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I/0 R Ph 00D411kh MEDICA Sea 13 V~ojl3ft Dermatoloe7 Fob 5~9 359. THE CHANGES IN THE RELATIVE NUCLEIC ACID CONTENT IN THE 1/)CALLY IRRADIATED RAT EPIDERMIS - Zmfany wzglfdne) zawarloAct kwasdw nuklelnowych w miejscowo napromienianym nask6rku xzczura - --Yorbrodt - K., God lews ki If. and Dux A. Inst. Onkol., Odd. Gliwice: Wowotwor6w - FOLIA MORPIL (Warszawa) 1958, 9/1 (39-46) A docrease of nucleic acid tests immediately after irradiation was established and an ncrease of intensity up to the control values in the following hours. (1,13) VORBRODT K,; CIIORNZrp M. Cytochemical and evtophotometric studies on the effect of actinomycin D on th cillo of the regenerating liver of a rat-poisoned with-thioacetamide. Ballo acad. Pol. aoi. (Biol) 13 no.3rl3l-lr 165. 1. Subuitted December 31P, 1964o VO"RODT, K. FOLIA BIOLOGICA. (Polska Adademia Nauk. Zakiad Zoologi-i Doswiadczalnej) Idarszawa. (Journal on Morphogenesis, genetics. and evolution issued by the Laboratory of Fxperimental Zoology, Polish Academy of Sciences; with English, French, and Russian summaries.) HistologIcal changes in the museles of sea trout (Salmo trutta L.) embryos caitsed by a te4j'peratiire of +30*C. p. 175. Vol. 5. No. 3. 1957 Monthly List of Fast European Acessions (EERAI), LC. Vol. 8, No. ), March 1~59 Unclass. VORBRODT, Kmysztof Histoc:4emical reactions for succinie dehydrogenase in the 2iver of thyrozine-treated ratse Folia morphol 21. no.3:325- 330 162, .1. IrEitytut Onkologii.. G-liwice, VORBRODT,. Krzys ztof Histochmical studieB on the activit;r of the succinic dehydre- genase,eystem. in the gential tracts of pregnant rabbits. Folia morphol. 21 no.1:101-:il.6 162 1. Histochemical Laboratory, Department of 7~mior Biology, In- stitute of Onkology at Gliwice. Director: J. Siecki, M.D. son 004 008 00.3 00,3 OOW V-4-c"44 -.14 :0100if-01.0i M"F 90* coo 'I kiwi -rl see -09 44 0 see see see Ito* CLASWK&TON too" 1119.611TO **.Anv S03aw "it W-v got iil-ii-liwc a.. ill r u 0 Rd a a I I in " 9 a 4 3 6 "I IF ; -1 . ul U 0 1. 4 0-0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0-0 0-0 0 * 0 0- WAilmiAl A, T On the Thre"urai ro"clivitv Inir tht, tontirtirtin. misnotneirts with st-nd ft-t In"It, l"I"Jawarl) trorptymsycli, komittokell tsinnomptripw r-ml- 1#)!,D~ I)IJ_ '11-4j.lo Ilfr$ , I lab. 111-orctical princIples for the consirtiction of tfjlfj-r,-WlA with Arcoml root ln-sert, wied for mmiultnivW-4 of lbe II-finilly of flow tilrough flanqcs, unule.1 allif Venturi mpler.-. Prin. mt-.%Aurcjnent% Prollir deti-monntlan of the !:rrtvti(l ill. lWon"Meter will, Plot ana away I'Iwrt' Monon.'eler witil Scrond -- ---------- -- - 7 7~05 629.13A-'162 Y.)V'rjr0j_L Thread Coance4lon Gaskets In Airptaue Power and Vusl mt-Us. ~O :usimolnien'tich zhIcz gwintawych w 'Otniczych kruttlaclach emrgotymnych I palkwowych", Technika Loink-L3, 140. 1. 1958, 1(1-2~ 10 figs.. I tab. t4xhnology of-ju*lu_-Inr~ 3urfar,_ns - nf-fl a ngv - comm-t tons for a 19MRSks, and cmnection teabs dirm-tly 116tenina the casket, The, per- '11,fidicularky of thesp 2yurfw" to 41w. mwctlnu thrmd ensures com -- VOtO fIghtne-s, important for higher jxt~ssurcs and in cases %vhen the initial tightnfts of the U:uket decreasei under pressure. Tho author IM .zrist~, vivnil, a sJ0,02 MCF: cl Culucus in u thmade-d Ughloning con- I '. ,n d zi the time cf pru:Nure, and cn the b2sls of this . ejample pD:pu out (aults In mcans-61! emkot with Initial s, fie also shows UuL high mV, Of two surfaces axurately n do I-nd PCM~endiculzr 10 th-L th-ad of the s2i-kt and tho c"necticn. 4 lnoliol requirIng a nun.~wr f.1 1;x1% and gaugri. The4e shcrtcont. pll for nci'.v s:31040ns 1.1 0- mitier 'cl zcIf-I1chtc(Vag 6.,vim, Ings c, The -P,~ 'Per W.4ludc' sevk'r!'J of galkts. VORBRODT, T. Tightening of threaded fittings in aircraft power and fuel systems. P. 16 TECMIU LOTNIGZA) (Warszava, Poland) Vol. 13, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1958 SO: Monthly Index of E. st European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5. 1958 A-& J Un a cowmtmud k Vd A1 Jd A=t tj f b d A M o. QZ 4 M o n% an p maftcw. . 10r, Pb*%*AMS. d""MURAILM. IV. i%0 VopAaam (Hoes. Omm., JU" t9 471-470).--Ilw hemla WR 30% ILD Ow . t, g =741V.~ AN 'IC T. Vo 0 'too too. t."" tmmaa mit wig Oat WSLISIMIC $#lilt dw *"W M v11 JA AI a rho 0 0 9 1 v " 2 a IW j a It I ta 4m ~; +1 It toa 4 00000 0 *-* 0 0 IL 0 60 22 222 : : : : : 4 : 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 . 1 4 - 9 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 4 kv I ~ . ~ ! I I . I ~ 1 1 it 11 IS it 11 10 1$ a 10 A6b ...tMos ..6 00 ic bs-b cf C!i i 133 al iwriil 10A d 00 a . . - A ; . , D! the Arxiiiam of The prowim j A 0 ivalum dw myrrum with 14 b 00 a # y amiso, adis. tku cxtg. With 2 N N80111 am widifying 00 a the to. with 110. YkMs of 6.3-ISAO' dry suba"m cx*tS. J-9% N w"v vemml. The pn;~rdwv P[Whkkt the prmnev of Irvc arnino twids in tw% It"*. fly- so dnArh by builing 36 hn. with 11,80s, fallout by clu"I"tion of mmate as DAW)" left a cryst. remue on evapa. of the filtrate. To mnm tv&w this residue less After e tu t Vlf k i ld 93 . . can #. x th co g. estd. twke w % s of the r"idue with bodW ak. ncarly et"" nystak 41110 3 wpd, 64 cooft. crma. from 11,0 gave pure tymil". The mymTmm of A. virr nmWw at vast 0.3% t"de in [be prottis wilm"Anct A4 oppowd to Irm In The AM a 0 "S V.1 A Ilk 4 Allk-it& OtTALtUtSKAL UVIDAVOt CILASUFKAVIGN 9 1 -1 flow 00.6" %.Acvj It 0.1 gal __#4lJ1FaW(Wv is. r __T__ - . v . r a 9 a it a IF 1 A et a 4m "uO of*** 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 41 0 Pee -00 -00 *0 -00 0 CO a Sao a** too too 1. A C a And. H 0 h favowb_* baft* " i, 0,09 so see 13 0w too So fee goo goo goo see Ago* S41404 %&t 940 alit u 0 W;~ 9% V. -'i--3 4-9 0 a a 1 0 Ai 0-0 o 0:0-* 0- -0 9 0 0 OA Wo 0 ol"o 0 0 0 IN 0 4-0 We 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 6 0 6l 0-0 1-0 0-0 _0 0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 la S y all 4 6 f I a 9 -.0 1-will, ~-LLAI-Iuu JL-?-G~ 2-1 WAR Os P~A~e!of Pip 0" Go fe 00 it :041 D~.Ik 90 a K,*&), -vsfwY*&w 'iiW8 "Is- D.. .00 of .7U kaGiM vdw of Poh* plocWho6ow Pow&f vu OMM. 67% lowssow S. 31g,- Tbmw meal- TU f9ft'liml of OW\ .00 ee I twatbe mm a Lot MISOMOMMOI on -1 an do-mdrd upon lu fist"M, owe" westsift wcm K. 11 hawhw,a 1=g mcwh v -S&VI sho wftb visaw '0* so j 00 .3 00 :00 a o sod 4k '40, *0 A S o - S L A MtTA4-LUIGKjk&, LIT9101,41 CLASSOKATICO, 4 iL -4~ goo.. *.).in, somai 4&b a-w ast VS1111611 awo.;, u X Al 00 Lf a 04 0 1 w 14 9 a 1 3 6 -W--RX 0 0 e 0 *1** 00 a,, 00 144 0* 40 41 0 * 0 004 * 0 4 o a I o o 0-0-0-01.0 .T148 0 *00000*400000*000*0 0 Ulf Of tOW4111ttaltid hy*0640 P"611144 fOf thd QW411,1111 of wguk ftlIftwes prWt to dw oh". th"- ;-W~Verbm* Wmhr. Jast rdtrw). 111111. 04krm. dr4d. pabs. Ki.. Ckim mi. jawk. stert. It". 111, NO. 1/6. 1-71in FfMh); Cf. C.A. 31. hA*- W consicierable exp"in" In dctg. a In ors. COMIM1%. and olitained stsch satisfactory rmult* in r1ocrooig arg. JfA that he b4$ new applied Ilse Passiter wilb av, metIMA totbe stein. of P. The imlis of I he detnit. w0h. Miliffirmni mefrriislit show rictil"I agreemirnt with vuhw% obtained after . wowing arg. nutirr fop cir by ignition. V. Procmis as followc Add MI ml. of Coned. 11A), to 1.0 g. or SM of %ample or 25 Mi. d the mass is way c,onspact (which i-1 suflickitt for 2 C. In mO%I ~Cuvr,). -Treat the @a"" In a XMI-MI. jcjut.W Pyrex NISM-1t. When the reaction Subsides brat a little. %fill a few drop of mwd, IMM, and reap. to it wriall vol. Wt not to dryng" &A a mull explosion ntay then retult. N*ow&M its mi. marred the HA and a few drutts of 11NO, and beat again. Add a tiltik water and wawh down the neck and sides of the f6sk, 11cat to 1xiling and again "3p. to a Wnall Val. P64Y AM W "11. of a ruill. W.' cutwd. JIN(h arul VIC fi.VO,. MI. P wi, W. T. IN11 I F_W_v_r;I A It 00 A~ I It &-.a, i6p f1i off I c"Of !-90 00,4 AftsW 16 40*1 caps"aft"d btdrr pumalt W. Vorbmdt. a". A.L-GLA CIAIN 1q.'Pw& law lem frog 004 Zi' 260. at MACOM wkh 000 00 11 many ews a)- 4 tun, owditut go* trralm"ll. 000 W. T. H. K*o GeV -Igo* Got fog JxOo 1000 U06 7*,7 x(VALL1016KAL LifIN&IAt UAISIMS10 91, 1 tto v 0. 24*.' of, W, it ".60 IIII&II CIA 4.1 bit I too on A I a OF 101 1 to 4 2 1 14 of to It It at m a a or a It a ZI it a W43 4 1 0 0-0-0.0 go 0 0 0 0 00 $0000*000 0 0 .006-600 0 * 0 0000-00 Ifis 00 41 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 09 o JASINSKI, 111adyslav; in&; SWIRCII, Joromi X-r.*y therapy of laryngeal cancer. Polski tygod. lek. 12 no.18: 677-678 29 Apr 57. 1. Z Oddstalu Instytutu Onkologii w Glivicach: Wrektor Instytutut dr. mad.. Jeremi Swiecki; kierownik Zakladu Rentgenoteraplit does dr..Wl. Jasinski. Instytut Onkologii; Gliwice, Czerwonej Armii (LARTNX, neoplasms . x-ray ther. (Pol)) (RADIOMMAPT. in various div. cancer of larym (Pol)) WIECZORKIEWICZ, -Anna; HLINIAKOWA , Irena; !O~~ROJITOWA, ccmp4cations following radiotherapy of cervical 6ancer and effect of general conditions of the patient before therapy on the survival according to material of the Institute of Oncology in Gliwice. Nowotwory 12 no.21l3l-138 162. 1. Z-Instytutu Onkologil Oddzia.1 w Gliwicach Dyrektor: dr meL J, Swictoki. (CEMrIX NEOPIAM radiothor) (HADIOTERAPY compl) Card Authors A. A., 7cKwilvan-v A. arw~ Title T r-Y Period1cfLI I Dokl AN 3--3R, q6, Ed. 1115 113t, JUne 1'~54 -n- Abutract ek 7. Institut.ion 3ite~lari ',,,,,-qic:)-TechnicaI ~rlert. - ke%earct,, 'r.-~t.,Lute &;.d t,re Kiroi Po'ly-toonndr-u-n, Tomsk Presented by Academician A. F. loffe, March 15, 1954 Usi of antibiotics in the control of Shigalls dysenterios carrring. -Podiptrila 39 no.6;60-62 Y-D 156. OGRA 10:2) I, Is kafedry aikrobiologiL Kiyovskogo maditainakogo stoustologichs- skogb Liketituta (dir. - prof. A.K.Gorchakov) i 2-y detskoy Infek- tsionnoy bolluitay (dir. AA.Rudik) (APPIDICTICS. therapeutic no@, dysentery. badllary$-thers of suspeoted carriers (Rua)) (DTBBNTARr, BACILIARY. preyoution and control. antibiotic thar. of suspected carriers (Rue)) ACC NRt AP7001821 SOURC.E_ -6/6119166100010121000810009 AUTHOR. Vorchakovp M. T. (Engineer) ORO: none TITLE: Nonlinear function generators using silicon voltago-regulating diodes 'SOURCE.- Priborostroyoniye, no. 12, 1966, 8-9 TOPIC TAGS: zener diode,' function generator, CLV%o.\O~ Vor,\Vfe-c- ABSTRACT: Five circuits of the Zener-diode function generator are briefly described. Operating on the piceewise-linear-approximation principle, they are intended for analog computers and similar applications where a nonlinear input-ouput relation is needed. Compared to ot~Wknown circuits, these circuits use minimum number of diodes,; and have minimuli power consumption. Two circuits-- with a voltage divider a.-,d with series-connectod. diodes -- can generate monotonous increasingly-steep functions. One circuit is intended.for generating decreasingly-steep functions. The rest two circuits permit combining linear operations (summation, integration) with function generation; ~i Ithey are suitable for computing amplifiers. Orig. art, haBs 4 figures and 2 formulas. SUB CODE.- 09 SUBM DATEt none ORIG REF: 004 Card 1/1 UDG, M-02.2- VQRCHAYIOVO M.T., inzh. lalculation of the croas-sectJ(- of the plungtr of a control. valve. Teplonergatika 12 no.3;93-94 Mr 165. (MIRA UtO VORCS, - J. Expariences with production and use of actidione. p. 132. KOZLEMENYEI, Budapest. '101- 8, no. 1/2, 1955 SOURCE: EM Vol. 5, No. 7. JulY 1956 VORCBENKOO Ye. Disengaging wheels of the front driving axle of the UAZ motor vehicles. Av.transp. 40 uo.747 Jl 062. (UM 15:8) le Vedushchiy kowtruktor U11yanovskogo avtozavoda. (Motor vehicles-Trans-isolon devIceo) die of of rortrAd rApr br -toulds, "at&4 vnj F sea Citetwalev 19r.0 001 13 anul'Ated suiar whsch h&4 boon &U4wd to twcaaw isap &-a t44 I." see vitted the rollavirg moulds were fooM 1enteillium erustoicv-=, 400 LLrl# Upar*Mus Cleacusi L" and Tcrula daccharis Carde. all to wgre i7ova In c*=. xu-- &-.r &oUt.lons- up jjk.'r lug* see 14 ail a 6,411 VOW I A 4 3 1 9 U- a 0 so a 41 't d R 0 0 0 0 ft $tdoetian of the 30-clola rp-te= in the =d 4zal~-14= and 41eq~rification of British raLlroaft. Tahnika Jug 17 ro.6: Suppl.t Saobracaj 9 no,6.-11V,-U95 Ja 062. I& Glavni alaktroinzenjor Britwiske komisije za trwisport, London. CZEMOGLCVAXTA/Cosncebzr:1o tz-.r. Gc-ccheMstry. 1*%Irocherdstry. Abs Jour; Ref Zhur-Mimi; No 28, 19581 77097- Author Cut& J., VorderwInklercria H. Inst Title Marob Ow Analyals as Ind1itator of Activity of Sediments in the Z40livea River VaUoy. l. Methods and Results of Qualitative Analysis. Orig M: Ceskool. hyg.., 1957, 2.. z;o 7, 417-4p-5. Abstract-, The method of determination of march gas compo- nents by absorption and chromatographic separation was tried in practice end found applicable under field conditions. The marsh gas analysis can serve as an indicator for the qualitative assess- nent of sediments. G. Voroblyev. Card CHALUPAq Jirij VORDERWINK M CVAg Rana Limnologic study of the ressrvoir Eedlice near Zeliv IV* Research on sedimentation* Sbor pal vod VSChT 3 no.2:167-219 160. (EEAI 10:2) I* Institut gigiyany i Kafedra tekhnologil vodyq Praga. Oxechoslovakia-Reservoirs) .(Sedimentation and deposition) w1d its main actiVitisOo Poz Dtorprioe neadostav spoci&Uzed 0 163, stavby 11 no*7047"349 podniku Faaadootavp PVshao 10 Reditel na-rOd'Liho VOhWHUVSaX* Ladialav .. -Titsihnological, and economic conference in the Yasadostav National 4mer;rise in Prague. ?oz stavby 12 no,51222-223 16,4, I VOPXGHOVSKI$ IAcUslav Goa-lusions of the technical and bconomie conference halo on November 7-8, 1962. Poz istavby nno.2,n5 163. - tACLe K.; PROMS, Js; 1!!I.Lj,&; AMHDVA-PMZkKOVA, 2. Affect of synthetic antidiabetics on the metabolism of liver glycogfm. Gas. 141k. cask. 97 no.6-7:217-220 14 Yab 58. Is I ujs tay pro chemii lakarskou a Ustav pro choxii soudai# toxikologit a mikraskopii EU Praha, prednosta prof. Karel Khcl? (ANTIDIABXTICS, off. on metab. of liver glycogen (Cz)) (LIM, matab. glycogen, eff. of antidiabetics (Cz)) (GLTGOMOF, metab, liver, off. of antidiabatios (02)) (/2otoovwvqd jaOXXO) (moTToqvlm SUVRalHOUTD) Pu'D 90TlvmQqlvH JO 4TnOvj lonVvjj louToTpoK uoT,4vTAV jo inujT~vuj -T WOu IT 'AOIOOMoqoq oTojvAU solva u1 =TToqnst olvip4ociavo uo omgi;azd oTzlowmTvq T=xou-qv voj,4vEvxM usMo peftoload jo,,4*o;;l Of MMKV f#A 'MOIL f*A' qvzmcl PROUSO jaro:la*7 -V- Oscil opolarograpbV of several substituted basic eaters & amides (local aneothetica). Cao~ Isk. cook. 97 no.6-7:226-228 14 Feb 58. 1. laborator pro toxikologii a soudni chosii Karlovy university v Press preclaosts! prof. Wel Mel, (AMETHOICS, MCA , deters, osaillopolarography (0s)) TESAR, J.; IIAMIOR111K.. F.; FEM, Z.; REHANEK, L.; SOBOTKA, J.; YQBL,14_F Sudden death in ischemic disease of t~z heart. Acta uaiv. ca.--,I. (med.] Suppl. IJ,:501-511 161. 1. Katedra soudniho lekarstvi faku-Ity vreobeeneho lekarstvi Univer3ity Karlovy v Praze, vedouci doc. dr. J. Tesar. (CORONARY DISFME) (DFATH SUDDF11) 31144 3/177/61/000/010/001/002 D298/D305 AUTHORS: Koldovskyo 0.1 Novak.) F. and Vorel, P. TI TLEs The development of atherosclerosis in Jet pilots PERIODICAL: VoyenrLo-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 10, 1961,, 70-72 TXXT:- In previous work (Ref. 12i Koldovsky 0., Novak,P. Riv. di Med. Aeronaut. e. Spaz., 23, 203,1960) the authors noted a higher level of cholesterine in the blood of helicopter pilots compared with a control group of non-flyers. This led the authors to assume that there might be a higher incidence of atheroscle- rosis among pilots, a thesis which is corroborated by pathoana- tomical studies of dead pilots (Ref.20: Vorel F., Nadvornik, F. Voj. zdrav.listy, 6,, 11, 1960). In the present work the authors describe further studies of the cholesterine level in the blood of jet pilots and the result of a further analysis of pathoana- tomical diagnoses. The general cholesterine level was studied Card 1/,j 3244 S/177/61/000/010/001/002 The development of D298/D305 in 138 jet pilots (average age 29) and in 142 men of otber pro.- fessions in the control group. In autopsies of dead pilots atherosclerotic lesions were detected on the basis of a positive macroscopic diagnosis of lipoid infiltrations in conjunction with atherosolarotic lesions of the coronary arteries. Autopsies performed on young men of the same age at the Institute of Forensic Uedicine, Charles University~ Fra6ue, were taken as a control. By analyzing their canteen food a study was made of the pilot's diet. It was found that the ge-neral cholesterine level in the blood of jet pilots (237.4 mg%) was higher than in the control group (206.4 meh). This corresponded to a more marked inoidence of atherosclerosis among pilots (55~) as compared with the control group (24-70). The cholesterine level in the blood of the control. group waa found to increase with age. A similar, but lose marked, increase in the cholesterine level was rioted in the pilots. Oomparison of the two groups showed Oard 2/4 32a S/.177/61/000/010//001/002- The development of D298/D305 that the cholesterine level in the pilots corresponded to that of a 50-year old man. In both pilots and control group athero- sclerosis became more pronounced with age, although this was more marked in the pilots. The incidence of atherosclerosis in the pilots corresponded to the incidence among men about 15 years older. The concentration of cholesterine in the blood and the atheromatOUB lesions lead to the conclusion that atherosclerosis develops much earlier in p1lots than in the persons of the con- trol group. The authors t~= examine the factors which may under- lie the higher cholesterine level and the earlier appearance of atherosclerosis in pilots. Diet studies showed that tile daily food ration of.the pilots had an excess calorific content (ap- proximately 40% higher than the energetic consumption). However, this calorific disbalunoe did not lead to warked obesity. The authors call for wore research to delorwine the courtection, If any, between*diet and the development of atherosclerosis. There are 1 table, 3 Soviet-bloc and 19 non-Soviet-bloc references. Card 3A 31444 .The development of S/177/61/000/010/001/002 D298/D305 The 4 most recent references to the English-language publica- tions read as follows; Broun8.,H., Delecluse A.. Report on IV Congress of Av.14ed., Roma 1959; Glantz V.M., Stembridge V.A. J-Av.Med., 30, 75, 1959; Joliffe.N. Circulation, 20, 109, 1959; Uason L.K. Medical Aspects of Plight Safety. Pergamon Press, London 1959, ASSOCIATIONt Institute of Aviation Health, 63SR Card 4/4 VOREL, F.1 BAGAROVAp 1. The significance of fat emboll in the evaluation of Omiation accidents. Bratiol. lek. listv 45 no-8:496-500 31 0 165. I* Ustav leteckeho zdravotnietvit Praha (vedouci, HJDr, M. Hanka). PRORSO J.s and VORELI F. "Oscillopolarographic Study of BarbiVirates," Chemicke Zvestio Bratislava., No. 11-12, 'Nov-Doc 60, P. 61L Affiliation: Laboratory of Toxicology and Forensic Chemistry, Faculty of General Medicine, Charles Universityj Prague# NADVORNIK, F.; REHANEK, L.; VOREL.. F. Incidence of fat embolism in 400 cases of fatal traura. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 30 no.3:190-196 Je 163. 1. Katedra soudniho lekarstvi fakulty vseobecneho lekarstvi KU v Praze, vedouci doe. dr. J. Tesar, CSc. (EMBOLISMp FAT) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES) (PULMONARY EMBOLISM) (PNEUMONIA) (STATISTICS) KVICALA, Vaelay; VOREL, Frantisek Calcium in the cerebrospinal fluid. Cook. neur. 24 no.3:196-197. Yb, 161. J. Neurologicka klinikw KU v Praze, prodnosta &kademik prof. K. Henner I ustav pro lekarskou ehemii KUv Prass, prednosta prof. dr. K. Kael. (CALCIUM earebrospinal fluid) (CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM disoaaes). CHUMMLA, Bedricb; VOMM, Frantlaek Determination of arsenic and antimony. Cas. lek. cook. 96 no.4.-113-114 25 Jan 57. 1. Ustay pro cbemit lekarskou a Ustay pro cbemil soudni, toxikologit a m1kroskopit Karlovy university v Prase. Prodnosta: prof. Dr. Karel Kael. B, Ch., Praha 2, Katerinska 32. (ARSMG, detorm. qualitative separation of arsenic from antImozW (03)) (ANTIMOBY, determ, qualitative separation of arsenic from antimorW (Cz)) VOREL, Frantisek Prague, Czechoslovakia "Bomerkungen zur Biochemie der blutzuckersenkenden Substanzen," by Karel KACL, Jaroslay PROKES, Frantisek VCM und Eva Amchova-Prozakova, Institut fur Medizinische Chemie der Karls-Universitat in Prag (Vorstand: PrOf., Dr. Karel Kac'..) SOME: Die Naturvissenschaften, 1 SeP 56, Unclassified. 1. I I KYNCL, Hiroolay, inz. VOREL, Jiri i Hicrovision, a blind landing devico, Letecky obzor 9 no.4s9l .I Ap 165. VYTRENS, Hirvalav; MUNKA, Josef; VOREL, Ladiolav Low--,czperature and starting properties of some auto- mobile motor oils. Ropa a uhlie 6 no. 4: 112-115 Ap 164. 1. Vyzkumne a zkusebDi strediBko 150 a 080, Prague, 45384 0/00 63/000/002/072/089 B B149 B144 eq/ V0 AUTHORS:. 7ytrbns, Miroslaii# Zelenka,'. J sef,~Vorslo Ladialay .-,TITLE.*. 'Properties of dieo6i. fuels ki low temp6ratures ~'PERIODICAL: Beforativnyy-sburnal. 465-466t Xhimiia, no* 2t 19639 abstract 2PI59 (Hops. a ublte#,v-4, 0*5, 1962 n 145-149109 &1 eummar ies-in Russ., Fr.,q Eng.*_and Oer-1) -TEM The properties at low temperatures of four.diesel fuels (with vestigated, b.p. 170-34boC) manufabttired,,Czeclioolov'aklq'were In as wall the influence on these properties of the folloving-depressors: AZNIA rOCT 8443-57 * (GOST ~ 8443-57.), Fluxan Z (Badisohe Aullin u. soda -Fabrik, PRG)j and Santopour (Monsanto,.England). '.The 2aboratory test* performbd included: pour point, crystallization pointp the temperature of -V~/ .!.para'Mh separation (M)t,extrome temperatuis of filtration (ETS) 'according to DIN 51570,and viscosity between 00 and-3500, at 5 0 intervals. Low-temperature propertieo'of the fuels were evaluated to the'ETF determined during the.test in-a Tatra-928 motor In- a. cooling, chamber; the temperAture was lowered stepsioe by 50C until it dard 1/2 B/661/63/000/002/07"2/UO --Popertie- V aof diesel B149)BI44 fuels. a r U aused une tiofaotory result the lovest temyerat re at which'th* 0 a results werestill eatisfadtory was taken as the.ETP. The adgition to of depressors lowered the pour point (from 50 t o 15 0) W alightly increased the viscosity, but 'priowtically-did not affect the or stallization, dint, -TPS; ETF a6dording to DIN 517009',qr the results p -of. motor-Aeots. . The pour Point, does not correspond to the NTFAh th* test,, enoe.b'tween STP in the'notor and tbe.pour and.the-differ e -crystallisation.,Voifit,knd. polint, viriep from fuel,'to` fuel I -Ahe do'cording.,iq -DIN 51.770 are oi6ierto-ET? in a.mot(ir-teet and VPS aihed. (fUb - 0' oorres"onds:vell.-to it.-.~,The- results obt l'-pbur,point-In CP p 0(; 0 according to': MY 51770 *'in OC, T~S. in STF in the motor in 0 are 309 -34t.-23: -249--251 hydrated' M30. listed: aa'followisi hydrated Nm- v NU-3 0.-2%~of AdIA-ddd'iti 6 -26, -24, -251 0 distillate from a j , - f - - ., ?IUMukhanovskay so - -26j xture o Romashkino a a orud -39p -339 -351 tho"- Ba 'e M .4 0-~2%'~of AZNIA additive -431 -28, 'a-329 .35;'N*-30 (a mixtur4? of 70%;,of Anaetaslyevka petrolium distillate and 30 of Saratov distillate) ~8, -~6, --25. it:w,ae~61 so found that the addition of Saratov 5 0 t leum distillate consider'ably.impaired the.low-temperature properti*8 pe ro illate. rAbstracter's note:.CompleYe ~.of-.'Anastaslyevka petroleum:diot 'r, arislation t :dard VOM , Lubos 'Effect of storage concUtions on the quality of co.i.-Ang materials. Tech praca 17 no-3:SuppItNaterove hmoty a naterpinsert Mr 165. VOREL - Coati'r.g materials for light metals. Tech praca 16 no. 1:71-72 Ja 164. VOREL, Lubos .Oil coatings for furniture surface treatment. Tech praca 16 no. 6tSuppl.i Haterove hmoty a natery 16 noo.6sinsort 164. VWEL' Luboo abelaac varnij~ to polyester lacquers. Tech praca:Suppl.: Natorove hmoty a natory 15 no.5--n.p. My 163. VOREM, STMISLAV. Zolezne hory. flutori-. Stanislav Vorel, Jiri Cizek a Trantisek Rozhon. 1. vyd._7 Praha, Statni telovychovne naki. L-19y+ 7 3.1 p. (Sbirka pohledovych map, C. 3) fZele-zne Hory. Ist. ed. fold. col. mp.j SO: Honthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6. no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. MAVROD311., Aop 2VMs V., vopzL,-mswm., M.0 OTLUW# D. UnUrxwb~ ma dar Gruppe der Sulfona (IV) Naus Sulfon-HydrazIA-DerivatO- so.. pbumzaut zento septamter 1956., UncUsisified. KAVRODIN,ALl.l.l)rof.; ZOTTA,V.; YOZIL-STORMCUsHanon; OTBIMM.D. ;avestigations on the class of sulphones (TI). New derivatires by coupling with mono-ethers of alkylresorainole. Rumnian M. Rtv- 3 no.4:84-87 O-D 159. (SULTONIS, theraPY) .(RBSORCINOL, related apda.) (TUBIRGULOSIS PUlMONARY.thempy) VOREL, Zdenelc (Praha) Estimates of the distance of tvo solutions based on the theory of generalized differential 6quationso Cas pro post mat 85 no.2: 158-187 NY o6o, (ERAI 9slO) - (Differential equations) DOIEZAL, Vaclav; YOIIBL,_Zdenek T 'he t1inory of Kirchhoff networks* Cas pro.pes mat 87 no#4:41.0-476 0.162. I., Matemticky ustav$ Ceskoslovenska akademie ved, Praha 1. Zitna 25$- DOLEM, VaclaIv,, inz.,, C.Sc.; FROKOPq Josef; VORELp Zdenekp inzop C.Sc. The theory of graphs in the analysis ofolectrical networks., Aplilrace mat 7 no,5:331-343 162, 1, 2fatematicky uotavp Ceskoolovenska akademie ved, Praha 1y Zitna, 25 (for Dolezal. and Vorel). 2, Vyzk=ny uotav telekomnikaoif Praha 10.- Strasnice,, Trabohosticka (for Prokop). AUTHORS: 8/044 62/000/010/053/042 B V86 Kurz-veil, J. _YArfil_,_Z' TITLE: Linear,control systems. 'Ps'RIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal.' Hatematikd, no. 109 1962, 49, abstract 1OV244 (Bul. Inst. polite.bno layi, ve 61 nos* 3-4; 1960* 13-20 [Bag.;-6ummaries in Russ. and Rum,3). 'TEXT: For the linea~r -system i a Ax + Bu(t) wh~isL A49. a_ nxin matrix of X(06 En'and a nxr matrix of u E Z , the problvm is posed -of- - r Jinding what equatioWof u(t) with the measurable components Ui(t) and., 1u i(t)l 4 1, will in a certain 'time T transfer the vector head of the system E fromla fixed-position zo to the origin of the coordinates x M Oa The banic subject of discussion is the large number-of possible, values for 6 in the'initial positions of z0 for -which the required equation exists.(even if at a given value of T)f If a contains some open surroundings of the origin of the coordinates the system is called Card 1/2 ag S/044'62/000/010/033/042 Linear control'systems BI 2186 correct. For the correct systems three theorems are,proved which establish the exiatence of asolution for the problem posed and which characterize the multiple values of S when the actual values of the A matrix are not positive. betracter's note: Complete translation.] [A Card 2/2 DOIAULI Vaclaylo inz.., C.Scol VOREL Zdenek inzat J,So. Some basic properties of Kirchhoff netuorks. Jkplikace mat.8 ilo.1:3G-54 163. 1, )4atematicky ustavp Ceokoolovenska akademie vedt Praha I., Zitna 25* DOLEZAL, Vaclav4 VOREL$ Zdenek Periodic solutions of Kirchhoff's networks. Cas pro pest mat 88 no.4:479-491 163. 1. Mitematicky ustav, Ceskoslovenoka akademie ved. Praha 1. Zitna 25. 23065' Z/026/6i/006/001/001/004 D231/1)30.5 AUTHOR: Vorel, Zdendk, Engineer -,TITLE: Some estimates in the theory of a quasilinear system with one degree.of freedom PERIODICAL: Aplikace matematiky,..v. 6, no. 1, 1961t 1-20 TM(T: The article gives instances for the solution.of the scalar eguation K +,x - E f (x, A, t, E-) obtained by using successive' approximaticna,..and.estimatiM,.the errors for the amplitude and phase of the-plane x, A. Considering the'scalar equation d1x + x di tf (x,!!X-, dt the function f 6i t is defined for (x, y) e D, where D E (x I yj Cj_-V xy, -CP5,CO