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L 2",784---55 ACCESSION NR: A2500009T41 eaneentration) oil h7c'Lt"wvT1 (III 1,no (10,2 lit 01~iooottrplr'- 4010~ III re v- ialat irp 0,1114 idf 18:1'r -ii.ld 1. I ''V lp f ultra I MG oil, $00a1 e EL n)':.. wj- a a 0 Se 3 11ho Cult were Th6 ri dber of -n. El fn I C al :TTU t Ei,;! t~ r IF4 C !I f'1:l I' t C) ill 13 e p R r 1, (3 and than for cov.Dlrled ;u- %.Uow t;, i.i:, r v o t)ia number of revers Ibie IN ~'-un-3 -ul; . . ... S1 3eoa-rate :n' P"-- a a 3 'M~ Cif", e I r 4E~ ."!I. 5rTtn-l! -'r.) 1, wv. 6 zh-e Lil illffino'Ll jj b"c a !.n :klo molecules. G r J. 0 3 13.11C. tA C014 A S S 7A T -3/5 l mmlfftvi is~ fit r1mam 1 11 11 -ift, '11H 112: 1,111EE"A H1 11112 U, KI 11,111:11111 S 1 1H [tit "I IULUM , HH _u M HHH" MIMM, Iful "Iml 1 ~ mi "fill j 11, 1111 VORCKINA, Ye.N., kand. med. nauk Ganglioneuromas of the posterior mediastinum. Trutly Kuib. med. inst. 20148-155 *63 (MIRA. 170 Case of combined cocoldioldal osteomyelitis and~oancer of the skin. Ibid. t161-165 1. Iz kafedry obshchey kblnirgli (zav. kafedwoy zaaluzbermy7 deyatell nauk-i RUSE Prof. S.P. Shilovtsev) Ku~i v-she-vokogo meditainakogo Instituta. I ---- --7- - i I I I I .: TTI 7,11 F; VORMUM 91E. N. 27973. VOROIMIA, X. N. -Redkiy sluchay izlechaniya osteopsetirou. Yubileynyy abornik khirurg. Rabot, 'Posvyashch. Pror. Shilcvvtsevu. Xu7b:rshev, 194%, S. 371-75. SO: letoplot Zhurnaltrorkh S+Atey. Vol. 37, IM. 27974. VORONIIIA, E. N. - Uproshchazinyy metad peklovogo grynbesmeheniya a ostavleniyem gryzbevogo meshka na mente. Yubileynyy sbornik kbirurg. Fabot, Posvyashch. Prof. �hilovtsevu. Kuybyshev. 1949, S. 239-53. SOi Letopial Zhurnallrrykh Statey. lol. 37, 1949. I ]IIII TIRU-111TIll Fl 11 1 fl i 1111 T TI I 1111 ITI "I, r! i 11 Mi I I i TT VCHONINA, YO.N. Perforation of the deverticulum of the small intostine' thirargiia no.6376 Je 154. ?tg) 1. Is kliniki propedevtichookoy khtrurgii Kuybysbevskogo meditsin- skogo institutas (IETISTINN, SMALL, diverticuls., sperf.) VORONINA, Te.N., kandidat rdeditsinskikh nauk 14,icur.'rent inguinal, hernia following hernioto".'WmrgIIa 32 no.2:39-43 7 156. (MLM 9:7) 1. Iz kliniki propadevtichookoy khirargii (%&v.-P;rofIS-.P.Shilov- teav) MWb~j'6vkogo maditainakogo Instituta. (%;IA, INGUIW, surg., postOP6 recur.). VOR09-111A Ye.N., ,Z~~~ Case of injury to the right cardiac auricle. Mrurglia no.10:14r," 141 164, 18:8) 1. Kafedra obvhchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.P,.',')hilovtsev) Kuybysheval-ago meditsinskogo instituta. FOSLOVINA, A.S., GCRYUKROVA, N.,14.; SALGANIK, BANDURA, Z.I.,, VORONINAj Stud), of combined action of chemical mutagens and ultraviolet rays on the appearance of inverse mutations In Escherichia, coll 113-3. Radio.. biologla 4 no.6:865-869 164. OURA 18:7) 1. Institut tsitologil i genetiki Sibirs1cogo otdelerxiya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. YORONINA, Ye.N. Tumors of the meseatery. rairargiis 33 no.6:67-71,-Te 157. (MCRA 10:12) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgli (zav, - prof. S.P.Shilovtoov) l4byshevskogo meditsinskogo institute (dir, pr~f. T. .~I.Yeroshev-, skiy) (MISBUNCRY, neoplasms diag. & surg.) Ell i I j~ 1. ~!Ij I I iwiv 11 ;11!, 1 ~! I g I! ml I I 1w I I !t1! I [III I I I jj.jj;-q q & I ~j I: ........ . .. .. ..... . . VCRONINA, Ye. P. ---"Investigation of 4ydraullc Conditions of', Pipa Drainatgo with High Filter Resistance.' *(Dissertations for DeL.Tepjs In1clence and Englneerlng Defended at USSR HL-ber Educational Inatitutions) Mr of Ccr-unizatlon Means USSR, leningrad Order ,)L' ieDJn Inst of Znglneers of Rallroad--Trunsport ineni Academician V. IT. Otraztsov, lieninjrrad, 1955 SO: Knizbn a Iaj~opisl, No. 25, 18 JuD 55 For Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences 7 "11, 'i uumm:! VERZILOV, V.F.; GORNIN011, D_V. (deceased 1; VOWN Yi?.,Lr*,. Exh"bitl,)n on the "tll-stox-1 of cultivated plants bf cur. hoze'.1and" at the Ikin Botanical Garden. Kul. Glav. bot, silela n(.,.56:82-89 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Glavnyy botanicbeskiy sad All SSSR. TOROVINA Ye.P.. glavny7 metodist; XAMSHIWV, N.A.;.SAVZDLRG, T.M., nYMM, V.I., tekhniches~ly rodak-tor ['Fruit culture" pavilioa; a guldeb6okl Favillon,03sidov4datro"; Putevoditell. Moskva, Gos. tzd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry,,'~,1956.1 27 P. (MLEIA 9: 11)' 1. Moscow. Vaesoywnaya sellakokhozyaystveanaya vystavks, 1954- 2. Direktor pavillona (for Kamobilov) (Moscow-iiiilruit culture -11zhibitions) ~HiTil H111111,1111ii" lkk - -A II 1~ I- Ti11 11 - I-T ~ - - - - / - AIJISMYRV, N.A.; ASIANOV, A.M.; VASIN, O.D.; Y99.0HINAM P - (IRXGORHNXO, G.P.; GRUSHIN. F.Ye.; DRPARKA, Y.N.; D ". 14R" T4.7. ; DUBIBINA, X.Y.; KITATIV, I.Ye.; KULIKOV, 11.9. ~ MAWIOT. I.P.; MELINIKOV, A. I.; REZUOV,- I.P.; POSTRYAKOV, A.I., redaktor; PAVLOVA, N.M., tekhaichs- skiy reda)ctor; SOKOLOVA, M.N., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Mechanization and electrification at the All-Union Agricultuftl Exhibition; 1956 guideboo'k] Makhanizataile i alektkfikp~tsiia na Ysesoiuznoi sallskokhoziaistvennoi.vYBtavke; putevocIltell. 1956. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selikhos. lit-ry, 1956. 305 p, (Mm 10:3) (Moscow--Agricultaral machinery--Xxhibitiono) W/ / I J.'Of 0 P,K.*' IMVZOROV, A.P., ANTONMMO, G.P.,; BUDIIIA,L.V~;_M=IN~.A GUSEV, P.I.: YlffAGIN, M.N.. ZHURAVLEVi M.A.. 'ZALO TT, K. ~.:) VON. KOROBOV, A.S.;KbRCHAGIII, VON.; LAVROV, V. , O.Y.; LUTIK071i.j , N.; LAWRINA yez YJMVNIN, A.Ta.;HOROZOVA, F.I.;MZOROV, A.P.-POSOMARqU, K.X,;PUCII- KOV, A.M.;*RAZKOLOGOVA, A.M.;RUBIII, S.M.; SEUZNWA, 0.T.;SEKZIT0TA. F.I.; SPIRIDONOVA, A.I.;SUSHCHEVSKIY, M.G.;USOV, H.P.;~TARKOVSKIY, H.I.- '; SHULIGIN, 6.T.;TSITSIN, CHEN7UY]CVA,.Ye.A.;MER=IK0V, G.L. N. V.: a6ka- demik, re"ktor;RMNK0V*; A.I.,redaktor; KHOMIHA, T.M., khudazhastyen- nyy radaktor; VESKOYA, Te.I., tekhnicheskiy redalctor; FAVZNERV.B.I.. takhnicheakiy redaktor. [?I~mt breading at the 19~5 All-Union Agrioultutmal lkbibition] Ramtenie~iO vodstvo na Vensoinznoi sel'skokhosiaiatvannoi vystavke' 1955 goda.*Mookwa, Go9jzd-vo, sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1956. 07 p.. (HLRA 10:4) (Moscow--Plant breeding--Ixhlbitions) .~' - - 1. i: '! [MRS . . M.- L ILL LEM, 1BUK, I.S. (Moskva); VORONIN, Ye.S. (140skva) Morphology of acute Intestinal d1reasen caused try Prot-eus vulgaris in rhesus macaque monkeys. Arkh.pat, 27 no.7953-58 165, (mA :L8 18) 1. KontrollrV7 institut meditsinskikh biologiche ,skikh~preparatov imeni L.A.Tarasevicha. 1 11! -.11111 1,1111!T 11111111 :J 11111" 1:11 111: 11111!"1 1111HII I I P; i -------- --- VORONIN., Yu.A.; ZRADIN, V.V. Frequency distortIon of 2eis'ide h7 the seismic receiver of a borehole. Geol. i V0,31154-156 164. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Institut geologii i geoNzIki Sihtrs^xo-.0 Otdo la M ya AN Novosibirsk. -111 R illi~ 114T 1~ HT Iii 11 11 W IIYASIIIKOV, A.A., kand.tekhn.naukj VORONIN, Yu,Bo., go:t,M tokivia Waya of improving -t-ipe trentilation in cambinat-ion njaing systrme with flexible rooilng. Ugoll 36 no.22:113-17,D! 161. : ~ OaRA V+,.:L2) 1. Vostochnyy nauchno-iseledavatollokiy instliat p6 bezopasmuti rabot v gornoy pTomymhle=omti. I kKuznetak Baoin-Rine ventilatianN BYKOVSKIY, A.F.; F.V. Anatomy and ontogeny of -,~he Vop. virus. 10 rr-,.2:156-164 Rr-A.-, 1. Institut epidexiologli 1. nA SSSR, 14oskva. I!AG;uIIOVZiUy- , Alok-,!cy j feliks 6erjenov'L~;h) kajz,'. navk- VO;iCII'Da L.D talk-hn. nauk, otv. red. [Thporotical problems of tile autotation of (!0-11 ma ne vuri tion] ieoretiche~;Jde voprooy a-Axnatizptsii provetrivan54a ugc1'r.ykh shakht. kioskva., Nauka, 1065. 62 (VI ~~A '18: r f Effect of rip rierv. 15 no-5:81'1-223 61 5' . 1. Kafedra flz4.ologil Vy-:-,,-'-14!V ('Jtj-,~7 't riolf! I fflbo k( i, -.3 b.-:go gozudarstvennolga m FROLOVA, N.I.; CHERKES, F.K.; VAIDiTRAUB, P,.; FDNASWN, R.I.; SPASSKAYA, Z.N.; SUPRONYUK, A.K. Authoi-st abstracts. Zhur.mikrobiol.,, epid. i Immm. 42. no.2:va F 165. (MIRA 18:6) I.-' Saiiitarn6~.(*-,pidemiologicheskays ftantsiya Kuy4shavBkogo reyona Moskvy. VORONINA. Z.K. Study of f-he arititrichomamas acticn of thiazole (tolariizcle) on a moatil oAl uroger. I, ta 1. r.,,iccf; a3 rat.s. Med.paruz.. i paraz.bal. 33 rio-3-323-325 M:r'-.Te '64. 1. Otdel protozoologii InsL.Ltljtji meditalnskoy parizito2ogli I tropicheskoy meditsiny Imeni Wtvtsinovskogo 141nititeral.wit zdravookhraneniya SSSR. KOLOSOVAP M. 0.; CHALAYA, L. Ye.; VORONINAp Z. K. Chemical structure and antitrichamonal acti~iij'iof derivntives of thiazole and benzotbiazole. Med. paraz. i pa~r~az. liol. no.6: 703-709 161. (,MIRA 15--6) 1. Is otdola vintaticheekikh preparatov i otd6la p zoologii Instituta meditsinskoy parazitologil I tropiche,0 ditainy ~ ~ko; imeni Ye. I. Martainovskogo Ministerstva zdrsLvoO.1Chr~eniya SSSR (dlr. - prof. P. G. Sergiyev) (TRICHOMONAS) (THIAZOLE) (BENZOTHIAZOLE).: 7 =ii WIRUNING, Ij . Training snipers durinr- winter. p.10. ZA RODINTATAX SofY!a, Vol. 5, no. 12, Fmc. 1955. SO: Monthly List of East European AcceS51ons, (EEAL), LC, VoI.,5, Flo. 6 Jurie 1",,)".6, Uncl. -Thermo-electri -i 7- 7- Pub. Am 1/1 89 - 12/27 Daniel-Bak, V.; Voranir, A..;: 4n4 Rustiskos N Title I The TM-3 thermo-electric genera or 7 Pbrlodica.l,:~ S..Radi6 2, 24 26, Feb 1954: Ab#ract 1 A briefsimple theory on theriiiac6itples ~,T and arrangement of thermocouple a rkes into i~ell tw tybe, generi. b tte ator seen from the piciures ft~ld dlagre~w #ran I the a'rtLcXqs. -wh Batteries of this type are e-i-o'eciaw- tmefu;'inlru 41 On'tri,etia ~ra -the-so-called electroficatic I; ~ 1 6a~ ~ ~A~ yet: taken. i 111~ I~Ca. it Wa6 lie at quired for them.can:be simply-obtaile from ka i 'il i a I h4p: The bk~t_ aries have a moderate effioiency,cad,ffic D life.~ Diagramal dravings. Institutiol-L-s- A Submitteds- Nfli;"V IN Hli Eill! ~ 1! ZL-! (:J .1.1 .:, I~ - 4 s if .- 1.-!~ -, T7-7-7,! 1, 7~1 i .1i ~ VORONITSYN, I.S.1 F-YGIRDj R,F* Hydrogen absorption by electrolytic chromium deliositd, obtalned from a self-controlled electrolyte usiAg the current of changing polarity. Blektrokhimiia I~Aojh 1468-1470 D 165. 19--fl.) 1. Petrozavodakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet, Subndtted December 26, 1964. 1 .1 ~I . I , . I I ::I V!!- "1J I 111 1111 H-Me EzR112=11 I IUMAIMMEMS11 I w uIUM111:11alzu 31 11=1111 11, 'pi CHERKEZp Milchail Borisovich; V.QRjOgjSUL,-1-&P kands Mi. wail, re-t-se-n-we-n`V; VYACHESLAVOV, P.M.p lumd. khim,naukj, dots.p red.; CRILIMS, S.Ya.,, kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; YMPOLISM, A.Y... inzh.., red.; SIYONMI.SM, Iq#Z-, red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.A... takhn. red. (Chromium plating and iron plating] Xbromirovani6i i zkIaleznenie. Izd.2., dop. i parer. Pod red. P.M.Viacheslavova. Mosic7a, Mashgiz. 1961. 83 p. (BibliotecWca gallvanotaklmik&, no-5) (VfIRA 14:12) (Chromium plating) (Iron plating) d i 1 ~ 1 1 : i ! i : I I m : i 1 1 , - : ~, i. ; . , : I. i f ! 1 . . I j . fill ii :1 H I I., il, "III rilli'll ill' 511 I'T 101 F1111,1111-1 -,,4rH F1,111"RIT'IF , : , A 11:1 ~1~ ; ~ . 1 1, ., I I :: : ; MOLCHANOV, Vasiliy Fedorovich;JORONITSUp Mauk.- dots., nauchnyy red.; zjd.; KATMJELISGN~ N.Ye., red. izd-va; BELOGITROVA) LA.,, tekht. red, (Rapid self-regulating chrome plating; charactori$tics (~)f,chrome ~Officlent platingt properties of deposits, and selection of,; mathods]Skorostnoe samoreguliruiush6heenia khromirlovaniij; osobon- nosti khromirovaniia, Svoistva osadkov I vybor ratsionalOvykhre- zhimov. Leningrad 1962.- 59 P. 'WIRA 15:12) i0hromium plating) t 29556 S/122/61/000/005/002/01~W4 D221/D,304 AUTHORS: Antonov, N.M.9 Engineer, andloroni~tsyn~ I-S" Candi- Doc-e-.31- date of Technical Sciences ili TITLE: Mass production of chromium plated,components ]PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 5,,1961~,10 - 14 TEXT:' The author states that Soviet electro-chemist's have develo- ped and mastered the technology of ac chromium plating as well as depositing chromium in self-controlled electrolyteeg.'and jet and flow methods of covering. The ac chromium plating allows the im- provement of deposits and intensification of the process to be ob- tained due to increased density of current4 Deposits have a beitery fine crystal structure, their internal stresseelare.lowerp whereas the fatigue strength of carbon steel remains almost unchanged. Li- mit of endurance in steel 45 is reduced by 4 - 9 % As compared to a drop of 27 % with a normal dc chromium plating. Uniformity of de- posits is increased by 15 - 25 % on account of partial elimination of gases in the rormer. Surface finish is also higher by 1 - 2 Card 1/5 29556 S/122/61/000/005/002/013 kass production of chromium D221/b304 classes. Lower allowances for machining coupled':"with,'accurate.di- mensioning of thickness of deposits indicate a liromising future for this process. Change in frequency of ac results~'in the formation of either porous of plain chromium plating. The composition of the electrolyte, density and other conditions are d6scribed. Porous de- posits are easier to machine due to their fine orystal strucTure, The feature of' a self-regulating electrolyte consists of its con- tent of salts of sulphuric strontium and fluosilicic calcium that automatically regulate the content of ions of sulphatet and make unnecessary frequent correction of electrolyte.:~The'~possibiiity of obtaining thick layers without hindering their mecha~nical proper- ties is another advantageg in addition to high Wear1resistance and hardness. Jet and flow methods of chromium plating also increase output and quality of productiona lnvestigatioxis have established that forced circulation of normal composition electtoiyte coupled with stirring intensify the process of platingi Stipring in the. zone of electrolysis promotes the reduction ofi~thickness of bounda- ry diffusion layer, and thus raises the number,;'of ions that reach the cathode. This lowers the concentrated polarization and the Card 2/5 _7- 29556 S/122/61/000/005/002/0-i 3 Mass production of chromium D221/D304 electrode overvoltage which facilitates the discha~rge of ~i metal. Continuous supply of fresh electrolyte into the' zone a electrolysis ensures its renewal anode-cathode spacet,helping -0le evacuation of gases? increase of conductivity of electrolyte and larger deposition of chromium with the current. kfixture for chro- mium plating of internal surfaces of cylindrical components is shownt covered by Author'E Uertificate no. 128251'in.,the name of N.M. Antonov. Its main feature is centering of the anode in respect to the treated componento A new design for an auto,matic.unit for wear resistant chromium plating based on jet and flowmethods of electrochemical treatment is covered by Authorls,tertificate no. 'Antono-v. It 665606/22t dated October 31, 1960 in the name of N.M.' should be noted that all similar constructions envisage stage treat- ment by transfer of components through a series of baths which complicates the equipment and does not correspond to the modern re- quirements of intensified processy and also results in the ineffti- cient use of production area. The automatic machine 1:s equipped with a system of valves that are switched over by a c ontrol appa- ratus which also regulates the electrolytic and thermal conditions of the rocess at various stages of treatment. This arrangement Card 3/p 29556 18/12216 1/000/005/00 2/03.3 Mass production of chromium D221/D304. not only simplifies the designp but also increase6 the work efft- ciency,? quality of plating and the use of production area, The ar- ticle illustrates the anode jet installation for 6utonatic chr--mium plating of internal surfaces of cylindrical r'OMV~Dh,enU~, It InsIvi- des degreasingy chromium plating, anodizingg col&and,hat rinsing as well as hot air drying. Various sections of th:e an6de jeT devi- ce are describedy-in addition to the cathode mounting,~arrangement,, the equipment is fitted on channel structureo Theunit can be used for electropolishing, anodizingg phosphating and,other galvan-iti processes.with some modifications in its designo1pproprial;e en.oise of anode-cathode sections or The suspension and'5et d6m-ces al'-lov;s treatment of components with different shapes to,'be made,, Chromium plating of such items as cylinder blocks~of car'engines is M03-e ex.- pedient with the use of flow through The meihod which ensures the intensification of process and allows high quallty of depos~*GB To be obtained. on the basis of investigations carried out by au-14hor on this subjectv a Priority Note noo:67931/22, d~tted'Auguat 29j, 1960 vias !~-,sued,, The installation consists of an~leleq-croiytic 13'~-=,d i~cad toanzs for degreasing and chromium elec-trolyte vvith a dosime- Card 4/5 8112y' 1 000/005/002/013 D221 J)~/ Mass production of chromium 4 ter and correctorp control apparatust centrifugal pumpt piping and valves etc. The automatic installation can be useld for batch chro- ming of cylinder blocks for the latter's hardening orduring re- clamation of worn units. There are 3 figures and,3 Soviet-bloc re- ferences. Card 5/5 VORONITSYN. K.I.; KESSELI, I.V.j SKOTNIKOVAP N.V., redil LCentral Sclentilic Research Institute on M"bunizaf4ion and the Vse of Power in Lmbsring]TSentralinyi nauchna,~-Issledejvatellskly institut mokhanizatoii i energetiki leanoi prdpavshUnmosti. Mo- skva 1962 8 p' (MRA 1~;l) 1. lmki.~Meni;ial'W tauchno-issledovatel"OkLy institut makha- nizataii i energetiki lesuoy promyehle=osti. (Lumbering-MAOM'1617) J, III III H W! I II., IN LIP till I rilull! - M", 1~ all I [El RI~ I IlLayrill litilliki, I I I 11", .1 T'll I it'. I'M .......... 5101AKWOVO V. 33396. Legkly Yotovoz Dlya ?ereno,,3nykh Rellso-rilk-h Putey. Les. Pror-st", 1949, i:o. lo, c. 6-8. So. LetoDA-stZhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 11,5,, ]-~oskvap 1%9 T-C~T, I1 1: . I It I J. WIT i II I II I I "! I I I I MENISHIKOV. I.A., prof., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; BliBUSHuif, r.i%. "to. kaad,,tekha. dots. Imnd.takhn.nauk; YCRONIT,�T .nauk, laureat Stalinskoy premii.-r6teensent; 6SLIDRM. A.K.. dots., kand.takhn.nauk, reteenzent-, BRILING, N.R., isholuzbenVy daystell nauki I tekhalki, prof., doktor tekhm. nauk.~ SEWWAREVA, L*V#j tekhnoredo [Lumber transport traction machinery] IesotransportxWe tiagovVe mashiay. Moskva, Goolesbumizdat. Pt.l. 1951. 586 p. (MIRA 11:2) Oumber-Machinery) (Traction engilass) VORONITSYN, I.I., kanaidat THESErM.""'S. I., inzhener. Types of now machinery in lumbering. Xekh.tradrab. 8 no,~6r28-31 Ag-S 154. 7:9) (lumbering-Kachinery) inzhener; USSELI I.V.. inshener; ORNMMIF, P. I Mechanization of tree felling, loading wA hauling of 1=ber. Mekhe trud.rab. 9 no 3:42-46 Hr 155* OMA 8:5) (Iumbering-Machiner.W(Tree felling) fl YXUMIffjr-kdtrIy Dmitriye*ich,,-6RWTv SPIP*, prof,,, re4ganzent; VCR. Julft--dots., retsenzent; PITXRW,,`Y9,A., red. lod-va; KAUSIP,- tekhn. red.; ELGERM, A.A., tekhn. red. [Traction ma'chinery. Pt,2, Steam locomotivespIpeollue and &ieoel locomotives, electric locomotives] TijLgov7s ma4iny, x0skyus Gos- lesbwdzdat. Ft.2. Phrovozy,, motovozy, elektrovoty. 19570 488 p. : (Nju 11:7) 1, Xafedra tyWvykh mohin Leningradakoy lerjote~lchniohseskoy akadenii im. S.M. Kirova (for Orlov), 2. T39atiiL11W uauchno- issledovatellsU7 inatitttt mokhanizateii I enerIgatiki lesnoy pronVehlonnosti (for Tbronitsin). (10conotives) ABOLO I.?.. ALYABIYEV, V.I., RANTSEV, A.A.; TSARNY, I~RASHEVSKIY, V.V., red.; FFMOT, B.M.. red. izd-va, ; BACMTCIUA, ,A.M., tekhn# redes 'VORONITSTY, X.I., red. [Skidding timber by means of winches La the U.6.S.RWj*Nazemnnia trelevIca lese lebedkami v 33SR, [Moek-~a] M-io~l esnoi-promysbl. SSSR, 1957. 33 P. 11:11) 1. Direktor. Wentrallnogo naucbno-lssledovate,l'sko$-,o institute mekhanizataii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennolati (TaNILME)4for Voronitsyn). (Iombering) T ....... VOROVITSYN, K.I.; RANTSEV, A.A.. red. [Central Scientific Research Institute for ffectonizatiba god Power Ingineering in the Forest Industry-] TS*ntr*'1'rvVnauchno- isoledovatellskii institut mekhanitatsit i enerikkiki lesuol promyehlonnosti. In.pal H-vo lesnol promvsb1.,SSSR., 1057. 7 P. (KIRA 11:11) 1. Direlctor.Mentrallnogo nauchno-iosladova tell 0ago itatituta makhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promychlennosti (TsIMMEWor Voronit syn) (Iombering) 28(l) 'SOV/1.18-59-1-16/16 AUTHORS: -Voro 'turl! TC--T-,, Candidate of Technical Sciences, a~nd A17ab97ev, V.I., Engineer TITLE: Forestry Mechanization in European Countries (Mek-i 'I hanizatsi7a na lesorazrabotkakh vi,strarakh Evropy) PERIODICAL: Mekhanizatsiya i Avtomatizatsiya Proizvodstva, 19599 Nr 1. pp, 61-64 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This article constitutes a general account of the last conference of the Research Group & the United Committee for Forest Exploitation Techniques and the Tranining of Specialists for the Timber fndustr~', together with the Group for the S';udy of Timber-Cutting and Timber Transportation in Mountainous Areas, and the Research Group for Utilization of Machines in Timber Processing that was held recently in Geneva,~ Theisession was attended by representatives from!Austria, England, Bulgaria, S17 G, Italy, Norway, Poland,l.the USSR, France, Card 1/2 ZOV/118-59-1-16/16 Forestry Mechanization in European Countries. Switzerland, Finland, CSR, Yugoslavia!and the West Germany. The account is intended to acquaint Soviet readers with new developments andtrends in the forest exploitation. It names the topics,of the reports contributed by the SZGj Poland, the CSR and the USSR, but gives no detailed information6 There are 7 bhoto- graphs, 2 block diagrams, 1 diagram and 1 table. Card 2/2 "Logging Equipment In The USSR" report to be submitted for the Fifth World Forestry Congresa, Seattle, Washington, 29-lo Sep 6o Director, Central Scientific Research Institute for the Me,chaniza:tion and Pover Supply of the Timber Industry, Moscow. IIA I'll II 11M I 111 :1 1 1 Al 1, INIIIIII; I III if WT 11 v1z BELII~ZIT, Iosif Rcmnovichi dotsent, kana.takhn.nauk; ,vQRaqTo"yu,,,K.i., retsenzent; G11123HMG, Z.B., starehly prepodavatell , ~ ratsenzent; MESTYARIKOV, V.H., red.; PITERKa, Te.L.. rsd,.1zd-va; PARMINA, N,L,, takhn.rea, (Blectrical equipment for lumbering enterprises] Alektrooborti- dovanis leaozagotovitellnykh prodprilatil. Koakva, Goslesbum- izdat, 196o. W6 p. OURA 13:5) 1. Moskovskiy laeotekhnichookiy inatitut (for4insbilrg). (Lumbering-Rquipment and supplies) (HlectriIt machiner7) VORONITSYN, K.I.; KARAVASHKIN) S.I., red. [Improving the techno2ogy and technique of logglng, "tatber transportation, and road construction opemtion6j S(,rer- shenstvovanie tekhnologii i tekhviki lesoaechriykt, laso- transportnykh i dorozhno-stroitellnykh rabot.''14oskva, TSentr. nauchno-issl. in-t infom. I tekhniko-~(jkon. issl. po lesnoi tselliulozno-bimazhnoi, dorevoobrabatyymiushchei pro- myshl. i lesnowu khoz., 1963. 33 P. (MIRA 17:7) VORONITSV5, K.I., kaaid. telchn. naulcy red.; THMIGAUM4, P.E., Icand. red.; UADBAKHp M.P.., rod.; TATITEEV, A.A.!,, starshiy nauchnyy sotr.., red.; ABRNWO S.A., kand, tokhM4 nau kp red,; ABWOV, D.A., red.; BOGDPIFOV, N.I.., starahly n '~uchp~y sotr., red.; VINOGOHOV, G.K., kand. tekhn. nauk red*;1'GAVRILOV, I.I., starabiy nauchrj~y sotr., red.; GTJSARCIITJK: DJ starshiy nauchnyy sotr., red.; D'YAKOITOV, A.I., red.; ZAVIYALOV, 1,4.A... ~Icand. tekhn. nauk,v red.; =WSKIY, M.S., starshiy nauctmrj7 notr.# red.; KAGEELK1911 L.I., starshiy nauchnly sotr,, red,11 )USUDISKly, m.i.' kand. tekhn. nauk., red.; KOLTUROV, B.Ya., sts:~p~hiy laauchnyy sotr., red.; OSIFOV, A.I... kand. tokhn. nauk, red.; kand. ekon. nauk, red. (Materials of the enlarged session of the Scie4#fic:Gouncil of tho Central Scientific Research Institute for Heohanization and: Power Engineering in Lumbering on probleiq3 con".rning.power engineering and the electrification of tha luift.ber industry] Materialy rasshirennoi sessii Uchenogo soveta 'TsNIDtE po voprosu energetiki i elektrifikatsii lesnoi proL7shlennosti. 1-11oskva 1961. 75 p. (MIRA 15:4") (Coevinued on',next card) 6 p VORCHITSYNO K.I.-(continuod) Card 2. j.KhU*J.TS9ntral1my nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Ifistilut, me- khanizataii i energetiki lesnay proqrsblennosti6~ 2.$achallnik TSentrallnogo byuro tekhnicheskoy infomataii:16anoylpronwahlen- nosti (for 14adbakh). 3. Direk-tor TBentra.11no9p Oauclu~o-- isoledovatellskogo instituta mekhanizataii i onorgatiki leanoy pronyshlennosti (for Voronitsyn)v 40 UchoxVy 26~nt Tllentrn-llnogo nauchr-o-issledavatellskogo instituta mekhanizalaii i energetik.1 lestoy promyshlemosti (for D'yakonov). 5. Nachallnik otdoleraya energetiki i sredstv avtomatizatsii TSentralltbgo naftchno- issledovatellskogo instituta mekJianizatsii i epergetiki lesnoy prorriuhlennosti (for Zaretskly). (Lumbering) (Electric polrar) 1-i 'ORONXITYK.. F. A. P FA Sowing peas with white mustard., Sov. agron., 10, no.:113, Monthly List of 1",ussion Accesslons, Library ofCon f3ss,: "'-ay g.r UnclassIfled. ----- - -- ------ - ------ :,C, tj 11. -cl,,rlic%a !,C-stan Vorol,joecl I- ~11 icl) - (Tcchnical hy6rom~ncharl 1951 252 p 2.1 L y of uropean Ac- SO: V~onthly Li;Jt Of East' Uf,classified 757.71~ -OctO I~r 1.~Tl !l1fra o1 r,, A jjA;,,j Jljj~,Jj -TV i 1 41 irl,n hiimo ri: it he ~ho~ :h I, I I-1---, dofilw,i o'.clu"th) Irrlrl !'I r vt 41,f] I o f ly aw run , , T t l N i l ll I r I I I l l ~. VORONJEC, K. Deflection of a f iejd of speed from Laplace Is f ield. P. 0'. ZBOWTIK RADOVA. (Srpska akademija nauka. Masinski instl~lxt.): Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 60, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (=I) IL, Vol., 8, no 8, Aug. 1959. Uncl. i LAZARMC, Dorde, akad-I VORWJHGP KOnOtOntinl PIVKO$ SlmtoPol't Reports an the 6th yugoolav Congress of Ratlon&l.and;Applierl Mechanicsj Splitv ane 1~,90 1962., GLas SAN#-.A--m*.lt63 66 162 [publ. ?:63 J 1. G3rresponding Member of the Serbiwi. leadeV of Saimices end Arts (for Tbranj ea an& Pi*o). VORONKEVICHI A.B. Rubber packeris for the head of PK-103 perforator Sbor.1mcbe rats.predl. pt. 2:58-59 163. 110) 1. Dnepropatrovskaya geofizichaskaya ekspaditsiyas~l -mummil USSR/Cultivated Plants. Technical. Oleaginous. Sugar-Bearing. L-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biologiya, No 16, 25 Aug 57, 69313!~ Author : Voronkevich, G.M. Inst Title Experimental CyA~us Cultivation in the Kuibishey Region. Orig Pub Byul. G. botan. sada. AN sssR, 1956, No 26, 91-93 Ab'st The experiments were conducted In the nursery,garde n of the Kuibishev engineering-meliorative institute. The agrotech- nique is described; the great effect of irri&ation and early planting on the growth and yield of cyl" is poin- out. The chemical composition,of the tubers is stated. The total yield of cyperus tubers was 30 centners/hecta- re, the raw green mass 90 centners/hectare. I MIRY fit. -.0111B 1- 11AFP-=.h OUXLXXXQ (31. V.) A VO2Qxxxum.(1.j,j. Tie oyels d 6"kvbw of af~tons #**@a A "', it'Colffmobw AM- I -'s- ---- ftL 44~00" *low IMANd The cucumber leaf and fruit dleelf se emaindiby B~~"0210,t~ majut is #UW by SiVis to be one of thei mat INCTRim twob a 40=4 X.TL P. W, c(. do ibW.. IVii, F. "up to the LIAM (R-4 Gaknovich and Chmyfiheva In-Todeand dWesw diciteboulp"1111 I omps i'194S IRW06n), the b&Ctrrk6*W MA0111, 9 YkU 901140i0a Of Up to 50 01;. IMAL, Ift the Mosww'pnwince. A Offaly was ourW out at k1le Woomw rl"t S*kka to sapplement the Pranty latomatlain aval6blit In Rt , literit, 1! i an t16 III(#-, Cycle of the pathogen. fft- LqAmW weds were found to prodwmin I seedline ("with net' which either died or dmloped into stunted plants yielding few or, i~p shrivelled portions of the seedlitip crumble aid an oonveyed ~by=1'11' orraiOm" to%he folisr, on which they producefiveh Idectlefus. IMS] *&&nA14QW- fined to the need surface but"peneWte'derp illto this tiss,urs, If h 'was redsied frolm 7-1 to 11]~ a a formalin treatment, but infection, minutes' immersion in NWIF-1 (4yl meicuq hate) ribitl il L ;.*r~ P; I in 2M. The weds contract infection it the' tbu~ o=(G, Whillif baCt#U fm the pulp of disc fruits J*netrate the soft testai, of IWAMY *`As in the ii" containem The pathogen was shown "Amentally to overw*;1at only In well- p"rved diseased leaves kft on the surface of Ile sOiL so thab plots oil which cucumbers have been grown am be partially fr"d fi*m in, ka by Mulumn tilling; in the course of the next year ot two the leaves on lil 01hoss buried under the #.oil, will underp tho bsckri~ Ili bt ~A v-W perish. Afters two to three years the same ground filmy, hIl implaft 41 Wz cacumbers. voacm- ICH, I. V. GORL-01KO, ~". V. , and VOROIKOIGH, 1. V. "Tha Callsative 14"'fall, (Erwinia aroidea) oil the Slimy Bact~eriosis of Cabbage, ~("L.I)Wos Rendus (Doklady) ele VA-c-a-dairde den 6ciences vol.'! 52, 1946, pp. 80-9-812. 511 P444 Source: SIRA SI-W-53, 15 Dec. 1953 la V -if liki I VCROIMVIGH, I. V. H31imy Bactoriosis of Cabbage,o Sad i Ogorods no, 3, 1947P ppe 34-36 80 Sal3 Sira-Si-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953. Willa, miollm'VICH, 1. V. GORI,L"-;KO, h. V., and MROIINIKFZ~iIGH, I. V. ll$tuiy of Slimy Bactotrlosia, of cabbage," I-lihrobiologiia, vol. 16, no. 4, 1947, 3(ti-31/4- 448.3 1,115821 Source: SIM SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 A ty (it 4" in SX dais (at rMM um mpent r"O, w 9 0 nine man At 310 to 380 10.1 the p*UHV* lived in Kd for only 24 bou. Mroae at the temperature of melting sinow it was &live after 42 dayv. i ~j in abeorWnt loarna the bacte& pe*JW atur ooe, hour-. in WFicken "10 blic road they were visible aftm seven dayi. The ff"for the )~Iniban 41 eke rium, the longer they persisted in the "I. The wmawn soll "II)MOphyfos, hm, = no cimt on the growth and pathapnicity of W. aro"ear. - --------- (t4 III At I I i III,, I I ITIM1911,11 rill M, N It It , ` ~ "1' 11,111 ""VVVt I'All It 111il mi _Jtit- IIMMAMI _77 lomm'sits) (M A VottimaRVIC11 (L V.). q1-peas 6mcnpuiaim nriowrocii. ,ri,marmi. 114.VK, i .1clitillin (Rep. Imitit Arad. cbP-k-. M.1, 1111k). 3. lip. ION). In 1149 ARiterl'to" crsi~oriwm (XviolAotw4w orsitwow4v R.A.M., 29i 11, 631 vr" imo6tc4l I;Nml dio04w%1 toulattivio at the li'all,86V Irtatittilt* fikt Plant P"Itmilkin, mov%,ow. And wits 1,1111ful tis IV tho mum of AP Imetclial blvk Pitill of 1kirnMom WiliOll him Ix-en pwomit lit sevend regi'onm of th" V.8,8,11, Altit-oJIM41 111,61, 19. 13. 3*69). ftlidj4% Oft fiVe ItMiftll Of tIW 11140"111111% &hUWV%1 that 9110 ~ftwt gTolith o6 potato agar 4wrum%l lielivren W and Me V. (Imlor hoth cippitimoilital and 1141 t%eiliflitiona fisirly high fron1wniturit vombined with bigh humidity'~jilwaml to be numt coutlucive" to tho development of the 4110410m, (he tinill gnifr 4111 JO thi, Iwginning of fmit maturity (Jime and July) Imling this I"iAt fiil~omrshle in The (Nintnil rummurrs lihm.. 23, P. RK11 includo thangitig the will atul tIlsinfectilig the WOOIIWOA Of (M111441 in WhiCh AV dMAN IM btft 0110MIA, diAIRAW(ion (It 1"Iml obtaim4l Nil) infected artag, sind deep ploughing of all plant dolwi" in the autrwitin. Awtoultv"-.- N66 Uria Cabbage Feb 4.9 A tic-iiiia," Ribernation bernation Processes of the Inducer of ali*-- Bacteriosis in Cabbages (B. Aroideae)," I.- V. ", - "' Vai*akevich, Moscow Alffillate, L11-Union lust of Plant Protection, 3 Pp. Tok V.8 Ak -RAW No 2 ion ---MK�UIat8S and d-iscueses data on the hibernat --Res"t--Andloate that It-l-& Weserved throughout, the '- Vinter in 't6ei-JO-ObtSe=~~- Oalks standing in Us field and in rotted leaiii:-F-,- ]Zing an the ground. As a countermeasure againvt 66/49T2 090/Agricultwe Bacteria Cabbage 7eb 49-1 (rantd) this plant disease, author suggests the removal ioi the ~ cabbage stalks in the au~b= and the use Of strippecl leaves as cattle feed. VORONXEVIrli, I. V. VORONITNICH, 1. V. "SurlivF-1 of Phytonathogenic P~.Orria- 11. thf. SO-J, Sovetskala Agromoudia, no. 7, 1949, PP. 77-81- 20 So' 8-- SOURCE: SIRA S1 90-53 15 Dec. 1953 I Hill;: i Pnr I timyLi . . I . : ! ~ I i i I i I i a W . . : i : :1 1 . Vet7letable Hesidues -- A Source of Disease Fro.!.a~atiort In Tozatoee, Garden and Orchard) No. 9, PP 57-58, 1950. VORON-KEVICH, 1. V. VOP.0117YM 1 CT 1 1. V. 113act!!rIP-1 Carker of Tbmato-,!I~,M'l Do LP 7srsituznni Akademli S-I-!:L k-Imtrd-ILL, ~L*AiaL, vo I - 15, no. 3, 1950, PP. 21-29. 20 Akl SOURCE: SIRA Sl 90-53 15 Dec. 1953 V'-* vmmumaj it V, Prqtoopathogonous baotarls and tactorio, Inmot-car4orso Vap. naim. biolo 290, My-June 50. p. 4t%-63 140awwo cum 190 50 NOV. 0 1950 ~ I -~~ , ,-T -11- "Metbods of Wintering of Bacterium aroidea, the CwMe of Slimy,.5actarloisis of Cabbage,* Doklady Ysesoluznoi Akademii SellskokhozlalstyepAykh-Sauk ineat 7, 1. Ienina, 701. 14, no.2, Sira-Bi-90-53, 15 Dec.1953 professor-,VOROMVICH. T.V-, redaktor; GRIG-ORIYB- VA, Te.I., takhnicher&V'Yd'U&tcflr."'!',,--~ (Bacterial diseases of plants] BaktarialInye bolisni rastenli. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo OSovetakaia. nauka,s 19~3. l6i P. (Kicrofilml (Botany-Puthology) (Plant diaeases) (KDA 7: 11 sum h"WOLK-Iff2W I I ma MIT Mir !:;; - Tm Hit V. Card 1/1 Author Gorlenko, M. V., Voronkevich, I. V., and Uspensklaya, G:. D. Title The biology of Pseudomonas tumefaciens the causative agent of root cancer in plants Periodical Mikrobiologiya, 23, 321-330) May/Jun 1954, Abstract The biology of Ps. tumefaciens was investigated in order to discover effec- tive measures for combatting the widespread disease-of fruit trees which it causes, i.e. root cancer. The parasitic charact6ristics of Ps. tumefaciens were found to be very unstable-,. and were rapidly'llost in the absence of sus- ceptible plants in both sterile and non-sterile ~neutrally reacting) soil. Plants could not be infected, and pathogenic cultures could not be isolated from infested soil in which the pH was 5.0 or laiier. 13ix strains of fungus- antagonists to Ps. tumefaciens related to 4 sped ies of the genus Penicil- lium were isolated from fertilized soil. It was';1concluded that root cancer of plants could be controlled by acidifying tbe,$Ioil or introducing antago- nistic microorganisms into it. Four tables; two~photogr aphs. Twenty-tvo references, 15 Soviet. Institution The Moscow Plant Protection Station Submitted August 10, 1953 1 V- NATAL' INA, O.B.; VOROMMMQA.J,,_V,.j_FMTSOTA, A. I. Now bacterial disease of rampberrr. Dokj. Alt SSSA 98 no.3:483-484 x 54. (MLRA 812) 1. Saratovskly sellskokhozyaystyennyy Institut I Mosko-rakays, stantelya Mosk-~a. Tuesoyumnogo Instituta rashchity rastenLy, Prodstavlano akademikom Y.N.Shapoohnikovym. (VIANTS, raspberry. Pseudomonas rubi Infect.) (PBSUDON MICTION, rubi, ok raspberry plant) R111111; 11R,11 110 11 FT I 1 111 TI,T YCROMIM66 i GMLBNKO, Klkhail Ylsdimirovich, prorestorl ZHURATI&Y.I.I.; Novurs , U.S.; STVINOT, K.M.; KHCMTA&o*, MA. -, "MZATIVA, K., takhnicbeekiy redaktor [J'ungi, man's friends and enemies] Griby - dru.101a i vract chelovskee Pod red. M.-Y-Gorlanko. Koskvs, Goo. isd-vo 08,101yetakais nauka," 1956. 167 p. (KMA 10:$) (Fundt) Fl,r I IliT,1111:11: VII lllfllil~ 1111M Mil-I'Ll" H! i Jit V Iffect of the soil as habitat oa the properties~&l phytopathogenic bacteria. Zhur.ob.biol. 17 no.4:302-310 JI-Ag 156. (Awm 10:2) le Voesoyuznyy institut zashchity raeteaiy, Xookovskaye stantsiya. (BACTERIA, PHYTOPATHOGENIC) (SOILS--BACMIOIAOGY) GORLMKO, M.V.: VOROMVICH, I.V., HLISMOU. T.S. Relation of the onion fly and onion bulb fly t6 bacteria causing soft rot in plants. Zool.zhur- 35 no.1:16-20 Ja '56. (MLR& 9:3) 1.,Mookovskaya stantsiya, sashchity rasteniy. (Flies) (Insects as carriers of plant die"ses) PABOTHOVA, I.L.; SHAPOSIMIK070 V.H., akade-Ak, otvatstvenn;vy rednktor; VORO, redektor izdatelOstva; ZXLZKKOVA;, Yetv.1 _E_eTr;icheskiy reAiktor [Rojo of physical and chemical factors (pH and r~2),in thr- vital activity of micro-organisms Rol' fiziko-khimicheskikh unlovii (pH i rH2) v zhiznedoiatellnosti mikroorganizatov, Hoskva, Tzd-vo Akad,nauk SSSR, 1957. 274 p. 10:10) (Micro-organismB) (Hydrogan-ton concentration) (Oxidation-Reduction reaction) MORO NKEVICH-.- I -.--V-.- "Influence of environwntal factors on the vitality of phj;topa#ogerUc bacteria." report submitted for Symp on Host-Parasite Relations in Plant P4t4ology, Budapest, 19-22 oct 64. 11111 11:11:1j,11 I IN111, 1.1111,11111,! 1,11, I'll VORONKEVICHy I.V.; OVECHNIKOVA, L.H. Comparati:,M-re si stance of - pbyto~itI26'jaM~a b&o-Wria to ul-..ra- violet rays.Zhur.ob.biol. 23 noi6:471-/+79 11-D!62 ; rMIRA 16:7) (ULTRAVIOIET RES-PHYSIOIDGICAL 3,FMT) (BACTERIA) PHYTOPATHOMIIC) VORONKEVICK, 1,14, kand.biolog.nauk,- BURSEVICH, L.A.,, kud.biolog.nauk Cultivatloh practicea in controlling potato blackleg. ot vred, i~bol. 4 no.401-A13,4159. (MIRA 16s:5) (Potato rot) ---VORONKMCff-,-I-.V-. -I- WMAUTID-11VOIfAk- Bacterial leaf spot Of Borgh=j Sudan grass, and, milldto Nauch. dokL vy-s. shkoly; biol. nauki no.Z191~197 161.1. WM 1415) I* Rokomendovana kaf ~droy nizahikh ranteni3r Mos6l*~ gosudar- 0tvemogo universiteta im. H.V.Lomonosova. (CIRASSES-DISFASES AND PEST (IW SPOT) 11:11:11 IIT~ T11 I ill-I I IWI Hil OIL 111111, 0 1 V III, VOROijKv-,VICH, I. 'ntagonism of microoganiEms in soil, and prospects of~their utilization in the fight aCainst phytopath-ogenic agents which are living in soils. P. 31 ANAL,.LE RCI 10 ,~I?T _SOIIIEUCE. SERIA 'BIOWGIE (Acadmia Republicii. Populare Romine. Institutal de Studil Romino-Sovietic) Bucuresti, Rumania Vol. 13, no. 2, April/June 19559 Monthly list of East Europnsn Accearion Index 1C o1. F~ No. 11 Uov&mber 1959 Uncl. r F f 'IT, GORLEM, Kikhail Vladimirovichi prof. BIWROVA, V.I., red.izd-va; TITOTA, L.L., takhn;red. [Short course on the immunity of plants to infecitious diseases] Kratkii kurs immunitate rastenii. k infektdionnya bolezniam. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo OSovetekaia nauk~t* 1959. 248 p. (KIRA 12:12) (Plants--Disease and post resistance) VCRORMICH, LV.; AFANASIYXV.A. Z.P.; BUTSEVICH. L.A.; LIPILIal, N.I. Sffect of fertilizer on soil population of actinorvc0tes aatwgo- nistle to phytopathogenic bacteria Evith otmmM77 in A lish]w" Milcrobiologiia 27 no,6.-720-723 N-D 1581, I[RA 12 -. 1) 1. Mookovskeya stants~ya Vassoyuznogo nkh6hno-issledovatellsbogo instituta zashchity rastenlye (ACTIROKYCES, in soil, off. of fertilisers on strains antag. to phytopathogens (Rua)) (MMILIMS, effectsp on ActinovVees antagonistic to~phytapathogens in soil (RUBD (SOIL. m1crobiologr, Actinom7ces, eff. of fertilizers on strains antago- nistic to phytopathogens (Rao)) VORONWICH, I.T., kand. biole nauk (Hook-ra). Dangerous bacterW disease of coM Priroda.47 mo.*5.-W-~-% W 158. (corn (MiSO-DImemsea and pootO) (NM 1:Lt5) p 1: 1 '1 ! 41 - 111v ;pq 11 111, 1-11'? 11i'll 111'j 1-1 11 Ifl "I: 26-58-5-20/57 AUTHOR: Voronkevj I.V., Candidate of Biolop-*Ical!Sciences (110scow) TITLE: A Dangarous Bacterial Dinease of Corn (Opannoye bakteriallnoye zabolevaniye kukuruzy), PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 5, PP 84-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes the effects caused by.the bacterium "Stewartill on indian corn in the USA.Ind Ibaly. The po- tential danger for Soviet indian corn,cultivation lies mainly in imported seeds. All farm workers, teachers and students are called upon to watch for indications of the bacterial wilt and send presumably affected plants to the Moskovskaya stantsiya zashchity raateniy VIZR (Moscow VIZR Plant Protection Station), 2 Butyrskiy Khutor, for analysis. There is 1 map and 4 Soviet references. AVAILABLE: Library of Con.-ress Card 1/1 1. Corn Bacterial disease E:7 -V (J ? A.B.i _'~qRCNKLVICH, L.V.; GALAKTIONOVA, N.M. Co~c,7hemlcril characiarlotica f.;f the organJc 11 iJze-m!nnl"r;d nattvr In rock.a of the Kazan atage In tho llyatkB dlnloe:&'.J.(.n tc--za ard tim adjacent part of the Tatar Arch. GeoWmiia nc;.l2.-:U!93-'-;-q8 D 161,. (IrLHA 18:8) USHIRTS,BVA, M.F.; SHEVNDI, A.11.; VORDIMMCHI.- Uranium-bearing g.Utuconites. Sov.geol, 4 no.11301-137 N 161. .1 WWU 14 ' 12) 1. Voevoyuzny.,r nauchno-isaledovatel'Bkiy institut xiwraltnogo syrtya. (Uranium) Glauconit4) B M., kand. tekhn. r1auk; KOTELYOETS V 1:, [Kotalianets', V.I:I, kand. ekoncm.,miuk; VORONKEVICH M:A Voronlrevych, M.A.], inzh. Use more efficiently machinery in drainage 'vbrk. ~iekh. oil'. hoop. 12 no.12tl2-14 D 161. (MIRA 17--l) Card 1/1 Pub. 129-14/25 Author Durante, V. A., and VoronkeY12., s. D. Title Investigation of the density of texture of sazA6 for purposes of con- struction Periodical Vest. Mosk. un., Ser, fitikomat. i yest. rAUkj,1Vol-l0, 131-138P Feb 1955 Abstract By density of texture of owAs is understood tie volvimetric weight of the minera.3 constituent (skeleton) of aazd of given granulometric com- position; sometimes use in made of the concept:~of coefficient of rela- tive density: D -(a-b)/(&-c), where a,b,c are~the cbefficients of po- rosity of sand corresponding respectively to Uo;3est, densest, and nat- ural texture. The author correlates the density of nand with the num- ber of blows of a probe.needed to penetrate a given distance, which method is claimed to give iWrtant practical conclusions concerning the constructional properties of the sand. The,author recomends wide use of his method because of its extreme sirplir-ity. Two references. Institution Chair of Ground Science Submitted July 10, 1954 N' 77 if rlrll~! VORONKEVICHP S.D. www" DeT*o0i;Me the erosion rate of rocks in connectlon vith ths study of reservoir coast changes. Test, Mosk, un, Ser. b1oli., podhve, geol.9 geog. 12 no.3r197-202 '57. (MIRA 10r12) 1. Kafedra gruntovedeniya I Inzhenernoy geologil Mookovokogo gosudarstvon- nogo universiteta. (Coast changes) 01rosion) (Reservoirs) T :11111~' if T miq hl' F, 1. 1 ~ 41 !1 ~~ : 1 i. ! t