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VOLIFLOVICH, Ya.Ye. I- Statistics of electrical injuries in*Switzerland d,=ing 1957. (from 'Bulletin SEVO, no.5, 1959). Prom.energ. 15 no.6:46-47 Je 116o. (MIRA 13:7) (Switzerland--Electricity, Injuries from) VOLIFKOVICII, Ya.Te. Hi& freqlIency generators (from "llectrical tines." no-3493s 1958). Avt.dor. 23 no.1:4,6-1+7 Ja 160. 041RA- 13:5) (Blectric generators) Vo f I SOV/94-58-11-16/?8 AUTHOR: TITLE: The Application of Computers for the Automatic Control of Continuous Production Processes (Primeneniye tsifrovoy vychislitellnoy mashiny alya. avtomaticheskogo upr&vleniya nepreryvnymi pro iz.,yo dstle~anymi protsessami) PERIODIC-41: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Nr 11, P 30 (USSR) ABST1L"4.CT: A brief note on ~'Unerican development taken from Mechanical Engineering 1958, Nr 3. There are 3 figures and 1 literature reference (English) Card 1/1 AUTROR: 7--,~01 1 fkoj~ich, S011/94-51 8-11 -15 /':' 8 TITLE: Magnetic Tool Holders (Magnitny)e der-zhateli dlya instrumentov) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Nr 11, P 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A brief note on a magnetic device installed on a conveyor for dipping tools in lacquer in use in General Electric, U.S.A. There is I figure and 1 literature reference (English) Card 1/1 S OV/94 -5 8 31 8 AUTHOR: Vollfkovich, Ya.Y*. TITLE: TtTr19'SV OF Semi-C-onductor Triodes as Frequency Convertors (Primenen.-".ye poluprovodnikovykh triodov v 'cachestve preobrazovatele-y chastoty) PERIODICA T: .Lj Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Nr llt P 30 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a brief note on articles published in Plant Engineering and Electric Light and Power on a frequency convertor for use with fluorescent lamps. There is'l figure and ? literature references (English) Card 1.1). AUTHOR: Vol SO-VI94-5 83-11-17/?1' TITLE: Electrical Accidents in Switzerland in 1956 (Neschastnyye sluchai v elektricheskikh ustanovkakh shveytsarii v 1956 g. PERIODICAL: Promysh7-ennaya Energetika, 1958, Yr 11, pp 31-33 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This note gives four 'tables on electrical accidents in Switzerland taken from the SeV bulletin 1958, Nr 5 with a brief commentary. There are 4 tables and 1 literature reference (French) Card 1/1 VOLFKOVICH, Ya.Ye. ~-f Z. iz~~ ~ ' Maintaining electric motors in operation d;uring short voltage dips (form "Plant. engineering,". no.6 1957). From. energ. 13 no.5: 30-31 MY '58. (MTRA 11:8) (Blectric motors) (Electric contactors) VCLIFKOVICH, YA &.,& Investigating the heating of equipment b7 means of -infrared photography (from "Plant engineering," no.12 1957). Prom. energ. 13 no-5:31-32 My- '58. (MIRA 11:8) .. (Photography, Infrared) Ta.Tm. . .Electrotrnumatiam in the Federal R.-puhlic of Germny (fron rETZ" A. no.16, 1957 nnd "Elektrizitiltswirtsebaft," no.l. 1958). , Prom. energ. 13 no.8:29-30 Agg '58. WIRA 11:10) . . (Germany, West-BlectriciTy. Injuries from) Yj 1 4 t VOLIFKOVICH. Ya.Ye., inzh. T- -!~ W - Radio-controlled hydroelectric power plant (from "Electrical Times,- 11 131 no.34ol 1957). Elek..sta. supplement no.6:31-33 N-D- 157. (MIRA 11:2) (Canada-Hydroelectric power stations) (Remote control) AUIUOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT-. AVAILABLE Vol'fkovich, Ya. Ye. 94-2-14/27 X.--toatic programming control of a rolling mill. (Av-tomaiicheskoyu programmnoye upravleniye prokatnym stanom.) Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol.13. No.2. pp.29 (US-ER) At Jones & Laughlin's Aliquippa Works (U.S.A.), an automatic. programming control equipment for a rolling-mill has been designed. This brief note is based on information given in an artic1d in "Westinghouse Engineer" 1957, No.l. nere is I literature reference (American). Libreary of Congress 1. Rolling mills-Control 2. Machine tools (Automatic) -Control Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Vollfkovich,Ya. Ye. 9-1-2-15/27 TITLE: Statistics about electrical accidents in Belgium in 1954. (Statistika neschastnykh sluchayev v elektriclieskildi ustanovk-akh Bellgii v 1954 g) PERIODICAL. Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol.13. No.2. pp.20-30 (US-M) ABSTIUCT This is a brief extract from a German article about electrical accidents in Belgium with relevant statistical tables, sub-divided to show the occupations of the persons injured, the number of accidents related to the output of electricity and the number of accidents per million population. In Belgium electrical accidents are fewer that in Western Germany and are decreasing, whilst the number in Western Germany is increasing. There are 3 tables and 1 literature reference (German). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Electrical accidents-Belgium-Tables Card 1/1 A(JT11OR: Vollfkovich, Ya.Ye 94-2-16/27 I - - i i electrical installations in TITLE; '--statistics on persona injuxies in Austria in 1952-55.. (Statisticheskiye damZrje o travmatizme v elelctricheakikh ustanovkaldi Avatrii za 1952-55 gg) PERIODICAM P~omyshlwinaya Energetika, 1958, Vol.13. No.2-, pp.30-31 (US--F,) ABSTIUCTE This brief note gives an account of an article in a German journals In Austria a large proportion of the accidents result from M carelessness. There is I table. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Electrical accidents-Austria-Tables Card 1/1 VOLInOVICH., Ya.Ye. Use of cables suspended from poles for electric pover distribution networks Vi'bm MM.-trical World," 152 no.24., -1959)o Promeenerg, 16 no,501 W 161. (MBA 14:7) (United States-Electric power distribution) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Yel. Now design of busbaro for workshop d1Btribution network& (fromm "'Plant Engineering," no.l., 196qj'and OPower Engineering.,O no.2, 1960). Prom.energ. 16 no.5:5-1654 W t61. 0-MA 14%7) (United States-Electric power distribution) AUTHOR: Vollfkovich.. Ya.Ye- 94-3-16/26 C.p.S. Induction Furnace (Induk'sionnaya TITLE: A Coreless 50 U pech' bez serdechnika na 50 gts) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol-13, 140-3, P-31 (USSR) ABSTRACT: T.'als article briefly describes an induction furnace installed at the works of International Combustion Ltd. in Derby, England. It is based on articles in "Electrical Times" and "The Engineer". There are 1 figure and 2 English references. AVAIIABLZ:. Library of Congress Card 1/1 AUTHOR: Vol"Lkoirich, Ya. Ye 94-3-17/26 TITIE: The Control of Induction Motors by means of Saturating Chokes (Regulirovaniye asinkhronnykh dvigateley pri pomoshchi drosseley nasyshcheniya) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol-13 -No".3 pp. 31 - 32 ~USSR).' ABSTRACT: This short article describes a method of controlling induction motors by saturating chokes connected in series with the stator or the rotor. It is based on an article in "Power Apparatus and Systems". There is 1. English reference. AVAIIABIE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Yo., inzh. Using rcckets in the construction of electric lines. Energokhoz. za rub. no.5:46-47 S-0 159. (MRA 13:2) (Zrigland-Electric lines) VOLIFKOVICH, YA.Ye., inzh. The 46 kv substations with aluminum structures. Znergokhoz. za rub. no.5:47 S-0 159. OURA 13:2) (United States--Electric substations) - VOL;FKOYICH, Ta.Ye.,Inzh. Devices for use with rnekets in the United States. Rmergokhoz. za rub. no.4:43-44 JI-A,-160. (MIRA 13:10) (United States-Rockets(Aeronautics)) (United States-Welding-Equipment end supplies) VoLtFKOvICH. Ta.Ye.,inzh. -------- Stati-C-13rotective relaY. Znergokhoz. za rub. no.4:45-46 JI-Ag 160. (AM 13: 10) (United States-Blectric protectioti) (Alectric relaya) ball re 'lays (from 'Electrotechnische Zeitsch-rift 18," no-9. 1959). IRrome energ. 15 no.9:48-49 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) (United Sta.tes--Xectric rela7s) VOL'FKOVIC14, YaJe. Use of t~e slipparge power of re-0-ulated asynchronous motors (from "Electrical Times," no.3549 39-10). Prom. energ. 1.5 no.!J-L~8 N 16o. (1111RA 14:9) (Electric motors) VOL'FKOVICH, Ya.Ye, Automatic: control of fuel. oil operated water-heating boilers (from "Modern Power and Eng-ineerinv," no.11 1959). Prom energ. 15 no.11:48-.49 N 16o. (MIfLk 14: 9) (Water beaters) (Automatic control) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya,,Ye,. Use of.e4dy current3 in the quality control of the Droduction of m.tallic objects. Prom. energ. 16 no.8:45-46 Ag Id. (MIRA 14:9) (Automatic control) (Electric currents, Eddy) VOL I FKGVIGH,_La. Ye,,_ Device for measuring small displacements (from "Modern Powor and Eugineering,," UO.4,, 1960). Prom.energ. 16 no.10:43-44 0 161. (KtRA 14:10) (Electric transformers) VOLIFKOVICH., Ya,,Ye. 7L: I Magnetic meter for measuring the consumption of fluids witb.- . W4gh and low electric conductivity (from "Control Enginaering,n no.12, 1959)..- Prom.energ. 16 no.7:50-51 Jl 161. (MIRA 15:1) (Magnetic instruments) . (Flowmeters) , VOLIFKOVIGH t--~ Use of radioactive isotopes for locating leaks in pipelines (from "Plant Engineering",, no.3 1960). Promienerg. 16 no.11:51-52 N 161. (MRA 14:10) (Pipelines) (Radioactive substances-Industri&L applications) VOLIFKGVICII New nox-j on electric Lighting in the United States (from "Phmt Engineering,," no.9 1960). Pre-a.energ. 16 no.13:52-53 11 161. (MIRA 14.10) .(United States-Electric l4fhting) VOLIFKOVICHI X4.110. Regulate -T.--c. drive with static equipment (from, "Plant Engineering," no.3 1960). 11'romoenerg. 16 no.11:53 N 161. OUIRA 14:10) (Electric motors, Direct current) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya:.Ye. Braking device for obtaining 11creepingn speeds in -the Mot4on Of crane hooks (from "Modern Power and Engineering," no,.3 1959)'. Pram. energ.-15 no.7:55 JI 160. (MIRA 1~.-1) (Canada-Electric cranes) VOLIFKOVICR, Y?kje~_-, Bus conductors for electric distribution networks in shops (from "Plant EAgineering," no.4 1961). Prom.energ. 17 no.4:43-45 Ap 162. (KMA 15:4) (United States-Bus conductors (Electricity)) VOLIFKCVICHP Ya.Ye. Transmission of gas meter readings using telephone lineB'(f.ram "Control-Sngineering," no.11 1960). Prom.energ. 17 no.4:43 Ap 62. (MM 1524) (United States-Telemetering) .. . VOLIFKOVICH, .0r Portable radio systems for two-way radio communication 4r. a fact y (from "Plant Engineering," no-5 1-961). Prom.energ. 17 no.4.-.45 Ap 162, - (MMA - 1.5 -.4) (United States-Factories-Communication systems) VOLTKOVICH, Ya.Ye. ---.) . .. -I---.----------.- - ----- Dispatcher control of repair operations in a large factory (from "Plant Engineering," no.3, 3161). Promonerg., 17 no./+t-42-43 (MIRA 15W Ap v62. - (United States-Airplane industry and trade) ' I A static electric motor starting device (from "Automatic Control," no.11 1961). Prom.energ. 18 no.2&/+2 F 163. (MIRA 1612) (Unitetd.Sta'tes-Eleotrio motors-Starting devices) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Ye. I . Machinery and au'i6matic equipment of storage facilities of la*t industrial. enterprises (from nMechanical Engineerin ," no.2 1962). Prom.energ. 18 no.2s42-43 F 163. %M 16:2) ' . (United States-Electric equipment industry) VOLIFjWVICH,, rajo. A new system for supplying electric power to roller conveyer motors (from "BBC Mitteilungen," nos..Il and 12 1961). Prom. energ. 18 no.lt4l-42 Ja 163. (KRA 16:4) (Electric driving) (Rolling mills-Electric driving) VOLIFKOVICH Yaje. 11 Block-type pipe panels for hydraulic pipelines (from RFUnt Engineering," no.4, 1962). Prom.energ. 18 no.1:42 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Hydraulic fluids) VOLIFKOVICH Ya *Ee- Injuries from electricity in Austria'In 1960. Prom energ. 18 no.1:42-43 Ja 163. RRA 16W (Austria-Electricity, Injuries from) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Ye,. Magnetic method for sha5ing metal objects (from "Mchanical Engineering," no.2 1862 . Prom.energ. 18 no.4239-40 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Metalwork) (Magnetic fields) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Ye. Magnetic aaketing of shafts, (from "AEI Engineeering", no.2 19621. Prom.energ. 18 no.4238 Ap 163. (MIRA 1634) (Shafting) VOLIFKOVICH, Ye.Ya. Electrostatic motor (from "Electrical Journal, " no.9 1962). Prom.energ. 18 no-408-39 Ap 163. (MIRA 1624) (Electric motors) VOLIFXOVICHI Ya*Ye. I~lectostatic clamps for holding components during (from "Direct cu-rrent,* no.1 1961). Prom. energ. (Machine tools-Equipment and a awchimin process 17 no.8:39-40 Ag 162. (MIRA 16-4) supplies) - VDLIFKUVICII, Ya.Ye. Electrical heating of the control room of a substation b7 cables under the floor. From. energ. 17 no.8-.40 Ag 162* (~ahA 16--4) (Electric substations Heating and ventilation) VOLIAOUG11, Ya.Ye. Reve,raing of singlew#ase asynchronous motors b-y mr-Itching P-'Mses (from *Electrical EngAwaring," no.1 1961). Prom. energ. 17 no.8:1*0 Ag 16?. (Electric motors, Induction) (~aRA 16:4) VOLIFKOVICH, Ya.Y(.,. Brushle.'13 electric mDtor with transistor commtation~ Prom. 19 nc),8:42,-43 Ag 164. energ. . IndustrIal aul',omatic 1-1,rotec-Lion devices. Ibid.:43-44 (M-IRA 17:11) VOLIFMAN, I.J. nauchnyy sotradnik Poured window casements made of water-resistant gypsum. Sell. stroi. 18 no.5--19-20 My 163. (MIRA 16: 6) 1. Krasnodarskiy filial Nauchno-issledovateliskogo instituta, sells'kogo stroitellstva. (windows) SAVOYLOV, M.,h. kand. f,eklhn. ritiuKi ,-7.h. 9 L . .1 -1 .__x n,~. ~,- - C,: Self-ixrjfu=tJnp u-~Lr. !- si e ~; - - '.. o , 5-0 '652, (R--, -',,i 1;~ ~ 9 1 KOM,IENLTY, Karoly, dr.; (Budapest, VIII., 1-fuzeum korut 4/b);' SOHAR,, Pal, dr.(Budapest, VII., Rottenbiller u. 26); V9~M-RD,,-JAnQs. (Budapest, XIV., Telepes u. 53) Heterocyclic spiro compoi)i Lq. 1-2. Acta chimica Hung 39 no,,1:93-128 163. 1. Department of Organic Cnemiatry, L. Eotvos University, Budapost, and Research Institute of PluLrmaceutical Industry, Budapest, and Isotope laboratory, Manufacturing Company for Fine Chemicals, Buv'; I est. MUMMY, Karoly (Budapeast VIII., lbazeum korut 4/b); VO.1-41F-ORD., Janos . (Budapest. VIII. , Msizei= korut 4/b) The product fcrmed from 11-bro-aoethylphthalimide on the effect of alkali.. Acta chinica Hung 32 no,1:115-120 162, 1. Institut fur Organische Chemie der L. Eotvos Univeroil-at, Budapest. KORIE.IrMY, Karoly (Budapest VIII., Muzeum korut 4/b); VOLFORD, Janos .. . (Pudapest VIII., IA~um korut 4/b) Data on the reactions in polyamine s~mtheses with phthaliminoalkyl haloids. II. Formation of phthalamide. Acta chimica Hung I- 32 no.1:121-127 162. 1. Institut fur Organische Chemie der L. Eotvos 'Universitat, D-idapest. 1% Val V, -4 c th! of ch..t.-n 0: -Lc C-2r. or ry"' Cr.'_C ~.d c.: Cal 3!, 11.. .1. S C 0 7 Hazard of Ltyr~no in U.,j Pro.uctlr,.. of Gltizz L~.In4tc~." 'w"co' ?ai:o ~r of th, of cl'~' M-1 of or 'f of %h~ ry;I-1c rr- of 1:azz.-d c,f 6%r-.. In t.. of Gl~*~ '-a Loard of Ch%imcn of H,%icnic 1:,trk, cmpr.~~d of t.~ '..s. "_-Ic of K,rlov Ur_'~or.ily, Pr&_- L.I. d -.;Jh t.. r,;.rt-nt of F-j:icn~ of th. ~q_~ .a. ..,d sttion UN`V hl. . C?_;~ pr~_d. attat Co-"Twor of "Tae Hazard of 5tyrang in th. Froductio~ of Glans Lminatc3," S=rc., F.j:. ;41. wpe, c .ant of -z -3Lr,! of of HYC14c.r.1c 1.*Grk, no d 0: tha FLc~-_,Lr of Xarlwl 'so zM111'a'"d it),. t'nu :~'Partmcnt f F of th. u4 ILI, lolc,:Ical -7 hl. .. Z? .pid ~ t Icr. U!, Co-&uthor of -.'ho Hazard of In the Produc~ion ci Glass Lavdr.~t-," Sourco, nre 541. FODDANA, B.; 1401AM, V. ; BILEK, J.-~ VOLF~(~Y~;, F. The effjc:t of comDression treatment cn pain in leg u7lce-rs. Cesk. derm. 40 no.5:322-325 0 165. 1. 1. dermato-venarologicka klinika fakulty vseobecneho I.ekarsZ;-r:L Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J., DrSc.). HOL.0, V.; MIKA, J.; VOLFOVA) F. Clinical experiences with a new modified bandage wi-~', sponge C in crural ulcer. Cesk. derm. 39 no.5:304-314 3 1611~. 1. 1 dermato-venerologicka klinika falulty vseobecneho lekarstvi Karlovy University v Praze (prednosta prof. dr. J. Konopik, DrSc.). HOLAN, Vladimir; technicka spoluprace VOI -)VA, Frantiska Panction of a sponge in dressing the leg. Cesk. derm. 36 no.7:430,-448 '61. 1. 1 dermatovenerologicka klinika KU v Praze, yrednosta prof. MDr. -Tan Koncipik, Dr. So. (LEG wds & inj) (BILNDAGES) VOU'OVA, Jarmlla .1 1 . 6- , I Macrofauria of the G~Dntral ?a1cog6rc, fjf'PVirr- Slriv k !~ Prace 6.303-97 162. 1. Geologicky ustav G.Stura, Bratislava. C Z E'C 17, 0 S L OVA lo' !A D. E. J. ; VOLTO J,; Psycaiatric CI-L ~-'-c, 7 -alt- of '-1-oneral Univorsity (2s- caiatric.:,a ;,,-t - ' - ' -1 ' U 'ri KU F w V2eobec,-.c-:;'ao Le' a stvi Frap-,ue; syc r.- a - c Kra.1-sIcy InStitut-c; o-'-' Public Healt~i, K'raj of Central 53'oliemia P:M,-,Z StredocenIceno Kraje), Prague; Psych.-Laturic Flospit-al Lecebna), Horni Ber1covice. Con,,-.~~c,'Ged wit~~ '*:entai Dosorders. Pra--ue., trio., Vol 62, No 5, Oct 66, pp kbs'-,ract aac.-I-sh. summary -miodified,7: Threc cases of ara,c anoda2t-ylia -.-ritu~-, psycl-lic alteration are described. 'I "c i e proble-m of a cc--.nectior. between developmental diS;turbFnces of sucIri type and di-sturbarices of nental functions occurrinr7 taneously are diocuc:~ed. 11,To references. (Mani.s cript roceived 10 Sep 65). VOLVOVA, V. Dr. DVORAK. L., Dr.,-, KOUDWXA, Zd., Dr.; VOLFOYA, V.,Dr.; RXIZS, 0..Dr.; DVORAIKOVA:, M., Dr. Affect of carbonic bathe in spa on hypertension, Can. lek. cook. 93 no.28:753-764 9 July 54. 1. Z III interni kliniky, prednoeta prof. Dvorak, lKoudelka. D7orakova) 2. Z Noveho ustavu v Podebradech, prim. Dr. V.Volfova (UPARMSION, thorn" *carbonic baths) (IIALUOLOGY. in various diseases *carbonic biLths La hypertension) dr. X.Charrat (for vysetrovaciho a lee. u (for Volfova, R6iZB) "4 o 6 v ttx-e3~ iuvol. Vera, KJDr.; REISZ, Ondrej, MUDr. Notes on therapy of hypertansion with reserpine (sermazil). Cas. lek.ceek. 54 no.20:527-533 13 May 55- 1. Z IL lazensks lecebrq Co. statnich laznt v Podebradech, pri- marks, MUDr Verr Volfova. (HTPERTRUSION, therapy, rmserpine) (RA:UVOLFIA. AJKADDIDS, thar. use, reserpine in hypertension) VOLIPOVICH, I., inzh.; KIRILLOV, N., arkhitektor. Plans for 1-440 and 1-441 of one-family houses. Gor. i sell stroi. no.12:21-23 D 157. 0411RA 11:2) (Architecture, Domestic--Designs and plans) ',~-VOLIFOVICH, S. - Why is the Division of Technical Control too big? Sots.trud. no.11: 107- 109 N 056. OaaA 10: 1) 1. Nachallnilc OOT zavoda imeni K.Idbknekhta, Dnepropetrovsk. (Dnepropetrovsk--Steel industry-Production -Standa:-ds)_ VOLIFOVSKAYAq F.S.v dotsent Welding in the repair of rolling stock. Zhel.dor.traM-3p. 43 no.3t/,9-50 W 161o OMIRA. 14:3 ) (Electric locomotives-Muintenance and repair) (Welding) t-4 1; USSR/Oginearing - Welding, Methods Jan 52 "New iWthod for Arc Welding of Cast Iron," K.K. Khrenov, Act Mem Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, F.S. Vollfovska:ya, Engr "Avtogen Delo" No 1, PP 3-6 Describes method of carbon arc welding without direct action of are on base metal. Discusses expta V-x using various welding rods, including copper, bronzes and Ni-Gu alloy, 2-layer welding with.formation of steel working surface, methods for testing welded joints, etc. Advantages of R12TIl method: complete elimination of chilling effect in welded zone of cast iron, absence of hard inclusions in weld and high strength of joint. S0V--l 25-, 58-9- 1-3/1-4, AUTHOHs Vol~fovskaya, F,S., Voskoboynik, E.Z., and Garkavi, Ya.N., TITLE: Investigation of Causes of Crack Formation in Locomotive Re- movable Wheel Rims During IManual Welding of Local' Wear ',Vith `U-340-PB1-- Electrodes (Issledovaniye prichin poyavieniya treshchin v bandazhakh lokomotivov pri ruchnoy naplavke me-stnogo izncsa elektrodami U-340-PB) PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1958, Nr 9, PP 93-98 (USSR) ABSTRACT-~ Experimental welding tests on worn out loccmotive wheel rimma were performed with the use of "U-340-PB11 electrodes at the locomotive depot of the Nizhnedneprovsk junction, according to technology developed by TsNII MPS. Experimental in- vestigation of stresses in wheel rims, to determine the causes of crack formation in welding, and metallographic and chemical analyses of the rim specimens are described. It was stated that the built-up metal content was different frcm that prescribed by TsNII MPS, in particular with rega_rd to manganese ooncentration, and it was assumed that one of the causes for crack formation in the built.-up metal was -.Ile chemical heterogeneity with respect to manganese,, It is etan- Card 1/2 eluded that the lised electrodes do not ensure the optimum SOV-'L2--5P--9-I.z/-: A Investigation of' Causes of Crack Formation in Locomotive Removable 7[hee:_ .Rims During Manual Welding of Local Wear Vlith "U-340-PB" Electrodes chemical composition of the built-up metal and red-ace the quality of welding. There are _51 graphs., 2 microphotos and 4 Soviet referencea. ASSOCIATION, Dnepropatrovskiy institut inzhenerovzhele3nodorozhnogo trans- porta (Dnepropetro-rak Institut6 of Railroad Transport En- gineer3) SUBMITTED: March 23, 1958 1. Locomotives--EqiApment, 2. Steel--Fracture 3. Weld=g--Test reaults 4. Electrod,~-s--Applications Card 2/2 r, j 7OLIFOTfS7.AAT,A._j.-, P=E-1107, K. I "New Method for Are Welding of Steel", Tr. from the Russian, P. 33, (RATSIOITALIZATSIIA, Vol. 3, No. 10/11, Oct./Nov. 1953, Sofiya, 'Bulgaria) SO: Monthly L'Ls t of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, * Vol. 3,. No. 12, Dec. 1954, Unc-L. - 70LIFOVS ".A,- F.; nRENOV, 7. "Thematic Plan for Rationalization Work in Agricult,iral Enterprises", P. '16, (RATS IONALIZATS I IA, Vol. 3, No. 10/11, Oct./Nov. 1953, Sofiya, 'Rul---ria) SO: Monthly List of East Euxopean Accessions, (FEAL), LC, Vol. 3. i10. 12, Dec. 1954, Incl.. ACC NR: AP7002442 SOURCE CODE: UR/0219/66/000/012/0056/00518 AUTHOR: Braynin, E. I.; _Yol'fovsk,*qya, M., Kremer, R. A. ; Krasnenko, Ye, G. Khmelf. G. P. 1 1, Giproninclaktroshalcht, ORG: Makeyevskiy Metallurgical Works (Giproniselaktroshakht, Makeyevskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod) TITLE: Not hardness of the deposited layer of different materials SOURCE: Metallovedeniye L terinichaskeya obrebatka metallov, no. 12, 1966, 56-68 TOPIC TAGS: high temperature coating, high temperature alloy, hardness, annealing ABSTRACT: Bars and plates of type 45 steel were coated with 10 different materials by automatic welding on a U2 machine operating at 500 a, 28-30 v. a feed rate of 100 m/hr, under an AN-20 type flux. The coating thicknesses were 6 and 10 mm correspond- ing to either. two cn-four welding passes. After coating, samples measuring 45 x 45 x x 45 an were cut for hot. 1-!;r4ness testing. Hot hardnesses, were obtained at tempera- tures, ranging frou 20 to 6500C on a Rockwell instrument by using a conical indenter and measuring the imprestsion at room temperature. The samples were also tempered at temperatures ranging fr4xn 300 to 6500C and tested for hot hardness at the same tempera- tures. The relative ein-or in mi-easuring the impression nas 1%, while the temperature of hot hardness teating did not vary by more than 150C. The chemical compositions of UDC: 621.791.92:620.178.152.342.42 Card 1/2 ACC NR:' AP7002442 the coating materials are given; these were high temperature steels containizg ragn carbon contents (0.72-3.10%) and alloyed with Si, Mn, Cr, W, Ni, V, and Ti. Hot hard- ness data were given as a function temperature, before and after tempering, fo-:- the 6 and 10 m-n coatings. At 200C all of the materials had a high hardness (R c 50-60). As the temperature 'incre as ed the hardness decreased, especially at about 5000C. 7he hard-I ness value above 5000C was an indication of tl~a red hardness of the coating Materials.1 After tempering, some materials such as 5Kh4V3FT, 5Kh4V3FTs, U20Khl7T, and U20Knl7Tl dropped in hot hardness to as low as 32-40 R at 6500C., The two st ,eels U30Kh25N4S4V8 .C and U25Kh23X4S3G were the most resistant to tempering. The following are listed in decreasing order of hot hardness and tempering resistance: U30Kh25N4S4V8. U25Kh23N4S3G, 3Kh2V8, Khl2vr, U20Khl7Tl, U20Khl7T, 5Khl7T, 5Kh4V3FT,-SKh4V3rTs, and 5Kh4V3F. Orig. art. he-is: "22 tables. SUB CODE: 11/ SUBII DATE: none/ ORIG FEF: 002 Card 2/2 BAZHENOVA, K.M., dots.; VOLIFOVSKAYA, R.N., dots.; GARVIN, Leonid Iosifovich, dot5.;"XA1XS11NIKOV' B.P., Prof.; K"IMIDSKIY, A.A., prof.; LZVIff,'G.Z., prof.; WPOTIT-r,, i.A., prof.; PARIYSKAYA, T.V.p kand. med. naulc,- ROZOESTVENSKIY, V.I., doktor med. nauk; ROMANOVSKAYA, V.K.; TUR, A.F., prof.; KHVILIVITSKIY, T.Ya., prof.; KHROMOV,B.M., prof.; SHRAYBER, M.G., prof.; DYACHENKO, P.K., red. (Manual for the physician on emergency and first aid] Sp.,a- vochnik vracha skoroi i neotlozhnoi pomoshchi. Izd.2., Ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Meditsina, 1965. 355 p. (MIRA 18:4) jc..,_MXULOVA, I.D.. GRINMG, A.V., GRATSIANSKAYA. L.N.,-VQV,RQV5X ROXMSVIT, G.7-, ELI M, M.A., LIEHAREVA. Y-I. 10ccupntionhl diseases,, a manual for physicinns," edited by.A.A. Imetavet. Reviewed by A.V. Grinberg and others*' Gig.truda i prof. zav. 2 no.4:58.-61 JI-Ag '58 (Mnu 11:9) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) (LETAVET, A.A.) VOLIFOVSKA'~Aj R.N.,; OsIpOV, Yu.A.,; KOLYPI)'A, T.V.; . . --'-KIZIKOVSKAYA., Ye.L.;-ASANOVA, T.P.; SHCHEGLOVA, A.V., Combined effect of a high-frequency field and X-rays iander industrial conditions. Gig. i san. 26 no-5:18-23 MY 161. (14IRt, 15:4) 1. 1z Laningradskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professionallny-kh zabolevaniy. (ELECTRICITY--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFVECT) (X RAYS--PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES--HYGIENIC ASPECTS) VOLIFOVSI'-jkYA, Rcza Natuanov-na; FETROV, A.14., red. [Pre 1-1. ad-riary am Leriwaical examinations of wc.-ke.----, vavitellWxe i periodicheskie meditsinskie osmotry ralbcchi'~.IL. [Leningrad, Meditsina, 1964. 129 p. (MIRA 17:0 OSIPOV, Yu.A., kand. med. nauk; V-IOLIFOVS.KAYA, R.N., kand. med. na-ak; ASPIIOVA,- T.P., kand. Tied. nauk; KULM07SKAYA, Ye. L., starshly inzhener; KAMADA, T.V., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik,- SHCIFEGLOVA, A.V., kand. med. nauk, Combined effect of a high frequency magnetic field and X-ray radiation in industry. Gig. i san. 28 no.605-39 Je'63. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Iz Leningradskogo instituta gigiyeny truda i professicnall- nykh zabolevanly. ARKHANGELISKIT, P.Ye., inzhener; ARKRIPOV, P.P., inzhent3r; VASII:C'V, M.P., agronom; ZHMUDSKIY, D.A., arkhitektor; IVANOV, A.F., arkhiteeor; KIBI- REV, SIT.., arkhitektor; KRYWV, N.V., inzhener-arkhitr--kzc,r; M-J-JY-OV' D.V., 4rkhitektor; MARTYNOV, F.F., inzhener; HIKIFOROV, Y.S., inzhoner; NOSKOVI B.G., arkhitektor, PETUKHOV, B.V.. kandidat tekhr-Acheskikh nauk; RUDANOF, M.L., kandidat tekhnicheakildi nauk; RYAZANOV, V.S., kandidat arkhitaktury; S01HIANICIDW, U.S., inzhener-arkhitektor; TAUSOV, D.I., arkhi~lektor; SHMIDT, N.E., kandidat arkhitaktury: KHOMUTOV, Ye.Ye., arkhi Ictor; VOLIFOVSKAYAJ.H., rodaktor; FEDOTOVA, A. F., tektiniche- ak: daktor. [Handfook on the construction of farm buildings] Spravochnik po sel'sko- -:mu stroiteltstva. Avtorakii kollektiv: P.E.Arkhangel'skii khazfi:,tv ,:,nn i dr ost. H.V.Krylov. Mo7ikva, Gos.izd--7o sellkhoz.lit-ry. Vol-3 1955 843 P. (Farm buildings) MRA 9:6) KGROLZY,Georgiy Osipvvich, glavnyy inzhoner; FAVLOV, Mikhail Androyevich; uI,#r0UKA_X4,,.~, redaktor; FIMRSYPKIIU, %.D., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Over-all mechanization of harvesting; experience in Stavropol Territory] Kompleksnaia mekhanizateiia uborki; opyt Stavropollskogo krata. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 118 p. (KLRA 9:11) 1. Zamestitell nachallnika Stavropollskogo krayevogo upra-rleniya (for Pavlov) 2. Stavropollakre krayevoye upravlenlya (for Korolev) (Stavropol' Territory-Harvesting machinery) 1-- - - - .- -- Ia - jj1jj1mjm~~ -1 VOLOD110, Ivan Yomich; DOBROVOLISKIY, N.Y.; XASHHKOV, L.Ya.; PA,3AJNKOV. U.N. TOLOYOVSKAYA V.U.. rfedaktor; DUBROVSKIY. V.A., redaktor; SOKOLOVA, redaktor [Construction of driven wells] Stroitel'stvo trubchatykh kolodtoev. Moskva. Goa. izd-va salkhoz. lit-ry, 1956. 175 P- (MLRA6 9:8) (Wells)) GIMHANOV, S.V.-, M4KAROYEV, P.G.; VOLIPOVSKATA, V.N., redaktor: FBTHUSHKO, Te.l., tekhnjchedkfy-j~~&&e -e-4 [Progressive practices in tractor repairiaf] Peredovoi opyt remonta traktorov. Moskva, Goa. lzd-vo sel skokhoz. lit-ry. 1954. 101 p. (MLRA 7:12) (TractorB--Repairing) AWL 0111j"imasm W!II= - YALOVENKO, Fedor Ivanovich; KRYUKOV,V.L., redaktor; VOLIPOVSKAYA,V.1f., J_~ bt ! Z- 7- -_ redaktor; GURNVICH,H.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktdl__~ - [Maintenance work on a round-the-year schedule] Remont po kruglo- godovo-.Yu grafiku. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1955. 31 P. (MLRA 9: 3) (Agricultural machinery--Repairing) I IFA~ - - i KRYWT, Hikolay Vitallyevichi ITOSKOT, B.G., opetere-d.; VOLIrOTWAYA60 V.N. 0 red.; NIKITINEk. V.M., redo'; GORIKOTA, Z.D., [Concise manual on agricultural construction] KriLtkii Erpravochnik p0 sellskokhosiaistvonnomn stroitellstvn. Moskm, Goo. izd-ro, aellkhoz, lit-ry, 1958. 599 pe' (MIRA 11SO (Construction industry) (Farm buildiiigs) KVASHA, A.S.; VOLIFO'ISKIYj_,Cj Selecting nonstatiorviry fur,-1 sourcs-;iv. for the heatlnr~, batteries. Koko'-:L khim. no.7:28-31 165, 1. KoksokhImstantsiya. LIKHOGUB, Ye.P.; VOLIFOVSKrY, G.M. Effect of the recirculation of combustion productij on the heating of coal charges. Koks i khim. no.l.-24-27 162. (MIRA 15t2) 1. Koksokhimstantsiya. (Coke) KAFTAN, S.I.;,VOLIFOVSICIY, G.M. Automation of air feeding to coke ovens. Kolkdki khim. no.2:29-30 164. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Koksokhimstantsiya. VOLIFOVSKIY. G.M.; MIPATICIM, R*K.; IVANOVI A.I. -- - I Regulation of M. ovens equipped with separate regenerators in the course of heating with coke gan. Koks i khim. no-11:25-29 '60. (KUAA 13:11) I. Kokookhimstantsiya. (Coke ovens) r. mm~HjRj;w I JIMIMMOWWWAM KAFTAN9 S.I.;_YOLIFOIISKIY9 G.M. Heating the coebustion flues of coke-oven -Wops. Koks i 1-,'hi- no-4:26-31 161. (KIRA 14:3) 1. Koksokhimstantsiya. (Coke ovens) TSEYTLIN, L.A.; TARASOVA, T.Ye.; KVASHA, A.S*;,YO,LIFOVSKIYI G.M.; SHARCHILEV, V.I.; SAKOVSKIY, D.Ya. Using gunite paste with a phosphate binder base for the hat repairing of coke ovens. Koks i khim. no.7:33-36 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledo*vatellskiy institut ogneuporov (for TSeytlin, Tarasova). 2. Koksokhimstantsiya (for Evasba., Vollfovskiy). 3. Kharlkovskiy koksokhimicheskiy zavod (for Sharchilev). 4. Gosudarstyannaya inspektciya po sluzhbe i kachestvu ogneuporo,7 (for Sakovskiy). (Coke ovens-Maintenance and repair) (Gunite) KRIVORUCHKO, Semen C'emenovich;-,VOLIFOVSKIY, G.M., otv. red.; LIFERM , S.S., red. izd-va; ANDREYIN, S.F., tekhn. red. [Individual and crew training of the mason in the refractory laying of coke ovens] Kamenshchik ogneupornoi kladki kokoso- vykh pechei; dlia individuallno-brigadnogo obucheniia rabo- chikh. bloskva., Metallurgizdat, 1961- 216 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Coke ovens) I VOLIFOVSKIY_L_ G-1~-,_ IVANOV, A. I. Distribution of coke-oven gas along oven walls in a double gas fitting system foradmission of heating gases. kka i khim. no.8:21-24 16o. (MIRA 13!8) 1. ~17-,)ksokhimstantsiya. (Coke ovens) L 4~o8q_66 E'A'T ( m, t ) /E T Ilip(c) JH/JD ACC M: AR6014365 SOURCE CODE: 0./0137/65/000/011/dO29/GO29 AUTIHOM: Shavtsov, M. A.; Vollfovskiy, G. S. -7 TITLE: Selection of efficient enargy carriers for smalting of aluminum alloys SOURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. lIG212 REF SOURCE: Elektrotermiya. 11auchno-toklin. sb., vyp. /,J,, 1965, 38-41 TOPIC TAGS: induction furnace, metal malting, aluminum alloy A13STRACT: The work carried out at VNII ETO has shown that the savings realized in the smelting of Al in induction furnaces is 5 million rubles par 1 million -alloys (higher quality, smaller nonreplaceable losses). It is there- tons of Al fore recommended that the reflecting type furnaces bo replaced with electrical crucible type induction furnaces in all fuluro and presently operating smaltors. The necessity of planning in obtaining ingots of a given chemical composition in i induction furnaces by the use of liquid electrolyzer charge in pointed out. V. Semakin L.IL-anslation of abstract7 SUB CODE: 1*3 Card 1/1 U EG it, VOLIFOVSKIY M I podpolkovaik, voyennyy sliturman pervogo klaosa; MOSHAROV., P.V.., podpolkovnik., voyennyy shtinman pervogo klassa F x1ight with a variable profile. Vest.Vo2d.Fl. no.7-38-40 J1 161. - (MIRA 14:8) (%vigation (Aeronautics)) VOLIFOVSKIT6 0.1. Conference of physicians serving in psychoneurological institutions and psychiatric hospitals of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Zhur.nerr.1 psikh. 54 no.3:280-281 Mr '54. (MLRA 7-4) (Ukraine-Psychiatry) (Psychiatry-Ukraine) KOVAIENKO.9 P.I. .9 St. nauchi. sotr.j, red.; STEPANLINKO, O.R.1 St. nauchn. sotr. red.; LTTVAK. L.B., zasl. devatell nauk-i .1 prof . , red ~1~041 FC'V*5KiY ia.T., lzcts.p rird, G.L., red. [Problems of the control of alcoholism; lecturer's aid] Voprosy bor'by s alkogolizmom; v pomoshchl lektoru. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Kiev, Zdorcvlia, 1964. 92 p. (MIRA 18-1) 1. Kharkoly, Ukrainslkyi derz1own-yi psykhonevrologlohriyi insty-tut. GUTYUK, T.G.; VOLIFOVSKIY, V.D. - - Surger-j on the heart with incom~A`eta suturing of the pericardlum. Zdrav. Kazakh. 16 no-8:39-40 156. (HIRA 10:1) 1. Iz khirurgicheakogo otdeleniya Dolinskoy tsentrallnoy bollnitsy Karagandinakoy oblasti (glavnyy vrach - L.I.Garnitskeya) (MURT--SURGIMY) (PERICARDIUM--SURCOW) BELINSKAYA... L.P.; VOLIFOVSKII, V4. Treatment of chronic p-yelonephritis. Vrach. delo no.8:45-50 Ag'63- (14IRL 16:9) 1. Kafedra torapii (zav. - prof. Yq.D.ShuJ-Iga) i fakulftet, skay khirurgii (zav. - prof. A.Z.TSeytlin) Kharlkovskogo me- ditsihakogo instituta. (KIDNEYS-DMISE3) VOLIFOVSKIY,. Mycerin therapy of urological and surgical patients A th par-ale-n infections, Urologiia no.5:25-29 162., (MIRA 15:12) 1. Iz khartkovskoy oblaatnoy khirurgicheskoy kliniki (zav. medItsinskogo instituta. (AVTIBIOTICKS) klinicheskoy bolinitsy i fakulltstakoy - prof. A.Z. TSeytlin) KharIkovskogo (UROLOGY) DANILOVIC, F. Rustembegovlay NUMIC, D- Solu-biloptin as a new preparation for cholecysto-cholangiographic practice. Med. arh. V) no.2:39-" 262. 1. Interns. klinika IIY odjeljenje Medicinskog fakulteta u Sarajevtz (Soft Prof. dr I. Brkie) Institut za rendgenologiju Klin. bolnice Med. fak. u Sarajovu (V. D. sefa: dr D. Volfram) (CHOLECTSTOGRAPHr) (CHOLANGIOGRAPHY) (CONTRAST MEDIA) TSEKIIUVOLISKAYA, D.I.;, ZAVARITSKAYA, T.A.; i'vinimala uchasLiyciz. diplornAntka Determination of some imptxities In silicon tetva(,.i.1,JrLarj by of infrared spectroscopy. Trudy" 13-3c)A-404 263. 1 OUIT" 16-5) Y LUdVer5"ei~P- (for Vr' 1fri!.70 . 1. Ienimgradskiy gosudarst-venny (Silicon chlorides--Absorption spectra)