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VLL~:OV7 V.V., fUZ'MIN, K.P. Pancreatic cyst. Vaut. ;rl;ir. 93 no.12'.96,99 D "4. (MIRA 5) VLASOV, V.V., kand. med. nauk (Novosibirsk 17, korpus 95, kv.4) Results of using metal bolts for ostersynthesis in the "reatment of multiple fractures of the bones. Ortop., travm. i protez. 26 no.20-10 F 165. (1,qRA 18:5) GMBACHU, B.F.;_VLASOV V.V.,, SXTDIX.')V, B.", . . - - ~111- Gharacteristir;s of the formation of authigenow anatme im the katagenesia zone. Lit. i pral. Iskop. n,3.5:105-108 S.-O 164. (14IRA 17,,, 3 1) 1. KazenAty goandart3tvennyy universitet. VLASOVY V.V.; KULAKOV, M,,V. Methods for complex continu-,~:s determination of the thE-!r.C:- physical coefficients 3f lr~zinated and monolith~.c materials, Trudy MIKHM 24"237-255 163. (MTRA 17~6'; VIASOV,* V.V. Use of a digital computer in determInIng the heat conductivity enefficient of solid materials. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 7 no. 3: 34-41 Mr 164. (MIRA 17!5) 1. Filial Moskovskogo instituta khimicheskogo mashinostroyaniyag Tambov. (Novosibirsk); KHOTENOVSKIY,K.A. (Novosibirsk) Skin diseases in buxmed patients. Vest. derm. i ven. 36 no.10:31-34 0262 (MIRA 16:11) -,k .VLASOV, V.V.; MELINIKOVA, V.A.; YANUS, R.I. Influence of the demagnetizing effect on the rate- of establishing a magnetic induction flux in a ferromagnetic material. Fiz. met. i me- talloved. 16 no.6:842-847 :b 163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut fiziki metallov AN SSSR. VLASOVS V.V. Automatic setup for establishing quasi-stationary heat conditions. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 5 no.8:90-92 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Institut khimichaskogo mashinostroyeniya, Moskva. (Automatic control) (Heat engineering) VWM, V.V., Cand Fnys Math rp-i -- (diss) "Application of the method of elementary functions to the solution of certain problems of the theory of elasticity." Mos) 1958, 7 pp (Mos Order of Lenin and Order of Labor "ed Bann~er 6tate Univ im M.V. Lomonosov. Mecnanics iuath Faculty) 150 cor)ies. bibliography pp 6-7 (11 titles) (KL, 50-58, 119-20) - 6 - SOV/24-58-?-6/36 AUTHOR: Vlasov, V.V. (Moscow) TITLE: Application of the Method of Initial Functions to Problems of Equilibrium of Thiok Multilayer Plates (Metod nachallnykh funktsiy v zadachakh. ravnovesiya tolstykh mnogosloynykh plit) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, 1958, Nr 71 pp 40 - 48 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Solution of three-dimensional problems of theo7 of elasticity by means of initial functions (Ref 1 involves the determination of six functions (of two variables) on some initial (boundary) plane of the system, say, z = 0 . These functions are: three components of the displacement vector u0 = u(x1yM' vo = v(xYO) and wo = W(XyO) and three components of the stress vector X = X (Xlylo)~ Yo = Y (x.4 0 2 z ..1,0) and z0 = ZZ(xTy?O) If all these six initial functions are known,all displacements and stresses in the plate can be expressed in the form of an infinite series of terms in Card 1/4 z , the coefficientB of the terms being simply the initial SOV/24-58-7-6/36 Application of the Method of Initial Punctions to Problems of EquilYLbrium of Thick Multilayer Plates functions and their derivatives Vith respect to x and y , as given in Eq (0.1). The expressions determining the differential operators L, A, B and C are given in Ref 1. They all include the Poisson's coefficient V an&the shear modulus G . Eq (0.1) neglects inertia forces. If. for convenience,, a new system of symbols be introduced as given by the terms startin.- with u(x,Y,Z) = Ul , on p 40, and ending with Zo =.U6 then Eq (0.1) can be simply express(..,d as a single sum (Eq (0.2). The author then considers some particular cases. Starting with a flat multi-layer plate (Figure 1), it is assumed that deflections and stresses change in a continuous manner, hence the final values for the first layer become the initial values for the second and so on. This leads to a number of matrices, which, when solved, give the answer to the problem. In the'case of a two- dimensional problpm, e.g. in the xz-plane, we have v = 0 and therefore neither u nor w do depend upon y . Card 2/4 The problem simpl-.fies and instead of the 9 terms in the SOV/24-58-7-6/36 Application of the Method of Initial Functions to Problems of Equilibrium of Thick Multilajer Plates sum of Eq (0.2), Only 5 terms remain as shown in Eq (2.1), Detailea determinations of the operators Lik are given in Ref 2 and are summarised in Eq (2.2). Symbol y in these expressions denotes the partial derivative 2vllx . In order to obtain displacements and stresses in terms of the initial functions (which will be in the form of infinite series) it is necessary to expand the trigonometric functions as a seri -es in poars of yz then replacing y by 21/.jx 1 to perform the differenti- ation of the respective initial functions. As an example, the author solves the problem of an infixdte plate consisting of two layers and resting- on a-great number of identical and equally spaced supports (Figure 2) at first in general terms and then for the case of uniformly distributed load q . In the latter case., the graphs of Figure 3 represent the normal stresses U 3 = Zz and U5 m' Xx at the mid-section (x = 1/2a) of the span (graphs a and b , respectively) Card 3/4 SOV/24-58-7-6/36 Application of the Method of Initial Functions to Problems of Equilibrium of Thick Multilayer Plates for the following conditions-. h, =11 h = 1/4!, a -.= 1/61 G = 1OG V'1 =_ '02 =: 0 - 3 2 2 1 The alithor considerg also the same case as before but with -the plates jtree to slide with respect to each other at 16-he sxrface of contact. Figure 4 gives the stresses U = Z (graph a) and U = X (graphlb at the utid- 3 z 0 5 X section, Three-dimensional problems are considered by means of double trigonometric series and the applicability of this method is illustrated on the example shown in Figure 5. Finally, the case of a three-dimensional infinite plate is discussed in general terms. There are 6 figures and 2 Soviet references, SUBMITTED: April 8, 1.958 Card 4/4 AUTHOR: Vlasov, V. V. (Moscow) SOV/179-59-3-16/45 TITLE: An Application of the Method of Basic Functions in the Theory of Elasti~.,ity of Rectangular Systems (Pritnene-aiye metoda nachallnykh funktsiy k ploskoy zadache teorii uprugosti dlya pryamougollnoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye telrhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 114-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A method of solving a problem of equilibrium of a rectangular plane object subjected to tensions, as illustrated in the figure, p 114, is described. This method consists of finding four basic functions u(x'O) = U01 W(X,O) = w 0, xz(x,O) = X 0 and Zz (x'0) = z0 which represent the corresponding components of the dislocation and tension vectors at the point Z = 0. The basic functions in this case are defined as Eq (0.1), where Z and X represent the tensions Z z and X z; U, U 0 and W, W0 correspond to the displacements U = Gu, U0 = GU 0t Card 1/4 W = Gw and W 0 = Gwol where G - modulus of shear. SOV/179-59-3-16/45 An Application of the Method of Basic Functions in the Theory of Elasticity of Rectangular Systems These values will be called displacements. The differential operators L and A in their symbolic terms are defined as Eq (0.2), where y is a constant. Three cases are considered. In the first case the homogeneous conditions of the mixed type are acting on the two opposite sides of the rectangular surface. The limiting conditions in this case are expressed by Eq (1.1) and the basic functions U0 and Z 0 are equal to 0. The remaining two functions can be defined as Eq (1.2), which can be written in the general form as Eq (1.8) if the function F(x) is introduced as in Eq (1-3). These two functions can be represented as Eqs (1.14) and (1.16) when the transforma- tions, Eqs (1.9) to (1.13) and (1.15), are effected. The second case is defined for the homogeneous static conditions on two opposite sides when the limiting conditions are expressed by Eq (2.1)., In this case the basic functions X 0 and Z 0 are alSo equal to 0 and the other two functions are represented by Eq (2.2). Card 2/4 Similarly, as in the previous case, the function F(x) is SOV/179-59-3-16/45 An Application of the Method of Basic Functions in the Theory of Elasticity of Rectangular Systems introduced (Eq 2.3) and the formulae,Eq (2.6), are defined (where C I = const). Substituting Eq (2.6) into Eq (0.1), the general formulae (2-7) are obtained which correspond to Eq (2.5). The value of kh in Eq (2-5) is expressed as kh = a + bi and then it is divided into two equations, Eq (2.8). Alfio the values of a-bi, -a+bi and -a-bi can be obtained and, therefore, Eq (2-5) can be written as Eq (2.9). The values of a and b were found experimentally by 1. Fadle (Ref 8) and are tabulated on p 121. Since the general form of the function F(x) can be written as Eq (2.10), the complex roots of Eq (2-5) are obtained as Eq (2.11) or (2-13). The third case is obtaitLOd when the homogeneous geometric conditions (3-1) are affectIng two opposite sides. The function F(x) in this case is defined as Eq (3.2) which, in contrast to Eqs (1-5) and (2.5), does not contain zero roots. Therefore, the general integral for F is determined similarly to Eq (2.11). Then, the integrals for displacement and tension are found from Card 3/4 Eqs (2.14) and (2.15) for the limiting conditions SOV/179-59-3-16/45 An Application of the Method of Basic Functions in the Theory of Elasticity of Rectangular Systems (P -jk2 0 + 1 (P I + 1 (P 0 for z = 0, z = h 2) 2k2 It should be noted that the calculations shown in this ifork (such as Eqs (1.14), (1.16) etc.) could be extended to every plane surface having at least two parallel sides. There are 1 figure and 9 references, 6 of which are Soviet and 3 English. SUBMITTED: August 14, 1958 Card 4/4 93907 B/179/60/000/005/010/010 Elq1/El8l AUTHOR: Mo scow) TITLE: The Method of Initial Functions in the Axially Symmetrical Problem of the Theory of Elasticity, PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnLy-heskikh nauk Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1960~ No 5, pp 14-175 TEXT: Referring to Vlasov V.Z. (Ref 1), the fundamental relationships.of the methods,of initial functions,are derived for the axially symmetrical problem of the theory of elasticity. A similar method was given by A.I. Lurlye (Ref 2). An arbitrary S-olid of revolution under conditions of axially symmetrical deformation is-considered under the action of external loads without mass~forces.. The displacement vector components in a cylindrical coordinate system are multiplied by the shear modulus and, in this form, are called displacements in the initial function method. The initial functions are the values in the base plane of the displacement vector and stress vector components. On the assumption that the stress and strain distributions are independant of the angular coordinate, the general expressions for the Card 1/3 93907 S/179/0/000/005/010/010 R191/E181 The Method of Initial Functions in the Axially Symnetrical Problem of the Theory of Elasticity displacements and stresses of the initial function method, formulated earlier in cartesian coordinatea, are transformed. Two basic sets of relations exist of which one applies to symmetrical and the other to anti-symmetrical deformations (torsion problem). The derivations are applied to the torsion of a thick- walled cylinder subject to an arbitrary torsion loading applied to the far end face of a.cylinder fixed at the other end face. The torsion load is distributed over the face In accoodance with a given function of the radius. To satisfy the boundary conditions at the loaded face, a, differential equation of infinite order is formulated. The solution, being the sum of a particular solution of th,encn-homogeneous equation and the general solution of the homogeneous equation, is stated. The solution is expressed by Bessel functions, but when the radial distribution of the end load obeys a certain law, elementary functions are applicable. The application of the method is shown to the problem of the equilibrium of a thick-walled cylinder with "mixed" boundary Card 2/3 93907 S/179/60/000/005/010/010 E191/E181 The Method of Initial Functions in the Axially Symmetrical Problem of the Theory of Elasticity conditions at the end faces (vanishing axial deformations and shear stresses). It is shown that identical solutions are obtained with those already given by other methods of the theory of elasticity. If the boundary conditions at both end faces are expressed in terms of stress alone (vanishing axial and shear stresses), the problem becomes that of the flexure of & round plate under an axially symmetrical load. The problem is solved by considering two partial solutions which are superimposed. Finally, the problem is considered of arbitrary normal loads at one face whilst the other face is free of either load or fixing. There are 7 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: November 6, 1959 Card 3/3 VLASOV, V. V. (Moskva) Applying the method of initial functions to some problems of the bending of rectangular plates. Iazh.sbor. 30:78-84 160. (MIRA 13: 10) (Alastic plates and shells) YLASOVP V.-V-, kand.fiziko--matematidhe-skikh n-auk (Foskva) Application of the initial function, method to the calculation of thick plates. Issl. po teor. sooruzh. no.10:189-207 '61. (MIRA, 14:8) (Elastic plates and shells) VLASOV V.V, _:~~ I -W Results of the investigation of differentdal thermocouple baterlaaa Priborostroenie no-4:27-28 Ap 163. (MIFA 16:4) (Thermocouples-Testing) VLASOV, VIV., ~and,flz.-m.L.mtuk; SUBBOTINP YU":)' New phase sensitive eddy currert method of detectl.-Fz surface cracks in metal products, Renort No.2.4 Schema%tic d-lagram of a flaw doteetcr. Defektoskopiia 1 no-3t77-85 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Institut fiziki mtallcyv AN SSSR. _66--a method of production of monocrystalline.films of semiconductors. S. A. Semiletov. Preparation, structure, and some properties'of monocrystalline layers of lead selenide. S. A. Semiletov, I. P. Voronina. On a method of preparation of thin films of indium antimonide of stoichiometric composition. P. S. Agalarzadep S. A. Semiletov, E. G. Pinsker. New phases In-the system gallium-tellurium. V. V. Vlasov, S. A. Semiletov. Same questions on the crystal chemistry of semiconductors with the structure of bismuth telluride. S. A. Semiletov. (Presented by S. A. Semiletov--20 minutes). Report presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kishinev, A6-21 SePt 1963' - -- - VLASOVY- - V. V. "The Experience With Application of Penicillin in Medical Uerums For Surgical Ailments.," Voyenno-Med. Zhur., Iqo. 6y P. 34, 1955. VLASOV, V.V., podpolkovnik mad. alushby Treatment and application of prostheses following anputation. no.3:29-32 Xr 157. (MIRA 11:3) (AMPUTATION STUMP, management (Rue) (ART Ir IC IAL LIMB, (Rue) 1'/3 S 6 V, V. VIASOV, v podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby; LIPSKIY, Ya.l., podpolkov- nik Meditsiaskoy sluzhby; SWRAMOV, A.A.. podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhb.v Some aspects of surgical procedures in burns associated with open fractures; experimental observations. Voen.-med.zhur. no.8:20-25 Ag 157. (MMA lOil2) (BURNS, experimental, with open fract., surg. (RUB)) (FRAGTURES. experimental, with burns, surg. (Rue)) VIASOV, V.V ,.-podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby Changes in the vessels and the development of the tissue blood aim ,ply following burns combined with wounds. Toen. med.zhur. no-3:91 159. (MIRA 12:6) (BLOOD VHSSELS) (BURNS AND SC&LDS) VLASOV, V.V. Metal nailing in open fractures combined with burns. Ortop., trav. i protez. 20 no-10t15-21 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. 1z Novosibirskogo okruzhnogo goopitalya (nach. - N.Z. Borovskiy), nauchnyy rukovodttell - prof. I.L. Bregadze. MOTURES surgery) BURNS therapy) i .-.. -- - ---TiFIASOVr- V*Vo, .(Novosibirsk, 17, korp.95, kv.4) Some clinical and roentgenological characteristics of the healing of experimental fractures assoelated with burns. i rad. 1.4 no.4:53-59 JI-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) (BURNS exper.) (F]LkGTURES exper. ) VLASDALt--V". , CAND MED SC19 "CERTAIN PECtILIARITIES OF--~2 SURGICAL TREATMENT AND HEALING OF WOUND$ ASSOCIATED WITH BURNS," NOVOSIBIRSKt 1960, (NovosIBIRSK STATE MED INST). (KL-DV9 11-61, 227). -241- VLASOV, V.V.; WHAREVICH, T.V.; K01USSAROV, M.Ya.; TYAZHKUN, X.F, Treatment of facial burns with bandages. Voen.-med. zhur. no.8-: 48-50 Ag 160. (FACE-WOUI-IDS MID IND'URIES) (MM .14:7) (BURNS AND SCALDS) VLASOV, V.V. Three cases of complications following the administration of Gordeev's solution. Vest. derm. i van. 34 no. 5:67-68 160. (k[RA 14:1) (CYTOTOYIC DRUGS). VLASOV., V.V.) podpolkovnik meditsinakoy sluzhby Case of anophylactic shock. Voen.-med. zhur. no.7;73-74 Ji 161. (IMU 15: 1) (ALLERGY) (TETANUS) ACCESSION M: AP4019079 S/0170/64/000/003/0034/0041 AUTHOR: Vlasov, V. V. - ---------------- TITLE: Determination of the thermal conductivity coefficient of solid materials i i by means of a computer SOURCE: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy zhurnal, no. 1964, 34-41 TOPIC TAGS: thermal conductivity coefficient) automatic thermal conductivity determination, digital computer, tufnol ACBSTRACT: A description is given of D method for the automatic determination of the thermal conductivity of solids under quasi-stationary heat conditions with the aid of a digital computer. Vie equation qR /2 4 t, where X is the thermal conductivity coefficient, q is the specific heat fltLx, and A t is the temperature drop on the plates under study, is used to calculate the thermal con- ductivity of tufnol by both manual and automatic methods. A functional block diagram given in the article presents the principle of operation of an automatic I device and of analog-discrete transformation units. The designs of all the basic units are described and the main parameters of their operation are given. The iCard-1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4ol9O79 experimental* data for the thermal conductivity of tufnol, obtained manually and automatically, are presented. The results of measurements are discussed, and the errors involved in the determination of the thermal conductivity of solids by a digital computer are evaluated. The author carried out the woesc in the Department of Chemical Technology at Cambridge University (England). Orig. art. has 1 figure, 1 table, and 1 formula. ASSOCIATION: Filial Moskovskogo instituta khimicheskogo maalhinostroyeniya., Tarabov (Branch of the Moscow Institute of Chemical Machinery) SUFMITTIED:' 18Feb63 DATE ACQ: -27Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH, MH NO REF SOV: 002 OTHER-. 000 ,Card 2/2 .. ...... . BERG, L.G.; SIDOROVA, Yeje.; VLASOV, V.V.; SOZIN, Yu.I.; AVVAIMOVA . K. N. &`*`r"-"~`rz~ Cadmium nitrate tetrabydrate and the products of its dehy- dration. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.3:538-546 14r 164. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Rhimicheskiy institut AN SSSR i Kazanskiy filial AN SSSR. BYCHKOVY 17u.F.; VLASOV, VS.; ROZANOV, A.R. Certain properties of ternary /19-solid solutions of zirconium with niobium and molybdenum. Met. i metalloved. chist. met, no.3382-95 161. (Zirconium-niobium-molybdenum alloys) (KRA 1516) VIASOV" V.V. Automatic device for continuous determination of the heat diffusivity factor for solids under quasi-stationary thermal conditions. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. 5 no.9:66-73 S 162. (MDA 15:8) l* Institut Ichimicheakogo mashinostroyeniya.. Moskva. (Thermal diffusivity--Yeasurement) .VLASGV, Vladimdr Yefimovich, zhurnalist; MAZHSKIY, 0.,, red.; YEGOROVA, I., tekhn. red. (Blue glow] Goluboi ogon'. Moskva, Izd-vo TsK VLKS4 ffMolodaia pardiia," 1961. 30 p. (MIRA 34:11) (Bleotric welding) L :Z914-66 'AN5007586 BOOK EIPWITATIGI UR/ vusov Vas Zakharovich (Corresponding Mmber of the Academy of Sciences i;f the iSelected works.. v. 10. Outline of the scientific work "Crezieral theory of shens.11 Articles (Izbrannyye trudy. t. 1: Ocherk nauchnoy deyatellnoifi "Obahcha:ra ;P teoriya obolochek.11 Stati) Moscow, Izd-vo AN S&SR# 1962. 0528 pe illIksep biblio. Errata alip inserted. 2000 copies printed. MPIC TAGS: aerospace struct cyclindric shell structure, thin walled beantp shell theory, spheric sheipattructure, ellipsoidal shell. structure, shell design, elasticity theory, cyclic strength PURPOSE A&D COVERAGE: Ibis 4-6~rok is the first volume from the "Selected Works" by Vasilly Ilkharovich Vlasov a prominent Soviet scientist in the field of strength of materials ,, structural mechanics and theory of thin-walled systems. Me first volume comprises the treatise on "General theory of shells and their application in technology"., and other articles in the area of the theory of ,shells. The title of the second volume is "Ihin-walled elastic beams". This is a general presentation on the theory of stability, strength and vibratian of thin-*alled beams. . It '.contains also the aut1wrts presentation "On the atructural principles of general technical shellAheory and new structural forms CaM 1/4 L 2914-66 M5007586 of three-dimensional systems". The third volume In on "Thin-walled three- dimensional systems", which presents general variation methods for deeigiing Priomatic folded systems and shells. TABLE OF CMENTS (abridged): !Vasiliy Zakharovich Vlasov,, a biographical sketch 3 JGeneral theory of oh ells and its technic al applications* I Fore-word-.-----15 IFART 1. DESIGNING THEORY AND METHODS OF ZERO-MCMENT SHEMS Ch., I. Zero-mme~t 's'urface of revolution shells 17 Ch. II. Zero-moment surface of second order shells. General. theory -'49 ;Ch. III. Designing methods of closed elliptical and sphericel shells on random loads - 108 'Ch. IV, Deaigning methods of elliptical and spherical deines,oh random loads., She3ld of ftegative,gauesian distribution 248 Card 2/4 L 2914-66, ;AM5007586 PART 2. GENERAL X(KEN= SHELL THEORr Ch. V, Basic curred coordinates equations of elasticity theory for three-' dimensional problems - 152 C),--e- VI. Ba,.,dc equations of elastic shells general theory 176 PART 3# GEIM?AL THEORY AND DESIGNING METHODS FOR FLIT SWIS AND MILUT BW PiiTES Ch. VII. Basic equations of shallow shells ~nd slightly bent plates theory - 243 1 Ch. VIII. CZ~A~ical circular shellae-- 260 Ch* IX. Shallow sphericil shells.- -308 Ch* X* More complicated problem on thetheory of shallow eheUe 338 PART 4. ORTHOTROPIC CYCLINDIRICAL SHIUM OF FMITUM LENGTH Ch. Xle Basic differential curd nitegral differential equations of cyclindrical 374-:- -Pard L 2901-66 EWT(d)/E~ITm)/F-'~IP(W)/E-~;P(v 21EIN Pk/EWA h)ATC(m) VII/E-M I/T AM5007587 BOOK EXPIDITATION UR/ 4 3 624.04 YJAWKPYA ch,--~Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.) Selected works. V. 3: Thin-Walled three-dimensional systems (Izbrannyye trudy. t. III: '-Ibnkostennyye prostranstvennyye sistemy) Moscow, Izd-vo "Naukatlo 1964. 0471 P. illus., tables. (At head of title: kkademiya nauk SSSR) 2300 copies printed. TOPIC TkGS: _c;Nlic strength, bending stress, tornion stress, eivJ-l engin ingo aerospace shell structure, cylindric shell structurejAhin-u ell ralled beam%; theory, elastic so prismatic body, shell structurep _Lhell desie -Pia-L ;IA' '~LN PURPOSE MM COVERAGE: '1he thin-walled three dimensional structures comprising plates and shells are widely applied in various brenches of modern technt-:Logyo 7 are used for covering of industrial and civil stractures and b uildings. such as: underground petroleum reservoirs, hangars, cooling towers,, supply lineup stadiumsp theatresj mfimming pools, etc# 7he modern aircraft# shipap ! reinforced concrete vessels and floating docksp all-me-tal railroad care,, trolley' cars, automobiles are also thin-walled three WmensioniLl shell systems Of Card -1/4 L 2901-66 '!AM5007587 different form and profile. 7he use of thi6walled structures is advantageous ecmologicaiand------im~c. condidmatlons.-. 7his book presents-t general econ theory of cylindrical and prismatic orthotropic medium length 6hel2Ath one croes-sectional transverse strength. Mi -m`51H-em-Rical section the theory is presented by variation reduction methods in comion matrix differential equations. I It is a generalization for strength of materialn theoryp bending and torsion theory of thin-walled and continuous section beams, 7h;-. book contains alm) practical and engineering methods for the solution of.tliree-dimensional mechanical engineering and applied elasticity theory problems. STABLE OF CONTMrS (abridged): Foreword to the lot edition 3 Toreviord to the 2nd edition 5. '~iPART L. DESIGNING, SMAS. BY COMPINED VARIATION MHOD WHILE NOT ALLVdIUG FOR SHEARING STRAIN iCh. It Theory of orthotropdc prismatic and cylindric'al shells of medium length 9 Card 2/4 L 2901-66 AM5W7387 Ch. II. Theory app3ication in desigaing thin-walled building structures 105 PART 2. DISIGNING SHELLS BY VARIATIO14 DISPLACERNT METHOD WHILE ALLOWING FOR SHEARING SIRAIN Ch. 1II. Designing theory for multiply connected cylindrical and prismatic shells - 1,60 Ch. IV. Theor7 appUcation in designing thin-walled-three dimensional systems 176 Ch. V. Stability of primatic shells 240 Ch. VI. *Strength and stability of cylindrical or~hotropic shells PART 3. VARIATION METHODS FOR THE SOWTICN OF PROBLEMS IN THE THEORY OF PIATES Ch. VII. Plane stressed state of plates and thin-walled beam 309 Ch. VIII. Bending theory of platee 324 C ard 3/4 PHASE I BOOK IMLOITATION sov/6428 j Ylasov. Vasilly Zakharovich Izbrannyye trudy. t. II: Ton1costennyye.upruglye sterzhni. Printsipy postroyeniya obahchey tekhnicheskoy teorii obolochek (Selected Works. v. 2: Thin-Walled Elastic Beams. Development Principles of the General Engineering Theory of Shells) Moscow, lid-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1963. 51'~T-p. Errata slip inserted. 2000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. F-ditoriai Commission: N. I. Bezukhov, V. V. Vlasov, A. A. Gvozdev, A. L. Goldenveyzer, A. K. Mroshchinskiy, 0. D. Oniashvlli; Deputy Chief Ed.: I. M. Rabinovich; Chief Ed.: V. V. Sokolovskiy; N. S. Streleiskiy; Resp. Sec~etary;l. S. Tsurk-ov; Eds. of Publls-kUng House*. Y. M. Akhundov and Ye. N. Grigorlyev; Tech. Edo.: T. A. Prusakova. and T..V. Polyakova. PURPOSE: The book is intended,for engineers, designers, and scien- tif ic workers concerned with the design and with the stmw and stability Card 1/ 0 -~- Selected Works. v. 2: Thin-Walled Elastic (Cont.) SOV/6428 analysi's of thin-walled structures under static and dynamic loading. COVERAGE:, The general theory of strength, stability,,and vibration of thin-walled beams andicolumns of open and closed cross;section is presented. The design of solid-cross-section bars is also discussed. The following m6dern problems of the strength of ma- terials, structural. me6hanics, and applied elasticity theory are examined: thin-walled, shell-type open-bection beams reinforced by transverse elements; shell-type closed-section 0eams undergoing normal:_and shearing strains due to the iiarping of cross sections; Oestressed beams; thermal stresses; equilibrium of shell-type beams under complex loadings; three-dimerisiOnal stability; and vibration of thin-walled structures. Thei treatment of all these goblems is. based ontthe eneral "bimoment" theory of warping deplanation). The erm bimoment" denotes a pew quantity in statidis (dimensionality kg.CM2) associated,with the sectorial deplanation of the Pross section. The n)imcriient" represents a generalized self-equilibrating system of forces statically card 2IA63 Selected Works.. v. 2: Thin-Walled Elastic (Cont.) sov/6428 equivalent to zero. The second part of the book consists Of a review-report by the author. This report was presented at the Second International Conference on the Theory of Shells held in Oslo in 1957, and may be considered as a ezmAtion of V 1 a s n, v I s entire scientific activity No personalities are mentioned.- There are 300 references: L8 Soviet and 82 non- Soviet. TABLE OF CONTFNTS (Abridged]: Preface to tPe first edition 1 Preface to the second edition 4 PART I. THIN-WALLED'IiASTIC BEAMS Ch. 1. Theory of Thin-Walled-_-.Shell-Type Open-Conto~r Beams 5 Ch,. 2. Design Methods of Thiri-Walled Open-Contour Beams 53 Card 3/63 ZIRA, Ivan Mitrofanovich; HALYUGINg Timofey Timofeyevich; KMSHIN# P.M., reteen2ent; ASMEWT, Te.A., retsenzent; TLASOV, Teel., red.; PW.i, Te.A., red.izd-va; PARAMNA, I.L.-O %" [Mechanization of silvicultural operations) Makhanizataiia lesakhozisistvennykh rabot. Moskva, Goolenbumizdat. 1960. 563 P. (mm 14:1) (Forests and forestry--Bquipment and supplies) VLLSOV, YE. 1. 27839. VLLSOV, YE. I Yashiny i oborudovaniye dlya sozdaniya polezashchitnykh polos. Lee istept, igio, No. 1, s. 58,76z SO: Leto-ois' Zhurnalinykh Statey, Vol- 37, 1" VAYS, Karl Leonovich; _VLASOV, Ye.M., red.; SHILLING, V.A., iced. izd- va; GVIRTS, V.L... tekhn. red. [Problems in applying microreproduction to scientific and technological information]Nekotorye voprosy primeneniia milk- rofotokopirovaniia v nauchno-tekhriichoskoi informatsii. Le- ningrad, 1962. 14 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Micropbotograpby) VLASOV, Yevgeniy Modestovirh; T!Yirj'l,'ZYEVSiUY_, T.F.,, rc-d. fMj,-Op~.0t,.)cop,f-jTjg of e-r--" patenil and technical information] v nauchnoi i patentno-tekhnicheskoi Informatsii. Leningrpad, 1965. 34 p. (MIRA 18z5) ACC NR, AR6022-393 SOURCE CODS1 -UH10398166100010031vololvolo-iI AUTHOR: Kurzono A. G.; Vlasov, Ye. X. TITLE: Selection of parameters for a supersonic double-crowned turbine stage with a small intake ratio ~ ISOURCE; Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs- 3V80 .REF SOURCE: Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota, vyp. 629 1965, 3.1-27 TOPIC TAGS: turbine design, steam turbtne~ turbine stage, marine engineering, pro- pulsion engineering , supersonic nozzle, supersonic nozzle flow ABSTRACT: The results of design and experimental determinations of the optimum nozzle slope, al, for a supersonic double-crowned turbine stage with a small intake ratio, C, 'I'Veight, Xn, for various are cited, and the question of selecting the optimum nozzle operating'conditions and intake ratios, is reviewed. established that (1) the dependence of the nozzle velocity coefficient, Y, on al must be taken into considera- tion when designing auxiliary supersonic turbines; this requires the compilation of experimental material; (2) it is desirable to take aopt ~ 16-140, for small flow values aopt - 12-100, and to reduce it for lesser flows and turbine power ratings; curves for use in making a tentative evaluation of so t are derived; (-3) a nozzle height of 10-11 mm should be considered satisfactory Yor steam flows of 1 to 2 tons/ Card 1/2 UDM 621.438.,629.12 hour, the higher for lesser flows, and the lower for the larger ones; %M the questior ,,. of the optimum complex for the values for Xn and 9 and for the.stage diameter, is earthy of profound experimental investigation* 13 figures, 3 tables*' Bibliography- of 17 titles. S. Korzh. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 Card I- _ _.- __ I sdbWdi-cbDg-.--UR/0398/66/000/003/volo/volo ACC NRs AR6022393 AUTHOR: Kurzon, A. G.; Viasov. Ye. N. TITLE: Selection of parameters for a supersonic double-crowned turbine stage with a small intake ratio SOURCE: Ref. zh. Vodnyy transport, Abs. 3V80 REF SOURCE! Tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-ta morsk. flota, vyp. 62, 1965, 11-27 TOPIC TAGS: turbine design, steam turbine, turbine stage, marine engineeringt pro- pulsion engineering , supersonic nozzle,. supersonic nozzle flow ABSTRACT: The results of design and experimental determinations of the optimum nozzle slope, al, for a supersonic double-crowned turbine stage with a small intake ratio, C, are cited, and the question of selecting the optimum nozzle height, Xn, for various operating'conditions and intake ratios, is reviewed. It is established that (1) the dependence of the nozzle velocity coefficient, Y, on al must be taken into considera- tion when designing auxiliary supersonic turbines; this requires the compilation of experimental material; (2) it is desirable to take aopt - 16-140, for small flow valuer, aopt - 12-10*, and to reduca it for lesser flows and turbine power ratings; curves for use in making a tentative evaluation of a t are derived; (3) a nozzle height of ID-11 mm should be considered satisfactoryoYor steam flows of 1 to 2 tons/ Card 1/2 UDC: 621,438:629,12 ACCNRi AR6022395 hour, the higher for lesser 'flows, and the lower for the larger ones; (4) the questJ of the optimum complex for the values*for 4 and 9 and for the stage dianeter, is worthy of profound experimental investigation. 13 figures#.3 tables. Bibliography- of 17 titles# So Xorzh* [Translation of abstract) SUB GOM 13 Card IT (d)/r 2 / F,,v-P ( k) L 0-)994-66 a, R71% :,ACCESSION 11R: AP5019667 UR/0229,465/000/006/M-0/0031 621,125--225.1 AUTHORSt Kurz n, A. G. (Doctor of technical sciences); Vlafjoyj Y~e (Engineor)~ j TITLEt Effects of Ppzzle construction -dn the econozV of a nupersonic, double-, ring turbine stage'at &ball partial admission ratios SOURCE u Sudostroyeniye, no. 6, 19650 28-31 --.1-TOPIC TArs: partial admission turbine, steam turbine, nozzle efficiency, turbine zle efficiency noz ABSTRAM The effects of nozzle construction on tho officioncy of a oupersonic. turbine stage operating at small admission ratios wore investigated experimentally at theLeningradskiy korablestroitel'skiy institut (Leningrad Shipbuilding Insti- tute) This nozzle is also described by Ye. 11. Vlanoi (Ias`16'd6'vaniye i.,sver1chzvuJcovoy dvukhvenechnoy stupeni pri maloy stoponi vpuska, "Sudostroveniyo," no. ll~ 1964). The nozzle geometries (see Fig. 1 of the Enclosure) included three = 12p 15o and 180) drilled (divergence y = 60301; area ratio Fm/'Imin = 2.250 a and,three milled y 10o; A.R. 2.25, a 1 10) 15, and 150) configurations T ACQ'SSION IR. AP5019667 with I-T -noziles corresponding to.a.flow o~C,350-2400 kg/hour and an admission :ratio. Fiz D,,Py,, sin a per nozzle of 0.02p 0.032p 0.025, 0.026t 0.04p and 0.025 for nozzle types A, B, C, angle of the nozzle wall D) E, and F (vhere a 45; 8045'; 110451; 150; 100; and 150 respectively). Superheated steam at a calculated expansion ratio of P.*/P2 14 was used.- The affioiency as a function of u/Co for drilled nozzles is shown in Fig, 2 of the Enclosure, for milled nozzles in Fig, 3 of the Enclosurep, while a comparison,of economy of the two types of nozzles as a function of F min is shown in Fig. 4 of. the Enclosure. It was found that the admission ratio rather than. a 1 had the major effect on efficiency for the drilled nozzles, while for the milled nozzles the efficieney,depended on the type of construction at small admission ratios (Z = 1). This dependence decreased as Z was increased (Z = 4), I-The efficienev of drilled nozzles was found to be greater (see Fig. 4 of -the En- 9) than that of milled nozzles over the whole range of investigated paran- clo'Our eters. Orig, art. has: 4 figures and 1 fo43 formula, Card 2/1 u-icuostm-",.: 01 - -------- - - F: .'C UOL U r-2,. L'oo994-66 . ACCESISION NR: A.P.511 019-661---'--- ENciDsum: o4 B At IF -Cgilled -Milled,. L 22539-55 ACCESSION N-Ri A::414049885: S/C2-29/64/000/01 1/0034/CO.516 T -T 1,3; t-lrvi~q at-c-ge at low paxtia-I admiasion oonditLomn SOU-nCE, no. 1964, 34-36 - - mt4Lz . auperoonio turbLne T;, z7a 4- 9r i C~ an I" L 17-1 C--Ir 1. Me .41~au U.&ULV-,Lu Luz WItul ~V- ILL4,~ ORV the losuea a ps--Jal acLn~-ouim ~Z t r!, 7- fr-irn thn SUMUTITED 00 SM CODE PIR :"a? C-f Xc KURZON$ A.G., doktor tekhn.nauk; V,..ASOV, Ye..N., irizli. Main directiona for impy-bvIng a!L-fdlj.a- marim Aean turbir~es. y L SudostroeniB 30 nc).~421-25 F '611. (MIRA 1-1 :4) dCL--,,w tokIU4 rmk; vitsov, Yon. S~alactlng tkw pnramtors of a cuporconic tuo-rm turbim stam, uith it lcxt inlot ra-A3. Trudy T9,11 DT no. 62sll,27 ("aF& :LC.-:12) IAVEROVY N.P.; TARASHCHM4A.Y.; VIASOV, Ye.P.; PUDAN, G.F. Use of thermnolumineseence for determining the relative age of granitoids. Geol,rud.mestorozh. no,6:91-101 N-D 161. (MIRA 14-12) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrografii, mineralogi-i i geokhimi--t MI SSSR. (Rocks) (Gnological time) Wiminescence) VLASOV J. Ye.V, (Mog-1wa) ; MUNIN , A.G. (Moskva) Acoustic characteristics of a free turbulent stream. Alcust. zhur. 10 no.3:271-275 164. %'KR.A 17:11) S 0 U R C E Ak u q t i c h E, q k i v z ii u r, n a v 9 4 2 7 I A 4 p r - ;z n p - 'l t i I n p n, -3 S T RACT T h r e q u I t a ri r r a .i a R u r u e -'I I lOw '4 3 9 a -r) I I d o n r, n e r a t e ci AS S 0 1 A T 1 ON n 0 n e ME -. WN SUBMITTED: O8Har63 A TID t AUTFO? Vla 3 c v ZAI is combined with the PCS~4t-17e C01-1-3~1F',l'on h,59 Cal C1.1 a4 52196-65 ACCESSION M AP5013913 ASSOCIATI011i Filial -sAGI im, nrof. N. Y,:~, ENCLf 00 SUB corE., YZ SUBMIrIsDi 05SeP64 NO RKh' SOV: 002 OTHER: 005 Card 3/a-- VLASOV, Yu. zaaluzhennyy master sporta ,-~ ~-- , I ~ , I From week to week. Starsh.-serzh. no.7:34 Jl 162. (KM 16t6) (Weight li#ing) Virturs 20 I I-M. VLASOV Yu ABDUKARIMOVA A.; MERTSALOVA, 0. f=~~ .1 Composite tomato streale, Zashch. rast. ot vred. -J lo no.1r47-48 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut zashchity rasten4y. .L .~IASOV Some causes of digtortion of ballistocardiagraphic Ourves and possible ways for their Vap. pat. i rag, org. krov. i dykh. no.1t 43-48 161. (YdRA 18:7) VIROGRABOVA, GURFINKELI, V.S.; SHIK, M.L. Clinical and physiolcgical parallels in congenital anC acquired heart defects. Vop. pat. i reg. org. krov. i dykh. no.1:77-87 161. (MIRA 18t7) r Yq, .; GUFTINKELI, V.S.; IVANOV, D.I.; MALKIla, V.B.; VLASOV 'A POPOVAI ye.o.; -W.-L. Hemodynamic studies during the respiration,of 02 under excessive pressure. Biul. eksp. biol. i mod. 0 no.4jZ~-27 Ap 161. (KFA 14:8) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i maditsiny (dir'. - prof, Ye.N.Moshalkin) Sibirskogo Adeleniya AN SSSR, Novosibirsk. Pred4tavlena deystvitellalm chl6nom AMN SSSR V-V-Parinym. (BLOOD-CIRCUIAT'ION) (RESPIRATION) (ATMOSPHERIC -PPMSU~E-PHXSI0L0GICAL EfWCT) WSHALKIN, Ye.N.; BLAU, YU.I.; Yu. A. Evaluation of the effectiveness of pericardial resecticT4 in chronic adhesive pericarditis bV the hemodynamic control method. Eksp. khir. i anest. 7 no.6-3-9 N-D 162. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (dir. prof. Ye. N. Meshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. MEYERSONY F.Z.; MIKOELYAH., A.L.; UkMOVSKAYA, G.I.; VLASOV, Yu.A. 14yocardium and hemodynamics in hyperfunction &md insufficiency of the heart. Report no.2: Decrease in vascular resistance as a factor in economical compensation in diseases of the cix- culatory system. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 55 no.1:31-35 Ja'63. (MrdA 16:7) 1. Iz Institute, normallnoy i patologicheskoy fiziologii (dir. deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR V.V.P&rin) M-111 SSM i Instituta, okoperimentallnoy biologii 1 meditsiny (dir. -'prof. Yo. N. Moshalkin) Sibirskogo otdeleniya All SSSR. Predstavlena. deystvi- tellnym chlenom AM SSSR V.V.Parinym. (AOETA DISEASES) (BLOOD--CIRCULATION) (INERVES2 CA101AG) V.LASOV,-YU.A.; BLAU, Yu.I. Phasic correlation of the form of presswre curves in venae ~avae a=.- the right sections of the heart in chronic constrictive pericarditis. Kardiologiia 3 no-5:46-50 S-0 163. (I~dRA 17:9) 1. Iz Instituta eksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny Sibirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR (dir. - prof. Ye.11. Meshalkin). ~ESHALKJNI 'ZeIN.; SF-RGI7TIIVISKIY, V-~-,~; ARKElf'Ovill G.F.; OKIRIEVA) G.N.; SAVINSKIY G.A.; VLASO ~, YU,A.; ID'IDENKO, V~T. ThaoretiiLal possibility of prerjerving tho basic fvnction of the lung following surgi(.al rez;ection of all its neural connections (in auio- transplantation) un-der axj-,erimental conditions. Eksper. khj-r. i aneBt. 9 no.2:34-42 ?.Ix--AF 164. (MIRA 17, 11) 1. In6titut sksperimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny (nauchnyy rukovu-- dit,911 - prof. Ye.N. Meshalkiny i5po2-nYayuzhchiy- obyazannosti diraktorA dot-sant Yu.T. Bcrodtn) W-nisterstva zdravookhranriniya RSFSR, Novcsibtrik. VLASOVI, Yu.A - GUFT-INKELIO V.S.; SHIK, IM.L. I I Modal of' an aperiodic ballistocardlograFiT and ~hA.~ Ojf a upariodir ballistocardiogrwn in healthy person.1, MO. eksp, biol. i ined. 57 no.6:103-106 Je 164. (MIRA lg./,-) 1. Inst-itut elcoper-Iment4illnoy b1ologil I medi,tslny (63r. - pror. Ye.N.Mleshalkin) Sibirskogo otdel.eniya All SSSIR, laborator--ya fiziologii. (zav. - T.S.Vinogradowt.) ~ biofiziki (di.r. G.M.Frank) All SSSR. VIITGCZ~ADOV A, T.S . -,-:Lr a in -at ic~jn-iy- ZI, ~Yu. A F. 1 v IIAL Ch a r a c tl:-r.1 sr, a f tu n I 2tus arterlf~Vjs. Pa-lu. fizi.ol..L qksp.tnraj.~. 9 no~4:70-46 JI-Ag 165. 1. Laboratorl~a irodelirovani.ra krrvrjobrusholieniya (zav. - stsirsh--y nauchnyy .:otrudaik T.S.Vinogradcvm) Inn'ttuta eksferimentallney biologil i meditsiny (d)-rektor - Yu.f.Ecrodln) Ministen9tva zdra-,rookhraneniya RSFSR, Novoolbirsk. BALKOV, V.A.; VUSOV, Yu.A. IAWom features of the northern part of the Kungur ICW*VW steppe. Uch. zap. Perm. gOB. un. 15 no.2:85-91 160. WU 14-12) (Kungur District-Landforms) BERMSONp S.P.; Prinimal uchastiye VLASOV Yu A Investigating the oxidabilityof oils in thin layers by the photo,-- electric method. Khim. i tekh. topl. i rA-sel 6 no.llt64-,66 H 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Lubrication and lubricants-Additives) (Photoelectricity) VIASOV, Yu.A., inzh.; TENENBAMI, L.V., inzh. -- -- -------- .. o Increasing the reliablIlty of safell-y clutthes. Mashinostrotnie no-54-82 S-0 161, (MIRA 18:2) VLASOV, Yu.A.9 inzh. Multicircu-'t co",and devices for plogramming loads ir testing. Priborostroenie no.21ll-13 F 165. (WIRA 18.3) TENENBAUM, L.V., inzh.; VLASOIT, Yu.A., inzh.; KUTSYN, L.M., inz1j. Increasing the reliability and durability of wAnure convey,~rs. Mashinostroenle no.11:100-101 My-Je 165. (MIRA 1816), T&,'EN13A'Jl,,') L4v*j, imb.; VLASOV, Yu.A., inzh. - ~l Stand for test-4n,r, trarisnisslons with f-le/ible cou:p-l-Irgo, Maahinostroneie no#406-37 JI-Ag 165o (I r-I RA 18: 8) TENENBAUM, L.V., irlzh.; vljSo,,l YII.A., Irizh. p , 9 1 Increasing rf,'11fibilit "Y .1 - Y and rJurabilil, of the -ijr, loader. M,8811i'lostroenie nn.c::97-~)P ;--0 165. .W ( V, I ~: 1 s ~ 9 ) 'AUTHORS: Makarov, L. L., Yevutroplyevp X. K., 30V/76-32-7-25/45 Vlasov, Yu. G. TITLE: The Osmotic and Activity Coefficients of RbCl, CsCl and Kj in Highly Concentrated Aqueous Solutions (Osmoticheskiye koeffitsi- yenty i koeffitsiyenty aktivnostey RbCL, CsCl i KJ v vodnykh rastvorakh pri vysokikh kontsentratsiyakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1958, Vol 32, Nr 7, pp 1616 - 1621 (USSR) ABSTRACT; As in publications values of the above-mentioned coefficients are only found up to certain concentrations these values are determined in the present paper for higher concentrations at 250. Using the equation by Gibbs.-Duhem a possibility for tile calculation of the magnitude of the mean "practical" ion activity coefficient y� is given for the case of the determination of the values of the activity of water for higher concentrations of the electrolytes employing the data already existing in this field. The isopieatic method by Robinson and Sinclair (Ref 1) was employed for the determination of the water activity; Card 1/3 Kharned and Ouen (Ref 2) had proved the reliability of this The Osmotic and Activity Coefficients of' RbCl, CsC1 and SOV,/76-32-7-2jc/,1.5 Kj in Highly Concentrated Aqueous Solutions method.-Ther diagram of the vacuum exsiccator used is given, from which fact may, among other, be seen that glass and silver vessels were used~ The water activity was determined, according to calibration curves with NaCl and CaCl 2 solutions being uaed. The activity coefficients and the osmotic coefficients were calculated according 'to an equation. Besides the KJ-, NaCl- and CaCl 2- salts used also the method employed for the production of RbCl and CsCl is described. The inves- tigation of the solubility of the salts was carried out according to the isopiestic method. The obtained values of the solubility at 2509 as well as those of the osmotic and activity coefficients are given in a 'table. There are 1 figure, .1 table, and 5 references, I of which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstve-,nyy universitet im. A.A.Zhdanova (Leningrac! State University imeni A.A.Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: March 15, 1957 Card 2/3