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28008 B/508/60/030/000/011/013 On agreement with experiment D234/11306 bloc and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language publication reads as followst W.G. Vicentil Comparison between theory and experiment for wings at supersonic speeds, Second In- ternational Aeronautical Conferencep N.J., 1949t P. 534-552 [Ab- stractor's note: Two of the Soviet-bloc references quoted are translations of non-Boviet-bloc publications]. SUBMITTED: January 20, 1959 Card 5/5 TOROBINV, J1.?.'(Xpvoeibirsk) Unsteady notion of a finite-span Ving In case of Intermittent Change of spee(j#,-1%v.AN SSSR.Gtd.tekh.uauk.Nekh. I mashinostr. no.21167-170 ',~59. (MIRA 12:5) (Airfoils) 6__A-L;)44__V0 VAIA I *11wr-kM4 MC 14KI "6009057 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/001/0112/0114 AUTHOR- yoroblyevi.N. F. (NovoaibIrs14 ORG: nofi~"" TITLE: The mixing of two gas flows in coaxial tubes separated by a perforated wall SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki t tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 1, 1966, 112-114 TOPIC TAGS: gas flow, pipe flow, flow analysis ABSTRACT: The author Investigates, in a unidimensional scheme, the mixing of two gases, with different physical and thermodynamic properties, flowing In coaxial cylindrical tubes separated by a perforated wall. Mass exchange takes place between the media as a result of the difference In the static pressures In the flows. It Is assumed that the gases In the tube, into which the gas flows, intermix instantaneously and that thermodynamic equilibrium is established in the gas mixture. Further, more, It is assumed that friction and heat trans- fer on the walls of the tubes are negligibly small compared to the mixing effect. In setting up the equation of momentum in the tube where the mixing occurs, the author takes into account the reciprocal direction of the mixing flow8 and the "ow angle. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 8 formulas. SUB CODE: 20 / SUBM DATE: 24Jul66 / ORIG REF: 001 1/1 zc~ YOROBOYEVe Nv.7.0 mayor, voyennyy ahturman parrogo k1laisea, Calculating wind conditions for bombing. Test.TosdJls 41 no.2! 53-56 7 159. (KMA 12t4) (Bombing, Jerial) (Meteorology in aeronautice) IWXOLZNKO, S.D. (Novosibirsk); VCBDPXI,&j (Novosibirsk, V.K. Matching experience and characteristics of airfoils of finite span designed according to the linear theory at supersonic appedes Insh, A38 IMIRA 13tlO) abore 301131-e AirfoUs) (Aerodynamics, Supersonic) VOROBITEV, (Irazan') -,w he Chuvash 19thnographic Bipedition of 1949-1953. Brief resultO Of t (mm 10:5) 115 nO,lo-.138-14o 155. iChwashes) /kedicize - Virus Diseases Her/Apr 51' "PoLiomWelltls at Ufs in 1948," Docent N. F. Varoblyev, Prof N. 1. Savchenko, Clinic Wervous. Die !eases, Bashkir Med Inst "N!vropatol i Psikhiat" Vol XX) No 2,, py 61, 62 Ou~breLk of poliowlelitim, which affected chiefly children (mainly boys), occurred In the spring and su=er. No contacts of the affected children vtth sick ebildren and no group infections could 'be;', established, There vas no incubation stage, Content of otsim in tbe cerebrospinal liquid Val O.P.5-01g. Reactions of blood and other i86TO6 USSRI'medicine Virus Diseases gar/Apr 51 (Coutd) reactions vere investigated. Symptozatic treat, ,mat vith urotropiu,, sulfa drugsp penicillin ad- Intramuscularly (ineffective), and Waaerine In the recovery step was applied., CQ VOROBIYEV. If-I., professor, reUktor, xaoluzhenny7 deyatell naulaTAS5R; V.1.0 Professor, redaktor, xaoluzhenny7 dayatell nimiaTASSR-, $OLGAIIII, O,Ta., redaktor; NXIMLIKO. G.R., takhni- cheakiy redaktor, (studies on the geography of Tatarial Ocharki po geografli Tatarii, Irazan't Tatkhnirpildat, 1957o 356 p. (XLRA ~0:6) ZKtar AoS.SeRs-Geography) VOROBIY3V N I 'Therapeutic effectiveness of quateleron in treating hypertension. Vrach. dalo no.3:33-35 Mr 162. (MM 15s7) 1, VakulltatBkaya terapsyticheakaya klinika (say, - zaaluzhannyy dey4tell naukip prof. N. To. Kavetskiy) Kuybyshevskogo medi- tainakogo instituta. (HYPERTFMION) . (PARASYMPATHOIXTICS) mtiuijktsd rile of2 ft_F,_Q a 11 "T so At J11 to aUa is a 0 A 00 1.4 11'1110 11_$I A r-LO KP 6C-_N~ R.1 A-* itOU1111-ts "sit.10 so. ITS* 00 so Ir A mm(W (of the rapid "romilsolictim of the dianuivast matter In water by the electromoctria m4tud- -00 _% )~ 901-- tj(ag~v- lekh, 14, No. 40, ~ .00 00 9 C". Zoorm.Am 1. 14irJ,--A siniple isirthlof Is ifeKtkl*d for the doln, tit IU Citc, (10A. CA the wwttr Willi .00 0 0 It* 1`114? I&SICT tIi9AI'jW8F1ArKV of IiVCF fat OIS (Ailing in fo-olalre 04111 0 lliny reflect is course rapist luillovirf of (at Ill the tallmle Wholl may tit Imn lie mporliPile for IN higher Irvrl ij loss 4*0 **j ke mia, In this or%. The footling kelonsiriss was rordiwid .1"s &)%' after a week and practically alsolislord after 2 vmr returned to a mock di" after re. Criving the higb4st diet for 12 days. A inure rapid de. see 0 crejx.~v occurred when I)eWne.IICI was Mou administered,a00 00.1 winX to its effect In cattoing a nome rapid transfer of talaile 2 Atoll, 9 tat front lite livu with a conwtvirot fasirr depirebtim Ili krioutithq. The output of urinary N varkd firlyrrWrly goo Willi the Ir"Ith of the feeding trtione In Animals (.%tied nitro or"ving the high4at Iskor-piro(rin diet for ps:riodo tit 690 irss-l(ainz terlith. 'rhe *,pp,miiv coodititm was ul~vvrd 800 in artirrish led the stock ditt and tuipwritiortilly Failed. Imes A. 11, ~jmhrssfs too I, It 04TALLVOCKAL tffl#Alt4l CLASINFICATIGGIN beg U9 It PO it .1 abitaid malts $inn it YJAIA111 low* allgir if 1 4 4 - Is- 00 0 00 00 0 *0 0 00 00---Amm JQ c $-A - L -L- 7A Alsim othod lot polentiometrit determination of suffirtl0=11 witte". N. 1. v(pr4sioev. lot"llkam Lab. 12, XS-dj tm-tfnvf ist b4%4IIM1 I.ArIll"j. ructric tictation with KtCtt 1& 44 turm IU I I soimimtilg i :firs the I-pt".til 6181fates. Itic tit latilbo ii cull 14A 1411 IV ilh 00 u air dmi rode Wt ckv I m0c miti. wit It A it) a [it, It ri ~"4 Go rApkily to any changtis In Ow- 1,11 valtiv. .00 tilln 1101 CUTVI IIA " With ('14 1, . fin' ('11). ' 11111.411 AIRCT tht all It'll'.alld tfA,t, tittIN; X*e ;.'I P - 2 MIN Cr.4 N 1 110). =00 Is, ..I If , .41 11W "psiv, 1-4,11 1. 111'stlift.1"I by a J1111110 so 0 its Ifts. 1.4.1164144 tim air CLV.F--[C. The rij-11. 411m Oft-I 190 slot ext-ml 1!,~ In all cam-1 illicit 1111, luntitis, 14 SO.- 0 0 V 1.1 the .41111-k 06 so ~Atu won It" th-tic A Ill. It-m *00 goo *41 ties 1~!M._!~A NIVALLURGKAt LITINAT it 0 N An L I a Ad 0 a I W &I a a a 3 1 b u st, a, : 0 0 0 10'0 60 *, 0 0 0 90 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 41 .T.4 0 son Detwuhla" 4 1 tka dd - -00 sea Isro m of b*W And . Mo. S, causl ats al oftswi W ag ibe mdd*me o&rW bf I U W d brMces. " n". K new re then fewAT O Oft cc tbew U dg. so* TOMA 4 the sols. tabestudied Is pliwed lot two s4miUr cantalmem The in" btidges Soo 000 finm wula do Aftir ik my*#Am with both brWom. am d Is ruww4 ml OA ralstance Is dgtd. spits- A no. of gkctro&-s wm flow tested; ZO-C md ZsASCl met l l l d l i owul mad lavoftIble. - i il W P ge 0 at The mcdwd s patku r adepts (own. . sa og df to smWill vWs. Hemid ammM d O d l ko su table fiv the* Poo nLr w . ktns. SIV too coo ~ ~ 600 bo 0 wee 8 slow "MIAT u Set*" .1. 0.. IV- V-1d I It At ~_m es A" a" sj , . --Wjml~~s -As I .0 4'6 e 's 0 6s 464646 0000 .0 - I 44 0 6 * 0 46 60,0 41 46 46 00 0 0 _ i 0-0-0 0a 0 *_9 0 0 4 1o * 0 0 0 0 000 00 a of ,e In few naV 5.9- mm INO M -M-ax VORO-B YEV. N. I. Electric conductivity as one of the factors characterizing natural waters in field conditions. Gidrokhim.mat. 24:10-33 155.(M A 9:4) I TR l.Saratovskiy avtodoroshnyy inatitut. (Water, Underground) (Water--Analysis) 14-577-6-12298 Translation froms Referativn zhirnclo Goografl,ja, 1957, Nr 6. p 83 AUTHORs Voroblyev, N6 19 TITIEs Graphio Ropresontat On of Ion Conoontration and of a SuppozM Anion (And Ctition Gontant In 46tural Watorn (Grafichaskoyo izubrazboniyo ionnogo nostava I prod- pDlagnynnogo bonhotani-ya anionov i kationov v yestost- v4nny'r.,h -rodukh) PERIODICALI 11,~e Su~rtitovak. avtomobs-dors In-ta,, 1-956, Nr 14, pp 427-430 ABSTRACTs A percentaga of mg-aqui%,-9 of oations present in the water =,-dor i!tudy are plottad on one coordinate axisP and o p-greantags of mg-equilvo of anions or. tho other ax-JISO 7-he aroFs bcunded by horizontal and vertical correspcnd-to ths per-,*ntage of the salts prob- ably prosent ~n watera TOROBIM, N.I. Electric conductivity of mixtures of electrolytes contained In nati=1 waters. Gidrokhim. mat. 261249-261 157. (Km 10-8) 1. Saratovskly avtomobiiino-doroshnyy Institut im, T.M. molotova. (Water) (Electrolytes) STUP IS ii~'Ifl A-V. ~3-1 i:i' N. J GALITS KAY A, M. A., red. [InLr,-,daction to the textbook for socorb-1-year cori-esspordanca ataderit3 of the Geography Facculty) Vvedanla k kursil "Geomorfologiia," uchebnoe pc-. a0bie dlia studentov-zaochnikov. .11 k-ursa goograflcheskogo fakullteta.. Kazan', Kazanskil lps. univ., 1.964, 8 P. (MIA 18: 5) PECHKOVSKIY,- V.V.; VOROBIYEV, U-1. Reactions of vanadium chlorides with hydrogen, oxygen and water vapors. Zhur, neorg, khim. 10 no*6:1433-1440 Je 165. OIRA MO 1. Permskiy politekhnicheakiy inntitut. PECIIKOVSKIY, V.V.; AMIROVA, S.A.; VOROBIYEV, N.I.; OSTROVSKAYA, T.V. Thermochemical transformations of ahxamium and manganece chlorides. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.9:2059-2065 S '64. (MIRA 171l1) fF MR-MMA-901-N, VOROBIYE,V, N.I. Use of"Mquency-eelectlve networks in correcting the shape of rectangular voltage pulses transformed by pulse transformers. Izv. TPI 122j129-139 162. (ICRA l7sq) PECHKOVSKIYP V.V.; I~OBIYEV~:!.,k I.; OSTROVSKAYA T,.Y. Thermoohemical tr"sformations of aickel and cobalt chloridese Zhur.neorg,khim, 9"Mr41-7-78-785 AP '64- (MIRA 1714) PF.CHKOVS.KIY,.V.V.; VOROBIYEV. N.I. . Thermochemcial, transformations of iron chlorides. Zhur.neorg.khlm. 9 no. 0 1:12-19 Ja 164. (14IRA 17:2) PECHKOVOUY, V.V.; AMOVAv S.A.; VOROBIYEV, N.I. Roasting of ferrous sulfate in a fluidized bed (pilot plant testing). Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.,i khim.tekh. 6 no.2-.268-273 '63. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Permskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitutp kafedra tekhnologii neorganiclieskikh veshchestv. (Iron sulfate) (Fluidization) VOML I L7) 11. 1. . luml. tekhn.nate-. (Gor "Ady) Intordependonce of Vac phy'sicn.1 propertiva of polymera. Elol:trichestvo no.8:76-7V Aa 161. (IIIRA 34:3P) (Polriors) m .1 0 %5700 AUTHOR: TITIE: 26036 S/lo5/61/ooo/oo8/oo4/oo4 E194/EI55 Voroblyev, N.I., Candidate of Technical Scie Cos ~Gorvkiy) InterLrelationships between the physical properties of polymers PERIODICALt ElektX-!cheztvov 1961, No.89 PP. 76-78 TEXTi Many new polymers are appearing, and study of their properties can be facilitated by better understanding of the relationships between the different properties. R.F. Boyer (Rer.1; J. Appl. Phys., 1955, V.25, No-7, P-825) has established that the vitrification temperature of polymers is determined by the value of intermolecular forces. As the intermolecular forces orenergy of cohesion increase, there is a linear rise in the vitrification temperature. Moreover, a relationship has been established between the,dielectric losses and the vitrification temperature, and a similar relationship can probably be extended to the majority of physical properties of the polymers. Thus, the value of the inter- molecular forces can be regarded as a fundamental property of polymers governing many other properties, Polymers can thus be classified according to the magnitude of the intermolecular forces. Card 1/4 26036 Inter-relationships between the ... S/l05/6l/ooo/oo8/oo4/oo4 E19VE155 Typical rubbers have low values, polymers used for films and fibres have high values, and polymers of intermediate value are used for the manufacture of plastics. It has also been shown that the density, modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion are closely related to the vitrification temperature and, therefore, to the magnitude of the intermolecular forces. The present work extends these relationships to certain new physical properties of organic polymers and also to inorganic polymers (glasses). Results obtained from the literature are quoted for the relationship between the ultimate strength and the elongation at fracture of organic polymers as functions of vitrification temperature. The curve of ultimate strength in tension as a function of vitrification temperature has three rising branches, the lowest corresponding to x-ubbers, the middle one to vulcan1sed materials and the upper to finished rubbers with carbon black. There is a maximum in the curve of tensile strength against vitrification temperature, presumably because two factors are present. An increase in the vitrification temperature, and consequently in the intermolecular forces, tends to increase the strength. Secondly, when a polymer is fractured the material is Card 2/4 2036, Inter-relationships between the o.e. s/io5/6i/ooo/db8/oo4/oo4 orientated, which also increases the strength. Below the maximum both processes act in -the same direction. But in polymers of high vitrification temperature there is no orientation, and accordingly there is some reduction in strength, The elongation at fracture diminishes sharply as the vitrification temperature is increased. An attempt was made to extend these relationships to silicate glasses. The transition from the homopolar chemical linkages of organic polymers to the stronger heteropolar linkages of inorganic polymers causes the latter to be stronger. A unique relationship for both types of polymer is found for mechanical strength, modulus of elasticity and coefficient of linear expansion as functions of vitrification temperature. The existence of these general relationships is additional confirmation of the now theory of polymetric structure of inorganic glasses. Analysis of the data shows that the relationships are valid for amorphous and many crystalline polymers and also for copolymers and inorganic polymers. The characteristics of all these lie on a single curve of quite small scatter. This is the more convincing in that the experimental data were obtained by different experimenters using various techniques and materials. It is concluded that the Card 3/4 26036 inter-relationships between the S/lo5/61/000/008/004/oo4 E194/E155 physical properties of polymers depend on the magnitude of intermolecular forces or vitrification temperature and are closely interrelated. Knowledge of this interrelationship of physical properties should facilitate the classification, study and application of polymers. There are 5 figures and 13 references; 12 Soviet and 1 English. The English language reference is as given above. SUBMITTED: March 30, 1961 Card 4/4. VOROBIYL70 --N.:.:I* Cand Tech Sci (diss),f.'Several problems of the theory, estimate, designing, and technology of the manufacture of high-voltage im- pulse transformers." Tomsk, 1961. 14 pp; (Tomsk Order of Labor Red'Banner Polytechnic Inst imeni S. M Kirov); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 6-61 sup, 215) VGOBIYj]V, 1likolay Ignatlyevich, aspirant Measurement of static winding capacitances of pulse transformers. Izve vyso ucheb, say.; elektromkh. I no.7:57-60 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Tomskiy mlitakhnichaskiy inotitut. (Zleatrie-transformere-Windingo) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4809 Vorobly,evi A.A.j G.A. Vorobtyev, N.I. Voroblyevj A.F. Kalganov) I.I. Kalyatskiy, V.D. Kuchin, a7_.Mesyats, S.F. Pokrovskiyj K.K. Sonchik, and A.T. Chepikov Vysokovolitnoye ispvtatelfnoyacbcrudovanlye I izmerenlya (High-Voltage Testing Equipment and Measurements) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 583 p. Errata slip inserted. 10,500 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A.A. Voroblyev, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): A.I. Dolginov; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin PURPOSE: This book is intended as a textbook for students taking courses dealing with high-voltage technique and high-voltage testing equipment. It may also'be of use to the personnel in high-voltage laboratories and scientific Institutions. New data contained in the book may be of interest to electricians. COVERAGEt The book describes methods and installations used for generating and measuring high and superhigh constant) alternatingp and pulse voltages used in laboratory work and in charged-particle acceleration processes. Some data con- tained in the book could be used in designing and computing high-voltage instal- lations. The book was written by the staff members of the Department of High- 'Voltage Technique of the Tomsk Poly-technic Institute. Chapters I and Il were written by A.A. Voroblyevy with paragraphs I-1 and 1-2 written jointly with Card-17%-, High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 I.I. Kalyatsk1y, paragraph 1-6 with N.I. Voroblyevy paragraphs II-1 to 11-6 and II-10 to 11-13 with A.F. Kalganov, and paragraphs 11-7 to U-9 with V.D. Kuchin. Ch. III was written by A.A. Voroblyev, with the exception of paragraph III-49written by S.F. Pokrovskiy, and paragraph 111-4 written jointly by A.A. Voroblyev and the latter. Ch. IV: paragraphs IV-1 to IV-3 wero written by I.I. Kalyatskiy; paragraphs IV-5 and IV-6 by A.A. Voroblyev; para- graph. IV-Aby A.A. Voroblyev and I.I. Kalyatskiy jointly; parAgraph; IV-7 by K.K. Sonchik; paragraph IV-8 by G.A. Mesyats; and paragraphs IV-9 and IV-10 by N.I. Voroblyev. Ch. V: paragraphs V-1, V-2 and V-12 were written by A.A. Voroblyev; paragraphs V-3, V-4 and V-8 by A.A. Voroblyev and G.A. Vorobly2v jointly; paragraphs V-5 to V-7 by A.A. Voroblyev and A.T. Chepikov jUntly; ,paragraphs V-9 to V-11 by A.A. Voroblyev; and paragraph. V-13 by K.K. Sonchik. The authors thank Engineer L.T. Murashko for his assistance. ,-.4pferences accompany each chapter. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Methods and Inatallations for the Generation of High Alternating Voltage Car+-Z_V~ High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 Ch. V. High-Voltage Measurements 1. General information on high-voltage measurements and measuring instru- ments 414 2. Electrostatic voltmeters 422 3. Generating voltmeters 429 4. C a p a ctIve-rectifying circuits for high-voltage measurements 435 5. Measurement of alternating and constant voltages by means of arresters 444 6. Measurement of pulse and h-f voltage amplitude by means of arresters 455 7. Dividers for constant-and alternating-voltage measurements 467 8. Dividers for pulse-voltage measurements 481 9. Certain physical processes occurring in cathode-ray tubes 503 10. Special features of oscillographic recording bf rapid processes 521 -11'~- Oncillograph circuits for the recording of single phenomena 529 12. "Klidonograf" [wave recorder] and its use in fixing voltage amplitude 541 13. Pulse-current measurements 546 Bibliography 557 Appendixes 559 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress JpIrsm/afm 2-1 7-61 VC0=17W N I Yadhine tools for ghapine b-igh-strongth reinforcing vire. Blul. takh* inform*- 4 no.5t27 NY '58. (XIRL 11:8) l.'GlavVy inphener remontuo-makhaniohookogo zavoda Stroytresta wo~201 (Rainforcod oonorets) VORODIVIVO. Nikolay Ivenovich;_ USELKINA. A.A., red.; GOLICIERIMOVA, A.A., I - km, . I. [safety engineering in 8aseabling installations] Takbnikm bezopasuosti pri monteshe oborudovaniia*' [Moskva] Zsd-vo VTsSPS Profisdat, 1957. *135 P. (MIRA 11:7) (Ingineering-Safety measures) 110) SO,11/91-59-7-171/21 AUTHOR: Voroblyevq N.I., Engineer TITLE., Laboratory Equipment for Cleaning and Drying of TransformerDil PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr 7, pp 21-22 (Usq-R) ABSTRACT: For cleaning and drying transformer oil used in high- voltage equipment of electrophysical laboratoriesa device was built producing transformer oil with extra- ordinary high electrical characteristics. The techno- logical system used, consists of heating~ cleaning by means (-1 an adsorbant, filtering and drying vlith vacuum-deaeration. The author describes brief;y the equipment used for heating the oil to 70 - 80 C. The temperature is controlled by an electronic automatic bridge of type VfV-21. Fig. 1 show.s the electrical heater circuit. The cleaning by means of an adsorbant is performed by passing the hot oil over silicagel (S102)owhich has been activated by heating it to 30n Card 1/2 -500 C. After cleaning the oil is fed to a vacuum SOV/91-59-7-13/21 Laboratory Equipment for Cleaning and Drying of Transformer Oil filter for removing mechanical admixtures. The dea- eration is performed by spraying the hot oil at a temperature of 60- 70uC into a reservoir or into a tank in which a vacuum of 30 - 66 mm mercury column is maintained. The oil processed according to this method was used by the authors in pulse transformers of 400 and 1f0OO kv. The oil cleaning apparatus is reliable in operation. There are 1 circuit diagram and 1 diagram. Card 2/2 VOROBOYN. N.I., doteent, kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; TRZM- VOROBITST, G.A., inzhener; X"TATSXIN. I.I., insh6ner; TRUBITSTN, A.M., inshener; IMTMSXIT. V.S., inshenar; KALGANOV. A.F., inshener; KUCHIN, V,Ds, Inzhener. "High voltage electrical engineering." Part I ana II. A-A-Akopian and othere. Reviewed by A.A.Voroblev and others. Blektrichestvo no.8: 91-92 Ag '54. (MIJU 7:8) 1, Kafedra teihniki vysokikh napryazhenty I kafedra slaktrolsolya- telonnoy I kaballnoy takhniki Tomskogo politakhutchookogo institute, im, Kirova. (Ilectric engineering) (Akopian, A.A.) I Acl;%-WMJ I'M Afv",Mlalng twZRIA9~,--- -. -.- ..1 -Tv i I- -~ ~ j " . L - I I , . v C) 112-2-2709 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p. 12 (USSR) AUTHOR: Voroblyev, N.r. TITLE: The Winter-proof Feature and Heat Resistance of Insulating Compounds. The Classification of Insulating Compounds (Morozostoykost' i nagrevostoykost' izolyatsionnykh sostavov. Klassifikatsiya izolyatsionnykh sostavov) PtRIODICAL:, Izv. Tomskogo politekhn. in-ta, 1956, Nr 82, pp. 21-26 ABSTRACT: Asphaltic and wax-like compounds with synthetic resins as a base are discussed and their vitrification and embrittlement temperatures are investigated. It has been shown that the thermosetting compounds have the widest range of operating temperatures& A.A.V. Card 1/1 V0R06'YEVj N., I - AUTHORS:-Vorobf ev lff. (Cand.Tech~.Soir.) and S:LlinBkiy, Yk. (Engin- eer)** 110-7-25/30 TITLE: Investigation of the resi'stance to frost of the insulation of motors series A and AO. (Issledovaniye morozostoykosti isolyatsii dvigateley seriy A i AO.) PERIODICAL:. I'Vestnik ElektroRromuhlennosti" (Journal of the BlecT=rca Industry), V01.28, vo.7j1957, pP.74-76 (TJBBR)6 AfMTRACT: Although standard series induction motors are widely used their performance at very low temperatures has not been thoroughly studied. This article gives the i7psults of low temperature cycling tests on the insul ation!. In low temperature cycling damage to insulation mostly re- SUltB from differential expansion of different materials. It is difficult to measure deterioration of the insulation directlyl therefore in the present work the resistance of the insulation to frost was evaluated indirectly by its water resistance after exposure'. The tests were made on standard series induction motors made by the Sibelektro- motor works', Design information:is tabulated:. All motors were of No'.4-frame size for 220/380 V supply'. Three Card motors of each type were tested. The testing cycle was 1/2 as follows: normalisation of the insulation at 105 0 for Investigation of the resistance to frost of the insulation of motors series A and AO. (Cont.) 110-7-25/30 8 hours; maintaining at relative humidity of 95 + 5% at room temperature for seven days; Immediate trans-fer to a cold chamber at -60 C for 24 hours'. After passin 28 five cycles the motor stators were aged at 150 C for days'. After ageing the motors were again cycled five times. In each cycle after seven~days exposure to moisture-the motors were given an ' ' flash test of 700 V. Graphs of a.c. the insulation resistance of the motors as a function of time in the humidity chamber are given in F4.1 and com- parable graphs for the,power factor-and capacitance are given in Figs'. 2 and 3',' The insUation of all three var- iants of the standard series motor were found to be sufficiently resistant to frost'. The winding texminations were found to be a weak place in the insulation'. The Card moisture resistance of normal enclosed motors is somewhat higher than that of water resistant type motors. There are 2/2 3 figares, 1 table'. ASSOCTATION;Tomek Branch of the Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry, of the Electrotechnical Indust:q. (T64WijP'Filia1 NI I NEP)'. AVAIIABLEi 6 V 9(2) SOV/112-59-5-10062 Translation from: Referativnyy zharna-1. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 5, p 234 (USSR) AUTHOR: Voroblyev, N.. I. TITLE: Pulse Modulator With a Nonuniform Artificial Line PERIODICAL: Izv. Tomskogo politekha. in-ta, 1957, Vol 87, pp 343-350 ABSTRACT: The possibility is considered of improving the output square-pulse shape of a modulator, that has a forming artificial line and an output pulse tra-,isformer,'by substituting a nonuniform line for the uniform one. This permits designing the pulse transform. er with a lesser number of turns or with a smaller core cross-section (therefore, with a steeper pulse front and with a lower weight). A greater pulse tilt Is prevented by a correcting effect of the nonuniform line. This method is applicable only for the case of an underheated transformer. Engineering formulae and an example of calculating such a non- uniform line are presented, as well as pulse oscillograms obtained in an experimental hookup. Bibliography: 3 items. B. Z. L. Card 1/ 1 TORDBITST, 11j,, kand.takhn.n&uk,-dotvent Textbook for the *ZUctric materialem course. Revieved by R.I. Vorob'av. IsTs vyv* uchabo zave; olaktromekh. 1 no.4-.122-123 158. (HIRA 11:8) l.Tomokiy politekhnichookiy inatitut. (Electric engineering) AUTHOR; 19roblygy, ff. I.,_Docent, Candidate of 105-58-4-15/37 Technical Sciences TITLEt Using a Q-Meter for Measuring High-Quality Factors (0 primeneniye kumetra dlya izmereniya bol'shikh dobrotnostoy) PERIODICAL: Elektriohestvo, 1958P Nr 4, pp. 64-65 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The possibilities of measuring high-quality factors by means of a Q-meter are analyBed. The conditions are investigatedt based on which it is possible to increase the accuracy of the measurements with the Q-meter of dielectrics with small losses. The basic difficulty in measuring dielectrics with small,4value is the small difference between Q1-9,2, For incriasing this difference (with one and the samtW-value) coils of high quality must be used (Q,). The samples must have a capacity as high as poss*ble.(e.g. not below 100/(/(P). The data of measurements of tg S with polyethylene at various frequencies are given. The measurements were carried out with a Q-meter of the KB-1 -type with mercury electrodes. The Q-meter was connected through a voltage stabilizer. In the calculation of the capacity and of tg j a correction was Card 1/2 introduced. The greatest accuracy of measurement is obtained Using a Q-Meter for Measuring High-quality Factors 105-58-4-15/37 at 750 kilocycles. Analogous measurements were carried out with polysterenep polydichlorostyrene and others. In all cases an essential (1,5-2 fold) deviation of tg do from the values measured at I megacycle inapite of corrections for the electrodes was observed at frequencies above I mega- cyclej this was the case in both directions (increase and decrease). Thus dieloctrios with tg or - 4-10-4 can be measured with a deviation of not more than 3W5 when a number of conditions arc taken into concidoration. There are I table and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Tomskiy politekhnichoskiy institut (Toijok Polyteeinical Institute) SUBMITTEDs October 24, 1957 AVA,ILA3LE:. Library of Congress 1, Dielectrics-Measurement Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Kuchinj V. D., Candidate of Technical SOY/105-58-7-25/32 Sciences TITLE: Conference on Solid Dielectrics and Semiconductors (Konferentaiya po tverdym dielektrikam i poluprovodnikam) PERIODICAL: Blektricheotvo, 1958, 11r 79 PP. 85 - 86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference took place from February 3rd to February 8th, 1958) in the Tomsk Polytechnical Institute (Tomskiy politekhni- cheakiy institut), Section of Properties of Dielectrics. Professor A.A.Voroblyev (TPI) reported on the great number of investigations in the theory of ionic dielectricst of cystalli- zation, of the mechanical and electric properties of dielectrics and practical insulation. He showed that the properties of the binary compounds are divided into two groups; the one group of properties increases with increasing lattice energy, the other is roduced. Docent M.S.Metsik, Irkutsk University (Irkutskiy uniyersitet) developed a theary according to which the cleavage- -work in mica crystals is composed of the work against the dipole forces and the work for the separation of the double layer and in the last utage results in an electrostatic mosaic. Docent N.I. Card 1/4 Voroblyev (TPI) reported on the results of the invoctigation'-of-- Conference on Solid Dielectrics and Semiconductors SOV/105-50-7-25/32 dielectric constant, of the losses, the electric ntrength, and the specific volume resistance under temperature influence, moisture, tropical conditions, in the corona products "fluoroplast-4", llfluoroplaat-3"t polyethylene, polymonochlorostyrene, "product-loll, thermoreactive compounds, and urethane. M.S.Ivankina (TPI) measured the factor of linear expansion and the heat produced in the formation of solid solutions of the KC1- RbC1, KC1 - Ur - and HaCl - NaBr system in dependence on the composition in the xange of from 25 to 1000 C. A. H.Kislina (T21) found that the simple relations between the physical and chemical properties of the monocrystals of alkali-halide salts and their electrical strength (as described previously in the papers of A.A.Voroblyev)p are not always established in the case of solid solutions. Docent F.A.Savintsev and others (TPI) found that the strength of alkali- -halide solutions determined according to tho method of boring and mutual grinding increases with increasing molecular concentra- tion its change according to its composition follovin;; a curve with a mini=um. Docent V.V.Puchkovskiy,Chelyabinsk Institute of Mec~,anization and Electrification of Agriculture (C~elyabinskiy inatitut mekhanizataii i claktrifikataii 3ell,akoGo khozya,Yrctva) Card 2/4 by means of experiments found that the dependence of the maximum .1 Cenforence on Solid Dielectrics and Semiconductors SOY/105-58-7-25/32 overheating temperature in the center of the small plate on the temperature of the surrounding air has maxima in the case of a change of this temperature of from 2o - looo C. Section of Ceramics: V.M.Belounoy (TPI) gave a calculation of the ceramic structure. cent V.A.Presnov and others (SFTI) reported on investigations of the vacuum-tight ceramic structure and the nature of the ceramic-metal boundary, Section of Cryotallization:Profeoaor L.M. Kuz1min and assistants (TPI) do lt with geological problems. S.A.Stroitelev (TPI) gave a method for the selection of effective admixtures. A.P.IzerCin developed a method and an equipment for the purification of li- quids from small admixture quantities. In the Joint session of the sections concerned with the break- down of solid dielectrics, ceramicsp polarization, losses, and conductivity Professor N.I.Shishkin spoke about the "Electric Conductivity of Solidified Glasses". The final general meeting was opened by Ye.G.Papush (~nepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Traffic Engineers) who reportad on tho "Poundatinno of the Theory of Polarons".1. Ye.Balygin and k.P.Rumyantsey reported on the Card 3/4 investioation of the dissusion processes of the silver isotope IConference on Solid Dielectrics and Semiconductors SOV/105-5e-7-25/32 Ag 110 in amorphous and crystalline quartz, and in agglomerated oxides as Al 20P ZrO 2 and TiO 2* ASSOCIATION: Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy inatitut (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute) 1. Dielectrics--USSR 2. Semiconductors--USSR 3. Conferences Card 4/4 sov/ilo-58-11-11/28 ,, _N#I* (CandaTechoScia) AUTHOR: Vorob~ev~ TITLE: The Dielectric Properties of Thermo-reaetive Compounds (Dialektrichoskiye evoystva termoreaktivnykh kompaundov). PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti, Nr.11, 1956, pp.39-41. (USSR) ABSTRACT: Setting compounds of the old types are nowadays being replaced by polymerising-type compounds - epoxides, polyurethanes, methaerylates and others. This article considers the dielectric properties of methaorylaten and polyurethane compounds. Methaerylate compounds type MBK are co-polymers of methaerylate ethers. Compound MBK-1 is hard, MBK-3 is elastic and mnisture resistant. Both are particularly convenient in use. Compound K-31 Is of the polyurethane type, and, like compound MBK, it does not melt. It is not soluble in organic solvents, can only be stored for a short time in the liquid condition, and is toxic* The test specimens of the compound were hardened in flat al=inium cups which served as the lower Card 1/3 electrodes. The upper electrodes were of aluminium foil. SOV/110-58-11-11/26 The Dielectric Pkoperties of Thermo-reactive Compounds. Graphs of the dielectric power factors, and permittivities of the compounds as functions of frequency are g1ven, in Figs.1 and 2; the measurements were made at a temperature of 2000. The graphs are of typical dipole character. These compounds are used in d*o., power and audio-frequency circuits, of which the last are the most important. Temperature characteristics of the dielectric loss and permittivity, given in Figs. 3 & 4, are also of typioal dipole character. Thermal ageing tests were made on compound MBK, The frequency characteristics of the dielectric loss were determined before and after ageing, and are seen in Fig.5. For compound MBK-l, ageing displaces the power-faetor curve in the direction of lower frequency, beoause of additional polymerisation of the material. Tropical tests were made on compounds MBK and the results are plotted in Fig.6. It is concluded that compounds MBX are better than E-31 in respect of electrical properties, and are of high moisture- Card 2/,3 resistance. There are 6 figures and 5 Soviet references. BOV/110-58-11-11/28 The Dieleetric Properties of Thermo-reactive Compounds. SUBMITTED: April 17p 1958. 1. Acrylic resins--Dielectric properties 2. Urethane compounds--Di- I electric properties 3. Dielectric properties--Meastirement SOV/110-59-1-18/28 AUTHOR: _Vor)b'yev, N.I. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) TITLE; New Types of Dielectrics (Novyye vidy dielektrikov) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Elektropromyshlennosti,1959,Nr 11pp 62-64 (USSR) ABSMACT: This is a general review of now types of insulation, including styrenes, low- and high-pressure polyethylene, silicones7 boron-based materials and others. The information given is quite general and seems to be derived mostly from American sources. Card 1/1 There are 2 tables and 11 references, 8 of which are Soviet and 3 English. SUBMITTED: April 16, 1958 VOROBIYEVI N. I.; VALLNEV) F. Kh. I "Narodnoye prik-ladnoye iskusstvo tatar Pbvo1zhfya.t report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences., Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. TITLF Relalt--ve in't'luence of tkw mutual capacitances and self -capacitances tne wind'Ings on tha value o' the dyTmmjc capacitance of pjIse transformers PERIODICAL. Reierativnyy zhurnal, Radlotek)uilka I glektmdvyaz'o no, 2, 1963, 75, abstract 2B550 (In collect,on "Elektron. uskoritell", Tomsk, Tomskiy un-t, 1961, 268 - Z'6) self-capacitance if the windings plays an important part in the transformer, especially 'z, ger,era-* v-,anic capaizitan- of the lys.11s '13 rnada, with Corte-in approx1mations, for the simpies-z foxmas Eaj and tanks "Mis analysis parmIts or determining tk-.* exiating relatfanaMpa and 1) to obtain the minim= dynamic ca- 'e r'~'4 8. w i nd i ng 1, aAr7ril. al -i,e 6..-5 re &-)d of' tne *_a;-JK; 2' Card 1/2 Relative influence of the mutual capacitancee .... 3/274/63/000/002/01 4/C 19 A055/A126 .he -ies!g-n sta;~e. the measuremw oe the s-ilf-capacitancee of the windings must t 6tatic rtrutu I ,-a, cl~,a-, TE-,-es rr.e y-.p a pa -~,-s a -mer arp -s of a v pu'j3e transfDi 'P rAuc Tne r(- a. e figures ar,d 0, referencer. Yu.Sh. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 ARKHIPOV., Vadim Hatveyevich; BUSYGIN2 YOvgeniy Prokof lyev'chl VOIROBIYEV, N.I., prOf., red.; KusURGASBEV# I*Mej red* [Antarctica. and its explore, tion bV Soviet. scientists] Antark- Uda i pe iss~04ovanie sovetakimi uchem7mi. KazaW lzd-vo Ka- zansko 0 univ.p 1959. 49 pe . I I (MIRA 15:3) fIntarctic regions-Soviet expioiration) VOROBIM, N.I. insh. Study of the Impulse electric strength of transformer oil and dis- ebarge voltages on the surface of certain dielectrics in transforzer oil* Izv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; energo 4 no,5125~-31 DV 161o (MIRA 14:6) L Nauchno-Issledovatellskiy inatitut yadernoy finiki, elaktroniki i avtomatiki pri Tomskom politekhnicookom institute imeni S.M, Kirova. Predstavlena. nauchzqm seminarom kafedry tekhniki vysokikh napryazhaniy. (Insulating oils) (Dielectrico) (Electric transformers) YOROB TRY, A.A. j prof -T(ROB413T. G.A's j JMIQ~' Mt #!A.; KALGAVOY, A.F.; KALTATSKIT, I.I.; ]CUMIN, T.D.; KRMTS, G.A.; POMOTWIT, S-Ir.: SWOUR, X.X.; CHEPIKOV, A.?.; DCLGIVOT, A.Z., red,,, TORMIN. X.Pop [High-voltage test equipment and measurements] Tysokovolltnoo ispytatelinoe obo~udovanie I izmareniia. Pod red.A.A.Vorobleva. Koskva, Gos.energ.12d-vo, 1960. 583 p. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Sotrudniki kafedry tekhniki vyeokikh napryazhaniy Tomakogo politekhnichaskogo Institute (for all except Dolginov# Toronin). (Electric testing) (Blectric measurements) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV14809 Voroblyev) A*A.) G*A* Voroblyev) N.I. Vorobl M , A.F. Kalganov, I.I. Kalyatskiy, V.D. Kuchinj G.A. Mesyats, S.F. Pokrovskiyj K.K. Sonchikt and A.T. Chepikov V,ysokovolltnoye ispytatellnoyecbcrudovaniye i izmereniya (High-Voltage Testing Equipment and Measurements) Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 583 p. Errata slip inserted. 10000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A.A. Voroblyev) Professor; Ed. (Inside book): A.I. Dolginov; Tech. Ed.: K.P. Voronin PURPOSE: This book is intended as a textbook for students taking courses dealing with high-voltage technique and hiligh-voltage testing equipment. It may lalso be of use to the personnel in high-voltage laboratories and scientific institutions. New data contained in the book may be of interest to electricians, COVERAGE: The book describes methods and installations used for griv.-rating and measuring high and superhigh constantp alternatingj and pulse voltages used in laboratory work and in charged-particle acceleration processes. Some data con- tained in the book could be used in designing and computing high-voltage instal- lations. The book was written by the staff members of the Department of High- Voltage Technique of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. Chapters I and Il were written by A.A. Voroblyev, with paragraphs I-1 and 1-2 written jointly with Card 1/6 High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 I.I. Kalyatskiyj paragraph 1-6 with N.I. Voroblyev) paragraphs 11-1 to 11-6 and II-10 to 11-13 with A.F. Kalganov, and paragraphs 11-7 to 11-9 with V.D. Kuchin. Ch. III was written by A.A. Voroblyev, with the exception of paragraph III-4,written by S.F. Pokrovskiy, and paragraph III-6~written jointly by A.A. Voroblyev and the latter. Ch. IV: paragraphs IV-1 to IV-3 were written by I.I. Kalyatakiy; paragraphs IV-5 and IV-6 by A.A. Voroblyev; para- graph. IV-4 by A.A. VorQb'yev and I.I. Kalyatokly jointly; paragraph. IV-7 by K.K. Sonchikj paragraph IV-8 by G.A. Mesyats; and paragraphs IV-9 and IV-10 by N.I. Voroblyev. Ch. V: paragraphs V-1, V-2 and V-12 were written by A.A. to-r-o-Ury-ev; paragraphs V-3y V-4 and V-8 by A.A. Voroblyev and G.A. Voroblyev jointly; paragraphs V-5 to V-7 by A.A. Voroblyev and A.T. Chepikov jointly; paragraphs V-9 to V-11 by A.A. Voroblyev; and paragraph, V-13 by K.K. Sonchik. The authors thank Engineer L.T. Murashko for his assistance. ,..,References accompany each chapter, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. Methods and Installations for the Generation of High Alternating Voltage Card-2/-6- High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 1. High-voltage testing transformers 5 2. Series oo~nection of testing transformers 17 3. Voltage reg~dation and stabilization at transformer terminals 34 4. Principle of operation ofan h-f resonant transformer 47 5. Arrangement of h-f resonant.transformers 56 6. Inductor 63 Bibliography 70 Ch. II. Electrostatic Generators and Transformers 1. Theoretical fundamentals and classification of electrostatic generators. 71 2. Development of electrostatic generators 81 3. Principle of operation of electrostatic generators with conductive transporters 88 Conditions for power increase of electrostatic generators with con- ductive transporters and of generator efficiency 97 Setup and construction diagrams of electrostatic generators with con- ductive transporters 101 6. Physical principles of the operation of electrostatic generators with dielectric transporters 110 7. Arrangement and principle of operation of an electrostatic generator with a moving belt 117 Card_3~L~ q14 High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 6. Cascade-generator electric circuits with parallel stage power supply 274 7. Some existing cascade generators 283 Bibliography 297 Ch. IV. Systems for Generating Pulse Voltages and Currents 1. Principle of operation of./ a pulse-voltage generator 298 .2. Computation of a charging circuit of a pulse-voltage generator 305 3. Analysis and computation of the discharge circuit of a multistage pulse-voltage generator 312 4. Description of designs and arrangement of the components of-p-idse- voltage generators 332 5. Capacitive generators of strong currents 349 6. Circuits and installations for the synchronized generation of constant and pulse voltages and currents 356 7. Generation of rectangular high-voltage pulses 366 8. Generation of steep-front high-voltage pulses 379 9. Pulse transformers 393 10. Pulse-transformer designs 406 Bibliography 412 VOROBIYIV, N.I., lcand.tekhn.nauk Interdependence of physical properties of polymerse glaktrichest- io no.3:75-76 wr 16o. (MIRA 13:6) i.."entrallnyy nanchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tekhnologit i organizateii prwizvodetva. (Polymers) '5 93"o 50), 24(0 S/105J60/000/03/015/02~ AUTHOR: Voroblyev, N. I.L Candidate B007/BOOa. -of -Teah2TtCnI-FeT~fi- B-e a TITLE: On the Interdependence of Physical Properties of Polymers PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvot 1960, Nr 3s PP 75-76 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The attempt is made here to determine the interdependence of the physical properties of polymers. The rules observed by R. F. Boyer (Ref 2) can be extended to most of the physical properties of the polymers4 The quantity of the intermolecular forces can be taken as basic characteristic for polymers (both amorphous and crystalline). It is shown in the table given here how certain properties of the polymers increase and others de- crease with an increase of the intermolecular forces. These rules are represented graphically in figures 1, 29 and 3; that is, the density of the polymerep the modulus of elasticity and the coefficient of linear expansion are shown here in diagrams as functions of the vitrification temperature. Respective data were taken from the papers (Refs 5-12). It can be seen from these diagrams that these relations are valid for amorphous Card 1/2 polymersp many crystalline polymers as well as for copolymers 68713 On the Interdependence of Physical Properties of S/105/60/000/03/015/023 Polymers B007/B0O8 and some polymers with three-dimensional structure (ebonite). The charaoteristios of all these polymers-lie with slight spread on a straight line (with the exception of the density). The organosiliconland organofluorinelcompounds do not show such rules-which is quite natural, since these materials form an 'independent group of polymers. It is stated in conclusion that most of the physical properties thus depend on the quantity of the intermolecular forces. There are 3 figurest 1 tablet and 13 references, 11 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Tsentmllnyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut tekhnologii i organizateii proizvodstva (Central*Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Organization of Production) S_UBMITTED; November 9, 1959 Card 2/2 JVQHQD-'VJ,--#ikQ2AX-IYaUQYbbj ALEKINq O.A., otv. red.; DRAGUNOV9 E.S.0 red.1 YEPIFANOVAO L.V.# takhn. red.; SUSHKOVA, L.A.,, 'tekhn, red, [Characterizing the chemical composition of natural waters by the electrical conductivity method] Primeneniet izmereniia alaktroprovodnosti dlia kharaktariettki khWohooko sostava prirodnykh vod. Moskva, Isd'-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 173. 97 P. (MYRA 160) 1. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Alekin). (Water-Componition) (Conduotomatric analysis) Y~ RMSPASBUY, V. V., red.; SIEMINA, N.D., [3afety.engineerlng in assembling pipeline*] Tekhnika bez- opasn~osti pri. montozho truboproyodov. Moskva, Izd-vo YTeSPS, Profizdat, 1959. 174 p. (MIRA 13:4) (Pipelines--Safety measures) 01. ;'YFi"~] ~1 z T'55OW z -400, 66384 AUTHOR: Voroblyev, N.I., Aspirant SOV/144-58-12-Vlg TITLE: Pulse'Trans ormer for One Million Volts PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elaktromekhanika, 1958, Nr 12, PP 31-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The transformer described forms an integral part of a high voltage electron accelerator for energies of 1 MeV. The device has dimensions of log x 56 x 92 am and its weight is 500 kg (see Fig 1). The transformer and the electron tube of the accelerator are situated in a hermetically sealed container which is filled with transformer oil. The negative pulse having a duration of secs is applied directly to the cathode of the electron tute from the secondary winding transformer. The transformation ratio of the device is 10. The input pulses of the transformer are rectangular, have an amplitude of 100 W and are formed by a pulse modulator based on a non-uniform artificial line. The nominal power of the pulse is 80 MW. The operating frequency of the Card transformer is 50 c/s. The core of the transformer (see 1/2 Fig 2) is made of a steel tape (steel type E310). The co re consists of four separately prepared sub units 4/l/ 66384 sov/144-58-12-4/19 Pulse Transformer for One Million Volts The primary coil: of the transformer (see Fig 3) consists of.26 turns and is made of a brass tube having a diameter of 4 mm. The secondary winding contains 26o turns and is wound around the core in seven layers. The winding is made of brass tubing having a diameter of 6 mm. The output pulse of the transformer, observed at Card 2/2' the load, is illustrated in Fig 6. It is seen that the rise time of the pulse is about 2 psecs. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Tomsk Polytechnical Institute) -SUBMITTED; December 29 1958 VOROBIfEV, H.K.~ KURITSYN, !.V~; VARENKOVA, O.K. ficat of mixture of aniline anJ benzoyl riblorlde with come organic 8olvents, 1zv,rys,ucbeb,zav*; kbim.1 khimtakh, 8 no.4%592-5V- 165, (MIRA 18:11) 1. 17anovskiy kh1mikc--takbno1ogich9skiy Institut, kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnay WIM11. 08 1 1 4 0 4 1 1 1 4 It If " 14 1 0 ; I m 1 9 L a of A A.-L-AS9, -11 _-W 06 Go- 00. 00 t 00. 3 .IFa so NO uxiwx %vagesi Qum I.I. c.a -00 00 a k1mad" of t1we larommillutlam of onoten In alkaline 00 j V. A. Iful'tniomidt. N. 7 v anti 1. V. w5 " 8 0 Iva The Th ra ( 11011).- - J.G". M a. m of structure an the ewqy of activation R anti : 0 on (a or 0 co( The Atybtnluq equallogs K - Poo-NIN? 14 (e or i d Md J 't 0003 slu m 14 I 1 ranyingficon . lot thfougb P but ate Inclusive, are 04ponified t r0' 20* d 30* f lk =d d h 090 n . lion I ou ree e . me e rear. a an an t , cooled. The rate of ampoo. oleertases with Increa-e esk OiD In m wt.,brctpivtivtofwbmWilwlfrrrtm rtrimers k id i f if h M 11 00 0 s .orac tmo meeft-it t re4ter. Thi port l h l t M I d d Th , to h h oca to t ento. a ntro uce e e groups . ifi f 8 l fi i f i hi d i 00, I yto P p D cance o nt n , as an ex o ster e n ron". s unsolved. fohn Livsk 008 too,,$, .10 U SAVIO10. "ttif *ad III (P10 0 o o 0 wo o o 0 o o 6 * a oooooo;ooo*ooooe 411iii'o-ir Iloilo do 4.9 Sq. U it of n it of Wo A I , 14 0 0 * 0 0 0 a 610 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a a 0 0 0 0 6 a 0000*000010*0000400400i.00*000 .00 .00 ~04111 .00 .00 '00 zoo Goo zoo too goo goo '00 '00 0 jo too 00 is is 0 m is 10 v P -4-A -A. A. W." 0.- a OWES"# AMD -Del '.00 so "a do Id = I "A N y 4 0 1 000 ,,, . B h u FN 8; Im Ck r &A r 1" . . . . feAu. . sm = i 4-12111m).-TION v SW d. ollowift Wary 1" -00 oes item mm WUOWW at 10 ad 26't dilme(byls"Ift- .00 00 -00 been Ak.; WMIS-IMN0,; am pyrmim 60 a Im dow new dog4w points 0 =11 . d 00 & or amt 4l2- . tomq . 1 1 - of dWwftkaWw OW TM 11 A . 00 w L - cm SM06 ilk 1 19 M Z=bo% mv - . imam a the odwn baW OCK W.- A F..- - be , - in be awly Q1 *ahwjaa 0) a" ilk the ftcupr (B) of Ow -8,41 d the b t d l j too 004 e a ; t s eagges . an . $g aumd win'" that Iku m" f b . Ca Imp elm t my o y B Z Kmkb tka ff h h kb 00. . . . pa" a m ect t e c m. SOO i use A 18 1 A. A SITALLURGICAL LITIRAlb" CLASSIVICATMIN #low Nodulff Zones# pi INJOSO Hit cow dog millit OW-O.V -4 11 AV :x4ss;w1;;itC I e e 0 0 w ##A o1 9 a ad 0 0 9 1 IF so 5 a 411T 01" 0 oe 0 0 0 o ooo 0 '1 IV 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 1. COLITSMIDT, V. A.; _,V0'PV'y"EV, 2. ussR Wo) "On the Kinetics of Bimolecular Reactions In Solutions"; 13, No 4, 1939; Chemico-Tech. Inate., Lab. of PhyR. Chem. Ivnnovo; Red 19 July 1918 9. 4AW Report U-1613. 3 Jan. 1952 0 - -. - - -, -. I A 4V. J-Phyr. Mme. ~-I% hi f h - es o e Vs t rQt7" com'tx' ic x to ads. wre fw*ad to bet t brommWe in MtOll =WuUbw all t I 211,10 al 4 ?36.03; " 3 3 r -00 tt 5 j &6. #AruwA%tb "Able + adyl brookle bw S. 60J. k mi + b l kk a7 4 we* o- a . . ft . $4 tuty e Or t M. 1. VnU=W= ~22; at My, SM; dL.Wb2i- 0 212 - at 36 sughts + McOH " 20 43.7. A= 42W d" er V. V ee 004 'W i the nbw of K 31r, he Aff s atbx R qtp 000 d = K I mm : F . 00 theme data It kib~ that do values of K for vwkw b lli l b h pu mi tuted so m" y t o samme advent Ineftaft in The order at < Cl < Ji < CH4, for The qu = V= X*9 M40hkpdmouw < f4cauquinclift. h&Hdcs in the m4ei: bmW W"- < sti l bromMe < l bcssyl brammide. For lbi solvents the valim of K In- , . eman whb bcrw&S vshm of the dipolar momnts; K- < 94046" 1 x6som < X11.0ji < 179;-wFk 4:4=46 the p-t played by too the advent. wW an equation is dedyed for the pre-ex- W U 00 PopenA ctor (d. Wyno-tJouts aW R C. A. P.Mshmann 00 Mee 4 "'0 0 so I IMCAL Lffg*ATWI CLAIWICAIIN ~ tole,* It sor dM4 OVIA"6681 SSAIJI dw any All 0 0 0 116 1- . FA a 4W S S 11 1 X * a 40 0' it jil 141 1 i : 1 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 I 0 0 0 9 0/ so **A 0 ot ov 4p . I Oex OSP 00" 0 00. 00. 00, 00- $00 0000 & 0 0000000000040 0 o 0 019 0 0 or & I C 0 V 1 0 X L 1 0 0 PS 4 1 1 M Akv M LefM .-II.Ou"Fel pop &"a dew VON#$ AWIK4 i"11 KA191"Ats "44 111111"J"Im ""AMAn 19109"1111"T Ira v.v lt if 100911 'llui x 4 A 'Uml *0-01 x r t ' 4 " 11013 91 41INS4 41 ie cl 001 x CW4 "h ;:W"" I Iq smommin"alf 01 x rt tbvo%' m 09WI 10 . : 1411"Olp llip* OUMI 1 01 x "'t'O"t f 01 X Ill * il- loucil X Wt Oual I X Wt *Nmq4 ul aqwpps 1 wu 44 & q 1p WA .0"11 001 x Wt 0MV11.01 X VIT 't)mqd of sula :MG sol x irs C'Oml 'a-01 x cro -Duo of 110"ll *Sol x grc ".-Ol X arl 140mu &I lowal 1001 x rs Imal ' S4.01 x w0 01:0M1 1,001 x wt. 0"1'"1 ,am 4f R P"l O lompa mp j IF *0 "114 0 An vqlgdm O*MM 00 111 GMPRJ PP--d-, 04 ;-d au '50mym map p a" v so PNVPNW an vqm"' 1. & "" u %q F 5411W 041 PWO O-E&AP& 941 p SIGNUM =04 * 0* -W vqj umalaq pa" aq pp= mp" 9M ,"-ft vo SAM" SWPU 19 PO"101 6" VMq AMPO WAPU VIA 00 ammm $4p p empalm mp p 1 1 7 so 6 "M -'A*.qmA HFM 41 ( 1 X O 111 911"POOM 0 000 tog r 00 smat 0*1414voo a" Man" 400 am HIAW-6rufow sit Mti 00 glop so age d=. V, if. K. ,Or. V&* P6.2"v. . (. lw-" . C. (04T) rd sod 9 101 t bf 04 v he he ad 301 13.480.1 x l(p, SSA swMA 17. RAI X 109, 6.40 in MrUlf. Ow "K bm dimethykadlow ;;=(cll4m9fslvr ww, a** All 11.310. Ill, 694 . : Adl;=-- Sol too see Keel %saw svio Am- WW4AT RAW 31 - - - -- -- 9, g m s 41 I F$loe, iii, -4- 8,1 W N 0 40 4 3 6 -1- VIC Ce 0 0 0.10 0, 6 6,97 VOROBIM, 11. K. Voroblyev, 11. K. - "on the problen of the equilibrium and VILF-etics of--the reaction of dimethyl aniline with myl bro- mide in nonaqueous solutionst', (Report), Soobshch. o nauch. rabot2kh chenov Vsesoyuz. khim. o-va Im. Mendeleyeva, 1949, Tssue 1) P. 7-8. so: u-4630 16 Sept- 51, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inyklt St2tey, No. 23) 19L9). himed" in 00 "Magda". K Whirom -Thichq. "1.r." IvjjjOvo). Zk,,. F,~:: 411 24- 104-MR-Ull. Ad,in. ,f All. it, 1. (thrill N-awtky~::olinkum thkirste UU) pro- M.6 "it I a to equal in AK " Xgm -1)481 1 k 1w till". of U or 1h at The thm 1. Onit a At 111h6 frillaile lktw The thmal, X (till I./tool, into.) was 3,046. 11-IM. and 10.5 In PkN%o 0.7421# 1-496, Stu' 2AM In COMehr ImAb at VO 341 and 400 reap.. mod O-Wid. OM711 NO 1 6M 1. U,,bH A 360 438 ad 460 " an for w; Nw, for a 6Z. t2. 17, :rw = at 10.1ri. w v - I, whill" SM6. 1142, xW 19.70 In CONfe, m0 I J378. 2277, Sort 42P In M*OH. both at 27, 34. marl 40", r"9. In all instances. is was 0.2 rod-A. TU pm-"P-tntW (Actor B Sim kM*, kg 8 was for U 9.34, 9.73, and 11.41. and Its, M WAS, O.M. and )2-1 in CoNlev, PbNOp, unit rot big 0 owi 7 k chakrit. Mow lnr ibe rule 4 AM I'licillur in Pyti-linw, hh',old ~ 113-11111twhruml AM vairtili'm C.3. J4, 121 it). coulgil"thedthen"..theputcra. Thelmirr Values of B mmaks probable that activation a( the rawting months. done not tairahte desolvatim; 0 &be mal. is dessol- vated ductes its activation B may be viary watill, as is ob- nsvvdis many Ifeasinitkin revictions. Im.74.3".Um. 11440, 00 IU m. 170"'. The equiv. clot. emW. -- ), . j - f ;" x. The mats. i and / were, for U at 27 ". 36.43 and JO.V in FkNor. 184.2 and 41.6 in COUrt. will 117.1 And 30.47 in MeOH; for IU they war 34.61 sail 9.902 in PhN(h and 147.8 and 41JO in CONfe, at 271. and IWV and Z1.61 In MoOff at 311". Coasts. for t gives. Premiste of I Insisted ), ad U account of orbea, elks. z from A In the kinirde.ellpts., VOROBSYL"Vo N, K, ~ Praktikun po fizichaskoi khL-x,-;L-,raaticxua in physical cheanistru.7. Izd. 2-c. Moslara, Gosichimizdat, 1952. SO: g2atbl-v LUt of R=aJ---n Accession . Vol. 6 No. 7 October 1933 VOROBIYEV, N.K.; KURITSYN, L.V. Reaction kinetics of aniline acylation with benzoyl chloride in nonaqueous media. Part'2* I.z~ 'vs,ucheb,zav,jkhims i khimo tekh. 7 no. 104-40 1164. (MIRA 17 3 5) 1. Iva-'vskiy khimiko-tekbnologichaskiy institut, kafedra fizicleskoy I. kolloidnoy khimli. VORORIYEV, N.K.; TITOVA, G.F. Studying the kinetics of typ I*nshutkin reaction in alcohols vith normal structure. Tzv.vys,ucheb,zav,,; khim. i khim,tekh. 8 noo2t238-243 t65, (MMA 18 8) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tokhnologichaskiy institut, kafedra, fizicheskay i kolloidnoy.khimii. VQBD_B YEV We p Aj TITOVAp Kineiies of the reaction of diethylaniline vith etW.L bromide in alcohols. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; khim. i khIm.tekh. 8 no.2$244-249 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-takhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra fizicheakoy i kolloidnoy khimii, - KURITSYN, L.V. Kinetics of aniline acylation with benzoyl chloride in nonaqueous media* Part 4, Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.i khim.i khim.tekh. 7 no,6t930- 934 164s (MIRA 18:5) 1. Ivanovokiy khimiko-tokhnologicheskiy institutg kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. KURITSY11, L.IJ.; VOROBIYEV N.K. -Kinetics of the reaction of antlino acylation wit.'i furyl chloride in nonaqueous media. F--t 3. Izi. 7ya. uc'--J. zav.; khIm. I 1-him. tekh. 7 no.3:400-405 164. (PaRA 17:10) .,I. Ivanny3kiy khImIko-tokhnologicheskly Anstitut, kafedra fi- .Zicheslor i kolloidnoy kh1r,11. VOP.Pp -h- GOLITSSMIDT, Vladimir XEM" 1uA2LS7-xfj;JLtWiDoVic f Avgustovich deceas;;d ~;WWWIYPIITS, Ylikbail Khristoforovich; KISEMA, Vera leonidovna; KRASICV, Konstantin Solomonovich; LEVINSKIY, Yu.V.p red. (Laboratory work In pbysical chemistry] Praktikum po fizicheskoi khimii. Izd.3., perer. I dop. Moskva, Khi- mliap 1964. 383 p. (MIRA 18:1,) YO-kTLI-M,,_N.K.; KURITSYN, L.V. Reaction kinetics of aniline acylation with benzoyl chloride in non- aqiteous media. Part 1. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tekh. 6 no.4: 591-596 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Ivanovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut. Kafedra fizicheskoy i kolloidnoy khimii. KURITSYN, L.V.; VOROBIMIV1,1N.N., .a Kinetics of high-rate reactions in nonNueous zwdia studi' the potentiometric. method. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;kUm.i k;.im7,tI. 6 no.ls53-57 163. (MIRJ.16i6) le Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologichookiy institutp kafedra fizichookoy i kolloidnoy khimii. . (Chemical reaction, Rate of) (Potenticnatric analysis) VOROBIYEV, M.K.; DIAROVp M.1 TUKHFATOV, K. Role of the gargeit horizon in correlating the geological sections of individual salt domes In the Caspian Sea region. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 18 no.1002-85 0 162. (MIRA 1719) VOROBILT, N.K.; TITOU, G.F. Xffect of the catalytIc activity of salts and a quaternary &=onlum case on the reaction rates of Xenobutkin Vvre reaction in nonaqueous solvents. Izv.vvs.ucheb.sav., khim.i khim.tekh. 2 n0-5:683-692 159# (HIM 1318) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-takhnologichaskly institut, kufedro. fizichookoy khizii. fll~' (Ammonium compounds) (catalysis) 5W A'UTHORS F. SOV/1 53- 553-2-4/31,-) TITLE: On the Kinetics of the Raaction3 of the Tyijc of the Menshutkin Reaction in Non-Aqueouc Solvents '~'K kinetike reaktsiy tipa real-,tsii MenshutkinL. v nevo(Inyl-.11 rastvoritelyakh) PERIODIM: Izveotiya vyshhikh uchebnykh zavedeniX. Khimiya i kaya tekhnologiya, 1958t Nr 2, PP 17 - 24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of the 70 years since the publication by Mens'hutkin (Ref 1) concerninG the influence exerted by the nature of the solvent on the velocity of the binding of a salt of the quaternary an-moniu:r, bases a great number of investigations of such reactions have been carried out. It rurned out that the corresponding solvents can be roughly divided into two groups: a) The non-polar, and b) the polar. In the former the reactions ant normal teraperaturcs take place alwaly or not at all (e.j, in petrolowl Card 1/5 ether). If the -alcohols of the polar group are put On the Kinetics of the Reactions of the Type of the Menchutkin Reaction in, flon-Aqueous Solvents into a separate group most of the other solventc display a tendency to accelerate reactions on the transition from a weakly polar to a hiL;her polar one. Proceedini; from the nature of the reactina subotarce, from the activated complex and from the salt of the quaternary ammonium bases the conclusion m,~~y be drawn that the polarity of the molecules must. increase along the following line; reactinC substance -4 activated complex ----> reaction PrCluct. Assuming that the interaction process of the molecules of the solvent with the molecules of the reacting substance is nothing else but the solvation of the latter then the interaction reaction of the tertiary amine with an alkyl halide may be represented by the following scheme- M (Am) + (RHal) #_ (AmRHal) 4h -24 solv. solv. solv. Card 2/5 -b(AmR.Hal) 301v ;;p'-6 (AMII+)Golv. +(Hal -)Golv. (1) On the Kinetics of the R~actions of the Type of the SOI/153-5a-2-4/30 Menshutkin Reaction in ..on-Aqueous Solvents. where m,n, and r are additional mole numbers of the solvent for the realization of the solvation process in a successive transition from the roagents to the activated complex and then to the reaction prodiiat taking into account the dissociation. According to these assumptions it may be expected that the process (I) may kinetically be realized the more easily the higher polar the solvent is. This is proved by the data in table 1. Therefrom it is concluded that for each of the reactions mentioned above K acetone