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New methods of investiSation of the processes of disruption of
rocks by mechanical methods.
Card 5/5
cuttir% of rockr3 and Chumak, All-Union Resser.1rci-, Institute
for the OrGanisation aild Mechanisation of Mine 'Construction
V14IIOMShS (Vsesoyuznyy Nauchno-Issle,lovatellskiy
Institut Organizatsii i Mekhanizatsii Shakhtnogo
Stroitellstva VNIIUMShS),described a test s-cand for
investigating vibro-impact drillinE~. In the
resolutions it was mentioned that 7 in Spite of knovin
achievements in the field of developinG experimental
methods and techniques for stud-yinG processes of
disruDtion of rocksl utilisati-on of the latest
achievements in physics is lagging. For instance, radio-
active isotopes, serd-i-conducting instruments etc. are
not bein- used oil an adequate scale. It vias also
pointed out that most institutes were forced to
desiEr, and build strain gauGe apparatus and a
number of neterin-~ instru~aents on a very small scale
and t~vidently it viill be nece----a.--y tuo c-r&snise
centralised manufacture of such a-PparalUus.
(Note: This is an almost complete tranElation).
AVAILABLE: Li-brary of Congress.
Induction, torsion-type dynamometer for the investigation of rock
boring and the performp-nee of electric drills. Sbor.-.auc:--tr---d.
KHGI 5:15-25 158. (MIRA 14-4)
(Rock drills) (Dynamometer)
VOLKOV, A.A.g dotsent; MIMYLOV., V.A,, dotsent
Design of an electrical network for regulating the lAquid level.
Izv. vys.-acheb, zav.; gor. zhur. no.5.-165-172 361.
(NM 16:7)
1. Khartkovskiy gornyy institut. Rekomendovana kafedroy avto-
matizataii gornopromqshlennykh predpriyatiy.
(Liquid level, indicators)
(Ore dressing-Equipment and supplies)
VOLKOV,, A.A., 06tsent
Dynamics of the operation of a bit In a vorkIng face In rotary
drilling. Iz7. vys. i2cheba iiiva,; gar, zhur, 6 iio&4: -S8 163a
1. Dog IkovskLy institut goxxogo mashinostroyaniyap aVtomatiki i
vychisliteltnoy tekhniki, Rekamendovana kafedroy avtonatizatsii
proizvodstvennykh protaossov.
ACCESSION NR: AT4008774 S/3054/63/000/000/0342/03!53
AUTHORS: Volkov, A. A. (Candidate of -technical sciences)
TITLE: Digital computers used for controlling systems with optimal'
SOURCE: Pribory* promy*shlennogo kontrolya i sredstva avtomatiki.
Doklady* i soobshcheniya. Kiev, 1963, 342-353
TAGS: optimalizing control system, digital computer, self ad-
Ju'ting control system, sampling controller, programmed control, ex-
tr6mum seeking control system, logic circuit
ABSTRACT: Following an enumeration of the requirements that must
be satisfied by a computer designed to control objects with optimal
-characteristics and with high and low inertia, the author describes
.~,'-'an operations program and block diagrams for such computers," developed
:at the Khar'kovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki
i vy*chislitel'noy tekhniki (Khartkov Institute of Mining Machine
Building, Automation, and Computation Techniques). Block diagrams
for the required logical elements and binary counters are also repre-
sented. ."N. N. Maksyutenko and A. 1. Logachev participated in the
development and production of the apparatus." Orig. art. has: 4
figures and 16 formulas.
~~ASSOCIATION: lGiar1kovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avto-
matiki 1. vy*chislitellnoy tekhniki (Kharlkov Institute of Mining..
Machine Building, Automation, and Computation Techniques)
SUB CODE.* -CG NO REF SOVt' 003.- OTHERt 000
.9 ),- - -- - "'j- - " .. - ) -
L.K.; ORLIKOV, M.L., inzh., retsenzent; 9VECIftIIKOV, L.V. ,
inzh., ret6enzont; MAT,91YEVSHY, A.G., inzh., red.
[Elements of the automation of machine tools] Elementy
avtomatizatsii metallorezhushchikh stankov. Moskva, Mash-
giz, 1964. 210 p. (MI-U 17:12)
DOROKHOV, Aleksandr Petrovich; KOIZOBKIIIA, Galina Stepanovnit;
STARODUIr-ISEV., Viktor Aleksandrovich; T=MTKO, Vladi:mir r.-
Timofeyevich; t A!" .. retsenzent; OGORODII-F:!CEU-Kj
I.F., retsenzent; Rff~idiXG V.S.., retsenzent; TETE.UIBAUH,
Ya.I... retsenzent; FILONiho, S.N., dots., otv. red.;
[Principles of industrial electronics) Osno-vy promyshlennoi
elektroniki. [By] A.F.Dorokhov i dr. KharIkov, Izd--vo
Khartkovskogo univ., 1964. 214 p. (MIRA 17:8) 1
Y B 3V i% , ?l
Studying the correctliom c. -17' dyg;imc properties of rnjr~e
excavating machines 'ov mn:-'hpmat4cE-tj modellng. Tzv. v~,,rs. ,;cheb,
zav.*, go,-r. zhur. 8 Ir7
'9 165.
1. Kharkovsk'y avtomatiki
y c h
ldbernetiki. k'! 'fee,-_-ay tt2_yhn-.chez'Kny
VOLKOVI A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; YF.VDOKIMOV, A.G., inzh.
Yathematical description of steady air distribution r)z-oce:!ses in mine
ventilation systems. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 8 no.~2136-143
165. (MIRA 18:5)
1. KharIkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, airtomatiki i
vychislitellnoy tel:hniki.
5.4300,5.4700 75 065 8
S OV /80 - 3 2 - l' 0-7 /5
AUTHORS: Ginstling,A. M.,_Yolkov, A. D.
TITLE: In,vestigation of' the Thermochemical Decomposition of
calcium Sulfate and of Its Reaction With Carbon
PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimil, 1959, Vol 32, Nr 10, pp
2171-2177 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is a study of the thermodynamics and kinetic's of'
the above orocesseo. The Isobaric-isothermal Gibbs free
energies -~\z 0 plotted vs temperalL.-re In Flu. I were
det,ermined for reactions to
CaS04 + 2C-CaS + 2M,
CLIS04 +4jC=QiS + 4CO, (21)
CaS04 + 4CO=CnS + 1jC02, (3)
CaS + 3CajS04=/,(.'a0 + 4S02, 00
:1('"S + C1'S04~__/'(!i10+ 2S.2, (5)
9CaS + SO.,!=2Ca0 + 1.5S,,, (6)
Card 1/6 CaS + 2SO!?~CaSOI + S2- (7),
Investigation of the Thermochernical
Decompositicn of Calciumn Suifa--e and
of Its Reaction Wit1a Carbon
F I Chari~;r-. in 1.11,ir--
Q-'bbs free
o-,.' rpa'ri
thie C a S(1'1~1 + C, Y S ti t il
t C M r) ~~ 11 t u re, eAz
(x: c: a I An, o I(B) tempera-ture
Comparison of /~ZT for (5), (6), and ('j') Lndicates the
greatest probability of (6), but since (6) and (7)
- 10 is possible in the. absence or
both require S (5)
insufficiency of SO 2' At higher terriperaLLIres (4) is
driven to the right, which favors (6). The kinetics
Card 2/6 of the reaction of CaSO4 with C were s-.udied on the
Investigation of the Thermachemical
Decomposition of Calcium Sulfate and
of Its Reaction With Carbon
Wo -
Card 3/6
basis of' experimental compositlon dal,,a for, the
and gaseous reaction products. Reagents: CaS04 prepared
by heating analytical grade gypsum, and natural gyp-
sum containing 0.2% R20 3 and traces of MgO; sugar char-
coal, all in powder forrnj molar CaSO1,/C ratio, 1/0.6.
Experimental conditions: reagents heated In a-stream
of purified nitrogen. Figure 3 shows the amount of SO 2
formed vs time.
4 3 Fig. 3. KInetics of S02 evol-
/Z9 in Z40 -TOO
ution on d.z~composition of anal-
ytically pure CaS04.(A) SO ccn-
tent (% of s~(,-avtuing S) ; (B)
time (min). Temperature (OC):
~lj 950,.(2) 1,000, (3) 1,050,
4 l,loo.
Investigation of Thermochc-Nical
Decomposition of Calcium Sulfat-e an~
of Its Reaction With Carbon
7 2 - 1 7
Figures 4 and 5 indicate changes In !,he~ sol'd-prcduct
composition with t1mc, : the format1on
and large CaSJOL~ consumption at the ollarl, are proof' of
the high rate of CaSO,4 reduction to CaS.
Fig. 4. Kinetics of the com-
4 positien charij ,4e of the solid
product in the process bf de-
ccrnpositiori of analytically
pure Caso (A~ Conte~t cal-
4- j
culated az~ CaSOj, (%)'; (B)
time Onin). at 1,0000: (1)
3 CaO, (2) Cao,04, (3) CaS; at
L R 1,0500: (11/" CaO, (5) CaSO
M 120 180 140 J00 1750 4
(6) CaS.
Card 4/6
Investigation of the Thermochemical
Decomposition of Calcium Sulfate and
of Its Reaction With Carbon
/00 W04
80 -
20 cao
S GV/80-:z2-1,Q-7,/:5'
100 caso,
40 j
0 60 fl?O 180 140 3110 0 69 120
Fig, 5. Material balance diagram of the compositlon
change of' the solid product in the process of arialy-
tically pure CaSOL, decomposition. (A) cc)ntent calcu-
lated as CaSO 4 (%); (B) tlyrr- (unin) ; (a) at, 1,0r)OC',
(b) at 1,0500.
Card 5/6
Investigation of the Thermochernical
Decomposition of Calcium Sulfate and
of Its Reaction Wlth Carbon
I ':~ 1,
Calculations prove that the maximum amo-,int of Cas2
formed (curves ':z and 6 on Fil-.. 4) is in----ffic
to react according to (4) w1-th the remal - 1 Clg CaSO,,
whose reduction therefore cont!Lnu(--_~s. Thor--- a r e 3
tables; 5 figures, and 17 rr~ferenccs, 12 Soviet, 3
Polish, 1 German, 1 U.S. The U.S. reference is:
Rossini, F. D., Wagman, D. D., Evans, W. H., Levine,
S., Ioffe, I., Selected Values of Cherrd-cal Tinermorly-
namic Properties, Nat. Bur. Stand. Circ. 500 (19f:52).
December 8, 1958
Card 6/6
'j A.; FTNK-I'Ll IS H~N, B
lqt~l iAS i ,-,-!i.v nauchnyy sotriidnik;
V C, T. kClijD
u 'n! n
b.-ricating zll,!~i~ e3
ce-,11-Lics. Tek'--it. 15 ro. 1'-'63-6,~' Jl 165
-1. Direktor
Lefgkogo i I,lo3k-,,a S1-: lashov,
s~--J.y inst-l tut legkc-o
tekstiltrogo mashinc~3,,r,,y,,! 1.4 a (for Finkellslte~r",
3 . N7a c ha. 11 r--i k --, -a L u r 1. rt 31..i. i o h JI rl 0 3 1. 1, Oy e, 1 i 1- e f, C. yu z -
nogt) -1-1" I'L ta legl--c;gci e k 3 t :"D c
Tu M
.i Fh --..nos troye rdly- ,. \ `c~-
3/194 /62/000/002/0-j
AUTHOR: Volkov, A. D
TIT=-: Polarity-selec"ve relay distributor for remote-con-
trol and remote signalling
PE'RIODICA1 Re ferativnyy 7,1,urnal i radJ oe' e' tronika,
_L U U~
no. 2, 1962, abstract 2-2-133shch (Ugoll, 19061, no. 9,
TEXT Description of a simple relay distributor with polar4 -.-,,-se-
-ective element designed for the remo-.e control of blowers _4'or
ventilation of nines. Remote and supt~iniisory controls from t-tle
dispatch point can be achieved by means olf a relay dis-uributuor uz--
ing two pairs of conductors. The distributor consists in the na;Ln,
of a relay type P177--40 (Y%'. --.3T- 10) or 141,
J_ .1-119(11KU-48) and selen.-Lum rec-
tifiers mounted on two panels: the point-dispatch paneel and t.-~-e
control panel. The connect-~on between the panels is made by four
conductors: or by a four-way cable. The distributor replaces a 20-
.vay control cable. U.-
Abstracter's note: Complete translation. 7
Card 1/1
Relay type distributor with polar selection for remote control and
long distance signaling systems. Ugoll 36 no.9:28-30 S 161.
(MIRA 14:9)
1. Glavnyy inzhener Gorlovskogo spetsmontazhnogo upravleniya
(Coal mining machinery) (Remote control)
5.1190, 5.4300, 5.4700 '77628
SOV/cSO-3'~~'-2--- /--2
AUTHORS: Ginatling, A. M., Volkov., A. D.
TITLE,- Reaction of Calcium Sulfate With Carbon in tYie
Presence of Sodium Chloride
PERIODICALt Zhurnal prikladnoy khimil, 1960, Vol 33, Nr 2,
pp 274-279 (USSR)
AM-TRACTi This is the second article in a series concerningr
thermal decomposition of calcium sulfate. Tile
article deals with the effect of sodium chloride
addition on decomposition of calelum si,ilfate.
Experiments were conducted at 1,000 and 1,0;sol)
in a stream of nitrogen. The results are given in
Table A. The reaction proceeds in 2 stages: (1)
reduction of sulfate by carbon to yield s-,jlfid,--,
(2) reaction of the sulf1de with sulfate. Under the
investigated conditions, the second sta-e is the
slower of the tuvio, and it limits the process rate.
Card 1/3
Reaction of Calcium Sulfate With Oarbon 7 J7,- -2 " .;
in the Presence of Sodium Chloride S 0 V/80 - 3 3 - 2 - Q2
I , ;.~ srle"r
It N-:; , (, I
the ftvot but a~ t;he i~,I,Verl temperat-111-(" thf~
addition of 0.",-].% NaCl lncreaoeo the process- vate
of the second ~limiting) stage, which correspondingly
iricreases the overaD process rate. The effectiveness
of the ac4aelerating admiXtUre decreases with the
increase In process temperature. Tnere are 6 figures-
1 table; and 12 references, 11 Soviet, 1 Czechoslovakian.
JulY 11, 1959
Card 2/3
reaction of Calciwii Sulfate With Carbon
in the Presence of Soc[--'-i-rj,. Cillupi(jt~
Card 3/3
77 6 23
Table A. Effect of NaCl on kinetics of SO 2 evolution
durino" decom osition of CaSO), (c,p- at 1,000 and
1,0505 C (A~ Yield of S02 C% 0- 3~oich-loin6trlc);
" L
(B) CaS04 decomposition time (min, sec) for Naci
content in mixture.
0% 1 0-VI. 1 1 1.1'. !.. V1.
2.32 w, /1'j 6. 25 f;, (A) 5. 57 08 2, 4.5 2, 321 2. 37
10,4.5 33' 3/1 20. 24 19' 36 -9, 57 14, 12 9, 21 2 8, 15 8, 27
20 is
57. 15
3/1, W
30, /'5
*t, 44
22, 35 r)
1 1, 12, 3 7 12, 52
3 1 83, 32' 52, 27 /1:1, 05 5t. 32
' 322, 10 1 5, t 16. S f; 17. 17
1.84 W2. 45 W. (10 ~)S' /,: I il
A, 0. 42
20, S7
21. TS
129. 20 95. 48 fis. if) Si. M; 4 7, 50 23, 2:1 2!.. 0o 52
16:1. 32) 135, 20 87, 57 1 ILI, 48 58, (y) :1 el, 40 29, 4, 2 :q), /,8
81.45 235, 20 225, 37 J21, 23 175, 34 8:1, 12 5.5. 38 fig, 32 53, 53
89.12 276, 22 276, 24 14 i, 22 2w. 25 100, 'X) 7:3. /,.'1 6(i, 5() 79. 45
92.22 3W. 10 -'300. IS 160, 00 21, 2, 05 1:50, 45 1 91), 03 8-'% 51), 10", 20
9:3.77 328, (R) 328, 25 174, 12 252, 28 1 GO, M 101. 00 100. (if; MU, UO
340, M 340. 45 178, 04 265, 52 1
94.72 - - w) 281), (w
Vor'brevity, orily par~t of 6xperiment
.,al data is given
TITLE. cc-
r'-- c, v az
PERIODICALt zh1irr'n, A I
-7 ~q
This is
decompcsitic~n of 7a, T'-,
-a! c ll-uro f -L u c.
vj ri 5e ';:i
5 1 c a.
r- d
d d.1 t i c, n c C F- :.r~ lj r~ j
9 - f o -, dt Y-- T (7!~j f
M-1 n p 1. r. p r C.
w c-1-1 w e re
e a, Ins
Ir d Q
Ca rd I j/2
Bir-i'ef Comm,
Su If ate Wi'~'n ra rtcn r i S-4 ~ I -
SUBMITTED. October 2. 19-59
Card 2/2
Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Study of the decompsotion of calcium
sulfate in the presence of carbon with the purpose of production
of sulfur dioxide." Leningrad, 1961. 15 PP; (Mirdstry of Higher
and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Lenin5rad Order of
Labor Red Banner Technology Inst imeni Lensovet); 180 copies;
price not given; (KL, 7-61 sup, 233)
-- VOLKOV, A.D., kand.tekhn.nauk; DENISOV, A.P., kand.tekhn.nauk
Improve the quality of printed matter on safety engineering and
labor protection. Zhel. dor. transp. 43 no. 1:94-95 Ja 161.
- (MM 14:4)
(Safety education, Industrial)
Reacit-lions involving the formation of elemental sulfur in react.Jons
between calcium sulfate and carbon. Zhur. prikl. khim. 33 no.P,:170-9-
1704 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(sulfur) (Calcium sulfate) (Carbon)
Interaction between calcium sulfate and carbon in the presence
of sodium chloride. Zhur.prikl.khim- 33 no.2:274-2)79
F 160. (MULk 13:5)
(Calcium sulfate) (Carbon) (Sodium chlorido)
-A~1-1-i aNW-2 ~.--
- - i6i" Q"W~
Reaction of calcium sulfate with carbon and silica. Zhur.prikl.
khim- 33 no-3:736-739 Mr 160. (MBU 13:6)
(Calcium sulfate) (Carbon) (Silica)
-": .. ...... .~-: .. ~ -
Synthesis of ketones by the reaction of magnesium organic compounds
with sodium salts of carboxylic acids. Zhur.ob.khim. 25 no-9:1716-
1718 S 155. (MLRA 9:2)
l.Laningradskiy takhnologicheskiy institut imeni V.M.Moloteva.
(Ketones) (Magnesium organic compounds)
AUTHOR: Volkov,. A.D. 121-2-12/20
TITLE: The continuous relieving of multi-start k6obbing cutters.
(Nepreryvnoya aztylovaniye maovozakhodnykh cheiTyachnykh
P~&iIODICAL: "Stanki i Instrument" (Machine Tools and Tools), 1957,
No.-2, pp. 35 - 37 _(U--S.S.R,) I
ABSTRACT: A set-up is shown by which a-relieving lathe can be
arranged to perform automatically the division from one
start to the next in a malti-start hobbing cutter where such
division by hand is a time consuming operation and a source
of pitch error. The geometric condition for the method is
the disposition of profile points of the same order in all
the starts on a common helical line. This oundition is ful-
filled when the ratio of th7e number of helicEil slots to the
number of starts is odd. On this basis a tabic is constructed
to select the number of teeth in the hobbing cutter.
There are 2 figures and 2 tables.
1 1
mm~~~ I P-AWMIV %ME I
2 2 6 ij-6 ri im
I - A T~
/t'-, ~-'IV&* V, '-i - - /-j
immov, A.D.; LYUMIN' V.S.
Designing profiles for convolute worm gears. Stan. i instr. 28 no.10:
23-25 0 157- (Gearing, Worm) (MLHA 10:11)
- - - I.--;-.-- -,~
I 1 10- " "
~~ /4'. -,
Sharpening cutters having wide angles of shear in grooves.
Stan. i instr. 28 no.12-25-26 D 157. (MIRA 10:12)
(Cutting tools)
VOLKOV. Anatoliy Dmitriyevicb; CRIGOROYEV, Georgiy Pavlovich;
-.1 BRODOTSKIY, A.I., red.; MIKHEYEVA, L.R., red.izd-va;
KARLOVA, G.L., tekhn. red.
(Physical properties of spent liquors from woodpulp
manufacture] Fizicheskie svoistva shchelokov tselluloz-
nogo proizvodstva. Moskva, Goslesbumizdat., 1963. 98 p.
(MIRA 1?:3)
BARZAKOVSKIY, V. P., doktor khimicheskikh nauk; 'OV A D , kand.
takhn. nauk
Advances in the area of reactions in crystalline bodies.
Zhur. VKHO 8 no.2::L28-134 163. (MIRA 16:4)
(Crystallography) (Chemical reactions)
---I-.--- ~ . - I
e-L ~5~*z
*a from ydrozen StImme b7 Oi1&t1&i aai6
Trudy Go!;u&,1f roe nT.-
T95Z, Np.: 1, 13 1 -Ff Pub. 1963); Pfferat. Zhur,
'Entrit. 1955, Absty. Xv. 57M.-The purificatior. of a N-H
mixt. obWacd by dc&j,-npg. NH. coatg. 0.5-1.0% Os, 0.2
iiag./cu. m. NHm, aM 6ectelm arat. of HtS Is studied. An
ewbon (AC) is MItettd, It Is
tZective tvpt of activaiO
established th3t: increasing the gas ve!ccity does no:. ect
-b--d 5
the max. vant. of abso. in rchtion 6 AC; ralsi-ag the
temp. froul W - 50* does not affect the 0-vurption of the
AC, wbich U most affident when the gas h33 relat--ve hu-
"Y M- Rest rewlts-are obtained w".AC graja
i o Ij the dod: AC Is I I gemczatcd by,
.(N org, tnixts. in the gas vapo of pht " e%le
'Sa.. 3
ow t
sort the AC; prestmee 6 2 in
or b U.U'.
does; not uffect the ab-.orptlon ability lieloxi
h vis
d an
td I
roduct of 11,S 6 S deposited an the AC fam mm It
uring the regeoemdon, the yield of S C3 98% of Stik
-coptent W the cas. N. VR%
--!PDZF, ("I Pi -01;'N I" M-ll I V014KOV, A
Pre:)a~atl-cm '::Y the 4-armal
c-f TlatuYal- calclium 31-2fate, Tf%dy
elektrokkiim. A14 4,,l':-"-129 163~ '-7;----
I'M., ~ !m- - F-0, - ~-_- _0 'IN7772917mmm mmm;m M-M . - - i
TITLE usclil-o-&-ra-p'hic Polarograph "Geokhi".
(Ostsillograficheakiy polyarograf "Geokhill.- Russian)
PERIODICAL Zavodskaya Laboratoriya. 1957, Vol 23, Nr 8, pp 088-992
ABSTRACT A. new highly sensitive device for carrying outanalyses is
concerned here. The ~xDeriments of the quantitative deter-
minations of small contents of Bi, Sb, Cd, and Pb at high
content of uranium,are given as examples. The radiotech-
nical scheme of the apparatus is riven here which shows
that to the main part of the apparatus there belongs the
generator scheme with two tubes, a pentode with reversed
negative binding in the cathode; in the wiring circuit
of the second stage there is potentiometer which regulates
the amplitude of the saw-tooth-like oscillations which are
then ~reoorded by the generator by means of a capacitor.
The next tube (3) has an oscillation limiter the treshold
of which is reulated by an alternhting_z resistance. The
oscillations are received by the next tube (4) which has
an electrolytical cell and a cathode repeater, after which
they are transmitted to the next tube (8) with the cascade
CARD 1/2
CARD 2/2 0scillographic Polaroeraph "Geokhill. 32-8-45/61
of the horizontal amplification. A potentiometer here
serves as an amplitude reg-ulator. The electrolytical cell
is galvanically connected with the cathode repeater which
is regulated by the next alternating resistance. Thus
either a positive or a negative voltage can be obtained
here which is gauged by tube voltameters. For measuring
the amplitude of the saw-tooth-like voltage there serves
the next tube (6) which works as a voltmeter. The voltage
is furthermore transmitted by the reeistance (19) of the
electrolytic cell to an amplifier with tube (7) in the
first cascade. All cascade; with the exception of end-
cascades are fed with the voltage 180 V by the electron
stabilizer (tube 16, 17, 18). Tube (19) feeds an electron
beam tube (20) which has at the output from the filter the
voltage 1800 V. Moreover the apparatus has various additional
agEregates which increase its sensitivity. Examples of the
application of the apparatus and the exploitation of the
results are given gere. There are 5 figures, 2 tables,
ASSOCIATION: Institute for Geochemistry and Analytic Chemistry of the
Academy of Sciencesof the U.S.S.R.
(Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii Akademii nauk
AVAILABLE: Library of ConEress.
28(4) SOV/32-2 5-8-39/44
AUTHORS: Gokhshteyn, Ya. P., Volkov, A- _F., Kuz'min, S. V., Yanchevskiy,
V. A.
TITLE: A New Model 0scillographic Polarograph
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Hr 8, pp 1008-1012
ABSTRACT: A new type cathode-ray polarograph was designed which makes
possible the detection of low concentrations of elements and
organic compounds, the determination of the capacity of the
binary electrical layer on dropping and solid electrodes, the
impedance of the electrolytic cell, the velocity and the re-
versibility of the electrode reactions and the study of sur-
face and adsorption phenomena. The instrument operates with an
accuracy of 2% at concentrations of 10-3 - 10-5 mol/l and of
� 3% at 10- 6 10-7 mol/l. The scheme of the instrument permits
a periodical and a unique development of the various fixed
velocities of the potential variations and this way both an
Hg-dropping electrode and a stationary lig-clectrode can be
Card 1/3 used and the sensitivity can be considerably increased. One
A New Model Oscillographic Polarograph SOV/32-25-8-350/44
can operate simultaneously with two cells which are reversed
by a polarized relay. The polarographic cell receives simul-
taneously a constant negative tension and a positive sawtooth-
shaped tension which eliminates the deformation of the curves
by the current intensity. The radiotechnical wiring of the
instrument was designed based on electron-ray tube type 13L0-36
and consists of the following main units (Fig 1); a generator
for the linear-varying tension (the potential variations are
determined by means of a magneto-electric loop-oscillograph
N-10) with a thyratron cathode TG1-0.1/0.3, a compensator for
the load resistance of the cell (with a network 12ZhlL) and a
compensator of the capacity current, a synchronizer and a single
vibrator (6N8) for the delay of the impulse (synchronized with
the dropping period of the Hg), an amplifier for the vertical
ray declination (with networks 6Zh4, 12ZhlL) and a current
feeder unit. The article gives data on the sensitivity (Table)
of the instrument and examples of investigations made with os-
cillograms obtained at the electrolysis of a 1 n KC1-solution,
which contained 5.0 y/ml of Pb 2+ and Cd 2+ , and a 1 n HCl-solu-
Card 2/3 tion containing 0.5 Y/ml of Sb3+ and B13+ and a 1 n KC1-solu-
A.New Model Oscillographic Polarograph SOV/32-25-8-39/44
tion with 0.1 y/ml of Cd . There are 5 figures, 1 table, and
1 Soviet reference.
ASSOCIATION: InBtitut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of' the
Academy of Sciences, USSR)
Card 3/3
Silicon current rectifiers. Biul.takh.-ekon.inform. no.22:51-52
161. (MLRA 14: 12)
(Elaotrio current reotifiers.)
ZAM"UlMV B.S.; 10
Y A.F. (Yoskva); NIKULIN, G.F.;
Exciter for electrical machines using thyristors. Elektri-
chestro no.2:74-77 F 164. (MIRA 17:3)
1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu. elektrooboru-
dovanlya dlya tyazheloy promyshlennosti. (for Veshenevskiy,
Solodukhol TSal-lagovp Zamarayev). 2. Metallurgicheskiy zavod
"Serp i molot" (for Nikulin, Larkin).
L 41032-65
~Lcc~ou IIRZ APSW8577
AU7 T H 0 P-S X. A. Raz in, G. M. Krylcr7, V
V ?. ; - 717
TITLE: Test-stand for. creatir,~ i-azpact overloads.
All. Volkov Timoirbin,
V. P
Class 62, No. 169437
SOURCE: Byulletenl izobretealy i tovarny~kh zaakov, no. 6,, 1965, 113
TOPM TAC'st i=pact testimg
ABSTRACT:.,, TtLis Author Certif icate presents a test ritand for creating impact
d j -
Overloa 3; ne S-tazA contains a T.-,-ss controll-ing cabl'3s, a h(~izting
a Pl--tform- for the investigated object, a cable wita a auspe;-sllorl SyF~em,
Sc-,r (3~rS, Wl~l
a cut-off Mecballisa, a Dra6a."a
-easizri-nZ the p1at~orm drop rate. To -increase the safety of the experiment, and
Lo exclu"o tas effect cf the prescrilbed on L;ie free fall of tne -aiatfcrm,
S V ed Z; a an I 'S 0 r a t t t' hG h ii 1 L.5( 8
r. tzle Z-avle o a
I=t~ and co~tao-t~, a s]2.ALr.&, a ccaract,, a h6:~&Dt a
L 41032-65
and a stop relay axe connat.-ted in the w-gmetia starter eirCWt of the electr-Lc
t,ackja. 01U. art. agai I di.Wam.
A3=U21ONt none
SUBMITTED: 02Jan64 &NGL: 01
SM CCD]f',t HE
77- 7.
T,.2Q5_66 EvT(d)/EwP (v)/F,,WP (k)/DIP (h)/E7r1P (1) IJP(c) GG/BB
1ACCESSION NR: A P5025743 UR/0286/65/000/018/0091/.0092
Vedeshnikov, V. A.; Volkov, A. F.
AUTHOR, Zenkin, V. D.V Trapeznikov, V. A.;;/
Turkovskaya, T. A. V
TITLE: A digital computer wif~~programmed circuit control. Clabs h2, No. .1711811h
SOURCE: Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no, 18, 1965, 91-92
~ITOPIC TAGS.! digital computer,_2utomatic com2uter programmin sblf adaptive control
ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a digital computer with pro-
grammed circuit monitoring. The unit contains a control counter, instruction memory$
instruction readout amplifier, instruction register, operation decoder, central con4
trol unit, control pulse amplifiers, arithmetic unit, working storage, and an'inpui-
output device. The installation is designed for automatically and accurately find-,
ind elements that fail. The computer contains a microoperation zone decoder and a I
pilot signal shaper which are connected together and to the readout amplifiers for I
the instruction memory. The outputs from the pilot signal shaper are connected to
the central control unit j the local control unit $ and the control s1pml ampli f ter
Card 1/3
L 2645-66
~ACCESSION NR: A050257113 0
unit. The computer also contains a microcontrol unit which Is connected to the cen
tral control unit and to the control signal amplifiers, and a device for recording
.-the point of failure, which is connected to the instruction memory'readout ampli- I
fiers. A modification 'of this computbr i9:-: designed for transition from macroopera-
tion -to microoperation conditions to improve the resolution of diagnostic tests.
The microcontrol unit in this computer contains the first gate for interpretation o~'
operating conditions. The inputs to this gate are connected respectively to the
unit for sampling commands from the Instruction memory and to the flip-flop for
storage of operating conditions. Th%i output from this flip-flop is connected to a
Idelay circuit through gates which are connected to the outputs from the microopera-
tion zone decoders which correspond !:o microoperations for setting the flip-flops or
onnected through a gating assembly to the out-
Ithe computer. The delay circuit is (.
!puts from the control signal amplifiers. The output from the delay circuit is con-
to the input of the Instruction sampler. -The second gate for interpretationj
of operating instructions in connected to the Input of the, delay circuit. The in- i
puts to this gate are connected respectively to the instruction sampler and to the
linverse output'from the flip-flop foil storage of operating conditions through the
gate for transition from macrocontrol to microcontrol conditions. The output from
Ithe-delay circuit is connected in pavallel-with the output from the first gate for
Card 2/3-_~_
L 26h5-66
interpretation of operating conditions. In a second modirleption of Hjlr~ computer,
'the number~of points which can be monitored is increased by using an input registeri
;in the microoperation zone decoder. This register is connected to the decoder, andf
jhe outputs from the decodnr are connerted to the control points. Tn a Lbiro modifl-
~,.catlon of this computer, indication of Ft point of failure Is simplified by usinp P.11:
~inpttt register in the failure indicator, with binary-digital code for the number of
al Indicators througli
the non-operative element. This register Is connected to decim,
!a decoder which converts the register code into decimal positional notation. A
foutth m6di fication of this cbmpAxter in designed, for automatically and accurrktply 10j,
1cating points of failure. The p1lot s'Lgnal shaper in this computer contains gaf--~s
with Inputs connected respectively to the microoperation zone decoder and to the
ireadout; amplifiers for the instruction memory. The outputs from the9e gates are
iconnected to the elements to be monitored.
'ASSOCIATION: Institut av-tomatiki i telemekhaniki. (Institute of Automation and Tele:
;NO REr sov: ooo OTHER 000
-Z, k? EW
V: 4,!44 ~ t,(-1- :I
---7 7-7---.
_t0 biL I
ji olk. e
-t e,, t, e orption, by- donor_
electrons in rkmd.-
V T-~ 1
50 1
opic TWS :elowctrou: dd-Aor Pnj~e.,, byperfine -struC
tWeL, -abaorpti= JIM C
sp reson
:x- 2a ix 41 ~r a V.. 7b;75.- SOC. 440aa V. 9,t 316
0 a2=aAt, Ithe concentrat-iom-at ~whldb
absorption , 3 1
s. The calcul atior;is based on the simple formula
(cDo - frequency of buPerfine, splittirg, a3e = frequency of electron ex e
among the doncws, CD - donor atom concentration), ,Kiich is obtained from the Lnder-
son model. The results are compared with the exper!meental values Of CD Published
by K. A. V%Lllex and J. Schneider (Phys. Rev. Lett. L_.,. 4, 288, 1963). In add-' ti on,
the author calculates the concentration dependence )f the intensities of the ab-
aorption, peak4, frcm which he derives t-he formula
1 N I N
S& 52 as NH ~2
I Cwd
L 65249-65
(a = area uyWer peak.. 1; - donor concent-rattion). The rcmLts are aluo compared leith,
the e~Terimemtal data and are faund to agree. Orig. w-4.. bas- 1 figurep 6 forimi-
Izz, and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATICN: Moskcvaldy fiziko-tekhnicheakiy in.-titut (Moaccw Pby9ic&,.echnica3. In-
=L: 00 am CCMI ra
IR Mr 901r: 000 006
Distribution of 1131-labeled triio-tras,, in -white rats. Farm. i
toks. 27 no.4:468-470 Jl-Ag 164.
(MIRA 17:11)
1. Kaf-edra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Vasillyeva) II Mos-
ko-vskogo meditsinskogo instituta. imeni Pirogova.
KANIKOVSKIY, Grigoriy Illich; SHEVYAKOVO L,D,q akademiks retsenzent;; VOWVICH, M.Z., red.izd.; ALADOV.A,
Yo.I.,; SMTAR, S.Ta.,
[Special methods of shaft sinking] SpetsialInya sposoby prokhodki
gornykh vyrabotok. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat. 1958. 453 P.
(Mining engineering) (MIRA 12:2)
M&LINOV, M.S., inzh. (g.Kolomna); VOLKOV, A.Y., inzh. (g.Kolomna)
Boiler-type preheatere for diesel locomotives. Zlek.i
tepl tiage no-7*12-15 Jl 160. (MIRL 13:8)
ZDiesel looom'otiven-Aquipment and supplies)
(Air preheaters)
VOLKOV, A.V., inzh.
Stage resistan butt welding. Stroi.truboprov. 5 no.6:22-23 Je
t6o. (MIRA 13:7)
Polarographk I tud d ladlar.
Poz(feel"I Luld
J. PPI. Che 1. U.Sz.K. Z5,
Fr 'IV, pp
l; Zt. an.9 atintt).--!~ce CA. 47. 3716i.
1123 -8( 1 U52) (E. t,
VoLm, I r".
Effect of hL4mr-rb-- of I indene frac-
tions on t9V-P5PMUxrAPIC Wa martme &Ad
Indene. , C' ~-PO le(,v a
2 dQ,
Rc~rflrdlh+07 ~Nl ~;1141. ~ . _Z ~M,. PM:
5, cf."" W 171A.-The ap-
plicability of the polarographic method to the aniklysis of
coumarone (1) and Indene (11) in dist.n. fractions (fraction A
105-1&V and fraction B 175-192', resp.) was detd. In 3
steps: (1) the auttlysis of the pure substances In xylene
solos. up to 12.3% of I and 67.4% of H was found to be
within 5% for the first and 2.7 for the second; (2 the
analysis of mixts. of the 2 pure substances (dr - ~~ a1c.
added to DuN1 In 75% dioxane) was found satisfactory
up to a combined concn. of .12-14 millimoIcs/l. with a wave
at 2.6-2.9 v.; the effect of impurities normally found in
the,e fraction- was detd. in several steps. Polymerization
with 9470 MzSO~ (S% by val.)and steam distn. at M* cf
the I fraction showed the presence of styrene after the Ist
treatment (half wave - -2.37 v.; cf. Stromberg and Paz-
deeva, C.A. 44, 89-157c); after the 2nd polymerization only
the wave of 1, It remained (half wave - -2.77 v.). - Similar
treatment of the 11 fraction resulted in a persistent wave;
half wave - -2.5 v. (probably naphthalene. halt wave -
-2.51 v.). whereas the wave of H vanished after the 2nd
polymerization. This led to the conclusion that the re-
ducible unsaturates in fraction A were styrenes, I and U
and those of the fraction D were land U. Sulfonationwith
103% HtS04 and subsequent hydrolysis with steam at 240-
60* led to the concluMon that reducible aromatic hydro-
carbons its fraction A were polarogmphically inert, whereas
those of fraction B were naphthalenes. Not enough of the
paraffins of fraction A was obtained for analysb; those of
fraction B were inert polarographically. 1. Bencowltz -
11 .'-V
7- ------
E~c*!cl of bydroc~Lrbozii of thAL42UUUL.=c and (nilano frii.
lions in lhe_k2!!Lu niahic waire heights of cournarone and
indene. 2.nd A- 0. Voftov- I ti 4 PI
-)i'41 Q
Chem. U.S 25, 1
Sce CA . 48. (omf.
i: J
-I"AW i NO GOIUBKOVA, Te.S., radak-tor; GALAKTIONOVA, Ye.N.,
t ; ~ h Wi; 4h r, k "47W, V
[Building prestressed concrete bridges in Czechoslovakia] Opy-t
stroitel'stva predvaritellno napriazhennykh zhelezobetonnykh mostov
v Chekhoslovakii. Moskva, Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo sytotrasep.lit-ry,
1957. 6o p. (MMA 10:11)
(Czechoslovakia--Bridges, Concrete)
,'----'----MSLnUfacturing reinforced concrete pipes in outdoor yards during
the winter months. Avt.dor. 21 no.9:6 S '58. (WRA 11:11)
(pipe, Concrete)
-VGLKOV,_Ap~q_kq1iy Fedorovich; ZUBKOVA, H.S.. red.; GATuUUjOIIOVA, Te.N.'
[Black gravel pavements] Pokrytiia iz chernvkh graviinykh amesei.
Moskva, Hauchno-takhn.izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo turansp. i shosseinykJa
dorog RSFSR, 1960. 15 P. (MIRA 14:1)
(Pavements, Bituminous)
We moved 500,000 m3 soil using one grader-alRvator during the
aaason. Avt.dor. 23 no.1:16-17 Ja 160. ORRA 13:5)
(Road construction) (Narthmoving nachinoj:y)
YEFRRAOV, Ivan Semenovich; _V(?~KCAJT, Andrey Fadotovich; Z.,"~GkNNOV,
Nikolay Alekseyevich; N11KOLISM', Igor' Fonstantino-,rich;
TIKEOMIROV, Sergey Sernenovich; CFjERVE'lL;,=, Vladi=,r
Eiklhaylovich; Tu"11:1Z.ANOVICE, E.K., red.
[Semiconductor power rectIfiers in miunicipal transpor-tj F-0-
luprovodnikovye silo-vye preobrazovateli na goraciskoir, trans-
j;orte. lioskva, Izd-vo ,'-va ko=.un.khoz.R~~SR, 1963. 82
35885-66 bff (I) IJP(c) AT
ACC NR, AP6o24511 SOURCE CODE: 0386/66/004
AUTHOR: Vladimirov,. V. V.; Volkov., A. F.;!,
ORG: Moscow Physicatechnical Institute (Moskovskiy fiziko-tel-Jinicheskiy inF;t1tW;)
TITLE: Possibility of exciting cyclotron instability in semiconductors
SOURCE: Zh eksper i teor fiz. Pis1ma v redaktsiyu. Prilozheniye, Y. 4, no. 2, 1966,
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor plasma, plasma instability, cyclotron resonance, dispersio
equation, indium compound, antimonide
ABSTRACT: In view of recent interest in the excitation of microwave oscillations in
solid-state plasma, the authors consider the possibility of exciting cyclotron in-
stability in a two-component solid- stater~"plasma by means of a current. The dispersio
equation is written out in an approximation wherein the cyclotron instability is ex-
cited by resonance with the first harmonic, and the increment of the instability is
calculated on this basis. The results are used for a numerical estimate of the ex-
citation of hole cyclotron instability in InSb (electron-hole plasma). It is shown
that in this case the required magnetic field is 11 > 3 x 10*3 Oe, and for an intrinsic
semiconductor the electron velocity should exceed the hole velocity by a factor large
than 5. This in realized in an electric field -150 v/cm. in doped semiconductors,
the excitation can be effected in even weaker fields (-30 v/cm for p-InSb). It is
not excluded that the microwave radiation observed in InSb by R. D. Larrabee (Bull.
- - , ~,F
- - t-= 1 %,ma ~--- -
L 35885-66
ACC NR-. 6,4) SOUIRCE -- CODE: UR/0413/66/oOO/024/0089/0090
INW:N'TORS: Alltsh--11, S. D.; Aftnogenov, L. P.; Buyanov, B. B.; Volkov, A. F.:
Gillman) G. I.; Domanitskiy, S. H.; Favlov,, Ye. H.; Rog., G. V.; Trapoznikov, V. A.
ORG-. none
TITLE; Controlling logic machine. Class h2, No. 189629
SOURCE: Izobroteniya, promyshlonjiyye obraztay,, tovarnyye znakij, no. 24, 1966) 89-90
TOPIC TAGS: logic circuit, computer logic
JUSTRACT.- This Author Certificate presents a controlling logic machine containing
input and output devices, a storage device, a control device,, a logic device
consisting of "NOT", "AND". and "OR" circuits, input logic units., triggers, and delay',
lines (see Fig. 1). To achieve group processing of information between the elements
Fig. 1. 1 - input device;
2 - logic device; 3 - output
device; 4 - storage device;
5; - control device
UDC-z 681.1~2
ACC NR. AP7002991
of the selected group for reduction of the computation program, the outputs of the
input logic units are connected to "OR" circuits. The output of the first "OR"
circuit is connected through a first gate (also connected to the first output of the
control device) to the input of the result storage trigger. The output of the second,
1 "OR" circuit is connected through a second gate (also connected to the second output
of the control device) to the input of the result storage trigger, through an inverter
and third gate to the input of the result storage trigger, and through a fourth gate
and through a delay line and fifth gate to the input of the result storage register.
The second inputs of the third, fourth, and fifth gates are connected respectively to'~
the third output of the control device, to the output of the result storage trigger,
and to the fourth output of the control device. The second inpvt of the result stor-~
age trigger is connected to the fifth output of the control device. The output of
1 the result storage trigger is connected through a sixth gate (whose second input is
connected to the sixth output of the control device) to the result storage register
and through a seventh gate (whose other input is connected to the controlling input
of the input logic unit) to the other input of the input logic unit. Orig. art.
has.- I diagram.
SUB CODE: 091 SUBY. DATEa iiFeb65
Lc-c-rd - -----
ACC NR, AP6036935 (A, IVV SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/011/3187/3193
AUTHORS Volkov, A. F.
ORGt Moscow Physicotechnical Institute (Noskovskiy fiziko-tokhnichoskiy inatitut)
TITLE: Waves in semiconductors with a negative differential roS13tanco
SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo telaq v. 8. no, 11, 19661, 3187-3195
TOPIC TAGS: semiconductortheory, shock wave, standing wave
ABSTRACT: The paper discusses waves which may propagate in semiconductors with a
negative differen-bal resistance. The shape and parameters of steady waves of finite
amplitude which arise as a result of the development of instability are determined,
and it is shown that an isolated travel-ling wave (domain) is produced in such systems
The shape and velocity of such a wave are calculated by means of a nonlinear treat-
ment. It is also shown that shock waves with an oscillating front-can be excited in
the media under consideration. The nonlinear analysis of the problem was undertaken
by V. L. Bonch-Bruyevich, whom the author thanks for affording him the opportunity tQ
familiarize himself with his work prior to its publication. The author is also sin-
cerely greateful to Ae A. Vedenov for.supervising the work and to D, A. Frank-
Kamenetskiy for discussing the results. Orig. art. hast 5 figures and 13 formulas.
SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DATEJ 25rob66/ ORIG REF1 0051 OTH REF8 oo6
~~I tile
in the5e vnivi were tiot. detd. dire-ctlt 'ti 111cir IWIf" flli-
lcntialsa re too cl,' < f- t~!f i,. zt. T-, U, I
t in iLinflef hy
(or anhyd. A1C1z-?,' and -.:u*"j"'finK the '31 j'A d;;'bLlkL.
to pol'troKmpLic b.1
1 III mid IV wac -1-4d. itt lil;v fivld,)n hy~analyziiig i1he
4 , Oirt:.Lgh
tvhb~-h III 1i ad lyxi
in -.1k. ~`cOlj-
.1 vr~i.kpd- in ~neth-l 1kc,-ni-att
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IyZpd I W-__'3 ilf"
A.G.NzAteva iriChI&O. bl?tlt ir.iCti-0135, Laken Irem 3 tx~tcru
'nrd k'~'(RarttIm Scl. Researrh inst, Cont Cbem.,
2 works. Since pulyiners prepd. frum IV by the,
71mr. Priklad, Ehirn_-20. W67-7
ICI,. )10-t. -r HISQ, ,-ere fQmA t,) be rither iuv.'t f~- 0;,:
,~e ~I) + najjhthrden~ (11) and
cf. C.A.A7, .1716i.-Styr Ug ~kctrt-l~ or cc, gi,, ittAgnifimnt vaiur- I,c
counwone (111) -r- indme pment in alkali-warbed M3
N basic meth(A w113.ndapted to stvidy the uuchati~~! 11
rcirlo" vlz"014) rractions (b. ,,,I tar Wcfe flru-~! relavl&15 fc".- --lich 'ttionct.
OJAI sem, ~,f 33u4NI in 7-lyly'
. from 5torag' C01114, ml L't ~"l ;i
hedi-vidual t,)-
Ow r(~Ultaflt p"I"Iner3 yi,-.,# 1, 1 i'sixd~'i"~' p'4'1f-
yram. Action -f hcat Oo pure inva"t 'M"
rv %Z-
80" - ita 16 lim 1
tu"i?~~tioa in .1 b". at I appro
iou in !,1; min- but ~M asg,t with Nr-
2.55, v-lymt6mf 'd itak
y Vol; of OTT
m Aklii--~-~if
T. Zid N,)64 ~Ar; I z5 Tnja -
97-831~,e of IV in 15 mit
xtrizel aH 61 Lite IV contai ed h a X31
(,;~tj polyn --ne
i. withirt 1', tnifi-; -Titis work shows tL-A important lc~s"
-_-1 A' -11'j~- (j) jhk
Adj6 prod~c';cqi of I&I -hit can cictor nr ti
IfiM --osit dvid (2)-flidificidifib The- ultef - -------
t '
r ty1
CA11 be. 'InInI
by fvtm
ii A. Ktytift
- ----- --- --
Apparatus for determininIg the initial stage of the spontaneous
combustion of coal in a caved-in mine area. Nauch. trudy
KITIUI no. 11sl52-155 t62. (MIRA 1777)
Automation of boilera operating on gas obtained duri,,,g the
degasification of a mine. Nauch. trudy KNIUI no. 1.1,242-253
,62. 0419-;, 1717)
Investigating the cnrisum-ption characteristic S of t,-:;ttIC-
control valves. Nauch. trudy K14JU-1 no.15-316-325 '64.
VCLYOV, Aleksandr Gavrilovich- IVANOV, A.K., inzh.., nauchnyy red.;
A.S., red. izd-va; FULIKEIA, Ye.A., tokhn. red.
[Planning organizational and technical measures in const--n-,c-
tion)Planirovanie organizatsionno-tekbnicheskikh rreropriiatii
v stroitel'stve. Leningrad, Gonstroiizdat, 1962. 93 p.
(MIRA 15:10)
(Construction industry)
BESPALOV, I.V., inzh * VOLKOV. AG,# inzh.; PEYSINq D.M.0 inzil.; PO-
RADNYA, A.I.: jdO-v3r-~-te'k'fi'n'-. nauk, prof.,Iretsenzent; KHDIUNIN,
S.D.p kard. tekhn. nauk, naycbmyy red.; RKYZ, M.B.p red. izd-va;
PULIMA, Ye.A., tekbn. red.
(Quality contr9l. of building operations] Kontroll kachestva
stroitelInykh robot. Leningradq Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit.,
arkhit. i stroit. materialam, 1961. 205 P. i(MIRA 14:8)
(Construction industry-Quality control)
Production of 0(-phenylethyl alcohol from the styrene fraction
of crude benzol. Zhur. prikl. khim- 33 no.9:2118-2121 S 16o.
(MIRA 13:10)
1. Urallskiy lesotekhnicheskiy i Vostochnyy uglekhimicheskiy
instituty. (Phenathyl alcohol)
PALEY, A.B., starshiy prepodavatell; VOLKOV, A.I.
New universal automatic device for weft straighteriing in
fabrics. Tekst. prom. 25 no.131:59-60 Mr 165. (YJRA 18:5)
1. Kafedra teoreticheskoy fiziki Ivanovskogo pedagogicheskogo
instituta (for Paley). 2. Starshiy inzh. laboratorii elek-
troprivoda i avtomatiki Spetsiallnogo konstrukTorskogo by-uro
po proyektirovaniyu. krasillno-otdelochnogo oborudovaniya
Verkhne-Volzhskogo Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva (for Volkov).
Modification of the JLcadir-G
Zav. lab. 31 no.8:1025 165.
VOLKOV, A.I., dotsent; MaCIMKO, P.A., inzh.
Connection to a plumb bob alignment by means of an isoceles
triangle. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no. 11:93-100
16o. (MMA 13:12)
1. Tomskiv ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnicheskiy
institut imeni S.M. Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy
marksheyderskogo dela Tomskogo politekhnicheskogo instituta.
(Mine su^rveying)
VOLKOV, A.I., doteent, kand. takhn.. nauk; MARCHENKO, P.A., inzh.
e-. ---- - *.
Graphic method of compiling mine survey-ing meps in projection,on
an inclined plane. Nauch. dokl. vye. shkolv; gor. delo. no-1:83-435
159. (MIRA 12:5)
1-Prodstavlena kafedrami Marksheyderskogo dela i geodezii Tomakogo
politekhnicheolcgo instituta.
(mine maps)
ANTONOVA, Lyudmila Alekonndrovnav VOLWV, Aleksandr Ivanovich, SINITSYN, N.A.,
red.; KOSAREVA. Te.H..
[Practires in introducing amendments to collective farm statutes]
Pralctika vneseniin, ismanonli v untnv7 kolkhozov. Nos ".a, Gos. izd-vo
iurid. lit-ry, 1958. 56 p. (MIRA 11:9)
(Collective fnrms)
70~y_,,. lq~pandr-jyanovich; KRASNOV, N.A. . red.
Nights and duties of the collective farms reproduction
intensification; based on the materials of the Plenum of
the Central Committee of the CPSU held in February 19641
0 pravakh i obiazannostiakh kolkhozov po intensifikatsii
proizvodstva; po materialam Plenums. TsK KPSS, sostoiav-
shegosia v fevrale 1964 goda. Moskva, IUridicheskaia li-
teratura, 1964. 61 p. (MIRA 17:11.)
VOLKOV Aleksar-dr Ivanoviel SITTANIKO, Ilikolay Ivanovich; COLUBKONA,
V.A. __a
,, red.; VAURAYASOVA, L.P., tekhn. red,
[Branch of a Siberian cedar] Vetv' sibirskogo kedra. Mo-
skva, Sovetskaia Hassiia, 1962. 359 P. (MIRA 17:3)
VOLKOV, A. I. - "Technical. Economic Substantiation of the Permissible Divergerce of
Meeting Stopes in Mining Operations." *(Dissertations for DeFees in Science an.-,'
Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions Min HigIv-r Education,
Tomsk Order of Tabor Red Banner Polytechnic Inat Imeni S. M. Kirov, Tomsk, 1955
SO: Knizhnava Letopis' No. 31, 3r July 1955.
*For the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences.
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Tb* 14filamrsice of the CO-P"tbm Of cuboo suel camb
on tb*Lt m"hankOf 1010"I'tWil. Val. A. Nckhmilzi
0 0
An "itsm". c4-4410 in *,. 11,41111 Olow# a
1*twm" % RIPI til"Oe strrngth III givi-n Ily the 0 0
an'lulm Ji 23 + I(N + Smu. it. W. k.
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vp tv IV IV t- at It it a tt it of n I An L S a r~ a 4 4 W W 1W .3 'a a WIG
o 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0
Citrated mare'a blood in the control of sterility. Vaterinariia
41 no.6-.93 Je 164. (MIRA 18t6)
1. Glavnyy veterinarnyy vrach Mogilevskogo proizvodstvennogo
upravlaniya (for Volkov). 2. Zaveduyunhohiy vol-lerinRrnoy
laboratoriyey Mogilevakogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniya (for
V G L K 0 V , J*l. . I'' .
ne-.1- 71'1- are. . :7~-" ne ` : ; ? . -7... -:; :- 1 - ~ , '_= --
I ; . 11- ~;- I I -, -,
1. -- - . . - I ~ - I. -- -1 - ~ Z: _: .
I,! - ~ lE :9 )
t 9f
Ilk M.Wr 6ft I A~vjh tA I A~tm f4. A /ct~rb I- I Zm~M'fkl T To f-'AT111"
Kosarev, A. I.;
ORG: none
SUB COD19: UR/iDO32/65/031/011/1416/1416
Kuznetsov, A. N.; ProniIn, A. T.; Volkov, A. 1.
TITLE: Clamping chuck for mechanical tests of thin-walled tubular specimens
SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 31, no. 11, 1965, 1416,
TOPIC TAGS: clamping chuck, metal test, test facility, hi8h temperature strength,
metal tube 4
ABSTRACT: High-temperature strengthtests Iof thin-walled tubular specimens involve
difficulties in attaching the specimens to the test machines. These difficulties
could previously be circumvented only by testing extra-long tubular specimens or
by welding special mounts onto the specimens. To obviate these difficulties, the
authors designed a self-centering chuck (Fig. 1) which makea it possible to test tu-
bular specimens of any length. The chuck consists of housing 1, three cone-shaped
bushings 2 with inclination angle of 4.5-5* and threaded inner surface, and connect-
ing sleeve 3 serving to tighten the hold on the specimen and cannect the chuck to the
testing-machine clamp. To enhance the rigidity of specimen 4, plug 5 is inserted over
the butt end of the specimen. Clamping chucks of this design have been used by the
authors in the tests of tubular specimens of VTI-1 titanium Alloy at the temperature
L 96N-66
Fig. I Clamping chuck
L 9684-66
ACC NR: AP5027473
of 4500C as well as of thin-walled aluminum-alloy tubes with diameter of 16 mm and
less, produced by cold pressing at normal and elevated temperatures. The pafr-s of
clampingilchucks for the testing of aluminum-alloy tubes may be made of 40KhJ;r
50 steels, and the bushings -- of tool steels, while the parts 0 chuc~!.,~for testing
tubes of heat-resistant'materials should beat be made of E1437Bt E19291chrome-
nickel alloys'. For tubes with similar outside diameters th-e-sFa-me clampinj chuck may
be used an merely replacing the bushings. Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
SUB COM l1,, 13/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIC RRF: 000/ OTH REP: 000
FIKHTOVNIKOV, R.V., doktor tekhn. nauk; VOLKOV, A.I.
Ex-plosive forming of sheet metal. Masbinostroitell no.11:22-25
N t64 (MIRA 18-.2)
VOLKOV, Aleksandr Ivanovich; YWELIYA140VA, V.G., red.; TIMOFMEVA, N.V.,
------- Uelchh-; -red-4- -- -- - - - - - - - --
[The rights and duties of collective faz---s in regard to the
development oftheir communal economy; based on materials of the
plenary session of the Central Committee of the CPSU in January
19611 0 pravakh i ob3azannostiakh kolkhozov po, raevitiu obshche-
stvennogo proizvodstva; po materialam ianvarskogo (1961 g.) Pler=a
TsK KPSS. Moskvay Gos. izd-vo iurid. lit-ry, 1961. 63 P.
(MIRA 14:9,)
(Collective farms)
VOLXOV, A.I., doteent; MARCHINKO, P.A., assistant
Instruments for making IwoJections on an inclined plazw.
Izv.vyo.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no-7;31-34 160.
(MIRA 13:7)
1. Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Xrasnogo Znameni politekhnicheakiy
institut imeni S.M.Kirova. Rekamendovans rauchnym oeminarom,
kafedr geodezii i marksheyderskogo del&.
(Mine surveying-Squipment and supplies)
Reclaiming the desert soils of the ancient delta of the Syr-Darya.
Izv.AIT Kazakh.SS.' pochv. no.3:3-17 158. (MI1U. 13-'5)
(Syr-Darya Valley--Agriculture)
Nature of disjunctive dislocations in Tertiary sediments of the
Kazym area in the Obt-Valley. Sov. geol. 2 no.5:149-152 My '59.
(MIRA 12-:8)
l.Tyumenskore territoriallnoy-e geologichesko7e upravleni".
(Kazym Valley--Geolog3r)
VqLKOV,. A. I.,_ kand. t ekb n. nauk
Determining the indices for the degree of investigation of a
deposit and errors of analogy by the method of Becond-order
differences. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; gor.zhur. no.6:9-13 '59.
MHA 13:4)
1. Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni politekhnichoskiy
institut imeni S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy markshoy-
derskogo dela i geodezii.
(Ore deposits)
- ft