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'-UR/0016/66/000/010/0020/0024 ACC NR, AP603451/ SOURCE CODEt AUTHOR: Shamrayeva, So A.; Shemanova, G. F.; Vl-as-ova, Ye. V, ORG; none TITLE: Role of lecithinase in the toxic effect of Ct. perfrin one on tissue cultures_~, SOURCE: Zhurnal mikrobiolo,~ii, epidemiologii L immunobiologii, no. 109 1966, 20-24 TOPIC TA'GS: q, mm-n,- Clostridium perfringens, lecithinase, toxin, toxin effect, tissue culture , 77,560e. AYVS104VCrV ABSTRACT: The effects of whole C4. perfringene toxink)and serologically pure lecithinase (alpha-lethal factor) on sensitive tissue cultures were studied. The effect of both preparaiiona was identical, suggest- ing that lecithinase is the principal cytotoxic component of the toxin* Results varied according to the sensitivity of the test culture. Origo arte has& 3 tables* JW.A, 501 SUB CODHt 06/ SUBM DATZj 18Nov65/ ORIG REF1 002/ OTH REFt 002 Card 1 /1 bo UDCs 576.851.555.097,29*.098.3t577ol53*2119 578*085,23 NRs AP6024438 SOURCE CODE: UR/0016/66/000/007/0052/0054 AUTHOR: Shemanova, G. F.; Vlasova, Ye. V.; Shamrayeva, S. A. ORG: Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology im. Gamale74,AHN SSSR, Moscow (Institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii A14N SSSR) ~TITLE: Obtaining highly purified C1. Oedematiens toxoids SOURCE; Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, i immunobiologii, no. 7, 1966, 52-54 TOPIC TAGS: toxoid, chromatography, gel filtration serology, Lyophilization.7-orx//V ice RVrn j PeECVI-17197~0,(l ABSTRACT: '_T6-t'ec'1~niqu'es 'of aAd precipitation' at 'the isoel:ectric point, nmmonium sulfate fractionation chromatography, and gel-filtration were used to prepare a highly purified, serologically active prepat:ation.. Lyophilized toxoid retained its solubility and initial ac4y~~y~; af ter..being stored for one year. EWA-50, CBE No. .12] F 'SUB CODE: 06/ SUBH DATE:. 190ct6S/.. ORIG-REF: 005/ OTH-REF: 001/ 5.372:576-851,2551-012. VLASUTA Ye V * .- I -u E -I- White mice as moidel for the determination of im, nog - Ja properties of Clostridium sordelli anatoxins. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no.M113-117 D f65. (laRA 19:1) 1. Institut epidemioloaii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei ON SSSR. SHEMANOVA , G.F., VI OVA Ye.V.; TSVETKOV, V.S. "I ... isolation and characteristics of purified lecithinase C of Clostridium perfringens. Biokhimiia 30 no.4:739-742 J1-Ag 165. (MIRA 18 -.8), 1. Odtel ranevykh Infektsiy Instituta epldnminlogii I mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei AM SSSR, Moskva. rL 3390-66 JX ACCESSION NR: AP5021651/ UR/0218/65/030/004/0739/0742 577. 153. 2 14a 0 AUTHOR: Shemanoxq G, F.', Vlasova, Ye. V.; Tsvetkov, V. S. TITLE: Isolation and properties of purified lecithinase C from Cl.perfringens. SOURCE: Biokhimiya, v. 30, no. 4, 1965, 739-742 TOPIC TAGS: toxicology, ammonium sulfate, fungus, biologic antigen iABSTRACT: The first stage of purification of lecithinar3e C was carried out by isaturation of the mother liquor of the culture with ammonium sulfate. The a1bum-1 en film formed was removed, centrifuged, and dialyzed for two days. The toxin was concentrated further by precipitation with acirl at the isodielectric point under salting ou t conditions. The yield of lecithinase was approximately 701o with an increase in specific activity of 2-3 times. In addition to ihe specific activity, the: degree of purification was estimated from the decrease in the number of antigen fractions determined by microprecipitation in agar. Subsequent precipitation of I the preparation with 25% ammonium sulfate freed the lecithinase from a consider-j able ~%rt of the corresponding antigens. After purification of the lecithinase by FL, 339o-66- - ACCESSION NR: AP5021651 sorption of the inert albumens from a 0. 05 molar acetate buffer solution (pH 5. 6)! on DEAE cellulose, the lecithinase contains only one antigen which appears to be an alkali proteinase. The activity of the lecithinase was found to be 12, 000 - 15, 000 lethal units per mg, determined on white mice. The preparation of lecithi-~ nase is serologically homogeneous and is also homogeneous under ultracentrifu i ing. Orig. art. has: 2 figures ASSOCIATION: Otdel ranevykh infektsiy~lnstitut epidemiologii i microbiologii im N. F. Gamalei Akademii med'Asinskikh nauk SSSR Moscow (Department of I Wound Infections, Institute of Epidemiology and ~iicrobioloay. Academy of Me cal Sciences of th e SSSR) I SUBMITTED: 030(A64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: Lkli' NR REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 005 I Co,d 22 Aldt --------- ---------- I I MI'm MKYOROVA, ORLOVA, N.G. 1161ii of ~,Pptjdes irt the f6rTL4',J(-,n of to;dns'by Clostridium ondeiantleris. Zhurorriikrobiol.p Ppid, i I==. 42 no.2i.95-99 F (MIRA 18t6) 1. Inatitut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamajej AM SSSR. S SlILMANOVA, G.F.; le-v: Action of proteinaoes of Clostri6i--m i,~ r id perf-Ingerls on gomologous anj het~-srojogou.,; i med. 57 no.4:80-83 Ap 164. 1,8:3) 1. Otdel ranevykh infektsiy Instituta epidamialog-di i mikrobiologil. imeni Gamalei At-21 SSSR, Moskva. Submitted ~',~irh 20, '19h3. W -v -11 ~:3 t 4 ru. La b J .)t,, en e s y r y ~'S. R L J 1 r 1-1 yk I e If: t s i y I t i T~ t a r i -,--d o I c, kr o i 11 o i n C; a m a ~Ol ~~I. VLASOVA, Ye.V.; KUZ'MNA, A.P. Inmunological characteristics of the purified and concentrated anatoxin of Clostridium sordelli. Report No. 2. Zhur.mikrobiol., epid. i imm. 41 no. 2:76-80 F 164. (MA 17:9) 1. Institut epidemiologii. i mikrobiologii imeni. Gamalei AMN SSSR- YEFIMGV, A.F.; ERAVCHENKO, S.M.; VLASOVA, Ye.V. Mineralogy of alkali pegmatites of the Inagli massif. Trudy IMGRE no.16:141-175 163. (MIRA 16:8) VIASOVA, YekajpqU& Vasillyevna; ALEKSANDROVA, N., red.; BEYSBOOV,A., -----!-T'e&. red. (We are raising standards of agriculture) Povyshaem kull- turu zemledeliia. Frunze, Kirgizgosizdat., 1963. 23 p. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Kolkhoz imeni Engel'sa Kalininskogo kolkhozno-sovkhoznogo proizvodstvennogo upravleniya (for ~lasova). KRAVCHENKO, Svet Moiseyevich; VLAs6VA, Yelena Vladimirovna; LEONTIYEV, L.N'.) doktor geol.-mineral.nauk, VLASO"_.Lj glavnyy red.; JI I VgRSTAK, G.V., red.izd-va; PRUSAKOVA, T.A., I [~Ikali rocks in the central Aldan-1 qv--h lochnye porody TSentrallftejo Aldana. Moskva, Izd-vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 2562. -188 p. (A%'ademiia. nauk SSSR. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallokhimii redkM elementov. Trudy, fi'o.14). (MIRA 16.-5) 1 16 Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Vlasov). (Aldan Plateau-Rocks, Igneous) (Aldan Plateau--Trace elements) KRAVCHENKO, S.M.; VLASOVA Ye.V. Characteristics of the distribution of accoveory minsr4ln In alkali rockB of the Mesozoic magmatic complex in tha central Aldan. Krat. soob. BIGRE no.1:26-29 160. (MIRA 17:3) RHAVCHENKO, S.M.; VIASOVA, Ye.V.; KAZAKOVA, M.Yo.; ILYUKHIN, V.V.; - ABRASHEV,-r.T-. Innelite, a new barim silicate. Dokl. AN SSSR 11+1 no.5:3.198-1199 D 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokhimii i kristallok-h#ii redkikh elementov AN SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom N.V. B61orym. (Yakutia-Barium silicates) (Minerals) 31 MT= I ZOO:: MWWATIM 80-7/5710 -=iya n=k SM. Inatit-mt min-tralocA, volidnil i lxistalloUdr-u rcA"iF.1 Voprony mincralogii, 62o!:I,-~ i renatica r--stozozhd=i7 redldkh c1c7-zatov (Preb1c= in IUmra1o=j,, C-ecchcziatry, and ra;oait Vo::-,ation of nara "-lc=nts) 1:0,-Cow, 3:zd-vo KI SCM, 1950. 233 p. (Scrics: Its: S!raady, v7p. 4) Errata printed on the inside of back cover. 2,22W copies printed. Chief Ed.: X. A. Vlasov, Corrccp:ndinZ Acada=y of Sciences U-'=; Berp. Ed.: V. V. Pgal~hwrich, Ed. of PublimbIrs Lease: L. S. Tar--ov; Tech. Ed.: P. S. KaDhiza. PLaFo=-; This book is intended for rcolo_Ants, tainoralo,;icto, =4 potro5ra;'hers. COV=(--: This is a collection of 23 articles on the f(w--ation, gtolo,77, rdr raloay, rtrograpb,7, and gocchemiBtry of depozita of rare 0--=titc in SII)arla and LSoviet) Caeral Acia. T11a distribution and characteristics of r=e elcmnts faund in tl=e cwoca as voll as cc= quantitative and M.Lalitat- ti" =thoda of inventigAinZ tho rocks and minorals In vhich they am fr.=dr c=d 1/6 3( Problem in I-an--r-alazy (Ccmt.) ES7/5740 or -with Valch thnj am are Two articlac r-I czrn~=ic inlicatir,ation of tl= r,:;ouibUAtIczi of extraction and rtiuzatIC3 o" calankma, tellurium, an-d' hafai=. No Darzon-alities era rontion3d. Uac:i articlo ic acco=p-,nied by referencea. TABM OF CO t =LM',TS: as -"-CZ Gar,7-wh, A. A. Peculiarities in th-a Distribution of Rare Elc=.:,.ntj3 in Foly--tallic Dajoaita of tLa Z=incZ;orsk 11c,';ion of Rudn7y Altag S=zov, To. 1. On the Content of Lithium end ImbicIlua in Kincrala of Alkaline Pegrzatites of tLa Ic7oz-ow-Idy I:aacif 20 radalar, S. T., =d S. nuz=tov. On t1-a"Coocl=mIstry of Sele-a-lun azd Tellurium in th--- Ore Depooita of Al=-%Iyk 21, Goroidmva, V. N. On the Contant of Rhanium in I!ol7b&onitea of tho cara.2/6 Proble= in 11ineroloa7 (Cout.) MD YC511:= -vrj ,p To. M., an4 1. 1. r=xazem. P7=cblora of tho Vichn a Y=talas, Ito Faxvconatio Uccciationo, ena tha Paculiexitioa of Its Cj,^n4 Cal Co=, 000ition Zbablm, A. 0., 0. N. Ku!"tdinov, ana 11. To. Kn--c1=a. llaraSanotio An--oclatlons of Accconory lawraln of Paro M-cmnto in Exomntact Fanitizad 111wicitc Intruzivo I'locim of t4o Vlchmv7yo 1'--,MtiLIM3 51 Zbabln~ A. G. On the Sararation Ti= of t%o lawrals 7116b.11=, Zirc and tba Rare Earths in tbo,Gr=ito Pcg=t1to of the D3,v-=ro3m7a runs 74 Se=wv, To. I. Calzirconi= in Alkaline Fazzatiten 85 Xbridn, V. X., Yu. A. P~ztcnbo, and A. V. Bykova. on Brithalito Of =3 Alk-allre Rocks of Soutk4A4tem rj,'Cm 90 Card 3/ 6 or A0000m.7 in cz-:nr4 l::Z=0 I-xz-crc~-3 on V:3 cc-mt~--at rcl C~C=Iqt~laj V. V.# c-"d 0. To. o,.' ;Irc=::olt3 in Wlzti7a D-34-.-Sita O-A rl,' C--l A, V. rZot"rIn. 7"-m tt3 [Crc~=tl Acla To. NO 2C.-rz OT colootln3 1?zrz tt4 C:ZCQ-z t.-Ja c:--mo 07 = r-::Z:3=3 0? mro E= IN, V. . c=zAtic ;-Jp3* Cc r-:;Z3z!ta ca"'I cra ra-Afactatic= of IIW,)!= c~,A T=~altn .Card 4/6 Problems in RincraloZ7 (Cont.) C07/5T40 ZIrMho-va, A. S. On the Problez of C=-2tic Tj-,,3a of C3r==i=-IIoarjra DepoGits 174 Tikbomelwv, 1. P.,arA H. P. ST-'*0,..-snI=a. Contact Rocks of tho lowozornkly llwauif, Their Gaznris a.nd t,~n Peculiarities of Distri- b-utloa in Th= of Rare I:atal Mr-ralivation 165 Volachka7ich, K. L. On the Pi-obIc-i of thz- Structural rouition of the Gornoaltayskiy Rare 1.*-,tal P.-crvince 203 1=3 0? =1=21C. =,G C=3 AM 1 lebedeva, S. 1. Rational 'I'atIod or CmantitativeDot-nr--ination or Disae=Inated Baryllitm in Greluen Orcs 209 Rodiomm, D. A., S. V. So'bolov, ~B. P. Zolotarrev, and.R, V. a7a, On Accidental Errors of quantitative I-Iincralo3ical Ana3,7zis of Oro- !51ir.-s and Concentrates 214 Card 516 Problorn in lancralocy (cont.) Uginova, L. A. Exrrirnut in ll'-m-mu-ing tLi G,-tical Canwtanta of GSr=nito and Renierita rzc::C,=s C? MEM 141min, V..Il. Prol3jects in tbc Ind-zatrial L.,traction of SeIA-nb= an& Tell=-Iua Froa tLe Prodzcta of Copj*r-4'-)ly'bacr-um Ore Pra4zetssinZ 235 Kaganovich S. Ta. Vafni= (Econo=ic Su-,-,-,7) AVAE~A=: Librar7 of Congmas -31 carld 616 MVGIMMO, S.M.; VIASOVA, To.Y.; PIKIWICH, N.G. The now mineral batioitoo Dokl.AN SSSR 133 no.3:657-660 il 16o. (MIU 13:7) 1. Institut mineralogii, geokbimii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementov Al~ademli nauk SSSRO Predstavleno akad. X.Y.Beimm, (A-1dan Plateau-Silicatee) ISPOLATOVSKAYA, M.V.; BLAGOVENSHCHMSM, V.A.; VLASOVA, Ye.V.; KUZIMINA, A.P. Zlectrophoretic and i=unochemical investigations of Clostridium oedematiene anatoxin. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid. I Imun- 30 no-1:54-48 Ja 158. (MIU 12:3) 1. Iz lustituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei AMU SMR. (CLOSTRIDIUM oedematiena anatoxin, electrophoretic & immunachemical aspects (Rua)) US3R / Hicrobiology. Anaerobic Bacilli. F-6 Abs Jour: Ref -7,-'aur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 72217. Author : Vino~~radova, I. N. Vlasova, YC-. 2palkina, Inst :General DirjetoratoL-o---Tnt--I~LitL,-Ues of Vaccines and 'D--ra of the 'Kinistry of Public Health of the USSR. Tit 1e :Clasein --.'odiua for Production of t1io knvaLoxin B. 93dooations. Crig Pub: Hatorialy po obc.,ionu opytom. C-1. upr. ia-tov vaktsin 1 SyVorotok Y-va zdravookhr. 5;35R, 19562 2,/52. 51-65. -lbstract: A m!:Ahod is doscribed for tho DrcDarE7.tion of a nutrient iiiodium from hydrochloric acid Aydroly- sis of casoin and a livor concoction used for obtaining anatoxin B. oodematiens In Card 1/2 f U-D'JR / llicrobioloLy. Anaarobic Bacilli. F-6 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 16, 1958, 72217. Abstract: this L-lodiura thore was succos3fully o*btai.-Liod a BO toxin which contains 2,000-10,000 -- Yu. Z. Gondon. Card 2/2 83 VLASOV, Yu.G. Water vapor pressure over MaCl solutions and the activity coefficients of NaCl at 450C. Zhur. fiz. khim. 37 no.11: 2586-2587 N163. (MRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. VLASOV, Yu.I., kand. biolog. nauk Recent developments in the study of viruBes. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.3:51-52 Mr 163. (WRA 17-.1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasteniy. FELINSKIY, Vasiliy Alekseyevich; FOBIYAKHO, Vasiliy Afanaslyevich, RESHETOV, V.D., otv. red,; VLASOVA, YuV., red.; BRAr."Ill! 14,1~, tekhn. red, ......I.........., A ) (AerologyjAo-rologiia. Leningrad, Gridrometeoizdat, 1962. 463 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Atyr..3sphere), TVERSKOY, Pavel Nikolayevich. Prinimal uchastiye KIRYUKRIN, B.V.; SELEZNEVA, Ye.S., red.; )RA=A,-Yu..V_,_red.; BRATININA, M.I., tekh.n. red.; VOLKOV, N.V., tekhn. red. [Course in meteorology; the physics of the atmosphere)Kurs me- teorologii; fizika atmosfery. Pod red. E.S.Seleznevoi. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1962. 669 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Atmosphere) 1\ - --e- ;-VI"OVA-,---Yu-.-V.---r~daktor;-- - BLYUMINA, L.I.; SAGATOVSKIYI N.V " r ddIctor_ I BRYANINA, M.I., tekhnicheskiy redaktoP"""`-._" (Analysis of the recurrence of certain synoptic processeel.Ana-liz povtoriatmosti nekotorykh sinoptichookikh protsessov. Leningrad, Gidrometeo,rologichookoe izd-vo, 1954. 104 p.[Microfilm] (K[.RA 7:11) (Meteorology--Observations) KONDRATOYEV, Kirill Yakovlevich; TVBRSKOY, P.N., professor, redaktor; VLASOVA, Yu.V., redaktor; BRLYNLU, M.I., tekhaicheskiv redaktcr. (Solar radiation] luchistaia energiia solntsa. Pod red. P.N.Tver- skogo. Leningrad. Gidrometeorologichaskoe izd-vo, 1954. 599 P. .(Solar radiation) (MLRA 8:1) POGOST-JVLT Kh.P.; VLOOVA, Yu.V., redaktor.BRAYNINA, II.I. tekhnicheskiy reaaktor [Planetar.v frontal zones in the Northern anti Southern Hemispheres] Planetarrqe frontallnyo zorq v severnom i iuzhnom polusharilakh. Leningrad 't Gidrometqorologicheakoe izd-vo, 1955. 57 P- (URA 8:8) (Me eorolog7) GIABOV, Petr Aleksandrovich; KAROL, B.P.,- redaktor; TLASOMIU.J. Wm" redaktor; SOLOMCHIK, A.A., takhnicheekly redaktor [Science of the weather] Nauka o pogode, Leningrad, Gidro- moteorologichookoe izd-vo. 1955. 110 P. (HLRA 8:9) (meteorology) 0 V a ~ yul - 'V' OGNIVA, Tatlyana Aleksandrovna, kandidat geograficheokM nauk; IAYJW- MAN.I.L., doktor fiziko-matematicheakikh nauk, redaktor; VLASOTA, Yu V. redaktor; SOIDMCHIK,A.A., tekhnicheskly redaktor"---- [Some characteristics of heat balance of an acitve surface (according to observations made at Koltush)] Nekotorye osoben- nosti teplovogo balanss. deiatellnoi poverkhnosti (po materialam nabliudenii v Koltpushakh. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 1955. 119 P. (MLRA 9:3) (Heat) 0 V U. ISATEV, B.A.: DROZDOV, O.A., 4oktorgeograficheskikh nauki redaktor: TLASOVA , -U.T., redaktor; SOLOVSfCHIK, A.A.. tekhnicheskiy re [Synoptic processes over the Atlantic Ocean and Airasia) Sinop- ticheskie protsessy nad Atlanticheskim okeanom i Ivraziei. Pod red. O.A. Drozdova. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologichookoe izd-vo, 1955. 210 P. (ITOA 8.- 8) (Meteorology) GAIDIN. Tor Semenovich; IAMTMAN, David L',rovich; HATTRYN. Leonid Tikhouovich-, YUDIN. Kikhail Isaakerich; PTATYGINA, K.T., re- daktor; VIASMA Tuj., rodaktor; SOIMTCHIX, A.A.. takhni- .. chaskiy .[Principles of dynamic meteorology) Onnovy dinamichookoi me- teorologii.,Pod red. D.L.Laikhtmana, K.I.IUdina. Leningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskes lid-ye, 1955. 646 p. (KLRA 9:5) (Kat*oroloa) SHLYAIHOT, VasIlI,7 Ivanovich.; XASTROV, Y.G.- , redaktor; VIASOVA, Yu,OV., re(laktorl'BRAYNIKA, X.I., takhnicheskiv radaktor,"~*""'~"-';'-'~"!-"-"-'"I [Research on the balance of long-w&ve radiation in the troposphere] issl~dovanie balafisa dlinnovolnoioi radiataii v troposfere. Pod red. V.G.Xastrova. Ieningrad, Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, ~19569'84 ps (KI2A 10:1) I (Radiation) GRABOVSKIY, Rostislav Ivanovich; TVERSKOY, P.H., redaktor; VIASOVA, Yu.V., redaktorg FIAUK, M.Ya., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Condensation nuclei in the atmosphere] Atmosfernye iadrs dondensateit. Pod red. P.N.Tvarskogo. Leningrad. Gidrometeorologicheskoe izd-vo, 1956. 163 P. (KIRA 1011) (Atmospheric nucleation) IVANOT, G.S., otvetstvennyy red.; VLASOVA, Yu.V., red.; BRAYRINA, M.I., [Instructions for hydrometeorological stAtions and postal Nnstavlenle gidrometeorologicheakim stanteiiam i postam. Izd.2-oe. Leningrnd, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. No.9. [Hydrometeoro- logical observations at ocean stational Gidrometeorolopicheakie mabliudeniia na morskikh StAnteiiakh. Ptj. [Hydrological observations at the shore] Pribrezhnye gidrologicheakie nabliu- deniia. 1956. 290 p. (MIRA 11-1) 1. RusBia*(1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlenlye gidrometeorologi- cheskoy oluzhby. (Oceanography) (Hydrology) GOLITSMMG, Ida Arturovna; RUDANKO, A.I., otvetetvennyy redaktor,- VIASOVA. TU.W.. redaktor; BRATNINA. K.I.. takhnicheskiy redaktor STMV: LKicroclimste and Its importance in agriculture] Mikroklimat I ago snachenie v sel'skon khosiaistva. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. 1957- 65 P. (KIRA 10:7) (Climatology) c v yu# IMVTATOVA, Valentina Alsksandrovpa; PINUS, N.Z., atvetstvenW redaktor; VLAWYA, Tu.T., redaktor4l BRATHINA, M.I,, tekbnicheski7 redaktor~ [Microaerological studies of the atmosphere] Mikroaerologicheskie'iseledovaniia vogo sloia atmoefery. leningrad, lower kilometric la7er.of the nizhnego kilometro- Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1957, 143 p. : (K= 10:5) (Atmosphere) KHAMLIN, Viktor Stapanovich, Imndidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; KOSTAREV. V.V., otvatstvenny7 redaktor; V adaktor; BRATNIKA, M.I., takhnicbeeiri.v redBktor LR&dio engineering in serology] Radioteklmika v asrologii. Lenin- grad, Gidrometeor.izd-yo, 1957. 263 p. (XLRA 10:7) (Radiosondes) (Radar meteorology) POGHTAREV, Viktor IvEinovich. PUDOVKIN, I.M., otv.-red.*, VLASOVAO ru.V-.,red.; SOLOVEYCHU, A.A,, [Earth Is a large magnetj Zemlia - bollshoi magnit. Leningrad, Oidrometeor, izd-vo, 1958. 58 p. (M-IRA 111.9) (Magnetism, Terrestrial) RUSIN, Nikolay Petrovich;. VLABOVA. Tu.V., red,; MUM, Ma.,, [climate of the Antarctic regions) Klimat Anterktidy. Leningrad, Gidromate6r. izd-vo, 1959.. 111 P. (KMA 12:7) Untarctic regions--Climate) XHRGIAN, kakeandr Xhristof oroviah; POGOff", IM!, ~-,; VLASOVAO Yu.V., red,; VLADIMIROV, O.G., takhn,red. [An,outlizLe* of the development of mateorology].Ooherki raziltiia, meteorologii* lzdo2., parer. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.,tzd-yo. Vol.l.. 1959. 427 P:% (MIRA 12:8) (Meteorology) NIKANDROV, Vladislav Takavlevich; BAZILMCH, V.V.,; VLASOVA, --l luj?', red.; VOLKOV, N.V.. (Artificial modification of clouds and fogs; microphysical principles] Iskusetvennye vozdaistviia na oblaka i tumany; mikrofizichookie oenovy. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 189 P. (MIRA 13:3) (Weather control) ZAVARINA, Mariya. Vasillyevna; YUDIN, Mikhail Isaako-rich. Prinimali uchastiye: DE.1TRIMA-ARRAGO, L.R.; LOBANOVA, V.Ya.;BELOUSOV,S.L.; ZELIKOVSKIY, V.E.; FOKROVSKAYA, T.V., otv. red.; GONDIN, L.S., otv. red.; VLASOVA, 7u.V.,, red.; IVKOVA, G.V.., tekhn. red. (Calculating machines and their use in meteorology and climatology] Schetnye mashiny i ikh ispoltzovanie v meteoro- logii i klimatologii. Leningrad) Gidrometeor. izd-vol 1963. 263 p. (MIRA 17:3) KONSTANTINOV, Aleksey Rodionovich, SIRUZER, L.R., otv. red.; red.; APONS, R.A., tekhn. red.; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. (Evoporation in nature] Isparenie v prirode. Leningrad, Gidrometeorizdat, 1963. 589 p. (MIRA 16:11) (Evoporation (Meteorology)) KONDRATIYEV., Kirill Yakovlevich; VLASOVA, Yu.V., red.; BRAYNINA, M.Lf tekhn. red. (Meteorological satellites]Heteorologichiskie sputniki. Le- ningrad, Gtdromet.izd-vo, 1963. 310 P. (MIRA 16:4) (Artificial satellites) ~ tR- YUDIN, Mikhail Isaakovich; TITOV, S.I., otv. red.t VLASQYA,_)a"., red.j BRAYNINA, M.I.p tekhn. red. (New methods and problems in short-range weather forecasting] Novye metody i problemy kratkosrochnogo, prognoza, pogody. Le- ningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1963. 403 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Numerical weather forecasting) YUDIN, M.I., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk., prof., red.; VLASOVA, Yu.V., red,; BRAYNINA, M.I., tekhn. red. [Papers from the Conference of Coordinating Commission on Numerical Methods of Forecasting)MAterialy soveshchaniia. Pod red. M.I.IUdina. Leni'ngrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1961. 133 p. (MIRA 160) 1. Russia (1923- U.S. S. R.)Koordinatsionnaia komisslya po chis- lennym metodam prognoza. (Numerical weather forecasting) SELEZNEVAJ, Ye.s.y otv. red.; GUSHCHIN, G.P., otv. red.; Y~MOVA, Yu.v.j red.; =GEM, A.N.t telft. red. (Data on the chemical composition of atmospheric precipitation and total ozone content of the atmosphere at various points of the U.S.S.R.; materials of the International Geophysical Year and International Geophysical Cooperation for 1957-1959]Dannye po khi- r-icheskomu sostavu atmosfernykh osadkov i obshchewu soderzhaniiu ozona v atmosfere v razlicbrqkh punktakb SSSR; materialy MGG i MGS za 1957-1959 gg. Leningrado Gidrometeoizdat, 1961,81 JYNM i5:4* 1. Leningrad. Glavnaya geofizicheskaya observator a. (Precipitation(lietereology)) (Air-Analysis) (ozone) EELEPETS., Vasiliy Stanislavovich, kand. takhn. nauk, dots.; STEPANENKO, Vladimir Danilovich, kand. fiss.-mat. nauk, dots.; KFIAKHALTII, V.S., otv. red.; VLASOVA, Yu.V.., red.; SMIGEYEII, A.N., tekhn. red. (Use of radiolocation methods in meteorological observations] Radiolokatsionnye motody meteorologicheskikh nabliudenii. Leningrad., Gidroreteoizdat, 1961. 1744 (MIRA 15:4) (Radar meteorojog7~ LAYKHTMAN, David L'vovich; VLASOVA,.Yu.V., red.; SOLOVEYCHIK, A.A..9 tekhn, red. (Physics of the atmospheric boundary layer) Fizika pogranich- nogo sloia atrnosfery. Leningrad., Gidrometeor.izd-vo., 1961. 252 p. (Meteorology) (MIRA 15:1) KALINOVSKIY, Aleksandr Bole6lavavicho- PINUS, Naum Zinoviyevich. Pri- nirnal uchastiya SEMETE4, S.M.; STEPANENKO, V.D.,, otv. red.; ZABHODSKIY, G.H., otv, red.; VLASOVAI Yu.V., red.1 BFLAEIINA, M.I., tekhn* red* Aerology] Aerologiia. Leningrads Gidrometeor. izd-vo. Pt.l. Methods of aerological measurements] I-Iletody aerologichaskikh [ izmeranii. 1961. 517 p. (MM 15:2) (l,leteorology-Observations) BIWVICH, V.V.; MPMSOVA, V.F.; ZIIITYAYKINA, N.P.; BYKADOIIOY, I.S.; IVANOV, G.I., kand.sellekoklioz,nauk; GERMANISHVILI, Y.Sh., kand.geogr.nauk, retsenzent; S(KOLOV, I.F.. retsenzent; KALKYKOVA. V.T.,.retsenzent; LTUBOMMOVA, S.V., reteenzent; KRUMOVA, T.S., retsenzent; BOYKOVA, K'G. reteenzent; . NOVSKIY, V.A.,; VLASOVA, Yu.V.: rid.; SERGEYff, A.H., [Agroclimatic manual for the Maritime Territory] Agroklimaticheekii spravochnik po Primorskomu kraiu. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 196o. 129 p. (MM 14:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye gidrometeoro- logicheakoy sluzhby, Prinorskoye upravleni7e. 2. Vladi- vostokeksys gidrometeorologicheakaya observatoriya (for Belevich, Shveteova, Zhityaykina, Bykadorov). 3. Dallnevostochnyy nauchno- isoledovatellskiy .-idrometeorolog-icheakiy inatitut (for Germanishvili, Sokolov, Kalmykova, Lyubomudrova, Kruzhkova, Boykova). (Maritime Territory--Crops and climate) ADAMOV, Pavel Nikolayevich; VLASOVA2 Yu.V., red.; FLAW, M.Ya., tekbn. red. [Local weather signal MestnVe priznakipogody. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor. izd-vo, 1961. 33 P. (MIRA 14:9) (Weather for4astjM) YIJD!Np M.I.9 doktor fiz.-rhate nauky profsp redo;,hASOVAq Yu.V.p red.; BRAYPINA, MO 1. 9, tekbn. red. I [Materials of the Ccinference of the Coordinating Commission on NumaKcal Forecast Methods) Haterialy soireshchaniia. M.I.tUdina. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-ro, 1961.' 133'pri~ INURA 14:8) 1. Russia(1923- U.S.S.R.)'Koordinatsionnata komissiya po chislennym metodam prognoza. (meteorology) BELOBROV, Andrey Pavlovich; VILINER, B.A. 9 otv. red.;,VIA!~~Y~V , red.; BRAYNINAq M.I., tekhn. red. (Radio navigation phase systems in hydrography and oceanography] Fazovye radionavigatsiormye sisteW v gidrografii i okeanologii. Leningradl Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1961. 169 P. (MIRI 14:7) (Radio in navigation) GANDIN, L.S. EtranslatorJ, red.; DUBOV, A.S. [tranalatorj, red.;.VLASOVA, YU.T., red.; VLOLDDMOT, O.G., [Numerical methods of weather prediction; collection of tranalated articles] Chialennys matody prognoza pogody.- abornik perevodnykh atatei. Pod red. L.S.Gandina i A.S.Dubova. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor.izd-vo, 1960. 281 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Weather forecasting) KONDRATIYEV, Kirill Takovlevich; FILIPOVICH, 011ga Petrovna; VLASOVA, Tu.T.-,- red.; 13RAYNINA, M.I., [Thermal regime of the upper atmosphere] Teplovoi rezhim varkhnikh sloev stmoafery. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960. 355 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Atmosphere, Upper) (Atmospheric temperature) GIRS, Aleksandr Alaksandrovich. Prinimali uchastiye: (RMOV, V.P., dotsent; KEMABROV, Yu.B., kand.fizlko-matem.nauk. POKROTSKAYA, T.V.,; VLABOVA, Yu.V., red.; BRAYNIRA, H.I., [P=damentale of long-range weather forecasting] Osnov7 dolgo- arochnykh progaozov pogody. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1960, .359 P. (MIRA 13:7) 1, TSentralinyy institut prognozov (for Khrabrov). (Weather forecasting) ke 04.r4 66909 AUTHORSs Bagretsovat I., V gineerB of the Scientific Research Institut6 of the Tire IndusjU N9 TITLEt Metallocord PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhip 1959t Nr 11, P 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT:, The authors report on the use of metallocord for tire production* The durability of metallocord is 5 times higher than that of viscose-, and 3 times higher than that of caprone cordo Tires can be produced 2- to 4-PlY instead of 8- to 14-Ply as is usual for textile tires*,Metallocord tires can stand a higher load. Because of the lower thickness of treadt and good heat ,k conductivity of the metallocord, it is possible to use thic er protectors. As the metallocord does not stretch, the wear of tire6-.%~ and - treads becomes smaller. Steel is used as basic material for the production of metallocord. Differently thick ropes are twisted from steel wire 0*15 mm thick. These ropes are wound over a rubber layer onto a special drum# and covered and rolled with another rubber layer of the same thicknesso The pressed metallocord is then used for the tire production, There Card 1/2 are two types of tires possibles standard tires with the cord 66909 Metallocord SOV/29-59-11-28/31 threads intersecting at an angle of about 900, and tires whe-re the cord runs meridionally.- The Omsk Tire Factory was es"ab- lished in the first years of the National War. The factory em- ploys several thousands of workers. Production was quadrupled in the first 10 postwar years. In the meantime, the old machinery was completed and replaced. This allowed a further production increase of 30% in the past 3 years. A number of talented inventors and efficiency experts grew up in the fac- tory, including A. Gavrilov, A. Kolltsov, V, Guzeyev, I. Kli- mov; R. Markov and K. Mishin, mechanics; T. Terekhova and G. Limovetskiy engineers; V. Sapronovp M. Gil'shteyn, V. Filip- pov, technical engineers, and others. About 4,000 inventions and efficiency suggestions have been realized in recent years. This resulted in savings of 25 million rubles for the factory. The factory will soon start production of metallocord tires. There are 3 figures and-1 table. ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlennosti (scientific Research Institute of the Tire Industry) Card 2/2 VLASOVA. Z.A.: SIPOVSKIY, P.V. (Leningrad) Characteristics of peptic ulcer of the stomach and its complications, according to autopay data In Leningrad from 1952-1956. 37 no.10:54-58 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zaveauyushchiy - prof. P.T. Sipovskly) Letingradskogo goandaretveunogo institute. dlya usovershenst- vovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova (direktor N.Is Blinov). (PIRIC ULCER Pathol. ) Country : USSR T Cate(pry: Humn ana %iniml Physiclo(7. I.eti,;n X 1,hysical Factors. I -nizin(, IL-diation ,I,bs Jr ur: RZhDiol., Nv 3:;i, 1953, 89379 ,I.uthor Shcherban, E.I.; Vlascma, Z.A. InBt Title MorphcloGical ChanGcs in the Kicbioys Dur:Ln6 ;.cute Radiation & clix:ss, PrrAuced by Radi,activo Phosphorus OriC, Pub: Tr. Vaes. 1COnforentaii po mad. Eksporim. med. radiol. M., WdCiz, 1957, 204-208- Abstmet: I;hbbits cmid uice were administered intQr4.-Jly or ne- curles/G. subaut-u "Usly p32 in doses of 7-66 In the mjority of cases developmnPof acute radia- tion sicImcss was noted with characteristic clinical syaptoms ana morpholq;ical mnifestations, observed Card 1/2 T-145 VLASOVA, Z.A. ---- ,-----)4ethocl of reduction to ordinary differential equations. Trud7 mat. inst. 53:16-36 159. (MIRA 12:9) (Differential equations) U L A 16(1'j PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2217 Akademiya nauk SSSR. Matematicheskiy institut imeni V. A. Ste!-lova Raboty po priblizhennomu analizu (Works on Approximate Analysis) Moscow, SSSR, 1959. 391 P. (Its: Trudy, tom. 53) Errata slip inserted. 2,200 copies printed. Ed.: L. V. Kantorovich, Corresponding Member, USSR Academy of Sciences, ?rofessorj Resp. Ed.: I. G. Petrovskiy, Academician; Deputy Reap. Ed.: S. M. Nikollskiy, Professor; Ed of Publishing House: N. K. Zaychik; Tech. Ed.: R. A. Arons. PURPOSE: This book is intended for professional mathematicians interested in approximation methods. COVERAGE: The book contains a collection of works in the field of approximate computations completed at the Leningrad Branch of the Mathematics Institute imeni Y. A. Steklov of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, from 1953 to 1958. All the works contained in this book are published in full for the first time. The theoretical study of approximation methods conneptual1y related to the Card 1/5 Works on Approximate Analysis SOV/M7 application of methods of functional analysis has a significant place in the book. In addition, the book contains groups of works on the following subjects: 1) approximate methods of solving the boundary value problems of mathematical physics, 2) numerical methods in the theory of functions, 3) ~nuiterflas& methods of linear algebra, and 4) nut&&cal- computation of an indefinite integral. The editor thanks the following people: V. 1. Krylov, V. N. Faddeyorva,- and V. P. Illin., scientific workers at the Institute, for editing the articles; Ye. A, Meynik, T. P. Akimova, K. Ya. Alferlyeva, and Cr. A. Gaber, workers at the Institute's laboratory, for computing the taoles; Professor S. M. Lozinskiy for his critical review of many of the works; A. A, Dorodnitsinyy and his colleagues for reviewing the works published; Professors D. K. FadAeyov and Yu. Ye. Alenitsyn for final review of the book. TAKE OF CONTEBTS: Editor's Foreword 3 Akkerman, R. B. quadrature Formulas of the Markov Type 3 Vlasovao Z, A, On the Method of Reduction to Ordinary Differential -ZquWCfo-ns 16 Card 2/5 Works on Approximate Analysis SOV/2217 Yermakov, S. M. On One Method of Constructing Cubature Formula& 37 Illin,, V. P. Estimation of Error in Ritzlz Method for Ordinary Differential Equations 43 Illin, V. P. Certain Inequalities in Functional Spaces and Their Application to the Study of the Convergence of Variational Processes 64 Iltin, V, P. On One Theorem of G. H. Hardy and T. E. Ldttlewood 128 If, - Kublanovskaya, V. N. Application ckf Analytic Extension by Means of Substituting Variables in NmA6t1*&.,, Analysis 145 Kublanovskaya, V. N. and T. N. Smirnova. The Zeroes of Henkel Functions and Certain Other Functions Relatecl to Them 186 Kuzlmina, 0. V. Numerical Determination of the Radii of Unkralence of Analytic Functions 192 Card 3/5 Works on Approximate Analysis SOV/2217 Nikolayeva.. G. A. (Deceased) On the,Approximate Construction of a Conformal Mapl*d IV Us Method of Conjugate Trigonometric Series 236 In Memoria#,G. A. Nikolayeva. 266 Streshneva., V. A. Supplementary Tables for the Solution of Poisson. Equations by the Method of Reduction to Ordinary Differential Equations for Polygonal Regions 267 Krylov,, V. I.) M. A. Fillipova, M. F. Frolova. Computing.the Indefinite integral With a Sme.1.1 N=ber of Values of the Integrable Punction 283 Chernin,, K. Ye. Solution of One Axially Symmetric Problem by the Direct Method 302 Chernin, K. Ye. Conformal Mapping of Regions, C=Vosed of Rectangles, on to the Unit Circle XII!, 307 Sheydayeva, T. A. "adrature Formulas With the Lowest Estimate of the Remainder for Certain Classes of Functions 313 Card 4/5 Worka on Approximate Analysis SOV/2217 Yarysheva, 1, M. Finite Difference Methods of Solving Goursat's pmblem 342 Illin.. V. P, On "ftbedding" Theoroms 359 Faddayev, D. K. On the Condition of Matt-ices 387 AUILAKEz Library of Congress Wing Card 5/5 3-1-10-59 .7 SIPOVSKIY, P.V.; V~gQYA-..-Z.A., (Ieningrad) Atherosclerosis morbidity wc-a-dim- to mitoM data in len-4n- grad during the period 1954-1958. Klinmed. 39 no.5:65-73 My 161* (HIRA 14:5) lo Iz prozektorskoy komissil Tieningradskogo gorodskogo otdela zdravookhreme-ai-ya i kafedry patologielieBkoy anatcmii (Zav. - prof, F.V. Sipa7skiy) Gosudarstvennogo instituta d1ya usover- shenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M. Kirova. (ARTERIOSGLMI"3) GILRGOIAV, O.S., profeBsor; BLINOT, V.I., profeBsorl BAZAKINA, V,S.# professorl KMOLINITOXIT, 0.1r., kandidat maditsinskikh Aauk; BRUMMUIX. Ts.T., kandidat maditsinskikh nack; BOTKO, I.K., kandidat maditBinskikh nauk; BYSTROTA, T.V., kandidat meditsinakikh nauk; VIABOU. Z.A.. kandidat maditsinakikh nauk; ANTIPIM, A.N., nauahrqy -Wvvp~~-, Petr TaBillevioh Stpovskit. Arkhspate 18 no.8:131-132 156. (KLRA 10:2) 1. Deystvitellnyy cheln ANY SSSR (for Girgolav)s 2. Direktor Instituta usovershenstyovantya vrachey iment B.M.Kirova (for Blinov). 3. Direktor Nanchno-tonledovatellskogo instituta traymatologli t ortopedit (for Balskina) (SIPOVSKII, FM% TABILIXVICH) 6/517 62/066/ooo/oo6/oo6 B1 72YB1 12 AUTHOR: Vlasovat Z. A. ~TITLE: Use of a net method for a non-linear one-dimensional variational problem SOURCE: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Matematicheskiy institut. Trudy. v. 66. Moscow, 1962. Raboty po avtomaticheakamu programmirovaniyu, chislennym'*metodam i funktsionallnomu analizu. 196-204 TEXT: The variational problem under consideration consists in finding a function y(x) that passes through given points A(ajal) and B(b,b,) and . b that minimizes the integral jy(Xp,ylyl)dx. After the application a - a quadrature formula with the coefficient C,>O (k - 0,...,n + 1) and the choice.a function C(x) having the values Ck at the points .,x0 a a