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GODIN,, Yu.N., akademik (deceased]; VOL'-YOVSKIYL B.St; VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; RIABOY, V.Z.; SHRAYBKAR, V.I. Characteristics of the structure of the earth's crust in the vestern part of Central Asia. Dokle' AN SSSR 146 no.4:813-815 0 162. (MIRA 1511l) 1. Inatitut ge4ogii AN Turkmenskoy SSR, VsesoyumW nauchno-iooledovatellskiy institut, geofizicheskikh metodov razvedki i Moskovskiy inBtitut, neftekhimichookoy i gazovoypromyohlennosti., 2. AN nirkmanskoySSR (for Godin). (Asi4p-Central--Seismic prospe'cting) I"ACCESSION 11R: AR4036339 0/0169/64/000/003/0004/G004 'SOURCE: lieferativny*y zburnal. Geofizikaj Abe, 3G19 AUTHOR: Vollvovskiyp I..S.j Vol.1vovskiy, B. S. TITLE: Characteristics of the st;:~eT --'6f'the-4&rtb1e crust in the western part of Soviet Central Asia (on the basis of data from integrated geophysical investigations) I - I CITED SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy* dokl'* Soyesbchaniya po probl. tektoniki. M., AN SSSRA 1962, 147-149 TOPIC TAGS: geology, geophysics, geophysical exploration, earth's crust, Moborovicie discontinuity, seismology, crustal structure, deep seismic sounding gravimetry TRANSLATION: On the basis of the structure of the earth's crust in Central Asia it is possible to define two zones: a with relatively simple structure and an eastern zone which has a considerably more complex structure. In the eastern zone there is a deep downwarping of the Moborovicie discontinuity ;Card ACCESSION NR: AR4036339 in the Fergana depression,, a decrease in crustal thickness in the bordering ranges and a plunging of the surface of the suberustal layer toward the Pamir- Alay system. Individual uplifts are noted in the western zone against a back- ground of smooth plunging of the Mohorovicic discontinuity in a southward di- rection. On the whole, within the Kopet-Dag and Pamir-Alay system there is an inverse relationship between the surface relief and the surface of the suberustal layer, whereas in the mountain structures of the zone of renewed folding (Kura- tinskiy, Ferganskiy, Turkestanskiy and Ku~aminskiy Ranges) there is a direct re- lationship between the two forms of relief. Within the limits of a platform uplifted sectors of the crust correspond to an arching uplift of the surface of the folded basement, tbat"'is, the thickness of the crystalline crust remains approximately-constant. In geologically uniform regions the earth's crust in the process of tectonic development apparently does not experience special ad- justments; the cause of movements is physicochemical processes in the suberustal matter. A comparison of deep seismic sounding and gravimetric data makes it possible to detect those relationships between density differentiation of the Card 2/3 AccEssioN m: AR4036339 1; subcrustal matter and tectonic movements in the crust wbich vill serve as confirmation of the hypothesis of phase transitiohe of suberustal matter. I. Galkin DAIE ACQ: i7Apr64 SUB COLE: AS SNCL: 00 Card 3/3 B/169/61/000/011/018/'065 D228/D304 AUTHORSs Vollvovskiyq B.S.9 Vollvovskiyq I.S.9 and Ryaboy~ V~Z. TITLE; Laboratory use of the method of controllable dl -rected reception for interpreting the data of deep seismic sounding PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnalp Geofizikat no. 11, 1961, 21, abstract 11A197 (V sb. Razved. i promysl. geofiz., no. 369 M., 19609 8 - 13) TEXT: The laboratory modification of the method of controllable di- reoted reception was used for distinguishing waves reflected from deep discontinuity surfaces. The substantial difference in the fre- quency characteristics of the apparatus of deep seismic sounding and controllable directed reception was overcome by means of the approximately fourfold enlargement of the time scale and summation base. Extended hodographs (to 35 km) of reflected waves correspond- ing to the surface of the suberustal and granitic layer were con- structed as a result of the processing of seismograms. Reflected Card 112 31169161100010111'0!8106- laboratory use of the method of D228/D304 waves were also distinguished at the point of origin. Anomalous apparent velocities and sharp changes in the form of the wave re- cordings were observed in the region of the points Of OTigin, [Ab stractor's note: Complete translationi. GODIN, Yu.N.; VOL'VOVSKIY, B.S:j VOL'VOVSYIY' I.S.; FOMNEO, K.Ye. StudyinF, the structure of the Parth's crust in the courEe Of reFlonal- seismic explorations on the Russian Platform and in Central. Asia; materials presented at the 12th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy And Geophysics. Izv. AN VISSR. Spr. ppofiz. no.10:11A_1471 0 '61. (14IRA 110 9) 1. All Turkmenskoy SSR I Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issipdovatel'skly institut peofizicheskikh metodov razvedki. (Seisomometry) (Earth--Surface) 5/049/62/000/0 W 002/003 1046/1246 AU'L'IiO?.'-,: ;3elousov, 7.G., Vol'vov3kiy, B.S., Vollvovakiyp I.S. and Ryaboyo V,Z, TITL3: Experimental inventication of the reg~ntration of deep-reflecteO waves frR I DDIt i)l- j'U:adr--.-.Aya naW, S~;SR. Izvestiyao "e37iya gOOfizicheskaya, n6. 8, 1962, 1034-1044 TI-=L: A report on the deep seismic s-ziundine with reflected (subcritical) waves carried out in 196N10,61 in the South-!~astcrn 'Aurkmenia over a 120 km profile. The noise waves were eliminated by uoin,- directional reception: seismorecolver3 and sources of scumic vibrations were f-rojped together (9 rec~ivera spaced evenly over a linear distance of 4.00 m, anch group rq~.;oved by 100 m from its neighbors). Comparison of the resulto with the data obtained in 11,~50 in deep neismic sounding with reflected (hyper- critical) and leadinj; waves L:Ood at;rccment in j;eneral features on the eeismo- grams, though subcritical reflection is better in detecting fine details. It is Card 1/2 Experimental inventilation of the regi3tration.... recomm.ended to use ~an far 110 po3nible a combination of the two methods. There are 8 fif;ure3. SIMNITTED: ','Cbruax-j 26. 1962 _Y aauchno-issledovatellskiy institut f;eofizicheakikh CSOCIATION: Voesoyuzny metodov razvcd",i (The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Geophysical -;at~ods of Prospecting) VOLIVOVSKIY, B.S.; VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.-, RYABOY, V.Z. Some d-a-VI-on seismic waves corresponding to the layer beneath the crust. Prikl. geofiz. no-31:3-10 161. (KIRA 15:3) (Uzbekistan--Seismic prospecting) (Earth--Internal structure) BELOUSOV V.G.; VOLVOVSKI, B.S. ULok'vovs)dyj. B.So); VOLVOVSKI, I.S. Nollvovokiyp I.S.1; RUBOI) 'V.Z9 -' ' Experimental research on the registering of the waves reflected by depth. Analele geol geogr 17 no.3:51-6/+ JI-S 163. ~S/552/61/000/031/001/00,5 D218/D304 AUTHORS: Vollvoskiy, B.S., Vollvovskiy, I.S. and Ryaboy, V.Z. TITLE- Some data on seismic waves corresponding to the subcrustal. layer (based on the results of scisruic studies of the earth's crust in Uzbekistan) SOURCE: Moscow. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut geofizicheakikh metodov razvedki. Prildadnaya geofizika. No. 31, 1961, 3-10 TEXT3 The authors report on some methodological results obtained during the 1958-1959 regional seismic studies of the earth's crust along the Leninabad.,Karaungur, Abadan-Vuadill and Karabekaul-Koytash profiles. This research was carried out by the Uzbekskiy geofizicheskiy treat (Uzbek Geophysical Trust) and the Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geofizicheakikh metodov razvedki (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Geophysical Methods of Prospecting). It was the continua- tion of deep seismic soundings carried out in 1949-1955 in various regions of Soviet Central Asia by the Geofizicheakiy institut AN SSSR (Geophysical Card 1/4 S/552/61/000/031/001/003 Some data on seismic waves D218/D304 Institute of the AS USSR) previously known an Institut fiziki Zemli (Institute of Physics of the Earth) on the initiativej and Initially un- der the direction of Academician G.A. Gamburtsev. Multiple seismographs were employed 0 instruments per group), the distance between the groups being 100 m. 1-.2 ton charges of TNT were exploded at distances between 15 and 70 km and the maximum distance of the points of observation from the charges was between 200 and 300 km. It was found that the recorded waves can be divided into 3 types, napely 1) longitudinal refracted waves recorded both in first and subsequent arrivals, 2) reflected waves from low-lying separation boundaries in the crust recorded both at near (W~O km) and distant (300 km) points, and 3) waves which could be as- 4ribed to multiple reflected-refracted and 6omposite waves due to low- -lying separation boundaries. Some typical hodographs and velocity and amplitude spectra are reproduced and discussedg The experimental re- sults have been evaluated on the basis of a dynamic theory of propagation of seismic waves developed at the Leningradakoyo otdeleniye matematiches- kogo instituta AN SSSR (Leningrad Branch of the Mathematical Institute AS USSR) by G.I. Petrashen', A.S. Alekseyev and others# These calculation& Card 2/4 -9/552/61/000/031/001/003 Some data on seismic waves see D218/D304 have shown that the predominating waves in uniformly layered media are not head~waves (as it was assumed so far), but waves reflected beyond the critical angle (i.e. so-called postcritical reflections). In gradient media the dominating waves are reflected and refracted waves (the calcu- lations were carried out for a perfectly elastic model of the crust). In the present studies waves reflected from the surfaca of the subcrustal llayer (Mohorovicit discontinuity) were observable beginning at 30-40 km from the point of explosion and were recorded in subsequent arrivals in the entire range of distanceso The apparent velocities of these waves were found to decrease from 9-10 km/see at 80-90 km to 6.5-7-0 km/set at 250-300 km. Their hodographs have a hyperbolic form. The predomi- nating frequencies vary between 9-11 and 14-15 cps and tend to decrease slightly with distance. The refracted waves are weaker in intensity and have apparent velocities between 8 and 9.5 km/sec. They tend to increase slowly with distanceg The predominating frequencies in the spec- tra of these waves lie in the range 10-16 cps and are as a rule greater by 2A cps than in the case of the reflected waves. The frequencies tend to decrease with distance* It is pointed out that the dynamic theory mentioned-above prodiots that the reflected waves should have higher Card 3/4 S/552/61/000/0031/001/003 Some dot.* on seismic waves o*o 0218/D304 frequencies than the corresponding refracted waves which is an apparent contradiction with observations. The general conclusion is that seismic studies of the earth's crust in Soviet Central Asia show that waves re- flected from the Mohorovicic discontinuity before and after the critical angle can be determined from seismographs. There is also a complex reflec- ted group consisting of head waves produced on the surface of the sub- crustal layer and weakly refracted in the latter. For the purposes of deep seismic *ounding these, waves may be interpreted as head waves cor- respondiog to the surface of the subcrustal layer. There are 8 figures and 10 Soviet-bloc references. Card 4/4 GOLUBOV, LEIGEYDA., N.F.; ZAiTTAROV, A.Ye.,, FAPFYEV, A.Yu.,, FANIKIN, 'I.I.; SAFRYGINP KII.M.; NOSOV) V.S.; VOLITER "ir- V SHUL"JA, 'Yr,.A.; MMOSIRUCHNFOY 5.1. Effect of,Lhe rate of plate cooling an the quality-of the metal after rolling. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:33-36 Js--F 165. (MIRA 18:3) tumd idd mletra here, takits Lzto scc-mxt JaMs=ce shear wd Nt c--Zrr-iz*m i I F.Jvcr. ~erwrzll Eteat ~q;tu4 .:54 mqC-&.zA --)- - . ---- - - ~ -~ --- -- I . 1 .1 --. - I') ,, !~, "I V,Z,/ rxllgl?.I,i VOWTKAN, X. [Voltmanis, Ir.] Imigrant falsehood and Soviet reality. Bov. profsoiuzy 6 no.1:48-53 Ja 158. (RIM ll: 1) I.Predsedatell Istviyakogo respublikanskogo soveta profsoyuzov. Petvians) 0419 MM"M ME A rd I I 10 10 U e 074=~W-M --~-TMIM-, Trade-Unions - Latvia Daily attention to building up a trade-unton core, V pom. profaktivu, 13, No. 7, 1952 Montha List 2.f Russian Acc2ssLoas, Library of Congress, PAY 1952, Unclassified. VOLITHAN, X., predsedatall. Latvian trade-unions' work with the masses in industry. Prof. soiusy 8 no. 6:35-39 Je '53. (MLEA 6:5) 1. 1&tv1yskiyr~Bpub1ikansk1y eovet profsoyuzovs (Efficiency, Industrial) SHMALI, G. (Kiyev); KRIVOSHEM (Kirovogradakaya obl.); RAPCHINSKIY, A. (Dnepropetrovskaya obl*I,-'imROT, Z.j VOLITMkN,_.V. (g.WYazin; "lininskoy obl.); KOIWOV, I.,, yurist, Replies to our readers. Sov.profooiuzy 17 no.3.1:41 je. 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. KonBulstant 7twidicheakogo sektora Ukrainskogo reptailrain kogo sovets, profsoyuzov (for Sizorot). - (Wage psyment'systems) (Vacation4., Employee) V, L 5(1,3) PWE .1 BOOK EXPLO=-TAMON SGV/3170 Fabrikant, Tamara. Llvovna, and.Vollf Leonovich Volltman Asbovinil I yego px4meneniye v khwchesko3r promysl-ftennosti (Asbovinyl and Its Ptilization in the Chemical Industry) Moscow, GOBIrbimizdat'.1958- 78 p. Errata slip inserted. (Series: Korroziya v k3himicheakikh proizvodatvakh I sposoby zaahchity, vyp. 1-1) 3,000 copies printed Ed.: I.Ya. Klinov; EditorialCOMMIssiOn: N.A. Baklanov, V.Ye. Volodin, V..-S. Kiselev (Chairman); I.Ya.! Klinov, V.I. Kruchinin (Secretary), 'G.V. Sagalayev (Deputy Chairman), and F.G. Udyma. FURME: , This booklet in intended for workers Bpep ializing In corrosim preventim and for design engineers of chemical and related industries COVERAGE: This bpoklet deals vith the prevention of corrosion ant anticox''g '1ve materials. It reviews rehVicochemical and meebanical properties of asbavinyl which is an anticorrosive mixture, the uaoic components of which are ethynol (divinyl acetylene),lacquer and asbestos. Methoda for preparation of the Card 1/5 Asbovinyl and Its' Utilization (Cont.) SOV/3170 asbovinyl mixture and the utilization of this mixture as a protective material against corrosion are briefly outlined and safaty te-~hniques during pro- duction are reviewed. Chemical resistance of &Iffer*nt types of asbovinyl to corrosive agents is discussed. The expmriercn of the induntry in using asbovinyl mixture for the lining of varioun containers., ff1ters, gFw conduits, pipes, ate., is outlined. The procedure for using this mixture as a corrosion resistant material is explained as well as methods of storing, tranBporting, packing, etc. Studies of A.L. Klenbansldy, I.M. Dolgapollokiy and I.P. Shabodalov proved that asbovinyl mixture can be used succesafully for protecting equipment of the chem- ical industry against corrosion. It in now vid,&V, used in Soviet industry. There are 16 mferences: 14 Soviet and 2 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editor 3 Foreword 5 I. General Information 7 11.. Basic Materials 9 Caid 2/5 Asbovinyl and Its Utilization (Cont.) SOV/3170 Rthynol lacquer 9 As'bestos 13 III. Production Process for the rreparation of Asbqviayl Mixture 19 Preparation and dosing of rav material 19 Mixing 19 Packing 20 ,storing 20 Production contro2. 20 Consumption of materials used im preparing th(* Initial anbovinyl mixture 20 Technical specifications for the asbovinyl mixture 21 IV, Properties of Asbovinyl 29 Physical and mechanical properties 22 Chemical resistance 26 V. Use of Asbovinyl as an Anticorrosion,Mat~eriai 34 Card 3/ 5 Asbovinyl and Ito Utilization (Cont.) BOV/13170 Use of asbovinyl as fettling 34 Use of asbovinyl as dyeing lacquer '38 Use of aabovinyl as a base coating 38 VI. Experience of the Industry- In Using Anboy-Inly a6 a Protective C.oating 42 Lining of bubbling towers used in the produett~--n of sulfuric acid 42 Lining of acid tanks 43 Lining of fermentation druns 44 Lining of alkali neutrallizers 44 Lining of filters made of reinforced concrete 45 Lining of vane wheels of exhaunt, fans and small tarbines 46 Lining of gas conduits 47 Lining of pipes 47 Lining of wooden towers and their metallic ban6 49 Lining of electrofilters (selenium precipitation chambers 50 A base coating 51 Asbovinyl cement 54 VII. "DovInyl Section of the Corrosion Pme-ention Department 55 Card 4/5 Asbovinyl, and Its Utilization (Cant.) SOV/3170 with VIII. Safety Techniques During Work/Eth"ol LacWr and Asbavinyl Mixture, 61 Appendix 1. Instructions for Using Asbovinyl MIxtures an FettlAng 62 Appendix 2. Excerpts From MIKhM Regulatima Concerning the .Procedure of Combined Coating or Metal Surface With Polyisobutylene and Asbovinyl, Mixture 67 Appendix 3. Excerpts Frm VTU M1Q,-P 3109-53 Specifications for the Asbovinyl, Lining Mixture 74 Bibliography 77 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/5 2-i7-6o Vo 12 fl N, LEVIT, LA.-, Linirg, digester bollers with corner tiles. 12 po.6:22-22- Je 1.Friozerakiy tusellyuloz-,V-1 zavod (for Levit, 1!akaimov) 2,Mos'r--)vF4-iy iP3t1tUt IdAmicheakogo mashinoutroyeniya (fnr Vol'tman) Gloodpulp in1uatry--BqiAp-.*nt and atippliou) FABICKANT, Tamara Llvovna; VOLITMU,jollf Leonovich; KLINOV, I.Ta., red.; ATZENSMAT, I.I., red.; -1AZULffAT1,__V&_Y_,__q ---- to- Fchn & re d ("Aabovinyll and its use in the chemical industry] Asbovinil i ego primenenie v khimicheakoi promyshlennosti. Pod red. I.IA.Klinova. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo khim.lit-ry, 1958. 78 p. (Kor- roziia v khimichookikh proizvodstvakh i sposoby zashchity, no.11) (MIRA 12:3) (Protective coatings) (corrosion-resisting materials) USSR / Cultivated P.Iante. Cereal Cropa M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biologlyal No 13) 1958, No- 58559 Author Kravchuk, L I.; Voij�LQxal-ka, 0. B.; Guft', G. A.; Dubinina, 1: A6; C5-e)mv4-Iov-a-,-T-.-N. Inst Chorkaek. Pedagogicai 34istitute Title Preliminary Data on High Yielding listervaxieties of Hybrids of Corn, Produced at the Agrobiological Station of the Pedagogical Indtitute Or1g Pub I Nauk, Zap. Cherkao'ke derzh. pod. in-tp 1957, 1-1, 301-311 Abstract No abstract given Card 1/1 VOLITOV!iKITl Boris lovlevich (Volltovalkyi, B.1; MMTARMMO, 0., red.; LTANKIN -V., teklui.~reid. Eftifil: in good time the seven-year plan for aninal husbandry; based on the practices of the party organization in Cherkassy Province] Somyrichku v haluzi tvarynnytetva - dostrokovo; s doevidu robory Cherknelkoi oblasnoi pnrtilnoi orgnnizatati. llyiv. Dersh.vyd-vo polit.lit-ry URSR, 1960. 78 p. (MIRA 13:5) Is Sokretarl Chorkneekogo oblastnogo komitata Kommunistichookoy partii Ukrainy (for Volltovskly). (Stock and stockbreeding) ~~-5-2 E Rhiff-r0q, .59", Czechoslovakia / Analytical Chemistry. E-2 Analysis of Inorganic Substances. Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur - Khimiya, No. 2, 1958s 4331 Author : Voltr.. Toushek, Toushkova Title : On the Chemistry of Ferrates. I, Note On the Analysis of Ferrates Orig Pub: Chem. zvesti, 1957, 11, No. lo 30-34 Abstract: The arsenite and gasometric methods for the ferrates determination are described. Approxi- mately 0,1 g of the material to be analysed Is dissolved in 10 ml of an 0.2 N alkaline solution of the arsenite. The resulting solu- tion is acidified with a mixture of 30 ml water and 15 ml. concentrated HCL, and made up with water to 250 ml. To that, 10 ml. of the Card 112 VOLTR. J, Calculating capacity, efficiency and time in jigger dyeing. P. 310. (Textil, Praha, Vol. 9, no. 10, Oct. 1954; SO: Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAL), Lo Vol 4, No. 6, June 1955, Uncl mw VOLTRI, L.; IAAMIAE, V. Preliminary results of a embined test feeding of bacon hogs. p. 312. GAZ, WODA I TECHNIKA SANITARNA. (StowarvyBzenie Naukowo-Techniczne Inzynierow i Tochnikow Sanitarnych, Ogrzewnictvia i Gazownictwa) Warszaura, Poland, Vol. 32, no. 6, June 1958. Monthly list of East European Accession (EEAI) W, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb 1960 Uncl. VOLTRII L If, and how much, should pasture be used for bacon hogs? P. 408 GAZ, WODA I TECIINM SA14ITARNA (Stowarzyszenie Nauk~lwo-Technicmie Inzynierow I Technikow Sanitamych Orgrzewnictwa i Garownictwa) Warszawa., Poland Vol.13, no.9, Sept. 1958 Monthly list of East Euronean Accessim (F1UI) LC, Vol.9, no.2, Feb.,1960 Uncl. VOLTRT, L.; LAAMIUB, V. %---------- Replacinp, skimmed milk by hay flour in the feed rations of bacon hogs. p. 21 SOTSILIKTLIK POLLMIJAIMUS. 1001JAIIIJAIMUS IMP-IISTEAMM. Tallin, Hungary. No. 1, 1958 I 1",onthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) W, Vol. 8, no. 11 November 1959. Uncl. ,!OLTRI, L.; LAMff.',AF,, V. Dry feed mixtures for use in automatic feeders. p. 65 SOTSILKTLTK POLLIMANDUS. POLLIR-IJANDUS MINISTEIII(IUM. Tallin., Hungary. No. 1., 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (ERAI) W, Vol. 8, no. 11 Ro7ember 1959. Uncl. VOLTRI., L. Make the work of swine caretakers easier. p. h72 (Sotsialistlik Pollumajardus. Vol* 12, no. 10, Oct. 1957. Tallinn, Estonia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEA1) LG. Vol. 7. n,--. 2, February 1958 LAAN", Vambols Eduardovich [Loanm5o, V.X.], kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk: .IVCLITRI, Leonikhard Yurlyevich [Voltrit L.J.1. nauchny7 sotrudaik; KATSUM~-soN, r-ej.--,--AtA-O-:3ACaWO, L.Te., (Yottening meat-type swine; practices of Astonion collective and state forms] Bekonnyi otkorm ovinei; iz opyia kolkhozov i eovkhozov Istonskoi SSR. Moskva, Izd-vo "Zoanie," 1961. 30 P. (Vuenoiuznoo obahchostvo po rasprostroneniiu politicheoklkh i nauchnykh znanii. Sor.5, Sollskoe khosiaistvo, no.3). (MIDU 14; 2) (Xotonin-Swine-Fooding and foods) VOL'TRI, L. Yu., Cand Agr Sci -- "Practical and hygienic I 0 methods 0 feeding and maintalning young ~~-Under condi- A, tions of ESSR,11 Tartu, 1961. (Min of Agr ESSR. Estonian Agr Acad) (KL, 8-61, 253) 354 k . VOL, TS. M. S~rnthetic powder Instead of lead-tin solders. Obm.tekh. avt.transp. no.3:3-13 160- (MIRA 13--7) (Solder and ooldering) 00 00 00 009 1 . 00 43 00 A. 1. I qj~j " 0 00 SK;V. F A4 L iw M 7 , j Of per Ix OIL hr Son b 0 3 00140 00 J_ -Ar~ see. 11.41&V. It I S.,O" .. 1 #4#" 441 amw oat SPAIN1011 i~. I I F I f 1A I 1 8 fw 0 0 1 x is t a a I u 5 AT 00 It" to co 64 1 a ; 9 c -0 00 be goo 0 0::**:Oooooouoooooot*** AAASASAG 0 60606060safte .00 '00 .00 go 'log -00 coo 1. goo 00 goo 1200 see see 00 logo A ' "Pt" "'Aft Lt . .A F as $Ili,. mwmcuimim minemom or (DOILM)WATOt 10 R24OVS oskkovat IN (J. App'. OXIGIS. trasilwAlkovo Al amd Volt !;I - oboe. ruse 1944 17# 242-2511 btiC.-a-51r. Ns 19451 oss Is offtoted by cotthadic rsdwtion 3M dool7gonation betwoon Ye altalrOdes. Using a nov rato of 3-2 L w hr., 0#6 mis, par w& and 2.5 v., the consimption Is, 0.3kw hr. Par a. and 130 g of ft per a.3* GOO slow w0P ww Ago 0 see ZOO ties ttli*At#At CLAISWICATMIN 4.3 Slom #"SAW We* - u IL At 40 &C it it i Ot Is ita a 'l 4A i i is AA L I W K ' a 0 0 o 0 o 0 a o 0 o 0 0 a a 0 0 41 41 0 Is 0, 0 41 41 0 000 : 40 1 0- 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 41.41 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 41 0 VOLITSINGER, N.Ye.; SIKM, L.M. ftmerical integration of shallow water equations for purposes of forecasting Leningrad floods. Trudy GOIN no.7033-" 163. (MMA 16M (Differential equations) (Imningrad-nood forecasting) VOL'ISINGER) N.Ye.; L.&I)ZOVSKIY, N.A.; MA5KOVSKLY, H.V. Numerical calculation of rises of sea level at Lenlngr&d. Tnudy GOIN no.81314,-36 164. -u 0. 1,7 VOLITSKAYA, I.I. (Laningrad, prospokt M. GorIkogo, 65-2, kv.7-a) Calculi of the bile duct. Vest. khir. 92 no.3t73-79 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. 1z fakul'tetskoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. P.N. Napalkov) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyonichoskogo meditsinskogo instituta. VOLTYANSKIY) V. 0. "0 Vlokheniyakh Poliedrov v Evnlidovl Prostranstva" Report submitted for Symposium on General Topology and its relations to modern Analysis and Algebra, PrAgue, 1-8 Sep 61 7011'-'PrRrr!3KIY, D.; -H7M7Z Fle!ctric Rallro2ds Confer~mce Qnd v.-minar on no!w mSincering methods on o!lx,-c,.ric r4ilrold5. cqektrich,!-.mtvo no. 9, 1952. 9. M"tMILY LIST 0-- RMSIPI ACCE~MOIIS, Library of Congrea3, DecTimber 1952. Uncl. 294b8 S/137/61/000/',10,8/026/037 A060/A101 AUTHORS: Volubuy ev, 1. V., Ryaguzova, S. A. TITLE: Influence of hardening temperature upon the mechanical properties of manganese steel containIng niobium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 8, 1961, 7, abstract 8!50, ("Tr. Khar1kovsk. politekhn. In-ta.", ig6o, 15, 111-114) TEXT: An investigation was carried out on specimens of steel with tho following composition (in 45r2 (4502) - C 0.5. Mn 1.93, Si 0.25, P 0-035, S 0.035; 45r2E15 (45G2B15) C 0. 51, Mn 2.05, Si 0. 33, Nb 0. 15, P 0 .054, S u.0 14; 45MB30 (45G2B30) - C 0.46, Mn 2.o4, si o.47, Nb 0.30, P 0.049, j 0.009. Mn-steo_ complementarily alloyed with Nb has higher db and ds than steel without Nb., m -steel with Nb may be recommended as I ,000 Ihe hardening temperatures for Mn C, since hardening from this temperature with subsequent high tempering yields '.he best combination of strength and ductility. There are 5 referencen, R. Humyartseva [Abstracter's note: Cemplete translation] Card 1/1 VOLUBUYXV, Po,,,,- Yontnrtis )f tire derz:w of -i~)w3pol;r capitalism In Rissia. To", . ebm. no.2:60-?o 7 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Runsia-D-onomic conditione-History) Mp Lit. ~V; 2WMITW S&I-10CHURSY, I.M.; BONDARINKO, P.O.; IZMYLOV, V.G., inshaner; DUTRUZU-0-M., redaktor; YUM4 X.. tekhnichniv redaktor. CContinuous-sequence method in plastering work) Potokovo-rozchleno- vanyi metod shtukaturnykh robit. Kylv, Dersh.vyd-vo takhn. lit-ry UFSR, 1954. 61 p. (KLRA 8:2) (Plastering) VOLUBUIEVI, V. R. "Soile-and Climate," a paper presented at the 6th International Soil Science Congress,, Paris.. 28 Aug to 8 Sep 56 Library Branch j; W;;;;;; 00; 1 1 1 a s I I a 0 0 is Q u I III n All P do :all uu Idlau #'A A-L-A-4- A..ALIA.LL I ~ M. 14 CC to U 4 0, 1, 6 il P, I a4 l w 0 vA.. s vAmbwk &Wawaoom so "M in Dim" "aftie", 00, 4611 "d WMNWAWW,. M."ita= a, "Pow. 6m. 41, d I 1 ;-66 tItfstw (he pt. of W), - lead k fletod" With N&AA wo umd with pood rcomills In thir deem. of NO# in the ribmak. SO. w" srpd. by ImAon of the amPho wibxxoHQr'N*#c()~-- :0 j Soo J1 woo '60 doe kit on2s, id r loscol, "it ON 0list 7 0,; u so &1 4 if 4-3 IV a V a IV a a[ it it it a if ill w A 0 0 0 0 00 0 00,10000 so 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 m )V'm it u u 1. a b .1 0 11 .1 .1 -rw uspij dOtteirmw.1i'm 4.1 alu"Jin"m in OrIAT 1huI,4'vAkA%ps and M. 1. V.4,11pCIA, d:dj'-J#k.))q 1AN Me$- I!Ok 11.414 1, CIA it It;! x ~.,f X., of 1, C%I. lilt 1,101 V11116 IMA14.1 kild litl Ott 11" 1111f,str .1114 All 00 1: -.go 00.1c o e"' '00 doe 0,1 '00 no* ' K66 Obt. %-"' It A fsJ 1 1 W tri An 6 ad 0 6 4X1 a 0 o 0 0 0 o 0 0 W~o 09* *0 *9 0 03 1 1 1 a 1 4 0 6 1 a 11 11 1$ N n It 1, -4 W a 1, a a is a so V a 30 Is V U U 34 A I r L -a.-A-A.-J~ a, -A - f 4 1 1 t - It - t1la A& W. - I A- k - A -- 9- - . t--t,-JL-L--V Of A "Of4l At. 4#2f$1 Rim. 24g2l) Apfd 30, lal CAGA emov are heid topther Ily means of aa of a condem ~~uct of um and aide In sk. The ak it removed before prraWns by drying ki a trolp. of about 102'. -00 c1 1'. A. M. "W) 00 .00 0 IN #00 00 J, 00 000 sov lij Ilse 40 fee 00 too ties we* 5 U a AW 4 a 0 6 1 IN be 9 a a .2 a v U a Aw IV 1, 5 so 0 0 0 0 0 IV 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 0 *is 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 11 ti is of i s a I 1 I, " 1 N a it At a is 5 to 4 a of a x v I t L a I v P L1 -4 0 4, O I A I A. AA u (A a A I I a A p 1 0 a I , ~,* * . -Its) .*.Rok 4 A.& 0 001-efittl .60 00 a ;-09 00 a aft held tarilber by a candmatim prodoct of phaak mby*Me mW *"jW which is in paw4tir lom on the heated gbn mfem, -0 -00 .00 zoo CIS 0 -oo Z-00 so 01 go* FLO 400 lip" I too 9 0 Af..JLA *C?AtLL#'CKAL CITCRATL&C CLAISOOCA14" too l b U 11 AV 10 it 6 411111,34- 3t t a 50 tvivillpal flows p turflf: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 C 0 6 0 , o W4 * 0 0:0 0 ;6`0909600666069 0 0 * 0 0, 9 0 0 * a 0 1% ux 1041 41428) al * At 0 PO I I T I cy A; 11 nuld 2 ~SICKSran * 8 71 f ~, -1. I ST Gto.p$ lot t. C.0 . , 0 Z. * "64111 lve 9 1 S v "oil ic . 0 Ot sew : or OOF 66 Sty 10 go 00 so, 1~" IM;00 a4l r- IILUWA-A a4l XUP"P PNWJI& 00- If 'q4-,4 qJ141 J-10414idtaf I"- aqj tq Ina pAWso Wwls Ipuy jqj jpqm 1104Apm 3 JD 3f#4 W A wn uv iq Ino p4uw " ucowmip- ju Aftp jug mU J) 00 00- ! q 4 M I lAlulp"atr Al .1c - - s ' W - A 1CM ulf P4"*s 10'Al ""?I "'Im"'W"N PAMN F S 00 00 ' I t T 1-01 o I" it , , g N of tT n 1( fl 0 0 0 0 g 00 0 0 A, A At I - I . 4 0 41 go 00 ft Of f"Wdod. N. 1. V111111inkin. OrMU'llm)(It Chise. (U. S. S. R.) 9. M&" 1110411 The im7=v I in the wasad proordive for the pro- use of a INIMPI funting 00 int"I 11) me: the 11,914 In OW WAIIIXMtiOn Of CJ14. I'Milting in 101% xv- 40 CJt.19(hll)t (0). The simplification of the eonvws&M 00 of U into the Nit salt, the redurtiost of N*011 amt. in the alk. fusion of ff. the aulsitituOin of Hiso-CJ14 for 0 Ft#O In the 4,zta* of 1, owl the Crysta. of vatimin-distd. 016 W f tI frons PbMe with little H40. givittic while I OPM& I 00 by the U. S. 5. R. phanniscoptia. C.114 is sullonalrd 1 with 2040% fuming 11.5% at M-2mil, depending on tion the etretwh c4 the fuming 11,50t tord. The resic inatia is fired from HtKh with Ca(OH), in H.0; the filtrate. after fteutralisifig with N*,Cth or XS011, is Pd. to dryum iv v"m. and the U Is drird at 1010' and a" powdered. Yqually S,wd Iritids am obtained by fusing sols. of N&OH inotead of id mots. With the - 11 with 7 a use C4 a suit" sti"ri this ratio affair be fvdore4 to 5 t a ~ 1, a T-i-~ Insist. NAKM W% fire") 10 1 "1 NO"11 is broad tlarldmily In (A Ve Pat at 311f Df*, The 141 thhd pw of U is Initudurra alf-ly and the laWbrV rtipj*, Toward the end of the rtar6m t1w raisidt*319-20". a I cf. at the indt to a defialte Conva.. followed Ily I he w1do. of 11) Lv. of 0.5% 1-dia:o-2-naphihni-fl-suffam: wW and . The matipariss-in a( the offln, with the premlinur (to and a statulard 4oln. similarly prvpd. The melt if, dimOrd in 11#0 with the odilts. a( JICI to aft swid reartkon vo-l I, extd. with a mixt. of Miff) and C4114 (b. fift-Mi, I is freed from PhOll by vermini disin. In a Pperial app. All tomoectmg pipes. Wslvr4 WW the 2 rnvivm we AN.- irk-any heated at 111) 2r. The Crysta. of I is &~ted with As definite Pe wtion of PhYde wrived with 1f,0. Chas. 81,Dc 7 -so of .00 Zoo to 0 I L40 000 ,is** zoo 0111ALLUNGICAL LITIOST649 CLASWOCAIC* 9 Z- a saw 41v,#1jva7-,77: sanoss, .1 #DIV. S&144" Wit ONV Gilt U 0 -4 f 4 1 1 -ii ii i ;1, ; a A I An I -U a 0 a 3 If so &;treat Itasca Ice an Uji i 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vaulc~rjiu. Retrospecti-te view on the revision of stiinditrds for annlyzing methods of solid fuel. P. 132. (Standardizarea, Vol. 9, No. 3, Yar. 1957, ]Xcuresti, Rumitnia) SO: Monthly List of Fast Nuropean Accessions (121.1,) Le. Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl. VOLMITIARU, A; ORN31.7111i N. The standardization o'. tenoi-o-active oroducts. P. 560 fk3TA;'!J--)A*,':)D7A7Tt'A) -111,rania) Vol. no. 11, :o,,,. 50: ',-~Onthl- inrlex o.," Fn3t '7uropean ;~ccessiom ("-7A!) L,- Vol. 7. 7,0. r1u. .... ............ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RVIANI!, / Chomical Tochnology. Fats, oils, viaxos, soaps., H-25 dotorgonts, substanoos, flotoroagont Abs Jour iRof, Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1958, 41175 Author iVoluntaru, Ornshtoyn. Inst ?Not givon. Titlo tStandardization of surfaoo aotivo agonts Orig Pub iStandardizaroa, 1967, 9, No 11, 560-562. Abstract iIn roviowing tho oxiating standards and norms of surfaco aotivo agonts with tho purposo to oliminato tho imporfootions of tho systom, it hau boon rooommondod that tho aurfaoo aotivo agonts bo dividod into groups and sub-groupe aooording to thoir ohomioal composition. Appropriato nomonalaturo should bo omployod. Card 1/1 U SSR /Medicine Toxicoinfection FD-3313 Card 1/1 Pub 148-9/24 Author Voluolko, DO F, Title : A study of food toxicoses and toxicoinfections and their pre vention (Author's Abstract) Periodical : Zhur. mikro. epid. i immun. io, 46, Oct 1955 Abstract : Two instances of food toxicoses from contaminated beef and one from preserved fish are discussed. Proper handling of foodstuffs is rec- ommended as a means of preventing food toxicoses. No references are cited. Institution : Mogilevskaya Oblast Sanitary-Epidemiological Station (Read Physician- A. NO Bakalov) Submitted : March 29, 1955 VOLUSIKO, DOF". Portable alsotrical thermostat and Its us* under rural conditions, Zhuromikroblol.epid. I Immun, 29 n0-71122-126 J1158 (MIRA lls8) 11 ZZ Mogileyokor oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheakoy stantaii. (MIGROBIOLDGY, war. A inat, en a. portnble electric thermoatnt for microbiol. inventigntion in rural condo (Bus)) VOLUISKAlAs E. N. , "Spectrophotometry of biuret complexes as a method for investigations of proteins and peptidea. Part 16. ComrArative actitity of copper, nickel,, and cobalt during the formation of the biuret complex of tripeptide (glygyl),tt Plekhan, M. I., Voluiskaia. E. N. (p. 343) SO: joloal of General (;hemistrT (Zhurnal Obshchei Mimii) 1953., Volume No. 23, No.2. CAUGORY : Chemical TechnninsFy. C~-emical Products and Their Annlications. Pes-ticides. ADS. JOUR. : =mum.; 110 1,')p lq~-)q,, 110. 6F3937 AUT,qCF l,anc--,n., Voliivniv-,c. M. OUG. WB. : cerel,arll ActR. UPRI, Vil. CI 9, --vo 1-4 , T7 1-1 -1 G, ABSTRACT : l7fzitont of the -0--yolv isnof-r 'Inyslox" in 11, i.ecliviev" tyrade !rn,ltirl, iF. determinvO !,v, odn- lyerolvri!7 c,..^ - ' -(- , 5*r-r ri c -C kj j oj E. -1. ,- r t 17 p r 1 5(3) A. Granov Card: RUMANIA/Analytic Chemistry - Analysis if Inorganic E-2 Substances. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya,, No 14, 1958, 46413 dithizone (chloroform solution) - color from green into stable light gray, which corresponds to the start of the formation of the chelate of Bi.with dithizone after the quantitative precipitation of BiPO The titration method of PO 3- with Bi(NO3), ~s-.similar in general with the titraln method of PO4-1- by (CH 3C00)2 Pb solution descktbed in the report I (RZhKhim, 1958, 43051-) Card 2/2 fi1-5--"~N'~~-"17'T tP MR't Hm- '~n --5 VOLUSIMC., It.; V.-APICEA, M. Contributions to the study of Systox. p. 171. Academia Pepublicii. Poulare Rcminc. F-1.1in-la Cluj. Tot of East ",,rorem '-cc.,3:Acns (MXi Vol Uncl. "I CE." no. 7, Jaly 1959. twl VANCEA, Marin; VOLUSNIUC, Maria Rapid gravimetric determination of bismuth an bismuth =,alate. Studii cerc chimie Cluj 10 no.2.*283-286 159. (EUI 9.9) 1. Academia R.P.R. - Filiala Cluj, Instiutul do chimie. (Rismuth oxalate) (Bismuth) (Oxalic acid) (Nitric acid) --n-, I!n f !r-'r VOLUSNIUC, V.;VANCEA, V1. A rapid gravimetric method of determining lead as lead phosphate. p. 155. Academia RerAiblicii Populare Romine. Filiala Cluj. Sr(IDII St CERCETARI DE CHIMIE. Cluj, Rumania. Vol. 9, no. IA, Jan./boo, 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncl. IMANIII/Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorganic Substances., E-2 Abs Jour; ]Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 43051- Author Vancea Marin, Volusniuc Maria. Inst Rumanian AcaderI__________ Title Direct Titrimetric Determination of Phosphates. I. Orig Pub: Studii si cercetari chim. Acad. RPR Fil. Cluj, 1957, 8, No 1-2, 85-88. Abstract: PH is titrated with a solutioi, of Fb(CHjCOO)k at PH 2-3 in the presence of,dithizone as an indica- tor for Pb)+. 0.05 - 0,1 C; of the phosphate being analyzed are dissolved in 10 ml of water, there are added 2-3 ml of buffer solution (6 ml glacial m3com + 13.6 g CHjCOCNa in 1 liter of solution), 1 mi Zif freshly prepared chloroform solution of dithizone Card 1/2 10 E-2 Substances. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mim.) No 13, 1958, 43051- (0-03 g in 100 Ml), and titration io carried out with 0-05 u solution of (CHJCoo) Fb to the first change in color of the solution ~roa green to violet. Determination error does not exceed 0-5~- The rethod is suitable for series analyses of phos- phate fertilizers. C 0 UN T'R RlAm an i a L-2 C AT,!, G G' R, -1 An-IlYtic7,1 Chamietry. AE"). JOUR. RZY%.him., WO. 7, 1959. ll'o 230;~O -ic)? ncea p R. ; vollus.-Illic M. Rlmmnlan Acl.,7-.(--,L-y T I (ILL T, AmilysIs of Superphosphates. III. "'trimtrIc Dete rm inaCl ion of ilhosphorus Availatle to Flar.'.s A~.:cording to the Reaction cf 1 G ?Ucl. Stud~l si cercetarl chiff,. Acad. Fil. clu~~ 81 ~10 3-41 al-264: 2(5-268 I f TIJ d-temination )f F *n 5,dperphos#-Ab~ ABSTRACT use -4-c made of the mell'"'nod previou:3iy nevelcped cy the aut'llors) which is ba5e~`. on titra". on of POUS+ w.',.-,.h a sol:'Itia-i of Pb(CI13C(-'2)2 irl a-Ce'- 4C Et C i'~ U'le 7' --iium usL-Iz. d4l-hzone as a L rl indicator (RZhKhim, 1430551). The Jons which n~erfere with th h l U -1 -e titratiori are first prcl-1pitated, wit- a Solution of Ba(1103)2, Excess Ba'e'+, JL ar. acetic acid mediurm,l is not precipltat.ed by PO,,3- ions arx" conseqaently does tict interfere with determination of P. 10-20 m! mixed aqueous and acetic acid extract of sil-erphosphate (prece rL a Ib- Y Cl' ntact are added 5 ml acetate 6uf fer so'ut-I ron (0.1 ~ CH Cc- solution Bak N 01' + 0 -1 Cf3COONa, 1:1), 3 ml saturated CA.U: IA F *of Lead Phosphate in the Presence of Dithizone as I T IT LIE ~U orm S .on of di- lv~' cy'lorof ut 'Ution of NCT 4nd I ml O.C- s o- J. --ed with 0-0 AB'QTFL thl,,.zcne Pb (Clilc 02 CARD: 2/1+ iate presence of Formation of .9isTru, phospi in thr Dithizone as -TridicatGro 17-.2 ef -- --~j -7 COUNTRY : Rum an i a F-2 CA I Zrr 0 RY : Jknftlytif- Cha;f .1 j, try, A13.3. JOUR. : A L,"n"Az.., -0. 7, AUTHOR i 111:,, 1) T I T IT LS. 0 R Ir.'T .PUB. : AB3TRAC'T : solut-ion changes to a light gray. TiLer of the Bt(N03).3 solation t.5 detcradlnL-d with chumically pure iU12PG1, urdcr analogous conditions. Coirziunication 11 see RZhIv.him, 4(4.13. B. Ya,%ole. 11-A RUMANIA/Analytical Chemistry. Analysis of Inorgnnic ' Substances. E-2 jibs Jour: Ref Zhur-Mim-, No 13, 1956, 43052. Author : Vancea Marin, sniuc Maria. Inst : Rumanian Academy. Title : Gmvir-etric Method of reterrdnation of Phosphate- Ion as Leas Phosphate. Orig Pub: Studii si cercetari chin. Acad. RPR Fil. Cluj, 1957, 8, No 1-2, 93-96. Abstract: Dencripticn of a nethcd based an precipitation of P043- in the forn of Pb3(P00A at pH 2.3. In determininG P0,f3_, 0.05-0.1 g of the taonophosyhate being analyzed are dissolved in 20 n1 water, 1-2 al of a buffer solution (6 a concentrated C11JCC011 + 13.6 g CHjC00Na per liter) are added, the mixture Card 1/2 RMAIIIA/Analytical Chenistry. jIndlysis of InorGanic Substances. E-2 fibs Jaur: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 13, 1958, 43052. is heated to boiling, and hot 0.05 11 Pb(CHICOO)z is added, dropwise with continuous stirririf,, until copplete precipitation has occured, after which the precipitate is allowed to settle to the bottom of the beaker on a water bath. The precipitate is filtered off, washed with 0.3cp' solution of C4SCOCH, dried, calcined at 600-7000 and weighed as Fb'4 (Fo~),Z.' The described method yields re- sults'that are copparable with those of the pyro- phosphate or of the phoophoro-nolybden= Liethod3 and is suitable for deterTaination of available PA~~ in natural phosphates and in superphosphates. Card 2/2 RU1-W1lA/Analy+,ical Chemistry Analysis of Inorganic E-2 Substances. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 8, 1958, 24829 Author Vancea., M., Liteanu) C,y Voluenius) M. .Inst Rumanian Academy. Title New Rapid Method of Gravimetric Determination of Fhosphate Ion, Orig Pub Studii si corcetari chim. Acad. RPR Fil. Cluj, 1956.- 7., No 1-4, 101-110 Abstract POj3-is determined by pre cipitation in the form of BiPO,,L in nitric acid solution at p1l M-o-7-- Ca~-+, Fe -S 4and A134 do not interfere with the determination. 0.1-0.2 g KH.i.PO,tare dissolved in 50 ml water, heated to boiling, 0,5 ml of 03% M10; are added) and then, dropwise and with stirring, a solution of Bi(NO?)j containing Card 1/2 /7 VOLIVOVSUY, I.S.-O ISHUTIN, V.V. Results of the regional seismic studies In the central Kara-Xtm. Trudy VNIGNI no-35tl62-166 161. (MRA 160) (Kara Kum-Seismic prospecting) VOLIVGVSKIY, B.S..j VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S. Seismic investigations along the regional base profile Amu Darya (Karabekaul) - Nura-Tau (Noytash). Izv.AN Turk,SSR.Ser.fiz,-tekh., khimei geol.nauk no.3:28-32 161. (RDU 14:7) 1. Otdel razvedochnoy geofiziki i seysmologii pri Prezidiums AN TurkmenBkoy SSR. (Uzbekistan-Seismic prospecting) VOLIVOVSKIY, B.S.; VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; TALI-VIRSKIY, B.B. UnIng seismic methods in prospecting for oil and Ms deposits In the Fergana Valley. Gool. nefti I gaza 4 no.1:18-25 A 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Uzbekneftegeofinika. (Yergana-Seismic prospecting) GODIN, Yu.N., akademik; VOLIVOVSKIY B.S.; VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S. Seismic investigations of the earthls crust In the -lak-hiLra region of the Uzbek SSR. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no-5:1069-1072 0 l6o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. VsosoyuzW nauchno-iseledovatellskiy geofizichookikh metodov razvedki, 2. AN Turkmenskov SSR (for Godin)s (Bukhara--Seismic waves) m f* GODIN, ru.N., akademik; VOLITOVSKIT, B.S.; VOLIVOVSKIT, I.S. Seismic investigation of the earth's crast in the region of the Fergana lntermontane trough., Doid.AK WAR 133 no.6:1398-1401 Ag l6o. OCLRA 13:8) 1. Usbekskiy geofizicheakiy treat i Vaef,ayusnyy naucbno- iseledovateltakiy iastitut geofisicheskikh matodov resvedkie 2. Akademiya nauk Tarbmenslcoy SSR (for Godin). (Fergana-Seismometry) VOLIVOVsKry, B.S., vm1yovsKry, r.s.; TILI-VIRSKrY, B.B. Conditions for seismic prospecting in the Fergana Valley. Razved. i. prom. geofit. no. 35:73-77 l6o. (NEU 13:12) (Fergana--Seismic prospecting) VOLIVOVSKIT, B.S.; VOLIVOVSKTY..I.S.; RYABOY,.V.Z. laboratory use of the controlled directional sensitiTity netbod in Interpreting the materials of deep seismic soundings. Razved. I prom, geofis. no-36:8-13 160. WU 13:12) (Seismic prospecting) VOLIVOVSXIY,~.S,: VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; ISHUTINO V.V.; SEMENOVICH, V.V.; ~TALII-4ff~kIY, CHAM), S.S. Regional geophysical studies in central Asia and their further trends. Sov.geol. 6 no.12:112-117 D 163. (MIRA 16-U) 1, Nauchno-issledovatellskayn sredneaziatskaya geofizicheskaya, ekspeditsiya kontory "Spetageofizika" i Uzbekskiy goofizichenkiy trest. A "b", e 0 -1 ACC NRI jj~6j6367 AUTHOR: Vol 1vovsk Vollyovskiy, 1. S.; Tall-Virokiy, B. B.; Ghraybman, Az~ ORG: none TITLE: Structure of the Earth's crust and upper mantle of the main geostructural zones of western Soviet Central Asia SOURCE: International 6ological Congress. 22d, New Delhi, 196h. GeologichecMye rezulttaty prikladnoy geofiziki (Geological reaultu of applied geophynica); doklady sovetskikh geologov, problema 2. Moscow,, Izd-vo Nedra, 1965, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS: seismology, Earth crust, gravity anomaly, bftsernent, meganticline megasyncline, upper mantley MOoYooeoviCIC DIwYCowriAlW7~V / 4x)e57FeA) Sov,e.-r (_'eA.-reqj_ &sio ABSTRACT: Three different zones diitinguis~ed in western Soviet Central Asia are as follows: an area of recent contrasting movements of Tien Shan, th-~ Epiliercynian platform and the Kopet-Dag foredeep. These zones include major structural f-mtures of the first order, such as arches and depressions in the platform mid and magasynclines in Tien Shan.. The data obtained from deep sciamic and seismological observations made it possible to estimate the crustal thic?newj of western Soviet Cxntral Asia and to diacover certain regularitlen In varf(AlOn Cf the crustal thicknesa. In general, the data nuggest that, in the orogenic nren of Tien Shan, the crust' is much thicker than within -the platform. In addition, Tien Shar souRcE coDE:-tjR/oooo/65/000/000/0026/0032 Cord AC~'i~R_,AT66ib~! is characterized try higher gradients of crustal thickness variations -aid ~,!,-neral geomorphic contrasts of the Koho discontinuity. Both In Tien f3han and wit,hin the platform, uplifted zones (positive structural featues) are characterized b- s er y M11 crustal thicknesses, and zones of depressions, by large thicknesses, The I'Soho discontinuity and the basement surface practically conform. The thickness of the crust changes mainly on account of the thickness of the overburden covering platform formations. At present the main source of information about the mantle structure is gravity data. However, its interpretation is complicated by the fact that gravity anomalies reflect the total effect of many factors, the most iLTortant of which are relief and petrographic nonuniformity of the basement, variations of the thickness of the crust and its layers and, finally, inhomogeneity of subcruntal material. Within Tien Shan and the Turaniam platforni, local variations of the residual anomalie correspond to major structural featues of the first order, suggesting the presence of local inhomogeneouB types of suberustal masses in each- of these area. Orig. art. has; 3 figures. _8tM_'_CODE':- 08/ SMM DATE: 06jan65/. mia REF: olo Cc-rd 2/? :C NRI AR6009029 SOURCE CWE: UR/0169/65/000/010/GO03/GO03 AUVIOR: Vollvovskiy, B.S.1 Vol*vovskiyp 1. S,; Tall-Virskiy, B,B I ~ra bqM,,--Y,-jv ORG: None .TITLE: The structure of earth crusiland the top mantle of the basic geostructural zones of CentralAsia SOURCE: Ref. zh. Geofizika, Abs. 10G13 REP SOURCEi Sb. Geol. resu 11taty priki. geofiz. Geofiz. issled. stroyeniya zemn. kory, M., Nedra, 1965, 26-32 TOPIC TAGS: ea th crust, earth crust structure. seismology /central Asia Iolloob ab _P Uu= Turan I CUB&, Tyan'-Shan' ADSTRACTt In the present geological structure of CentralAsia, there are regions rela- ted to the three basic geotectonic categories of continents, the Turanian epi-Horcyni platform, the alpine folds region of Kopet-Da-, and the orogenic region of Tyan'-Shan', The relation between surface relief of thefolded foundation, the thickness of the earts crust, and the relative density changes of the surfnce manfle of these regions Is dis- cussed. Seismological data Indicate a correlation between the geotectonic state, the earth structure, and the character of the density 7!tanges of the subcrustal 1"asses, To the Tyang-Shan' orogenic region (relative to the Turanian platform) corresponds an increase:in the crust thickness and a relatively smaller density of subcrustal masses. Ccwd 1/2 UDC 550.311051*14 ACC M4 AR6009029 C Besides, Increased gradients of the earth crust thj'cness and a high contrast relief of the Kohorovicic . surface characterize the Tyan'-Slian', The Turanian platform and the Tyan'-Shan' are also substantially different in their gravitational characteristics, The gravitational anomaly decreases at the transition from the Turanian platforis to. th t Tyan* -Shan'. [Translation] . SM OWES 08/ Ccwd 2/2 ACC NR. AL17010085 SOURCE CODE: UR/0215/66/000/012/0118/0123 AUTHOR: Rikhtor, V. G.; Vollvov~kly, 1. S. ONZC: VNII Goof Izilta TITLE: Neotectonics as an index of anomalous crustal thicknesses SOURCE: Sovetskaya goologiya, no. 12, 1966, 118-123 TOPIC TAGS: tectonics, upper mantle, lower mantle S U3 CODE: 08 ABSTRACT: R. It. -Domenitskaya has. demonstrated that the elevations of the earth's surface are in close functional dependence on the thicitness of the earth's crust. I-Satinematically this relatiorx-hip is expressed by the formula 1.1 - 33th(O.3811-0.18)+38, whoro M Is the crustal thickness at a particular pointv It Is the elevation of the carthts surface above sea level, in km. However, It 6as been shown that many spacial curves Intersect the generalized R. M. Damenitukaya curve or run parallel to It. In this roflnomnt of that author's work, the authors consider points not falling on this generalized curve (c1mrActeriting Isostatic equilibrium of the crust) to be anomalousp and seek to interpret Card 1/2 UDC: 551.241 4-7e2A /J -5 ACC NR: AP7010685 thoir pattern. Howovor, Instead of using heights of relief, as In earlier studios, the authors now use the wiplitudar, of tho most recent toc,:onic rxwo- nonts. The analysis of thicknesses of the crust and the amplitudes ef those recent vertical tectonic movements, Illustrated in this paper, roveaiad a close dependence between the latter and anomalous deviations In crustal thicknoso. It in concluded that deviations from the R. M. Demenitskaya curve In any diroction charactoriza ragions of rocant uplifto or downwarp)-ignp regardless of their gonetic nature. OrIg. art, hass 3 figures and 3 for- mulas. rj"PRS: 40v299 Card- 212 AMURSHY, (%T.; V9i1[,1YE'V, V.G.; L.S.; GARFTSKJY, R.G.; 6Ai,1R1E'LYA1!TSv G.A. Basic tectonic elements in the western part of Central Asia. rieftegaz. geol. I geofiz. no.4:7-10 165. (MIRA 18;7) 1. Upravlenlye geologii i okhrany nedr pri Sovete Hinistrov Turkmenskoy SSR; Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-insledovatollskly Inntitut pr1rodnogo gaza; IOU AN SSSR i Nauchno-lasledovatellskaya Sredne-Aziatskaya geofizichaskaya ekapeditsiya, kontora Spetsgeofizika. VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; RYABOY, T.Z.; SHRAYBMAN, V.I. Subsurface geology of the Fergana Valley accordi to geophysical data. Sov-9001. 5 no.l:1.5&-160 Ja JMIR& 15:2) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut, geofizicheskikh metodcv razvedki. (Pergaha-Goology) ACCESSION m: ARW36339 S/0169/64/000/003/=4/GW4 'SOURCE: Aeferativny*y zhurnal, Geofizika.. Abe, 3019 AUTHOR: Vollvovskiy) I..S.; Vollvovskiy) Be Be TITLE: Characteristics of the structure of the 'earth's crust in the western part of Soviet Central Asia (on the basis of data from integrated geophysical investigations) CITED SOURCE: Sb. Tezisy,.* dokl'. Bovesbcbaniya po probl. tektoniki. M.j. AN SSSR4 1962, 147-149 TOPIC TAGS: geology, geophysics, geophysical exploration, earth's crust, Mohorovicic discontinuity, seismology, crustal structure; deep seismic sounding gravimetry TRANSLATION: On the basis of the structure of the earth's crust in Central Asia it is possible to define two zones: a with relatively eiml )le structure and an eastern zone which has a considerably more complex structure, In the eastern zone there is a deep dawnwarying of the Mohorovicia discontinuity ',Card ACCESSION NR: ARW36339 I in the Fergana depression, a decrease,in crustal thickness in the bordering ranges and a plunging of the surface of the suberustal layer toward the Pamir- Alay system. Individual uplifts are noted in the western zone against a back- I ground of smooth plunging of the Moborovicic discontinuity in a southward di- rection. On the whole, within the Kopet-Dog and Pamir-Alay system there is an inverse relationship between the surface relief and the surface of the subcrustal layer, whereas in the mountain structures.of the zone of renewed folding (Kura- tinskly, Ferganskiy, Turkestanskiy and Kuraminskiy Ranges) there to a direct re lationsbip between the two forms of relief. Within the limito of a platform uplifted sectors of the crust correspond to on arching uplift of the surface of the folded basement, that is, the thickness of the crystalline crust remains approximately constant. In geologically uniform regions the earth's crust in the process of tectonic development apparently does not experience special ad- justments; the cause of movements is pbysicochemical processes in the suberustal matter. A comparison of deep seismic sounding and gravimetric data makes it possible to detect those relationships between density differentiation of the jj;q,d 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AR4036339 suberustal matter and tectonic movements in the crust vhich vill serve as confirmation of the hypothesis of phase transitioi2a of subcrustal mattere I. G~lkin SUB COIX: AS ENCL: 00 DATE ACQ: 17Apr64 I.Card. ACCESSION Nit: AP402,3372 S/0049/6h/000/002/0184/0195 AUTHORS t Alekseyevs A. So; V J-._4., Yermilovap N. I.; Kraukliss P. V.& Ryaboy,, Ve Ze TITLEt The physical nature of some waves recorded during deep seismic sounding& Comparison of theoretical amputations with experimental data- 3 SOURCE-.' AN SSSR. Izv. PSeriy% geofizicheskaya, no. 2, 1964, 184-195 !TOPIC TAGS: seismic wavex deep seismic sounding, head waves refracted wavej fretlectod wave., suporcriticalwave,. "granite" layer, "basaltic" layerj wave groups 'Mohorovicic discontinuity JABSTRACT: The authors have used theoretical computations and experimental data from Vio earlier papers (K voprosu o prirode voln, registrirayemy*kh pri GSZ.. II. Teoreticheskiy analiz nekotory*kh modeley zemnoy kory*j Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geofiz.,, !No. 1, 1964; K voprosu a prirode volnj registriruyemy*kh pri GBZ L KharaktarisUka leksperimentaliny*kh danny*kh. Tiv. AN SSSRp'ser. geofiz.9 No. 11, 1963). They- 0 th~ 'first waves of the F group-are head or weakly refractedwaves conclude that h 3 Card :ACCESSION NR: AP4023372 1corresponding to the upper P*) is A! part of the "granitic" layer. The wave group T( lex wive formation. The first wave of the group consists of a head (weakly icomp refracted) P* wave (up to a distance of 120-130 km from the shot point) and a super- h critical reflected wave from the.surface of the "granite" layer (PO or refl !"basaltic" layer (P* )i depending on the relative thickness and velocity of the refl !,~,.licrustal layers. The P nd P waves are the Bupercritical reflected and head 1, 1 rerl , h ~!(weakly refracted) waveso respectivelyj corresponding to the suberustal boundary !(Mohorovicio discontinuity).,/The nature of the P, wave group is not uniquely detomined.' It may represent a complex group of waves consisting of supercritical -reflected and head waves formed at a discontinuity below the Hohorovicic disconn- i ,:nuity or refracted in the subcrustal layer (if it is assumed that velocity- increases with depth in this layer)* The P group, which is apparently recorded in' iother regio ', may become the source of very valuable information on the structure ns of the upper'part of the mantle, The principles of wave-group correlation in deep seismic sounding may lead to a combination of waves of different physical nature' into a single group. To:test~correlation it is necessary to make preliminary ,,C rd2 ACCESSION NR: AP4023372 detailed analysis of theoretical views concerning ampl tude and attenuation of waves of different physical types, Orig, art. hast.; 8 figuroee S R (Office of "Spetageofizikall MG SOCIATIONt Kontora "Spetageofiaika" 140 1 ON SSS A land ON SSSR); Akademiya Nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences SSSR); Leningradskoye !Otdelc~hiya matematicheskogo ihstituta im. Steklova (Leningrad Department of the Mathematical Institute) ZUBMITTED: 26Mar63 DATE ACQ: 274r64 ENCL: 00,~ 000 UB OODEs AS NO REF SOVS 013 OTHER T,: card 313 3/049/62/000/00e/002/003 1046/1246 AWHO113: 3010usov, V.G., Vol'vovskiy, B.S., Vollvovskiy, I.S. and Ryaboy, V.Z. TITLE., Experimental investis-:ation 'of the regkotration of deep-Teflected waves (CRIDDI(OL, JU.Ud--.MiytL nauk SLZR. izvestiya. Seriya geofizicheskaya, n6. 8, 1962, 1034-1044 T---,IrL: A report on the deep seiunic eDunding with reflected (oubcritical) waves carried out in 1960-10,61 in thn South-Nastern 'AueKmenia over a 120 km profile. The noise waves were elirninated by uoint, directional reception: seiamorecoivers and sources of st~;tic vibrationn were Crouped together (9 recAvers spaced evenly over a linear distance of 400 m, anch group by 100 m from ito neighbors). Comparison of the results with the d2ta obtained in 1f,50 in deep aeiamio sounding with reflected (hyper- 1z critical) and leadinG waves sliown I:ood agreement in general features on the seismo- ertmas, though subcritical r,-flection is better in detecting fine details. It is Card 1/2 Experimental inventii;ation of the reeistration.... recom,rended to use al far as possible a combination of the two methods. There are 8 figures. .jIJBI-,ITTt;D: ?ebruarf 26. 1962 AGIJOCIATION: Vsosoyuznyy aauchno-issledovatellskiy institut veofizichoskikh kl metodov ra--vc&d (The All-Union Scientific Research Inatitute of Geophysicul Nethoda of ProEpectine) Card 2,12 VOLIVOVSKIYI B,S.; VOLIVOVSKIY, I.S.; RYABOY, V.Z. Some data on seismic waves corresponding to the layer beneath the crust. Prikl. geofiz. no-31:3-10 161. (MIRA 15:3) (UzbekiSt2n-_Seismic prospecting) (Earth--Internal structure)