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CUIUVRINO, --(Con U nued) C&rd (for Rozer=_"). 1-1. Ar=.~annkiy sellskokhozjaystvenn.~., insti tut f fr .7 ~ !,- pclitpekhnich~e~kl,7 'natitut for ar 'la.rtarip Novill~pv) , lf~, rAuk 5.~!~R, e'_Avn.,-j red-.ktor zhurnala 'Voprosy ekonomilki" (for Gi.1,4ovskly' ~ . (Economics-Study and teaching) VOLKOV, M.I., dots.; KOROIZVp S.A.1 LOPATAUjV. G. v data. I TOKAREV,A.P.; KOZLOVA, G.A., prof., red.; KOXOSHKO, A.G., red.;MARTYNOVA, M.H.p tekhn. red. (Socialist means of production) Sotsialisticheskii sposob proizvodstva. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mysll." 140-3.(Funds of socialist enterprises and the formation of net income in a socialist enterprise] Fondy sotsialisticheskikh predpriiatii i Obrazovanie chistogo dokhoda v sotsialisticheskom khoziai- stve. 1964. 186 p. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Kommu3lsticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya partiynaya shkola. Kafedra politicheskoy ekonomii. ROB- t- 22~2-3oA6-- - EwT(1)/EWM-(m)/T- ACC NRs AP601096T SOURCE CUM'. UH/UU~;0/00/u>vtuv.5/Uoou,rt)uli AUTHOR: Barbashov, B. M *, Volkov, M. K. ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear Studies, (Ob" yedinenny3r inatitut yadernyk4 isaledo- vaniy), ITITLE: Investigation of infrared singularities of the scattering tross section by the functional integration method SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 3, 1966, i 660-671 TOPIC TAGS: photon, virtual photon, Fermi particle, scattering croaG functional integration, photon emission AESTRACT Mutu al sC at,UZi f mass m is studied 1*, the functional integration method. The process is treated on the basis of the scalar particle model with a Lagrangian L = g:*?(x)~(x): where the field ~(x) has a mass 0 and ~(x) has a zero mass. The contribution of virtual photons of field ~(x) with k2 = 0, which leads to infrared divergence in the amplitude of the elastic process, is taken into account. A procedure for compensating infrared divergences is developed outside the framework of perturbation theory by taking into account in the cross section processes which involve the emission of an infinite number of real photons from field ~(x) with a total energy of photons not exceeding a certain quantity A. (CS1 SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: O7Aug65/ ORIG REF: 0031 OTH IMF: 001/ Card not VOLKOV, M.K.; YEFIMOV, G.V. "a-lytic properties of amplitudes in the second order of nonlinear field theory. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 47 no.5: 1800-1805 N 64. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. L 4584-66 W-1(l) ACCESSION NR; AP5020267 UR/0367/65/002/001/01-ri/017-01-'.i-- AUTHOR: Volkov, M. K. TITLE: A two-dimensional relativistic model of quantum field theory without ultraviolet divergences SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, v. 2, no. 1., 1965, 171-179 TOPIC TAGS: Green function, spinor, quantum field theory, analyticity; relativistic quantum mechanics ABSTRACT: The polarizatlon operatlor and the scalar and spinor Greenrs, functions are investigated in the two-dimensional case with the Bialynicki-Dirula Lagrangian (Nucl. Phys. v. 12, 309, 1959). The calculations are made in second order In the differences of the nucl_-an n masses in the two possible stat-es, Amo. Uorrections to the Green's 0 -n that the functions proportional to are derived and it is 3hov, Is shown 'to is finite also In th_lfa order. The model employed ACCESSION NR: AP5020267 be free or tltraviolet divergences and to satisfy all the requirements for a consistent closed theory, leading to finite mass renormalizatiorL The Green's functions have the correct analytic properties. Ampli- aximated even in tudes for multiple production of particles can be W low order of Am. fThe author thanks G. V. Yefimo d B. M. F-arbashov/M., for suggesting the topic and for Prof6-sd-6_r__D. 1. Blokhint~;eV,and Academician N. N. Bogol;eiboy.~Sfor_ interest in the work ari~d-Te~il-la-bi,~f:'~.:uggestions. IOY;Yj~_aF15_.__bE_s_i' 3`figures and 40 formulas ASSOCIATION: Ob''yed1nennyy institut yadernykh issledovanly Ino-~-itut- of Nuclear Research SUBMITTED: 17Jan65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: GP NR REF SOV: 0011- OTHER: ~003 L-53313' S/020163/148/004/012/025- B102/'B186 AUTHORS: Volkov, M. K., Veresh, T. 4 TITLE: Consideration of superfluidity effects in alpha decay to the vibrational levels of the daughter nuclei PEHIODICAL: Akademiya nauk MR. Doklady, v. 146, no. 4, 1963', 799-802' TEXT: V. G. Solov'yev (DAN 144, no. 6, 1962) has developed a super- Vj1_ fluidity theory of a-decay and has shown that-taking account of pair correlation improves the agreement between experiment and theory. This method is now used for the case of a-decay to collective levels. For describing the quadrupole-quadrupole interaction of nonspherical nuclei. -the Hamiltonian of Zaretakiy and Urin (Zh&TF, 41, 898, 1961) is applied Neutron-proton correlation is taken into account according to Birbraur (ZhETP, 42, 479, 1962). On a-decay an even-even parent nucleus, is assumed to go over from its ground state t (N,Z) to a vibrational. state ~,'(N-2,Z-2), so that 0 k Card 1/5 Ww S/020/63/148/004/012/025- Consideration of s'uperfluidity ... B102/B186 VA, (N - 2, Z - 2) A*o (N, Z), A (p,,v,/n111 P-2) Upv,r, ap~jr4 anj&,al 17nj~j.,;- (ut.s vj, a', a',-) lio; a are the nucleon absorption operators, (r,d)'= �1, t is-ihe isotopic'* index and the vacuum function; the (V,R) summation is to be.carried. Avo out over all sin.-le-partiole levels. The nucleon Hamiltoniiin in'the axisymmetric deformed potential when taking pair and quadrupole' iTiter'--~ actions into account is Card 2/5 K, W- ,)/020/63/148/004/012/025 Consideration of superfluidity ... B102/B186 // , - It,, -1 - (4) HO el, (at+,+ at.+ J.- at'- at-) - Ga+, a' t. .-at (4a) H Q at,;., (40 and for the state of the daughter nucleus Yoshida's expression (5) is taken (Phys. Rev. 123, 2122, 1961). tU is the single particle energy counted from the Fermi level, q2,= r2Y2p- From (2),0) and (5) for (1) an explicit expression for M k is obtained. In the case ofd""-or P Card 3/5 3/020/63/146/004/012/025 Consideration of superfluidity B102/B186 / 0 or Somewhat simpler expressions are obtained for vibrations (,~ to a p-vibrational and m Therefrom the forbiddenness of an a-decay Ut 2/ 2 level F 140 M P is determined: A jq2o 12px) X F P j I I E") (2Ep, - A;7), X P u (q2o) 7A,&,P 8x.,) up~vp "'Ir, V,X Pk pJ P)L A P ~_, - . _11 __ , - X (14)- X U'P, I - L, , ) 1j;P), (2E'). P X X 4- uPjVP/ F2 L-;n X hwo) El Un~vn- (".Xrjn?. nX (U'njll~j + V'-IV~J) X j) Vw,Un~ ni Card 4/5 3/020/63/148/004/012/02 5 Consideration of superfluidity ... B102/B186 M0 refers to a decay to and Cm 242- F is calculated theoretical results are ones. Nevertheless the I table. the ground state. For the a-decay of U 234, PU238, and compared with experimental data. The higher (Pu,cm) or lower (U) than the experimental agreement is said to be satisfactory. There is ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh issledovaniy (Joint Institute of Nuclear Research) , PRESIMED: August 6, 1962,by N. N Bogolyubov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 19, 1962 Card 5/5 VOLKOV, M.K. Effect of various methods of introducing the,,fundamental len.ath izAto the results of calculations. Vest. Moak. ug. Ser. 33:A7je, astrone 15 no. 601-86 N-D 160. (MIRA 140) 1. Kafedra. statisticheskoy fiziki i mekhaniki Moskovskogo gosudaretvennago universiteta. (QU,antum field theory) (Mesons) L lG1lG1-t'_)5 EST (1) IS -;D/ A.F- L/"SD"p~-5 ACCESSION NR: AP5000335 S/0056/64/047/005/1800/1805 AUTHORS: volkov, my.. Yefimov, G. V. TITLE: Analytic properties of amplitudes in second order in non- linear field theorv SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskay fiziki, v. 47, no. 5, 1964, isoo-leo5 TOPIC TAGS: field theory, perturbation theory, nonlinear theory, unitarity, causality ABSTRACT: Continuing earlier efforts by one of the authors (Yefimolrt' ZhETF v. 44, 2017, 1963) to constnict a finite local theory of the scalar field by introducing an essentially nonlinear interaction Lagrangian satisfying definite recriirements, the authors investigat,i! the arnplitudes of the processes in second order of perturbation theory in the phyaical region of the momenta. The unitiarity of the Ccrd 1/2 L 16ioi-65 ACCESSIOM NR: AP5000335 0Z theory is proved in this order. An analysis of the asymptotic be- havior of the imaginary parts of the amplitudes for large values of the momenta and for high energies i.ndi,-!ates that only a study of the higher approximations of the perturbation theory can yield complete information on the processes. flowever, the behavior of the ampli- tudes as obtained in the presented nonlinear theory agrees with causality theory, at least in second order of perturbation theory. "The authors thank L. G. Za -,~_avenko for a discussion." Orig. art. has: I figure and 36 formulas. ASSOCIATION: ob"yedinenny*y institut yaderny*kh issledovaniy (joint institute of Nuclear Research) SUBMITTED: 2lApr64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, GP NR REF SOV: 003 2/2 -.qrd OTHER: 002 VOIKOV, K.K., Veterinarnyy vrach. P-I* Penicillin and glucose therapy of eye diseases in animals. Veterinariia 30 no.4:48 Ap 153. (MLRA 6:4) 1. Sovkhoz "Pobeda", Vologodskoy oblasti, Sokol'skogo reqona. VOLKOV, M.K.; PAVLIKOVSKI, A.; RYBARSKA, V.; SOLOVIIEV, V.G. Exactitud-~ att-ain-able in calci-i-lating +-he pr pertief 1 deforiwd nuclel on the basLs of a quj*wfluld nodel. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 27 no.7:8-18-890 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Laboratoriya teorriticheskoy fiziki Oblyedinonnogo instituts. yadernykii issledovaniy. (Nuclear models) VOLKOV, M.K.,- YEFIMOV, G.V. ------- . (AzIalytical propertioa of amplitudes in tbo second order of the nonlinear field theorj] Analitichoskie svoistva amplitud vo vtorom poriadke nalineinoi teorii polia. Dubna,, Obtledinen-nyi in-t iadernykh issl., 1964. 9 p. 1. VOLKOV M. K. ; D. V. 1-1. 2. usm kf6w) 4. Glucose 7. Peniellin and glucose therap of eye diseases in aninuals, I-I.K. Volkov, D.V.M. Veterinariya 30 no. 4, 195-3. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953. Unclassified. 1. VOLYOV, M. K. 2. USSR (600) 4. Penicillin - Therapeutic Use. 7. Penicillin and glucose therapy of eye diseases in animals. V. D. M. Veterinariya 30 No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, uncl. 1. VOLKOV, lkf._ K.; V.D.!4. 2. USSR (600) 4. Veterinary Medicine 7. Penicillin and glucose theraDy of eye diseases in ambnals. Veterinariia 30, No. 4, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Apri-I -1953. Unclassified. VOLKOVI M. K. Treatment of El'ye Diseases in Animals with Penicillin Containing Glucose SO: Veterinariya; Vol. 30; No. 4; April 1953, Unclassified. Trans. #-121 'by L. Lulich Veterinarian, Sovkhoz "Probeda," Vplogda Oblast, Sokol Rayon VOLKOV., M~_.K.- VERESH, T. Allowing for superfluled effects inX-decay on the vibration levels of daughter nuclei. Dokl.AN SSSR 148 no.4s799-802 F t63. (MIRA 1624) 1. Ob"yedinenrWy institut yadernykh issledovaniy. Predstavleno akademikom N N Bo 1 bovym. goLr (Super~!Qity (Nuclei, Atomic) (Alpha rays-Decay) 'T~ 7:7~~ m R t 1Z�.5-7 EWT(m) IBDS AFMAsD 6~_ WCCESSIO.11 NR: AP3003GS'O S/004S/G3/G27/0G7/GS78/GS90 aVl,jCoVSki 11. *barska,V.; Solov'yev V.G. AUM rj. 1C. P, lork Voll(ov ------ -__ACCUr.RCYLOf superfluid model calculations of the properties TIT14 S 3? deforme nuclei Annual erence 1=& on- M/Report of the Tl~irteenth f j OnLjX C 6 n ~Nuclaar_.Spectroscopy.held in Kiev from 25 January to 2 February 19012/ S OUI-tcE AN SSSR, Izv.Seriya f izicheskaya, v.27 no. 7, 1963-,- 878-890 OPICTAGS: nuclear level Bogolyubov method, superfluid nuclear model T -WZT.RACT: During the past few years one of-the authors CV. G. S olov'yov) alone and in collaboration with others 7(numerous citations) published calculations of the characteristics and behavior of levels in odd nuclei, energies of two-quasi-parti- !.~cle even-even nuclei and the influence of pairing correlations on transi- ti.On probabilities in strongly deformed nuclei in the mass number regions from 152 to'188 and 225 to 225. Despite th fact that nerally good agreement was obtairjW ~Vijh 'experimental data, the accuracy of the calculations stands in need of checkiM_ the ~:Lj4gvlew ol :CaCt that CG=taln aPPx-Ox�Mat:Lons,were Involved- In the present pa- -the authors: investigate the accuracy of,the mathematical method based on the qolyubov canonical transformation, which was used f'or calculating the energies J" 1 3 rd -7-63: ACCESSION M: AP3003600 -excited states of sys 1~-~cf.single-quasi-particlo. toms with an odd nmibor of nucloons,~, -quasi-particlo states of systems consisting of an oven number -:the apergies of two of nucleons, and tho corrections connected with superSluidity of the ground and ox-. cited states to be applied to calculated transition probnbilitios,, that are used to~ factor in Ce-docays, ate. The evaluate It values for P-transition, forbiddenness ussed and some precise and approximate calc various approximations are disc ulations are compared. ;It is concluded that the accuracy of calculations based an the sup-' crf liAd nuclear model is li;,-Uted mainly by inadoquato laiowlodga of the levels in "average" malism. 14,thb iield and their.fluctuation, and not by the mathematical for It Is''estimated that the Grror in the calculation. of the energies of t%,.,o-quasi-par- t r in calculating the corrections to a, P icle levels amounts to 10-207o;.tho orro and- transition probabilities varies in the'range from lo to loo%o. "In conclusio 7 we 11, 1. yatny -for -express.our deep gratitude to N.:.I.Bogolyubo ~1~ valuable discussions and to N.A.Buzdavina, I.N.Xulthtina and R.N.Fedorova, for nitmer- al utations." 8 f la-- P 5 fial anj 5 tables. AXC'0_o'np VIM: Joint Institute for Tiuclear Studies. -2/3 ckrd VASILICHIKOV, M.V.;_VO.LWV, M.H. Hot rolling of long threads with a coarse pitch on hollow shapes. E:uz.-shtam. proizv. 2 no.11:7-10 N 160. (MIRA 13: 10) (Rolling (Yotalwork)j (Screw threads) Aoo4/Aiol AUTHOR: Volkov, M.M. TITLE; Mill for the rolling of hobbing cutter blanks PERIODICAL: Byulleten' iekhniko-ekonomicheskoy informatsii, no. 10, 1961, 7-9 TEXT: The author describes a method and a mill for the transverse-helical rolling of blanks for hobbing cutters of 1 - 12 module, developed by the Vses- oyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy I proyektno-konstruktorskiy institut metallur- gicheskogo mashinostroyeniya (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Planning and Design of Metallurgical Machinery) - VNIImetmash. The mill consists of the blank unloading mechanism, roll approach andretraction device, working stand, multipurpose spindles, blank feeding mechanism, combined reducer and drive. During the setting of the mill the rolls are approached and retracted manually. The work rolls are permanently pressed against the screws by a spring, whose stress Is adjusted by racks. The angular setting of the rolls is effected by four screws via spherical blocks. Axial-pre-setting of the rolls is effected by the turning-of two rolls with the aid of tapered sleeves on the heads of the multipurpose spindles. The work roll unit and multipurpose spindles are of two Card 1/2 S/193/61/OCO/O 10/101-- 1/0r_8 Mill for the rolling of hobbing cutter blanks A004/Alol different sizes, for blanks of hobbing cutters up to module 5 and higher modules. The work rolls are driven by two-speed motors via helical and herringbone wheels, clutch and multipurpose spindles. The unloading mechanism removes-the rolled blank from the work stand and drops it Into a box or a lined pit. The author gives a description of the rolling process and presenta the following technical L/ data: roll diameter - 190-300 mm; roll speed - 30 and 60 rpm; maximum angle of' inclination of roll axes - 100; maximum metal pressure on the rolls - 40 tons; maximum torque on the roll - 500 kg/m; power of mill drive - 25/80 kw; overall dimensions of mill (length x width x height) 6.8 x 2.3 x 2.4 m; weight of me- chanical mill equipment - 16.4 tons. The length of blanks being rolled amounts to 500 - 800 mm, while the rated output of the mill is 500 - 700 milling cutters (of medium module) per shift. The mill is being mounted at the "Frezer" Plant and will yield annual savings of some 100,000 rubles. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 VOLKOVJ M.M. Rollin mill for rolliz2~- blankAtar habtdmg~cuttsre. Bi,ul.tekh.- ekon.inform. no.10:7-9 161. (PIEPU 14:10) (Rolling mills) VASILICHIKOV, M.V.; VOLKOV, M.M.; MEYLER, B.A. ~ Lateral-helical rolling of hobbing-cutter billets. Stan. i instr. 34 no.11:12-14 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) VOLKOVJ M.M. Rolling billets for hobbing cutters. Yashinostroitell i1 163. (MIRA 16:9) (Rollina (Metalwork)) u 91182160'/OCIC/011/002/016 A161/AO29 AUTHORSz Vasillchikov, M,V., Volkov, M.M.. TITLEi Hot Rolling of Long Large-Lead Thread on Hollow Work PERIODICAL- Kuznechno--shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, 1960, No, 11, PP-7-10 TEXT,, 'he VNIIMETMASh Institute has developed a new method and a mill for hot rolling of mine propping bolts with round thread. The rolling process is called "poperechno-vintovaya prokatka" (helical cross rolling), its essence is illustrated (Fig. 3).. Up to now these bolts were cut. The new method raises the productivity by 25-30 times, eliminates metal waste into chip, and cuts "he cost of a bolt from 6-r' rubles to 4-5. The first mill is working at the Toretskiy mash-inostroitellnyy zavod ugollnogo mashinostroyenlya Tor-...zi Plant of Coal Mining Machinery). The article includes the drawing of a roll (Fig., 4) and a calculation formula for the roll width. Experiments were carried out with rolling on a mandrel and without mandrel and it was stated that the mandrel had practically no effect on the deformation process in thick-wall screws due to the increas- Card 1/14 q/162/60/000/011/002/016 ~-161./AO29 Hot Rolling of Long Lar-e-Lead Thread on Hollow Work 0 ing inner diameter of the blank, but when the blank wall was not thick, the mandrel was necessary., The rolling process parameters for the round thread "136 x 32" and "130 x- 321~ on blanks of 301'-9 J1 OOG9L) steel are givens The experimentully established dimensions for cast hollow blanks area a) for '5136 x 12, thread - outer diameter (D) 123 mm and inner dia- meter (d) 45 mm; b ) for ". 1'10 x 32' thread - D = 117 mm, d= 42 mm., Blanks are heated at the Tortsy plant in u fuel oil firing furnace, the thread rolling temperature is 950 - 1,0500C., in order to facilitate the feed of the blanks into the mill the blanks are bevelled on 30 mm length with a 200 taper angle (see Fig- 4 "-iK'i"),, Hot-rolled !jteal blanks fire used as well. In this case they are of 40/ (40Kh) alloy steel with D - 90 mm and 25 mm taper ("'K") with 150., Axial *Ion-ation of the blanks after rolling is 8-10%. The metal in the rolled thread is improved comparing to a cast structure; it becomes fibrous on the outside Fig, 8), The rolled thread surface is smoother than a cut surface and rolled bolts are easier to retract in the mine. The rolling mill is not described. The dimensions Card 2/ 4 S/182/60/000/011/002/016 A161/~kO29 Hot Rolling of Long Large-Lead Thread an Hollow Work and elements of the profile of the rolls are given. There are 8 figures and 3 tables. Figure 3: Card 3/4 S/182/60/000/011/002/016 A161/AO29 Hot Rolling of Long Large-Lead Thread on Hollow Work -c- -10. Figure 4: Figure 8: Card. 4/4 VASIL'CHIKOV, M.V.-, VOLKOV, H.M.; RULER, B.A. Now techniques for making billets for worm-gear ccutters. Stan,i inatr. 10 no.4:7-9 Ap 159. (MIRA 1?:6) machines) (Gear-cutting I, 27941 S/182/61/000/004/001/007 D038/Dll2 AUTHOR.- Volkoir M M. TITLE.* Cold thread rolling on long screws PERIODICAL. Kuznechno-shtampovochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 4, 1961, 1-5 TEXT: The article describes a new process of transverse-helical, large-pitch cold- rolling of screws for the feed mechanisms of 8-15)(nTP(8-15HUTR) and 15-3OXffTP (1.55-30KhPTR) mills. This process was developed by the VNIIMETMASh, and the screws were manufactured by the Perovskiy mashinostroitelTnyy zavod (Perovo Machine Build- ing Plant). In this process the length of the rolled thread is practically unli- mited and the center-to-center distance between the rolls remains constant. It is stated to be a progressive method of working metals by pressure and is extensively used in machine building plant T e following very hard and high-wearing steels are used:X12M (Khl2M), and X s~ E; (Kh6VF). The rolls used in the tests were made fromX1201 (Khl2FI). Prior to Rnal heating, the rolls were packed in charcoal in metal"boxes which were coated with clay, heated for 2 hrs-in chamber furnaces at 990-10400C, cooled for 1 hr in an oil bath at 160-2000C and finally cooled in air. It is stated that the precision of the rolled thread depends on the following: (1) correct calculation and precise manufacture of rolls; (2) correct angular and Ca7d 1/2 27041 Ccid thread rolling S/182/61/000/004/001/007 DOWD112 axial setting of the rolls; (3) rigidity of the mill; (4) correct. definition of the bland diameter and the permissible deviation; (5) correct rolling conditions. The dimensions of*the rolled thread profile proved to be irery stable; -the variation in the outer diameter of the rolled thread did not ex(.-(,ed 0.1 mm, and in the inner diameter 0.6 mm, according to theOCT13KL"7714 (OST VKS 7714) standard, the accumu- lated error in the thread pitch did not exceed 50 microns, and the angle of thread of the rolled thread was within the range of 28u381 -30042t. Deviations in the di- mensions of the rolled thread were caused by insufficient precision in the roll ma- nufacture. The author concludes that the introduction of the method resulted 4n a saving of metal, cheaper tools, higher precision and better surface finish of thread, and a higher fatiFrue strength, in the screws. The tests were carried out at the laboratoriya prochnesti TsNII11G.Sha. (TsIqIITMASh Laborator-y for Strength Testirg). There are 5 fi&nires and 1 table. Card 2/2. ___VOLKCjV, M.M., inzh. investigating the quality and precision of screws with rolled threads. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.6:57-60 Je 162. (MIRA 14.-') ~, v (Screws-Testing) SOV/122-58-6-16/37 AUTHOR: Vasillchikov, 1!.V., (;andidate of Technical Sciences-, Volkov.-M.M. and Barbarich, TZ.V., Engineers TITLE: The Rolling-on of Teeth in the Fluted Pins of Cotton -spinning Machines (Nakatka zublyev rifle-4kh tsilindrov khlopkopryadilln,y'ezh mashin) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1c)58, Nr 6, -pp 45-4C (USSR) C, n f, ABSTRACT: A process for cold-rollin the teeth i. luted --ins for cotton-spinnin- machines developed by the TsNII~1.,!ASh Institute is described. In these components, the flutues have a varyinG pitch. The rollin:~; roller, of a diameter which is a multiple of the component diameter, must have teeth repeatin~--~ several times the cycle of pitch variation in the comnonent. To avoid the need for a precise relation between several rollers, only one roller rolls the teeth. The other two in a 1~-e-roller unit clear the teeth and simultaneously suffdce-roll the neek sections between the fluted lengths of the pin. The correct choice of the diameter of the fluted sect.ions before rollinr- ~)roved to be the -main factor in achievinr,7 good accuracy. Tests carried out at different surface speeds have sho-~,,,n the best speed to be about -:; m/min. The Cardl/2 flute rolling roller was itself produced 1)y a rollinC SOV/122-58-6-16/3? The,Rolling-on o-f Teeth the ylu~ed- Pli-~= af, Machines _L. process from a master component. The lattcr was made of ShKhl5 steel, hardened to 50-55 Roek-well C. The master was compressed between 3 blanks of rollinU rolicrs. TI--e master has a tapered entry Section and is drawn throu7h between the roller blanks. These blanks were made of- 0.49~6 carbon steel or of lovi-alloy mediura carbon steel. After the rollinU o1peration, they were heat-treated and polished. The height of the teeth in the master and the rolling roller exceeded that of the component by 0.2 nim. The resultant pressure during the corn-ponent rolling operation was mea.-:11-ured. When rollinG flutes of 35 mm length together with 2 plain neck sections of 35 mm len-ths each, the total pressure amounted to 6 tons. 71ithout the surface rollin,.;- of the nec,--,s the pressure amounted to 4.8 tons. There are 3 fi6ures. Card 2/2 1. Rolling mi lls--Applic at ions VOLKOV, M.M., kand,tekhn.nauk Stress on rolls and power coneumption in iranaverse-spiral rolling of coarse screw threads. VeBt.mashinastr. 44 no.2202-57 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) VASILICHIKOV, M.Y., kand. telr-hn. nauk; VOIKOV, M.K., inzh.; BARBARICH. K.B., inzh. f"~ ~~~ k ~- ~ ,- -, -- 1. Rolling tooth on flutod cylinders used in cotton'spinning machines. Vast. mash. 38 no. 6:45-46 Ja '58. (MIRA 11:7) (Rolling(Hatalwork)) ZELENTSOV) V.V.; KALININIKOV, V.T.; VOLKOV, M.N. Magnetochemistry of vanady-I salts with dicarDox7lic acid-s' Zhur. neorg, khim. 10 no.6:1506-1507 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) VOLKOV, M.N. Ostsochondropathy of the capat femoris in children. Wravooid2- ranenie 2 no.6:21-25 N-D 159- (MIRA 13:6) 1. Iz kELfedry khirurgii i ortopedii detakogo vozrasta (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AM SSSR S.D. Ternovskiy) 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (OspMMONDWSIS) ZHUKOV-VEREZHNIKOV, N.11 VOLKOV M.?l ; RYBAKOV, N.I.; SAKSOMOV., KOZLOVY V.A,; ANTIPOV, V.V.; 'is ANISKIN, Ye..D. New ways of studying chexidcal protection against genetic changes. Probl. kosm. biol. 4:445-450 165. (MIRA 18:9) L 14295-66 EWT(n)/EPF(n)-2 GG/RD ACC NR: AT6003878 SOURCE CODE: UR/2965/65 AUTHOR: Zhukov-Verezhnikov, N.-N.; Volko .'M. N.;,Rybakov~ N. I.; Saksono V2 Kozlov.. Ve 0;_ _iRov, V.-V.; Dobrov -N. N.; tmiskin. Ye. Do ORG: none t4 TITLE: New ways of studying chemical protection against genetic changes SOURCE: AN SSSR. Otdeleniye biologicheskikh nauk. Problemy kosmicheskoy biologii, v- 4, 1965, 445-450 TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, c ray irradiation, bacterial genetics, clemical agent ABSTRACT: Arninothiols and some pyrtmidine- analogs were tested for their ability to block development of infectious phage from prophage after induction of E. coli K- 12 with x-rays. Doses with a previously established non- toxic effect (0. 05% concentration) were used. The desired chemical preparation was added to a bacterial culture diluted In a physiological medium. Experimental and control samples were subjected to x-ra y irradiation (dose, 15, 000 r) and then cultured on agar. The number of induced phage particles in Irradiated samples with and without each prepa- :ration was then cop. 2-Mercaptopropylamine hydrochloride was Card 1/2 L 14295-66 ACC NH: AT6003878 most effective; cultures treated with it produced 119 times fewer phage particles than control samples. Other good inhibitors of induced phage formation were 2- (gamma- aminopropyl) disulfide dihydrobromide, sodium diethyldithlocarbamate and ammonium dithiocarbamate, which reduced phage production 76. 3-70. 1 times. Less effective were tile salts of a mercaptoethylamine tested, 2-mercaptoethylamine hydrobromide, 2- mercaptoethylamine disulfide hydrochloride, 2-mercaptoethylamine -h-vdroiodide, and 2-mercaptoethylamine hydrochloride. The experimental data show the essential co'nnection between the chemical structure of the tested preparations and their ability to block the development of infectious phage. The antigenetic effect of 0 -mercapto- ethylamine preparations is determined by their acid radicals aS well as by their base. It may be possible to obtain even more effective preparations of this compound by forming salts with other acids. The failure of :3- 0 -aminoethylisothiuronium hydrobromide to produce an antigenetic effect is especially interesting because in previous experiments this com- pound decreased th.e. death. rate of animals subjected to a lethal radiation dose by 70-100%.' Ori . art. has: 1 tablee [ATD PRESS: 4091-F) SUB CODE: 0- S9fi DATE:. none ORIG REF: 013 OTH REF: OQ3 Card 2/2 ~~I-L 14294-66 ACC M: AT6003881 -tained in the second generation. However, preparation P-46 completely removed the injurious radiation effect in that generation. Experimental data indicate the possibility of partially or completely removing the depressing effect of P~radiaflon on plants with the help of physiologically active compounds* Orig. art, has.* 4 tablese, [ATD MSS: 4091-F) SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: none ORIG REF: 004 OTH REF: 005 Gel Card 3/3 VOLKOV, Cand Agr ;~2i -- (diss', and slaughtering quliLies of Witta of various breeds, breed grouns'.)and their exxibikRot reloresented at Lhe All-Union Agri- cultural Vxhibit.-- Novocherkassk, 1958, 21 pp (min of Agr. Novocherkassk, Zoological Vet Inst im. Cavalry Army) 150 co:)ies (KL, 29-56, 131j) _ VOLKOV Mikhail Nikolayevich...ASTAKROV) S.A.., red.; YFJWHOVA, T.S... [Fattening characteristics in swine of various breeds) Ot- kormochnye kachestva sv:Lnei raznykh porod. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz. ROSR, 1959. 33 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Swine) AUTHOR: Volkov, M.N., Doctor of Chemical Sciences 3-58-5-26/35 TITLEs Intervu;, Cdaferences an Science arLd Methods \Yezhvuzjvskiye nauchnyye i metodicheskiye konferen,tsii) Electronic Accelera- tors (elektronnyye uskoriteli) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Vysshey Shkoly, 1958, Nr 5, page 80 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The Nauchno-tekhnicheskiy sovet Ministerstva vysshego obrazo- vaniya SSSR (Scientific-Technical Council of the USSR Mini- stry of Higher Education) decided to convene in "'ebruary 1958 in Tomsk an Intervuz Conference on Electronic Accelerators. Among the delegates were workers of important scientific in- stitutions - the Mezhdunarodnyy ob"yedintinnyy institut yader- nykh issledovaniy (Internationa! Institute of Joint Nuclear Research), Fizicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Physics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences), Institut metallurgii AN SSSR (Institute of kletallurgy of the AS USSR Academy of Sciences), Institut b-iologicheskoy fiziki AN SSSR (Institute of Biological Physics of the AS USSR), Institut eksperimen- tallnoy ~L raka AMN SSSR (Institute of _patologii I terapii Experimental Pathology and Therapy of Cancer, USSR Academy Card 112 of Medical Sciehces)2 Leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy in- 3-58-5-26/55 Intervuz Conferences on Science and Methods. Electronic stitut AN SSSR (Leningrad Physico-Technical institute of tjje AS USSR), and others. In the 6ect~4on for Using El.ectronic Accelerators in Industry, Physics, Nledicine and BioloCy, and in the Theoretical 6ection, the betatrons issu ed by the Tom3kiy politekhnicheakiy institut (Tom5k Polytechnical Institute) were mentioned as being widely used in detecting of defects in metals, studying the reaction of charged par- ticles on substance, and in medical treatment. The reports of workers of the Tomskiy meditsinskiy institut ( 'Tomsk Medical Institute) Professor I.V. Toroptsev, Doteent N.V. Sokolova and others on the diseases of animals caused by the radiation of betatrons of 10 and 15 Nlev were heard with great interest. In the Theoretical Section, Professor A.A. Voroblyev delivered a report on a new method of' accelerating electrons to very high energies. This method is based on using running waves in closed wave 6uides. In conclusion the conference indicated ways for a wider use of betatrons in different branches of science and technique and for an~,improvement in their structure. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 ZELENTSCIV ., V.V.; VOLKOV, M.N.; Al LENOV, V.M.; AMINOV, T.G. Magnetic sufjceptibJlity of copper benzoate. Zhur. neorg. kUm. 10 no.23564-565 F 165- (MIRA 1.8s11) 1. Poskovskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskly instLtut. Submitted June 30v 1964. ZHUKOV-VER-ZHNT-KOV, N. N.; VOLKOV., M. N.; MAYSKIY, I. N.; TWIBULEY, G. P.; RYLAAKOV, N. I.; SAKSONOV., P. P.; ANTIPOV, V. V.; kb=v, V. A.; PODOPIRTOV, I. I. "Results of microbiological and cytological investigation on Vostok type space- craft." paper presented at the 15th Intl Astronautical Cong, Warsaw, 7-12 Sep 64. V.V~; KAHM11KOV, "V.T.; V(;i--bJV M . N rietic pre. Vanad at-r-akt. khIm. 6 no. 4t647--r-49 Jl--A~- 165 Om, 1. MrjAovsX*J-y ir-.stitut. -'7i.ArlttiA Cct-lbar 7, ,64. 69852 SOV/35-59-9-6947 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya I Geodeziya, 195"Q, Phr 9; p 11 (USSR) AUTHORS: Chebotarev, G.A., Volkov, M.S. TITLE: The Motion~'Kf Patroclus in the Gravitation Field of the Sun and Proto- Jupiter PERIODICAL: Byul. IrL-ta teor. astron. AS USSR. 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 202 - 207 (Engi. r6sum6) ABSTRACT: The motion of a ~~r_Lall planet-of the Trojan group, Patroclus, vias examizried In -the gravitation field of the Sun and proto-Jupiter In orde-r to clear up the question on the stability of the motion of Patroclus. It was asstbiiod that the motion of Patroclus took place in the plane of Jupiter, that the motion of Jupiter was un-perturbed and its mass was 20 times greater than the present one; for the daily motion the present value was preserved. The numerical integration was carried out during 33 revolutions of Jupiter. During this period the radius-vector of Patroclus changes from 3.7 to 7.8 A.U. and the distance from Jupiter, from 1.9 to 11.9 A.U. After 27 re- volutionsits stability of motion is disturbed and it departs from the point Card 1/1 of libration. Bibl. 9 titles. N.S. Yakhontova VO)_KO I 62,16W004 V5il 61/666 00 B163YB186 T JTHORS-. Chebotarev, Q. A., and Volkov, U. S. A The stability of circular orbits with retroarade motion in FITLE: the sphere of action of Jupiter .80URCEs', Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut teoreticheskoy astronomii. Byulletens. v. 8i no. 2(95), 1961, 99 - 102 FXT - Five initially circularsatellite orbits were computed numerically -.vAth the following initial conditions; in the initial moment, the sun, Jupiter and the satellite are a-ranged along the x axis, and.-Jupiter is in perihelion position. The initial major axis of the satellite orbit is 0.21 0.25, 0-3, 0-35, and 0-4 astronomical unitat respectively. Since :the sphere of action of Jupiterunder these conditions is R - 0.2790, satellites I and Il are within the sphere of actionwhile 111, IV, and V are outside. The numerical computation is carried out with an accuracy ofi six decimal places, and the method is the same as in earlier paper by A..Chebotarev and A. I.- Boshkova.. The integration is performed for a time interval of 11.86 y real revolution of Jupiter' ears equal to one oide around the sun. The variations of the major axis and the eccentricity with "L-1, Card, 1/2 SI/511/61/006/002/002/004 The stability of circular B163/B186 -time are given in.tables and curves. 5atellites 1, 11, and III have stab3a orbitse The orbit ol satellite IV is unstable, but in the considered time, interval of 11.66 years it has-not yet left the Jupiter system. The orbits of satellite V rapidly changes over into a hyperbolic orbit with respect ~,-to Jupiter,. whose orbit elements are given. While-it was found in the ,earlier.paper.mentioned above that satellites with forward motion leave the sphere of action of Jupiter for ever, if their initial major axis so 'is 0.2 astronomical units the instability of retrograde orbits begin7, with~ -,.,an axis, no less than so = 0-35, i;e. beyond the limits of the sphere of action of Jupiter. There are 5 figures and 5 tables. Card 2 777- . VOLKOVY M.S. Rotational motion of artificial satellites or. an elllptic orbit, Biul'.Inst.toor.astron. 9 no.4,.271."282 '63* Periodic solution of the second kind representing rotational mo- tion of a satellite on a circular orbit. Ibid.:283-291 163. (MIRA 17:3) ACCESSION NR: AT4001204 S/2511/62/008/005/0343/0358 AUTHOR: Volkov, M...S. TITLE: Periodical translational-rotational motion of a satellite in the gravitational field of a'sphere -SOURCE: AN SSSR. Inst. teor. astron. Byulleten', v. 8, no. 5, 1962, 343-358 TOPIC TAGS: satellite translational rotational motion, periodic motion, spherical gravitational field, periodic solution, Poincare method, approximate solution, Euler case, Hamilton Jacobi equation, parameter variation method, force function expansion, circular satellite orbit, circular orbit ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that earlier solutions of the problem of one finite body simultaneously spinning about its axis and rotat- ing about another finite body (G. N. Duboshin, Astron. Zh. v. 36, 1-27 V. T. Kondurar', Tr. GAISh v. 21) pertain to the case where the precessional velocity of the satellite rotation coincides with its orbital velocity of motion, whereas in the case of artificial Card 11#12e ACCESSION NR: AT4001204 earth satellites the ratio of the orbital velocity of motion to the precessional velocity is a small quantity, the author obtains for this problem a periodic solutiofi similar to the periodic solution of the first kind in the limited three-body problem. The satellite orbit is assumed circular. The existence of periodic solutions is proved by the Poincare method and the solutions themselves obtained in the form of a series expansion of the ratio of the orbital ve- locity to the precessional velocity. This periodic solution depends on four arbitrary constants and can be used as an intermediate rigor- ous solution for the construction of a general approximate solution. An approximate solution of the system of differential equations de- scribing the rotation of the satellite is obtained as part of the derivation. The only limitation imposed on the shape of the satel- lite is that it have dynamic symmetry. Orig. art. has: 73 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Inst. Teor. Astron. AN SSSR(Institute of Theoretical Astronomy AN SSSR Card 2/Vr S/044/62/000/012/033/049 Ao6o/Aooo AUTHOR: Volkov, M. S. TITLE: Periodic alternating motion of a satellite in the gravity field of a sphere PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matematika, no. 12, 1962, 32, abstract 12V165 (Byul. In-ta tebr. astron. AN SSSR", 1962, v. 8, no. 5, 343 - 358, summary i~ English) TEXT: A general approximate solution is obtained for a system of differen- tial equations describing the orbit of a satellite.. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 -3/51-1/61/008/003/003/004 AooiAloi AUTHORi Volkov, M.S. 'kTLE: Periodical'motions of a particle in the gravitational field of an oblate plariet and its satellite SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut teoretiches'koy astronomi-i. Byulle- ten. v. 8. no. 3 (96), 1961, 215 224 TE~T: The problem Is formulated as follows: The ceni~ral massive body has the',shape of a levelled ellipsoid of revolution differing-'6nly slightly from a sphi~re; a satellite of small but non-zero mass moves in the equatorial plane of the-ellipsoid in a circular orbit; in their common gravitational field moves a zero-mass particle. It is requested to find the conditions of existence for pe- riodic orbits of this particle. In solving the problem, the'author make4 use of Poincar6's small-parameter method and derives first equations for the motion of the satellite in the graviational field of the central ellipsoid. Then he pro- ceeds to formulating equations for the motion of a test particle in their summary gravitational field in a circular orbit. Introducing Delaunay's canonical varia- Card 1/2 S/511/61/C.08/003/003/CG-4 Periodical motions of a particle in the .... A001/AI01 bles, conditions of existence of'iDeriodic solutions are investigated and found to exist in three types. The first-'type periodic solutions.exist under conditions pointed out by Zeipel. The second-type periodic solutidns exist for cases when the solution period differs from the period of the generating solution (Schwarz- schild solution) and for cases'when the periods of solution and generating solu- tion coincide (Poincar6ls solutiorf). The author proves also the existence of Schwarzschild's third-type periodic solutions. The considerations are illustrat- ed by the analysis of a particular case of Saturn as a centre-1 body and its sa- tellite Mimas. There are 2 tables. SUBMI July 11, 1960 Card 2/2 CBEBOTAREV, G.A.; VOLKOV, M.S. Stability the sphere 102 161. of circular satellite of action of Jupiter. (Satellites--Jupiter~ orbitB with a baemu-jard =ovtmant In Biul.Inst.teoreastron. 8 no.2:99- (MIRA 14:4) GENKINs A.M.V VOLKOV9 M.S. inhibdLtAon of methemoglobin synthesis by glutamic acid. Biul, eksp. biol. i med. 49 no. 5:72-74 My 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1, Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. - prof. S.A. Brylovskiy) Sverdlovskogo maditainakogo instituta (dir. - prof. A.F. Zverev). Predstavlena deystviteltnym chlenom AMN SSSR V.N. Chernigovskim. (HEMOGLOBIN) (GLUTAMIC ACID) 69852 /1/J 0 SOV/35-59-9-6947 Translation from: Referativn,;rj zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, 1959, Nr 9, p 11 (USSR) AUTHORS: Chebotarev, G.A., Volkov, M.S. TITLE: The Motion',~Kf Patroclus in the Gravitation Field of the Sun and Proto- Jupiter PERIODICAL: Byul. In-ta teor. astron. AS USSRP 1959, Vol 7, Nr 3, pp 202 - 207 (Engi. r6sum6) ~ ABSTRACT: The motion of a small piarigt zf the Trojan group, Patroclus, was examined in the gravitation field of the Sun and proto-Jupiter in order to clear up the question on the stability of the motion of Patroclus. It was assumed that the motion of Patroclus took place in the plane of Jupiter, that the motion of Jupiter was un-perturbed and its mass was 20 times greater than the present one; for the daily motion the present value was preserved. The numerical integration was carried out during 33 revolutions of Jupiter. During this period the radius-vector of Patroclus changes from 3.7 to 7.8 A.U. and the distance from Jupiter, from 1.9 to 11.9 A.U. After 27 re- volutionsits stability of motion is disturbed and It departs from the po:mt Card 1/1 of libration. Bibl. 9 titles. N.S. Yakhontova I/ OTEMN, A.M.; VOIJCOV, M.S. Reduction of methemoglobin by glutamic acid. B Iiul. eksp. biol. i med. 47 -no.3:50-52 Mr '59. (MIRA 12:7) l..Iz kafedry biokhimii (zav. prof. S.A. Braylovskiy) Sverdlovskogo meditsinskogo instituta (dlr. prof. A.F. Zverev). Predstavlena deyst- viteltnym chlenom AWT SSSR V. N. Chernigovakim. (MVERMOGIOBINEMIA, ex~er. eff. of gluta~iic acid (Rus)) (GLUTAMATBS, eff. on exper. methemoplobinemia (Rue)) 1-1-1-1---, , ".-- -- I --, -1-1,; .. -- -I - ~ . - -I . . . . . .. - VOLKOV. M.S. Periodic motions of a particle in the gravitational field of an oblate planet and its satellite. Biul.Instateoreastrone 8 no-3:215-224 161. (1-aRA 14: 11) (Mechanics, Celestial) VOLKCV, Ilotational moticn of a sa-.3-i'Lita in tht~ vicini-uy of the or'---ital plane. Biul.Ins...teor.astron. 9 no,2:144-153 163 (ITIRA 16.9) (Problem of two bodies) (Arificiall satellitcs) -L , - 11 U- Series repro-,ent'na tational field o' a sp: -re. Biul.Inst.toor in the, gri.LV.L astron. no . 2 -.120-14.3 163. (:.IIFLA 16-~i) (Problem o..' two bodies) (Arti-'icial satellites) VOLKOV, M.S. Plane peri,-,-dical motions in the problem of two finite. t~odies having a symmetry plane. Biu-I.Inst.teor.astron. 8 no-4:~99-316 162. (MIR.A 16:6) (Problern of two bodios) VOLKOV, V, V, MAKSIMOV. F.K.; KOSTROMIN, Ye.P.; VOLKOV. M.V.; KRYUKOV, A.M.; SIABANOV, T.D. Preparation of concrete mix in a mixing and crushing machine. Hats. i izobr.predl. v 9troi. no. 75:3-4 05). (MIR& 7:7) (Concrete) . . . . . . . . . . 17 VoLKOV,,,M.V.. inzh. Interesting method of track repair after heaving. Put, I put. khoz. no.12:5-6 D '59. (mi]RA 13:4) 1. Ilachallnik distantsii g Murmansk. (Railroads--TracO - VOIKOV,..M.T._k DVORKIN, A.M. Prevention and control of agricultural accidents is the chief task of surgeons employed in the agricultural industry. Khirurgiia 38 no.10t3-6 0 162. (MIRA 15:12) 1. TSentralOnyy instituta travmatologii i ortopedii, Moskva. (AGRICULTURF,ACCIDENTS) F- VOLKCV, !"'. V. ADRENAL-GLANDS - TUM'GRS Adrenocortical turors in children. Fed-latrila no. /,., 1~'52. Monthlv List of Russian Accessicns, Library of Congress, Decemt~er Unclassified. TOMOV, N.V. L-1-1- I ~--- - -- Amputation stumps of extremities in children according to data obtained by roentgenological examinations. red. no.5:61-68 5-0 153- (KWA 7: 1) professor (zavedayushchiy - 1. Iz kafedry khirargii detakogo vozrasta S. D. Ternovskiy). (Amputation stump) VOLKOV, M.Y., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Application of subperiosteal method of reamputation in children. Rhirurgiia no.4:33-37 Ap 154. MRA 7:6) 1. Iz kafedry khirargii detskogo vozrasta (zav. prof. S.D.Ter- novskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institl2ta imeni I.V.Stalina na base detskoy bollnitay imeni N.F.Filatova (glavnyy vrach M.N. Kalugina) (AKFUTATION, *subperioesteal reamputation in child.) VOLKOV,Mstislav Vasil 'yevich [Amputation of the extremities in children] Amputatsii konechno- stei u detei. M,Medgiz, 1955 162 p. (MLRA 8:11) (AMIPUTATIONS OF ARM) (AMFUUTIONS 07 LIO TER11OVSKIY, S.D., professor; VOLKOV, M.V., kandidat meditainakikh nauk Conservative principle in the treatment of severe Injuries of the extremities and in amputation in children. Ortop.travm.protez.. Moskva no.1:43-48 Ja-F '55. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kafedry detBkoy khirurgil (zav.-prof. S.D. TernovskAy) 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituts. im. I.V.Stalina. (AMPUTATION, in various diseases, extremities inj. t whild, conservative principles) (EXTREMITIES, wounds and injuries, surg.,in child.,conservative principles in non-radi- cal surg. & amputation) (WOUNDS AND INJURIES. extremities, surg. in child, conservative principle in non-radical surg., & amputation) OWN- VOLKOV, M.Y., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk Conical formations with age on amputation stumps with extremities In children and their prevention. Ortop.travm. I protez. no.2: 32-37 Mr-Ap 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. 12 kafedry khirurgii I ortopedii detBkogo vozrasta (Zav. Prof. S.-D.Ternovskiy) 2-Go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute, im. I.V.Stalina. (AMPUTATION STUNP extremities, conical form. in growing child. prev.) (GROWTH, in infant and child causing conical form. on amputation stumps of extremities, prev.) VOLKOV K.Y., kandidat maditainskikh nauk Fibrous dysplasia of bones in children. Ortop.. travm. i protez. 17 n0.4:9-13 Jl-Ag '56. (I(LRA 9:12) 1. Iz kafedry khirargii detskogo vozrasta (zav. - prof. S.D.Ternovskiy) 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo Instituts im. I.V.Stalina na baze detskoy bolluitoy im N.Y.Filatova (glavayy vrach M.N.Kalugina) OSTBITIS 7IBROSA, in inf. and child) VO~~~~kand. med. nauk Clinical aspects and treatment of arthrogryposis in children. Khirurgiia 32 no.10:31-36 0 156 (MIRA 12:7) l..Iz kafedry khirurgii i ortopedii detskogo vozrasta (zav.- prof. S. D. Ternovskiy) Il Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.Y. Stalina i detskoy ortopedo-nevrologicheskoy polikliniki (zav. A.V. Uvarova) pri bolnitse imeni N. F. Filatova. (JOINTS, dis. arthrogryposis multiplex, ther.) I -% /-\I o, ~oj ~)'Mt V, . V -YAGIW .; Veo '~. M.V.; DOIATSKIY. S.Ys. TSXV, A.Ye 2f0 ZV t~ Sergei Dmitrievich Ternovskii. ortop., travm. i protez. 18 ao.l: 78-79 Ja-JF, '57. (KIRA 10:6) (TMNOvSKII, SERGEI DMITRIEVIGH. 1896- ) VOIKOV, M.V., dotsent; (MIMRAIAN. A.I. Imbryonic umbilical hernia. Pedistriia no.11:68-73 N '57. (MM& 11:2) 1. Zz kafedry khirugii detakogo vozrasta (zav. - chlen-korrespondent MiN SSSR prof. S.D.Ternovskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute imeni N.f.Firogova na baze Detskoy bollnitsy imeni IT.F.Filatove (-lavrqy vrach M.N.Kalugins) (HERNIA) (UMBILICUS--ABNORMITIES AIM DEFCRHITIES) POLTSVIA, Yu.K.; VOLKOV,, M.V. (Moskva) Trip to France; notes of delegates to the Second Internetional Congress of Physicians. Vop.okh.mat. i det. 3 no.1:88-90 Ja-F '58. (CAlOWS-PUBLIG IWALTH--GOIIGR==G~; Wlt& 11:2) VPLKOV# H.V*; PLTRVA, YU.K. Q~ Second InternationB1 Congress of Pbysicians on the Xffect of Living and Working Conditions on Health* Top-Pit- 17 no.2:92-95 Kr-Ap 158- (PUBLIC HEAUM-0011GRNSSES) (MIRA 11:4) VOLKOV, H.V., dots. - ClinicalDicture and dIngnosis of osteogenic snrcoma in children. Ortop.travm. i protez. 19 no&3:23-28 My-Je 158 (MM 11:7) (SARCORA, OSTEOGENIC. in inf. & child ding. & clin. Manifest- (RUH)) USSR Human and Aniiu~-l .1-iorphology, llorw--il fend P!,tho- logic -- Th,; ShiAjton Abs Jour: Ruf Mur-Biol., No 137 1956, 59930 Author ; Volkov, M. V. Inst : Not giv,~;n Titlc~ : Fibrous Dyspl-7~sia of them Bom;s in Childr~;n Grig Pub: Ortop,;diya, trivuiitol. i Drotr-zir, 1956, No Lr,9-1-3 kkbstr-~ct: Thr,;,.~ out of six childrun with fibrous dysplsif' (FD) had ondocrim- disturbanc,~.s. I'D Is -M ind~~p~;ri- dc~nt, cong,.;nital, slowly dt;vuloping, systi.:mic, dis,-;-isc;, associat,;;d with disturb,;d umbryog~;n,sis of the bony tissuE, and basod on ~ dysplastic pro- c~T,ss. Mla~-n FD occurs in thu proximal s~-ctions of thu tubul-.r or fln-t bonus, th~r,~ art; usu-~lly sol' Card 1/2 U~33R / Human rmd animal Vlorphology, Norw2l and P,.tho- S-(,-' logic -- The Sk,-I,.;ton Zkbs Jour,. R~~f Zliur-.Bio'i'-., "10 13~ 195", 59930 0 tary or num~~rous cysto-Ld foci on on, side-, mad,~ up of t~lmost undiM;r,~ntiatud ostuog,.~njic tissu, r.nd soraAim,-;s containing piQccs of cartilaq,. Ro- ,ntgcmological ~~xaminntion showcd a thinning of th~.; bony tissu,; a St xir. of scl,xosis w'-s found bc;tw~:.i,;n thQ ost-og~-,nic tissuc- and thL huc-lthy bonc.~, ;~trid th,! corticcl lay,.;r had b,;comc,, thinn(.;r. -- I. B. Barabash C;--rd 2/2 TMOVSKIY, S.D., prof.; VOLKOV, M.V., dotsent Surgical therapy of osteoblaatoclastoma in children. Ortop.trav-m. J protez. 20 no.6.-22-27 Je 159. (MM 13:3) 1. Ia kafedry detskoy khirurgii i ortopedii (zaveduyushchiy - prof. S.D. Ternovskiy) 2-go Moskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta im. N.I. Pirogova. 2 Gh~en-korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Ternavekly). ZGIAVT CELL TUMORS, in inf. & child. surg. (Ras)) VOLKOV, M.V., dotsent; BRZHEZOVSKIY, M.M. Hemlasms in childhood. Pediatriia 37 no.ll:"-50 11 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz kafedry detskoy khirurgii (zavedvVushchiy chlon-korrespondent AMU SSSR zaaluzhenuyy deyatell nauki RSIFSR prof. S.D. Ternovskiy) II Hoskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta X.I. Pirogova na baze detskoy bolluitay imeni N.Y. Filatova (glavnyy vrach M.N. Xalugiua). (NDOPLASMS in inf. & child.) TXMVSKIY, S.D., prof.; VOLKOV, K.V., dotsent Reply to V.N. Shtern and N.L. Madyshes' letter. Ortop.,traym.i protez. 20 no.12r67 D 159. (KIPA 13:5) (BONDS--TUMORS) (SETRU, V.N.) (rADYSEENSO, X.L.) VOLKOV,' M: V:,' (Docent), and MNOVS.KIY, S..D: -(Prof.) -- Moscow "Principles Underlying Treatment of Bone IA~mors In Children." Report submitted for the 27th Congress of Surgeons of the USSR, Moscow, 23-28 May 1960. V_OLKOV, M.V.9 dotsent (Moskvap V-49s, ul.Dimitrovap d..40, kv.27) Chondroblastoma of the-bone. Vest. rent. i rad. 35 no. 2:8-12 Mr- Ap 160., 01,01RA 14:2) 1. Iz kafedry detakoy khirurgii (zav. - chlon-korrespondent AM SSSR zasluzhemyy deyatell naukJ, RSFSR prof. S.D. Terriovskiy) II Moskovskogo meditsinskogo Instituta imeni N.I. Pirogova na baze Detskoy bollnitsy imeni.,N.-F~ Filatova. (BOMS-TUMORS) VOLKOV4 M.V, Osteoid-osteoma in children and its surgical treatment. Yop. onk, 6 no, 10:31-39 0 160. . (IUPJ, 14: 1) (BONES-TIMOB,$) VWZOV. N.Vo-,, dotsent, gome problems in the diagnoais and surgical treatment of primary tumors of the skeleton in ;3hildren. Xhirurglia 36 no.8996-103 Ag 160. 4MA 13 all) 1,, Iz kafedry detsko-v khirurgii G&7. - chlon-korrespondent AM SSSR prof. S.L. Te.Lnov:3kI'Y) 11 Noskovskogo gosudarst-munogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni N.I. Pi-rogova. (BONES-TUMORS) VOLKOV, M. V., Doc Med Sci -- "Primary tumors and dysplasia of bones In childhood. (Diagnosis and surgical treatment)* It Mos, 1961. (Acad Med Sci USSR) (KL, 8-61, 257) - 4o8 - VOLKOV, M.V.; SMAEIIOV, B.N. Diagnoijis of bone xanthomatosis in children. Vop. okh. mat. i det. 6 no. 5: 86-88 MY 161. (MI-RA 14: 10) 1. Iz kafedry detskoy khlrurgii (zaveduyushchiy - chlen-korrespondent Al-,24 SSSR prof " S.D.Ternovskiy [deceased] II Moskovskogo med-it sins kogo instituta imeni N.I.Pirogova i detskoy bollnitsy iheni N.F.Filatova (glavr.yy vrach L.A.Vorokhobov). (LIYIDOSIS) -11-1----3--r7.~ -1 - I ." I'll,-~ - - -,-- VOLKOV, Hsti g lam Yaail!y-evich; SAVELIYEVA, L.A. , red.; PETROVA, N.K., tekhn. red. (Primary tumors of the bone in children; their diagmosis and surgical treatment] Pervichnye opukholi kostei u detei; raspozna- vanie i khirurgicheskoe lechenie. Moskva, Medgiz, 1962. 264 P. (MIRk 15:6) (BOITES--TU14ORS)