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15-57-5-5943 "Ir L the Last Glaciation (Cont.) Me Position of the poundary of' sources of the Western Dvina, the continuation of this boundary becomes the boundary of the Valday (Ostashkov) glaciation. The boundary has been drawn at the edge of glacially accumulated deposits, and also at the border of glacial erosion, the pointed terminations of gullies, and Cullied lakes. On the distal side the boundary is accompanied by glaciofluviatile deposits, which formed with other periglacial and marginal glacial forms regularly developed at the edges of glaciers. Card 2/4 15-57-5-5943 The Position of the Boundary of the Last Glaciation (Cont.) Card 3/4 V6*6ru~sk V097,11YACHUK, L.N. Stratigraphic and palc-,ogeographic significance of Flel.stocene 0 flora of 14hite Russia and Smolensk Province. Biul. Kom. chetv. per. no.30:178-188 165. (tJIFA 19:2) LUKASHEV,, K.I. [Lukashauj, red.j TSAPENNO, M.N. (TSapenImp NAJ, red.; JOHYMM, L.NP [VanWachuko L.M.10 red.1 MARINS, L., red. iad-va; SIDIM 0 N. p tskbzL . -red. [materials on the Quaternary period in White Runvial for the SiAh Congreso of INQUAp Wareawp 19611 Materialy po antropogenu Belorussiij k VI kongresem INUA v Varebave,, 1961,g. Minsks Izd-vo Akad. nauk BSSRO 1961. 217 p. . (White Russia-4sology) (MIRA 3.4s1l) VOZNYACM, L. N. "Problem of Determining the Northern Boundary in Europe and Western Siberia". Uch. zap. Belorus. un-ta,-ser , geol.-geoRr.j of Occurrence of Landspouto No 21j pp 87-103, 1954. Defining landspouts or dust storms as all vertical vortical whirl- winds that are formed upon the sinking of a horizontal continental whirl or eddy from a storm cloud to the surface of the earth or sea, the author analyzes data on 300 landspouts recorded in the northern par t of west Eurasia over the past 200 years. Comparing the data of his analysis with Alisov's genetic classification of climatess the author is led to a con- clusion concerning the zonal distribution of landspouts and concerning the growth of their intensity and increase of frequency in the direction from north to south, which is well illustrated by a map. The northern limit of the occurrence of landspouts coincides with the isoline of 5 days with storms per year. (RZhGeol,, No 8., 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 VOZNYACRUK, L. N. "Material for a Study of Landspouts", Uch. zap. Belorus, un-ta, No 21,. pp 104-132, 1954. A list is given of 33 cases of landspouts or duststorms over Belo- russia during the past 100 years, the list being compiled on the basis of questioning of settlers, gazette reports,, and data in the literature. In addition, data on landspouts was obtained in investigations of so-called landspout passages through the forests of Belorussia. The mean frequency of landspouts over Belorussia amounts to not less than I to 2 times a year.aid in separate cases (1951) can amount to as much as 5 times. This refutes the opinion that the landspout ovet th.e European territory of the USSR is a rare phenomenon. The predominant diameter of the Belorussian landspouts is 10 to 15 meterss and the trajectories for the most part are rectilinear and sometimes arc-shaped oriented in north- east, north, and east directions; velocity of travel is 30 to 50 km/hr. (RZhGeol, No 7, 1955) SO: Sum No 884, 9 Apr 1956 LYASTKMCH, Z.M.-, WVNIK, Yu.M.; VOZNYAK, D.K. Mineralogy anl gamt)31s of the rx3llkanites of Korestan pluton. Min. sbor. 18 no.4z456-451 10'4. (KRA 18:7) 1. Inetitut geologit i geokhimti gorpichikh iskopayemykh AN UkrSSR, Llvov i Gosurlarstvennyy uni-mrsitat imeni Franko, Llvov. 3, i,-ode--n ar tc,,ur station. 3.953. SO: Yonthly List of j~ast ;~uxopean LC, Vr.,71. Apr 1954, U~,Cl. ve, A, V 14-57-6-12792D Translation from; Referativny zhurnal, Geografiya, 1957, Nr 6, P 141 (USSRT AUTHOR: Vozlnyak, S. P. TITLE: The South Baltic Sprat (Shprot Yuzhnoy Baltiki) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the authorts dizsertation for the degree of Candidate of Biological Sciences, resented to the Mosk. tekhn. in-t ryb prom-sti i kh-va Moscow Industrial Institute of Fisheries and Fish f Culture), Moscow, 1956 ASSOCIATION: Mosk. tekhn. in-t ryb prom-sti i kh-va (Moscow Industrial Institute of Fisheries and Fish Culture) Card 1/1 ei ------------- -- ~Ll--JL-A-I. )A 06 9C 99 06 (~" eL-- A uWw :f4sMers. V.1-Vuxnyab. AtOpnow 1 .-O0 of 8 pfl, mill 9M. N to 12 -13, - XlsTiWI)rllk",.- rm-ts. Frijuirements IG; "41"ing InCIA in givra . A. A. Podawm roe t -,00 of ALL AGKAL LITIll T L Ull CLASSWICSTIGod t I 0 A $#.S .L --I) -. - , i t - law I tf~ a I j 1. oo 00 I 0 fa 4, 61 CIV 'Ist 6 ~161 u 60,0 n t 0 a t Ig 0 ew 0 N ,v i t 0 0 0 Ole 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 oo, 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ois 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 KHVIVVAKOV (VA. 1.) & VVXXVAKOVAKA (.54HIO YA. ji.), quo"" xyxrypu nuicepooijux rpet6ou. lKiti-i-felfii 4it'dik"irrhirAl fungLI Hmpoilocilaor" j.WCfOI4KI4j,ffj, SO, 1, pp. 13-10, 7 60., 195 1, The authoro wtvinturod ink-tion qduak and pine *A%lfirlp with joue" cultum 4 Illyt,koff Iligal fullgi I R.A.M.. 30, p. 21831 in ottler to liniiii(ito tho unowth to( them friwo Air in the f4tivirl litioloinw. Affhp,%lom)wSftffisos of the Pact 84tvire Agrii,oltural loatitato pum cultum 4 liddus r4uha' It. lutrus, /I. fari4af4j, B. k6lux libid., 33, p. M9; x5, is. 184 ; is. p. IM). aFul film culturt-ft, grets. . volk1w, &nil black, frilul thrrit W104 of hyphaf, all frimil fmk nly-vorrhiss, provetti ti') Im isrowino-betvvitt"hir. of rzr-~en~ r NJ bi f )kh 1. ";.C, 1., v~3 03 iaikrobioloaii- C' VOZNYAKOVSKAYA, Yu.M. Epiphytic yeast organisms. Rikrobiologiia 31 no.4:616-622 Jl-~g 162, (,',IJRA 18: 3) 1. Vseooyuzxiyy rauci~n,.i-i,,igledavatellskiy inatitut sellskokho- zyaystvennoy raikrobiolo6if, VOZNYAKOVSKAYA, Yu.M.,, kand. biolog. nauk; VURZHANOV, U.S. Effect of the products of microbial metaboliter on the energ7 of seed gemination. Agrobiologiia noolt89-95 Ja-F 164 (MIRA 17t8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauelmo-isoledovatel'Bkiy institut seltakokhc- zyaystvennoy mikrobiologii, Leningrad* VOZNYAKOVSKAYA, Yu.M. Formation of vitamins by mic--o-organisms which inhabit healthy plants. Agrobiologiia no.1:103-108 Ja_F '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledoviitel'skiy institut sel'skokhozyay- stvennoy mikrobiologii, Leningrad. (Micro-organisris) (Vitamins) (Plants-Autrition) TOZWAKOTSrATA, TuA.; MMYAIODV, T&.P. Species composition of the epiphytic m1croflora of living plants Nikrobiologlia 29 no.l.-97-103 J&-I 160. ' (KIRA 13:5) 1, Yessoyuznn institut sel'skokhosysyetvannoy mikrobiologii. Leningrad. OLMS microbiol.) 0 VOZNYAKOVSKAYA. Yu.M. Effect of various methods of til].age and fertilizer application on microbiological processes in the rhizosphere of certain fruit trees. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no.72102-106 t6O. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Vsegoyuznyy nauchno--issledovatelistiy institut sellskokhozyay-. stvennoy mikroblologli Vossoyamoy akademii vellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina. (FRUIT THEW-FERTILIZERS AND MA11URIS) (RHIZOSPHE-RE, MICROBIOLOGY) 300) AMMt AfrikJan, 9. I.L A- Q.. C"d1',.t.G a lualwcl TIM. Do* Of AsAluati.6 is plett chatvrotima (PrIaoftext,74 anti- PI=CDICLL-. T..tniekke,doit -1 3931t ~959 Ir,'I' yp 142-145 (UM) A331UM ith thli took PI.A. It from a to 13 Datober, 19531 it haa te*m mlled If tbA Institut X1.krobiolcalt Aka!toll zs~k S= %1M-.1biol&gIcM1 %as'IIUI. of the A.C.dqay F. =11. the T...Oyuzry i.stitaA jak,ro"OloCit T.LSKtXjL (all-rtjou Xn 'i tut# for Azr*"Iturel xt-~-lzw of %to TASrult) *xA the Wctor mikrobirloCil Lkatt=ll Usuk Lrtolstftkay WM (Zopart- Vo.t f~ vlar.t. Of na) -t Altret. AeUsellsox *blab .k. all - 4; pr...t. the 6.1.14pao-t 0,146b-z PUAIR# - - J!, r.prud -u 1-46tigstlOas of several ysro 4,ir.%io. -krri-d ~% b7 Ckr-IAL" A7*02008'a 'A "I' funt"D fl.r. -d Lt. VULL'"31-4 to the fiSts &C&1AsS 41 ....... "cgkcnS 4-4~t -111~ thi MA11194tits, of UA S- zzc-S't!-_ &L-~40 of.691-as, Vu.bes. fuz-_ p d tbwr u " 6 : ! b the sms"tIons a ' --a report dwalt -it !r - -b ky .=.a Vradu4- -.211- "IiUvllas ag&iast fto coxxt.r. at q.t.t. or% di ... 0. sims Alploals In ep.k. be-% the Vilis&um of Is ftebuts POIA34 rise To% and nod se tu. off*@% ;S prepaxatlaus tran rblenov.kLys raN " r--,-% Ili of the oo%tak bosh. 24 l~ Z_X_M--Axx36 I_A%23o~b` b-t~t- til!-Alcm of as.or. CL!n.t Z-1 ...... .I cm'tu,roa "S pot.%a .111. 7. t - 4 &lr U; I t = 31 . X~h the Is S 6 -,*rsa 71,exta. -alt* bl.1-1 Im, lue..Ugaij," em, oil - 1%. -NA1112431" 1% ftshtlAff 44 . . . . . .ezrrize Is $.%tos, boa*tea sai Iass. it.* off-% of s"111.tis yr.psxstl~ 46 t P. Ace.1"t figull.24 #A*o*oft I d... rlfteta. I the il"..tighta" ; po:;r "t-tieA.S.A. OT Z I E. '__ ' - -I ex., P". "ftl %ba 11roAactioa of %b6 pr.rrt1ras :Csl ... xk4 -Vrikb.%.%&IK- "it their at- feet a, fuAd. .rrioft of 41.0"as Is aelbase. heai "a voter D.IsMs. _AL_A~Z"&A;AXL_=v"rts4 "Mats &4U"" in %bA %%vus.tIve, .;Ik of rowlet4at _M L~v fiesarlbed Aftbat of ra,14 at the aff-01 .1 &Zublon.6 OR plaSts. fte PLnIcipeove in %be ftaf.rou" fat~j jb* gsm ot, this fl-It is the VSU LustrielObs. TbW =94allasslan ar,%", .1 ;roftt1cm, Of -IIt'IOt1v8 "A allrobe SwopsmiS... of, for the V~~:: .,14*Ir IsMS-Col- Pr&411-42 1.2reftcg&.. wl I Lot "111411, ofts fI::*%IvD of Joist Ax~"Ilqstlm a Sho er"Sh StIft.11 OU'd th! 6 1 Ps .% 41 plasis 1W rierl'usl or'C'M '&S tUrStAl Pal't'd Ous- Of *--T&1fteS1M of ork for jp~p.ft% of r..-u sx.4 oetiluso,tio. or SAS1101.11.0 In plaxt br..41s, to- b0ldlr4 of P.rl.W.,j"'A V CE N"t A K.OVS KAY w U.,S. . - . - - -, -ffect ol' microbial =-etabolil--es and gibberellin cn -sc-n:~ aSmpec-S of in corn. Fiziol.rant. 32 no.4-714-720 il-Ap, 165. (IfIRA 1. Vseeoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellekly Instit.0 sellskol~.ozyay- Avennoy ird.krobloloLgli, lAningrad. Sjuhilitt.,id Kirch 2, 1964, :e of nitrogen fixation in soil by nonsymbiotic Agroblologiia nn.1:37-48 Ja_F 159. (KIRA I (Micro-organisms. Nitrogen-fixing) VOZNTAKOVSXATA, Th, K,; YAZVITSKIY, M.N. of various fertilizers on apple yields and biological processes in the rhisosphere of apple trees. Agrobialogild no. 3:95- 98 MY-To '58. '.(MIRA 11:7) 1 1. Moskovskoye otdolniya instituts sallskokhozyaystvennoy mikrobiologii i Koskovskaya plodovo-yagocInsys opytbays stantsi7s. (Apple) (Partilizere-and manure) (Rhizoophere microbiology) V6~~NYffKpVSKRTftt' IV-1"! ,Oe' The ~ffmrivcaci; ;f ,..I -,i, dvioty-, 113rUle Appli".1on if ph-", H 11 S C;,- y7t - -IT 71 gr wins rcrtaiej -A qedally in zones Ilir r-c, intonmfi- fh~ Jtrl- 5rw Iv f! ~ r'! , . - ~ , ~ - : I pt "t P in VOZNYAKOVSIrATA, Tu. N. -- - ~ ~ Aseudamonas erpipbytlca nor.grp. a now species of epiphytic airco- oTganiame. Mikrobiologila 28 no.6t960-963 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Yeasoyuzmyy inatitut aellskokhozyaystvannoy mikrobiologii, Lenivgrad. (PSWMNDNAS) IMUKOT. T&~Pa; VOZNUUTSKATA, Kicroflora of wheat roots and some of its properties. Kikrobiologlia 25 no.21l84-190 Mr-Ap 256. (NUU 9:7) 1* Koskovskoys ot(loleniyo Tsesoyusnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituts sellskokhosyaystvannor nikrobLologii, (RHIZOSPUM KICROBIOLWY) (WHUT) VOZNYAKOVSKAYA, YU. M. 42426. V:Liyaniye Kormyevoy alsteny pshenitsy Na mlkorofloru Fochvy. Mikrobiolgiya 1948p S. 458-62. Bibliopr: S. 462 \/O2.NYFAKOV5KIJYMI YU.M, UMOUOV, I.L. akademik; BFMZOVA, Ts.r., doktor biologichaskikh nauk; CHERNAVIN, A.S., kandidAt sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk; BEHUM, V.V., kandidat sell skoichozyaystvennykh nauk, TQ2RMQVSKATA, Tu.14., kandidat biologicheskikh nAuk; DORMINSKIY, L.K., kandidat biologicheakikh mauk; MINKINA, R.A., kandidat biologicheakikh nauk; FINMISHTSYN, M.Ya., kandidat biologicheakikh nauk. Iffectiveness and conditions of using phosphoro-bacterial fertilizer. Trudy Vaes.inst.sellkhoz.mikrobiol. 13:173-192 153. (MLRA 8:1) (rertilizers and manures) P YU, He i0logy Card 1/1 Author : Voznyakovskaya, Yu. M. and Borodulina, Yu. S. Title : News Section: Enlarged plenum of the Agrochemistry Section of VASKMIL [The All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenin]. concerning problems of agricultural microbiology Periodical : Mikrobiolog~a, 23, 388-390, MaY/jun 1954 Abstract : The plenum was devoted to a discussion of the research goals and problems of agricultural microbiology in the light of the resolution of the September plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The plenum. attended by about 400 persons, was held at the All-Union Institute of Agricultural Microbiology in Leningrad from December 21-26, 1953. The names of those who presented papers and brief si) ries of several of the papers are given. Institution Submitted UM/Moclicine Bacteria; Azobacter Sep/oct 48 Medicine Bacteria,, Culture "Action of the Cloutridium. Pasteurian= as a Factor Increasing the R"ectiveneso of Bacterization of goods With Nitrobacter," Tu. M. Voznyakoyakaya, Moscov Dept, Inat of Agr Microbiol, 6 pp "Mikrobiologlya" Vol VII, No 5 Azotobacter multiplication in synthetic culture medium vith joint Azotobacter Chroococcum (1) and clostridium Tastourianum (II) cultures vas 2-10 times as great as that in a monoculture. Vlaximum multiplication Is attained at time, of sugar fermentation. Nitrogen accumulation in medium of FM 18/49T56 MO/Medicine - Bacteria, Azobacter Sep/Oct 48 (Contd) joint cultures increases pure azotobacter culture. In vegetative experiments on seed bacterization, 11 bad favorable laluence on vheat yield. Dead culture did not produce this off ect. Increase in wheat yield vas greater with joint culture. Submitted 29 Nov 47. i8/49T56 VOZVYAKOVSKAYA, Yu.K. Problem of mycorhiza and its practical significance; survey of literature published in 1949-1933 inclusive. Mikrobiologiia 2) no.2:204-220 Kr-Ap 154. (KLRA 7:4) 1. Koskovskoye otdaleniye Veasoyusnogo instituta sallakokhotyaystvan- noy mikrobiologii. (Mycorhina) Cox =,M rkr(A vieVA t lust. Agr. &fk-ro,. 't"'Ob'010944 20, 13-190951).-Atuinu,- Peteriltroplik gro!!h was obse'r"!(I in Pule cultures of iny- I"Orrh'14 from fruiting Cells Of bidlelm, 4,1ji, /1, julemi, B. VfuUFO'tdIeu(3%' and B- tur'clWms; also from h hat Nu d , oak c1mill hydrolyzate supplk, YtC jItnLl ambio acids. Addn. of Folic acid C~,,I)Wltothcrjafc. P-atnhio- ImIlloic AM. and St"TA B vitalM 1b in cultufv ICSIS 0161 not ftVC41 iAnY ViIA1131m frquiretimia. Several a xTts of growth Ik.h4v,or colnuioll to hymenomycetes w(.rc (I )4crved. juti4t% F. Smith a #~M* it!,* ~~- Moscow Departmea Of t!Wj A.U-U4iQa Institute oC Agritultural .-,;Jcrobivlo~ . 111,ure cultums of ~'Vvomsdzal funCia." :i0i 'w". 20,p I'j,. is jANIA~lj i'l 15516 e 0 * * o o o 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 9 4r I 00 00 o o 6 * ~ is it it tj it ArtIlt )a 11) 71 z m a a v a 111 40 At If 41 45 00 a,.b P Q R I T U I Egli 1 4. 04 0 rx 041. it 4 0 1 -1 Influsucloof wheat toot systeluson isall Inicr"fl,fra. ~'.l !Itky,AvJ,,4ivt 17, 1.',4 lee .... .. ee Hir l rhimmistirrerAtIcid .;rgsm,m,. Which d'vrinif ni 11w I'I'll v.j ' sy,trus ki, fill upi.44.111 effi-l m 11, of of full4l. C0 0 0 i roo 000000900,1~ SETALLUROCAL LITINATLillf CLAWFICATIODW ITO;. boo .7~ ~ji oi ~t u m if lo is V-r-_!I o' .( pri'll'(9611 wit it 0 tt It x Ko n a .T'.9:::::1OO 00 0o0 *00 0000 Os 00000* 0 0 0 600 000 00 **see;* *COOL VOZNYAKOVSKAYA, Yu.IL Sti=latim of plant growth by epiphytic microflora. TnO7 Tmot. mikrobiol. no.n:56-62 061 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellsko.- khozyaysivennykh nauk imeni Lenina. I VOZNYAMVSKAYA. Tu. K. ZHILITSOVA, G.K. S ecies making up "he rhizomphere bacteria of several plants Plith su=nu7 in 20 139"Bhl; MikrObiO109iia 27 no~5;611-6!ij S-0 158 (141RA 11:12) 1 Mookovskoye otdeleniya Veenoyluznogo nauchno-isoledovnteltakogo i;stituta sellskhokhozyavetvennoy mikrobiologiie* (RHIZOSPEW MICROBIOLOGY) VOZNTAKOYSICATA Tu. M. Jffect of fertilizers on soil microflom. Mikrobiologtia24 no.l: 99-102 Ja-Y '55- MRA 8:4) (SOIL, bacteriology, off. of fertilizers) (BACTERIA, in soil, off. of fertilizers) (URTILIZARS. effects, on microbiol. of uoil) between A"cobiaor Y. U. VmnyakovsIcava U154, No. 4. a' firXnftlp'y~~dItaff have a ,PY stimulatft:g actim S 1A, 111411111,141.111.1 00 With pylik' at mimaxi maitter. The abb content W the t4ifings was :P~ find the S content 1tWAXrAk1J.t1I3titICACh It m 76mill S 1AI "11111 15 7 1"ll-limil "It'. .-A ".111g. ;.'Jo A. I mid 4 !.'Al", f If,, W- i, 11.4 10 J file Cod pirtmfule AIM fletivi, 11.411.11iflig 4 4,kSI 1111,1 -1114 ilove.,i- the remv.-ry .4 t.11 mil-lafral., mod frublve file A.A all-I S in it. 161,rh It IL tic-* -T--V V_ 1, to a a " a n 1, "d-O a a 'I 1~0,9 to It 6000 ioooooooooooo*o*00*:~*00000000000000*000 0 0 0 o * 0 0_0 o 0 o * 0 1 -0 10 0 P 9_00000009006f060 .00 .00 1o411 1,00 144111 -00 moo too coo loo moo moo Soo too see 1. VOZNYI, 1. D. 2. USSR (600) 4. Rostov Province - Grasses 7. Sowing grass in Rostov Province irrigation farming. Dost. sellkhoz. No. 5~ 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Aori-1 -1953, Uncl. I.- WaITI, I. D. 2. U33H (600) 4- Grasses - Rostov Province 7. '~owivg grass In i4o!3tov Froviltice irrigauon far,-dnp ,,, Doit.sellkhoz. 10. 5, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRIL 1953. Unclassified. 7M"!P~_H MO03r SOURCE COOK: UR1012016510001001018810190 110 AUMOR: Voznyuk, A. S.; Voroshanko, A. M.; C4erepanov, T. N. ORG: Physics-Engineering Ingtitute GRAE, Sukhumi (Fitiko-tekhnicheskiy LnstLtut ME) B An ionization manometer for the measurement of steady and pulsed pressures SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1965, 188-190 TOPIC TAGS: manometer, gas pressure, pressure measuring instrument ABSTRACT: An ionization manometer for the measurement of fast changes In pressure of -neutral gases in vacuum chambers using quasi-stationary magnetic and HF fields has been developed using MA ultraminiature triodes as sensors. The anode-cathode volt age difference is 150 v, anode-collector voltage is 10 v, and emission current is 100-500 A a. The anode voltage originates from a 26-1 generator supplying at 5 kc voltage pulses 10 A sec long. The presence of external fields makes additional calibration necessary. The manometer has a range from 1o-4 to I Torr. Using a low pressure wave generated by a pulsed electr(magnetic valve, the time constant ot e new device is found to be less than 100 A sec devionstrating the manometer capable of measuring time variations in pressure. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: IE,HC /ISUBM DATE: 07Aug64 / ORIG RW ; 003 / OM REF: 002 ZHURAIELI, A.I., kand. ekonom. nauk; VOZN17JK G.A. inzh. - Determining t),a -9conomic efficiency of the transfer of sh-crt dis- tance freight to the automotive transportation. Zhel. dor. transp. 46 no-8:50-52 Ag It/+, (MIRA 17:11) 1. Nachallnik otdela planirovaniya perevczok gruzovoy oluzhby Zabaykallskoy dorogi (for Voznyuk). VORIMP G.S., inzh.; CHALYY, G.T., tekhnik F Automatic dyrami-- penetrating equipment. Transp. stroi. lc no.1:54 Ja 165. L~2: ", VOZNYUK, G.S.p inzh.; DRUZHININ, M.K., inzh.; MALAT VANCHENKO, P.I., inzh. Testing core lifters an transpartation lines. Tz~arsp. strz~d. 14 no.609-40 Je t64. (MIRA 18:2) It .4"', TOZNMK, I.r.. (Rovuo) Nevention of ethylated benzene poisoning among drivers and auto repair workere in garages. Felld. i akmah. 25 no.2t52-53 7 160. (KIRA 130) (MD FOISONIM) VCZNYUK, I.K., felldsher (Rovno) Treatment of the moist stages of eezem and protracted ulcers. Felld. i akush. 27 no.2t42-43 F 162* 1 WIRA 15:3) (ECZEMA) (UIACEM) VOZNM, I.K., felldsher (Rovno) How we achieved a lowering of the incidence of inflnenza In entarprises. Folld. i akush. 24 no.7:47-48 JI IjIg. (MIRA 12:10) (ROM-114FLUMA) vMmIt 117a, Deactivation of pipettes and syringes. Trudy l3sl87-188 160, (HIRA 3.612) Is Kafedra rentgenologii i radiologii Kishinerskogo goaudaret- vemogo meditoinskogo institutao Tm-cm;a) (SYMGES-CLEMING) VOZNM, 1. Ta. VOZNM, I. Ta. "latraosteal pyelography". Trudy Kishinevsk. goo. med. in-ta, Vol. 1, 1949, p. 128-32. So- U-3261j. 10 April 53 (Letopis - Zhurnal Inykh Statley No. 11, 1949) V021yurt I.Ya. --l--- ...... . Effect of X-ray irradiation on the reproductive function in dogs and their first generation progeny. Med* rad, 8 noa4& 62-67 Ap*63 (MIRA 17*Z-) 1. Tz kafedr7 rentgmo--radiologil ( zav. - dotaent A.P. Barkalov) Kishinevokogo meditsinakogo ibstituta. BURKALOV, A.P., dotsent; VOZNYUK, I.Ya., dotsent; BALABAN, M.B. Course of severe acute radiation sickness following intravenous administration of bone marrow (experimental study). Voen.-med. zhur. no.9:23 S 161. (MIRA 15:10) (RADIATION SICKITESS) (WROW-TRANSPLANTATION) ACCESSION NR: AP4002857 S/OZSO/631000/00610072/0077 AUTHOR: ~V~~, Ciev); Ivanenko, V. I. (Kiev); Karachenets, D. V. J.. (I (Kiev), Sverdan, M. L. (Kiev) TITLE: Synthesis of time optimal control for second-order systems SOURCE: AN SSSR, Izv. Otdel. tekh. nauk. Tekh. kibernetika, no. 6, 1963, 72-77 ::'TOPIC TAGS: time optimal control synthesis, second -order control system, .-Phase space method,,, optimal switching curve, switching curve determination, 'Pecond-order dif*ferential equation, Cauchy problem, automatic -control system, relay-control system, time optimum problem :."ABSTRACT: In earlier works, the hypersurface of sign-changing of the relay :,,.-flement was obtained as a nonlinear function of phase coordinates of the fon rolled system. In this article, a relay-type control considered ACCESSION NR: AP4002857 :f who*se linear part is described by a second-order differential equation with an arbitrary-root characteristic equation. Synthesizing a quick -response -optimized J control is based on a phase-space method using a speedy simulator for plotting the -optimum switching curve. "Experimental investigations showed a satisfac- tor operation of the system with the processes in the controlled system very near to optimum.$, Wo description of any experiments is given. Three oscillo- grams of transientsl~ in the controlled system show the system output variable, its. derivative, and the control signal at the input. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 18 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 15Dec6Z DATE ACQ: 09jan64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CG NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER; 000 Card 212 VOMIM, L. L., Cand Phys-Math Sol -- (diss) "On -tho Stability -..- -Mr --4- -- It ,&&N 49WA*4 - of Poriodic Solutions of ~Equations -*Ilighor Ordjor. IUev, 1957. 6 pp (Acad Sol Ulcr SSR, Inst of MathhMatiaS)p 100 COPiGG (KL, 50-57, 117) - 5- oil tilt swlfil~ 11criodic SAutions of 1-F\W L*gh ordtf viJuAtlow, tc 11 N iuk Ukrain ~A I IInd kniviish I U, 'ter J, It L,: I i z anA analynr i,tt-ucted for equation i ~Ie K","I'At B. t -t he )(I The charac- q; and tbt- stabihty of thp pe-notfic di-irusstct )rl the basis of the 4 J t1h-, .,,ri!;tic equation. A 11, It ;,,--_- fini Hw w !1vilcal oer>untienct, -if i w- of tile . "V uarametel- at t" 'D I. i cc' ratc! on of Zbir, P uhi-I calculati teiuvi. 3:65~-69 ,,,,jt,or.atj;; corlt 01) (r,iffe-rential equati=-S.) VOZNTYJK, L. L. On the stability of p*r1odic solutions of hI& or&w oqfttions. Lvit], su=uwy in Am4ishj. Day. AN TAU no.1:13-17 1 .57- (KTaA 10;4) 1. Institut matevatiki AN UNSL PredstavIv akademik K. M. Bogolyubov. (Differential equations) (ftmations, Theory of) '. ", (Kiyev),. IVANEENKO, V.I. (Kiyev); KARACHENETS, D.V. (Kiyev); _1o4NXVN._L,T SVERDAN, M.L. (Kiyev) Synthesis of control systems optimum in response time for second- order objects. Izv, AN SSSR. Tekh. kib. no.6:72-77 N-D 163. (MIRA 17W 34611 I D251/D304 ~O 3 3 2. / 3,!;L 0 00 ( ?) AUTHOR: Voznyuk,, L.L. TITLE: -The influence of a small parameter with chief deriva- tives in solving a system SOURCE: Akademiya. nauk Ukrayinslkoyi RSR. Obchyslyuvallnyy teentr. Zbirnyk prats' z obohyslyuvallnyy matematyky i tekhniky, no. 3, 1961t 65 - 69 TEXT: The author considers a system of linear differential equa- tions dzi + 1, 2~ ... , m) GA + by dt 91xh where S -.-.-0 is a small parameter; b is apositive constant; aii, c i gi are continuous differentiable functions of t and the system des- Card 1/4 S/696/61/003/000/007/011 The influence of a small Darameter ... D251/D304 some automatic control system. The dependence of the solu- tion on E is investigatedp by means of the solution of equation E a + by = f (t) p (2) dt where f(t) is a continuous differentiable function defined in (0,T) w-'iose derivatives satisfy /f(n)(t)/ qnb'l 'n (3) where q-< 1. The solution is found to be of the form b t 2 3 1 r_ - y = Ce + f(t) ff(t) + f " (t) -Z-- f " (t) +. b b2 b3 b4 and hence, by writing f(t) = 52~1'qj'j' the solution of (1) is found Card 2/4 J=1 B/696/61/003/000/007/011 The influence of a cmall paramoter ... D251/D304 to be CB, --~, . . m 9,X,- w-ge --LBIY- '0 1 Y, FIX, + ci4 + -L 62 b (19) 'ISM. bs where 81- Egicl no m d dcj Bs -2 ~!-g--' cj'+ g, E alig, g, 91c, dt Y, ) d j - ag' + gkaw F dt k_j Di 22-9-1 + 2Mgiad + dah, + glaadid + dis I di Y, Y, It-I Card 3/4 '* (18) S/696/61/003/000/007/011 The influ.ence of a small Darameter ... D251/D304 IK I d + gjctg~ao +T -E9-I gkc#, (18) t' EY, . dt A.j E Hence y may be found correct ot the order of 0(~2). Hence itis shovin that when (E/b2)c iE and (E2/b3)c iD iE are less than aij, they vanish, so that the solution of (1) differs only by a small amount from the degenerate case 0). Card 4/4 KONOGRAY, B.Ya.; TOMASHEVSKAYA, S.G.; VOZNYUK, LP. Study of the silencero of fan no.3A of the NGigant" Mine main ventilation system. Sbor. nauch. trud. NIGRI no.7:34-38 160. - (MIRA 14:12) (Yrivoy R:ig Basin--Mine ventilation) S/123/61/000/020/0311/035 A004/A101 AUTRIORS- Konogray, B. Ya., Tomashevskaya, S. G., Voznyuk, L. P. TITLEs Investigating the noise-aboorbir* devices of-the ventilation equipment of the no. 3A main ventilation of the "Gigant" mine PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 20, 1961, 4, abstract 2OTs43 ("Sb. nauchn. statey. N.-i. gornorudn. in-t, UkrSSR", 1960, no. 7, 34-38) TMIT- The authors describe investigations to reduce the noise produced by the ventilation equipment consisting of two axial fans with impellers 2.4 m in diameter, by way of placing silencers in the diffusor. Shell rook blocks and slag-oonorete blocks are used as silencers. The fans produced a noise of 100 decibels within a radius of 10 m, and 74 decibels within a radius of 160 m, the limiting noise level being 70 decibels. Instead of the required 30 decibels the silencarid'r0duaed ~he noise by 14 - 17 decibels only-. The*insufficie*nt effi- ciency of the silencer was a result of its dimensions-being to amallt width Card 1/2 S/123/61/000/020/034/035 InveBtigating the noise-absorbing devices ... A004/AIOI 4.4 m, length - 4.6 m, height - 6.3 m, and the use of slag blocks with a comparativeirlow coefficient of noise absorption. There are 3 figures. , V B. Preobrazhenskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ACC NR, ------ AR7001769 SOURCE CODE: UR/0169/66/000/010/GO18/GO19 AUTHOR: Zapara, S. A.; Sergiychuk, A. G. Krupin, V. F. TITLE: Dependence of the intensity of seismic vibrations on the number of steps of retardation and on the distance from the explosion site SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 10G120 REF SOURCE: [Sb. nauchn. tr. N. -i. gornorudn. in-t. USSR, no. 8, 1965, 168-172 TOPIC TAGS: seismic wave, 1711 millrTnim 9n7j"J'o 6- ABSTRACT: The detonation of millisecond delay blasts with shot holes in a grid pattern in the Krivbass [section of the USSR] is difficult because the seismic waves occurring there considerably exceed the safety norm for buildings and installations located within I to 1. 5 km of the explosion site. Experimental explosions with an identical total weight of explosives were detonated, the bores in the quarries being spaced at 3 to 5 m, generally in one line. For each explosion, two seismic stations were installed over the length of the profile Owd 1 / 3 UDC: 550. 341 ACC NRI AR7001769 (along the granites). The seismographs of each station were divided into two groups and seismic vibrations in three mutually perpendicular directions were recorded at two different points of the profile. The distances from the site of the explosions to the site of the seismographs were constant: 250, 400, 750, and 900 m. Four explosions occurred; with, respectively, 11 bores with a charge of 3115 kg of explosives (with 10 m/sec intervals of delay between the consecutively exploded groups of bores in both cases); 10 bores with 2840 kg of explosives; and 12 bores with 3250 kg of explosives. The delays between bores was 10 m /see in the third case and 20 m/sec in the fourth. Res'ults of the experimental explosions showed that the total explosive being equal, an increase in the number of groups of charges exploded at different times during the general blast, is always followed by a decrease in the intensity of seismic waves. Division of the total weight of explosives into 10 consecutive groups (9 degrees of delay) decrease.4 the intensity of seismic vibration 4. 2 times at a distance of 250 m, and 2.57 times at a distance of 900 m. When a considerable reduction of the seismic effect of mass explosions is necessary, the consecutive explosion of one shot hole after the other must be effected. Otherwise, shot holes should be planned with a maximum possible number of rharges exploded at different times. The intensity of the exoloded vibrations during millisecond delay explosions depends to a great ~~M2 3 ACC NR AR7001769 degree on the volume of the delay interval, the decrease or the increase of which is accompanied by an increase in the seismic effect of the explosion. B. Rossi. (Translation of abstract] [CC] I SUB CODE: 08? 313 VOZNM, R.K., inshener. "Using-UTTRIMM gravel for road repair under IPar Avt.dor. 20 noo):14 Mr 157- (Stviet Far Zast-Roads-Kaintenance (Pavements, Bituminous) Rastern conditions. (91-RA 10:5) and repair) VCZ K,,A~,T;j KOROBCHENKO, Yu.T.; 8KOCHINSKAYA, N.N. Change in the characteriLition ol! the Improved peat soils in Polssyw and the forest-oteppe of the Ukraine under the effect of farming. Pochvovedenie no.1319-28 Xa 164. (MIRA 17:3) L Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledcrvatellakiy institut pochvo- vadeniya imeni A,N. Sokolowskogo I Kbarskovskiy sel'sko- khozyaystvennyy institut imani V.V. Dokuch&yeva. , 1. -- "Peat-bo;j, soils of the left-bank VOZNYUK 0 T., Cand Agric Sci (diss) 0 central Dne-or region: genesis, classification, and productive features (On the example of the flood plain of the Trubezh River)". YJw Ikov, 1959. 22 PP (Mir. Agric TAY SSR, I'CharIkov Order of Labor Red Banner Agric Inst im, V. V. Dokuchayev, Ukr Sci Res Inst of Soil Science im A. N. Sokolovskiy), 150 copies (KL, No 9, 196o, 126) VOZNYUKP S.N. Tobacco Manufacture and Trwie High Urne to Mechanize cleaning of machiner7. Tabak 13 no. 1, 1952 MonthjZ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. UNCLASSIKE). KRENKELI, E., Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza; VISPNEVETSKIY, F.; TAFIVERDIYEEV, D., kand. tekhn. nauk; KARAYANIY, V.; TOVMASYAN, L., nauchnyy rabotnik (Yerevan); ROBUL, B.; YIEFEMITI, N., rad'-ollyublit-e-I I (Moskva); MATLIN, S., inzh.; BOPIIOVOLOKOV, E., ihzh.; GONCH2iR,01.1, 1".. GRIF, A.; ISSTISIAVSKIY, A. Works and needs of radio amateurs. Radio no.7:1-3 164 (ulm 1. Pred8edatell prazidiuma Federatusii radiosporta SSSR (for Krenkell). 2. llavnyy redaktor zhljrnala "Radio" (for Vishnevetskiy). 3. Chlen Bakinskogo radio-kluba (for Tariverdiyev). 4. Predsedatell Llvovakoy oblastnoy sektsii radiosparta (for Karayaniy). 5. Vachallnik Donetskoy shkoly radioelektroniki (for Robul). 6. Predsedatell soveta Novo- sibirskogo oblastriogo radlokluba (for Voznyuk). 7. Spetsiallnyy korrespondent IlPravdyll (for Goncharov). 8. Spetsia)lnyye korrespondetity zhurnala "Radio" (for Grif, Mstislavskiy). YEMLIYANOV, Ye.; BOCHAJW, M.; YOZI=,__I.; TIMOSHIN, D. Towards new achievements. Radio nooSO A9 162. (HERA 15:8) 1. Nachal-Inik Novoaibirskogo radiokluba (for Bocharov). 2. Predeedatell soveta, Novosibirskogo radiokluba (for Voznyuk). 3. flachallnik Sumakogo radiokluba (for Timoshin). (Radio operators) INCUMTSEV, G.B.; VOZI.MJK, V.S. 114.1-h-vollt-age switch -CT' SyStt-,:-~s i:3erl ir, -,hn- lacquerln~ rf gr,,c~is I A. 1 aere n10.3:33-332, irs the slactrostatic fio-., - . - .-.; -'* 165. 18-!~) ZELITSER, G.Ya.; VOLOBOYEV, I.N.; KOSTIN, A.P.; BULGAKOV, A.A.; VOM"U- V-S.; KAU4YKDV,, A.M.; STUDENTSOV, S.A.; BERSHIDSKIY, P.I.; MbISEYEV, G.A., insh., retsenzent; SOBAKIN, V.V., inzh., red.; VOFCTNIKOVA, L.F.9 takhn. red. (The TG102 diesel locomotive]Teplovoz TG102. Moskva, Transzheldor- izdat, 1962. 150 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Diesel locomotives-Hydraulic drive) BELOKONI t M.Ye.; INOZFMTSFV, G.B.; KOZYRINA, A.P.; ~LOLNYM,Y-s.; OSTIYAN, Z.Yu.; KOZUB, M.M.; MANIKO, Ya.V. Electric apparatus for chair varnishing. Der. prom. 12 no.9t 11-12 s 163. (MIRA 16slO) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhanicheskoy obrabotki drevesiny (for Belokon' Inozemtsev, Kozyrina, Voznyuk). 2. Irshavskiy mebelInyy kombinat Ifor Ostiyan, Kozub, ManIko). -VOZNYUK) Vladislay Vladimirovich; SHPAKOVSKAYA, L.I., red.; SUBBOTINA, 0-310, tekhn. red. (Amateur radio designs] Radioliubitellskie konstruktoii. Hovo- sibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izd-vop 1961. 133 p. (Radio circuits) (MIRA 15:2) VOZNYUKO Ye.I.; ?OMAROV, B.D. Use of radioactive phosphorrus in the diagnosis of stomach cancer. Khirurgila 38 no.12.-60-62 D 162. (MIRA 17%6) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetskoy khirargii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav.- akad. MI. Bal-ulev) i kafe-Iry rentgenologii i radiologl-, (zav. - prof. V.A.-D'yachenko) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta N.P. Pirogova, VOZNYUK Ye I GRUSHA, 0. V. Radioactive phosphorus in the differential diagnosis of pigmented twnors of the eve. Med. rad. no.4:15-40 162. (+-.A 15:6) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii. (zav. prof. V. A. Dfyachenko) i kafedr7 glaznykh bolezney (zav. prof. ff. A. Pletneva) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni N. I. Pirogova. (EM-TUMORS) (PHOSPHORUS-ISOTOPES) (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFER ENT IAL) VOZNYUX I Ye. I, - Significance of the caffeine load in the diaposis of th7roid gland hyperfunction. Med.rad. no.6:23-26 161. (MMk 15;1) 1. Iz kafedry rentgenologii i radiologii II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni N.I. Piroga7a. - (HRERTHYROIDISM) (CAFFEIM!~-PHYSIOWGICAL EMCT) LARRIA, Z,,T.,; GIIWSHA, O.V.; VDZNYUK, Ye.I. J -~ Hadioindications ard the lwalreacent methcwdl i-~ the dis.-r-csia of tumors of the anterior serp. on t of the eye and its adnexa. Vest. oft, rio.3:22-.26 My-Je 1620 (MM, 15;8) 1. Kafedra glazznykh bolemey (Zav. Prof. V.A. Pletneva) i kafedra rentgonologil i radiologii ~zav. - prof. V.A. DoyacherAko) II Moskovskop meditsinskogo instituta imeni N.I. Firogova. (Err,-TUMMS) (LUNTIMOFIXE) (RADIOACTIVE TRAOMM) L 18430-63. EWT(d)/Er(q)/ AFFTCASO JD ACCESSTCN VRs AP*5540 3/0184/63/000/004/0035/00 AUTHORSs TITLEs SCURCE: Vit1ko, P. I.; Roytmdn, V. I.; vo2my*yo A. Ve (Magineers) An experiment on checking the hardness of pipei by a magnetic method Kbimicheskoye mashinostroyeniye, no, 4j'1963v 35-36 -TOPIC TAGSt coorcimeter, magnetic method, hardness, pipes, ateele ShMa5p 10, 20, 12M13A, 1h5M, l2Yh5VA ABSTRACT: This factory has applied a magnetic method for inspecting the hardness ofj pipes by ireqns of asQ-q ii The meTM=es been used on cold end hot rolled ,p~ete] -At pipes 6f steel 'ShYh15.-.$!n the former, the magnitude of the coercive force (relative with to the hPrdne0:5,. Varian An broad limits; In the latter the differences in coercive fozee ttro mich smaller. 11imte variations in th wonre of 5 C~Yse large vnria+icns In coercive forces which can be measurede 4~M(fe Mik,' ii" M n r6 n',~r. Tb-~4 hnrdneso of pipes made of soft steels 10 20 12KM3A, WIT, 12n.51!-It mid oth~,,rs wns rore difficult to deterrdne and In tFe coercimet.(ir. The nu, mnted design is shovm in Enclosure 1. It has bean noted in plottina of hordnes3 curves thrt the scatter of points obtained with a coarcimeter is conditioned b-.r thn fc"m and material composition of the electromagnet, its Card 2/8j L 18430-63 ACCESSIM"IM: AP3005540 contact with the pipe, ate. The use of this method seves metal and time and makes it possible to inspect the entire length of a pipe. Orig. art. hass 2 figures. ASSOCIATI01 t Nikopoll skiy YU2hnotrubny*y zavod (Vikopoll Southern Pipe Fectory) OBVITTED: 00 DATE ACQs 2IAug63 ENCLs 01: .SUB CODE: M NO FM SM 002 OTIMR: 000. Card 2/$ TARASOY-MALAKOI' N.; WWWAROW-jr, ; Goum", S.; LAMY, D.; ASNOT, I.; 03TAKII, V.; BOLANIN, X.; KASHCHENED, Y.; HAKkkIT, A.; GOWSTIN, *.; ZRAIVIISKIT, H.; MMAWY, Tn.; GLIBOV, V.; CHRUSHN, F.; MAKOV, N.; BRAUN, P. Georgil Innokentlevicb Zbtzkov; obituar7. Poxh.delo 5 no.7:32 jy 15 9. (iaRA 12:9) (Zhiikov, Georgii Innokentlevich. Lin 1959) -YOU", of Making transformer steel by mixing open hearth wd electrie steels (fron foreIgn journals). stall 18 no.3.-225-226 Mr 158. (KM 110) Ozechoslovakia--Metallurgy) (fteel-Ketallurgy) an VoWbillties at high-sWphur onhi. G F V~,znyt Kt P"V-11,955. 30, No. 6. 28--291.-Four of c-ual cou bet een 4 and of S were crushed an,! c sif.ed. and tLe~ of tt I d pyritic S contents were determined. rl tatir'n C -aLM. fraction with a fluid of ap. V. 1 3 reduced its content of pyiinc S to w that the coal could be used lor =Aing metallurgical H - C. RA. fH-B,C-). .Mmbiky.', kazdHat tekhalcheakikh nauk. Interplaml school of floWton. Xokw. I 156. Owu 9: 9) l.Ukrainski.v uglekhtmichaskly institut. (Coal preparation) V(XNYY, G,F., referent a - Possibilities for Improving, the craalitY of coke(from 'Przeglad Gorniazy," no.1 1954)..Roviewed by G.Y. Vosnyi. Koko i khin. no*8:20- 21 '56, WRA 10:1) (Coke) TOZNYY, G.I., reforent.;KOVALISKAYA, T.S., referent. ONWONOW Methods for dehydrating fines (fron IvG16nk%uf.0 no.17/18. 1955). Koks I khim. no.3..-55-57 157. (111RA 10:5) (Coal preparation) (Centrifuges) 141fiObIWICHENKO, A.M.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; PANCHENKO, S.I... doktor tekhrx. --nauk; SHTROMEORG, B.I.,, kand. tek-hn. nauk.; FRISFLIERG, V.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; BAYDALINGV, P.A.,, inzh.; GFYAZ;G-V, II.S., doktor tekhn. nauk; ZASHKVARA, V.G., doktor tekhn. nauk; LAZOVSKIY, I.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; MARINIGHEV, B.T., inzh.; FELIDW III, N.G., kanCl. tokhn. nauk; BAW, N.A., inzh.; BARATS, B.M., inzh.;.X.Q=., G.F. p kand. teklin. nauk; IIIKILALICIPJK A.I-',. 0V V inzh.; TOPORK , . .,'Rand. tekhn. nauk; FLORINSKIY, N.V., inzh.; KHAYET, A.N., inzh.; ShELKOV, A.K., inzh., red.; ARONOV, S.G., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; PREOBRAZBENSKIY, P.I., inzh., red. [Manual for coke chemists in six volumes] Spravochnik koksokhi- mika. v shesti tomakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Metallurgiia." Vol.l. [Source of raw materials and preparation of coal for coking] Syrlevaia baza i podgotovka uglei k koksovaniiu. 196,4. 1+90 p. (1-',IRA 17:5) TOPMOV, V.Ya.; Vq;Mt_, "..; TANXOVZIY, PI*; PUNJUISKAYA, V.A. Use of various coagulating agents for the clarification of slurry containing washery waters from coal-cleaning plants. reks i kma. no.10:3-7 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Ukrainekly uglekhtmichaskly Instituto (Coal preparation) TANKOVSKrY, P.I,, VOZN", G.F. Utilization of waste waters from chemical water-purifIcation plants in the process of flotatIon of coal fines. Iroks.1 khtme no.6:13-15 160. (HXRA 13;7) l.'Ukralnekly uglekhImIcheekly inatitut. (Coal preparation) -VOZNYY, G.F. Interfactory school for the study of modern methods of organizing thee water and sl~urry system at coal preparation factories. Koko i khim. no. 1:56-58 '60. (HIRA. 13:6) I. Ukrainskiy uglekhimicherskiy institut. (Coal preparation--Equipment and supplies) SOV/68-59-!' 5/23 -- f . I . /7 AUTHORS: Voznyy_L le~ovzkiy, P.I. arid Burda, _U.2_r--4 -VITata-vskaya, A.Ya. and Samylin, N.A TITLE: An Industrial Test of Llicro-additions for Decreasing the Moisture Content of Flotation Concentrates Obtained on Vacuo-Filters (Promyshlennyye ispytaniya mik--odobavok dlya snizheniya vlazhnosti kontsentrata flotatsii na vakuum-filltrakh) PERIODICAL-.Koks i Khimiya, 1959, Nr 41 pp 13-16 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The influence of small additions of surface active substances on the moisture content of flotation concentrates have been investiGated on an industrial scale. It was found that an addition of 0.025clo of "gas oil contact" (0.? to 0.8 kg/t of dry substance) or 0,05% of PM-50 (a product based on coal tar oils - not specified) decreases the moisture content of flotation concentrates by 3%. It was established that the above additions speed up the coagulation of slurries and clearing of water on the works. It is expected that with the accumulation of a micro-additive in the water Card 1/2 the currently added amount can be decreased without a "30 V/68 - 5 9 -4- _-5) /2 7 An Industrial Test of Micro-additions for Decreasing the Moisture Content of Flotation Concentrates Obtained on Vacuo-Filters decrease in the dewatering effect. In order to obtain more info-rmstion on the technico-economical effect of adding PM-50 and "gas oil contact" a prolonged continuation of the test is proposed. There are 3 tables and 6 references of whicli 3 am ~~._Joviat, 1 English, and 2 German. ASSGCIATIOI,T:Yenakiyevskiy -Loksokhimichoskiy Zavod (Y(-ry11,1.~,('v0- CokinG Works)- (Vladovskaya and Samylin); Ukh1N (Voznyy, Tankovskiy and Barda) Clard 2/2 IOZV3~,-13*orgly,,,I!odpLrq,i~kq~_;__XINAREYETSKIY, A.L., otvatatyennyy red.; ANDRETRY. S.P., [Improving methods of jigging and centrifuging coal In dressing plants] Usovershonstvovanic protsessov otsadki I teentrifugirovaniia uglia na ugleobogatitellnykh fabrikakh. Khar1kov, Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chern. I tevetnoi metallurgit, 1957. 59 p. (MIRA 10:12) (Coal preparation)