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.;/01 60/000/010/007/057 A I 51YA029 AUTHORS: Vulikh, A.I., qenyavin, M.M., Karoli, Yu. .1 Kozotkevich, B.I., --Sld-6-roval L.G.9 and Galkina, N.K. I ZI .1 TITLEs A Method for Obtaining Rubidium or Cesium Carbonate3 PERIODICAL: Byulleten' izobreteniy, 1960, Nr If), p 19 Class 12 1, 16. Ur 126454 622176,123 of Apr 21, 59). T:F.XTt A method for obtaining rubidium or cesiu~n carbonates from their dissolved salts, by a process of double ion- exc.Iaange, It has the following special features: to increase the degree of metal extraction, ammonium carbonate is used as the second reagent, whereupon the solution of rubidium (or cesium) carbonate and of ammonium carbonate is separated by distillation, while the solution or a salt separated therefrom is being heated. Card 1/1 VtTLIKH,, A.I.; KAZIlaNSKAYA, V.A.; ZIIERDIYENKO, L,P. I6n exchange method for obtaining acids .rom poorly soluble salts. Prom.khim.reak. i osobo chist.vashch. no.2:7-13 163. OGRA 17:2) VULIKII, A.I.; BOGATYREV, V,L, Static and dynamic ion exchange methods for the preparation of ele--tro- lytes. Prom.khim. rank. i onobo chist.vitshch. no.2:14-17 163. (MIRA 170) VULIKH', A.I.; STATSENKO, A.A.; MAKOVETSKIY, M.I.; MLISKIY, S.A. Chemical method for the preparation of welding fluxes. Prom.khIm. reak. i osobo chist.veshch. no.2:18-22 163. (WRA 17:2) VULIKH, A.I.; KOROTKEVICH, B.I. Preparation cf pure fluorides with the ise of Bodium fluosilicate as a source of fluorine. Prom.khim. reak. L osobo chist.veshch. no.2:38- 45 163. (MIRA 17:2) VULIER, A.1 bOGATMV, V.L. Zic~ Ion-~xchange preparation of acids under static-dynamic conditions. Izv. SO AN S-OSR no.7 Ser.khim.nauk no.2:40-47 063. (MIRA 16:10) 16 i0) MIKULINSKIYp A.S.; KOZHEVNIKOV, G.N.; BAKHIREVA, L.D.;_jULLKH,,_j!jt Vacuum-thermal separation of cesium and potnanium fluorides. Izv. 50 AN SSSR -no.7 Ser.khim.nauk no.2t105-107 t63. (14IRA 16slO) 1. Urallskiy filial AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk. BOGATEMO V L.1 MIKH a j.AJ.0- Ion exch",a preparation of aoids, Izve SO AN 35SR no.11 Ser.khim. I nauk no,300-72 163o (KM .178 3) VULIKH A I kand.taklin.nauk; STATSENKO, A.,A., inzh.; MAKOVETSKIY, M.I., -::- MILISKIY, S.A., Inzh. New technology for the production ol' fluxes for solderin and welding. Svar. proizv. no.9t24-26 S 163. URA 16:10) 1. Novosibirskiy zavod khimicheskiki.roaktivov. I USSR ACCESSION NRr AP4004065 S/4286/63'/900/020/0012/0012.1 AUiHO,R,: , Ktttol S,~, A.,; -VuLlkh TITLE I' for alkali'matal' Class 120 - Preparative method No'. 157967 SOURtEs By%il*'jzobret.:.i tovarn.' znskov, 410;-*20' 1963 i, 12 TOPM TAGS: t1tanst as, e.synthasli,' sAk* .li -metal titanatas# titanium oxides, *titanium dioxide,, alkali tlatal`hy~roxLde pre- ABSTRACTt A4 Author Car .tificate has been _1 a sued, f 6r a method'of Pariag alkali metal.titanates by fusirig-. alical'i metal hydroxides with titanium dioxide at 1 mm Hg. -Rone AS'SOCIATIONt BMITTED; 2 lNow6*2 DATE - ACQ .130ac63. ENCLt ,00 S U SUR, CODE t CH NO REF SOVI''! 000f, OTHER: 000 .1cord. VULIKH A.I. (Novosibirsk); KAZIMSKAYA, V.A. (Novosibirsk); ZIIZIIDIENKO, L.P. ---=j-'~f-,OvosIbirsk) Chemical experiments with the use ofion exchangers. Khim. v ohkole 18 no.5:57-65 3-0 '63o (14IRA 17.1) BOGATYREVp V.L.; VULIKH, A.I. Ion exchange-preparation of bromic and iodic acids. &w.p.-ikljd2in. 36 no.ls220-222 Ja 1614.1 MRA i6s5) " (Bromic acid) (Iodic acid) (Ion exrhange) I VULIKH, AOI9 Method of calculating equilibrium in the Mtem ion exchanger - sparingly soluble eleetrolyte wate:r. Zbur. prik:1. khim. 36 no.10:2321-2323 0 163. (MIRA 17:1) NIKOLAYEV, A.V.; BOGATYREVO V. L.;..VTJUK!.1 Study, of ion exchange proce3ses b.~f Eeans of physic ochemical analysis. Dokl. Al SSM 153 no.2060-362 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlon-korrospondent AN SSSR (for NikDlayev). Hil~M~.~1?711'~O*JF~ 6 i ; -I- -, , '~'! - :'Am NIKOLAYEV, A.V.; BOGATYPJIV, V.L.; R-, C:.--1120. Zhur. reorg. kh1m. Ion-exchange system R+, M11+ 11 9 no.10:2469-2474 0 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdelenlya AN SSSR. ON J~fs 4. NIKOLAYEV., A.V.; BOGATYREV, V.L.: VULIKH, M. Ion exchange system H', cir~, // R , C1 H20 investigated b3r the ray method. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 3:607-610 Mr 164. (141RA 17:5) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khimil Sibirskogo otdaloniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrfspondent AN SSSR-'(f~qr Nikolayev). 'Ti-) 1. 11 7 1 t C4 ,mz==-===EEUE: JD 3696~ L9.35 63/65 yo a v a 64'therotal 0' .03~, on _'iyn mew, and TIT `,-Eff y-,t Y, P, a, ow proport iq_ra6~,~7 3 sotl,~ ~q Ji T i~-ther~u -syn eslaj. .coril i= IC TOP IV 0 --yrith on lw, W en. q0v 0 i4 f4 .~ , , ", iN ~Aljodvkle -n trogom-~ troiasp k Pi'4"Arat wtf or.-On _. 6`1A 4rl"C'411 ~il odus, mes i tarn. -co.- --Opp, . Iq I I ~ `F. Thd'.::~ t e 46~ A, -fps, kt S, .a Pot gare. .poun- Air' . i i i i 4 L t! 1,-4 iw 4 1 "t h, 4- ,t~ f ~+,d 9000C.;-~"'; ddrs r tom t~Aiij~._dura on uan Ut t 77' 0, qM 93t ip acESSIOH MR Al K lo i~11511 1 p f,an N f L 0' Old Va& by do;-, '~q' a0p C. Jjj Se tio 'e ;wd -1 Ot mb 00k A f 84 01 4u Ink C.-, h do t -to Oursifid'tw t ikv *'U~s via, kidAnj A'vai~ -detO Air tablq an a X ~_-gt ASSOCIATTON.t;,". 0 A .44 IN Oto Rd :Rzt q. ~i V W.; Q e 7M XV~I'l ~v pa -:3450345 WCESSION444 1,'fAV500280 14 t A -Ar 'N. W"OR;~'i.-MA6 "th" S 'T3 jjfj~j' 'Witartate fit Va6uxim` j6tl9CJk-iZh___i_ '4!if an, C e9 OY- 10 5,;~~AV ttm; _~neorg khttlift Yj-.- atdv-s a 8 et"\ tlUL]r6jf d6fiS' VO ~,TAGSi q ruc JfE 7!~T, "T emp~.rai:~ u- re,,-, nh3',~ rd ya Tt~ atrhosplierfi~ kBSTRAC 2_ .4 - C u'rs-, to s- wesipire*,` an u 0-:Gf& I. 2~ to .~4, r-7 T-rnm~,,M;-Vu Yi1thesize-Ah ii me a me a a W, ti N TiOl:-qAq 0' na es;,was ves ga e K Ti re,.Proaluced' re, 8d mperau t on ott, ted Iii teq~~Oro,c4ctO-aa -corr &: T um:!~ run, q0re,e bdrtf ho, rege on -TIO --td Aij~i the,- eac s-,vasdilt tda th All, -IT io d d Tif, )X e m 4L _J 1603- tempe latt "o ty afid th4 446 on *-'-~~ Both Inetd i -compoun d A rdlyzl .. i livy h'e: 0 ' - - ' `- g,"-, 6- 0 M e wa iinore. .1han U2T p0 61 n :,arL. h": 2 lat fl fgi ind , -ASSOCIAtION: NG ne ow~ Jj"A SUBMT 76 ODE. .. . ' .. 'Kd j~J . 4 on N !7 2, 701 J. OWN; -00 /0079/65 R: K 77-7 7- - IT im, idl' g- a avetera ftOais-t tvf-~ataaa ----I inf6eakoy'? "LaLl v 10' ho 25 UM dt ora JN A ~Aili ioh6l- 0:'. KCIO. - CIO*3----R~'m---ai tW10 i~ca~ H2 tem, d-t 250C is it -dlea as ft&, -1 0 Th' 'elec--' u iN- ra 166%ke), 2 a a 64.-7* ~' ` I'- d:: ribidiuk .'ay -d 6E ~4- f6as U!" fWal , Lb ;i ca lu,m.raln" ate",; is": i0the, Th4'; moth I tm: this: 'flist isys etai~*-twil~,s';o,liia.tgol,utf6,fii:"4,ir4 A betwe4h Ootasid chl patw: an ceiata 616k~it,6 i iM t the -Uquid OhMe v it) can zed.: In the. ild lays UqUU-02"isl'kt~4 anal, a',uolfd461u~iona, were, fAil -aiid-rub- 0 lkitw solid '-d ilbre c'-fma-call Itm--&Idftte- ALI; 6356 orm two-us-'sed -a' 'a".-FLaoli"Olittionsi The ore-da dleit lute i~':'_'. 1,1 %k 14L U~."S' L -a r'~' P_ L~~ AL!,li LL _li 2 i-i LLLLz~:~ M05012973 ENCLOSURE: (Ll-ficia- 4*44 - T-, 7~ 1-1; -n 171, 7 7- T's A 43 :~'l JA IL CMIS C Y14 plalm mom A.T.; BOUAPPIN, V.i.. :Ipecif j.c. gmrl ty Off ion exclArie-ers &2 cc-inpurt"Alon, Zatir. pz--'kl. khlm. 363 .-!A :n5. -VULIKI-i:-'A!.I!~; I.IIKOIIAYIIVP A.V.; ZAGORSYMA, M.):.; DOGATYREV, V.L. Absorption of awonia and chlorine by ton,.;exchArge resins under dyhamJ.c conditions. Dokl. AN SSSR 160 nc-5;10,72-ICI'I/, F 165. (MIRA 38:2) 1. Institut neorganicheskoy khIrdi Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korre3pondent All SSSR (for N-Aolayev). NTROINTSEVP A.11 ATIARTMOV, Yo.C.; A11,10) A,!,.- Behavior of alka.1-4 metal in;A=It"es In t~.p of cesium salts from a ria2t, D-,kAle AN Z'5~11 164 0 165, (MIRA 18110) 1. Inetitut neorganichookoy khimLl Siblnikogo o-,,delan,ya AN 4'SSR. Submitted smirch 29, 1965- IT Tr L 27250-66 _011(s) IZE Cf CODE i UR/0 -~-.SUUHCE 6 65/000/011 Ap6008606 137 /0096/0099 AUTROR'Ss Boga:�Eev, V. L.;,Vulikh#i,A._ I.; Sokolovap S. L ORG: none TITLE: Derivatio~a of ammonium perrhenate fro otassium perrhenate with the aid of mixed bed ion exduuigare SOURCEt Tavetnypa metallyj no. lit 1965, 96-99 TOPIC TAGSj ammonium saltq rhenium compoundt ioh'exchange esin, cation exchanger, -anion exchanger,%ion exchange/ KU-2 cation exchan 5er 0-17 anion exchanger ABSTRACT: This investigation -jas conducted to extend the work of N. M.-Rubinshteyn (Ayt. avid. Hoe 148390 (Byull. izobret., No. 13,,1962)). Ammoai= perrhenate was synthesized from potassium perrhenate and a--moniua carbonatowith the.aid of a mixed -bed -0-2.-zation.exchanger ani AV-17 anion exchanpre The-reaotion was carried out-` according to the ucheme Rif+ R'01-f+YRe0.-Rk'+R'Re6,-~H.0;' 2RH + R; CO + 2KRtO4 2RK + MR1,104 + HICOS RNH4 J. R_"0H + KReO4 RK + R'Re)6.+ N1440H J140 4~ Mat); j,F!Tf~+A'CO$+2KRe04 2,RK+2,R'RcO4i.(NHthCOs(H,04.C(ht+NH,t).,. _ -_._____.___._._.____ ~ . .. - ... -1 - - .. I . .. - . 1. 1 -Z The optimum -6onditione for maxiolm yield of ammonLum perrhenate were established* The ------------ 6r'd 9. SAQ j 66. D.M.2. N I . - . I N T-l . ~ ~ ~i . I ~ L 3461o-66 IT(l) RO --ACC NRt Ap6026571 _q_ _ SOURCE CODE: UR/0240/66/000/003/0100/01C)2 A"740?.: Yulikh. A. 1. (Candidate of technical sciences); Shilyandronoy Yu. A. De - 6f-t6chnid' sciences); Zagorsknya, (Gandida4 al M. K. (Candidate of te cal s,ciences); Bogatyrev, V. L. (Candidate of chemical sciences) ORG: Novosibirskiy Factory of Chemical Agents (Novotibirskiy zavod khimichaskikh reaktivov); Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. Siberian Branch, AN SSSR (Institut neorganicheakoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR6 TITIE: Filtering ionite gas maok SOURCE: Gigiyena i sanitariya, no. 3, 1966, 100-102 TOPIC TAGS:. gas mask, gas absorption, ion exchange resins gas mask component, gas filterl industrial hygiene ABSTRACT: Th6 authors testod in a wido rango of concentrations and gas volocitios the absorntior. 1%,om gau-air mixtures of aj=nia, aminon (by KU-2 cationit*40 Striften form), suliur dioxido, ch:-orino, and krdrogon chloride (by AV-17 and ED2,10P anionites in the hydn)V1 and carbonate ably lmr,~p bed. forms). Me basic and acidic gasos were invari , lotely absoe !The capacity of the fLonites was 80-90% of tho* total oxchange capacity, ~-O*, 4 meq/g for KU-2 ancl about 3 mOV9 for AB-17. Tho wst universal absorbents are the high2y ionizad sinjlj).~function resins W-2, OBS-3# SBV# and AV. The carboxyl cationites KB-4) and anionitos with sec.ondary mid tertiary i Card 1/2 UDC: 614.894 L AW-M ACC NRs AP6026571 amino groups EDF~JOP), w1oso capacity is 8-9 geq/kg, seem to be more ,effective in absorbing strongly acidic and strongly basic gases. Ionites .,,dth largo pores (KU-2? for aminos, etc.) are best for absorbing gases or .fumes of orgazAa substances with lane molecules. 'The article concludes with a brief description of an ionita gas mask -&-mccousfully usod. for several months under industrial conditions to provide protection Against umnia. An antidust filter from a RP-3 respirator is mounted on the lower part of tIv3 tank. KU-2 in the 11 form was tho absorbent ;.used. Tho total weight of the tank with ihe antidust; filter was 200-250 g. Loadod with 50 g of IM-2. it absorbed 3.5 X of w=n!.& and 'worked continuously. for 3b-hours. Orig."art. has: 1 figure' and 1 table,~ IJPRS: 36*4551 SUB CODE. 06, 15, (41 / SUBM DATE: 24Nov64 / ORM, REF: 003 / OTH REF: 001 Card 2/2,,_90 F!, L 05025-67 E'9T(m')/EWP(t)/ET1 Ijp(d WJOB ACC W AP6032980 SOURCE CODE' UR/0078/66/011/010/2328/2330 Kirgintsev, A. Avvakumov, Ye. G. Vulikh, A. 1. AUTHOR:, AN SSSR (Institut ORG: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch, neorganicheskoy,lchtmii, Sibirskoye otdeleniye, AN SSSR) TITLE;: Cesium nitrat if' t on byzonal recrvgtajjjZ_ation e ur ica i 71, SOURCE: Zhurnal neoIrganicheskoy khimti, v. 11, no. 10, 1966, 2328-2330 -TOPIC TAGS:- metal ciystallization, recrystallization, oriented crystallization, alkali metal, cesium nitrate, zonal recrystallization ABSTRACT: The meth d of oriented crystallization is used to determine the distri- b4tion of alkah~etal~eli cesium nitrate at differimt crystallization rates (under constant mixing). The data Atained show that thn method of zonal recrystallization IjAy be recommended to free cesium nitrate of alkali metals. Orig. art. has: I table a~d 3,,figures.' [Authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 08Jan65/ ORIG REF: 005/ UDC: 546. 361175:548. 53 Card Y L"10392-67 ACC-1 Nib AP70031ZZ SWRCZ CO 361 URj00d0/6cj1)WWA76Q 765 MOM Bogatyrej, Ve L I V!AEM! A 1, 1 is ORG: Institute of Inoritanij nem-goodcheelmy kkivii SO AN 43SH) TITISs Density of ion-exctLnge resins SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimiii V. 31 jno. (It 1166t 1760-1765,L TOPIC TAG8i ion exchange resin# polymer cross linkIng A13STRACTt A i~rstwatio aetendration was made' of t~s densities of the mat widespread industrial cation- end anion-exchangs t4isins In various salt forms '(in the-dry and swollen atates)s for use in the development of technological and 'analytical methods based on the use of ion-exchango resins. Tho dependence of the density of the investigated ion-exchange resinti upon the naturd of the sorbed:,' ion,, grain sizet and degree of cross linking was damonstrated. Fluctuation of the temperature within the range 10-309 was found to have no significant affect- upon the results of the determinations, 0eneral patterns of variation were ~observeds 1) the density of the swollen ion-exchange resin was alwais less -than the densiV of the dr y of the latter was greater I y resin, since the densil, ,than one in all cassal 2) the density of the citbm-sxchango resins was generally !greater in absolute magnitude thawthe density of %he adon-exchange redinsj uhicH 19orrespands to the ratio of the densities of'their matriceal the density of -tto same ion-mmhange resin increased with increasing equivalent weight of the., forbad lonj U) %be donsl'W~ or. various Ion-wmhwWP resini, containing the saga Ica .1/2 UDGt 661,183.12 $79.4.4- ACC NRz AP7003122 0 .Jon was generally greater the capacity of the ion_wizhin~e' resin, ' The dependwi"* of the density of the cationite KU-2 upon the atomic weight in the serieb of alkali metals wasAinear 4: from lithimn to cesium. , with the densitjr increasir The influence of degree of crose-linking was investJ4:ated on the cation-exchange. resin KU-2., containing 4s 120 and 2h% divinylbenzene, No dependence of the Oensity on the cross-linking via found for- the dry oution-exchango resin, but .4 pronounced increase with increasing divinylbe"wo content w" 4fterved an th*., swollen ion-exchange resin. Formilas.-are cited for Ihe "Iculation of the O*pti;mum.' density of. the.'partitioning liquid - and time of sepwation. dt ion*. *,~aovding Ao the known-denaities of tfie Ion art.,fiast 2 ki&ii 4.tableas .1JPRS: .38#9 01 7 SUB COCHI -'n SH DATE i 14JU164 alk 00 M 002 K. J; J Ca~d 2/2--- ACC NRt AP6032947 SOURCE CODES UR/0363/66/002/010/1803/1810 AUTHORs Kutolin, S.-''A,; Vulikht.- A. I.; Druz#, Ne~_'Ao;i Sharrimasovap A. Yo. "--ORGt none TITLE: Dependence of the structure and properties of the A2" and AD03 compounds on the composition of the gaseous atmosphere in thermal synthesis SOURM AN SSSR. Izvestlya. Neorganicheskiya m4terialyt v. 2, no. 10, 1966, 1803-1810 TOPIC TAGSs ferroelectric material, antifirroolectric material# dielectric constant, physical chemistry property, refractivo Index ABSTRACTs In a recently published article, the authors fassociation un- known] analyzed the data from Western and Soviet literature, includ- ing their own experimental data which were published in 1964-66, on the thermal synthesis, Structure, and properties of A21303 and AB03 compounds, vihere A Is an alkali metal and B is ri, Zr,. Mn, Nb, or, Ta. In previous publications, the authors established the effect of the gaseous medium In which the compounds wer,a synthesized on their structure and particle size. Now, they have made a detailed analysisofthg e4jr14gr -correlate the conditions of.synthesfs, -4ata to uDcs 666,3041.6 ACC NRt AP6032947 primarily the gaseous medium,- with the physicocliemical properties 'In the authors' opinion, this analysis is of practi- of the compounds. A Cal importance for- the synthesis and application of these compoundb. The properties studied were: density, index of refraction, dielectric constant, Intensity of IR absorption bands, and catalytie'activity. The experimental data were obtained with sampleg sintered at a yelatively low temperature from a solid mixture of an alkalf carbon- ate and an acidic oxide, in vacuum or in a nitrogen stream. The nature of the gaseous medi-.-.-n was shown to affect only the structure of alkali metatAtanates and manganI1:es,(A2BO3), and not their physicochemical properties, such as denalk(, Index of refrac- tion, or dielectric constant. Density was the only property of the manganites. which was actually measured; the Index of refraction and dielectric constant of the manganites exceeded the measurable Yalues. An exception was the crystal symmetry ~:Pf K2TiO3 and RbT!03 which apparently remained unaffected by the gaseous medium in which their synthesis was accomplished., However, the existence in these two compounds of second order phase triuisitions, undetected by x-rays, may not be excluded. In all alkali metatitanates the in- tensity of the I)R absorption bands due to deformation vibrations of Card 2/5 7L AP6612047; A& b4_found to be independen't. of'the! method of the ITI .1 octahedra-w -synthesis.- Their catalytic activity was affected by the;gaseous 'B"shown for example, by the comparative'data on specific dfum' s~iface-,- preexponential factor, and activation e nergy, for a maximum ecompo6ition of hydrogen pe~, oxide on a Li2TiO j catalyst prepared in the air or in vacuum. In the grouplof A2B03 and AB03 COMPounJs, where B is Zr, Nb, alkali metazirconates, inetaniobates, and meta- or Ta, 1. 0. -tantalates, only NaTa03 behaved like the alkali mciatinates and manganites versus 'the gaseous atmosphere in the synthesis. The gaseous atmosphere changes the crystal structure, i.e., symmetry type and lattice constants of NaTaO3, but does n:)t affect Its picno- metric density or intensity of deformation vibrational bands in their IR transmission spectra. Other compounds of this group -- L12Zr03, NaNW3. KNbO. CsNb03,.-and CsTa03 -- change their crystal struc- ture, i. e., symmetry type and/or lattice constant, in different gaseous media simultaneously with certain physicochemical proper- ties, e.g. '- Wcnomeiric density, dielectric constant, intensity of deformation vibrational bands in the IR absorption spectra, and cata- lytic activity versus H202 decomposition.' Card 3/5 'ACC t4p, AP6032947 I . . The crystal structure of Liflbbp ' LiTaO3, and KTa03, was not affected by the differbnce In gaseous atmosphert in the synthesis, but Picnometr4c density, index -of refraction, and iniensity of deforma- 'tion vibrational bands of the IR*spectra were substantially changed. These diverse and strong effects of the galieous medium on the -structure and properties of A2B03 and AB03 compounds were ex- plained as the result of deformability of their stvucture, specifically of tht- tendency toward distortion of the JV06], JM061, and ['CaO6] ;octahedra. This deformability was correlated with a significant ionic polarizability of the alkali metatitanates, raetaniobates, and Metatantalates. This correlation which was experimentally estab- lished for the above -indicated compounds (presumably) may ba ex- tende~ to other compounds with significant ionic polarizability and may form the base for predicting the possibility of a beneficial -effect of a given graseous'medium on the completeness of synthesis of a given compound. In addition, a significant ionic polarizability of a given compotmd may be an indication of a pctential ferroelectric or antiferroelectric property. An additional indication of the possible ferroelectric or anti- ferroelectric. property of alkali metatitanates was seen In the ob- Cc,d 4/5 ACC NRs A1,6032947 served analogy in the structure of their IR abisorption bands.which ,) octahedra and are linked to the stretching vibrations of the (TiO( In the structure of the corresponding bands of the [NbO6] and (TaO6] octahedra in thd'IR abosrption spectra of the alkali metaniobates And metatantalates. The observed spectral structure Is character- istic of ferroelebtric materials. The authors concluded that confir- mation of the effect of a gascous medium on solid-phase synthesis of a given compound is a prerequisite for Studying the ferroelectric property in this compound. Orig, art, has i I f Igure and 8 -tables, c6BS V. 3j no, SUB CODES 11,,07;20 SUBM DATU 14ju165 01,.1G REFt 022 OTH REFs 016 Card 5/3 BOGATYM, 0,V.I,.IL.,:!YLIKH, A.I.1 SOKOLCIVA,, S.I. Obtaining amoniva perrhanate from pa~asoium perrIvinate with the luilp of a mixed layer of ionites. TSYst. mest. 38 no.12: 1 96-" N 165. (MIRA 18:11) i I/ I i Arl Ae -.e 1- N /I'V,% fr"d - f .. I , iMi, /r". vv-1U_UU" 4 %0/ A."!J%L1j 4~v L^j CC _NRj AP60002 33 -SOURCE eDg: UR/0289/6~/000/002/0023/0027 AUTHOR: kkoiajev, A. h, A. IY Biaptyrev, V. L.; Vulik ORG: Institute of. Inorganic Chemif;trX, Siberian~Sectioni AN Sd, Novosibirok (Inatitut neorganicheskoy khimii Sibirskogo otdeteniya AN SSSR) TITLE: Separation of cation and anion liquids SOURCE!- AN SSW Sibirsko a otdeleniye. Izveattya.-Seriya khimicheakikh nauk, y 23- 27 no. 2, 1965 TOPIC TAGS: anionite, ion exchange rig...sin .'~ABSTRACT: -The cation- exchanger .0--owas, separat6d -from the anion exchanger AM-1 lin -mixtures of benz,en'e,-dichloroethane, and.carbon.'~etraehlorida. Values of the.density and viscosity at 20C in these systems were dete~.mlned. The dependence of the time of separation'was studied as,a.function of the density of the separating liquid and 0 Oe difference In the density of grain size of the exchangers, and the effect f' -the- -cation. and. anion.- exchanger during --their-. sepa ration was demonstrated.. Formulas _I- -ed earlier f--tr the calculation of the optimum density of the separating liqu deriv id. and duration of separation of cation and anion QKchangors were confirmed experiment ally. Orig. art. hae:. 3. figures and 5 tables. SUB CODE:. 07,-11 SUBM DATE: 15Jun64 CC DC: 541.13 HUTOLIN, S.A. L-MITT!,- AA.1,. . synthosiv or mUtitanates of &L-tallm wtals in a vacumo 7-hur. ncorg.-kh1m, 10 no.lzl4O-LI4 Ja 065. OuRA igin) L, Sutodttel Zuly 24, 1963. elm teor-.,V. o poslodavatellno3tyakh ra-.ryvrVl:h funktstr. DAR, 1935), 357 N .toxin -362. d~ v. DAN, 4 (1;r15,) 295-298. Sur 1cs f orme.3 gs-lnel- -odnox ti~e'-metrichesktkh pro3transt ralss do cortaines ope'rations linelaires. -Katc;u sb,.,, Z (44). (1937) 275-306. K hopnnd.ravarmTje prostranstva. L., Uche"n. zap. ped. in-ta, 28 (1939), 179-224. So: I'labhematics in the U3SR, 1917-1947 aditod by Kuroshp AsGa# Markushavich, A.I., Ilashevshiy, P.K. Moscow-Lenin,.,rad, 1948 194 " , , , ~ - h Alearspaw is yingt anx 1p - Fl "Al can 41 -01 0 coopp V . tw ill a, Xj,; all I W 'D 'NA! it 4 r A- If 777~ AC W LJWiS (N S,) S2, )83- 386 An colier: result [sani,_ C jt_,(rU441,A4l1+R U943); -aroixiaton k-U-twatt. two tialty W*md aT;-,.each. with a to ive it hhd, 0 MY ifi A-1 jii:~~UajLy. As-& cortillarylt fbllow~ that (wit i a iiuitable chcice of the' unit fla lillearmdatious-cp rdtion -W 6-mulapicative pra. 'Ming u(to rc'di ifoint wheacver x1land- x I t t 'Ire tic alithor relim 7 f 77. 7 an ab- -Ar stract it aft. ic corrOat" the ctna- tir ... hy tirop rtics of lb-, aper itor-with ihme of thu nw-mure -01 afard (New Havell, Coall.). :;,J 7 4- 7 _~_7~- 7. 7__ T T 40 -7~ w ~J_ im : Y Affi t'ld' 6-:ii tit tan -0 -1- -1 '(M ady)- Naft - Oh kh W In X W6 q".un *4 In Y Lj IBM i"; lay pd,d. aDA Ay ~ -.A meaffutt" Add _cd,,!W4 -"-W dl,~ tit t, al q -in a0i vwugiar ifialyt lor,aw 14 k cipression opera i9a 6 YL( _jn -aditiVe if U A ut g wtv. by: the" c u=Uontt1SPArttai V wtczw~' 7 ; _--~ ill_ n. iiiev"e; if, w.'~iere Y(A) ij 6n.. r~j;i-,iarx :xt-A00,_ n lycc~tinilouzl~'_ on-, vi( cad finite'm te in xg t idevek xx . tosc va uc Lq%: is a uni 4.1 ( _afar Ujoin mentw Ork-"u jjs~ f. ia~iif C; Ju d i-(a~ ftii4siiii~ &i~.don -; respective b 4heri in-4. W(i6d,T()Ljs;. "OrWv, Con,- Pf 6u Pa e~ F (kht of eXbti. , q 7: r.5 4 V (4; ;7. j L 2", uHb V, 36. -733-436:(194 1 47~ rLL Rk i _h f of th nt X lias a t if au LIZ- 0' ~i2 :a :' 0Tilcnt:l:tiii6.that 3p (x '4):~'o A i 0~ cl ~Ubsp'aml ispam to oat on a T~~, UOUIL; WictionC'm 4cd.con(tn A -to tnkei on~ th'd v;'uu'c-s '7o ft n The pirg~ iii-I ,a of in ntat n tlico'mm tj~ , + I . of all 'it in t" Au or, i$: of tyj)~ ~sj 4 and! PC 'I 0 mll, ol au ISO In - Cor'__ 'tb ms~c.(Q)j4oftyj-;t~jk-al in a ccmim a every 5pace ot "M tc. IL :J:Ari~ ac m=d E id E(C'). ng IUPM n 4 l to, tht poinmim lxhwvior,~of 6e, fun m OW'L _pAr'j9mp be vscd to multipli t km; Ftateis SNC- of'tym Im a fi~aL ~~Cr4k Vk-s%atCQ *i a, gt=w G' W. 1~_ M cq~ I T fineg tart alt curtilh, i5 A'k cc (jo. A,4 go in I A icy, thm .. f; - 1 frif v, suma x! rUp4tot rit (Tt Cy. Nei it further yestri~:Ikljl is Itutt-0 f1pon tL- sfmccs CW. c-4t~ttjx,detailed eXpaition, with a number - , sldvrt L A ftmitive elerntnt in X, which may be durotc-d by, - I - A c 'Mmi"S piret,10ti, Y ar-n-MC-L ,o extostons o tr'llihil 1, i* 54tid tit lie a Unit if inf (.r. 11>0 for all t , Acad. UILSS (N.S.) 16, 850-&54, 855-850 pi~'fi Fe rtl. It k Rtippix-6f 11tat I rnmains a unit elcment ' 142-144, 197-190- (194-1), 5,!. 95- zM 383-iSO, (040), 4L aad t tit thii unit i5 fi&(,t ctovv mid for all- An element ex~f , dies, - Rev. 2j 221, 2 22; 6:. 13.3, a. M8; 9~ . 11946) 475-48.3 k a-it to [x~ Unitary if n! (e, 1 -0-0. and the cc-t of aff v . 01 Cl~w Oriftectic-6 Mist Lictwcen the dicory expounded i= clemnts in I is -feriozrd fitt(X ). It is proved that ~&d and ea ,Wer-restillsobwried by-Fretdafflial, Nariforo- Unitai y cleinents 6-4tave pencrally like proicc-1-jr: ofyzatom " -a', ni [Freudentrial. Akad ,'Wei nt, and %. Wa N and S vlcfi in Ifil ~Ca Sfr.M Foc every XtX, let e, (tht- "ch:-,rzctrrist1r_ j~ . An .istet.-dIativ Pcoc. 30.4ti- -6S f U9361,; Kantom- N-Vetent& of r) )e the least cleineitt in (2(1) with the prtrperty that ' t. . d, -0; it ii shown Chat r, exists for all itl and tnr G that.4 sup. inf Cr I z Various orther farmat properties ' c t(19 43)~ N~CsboirtiQ N, !m43&\ of G i ce also catablislied, I , V 2 -VC3 lJor- (Z-0, ftitS(z), be partia v &ACT the ;; r A are real. ~umb~~k (WH d 6~ t. y in X _, ' 1, jor some X~ YPe n ad thes~a I; craft surrii E- Olid (et,et)j R.W.tal - _ -Ut O~, =4 `Q ~~y ev 0< _N1 ~%J If U Is. ' such, V At, zv~4-X>O Q 0;~,X? M aim tobe-theprod XY I-\ 4~_ the 4 and y~ jf-4 is uiitio~itifed. ifon thc~ p _S6 a Hatirema t-1011, f Urc I In-miocks .t.4ii ~iy v~,Crbnip I t Isis ti'm c -zo.I Moto :V-*t-&vtW by". 35~ S~O-;A6 %W Z~,., vv; ''any elvAte, .A~, C"A COAS CtfC~ tn a rtn 161R. fru )iAdj Sd~ all lc~x *aarji6t~im 4LIV'i-tOpOi M, ., 104~~x g3 6 M: WE iv thcum t I - --: -, , 1 1. 1~ fi&~IiLniivv Ofc, Ito nit 19unc 11, flit nt.. sE 'lit (f Ak et,y 1~c 6~e in and hilge,(nda- -4; m th-v-6;1; M.-C of -, .4 -P 61 I i1a b.t&tifvAw1* Intl ttclifcd~ la~ -T MAI Jia: Zi in.appa 4 %fit 'k 3, A o"- 1 V~a z t :14 r,t i7f Olt W CIS Ign T. 17" . . . ....... r aws. Nt.: _Lj r, AL SoUrclj: pmu V. Itat-7 Tit..:. taint ih~ ti La- theory of. po V ,,'~-*rd&,pd 11 41; Ric lisebt M-01 1 )endlom- in t6 in;; 7 7 objter~ phe -'4t'tpjv. a cou* ingj~,Ixv a tv.dkTiritllt typis,- yet. I the clemc~tw~;Omk re6 ippa~vmepce md: 91L Papa. *spap - laom as -math !kap er, an 4wi ivi;i6~i. KiA Ij 77 gj.0 ,J'a a'. ON cr- mo, S 0. 17,71-. 7.- d;. F W-toc4s-ue a f-u fi ,tqUations. ov I e -ne Pwitt I colV6nii;(or- a6tttict o6erators. Chap", x ,I -i-jihfiisiit;iO~,vf L%~"vwxi r6u t9concerning thr inncmb- 'i con as ~Vcll ai Som, farr- -PccScntati6T1.d- 1 -- --- MpTiesemauum.-ror c=mpir- it m ,w-ii ctiat Ift . bt*' ~ted'as a linew wl-r-u.V Of evIery -spa= K cati represe . . Ce of (ri*bl~ infinite.~WUI-A) real ")nt.n ti-as func- e tivniafli:disc~nnecte(i comj,o t H-itis- x dwff apa6t-! Thelinear sub�pa~e 'in quLstion w tA, fl I witl) x 61i d6t - Zj i IIt is ~I&o shown t ~ia t vi, -es of . l ,are, a for suitable TTjei,tjr,- rf-a 11 y-gmii4 t.:ypes wcUt3ni.1mciLj. `q~ v ~ie=rlcg~ Thi.4 6wk seems to -w'11 f""'n a definition ~bf--ihe %mL topoltig-N,. t, ;t Which -t--int*reAtiftX j*cts Could h, . F7, 4- n ignored,'T thermore, ch, T,te ex. N~6 . . ted:am,a1Vof:-i perrettly sta-' rd kind. 1 dit Uttk'.real Uumination for the ib,-ory provi ng, .-t- le ri~fiferation 6( and JLWUn ' that concentrate,; .111,W1012 is gren.. A'd 4 W- pucafldng it) which t rtstrictiom i M, t. P 1:-, ~-are Statid b~'&- Wivement of rtic ote~~rv. . q gmt:46 ! _ _ --t,part* - , - , - ca 4_)i tj~ e" _qU, teri ;tdjjdhH. 0%t tYM - - ' - . ts ~, appear to be -,ned by itv-'aM lze&; pom i z~' re- ffri3hc dankal anal a form stating own proo 9 . that no rn~-;.iil, fk~w -,',hnaIYb' ijikti ha%v ebtaiined. The t% is ex- _cL11- Y ent; ~&Jad 4only-ar cv'tAq&1;rrisprints were d.-it-cte'd b Lia ck-L ttle Wash e reviewer,' 749 Iiiall IOU 96 71 47af- mm/matbevaties modern A3~reura. 11- may 51 Lineals WConcrete Representation of Semiordered Lineals,,'" B. Z. Vulikh "Dok Ak Nauk SSSR" Vol LXXVnLTI No 2,_ pp 189-192 Zn the theory of line semd:ordered spaces M- ;mIraces) th;- pocsib_-41-8t7 br.- beea establishea of realizing such spaces by means of real contin- uous functions.- A si-il rialization. is estab-. '149b d here for the more general linear se=iordered sets, Y--3,v, K-Uneels. The difference 222T45 between XxIineal and K-spuce~'is that not "gmue the exIstence of facet (margim) in each bounded set. Subm:Ltte& by Acad V. I. Smirnov 12 Mar 51. 2=4 USSR/Natbesiatice - Topological Spaces. Jan/Fob 52 *Concernizg the Extension of Continuous Functions in Topological Spaces," B. Z. Vulikh, Leningra4L "Natemat Sbor" Vol )= (72), No 1, pp 167-1-70 Demonstrates-tbe following theorem relating to topological spaces: Let 8 be a topological space; A in S is complete set in S; in order that every real function given and continuous in A can be extended vith preservation of continuity to the entire space S, it is necessary and sufficient 203T49 USSR/Mathematics Topological Spaces J'anj"re-o ~-Pr- (Contd) that any 2 sets Al and A2 contained in A and funetionally sep in A possess disjunctive clo 'sures in S. ". E. Rewitt, "Rings or7.Heal.-Valued Continuous Funct:tons," Trans Amer Math Soc, 64, 1948P 45-99.' Submitted P-8 Jun 51. 203T,19 11~~/M.~~henatica Kodern Algebra., Jul/Autg 53 ,Or.dered'Sets ,"Certain Problems in the Theory of Linear Semi- Vrdered Sets,'!_'h. Z. Vulikh ,Iz-Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Mat, Vol 17, No 4, PP 365-388 .Discusses a number of.. problems, touching on the strur------ -t.ures of7 linear Semi'-ordered sets. Bases' his,Method of Investigation -on the. representation of linear semi- ordered sets by means of continuous functions in a bicempactum. Presented by Acad V. 1. Smirnov, .105 Jun 52. ?-14T6& VULIKHO B.Z. (Leningrad). ............... Generalized partially ordered rings. Hat.sbor. 33 no.2:343-358 S-0 153. (KIj?A 6:9 (Algebra, Universal) - I '1a=w6h&-t1 Chameteristio properties of a product In linear semiordered spwms. Uch,, zap. Ped. Inst. Gerts. 89:3-8 153. (KIRA 1113) (Functiotal analysis) m VULIKH, B.Z. "A" OM Imbedding of & norwd. seelordered space In tb) second conjugate space. Usp.mat.nauk 9 no.1:91-99 Ja-1 '54. (MLRA 7:2) (Topology) 0 V,/, can AF 1208825 Transactions of the Third. All-union Matheitatical Congi-eas * (QOnt. ) MOSCOW., jun-&1 56, TrudT '56 v. 1, Sect. Rpts., I7Aatellstvo AN SSSR, Moscow, 1956, 237P Vulikh, B. ~. loningrad). Semidrdered RJ.ngs,. 20-2T Mention is made of Domrachev, G. I. There are 2 references, both of them USSR, Gavrilov, L. I. (Leningrad). K-co-ntinued Polynomials. 21 There is I USSR reference 21 Grantmaklier, F. R. (Moscow). On Structursa Lattice' Stability of the Sum of Two Polynomials. 21 Ourevich, e.- B. (Moscow).' Algebra ot a Group of Automorphisms of an Arbitrary Standard Zero-algebra, 21-22 There are 2 references, bothof them USSR. Zavalo, S T. (cherkasay). Operator Free Groups. 22-23 Card 8/80 VULIKH' B.Z. C~*~"O..I.It - '11-14-PAYWC111004n"Sion. Uch. sap. Ped. inst.. Gerts. 125: ~ 95-114 156. (MLRA 9t12) (Algebra, Abstract) . 0 'Vo t--QBJZCT USSR/MATHRITATICS/Funational analysis CARD 1/1 FG - 750 ZvOR VULIVH B.Z. -TITLZ -ZIW-a-p-p-li-cation of the theory of partially ordered spaces to the investigation of selfadjointoperators in the Hilbert space, PERIODICAL Uopechi mat.Nauk 12,. 1, 169-172 (1957) reviewed 5/1957 The great analogy of the proofs and results of the theory of partially ordered spaose (lattios theory) and the theory of selfadjoint operators induces the author to apply directly the theory of partially ordered spaces to the - investigation of the selfadjoint operators. Without proof beside of some own resulto the author enumerates several well-known resulid of Stone, Sobolev, Ljubowin eta. Most of the results relate to bovnded operators. ~ VULM., Borle Zakharovlob VULIIH. B.Z. .- - - Partial order in rings of bounded self-conjugateoperators [with suamary in Ingliah), Vest,L4V 12 no-13:13-21 157. (MIn 10:111 (Operators (Mathematics)) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITNTION 656 Vulikh, Boris Za1diarovieh Vvedeniye v funktsionallnyy amalz (Introduction Io Functional Analysis) Moscow, Goo. izd-vo fiziko-matematicheskoy lit-ry, 19511- 352 P- 7,500 copies printed. Ed.: Akilov, Go P.; Tech. Ed.: Volchok, K. M. PURPOSE: This book Is intended for those Interestod In the fvaidsmentals of functional analysis vho do not haw previous training in the more specialized branches of math- maticso and it maY &I" be useful to onginesm, COVERAGE: The author gives only the fundamentals W' functional analysis and their applications to problems in various fields Of DUL4ematics. Therefore the basic con- cepts of Euclidean metric normed, Hilbert and L spaces axe given. A short tbeory of operators" in ;;LRous spaces., as vell as their properties, are presented. As Okftadlar applisatioAs of funstienal the basic theorems of intog- .1-ral equations am presented. Various problems are studied, such as the problem of the best approximations boundary value problem of differential equations, approxi- mate methods of the solution of equations, gene.,.mlized methods of the si- ility Card 1/10 Introdaction to Functional Analysis 656 of series and others# There an U Soviet refemces;*includl 2 translations. No personalities am mentioned. TABLE OF CONTEM: Pr?f " Ch. I. Finite-d1menslonal Ruclidean Space 19 The Concept of a space In the mathematics 2. N-dimenslonal vector space 3o The no= of a vector 4o Scalar product of vectors 5 Linear transformations 6: xatri~es Norm of an operator of a l1near transformation Cmtimdty of a linear transformation 9. Linear functionals ~10. Woint and self-adjoint operators 32. SOspaces In Rn Card 2A0 k 7 3.1 12 14 17 19 22 26 27 29 30 32 Introductim to Pimictlowl Analysis 656 37 13. Elgesw1uss and eigenvectors 40 44 .14,: Coplu a-dimensional Euclidean space Cho 11. wwte-dizensional Euclidean Space 1. Vectors,vith an Infinite number of coordinatfis 14V 2 The gymeg, 12 2 t f 1 : 49 rom ors P"Aact of vec 3 4 seqwnce of bectors ~` ` 50 of a norm and of a scalar product oijkt I=Xity 5 C 54 6*' rAnear faftLonals . 56 58 TAnear oj * eratogs 60 0 Subspaces in 1 63 9. Orthogamma basis id 67 ean space 10. Complex Infinite-dimensional Eucl Ch"'. III.. metric Spaces . 68 .4601""'SOMMOO-W *A~.**m of S*ts 1i 2. DieftnItion of a metric space 'L 71 76 in metric sVace 3. gomwer e Card 3A0 Introduction to runctional Analyeis 656 4. Closed and open sets 5. Complete metric spaces 6. 'comatabie sets Seperablo spaces Cammt sets, 9* Criterion or compactness In apace C Ch. No,Continacus Operators in Metric Spaces 1. Basic deflaltions 2.1 continuams operators and runctionals 3, Fi=d points* Method of successive approginstions 4. Compressed operators 5. Intearal equations 6. Pemols theorm Ch. V-d!,j-;X6rmq&&p&ces 1. lAmear systems 2. Nonod spaces 3- Plait*-dimensional spams 4. Sibspecos Card 4/10 80 84 8T 91 94 101 105 lo6 108 109 U5 U7 122 125 129 Introduction to Functional Analysis 656 5- Problem an the beat apprcadnation 136 6o Spaces vith countable basis 139 Ch. VI . 'Hilbert Space l.. SciLl product. 142 2. Definition of Hilbert space 144 3- Concept of orthogonallty 145 A. Projection of an element in a subspace 147 5o Orthogonal partition of Hilbert space 149 6. Orthogonal systems of elesients 152 Orthogonalization of a system or linearly Ind4pendent elments 3.55 rroblem on the beat apyrcaination -'a Hilbert apace 156 9. Famorph i= oflan aztit=7 separable Hilbert space with the space 1 158 10. Complex Hilbert space i6o Ch. VIIe The Space 2 Mean value or function 2 161 Definition ofthe space L 165 Cut 5/10 Introduction to Function Ial AnAlYsis 656 3. Density Of & get Of COUtimums functions in the space 4. -Produat,of functiong 2 fran L Scalar product In L Sumnable point functions Orthogonal.series 90 MeQod of suc"Alive &PPr*dA&tions for FredhojM integral equation Ch. VIII. Linear OPeratore 1. Additive Operators 2o Linear-operators 3. Boundedness of linear oper,~tors 4. Rztemion of linear operators Sftwucss Of linear operators go ! The Opus Of 11sear operators To Inverse operators 8, Unear operator@ given in matrix form 9. Infinite systmas of linear aUbraic equations 10. Linear differential opez4ars ft the space of Ufferential functions Card 6/lo 172 lTT IBO 181 186 192 195 197 198 201 203 206 209 214 215 218 Introduction to Functional Analysis 656 ChALinear Functionals, 1. Linear functionals as separate case of a linear operator 221 2. General fozms of linear functionals in certain spaces 221 3. ExtenBion of linear functionals 224 4. Linear funettonals in the space of continous functions 227 * The conjugate space 236 g o Weak convergence of functionals 237 7- Cony'ergence of the process of mechanical integrations 239 8. Linear functionals in the space of convergent sequences 244 9. Generalized methods of summation of series 246 10. Linear functionals in the complex normed space 250 Ch. X. Adjoint and Self-adjunt Operators in Hilbert Space 1. Adjoint operators 251 2. Self-adjoint operators 254 3. Invariant subspaces 257 4. ligen*kbos (characteristic values and eigbnelentate of self- adjoint operator 258 5, Spectrm of a self-adjoint, operator 260 Card 7/10 ,Introduction to Functional Analysis 656 6. Integral self-adjoint operators 269 7- Unbounded syinetric operators 271 8. Diffirential symetric operators 272 9. -Self-adjoint operators in a complex Hilbert space .274 Ch. X1., Completely Continuous.0perators 1. Definition,and,general properties 2T6 . 2. 'bompletly continuoum operators in Hilbert ejece 9 9 3. pletely continuous self-adjoint oparstor Spectrum of cm 1 4, Expandon of the operatoryalue in eigenelerents 283 5-, Solution of the rquation (A-XI) x = Y 286 6. integral equations vith sy=etric kernel 288 7. Application of integral operators to boundazy vslue problems for the Sturm-Liouville equation 291 Ch... -XII. -Apf)roxivAte Solution.of Functional Equations I. Substitution of an I :appra4pMe" equation for an exedt equition 298 2. Substitution of an quation vAh degenerate kernel for an arbitary integral equation 300 3- Solution of infinite systems of linear algebraic equations by the reduction method 303 C ard 8/io Introduction to Functional Analysis 656 4. Ritz method 305 5- APPlication of Ritz method to the soluticra of Sturm-Lioaville differential equations 332 6. Application of Ritz method'to the calculction of eigenvalues 315 7- Concepts of the Bubnov - Galerkin method 321 Ch. XIII. Semiordered No:rmed Spaces 1. Linear structurea 323 2. Positive and negative parts of the elements of a Linear structure 329 3. Semiordered Banach spaces 331 ~,4. Linear functionals In semiordered 'Banach spaces 332 5. Another derivation of the generalform ol' a linear functional in the space of continous functions 335 6. Monotone self-adjoint operators in HI1be2t space 338 7. Partiai ordering of the space L2 341 Strongly positive.11near operator3 345 Card 9/16' Introdaction to Functional Analysis References Index of terms AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (OA320.V8) Card 10/10 IK/pp 10-31-58 656 349 350 YEGOROVA, Irinit Aleksandroviia; VULIKJ(j__A,.Ztj -of'op rod.; z _p1 DOLGOPOLOV, V.G.,, red7'- .L [Problems and exercises in mathematicitl analysis] Zadectmlk- prakti.kurn po matematicherikozini analizu., Monkva, t1chpodgiz. Pt-3- [Functiono oj'' nevornl varitiblov: Funktrili nookollkikh peremonnykh. Izd.2. 1962. 102 p. (MIT(A 17:8) , t. I , I VIJLIKH,.,B.Z.; GAVURINP M.K.; LOZINSKIY, 'S.14, .f. Usp. rat. nauk IsMor Favlovich Natanson, 1906-.196.',; obituni- 20 no.12171-3.75 J4-F 165. (miaA 18:4) BOKIIAN, Konstantin Aleksandrovich- VULIKII 13 prof., red.), RYVKIN, A.Z., red.; DOL~-Oit-~OW.'~. red. (Problems and exarci!;as in mathemat.,.Ical analysis) Za- dachnik-praktikum po inatomaticheskonu analizu. Moskva, Uchpodgiz. Pt.l.fIntroduction to arutlysis; differential calculus of functions of a single variable] Vvedonie v analiz; differentsiallnoe ischislert%e fu--Lktsii odnoi pe- remennoi. 1%d.2., isp. i dop. 196,!. 168 p. (MIRA 17:9) a z Linear structures equivalent to atruotureo with a monotone nm-ia. Ddk1. M SSSR 147 no.2:271-2'?,4 N 162. (KM 15:n) 1, Loningradskiy gotudaretvannyy pidagogichookiy inotitut im, A.I. Gertsenne Predstavlano akiLdemikom V.I. Smirnovp. (Banach apaceo) AKILOVt G P.; VULIKH B Z ; GAVURIN, M.K.; UAALLER, V.A.; NATANSONs ifpof~ ~W6~40;-G.; FADDEYEVp D.K. Imonid Vitallevich Kantorovich; on It.9 50th birthday. Usp. mat.nauk 17 nl).4:201-215 162. (WRA 15:8) (Kantorovich, Leonid Vitallevich, 1912-) ~ E VULM TIADIMIROV-1. Dili, redo; LUKIYANOV, A.A.9 [Introduction-to the.theory of semiorderod vWssl Vvedenis v tooriiu poluupori.adoebenrWkh prootranstvi- Moskyat Goo izd-vo fiziko.;4atem*ilit-a7t 1964 4M p iMIRA 14:6) .(Algebraic,-topology) .(Boolean funations) AIZKSANDROV, A.D.; AKILOV, G,P. I ASMIEVITS. I,Yaq I VAIJANBER, S.V.; WITORMCH, VLADIMMOV, D,Ao; VULIKH B Z GABURIN, MjKq; L.Y.; KDOINA, L.I.; Iczrp!4-r,-s-.-m.-;--UDYzRcNsrAYA, O.A.; gY#g, Tu.T.; LHEMIHV, N.A.; Y-11HUR, 5-G9;.MAKMVj B.)4,;.VATABSON, I.P.;. NIKITIII, A.A.;.IOLTAKHOV, A.G? qMIRMV; V'I.-' t SAIFAONOVA, G.P.; SMDLITSKIT. Kh.L.; FADIMYSV, D.K. Grigoril Mikhailovich Fikhtengollts; )bitu~ry. Vest. LGU 14 no.19: 15&-139 '39- (14IRA 12:9) (Fikhtengolits, Grigorii MikhaiLovich, 1888-1959) MELEKHIKA, V.P.; PINIGIN, M.A.; Prinimali uchaetlyet KMSTALZVA, V.A.; SEMA~ I.A.; VULZKH,S.L*,; FAZIOVAO M.K.1; WZTRIOVA,M.A.j BUM,T.N. Materials for eva Iuating the pollution of air by wastes in the production of phenol and acetone by the cumene method. Uch. zap. Mosk. nauch.--issl. inst. san. i gJg. no.9t25-29 161. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moskovski-y nauchno-issledovateltaki3,inatitut g1glyeny imeni F.F.Erismana (for Khrustaleva, Solina). Sotrudniki sa- nitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stanteii gcroda Gro,?mogo (for VulIkh,, Panova., luzhnovaj BLmlm). FONGAUZ, M.I. Prinimali. uchastiye: KHMSTALEVA, V.A.; SELINA, I. A.; VULIKH.,_ S.L.- PANOVA, M.K.; LUMOVA, M.A.; BUM, T-N- Principal problemq of,bygiene in,the produotion~of phenol and acetcne by the c=ene method. Tch. zap. Mosk.naucho-fissl. inst. san. i gig. nos9:5-12' t61 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Moskovskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institat gigiyeny imeni Erismana (for Selina). 2. Groznenskaya gorodskaya sanitarno- epidemiologicheakaya stantsi-ya (for Mnim). L KORCHAGINA, V.I.; RUTILill L.I.; Fll;llUj, il!NOLI 11 1 L. 1.; A1,113MUS H.V.; VULIPJI, Yu.L. Plant use of a cracking rocidue In the proWctlon of' bitar-sms. Nefteper. i neftokhlin. no.6:25-28 164. (MIA 17:9) 1. Cdevokly iieftelei-ei-al)tLtyvkiyiisliriiiy avol i Odeankiy poll toklmi- cheskiy institut. A.Aol YERMILOVA, V*No; OLENOVICHp N*Lo VULIKHMAN, Complexametric determination of aulftric acid in the presence of tartaric aoid. Nauoh. ezhegod. Kh1m, fak. Od, uno no.2:83- 85 161. (MIRA l7t8) MMKIND, Aleksantr lassrevich; AIWT# V-I.j, nauk, retsensent; -DIMSHMO, N.S., landidat sell skokhozyayatvamvkh asuir. retaenxadb~ MACHIM, 0.5.0 kandidat ial'ek*khczjYaystve=ykh nauk, retsonz-,nk; ZHMVUTA, Yealet karAidat tekhnichaskikh nauk, #petmra0ktor*; IMLINITSIATA, A.Z., radaktorl GMLIB, IA. 0. tekhniaheakly x tlaktor [Recovery of tartretes frou winery watdo's] Poluabsule-vinuakislykh soadinenil is otkhodev. vinodellim, Nook". Fishchapromladet, 1956, 275 p. (KIRA 9s12) (Wine and wine mking) GTRSPL Vol, 54o. I Jan. 1952 lots Of Akadomlys Nouk, S.S.S A.# Doklady Vol. No. VULIMMI, I.Shj, insh. siCalculations of crane mechanisms gXcl parts for hoisting and conve7ing machines.0 Reviewed by I.Sh. Vulikhm&n. Stroi. i dor. mnahinostr- 3 no.11:40 N 158. (MMA 3.1:11) (Cranee, derricks, stoo)