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-KQL fractions fcr~-~~-d cr-, obtain solven'ut;. Neftopar. i noft:--kad-4. nz~.6:" 1. Institut joi7ichikh iskoj~ay-~,-rykh IL"i SSS--~. i Gooudarstirr-n-7; issledovatallsidy proyek'UnTf inz;titut-!,. KRICHKO., A.A.; VOL'-EPSHTEY11, A.B.; MUKHINA, T.N.; BERENTS, A.D. Production of aromatic hydrocarbons from pyrocondensalte. Y-h-im.i tekh.topl. i masel 10 no.1.9-11 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh i Nauchno-issledova-illskiy institut sinteticheskikh spirtov i organiclieskikh prodLktov. YULINIV M.K.; VOLI-EPSHTM, A.B.; DAT17AN, U.A.; LISYUTKINA, L.N. Inve3tigating the composition of the products of 'he alk-72atIc-n of I phenol with isolnityl alcohol and isobutene. Neftekhimiia 4 no.5:717- 721 S-0 164. (Mia 18:1) 1. Institut goryuchikh lskopayenvkh AN SSSR. STRUCHKOV, V.I.; GRIGOR-YAN, A.V.; !0~1::~f~~TEYN G L - ALITStMER, Yu.B. . y .: _.! * 0 State of the lung in late periods following its resection; X-ray observations. 28 no.7:49-57 J1 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Klinika obahchey khirurgii (zav. - chlen-korresponeent AM11 SSSR prof. V.I.Struchkov) I MoskovskOgo instituta imeni I.M.oecheriova i rentgenovskoye otdeleniye Gorodakoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Nr. 23 imeni "Medsantrud" (glavnyy vrach A.N.Lobanova), Mosk-ra. GRIGORY.0, A.V.; VOLI-EPSHUYN, G.L.; KOSIISHCIIEV, V..K. Lung ran,,~er in pprirarf nuit"] a3es. Vor. -nk. 1 calrl-,dr C ,, ~~ - - ;~ ~ ~ ~ rio. 4: 10/~-lul) '65. 1. Tz kafedry obobehey khly-urgli lechabnoy fizkull~U-y I-u M~-.Ao-v- skogo ordena Lonina meditninokogo ituAl-ti,itri 1-mant (zav. - chlen-korret3pondent fil-Ill ES)SP prof. V.f.9!,ru,~.hkc,v% o~', ,C.; jj.j,.; G.L. (KoGlfva) ,:Tp 1 j" " ~ ~' -W i , 1. - - ~ I. I i I L. - - ~ , . . - .1 . rneumo,hray- Sr,,I. 28 na.31:10-15 I/ (,',IIii.A 18-10) ir 05, M STRUCHKOY, V.L. prof. (Moskva, G-117. 1-y Truzhennikov per., d.19, kv-37); YOLI-IJISHT.ZYN. G.L.: GRIGORYAN, A.Y. Differential diagnosis of disintegrating peripheral cancer pulmonary cancer and abscess. Vest.khir. 79 ao.9:45-48 S 157. (MIRA 10:11) 1. Iz kafedry obahchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V-I-Struchkov) lechebnogp fakulltsta 1-go Moskovskogo ordena lonina meditsinnk-cgo instituta i rentgenovskogo otdeleniya bollnitsy im. Madsandrud (g1. vrach - A.F.Timofeyeva) (LUNG NROPLASKS. differ. diag. of disintegrating peripheral cancer) H,V,l GIMOVA, G.V.; ~OLI-EPSRTEYNY G.L. MURAVIYEV) Some data on pulmnar7 circulation cll&nges in chronic suppurative processes in the lung. Grud. khir. 3 no.2:68-72 '61. (MIRA 14:4) (LUNGS.-DISEASES) (PULMOURY ARTERY) VOL'-MR= G.L. 0-16skva, 1-422, 1-Y anitrovskiy pr., d. 4,kv.48); i5ww L.S.; ZHDAINOV, V.S. kvl*ical X-my mmatAmi4al-obtir of brcnehography by means of propyliodone (characteristics and complications. Grud. khir. 5 no.2.-105-108 Mr-AP163 WIRA 17:2) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirurgii ( zav. - prof. V.I. Struchkov) lechetnogo fakullteta I ~Ioskovskogo ordena, Lenina, meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. STRUCHKOV, V.I. (Mbskva, Truzbinikov, per.., d.19,,kv.37); SAKHAROV, V.A.; VULI-EFSHTE394., G.Lq TAPINSKIY, L.S. Some problems in the diagnosis and treatment of chronic purulent diseares of the bungs. Grud.khir. 5 no.lt93-99 J&-F'63. MIRA (16:7) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirureii (zav.- cilen-korrespondent AM .,SM prof. V..T.Struchkov) lechebnogo fakullteta I YoskovskoE;o ordena Lenina maditsinakogo instituta imeni I.M.Sechenova. (LUNGS--DISEASES) (SUPPURATION) (LUNGS-SURGERY) T*FJ';SKI'l', L.S.; VC, I ranifestation,-, cf on,' !eri~ta-- Lni lhiTUT-giia 11 63. 17, kafalr~ A',T ordena I.F--n,-r,.i VOL'-EFSHTEYH,, G.L. (Moskva 1-8, 1-y, Dmitro7sj-ly proopekt, d.4. kv.48j; I I TAPIRSMY, 1'.S. X-ray diagnosis of various forms of brcnchlectasis. Cxud, khir. 5 no.5:60-64 S-0 163. (MIRA 17:8) 1. lz kliniki obshchey khirurgil lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. - chlen-korresponden'. AMN SSSR prof. V.1. Struchkov) I Moskov- skoizo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta Jmetii Sechenova. SAKHAROV, V.A.; VOL I-EFS'ETEIT, G.L. (MoLkva A--S, 1-y Dmitrovskiy pr., c.4*y ~,%% Zil,,~17101, 7.S. ( 1, ~ -, s ~ nra ) Flanmacytorna oC the hing. Gir-Lidn. khl.r. 5 rio.3:94-98 M.Y-JolO (MIRA 17-.1) VOL'-EPSJ1TEYN, G.L. (Moskva, 1-y Dmitrovskiy pr., d.4,kv.48) X-ray examination in abscesses of the lungs. Grud. khir. 2 no.1:77-82 Ja-F 160. 0,aRA .15: 3) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Struchkov) lachebnogo fakallteta I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinBkogo instituta imeni Sechenova i rentganovskogo otdeleniya gor(Xlskoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy No.23 imeni "Nedsantrud" (glavnyy vrach A.P. Timofeyeva). (LUNGS-_ABSCESS) (LUNGS-.RADIOGRAPHY) STH AP 3 GRIGORYAN, A.V.; TSUMAN, V.G.; VOLI-EFSHTM, G.L. Differential diagnosis of chronic indurative pneumonia and bronchogenic lung cancer. Grud.khir. 3 no.6:72-76 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Iz kliniki obshchey khirLirgii lechebnogo, fakullteta. (zav. kafedroy - prof. V.I. Struchkov) I Mbskovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (FNEUMONIA) (LOGS-CANGER) VOLI-EFSHTEYTI. G. L. Cyst of the thymus gland. Grud. khir. 4 no.3:12-1-122 Yy-Je 162- (VaRA 15:7) 1. Iz kliniki obshche khirurgii lechebnogo fat-ullteta (zav. - Prof. V. I. Struchkov5 I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditsinskogo instituta imeni 1. 14. Sechenova i rentgenovskogo otdeleniya Gorodsko3r klinicheskay bollnitsy No. 23 imeni Yedsantrud (glavnyy vrach A. N. Lobanova) (MMUS GLAM-TWORS) (CYST-S) VOL'-EPSHTEYN, G. L., Cand of liled Sci -- (diss.) "Si6nificane of lo:,oEraphy in the Diagnosis of Lung Abcesses," Mosco-K, 191--9, 14 up (First M.edical Inst lin I. -.". Sechenov) (KL, 1-60, 125) GRIGORTAX, A-V-; VOL'-FMTM-, G.L.; ZHDVIOV, V.S.; RYZHMV, Ye.V. Benign epithellal p'ulmonary tumors [with summar7 in lishj. Ehirurgiia 35 no.1:29-32 -Ta 159. YllTXIRA 12:2) 1. Iz kliniki obahchey khirurgii lechebnogo fakullteta (zav. - prof. V-11 Struchkov) I Mookovokogo ordena Lenina meditainskon Inatituta, imeni r.m. Sechenova kafedry patologicheekoy anatomii (zav. - prof. 1.V- DsvydovGklyj II Mookovskogo' meditainakogo inati- tuta imeni N.I. Pirogova I rentoonovskogo otdolenVa klinicheskoy bollnitay imeni MedBantrud (glavW vrachA.P. Timofeveva). (LUNG NEOPLASMS, case reports Adenoms. (Rua)) e.jVgj4l-APSHTj,'Yll, G~L.; SKRIPHICHENKO, D.F. Tomography in the diagnosis of suppurative processes in the Nngrs. (with ou=ary in Xnglish, p. 151] Xbirurgiia, 33 no.1:5?t-61 A 1~7 (MIRA 10:4) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii lechabnogo-fakulitata (zav.-prof. V.I. Struchkov) I Moskovskogo ordena lAnina meditainakogo instituta i iz rentganovskogo otdeleniya (zav.-kandidat moditsinskikh nauk P.P. Vlasov) Klinicheskoy bollnitsy Imeni Hadoantrud. (DISIASES, diag. tomography in suppurative die.) (RUB) KOTATIO, Jiri.,- VOLEK, Vladimir, technicka spoluprace., PAPEZOVA, R. Serim lactin debydrogenase in the diagnosia of acute wyo'?,arlitis. Cas.lek.cesk 101 no.4:103-108 26 A '62. (LACTIC DEHYDROGENASE blood) (MYOCARDITIS blood) VIGULN, Ilrorl flikolayovich bvhU1111) I.M.], 1:611d. li.F., doktor teklm. nauk, I..rof., retsem-ant [Transient processes in tran-,i-,Lor amplif',irvl f(Irfil"Kicni protsesi. v tranzystorrykii pidE~,~liuvachaldi. Kyi~, 'ickhrAka, 1964. 207 P. (MIltA 18:2) FSR, Abram Grigorlyevich; FRKYBERG, S.I., prof., zasl.deyatell nauki i takhniki, retsenzent [deceased]; VOLHRSHTM, IL.S., insh., red.; TUBYANSKATA, F.G.,; (Kanufactnre of optical mechanical instruments] Proizvodstvo optiko-makhanicheakikh priborov. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo obor. promyshl.. 1959. 337 P. (KIRA 12:8) (Optical instruments) DAMIU, Iddiya Ivanovna: VU0.19MYN, L,S,, inzh., red.; ANIKINA, M.S., red. izd-ra; RMHI --tekhn. red. [StudyimG the effect of the 'cOmPOsitiOn of glass on its propertiesi Iseledoyanie zavisimosti svoistr stakol ot ikh sostava. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo obor. prouqohl,, 1958. 238 p. (MIR& 11:9) Glaeff; VOL~MSHTEYJ, L. S. 7654. VOISRSHT-M, L. S. -- Priborostroyeniye I opt iko-mekhanich-3 skoye proizvodstvo. pod obshch. red. s. 1. Preyberga. M., obaronCiz. 1954. 22 sm. (Materialy po, obmanu proizvod.--tekhn. opytom). bespl. 3. (sost. L. S. Volershteyn). 35 S. s chart. -455-3755) 681.2.002 & 681.4.002 SO: Knizhnava Letoysis', Vol. 7, 1955 BARANOVA, M.Ye.; Prinimal uchastiye VOLM'", A.M., pochvoved Measures for improving natural pastures ard meadcwe sf ti- "Orshn" Collective Farm in Orsha District. Bot., iss.l. Eel. otd. VBD no.5:154-164 163. (MIEA 17j5) VOLESAK, L. VOLESAK, L- 30 per cc t of the co"Iective farm income is derived froat f lax. P. 12. Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 1950' ROLNICH HUSY ACRICUMME Czechoslovakia So: East European Accession, Vol. o, -0- 5, I'-[aY 1957 1'. 110torL.9's coj~!,)()'tLjjc, *L:! tho trlrln mill.',ary ovents. I Q I t> I P. 393, "'Svet 11otoru) Vol. '111, no. 13, June 19.57, !~raha, (,:-,echos1o-.,.--11-:ia , 'o SO: 1,'onthly Index of bast European Acesslons (E-AI) Vol. ~ , N - 11, 11ow!m"e" 195? 47 Lj LEI ]"[-~y I --I. . i r .9 - 11 Elec tricalij :-,If c 1&- - ~7 I ' " r '.-. ~ * j ' * '2- ~r'- :1 ~ - ~.L ~ .. p. 20' , "-, I, J LLni.,ar- - ~ *, c! ; I .:, . -, , ~ . ~ . . E!)rlUly inkley. of &-tsL ~ -r, ~,j j'. ; , 1 -:1 L -,. JL L ; Li, , t VOLESKY, B. Observations taken R*0m Some of our primary ore-crushing plants. P. 145, (Rudy~ Vol. 5, no. 4, Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO: Monthly Index of East European Acessions (ELAI) Vol. 6, No. 1.1 November 1957 ",-;f 'TI: ont',.*!,~ M. , -. vole.qk~ , i~. Activites of the ~'cLoarci. L'~ - t(-. rur i,'-; rijus i 1zrnL-. i . Vol. ~, no. 7, VESTNi?', 1-ra-a, CZE-- ~,D-Lf;'VAYdA SOURCE: EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS LIST (EEAL) VOL 6 No 4 APRIL 1957 V-TESI-~Yl E. "How can mechanization of the h,,wvesting of flay be f irially solved?" T-IFrHAI Vol. 5, tin. 2?1 November 3955, I NISAMR, Praha, C-,echoslovakia, - Monthly List of East European A-.cessions (i;!AI), W,, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959. Uncla,~sified. VOLESKY, E. -j "Dewretting Flax at the Farm", P. 701, (ZA 30CjALI.:-TICJ;,2 ~Z-I-T, Vol. 4, No. 7/8, July/Aug. 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) .30: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (ZUL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. L 1958-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023171 UR/0000/65/000/000/0211/0217 AUTHOR: Volevach, A. 1. (Kiev) TITLE: The application of mass servicing methods to the study of air traffid SOURCE: Vsesoyuznaya konferentsiya po avtomaticheskomu operativnomu upravleniyu proizvodstvennymi predpriyatiyami. 1st, Moscow, 1963. Avtomaticheskoye opera- tivnoye upravleniye proizvodstvennymi protsessami (Automatic operative control of production processes); trudy konferentsii. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 211-217 TOPIC TAGS: civil air fleet, transportation system, civil airfield, airfield facility, civil aviation service, operations research ABSTRACT: riispatchers at various airports of the Soviet Union seem to have dif- -ficulties in controlling the ever-growing volume of air traffic, and the physical limitation of dispatcher personnel may slow down the future growth of civil aviation. Consequently, the author discusses the basic characteristics of air traffic needed for the synthesis of appropriate algorithms, and after a brief survey of these characteristics -shows that the basic problem coincides witil the problems in the theory of mass servicing, and that all the pertinent paxameeters Card 1/2 L 1958-66 ACCESSION NR: AT5023171 may be obtained from the solutions of the mass servicing theory. The paper pre- sents: 1) an example of the application of the Monte Carlo method fo-- the deter- mination of the traffic density in the vicinity of an airport; 2) an outline of the necessary optimum information input sources, control channels, aad equipment for the reliable rointenance of aircraft operations; and 3) a description of an algorithm for the determination (for given air traffic and a mass servicing sys- tem) of the relationship between the number of control channels needed for the servicing of aircraft and the intensity of traffic under the condition that all the requirements imposed on the servicing are satisfied. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas and 5 figures. 108) ASSOCIK.,ION: none SUBMITTED: IlMay65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AC NO RkF SOV: 064 OTHER: 000 ATD PRESS.- _qi~rd, 2rr2.- VOLEVAMU 9-11 ::W_pj, aucbr7y.sotrudnik; rJJCHIfIK, V. Cmichi7k, V.I. ~.and. fiz.-sat.nauk Scattered clouds. Znan.ta pratsia no.5:18-20 My '59. (MIR& 12-t- 10) 1. Ukralnskiy nauchno-IssIndovatel'skly g1drometeorologicheskiF Institut. (Rain making) T-OIEVAIMA# M-o nauohnyy sotrudnik Winds are whirling orver the earth. %nan.ta pratsiq no-7:11 J1 '59- (MIRA 13:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy gidrometeorologichookiy ire titut. (Winds) VWZUKU., M.,, kand.geograf.-ilk Weather and climate. Znan. ta pratBia no. 1:32 Ja 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Meteorology) f I; SHEVTSOV, V., instruktor allpinizma;\,VPLEVArA M., nauchnyy sotrudnik St. Klmols fire. Znan. ta pratsia no-5:7 W 160. (MIU 13:10) 1. Ucrainakiy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy gidrometeorologicheekiy (St. 31mols fire) VOLIVAKM, M., nauchnyy sotradnik ~-; Aerial mirror. Zmn.ta pra.tsia no-9:17-19 5 '59. (MIRA 13;1) 1 1 l.Ukrainakiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy gidrometeorologicheskiy institut. (Reflection (Optics)) VOLIVAIRA. M., nauchnyy sotrudnik Violent storm. Znau. ta pratsia, no-3:30-31 Mr 159, (MRA 12:10) l.Ukraisnkiy nauchno-iosladovatellskiy gidrometaorologichaskiy inatitut. (storms) V OU WAKITA, M.H., KOSWKO, Y.M., red., GANUSETS, 0.1., red. [HANUBMS!, 0.1.) CAtmospheric phenomena and indications of weather] Atmosferni iavyi3beha i pryinuety pohody. Kyiv. 1953. 31 p. (Tovnrystvo dlia ooshyrennia poli3rchnykh I naukovykh znan' Ukrainn Ikoi RSR. Ser. 5, no. 7) (MIRA .11:10) (MateorologF) (Westher) ROZOVA, Yelcaterina Sergeyevna; YOLgV&M,_MJ4,, kand. geogr. nauk, red.; IGNATENKO, A.Y.[Ihnatenko, A.I.], red.; POKIDKO, A.I.[Pokydlko, A.I.], red.; KVITKA, S.P., tekhn. red. (Rainless periods in the Ukraine] Bezdoshchovi periody neL Ukraini. Kyiv, Vyd-vo UASHN, 1961. 69 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Ukraine--Droughts) L 13755-65 nP(1)1FCC ASD(f '-2/7,,,SD(t) (7d ACCESSION NR: tR4046160 S/0169/64/000/008/BO39/BO40 SOURCE: Ref. zt. Geofizika, Abs. 8B226 AVEHOR: Tkacheriko, A, V , yagoti Aj~ GalafthtyY, M T1'rLE: ExperieTce in analysis of a wind velocity hodograph in the ~,,-~ndar, layer of the atmosphete CITED SOURCE: Ir, Ukr. n.-i. gidrom-:.teorol. in-ta, vv*p. 31, 1962. 48-53 T 01.7 T C T A GS - w1r-1 vel-cirv aemc-srheri, 1-~,indarv laver, geostrophl, l,,ind. r h - - r T-.,3 *, -v 1 n 1 . t - , v - .. -a 1 4 7 i 1 v z P 7 , ~1 t mo e r : . . . ! TR,X.N SLAT ION: nr kaq'q -f w,.ne! !~i~3 ;!--)m Kiev V,."4 r 9 5 nr V. i f. L I I i'~ A i L ~14E U -.I& I[!, CaM 1/2 L 13755--65 ACCESSION NR: AR4046160 of the cases is it possible tu use this method, and in the daytime in summer when the condition of a stationary state of Lhe atmospheric boundary layer is sat--isfied. The velocity and direction of the geostrophtc wInd computed by -Hs Me, ho'l agri-I. Wel I Witt, !i imi !~%r va! --i i sut fsrv W-f'i- T, 7W 2-4- W -I.La aL~t.a inc~d vy otner au :n 0 r-H. I L was not i)ossiDle to Pstabli-4h an 'Interrelatio-aship between the computed :her- M, 4ind in,! the th-oreticdI -,ind an :-,~-SO(IIII)On chart. R . (Yr f k ii I A:, ij C I Al 1~ T ~'Mf! I C" r T" Z/ 2 TKACHENKO A.V.; VOLEVAKHA, N.M.; raamiy, N.M. kialysis of the hodograpb Of wind velocity in the boundary 3-nyer of the atmosphere. Trudy UkrHIGMI no.31s48-53 162. (MIRA 16:11) r (T.jeEjtjl6-' rrAde LO OC-le!'j r;!.Z 1111111-:0vil dill,M, VOMIAGIA, IIJI. - , Forecasting various kinds of precipitations in the Ukrmine during' the cold season of the year. Trudy Ukr. IIIGHI no-7:67-71 157. (UkrAine--Precipitntion (Meteorology) (MIRA 11:4) vauum, N.m. precipitation in the solid form in the ease of positive temperatures at the earth surface during the cold period of the year. Trudy Ukr. RIGHI nn~8:136-144 157. (KM 11:6) (Ukraine-Precipitation (Meteorology)) VarJVAKU N R ;~:~ Rea=ence of liquid precipitation during negative temperaturev at the earth Warface, Trudy Ukr. NIGMI no.8:145-149 157. (Ukraine-Precipitation (Neteorology)) (MIRA 11t6) V r~ Y, 1i A) AUTHOR: Ponomarerill:o, 1. 50-53-3-21/22 TITLE: Scientific Seminar for operational Sections Of- the Eydrometeorolol-ic'.1 Service (11auchii,jy serinir v operitivnykh PERIODICAL: 195t5, 11r 3, pp. 69-70 (JSSR) ABSTRACT: The arraniement of ;viontific ticminrro in t.w ,,,ub- divisions of the hvdrometeorolo;~;icttl service - ve,~ther bureaus, hydroneteorolo.:,ical bureatis etc.)is of special im~.ortz-,nce for the direct contact between the collaboratorn of research stations and ex,)ertL which occupy the-iselve~: r-ith t',-e practi- c,-..l work of the hydro--eteorological care of national economy. From October 22 to 24, 1957 such a seninar was held in the hydrometeorolo-ical bureau in~..L'Vov. in the presence of representatives of thL ~Llvov State University and the meteorological service of th5-- Vvov - Railroad Office-' Six lectures were hold. 1. 17. Pon-.)maranko, in his lecture characterized the vaientific research works which have been perforned in the division for the synoptical invo.,,.t1gations Card 1/2 and forecasts within the entire period of the existence of 50-58-3-21/22 Scientific Seminar Xor -Operations] Sections of the- Hydrometeorological Service the Ukrainian Scientific Recearch Institute for Hydro- meteorology, I. V. Koshelenko, N. M. Gavrilenko and N. M. Volevakha in their lectures dealt with perfected fofe-casts ~n -foj -and low clou,13, on deterioration of the sight in snow-storms and sno-..,-falls, and on precipitations of various phase states (in the cold half-year). A. I. Romov in his lecture treated peculiarities of the influence of the Carpathians upori the modification of the atmospheric pressure on both sides of the mountain ran.-e and the gradual develop- ment of orographic precipitations by the displacement of the south cyclones. IT. I. Astakhova reported on scientific research works for the Perfecting * of long term weather forecasts which were performed in the Central Institute for Weather in the Geophysical Main Observatory in the Arctic Institute and in theKazakh-i Scientific Research Institute for Hydrometeorology. The participanto in the seminar were uni- animous on the expediency and the usefulness of such seminars. 16 Meteorology-,-USSR 2. Weather forecasting--USSR Card 2/2 VOLEVAKRA, Nikolay- [Volevakha,, M.14.); SHCHERM 1, M.I... 19RIA7-hakdavich --------"iand. geogr. nauk, otv. red.; TUBOLEVA, M.V. (Tubolieva, M.V.), red.; MATUICHUK, Q.A., tekhn. red. [How to control the weather] Chy mozhna, keruvaty pohodoiu. Fyi-v,, 1961. 31 P. (Tovarystvo dlia poshyrennia politychnykh i na- ukovykh znan' Ukrainslkoi RSR, Ser.6, no.24) (MIRA 15::-) (Weather control) VOUVAICiA. N.M. "GlUe and measures to control it" by V.E. bichinskii. Reviewed by N.M.Volevakha. Meteor. i gidrol. no.6:57-58 Je 162, (IMIWt 3-5:6) (Frost) VODWAKU, N. M., and POLOVKO, I. X. "Microclimate of Ponds, Reservoirs and Irrigated Parcels of Soutliern Ukrainian SSR." Tr. Ukr. n. -i. gidromet. in-tFL, No 1, 1954, pp 5-14 Measurements over the Belozerskiy estuary of ZaporDg Oblast over 20 8q km proved that the wind velocity decreases proportionally to the loga- rithm of distance from the water surface. The wind velocity at the shore is much higher than over the steppe. 1'he temperature near the water is 4-50 lower than over the steppe. (RZhFis, No 4, 1955) SO: Sum, No 606, 5 'Aag 55 VOLLVAKHAY V.A. Space structure of sukhoveis. Geofiz. i astron. no.8: 127-129 165. (Y-'-.L-i 19,-l) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateliskiy gidrometeorolo- g icheskiy institut. VOISWAKHAY V.Al regime of the atmosphera In perioda wl-.h dry vials if, *,Oic Trudy Uk-r4llk'JM'f 165. (MIRA 18tio) ~Ti yinids of 3') J, SO: !.bnthly of -;'"P-st -'ALI'oT.O"- Acce.9nions, Vol. 2, JJ;cj, Ubrar.-, of Congress, 1~53, 'Unci. H 'M Conditions for light precipitations in the Ukraine in case of nega- tive temperatures at the earth surface. Trudy Ukr. KIGXI no.5:150- 158 156. (Ukraine--Precipitation) (MLEA lotg) A VOLEVA)'HA N.M., Cand Geog Sci -- (diss) I'Conditions of precipitar,ioWor n im durinL the cold perird in the Ukraine.,, Kiev3 12521 9 pp (Main Acbminir,tration of tiie Hydromatefrological Service under the Council of Ministers 0 USSR. Hain Geophysical Cbaervatr.1-y Lit A.I. Voyp-ykov) 150 cooies M, 35-59, 112) - 16 - VOLIVIWJM~, N.M.; VUW,Vji.Y.HA, V.R. Possibility of forecasting the beginnine; of intensive glazed C2 frost fomations. Trudy UkrrIGMI no.12:81-87 '58. (MIRA 11:1?-) (Ice) VOLKVAKHA, H. M. Orographic ianuences in the formtion of glazed frost. Trudy UkrNIGM1 no-13:82-86 1 58. (MIRA 11:12) (Ukraine--Ice) (Altitude, Influence of) voiamli", 11. 14. LLO~~~ Possibllit;r e- forecca5tlng the beginnine; of Intenalic elazpd frost fornations. TnAy UK-rNTV-?ll no.12:81-87 '58. (M& 11:12) (Ice) V.H. , 4'~ - .I ~--- - - 1~ ~r Yorecasting the phase condition of precipitntion and It:e storms. Trudy U)-.r.NIGKI no.4:36-41 155, (91RA 10:1) (Precipitntion (Meteorology)) VOLEVAKHA, N.M.0 wimmmomm- Methods for short-range predicition of glazed frost. no,21:38-49 160, (Weather forecasting) (ftost) Mrud~ UL,.iilGjqj (MIRL 13:10) VOLEVAKU, V.k. .,rl,l 7 J_ 1 4, ; A drought period in t~s Ukara4ne. -7r~,,4y T,, C. f-. n - . - - no.4.5:22-~I.L. (14IFA 17:10) VOLEVAKHA, V.A. ------ ------Yr~ontal, C- ;ized frost in the Ukraine. Trudy UkrNIC41d no.250-15 161. (MIRA 14: 8) 1. Kiyev3koye byuro pogody. (Ukraj nt--Ice) DOMBROVSKAYA, 0.1, -VCILEVAHA, V,A. Condlticns of ,he anj rrecipitation in the Ukraine in the southeastern d~irtng the cold period of the year. Trudy iTkrPlIGMI no.43-,16'~-176 1 C-4. (MIRA 1814) c L-e IF- L: -S K t Y KIPRIANOV, G. L; VOLE Dehydration products of^~13 P, 20, 24-triox7-24, 24-diphenvi- cholone and of some of Its derivatives. Ukr.khim.zhur. 20 no,6: 664-669 '54. (MLU 8:3) 1. Ukrainakir institut experimental3noy, endokrinologit, otdel organicheskogo sintem, (Dehydration(Chomistr7)) (Cholene) VOLEVICH, I., kand.filologiaheskikh-matilk . - - -.1--nPoison in gay colored covers." Hauka i zhizn' 28 not,9:99-102 s 61. (MIRA 14-12) (Germanyo West--Moral conditions) VOLM(A10,_L~R,,j PAWAXH, B,,?, Sons opacas of generalised functions-and imbedding theoress, Vap. ast. usuk 20 no.123-74 4-7 163. (MIRA 1834) i NCO, As%, A V_ITraL*. L 4;-48,-,-65 2:d Id Pg- 4 p ACCE3SION 'NR: AP404.1389 5/0()201/64/156/oo6/1262/1265 AU7HORS: V,)Ieyich, L.R. TIME: On ftypcelliptic systems with -variable coefficients SCCRCE: AN 33,';R. Doklady*, v. n-;. 6, 1964, 1262-1265 T A rt a Id ~f f c r a I dIf'qr-nI is cailed rjlypoel~ i-ti- eye,-, ~6 co: --j cbc, r4 F_ sy itemg saTi iiying an auu.L~,iuii~t.L Coid 1. 41+85-65 ACCESSION UR: 1,P4041389 D) u (r) (x), where u (x) =: ful (10. U_ W-1, f W U, (X). . . ., i. W) (r-, D) = I P(f (x: D) It. _ 1. .... M is it square matrix In linear differential n operators witll~ coefficients irCnjj),S2 region in R with compa,;t su,~,-_rt. Pypothe3es: ~A` A t xCrl , the po'lynomial CI(c;lq) -Pfx~t) 's hypoe."LlptiC ~.o~ 5e-,3e of ~ozmander and a thal, for any x', x'Ell .-.grange , Ui he re 3 a ccnsl M MCI /a w.,. re CL CkI z Cs + - - (C) There axitit non-negative 3- .3 such that and Yf - so - K P.,! 0, C(.Ali t/ - Si < 0. CConditions (At nd (B) expraa3 th-3 formal hypoellipticity of a COrd 2/3 L 41485-65 L ACCESSION NR: AP4041389 A C system (1), (0) is the new condition. conclusion: System (1) is 5Y h~ Poellij)tic e . if -f EC!(" a-L" LI.,e D'IC-.j 13 a solution , the -i LL F- C"O(M - The proof fC.31OWS 3 -I-,eVle auggested by .:. Pee:,-.3 ( "or the case 'o' one equal.,,.or.. A 3 i3ua i , Lne ma In d 1;-f I c,.' ~y s ir, the a priori estimates. Akil A.SSOCIATICIN: None SUBMITTED: 21Jan64 ENCL: CO SLI SEIB CODE t VIA NR RLF s0i:- 00' V,-,L"HFR C07 Card 31) VOLEVICII, L.R. (Mockva) Solvability of boundary value problems for general elliptic nystems. Mat. ebor. 68 no.3:373-1,16 N 165. (MIRA 18:11) S/020/63/148/003/001/037 .,.B1 12/B186 AUTHOR: Volevich. L. It. TITLE: On the theory of boundary value problems for general elliptic systems PEiiIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 148, no. 3, 1963, 489-492 TEXT: Boundary value problems of the type A(X;'D)u(x) = f(x), xi,~; (4) lim B(x;D)u(x) 9(~) x6r; (5) are investigated. The functional spaces 1) . -rfw (1+tj) 1-i/2). -P-W(1-1/2-mk) j 2 i 2 k 2 (h) and the norms Card 1/2 r &/020/63P46/003/001/037 On the theory of boundary value ... B112/B186 I 1g, ('~ 1-1/2) 19k' r111 - 1 /2 -Mk correspond'to the vector functions u, f, g. The result of the study fs the theorem stating that the following an.other: (a) The operator 63-= (A,B) i propositions are s elliptical; (b) equivalent to one from 0 l-lX2) 7- I Au Buf- follow u(; ,and 11,O It is 8UPPOsed that fuu > 0 . If the domain of definition G is a stri O,< y4 y , then the solutions can- 0 verge with respect to the norm LI(T), where TCG , to the generalized solution of the Cauchy problem (see Z_Ref 5-7) for the equation Card 3 On,the DirJ-chlet Problem for Quasi-Linear SOV/155-58-4-2/34 Equations of Elliptic Type Wit-" a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivatives A ~U + + Y (XVYfu) - 0 TY ___Fx_ If G is an arbitrary bounded domain, then only (2) EAU - ~u + (U) 27 2x is considered. It is showng that the solution of the Dirich- let problem for (2) converges with respect to the norm L'(G) to the generalized solution of the boundary value problem for 11-21 +L(U) = 0 ?y -J Y The applied methods are essentially due to O.A. Oleynik. Altogether there are given 5 theorema and 12 lemmata. Card 2/3 On the Dirichlet Problem for Quasi-Linear SOV/155-58-4-2/34 Equations of Elliptic Type With a Small Parameter in the Highest Derivatives There are 13 references, 8 of which are Soviet, 2 French, 2 American, and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: Natematicheskiy institut imeni V.A. Steklova AN SSSR (Mathematical Institute imeni V.A. Steklov AS USSR) SUBMITTED: JulY 3, 1958 V~ Card 3/3 VOLEVICH, L.R. (Moskva) Local properties of solutions of quasi-elliptic systems. YAt. abor. 59 "(dop.).-3-52 162. (MMA 16:6) (Differential equations) , Tq~~IgljL L.R. One class of h7poelliptic s7stems. Dokl. AN SSSR 134 no.6:1275-1278 o 16o. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.G.Fetrovskim. (Operators (Mathematics)) vc 77 - _. -1 " 2!: 3 ",5 ~i. V. C nIt'illf'."- I-I-I "rr e - - o 7-" U, r Y~) 2 SO: DAopis, "'o. '-"2, kj&UGHI-.R=an_Vjadjmjrovjch. NESGOVOROVAg L.I.9 red.; BULIDYAYEV9 N.A., V tekhn. red. -1 (Nodular periarteritiol Uzelkovyi periarteriit. Moskvaj Goo. izd- vo mod. lit-x7 Medgizv 1960, 245 pe (MIRA 14:8) (ARTERIES-DISEASES) Theory of boundary value problem for general elllptic Mtema. DDkl. -AN SSSR 148 no.3:489-1+92 Ja 163. (MIU 1612) 1. Predstavleno akademikom I.G. Petrovskim. (Boundary value problems) (Operators (mathematics)) C 4"JEC. I 03LOVAK! A VOI,r, (affiliation not i~iven IlReport on the Teci-,nical and Economic Conference on the use of Plastics in Sanitary Plumbing" Prague, Zdravotni Tecznika a Vzduchotechnika, Vol 6, No 4, 1963, pp ld2-lud. Abstract: The conference was held in Gottwaldov, 4 September F96T; 3:~E was organized by the Pat-ra National Enterprise in tla- pajedla, Technomat National Enterprise in Prague, and the Tecl-Mo- mat branch of the Czechoslovak Scientific and Technical Society (Ceskoslovenska, vedeckotechnicka snolecnost). The report contains technical data on the "'.LN~ovodur" (P~C) and polyethylene. Included are reco=endations made by representatives of enterprises attending the conference concerning the manufacture and development of some specific products. 2050 PRFSNYAKOV, A.A.; CHERVYAKOVA, V.V.; FOLYAKOVA, T.P.; NOVIKOV, A.V.; VOLEYNIK, S.N.: BAI M TOV) N.B. Investigating the properties of plain and lead JY-brass. Trudy Inst. met. i obog. AN Kazakh. SSR 10:25-31 164. (MIRA 18:7) ACCESSION NR: AP3005599 3/0031/63/000/OOT/00"/008 AUTHORS _101!~jd jLs_Y~.,_V.j Kunayev, 4. M# TITLE: Anode polarization'of vanadium in fused salts SOURCEt AN KazSSR. Vestnikq no. 7. 19639-41-48 -'TOPIC TAGS: vanadium electrode,, current denifty, anodeq electronegative mixture, cathode,, lithium chloride melt ABSTRACT: The dependence of vanadium electrode potential on 'current density has been investigated under various conditions. These include pure fused chlorides of lithiump calcium, and 10% additions of NaFe Vanadium was used asthe anode con- taining no electronegative mi ures and a YAolybdenum wire as the cathode. Current densities ranged from 5 x 10- to 5 amp/cW' at melt temperatures 500 a~d 700C. It was found that below current densities of F-3 amp/cm the potential changed very little. In the interval 10-3 - 0.2 amp/cm the potential increased linearly with the current density according to the law 2-3R~ E=Const+ Innsing the current farther caused a very sharp increase in the potential. Car( 172 ACCESSION NRt AP3005599. Adding 10% KaF to an equimolar mixture of NaGl-KGJ had the effect 'of shifting the potential towards the negative as compared to the lithium chloride malt. Orig. art# hass 7 formulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATIONs nope SUBMITTEDs 00 DATE ACQt o6s*P63' EXCL: 00 SUB 00DEs FH NO REF SOVI 005 OTHERt 004 Card 2/2 VOLEYNIK., V.V.; KUNAYEV, A.M. Cathodic processes during the deposition,of.vanadium from molten I I - chlorides. Izv.A?l-Kazakh. 163. (MA 17:3) 1~0~ ~.K, V.V.; KUNAYFV, A.M. .I Anode polarization of vanadium in salt melts. Vest. AN Kazakh. SSR 19 no.7:41-48 J1 163. (MIRA 17:2) ACCESSION INIR: AT'1013987 S/3070/63/000/000/0178/0181 AUTHOR: Voleynik, V. V.; Yelyatin, V. P.; Ly*sov, D. S.; Maurakh, M. A. TITLE: Instrument for measuring electric resistance of solid and melted netals at temperatures up to 2000C SOURCE: Novy*ye mashiny* i pribory* dlya ispy*taaiya metallov. Sbornik statoy.- Moscow, Metallurgizdat, 1963, 178-181 TOPIC TAGS: conductan2a measurement, solid metal conductance, liquid metal con- ductance, high temperature conductance, non-electrode conductance mcasurement~, conductance measuring equipment ABSTILICT: Using a new instrument, which is described in detail in the text, con- ductance in solid or liquid metals can be measured over the range 20-2000C, hence even for Ti, V or Zr. The design is based on a non-electrode method of measuring conductance in terms of the moment oZ forces acting on a specimen in a rotating magnetic field. The instrument has stator coils 180 cm high and located inside the housing, hence the entire assembly can be made of common structural steel. Vae usual operation is in an atmosphere of inert gas (4rgon), although tests can be carried out in ae-*-10-3 mm If- vacuum. Dependence of the angle of twist on h * t for.a specimen aiameter of 14 mm was plotted in a diagram (see pscimen eigh