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VOLODIN, F.I., A. N. FILARFTOV, Ifuss. 39,097,, Oct. 31$ 1934. P-L-4 ESYTATSKIY, S.G. BUDNIKOV, P.P.; PD _T& Review of data on the 872tem: CaCl2 BaC12. Ukr.khim.zhur.22 no-3;292-294 156. WaA 9:9) (Chlorides) BUDNIZOV,P.P.; VOWDIN,P.L.; TRISVTATSKIT, S.G. Ivestigating the clinkering and recrystallizatlon of pure mgnesium oxide. Cgusupory 25 no-2:70-73 160. (KM 13: 10) (Wguesium oxide) (Crystallixation) (Clinker brick) TRESVTATSKIT. S.G.; GRIBKOV, V.Y.; VOWDIN, P,L,, SIROV, K.M. High-temperature vacuum kilm for calcinating high-atrongth refractories. Ogneupor7 25 no-7:313-316 160. (MIRA 13:8) (Refractor7 materials) (Kilns) Buildirg Sumgait. "a rul. 26 no.9:11-12 S 159. (Wia. ii.-Iri) (Sungedt-Automobile driven) BAKUH, N.N.; VOLODIN, R.N.; EMMEM, F.P. Geological structure of the Udokan copper sand deposit and prospects for its further investigntion, Izvevye4ucheb*zavo; geole i razve 1 no-5:67-83 MY 158- (MIRA 12:2) 1. Moakovakiy geologorazvedochnyy inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. Kafedrn petrografii oandochnykh porod. kAfedra poloznykh i9kopaye- mykh, kafedra matodiki poiskov i razvedki. (Udokan Range--Sand) Z.W~JQLODIN R,N. Molybdenum in ores of the Udokan copper sandstone deposit (north- eaetern Tranobaikalia). Isv.vys.ucheb.zav.j geol. i razy. I no.11: 49-50 N 158, (MIRA 12tll) 1. Mookovskly goologorazvedochuyy institut In. S. Ordzhonikidze (Udokan region (Transbaikalia)-golybdenum) BAKIJN) N.N.j Vol~)OIN, R.14.1 F,P. Genesis of the cuprouB Sarld3tones of the Udokan deposit. Lit. I pol. iskop. no-3:89"103 MY-Je 164. (MA -17111) 1. Institut geologii I goofiziki Sibirskogo otdelaniya AN SSSR, Novo- sibirsk, ~vl~f~ PELIKHOV9 Aleksey Alekseyevichj VOIDDIN Carpy laqillyev AVTMIONOVA .. Kaleriya Vlik~ylumj- ZAGORSKIYj G., red.; YAXOVLEVA, Ye.o tekhn, red. (Over-all mechanization of hay harvesting] Kompleksnaia me- khanizatsiia uborki sona. Moskva; Mosk. rabochii. 1960. 85 P. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Rabotniki Podollskoy mashinoispytatellnoy stantsii (Pelikhov, Volodin, Avtomonova). (Hay~---Harvesting) MIKHAYIOV, V'N', kand. tekhn. nauk; VOLODIN, S.A., inzh. Detainining frictional reoistance of a reinforced concrete ship. Sudostroenie 27 no.225-10 F 161. (MIRA 16t7) (Shipap Concrete) (Frictional resistance(Hydrodynanics)) VOIA)DIN, T..-(Frunze) "Intergelipo.m Prom.koop. no.11:12-13 K 157. (Frunze--Cooperative societies) (MIRA 10:12) VOLODIN. T. Read these books. (oprom the pages of,stons chronicles* by S.D. Sher. Reviewed by T. Volodin). IUn. nat. uo.9:26 5 159. (MIRA 13:1) (Geology) (Sher, S.D. ) V010M. S. 0 KALANTROV, D. Radio -Bibliography Radio eng1re-ring literature in 10,52. Radio, 20, no. 1'P 1'52 Monthly List of Rnssian Accessions. Library of Congress, April P52. Unclassified. TASHKINOVO A. (Perm); KNYAZEV, V.; SYCHEVt B., ahofer; TFLITSYN, A., shofer; SHIMMANOV, Yu., shofer; GORSHKOV, G.t ahofer; FEED0791, G. (Penza); RYBIN, 11. (Krasnodarskif kray); URYANOV, T.p bukhgalter pozharnoy chasti (Kamensk-Urallskiy, Sverdlovskaya obl.); KRIVOSHAPOV, I. (Sverdlovsk); VOLODIN, V. (Rostov-na-I)onu) Readers' letters. Pozh.delo 8 no.800 Ag '62. 04IRA 1518) 1. Nachallnik dobrovollnoy pozharnoy druzhiny kolkhoza "Rossiya", Kalininskaya obl. (for Knyazey). 2. Bollshaya-Marashkinskaya rayonnala pozharnaya komanda GorIkovskoy oblasti (for Sychev,, Telitsyn, Shirmanov, Gorshkov). (Fire prevention) VOLODIN9, Ve,-insh. Controlling corrosion of construction alemnts in nonferrms metallurgical shops. Rov. takh. i pered. op. v strol, 20 no,4: 6-1o Ap 158. (MIRA 11:3) (Corrosion and anti oorroalyes) VOLODIN, Valentin Scientist at Ponov Union Comna-w Scientific radio and communication orpanization. Soviet Source: P: Neva Zurcher Zeitunp, No. 320 1948 Switzerland Abstracted in USAF "Treasure Island" Report No. 2584, on file In Library of Congress, Air Information Division. Z '-Z v ~-MM -T ~4'17M 1953, Uncl. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,__-L!- 717 7 VOL~D'31-. V.; 'SHYATKOVSKIY, V. I ~On s6rt tracks. Za rul. no.12:&q D 157. (MIRA 11:1) (Rantorguevo-Kotorcycle racing) VOIA)DIN, V. I- Workda7v of a xtident body. P~of.-t-skh. abr. 14 no.4-77-28 Ap '57. (Technical education) NZU 10.-4) IV' SUBJECT: USSR/Labor Unions AUTHOR: Volodin, V. TITLE: Apprentices' Week-Day Activity (Budni uchenicheakogo aktiva) PERIODICALt Professionallno - Tekhnicheskoye Obrazovaniye, April 1957, 4 (143), pp 27-28 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Card 1/1 Every trade school has an Apprentices, Labor Union which in conjunction with the Xomsomol organizations assist the school- masters In establishing discipline and obtaining a greater efficiency of the students' work. The article enumerates a number of Labor Reserve Schools at which the Labor Unions have arranged cultural entertainments, the purchase of musical in- struments, TV sets, sports kits, discussions on questions of discipline, etc. However, the Labor Unions have to cope also with such abnormal situations as hooliganism, use of bad lanaua.ze. drunkenness and discraceful behaviour. ASSOCIATION: PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: At the Library of Congress AUTHOR: Volodin, V. SOV-27-58-10-9/31 TITLE: Practical Training of Students (Trudovoye vospitaniye uchashchikhaya) PERIODICAL: Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazovaniye,1956, Ur 10, PP 14-15 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes different methods,used to occupy the students' free time. Various competitive expositionsp talks and so on are organized by different schools to fill the time left free of studies and practical work. 1. Personnel-Training Card 1/1 22 (1) AUTHOR: VOLODIN, V. SOV/27-59-2-6/30 TITLE: The Followers of Good Initiative (Posledovateli slavnogo pochl-na) PERIODICAL;, Professionallno-tekhnicheskoye obrazova--Iiye, 1959, Nr 2, p 11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Students and workers of Moscow Labor Reserve schocls met recently in the Labor Reserves Central House of Culture. The meeting was ii1formed of the initiative shown by the personnel of the Diesel Locomotive Repair Shop of the Depo Mo3kva-Sortirovochnaya (Moscow Marshalling Yard), Moscow- Ryazan' Railroad, who organized the Communist Labor Brigade competition. The meeting was opened by Z.1. Solodkaya, Chief of the Moskovskoye gorodskoye upravleniye trudovykh rezervov (Moscow Ci'y Administration of Labor Reserves). The author lists the achievements of the Tekhnicheskoye uchilishche Nr 3 students (Technical School Nr 3), Yoscow, in their endeavors to be considered a Group of Communist Labor. Students of the school made 600 visual aids for Card 1/2 the training workshops, designed and manufactured a The Followers of Good Initiative 3 0712 7 2 - 6/z,') machine tool, etc. Among the persons mentioned in the article is A.F. Bordadyn, Deputy Chief of Glavnoye uprav- leniye trudovykh rezervov (Main Administration of Labor Reserves). VOIDDIN, V. da7s a veek. Sov.profsoiuzy 7 no-9:29-29 My 159. (DoleoprudW--Labor productivity,) (MIRA 12:8) f, VOLODIII, V. "Application.of the technology of high frequencies and electronic!j to industrya" I ~ So. Riidio, Vol* 5, pe 6y 1952 --i VOLODUT, V. "Polyelectrode Autonvtic Electric Arc 'Weldire, jlovopti 111,,ft. 'Tek-hrilIA, Otr-vo i MontA-,h. 11o 5, pp 17-22, 1953 Developed a mvthod of automatic electric erc weldint- using poly- , specinl equipment. Method consists of subject- electrodes not roculrinr ing several wire electrodes to the are zone, with the are jui,pinr from one elt;ctrode to another. (RkhDin, No 22, 195~) Swil- 110- 681, 7 Oct 55 volaw. T. " ~M"Wmq The now f ive-yoor plan of wDlammmw workers. Soy. prof s*lusy 3 no,10:24-26 0 133, (KW 9:1) I . (Noscow-Blectric industries) 1. VOLODIN, V. 2. uss? (6oo) T111a Ire 7- Great attention to now cultivation practices, 110, 5, 1953- 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ADril. 1953, Uncl. 1. VOWDIN, V. 2a UBSR 600 4. Plowing 7. We are plowing deeper, Kolkhp proizv, 13, No- lo 190- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accossiorms Library of Congresal April 1953#'Uncl. S/029/60/000/009/002/008 B013/B060 AUTHORi Volodin, V., Chief Expert for Welding Production TITLEt Free Path for Welding PERIODICALs Tekhnika molodezhi, 1960, No. 9, pp. 8-9, 22 TEXT: The author reports on problems of welding engineering. By way of introduction he gives a brief historical survey of the development of this branch in Russia. It is then pointed out that one of the main problems is connected with high-frequency welding which can be applied to the production of cable sheathings (Fig. p.8, above) from aluminum, and to a number of other industrial branches. Another important problem is the introduction of a new thermal source. It is the so-called plasma are which attains temperatures of 15,OOOOC and more, and whose technical properties are controllable within a wide range. In order to minimize transportation costs in the laying of pipelines, the author suggests that pipes be manufactured an the spot. The productivity of arc welding oan be augmented by employing several electrodes instead of the customary single alectr9de. A. k. Ulasov, twofold Hero of Socialist Work (pig.p.8, Card 1/3 ?roe Path for Welding B/029/60/000/009/002/008 B013/B060 below left) has worked out a multiple-electrode welding device. Largo Investments aro hardly ever required for conversion to this new procedure. Cold-prese welding, which is still in its initial stage of development, is believed to have great possibilities of application in the electro- technict-LI and radio industry, in the production of aluminum table-plate, ship and airplane furniture, and also in the packing technique, A. N. Chudikov, turner and innovator, worked out a welding method using friction in 1956. This method is a variant of press welding and differs from other techniques by the fact that the heat produced by friction is utilized for metal beating. Metal cutting equipment, which is often used for welding by friction is modernized from time to time. Special equipment is required to augment the productivity of this method and to achieve better joints. One of the main tasks of the welding branch is the com- pliance with directions adopted by the Plenum of the TsK KPSS (June, 1959), which provide for an overall mechanization and automation of production. There are 3 figures. Card 2/3 Free Path for Welding S10291601000100910021008 B013/Bo6o ASSOCIATIO11i Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSR po avtomatizatsii i mashinostroyeniyu (State Committee on Automation and Machine Construction of the Council of Ministers USSR) VOLODINX V. Another world record. Sov.shakht. 11 no.61l6-17 JO '62. (MRA 15.'6) (Kuznetsk Basin.-,Coal mines and mining) T ~.7 5 5,77.7; 1 i tT VOWD.I,N,,-V,,,-kand, tekhn, nauk Building-up by welding should be used In production, NM 5 no.8t43-" Ag 163. (KMA 16 3 10) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist po avarocbnomu proizvodstvu. Gosudarstvennogo komiteta. po mashinostroyeniyu pri Gosplane SSSR. VO V, AID P - 1154 Subject USSR/Electricity Card 1/1 Pub. 29 - 7/31 Authors Volodin, V. A., foreman and Markovskiy, V. V., Eng. Title Improvement of performance of condensate pumps Periodical Energetik, 11, 16-17, N 1954 ,Abstract, The authors briefly describe faults occuring in the KD-76 type pumps, and the improvements they introduced by a better method of-hydraulically compacting the pump gaskets. In6titution : None Submitted : No date ANTONOV~T.A., icand.takhn.nauk; AITOSHIN, Te.Y., insh.; ASINOVSKAYA, G.A.. inzh.; vAsrL'YEV, K.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; GUZOV, S.G., inzh.; DRM, V.r., inzh.; ZATTSEVA, V.P., inzh.; KAZEZKOV, P.P., inth.; KARA 0 Yu.B.j inzh.; KOLTUKOV, P.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; KOROVIN, A.Z., inzh.; EMMCHKOVSKIT, A.K., in'zh.; KEJZNBTSOVA, Ye.l., inzh.; MATy313V,N.X., tekhnik; MCROZOV, M.Te., insh., NEKWOV, Tu.I., inzh.; NECHATET, V.D.. kand.tekhn.nauk; NINBURG, A.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; SPERTOR,O.Sh., inzh.; STRIZMSKIT, I.I., kand.khim.nauk; TESMITSKIT, D.I., inzh.; KIMCKOVA, TS.S., inzh.; TSNMLI, A.K., Inzh.; SHASHKOV, A.U., knnd. tekhn.nauk. dots.; SHBLOCHNIII, M.M., inzh.; SHUKHKAN, D.Ta., inzh.; IMLISON, A.M., inzh.; VOLODIN, V.A., red.; UVAROVA, A.F.,, [Machines and auoaratuses designed by the All-Union Institute of Autogenous Working of Xetals] Mashiny i apparty konstruktaii YNIIAvtogen. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.12d-vo mashinostroltallnoi lit-rY, 1957. 173 p. (Moscow. Ysesoiuznvi nauchno-isoledovatelinkii institut avtogennoi obrabotki metallov, no.9) (Gas welding and cutting--Equipment and supplies) KAPMIN, Yu.V.; TESLYUK, Ye.V. 4 Studying the vertical profile of theoutput. and flow rates of fluids in producing and injection wells. Nauch.-tokh. abor. po dob. neftl no.20s66-71 163. 4MIRA 17s6) L i845o-66----ETc(m)!..6----mV1 ... .. .. ACC latt AP6002559 SOURCE CODEt UR/0286/65/000/023/0056/0056 I:- AUTHOMS1 jWoyanj A* A~j MAkSiMM) V. I.1 Hatil's Zhe Pq Volodinj,Vo As ORGt none TITLEs Device for measuring flow rate, Class 42p No. 176709 .,SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no., 23, 1965s 56 I-TOPIC TAGS.- flow meter, pressure measurement I'ABSTRAGT: This Author Certificate presents a device for measuring flow rates The apparatus contains a detector for wnpling the dynamic and the static pressure and a measuring device. To exclude the effect of dust content of the medium on the instrument reading, the detector is in the forn of a nozzle placed along the current and two pneumometric-tubes placed at an angle to the nozzle and concentric with each other (see Fig. 1)o The inner tube for sampling the static pressure is connected to a hole in the nozzle perpendicular to the moving current. The outer tube for sampling the dynamic pressure is made with an expanded Car d-1/2 uDc: 681.121,843 Figs lo 1 nozzle; 2 - inner tube; 3 - hole for sampling 3 outer static presourej 4 tube; dwt collectarj hole for sampling dynamic .PresaUree Otige art. ACC-NRt - - AP-7001932 S-OU-RICE CODE: W0120166100010061002210025-- AUTHOR: Vagin, V.A.; Volodin,V. D.; Plyashkevich, N. N.; Sayenko, A. P.; Semenyushkin, 1. N. ; 8~_tej_ar;_y~_k,_V_.L. ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Research, Dubna (Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy) TITLE: System for multiple acceleration of an electradynamic separator of high- energy particles SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 6, 1966, 22-25 TOPIC TAGS: particle beam, proton accelerator ABSTRACT: A system for multiple acceleration of high-energy particles is described. The system recaptures protons in multiple frequency (q - 100) accelera- tion conditions previously accelerated to maximal energy and continues their acceleration for 15-20 psec. The system consists of a coaxial resonator, hf units, a pulse modulator, and ~ sinchronizer. The fre- quenc7 of the multiple acceleration is 149.520 me and the pulse duration 'is 15-20 psec. A 70% coefficient of proton beam energy E - 10 Gev, energetic spread AB t 1.7 Mev, and amplitude of the accel- erating-voltage in the resonator Vr - 70 kv was obtained during testing Card 1/2 UDC: 539.1-076:621.384.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - of the system on a proton synchrotron at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. Orig. art. has; 4 figures and 2 formulas, SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 12Nov65/ ORIG REF: 005/ ATD PRESS: 5111. I v is Q if m is a is is "JI1 114 Dimb NVOMI a IX a u NSO uu 1*3 lbst *we * 4 i k at U41 war* I " A a. ~L_A -".-A 11 1 F 4 9 1 .1 V , A.-I -A. I L % --A-' A -r### a - T - 0 0 0 A i f A.& ING. (,#0M I I Chvmk4Uy ftilistant 4sphattic hifujillmo,4g, 4p V, I'- X06^bn. X~,. .. A ....... AM (IMA M m. paij. ?; -00 12. C_11; .1. .1, JI, chUminaird pfghtucts &1iml 11hf.floill 414, 61~11 I" IN. -to 00 Chrtilk'al Plant rith" In l1w Imus 4 Wilij,ps.w 00 W641% filk" Rich as V. "4k", 'IjCA. Cement. etc. so Aephalt-6N.,cr ^utitt" ~ $uit,14e 1, N,j,I&jjnS bWh. 00 UP In JW' avul "r ~i,f&tkt to dit. and to Isigly Cowd. "is up to *I*. wt Arr mi f-04"1 G, age (1-witr A yrti ** 00 .3 a 00 00 00 o o 00 so 1.00 see wee 001 tie* 00 , all ~ o $A I I w a I 9i _,i, ft 14 0; 0000000 f IF It 4 a 9 n t 000000000000*0 00009*696;0069906 ; 64 0 . 0 elm 0 ql~o 0 0 * 0 0000 0 0000 0 00000900 000 ofee 00 e I I I 1 0 of It it 64 fl 16 :r w If x a Al a JS 1. X- A L A. a 11 P, 4 It V VI" 1), ; At L AA N OL m 9 f 6 4 A k A HSPVOI~Vctfos 0' cb#mk&l aPW'tw SPISI" CO"Wou by * wift add-reimisbat materials. %,. . 00 ore. CAM. led, w. S. %. R.) S. Im,"I IIX14).-The fl-W 41 (it C*f'Lmic &w wIumiwmj mateliAN its the I,f..Ievlivr -00 Using chem. equitmarno is di-nj4"I, Chits Ithinc -00 00 -00 04 *00 00.r so 00 GOO goo Of ft:06 0 000 see KAL'UTINAT(POIC Ct&ISWKAT#C" 0-0 lot .- --W" -- ~ of 4 v 2 0 AV 00 It'( CCU Itu"On fire 0 Olt it tv a it 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 4 0 0 o 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 oiooooao*oo 0 0 0 IV I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 o 1 0 4 s - ij 1) 13 " is I* It It "JejIly :)Man 27 a it go it u u nice A F 9 A I T 9 1 i-v--J 1- 1 4A 0 CC 19 U4m ~6. i f A A eo 4 t .1% ..! -0* 00 -00 00 :09 Go -00 00 oil -00 00 a In, Add reeklaut coalimp for iton comitsinm I- I- V.-Iadirs, Al. N. krihisibiodc and V. A, shoadt. Rivo, 41).M. Match 31, 11M. Atid, go 't iggsisollimiluss air 1-fritti. frimn %rSelablo Mi aridl suffor 00 &XUwilc I* adda. its Ilgo antl ImatOr. nF MgO anti acUl. see 00 see of see 0 f-Of 00 ~ ! 5 nee &I-SLA IttIA,LL,-GKA& LITISA11,81 CLASIWICATICk IZOO 001 i It .7 --w-w-c- r If &04 i i a 0 9 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 olio 0 0 e 0 0 9 0 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w jo A tj#to p"C11146 sea x9anabIft wm"66 lw dmww apma6is. V. R. Ai k 1 00 t dwarow4 9W, v wW 1. Va. KNow. Xhim. Md =, - h i b W -- t pourc nw m Owo on t $14.~-A W ;;i; is tbir SwAiri Usks aw6w tu ba 10 7". In The do- " f b k :0 a or c rm. app. man Vdapsma ad wo# mommok" MqudWast anniM d6bam, lumd The &vpk& kmbb w 004 - 9"WIS. Aww. awww wkb vow shm 5 cc- m ;"k m we co to 000 004 sow -.0 I ASS.tLA AdVALLLOMAL Lfft*ATW CL"WICATION INN @"1"v stage* ulp 04V Oet slasal 4w 0. as AV AN 1 5 8 W 0 0 9 1 W 0 9 A 4 0 is 4 is ow, ;1 0010 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 : 0 9 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 4 - 00 .90 -00 000 -00 .00 0 see so* goo me* ,90 1#0 0 too 0040 See VOLODINA V. G. VOLODINP V. G.: "A study of the biological properties of the blossoming and pollenation of %teat". Minsk, 1955. Belorussian State U imeni, V. I. IAnin. (Dissertations for thecbgres of Candidate of Biological Sciences.) SOt Knishnaya Letovis' No. 50 10 December 1955. YABCOW. ?MIN, N.V.-, VOLODIN, Y.G. On the biology of vheat flowering. Dokl.AN SSSR 107 no.4:60i-03 AP 156, (MIRA 9:7) l.Akademik AN BSSR (for Tarbin).Z.Inatitut biologii Akademii nauk BSSR. (Wheat) (Plants, Plowering of) TJSSR/Cultivat(-,d Plants. Grains. Abs Jour Ruf ,~'hur-Biol., !To 15, 19507 68096 Author Turbin, N, V.,,Yolodi..n, V. G. Inst AS Bel SSR Insfi~~~7eof Biolo,r-,,y. Titlo Suppl6montary ILrtificial. Pollimtion of Ryo vith an 1,,irplanc. Orig Pub : Byul. In-t-. biol. A? BSSRI 1.956 (1957), No 2, 190/-202 Abstract : In 1956, in a kolld-ioz of Einsk Oblastt an arca- -J h Part iz,-x--s kaya of 50 hectare vias plrinted , -t vinto5~ rye and --iven suppl6riontary pollination by usin,-,, a PO-2 type -Arp1; The yield on t1iosc :-~rcas was hif~har than on control areas. -- 0. 1.. Gorbunova Car 0. 1/1 VOLUDIN, V.G.; QX=MW, S-S-,kand.biol.nauk Intensity of flowering in wheat and rye in the day-by6-day course of flowering and during a 24-hour period. BGU no.37: isi-i6o 157. igrRA 32:1) (Plants. Ylowering of) (wheat) (Rye) U ~SR/Genaral BioloZ~y-. G'-'-nutics B Ab5 Jour .-A 1',o 15, 195", 571C8 -,,ut.hor _Ya~~. Inst : Institute of Piolo6y, Acadamy of ')*ci.(.ncos i3olo- L russian S23A Title : Inv~ztig tion of the Activity of Cnwiot-ise in t ho Ovaries of ."hz!at in Diff--rent Variants of , --ollination Orig Pub Byul. In-ta biol. t All Brr"'31R, 1~351S-, (Y-~57), VYP 22 226-229 Abstract The activity of invcrtas,,: in tvo-d-iv old owt- ries of T,yut,~~sc-,ns 052 sprins~* vrioit in diffQ- rant uetbods cf -.)o?.I.ination uas studied. It vas dot.-)rmin:,,d t'iat the castration of tie floa,r ccnsid.:~rably lovi.-wrs tli-a ictivity of the No d,)finito diff-~renc--s -:ar3 foiind :-~t tha sanle Card 112 USSR / Cultivated Plants. Cereal Crops - H-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Riologlya, 110 13, 1958) No- 58~28 Author Volodin V. 0 last Acd. Isti.-MR Title Contributioii to the Peoblem, of Increasing the Intensity of Wheat Blossoming 0-rig Pub Byul. Ih-ta biol.* AN twtj 19~6 (1957). vyp 2, 203-207 Abstract The spraying of ears of who at with vater showed the dependence of the blossoming lwocois on the change of temperature and on the humidity of the hir. Frequent sprayings of oars of wheat with water increase the intensity of the blooooming and create bettor conditions for conducting artificial aupplomontary pollimtion of wheat (the presence of a great number of opened flowers). They also shorten the blossoming period of the sprayed Card 1/2 ~ . bWR / Cultivated Plants. Cereal Crops. M-3 Abs'JOVr S Rof Zhur - BiologiYa, No 13) 1958) No- 58528 variety. Flowers, vhioh opon during spraying, are roady for fertilization..- 0. V. Yakushkina USSR/Cultivated Plants - Grains. M-2 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 20, 1956, 91620 The hot period (from 10 to 13 hours) in characterized by complete absence of open blooming. Rye usually has only one morning peak (fron 7 to 10) with a bTadual decrea- se in the rate of flowering during the following hours of the day. With wheat as well as with rye the mxi,-= nimber of flowers blossom on. the second day after the beCinning of florescence. Flowering in both crops practically ends af- ter 3 days. Yu. L. Guzhev. Card 2/2 28 - TURBIN) II.V. ) akavlerdk, otv. red.;_VOLODIV) Y.G.) kaild. blol. .1 1. 1-- 1, ~. - nauk, red.; PALILOVA, A.N., red.; X110111LEVA, L.Y.) red. [Genetics of heterosis) Gonetika geterozisa. 1,11insk, lzd- vo "Nauka i tekhnika.." 19U.. 74 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Akademiya navuk B-OW, Minsk. Otdal genetiki i tsitologii. 2. Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy Mt (for Turbln). M71 VOLOLD~jl, V..G_.,.,. Effect of the enzyme diastase on the germination of corn seeds. Bot.; issl.Bel.otd.VBO no.7:5-10 165- OaRA 18:12-) VOWDIN, V. I- germination of some farm crops. Bot. fect of gibberellin on seed zhur. 45 no.12:1787-1791 D 160. (KM 13.12) le Laboratorii V9esoyuznogo Inatituta rasteniyevodetva, g. Pdehkin. (Gibberallins) (Germination) ZELENINA, Ye.V.; VOLODl!':, V.I.; AMOISOV, ib.l., red. (11"achinevi for the coal industry] Mashiny dlia ugollnol prou7shlennooti. Mosk-va, Nedra, 1964. 299 p. (MIRA 17:12) ;;g ; W : : to tr a Id to hi it of al a it ~s v a A it if I L lij- u a I-A-M-M "~Cft. , - 11 _09 .1 b yrodVothl .dl,tv Coop. go .00 two 040W0.- 06 a a F tn the ITAUSO ell hm' pt Ium b"m the 1WIAIR-Ikm IPAIA. 00 ftmn I h, by -ifflAtict-a (slag and CO) and of th"It Iftwu fit-V), P and As (mm PFfitc -`ffind .00 P. Stefamm"hy chatfaht". Is diwim-rd, 0 00,3 4400 00 goo 00 00. 00 14, 1. 00 so f '00 xe '00 1000 t: go use 1040 a 3 U "1"0 6 1 As x a ti a it L L S 0 W a 0 0 A' 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 9 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 al 0 *10 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 * * 9 a 0 0 o ~g 16 G s I r e if v " m 0 v 10 a ~i i I ei -A 1-4-A-A-C-A a i ~f_v 9 AA-Al I I a a IV U 4 F-7 00 t :0* FWdw as a Cbeadc"y stabie I 00 thf. Ckpi, Imed. (V. S, S. R.) 1. ---The' Aud uvs f i f O vVir ous aclirres are discusted (cf. 00 RLL"- P6111- 124-LMNP (IMMI one] 1,3.,Ikl (WIS). C,O, 40 00 zoo 00 00 00 00 i'00 be 0 00, J.0, C., J.1 u s it n1swat Keg 49 v! cc el It x 4 14 All 41. U,- A$. -*" . I or Im a 100 it I we A a L a T t ..A 1- w CC CC U Ip a 99 A , , .. " 1'. . 00 00 00 md spOkaties of ChOOkSHY Id 4&- 0o 0; OMPOINkm. -- V. 1. Bety - - , 00 f (U,S.s - p: led; - k unm"w" saki A. Klimbava- OPf- CA- A I disculal- bawd an anme eltv Ows. blarw vUkww and littialtur. 00 so Zee 00 00 Zoo go* 00 go, Ike r?4tkuvGK-& L,Tf*-VLAC CLOI-FKAM- 00 *2.". 11 4 3 It 'A 0 ;!" 0 0 o 004 G" --- & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 G~f 0 9 0 9 1 0 0 f S 0 a 0 0 GL* 0 0 0 0 0 0, KINNOSOV, VIndimir Ivgnovich; YANOVSKIY, 111ya Instfovicli; XTURVISHTRY11. Ye.L.. Inzhener, rot3enzent: GLUSHKOV. G.S., profe-laor, doktor tekhnl~hi3kikh nauk, redaktor; -VOTJMTV V-T- rAaAe-~tlr it4s"elletv-9; 3LIKIND, V.D.. tekhnicheskiy red-ektor [11achines and inctr=ents for tenting materiAls) Ha3hiny I oribory Me 13nYtenlia materialov. HoRkve, Ocia.rkpnehnn-tekhri. 12d-vo -ia slit rinstrott. lit-r.-,, 1957. 300 p. kTostirr, TOODIN, V.K. ~V=lopment a2A oxygen consumption of fall-spawning Baltic he"ing embryos. Top.ikht. no-7tl23-133 156. (XLRA 10:3 1. Isfedra ikhtiologii Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universitsta iffi. May, Lomonosovg* (Paltio Sea-Serrind (ImbryAloiff--lishes) (Respiration) vor,ODIN. V.M. Phrthenogenstic development of burbot eggs. UP. itht. no.13:130-133 '59. (MIRA 13:3) l.Inatitut biologli vodokhrontlishch AN SSSR. (Parthenogenesis (Anisals)) (Imbryology-Fishes) (Burbot) 1717-7~ VOLODINO V.M. Iffect of tosperature on the embryonio development of the piket-the .20PO.(Abramin ballerus L.)v and the whIte bream (BIlcon bjoerkna L.) Trudy Inst. biol. vodQkhran. no,3:231-237 1.60. (MIRA 140) (&bryolcgy-Fio'hes) (Temperature-Phyniological effect) R, -!MI VOLODIN# V.M.p student 6 kursa Mechanical suture of the soft tissues carried out experimentally with tantalum clamps. Zdrav. Dolor. 6 no. 7:45-47 Te 160. (KIRA 13:8) 1. Rukovoditell nauchnogo otudencheskago kruzhka kafedry operativnoy khirurgii, professor - V.V. Babukt rukovoditell teay - A.A. Chevlytkol Minskiy modinstitut. (SUTUFM) (WITALUM) VOIDDIN i V.N-, Fabryovic development of the burbot. Trudy Inst.,biol. Yodokhran. I no.3:227-230 160. (MIRA 14:3) lbjxbot) (Embryology-Fiehes) VOLODII'll V.M.'' Heterogeneity of eggs and sperm of the bream In Rybinsk Reservoir. Biul.Inst.biol.vodokhran. no.11:28-32 161. (KRA 15:8) 1. Inatitut blologii vodokhranillebeh AN SSSR. (RYBINSX RESERVOIR-MEAM) (REPRODUCTION) VOLODIN, VA Fecundity of roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) in Rybinsk Reemloir. Top. ikht./3 no.2:264-274 163, (KRA 16:7) 1. Inatitut, biologii vnutrannikh vod All SM, pochtovoye otdolenlya Borok, ffl6kouzskogo rayona,, Yaroslavskoy oblasti. (Rybinsk Reservoir-Roach (Fish)) ACCESSION NR: AP4003131 S/0241/63/008/011/0050/0055 AU7AOR: Volodin, V. M. TITLE: Characteristics of the course of aou~jocoronary insufficienoy. in radiation sickness caused by polonium (Fo x-irradiation# or local irradiation of the heart region SOURCE: Moditsinakaya radiologiyas v. 8# no, 11, 1963,, 50-55 TOPIC TAGS: acute coronary insufficiencyp radiation sickness,, irradiated heart rogionp x irradiation, radioactive poloniump myo3ardium, Itypoxiap pituitrin,, irradiation induced coranary insuffi- cioney., heart irradiation, radiation heart damage ABSTRACT: Male chinchilla iabbits irradiated under different conditions wore investigated to determine the characteristics of acute coronary insufficiency induced by pituitrin, 22 rabbits wore exposed to total X-irRgiation of 800 r. 12 rabbits wore Injected suboutano- ously with Po (0.1 and 0.05 microauries/kg), and 7 rabbits wore exposed to local irradiation of the heart with 3000 r dose, Pituitrin (1-1.5 active units/kg) was injected intravenously'at different Card ACCESSION NR: AP4003131 periods depending on radiation conditions, Electrocardiograms were recorded by 11 4-PDP-7 unit. In rabbits X-irradiated with an 800 r dose, coronary insufficiendy induced by pituitrin is intensified 24 hra after irradiation and at the height of radiation siolmoss. In several oases gnimals died after pituitrin was injected. In rabbits with larger Po 10 doses (0,1 microcurio/kg) myocardial hypoxia increases at the height of radiation nicknose and with small Po2lO doses (.0 microcurie/kg) coronary insufficiency increases slightly betwoon 14-25th days of radiation sickness. In rabbits with local irradiation (3000 r) of the heart# EKG inchomio changes inordaso 3-7 dayn after irradiation and compensation appears in the following ii nos, In the terminal phase of radiation sieknossq the reactions of. '%0he cardiovascular system to.pituitrin decreases regardless of radia- tion type. Coronary insufficiency changes induced by pituitrin may be attributed to myocardial metabolic disorders and hemodynamio .shifts caused by irradiation. Orig. art. has: I figure. ASSOCIATIONs None SUBMITTED: 24Apr63 DATE ACq: 20Dec63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE**. AM NO REP SOV: 034 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 SMFqIIOVAJ, N.P.; I.PD 11, NJVYI.1-4. Characteristics of the hypothalamic region in th- cf venous blood circulation in irradiated animals. Fladlcbiologiia 4 no.4:521-527 164. (MIRA 17:11) ACC i4R.__A~66l9__8_0_2_'_ SOURCE COM lin/02-i~/6/0-5,1/001k/0~87/Olk9l4! ALMHORt "Avdrnova, No Pe'(Moscow); Volodin, Ve Ho (floscow) CRGi none TITIB: Study of hypothaLudo influences on ooronaryblood culation SOURM Fitiologichaskiy thurnalSSSR, vs 51, no. 4, 1965, 487-494 TOPIC TAGS: cat, electrophysiolor j, hormone, brain, pharmacoloFff, vasopressin ABST,UCT: 'Ihc hYPOthal-'rus of arientlictized catn wm5 Irritated by means of an electric currelit; Lhe tonus of coronary blood ver-nols was then determined by the realatography method. Tie reaction to the Irritation most frequently consisted of contriction of the vensclq, but vanodlintion and two-phase reactions were also obnerved. Reactions of different types were obtained on Irritation of the rnme poInta In the hypothalin-in. Increasing the Inten- laity of the Irritatioii or Intravenous admininLrntlon of dihydracrpotoxin, hexoniumt or aminazine often changed the nature of the reaction upon IrrIta- tion of the amie point* After appliention of a-minazine or hexonium, a pre- dominance of pre5nor reactions was observed. 'Die effect of the hypothala- nun on coronary vessels won not eliminated after exclusion of the influence :of vascular Innervation by section of the spinal cord or of the midbrain or .application of pharmacological agents, 7his Indicated that the effect Of Card 1/2 UDC: 612.826+612017211 L -29369-66 - -- - I AILL NKi Artuivouz 0 the hypothaloirun Involved a vasopressor mechanism, ufilch was presumably activated by the release of hormones following Irritation of the hypothalamus. flexonium and aminnzina npparcntly sensitized the walls of the blood vessels to endogen6us vasopresain. The changes In systemic blood pressure usually corresponded to the reactions of the coronary vessels; Le.) the blood .i'vessols of the BenernI system of circulation reacted to irritations of the .hypothalamus In the same manner as the coronary vaa,8618* 'Orige arte hass 4 figures& LTPRS7 SUB COCjE% 06 SUEN DATEs 08Aug63 ORIG REFt. 009 OM REFt 015 Card 2L2 VOWDIN.-Y,Mje PSTROMNAp YO,N* Role of Catechol asims; 1z the macbanion of pituitrInic coronary deftoisnoy in normal aud irrediatod rabbits. As&abiologila 4 no&5#703-707 164* (WRA 1894) 01VINO l.k.p prol'.1- VOLODIN, V.M. 3hwartzman phenomenon aml U5 importame in rAthology. Nt. flZiol. i okup. terap. 9 no.4:14-26 JI-Ag -165. (MIRA 180) .1, 04.-dol radiatsionnoy patofiziologii Instituta meditsinskoy radio- logil AMN SSSR, Obnlrwk. ACC NR, AT6029238 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/000/000/0255/02~8 .AUTHOR: Volodin, V# M. IORG: nono TITIX% Use of an analog-digital computer system in investigating an adaptive algorithm, of a close to optimal control system ISOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konforentsiya-seminar po teorii i metodam.matematicheskojo model-i irovaniya. 4th, Kiev, 1964. Vychislitellnaya tekhnika v upravlanii (Computer tecanolo- ,gy in control engineering); trudy konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 255-258 TOPIC TAGS: self adaptive control, analog digital computer, algorithm, second order differential equation / MN7 analog computer ,ABSTRACT: An adapti-ve algorithm is defined as an algorithm for obtaining a change-ovex~. circuit for optimum speed control. This method is used in second-order systems t.~.cre the object to be controlled is defined by a system of differential equations of the type ku (1) - ax, (1) - bx, (1), Here, xl(t) and x2(t) are system coordinates; u(t) is the manipulated variable with them_ [Card 1/2 ~restriction it (1) ;and k, a, and b are both positive and variable, with a2 > 4b. Several approximatio.1s ! ized form result in Chebyshev's polynomials, which can be calculated. A in a general 'detailed analysis of an adaptive system is best performed on an analog-digital canpu- I ,ter; the manipulated variable defined by a second-order differential equation is model-' on the analog and the digital components are used for modeling the controlling ele- ents of the system. In the investigation, a combination of the Ural digital commputer ,and the M-7 analog computer with analog-to-Aigital converters was used. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. SUB CODE: 09,9/ SUBM DATE: 12reb66/ ORIG REF: 003 Card 2/2 VOLODIN, V. P. VOLODIN, V. P. -- "Measuring the Dynamic k-echanical Fropertie.,A of Rubber (within) a Range of Sound Freqt;ency." Min Higher Education Ussi. Leningrad Foly-technical Institute imeni M. U. Kalinin, Laningrad, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degive of Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences) SO: Knizhnaya J&tools' No 44, October 1956, i,~oscow SOV/1 Z4-58-4-4920D Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr4, p 170(USSR) AUTHOR:r Volodin, V. P. TITLE: Measurement of Dynamic-inechanical Characteristics of Various Types of Rubber in the Audio-frequency Range (Izmereniye dinamicheskikh mekhanicheskikh kharakteristik rezin v zvukovom diapazone chastot) ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Physical-Mathematical Sciences, presented to the Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad, 1957 ASSOCIATION: Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad 1. Rubber--Mechanical properties 2. Measurement 3. Sound --Application Card 1/1 V6" AUTHOR: Volodin, V. P., and Kuvshinskiy, Ye. V. 120-2-26/37 TITLE: Measurement of the Mechanical Dynamic Characteristics olf Rubbers. (Izmereniye Mekhanicheskdkh Dinamicheskikh Kharakteristikliezin.) PERIODIC&L: Pribory i Tekhnika -Eksperimenta, 195?, No.2 pp. 94 - 98 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The authors give the description of an instrument similar to that proposed by Marvin, Fitzgerald and Ferry (Ref. 4), but more simple in construction and operation. It can be used to determine, in three independent ways, the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the angle of mechanical losses of rubbers in the frequency 6ange 20-30OC/s and in the temperature range -20 to 150 C under the conditions of deformation in a3dal compression and~decompression. The instrument, a cross-section of which is g~.ven in Figure 1, uses a vibration generator tyre GMY,1 (ria-1), the necessary temperature being obtained by forcing either water or ethyl alcohol through the envelope 'I for temperature range _100 0 to 1000 C. An electrical oven vras used for temperatures above 1000 C aEd the instrument was cooled by liquid nitrogen below -10 0. The tempera- ture of the sample was measured bg a constantan copper Card 1/2 thermocouple with accuiacy of 0 5 C. Differing from the 120-2-26/37 Measurement of the 1viechanical Dynamic Characteristics of Rubbers. installation proposed by Marvin, Fitzgerald arA Ferry, two sim )!ler bridge configurations were used (Figures 2 and 3 The determination of the mechanical properties of the material as based on the Kelvin-Votgt model is also discussed. The cross sections of the instrument, two circuit diagrams of the two bridges, three graphs, two tables of numerical results and the equivalent electrical circuit diagram of the Kelvin-Voigt model are F,~Iven. There are five references, two of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: November, 23, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Polyttechnic Institute imeni M.I- Kalinin. (leningradskiy Politekhnicheskiy Institut im. M.I.Yalinina) .AVA,IIABIE; Library of Congress. Card 2/2 15(6) SOVI 112-59-?-?382 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal~ Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2. p 14 (USSR) AUTHOR: Volodin, V. P. TITLE: Measuring Mechanical Dynamic Characteristics of Rubber at Audio Frequencies (Izmereniye mekhanicheskikh dinamicheskikh kharakteristik rezin v zvukovom diapazone chastot) PERIODICAL: Nauchno-tekhn. inform. byul. Leningr. politekhn. in-ta, 1957, Nr 4, pp 3-20 ABSTRACT: Schemes of 3 outfits for measuring mechanical dynamic characteristics of rubbers are considered. The best and most convenient out- fit allows testing the rubbers within the widest frequency band, 80-4,000 cps. The upper frequency limit depends primarily on the toughness of samples; the lower frequency limit is determined by the phasemeter operating frequency. Bibliography: 19 items. 1. M. M. Card 1/ 1 /V) V .AUTHORS: Volodin, V.P.)and Kuvzhinzkiy, Ye.V. 120-5-21/35 TITLE: Determination of the Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of Rubbers at Acoustic Frequencies (Opredeleniye melchaniches- kikh dinamicheskikh kharakteristik rezin v zvukovom diapazone chastot) PERIODICAL: Pribory i Te'r-Ilinika Eksperirrenta, 195? 140.5 pp- 66 - 91 (USSR). ABSTRACT: An installation has been developed for measuring the dynamic modulus of elasticity and mechanical loss angle within the frequencg range 80 - 4 000 c.p.s. at temperatures from -20 to +120 C under conditions of small displacerent. Fig. 1 shows the main features in a block dia6ram, viz., tl:e use of a capacitive pickoff for measurinG displacement, the measurement of current in the moving coil as an indicT...tion of force, the use of a phasemeter to measure the anL~-le between force and dis- placement. Fig. 2 is a croSS-3ection through the complete assembly. The material to be tested is bbricated as a number of isolators supporV~ng a former made from walrus ivory (s.g., 1-95; E = 1.3 x 10" dynes/cm. ) in the gap of a larSe electuro- magnet. The former carries an exciting coil fed from an audio- oscillator type 3r-lo. A micrometer enables a capacitive pick- Cardl/4 off to be positioned under the moving system. The circuit which 120-5-21/35 .Determination of the Dynamic 11.1echanical Characteristics of Rubbers at Acoustic Frequencies. converts the changes in capacitance into volt&Le has been des- cribed in principle (Ref-5) and also a oractical version of Vhe same (Ref .6). The conversion is linear with an error of less than 3% and gives a sensitivity (includinr- the pre-amplifier) C, of 105 V/mnk when the gap between the plates of the capacitor is 0.1 mm. The hasemeter is of the switchinG type described by Borman (Ref-95. It viorks Les'. with an input in each channel of 30 V, a deviation of + 3 V producing an error of less than 0.1 . The use of voltmeTers at the appropriate points in the circuit guarantees a deviation of less than + 1 V. The supply voltages are stabilized by ferro-resonant an7d electronic stab- ilizers. The main electro-magnet supply is separately stabilized at 76 + 0.1 mA. It is shown from the theory of the measurenent .that u7nles.9 the size of the sample is chosen appropriately to the frequency and material constants, appreciable corrections are required. Fo example, when the maGnitude of the elastic modulus is 5 x 10~ dynes/cm2, the frequency is 4 kc/s and the thickness of the sample is 0.1 cm, the correction is almost 15Po". The experimentally determined relation between phase (force- e4 displacement) and frequency differs from theory as noted by 120-5-21/35 Determination of the Dynamic Mechanical Charactc-ristics of Rubbers at Acoustic Frequencies. nearly all other authors using electro-dynanic methods. This topic is to be the subject of a separate article. Measurements were discontinued whenever the error exceeded 10,clo. Fig.4 shows the variation of modulus and angle of loss (tan ~) with freguency for a natural rubber at teviperatures of -10 C and 75 0. The shape factor of the saziplj, D (thickness divided by cross-sectional area) was 1/40 cm- . The error in measuring the modulus and loss angle reached 25% at twice the frequency of mechanical resonance. Measurements were made on UKC-30A sulphur-vulcanized rubber by the present method and by two other methods; the "travelling-wavell and "force and velocity" methods. The table and Big- 5 show that the agreement is quite sati5factory. 'The maximum force exerted by the vibrator was 5 x 10 dynes at a coil current of 0.5 A. The flux density in the gap was 11 000 gauss and the moving mass was 13.8 g. The minimum recorded displacement was 10_a1 em and the minimum angle between force and displacement 1 . The least measured tan 6 was 0.02. The UPDer limit of hardness was 2 x 109 dynes/ cm. The lower limit of bequency was set by the phasemeter and uard 3/4could be reduced to 0.01 c.p.s. by using an H~-2 in conjunction 120-5-21/35 .Determination of the Dynamic Mechanical Characteristics of Rubbers at Acoustic Frequencies. with an Hr-2 oscillator. A.P. Rudakov and L.L. Sullzhenko took part in the viork. There are 5 figures, 1 table and 10 referemes, 5 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M.I.Kalinin (Leningradski politekhnicheskiy institut im. M.I. Kalinina 15 SUBMITTED: March 18, 1957- AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Oard 4/4 AUTHORS: Volodin, V. P,., Kuvahinskiy, Ye. V. Z-ofrj-,7 - 2 3 - 7 - 10/3 5 TITLE: The Influence of Vulcanization on the Dielectric Properties of Rubbers on the Basis of S0-30A Rubber (Vliyaniye vulkanizataii na dielcktrichookiye ovoystva rezin na osnove kauchuka CKC-30A) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1950t Vol. 28, 1Tr 7, PP. 1424 - 1427 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The variation of the dialectr1c properties on the basis of the divinyl styrene rubber S~.'3-30A during the sulfur vulcanization in the presence of the accf.-lerator diphenyl guanidine was ob- served. For this purpose a ocries of vulcanizers were investi- gated -mbich differed according to their sulfur content and -vulcanization time, The amount of the conditional-equilibrium- -modulus E was assumed to be characteristic for the vulcani- Y-P zation depth. It is determined according, to the atrenn which remains after the relaxation for one hour at 6o0V.The ponsibilit;r of using this amount for this purpose was proved already earlier by the authors (Ref 1). The investigation of the dielectric pro- perties of the vulcanizers was carried out by means of an audio- Card 1/4 -frequency bridge, It is shown that with the increase of the I The Influenc Ieof Vulcanization on the Dielectric 307/57-Z-3-7-10/35 Properties of Rubbers on the Basis of S"S-3oA Rubber vulcanization depth the vitrification temperature T 9 rises which is confirmed b:r the immediate measurements of this quantity carried out at the VITIISK imeni Lebedev. The increase of the vulcanization depth leads to the increase of the maximum value for tgo.This effect is explained by the fact that the number of the adhesion places - of the polar sulfur bridges - rises with the increase of the vulcanization depth. It is shown that the "activation energy" of the dielectric relaxation pro- cess in the investigated temperature range is equal in the case of all vulcanizers (28 + 2 kcal/mole), i.e. does not depend on the vulcanization depth. Maxima of tA were detected as well in the range of high temperatures. These are especially viBible in the case of rubbers which are to a small extent vulcanized, and vaniah in the case of rubbers which are to a great extent vulcanized. There maxima also shift with the frequency alteration according to th-.- temperature scale. In order to detect this phenomenon measurements of tA were carried out in the case Card 2/4 of rubber mixtures with single ingredients which belong to the The Influence of Vulcanization on the .1it-lectric SOI/ 57- 23- 7- 1 o/35 2ropertiae of Rubbers on the Basin of SKS,-30A Rubber dispensing of the vulcanizr.-rn (atearic acid, magnesium oxide, rubberax, diphenyl guanidine, sulfur). On this occasion it was found that the occurrence of a high maximum value of tg~ in the range of positive teoperatures is caused by the presence of diphenyl guanidine in rubber. The presence of other ingre- dients in rubber up to four parts by weight does not influence considerably the temperature dependence of tgS. The experiments showed that diphenyl guanidine has a high electric conductivity which is to a great extent dependent on the temperature. The presence of such a substanct in the rubber in dispersed state is bound to lead to the development of the "unusual" temperature dependence, JL.e. to the "Wagner" losses (Ref 3) which according to their nature are conduction losses. The vanishing of the "Wagner" losses with the increase of the vulcanization depth is connected with the progressive decomposition of the dipheny! guanidine,, Thus the investigation of the dielectric properties of rubbers at different vulcanization stages offers the possi- bility of investigating the kinetics of the sulfur vulcanization Card 3/4 process and to observe especlally the consumption of the The Influence of Vulcanization on the Dielectric 3""/57-2,1-7-lo/35 Properties of Rubbers on the Basis of SKS-30A Rubber accelerator the diphenyl &uanidine. There are 4 figures, 2 tables,and Sovist. referenl:es. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy politekhnichaskiy institut im. M.I~Kalinina (Lenin,orad Polytechnical Inntititte ireni 11.I.Yalinin) SUBMITTED: JulY 11, 1957 1. Ru1bber-Dielectric p--..--ope--,1 ties 2. Vulcanizates-Test results Card 4/4 ATItTECR Z TITLE: PERIODICAL: Vol,.~d"j V. P,, Kuvshinskiy, Ye, V. sc, i1 571 - P-3 -- 7-1613 5 - - - .4 On the Effe~-j-% of "Negati-i;4 Fxltctioall in Plants Using the "Method ncf Foroe and Velocity" and the Means for Its Elimination (Ob effekte "otrltsatelln*go treniya" v ustanovkakh$ reali-- suy-aahchikh metod "Bily i. skr,,rogti",. i puti yego ustraneniyu) ZhurnaltekbMichs-skaY filzikl, 1958, Vol, 26, 1Tr 7: PP-1452-1458 (USSR) A33STRACT: The range cf working frequenciss in plants using the I'method, of force and *Yelo,~�tyll is limited at the high--frequency side by a rj=b~,;r of phenomenas These lead to the fact that the measxLred affaeti-~-rp. part of impedance adopts an absurd negati-;-e valur, The authors investigated the rules governing ouch an effert of negative friction as well as the causes for its d9T-e1r,,pm,5ixt; viz. the cauees connected with the eleotric pheDom,~zia in the eleatrodynamic transformer and with the mar~hani~,.al prepextiee. The following is shown: In order t.,.) pro,/er,.t the 11ratchirg up" of the phase (T f 0) Card 1/3 great demards hav6 to bans&-) oy- the c,(~nstructlon n~ the 307 /57-- 29..7..16/35 On the Effect of "Negative Rri,~tion" ir, Plants Using the "Illeth..f.4, of For-~~e and Velocity" and the Meang f~~r I+q Elimination mov' ing system and of the appaxatua itself: With small mass the coil s-upp,-,r'. muit te very rigid, the material of the supp~--xt maat b~~ nor.-coaductive. and no parts must exist in the b,:dy of the txansform;5r that give way. (Pk denotes the additi.:~nal phase shift dependent an the frequency. Based on the experimsntal investligation. of tbe phase frequency do.. per.dey,,.te the f~,-".Iowlzng is found: 1) The difference between the- expprimintal data and the predictions of theory, i.e. the from formula (14) must mainly be attributed t,~, the ar,=aloua phass freque-aiy depandence. 2) The anomaly of the phase freqja&~y dependence consists of the superposi.- tion of the additJIvnal ~v - f(60) on the basic phase fre- queL~-.y deprzidir,'!-.~. (0 denokaa the angular frequency. 3) The lineax dspenderioa (3f q7k On the frequeniy makes it possible to take T into aocount in a simpls way and to compen6ate; for lt-~ h1a again makes it possible to extend the working range of the apparatue using the method of for.,e and vele.-zi-ty. The f~~rmula (1) zeadi: Z KE. Card 2/3 S01/57-23-7-16/35 On the Effect of "Negative Friction" in Plants Using the "Method of Force and Velocity" and the Means for Its Elimination The direct measurement is based on the electric equivalent of the mechanical impedance E which by the formula (1) is connected with the mechanical impedance of the investigate4- system zMe K denotes the factor of the electromechanical coupling de-- pending on the construction of the apparatus, which is experimentally determined. There are 2 figures, 1 table, and 9 referenoesp 6 of which are Soviets ASSOCIATIOR: Leningradskiy politekhnicheskiy institut imeni M. I. Kalinina (Leningrad Polytechnical Institute imeni M. 1. Kalinin) SUBMITTED: July 11, 1957 1. Electrical networks--AnalysLs 2. Indiistrial plants--Equi~ment 'Card 3/3 1: 00842-67 EWT(l) ACC NRt AR6014093 U093 -AUTHORSt Belousov, N. As; Bondarenko, V. A.; V~0_10din, V. Pel Shlenskiyj, To. M. TITLEi Methods of increasing the operational characteristics of ultrasonic genera'wcrp SOURCEt Refs she Metrologiya i izmeritelinaya. tekhaikas Abse Ils32#608 REF SOURCEt Trs Ne-ij tekhnols in-tj vyp. 8, 19640 23-28 TOPICIAGSt ultrasonic frequencyl high frequency, electric transformert ferrite,, somiconductor rectifier,*oldctron tube gridp ultrasonic generator/ UZO ultrasonia generator ABSTRACTs A modernization of the ultrasonic vacuum-tube generators of the UZG series is reported. The efficiency of the ultrasonic generators is increased by -using semiconductor diodes in the circuits of the plate rectifiers, Semiconductor diodes have 'a longer life than ion rectifiers. Losses in the high-frequency circuits can be considerably reduced by using transformer winding and ferrite cores* For the regulation of p(rier, the most promising is a regulation circuit with the uUe of a power transformer with step regulation of voltage, The use of such a transformer in conjunction with smooth regulation in the grid circuit permits smooth regulation of power within the required limits without a substantial change in the efficiency of the ultrasonic generators. Circuits are given uhich permit reduction of plate M 0' I Card L 00842-67 ACC NRi AR6014093 losses and a corresponding increase in efficiency. The development of a ciz=it with automatic tuning of the frequency of the generator to the frequency of mechanica resonance of the converter is reported. Ultrasonic-generator systems are examined with the aim of.improving their operational characteristics. 4 illustrations* lyranslation of abstraeg SUB CODE: 09j, 14 Card 2/2 pb L 14038-66 EWT(m)/EWP(b)/E ACC NRs AH5020045 ~~~~SO~UR~E C~ODE: ~00088l~~~ AUMOR: Volod In, V-k-01 QzeEMgM_a- I.N.; Smirnov. M#V- ORO: none gorrosion~t zirconium in a melt of alcaline-metal chloride 55 -;7 SOURCE: Ref. zh- Xhimlya, its. 12X21 FWF SOURCE: Tr- In-ta elekt--okhimii. Urallskiz fil. All SSSR vyp. 6, 1965, 87-91 TOPIC TAGS: zirconium, corrosion, corrosion rate, potassiun chloride, sodim chloride TRAIISIATIO71: Data is given on studies of Zr corrosion in melted equimolar mixtures of K and Na chlorides, wbich had been carefully freed of all traces of oyygen and h=i,U- ty in atmospheric Ar. The temperature dependence of Zr stationary potential war. fouad, and it wus shown that within the limitations of possible errors the speed of corroaiDn, as determined by the direct method, is in good agreement with ecimputations made on Vie basis of stationary potentials and anode polarization curveso M. Drukaxov. ISUB CODE: 07, 11 I Card I. V0