all tha maieclilu weight cd - t 4 h k d th d d dW 0 ' oommo ose an Wr itaft w am t e , , O s nmpoc0v*.,,1mumxyc&mP,,vw6m -60 of J I I ~ (4,r4. 1)/(* 2). By axU&poWWg the so* 0013 md *48qrAim ramo-betoem the vske" of Ps for 4 U W 0 nee 0 1~-J)fiw + (or # am co),~tbo %*W CA Ff, which is relit and: (l ted to 400 0: the ORWO flak-grimolt of 01OFMAM Is owinexi. Thodkthdrict-matantmitiM Is darrinity ~ ot malluticumt al o-mitmiltno, and of,byl-vt1wr in bmscroo we#* nummrod. The valaims 00 ioutid by, We mcthw ~1 me, Witims cow p"Str md In otimrs Arowler 4140* ON Mau tbove-found by okbw authors. The coun of thew d1garomm Is the Z 600 j subject of further Inveffilption. A. M. T. :30* woo. logo 00 4 A$s CLAIWOCATI&I goo go a low WWI4# ""Olois 4 sill dw 0-1 All Selo .&a COO gat 0 U AV 9 4 0 F S aI" a N 8 1 a of 0 a4 3 8 W go a a cl tr It; 9 00 0 00 Go so * 0:41 0 00,41 0 gim. 0 0 of 0o 0 000 0 IS 0 0 4 0 0 ' IT 0 0.00,1 0 4 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 Wo 0 00 00 00 0 9000 00 111 0 0 64 0 O 100000 000000000 a*@ a 0 P 000000%00*00 1P a a so d 10', ras "A 10, 031,A,-,&, r, 1,11, .11, .11 .0 A', 'All 1"A-A- all "a OOA fit -00 .00 -00 -00 0: C., 1017. Density of Liquid Solonlum. 3. Dabi raki and we* Acod. Folonulso Bel. at Mires, !!ull. -log-9A_pp"6-4 000 sod 50 Oct-Nov 193 0 In XnClIsh- A short account Is eiven of so-to prellmintiry deteriminfAlona -00 .0 of the density of liquid So for the temperature r&M* 228-34500. .00 0 A quarts plwwat, partly Plilled, with morcury, Is ousponded In IlquId .06 Be f rot cnt Lrm of a balansm, tho So beinr cont.-,lade in a glass vessel see e, : -43 go* enclosed In mt el*ctrical2:t heattd oven .hich to mrUntEd-ned at my 00-3 WIkjK'IIktWM by'.., 11W11W*Utk CQ4111FUL TIMI 4CIWILY d WAY 000 00W be im. miteli .. Pm tedby'awaxpnomIft d1" 3-1187 goo Wbm t Ito In T, Reno da2mmity 001"ati(mm Wong the bebaviftir of 001 mauld so 6'salict.8014r, but (Witber in"014011000,41 0" Propartme as is Provo-d. 000 6*0 J WOO II4rrz-&,AWW *Two CtAWICA,oft 16"N' Hit a%,# got 0, U. It AV a "1,; 11- T in -A 0 *01 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 we a - -*Tag : : : 0 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 7 VIOVIMSMU Am 1 w 11 i 1A 61 0 A r A v e I 0 -L- I M-A t U j r0 AbKfUtS AMD VVVOF*Tfl$ jkbtl e0 go 00 "Viscosity at 114*11 41411SWUM. H. 11101111111411it 00 0 1341 .3. w"M.Ow4 If. Aml~ Politnalse, M7. "" -7 f Il w S h t too t; as o wit ty o qu typs VWMWMAN,: the vads" with temp. Is regular, 3 but dw devistion (ram Antinde's law (d. A., 1034, sell a%) is �8%. indicating strong assoolation. F. J. L. *00 2 1 00 t a of zoo L.& a VALLURGICAL LJTj�4TYfft CLASjjFK4Tjo$_ U00 .311 1 , At 0 U W t &.1f JW Iff it K a fCL a a~ C A a ew 0 it a I Is J) a . VA , , i 1 T 1 9 0 1 6 0, 0 0, oqijo 1 v 0 o g o. 0-0 so 6:0 * o v * so 0 0 0 0 00 0 04 900 go*$* I o 0- 0 * * We 0 0 Wo 0,01 goo 0, 0-ML a a a as db a so-* 0 so go go* 0 * & * a 0 eel 1 1 4 6 4 1 a 9 v It u- to W "1 14 11 a Is a X 11 U At M X M V 16 X 40 41 41 As Is 45 p It a a p d N Is L a st I A I y s A 41 - - - - so CjA I,# T;;Ci; -Psmfi;~i A-* Aii p it ' ' . sosalk. Class* as hy"Iti. " B ho tris. sIelmd- PWSN. so -00 t e0 mai. IiAA. Z*-; 03(in Geittiun).-Br Ust of a conde- i I of two tot lubit 61WW ow within the otha. int ek-frode the i h = = 4v ng a "m at tM mu&f the in the is tavaidpilepitti Wwwa,thm. tbc 4Wec. coust. of liquid Sit. Irtut I 6itaxed idthe t=P. region 236-300*. Abovw LI N lattser) do owd burvam so qukkly wW =*Z Wedbecumcs OM M Of emp M t tbekwsAwvoj unutWoctory, lFrom do dM& it appears that the dklec. see Se am ft temp range cottside" 6 c0" i any -- - exam It 06 the temp. l wUWa the limit of expti. error. ee tion wititin cxptl. limits is i".- 1101 1515 - 0 coo . . op. and It" tbc vwtbc 0. d at. wt. gives the ~e op. Polarization at " d to be ( hi h see f -m &* w c w 10146MARtion Louis Waldbourr 0 1 00 'r . 12.00 - 00 IIt see too Os ti 4*0 AjO.SLA ARTALLUJIMAL LITINAIM"ICLAIMPKAT" too it 1413011a Ost a- cut -U S AV 10 A W 0 t- 0 0 it: Is At Or 6 It, K B U M , 41111 Lf Is (W 0 W W I If go 0 a a 3 9 1 .11 1 14 Ap 0 0 o o 0 0-0 -0 0 0- 0 0:0 0 : l ; IV 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.0 0 0 0 so 0 a So 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:0:4 Is;*, 0 0 00 0 0 0 a ~f V W 0 -41 0 0 4996940649090 0 It A A 64 0-0 0 0-0 0 ,;-O 0 0 0 0116 ~- 40 ,'Pl. 7!; 9; 7*;v-, P!, I A A 4 1 1 9 of it it N 11 ai it m to 0 if W Ad A is A; to p L 41 Q at is 11 A-L U-1- I-- -A 't- 00 .. .... 00 so 00 1-400 so f .00 00 06 $10how. w"MOWSKS. J. As mp es Act* ft-S, AP&W., 9 ts., 1) 61-2 11%7) 0 OwAtsm "ftw ror G.M. 00 a mpply vw*g up to W'.. Two 0" dkmrw 00 tob"Ou"athessidge - Mandthewaftepb4m 00 calhociemmax"Ovid urn poemck. nAftbiMW- =00 Crow is tAm-frewl bawmen PONO& A am h.l. a 00. -.00 ;*Wive. 00 009 -40 see t:o* d$-It& MIALLiNfACAL 4.179MAI-C CL&SWICAMN a u a AV 00 Is ; , it 0 0 OV 0.0 0 0 0 00 0 *'ll e 010 0 0 0 Of 9 00 0 0 0000 a e 0 1. 00-000 0 9 of 6 9A goo 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 a 0 0 614 to 0 60 0 -k .96000000000060 It 4 r oe Asw~fl t, *0 00 Of fe a -00 00 t 00 4 WANW& VINIM. APO M IL Aeft FO^ PAw C*V* 1366 ! coo Aer., 93. 612 (1") is *A 00 Ammi-poomw -t*N .0 990 -00 ass goo 400 tooo 041ALL4*41C4It.WINOWN ct otoic& ll"::~- teso too low 11#1011r. view odwiny 7-9 - -4. u AT, ND is Vw 0 Q--l 9 a it, a p If It at .14 41 09 410 tizipum, ism o 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 Of's 00 0 0 0 0 0 00 090, 0,41 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 If 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WESOLOTelSvIi J. W 'S K POLAND/Nuclear Physics Installations and Inst 'ruments. C-2 Methods of Measurement and Research. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika) No 4, 1957, 8530 Author : Wesolowski, J. -Inst :--B61-eslav Ter-R Univecsity, Wroclaw Title : Immersion Geiger-MuelIer Counter for Recording Rays Orig Pub : Acta phys. palon., 1936, 15, No 2, 146-147. Abstract The construction of a thin-vall counter for the measu- rement of P -activity of liquids is given. A positive potential is applied to the filament of the counter; the Ininus" of the voltage sources is connected to the metallic vessel, which is filled with the in3restigELted liquid. Uhe counter is used to determine the quantita- tive contents of K in salts. Card 1/1 -------------- - -------------- ''T Ide ti 2, a " z tl f e alt.cauc oa o Y - roie isL,5- m b ei o Ze a& 11 td , - p n n L _ Danlcl gy V-1cid Mw' Wh 4_~Eu 47kft4E_ M WL ~trot tel~te gas !or. the absovp~. x Ot ratiq 4~ t4e , , 004, st I th m, , din pacep,,ail QLjtonuU* fj~yjcr *g~ emu to:m re !e coacn.~QUNQI In' the tystew Alm the gum 0fcotlc"sid0eldttc-~indof.N0t fisfactromaxi.; diih la tile _Yw, -, For th(t pur - ose 11 1, t NO ' - ' er to a met t, ~KWR): was., used. l It: wat ' ~ ~ i t d d o wi N c l Itained t d NO ft m HNOS in the re- y ti witli _HX and ~~Ws.- followed, by oxlda.~.with W _ ~ vefe. ~rcieac~- of- G,- M , WO type used. ~ :_Thcl Sort - ------ mtetfcre.., at1d;H.NOS did-vtor errora The error of the t 0 h t by d NUCZYNSKIO Wienayslawl, WESOLWKII Juhusz; JANICKIs Krzysztof Tests of the regeneration or vanadium catalyst. Rocz chemii 33 no.4/3:1167-1173. 159. (EW 9:9) 1. Instytut Kwarlu Siarkowegi) i Nawozow Fosforowych, Lub6n i Katedra Technolo ii Chemiczaej Uniwersytetu A.Mickiewicza, Poznan. (Vanad=1 (Cital-lysts) S/081/62/000/023' 60/120 /0 BI 601B18 6 AUTHORS: Kuczynskif Wieficzyalemt Wesolowskip Juliusz TITLE: 'Producinir a catalyst for oxidizing pulflirous anhydride PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. -Khimiya, no. 23, 1962, 469, abstract 23K216 (Pol.pat. 4521'49 Oct- 16Y 1961) -.20% Al O*'is washed with 5-15% -TEXT: Natural silica containing 5 H SO 2 3 2 V HCl or PO at 10-500C so that 2-8~') of the Al 0 remains in the washed 3 2 3 product. It is then washed with water, bringing the pH up to 7, and is dried, after which it is mixed with a solution,of v 0 K CO H C 0 and 2 59 2 31 2 2 4 oxides.of semi-precious metals., Ili the solution ihese components are in the ratio 1:5:2:0.01. The quan.tity of solu.tion taWen is 1. 6 of the 'amount,. f ilica, and the pH of the mass .-'.a raised to 8by means of R so 0 sl 12 4' Gri*anules of the required size are pressed from the mass, dried and roasted in air at 5000C. The catalyst obtained is,distinguished by its stability against.,overheating caused by the .11 0 content in the catrier. During 2 3 1/2 .010 0 O's, we 0 0 0,00"o s o 0 @go L-a-m- I stooolooooos 0 al 00- A .1NIO r go I-so OO,M of 00:. 1 "00 oo~ Ogg d GWMMS~ . W. 11nflie"At MIUM i PAkchniki War-WAl l =00 goo l. i 933, S. j;j:Q. (n Wish, with Flench mummery.) 8M J. Ind. Mel" I OO 474,& G. goo ow ire f: Ago Zee goo 460 ~SLA MITALLUMCAL LITIN&TWU C tiloo ::60 %00 alsill 44v ll~ -- - 9 5 V ZA - - AV 03 a a fm a P1 0 1 it *Aa i 14 ' i ,i 0 Ci I _ * T * go 'a Je. 0 0 0 0 04 .W 0 L000 0 0 0 100 00 ' 0 0 49 0_e G 4 0.0.* W* 0 0-0 010 G 0 .0 Ire ie goo ONSOM0000 400#99049ce goo as* 0 0600066060: W : so 0 0 10 41 0 0 1, ', of A is v 0 x :41 TI mr z U Q of ds;ro - - t ~~- 0 004 - "-V- 1. OIL ". p t 0 -00 *00 d I as 161domw Ip d blow W. .00 #41 ~Rfugdvlrdd and K. We** 'j 1 W4rxhvkw 19U Ai (Ilrwg &jWm ft ki Pam m F h -00 , . 06- Abs.. 19U. renc , w mummfiry.j Stv Jill. me =09 000 , coo 100 we 0. goo Zoo goo 40 too tio We .31J.1 90"inv Uwe $81054 .119 amw ant it Joe U .00 At It of w M 6 9 Ow0 w Aj a 3 I : ' l 0 0 0 0 a 0 0,00 0 0 0 * * 0000000tatooodloo : I *~/ : :1 - . 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 : 0 0 0-0:0 W : :1 : 000000000060000 0 a 0 0 61-0 0-6-0 W* 0_0 Ve ea I )A I's a 1 ON m ANXII till sim mil MP1041 414; 0C0 -0 of POM JUI ASO PIC0111116 ibf1A 00 1- 406 I 6A lie so lee lie K. J)~~ftkLjA x a. A cad. =00 8 1. 44-0; Bea B.N.F. study of the equilibri im dL&gmm and of the mechan"I prop"tim of them &&Oit. AuarfultablyisgirenortbamechankaI ro: f the alloys in w0 UJC in T&d- C(Mntri 10 of the WDAL SM S60 tol met.-& 0. ,a coo too too to* A111111.4 AITA ELOGICA LIT194T441 CL .ASSWICAIMM zoo A W. TO-mra 'M W., 434t VIIIJI C-t 4- M Miss _ 0 I ZA An I S v ?w 0 1 At lw 1 11 U U IV 0; Isi Is 0 p It W 04 OF tr A St K -a It It 4( KJO n 1 14 0 .0 0 0 OA 0 00, 0 0 00000000 0 0 0 0 *1 0 0 el 10 0 0 0 0 0:0.0 0 41 : 0 0 : 0 0 411 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1 A ON, 9. Waiso"alsf, "A WWI dt otool beams fma bwu4 aild i'llurTonych budymb6o )," Inspit. 11wist"., July-Alix. 1917, v.4- 1. M7-340 Trilpik- tq'otli Imititil tonif -hI,tr-aytJ U, navlit4f glint ck'iIIK4' the trallm-ratun., flor ON!'Worntalitt" dur. ilix ths. )'In-And ill llip'-fluormul Ifel.-ahat pmr sit rL-uw. havo find any owlyrrm effert, stia 1I.- togruplius) A. hl. Fwatkullial, V14A 0 4"s ~*O -0 0 0 ; 0 a 0-0 * 4 0 4 4 0 6 0 of 660 4 1 6 1 1 1 is 11 IS 0 14 Is 16 it It 14 9 v x Id a m v is )m a A) u u O'JCO I It L F--.Q- A I I OA-M -M -POP- i _c -k-L-j- a h j ., I M 0 # --I 60 am] &I ftepa1w of lk" 1~sm boom malaw sm If inAngent" lot"[ fr%jus rhctsvIyticoopIw-r asulconsturcvLd mangautwo, wm ljmx ID 0-116. an.11 .411~tjr r1W allov, Aftrr ~I ing And millumling at 919)" C.. was mold %",r ml sjul afirrvirants ans;* 61 again at fAAr'(!. for *21 hr. Vnan tim 411"y ill this mulliti.,11. tv", W-riva nr allup Werr I)fVlwtml I olm. 411114,1141). ill" mmmd cluriteb4i in water (nnn WXY V. The nw-chudiul pnilm-rtitv tif ImIlh, .00 wrilw wrn- tratgmi In flu- temp. rmnv ~W-70)' V. The liticuchmni alkivo wt-rr WArr &!all niw u1sultiv titan the antwsk-d ones. K)th spricta Plmw unninums welimi inal lvnl%-rth* at slumt MAY'C-A. K. n 00 j coo &10 0 7 0,0 too -A%sAL& FALLIJOIGICAL LITINATURECLASUPICATPCO -14-- 1111,10.) wit 4%V 44-C is AV 00,41 , I I t a Od 0 If 6 1 W 0 6 &A 3 0 a it 10 Ratio 1911tv Ito W go 4 00 : 0:14**000090946006696 n 00000000006e00 0 0 00 0 "p-we 0 0 * a 00 40.0 G O~* 0 0 ~01960 ge 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 1 Im WESOLOWSKI, Kornel, prof. dr; RYCZEK, Michal, dr Iron occurring incoal and It's behavior during mp-chanical. processing. 1'r-.c-gl Vorn 20 no.M507-513 0 164. 6-, pp,4~--400,ffox-j 41 B.". Au --tis given concerlifilg, the' atirtictute of maii e-i q, 'p Itic. inec anlea ,magne Cc pr f,-~,tUSGLO RS WE I 'Wiv- idtial, m,tfi- di nes. MOM mum 7- V. W Magnetic .0roperfles of feff" Under the Whience - of. A new U44:tcchnoIQ , ? ' q Chzei~sW and 01 a 70=77TUM Xiqu).~jron coj tj.7 c o.09,1 Mn 0.022, Sl'- 0.012, P 0.01 11 3, S 0.0058% and: id Al contc.: Si 0.051 - 'I Fe 025 /c t '13-4d Were wed f.:40sainplesoff oall to prel. err Ora ~AAL -A.W&1,1)atch ' 300g.;putInA8c; 11 - g d C , ,L ' d d l h , te-firc- " e lea p In a tra 1h ay.crucible, was, ux 1 melted it 0.1-- 0-15 min., then cooled to 6W,*:*Ith1u M) min., at SOW Ithepressurein the cruciblei., .;was brmgbt.tD the JIM. ICVel.- 'iForging w2d,roftjrj-vk3C" effective for i1-16% alloysi foUaiTed by heat treatmentj rc~: In unsallsfact 'g"0:- prokwties of the audys; -1 :Ith 65-15 latt Wtd (16 21 h t Wl 5 h 77 I e er , . or: n; e . .a r. , -coded'atii late of 40-01/hi6t~ ke OtWfied Hitw..i then . pt-, at 6w* for 10 mfil.', and 6ooled. ra Oldly in 61d H10, shovied loeitheabilities sted at, magne ~)fup6MW,"llS.OO).iind23.600gausscs/-r-; tizing form.of 5, ~) - resp,, t ,,and 100 oersteds, % 1Z v Imax.. pernuab illty 37,400, gausie bersted, coercivity - 0.03 je~- 'oersted). and:-;mS1StIvItY -150'salcrohims cin-.-- Prodtwd on, - -, ;me odsofAllegoalloyseu ntly.nseduerevlewed.~. rr~ - 64 fi , .......... ....... .... (e)/EWP(_0/ETI/EWP (k)___IJP(_e) -_ J ACC NRt AT6032816 SOURCE CODE: PO/0000/66'/000/000/0097/0108 AUTTIOR.F,Kiedrzyn"ski, Z. (Warsaw)! Wesolowski, K. (Warsaw) ORG: Polytechnic Institute, Warsaw (Technische.Hochschule) TITLE: Ultrasound technique for testing phase transitions in microspecimens of metals and alloys at the solid transition or liquid transition points -113 .~SOURCE: Conference on.P.Lcoustics oj',Solid Media. Warsaw, 1964. Proceedings Warsaw, PWN, 1966, 97-108 -TOPIC TAGS: ultrasound, phase transition, 1ow temperature alloy, high temperature alloy, ultrasound testing, metal phase transition, alloy phase transition, silicon boron alloy system .ABSTRACT: Research on the use of ultrasoniJs for detection of phase transforma- tions at the solid and liquid bDundaries in metals and alloys has proven that an ultrasonic effect exists during solidifii!ation and melting_of metals and alloys. ~The effect was first studied for low-temperature alloys microfurnace" was built for the purpose of heating small specimens of high-temperature materials selected at random up to 3000C. Equipment fdr studying melting or solidification processes Kard 1/2 ~CHA.LSJCA, K;WASOLOiSKI..S. Streptomycin excretion rate In patients with one kidney. Oruslica, Ursa. 20 no. 2:185-192 Mar.-Apr 1912, (CLNL 22:3) 1. Of the i4artment ,of Biochemistry and of the Department of Urology Of the Institute ofluberculosle (Director--Prof. J. 14isiewics. M. D.). WNSLOWSKI, Stefan Difficulties awl error@ in diagnosis of ruolithisals. Urol.pol. 7:68-86 1954. 1. Z Oddstalow UrologicsEgr6h Sspitala Wol,skiego,i Sipitals, Miej- skiego nr 1 w Wttrsz&wie;-or3ynator: doc.dr mad. S. Wesolowski. (URINAW TRACT, calcill. diag,difficultiss & arrora) (CALCULI#. urinsa7 diago'difficulties error*) Is. BUTARSKI, Wieslaw; W=LOWSKI, Stefan TheralT of tuberculosis of the kidneys md of the urogenital systais with isonicotinic acid bydrszlde. Grmzllca 22 no.12:863-866 Dec. '54. 1. Z oddsialu urologicznego Inetytutu Gruslicy Iterown1k: prof. dr. S. Wesolowidd, Dyrektor: prof.dr -T. Hisievics, Warszawa, Plockm 26. (NICOTINIC ACID ISOKKRS, ther.use tuberc.reml &Lurogenital) (TUBIRCULOSIS, RANAL, therapy Isoniasid). (TMXMUIA)SIS,.UMGTHITAL, therapy isoniasid) WISOLOWSKI. Stefan; BULSKA, Malgoriata Pregnancy consecntive to ivqilantation of the ureters into the signold. Gin. polsks, 26 no.l.:109-113 Jan-Kar 55. 1. Z Instytuta DrusllcV (Szl)ital Volski) lierownik: prof. dr (PRNGRANC.T. after'ureteroBigm-Adostoffly) surgery. ureterosignoldostomy, consecutiveprogn.) a-- ---- - - - - - - - --- - - - - -- - - WTSZNACKA, Wanda: WISOLOWSKI,, Stefan; PRMTLSKA, Zof is, 1 1 --Sft4U =ACWAMW~2rV~-V7 Case of adrenal tumor with Itsenko-Cusbing's syndrome,treated by surgery. Polski tygod. let. Illno-8:366-369 20 79b 56. 'I.. Z 11 KlIniki Cborob Wevv'A, v Wars. kler. prof. dr. med. D.;.Aleksandrow- I z- Oddstallu..Urolog.-'Inst. Grtxzllcy; kier. prof. dr.-Med. S. Wesolowski,Varts. II K1. Chor. Wewn. A X ul. Oczki 6. (ADRENAL GLANDS, neoplasms. with Cushing's synd.. surg.-(Pol)) (CUSHING SYNDROME. complications, adrenal tumor,' turg. (P01)) 9 skis 9 8103 N IN 099M9-11 Man ME= Me mg m m WASOLOWSKI. Stefan; BULINSKI, Wieslaw; BUR02JUSKA, Maria Intravenous isonicotinic acid hydrazide therapy of tuberculosis of the urogenital organs. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no-81.374-375 20 Feb 56. 1. Z Inst. Gruz.,w Warezo dyrektor prof dr. Janina Mislewicz Wares.' Inst. Gruzlic7, 0,dAz'. Urblog.; ul. Plocka 26. (TUBIMCUIOSIS, MIOGARITAL.' therapy,' is6niazid:, Intrsi76nous *-,(Vol)) - (NICOTINIC ACIDISOMIRS, therapeutic use. Isoniazid'in urogenital tuberc. Intravenous admin. (Pol))- WICSOLOWSKE, Stefan The use of the ileum in plp~gtjc a 10:164-183 1956. Urgery in urology. Urol. Polaim 1. Z Oddzialu Urologicznego Instytutu Gruzlicy (Szpitala Wolskiego) .Dyrektor Instytutu: prof. dr J. Misiewicz. Ordynator: prof. dr S. we6olowski. (BIADDIR, substitute bladdisr.from ileal segments (Pol)) -SURGMY vej' MERPTA MMICA S YZY 59".. igastric ec 9/vol 13/5 (XIV, 9) 2887. A CASE OF PARTIALL RESECTION OF THE VENA CAVA INFERIOR eso ows t. Przypadek czopdciowcgo wyciqcia zyly gi6wnej dolnej POL. TYG. LEK. 195:1. 13/14 (521-524) Illus. 5 f During the operation of neoplastic tumour of a right kidney it was found that the turnour pasaed Into the vena cava inferior. The tumour was reBected together with a section of vena cava. which was ligated in the lower pae.. The left renal vein was anastomosed with the upper section of the vena cava. The tumour took up almost completely the lumen of veia cava. A collateral circulation had developed previlous- ly. manifested by a widening of a. c. veins on the extremities and an the abdomen. After the operation anuria lasted for 5 days. On the 6th day the patient discharged 50 ml. of urine. The amouat of urine increased gradually up to 250 ml. per 24 hr. The patient died 12 days after the operation due to uraemia. At postmortem it was found that the anastomosis which had been performed was patent. A parietal thrombus was found In the renal vein; it did not completely close the lumen of the vein. In the ligated section of the vena cava inferior a big thrombus was found, Jj