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V "4"Iffto PhotooNctric V. stholuv. Vk% I Bit N feints. curl, lex, 43. tHN)ob) ((jr I "d oxminfentall Curve) and the NJ Jay toy Cardwell ran I dl Intinully in h, of he Work ClipLoined jhcm,jkWjy, C.4 the ba4h ""C'" *1th front,. all n*On-%_&kJ1(C-4 4, b v at dkvt, &"-M. if' Whirl, ""at 1. an.) inwr WIS Inutua loteract. it Is round I ~Y. iLl ,h, dePends ~,Jdentljght,. On [lit IMP. And In, 1h febirb b near lite linjillne a I.. and ih, W,VJg r 9 l"MI01A. wmh I the tlneous main unFik4i %(,) Out for NJ MtkAn. J*Ar r., "Inlirl-I qo,1j,., colvely"y Caldwril's data TO r I the work (UM604 Is detd-: It carhmmlk'alln't"' "Bouingly rrlenf4lly- The pbotourrent cIr,, f, be $-fed experi. "Pend on its IPM14firms 1~ eeto"Uff"C"C il 1111(lion tgaft'iti'm Imp. th =tizalull; n", thr 1r. nlfCfkV 1* Mien i oLy L - - - - ; - - - -- . - -1- -1 ~ -- - ~~ f- .- - . ~ 2 - 2 - r I ~! TREASURS ISTAND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REPORT AID 194-r BOOK Call No. Q0753.V63 Authors VONSMSKIr S-V. Full Titfe`~:*MFWN SCIENCE OF MAGNETISM. (-.ONTMMUr PHISICAL PROM=) TranaliteraW Title: Sovremennoye ucheniye o magnatisme, (Sovremennyye problemy fisiki). .Publishing Dat& Originating Agencys None Publishing Houstes State Publishing House of Technical Theoretical Literature. Dates 1952 go, PP#l 440 No. of copiest 4tOOO /~~7)-- `% Editorial Staff Editors Bone Tech. Ed.x Non Editor-in-Chief None Appraisers None Text Data Coverages Ibio textb6ok describes contemporary physical concepts of magneticc~_' Phenomena (atomic and muclear magnetism, diamagnetic and vubitancesp general theory of ferromagnetism, magnetization curves, magnetic materials and their behavior in variable fields), Analyti- cal data are given in simple qualitative form on the baslar of Soviet and foreign experimental data obtained up to 1951, with a few refer- anose from 1952, 1/2 Sovremennoye i1cheniye o, magnetiames (SovromenMys problemy fisiki). AID 194-1 The book pay be of general interso because it Is a collection and review of the most recent concepts and data oeclired from 303 Soviet and 266 foreign Bourcest Purposes A book for soientific research workers and engineers, and for'.'students of physical and chemical sciences. Faoilitiess A.G. Stoletov did work on ferromapetiamp P.N. Lebedov on the iij~ie-tiii'6f the earth, V.K. Arkadyev on'47ec-ti;6-d ca of ferromagnetic m~dla and Akidoi;-Ve'dW~skiy.. KapAtmap Frinkel and .,iany other scientists ar6-io-iking o"W-ma-gnetio phenomena. No. of Russian and Slavic Referbnees: 303 of total 569 (1892-1951) Available: Library of Congress SHURp Ya. S. "Ferromagnetion"m Glaypoligrafizdat, Main Polygraphic Publishirg Howe, 816 pp, 1952 VONSOMR, S. V. PA 241T84 WSR/Physics Ferromgnetism All/Aug 52 OlProblems of the Quantum Theory of Ferromagnetism," V. Vonsovskiy, Ural Affil, Acad ScJ USSR "Iz A Nauk, Ser Fiz" Vol 16, No 4, PP 387-397 .Classical physics cannot explain stability of Ptomic__ bodies.. It may be accomplished by quantum theory of ferromag- netism, although it cannot be considered as-completed, .even within framework of non-relativistic quantum mechanicei- 24iT84 WNSMIM ~1. V j, FT ,12' L. YA. , RODMICV, K. P. E1ectrcm,-,m:-.-t. ism Toward th6 theory'of'galvancnagppatuic ph.,nomena in ferromagnetic materials. Izv. RN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 16 No. 5, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Rupsian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953. Unclassified. Magnetism Conference on magnetism Usp. fiz. nank 46 no. 3, 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Auglimt 19 J&5c), Uncl. USSR/Physics Electron Conductors Nov 52 'Troblems of the Modern Quantum Theory of Elec- tron Conductors," S. V. Vormovskly "Uspekbi Fiz Nauk" Vol 113, No 31 pp 289-388 A critical survey of modern quantum-mechani,~ theory of crystalline electron conductors. Multi-electro-a treatment of the problem by N. Bogolyuboir, S.N. Tyablikov) S. 1. Pekar, S. V. Vonsovskiy and others is described, as well as idealistic distortions by Slater, Van Fleck, Mott, Stoner and others. 62 references appended. -~242T99 VOXWSKIT, S.T.; GUM, A.A., redalctor; TUKMIIA. N.A., tokhalchoskly [Koders theories on xWetisel Soyromenuos, ucheale a wagmetisms. Moskva, Goo. lzd-vo tekhn.-teors"t. lit-rro 195). 440 p.(NTAA 7:8) 622 Vervat true ile- !r. V 1.1-.-~T.-.-_:f, -,-. Y B VIAI~ p0", ~ -. .- i.- I ~, the ruff-, I I - I .. .. E - -1- " I - t - - .. - I..-.. - - - - - - -~-~ . I.. I .- - , . - "'. . -sj, - " Ir M - F , , - - PX71 -- I- , --- -- - -a - Ol -~ - ;-- ~ , ~A~e~ 0- ~ r -7, E - I . 9, f - . . . - , . k, , . t I- .- I . . I '. . .1. I . ~:~i L , TOYSOVSKIY, S.Y., redaktor; SMMINA, L.A. (translator]; TIMNIN, N.L., 'XwaA,",mWWgt*r-pAZITOROTA, A.N., tekhnioheskiy rodaktor, [Ilacticity and anelasticity of metals; collection of articles. UprugostO i neuprugost' metalloy; aboralk. Pereyod L.A.Zhublaoi. Moskva, Izd-vo Inostrannoi lit-ry, 1954. 396 p. [Mlorofilml (Slastloity) (Metals) WHA 7:11) VOIISOVSKIY, S. V. "Multblectron Approach in the Wantum, Theory of Crystals (Criticism of the Single Electron Theory of Solid Bodies)" Tr. In-ta Fiziki M UkrSSR, No 5., 1954j 3-27 Criticizes the single electron approach in the quantum mechanics theory of crystals, lays the foundations for a general multielectron theory of the solid state, and analyzes the multielectron models necessary for studying concrete properties of crystalline bodies. (RZhKhim, No 2, 1955) SO: Sum-No 787, '12 Jan 56 VONSOVSKIYZ '113. '~. and Rodionov, K. P. "Theory of Variation of Electric Resistance of Ferrmagnetics I" Tr. in,ta Fiziki Metallov Uralsk Fil, M SSSR, Ito 15, 1954, 3-9 The dep,!ndence of the variation of electric resistance of a ferro- magnetic on the square of the spontaneous magnetization is clarified by means of a nodel of interacting external and internal electrons, as described previously QtUll 16, 981., 1946) and tn1cing .1r-to account the rxLrnetic spin- spin interaction of conducting electrons with ferromagnetic electons. Theoretical -and experimerial results are in good agreement. (RZhFiz, No 9, 1955) SO: Sum-1-10737 12 Jan 56 USMIF-r7sics - Fe-romagnetiam Caxd 1/1 Pu:). 43 - 2-115 Authors I %'Casav-s < i7, 3 . i. e t Periodical 1 1: v. Al. -,-,,SR. 3er, f i z ula 1 Abstract I T ie ntrierr)us srA-,.-cific -ro-,~erties of ferrites MeO.Fe--)O-,, -here Me is the -ire 1 ,nt a-,mi; ism t.-.e quant-um-oectinica' t heo ryf tals a-id a--I.-)ys, are listed. Seventeen referer~cezj c. 1- -3-1~53). Grar)hs. Institution: : Leadenny of Scionces MSSR, Ural nranch, Institute of Physics of Mletals Submittel: : 'hY 3, 1',1514 agg USSR/Physics 2errozagnetism cam 1/1 >ub. 43 - 3/15 Authors I 3,~',,4nv, YU. 14. Periodical t Izv. ~',N 3S3R. 5er. fiz. 18/3, 319-327, May-Jun 1954 Abotract I trc-At~ie ~s rreiented on the rf~rrqraagnetir- phenc~-r-- D.e -ft--trrti ions rorm a race-cenr-erea cuuica.L ~e-ULzc~ -i, Submitted J11ne 3, 1954 -~e7. I I L~1. Periodical i LV. i Abatract I it is explaired ti,,e formulation of a mu-Iti-electron theory fcr Fit-I.- n-etal.~z rt-qi1ir,-q the existence of two electron gmupr,, one of Zr.-ch D-s t I' u' L 7 7 SubvAtted "I 1 4 MM/Physias Parianawositte relaxatia-n Card Authors V nq(,v i~ i V., Mcbm. Corres. or Ac. of Se. and S;,1 i1chov, Title Pi,ramai~netic relaxation in metals Periodical D(,kl. AN SSSR, 96, Ed. 4, 717 - 719, June 1954 Abstract Vitrious metals were tested at room temrerature, to determine the para- m-- anet c enerf~v absorption of a hiah freqnency field. In a frreat-er n,,-- Uq r o f r, ru~ t c - tei me t1 s~Ln intenf;ive r-la-xation tvp- abs-)rrtion. lix-Ation, can he divi,l,~,i into Protins. Dat-t r-rtain4rr.- Institutiu--i Stibmi tted rch W, 1q;1, VONSOVSKIT, S.Y., Conference on Low Temperature Magnetism. Papers read at the conference on Low Temperature Magnetism held at IDWkow, JuIT 1-3. 19540 Iffv,JW SSSR.Ser.Fis.19 no.4;387-394 Jl-A- '55- (KLRA 9111 (Low temperature research) (Magnetism) V, USSA/Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory. Geometric Crystallography,. E-2 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Fizika.. No 12, 1956, 3k56o Author: Vcnoovskiy, S. V. Inatitutior: institute of Metal Physical Ural Branch~ Academy of Sciences USSR Titlei Ceitain Problems in Quantum Mechanics Theory of Crystals at, Low Temperatures Original Periodicalt Izv. AN SSSR, ser. fiz., 1955, 19, no 4, 447-461 Abstract: An analysis is given of the present-day status of quantum mechanics theory of crystalo in the low temperature region, and also a survey of the work performed,by the author and his students on this problem. Solution methods are examined, as well as approxiiiations u.jed in the study of the problem of the behavior of a condensed system. Vae conditions under which the complex motion of the interacting elementary particles :an be represented as the motion of an Ideal gas of elementary excitations (quasiparticies) is indicated. Discussion of the method of establishing the type of statistics for the elementary excitations and of the connection between the statis- tics and t~ie type of statistics of the initial microsyntem. The calculation of the energy spe:trum of the system of internal and external electrons of ferromagnetic- transition metals on the basis of the so-called s-d model is explained; the I of 2 - 1 - USSR/Solid State Physics - Solid State Theory. Geometric Crystallography,, E-2 Abet Jourral: Referat Zhur - Fizika, 11o 12, 1956, 34560 Author: Vonsovskiy., S. V. Institution: Institute of Metal Physics,, Ural Branch~ Academy of Sciences USSR Titlet Certain Problems in quantum ~Lechanics Theory of Crystals at Low Temperatures Original P.-riodical: Izv. AN SSSR, Ber. fiz., 1955, 19P lio 4. 447-461 Abstract: probabilities of the quantum transitions in this system are given. The absence of a universal temperature dependence of the electric-resistance of the type P_T5 is at-.ributed to the fact that in certain crystals the carriers of the electric curreent zav be elementary excitations, obeying the Bose statistics. An exposition iB,made of a polar model of semimetals and semiconductors,, in which the current car- riers are doublets holesJobeying the Bose statistics) and excitons. Results of cal- culation of' the electric and magnetic properties of crystals, based on the s-d and polar model, are given. 2 of 2 2 .-4 In ft " I ~mm fiv 15W~ , i iiI~ I;,- ~~ -1 R llalfi- 10 rl"I "Quantum-Hecbenical Treatment of the Problem of Ferromagnetiss of Transition Vatels," a paper submitted at the International Conference on Pbysics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 MAY 56. SHUBINA, Isk. [translator); VQNSOVSKIY,, S.Y., redaktor; TILISUIN, N.L., redaktor; OMSIXOVA, redairtor .0 [AnWerromagnetism.- a collection of articless Translations] Antiforomagnatizm; abornik statei. Perevod L.A,Shubinoi. Pocl red.'S.V.Vonsovskogo. Moskva. Izd-vo inostrannot lit--ry. 1956. 487 p. (MMA 10:3) (Parromagnetism) V6 v Y Category : USSR/Solid State Fbysics - General Problems E-1 Abs J"dur :Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 2, 1957 No 3651 Author Vonsovskly, S.V. Title Re-s-e-ar-cr-M--We--Mysics of Metals (In the Ural' Branch of the Academy of Sciences,USSR). Orig.Pub Vesta. AN SSSR, 1956, No 7, 16-23 Abstract No abstract Card D - V SUBhCT isn / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1600 AUTHOR VONS0VSKIJ'S.V- TITLE Congresslon the Physics of Magnetic Phenomena. PERIODICAL Uap.fie.naukp 60,fase-4, 709-722 (1956) Issued: I / 1957 This congress was organiz~sd from May 23rd to May 31st 1956 at Moscow ty the de- partment for physical sciences of the Academy of Science in the USSR, the com- mission for magnetism of the Academy of Science in the USSR at the Ural branch, and by Moscow University. This was the Third Great Soviet Congress on Magnetism since the end of the war (1946 and 1951 at StPDLOVSK). The congress was attended by 700 scientists and engineers (among them about 30 from foreign countries), and 80 lectures and reports were read out. The congress dealt with the following problems: a) Magnetism of slightly magnetic substances and magnetism at low temperatures. b) Paramagnetic and ferromagnetic resonance. o) The physics of the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic state. d) The Physics of the technical magnetization curve and of magnetic substances. Individual lectures dealt among others with the following topics: The magnetic properties of nonferromagnetic metals at low temperatures, experimental investigations within the HAAS and VAN ALFVhl (?) domain, galvanomaFnetic properties of bismuth, theory of cyclotron , resonance'in metals, energy spectrum of electrons in metals, and HAAS-VAN ALFM effect, d* 1~ermination of the single components of the magnetic susceptibility of a semiconductor, linear and quadratic ZEEW effect and diamagnetism of exiton in cuprous oxide, cyclotron- and plasma resonance in solidep paramagnetic re- Usp.fis.nauk,60,fase-4, 709-722 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 ?A - 1800 laxation, non-resonancelike paramagnetic resonance phenomenat new magneto- optic phenomena in microwaves, permeability of ferromagnetica for centimeter waves, artificial magnetic dielectrics, of magnetic powders, quantum theory of ferromagnetiam and antiferromagnetism, approximation methods of second quanti- zation in the quantum theory of magnetiamt spin waves, spontaneous magnetiza- tion of thin layers, relaxation- and kinetic processes in ferrodielectrica at low temperatures, spectrum of elementary excitations, supraconductivity in ferromagnetica, thermodynamics of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phenom- ena, temperature dependence of the most important properties of these sub- stances, temperature dependence of the magnetic properties of nickel and niokel alloys, nolimagnetic properties of ferromagneticap theory of elastic ferromagnetica, structure of the domains of spontaneous magnetization, new ex- periments with powder figures, phenomena of magnetooptic polarization in ferro- magnetic crystals, influence of phase transformations as well as of the crystallographic and magnetic texture upon the magnetic properties of ferro- magnetic substances, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic viscosity of ferromagnetica, magnetic measurements, eto. INSTITUTION: V& /V 2 t1 v .7 -?if Kif USSR/ Physical Chemistry - crystals Abb Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimlys, No 4, 1957.. U050 Author : Yonemkiy S.V... Seyidov -fu.X. inst : 'JG ~emy `oc fences UM , :rNST. Mlsir.; ef filelels, ~lp Title : On Indirect Exchange intirsetion Orig Pub : Dokl. AN~SSR,, 1956, 107) No 1, 37-40 Abstract - TM' eat exchange interaction in ionic crystals vas calculated vithin th e scope of a polyelectronic polar model. An ionic lattice of Who type is COA" sidered, a portion of the latticepoints of vhich in occupied by magnetic and the other portion by non-magnetic ipns. It is assumed that in the basic state each magnetic ion has one s-electrOn in the inconple~e shell and each non-magnetic ion has two p-electrons of opposite spin, in- teraction occurs as a result of the transfer of electrons betwen magnetic azd non-nagaetic points of the lattice. As a result of expansion of polyele- .etronic hamiltonian to a series in povers of minor integral of inorthogonali- ty of atomic veve functionslit is shovn that integral of indirect exchange interaction differs from zero only at fourth approximation and not at the third as vas assumed heretofore. Card 1/1 - VO A; 7SeDI/Z us W-mmatum - r#bw*netisv.. F-4 Abst Journalt Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 12,, 1956., 3k905 Author: Vonsovskiy., S, V,.Jq Seyidov., Yu. M. inatitutgon: Institute of Pbysics,.Ural Branch.. Academy of Sciences.. Sverdlovsk Title: Concerning the Indirect Exchange Interaction Orig4nal Periodicals Doki. AN SISSR, 1956, 10T, No l., t40 Abstraett The indirect exchange Interaction in condensed media is examined using tb-- method of the Bogolyuboy-TyabdIkov perturbation theory. The small parameter chosen is the overlap of the vave functions of tbe electrons of the magnetized and nonmagnetized ions (nonorthogona-lity . integrals). It is shown that the indirect exchamge interaction appears In tfie fourth application of the theory of perturbation. The shortcomings of the rjanwo theory of the indirect exchange interaction (Kramers., A. H., Physics, 1933, 1, 182) and of Anderson's theory (Anderson., P. Wo., 2bysical Review, 1950, 79, 350) are considered where the indirect ex- change 'interaction Is obtained only for the molecules of the 14n-0-41n Card V2 ---------- verrmapatiaml 905 ixA p No 12t 1956t 34 J?ar 9L Referst Zh"r- - Fiz to Oe ortbOSGII&I' Umers- fwetions, tbO the in Abst assuaw tbe electron Vaye 3& . vrPressian for hors dbtaW essiOu 'for AbStractS the aut the eeneral exPr vwtic (1ire'ct, excbasge AnclersuXIX Ou direct "cbange AU-T-hORS: Vonsovskiy, S.V., Cherepanov, V.I. and TITLE; On the theory of exciton absorption of eksitonnogo pogloshcheniya sveta). PERIODICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeni-fe" and Metallurgy), Vol.IV, No.2, 1957.- -pl?.205-211 Galish_e S. 12 6 - ~2 j3t0*' light. eorii (Physics of Metals (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The theory of Frenkel as generalised by Galishev and Vonsovskiy (1) is applied to the investigation of the mechanism of the absorption of light in crystals. The probability is calculated of a quantum transition of a system of electrons from a ground state to an excited state under the action of light, It is shown that the optical properties of such a system at absolute zero of temperature are not fully analogous to the properties of a system of isolated atoms. In the cases where exchange effects and pair procepses of excitation can be neglected, the present theory reduces to Frenkel's theory. In accordance with refs. 1 and 6, a crystal lattice with "frozen" positive ions is considered in which non- Card 1/3 uniformities in electron density are absent, and each crystal node has a valency electron over the closed shells. It is assumed that each such electron can be either in a ground state or in an excited state. Spin characteristics On the theory of exciton absorption of light. cont.) of electrons are not considered and the a ates under consideration are taken to be non-degenerate. probability o transition of the system from a normal to%an.6xcited state shown to'be given-by P (t) ~hlv - where ?4(t) is the probability of absorption of a quantum hj in time t, 11 a (El O)lh is the transition of frequency,, and W is given by (cf. Frenkel: Wave Mechanics, Pt.IIJO JIf ei .Wo (Ao 0 10 a (0) lie Card 2/3 The spectral coefficient of absorption of light is shown to be given by (cf. Seitz"E, Ref.2)., 4ftcr(j) 21Ye2n --), --~ ~ 1 2 0 it 2ch -j (nolol) a(0) &(-41 -V) There are 8 references, 6 of which are Slavic. AUTHORS: Svirskiy, M. S. and Vonsovskiy, S. V. 126-3-2/34 TITLE: On the possibility of spontaneous ionisation in the system of interacting electrons of a crystal. (0 vozmozhnoy samoproizvollnoy ionizatsii v sisteme vzaimodeystvuyushchikh elektronov kristalla). PERIODICILL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedeniye" (Physics of Metals and Metall 9Y)s 1557, Vol.4, No.3, PP. 392-399 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Fundamentally two approximations are available for solving the multi-electron problem of the crystal. One is based on the generalised Geitler-London-Geisenberg model, the other is based on the model of collectivised electrons. It is usually assumed that the first model can be successfully utilised in investigating various properties of the electron system of crystals of dielectrics and semi-conductors, whilst the second can be successfully applied for crystals of metals and alloys. Shubin and Vonsovskiy (1) showed that it is possible to utilise the first mentioned model for metallic crystals; thereby,the quasi-classical a-pproximation was utilised which enabled accurate determination of the relation ,of the mutual distribution of the minima of the energy levels Card 1/4 of tiae electron system on the number of ionised nodes 2s. It is shown that only those naive classical conceptions 1M.3-2/34 On the possibility of spontaneous ionisation in the systex of interacting electrons of a crystal. (Cont.) which do not take into consideration the influence of the distribution of ionised nodes along the crystal and of the quantum "energies" could lead toaeJnc=.ect interpretation of ionised states being unfavourable from the enerLU point of view. Mott (3) states that for low values of s the energy of the system increases only with increasing degree of ionisation owing to increase, of the classical ionisation energy; only for very large values of s, when screening starts to play a certain part, does Mott consider ionioation states as bein[; favourable from the energy point of view. These qualitative conclusions of Mott are not supported by calculations. On the basis of results obtained in the above mentioned earlier paper and one of the authors (1), it is possilole to plot easily the curves of the dependence of the energy of the electron system of the crystal on its degree of ionisation s1N. The authors of this paper investigated this dependence for various ratios of the absolute values of the integrals A, I and L and the results are represented diagrammatically in the Uaph, Fig.l. They consider that, Card 2/4 eontrary to the view of Mott, states of spontaneous ionisation are fully possible for low values of s, as is On the possibility of spontaneous ionisation in the system of interacting electrons of a crystal. (Cont.) E shown bpmore systematic consideration of the quantum effects. The problem of determination of the lowest energy state of a system of interacting electrons within the framework of the polar mcdel was also considered in the work of Bogolyubov,N.N. and Tyablikov, S.V. (4,5); they give a quantitative justifica- tion of the ideas of Mott that the existence of a weakly ionised state is, from the energy point of view, unfavourable. Detailed analysis of this problem, given in this paper ., shows that this conclusion is unjustified. It is concluded that the distribution of the energy levels of the homeopolar and the ionised states in a crystal have a direct and complicated dependence on the ratio of the absolute values of the atom energies of various types in the crystal, due to the quasi- classical as well as the specific quantum part of the electro- static interactions of electrons in the crystal. Therefore, partial as well as full spontaneous ionisation of the electron states may occur and it can be stated that the generelised Geitler-London-Geisenberg model can be applied for explaining Card 3/4 phenomena relating to the metallic conductivity. There are one graph and 6 references, four of which are Slavic. ---------- 126-3-2/34 On the possibility of spontaneous ionisation in the system of interacting electrons of a crystal. (Cont.) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of'Metal ]Physics Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. (Institut Fiziki Metallov Urallskogo Filiala AN SSSR) Chelyabinsk PedaFogic Institute. (Chelyabinskiy Pedagogi- cheakiy Institut), AVAILABLE: 14brexy of Congmse dard 4/4 AUTHORS: Vonzovski6 S,,V. E:.2d Kushnirenko, A. 11. 126-5-3-3/31 TITL143: Excited States in an Atomic Semiconductor in a Multi- electron Model (Vozbuzhdennyye sostoyani a atorinoCo poluprovodnika v mnogoelektronnoy modeli5 M-RIODICAL: Fizika Metallov i filetallovedeniye, 1957, Vol V, Nr 3, PP 395-401 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Configuration space concepts are applied to an inherent semiconductor, in which each lattice site is assumed occupied by two (non-degenerate) s-state electrons with antiparallel spin projections. The first excited p state (assumed non-degenerate) is included. The two possible species of excitation in such crystal are Frenkel excitons (singlet or triplet states),- and electron- hole conduction. The work extends earlier studies on a one-electron model, and on a two-electron model neglectin.6 conduction. The problem is initially formulated in Slater determinant form (Eq.(1.1)) for Frenkel excitons and analysis (neglecting magnetic interactions) for the wave-functions and energy is then standard. It is then shown that the Frenkel excitons can carry no current. The electron-hole type of excitationis then considered Card 1/2 more briefly, stcrting from the excited-state eigenfunction 126-5-3-3/31 Excited States in an Atomic Semiconductor in a Multi-electron 'Model Eq.(2.1). It is'domonstrated.also that there is no essential physical difference between Frenkel and Mott excitons, which can only be done from a multi-electron model. There are 11 references, 10 Soviet9 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of the Ac.Sc., .U.S.S.R (Institut Fiziki Metallov Uraltskogo Filiala AN SSSR5 SUBMITTBDI April 81 1957. 1. Semiconductors--Excitation 2. Semiconductors--Electron trans4tions Card 2/2 VON 5 0111~k I Y, 5J 137-58-5-10391 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 215 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vonsovskiy TITLE: Problems of Solid-state Physics as Treated in thz Work of the Institute for the Physics of Metals of the Urals Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Problemy fiziki tverdogo tela v rabotakh Instituta fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala AN SSSR) PERIODICAL: Izv. vost. fil. AN SSSR, 1957, Nr 8, pp 130-142 ABSTRACT: A communication is presented on the major directions taken by the work of the Institute. Theoretical studies are in the direc- tion of determining interelectronic interactions in solids. Investi- ga ti on is under way of the mechanism of the forces of cohesion in various types of solids. Studies are under way in the theory of the technical magnetization curve and in the physics of ferromag- netic materials. The electrical and optical properties of metals are investigated. The problem of the relationship between phase composition and mechanical properties in metals and alloys is being elaborated. Bibliography: 28 references, A. R. 1. Physics--Theory 2. Metals--Properties Card 1/1 vo i yll-f~j"01 I/ ~_S' i~~ jV 48-6-14/23 SUBJECTi USSR/Physios of Magnetic Phenomena AUTHORr Vonsovskiyq S.V. TITLE: Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Ferromagnetism in Metals of Transition Groups (Kvantovomekhanioheakaye traktovka. ferromag- netizma metallov perekhodnykh grupp). PERIODICALt Izveatiya Akademii Nauk SSSR# Seriya Fizhicheakayaq 1957, Vol 21, #69 pp 854-861 (USSR) 'ABSTRACTt At presento there are two multi-electron approximations in the ferromagnetism theoryt 1. A generalizqd model of Heitler-London-Heieenberg, and 2. A model of collectivized electronat which makes use of the Bloch collectivized one-electron functions. For the case of crystals of the transition group elements and their compoundsp it turned out to be expedient to use a "mixed" presentation, in which valence electrons are described by Bloch functions and internal electrons by atomic localized functions. Anomalies in many properties of ferromagnetic metals such as Card 1/3 fractional atomic magnetic moments (5, 10), optical ill), mag- 48-6-14/23 TITLEt Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Farromagnstism in Yetals of Transition Groups (Kvantopomekhanicheakava traktovka ferro- magnatizma metallov perekhodnykh grupp). neto-optical (12) and other anomaliest were explained by the author and other physicists in Sverdlovsk Y making use of this latter model# which was named the "C'a M., (s-d exchange model), A further improvement of this model can be achieved by its generalization which consists in the combination of a general- 12ed polar model of semiconductors (28) and a s-d exchange model. The main result of applying this model consists in the deriva- tion of.the following laws For the Fermi branch of the energe- tic spectrum ("holes" in the s-shell and p-electrons) the elec- troconductivity f depends on the -ignetization of a ferromag- netic material as follc--? +X-[e whereof, and ar - are some constants having dimen-eJonality-of energy and which are connected to the width of the energetic Card 2/3 "gap" between the a- and p-conductivity bandeg .1 ~ . . 48-6-3-4/23 ,TITLEs Quantum-Mechanical Treatment of Ferromagnetism in Metals of Transitloh Groups (Kvantovomekhanichookayn traktovka ferro- magnetizma metallov perekhodnykh grupp). ,x - is the Boltzman constant# and T - is the temperature. The bibliography lists 33 references, 25 of which are Russian. ~ASSOCIATION: Institute for Physics of Metals in the Ural Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences. PRESENTED BYi SUBMITTEDs No date indicated AVAILABLEs At the Library of Congress. Card 3/3 'AUT1:,ORS: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: Card 1/2 32-10-22/32 Kly t S.V. I Corres,jonding U,,tabe. of the Acadevq Vor-3 ovs A t7 -6f-S-ciences USSR, Mlkheyev,, M.N.,, Candidate of Technical Sciences Analysis of hLagnectic Structure (L1a-,iiitnyj strukturrvj analiz) Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 19j7, Vol 23, fir lo, pp 1221-1226 (USSR) The chapter of the paper;_Developm6nt of the meth 'o'ds - *of- analysis of magRe~~e structure b~!,Sins by uantioniz.,,3 a aeriej of 6oviet, as well as American,German, and French scientists who contributed to the development of the method referred to in the title.Amon., them are: Arkad'yev, Frenkel, Dorfman, Akalov, Kondorskiy, Landau Lifshits and Yanus (USSR), further Bozopt and Bitter (USA), D,,-rir,Z (Geraany) and 11,~el (France). The elaborate studies of Soviet scientists in the field of magnotic coutrul of the ma-ter- ials are declared to be of greatest importance, and that in the sense of their practical application in industrial enterprises. The most important studies in titis field are mentioned here, most of them with the application of a coerciuoter in the control me- Viods and finally a special method which is called here "magne- tic metallography" with which the investigation of the structure of the hases is Judged according to the pictare of the deposit of tho 11agrietic powd'er on the ground sections of the metals.(ac- cordin-to Yeremin, N. 1.). In tht followin, chapteri Ratio bet* 0 0 Analysis of Ma"n-atic Structure 32-lo-21/32 U ween magnctic_ properti~-,,a. art,-' structural state of subs-tn-nce, the characteristic property of interaction or tht tlectror,3 and po- nitive ioar. of the crjstalline lattice of the substance is taken its a basisfor the investigation of this ratio. With this, it is a130 exilained that the chtn,;,-!s in the chcoical and pvise-atruc- ture of the substance and various states of thcir structure in their wagnatic characteristic become effective and that tha~r de- terLiine thi- belonzin of the subat,-inoe to one of the magnetic Croups. (Diamagntticap para-,or fni-romagnttica). Takina account of the variations of saturation, or of the Curie point, with re- spect to the changes in chemical cozposition, the degree of order of the atoLis in the alloy and disturbances in higher bonds, it 0 therefore resalto a posuibility of elaborating a measuring me- thod for these variations in atomic structure of the substance. The saine can be stated with respect to the structural dependence %of madnetic paranicters which are in proportion to the technical I el hu-nctization curv,-- (original and maximutf, ~;ancojjilitj, cotrcive force, final war'-ri.,~tizat ion, etc.). Corr es,)oix i n3, :.,t;,t3arin,3 in- svua~;nta arc built on these principli--s. There are 59 raferances, JC bf viAich are Slavic. AVAILIBLE: of Congres3 Card 2/2 Magnetic properties-Analysis 'AUTHOR VONSOVSKIY s.v**p corresponding member of the Academy of PA-2846 TITLE On the connection of dynamic and static rules in the case of &ionic phenomenas (0 svjasi dinami nurchaskich i als,stisusheskich tsalconomernostej Y atosaych J&v1*nitA7Kft*-- Russian) PERIODICAL Vettaik akadenii nauk S.S.S.R., 1951p Vol 27t Nr 4, pp 31 - 45 t Review --. - edo. 6 /1951 Received: 5 /1957 ABSTRACT In phy9isal science dynamic rules are the expression of immediate and causal dependencee The basic idea in that if for any physical- meahm-nical system the coordinates and determining moment& are knowrip the also the *trend" of the systes is known according to the equation of motion, I number of conditions must# of course be satiNfieds Great success has been achieved in practice by alas- sical macroneoplo mechanics. This led to the conviction of the absolute exactitude of the principles of mechanical determinism. The first blow was dealt to this "aboolutinallon" in aoxnection with the theoretical generalization& in-the field of the investi- g4tion. of the form of heat (of the motion of-uatter). The** probless became particularly &out* In oonn*atioa with the reciprocal relations of dynamic and static rules governing phenomena In nature (in oonsestiox with the progress made by nuclear physises: CARD 1/2 2646 .04 tho connection of dynamic and static rules In the ease of atcato phenomena* qunatua mechanics). The adherents of Laplacits determinism always ho7ed that in the end all difficulties Vftld be oversoneg and that the (strictly dynamic) thermodynamics would be the goal attaiAed aventuatIly. However, theme hopes remained unfulfilled. Atomie dynamics turned out to be static. The struggle conceraing quantum meahanias naturally gave rise to opposing philosophical conceptions. HEISENBERG, one of the greatest physicists of our time# is inclined to favor the "Copenhagen interpretation", which utq safely be described an "idealistLaus This in opposed by L.D. ALEXANDROVS interpretation, which inclines more towards the philosophy of dialectic Materialism. ASSOCIATIM :act jiven. PRESENTED BY: - SUBKITTZDt - AUILABLE: Libriry-of Oongress. CARD 2/2 - . "U=.. -L (Sverdlovsk) . "Aspects of Sovelt Researches in Magwtism.o . ThbrMOkInaml.08 Of Anti- and Farromagnetice near the Neal or Curie Temperatures." !"Parasitic FeTrOmagnOtism in Antiferromagnetics." (Dzyalosinakiy) 1 "General Thawy." (MMO_v, &ablikov, Irkhin, Akhieze report presented at Colloquim an Magnetism, Grenoble, France, 2-5 Jul 58. Eval; B - 3,,lU)755 3 Sep 58. VONSOVSM, S. V. (Prof.) "Work of Soviet PlWsicists In the Area of Aagnetiam duri-ng the last Few Tears," . report presented at the Colloquium on Hagnetism, Grenoble, France, 1 2-6 Jul 58. Director, Magnetics Inst, Sverdlovsk. voNsomay, s. v. (Dr.) "Phenomenological Treatment in the Quantum Theory of Ferro- and Antiferro-maEpetism."' with TLIROV,, Ye. A. paper presented at the Four-th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magrietic Materials Ph~ladelphia, Pat, 17-20 Nov. 1958. Division of Theoretical Physics of the Institute of Metal Physics) USSR Acad. Sverdlovsk. Uoocov!S PHASE I BOOK M(PLOITATION S004T so Y2&m-zo Akademiya nauk SSSR. Urallskiy filial. Inatitut fiziki metallov 0 (Transactions of the Institute of the Physics of Trudy 'VYP. x! Metals, Ural Branch,, Academy of Sciences USSR, No. 20) Sverd- -lovsk, 1958. 402 0. Errata slip inserted. lpOO0 copies printed. .Reap. Ws.: S.V. Vonsovskiy, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences TS-SR, and V.I. Arkharov, Doctor of Technical Sciences.. PURPOSE:. ThIs book is intended for scientists working in the field .of physical metallurgy. COVERAGE: IThis'is a collection of 28 articles written by members of the Institute! -or ~!the ~ PbyaUs; of'. Metals-i .1 Uralt Brinobs. the! AWAOW of Sciences USSR.. on problems investigated at the Institute. Studies at the Institute have concentrated on two basic,problems: 1) developing- a theory of metals and alloys and finding ways to improve the Card-4/6- Transactions of the Institute (cont.) SOV/3847. properties. of engineering materials; and 2 developing new physi- cal methods for investigating and controlling the quality of materials and metal articles. In.oonnection with these basic problems the articles in the collection treat the following sub- Jeotevproblems of the multieleotron quantum-mechanical theory of solids; the laws of distribution and diffusion of admixtures in viirious metallic alloys (internal adsorption theory); strength and plasticity of polyorystalline materials In relation to Inter- atom'4o binding forces., distortions in the crystal lattice; strue- tural theory of diffusion reaction, i.e. diffusion due to chemi- cal :reactions in solid phases; theory of the magnetic structure of f~srroniagnetio substanoool theory of the beat treatment of staelj and the physical theory of magnetic measurements (magnetic flaw detoction and struotural analysis). The first article gives a d6scriptiop of the work being done by the Institute and a list of departments and laboratories along with their chief personnel. Seve.'ral persons are cited for their work at the Institute. Refer- ences accompany each article. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Mikheyev.. H.N. Summary and Prospects of Scientific Activity at the Card--27'& Transactions of the Institute (Cont.) SOV/384T Institute of the Physics of Metals 5 Vonsovskly, S.V. Problems in the Quantum Theory of Solids 13 Orlov, A.N. end A.N. Men'. Statistical Theory of Binding Forces in Transition Ketal Oxides With Cubic Lattice 43 Sokolov, A*V, Quantum Theori of the Optical Properties of Metals 53 Vlasov .0 X.B. Problems in the Theory of Mechanical, Magnetic, Thermal, Magnetomechanical., Thermomagnetic and Themoelastic Prop- erties of a Magnetoelastic Medium 71 "Vlasov., K.B. Problems in the Quantum-Meohanioal and Phenomenological Theory of Feirromagnetism.. Antiferromagnetism, and Ferrimagnetism 91 Irkh1n, Yu.P. Anomalies in the Electrical Conductivity of Anti- ferromagnetics Near Aells Point 95, Turov., YeaA. and V.G. Shavrov. Phenomenological Theory of Ferro- 0 af q-!j7% S-V "24 (7) PHASE I BOOK ECPLOITATION SOV11338' Frenkell,, Yakov Illich, Corresponding Member, USSR Acaderrj of Sciences Sobraniye izbTanriykh trudov. t. 2: Naucbnyye stat'i (Colletcion of Selected Works. Vol,.2:Scientific Articles) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1958. 600 P- 3,000 Copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Redaktsionno-izdatellskiy sovet, Resp. Ed.: Semenov, N.N., Academician; Ed. of Publishing House; Kontorow., T.A.; Tech. Ed.: Smirnova,, A.V.; EdItorial Board for the Workfi of Ya. 1. Frenkell; Semenov, N.N. (Chairman) Academician$ Sokolov, A.A. (Deputy Chairman) Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. flogolyubov, N.N., Academician, Tamm,, I.Ye., Academilcianj Ansellm, A.I., Doctor of Physical and Mathbmatical Sciences, Blokhintsev, Del,., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences., and Kontorova, T,A,, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Card -17"8- 'Collection of Selected Works-(Cont.) SOV11338 PURPOSE: Thi:3 book is intended for persons interested in the scientifia contributions of Yao 1. Frenkell. COVERAGE: This, the second volume of the collected works of Ya. 1. Frenkell, is a compilation of his scientific articles and books. The volume in divided into four sections. The first consists of hia contributions to semiconductors, and dielectrics and the electron theory of metals. The second section covers his works on molecular physics and deals with the kinetic theory of solids and liquids, the mechanical properties of solids, and the physical properti-las of high-molecular compounds. The third section covers his works on the theory of electrons and atomic nuclei, and the last section prepents his contributions to geophysics. No personalities are mentioned. The volume includes a list of Ya. I. Fr;nkellls.published works amounting to 251 articles and 41 books. Card 2/:t- CIollection of Selected Works (Cont.) SOV/1338 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Dorfm&u,,',Y8L* G. Yakov Illich Frenkell (1894-1952) 3 Io.ffe.. A.F. on Ya. I. Frankell's scientific legacy 17 SECTION I. SEMICONDUCTORSp DIELECTRICS AND THE ELECTRON THEORY OF METALS VQnaQy&kjy.,_&,Y,_ The Works of Ya. I. Frenkell on the Electron Theory of Solids 21 1. On the electric double layer on the surface of solids and liquids 54, 2. Theory of the electrical conductivity of metals 54 3, New developinents iii.the'.electroti.',thopry..of.metals 71 4. Elementary theory of magnetic and electrical properties of metals under',- abso2utc--zei-o. teiiperaturb 96 Card 340 Collection of' Selected Works (Cont.) SOV11338 5. Applying the Pauli-Fermi theory of electron gas to the problem of adhesive power 109 6. . Spontane6us and inductive magrietiziation in ferromagnetic materials 122 7. On the transformation of light into heat in solids. 1 126 8. On the transformation of light into heat,,,In solids* 11. 157 9. On the elementary derivation of some relations in the electron theory of metals '176 10. On light absorption and electron adhesion and positive holes in crystalline dielectrics 182 11. On the rotation of dipole molecules in solidB 201 12, On the theory of mobile holes and dissociation of atoms In crystals 211 :L3#. On the thoery of disruptive discharge in dielectrics and electron semiconductors 217 -Card 4/8 ONMVICH, M.A,,; TAYM. I#Ye. Bemqn Patrovich Shubin; on the on the occasion of this fiftieth birthdAy and 20th anniversary of hie death, Usp. fiz. nauk 6 no.4:733-737 Ag 158. (HEU 11: 10) ~ (Shubin, Semen Petrovich 1908-1938) YdIV5561(!~Klft K1 .56-1-15/56 AUTHORSs Vonsovekiyj S. V. , Cherepanov, V. I. TITLE# Extension of the Bogolyubov-Tyablikov Perturbational Method to the flon-Steady Case (Obobahcheniya metoda teorii vozmu- shcheniy Bogolyubova-ILyablikova na nestatsionarnyy sluchay) PERIODICAM Zburnal Ekeperimentallnoy i Teoreticheskoy Fizikij 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 1, pp. 97 105 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the present work the method by Bogolyubov-Tyablikov is ex- tended to the non-steady case of the alternating electromagne- tio field of a light wave propagated in a crystal. The authors firat investigated a simple atomic cubic crystal with an a-eleotron in the s-state in each nodo of the lattice* The thermal oscillations of the ions of the lattice are neglected. On this occasion the Hamiltonian of the system of the eleo- trone of the crystal in an electromagnetic field in the repre- sentation of the second quantization are given and discussed. In the following chaptek the definition and the propertioa Card i/b of the operator of the projection on the L-space are discuss- 56-1 -15/56 Extension of the Bogolyuboy-Tvablikov Perturbational Method to the Mon- -Steady Case ed, Then, the perturbational method by Bogolyubov-Tyablikov is extended to the non-steady case. The computations given here hold for such light frequencies which disagree with the fundamental frequencies of the system. The consideration of damping makes possible the investigation of the general case with any frequency of the incident light which will be demonstrated more precisely in a later paper. In the case of the approximation investigated here the spectrum of absorp- tion of light through the system of electrons of the crystal in a discrete spectrum. This moans from the physical point of view that the "pairs" and "holes" occurring due to the action of light remain in the bound states and the absorp- tion of light by the crystal is not photo-electrically ac- tive.'The last chapter treates the determination of the "de- formed" current operator. There are 5 references, all of w1hich are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt Ural State Universityt Sverdlovsk (Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Sverdlovsk) SUBMITTEDo June 26, 1957 Card 2/~_ ~AUTHORS: Vall-ensh-teyn, .11. V. Fcdorav, G. V. S 7/j"r-35-1-11/59 3[oppovskiyiS. V. TITLE: The Hall Effect of Pure Nickel Witl-in the Rar-e of Helium Temperatures (Eff'ekt Kholla chistor-o nikelya v oblasti gcliyevykh temperntur) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticha!jkoy fiziki, 1958, Vol 35, 1Tr 1, PP 85 - 88 (Usn) ABSTRACT: T*.Ile present paper deals with tho investigation oil the temperature dependence of R I and R 0 in thc- tenperature range of between room temperature and 4,20K; according to preference 1 the following holds for th,4 Hall fieid: 6 - R H2+RjjJ (J ~ magnetization, R 0 ordinary Hall conGt--rt), o , 3specific electric resistance). and R= A~ (Ref 6) (A= cionstant e The firs data concerning the t mperature dependence of 1~i within the range of from room temperature to Curie (Kyuri) point were supplied by Kikoin (Ref 2); Jan and Gijaman (Yan, Giysman)(Ref 3) investigated Ro and Ri for Ni Und Fe, and found an unsharp minimum in the ranges of 30-500 (Ni) and 50-700 (Fe). R decreased from Card 1/j ielh part of its.value. T -3000K --~ T-140K to a twent ~L The Hall Effect of Pure Nickel Within the RanOe of Helium Temperutures the authors of this paper inve3tiguted the Hall effect in pure IIi(99v99i',',). Size of nample: 9.4-0,3 nal, H - 5000 04 B in the sample: 22 000 G; sensitivity of the potentio,leter 2.10-8V; measurements were* carried out at room tempt-rature, OOC, as well as in baths of liquid IT, liquid H, and linuid He; specific resistance~: 920,40/32930 a 1 2,36.10-3 tind /y - 10,218.10-3. 2 10 4,20 1 93 The measuring results are given in figures 1-4 in form of diagrams.-R decreases sharply with reduced tempel-atu5e and has a minimum at 20 - 30OK; R,(T-3000K) N100-10- 1, R1 (T-140K)-J5-10-1 2 R 0 decreases from 300' to 4,2 0K to about 1/3(0,6 4 0, and has no minimum.'In conclusion the authors (Refs 10-16) discuss the theory of the Hall effect and the possibility of calculating R according to Patrakhin (Ref 15) within the framework ol the (S-d) exchange model of ferromagnetisa(Vonsovskiy,Ref 16). -Card 2/,3, There are 4 figures and 17 references, 10 of which are Soviet. a/- , ~ Azz;j- 64~ os-jw F I ld~ 24(5) AUTEHOAS: TITLEE; SOV56-35-6-19/44 Vonsovskiyp S. V., Svirskiy, M. S. ~On the Problem of the Statistics of Spin- and Polar Excitations in Crystals (K voprosu o etatietike epinovykh i polyarnykh vozbiizhdeni.v v kristalls) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i-teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1950j Vol 35, Nr 6, pp 1447-1456 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was proved by some papers (Refs 1-3) that the spin waves (ferromagnow ) occur not as bosone but as fermions. Also for the polar elementary excitations (of "twins" and "holes") in eleotron systems of crystals this question was discussed (Ref 4)- In.thie connection the question is of interest as to the statistical classification of ferromagno* andpolar ex- citation. The present paper deals. with some faults committed in dealing with the spin- and polar excitations in crystals which may lead to the occurrence of fictitious states Refs 2, 5, 6)), and it is shown that if these faults are ~ eliminated$ the spin waves may be assigned to the bosons; for polar excitation the question is investigated as to when it is caused by bosons. Further, the question is discussed as Card 1/2 to how this metbod of second quantization is to be formulated SOV/56-35-6-19/44 On the Problem of the statistics of Spin- and Polar Excitations in Crystals if one has a finite number of particles that can be described by symmetric wave functions (booone). It is shown that quasi- particles (separable in the system of interaoting crystal elec- trons) obey Fermi statistics in such cases in which"single electron transitions" correspond to the solution, and that they obey Bose (Boze) statistics if "two electron transitions" play the part of a solving agent in the dynamics of the system. (correspondingly: half-integral spin --ap- Fermi statistics, in- tegral spin -30-Bose statistics). The results obtained by this paper verify the opinion expressed by I. M. Lifshits (Ref 4) concerning the statistics of "twins" and "holes" at the Kiyev Conference on Semiconductors (1956). There are 17 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED; June 17, 1958 Card 2/2 AUTHORS: S.V-I~Leontovich, M. A., SOV/53-65-4-12/13 Y-0~ ~ . - Tamm, 1. Ye. TITLE: Semen Petrovich Shubin (On the Occasion of the Fiftieth Anni- versary of His Birth and of the TwAntieth Anniversary of His Death )(Semen Petrovich Shubin(K pyatidesyatiletiyU BO dnya rozhdeniya I dvadtsatiletiyu so dnya smerti)) PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheskikh nauk, 195a, Vol 65, Ur 4, 733 - 737 (USSR) ABSTRACT: As introduction a short curriculum vitae of the scientist, who was born on July 31, 1908 in Liepaja (Latvia), is given. Subsequently his work is discussed in detail. &)Publications on the classical theory of oscillation:"Some Problems in the Perturbation Theory of Linear Oscillation Systems" was the title of his first publication (Ref 1); a theoretical investigation of the oscillations of thin dia- phragme fastened at a finite number of points followed one year later. b) Publications on the theory of solids: "On tho Theory of the Photoeffect in Metaleff, "On the Transmission Band In Silver", I'Concerning the Theory of Liquid Ifetals", Card 1/2 "On the Possible Anomalies of Resistance at Low Temperatures", Semen Petrovich Shubin (on the Occasion of the .Fiftieth SOV/53-65-4-12/13 Anniversary of His Birth and of the Twentieth Anniversary of His Death) "'On the Theory of Exchange Interaction", "Problems of the Quasiclassical Treatment of Perromagnetism" and others. (1) Publications on physical statistics: A summary of statistical formulae is mentioned. d)Publications on quantum electro- dynamics and theory of the quantized fields: "Classical Analog to the Dirac Theory of Emission", "On the New Dirac Theiry of the Electromagnetic Field" and others. Finally a list of scientific papers published by Shubin is given (18 papers, irritten partly in German, English, and French). There are I figure and 26 references, 21 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 AUTHORS: Vy~onqov ~k S.V. , Corresponding Member SOV120-120-2-12163 Academy of Sciences, USSR, Svirskiy, M. S. TITLE: On the Theory of the Superconductivity of Metals (K teorii sveikhprovodimosti metallov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol- 120, Nr 2, pp~ 269-272 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some authors (Refs 1,3) were very successful in explainine the microscopic nature of this phenomenon. However, these authors investigated the properties of weakly interactinf; Cases of Fermi particl:es (electrons) and Bose particles (phonons) out- side the binding with the structure of the metal. It is there- fore interesting to use the multielentronic model of the metal (Ref 4) in the investigations of this problem. The authors investigate a system of interacting exteiial electrons of a crystal. The corresponding Hamiltonian is given explicitly, after which then it is transformed. In this expression for the Hamiltonian H one may separate the disturbation due to the interaction with the phonons. The investigation of the separa- ted expression for H makes it possible to affirm the existrnee Card 1/3 of the superconductivity in the investigated systen. A formula 6n the Theory of the Superconductivity of Metals SOV/2o.12o-2-12/63 for the critical temperature is given, A criterion for the superconductivity is the prevailing of the interaction with the phonons over the shielded interaction. According to the con31derations of this paper, it may be assumed that L~ 0 and great values of Z effective are favourable for the existence ofthe superconductivity. L is a term figuring in the expression of R. In order to verify this conclusion the authors computed Teff -according to Slater's (Bleter) method and found the following result: For every superconductor with the exception of Nb (z effective ' 2.8.) the inequation Zeff.,~3 holds good. The maximal value of N of all the superconductors was found for Bi (Z effective ' 6. 5. The upper limits of Z effectille in any period are determined by the superconductors.. 71ithin the ind.ioated limits the following metals are non-superconductive; Pe, Co, Ni, Cu, Rh, Pd, A-v, Wf Ir, Pt, and Au.. The above mentioned and also other facts lead to the following con- clusion:The investiCation of Z effective and of the methods to increase z is a simple and useful way leadinm to effective -C ard 2/3 the explanation of the available experimental data and to the On,the Theory of the Superconductivity of Metals S07/2o-12o-2-#2/63 search of new superconductive elements and compounds. There are I figure and lo references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSCCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Urallakogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR(Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch., AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 3, 1950 1, Metals-Conductivity 2. Superconductivity-Theory Card 3/3 240) -122-2-11/42 SOV/20 LUTHORS: .-Voncovskiyt S. V corrosponding M'ember, Academy of Sciences, rs yy M. S. TITLE: Concerning the Problem of the Absence of Superconductivity in Ferromagnetics (K voprosu ob otsutstvii averkhprovodimosti v ferromagnetikakh) PERIODICAL: 'Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19581 Vol 122, 11r 2, pp 204-207 (USSR) A13STRACT: It is interesting to investigate this problem from the point of view of the new microtheory of superconductivity (Refs 21 3, 4) where the peculiarities of the energy spectrum of the external (a) electrons have to be taken into account. These peculiarities may be considered, for instance,-in the (a-d) exchange model of the ferromagnetic metals. (S. V. Vonsovskiy, Ref 5). At T = 0, in the no4mal state of the ferromagnetics, there are 3 regions in the k space. (k denotes the wave vector). In reCion I there are equal quantities of spina of the 2 possible orientations. In region II there are only a-electrons of the left spin orientation, and in region III there ai:e Card 1/2 only holes. The following conclusions may be drawn from the SOV/20-122-2-11/42 Concerning the Problem of the Absence of Superconductivity in Ferror-agnetics calculations discussed in this papert From the point of view of the new microtheoryq the absence of the supercon- ductivity in the ferromagnetics is an internal property of the system of its electrons. This property is caused by the relatively strong (s-d) exchange interaction. The supercon- ductivity, therefore, can be observed only in those forro- magnetic metals which have a very weak 0-d) exchange inter- action. There are 13 references, 8 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki metallov Urallskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of the Physics of Metals of the Ural Branch,,AS USSR) SUBMITTED: 12, 1958 Card 2/2 WMMA, L.A.Stranslatorl; TONSOVSKIY, S-V-o rad.: MMIMMo LG-o red.; GRUOVA. ~~ [Magaetic structure of farromognatic materials] Magnitnain struktv.ra forromagaetikov; sbornik stateio' Pod redo S.To Vonoovakogo. Hookwa, Izd-vo #oetrelit-ryp 1939~ 514 p. .(KMA 14:1) (Yerromagnatiam) 24(0) AUTHORS.- Vonsovskiy, S. V., Svirskiy, M. S. SOV/56-36-141-43,__70 TITLE: On the Problem of the Superfluidity of Bose Polar Excitations (K voprosu o averkhtekuchosti - si6temy bozevskikh polyarnykh vozbuzhdeniy) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperioentallnoy i teoreticheskoy Miki, 1959, Vol 36, Ur 4t Pp 1259-1266 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A. number of papers is first discussed which deal with the microtheory of superconductivityq and the assumptions -concerning the nature of the statistics of the elementary current carriers are discussed. Whereas in some cases Fermi statistics is used, the majority of authors work with Bose or Bose-Einstein statistics. In the present paper the authors investigate a system of charged Bose polar excitations by means of the method employed by Bogolyubov for analyzing the superfluidity of a woakly non-perfect Bose-Einstein gas. The possibilities for a superconductive state in metals was investigated for the case in which the elementary current excitations of the electron system are Card 1/2 quasibosons. The problem is solved within the framework On the Problem of the Superfluidity of SOV156-36-4-43170 Bose Polar Excitations of the"polar" many-electron crystal model. Criteria are obtained for the possible existence Of a Bupraconductive state in the system of charged bosons: low temperature, amall thickness of the quasipartioles, practically no "aingle-electron" transitions,and negative Bign of the exchange integral. The phonon-induced interaction between the current Bose particles is of an attractive character and impedes the occurrence of the superconductivity of the latter. The dependence of the critical temperature of a slaperconductor with Bose current carriers on the isotopic aLiss of the crystal ions differs from that of a metal with a Fermi electron spectrum. This difference can be used in order experimentally to divide the superconductors in to such of Fermi- and such of the Bose type, There are 14 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Institut fiziki metallov Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute for Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) tUBMITTED: October 27, 1958 Card 2/2 :77' 84814 S/181/60/002/008/049/052/XX B006/BO70 ,e4,4ro a AUTHORSs VorisovskiX, S_.-V., Giterman, M. Sh. TITLEs Many-electron Theory of Ion Crystals PERIODICALs Flmika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1793-1805 TEM Ion crystalsare characterized by strong inhomogeneities of the electron density at neighboring,lattice points. The binding forces have, therefore, essentially an electrostatic character. The interaction of electrons with one another and with lattice vibrations must be taken into account in the theory of ion crystals, Such studies were made earlier by S.: I. Pekar (R*ef. 1). In the present paper, the authors describe the investigation of ion crystals (phenomenological and model treatment) within the framework of a many-electron theory by means of the method of elementary excitations. The approximation used here is valid only for weakly excited states of the many-electron system. A consistent handling of the problem by quantum mechanics is possible only under this limitation. When the excitation is weak and an energy gap exists, it is possible to separate the enorgy spectrum in good approximation into individual branches Card 1/3 .8481h Many-electron Theory of Ion Crystals s/18i/6o/oo7_/OO8/O49/052/XX B006/BO70 representing difl ''erent aspects of the 'collective motion of the many-electxn system. The theoretical studies are made on the basis of the Hamiltonian of the ion crystal in second quantization represontation: H-S~(aa I )a +a 1+ Q~q j a a"r )a 4-a 0.3 a a~F(a + . IK(aalK a a al 1a2a1Q2#)aa'j 2&a a Af I a. 1 a +,Z A Wrt Here, a+ and a. are Permits annihilation and production a YL + operators of the ;electrons in the state a;, K and lyt are Bose's production and annihi. lation operators of the phonons with momentum YL and energy ~W,, The functions L. F, and X may be determined either phenomenologically, r in the microscopic model representation as given in (2). H can be Fermi Bose Fermi-Bose Fermi represented by: H - E0+ H +H +H The Hamiltonian H for an alkali-ha.lide crystal is represented by (4), and the Fermi branch of elementary excitations are studied for the following special cases: 1) a very simplified model neglecting the electron-phonon interaction and the electron degeneracyj 2) neglecting the electron-phonon interaction but taking aecount of the degeneracyl 3) weak electron-phonon interaction; 4) Card 2/3 Many-electron Theory of Ion Crystals s/181 60/002/008/049/052/XX B006 B070 strong electron-phonon interaction in adiabatic approximation; 5) impurity conductivityl 6) ion crystal whose one component is a transition metal. In the last section of the paper, the Bose branch of elementary excitatiors is briefly discussed. There are 24 references: 22 Soviot, I US, and I British., ASSOCIATION: Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. GorOkogo (Ural State University imeni Gorfkly) SUBMITTED: December 24, 1959 Card 3/3 IGNMRSKO, Y.*.; VONSOVSKIr, S.T. Type of formul& for magnotoolastic energy In forromagnotic materials, Fix,motoi metalloved, 9 no-3t456-457 Kr 160. (91U 13 t 6) L Inetitut fisiki'Sibirskogo otdolenlya AN SSSR I Institut fisiki metallov AN SSSR. (Ferromagnetism) --v-OnSOyMar'uw MMOV# TU*Ao Statistical proportion of the electron systen of ferro"Castic tran- sition metals. Yiz, met, i metalloved. 10 no.3t321-334 5 160. (min 13: 10) 1. Ins-titut finiki metallov AN SSSR. metals) (Zlectrons) Ilk AUTHORS:- TITLE: 83, 88 8/05 %039/002/025/044 13006 17,05 Vonsovskiy, S# V#j Svirskly, M. S. TAi Superco Of-a Ferromagnetic With Weak Exohange Interaction PERIODIGAL; Zhurnal eksperimeniallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1960, 'Vol- 39, No- 20); PP, 384-392 TEXT: -Already in an earlier paper (Ref. 1) thaauthors.have Bhown that a ehi-ft of the. Fermi sphere of s-~conduotion..elsotrons with~ opposite spin projectionB.depends on their coupling with d- or f-electrons of the inner spin-unsaturated shells, I.e,v It is due to (a-d) exchange inter- .action and prevente'the occurrence of superconductivity in ferromagnetice 5%oh as Fe, Co., 'and Ni. Ferromagnetios with sufficiently weai (9-d) ex- change interaction can bicome saperconductivet as a condition it was found 'that PJ ~K t0, whore P in the excess of d- or f-elActrons with predominat- ing spin orientttion, ise.v the relative magnetization of these electrons at the lattice points, J - the energy parameter of (6-d) exchange, and 6) --the mean phonon frequency. The Influenoe exerted by tho Fermi sphere Card 1/3 83188 the Superconductivity of a Perromagnetic S1056J601039100210251044 With Weak Exohanga Interaction B006/BO56 shift upon the characteristic of the superconductive state is investigated more extensively and more accurately. The Hamiltonian describing the system of conduction electrons is written downg and the definitions of the Indi- .vidual quantitieti'are discussed; the'ground state and,the free energy of the ferromagnetio superconductor is inve atigated, after which an expres- sion is derived for the critical temperature (transition into the super- conductive etate),*Llkewiset the problem of specific heat and that of the critical magnetil: field of a ferromagnetic superconductor are theoretical- ly.studied. Finally, the results obtained are discussedp and possibilities of their experimontal verificaVion are considered. Superconductivity of ferromagnetics hits hitherto been found only in the (Ce,Gd)RU, system, but it inight aleo be possible in other systems as, e.g., (CetPr)RuG It fol- lows -from theory that the characteristic of the superconductive state of a ferromagnetio deviates from the ordinary one, whioh*is due to the (a-d) exchange coupling. An experimental investigation of,tbose deviation@ mould be of interest not only for the superconductivity but also for a re-examination of the (3-d) exchange model of ferromWetic metals* The parameter of (a.-I) exchange coupling could be determined from determinations Card 2/3 83188 The Superconductivity of a Ferromagnatio S/05 60/639/002/025/044 With Weak txoba.nge Interaction B006YI3056 of the jumps of.specific, heats at T from a measurement of a, an a funo- tion of H2 (T) aac,:rding to formula (43) of the present paperg etc. The shift of the Ferml surfide Indicates superconductivity only If the (a-d) exchange coupling is weak. N. Y. Dogolyubov is mentioned. There are 10 r0feren6ea: 4 Sovies, 5 Us, and 1 Japanese. ASSOCIATIONt Inittitut fIzIkI metallov Akademii nauk SSSR Irtitilute of Physics of-Metals,of ihe Academy of Sciences, Chelyabinakly goaudarstvennyy pedagogioheskiy inatitui (ChelZabinsk Pidagogioal State'Institute) SUBMITTED; Marah 31 1960 Card 3/3 3/020/60/132/04/17/064 B014/BO07 AUTHORSt VonsovskizA S. V., Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Izyumov, Yu. A Karpenko, B. V., Pol7ak, Yu. Ya. TITLE% Exchange Interaction of Inner and Outer Eleotronalin Trans- iti;3n Metals PERIODICALs Dok:Lady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19601 Vol. 132, No- 4t PP- 797-800 TEXTs In the eloctron spectrum of metallic crystals which are composed of elements of the transition group and of the rare-earth group, special properties are observed compared to the crystals e%f other metals. This is brought into conpection with the d- and f-shelle of the electron sheath. The electron deniiity of the transition metals is divided into 'three regions. The firs,t is near the nualouag the second consists of the valence eleotronsp and the third intermediate region consists of the electrons of the non-closed shells. For this system the Hamiltonian (1) is written down. The present papez- describes the influence exerted by the non-diagonal terms in (1) upor. the development of the exchange coupling, i.e., on the Card I Exchange Interaction of Inner and Outer Electrons S/020/60/132/04/17/064 in Transition Metals BO14/BOO7 peotrum of the d- and a-electrons. For this purpose the authors use the : tatistioal Greea function developed by N. N. Bogolyubov and S. V. Tyablikov (Ref- 7)- The development of the distribution functions of the Bose- and Fermi particles is dealt with in detail, and formulas (11) and (12) are obtaine,i. As turned out in the course of a further investigation,, the exchange int-3raction between the outer and inner electrons leads to an exchanqe coupling between the inner electrons. As may be seen from formulas (18) and (19)v this interaction has the character of a ferro- magnetic coupling. If a direct d-d exchange-of the inner electrons is lacking, this lelLds to ferromagnetism. Indirect interaction by conduction electrons leads only to the renormalization of the exchange integral and does not change the energy spectrum of the spin waves. Yo. A. Turov, Pu Fu-cho, T. Shiklosh, and D. N. Zubarev are mentioned. There are 9 references, 6 c,f which are Soviet. .ASSOCIATION% Institut fiziki metallo Iv kkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Metal Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR). Urallskiy gosul-arstvennyy universitet im. A. X. Gorikogo Aural State University imeni A. M. Gorlkiy) Card 2/p-,, - -------------- .3,01 d Oka jig -N VA VONSOVSKIY' S.V., red.; GUSEV, A.A., red.; AKIUAIOV, S.N., tekhn. red, [Feir3magnetic resonance; the phenomenon of resonance aboorp- tion of a high-frequency electromagnetic field in forroragnetic substances) FerroragnitiWi rozonans; iavlenie rozonannnogo pog- loshcheniia vysokochastotnogo olektromagnitnogo polia v ferro- iragnitnykh veshchost-vakh. Moslwa,, Gos. izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit- r7p 2961. 343 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. ClIen-korrespondent AkademA nauk SSSR (for Voniiovoliy). (Ferromagnetic resonance) VONMKU, S.V.; SVIRSKIYP M.S. Spin ct phononse Fixetver.tela 3 no.7;2160-2165 il 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Lwtitut fiziki meta.Uov AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk i Chelyabinakiy podagogichookiy institut. (Quantum electrodynamics) S.V.; KOBELEV, L. Ya. Quantm theory of the ferromagnetism of collective electzons. Fiz. -iet.imetalloved., Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Institut fisiki matallov AN SSSR i Urallskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat imeni A.M. Gortkogb. (Electrons) (Ferromagnetism) VONSOVSKIY -k.3L4 SVIRSKIYt VOLKERSHTEIN, N. Direct deterni tion of shear of.Formi awfaces on polarized conduction electrons In ferromaretia materials# Fiz. met. I L WIRA 14:9) matalloved. 12 no.2:285-287 Ag 61. 1, Institut fiziki met~.Uov AN SSSR. (Fermi surfaces) (FaxTomapatism) VORSOVSKIY, S.V.; KOBELEV, L.Ya. Magnutic interaction entrgy between two syntems of interacting electrons. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 12 no.6:814-825 D 161. (MIRA 16t11) 1. Institut fiziki 96tallov AN SSSR i Urallskiy gosudarstvenW universitet imeni AsM. Gorlkogo. s/1 26/6 1/0] Ll/o06/003/o-i 5 14 AUTHORS: Vonsovskiy, S,V, and Kobelev. L.Ya, TTTI,F,. On the energy of' misgrael a e l lit Prae t ion bet ween I wo syntems of interacting electrons PERTOVICA1,:, Fizika metallov J metal )ovederiiye, v,12, no,f), 1961, TEXT: Di the s-d-model of transition meta).s plat forward by the first of the present authors (Ref'.)., ZhLTF, 1946, l6i 961) it is assumed that the magnetic properties of a crystal contnining atoms of transition elementn are almost entirely determined hv the sub-svstem of "internal" electrons (d- and f-electrons), which are looked iipon as a set of loealizod spin linrticles. The outer particles (s- and p-electrons) coiitribute nininlv to the electrical conductivity and for thr-in it in the Fermi energy which is the signi.ficant quantity, Tn the present paper the authors disctiss the interaction of two sets of electrons with the hope that this might throw some light on the theoretical foundations of the s-d-model- The paper starts with the Cormit- lation of the gi~neral equations for n system of Fermi quasi- Card 1/3 On the energy of magnetic s/126/61/012/006/003/(121 particles in a crystal conmieting of two slih-sv.4tems.. The sim gle-particle excitatiorum of' 1he,%e sub-sysipm-4 are described by int-ans of the- operator SpInor 0inct](1118 Nn U 4) (X) and (x) (P2- which represent the o-rpotjcn and innihilation of' elementirv ctxcitati.ons (e.g. condsiction electrons. holes etc.), U .3 e -1 -.4 mnde of the siirigJe--T)--irttcIi- Gro~en function,; as or;ginally described by f. Schwinger 0?ef.i~ Proc. NAt Acod Sci~ 19-1; 1 37, 492). The der.ived set of eountionq f'or the sini gle-partirl'. temperattire Gni-en 11metion J~-i then ii-ird to deternime tho sivoctrilln of' elementnrv e.xcilations and thf- maxvieti;Pittion of* the myster". Tho analysis i.4 then stabilized to tnf~, vasn of ferromagnetic svstems and term- resnonsihit, for the ma.grnotic anisot.rnT)v of- the Corti 2/1 On the etipt-gy o J* magnet i e'. sp:.,6/61/01.2/006/00-5/021 L System atid the contribution due to the mean electroqtatic enerey are neglected, The energy spectrum 0& then examined in detnil nnit it is shown linu Lite terms. vary wiieli nne o.r both of the qub-i4ycitemm may be looked unon as nr locnljvpd~ There nre 12 referenceR., 1) Soviet-bloc and 6 non- Soviet-bloc, The Engliqh-language r(-I'erwj(*eq read a-.4 roitow.;.- Ref.5.- Schwinger T. Vhil,,Mniz., 1951, 44, 1171; Ret'.9. stonor E. Pro c . Roy. Soc 1938, A I 6r, 172, Pe V. M; Knsti i a T. ilroKr. llwor. phys., 19;(1" ib, 4q; Ref.12: Marschall W4 Phys. Rev., 1~010, 118, 1919. ASSOCIATIONS: Tw"ti.tiit fiziki metallov AN SS.SR (Twatittite of Physics of Metalq AS USSIO and Ural0skiv gostiniversitet im, A. IM. Gor'kogn (Ural Stnte University imenj A, M. Gorlkiy) SUBMITTE,l): July 20, 1961. Cnrd 3/3 VOIISOVSKIYS S.V.. Some jwcblems in the iodern theoz7 of farromagmatism and anti- ferTmagnotism. . izv. All Ser. fi-lz..25 no.11W14-1315 11 161, (MIRA 14: 1.1) 1. Institut fiziki meta.Uov All SSSR. (Ferromagnotism) on 0 11 g - RN -,I I lp Mm 25190 SIOOJ611040100616111031~ :2 #"-7?0 0 B111IB201 AUTHORSI Vonsovskiy) S. V., -Svirskiyj M. S. ------------- TITLEt, Interaction of conduction. electrons induced by spin waves in a ferromagnetie substance PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki.t v- 40P no. 6, 19611 1676 - 1681 TEXTt The interaction between conduction eledtrons and electrons partic- ..ipating in magnetic ordering of atpms leads to two effectst 1, displaoi- ment of Fermi spheres for conductioh electrons 'with different spin projectionstand 2f additional inteAotion of 6onduotio'n aleatrons-induced by spin waves. Since various methods had already been applied to this. problem in the past, the authors of the present papdr applied Bogol3nabovfs method (N. N. Bogolyubovq V. V. Tolmachev, D. 7, Shirkov, Novyy metod v teorii everkhprovodi.mosti, Izd. AN SSSR, 1956). The Hamiltonian of the conduction electronsInteracting with spin wavestof the ferromagnetio material is Card 1/5 25190, 5/056/61/040/006/011/031 Interaction of conduction electrons.., Bill/B2101 H U. + chtch"tcht +8--ot+X)tc- (jk+X) I C- (A+ X) I+ 0 Jct(h+x)& ck,tbh+,+h+X + K. C., b+b - S 9 9 if W 2 . I . )k. h' where EkT- E E E E, (Ref-*7t S. V.. Vonsovskiy, Ye. k + iP- -F kj~ k 2 A kFt with] KJ-* - k' "I", where k A. Turovq ZhETF1 ?At 419t 1953)- K kg denote radii of Fermi spheres for electrons with*right-hand and left- hand projection in the k-space. Since the total momentum of the interact- ing pairs in the case adnd*e'rned is non-vanishingp Bogolyubbv's canonical transformation cannot be applied. It isp infaott necessary to pass ov*er a A, 6 - . v0 t to now Fermi operatovec< end(Y-Kl' O~kO ' Uk kT KO e (k + XW + 2 2 O'k l -uk1c - (k +X),1, + vO 00' 5)'is valid, where uiJ + VkT uIr, u v To -v_e,(4). The possibility of coupled pair formation is examined.. .k Heret uk~lvkTmust be non-vanishing. The H3miltonian 1) may be written Card 2/5