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Li USSR/Chemistry - Chain- Reactims, Apr 53 Atomic Energy "The The.ory of Chain Reactions in the Calculation of the Diffusion.of Active Centers," N. S. Akulov Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol 27,, No 4, pp, 614-615 In all chain reactions which occur :in nature, dif- fusing active centers interact vith the medium, forming active centers of another.type. The view of V. V. Voyevodskiy and A. S. Ko=Daneyets (Zhur Eksp i Teor Fiz, Vol 23, p 229,1952) that there is only one type of active center in the chain fission of U, i.e. the neutron, is erroneous. One must consider 270T23 at least 2 types of centers, i.e.-slow and fast neutrons. Although Vo-yevodskiy and Kompaneyets use vith small changes equations developed in the author's (Akulovs) book, they claim credit for in- dependent work in arriving at the same result as the author. 270T23 VOYEVOwnys V. V. USSR/ChemistrY - Combuzion Kinetics Sep 53 "The Problem of the Existence of Three Limits of Spontaneous Ignition o;' Combustible Mixtures ;V. V. Voyevodskii~'~Iinst of Chem Phyw, Ac C-TUoiii Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol 27, No 9, pp 1420-1426 ~%e alleged theory of three limits of ignition about which N. S. Akulov talks and for which he claims credit does not exist. Akulov's deductions are riot in accordance with exptl facts. His criticism of W. N. Semenov's theory, which does explain exptl re- sults satisfactorily, is not justified and involves 26sIT26 rejection of everything that has been done by USSR workers in this field during the past 20 yrs. There is no reason for ;acceptance of Akulov a empirical formulas, because all phenomena can be explained from a unified theoretical point of viev. A M--h--l 1, thq tas of sr't' Val ~C-: :v", rt v- A-Z b), s A' i are 11~11.ed in t'rMZZ dO All Winm j,Aymrnzrd in the Ms-nce n( 4 v*1y"wrtx3(fvC (~--Urv at 30% trjn~ mmonltr imt,wl d 42% wficn pure IIjO iv Wvwn thr ~ah.,e is C"% and t,, N.011, 50% V.,(h ~~ and art ims 'lect "L~tw- r.t~, (h, .1nin" '64 1,Wm,-j durtng th~ t-A~- tm-fi~,atkrl must act 15 a (hpolm im It. W Werster L~ L L Tte CcMmittce an Stalin PrI26S i0f the Council of Ministers LWR) in the flelds of salence and Inventions annotmeev that the following oclentIrIc works., po7~ular sclen- tifit bwkft, ",nd nextoookv riave oern vubmItttd for campetitIm fvr -13talln fIrIzve for thip ytme. 1952, =d 1953. (SOVCWI'11,~,~, K'~~lttrdj )Wcov, 110- 20 F*b 3 Apr 1954r: h _.M of V.V. nnrl ComIrl',q- t--,n r)-f' of S~Acn so. w-306o4, 7 jAy j9%h VOYLIJUDSKIY, Vladislav Vladislavovich. A cademic degree of Doctor of Chemical Scienceso based on his defense., 29 December 1954, in the Council of the Inst of Chemical Physics Aced Sci USSRP of his dissertation entitled: "Free Radicals in Chain Gas Reactions ". .A cademic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences SO: Decisions of VAK, List no 8, 2 April 55, Ryulleten' MVO SSSR, No. 14,, July Moscov pp 4-22, Uncl. JPRS/WY-429 tA W, gpo OY157 V 0,-D 51? AID P - m8 Subject Card 1/1 Authors Title Periodical Abstract USSR/Chemistry Pub. 119 - 1/5 : Kursanov, D. N. and Voyevodskiy, V. V. (Moscow) : Some new data on hydrogen exchange between organic radicals and ions : Usp. khim.., 23, no. 6j, 641-653, 1954 Hydrogen exchange of free organic radicals and of organic cations is reviewed. Experimental data on the hydrogen exchange of carbonyl compounds with D S04 are compiled in a table. One table, 38 references (13 Russian: 1934-54). Institution : None Submitted : go date Vwnfthemistr7 - Analysis moUods Card 1/1 Pubs 247 - 13/27 -Authors Mrdale7shvilip R, Es; Lavrovskaya, G. K.1 and Voyovudskiy,, V. V. -Title ftro-wthod of analyzing heavy water Porlodical_-'s --- --- Zhuro-fiz*-,kidm.__29/32,,-.2195-0~,913,,Dea 1954 Abstract I A new compensation mothod for measuring vapor pressuroa wa3 utilized in determining the deuteri= content of water. This mrthod porrdto carrying out heavy water analyses (deuterium content in water) in A%5--mg of water wit;, an accuracy of up to I - 0.05 mol/~,, reGirdless of the D cont-ent--In-the-wrater. The Im-W-~ation3 used ~.n connection with thig compensation method 4r-e-described. Eight references A. 5 USSRI 1 UBA; 1 En&Iish and 1 German (1936-1953). Table; graphs; drawings V Irstitution AeaderV of Sc. LBSR,, Institute of Chemical Physics and the V. M. Lomonosov State Universityp Mwcow Submitted June 23, 1954 OR MAN ----------- IT T 7. ILI" 0.0-ly Udd- Vw,~ 591-t llli~ (I!, ), jpAymm4.,(j-l iijc~j c~& ,-~jllv iri k ni,nn-r anaftsZous - 1 S;-,-1 , ." ~wd, th~ (11)(cf CA 46. ~:*A- 41, I is ataLwatAytic. Wall it) 111411letiun IW6.j thul The 1-6-1 r"Jillmd fi,r Ili, "l-it) di-fe't-;', w4 A I'lAoIc 11,4, 1- In't lliir~ J.%rc, "I ""'. j I ~l 11" I-lill if I)o M"City i ll~e ~mf J ) i - , ~-, .- --:,! .. J, " ,l, . -,,I "li"lt P-4, 1"'rumi'm L-A , gr,-t- t-i,n Ll~f if 11. ~(-h ta,lt,m- (Ii- f1ii, riac Wila in I L, -1 k-1 i-JE th."I in H An wti- rnri-gy t.! '23 k"- ni-A is rctlutiv' in the ;xilymm- i-twu ,f I A Ate quation. derw"I ',,j-A ~ p-f.)-d ol, imr-lu~tlori th~ ~,-t4vatwll tru4oy ".11, 11' - A v , ~ , r! fj.~ li 1; ! !y, - 11311).1, 1* - he .t~ f fi th, u4jcn~ A L, nd ".1 tt i,maid B Miller g v Nr 411 M,',, gar!sm to 47 AF701597 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK REVIEW AID 803 - S VOYEVODSKIY, V. V.-(Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of C n -s, USSH). DISKUSSIYA (Discussion), In Problemy kinetiki i kataliza (Problems of Kinetics and Ua-talysis), vol. 8. Izdatel'Btvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1955. Section 1: Effect of illumination on the adsorbability of solids. p. 73-74. An outline of the photodesorption of CO froni a Ni-8urface is given. The process consists of the absorption of light, de- activation by means of recombination, surface reaction pre- ceding desorption of CO, and desorption of CO. 1/1 AF701597 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK RVIEW AID 807 - S -VOLWODSKIY., V. V. (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences, U 0 TSEPNYKH MEKHANIZMAKH V GETEROGENNOM KATALIZE (Chain mechanisms in heterogeneous ,atalysis). In Problemy kinetiki i kataliza (Problems or Kinetics and Catal-ysia), vol. 8. Xzdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1955. Section M General problems of the theory of catalysis. P. 97-109. An explanation of the mechanism of catalytic processes is given, based on the formation of intermediate products with a higher reactivity than the initial substances. Three types of hetero- eneous active centers are discussed: 1) free lattice valence formed by thermal or chemical action); 2) heterogeneous radical, T i.e., a particle chemically combined with the surface and 3) homogeneous radical (or atom), whose bond with the surface is intermediate between a strong chemical bond and physical adsorption. The mechanisms of hydrogenation,of catalytic cracking in the presence of carbon and formation of hydrocarbons and alcohols from CO and H are discussed at some length. The processes determining the girection and velocity of heterogeneous chain transformation are governed by the action of the catalyst 1/2 S 0 1 mekhanizmakh V ........... AID 807 - voyEVODSKly, V. V., 0 tsepnykh ation (and breaking) of the & Dntimation and 2) initil 4-1955). on 1) the c1 .5 14 Russian, (194 chains# 22 ref -, 2/2 0 1, AF701597 TREASURE ISLAND BOOK REVIEW AID s VbyEvoDsKIY, V. V. (Institute of Chemical Physics, Academy of Sciences, 'USSR)- DISKUSSIYA (Discussion). In Problemy kinetiki i kataliza (Problems of Kinetics and Catalysis)-,vol. 8. Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1955. Section II: General problems on the theory of catalysis. P. 154-155. In reply to his opponents, Voyevodskiy states that his theoretical explanation of catalysis by chain reactions, though in need of experimental or theoretical confirmation introduced clarity into the mechanism of heterogenous catalysis. The further study of the chain theory of heterogeneous catalysis should be concerned wilu; 1. the properties and structure of active heterogeneous compounds and 2. the kinetics of catalytic processes. 1/1 I - I rmp , , 1-401,020 NII-ONFRORMIR, - -. ,- I'll,-;I.....,W-1- ~ "t"':50 LIT O-N VOYEVODSKIY, V. V. and TIKHOMIROVA, 11. N. "Deterzrdnation of the,Velocity Constants of the Reaction of Hydrogen Atons with Hydrocarbons at Increased Tjenperature5," pp. 172-186 of the book Chain Reactions of Oxidation of !!Zdrocarbons in thj_2ts Poase, AS USSR, Moscori, 1955, Translation 1071268 VThe role office valrhcj~- tjr, ~,,eu YP" c4tjdrirfffl~ V.-. V. Vu-tv-c4:6-Ljl, F ~z '~ r ~-- Iv. ",, "it :."11 VdPiozy 10im. , -- AI:jJ. Sj4A S,S tv~5 -10 A Preliminary exctch cl the pfirnpal t-, - .4 ~ ~h,oj A catalrus. A catalyst crysw am be %ittz i Lq smgtr Ki:111% troul. that id- fects heterErgencol, leactii- m ".. Eimilar to thst of free radicals ill bolmolcu'Al"i in N:tb =Xs. reactions proceed by essenibIly slunflar In ajj'c;ttjIyjk 17"ctlova the procm b mu5ftl ~i:d Ifirc. ted b7 I;tc vuleadta, - and the mulyst p6ys a nAr iv,i un!ikc tigit ,( a "radicill". The PhYS. IL'ttorC of jFCC' V:,JLo-j- I)o the MtAIYL.*t ClySt2l ,fam, and the difftstut typ~-s between tbti (mlsorbed audrs and We in-yatal butficr aic di-,~,uuKA I'lie- reaction mechamnLum Qru txm-d oil th, ill the re-takus of (rot ~alrncki md Cf Oim ~i, radicals ("ToCll durinx the pro"" in Eb%: C.MN!V51 mirf;ice 'I'lie tritroduc, t;on c4 a cbAin "talyia5 rn~hzt,i~- Kivc.4 a m)vcl explAnation U the merhAzi3tu cf accele-i-ri, tjs;~vd by the cutalyit. This acccl~raticz, in;Ay be a tviiilt A f-mati"n vI (fee valen- ci" (liat -cauivi-lm~aia vneraut?a ,,, the catalyst at much bigher velt)-citics lban La t6 ga5 pl,.i:, A 2nd evalyst luitc- tjKm cniy eLnlut in thcrF= cxm the cqiW turfioe. y %-1y 0 N, lWh "C= fkM ve rearivA. The chain-graAth-tilay frequently bli lopcdod by the high end.thti-micity of the comp&. forrized La the c1cluentary smgt~q- Wb,n ille Q"x deirclDpirtent V12 [be htltTOgl!j2CGu; T.Wk.;Js t,-) be enefgetkully Mofe pmLuble, mtalpili cart Vv;htly arculerate the process. A compka abst-tice (A InNiumak.-n im ith rtrmd to hijud curr. gies of single aloins and of at. rm~j, with the catalyst may be the principal dfirmilty tha! "t vief~:ut ivwfercs with the evaluation cif %n:l,.,city fcja~~us I's r!"I;eritafy raillcal muctior-A. A mw9h cvAuAtica ul the heits of re- actioal at cLem4mrary 5tag-. mlk, It ufiqe3 .1ppear proll- aue, but cnm L71te . I Je cumider Pl!rdy hyglvtical~ v!) 4p 416 s s ,,12645 AV I,, r -~.U- "e nIld T-.u in d'i",1111,14 11~ 1) C",tt!nt "I *All' At a -ter (G Y V VZ .; X 0 y v-_ v p 4 > i r V. V, Catalysis B-9 emistry- Och TO P mbustion* EXPlosionse C f USSR/Kinetics . o No 61 1957) 16564 Khimiyaj Referat Zhur Chirtove Abs JOur N.M. io~ :_ tkoVO-) : Author . , T6ve I of Science- Of USSR' n 140noxide. Academy dation of Carbo ; oxi Slo. Inst l ' Kinetics 0 380-389; in symposium AN e Tit 1955) 29) No 2) eazovoy faze, 14f) khimii v orig Pub , t- Zh* fi" e reakt0ii uglevodoTOdOV y TsepnY 55, 161-171- 10 , 6300 and a Lation at 450 to column in presence ves of Co Oxid tract mercurY rami- The kinetic cur acteristical of non- f 150 to 500 va of the Abs char pressure o team or H2 have a shape ( sho~m that ji2 catalyzes menon of t is )f s 0 The pheno hain reactionse I vea c' times more than steam was disclo- team and d pproache reactioTt six ith s turation" Of the mixture ion speed 11 e substances t the react 11 sa of thes sed; it consisted in tha itude vinen the contents ion energy Of the at a constant maga ture increased- The activ in the mix 235 card 1/2 for I I g% -g - ~! ..... .. .............. VOY6-vo-Dsck;~') V.v, ~~W_~ical Chmiatry - Kinetics, Combustion., Explosionsy Topo- chemistry, Catalysis. B-9 Abs Jour: Beferat.Zhu;val MmIyaj, No 3,, 1958.9 7186- Author R. Ye. MLrdaleyschvi1i., G.B. Pariyokiy., V.A. Poltorak, V.V. last of Sciences of USSR. TItle Reaction of Deuterium Atoms with Alkenes. Dependence of Methane Deuterization on Owcentration of Deuterium Atoms in System. Orig Pub: I=. AN SM. M. Idtim. n.2 1956., No .5, 516-524. Abstract: The,exchange reaction of alkyl radicals Vith D2 1956., 74392) was stuxiied with the application of the naam- spectrometric analysis of D content in the being produeed methar The ratUcals were formed according to the reaction D + X R, where M was CAI CA, and iso-CILU8. In the cases of C2H4 and iao-04%, the D content in mef1ine increased, Card 1/2 -4- >/ V, z USSR/Physical Chemistry - Kinetics. Combustion. B-9 Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimyaj 11o 2, 1957) 3774 Author : voyevodskixav. Title : Interchange of Free Alkyl Radicals vith Molecular Deuterium Orig Pub : Mro Min. zh-j 1956, 22, Ho 1, 42-44 Abstract : There is proposed a new hypothetical elei-wntal reaction of isonerization of alkyl radicals in beta-position, with formation of a hyc!rogen bridge, which supplements tho author's notions concerning the mechanism of Inter- change and isonerizantion of free radicals (HUMin, 1956, 74392), Card 1/1 - ilk - CHIRMT, ~.M. -, VOTLFVO~D;SKlr, TOT. ~ Nikolai Nikolaevicb Se"anov, famder of the theory of chain reactions; on the 60th anniversary of his birth. N.M# CbIrkov, V.V. Voevodakit. 30 no.49722 Apr. '56. (MLRA 9:9) (Semenov. Rikolai Nikolaevich. 1893-) '* 4 V, USSR/-Phyeical Chemistry Molecule. Chemical Bond Abe Jour : Referat Zhur - nimdya, No 2) 1957, 3462 B-4 Author : Vedeneyev V,'L,, Voyevodskiy V.V. Title : Cleava."e Euer6y oftr---Z ~,na-sof Different Chlorides Orie Pub -156 : Zh. fiz. I:nimii, 2 30, No 4) 789-793 . , Abstract : Fulfillment of the correlation F = cK Di(l), wherein E: i -- enerLrj of activation of exothermic reac. tion, D. -- cleavage energy of Rix molecule (Ri -- alkyl radica!~, and r-< and q --constants., is illu~tratcl by Y- . several exomples. Equation (1) is used to calculate the cleavage energy of C - C! bonds on tha basis of known va- IlLes Of D(CnH~-Cl) and D( Calculated values of CH3'cl)' cleavage enera are in sati5factory agreement with the available experizental values. The conclusion is c3trawn that equation (1) can be utilized to evaluate the elea- vage eaerEW values of bonils on the basis of known values of enerCy of activation, and vice ver3a. Card 1/1 - 5 - V0 V V v/ USSR/Physical Chemistry Kinetics. Combustion. Explosives. Topochemistry. Catalysis, B-9. Abst Journal: Referat Zhur- Khimiya, #o 1, 1957, 390 Authort Voyevodskiy, V. V., and Kabachnik, M. I. Institution: None MWMNWMM*ft Title: On Completing the Reactions Involving Isomerically Active Particles Original Periodical: Zh. fiz. khimii, 1956, Vol 30, No 4, 94-5-948 Abstract: On the basis of the Polanyi relations for single-type free radical reactions, it is shown that whenever during a chemical reaction the formation of free radicals which are sufficiently rapidly intercon- vertible is possible, the direction of the reaction will be deter- mined preferentially by the moot stable of these radicals. Its re- duced chemical actiifity Is compensated by its considerably greater concentration. Card 1/1 VOYEVODSKIYI Y.V.; VEDRIUMV, M, Possible mechanism of degenerat6d branching In hydrocarbon oxidatiou reactions. Dokl.AN SSSR 106 no.4-.679-68Z F 056. (MLRk 9:6) 1.1natitut khimichaskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR Mookovskly gosudarstyennyy universitat imeni M.Y.Lomonosovao (Hydrocarbons) (Oxidation) I K-- ll~ ffi. OW-1-1- I .1 -.1 = ~ . 111 ~- -3 ~ 4 ~~ff ;" ::-~m U:M --l ~ ~ - i~ Explosions, Topochemistry, Catalysis. Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Khimiya, 110 1, 1958, 501 Author V.V. Voyevodskiy. Inst Title Heteroeeneous Catalysis and Chain Proceosea. Orif; Pub Khim. nauka I prom-at, 1957, 2, No 2, 16o-i66 Abstract Review. Bibliography with 14 titles. D-9 Card 1/1 N VoyjjV0DS v denterium -- ljl~ous and noteroge7o (MIRA 11o) Moobanism Of homogf 44 5Z6 hosolytic -obl. VAne i kat. 9:33- (catalysis) exchar-ge. P, (Deuteriun) AUTHORS: Lyadovaj Yu. I., Vedeneyevp V. I.p 20-1.144-36/54 VoyeYodokiy, V. TITLE: Investigation of the Kinetics and the Mechanism of the Thermal Decomposition of Isobutylene (Issledovaniye kinetiki i mekhanisma termicheskogo raspada izobutilena). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSRt 1957, Vol- 114P Nr 6, pp. 1269-1271 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The third author (references 1,2) suggested a chain-reaction of the thermal decomposition of olefines which is based upon the redistribution of the H-atom between a radical of the allyl-type, and the olefine-molecule, where an alkyl radical and a diene develop. He succeeded in determining from this point of view the composition of the products of this composition of olefines of various structure. It was, however, not possible to extend these conceptions to the cracking of such simple olefines as C 3H6 and i-C 4HS 9 as no H-atoms capable of redistribution reactions exist in the allyl-radicals developing of it . In another paper (reference 2) the third author advocated the opinion that in the case of the two above-mentioned olefines the formation Card 1/4 of the reaction products is always preceded by an addition Investigation of the Kinetics and the Mechanism of the Thermal 2D-IU-.6,36/54 Decomposition of Isobutylene of the allyl-radical to the double bond of the olefine. The authors intended to obtain additional data on the chain character of this decomposition as well as to check the hypothesis concerning the transfer of the H-atom to the olefine double bond. The cracking of isobutylene was studied at between 542 -and 6200 and at a pressure of 100-500 mm torr. Furthermore experiments with a mixture of i-C 4H8and C2H4 were made at 542-6000 and 200-600 mm pressure. The thermo-chromatical gas-analysis showed that the main products (gases) of the isobutylene-crackifig are C3H6' CH4, i-C4 a10' C2H4and H2 beside small quantities of 02H6 and C 3H.. Figures 1 and 2 show the modification of the composition of these gases with a modification of pressure, as well as the percentage of conversion. The extrapolation of the curves which describe the dependence of the composition of the gas products on the percentage of conversion to the zero-percentage of the conversion makes it poonible to determine the primary reaction-products and their relations. Card 2/4 From the cracking of i-C 4H8 up to 10% isobutane is obtained Investigation of the Kinetics and the Mechanism of the Thermal- M414-439/54 Decomposition of loobutyleno as one of the primary products. This quantity Increaneo with increasing pressure and with decreasing temperature. This shows that the addition reaction of the H-atom to the double bond of isobutylene takes place under the conditions given here. In order to further determine the problem of the transfer of the H-atom to the olefine double bond, the cracking of mixtures of i-C 4H8, with 02R4was studied. The results in table 1 permit the following conclusions: 1) They confirm the conception on the chain mechanism of the reaction. On the other hand the development of ethane in large quantities furnishes another proof that the transfer reaction of the H-atom, to the olefine double bond is possible. The authors are of opinion that their tests confirm the assumed reaction in isobutylene-crackings: A + i-C4H8 M + 6 4H9* The same applies to the mixture of isobutylene-ethylene; i + C2 H4---- > M + 62H5* Card 3/4 The comparison of the analysis results of the primary gas investigation of the Kinetion and the Thermal 20-114--6--.36/54 Decomposition of Isobutylene products and the composition of the liquids leads to the conclusion that the cracking-scheme sugggested by the third author of C H and i-C H is insufficient. New ways of the 3 6 4 8 0 transformation of the radical i-C 4H7 must be introduced to this scheme. The decomposition to bH, and "allene" may be supposed as such, as well as the transfer reaction of the methyl-radical from i-b 4H7 to the isobutylene molecule. Allene- formation was observed in the cracking of isobutylene reference 4). Under the conditions given here it isp however, unstable and completely disappears from the gas phase during the duration of test. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 5 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for Chemical Physics AS USSR (Institut khimicheakoy fiziki kkademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: January 14, 1957, by ff. It. Semenov, Academician, SUBMITTED:* January 12j 1957 JI ':i- Card 4/4 VOYEV0051,~11'-I) V TSETKOV YU.D. VOYLVODSKIY V.V.,RAZUVAYLT G.A., 20-1-32/54 S 0 R 0 K I I I Y u . V . , 1) ;tEd-C-r__V" -^ T'.-r iITLE Electron Spin Re3onance in Some Sandwich Type Chro=aroriatic Co=poands. (Elektronnyy. paramagnitnyy rezonans v nekotorykh khro-marc=atich~s- kikh soyedineniyakh sandvichevogo stroyeniya -Russian) PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR,1957,Vol 115, Nr 1, pp 118- 121 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT In recent times increased interest was devoted to the study of the mentioned compounds of the ferrocene type,(Fe(C5H5)2),the ferrocene ion and analogous molecules with aromatic addenda.In spite of a great number of papers on this subject,there hitherto exists no eeneral theory which might explain the present data on the 1'sandwich"struc- ture of these m-oleculea.Their formation and steadiness cannot be ful- ly explained by the generally accepted conception of valence.The da- ta obtained indicate that in the majority of compounds of this type the linage of addenda with the complex-forming atoms is of a cova- lent character.This Is especially indicated by magnetic measurements. According to the latter these materials are either diamagnetic or they possess a magnetic mo=entum which correspond s to one,two cr at most three non-paired electrons.The ion salts of these metals of such compounds by the method of electronic paramagnetic resonance (called EPR in the following) have hitherto been described in pu- blications.The present paper given measurements of the ;OR spectra of the following compoundst Cr(C6H6)2J (I),Cr(C6115)2J (II) and Cr Card 1/;J, (C6H5 - C6H5- C6H5)2oC6H5 (III). The static magnetic susceptibility Electron Spin Resonance in Some Sandwich Type Chromaro- 20,rl-32/54 matic Compounds. of these materials correspondsto a single- non-coupled electron.The presence of a hydrogen-overrefined structure of the absorption line in solutions of the materials II and III can be explained in two wqys. 1.The non-coupled electron and the positive charge of the complex are located onthe chromium atom. The estimation made on the basis of this assumption shows that the density of the non-coupled 3d-electron on the positions of the hydrogen atoms of the aromatic rings is sufficient to effect an "overrefined" cleavage of the EPR spectrum.2.The non-coupled electron and the positive charge are loca- ted on the aromatic addenda of the complex.The overrefined structu- re is in this case due to the interaction of the non-paired x.elec- tron of the aromatic rihg with the hydrogen atoms of this ring.The extent of cleavage, the number of components and the ratio of their intensities are in this case dependent on the distribution of elec- tron density on the addenda molecule.The following facts speak in favor of the first aesumptiont a) presence of the anisotropy of the g-factor in the materials I and II, b) the value of the g-factor is less than that of a free electron.The true picture of density di- stribution of the non-ooupled electron is probably a superposition of the two extemua cases mentioned above. Card 2/~~ (2 illustrations, 2 Slavic references.) /Slo'iz , U 'L iel'141z_~' /// f 4 .11 /jj VIVI AOTHORS: Kazanskiy, 144 TITLE; V. B.'v Voyevodskiy, V. V. 20-4-29/51 Note on the R81e of Hydrogen Atoms in the Catalytic Oxydation of Hydrogen on Palladium (0 roli atomov Yodoroda v reaktaii katalitioheskogo okisleniya vodoroda na palladii). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1957Y Vol- 116, Nr 4, pp. 633-636 (usn) ABSTRACT: Wagner (vaguer) and Hauffe (Khauffe) (reference 2) investigated the mechanism of the catalytic oxydation of hydrogen -on metallic palladium by comparing the stationary concentration of hydrogen atoms at the surface of the catalyaator with the concentration corresponding to equilibrium. On this occasion the authors established, that a chain-like mechanism of this reaction is posaible. The authors of this paper examined the final conclusions by Wagner (Vagner) and Hauffe (Khauffe) by an independent method, using a different experimental procedure. According to modern conceptions a dissociation of the hydrogen molecules at the surface of the metal takes place in the adsorption and dissolution of hydrogen in metailic palladiuz, Card 1/3 resulting in the formation of adsorbed atoms, The solution Note on the R81e of Hydrogen Atoms in the Catalytic 20-4-29/51 Oxydation of Hydrogen on Palladium and diffusion of hydrogen within the metal apparently takes place in the form of ions. The authors compared the stationary concentration of the hydrogen atoms on the surface of the palladium with the concentration corresponding to equilibrium with the help of a diffusion process In a vacuum circulation apparatus. A capillary tube consisting of palladium served as a catalysator. The numerical data of the experimental arrangement are given here, and the occurse of the experiments is explained. The results from some of the experiments of the authors are compiled in a table. According to these data the stationary concentration of the hydrogen atoms in the reaction zone in considerably smaller than the concentration corresponding to equilibrium. For the purpose of a more precise investigation of the mechanism of the reactiont the authors computed the deviation of the stationary concentration of the hydrogen atoms at the surface of the catalysator fro m the equilibrium coacentra- tion with the assumption of a radical mechanism. The data computed in this way were then compared with the experiment. Card 2/3 Oxygen does not modify the mechanism of this reaction. The Note'on the R81a of Hydrogen Atoms in the Catalytic 20-4-9-0/4 ."r A Oxydation of Hydrogen on Palladium good accordance of the experimental data with the computed values speaks in favour of the radical mechanism of the oxydation of hydrogen on metallic palladium. The data obtained here without doubt speak for the factp that in the case of palladium the reaction takes place with an inter- action between the hydrogen atoms adsorbed at the surface of the oatalynator and oxygen. There are 1 figure , 2 tables, and 11 references, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov (Moskovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonoao* Institute for Chemical Physics AN USSR (Institut khimi ahes~oy fiziki kkademii nauk SSSR) PRESENTED: April 12, 1957, by N. N. Semenov, Academician SUBMITTED: April 5, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 5 071'i" -,-, I .. 1-1/i9 voycirodskly, V,V., 1!oliii, Y~x.% aad 01-tlbri;ciri, ,5 Tr,! OZ3 s Eloctron Paraaagzmz3tic Razona, So ~f JTLP , I Various Substli;aw-Ats (3rt.-.rj Aaktrcanoorl with razonansa Cr-arajutichoskikh r.-- enlys razlich-qyA IIZ,q I OD I CU sOPtika i SPektrOul-COplya, 1956, 'rol 6, 11r 1, pp 00-~-2 (U""~(l ABS M.UCT., The oresent noto reportj cor.4-juautloa of iho work do:icr1'-O,J ia Ref 1-2 on alectron par,%."6netl,~ rosonaapa apo.tra of fjoluti-,ij I or (06H6.- 2 Cri, (C6H5 . G6'ill)2 Orl, (Ce-5 . C61i8)(06H6)" jH5)2 CrI. These cot-,ipoundz are danot 1 1, 11.. 111 ard (CtiHS . C( IV respectively In the present nota. Tho piA~rpoia of rho .1or'.,C to find tho effect of substibition of I%-,ha distriWt-ioa of 14-an3ity of unpaired elacbroau. Isopropyl alco*.-ol, acatone, pyridlnj aryj wat.)r were used au solvents. All moaw-,re., ixatz wara made -at ra--., a SpaCtrOU31W-3r workin6 at 91,00 -1 J3pt'. of using Z Mc/s . The itlo- the nagnotic field was 2 Oo. Tha 6-factor, tho to-"l in Oe, the separ.-vsion of tho hyparfina stractur3 and the nizaboi of re3olvad hyp.,)rfine stz-,.;,cbra (h.f.;;-) Card 1/2 for tile compounds I-IV in isopropyl alcohol are given i~. t-"*1-1-3 Electron Para0agnotic Resonaric3 Spactra of Grnilraaatic Corjpa4nda with Variouj Substituent3 on p 91. The convistoncy of L: atul AH in tlrk-~) 3aries vf I-IV indicates thii; introdiAcPioa of a substittiont Into f;!v,) ~onzona ring does not iauterially chanra tho dirtrilyAt-Icn to-V tlatialty of unpaired oleetrons betfriaa Cr and the benzene rinj;s. Imprwu,3at of the resolution of the apactnx4 (see +.he figure en p 92'~ -r- Golinr, from the coiapouud I to the cwpound IV was observed. TM a,!-hora U~,a the folloytinG coilclusions . (1) In dilute jolatiors the coi-iponeat vidth coases to depand on concantrlt~.oa below a cartain concentration which is differant for different raolvont;i. (2, !?.G ,,-Jidth of h.f.a. cotaponeats in dilute sol-ations depends or; the i.,at-Ira of the solvent-. (3j On inzraase of the solut-ion tho h-f-u. disapp.:~ars at differeat ccneentrations in different sol-anta. Th3 main reason for the disappearance of the h.f.s. is tho 13 interaction bot-nean paramagnatia particles. The auth3rs Uhank Professor G.A. RazuMyev (Gorlk# Institute of Organic, Chemlsl~ry) and Profassor F. Hain (Institute of' Inorganic Cheirtstry, Jena, B.";terr- ,'J~trd 2/2 Germany) for supply of Itho -_aap,)a_ndr. studied. There a.-,) I fij;Ur-,j, 1 table and 5 rofarencas, Z~ of nlilch are Americ.-in and 2 So-.11A. ASS0=170111 Inatitut. ~~himicheskoy fiziki, All SSSR (Institute of Ghw,".al Irbysics, .Aaade;ay of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) 1. Motalorganic compormds-Spectro- SUBLaTTSD: January 9.7, 1958 graphic aralysis 2. Metalorganic couTcumds-Ma&netic properties 3. Cyclic compounds-Prtgortles 4. Chromi= iodine compounds-Properties AUTHOR: Molin, Yu. N., Voyevodskiy, V. V. 57-1-19/30 TITLE: Investigation of Action of the Ionizing Radiation on Quartz by the Method of Electron Paramaenetic Resonance (Issledovaniye vozdeystviya ioniziz-uyushche,,go izlucheniy;% na kyarts metodom elektronnogo paramagnitnogo rezonansa) *PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Tekhnichozkoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 28, Nr 1, P9. 143-149 (USSR) ABSTR.ACT: The investigation of the paramagnetic reDonance absorption was carried out on a spectrometer of the Superheterodyn type with 9.300 me and of a sensitivity of 5.1014 of the diphenylpierylhydrazil - (DFPH) - radical-particle. (ref. 10, 11.) The samples of the crystalline quartz are pro- duced of rock -crystal. 6o The quartz samples were irradiated with V-rays of Co Irradiation and measuring were carricd out at room temperature. On the occasion of the investigation of the temperature influence on the behaviour of the defects the samples were heated in the electric furnace (outside of the resonator). Molten quartz whi,,.h has be-2n irradiated with y-rays and crystalline ij-cartz irradiated with, 7-raya and Card 1/5 neutrons were investigated. The molten quartz which had Investigation of Action of the Ionicing Radiation on 57-1-19/30 Quartz by the Method of Electron Paramarnetic Resonance not been irradiated ouve no signals of paramapetic absorption. On the occasion of irradiation the quartz became -violet and showed two abuorption lines. Thece lines are called a and P signale according to their sequence in th,- magnotic field. The parama,-netic sentres which L-ive the a and P 3iCvals are here called a and P defects. The a siCnal showed no sien of saturation. Saturation of thP p signals oc--urred without change of the signal. Width ana ohape of the p eigmal seem to be due to the anisotropy ~f the 0-factor. The shape of the saturation curve of the P-sianal was analysed according to the methods dencribed in Ref. 13 and 14 and a value of the order of - =Cnitude of 10' Isek ras obtained for the time of the spin- -lattice-relaxation T1. The investigation of the dependence of the concentration of the a and P-defects an the irradiation dose showed chat in the case of doses of an order of magnitude of 10 the defect concentration reaches saturation. In the first part of the curve the concentration of the P-defec'. is proportional to the square root of the irradiation acae. Because of insufficient accuracy of the Card 2/5 spectiometer the first section of the curve for the a-effect investigation of Action of the Ionizin '- Radiation on 57-1-19/30 quartz by the blethod of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance could not be recorded. In accordAnce with ref- 7 and 6 it could be observed that on the occasion of the heating of the irradiated molten quartz up to 300 and 4000C it turned from violet into blue. Thu heating was accompanied by chanUes, in the spectrum of the paramaenetic absorption. It could be observed that when the a-sigmal disappears the P-oijnal increases aimultaneoanly. The initial cor- centrntion of tho a-dofects is about throe times greater than that of the P-defects. The b-ginding of irradiated quartz into powder does not change the intentity of the a and P-sienals. It influenceop however, the behaviour of the P-aiGnal on the occasion of heating. Due to the Erinding the temperature at which the P-defect disappears changes by 3500. The following was observed on -the occasion of the investigation of cryntalline quartz: 1) The monocrystal C;ave no signal of pftrama,-~nctic absorption after irradiation with y-rays (107r6i,tgan), neither at room temperature nor at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. 2) At the same irradiation fine polyarystalline powder Card 3/5 gave a weak siGnal which as to its 3ha;;e and position on Investigation of Action of the lonizina Radiation on 57-1-19/30 Quartz by the Method of Electron Faxamagnetic Resonance the spectrum was similar to the P-signal in molten quartz. In the case of (;reat amplitudes of the radiation-frequency- -field this sigmal 11oaturated" like the P-signal. 3) After irradiation by means of a nuclear reactor (y-rays, neutrons) the monocryntal anve the same mi,-nal as in case 2, it was only soLewhat more intense. Besides, some weak siGnals were observed in the ran,,-e of C 2. The dependence of the conce,--ration of the P-defects on the irradiation dose observed here, can be explained 1by considerin(.: the finite number of traps and by takin(; into consideration that nimultaneov-sly with the process of capturing of free electrons arid holes throuj;h the traps also prooeases of recombination of free electrons with the captured holes and of the free holes with the captured electrons occur. It is presumed that paramagnetic absorption in irradiated quartz is due to the electrons and holen captured by the structural defects. It. simple table iz; r-liven on the basis of which the fundamental qualitative rules of the accum-alatior.-kinetics of pararria~;natic defects can be ex- plained. The behaviour of the a and P-defects on the Card 4/5 occasion of heatin.rr can equally be explained on the basis Investigation of Action of the Ionizing Radiation on 57-1-19/30 quartz by the .1fethod of Electron Paraiagnetic Riso-t--nce of this model. There are 6 fieures, and 14 references, 1 of which is Slavic. ASSOCIATION: natitute for Chemical Physica All USSR Moscow ~Inntitut khimicheskoy fi?iki All SSSR Mockva) SUBMITTED: May 3, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Conu-,ress Card 5/5 AUTHORS: Ivanov, 0. A.p Fokp N. V., 2o-U8,-6-26/43 Voyevodakiyp V, V. TITLE: Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of PolawAliand Deuterium (Reaktsiya metillnykh radikalov, poluchennykh po metodu Polyani, s deyteriyem) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1958t Vol- 118, Hr 6, PP. 1142-1145 (USSR) IBSTRACT: First previous papers dealing with the same subject are shortly referred to. The authors produced the methyl radicals according to the method of Polanyi (Polyani) according to the reaction CH 3J + Na. - CH3 + NaJ. The reaction passed in presence of molecular deuterium which was used as carrier gas for sodiun vapors. The acheme of the experimental arrangement is illustrated in a figure. The reaction container in ihich the jets of CH 3J combine with those of deuterium consisted of a quartz cylinder with a nozzle. In one series of experiments the inner surface of the reaction container was covered with Card 1A sodium which was applied in form of drops or ae.reflecting 20-118-6-26/43 Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of Polydni and Deuterium . coating. The deuterium used for the experiments was produced electrolytically from D 0. The authors detected the composition of the methanes obtaineg in a pure quartz container in the temperature interval of from 20-4800C- Under these conditions mainly CH 4 and CH3D are obtained. The quantity of the semi- deuterized methanes- is small and reaches the value 18-20% only in a small temperature interval near 2000C. The ratio CH 3 D/CH4 increases in the interval of from 20-IOOOC from 0,6 to 2, and remains constant in the case of further temperature rise. The deuterium content in the investigated methanes is considerably changed in the case of a deposit of metallic sodiun on the surface of the container. Here the connection between the portion of the different deuterized methanes and the temperature depends on the kind of applying of sodium to the surface. In coverming the container surface with a reflecting sodium the Card 2/4 percentage of to a great extent deuterized methanes (CD 4, CD3H 20-113-6-26/43 Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained AccordinL.- to tio, of Polyani and Deuterium and CD2H2) is at room temperature by 5 to 8 times greater than in a pure quartz container. In the case of a temperature rise the percentage of the to a great extent deuterized methanes decreases. In the case of sodium drops the surface reaction is insignificant and its portlon of the volume of the methane produced amounts to totally only 1/5- Here the methanes obtained from the radicals CH contain much more deuterium 3 ,than in the case of a reflecting coating sodium. The maximum ,of the deuterization at 70-8000 is striking. At higher temperatures CH4 and CH 3D predominate again. In the case of sodium drops the light methane is not exchanged with D2 as it is the case in the oaae of existence of a reflecting coating. This exchange has to take place with participation of the methyl radicals independently of the kind of mechanism Card 3/4 of the production of CH211 2' CH3 D and CD 4' 20-118-6-26111- Reaction Between Methyl Radicals Obtained According to the Method of Polyani and Deuterium There are 3 figures and 0 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIVION: Kafedra khimicheekoy kinetiki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonomova I tChaiy~ of Chemical 'Kinetich,~ Moscow State -University imeni M. V. Lomonosov Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics.1s USSR) PRESENTED: July 26, 1957p by N. N. Semenov, Member, Icademy of Sciences of USSR SIBMITTED: July 19p 1957 Card 4/4 AUTHORS: Chernyak, N. Ya., Bubnov, It. IT., SOV/2o-12o-2-34/63 V olak, L. S., Tavetkov, Yu. D. TITLE: The Formation of Free Radicals and of Atoms in the Radiolynis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 77 0K (0b obrazovanii svobod- nykh radikalov i atomov pri radiolize u-,lcvodorodov pri tem,.cra- U ture 770K) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol- 12o, Ur 2, PP. 346 348 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Refererc i are made in publications to free radicals forned during the action of ionizing radiation, as by X-rays, y- radiation, fast electrons etc. This in causedby a rupture of C - C and of C - 11 bindino,s. When fluid hydrocarbons are radiolysed, the life of the free radicals is very short. The main products of radiolysis, apart from liquid products with one or two conjugated double bindlngc, are 11 2 and C14H30' The latter compound is connidered to be a dimer of the heptyl radical. The method of determining the radical in chortly Card 1/3 described. The followin- hydrocarbons sere investig~.ted: hexare, 1~ TheYormation of Free Radicals and of Ato-is in the SOV/2o-12o-2-34/63 Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 770K heptune, octane, dodecane, cetanc, isooctane, cyclohexane, benzene and toluene. In all cases intensive signals of para- magnetic electron resonance with a g-factor of,-v 2,0 are observed. In paraffin-type hydrocarbons and in cyclohexare a hyperfino structure was very clenrly observed. According to the attached photot;rapha the hyporfine atriicture is c=jiderably changed if the structural properties of the initial molecule change. Another peculiarity of the spectra pf parama~rnetic electron resonance of tha hydrocarbons which are irradiated in a frozen state is the existence of considerable concentrations of hydrogen atoms. This is aloo indicated by two narrow signals -which are located symmetrically at a distance of about 250 Oersted (Ersted) from the si,:nals of the alkyl radical, The hydrogen atoms probably do not become stabilized in the volunc of the frozen hydrocarbons but on the internal surface of the quartz ampoule. In a table the quantitative measurements per- formed on the basis of the example of heptane concerning the concentration of the free radicals with a dose of^j jo7r are compared with the data of the chemical analysis of a sample Card 2/3 irradiated under absolutely identacal conditions. Th-- results The Formation of Free Radicals and of Atoms In Me Radiolysis of Hydrocarbons at a Temperature of 770K obtained by both measurements agree in a satisfactory manner. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 4 references, 2 of ithich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut nefti. Ali SSSR (Petroleum Institute,, AS USSR) Inatitut Ithimicheskoy fiziki, AN SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics AS USSR) SUB1-1ITTM: Janua--Y 11., 1958 1. fact!~r:; 2. Free radicals -Fro67-'otion 3. Atonx-Production 4. V'Ydrccarl.ona -Test results Card 3/3 ~'W SOV/20-122-2-27/4-2 AUTHORS: Tikhomirova, 11. 11., Lukin, 13. V., Pazumovn, L. Lp, .Voyevodskiy, V. It., Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, TITLE: Using Electron Paranagnetic Resonance and Roentgenography in StudyIng the Structure of the Carbonization Products Obtained From Carbon-Containing Substances (Is.,.-ledovaniye atrcyoniya produktov karbonizataii uglerodsoder-,hashchikh veshchestv T-etodon clektronnof,,-o para- ma,-nitno3o rezonansa i rentgonografiyey) PERIODTCAL! Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Ur 2, pp 264-266 (USSR) ABOTRACT; The method of paramaEne-tic electron resonance permits im- mediate detection of free radicals in the investigated system and a measurement of their concentration. In order to find the possibilities which are given by the investigntion of .the structure of carbonized subttances bythe method of paramagnetic electron resonance (and simultaneous- ly by radiography), the authors investigated the structural Card 1/3 variations caused by the carbonization of polyvinyl chloride SOV/20-122-2-27/42 Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance and Roentgenography in Studying the Structure of the Carbonization Products Obtained From Carbon-Containing Substances and polyvinylidenechloride. The carbonization was carried out in an inert atmosphere in the -temperature interval of 350-7000C. The signalof the electron paramagnetic resonance (which indicates the existence of free radicals) appears in the first stages of the carbonization of polyvinyl chloride and polyvinylidenechloride(beginning with 3500). A diagram shows the variation of the signal width for the 2 investigat- ed substances as a function of the carbonization temperature. A relatively wide line (7 Gauss) in poly-vinyl chloride is an argument in favor of an essential influence of the hyper- fine splitting up on hydrogen nuclei. Such great widths are characteristic of some natural coals. In the case of poly- vinylidenechloride (especially in the initial staees of carbonization) the line of paramagnetic electron resonance is by far narrower than that of the product of the carboni- zation of polyvinyl chloride. According to radioC.~aphic data, an increase of the calcination temperature to 450 0 only slightly changes the character of the products of the carboni- Card 2/3 zation of polyvinyl chloride. Other results are then discussed. SOV/2o-122-2-27/'42 Using Electron Paramagn6tic Resonance and'Roentgenography in Studying the Structure of the Carbonization Products Obtained From Carbon-Containing Substances ."ccordint-, to these results, the appearing of a wide signal is connected with the existence of free valences near the individual carbon nets or blocks in which conduction elec- trons appear. There are 2 figures. SUBMITTED: June 28, 1958 Card 3/3 SOV/2o-122-6-27/49 AUTHORS: Tavetko-, Yn. D., rhibnoyt N. 7.1 Yal.Ul'akly; Y. A., Laourkin, Yu. S. , Voyevoclakiy, It. V. tCorresponding Member, AS USSR TITLE: The Investigation of the Spectra of the BlectranParamagnetic Resonance of Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at 77 K (IBolegovaniye spektrov e.p.r. nekotorykh polimerov,obluchennykh pri 77 K) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 6j PP 1053-1056 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The athors carried out the above investigation for the pur- pose of solving several problems connected nith the structure and chemical behavior of organic radicals in the solid phase as well as with the mechanism of chemical transformations in solid organic bodies under the influence of ionizing radia.- tion. Poly?th~lene, polyvinyl chloride, "Teflon" (polyethylere tetrafluoride , polydimethyl siloxane, polyisobutylone, poly-- methyl methacrylate and natural rubber were investigated oCar.- 13 rying out of the experiments is described in short. At 7~ K Card I a.very intensive signal of paramagnetic electron resonance SOV/2o-122-6-27/49 The Investigation of the Spectra of the ElectraiParama,-,netic Resonance of Some Polymers Which Were Irradiated at 77 0K with a g-factor near 2.0036 was observud In all samples. After "thawing" of the sample down to room temperature the signal was in all cases found to change. In some cases, the signal vanished completely as a result of "thawing" (polyisobutjlene, polydimethyl siloxane, natural rubber). In the cane of other materials the character bf the signal and its fine structure changed considerably. A comparison of all data obtained gave the following result; The character of the spactra obtained by investigating not "thawed" samples can be fully explained by the assumption that the predominant primary chemical act in irradiation is the atrippin.r', of one of the C-11 bonds in the main chain (or in the absence of a main chain the strip.. ping of a C-H bond in a laterall chain). The opSetrun of paramagnetic electron resonanne recorded at 77 K consists of 6 components. The even number of tho spectrum in this as well as in other cases is connected with the formation of the radi- cal -Ch 2- 611-CHi-, . The authors then discuss several details; especially such as concern the investigation of Teflon. By Card 2/3 the irradiation of Teflon at low temperatures it is possible SOV/2o-122-6-2T/49 The Investigation of the Spectra of the Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Some Polymers Thich W;re Irradiated' at 77 0Y to obtain materials with fully satisfactory mechanical properties. These substances contain a large quantity (,vO.1 %) of free radicals. There are 2 figures and 7 ref- erencesq 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheekoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences ) USSR) SUBMITTED: July 24, 1950 Card 3/3 AUTHORSt TITLEt ~:-PXRIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/4 SOY/20-123-2-23/50 Moiseyev, V. D., Lyadova, Yu. I., Vedeneyev, V. I., Neyman, B., Voyevodskiy, V. V., Corresponding Member, AS USSR Ways of the Formation of Propylene and Ethylene in Isobutylene Cracking (Puti obrazovaniya propiiena i etilena pri krekinge izobutilena) Doiclady, adexii nauk SSSRf 1958, Vol 123, Nr 2, pp 292-294 (USSR) As is known, up to 50% of the initial substance in thermal iso- butylene-dedomposition are transformed into liquids (olefins, Akbmalic compounds). Apparently the polymerization of the ini'tial dlefin rorms the first stage of the liquid formation, with dimerid and trimeric olefin being formed. The latter them- selVes are capable of being transformed in various ways with thb'ffnal result being liquid cracking products. The ratio b~6t*een ca)rbon and hydrogen in the~e'products is about 1 (Ref 2), *hekeas'it is 2 in isobutylene. From this may be supposed that hydrogen and methane'-are separated in the formation of'the liquids; in principle, also heavier cracking gases with 2 and 73 carbon atoms each in the molecule can be formed. The problem SOV120-123-2-23150 Vays or the Formation of Propyleno and Ethylene in Isobutylene Cracking epneerning the type and amount of the gases escaping from the liquids or in their formation is not'investigated at all. P3~601'ene 'is one of the main productis 6f isobutylene cracking. If"iV*6rb fo:emed from isobutylen# only, its formation veloc- itt viodld-d6dre7ase with the'exhaustion of the isobutylene. 11' pftp.Ylo~ne' however, - formed trost the 'liquid or from any other ~fiVeroefdf6te' pr6duct*of' low 'stiability (not from radicals), its '-,rb'fm'iitVon 'velocity'in -the beginnipg of the reaction must be 6qual to zero, and then increase According to the law of sue- dei~siVe reactions. If both'*AYA,of the formation of propylene drd-6orrect the two pidtdke's: dubt agree. This wan the case in thb pieseht'_ekperim6nts. The dhan&o''of the forma%izn velocity of propilene-was investigated by the isotopic kinetic method (Ref 3)-.Ye.. D...-Fedorov took part in the synthesis of the marked ]~jF6pyIIen6'(with C14 on the hydroxyl group)'. This piopylene (15_.toi'�)'wa`s.'aubjedted together with isobutylene (285 torr) 0 :to. a., crackdng-In --iracuum at - 542 -:.The-course of the specific activtty cc and of the C H concentrations are given in figure I. 3 6 Card 2/4 Figure 2 gives the formation velocity of propylene w.,' In the SOV120-123-2-23150 Ways of the Formation of Propylene and Ethylene in Isobutylene Cracking .begi.nning..of-the reactions this value wi is not equal to zero; Lt.'increases during the first 10-12 minutes, i.e. to about 20%,isobutylene.transformation. This,wi increase tends to show 'th'at"a^dbhdi`derable propylene amount in isobutylene cracking is ho't"':rormhd*f`rom isobutylene but from any intermediate products bf-the cracking,'obviously from liquids. As may be seen from 'fi:gure 2, the formf~tion velocity of propylene passes a maximum *fthih the range 0t 10-:14 minutes and then decreases. The authors' condider'it to be prematu:ee' to draw any conclusions. The"ethylene activity determine'd in some experiments besides IU dpe6ific'a6tivity of propylene is given in figure 3- As this activity is much lower t4an that of propylene, this tends to show that only part of the ethylene is formed from propylene. Also ethylene can be 'formed either from isobutylene directly or'from liquids. Based on the experimental results obtained it is-not possible to make a decision as to the way of formation prevailing;'The fact that propylene is formed from liquids tends to show the possibility of the ethylene formation from the Card 3/4 latter. There are 3 figures and 4 'references, 2 of which are SOY/20-123-2-23/50 Ways of the Formation of Propylene and Ethylene in lsobutylene Cracking Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut, khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii, nauk SSSR (Institute of Ch6mical Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTED; July 28, 1958 Card 4/4 -'5M . SOV/20-123--5-31/50 AUTIJ )RS: Molin, Yu. 11., Koritskiy, A. T., Buben, N. Ya.,. Voyevodse:iy,V-V-'1 Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences, USSP TITLE: The Investigati,on of Free Radicals Formed in Zolid 11o,lion in the Process of Irradiation by Fast Electrons (Isslerjovaniye avobodnykh radikalov, obrazuyuehchikhoya v tverd.,T1zh tela'1:11 v protsesse oblucheniya bystrymi elektronami) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 123, Nr 5Y pp 882-88) (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors endeavored to detect radicals of short life-,times in solid bodies formed by fast electrons. The present paper gives data concerning radicals of life-timea of some minutes. The authors constructed an apparatxis for t4o' immediate re- cording of the spectrum of the paramagnot-'6 electron resonance during the irradiation of the investigated specimen. Prepara- tion of the samples is.discussed in short. The experiments wore carried out at room teoperature. The authors observed a signal of paramagnetic electron re.;onance (luring the irradin- tion of the specimen and after the interruption of the irradia- tion. 4"fore than 20 various substances wore investigated, Card 1/3 namely polymers (polyethylene, nylon, caprone, polymethyl The Investigation of Fr,-e R;~Iicca_!:~ For:-e!1 Sz~1i-' _-r~ces_- of Irradiation by Fast _i_lectrono metacrylate, teflon, and varirua ijpacimena of rubber), 3olid organic acids and their salts (oxalic acid ond their salts, succinic acid arfd theJr sodium atr~ar-'to acid and citric acid), aromatic compounis Oru---Jhthalen,~, a--naphthol, P-naphthol, bonzoyl peroxide. matol). In all tho investigatod samples, the concenLration of the radicals reachod naturati,,-n at dones of some dozens of me~-,arad. In the ca.--P. c.f tha najority of the investigated substances, the protl-.Aced radicali were rather stable, their life-tire amounted to ionu hoiirn(in some cases also to longer pariodj). Some dotail~ are ,-ivr,,n in short. During the irradiation of po1yot'ql'jn,.), the authoi-3 could re- cord tho radical which is not stable at room 2 temperature. The spectrum of this radical is shown in a fig- ure. According to measurements at temperatures below room temperature, the rate of converaion of the primary radical into the second one decreases with a de,-.rease of temperature. There are I figure and I Soviet referenne. C';lrl 2/3 BOV/2o-123-5-31/50 The Investigation of Free Radicals Forned in Solid Bodies In the Process of Irradiation by Past Electrons ASSOCIATION: Inatitut khimicheskoy fiziki Akademii. nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physiou o. the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: Auguat 11, 1958 Card 3/3. I ~IOYE-Vouskly V. v VOEVODs,ay, v. v. "Lmr-Temperature Radical Reactions in Solid Bodies." paper to be submitted Fourth Intl. Symposium on Free Radical Stabilization) Washington, D. C-) 31 Aug - 2 Sep 1959. 0 D'5 Y SOGWY Ot UG "A bald LU AnAwd MSOUAJ 28 UG%A 'lot. 1958 In Adivoic. IYA following ps"re wers proomted bj W MA dolodstift Y. VUewv ad A. Tomis hyties Wt., LO seladoe der %orneschs wom TV ShUrr nd A. T.mtkW k1st. ~rgfnlv q"Swiryo AS V.-M -Pber don f4ochintomme 4s; *at&lytichm Wirtiag wom AqUessares In dam Avaktionom der Lam"olverblAcentem.* A. Shokhter - last. bVisatifit Anfers4tion, AS USSA 'far Blettrohmathrookople boterogener latalyestaraft.4 X. SmInast . last. Chowteal %site, AS =A 040gagms 4otalyss oat Chmalvem -ndotiom bet Lanpoom A. re. not. biological a ftd1c1a Cbeolou MS "m -AlIrmise fragam der b1ologlacbm Istaly" 1A Kebt der dirkampolso der =a2a"yow. T. Tollkenshtep - Joe%. hwoleal CMmlstry, AS USM *Zbr RokArmoothoorle der Chood. Sorption md Waly" In 1901bleltem.* V. 9mmokly malf. TeModakly . loot. Ohmi d n7eles, AS WSA -Mosr don Aschamisms 0181g.r Ast41yftWWeVWMMT00m1d1e am rallivamt4li motor Asitsiligual van wassmatoff lorlmfsn.* 0. K. lor~Wwv - Aarr Ph7sical-Chmodeal last.. Assam oldschoolwir4mg swisebeft lotalymaur and Asaktimmaystow. A. L Nalandis -AS UM *Zen Aaftan hisholtotboarle der LaWlso.' der Chosioche ~qqollvcuft is 4kr KIN, foodeften, 1959, unal. KORITSKIY, A.T.; 14DLIN, yU.N.; SHAHSM, V*116*s BUBVI, N.Ya.; YOYBVODSKIY. Y.Y1,.- Study of radicals by means of electronic paramagmetic re- sorAnce duringtbe irradiation of polyethylene by fast elec- trons. Vymokou.soed. I no.8:118Z-1193 Ag 159- (MM 131?) 1. Inatitut khImicbeekoy fiziki LH SSSR. (Polyethylene) (Radicale(Chemitry)) TSVMTKOV, Yu.D.; LRBRM, Ta.S.: VOTNOXEMY, V.V. . 7rea radical reactions in irmdiated polytetrafluoroothylanso Part 1: Use of electron resowince (IM) In studying radi- cal conversions and in the determination of the coefficient of diffusion of oxygen in pol]rtetrafluoroothylene. Vysokon, soed. 1 no.10;1519-1525 0 '59. MU 1343) 1. Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Radicala(chemietry)) (Bthylene) (oxygen) TSVPMV. Tu.D.; LIMXDU, U.S.; VOTIMMY, V.V# Reactions of free radicals in irradiated polytetrafluoroethylones Part 2: Determination of the rate constant's for the reactions R02-#R* Oi-andR+ 02 4R02. V7sokow.soed. I no-11:1634-1642 H 159, (MIRA 13:5) 1. InAtitut khimicheekoy fiziki AN SSSR. (Radicals (Chemistry) (Sthylene) (oxygen) TSVETKOV. Tu.D.;, NDLIN, Tu.N.; VoriwoDsxly. V.V. Blectron rooonanco spectra of some irradiated polymrs. Vysokon.soed. I no.12:1805-1811 D 159, (RIRA 13:5) 1, Inatitut khimicheekoy kinetiki i Coreniya AN SSSR (Sibirskoye otdelerAye), (Polyzers-Speotra) 'up), 5(3) SOY/51-6-1-26/29 AUTHORSs Chernyalc, N. Ya., Babnov, N.N., Polyak, L.S,, Tsvetkov, Yu. D. and Voyavodskiy, V.V. - 1Z ---------- Z--~ TITIS.- On Certain Ro6ularitioa in the i;lactron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Allcyl Radicals (0 nekotorykh rakonomernostyakh Y spektrakh slaktronnogo peramagnitnogo rezonansa alkilinykh radikalov) Plr;RIOUICAL iOatika i Spektrookoplya, 1959, Vol b, Tir 4, pp, 564-565 (US3R) ABSUMOT: In the study of the electron paramagnetic resonance (o.p.r.) spectra of radicals for-mod on 4-irrsdiation or frozen hydrocarbons (at 770K), it vas found that the hyperfine, structure (h.f.s.) varies with tho position of the hydrocarbon in its homologous series. Fig I shows the spectra of radicals of normal paraffin hydrocarbons frcm Cl1H23 to ClbH33 obtained under conditions described earlier (Ref 1). The samples were of 97-98% purity. Fig 1 shows that h.f.s. of the even kG,2%, C,4%, C16H33) and odd (GlIH23, C131127, ClSH31) hydrocarbons differ considerably. in odd hydrocarbons the n.f.s. is well resolved and the intensities of the central components differ only slightly from one another. In even hydrocarbons the resolution in much poorer and the intensity distribution is close to binomial. In paraffin hydrocarbons N rd 1/3 frcm n-C* to n-Clo the spectra are more complex and more similar to SOV/.51-6-4-26/29 on cartain Regularities in the :electron Parw&agnetic Resonance Spectra of Alk-(l Radicals one another. 'rwo of theta are shown in Fig 2, where curves 1 and 2 ropresent the e.p.r. spectra of C61il.3and C7H,5 respectiveiy. The spectra of radicals of cyclic hydrocarbons kwith five or six C atoms, shown in Fig 3) are In many respects similar to the corresponding spectra of the odd and even terM3 of the series C11-C16. The simplest spect.-Im is that of cyclO-'r,6- ~rne hyperfine splitting and canponent iatencities may be explained by assuming that the spectrum it; a triplet (vrith 37 oerst3d splitting and 11:2:1 ratio of intenGities of the empo'nont-s) and each components of the triplet ir. split into two lines (20 Der.5ted separation). Such a apectram ozeura in the radical cyclo-06'-'ill- Following Ingram (Ref ~) it is assumed ~iere that of fnnr by-irngen atoms in the p-positioa, the free valence, only two take part in the hyperfine splitting. This proauces a triplot. . Interaction with a hydrogen atan in the d:-position prodilces trr- doublet splitting a ., of a ch triplet component. In the case of cyclo-05Flo the molecule is almoit planar and both nydrogon atoins of tno#3-Grouns CHZ in tho) radical should be equivalent with respect to free valance and the number of h-f-s- components should increase. Tne spectra shown in Fig 3 confirm these deductions. The authors conclude by pointing out that the a.p.r. spectra card 2/3 VO W V/51-6-4-26/29 On Certain Regularities in the Llectran ParaLaagnetic Resonance Spectra of AlIcyl 11adicals can be used in molecular structurt: studies and in chemical. analysis. Tbero are 3 figures and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet and 1 English. SUBM,rTED. August 28, 1958 Card 3/3 2:1(7), 21(l) SOV/51-6-4-27/29 AU THORS Bubnov, N.s., Voy9vodskiy, V.V. , Folyak, L.S. and Tsvetkov, Yu. D. TITLE: 'Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrwn of Hydrogen Atoms Stabilized on Solid Surfaces (0 spektrakh elektronnogo paramagnitnogo razonansa atomov vodoroda, stabilizirovannykh na tverdykh poverkhnostyaich) PisRIODICAL; Optika I Spakrroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Ur 4, pp 565-566 (USSR) AB.3 TRACT. It was reported (Rofc. 1. 2) that H atoms ' formed on y-irradiation of frozen hydrocarbons and other compounds, can be statfiizod on various .surfaces. The present paper reports studies of the effect of the nature of the staUlizing surface on the magnitude of h.f.3. splitting of the electron paramagnetic resonance (e.p.r.) spectra of H atoms and the width of the e.p.r. absorption lines. The K atoms 'were stalRized on quartzsillea gel and molybdenum glass. -they were formed by irradiation of these three substances with y-rays at '170K. It may be assumed that formation of H atoms Is due to rupture or bonds in HZO molecules adsorbed on those surfaces or rupture of bonds in SiOH groups (Rof 3). .rho magnitude of h.f.s. splitting in all the three cases was found to be close to .500 oersted which does not differ greatly from splitting in a free H atom (Ref 4). Width of the components of the hydrogen, doublet depends strongly on the nature of tha suriace: on card 1/2 SOV/51-6-4-27/29 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectrum of Hydrogen j~.toms Stabilized on Solid Surfaces quartz It is close to 0.8 oersted tcurve 1 in a figure on p 56U), on silica gel It Is near 2.4 oersted (curve 2) and on molybdenum glass it is 4.5 oersted (curve 3). Since the hyperfine splitting in the a.p.r. spectra of H atoms stabilized on various surfaces is close to the hyperfine splitting of free atoms, the binding of H atoms to these surfaces does not alter greatly the spin density of the unpaired olectron in hydrogen. On the other hand, dependence of the width of the hydrogen doublet components on the nature of the stabilizing surface indicates that there Is a definite interaction between the unDaired electron and the surface. in view of this the authors suggest further studies of tne nature of binding of H atoms to solid surfaces. This is an abridged translation. There is I figure and 4 references, 2 of-which are Soviet and 2 English. SUBMITTSDi August 29, 1958 Card 2/2 24co 5W SOV/51-6-ti-18/34 ,AUTHORS.- Buben, N.Ya., Koritskiy, A.T., Molin, 'YU.9.1 Ghkheidze, I.I. and Shamsher, V.31. TI TLE Electron VSranagastic Resonance Il'tudiss of Free Radicals Formed by Irradiation with Fast Blec+.rons (Iseledovaniye matodcm elaktronnogo naramagnignogo, razonansa evobodnykh radikalov, obratuyushchikhxya v protsesse oblucheniya bystryni eleictronami) . rl` PMODIGAL-.(YptX'ka i spektrookopiya, 1959, 1rol 6, Nr 6, pp 606-007 (USSR) ABSTRAM An 6 lectron paramagnetic resona-ace (e.p.r.) spectrometer with high- frequency modulation of magnetic field -working at 9400 Me/s was used to measure the affects of fast-electron irradiation in eltu. The sample& Irradiated were kept at temperatures from -160 to +1500C and the radiation dose reached 106- 107 rad/sec. At room temperature radicals produced in various polymers , solid organic acids and their salts and in some aromatic com'?P'Ounds were found to be stable ttheir lififtme vas of the order of so-raral hours and sometimes longer). At low temperatures *.p.r. reson&aco showed the presence of atomic hydrogen, in irradiated aqueous solutions of sulphuric acids and some of its salts. Card 1/3 Irradiation at low temperatures and subaeqaent warming up produced changes in the e.p.r. spectra which cculd be either reversible (caprone) or Blectron Parmpetia Resonance studios of Fres Radicala Formed by IrradiatL on witj2 Past Ilectrons irreversible (dicarboxylic &aide, polyformldshyd*). Such studies were Made on radicals produeed by electron Irradiation in oxalic acid, polyethylene and paraffin. In Mlic acid the e.p.r. signal is a single line whose width is due to interaction between an unpaired electron and magnotic moments of protons. The observed e.p.r. spectrum of oxalic acid in not related to the presadCe of vater of crystallization Ixat it is due to radicals of the type R - 01 0 1 formed by remo~ml of the bydroges atom from the carboxyl group. I.p.r. studies shoved that radicals foized by electron irradiation of oxalic acid had disappear-A at the ratts given by dn/dt - An (Lt 260C K - 10-21 CM3/;ee) - The presence of water of crystallimtlot af fecta strongly the rate of disappearance of theae radicales the value of K In anhydrous e6cid is higher than In the hydrated compourA. Irradiation of polyethylene at room temperature produeet CH2--