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L 40034-66 EWP(k) (d)/EWF(h)/b'WP(1)/94P(V) IJP(c) BC ACC NA, A?6016141 SOURCE CODEt UR/0103/66/000/005/0157/0166 AUTHOR: Voroblyev, L. M. (Moscow); Voroblyeva, T. M. (Moscow) 4 ORG: none TITLE: Nonlinear transforms in variational problems SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 5, 1966, 157-166 TOPIC TAGS: variational problem, optimal automatic control, variational calculus ABSTRACT: The op timization of control processeAequires the solution of different variational problems. These solutions are cumbersome and extremely time-consuming. To.. simplify the solution process, several classes of variational problems, including iso- perimetric, are reduced to classical problems in the calculus of variations by nonli- near transforms of the variables. Another group of problems is analyzed by trigono- metrical transform of the variables. Specimen calculations are included. The authors thank B. N. Petrov, A. H. Letov and B. S. Stoskov for their interest and comments on the work. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas, 7 figures. SUB CODE: 12,091 SUBM DATE: 05Jul65/ ORIG REr: 007/ 07H REF: 002 UDC: 62-505 Card S/081/62/000/024/021/073 B117/P186 Gas liquid ... quantity log 7 .,.,hich takea pl6ce when the methylene~group is added to the alcohol or acid residue in es't6rv yields formulaulfbr log, V as a function of the number of the OR gro~pai in tha3e reoidues~j ,the determination error 2 . I V being 610L. If the juantity '; is known for two otationary phases, systems of equations can be solved, the number of C11 groups can be determined' 2 and unknown esters can be identified. [Abstraoter.'s,not4s Complete translation.] Card 2/Z dote., otv. red.; VESELOVSKIY, G.V.., VORONTSOVt G.V.; YaROD 11W dots., red.; ZARIFIYAN, A.Z., starshiy prepodavatell, red.; NAMIOVA , Tu. A.., tekhn. red. (Numerical, solution of problems in structural mechan.ios for rods by.-the mixed matrix mothod]Chislennoe reahenie zadach stroitallnoi mekhaniki sterzhnei po matrichnomu amenhannomu metodu, NovooherkaaBk, Radaktolonno-izdateliskii otdel NPI, 1962. ~96 p. (MIRA l6s2) (Elastic rods and wires) (Matrices) VOROB'Yb-V, L. I-T., Engineer "Methods for Dotermininp the Workability of Metals by Cutting." Thesig for Degree of Cand. Technical Sci. Sub 30 Jun 49, Yoscow Automotive Ifechanics Inst Summary 82, 18 Dee 12, DiggertatIong Pr2agrAed FgX Deereas i SgIegge and Ene-Ineerl.-Ir'. In Molcow- In 1249. . Vrom Vechornirgyn Poskya, Jan-Dee 1949. VOROBIYEV~ L. N. Voroblyev, L. 14, - "Columna of optimal confIguration"p Trudy Havochery-as. politekhn. in-ta im. Ordzhonikidze, Vol. XXIp 1949,, p. 3-46. SO: U-4631, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis tZhurral Inykh Statcy~ No. 2-4, 1949). VOROBOYEV, L. 11. Voroblyev., L. N. - "A beam of equal stabilityv, Trudy Noveharkas. politekhri. in-ta im. OrdzhorAkidze, Vol. XXT, 1949, -. 137-41. SOt U-4631, 16 Sept. 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stateyj No. 240 1949). Voroblyevo L. N. - "On the probJem of extended Icending with a shock load", Trudy Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta im. oHzhonikldze, Val. MI, 1~49t P. ]J.3-45. SOI U-4631, 16 Septi 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykhj No. 24P 1949). YMMIYNV L.N* doteent. kandidat tekhnichaskikh nfmk,. Determining the displacement of points in deformed systensNsuch,tro- d~v'VPI 29j3-24 155* (ICWA 10 11) I, Movocharkekeekly politekhnicheakiy lnetutut. Wedra strotellnoy nekhaniki. (Strains and stresses) VOROBIYEV, L.N., dotsentg kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Effect of the shear of the inner surface on the intensity of de- formations and stresses In thin-walled rods with open cross section and nondeformable contour, Nauch, trudy NPI 26:92-111 155. (MLTIA 9:12) (Elastic rods and wires) Ormuz VOROBITIV, L.N., doteent, kandidat takhniohookikh na-ak. Solving plane problem for rectangular orthotropio plates In the theory of elasticity. Rauch. trudy XPI 26:120-131 153 WaA 9:12) (Elastiq plates and shells) "IM I VORUBOYN, L.W. Determination of point displacements In strained systems. Dokl. AN SSSR log no.j:465-468'jl #56. WRA 9tio) 11 Nov'scherkassiy politekhnicbeekly ifistitut Imeni Bergo Ordzhonikidze, Predstavleno~akademikom AsI..Fakrasorym. (Strains and stresses)- SOKOLOV) L.U.; VORGBIYEV, L.N.; PROFIRIYEV-4, Yu.T.; PETROV, A.A. Regularities of dlacetylene addition reactions, Part 5; H.-idrogenation of monoBubstituted conjugatodde-diacetylenes on palladium. Zhur. org. kh1m. 1 no.9:1544-1549. S.165. (MIRA 18;12) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskly institut imeni Lensoveta. Sulmitted July 29,, 1961,. WFEDOV, V.D.) SKOROBOCIATOV, G.A.) S14JRNU;, V.M.; MLISAKIN, A.P.; Microdynthosis of 04 =itipl e-tagged banzene and isotopic offacto, Zhiwe arg, kh1m, 1 noOtI615-1620 S t65, (MIRA 18j12) 1, IAnlngradakiy gonudaratminyy univeroltet. SubmItted July lit 1964. VOROBOYEVA, I.A.; VOROBOYEV, L,N. iffeet of adenosine tripho3phate on the resting potential and the movement of the Nitella mucronata protoplacm. Blofizika 10 no.6slOY7-1013 t65. (MIRA 19tl) 1. Institut biologicheakoy fizlki AN SSSR, Moskva, i Biologo- pochvennyy fakulltet 14oskovskogo gosudarntvonnogo universiteta Imeni M.V.Lomonosova, Submitted May 219 1965, W W ORWVo V,No; ORWV, 0- Pol PANOV, U.N.; CIIAYXOVSKIY, Yu.V.; YABLOKOV, A.V,j CMCHARENKO, Yej ; GORMOVA, V-0.; KOHOPLYANNIKOV, A.K,j KUDRASHOV, Yu.B.; MIX, V.D.-I SHUEHIKOVA, Ye.A*j TARUSOTp B.N.1 PETRUSEnCH, Yu.M.; IVANOV, I.I.; GAPCNWKOj V.1.1 ANTCHOV, V.A.; .,VOROBI..YZV,,_L.N.j BUMAKOVA, Ye.V.t HURDIN, K.S.; PARXIICMENKOp LM.1 AGAVERDITET,, Sb,; DOSKACH, Ya. Yo.; TARDS07, B.N. Brief nave. BlvL MOM Otd. blol. 70 noo6sl58-171 N-D t65- (MIRK 19:1) ~.N, . Yu.B.; KITFUU, -"U"Y'jNl Ploruge activity of' pota-sium salts In the 0-111 JIIA'C& 0~ f.",telir, m.i.cronuta In . W. Biofizlka 10 no.303.1-534 165. aif 1. U1.01cgo-pacbventriv. falkulltot Poskovskogo universit-eta i-,".cril Lomonosove. Submitted Avg. 512 19614. KONOSHENKOP A.I.; VOROBIYEV,,,~.N-, Effect of the composition of Nitella mucronata cell sap on the resting potential. -BiofJzika 10 no.4003-704 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy falculltet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. VOROBITEV, L.N.1 KURELLA. G.A. Participation of.cel-I membrane in the selective ion acc=ulation by the calls of Nitella mucronata, Biofizlka 10 noe5t788-795 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Biologo-poohvennyy fakul'tat Mookovskogo gosudarstvennogo =iversiteta imeni M.V,Lomonosova, RADVAN, R.1.;-XO!P~ STEV) L.N, - I I - -- - 1. Role of calci= In the generation of action potentials and in -=bility of protoplasm* Biofizika 10 no,5:889-892 165. (MIRA 18t10) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulltat Moskovskogo gosudirstvennogo universiteta imeni M#V*LcmonoBova, VOROBI YFV, L.N. Intracellular activity of chlorides in Nitella. B-4ofizika 10 no.2t 358-359 165. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Biologo-pochvennyy fakulftet Poskovskogo gosadaratvennogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. ;NH pt W Nl- k- SOM IREW R5, Z~VA VOROBIYEVO L.N. Bioelectric phenomena and transitor7 states of the cell structure. Trudy MOM Otd. biol. 9t202-206 164. (YJRA 1811) BURLAKOVA, Ye.V.; VOR0131YEV, L.N.,, KOLIS,, O.R.; LIMARENKO, I.M. Change in the ph7s!cochemical state of the nerve during the development of nonconductivity. Trudy MOIP. Otd. bicl. 9t224- 229 164, (MIRA 1811) 1. Kafedra biofiziki Moskovskogo universitata. VOROBIYEV L.N. (NovocnorM93KI Design of cylindrical shells. Iz..,.AN SSSR. 143kh. i mashinostr. no.4: 149-154 JI-Ag 163. (WRA 17:4) VOROBIYEV, L.N. Calculation of a long cylindrical shell taking Into account the displacement of the median surface. Trudy NPI 1~6:3-9 163. (MIRA 16:10) (Elastic plates and shells) I (strains and stresses) ~O~ ~GLAZIJIIOVA, N.T. (Novochorkaosk) ISolving a plans problem for a rectangular ~gion. Stroi. mekh. i rasch, soor, 4 no.6:3-6 162. (KIRA 16i1) (Elastic plates and shells) VOROBIYEV, L. Ny kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent; GLAZUNOVA, N. T., kand. dotsent Plane stressed state of a rectangular anisotropic plate. Izve vyo. ucheba zav,; mashinostr. no.7:68-74 162. (MIRA 16: 1) 1. Novocherkaoskiy po3-itekhnioheokiy inatitut. (Elastic plates and shells) VERUS-DANILOVA, B.D.; ALIBITSKAYA, V.M.; PRIMSEVA, Z.V.,- VOROBIXEV.. L.N, Goirvervions of aecondary--tertiary acetylenic c(,~glycols under the effoot of sulfuric acJA. Zhur.ob.kbJn. 32 no.7:2138- 2122 JI 162. * (MM 15:7) I. Laningradrikiy taklmlogicheakly imstitut imni LenBoveta. VOROBIYEV~ L.K.1 KMLIA,, G.A.; POPOV, G.A. Intracellular pil of Hite.Ua flexlMs at rerst and after oxcitation. Biofizika 6 no.5:582.-589 161. (MIRA 150) 1. Biologo-pochvenmU fakul3tot Moskovskogo gosudarstvemiogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova. (AIM) (HYDROGEN-ION CONCEIMUTION) VOROBIYEVo L.N.j GIAZUNOVA., N.T. The Saint Venant principle. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; &m.tekh. 4 no,4:132-137 161o (MIRA l5z2) 1. Novocharkasskiy pol-itekhnichoskiy institut, kafedra stroiteltnoy mekhnnj ki . (Elasticity) Ila; if 14% 9 TV oil Vr 4 a Rot a T, P. g F 20 M c I 1167, r2 0 0 0 AUTHORS: KQrob'ygv,_LK TITLE: The question -S~1'47/61/000/004/017/021 E081/E435 , Glazunova, N.T. of Saiint-Venant's principle PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no.4, 1961, 132-137 TEXT: The paper is a continuation of previous work of L.N.Voroblyev (Ref.6: Doklady AN UkrSSR, No.5, 1954, 39 and Ref.?: Nauchnyye trudy Novocherkasskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta, v.26, no.110, 1955, 120). ` The problem of a rectangular plate loaded at its ends with a self-equilibrating system of normal and shear stresses, statically equivalent to zero load,'is examined to obtain information on the validity of Saint-Venitnt's principle in the two-dimensional case. The general method adopted is to assume a,load distzibution q(z) on the longitudinal edges of the plate (Fig.1). A solution of the plane elasticity problem corresponding to this loading is then obtained by a Fourier series method and by a method involving polynomials, These two solutions are not identical because they lead-to different boundary stresses at the ends of the plate. The- Card 1/.j 000/004/017/021 S/147/61/ The question of Saint-Venant's E081/E435 difference between the two solutions gives the stress distribution in the plate corresponding to the application of a se.lf-equilibrating stress system at the ends. The actual stress system depends on the initial form chosen for qW. By suitable choice of this function, the solution is found for the following self-equilibrating systems: shear stress along; normal stress alone and a combination of the two. In all the cases considered, the,stress in transverse sections falls to a negligibly small value at distances from the end of the-plate equal to or greater than its width. There are 2 figures And 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheskiy institut Kafedra stroitellnoy mekhaniki (Novocherkassk Polytochnical Institute, Department of Structural Mechanics) SUBMITTED: February 18, 1961 Card 2/3 DDVINSKIY, G,.D., vrach; VORDBIY3VA, I.A., vra&.; VOBOBIYZV, L.N., lnzh. InOtruments for acupmeturs. Mauka i zhiznl 27 no.22s46-47 D ,6o. (MMA 13112.) (AcupmeTun) 88917 S10251601000101210051W- A166/A026 AUTHOR19: Novinskiy, G.D.; Voroblyeva, I.A.; Physicians; Vorobtyev, L.N., Engineer TITLE:. Acupuncture Apparatus PERIODICAL: Nauka I zhizn', 1960, No. 12, pp. 46 - 47 TEXT: The Kafedra biofiziki biologo-pochvennogo fakull-teta Moskovskogo uni- versiteta imeni M.V. Lomonosova (Department of Biophysics of the Biology and Soil Faculty of the Moscow University imeni M.V.,Lomonosov) has designed two devices for finding the exact location of acupuncture points. Research has shown that these points, as specified in Chinese medicine, are covered by more friable 'con- nective tissue than normally. This can be detected by an electronic device. Wen the electrode finds such a place it causes a neon lamp to~light. In cases where it is impossible to make use of the electronic device a portable aooustlc appara- tus can be used. This consists of two 6mall metal tubes tipped with rubber caps, which the physicia-zi inserts in his ears. The tubes are then szratched along certain lines of the body and the physician analyses the.resulting sound. The acupuncture point is Indicated by a weakening of the so.und, otherwise the sound in both ears is the same. The principle of the device is that the sound caused Card 1/2 s, *, 88917 SIO 2 5/60/000/012 IVO 510C,6 As-upuncture Apparatus A166/AO26 by friction against the body is transmitted dissimilarly through media of differyTit, densIty. The difference in "his case is between normal connect.ive tiesue and the more friable skin oVer the acupuncture points. Work on improving these two de- vices continues and the scientists concerred are investigating the posBibility cf designing a portable semiconductor device. Card 2/2 SOV/i44-59-6-15/15 A0f11ORS: Natalevich, V.K., Candidate of PhyBico-mathematical Scionces, Docent, Yorob. 4,42N.- Candidate of Technical Sciences T-o-cle-nlt, and .5avellyev, G.I. , Senior Lecturer TITLE: Conference of Heads of Departments of Advanced Mathematics of Schools of Higher Technical Eclftcatioft in~ the USSR PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Elektromekhanika, 1959, Nr 6, pp 110 - 114 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The conference took place between May 18 - 23, 1959, in Moscow, and was mainly concerned with suggesting suitable syllabuses for departments of mathematics in technical schools of,higher technical education. Among those who took part were A.N. Kolmogorov, Academician; Corresponding Member of the Ac*.Sc., USSR, L.A. Lyusternik; L.I.-Sedov, Academician, G.G. Chernyy, Professor, V.V. SokolovsL-iy, Corresponding Member of the Ac.Se., USSR, G.Yu. Dzhanelidze, Professor, V.A. Venikov, Professor and Ya.Z. Tsypkin, Professor. Professor A.F.'Bermant was in charge of the organising Cardl/3 committee. sov/i44-59-6-15/15 Conference of Heads of Departments of Advanced Mathematics of Schools of Academician A.K. Kolmogorov argued that the probability theory and mathematical statistics are now important not only to artiller ymen but also tc)'mechanical engineers, radio engineers and automation engineers. Academician L.A. Lyusternik arguad that, at the present time, mathematics is important not only to engineers but to all other specialists., Professor A.A. Lyapunov spoke on the importance of mathematics to engineers concerned with cybernetics. The Minister of Higher Education in the USSR, Professor V.P. Yelyutin, pointed out that recent directives from the Party and the Government emphasise the importance of improving the theoretical knowledge of.engineers. The introduction of more advanced mathematics syllabuses in various technological departments is desirable. Among the current important topics are computing machines and their programming. The conference has accepted a number Card 2/3 sov/144-59-6-15/15 Conference of Heads o:f Departments of-Advanced Mathematics of Schools of of resolutions, all of which were concerned with increasing the amount and improving the quality of mathematics given to technologists. ASSOCIATION: Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Novocherkassk Polytechnical Institute) C, ka.~V Card 3/3 SOV/124-57-4-4836 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 4, p 135 (USSR) AUTHOR: Voroblyev, L. N. TITLE: On the Equation of the Deflected Axis of a Beam (0b uravnenii iz08nutoy osi balki) PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-t, 1955, Vol 29 (43), pp 149-154 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry Card 1/1 124-57-2-2147 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 96 (USSR) AUTHOR; Vorobl yev, L. N. TITLE: ie Solution of a Plane Problem of the Theory of Elasticity for a Rectangular Orthotropic Plate (Ob odnom reshenii ploskoy zadachi teorii uprugosti dlya pryarnougoFnoy ortotropnoy plasti- nki ) PERIODICAL: Nauch. tr. Novocherkas. politekhn. in-ta. 1955, Vol 26, pp 120- 131 ABSTRACT: Examination of a plane beam, the length of which is signifi- cantly greater than its width. The beam in deflected by a continu- ous loading which is distributed along its upper edge. The prob- lem of the stresses in such a beam is solved by means of the method oi successive approximations. As an approximation of rank zero the stresses are determired from the theory of the strergth of materials. The author determines thereupon a first ipproximation for the stress component .-jz from the equations of the compatibility of the deformations and for the stress components and -C- qy yz from the equations of eciuili- Card 1/2 brium. Thereupon the second approximation for G7z is 124-57-2-Z147 On the Solution of a Plane Problem of the Theory of Elasticity (cont. obtained from the equations of the compatibility of the deformations and the second approximations for (T y and _CYz from the'equations of equilibrium, etc. In this procedure the boundary conditions along the long sides of the beam-are satisfied exactly, while along the short sides they are satisfied approximately (in the integral sense). If the bending load is expressed in polynomial form, then the proposed method leads to an exact solution of the problem, 1. Elastici,ty--Theory 2. Beams--Deflection 3. Beams A. S. Kosmodamiyanskiy --Elasticity 4. Beams--Stresses- 5. Mathematics SOV / 124-58-5-5675 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 107 (USSR) AUTHOR: Voro'bl yev, ~ L. N. TITLE: The Determination of Point Displacement in Deformed Systems (K voprosu ob opredelenii peremeshcheniy tochek deformiruye- mykh sistern) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Novocherk. politekhn. in-t, 1955, Vol 29 (43), pp 3-24 ABSTRACT: A quas ivirtual -work equation is proposed for the determina- tion of the finite displacement of points in a deformed system. When applied to a system of a number of discrete material points this equation is obtained by summing up the equations of equilibrium of each of the particle elements of the system after their scalar product by arbitrary displacements has been ob- tained. The author's evaluation of the role of various balance conditions is of dubious value. For example, equations (2. 1) and (2. 3) differ in symbols*only, while their meanings are con- sidered to be widely different.* the formulation of the balance conditions of a solid body the author stresses erron- Card 1/2 eously the existence of 6 equation's of equihbrium for an element SOV / 124-58-5-5675 The Determination of. Point Displacement in Deformed Systems of the solid. In farpt,the condition requiring the resultant moment of all the forces acting upon'the element to be zero leads merely to identities, since the~-iif'Ate-of stress of the body'at any point is determined by the tensor and ..not,,~y tli~~l iffinor.'The author-fAiled to discern this owing to his unfortunate dioice of the component stresses. Examples of the quas ivirtual -work equa- l tion relative to the study of deformations of rods based on the hypothesis of plane cross sections are examined without due fundamental substantiation. Bibliography: 12.references. L. A. Tolokonnikov 1. Dynamics 2. Mathematics -7. Ca Ird 2/2. VOROBOYEV, L. 11.0 Engineer Cando Tech. Scie Dissertation: "VeIthods for Detemining the Workability of Metals by Cutting-" 30/6/49 Moscow AUT01,Min J*chanies SO Vechcr~ ic i sum 71 KRENKEp A.N.j-KQWIJ.NAj-k-tA-; AVSYUK, G.A.p otv. red.; OGANOVSKIYj P.N.p red. (Franz Josef Landi Meteorology] Zemlia Frantea-losifa: Hleteoroiogiia. Moskvap Nos. 1 - 2. 1963, 2 v. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Akademiya, nauk SSSR. Institut geografii. VOROBIYIV, L.V. Fbagocytools in antidiphtherial vaccination and revaccination. Zhur.mikrobiol.spid. i.immun. 27 no.4:46-49 Ap 156. (MIRA 9:7) 1. Is kafedry mikrobiologit Taroelavskago gosu"retvannogo medi- tsinskogo instituta. (VAGGINIS AND VACODUTION diphtheria, causing phagocytosis in guinea pigs) (MGOGTTOSIS caused by diphtheria vacc. & revace. of guinea pigs) (DIPHTHERIA, exper. .vacc. & revacc.. causing phagocytomis in guinea pigs) A'XEY,_L.V.; LEVCHENKO, L.A.; WNDE, V.R.; YAKOVLEV, V.A.; 3%aQ SLEPKOI G.I.; SYRT50VA, L.A, Stw~ of the biological fixation of molecular nitro one Biokhimlia 30 no.6sll67-1178 N-D 165. IWRA Iggi) 1. Filial Instituta khimicheskoy fizikl AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted January 18v 1965. V(MCBIYMr, L.V. Method for applying a protective coating to microscopic spectnerAs rab.delo 4 no.2:48 Hr-Ap 158: (MDU 11.-4) 1 Is kefedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof. Wr *TSimta list) Throslay- s;z;o meditainskogo institute. (HicRoscopy-Tswrquz) INS VOROBIM L.V. - Ph4gocytic activity in relation to diphtheria bacteria in children with positive Schick reaction. Zhur. mikrobiol, spid, i imm~n, 31 no.3s93-96 mr 16o., (MIRA 14:6) .1, Iz Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo institutai (PUGOGYTOSIS) (DIPRTHEM) _kCC NR# AP5627-423 SOURCE: CODEr W10181-165/007/011/3404/3466- Y t4 I- S- 0 14 5-5- AUTHORs Vo'."q 'Tjk. Mlzgir'e~va , L. P. S4~1 U. 9~-; tafe ev V. Z.; A. V. 4, Shturbin * ORG: Lenin;rad Polyte nical, Institute Im. H. I. Kalinin (Leningradskly polltekhni- cheskiy Institut) TITLE: Variation in transmittance of p-germanium In strong electric fields SOURCE: Mika tvordogo tela, v. 7, no. 11, 11965, 3404-3406 TOPIC TAGS-: j~ermanitucOlzmiconductor, hole transition, electron transition, electric field, #Morption ispectrw ABSTR AM- Preliminary data are given on the change in transmittance of p-type gema- ~ium in electric fields with Intensities from 0.5 to 2.1 kv/cm. Curves are given for the variation in the hole absorption cross section as a function of wavelength at a lattice tenperaturs of 880K, and for modulation of the incident radiation as a func- tion of its wavelength. A mwdmum is observed in the 3 v region, and a minimum In the 4 V region. These extrema correspond to a reduction and increase respectively In the transuLttance of germanium due to transitions from the heavy hole band to the cleavage'band. A third peak in the neighborhood of 4.7 p Is caused by transitions fn= the light hole band to the cleavage band, and a fourth near 8 p Is the result of Card 1/2 ACC NRt AP6027423 transitions between the heavy and light hole hands. This fburth extremuz corresponds to maximum tiodulation in the region of greatest change In the absorption czass sec- tion. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODEs ',10,.07/ SUBM DATCt 20Apr65/ ORIG REN 000/ OTH REFs 006 S/181/63A,05/004/002/047 B102/B186 fe. , Karakkal-,an, I.- I and Strif eycv Vorob'yev, L. TITLEs Effect of a magnetic fiela on the carrier distrio~i-n in tne body of a aagnetodiode ?!;i.'OD1C,Li Fizil-a tverdogo tela, v. no. 4, 1965, 982 - 989 TMt T-AP, expariment5 described were mede or. iarge-area magnotoalodes with uniform (Figs. 4, 5) or witti Bwbdivided (Fig. 10) p-n junctions ~Ge). The dioce was placed between the pole pieces of a inagnet whicn were pro- vi~ci rd*,!.!~ con;cal ~'cf. Fi* _;. 1). An incandescent lamp was usea E, 5 1 1 s. t3 c 1 1 i w. h t~u';Lspi (4 msec) bein.~ Synchronized p,'.sea ien, L7-.~ :n *,i~- wavc-e-,gth ran,;:e th e 3b9 t 10 r,0J t ':iii! T- tW 'Ar r ' ~na 1 r~o r e C 'A r, r , ~ r- r~ r. t 1~ F,- tion, *.-,e reflictijn 11-13 5 7~,. z -14 . ~ . - f t r, e s ad, oiea ia -,L- t~-- the fact tnat tht ma p n tic fi-- a,' e r S 3 ~'a , 1 a -qtr~,t At~on of the non-equillbriuw ~~arr i c~rf~ in the b )dy 0' t~,~ b0th ilor,,:, ar.t; t.-ansviirae o tr.41 ~4-rrent Inea inc wei e ~etar'mined from the at)eoi,.t. r,. T~,c, r,!e~jlts irv shown In form o. graph&. There are 10 figiAr(~a aj-d 1 table. Card 1 4 5"v1/6,3/00_,/004/002/047 I ~2/B186 Effect of a magnotio field on... 81 ASSOC I A 1" 10,111 Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut im. A. F. loffe AN SSSR Lenin- grad (Physicotechnical inatitutc iment A. F. loffe &S TBSR, Leningrad) SUBM ITT E.) t September 24, 1962 Fig. 1. Optical, arrangement. Legends A-Yagnetodiod, h5 - magnet, mirror-3, PbS - photoresistor as receiver, R-modulator, 5 - spiral; (1) to Zhe Oscilloscope. Fig. P.. Sha" of palse received by the PbS. Legends t 1 start of 11-ght pulse, 1, 2 start of current pulse, t 3 end of light pulse, t 4 end off current P"I'Se. Fig. 4, Non-.B..iullibrium carrier f1i:iLrit)ution alorij< t~i~, -,-n )~n-t'('n fflith and w"t-,oft magnetic field for x-1.05 and ari_ w B 7503 gauss; (1) B,, (5) B_, (2) B-0. a r S/18 65'005/004/002/047 i~ffect of t magnetic field on ... 3102~3 16/6 17 Fig. 60 Fig. 2 tz L4171~ t, tj tb t G ax d. A- ~C' 4", 177 S/18 65/005/004/002/047 BIQZXBI86 Effect of a magnetio field on ... Fig. 5. Relative change in non-equilibrium carrier concentration. Legandi I- l0a conat, B - 7500ga"s, x- C-15 mm I'll C-75 am I',?), 1.05 mm (3). Fig. 10. Carrier dietribution along the p-n junction for x a 0.15 and 0.45 mm. Le4endj (1) B-0, (2) B. 6600 gauss, (5) B_ 6600 gauss. 6 Cxf 0 Card 4/4 Fig. 5 44 Fig. 10 96 9 r 84 87 90 Y, Shortcomings In sajor repair work done an apartment tmildings in the city of Lataine Shile-kozekhox* 5 no*6:19-20 '55, (KM 9:1) loProosdatell postoyannor shillshcNin*-kouxuallnoy kosisoli, Rarsoveta TSentrallnoge rayon& Gjalinina. (Ealluln-Apartmost houses-Maintema 'we and repair) VMOBIYZV, M. grganizing construction Planning and ca1cul&tt0DG- Zhile-kon. khos. 4 no.5:4-6 154. (MM 7:9) 1. Glavnvy ekonomist Ealininakogo oblproyakta. (Construction industry) VOROBITEV.- -22nIal-2- Georgii Mosropov and his brigade. Prom.koop. 13 n0-10:11 0 159. (MIRk 13:2) 1. Zamostitell prodoodatelya pravloniya arteli 'Hotallint," g*Grosr47* (Grozwy--Machino-shop practice) VOROB I Y39V v 9 e of certified seeds, my 159. I.Pradvedatell kolkho;a im. Krasmodarskogo kraya. (Gullkevichi Mistrict-Seed lauka i,perad. op v sellkhos 9 no*5:41-43 - (KIRA 12.o 8) Lenina, Gullkevicheekly rayon, production) VOROB OYST, Revising building plans. Zhil.-kom.khos. 6 no.7:14 '56. (MLRA 10:2) 1. Glavnyy ekonomist Kalininskogo oblproyakta. (Archit6ature-Designe and plans) VOROJI I xv.. j(- - Defeat of Baptists. Sov.shakht. 10 A0.9134-35 S 161. (HIM 14:8) Religion) al minaro) t VOR091 RacUo, - Kharkov# Conference of amatetir radio designers of Kharkov. Radio, no. 4.9 1932. 19519 Uncl. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June Y91Q~LIM M.A. (Sallalinakaya Al., pos, Smirnykh, u1, Gvrllcogr),, d-15) Use of sergosin in varlaose veins. Vest. khir. 91 no.8029-130 Agt,63 " (MRA 1713) f w It a Is IS is IS A _.r_. a a 1 9 1 :*"A A PROC104 I Ake 4 Fortme IM4 ferric w4wes. uw 111M hY OIMWPtkVM A.&I 1hC V1PM# NtC P1kWd OM Ft SMV- inp. I is sb*mW. ishik w4stile corg. adadtiv. aj-dY.- .00 rWd ava witit tht ottsta. .00 0400 Coo so* tog .00 *of a a. S L k 011ALL-OFKAL U1111414011 CLASSINFICATIC11 Do lick, fit'so'.. ##am .00 lvjda~ .10 Q.. fps *$Jill 4w 0.1 sib r Aft A S 2 Od 4 0 9 1 N 0 9 09 004 01841,71 -fT T. 7 T '1 -4 To 11 Ts Tj 11 ~- - - - ' "'~hls m it, ILA 7v h -Y % 00, 0 and, go A mith b6 tbr4pd~. ww 6cety ttd witb gmarous Aclo at nxm 00 or tuglitly t-P. So d,. 00 0 40 o0 's- A :0 staltit 9 0 n It I 0- o-*'o'o 0o a 0 0 0 0 0 4 Yo 0 40-0 0 0 0 * *~* 0 & * 0 All II I nda I w at 9 d3 4 31 0 9 0 1 06000 : :'0 00000 000 a a 0 0 0 0 0 Vo .00 If* o *0 0 goo r* 0 %0 fto V*. o Soo to* too boo to 0 VOROBIYBV, M.A., mladshiy nouchnyy sotrudni1c; XMIRA, NeY., aspirant. Treating gastrointestinal diseases in calves with remedies of vegetable origin. Vaterinarila 32 ne.32:58-59 D '55-(KMA 9:4) 1&Vses*Yuznyy inatitut eksperimentallnoy vaterinarii. (CALVMS--DISEASES)(TEMjNA.Rr MAMIA 191DICA MM PRAR14ACT) (DIGESTIVE ORGANS-DIMMIS) AUTHORS: Preobrazhenskiy, H. A., Malkov, K. M., 79-11-53/56 Maurit, If. Ye., Voroblyev, M. A. Vlasov, A. S. TITLE: Synthesis of the Alkaloid Arecoline and its Homologuea (Sintez alkaloida arekolina i yego gomolocov). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obahohey Khimiip 1957P Vol, 27P Ur 11, PP. 3162-3170 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The alkaloid of the Aroca Catechu, palm recognized as N-mothyl-1,2p5t6-tetrahydronicotinic acid eater (see its hydrogen bromide salt in formula VI) was hitherto synthesized in different manners. The authors carried out a synthesis of this alkaloid and its homologues of special practical importance with different substituents on nitrogen, atartine from the methyl ester of acrylic acid (see series of formulae I-VI). The reaction of the methylacrylic acid eater upon alkylamines leads to the formation of P,pl- dicarbometoxydiethylalkylw3ines. The cyclization to X-alkyl- 3-carbometoxY-4-Piperidone takes place in alcoholate by heatinE of the diester of one of these aminee. This Card 1/3 piperidine is reduced to li-alkyl-3-carbometoxy-4- Synthesis of the Alkaloid Arecoline and its Homologues 79-11-53/56 oxypiperidine. By dehydration with the aid of dehydrating agents the latter is converted to the methyl eater of N-alkyl- A - totrahydronicotinio acid which latter with hydrogen bromide forms the salt. The following homologues of arecoline were synthesized according to one and the same method: The methyl estera of N-ethyl-, N-n.-propyl-, IT-n.-butyl- and N-benzyl-A3- -tatrahydronicotinic acid. The physiological investigations in the pertinent Moscow institutes showed that the produced hydrobromide of arecoline completely corresponds with the same salt of the natural alkaloid. Of the arecoline homologues only the n-propyl derivative exerts a weak physiolocical action. There are 9 references, 5 of which are Slavic. Card 2/3 Synthesis of the Alkaloid Arecoline and its HonoloLrues 79-11-5.31/56 ASSOCIATION: Moscow Tnatitute of Fine Clienit-1 Technology, Experimental Plant of the All-Union Chemical Pharmaceutical Scientific Research Institute kmo;3kovskiy ins ti LuT, zonkoy Knimicheskoy tekhnoloi;ii. Opytnyy zavod vaesoyuznogo nauchno-i3eledovatellskogo khijaiko-fai-matsevticheskoeo instituta). SUBMITTED: October 20p 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Arecoline - Synthesis 2. Alkaloids - Synthesis 3. Aroca Catechu Palm 4. Alkaloids - Sources Card 3/3 Voro6'~e ~ 1;2.,4, SUVOROV, II.N.- YAltOSIAVTSXVAp Z.A.; SOKOLOVA, L.V.; HCROZOVSKAYA, L.M.; p OVGHIIIIIIXOVA, th.D.; MUUSHHVA, V-S-; RRYFMLIKAM, F.Ys.; VOROBIYEV. N.A. Synthesis of cortisone from solanadine. Mad.prom. 12 no.2:7-11 Y '58- J, (KIRA 11: 3) 1, VvesoyllzWy nauchno-issledovatellskiy khtmiko-formetsevticheakly institut imeni B.Ordzhonikidze, (BOIASODINK) (CORTISOIIE) \~o RoWl iv I Ni. A k 1 '8 PHASE I BOOK MWITATION SOV/3247 Moscow. Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut Nekotoryye voprosy eksperimentallhoy fiziki, vyp. 1 (Some Probleins in Experimental Physics, Hr 1) 'Moscow, 1959. 85 P- 3,000'copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Ministerstvo vysshego i orednegb spetsiallnogo obrazovemiya SSSR. Ed.: V.F. E;emenov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Docent; Tech. Ed.: R.A. Negrimovskaya. PURPOSE: Thi:s book is intended forphysicists, chemists and other persons interested in general problems of nuclear physicoand pfiyeical and chemical analyses. COVERAGE: The collection contains 10 articles dealing vith problems in elementai7' particle accelerationradiography and crystal structure, physical and chemical analysis and instr=entation in these fields, References and mention of person- alities accompany each article. Card l/ 3 Some Problems in Experimental Physics, Nr 1 SOV/3247 TABLE OF CONWITS: Kirillov-Ugrymov, V.I. and Yu.M. Ivanov. Muon Beams With Energies up to 70 Kev Produced on an Accelerator 3 Burlakov., V.D. Dt !termination of Surface Temperatur6 by the Method or Equating Brilliancies 13 KalWkov, A.A. and B.M. Stepanov. Activation of Weak 11mitters in Press Forms 22 Artemenkova, L.V., M.A.' Betalins. and B.M. Stepanov. Influence of the Velocity Distribution of Electrons on,the Resolving Time of an Electron Multiplier 27 Zhiryakov, B.M., Ye. D..Proteenko and V.F# Semenov. A Radio Spectroscope With High-Frequency Modulation of the Magnetic Field for Observing Nle~tronZftramsgneitic Resonance 37 Semenov, V.F. &ad V.~. Vakhnina. The Signsa-to-Noise Ratio of the Input Device of a Radio Spectroscope 45 Card g/3 Some Problems'in Experimenta; Physics, Nr 1 SOV/324T Albksakov, G.N., II.M. Zhiryakov, Ye. D. Proteenko and V.F* Semenov. A.Magnetic Field Intensity Regulator 53 Trekhov, Ye.S. The Splitting Strewrth of Hica Along thL Cleavage Plane in Air 63 Kolyubin, A.A. The Spectrum of Radicals in a Nonelectrode Dischargd in Flowing Vapors of Alcohols of the Aliphatic Series, Acitone and Diethyl Ether 67 ZgEft!xRYL-~ The DoubleRafraction of Ct7stals of the Aliphatic Series 76 AVAILABLE: Librexy Of Congress C.ard 3/3 3~-21-6o -- WE ORM.mmmi.mnk as Rom- ------ ON VOROBIYEV) M.A. New plans for service stations. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no. 3:38-40 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Glavnoye uprimlenlye po transportu I anabzhenlyu naftlyu i nefteproduktami RSFSR. VESEUNA, T,Po$ VOROB'yEVO.,,M..A.; MIKOVSKAYA, Tu,Aj 105T=0, T,F,l DOROskmry-M.-r. - .'. ~~' F Toxicity of hexachloroethans for cattle, Vbtsri7wrjj& 41 u0*4156-57 Ip 164,, (WRA 1728) 1. Vsei3oyuzm7 institdt gei'mintologii imeni akademika KI. Skrya'hina. VESPLOVA, T.P,, kand. vat. nauk;.-,VT,.OB-'.M, M.A.~ naadshiy nauchnyy ootrudnikI DCRCSHINA,, H.V.., mladshly iiiiichnyy sotrudnikI ULIKOVSKAYA, Tu.A., vet. vrach; KCSTEKKO, T.F., tzhenyy 20otekhnik Significance of the injection of hemchlorcethane in medIcinal form to the cattle with fasciollasin, Trudy VIGIS ID202-206 164s (MIRA 18:12) VESIUMAp T#F,p kwA* vato l3Mkj DID& iv r&Axftw votrudsAk Side stfwt of owbon totmehlorido in odttla fbllmina Intra- miacular :Lnjootim# Trudy VIGIS Ils2244 1640 OIIU 39 c22) VQRCB1YEV, M.A. Group application of anthelmintics In swine ascarlasis. Trudy VIGIS 11:25-29 164. (MIRA 18:12) -45 Eli? (it) -2AFA Lv) L 52260 b AccwGIO"t hi 11'"1A70 U7~008916~/018/00h/0357/0361_5 AMOM Iyanov, V. Ye.t y~, V. xsnko It. Stuk- _f.; Kunchenk6, V. Vo Ea __jL_ alov, A. IT. A A-ren1to-A. V. TITLE3 Relaticn b6tween texture and radiative ~rovtb in_uranlu~iods SOURCE, AtcmnVa energlys, Y, 18, no. 4, 1965, 357-361 TOPIC TAGSt rpt~qtotfuel uranium reactor fuel, reactor fuel textu~r radiative growth, fuel elc=nt stability ABSTRAM Thn tuthors analyzathe textures produced in uranium during,iti heat treatzi~nt and establish a qtir-ntitative connection batvaen the'texture ud the co- efficient of rvAiative grovth In uranilim. This research vas undertaken to connectil vith the developmeat of a vire-t7pe ruei elment (1. 1. Dristenko at Ia., paper at Decond Ocrien, Conference). The material tested van 99-78--99.80% pure uranium. 4 = In dlamnter subjected to 0-treatment at temperatures of 200-300# 450-4701 I te2.ture*vas Investigated by means of x-ray structural and dIlat5gd1 analyzis: ne texture description as related to the aniattrvPlc ;adativa arovth was based on the "grovth index" method proposed by V. Strurcken and W. HcDmsn (J. Nual. Materials, Y. 7, 83* 1962). Cur7ea aro platted of the'rsAiati" growth L 52260-65 ACCESSION NR; AP5012 TO 'Gi against the grovth index GI and are found to be Independent of the treatment temperature. *The elongation component due to the radiative growth as a result of the texture Is calculated and Ito dependence on temperature 1s; evaluated. An In- crease In treatmznt.temperature results In a comparatively small Increase In elon- 1: gation duo probably to swelling. A load of 0.25 kg/Mm2 along the sample axis pro- duced at hjOC an Insignificant Increase in elongation. It Isshovn that the ayer- on a4e values of thd coefficients of linear thermal expansion measured in e direction , do not dedcribe the character of texture if the latter Is not uniaxial 9 n eluded that uranium wire vit1r Veakly pronounced texture may be high ;en:it1Lv~0t0o1 factors not connected with the Initial btructure.. Orig. art. hast % figures.' (021 -ASSOCIATIONt none stmvmt ohHay6h. ENCL: .00 StM CODE s, 11P NO U7.60VI .007 omits 004. -Ampmei, 4010. POYARKOV, A.A.; VESELOVA, T.P.; _IVOROBIYEV M.A.; DOPLOSHIN't, M-V- Testing heyachle:0-Para-7.,yisne against fascioliasis =,.eep. Veterinariia 31 no.2:1.9-50 F 165. 3. Nachalinik Oblastnogo voterinarnogo otdela Smolenskoy oblasti (for Povarkov). 2. Vsesoyuznyy inatitut gelfirdntologli imeni ekademika K.I. Skryabina (for all except Poyarkov). IVANOV, V.Ye.1 ZELENSKIYO V*Fol KUNCEWO, V,V,l MUM, N*M.j STUKALOVI A.I.; - IRRP_41 _~?~Aq AZAUMO, A.V. Interrelation between the texture of urarli= rode and their expansion due to radiation, Atom# anerg, 18 no.4:357-361 Ap 165. (MIRA 18t4) ""t dnik; VOROBIIEVt M.A., ml&:IBhi7 VMb T'e 0 yy Ij 0 ru nauehnyy-sotrudnAk Combined use of carbon tetrachloride and hexat-hloroethane in treating fascioliasIs In cattle* Veterinariia 39 nooWl-34 Jo 162 (mink 1881) 11 Vsesc-yuzn7y institut gollmintologii imeni akademika K.I.Skryabinaa VOROBIYEVP :4.A. Operating mobile automobile service staticnf3. Tranap. I khran. nefti I nqfteprod. no.10:18-19 164. (HIPI 17:12) 1. Glavnoye upravlonlye po transportu i snubzhenlyu naftlyu i nefteproduktami RSr-SR. '-111 AN INIIAMAMA-HEr-, "41IMPM 11111MIN --Mn%,N7.-r M.Ij Rb M V~ VOROBOYEVp M.A. Natural losses of petroleum stations. Transp. i khran. nefti i nefteprod. no.5:23-26 164. (MIRA 17t8) 1. Glavnoye upravleniye po transportu i snabzbeniyu neftlyu i nefteproduktami RSFSR. KIMMUMO AMRS WMIIMIOVM~ d"; I ~ MTI; pwl~, --~Rlb 19 IIRIIFII~ VESELOVA, T P.;4 - dotsent; VQFPB IYEV M. A., mladshiy naucbnyy- sotrudnik; vetori. v.rfach. D6i~iHWA, M.V., The fasciolicidal preparation hexachlorparaxylo2. Vet erinariia 40 no./+:52 Ap 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Voosoyuznyy institut gellmintologii, imeni akademika K.I. Skryabina. VESELOVA-I.P., Icand. veterinarnykh nauk; VOROBOYEV, M.A., veterinariV7 vrach; DORDSHINA, M.Y.1;-viteftharn "',-,Wfach Possibili-ties for the application of technical carbon tetra- chloride In cattle fascioliasis. Veterinariia, 39 no.10:29-30 0 162. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Vaesoymnyy institut gellmintologii imeni akademika K.I. Skryabina., (Carbon tetrachloride) Liver fluke) rasites-Cattle N VESKUNA, T. P, (Senior Scientific Co-Worker) and VORO (Junior Scientific Co-Worker, All-Union Institute of He nth ogy imeni Academician K. 1. Skryabin) ."A combined use of'tetrachloride of carbon and hexachloroethane in fascialosis of cattle" Veterinariyal vol.- 39., no. 6, Tune 1962 pp. 31 AKHAPKINAs A.I.,, nauchM sotr.; GORYACHEVA, L.M,, nauchzWy sotr.; ISTOMINA, i9V*,.ntmcbaW sotroi XASHIII 131 p L.3,j naucbzW potrij ROZHKOVA, T.Dep ruiuchuyy notr,j KOPYLOV, D.Lp kand. istorichookikh muk, red.j VOROBOYI.7 H A red.i OVXCRK1N, L.T., tekbn. red. (Thirty years of the Yamal-Nenets National Area) 30 lei IAmalo- Nenetskogo okrugal I&Uwiko-ekonomicheskii ocherk, Tiument, 1960. 87 pe (MIRA 3.4 t 10) 1. Tyumen' (Province) Upravleniye -,r=trennikh del. Arkhivn7y otdel. 2oTyumertakiy oblastnoy Gooudprstvemiyy arkhivo Toboltsk (for Akhap- kinap Goryachavat Iotominap Kashikhinx Rozbkova). (Yamal-Nenets National Area-Economic conditions) VOROD'YEV) :.,lorl4oly- rFm,.Jmyy tootru.-Imik Comparative evaluation of the therap6'atte Salts In sAno ascarianis. Trady VIGIS 10-084,.195 163. OM IV, 7 HBO &N ALMnM. ~nl-l AISKSANDROVSKU, DEVUS11ENKOj V.I.; MAMOLAT, A.S.; RICHENX0, S.G.; XHUTORSKAYAt-v.D.; YASHCHENKO, T.T. Clinical X-ray and functional characteristics of patients with a solitary lung 9-10 years after pneumonectomyt Proble tube no*2t23-28 165, - (MIRA 18t22) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut tubarkuleza i grudnoy khirurgii imeni akademika F.G.Tanovskogo (direktor - dotsent A.S.Mamolat)p Kiyeve TMOBI,Mff ,Beemaltizing effect of calcium chlorlt1s In byMsens1t1vity to streptomroin.' Probl. tuberk. , KoakTa loo6:71-72 IroT-Doo 1953. (OIAM 25:5) 1. Gf the Therapamt1a ClInle (Head - Doaimt B.P. Alsksandrovoy). Ukrainian Solant1flo-Research Tuberculosis' Institute (Direotor -- A~16, *molat)o DIDINKO, V.Te.; TSAM, M.N.; 2MITRIYEV, M.M.; LEYTES, V.A.; OBUKHOVSKIT, Ya.H.; IVANOV. Te.B.; CEWOK, V.T.; URISAUNKO, R.N.; ZRIGZR, I.Th.; PINCHUK, A.K.; ANTO"NKO, ff.Z.; SHMISON, A.B.; VASILICHENKO, S.I.; DRASHKO, A.M.; BA17VSKIT, B.N.; WCHIRTAYINIO, D.N.; SAVCHUK, A.I.; ZHURAVLEVA, BAUTIN, I.G.; IGMIYENKO, V.Ya.; MOSENKO, N.K.; CEM- BONENKO, G.P.; LISSOV, L.K.; MAMONTOV, V.V.; BELUKU, A.A.; POTM,V.P.; VOLCnAMIY, M.B.; KALOCRUKO, G.D.; LEVCEDMO, V.H.; ELSUMOV, A.A.; VORGIUV, M.F.; ILICHWO, ~L.I.; PODSHIVALOV, Y.S.; MOGILINYT, P.P.; av 1 6 4; SLTAYZV, G.P.; DURM, V.V.; OSYPA, S.S.: SAMOYALOV,G.N.; YOMIN, A.F.: LESHCHINA, A.I.; YANMIBERG, G.Te.;.XHODANKOV, A~T.; XAX&RMO,I.S.; YARPOVA, K.K.; VASILINKO, I.M.; VOLOSHCHUK, A.S.; SHII, KOV, A.K.; FILIPPOV, B.S.; TYUTYUNNIKOV, G.N.; DOLINSKIT, M.Tu.; NIKI- TINA, P.P.; H=VZD2V, S.M.; TSOGLIN, X.E.; I-ER R. R.Z.; BOGACHIV, V.I. Hih&il IAkovlevich Moroz; obituary. Koks i 156.(MLRL 9:8) (Moroz, Mikhail LAkovlevich, 1902?-1956) ACTH thorapy in severe cases of bronchial asthma with open forx of pulmonary tuberculosis [with summary In French]. Probl.tub. 35 .no.-1:95-97 157. (HIM- i0:6) 1. Is Statsionara protivotuberkuleznogo dispansera Xaganovichokogo rayons Kiyeva (glavVy vrach Te.G.BinyWj:), (ASTEM, c * lo OMP tubero ,l pulme, tber,, ACTH & chemother. Ous)) (ACTH. ther. use asthma with puls. tuberc.. with chemother. (RUB)) (TUBERCULDtIS', PUtHOMARY, compl. asthma, ther., ACTH & chamother. (Rue)) VOMIWLt-~~ Prolonged treatment of fresh cavernous forms of tuberculosis with antibacterial preparations. Vrach. delo no.5;40-45 My 161. (MIRA 11~:9) 1. Vtoraya terapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - dotoent, V.P.AleksandrovQ BUY) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo instituta tuberkuleza, (TUBERCULMIS) TOROB IYIIVI M.71 (KIYOV) reptom:rcln stimulation of the grovth of malignangt tanors. Trach. delo no.7:759 J1 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Vtoraya terapevticheakaye. klinika (zav. - doteent B.Po Alakeand- rovokiy) Ukrainskogo nauchno-iseledovateliskogo instituta tuberkmleza. (STRVTORMIN) (CARCIWGINS) YOROB 7XV 'Case"Of chronic m1liar7 pulmonary tubarculoois MA tuberculosis of the larynx conplicated by candidomycosis. Probl.tub, 36 no*7: 111-113 '580 (KIRA 1?: 8) 1. Ix vtoro7 terapevtichesko7 kliniki (sav. - dotsent B.P. Alekmadrovskiy) Ukrainakogo nauchno-inaledovatellskogo insti- tuta tuberk-mleza (dir. - A-S.Mamolat). (TUBERCULOSIS) (MONILIASIS) ZYGENSON, A4.; ULITANOV, A.I.1 VARYOLOMBYAVA, U.N.; IV(Z ~11( F,; KARPOMOSOVA, R.R. laboratca7 method for determining the iiantent of salts in petro- leums. Ihim. I takh.topl. no.3.1t60-64 N 156. (MM 9:11) 1. Ufimskiy neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod. (Petroleum-4nalysis) Mz 206 62 S/i2o/6i/ooo/ooj/ol6/o62 c9l c2 ~ (4 E032/Ell4 AUTHORS: Dmitriyev, A.Ba, and Voroblyev, M.G. TITLE; y-Background Compensated Boron Trifluoride Chamber PERIODICAL. Pribory I tekhnika eksperlmenta, 1961, No.1, pp.55-57 TW: A description is given of a BF3 chamber compensated for y-background. The chamber is designated K14K -54 (KNK-54). The sensitivity of the chamber for thermal neutrons is 5 x 10-13 A/neu-tron/cm2 see, while sensitivity to y-rays can be :reduced practically to zero. In contrast to the previous mode:~s, the boron filled and compensating parts are aeparate. The BF3- filled part of -the chamber is shown in Fig.2. It consists of a high-voltage anode 1 made of tubes 44 and 26 mm in diameter, and a collecting electrode 2 consisting of tubes 35 and 18 mm in diameters The compensating part of the chamber is formed by the high-voltage cathode 3 (7.2 mm In diameter) and the collecting electrode (18 mm in diameter). The collector-electrode tube separates the BF3-filled and compenaating parts. The complete sealing off of the -two parts is achieved by means of the ceramic-to-metal seals 4, The length of the electrode system is Card 1/ 4 20682 S/120/61/000/001/016/o62 E032/EI14 y-Background Compensated Boron Trifluorid6 Chamber 322 mm. The chamber is evacuated and filled through the tubes 6. The upper and lower flanges 5 and 7 are welded to the stainless steel body 8 (50 mm In diameter). The electrodes are introduced through three insulators 10 (only one is shown in Fig*2),, The chamber can be used at temperatures up to 300 OC. The boron part of the chamber is filled with BF3 (85% B10- enriched) to a pressure of 2 atm. The compensating part is filled with krypton to a pressure of about 6.5 atm. The y-ray sensitivity is compensated continuously by adjusting the voltage on the cathode (H.S. McCreary and R.T. Bayard, Ref-3)- Fig-3 shows the current from the chamber as a function of the neutron flux in arbitrary units for anode voltages of 500 V and 1000 V. There are 3 figures, I table and 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2-English. SUBMITTED: January 14, 1960 Card 2/4