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VLASOV, G.D., doktor tekhn.nauk Co=arstive analysis of the efficiency of saws nnd continuous saw lines. Der.prom.6 no.12:8-10 D '57. (MIRA 10:12) (saws) VIASOV, G. D. Lesopil'noe proizvodstvo. Izd. 2., perer. Dop. v kachestve uchebnika d1ja lesnykh tekhnikumov. Moskva, Gos. lesotekhn. izd-vo, 1948. 398 p. (Saw mill Production.) MH DW z Unclass. SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union., Library of Congress, 1953 VIASOV, G.D., doktor tekhn.nauk "Charts for sowing coniferous saw logo for export lumber" by [kanj.- tekhn.nauk) G.A.Ellkin. Reviewed by G. D. Vlasov. Der. prom- '. 12 no.3:27 Mr 16~. (MIRA 160) (Sawmills) (ElIkin, G.A.) VIASOV,, G.F.., inzh. Use modern communication systems in road maintenance units. Avt. dor. 28 no.2:9 F 165. (WRA 18:6) VLASOV) G.F.0 inzh. Meohanized laying of rough surfaces on old road pavements* kirte dore 26 no.2:13-14 F 163. (MIRA 16:4) (Roads., Gravel) rj7-U'--' nASOY, Gennadiy Ivanovich.. starshiy serzhant sverkharochnof sluzhlfy; MURAVIYEV, A.I., polkovnik, red.; CHAPAYEVA, R.I., (A second life for tanks)TgnkA - v-torulu zhiznl. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1962. 109 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Tanks (Military science)) F VLASOV, G.M. Contemporary volcanic research on Kamchatka Peninsula anj in other regions of the Far East. Inform.abor.VSEGEI no-3:72-77 56. (MLRA 10:1) (Kamchatka--Volcanoes) (Soviet Far Esst--Volcanoes) 15-57-4-4406 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologi-ra, 1957j Nr 4, pp 32-53 (USSR) Vlasevt G. 14. TITLE*. Quaternary Volcanos of Northern Kamchatka (Chetver- tiehnyye vulkany Severnoy Xamchatki) PERIODICAL: Tr. labor. vulkanol. AN SSSRI 1956, Nr 12, pp 191-196 ABSTAACT; The line o" volcanos in Centr4lnrr Range extends in the northeast to the isthmus of the Kamchatka Pe-" ninsula and follows farther oh fo-7 a considerable distance along the southeast slopis of the Kor'yakskiy Range. The volcanos form complex groups of hills with a relative height of 300 m to 400 m. A detailed study was made of the extreme northea-sl volcano of Obruchev, located on the divide of the Ollkhovaya and Gatatygrynyn Rivers. Today this -volcano forms a group of conical hills. its relative height is 1 km C&fd 1/4 15-57-4-4406 Quaternary Volcanos of Northern Kamchatka (cont.) to 1.5 km. Its eroded crater is a depression about 1 km in diameter. At the southwestern end of the probable fracture lies the Krasnyy Otkos volcano. In the spacebetween these two there are no less than three--volcanos. Large masses of opaline rocks and quaitiites are characteristic for the North Kamchatka volcanos. These were formed by the action of.,'furparoles And by the hydrothermal processes. Three stages of alteration" ha~~ been established for the Obruchev.. volcano. -The ckemical composition of the andeaite lavas of the . volcano at, the different stages are indicated in the table.. There is..nq...,pr.qa4Pt fumarole activity near- the volcanos of North Kamcha:tka. Centralnj# Itinge .1 a,nal some z.ones of Koryaltskly Range w6te an a~ea-of intensive volcanic activity during the entire Neogene, and a large part of the extrusive formations comprizing the range are, very likely. not Quaternary but Tertiary. S. P. B. Card 2A 15-57-4-406 Quaternary Volcanos of Northern Kamchatka (Cont.) Components 1 S102 66.80 74-42 T102 0-.16 1.06 A1203 17.66 0.42 Fe203 4.67 0.35 FeO 1.05 0.15 Muo 0.00 0.00 MgO 0.82 0.00 CaO 4.83 0.26 Na20 0.70 0.00 K20 0.48 0.00 P205 0.03 0.00 Card 3/4 3 93-76 3.00 0.05 0.21 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.03 15-57-4-4406 Quaternary Volcanos of Northern Kamchatka (Cont.) s03 0.08 2.86 1.31 H20 1.17 1-38 3.10 Others 1.22 22.90 2.16 Total 100.%,-A 103.80 104-04 1) Andesite (apparently already pa-inially altered) of the lower flow, exposed on the left bank of the Gataty rynyn River; 2) remains of decomposed andesite from the same flow; 3T opalite with relict porphyritic structure from the same location. Card 4/4 f ~ -' :~_ - - ~'- '- - ,/ -, -_ - -1 ~ ' VLASOV, . . Shore line movement of Peter the Great Bay in the Quaternsr7 period. Vop.geog.Dal'.Yost. no-3:102-115 '57. (MIRA 10:12) (Peter the Great Bay--Geology, Stratigraphic) AUTHORS: Yakobson, K. K. and Vlasov, G.M. 185 TITLE: Reduction of the weight of small assembled reinforced concrete bridges . (Snizheniye vesa malykh sbornykh zhelezobetonnykh Mostov). PERIODICAL: "Beton i Zhelezobeton" (Concrete and Reinforced Concrete), 1957, No.2, PP-58-59 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The "pile"-tressle bridges of Ingenieur N.M. Kolokolov's can be mass-produced efficiently and assembled. The speed of erection constitutes the main advantage of this method. A railway bridge (49 m long) was erected in 6 days. A highly organised and specialised party can complete a 30 m run of this bridge in one day. The Lentransmostprojekt developed a transportable bridge section of a width of 5 m, designed by E. A. Artamonov. However, these units are not very economical as the concrete consumption is 3rjY6 higher than in N.M. Folokolov's design and by 59106 higher than by a method developod by the Novosibirsk Institute of Rail Transport (NIIZHT). The weight of the units (23.5 tons) create difficulties in hoisting, even with 45 ton capacity railway cranes. The Kolokolov unit weighs only 9 tons. The Institute NI1ZHT (Bridge Building Laboratory) has designed a single unit bridge section with attachable cantilever ends. This 5 m wide unit weighs 15.4 tons and can b~ 185 Reduction in the weight of small assembled reinfor ed concrete bridges. (Cont.) handled easily with a 50 ton crane. An analysis has shown that the volume of concrete and reinforced concrete cf bridges up to 20 m span constitutes 70% of themhole weight. There is one drawing and one table. VIASOVI G.M Ore forrAi-ion in the volcanic zones an the ccast cf the Atlantlc Ocean (Far East). Trudy lab. paleovulk. Kazakh. gos. un. no.2: 141-155 163. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Dallnevostochnyy geologichesk4-y institut. log VLASOV, G. M. Volcanic sulfur deposits and some problems relative to the near-surface ore formation. Trudy Iab.vulk. no-13:166-178 '58. (MIRA 12:3) (Sulfur mines and mining) VIASOV, G.M.,aepirant DeslApIng scaffold brldges~-.Ath flexible plerim. Trudy IIIZHT no* 14:118-129 158. (MIRA 12:1) 1, Novosibirskiy inatitut inzhenerov sholesnodorozhnogo transporta. (Bridges, Coner6te-Foundations and piers) VMSHCHAGIN, V.N., oty.rod.; KUSM, L,I., otv.rede,; r led.; ZOLOTOV, M.G., red.; ZHAMOYDA, A.I., red.; KIPARIBOVA. L.D., red.; KODZALZVSXATA, red.; ONIKHIKOVSK~X, T.T., red.; SATRASOT, N.P.; CHEMMOV, Tu.F.; SXVORTSOV, V.P.', red.; AYSMIYZVA, T.A., Pesolutions of this Interdepavtmental Conference on the Xaboration of Standard Strati&ap4p Systoms for the Par Iset] Reshaniia toyeshchaniia Moshvedometvannogo soveshchaniia po rf~rabotkzi unifitairovannykh stra- tigraficheakikh skhem dlia Ballnego Vostoka. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn. izd-To lit-ry po geol. i okhrane uedr, 1958. 51 P. (MIRA 12:3) 1. Nezhvedomstvannoye soveshcbaniye po rasrabotke unifitsirovannykh stratigraficheskikh skhem dlya Dallnego Vostoka, Kbabarovsk, 1956. 2. Predsedatell Orgkomiteta Keshvedoustvaniiogo,;q~veshchaniya po ras- rabotke unifitsirovannykh stratikraficheakikh am dlya Dallnego Vostoka (for Krasnyy). ' (Soviet Par last-4kiology, Stratigraphic) VLASOV. G.H. Now geological data and ore potential of Laschatko [with sumary in Englishj Sov. geol. no. 3t3-18 My 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Veeeoyusnyy asuchno-iseledovatellskiy geologichaskiy institut. (Kamchatka-Geology) (Ore dep6pits VIASOVp G~Me t ... -. . ..... :- - Quaternary glaciation i~-Ihi horthern Kurili Islands. Geog. sbor. no.10:184-188 158, (MM 12:1) 1(Kurile Islands-Geologyg Stratigraphic). II I AUTHORS: vlasov, G. A", vasilevskiy, M, '-J. 1, (-j V TIT TX: Zoning in the Trar,.-,Iformed Roc~s Kamchatka Central Range ( Zonal i nos t I i zmen-~nnykh poro,,~ Ljirv_)g(~, Kamehatskogo khrebta) PERIODICU: Doklady Akademii naak 2ISSR, 19i8, Vol 1 ~2, Nr 41, op 678-662 ( ii-, S, R ) ABSTRACT: The zoninp in tn'-, Kamchatka Central Range has been stud- ied by the All-Pn: )..-; -,C 1-C.; UeOtog Ica I Re6- arc h Ins tit.. te since 1957. Tne Kamchatka mountain chain repreL-ents an anti- clinorium composed o'L magmatic a!:.1 MeLamorptiic rocks varying in age from Cambrian to (,.,,u,,xternary. A deep-seated fault zone runs approximately along the axis of the anticlinorium. This zone influenced the implacement of most oi the young magmatic rocks in thi, oLructure of the anticline as wall as controlling the gas-hydrothermal processes and the ore formation. The zone- of altered rocks and the ore occur in feather-faults associated with the main shear zone. In the same as3ociated faults occur small diorite intrusions, stocks of acidic andesite and dike suites ot* diorite porphyry and )ther rocts. The anticlinoriorl Card 1/4 has been mildly folded perpendicular to i-.s axes. Tnereforp, thz~ 7,orang in the Trantiformed t~--_cks ~:,f -:,, Tj=batka Central Range plunge of ono single segr -at of the oxis allows of dil*ferpnr struct.Lirfil levels. This pecijli;iriry is iw~enLified rjy ttie fact 1,kirit the prmipal ore depos.,tion took plare in thp, lute Neogene, i.e., the dime or' mRximum ..eveling of relief in this area. In the early (tuaternary the p:-espnt relief' -,;aS form- ed by differential block uplift. Througn tne erosion that fol- iowed, the different levels of Late Neogene vlilcanism and ore deposition were exposed. tx over 50 prot' of aitered rocic the autnars hnve shown that along .,, the linear shear zone the asso- ciation of new mine-rals, i.e., facies, in tht, altered rocks is characteristic in a regular manner. FurtY.ermore, near the fault zone which produced channels for the hydrothermal solutions there is a clear horizontal and vertical zoning cf these facies (Fig 1). In the middle structural. blocks, composed of folded Paleogene and Neogene volcanic mansen of andesito and basalt, the following characteristic zones are found: 1) mono-quartz, lower zone, 2) kaolinite (dickitp), zone, 3) quartz- sericite or muscovite, lower zone, 4) propylite, con.,,isting of chlorite, calcite, albite and zeolites. These zones correspond Card 2/4 to zoning in the altered rock of secondary quartzites, and i'~ is S OV/!20- 122-14-391/57 Zoning in the Transformed Rocks of the Middle Kamchatka Mo-intain Ridge here hypotiiesised that they represent a diffusion-metasomatism resulting from the gradual n,~utralization of acid solutions as they react with the surrounding rock (Refs 2,3). The observa- tions prove the next ntep in the evolution of the ore solu- tion:3. thp aikalic post-magmatic solutions a.9cended in the fracture zone carrying large amounts of silica and ore elements. The raising of the oxidation potential, the grFidual lowering temperature iind pressure ducrOW.Itld the solubility of the Bilica. Through this proceun the following took pl%ce: a metasomatic aillcificaLion ~,f couitry rock witti the I"-Qrnat.icn of' mas- sive quartz-propylite,.the rapid fall of temperature and pres- sure in a higher zone of more highly fractured rock with the consequent deposition of' quartz in fractures and the building of quartz-Etock worIks -m,-th me-al ores :)-. copper, lead, and zinc. in the higiiest beds near the earth's s:;rt'ace the rapid cooling of the remaining solution formed acids wnich bleached the ~.--nfry rock, creating the secondary qiiartzite. There art. 1 fig,ire and 5 references, 'A of which are 9oviet. Card .3!4 c"OV/1 20 -122 -4 -39/57 Zoning in Lhe Trans-formed Rocks of the Middle Kamchatka Wountain Ridge ASSOCIkTION: Vsesoy-uznyy geologicheskiy institut L 1-0 n i o r! Geological Research 'Institute) PRESENTED: May 19, 19")8, by D. ::. Karzhinskiy, Member, Academician '-'UBMITTED: May 19, '19~ia Card 4/4 3(5) SOf/20-127-1-42/65 AUTHORS: Vlasov, 0. M., Yarmolyuk, V. A. the Peninstla TITLE: The Structural-tectonic Regions o~/lamchatka/TStrakturno- t ekbonicheakiye rayony Kamohatki) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRv 19599 Vol 127, Nr 1. pp 156-11~8 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In recent years, important details helping to define the geo- logical structure of Kamchatka have been detected by the geo- logists of the Dallnevostochnoye (Far East) and i,yatoye (Fifth) geologicheskoye upravleniye (Geological Administrations). This has become evident with the composition of the juew geological survey map (1957) (Fig 1). Kamchatka is a young folding area, chiefly consisting of cenozoic and closely connected Cretaceous formations. A middle massif of metamorphic rocks and of.,Buch risen from the depth by eruption lies in the south of the Sredinnyy chain* Two directions become evident in the chief structures of the peninsula: (a) a southern one corresponding to the prolongation of the middle massif, and (b) a north- eastern one connected with the range of two parallel fold arcs. Card 1/4 One of the arcs (Vostochnyy Kaachatskiy chain) is the outer, 0 the SOV/20-127-1-42/65 The Structural -t ectoni a Regions of/-Kamchatka PeninsWa and the other (the central and northern part of the Sredinnyy chain) is the inner and roughly follows the axis of the pen- insula. The arcs are the most important structural-facial and -metallogenic zones. The outer arc consists of an anti- clinal elevation from the Upper Cretaceous sediments and volcanic,rocks, also ultrabasic ones among them. Pyrite-ore occurrences with copper, nickel, cobalt, occasionally with molybdenum are found here, Exclusively cenozoic volcanic rocks are developed in the inner range of the arc* There are ore occurrences of: mercury, antimony, gold, copper, and molybdenum, which have formed near the surface and rest in the midst of secondary quartzites and propylites. The arcs bend eastwards at the hitherto little investigated transversal south-eastern dislocation zone which cro3ses the peninsula near Petropavlovsk. The inner are is continued as Bol'shaya Kurillskaya insular chain (Great icuriles), while the outer are apparently follows a subaqueous projection eastwards, reaching the Valyye Kuril'- skiye (Little Xuriles) inlands. Botb area are continued in the north-east as Koryakskoye nagortye (Koryak mountaira). The outer are unites with the structures of Alaska. The Sredinnyy Card 2/4 massif is prolonged northwards by young anticlinal folds* This the BOY/20-127-1-42/65 The Structural -tectonic Regions of/K-amchatka Peninsula massif and both the mentioned area form the chief anticlinoria of Kamchatka and the orographically marked mountain chains. A 4th smaller anticlinorium-consiating of Paleogene and Miocene volcanic rocks and of flysoh stretches along the eastern peninsulas. Synclinoria lie between the anticlinoria: Western Kamchatskiy, Palanskiy, Parapollskiy, and Penzhinskiy with Neogene coal- and petroleum beariAg sediments. -They represent a r e a r - d o w n w a r p i a g (tylovoy progib) which is divided into two parts by the central elevation* The Teentrall- naya Kamchatakaya depression forms an i n n e r (vn-atren- nyaya) downwarping between the fold area. Oceanic m a r g i n a 1 (peredovyye) depressions are near the east coast and south of the Aleutians. Along with the two young fold area there are fractures in depth, along which powerful tertiary and Upper Cretaceous volcanic masses are spread. Three quaternary volcanic zones lie all over the mentioned structural elements. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: Dallnevostoohnoye geologicheskoye upravleniye g. Khabarovsk Card 3/4 (Par zastern Geological Administrationiatyof Khabarovsk) VLASOV, i". M. Letter to the editor of the "Sovetskaia geologiia.0 Sov. geol. 3 no.7:155-157 T1 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy geologicheskiy institut. (sulfur) oil if 6. 3 14 0 0 NO 'l, N 0 VIASOVI G.M. High erosion surfaces ;Ln Kamchatka and A.-he, Kurile Islands. Mat. VSEGEL Chet. geol. i geomorf. no.2:178-192 159. ~ (MIRA 14: 5) (Kamchatka-Erosion) (Kurile Isldnds-Erosion) VLASOVv G.M. Charao teri atl r.,a cf' cl, im-at 1, ,. nhh s --~ n 1, ~-' --, *',-- ln~ c,,-,,rr-- and in the Par Fa s t. D,-jkl. A 113 -L 5 7 ro. I ~ " Ji'o J! 164, (MIRA Hesg-a n4 170d) 1. Pred9tavleno akadqmik-,,a NolM. I nASOV, G.M.1 PETRACHENKO, Ye.D. . - Hatafionatio sulfur deposits in Kamchatka and the Kurile lalan6a. Sov, geol. 8 no.5s57-70 Vq 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Dallnevostoebtry geologicheakly institut Sibirakogo otdelenlya AN SSSR, _NUSGV-,--G,M.; ITSIKSON, M.I.; MIMILITSYTI, V.S.; KRASNYY, L.I.; MATVEYENKO, V.T. Geological prerequisites of the distribution of minerals in the eastern part of the U.S.S.R. Sov.geol. 6 no.12:36-57 D 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Voesoriznvy nauchrio-issladovatellskiy geologichoskiy institut. VLASOV, G.M. Paleovolcanclogic studies in the Far Fast. Trucly Lab. paleovulke Kazakh. goo. un. no.56:57-72 t63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Vsesoyuzn-yy nauchno-issladovatellekly geologicheskly institut. (Soviet Far Fast-Volcanoea) V.LASOV) G.M.; YARMOLYUK,, V.A.; ZHEGALCV, Yu.V. Some basis tectonic problems of Kamchatka. So%,. geol 6 no.6: 32-50 JTS 163. - (MIRA 16:7) 1. Dalinevostbehnoye geologicheskoys upravleni3re. (Kamchatka-Geology, Structural) VLASOVp 0. N. and KROPOTKIN# P. N. k__~ "Island Arco and Peripheral Fold Regions on the Western Border of the Pacific Ocean Belt" report presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geology and Metallurgy of the Pacific Ocean Belt, Vladivostokj 2 October 1960 So: Geologiya Rudnykh Yestorozhideniy, No. 1, 19610 pages 119-127 BELOVA, M.B.j VASIL'YEV9 V.G.;,Y4SQVr_G.II.; GRYAZNOVq L.P.; DILUKIN9 I.Ye.; ZHEGALOVY YU.V.j KMBI:VNI&fIIV,- I.N.; KLFIIOVv Ye.P.; KRY- LOV, V.V,; TITOVI, V.A.; ZARETSKAYA, A.I., vedushchiy red.; FE- DOTOVAp I.G.9' tekhn. red. (Geology ard oil and gas Potentials of Kamchatlail Geologicheakoe otroenie i perapektivy neftegazonosnosti Kamchatki. Moskvap Goa. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi IJ.t-ry 1961. 343 p. IKIRA 1/+: 9-) (Kamchatka-Petroleum geology (Kamchatka-Gasp Natual-Geology~ . VASILEVSKIY, M.M.; ZHEGALOV, Yu9V. VLASOVO Geological conditions of finds and features of the genesis o:~ mercury ores in the central Kamchatka P4nge. Bita.VSEGEI nf).l: 104-321 158 (MI:.U 14:5) (Kamchatka-Mercury ores) VLASOVL G.11,; VASILEVSKIY, M.M. Alumixi -rich secondarv quartzite facies of the Sredi=y7 Rauge in Kamchatka. Geokbimlia no.7:630-633 161. (KLRA 14:6) (Sredinnyy Range-Quartzite) (Alumina) VUSOV, G. M. and VASILSV9KIY, M. M. "Retallogenic Characteristics of the Kurile-Kamchatka Arc" report presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geology and Metallurgy of the Pacific Ocean Ore Belt, Vladivostok, 2 October 1960 So: Geologiya Rudnykh hestorozhdeniy, No. 1, 1961, pages 119-12:7 VLASQV- Q. M. "Metallogenic Features of the Xurile-Kamchatka Are" report presented at the First All-Union Conference on the Geology and Metallurgy of the Pacific Ocean Ore Belt, Vladivostok, 2 C--tob4w 1960 So. Geologiya Rudnykh Ylestorozhdeniy, No. 1t 19619 pages 119-IL247 VLASOV$ G.M., inzh. Design of elements of variable cross section for a moving load. Trudy NIIZHT no.24:219-224 161. (WRA 16-~5) (Strains and stresses) MIKHkYIDV, Vladimir Nikolayevich, prof., doktor tekhn. nauk (deceased); KULIKOVp Valentin Anatollyevich, dots.9 kand. tekhn. nauk; VUSOV GeorgIL DF4.ti of., doktor tekhn. nauk CHULITSKIYF .ye I h, pr rum.-'-vvLvAhuIIb Aq L.V.9 red. izd-va; P&IJJMIA, N.L., tekbn. red. (Technology of machine woodwork] Tekhnologiia makhanicheskol obra- botki drevesiny. Yoskva2 GoBleBbumizdat, 1961. 544 P. (MIRA 14:9) (Woodwork) VLASOV,.G. M. Cand Tech Sci - (diss) "Engineering method of estimating the parts of variable cross-section and disc arches from uniform flexible material and reinforced-concrete." ZmoscoH7, 1961. 15 pp with diagrams; (Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialist Education RSFSR, Moscow Motor Vehicle and -ftoad Inst); 250 COILes; free; (KL, 6-61 sup, 214) MITIN, Yu.V.,--.VLASCI!, G.P. Synthesia of a peptide bond by means of chlor~frldes. Xhur. ob. khIm. '35 no,.5s861-864 ?~,r 165. (MT-RA 18;6) 1. Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR. MITIM, Yu. V.; GLUSHMOVA.. V. R.; Reactions or isonitriles with amin salts. Zhur. ob. khim. 32 no,,12:3867-3871 D 162. (MM 16.-1) 1. Institut vysokomolakulyarnykh soyedineniy AN SSSR. (Ioocyanides) (Amines) MITIN, 'fu.V.; SAZhNO'Y, Yu.N.; VIASOV, G.P.; KOTOX, M.M. Polymerization of dialdehydes. Vyookom.soed. 2 no-5:716-718; My 160. (MIRA 13:8) (jtldehydes) (Polymers) LUKIYANOV, G.N., professor; VLASOV. G.R.- DATSTKOV. F.V. (Krasnodar) Agricultural accidents and their prevention in the Slavyanskaya and stalin Districts of Krasnodar Territory. Xhlrargiia no.8: 50-54 Ag 054. (MLRA 7:11) (AGRIGUIMM, accid. In ftastal, statist, & prev.) (ACOMMS, - agriculture, statist. & prev. In Rwsla) GRABETSKIT, A.A., kand.pedagog.nauk. Prinimali uchastiye: GOSTEV, M.M., kand.pedagog.nauk [deceased]; GLORIOZOV, P.A.; IVANOV, P.P., uchitell sredney shkoly. VUSUI, G.S.,; SHAROVr I.E., red.; CHIZHIKOVA, OoKs, red*; SKIRNOVp G9I.,; GOLOVKO, B.N., tekhn.rede [Chemical apparatus for the study of chemistry in secondary schools; catalog and handbook] Uchabnoe oborudovanie po khimii dlia arednei shkoly; katalog-spravochnik. Moskva, Gos.uchebno-pedagog.izd-To M-va prosv.RSFSR, 1958- 134 p. (MIRA 13:6) 11 Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Ministerstvo proaveshcheniya. 2. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR (for Gloriozov). (Chemistry-Handbooks, manuals. ate.) (Chemical apparatus) LITVINOVY I.D., gornyy inzh. [deceased]; V-LA5QV,.,G.Yu., 1yornyy inzh.-, OSAULENKO., P.L., gornyy inzh.; ROZIM)YER, B.L., ,,Omyy*inzh. Development of breaking methods In mines of the ~'Apatit" Combine. Gor. zhur. no.11:3-7 N 163. (MM 17:6) 1. Kombinat "Apatit.11 - ~ ~ - TWOV 1 1'. ~ - Imsediate pUns. Z& ruls 16 no,6:3 Je 158, MEL 11:9) 1. Predesdatell Tiakhovitakogo raykoma Dobrovollnogo obohchestva, nodaystylya &rail, aviateli i flotu Hookovskoy oblasti. (Automobile drivors) VIASOV,, G.yu.; ALEKHICHEV, S.P.) kand.tekhn.nauk; VOROHKOVA, L.S., inzho Manufacturink devices for checking the state~ofl4sntilatibn-in shafts and mines. Bezopotruda v prom. 6 nn,2:'13.--12 F 162, (MIRA 15:2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. apatitovogo rudnika imeri S.M.,Kirova (for Vlascv). 2. Gornometall-drgicheskiy ifistitut Koilskogo'filiala AN SSSR (for Voronkova). (Eudiometer) (Mine -Antilation-Testing) VLLSOV, I. A-~- ~~- ., , - - There are changes in the industrial enterprises of the nerchant marine. Mor.flot 7 N s47. (HLRA 9:6) (Ships--Maiutenance and repair) VLP69OV) I. (Director) IfTwins in mares." SO: Vet 24, (4) 1947, p. 41 Nenets Okrug Vet. Bacteriological Lab. (City of Narlian-Mar) Arkhangel oblast. vusov, 1. Kantaktnala Sctj (Terminal Network) 385 P. 1.75 SO: Your Continent Book Liat. Anril 1954 vt.48 6v 1 f . creameries "Technological and economic bases for the construction of plants." Mol Prom. 13 No. 7., 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionl, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. VL 4 r !~ t"J ~ . - - - AUU i . Poultry Successes of the collect.)rs. Mi13. ind. SSSR 23 No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ~,%Uat 1952-&~J. Unclassified. VLASOT, I., gazoavarshch1k, laureat Stalinskoy premii. Uor owellout w*Lliagl U otlichnuiu avarka. [Xookva] Profizdat, 1953. 25 P. WAA 6:8 ) 1. Moolcovskiy savod *MnamoO iment S.M.1irova. (Welding) ARIA VIASOV. I.and &. VISLOUKH. Avarinost Y knotaktnoi seti Seve,V2ykh zhelezn~ich dorog. L Accidents in the contact network of the Northern railwaynj. (31ektriVIcataiia zhel-dor. transporta, 1932, no. 5-6, P. 34-37)* Lists the electric railway lines, DLC: TY701,127 SO: Soviet TraUnortatioh and C2_qj=catinnp, & Bibjio&rA-~,hZ Library of Congress, i;ference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. VIASO7, I. AND A. VISLOUKH. Avarinost v kontaktuoi seti Sevel7iykh sheleznykh dorog. CAcc..dnets in the contact network of the Northern railwaysj. (31ekVrifikatsiia zhel-lor. transporta, 1932, no, 5-61 pe 54-37)9 Lists the electric railway lines. DLC: TIF701,3927 Qations.I& BjbjjogXabyq Library of Congress, SO: Soviel Traaqgortatign and ComMjjd_ _p Reference Department, Washington,' 1952, Unclassified. One of Cu a VLASOV, I., prepodavatell; KAZAKOV, D., prepodavatell Stand for hooking-up electric networks. Prof.-tekb, obr. 19 no,5;25 My 162o (FIRA 15-,5) 1. Volgogradskoye tekhnicheskoye uchilishche No.3. (Electric engineering-Audio-visual aiis) VIRNIKJ, D.; V!!A~SOV ~1. Conference of the representatives of the glue and gelatine industry. Mias.ind.SSSR 33 no.5:62-63 162. WRA 15:12) 1. Moskovskiy zhelatinovyy zavod (for Vlasov). (Glue) (Gelatin) V~~OV, I I, Lprepodavatel I -- I Efficiency of lessons. Prof.-tekhn.obr. 19 no.11j8-10 N 062. (KM 16:2) 1. ~mvskoye uchilishche mekhanizat.sii. sel'skogo khozyaystva No. o KaluzhBkaysL oblast 19 . K (Farm mechanization-Ztudy and teaching) n' ~'!~ e; "011 - I. !.. - Agriculture Vegetable gardening,. Mosk-va, Gos. izd-vo sellkhoz lit-ryy 1951. 14onth1v List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress June --1952. Unclassified. VLA-Jovt I. A. ri of vc-r?tabic, jF -d, - Grganizatstia ovo:'3hchevo:jstva v kr;]khczahk Zl---.- a~. -r,!nF cn callectiv". fa--vs,. Se tkh,,,,,, -,z, '11-5 - ;~1 7 1) j ~ ",-.. SO: Morthl List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 6 No. 11 February 1954 SUSLIN, V.Ta.;,_VLASOV, I.A.; TSYMBALOV, X.F.; TAYTS, A.A., kandidat takhni- chaskikh n~a.- Device for distributing canning jars in annealing ovens. Pron.snerg. 10 lio-5:10-11 MY 153. (KLRA 6:5) (Glassware) VLA60V, 1. A. ed. Vegetable gardening 5. izd., dop. I isrr. Moskva, Goa izd-vo Eel'khoz. lit-ry, 1955. 364 p. (Trekhletnie agrozootekhrjiche3kit. kuray. 2nd year of study) 1. Vegetable gardening - Russia redaktor; TAIROVA, V.Y.. redaktor; GURSVIGH. M.M., tekhnichs- skiy redaktor [Vegetable gardening] Ovoshchevodstvo. Izd. 4-oo. ispr. i dop. Koiskva, Goo. izd-vo selkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 367 P. (MIBA 10:1) 1. Direktor Naucbao-isoledovatellskogo instituta ovoshchnogo khozyayetva (for Vlasov) (Vegetable gardening) Country : USSR Category : Cultivated Plants. Potatoes. Vegetables. Melons. Y1 Abs Jour : RZhBiol.j N 62 1959, No 24888 0 Author :.Vlasov, I., Ae Inst : Scientific-Research Institute of Vegetable Economy. Title s Conditions of Vegetable and Melon Cultivations In RSFSR and Basic Problems of the Development of these Fields in 1958-196o. Orig Pub : Byul. Nauchno-tekhno infq)rm# No-is, in-ta ovoshch, kh-va, 19589 Noe 5-61 4-12 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 64 VOROWYLV. I'.1.; YESAYAN, Ye.R.; TiYADOV, Ye.l. Lkkov Alekseevich Vlasov; October 22, 1900 - November ".. 19-631. Fochvovedeni.e no.5.-119 My 164. (MIRA 17.9) 14, SYC V, K-.V:, general-mayor; GRYISV, A.N., polkovnik; OGAUV, Pj., polkovnik; BOGDANOV, A.R., polkovnik; TR.AKTUYEV, M.I., nolkovnik; SKRIPCHENKO,N.I., polkovnik; ITANOV, M.A., polkovnik; KULAKDV, P.M., polkovnik; SHAMRAYEV, A.M., podpolkovnik;-U4_0Y,,.,,I.G., polkovnik v otstavke; KRIVULIN, P.N., polkovnik v otst4vke;7b'T!1DV, V., starshiy leytenant zapasa; KALAKHOV, M.N., polkovnik, rednktor; GNE)OMS, P.P., redaktor; MYASHIKOVA, T.F., takhnicheakiy rednktor. [Rifle units and the regiment in various phases of combat; a collection of tactical examples from the Great Patriotic War] Strelkovye podrazdelaniia i polk v razlichufth vidakh boia; abornik takticheakikh primerov iz Velikoi Otechestvannoi voiny. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va oboV.SSSR, 1957. 230 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Infantry drill and tactics) VLASOV, 1. G.t 1"t Col Scheduled to defend his dissertiationt "Deepening of the General Crisis of Capitalism as a Result of the Second World War," for the degree of candiUte of economic sciences, at 1200 hours of 17 November 1953 at the Nilitary Folitical Academy imbni V. 1. Lenis in Voscow. (Kraonaytt Zvezda, 5 Fov 53) SO: Sum 145, 1 June 1954 III I 'r A - . 4 1: .I . Contact system if electrified railways, 1-bskva, Gos. transp, zheleznodor. izd-,,ro, 1947. Monthiz List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress__.2etobtr 1952. Unclassified. Qsn-com-n-I lc~j~m VLASOV.-I. I.; VISLOUKH, L. A. USSR (6oo) Zleatric, Railroads - Wires and wiring Measures against the wear of contact wires on electrified railroad sections. Trudy TSNII M, No. 7, 1947. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1951, Uncl. 2 VLASOV, I.I. __ - - - - - - - - __ __ ____ - ___ __ , ___ __ - Kontektnaia Set (Contact Lines for Electrically Powered Rclling E~tock), 486 p., Moscow, 1951. ---- ---- -- ---- --- - - - - - --- -- VIASOV, I.I.; ULIVIN, Y.K., inshener, redaktor; IVANOV, I.A., direktor; A.T., rukovoditall otdoleniya elektrifikataii; YUDSON, D.M., tokhniobaskiy redaktor. Technique for the mechanical design of contact systems. Trudy TSNII MM no-91:3-82 954. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Vessoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiv inatitut zholesnodoroahno- go transport& MPS (for Ivanov) (Ilsotric railroads) BUM4VICH, I.I., kandidat tekimichets-:1kh BOGIN, 1I.R.. Icandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; BYKOV, Yo.i., inzhener; VLASQV I.I. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; GRITSEVSKLY, M.Ye.. inzhener; L.O.0 inzhener- GURVICH, V.G., inzhener; DAY M'V, Y.N., inzhenerl YZR- SHOV, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ZASORIN, S.N., kandidat teklmic.-hoskikh nsuk; lVii'lOV, 1.1,, kandidat tekhn"lcheskikh nauk; MUKLIS, A.A., inzhnnerz; MUMi, 1U.B., Inzhener; LAPIN, V.B., 1whener; IASTOVSKlY, V,P, dotacilt; LA"IUNIN, ILL, Whenar; MARIMARlYT. K.G.., professor. doktor takhnicheskikh nauk; MAIWAYLOV, M.I., professor, doktor tekinichesklkh nauk; NUARROV, V.A., inzhe- ner; DMIX011, K.U.. Inzhener,- OKHOSHIII,L.I., Int'2ener; FAMNOV. K.A., dotBenti '"irdidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; P.&RT,30VSKIY. L.M., lazhener; POPOV, l.P., lnz~wner; RUWRTAV, B.G., Inzhener; RATIMR, X.F., inthener; R03SLIKIMM, G.I., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; RYKaY, ;.I-. k9ndidat tekhnicheakikh nauk.; lYSMOVaff, I.Ya., doteent, kandidat toll-iinichet:k1kh nauk,- 11YABKOV. A.Ta., professor Edecessed-l-, TAGW, 5,13i., karidila-,~ tekhuicheakiich nattk; KHAZZY, X.M., professor, dohtor tekhaicheskikh naak; CHERNYSHOV, H.A.. doktar te',hnichaskikh neuk; 01U, L.Ye., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh A.faa, doteent, kandidat natk: TW66N.V, -3,1i.. clottient: AMMioj, r I tekbmichaskikh amfk. ln2hener; BAMNEY, P.V., professor. dolctor 'mclanInimkikh nauk: BARNGABD, K.A., lc-qndidat tel-chnictieskillch vmtk. 30-IRMY, dotsent, kanUdat tekhnichesklkh nauk; BOGDjtNUV, inzioner-, BuGDANOV, li.K., kandidat takhniche- skikh nauk; VIN114101MICK0, H.G., dotsent, kandidat ekonomicheakikh nauk; (Continued on next card) iMUSHNVICH, I.I.--(continued) Card 2. VASILIM, V,F.; GoffCIfAROV, jj.G., inzhaser; DXRIBIS, A.T., inzhener, DOBROSI:LISKIY, K.K., dotsent, kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk.- DLUGAGH, B.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk: TAVIMOV. G.F., kandidat takhni- cheekikh nadk; ZAUHANOY, ~;.V., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; ZABALLO, H.L., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; WIN, K.P., kandidat teklinichookikh unuki "WilIKOV, A.D., h-ndidat takhaicbe- skikh nauk; "PLUN. 2.8h., inzhener; XANSHIN, M.D.; KOCMV. .P., professor. doktor tekhnicbeskildi nauk; KOGAN, *L.A., kandidat tekhni- cheskikh neuk; IWORIURIN, S.Y., inzhener; LIVASHOV, A.D., inzhoner; HAXSINOVICH, B.14., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakil:h neuk; MARTYNOV, M.S., inzhener; X"Q, O.H., inzhoner-, NIKITIU, V.D., professor, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; i%DIIv-A, V.A., Inzherier; PAMINYAT, P.I., kandiclat tekhnicheskil-ji nauk-. ilWROV, A.P., professor. doktor tokhni- cheskikh nauk; POVOROZHBNKO, V.V., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nank; PISRARAV, I.!., dotsent, kavAidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; SMEYEV, Ye.S., kandidat tokhnichaskikh neuk, SIMONOV, K.S., kandidat tekhni- cheklkh nauk; SIMANOVSKIY, M.A., inzhener; SUTAZ07. I.G., inzhanerl TAIDAY-MV. F.Ya., Inzherer-, TIOUITOV, K.K., kandUat tekhnichookikh nauk; USHAKOV, N.Ya., inzhenr; UbiANSOY, V.K., inzhener; FALIDNAN, B.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; IWAPOYNT, G.Y., inzhener; KHOKHMV, L.P., inzV*nr; CHXRNCHORDIX, G.I., professor, doktor takhnickieskikh nauk; 6HAWAV, N.Y., in-shoner;: SKIFIRKIN, B.I., in2hener; YAKUSHIN, S.I.. inzhanor; GRAIIOVSKIY, P.G., redaktor*; TISHCM;KO, A.I., redaktor, ISAYAV, I.P., dotment, kandidat tekhni- chaskikh nauk, redaktor; KLIKOV, V.7., dotsent kwididat tekhnicheskikh (Continued on next card) SHNVICH, (continued) Cara 3. nank, redaktor; I'ViU07, H.V., inzheners redaktor; KALININ, V.I., inthener, redaktor; A'JT.UFAB0Yq Y.Ust professor, redaktor; SZDCROV, H.L. inshener, redaktor; GUR014114US, B.Ys., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk, rednktor; ROBNLI, R.I., otvatetvannyy redaktor LTechnical reference manual for railroad engLnears.1 Takhnicheskit spravochnik theleznodorothaika. Moskva, Goo. transp.zhel-dor. izd-vo. Vol-10. LElectric power supply for railroads] jinargoonabzhania theles- nykh dorog. tara X.G.Rarkvardt. 1956.. 1080 p. Vol-13. [Operation of railroads] Skspluatataiia zhelessafth dorog. Otv. red tome R.I.Robel". 1956. '139 p. (HLRA 10:2i 1. Cblan-Lorrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Petrov) (Alectric railroads) (Railroads-Kanagement) SOVII 12-58-2-2350D Trap-glatica from: Referati-rayy zhurnal, Elektrotekh-n-ika- 195a, Nr Z, p 9 3 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vlasov, TITLM: -e Mecham-1cal Design of a Vertical Catenary Contact Suspension i3r Mai--,2~--Line Electrified, Railroads (-Mekhanicheakiye raschety vertikal'nykh tsepnykb. kommtaktzykh p,.-Avvesok migistral'rykh elektrifitsirovarunykh z~%eleznykh dorog) ABSTRACT: Bib'--ograpluc e=try on the author's dEsBertation for t"--e degree ofr Doctor of Tech-,?If~~tl Sciences, Presented to ti-,.e Mos1r. in-t jmz-h. zb-.-d. transp. (Moscow !!iat-1tzAe of Ra;lway Tra,,-Aspo.,rtat1o.-1x Ergiieera), Moscow, 1957. ASSOCIA=N: Moak. i=-t i-.zh. zh.-d. tra=--sp. (Moscow InatitLte of Railway Tran-i-aportatio'.t-, ET~,gineere) Card Ill ALJTIIO-',?: Scr~;eyev, S., Docent, TITLE: Dissertations (Dissertatsii) PERIODICAL: Elek.trichestvo, 1950, ?Tr 4, Pi). 90 91 (uss'~7) ABSTRACT: For the DeGree of a Candidate of Tech:iical Scie-nces, 1946-1953. At the All Union Scientific Research Institute for 11-.ilroad Traffic En!-ineers(Vscso5-uznTj nz,-iiciiiio-iocle(lovatelts!ri~- in- stitu't inzhencrov zheleznodorozhno,~o trc.nsporta). I.T. D. Tre;~vas,on llv_,rch 22, 1946: 11 Selection of Filterinj3 Devices for Train Undercarria:.-es With Ifon-Controlled and Controlled Mercury-Arc Rectifiers". Official opponents were: Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor G. V. Dobrovollski-r and Engineer S. M. Serdinov. A. V. Voronin, on June 21, 1946: 11 Current Distribution Between the Longitudinal Lines of the Contact Network and the Cal- culation of the Heat Development of the Network-Elements". Official opponents were: Doctor of Tec,,nical Sciences K. Y. 1.1arkvardt and Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor D. 11". Card 1/4 Minov. Dissertations 7 X -r ',' - ~' , - " -,/ "? I 1. 1. Vlasov, on February 21, 1947: "Some Problems on Lines for Electrified Railroads".Offi- cial. opponents were: Doctor of ".o~-Irnical Sciences rrofessor K. G. Markvardt and Engincer S. !.!. Serdinov. I. A. KorchaCinj 'on June 27,,)47:"Start of the Production P-i-.d the Investi~:ation of Sel~,niuci Rectifiors for the Supply Devices of the Si,-nalization-Centralization PlockinC;11. Official opponents were:Doctor of Technical Sciences Profes- sor M. I. Val:hnin and Candidate of Technical Sciences S. B. Yuditskiy. A. V. Posse, on October 17,1947: I'llono-phase D.C.I,-nitron Transfor.mer for ?,'ain-Line El--!ctric Loco.-motives". Official opponents were: Doctor of Teell-inical Sciences Professor G.I. Babat and Candidate of Technical Scioncoo M. A. Cherny-chev. R. I. Miroshnichenko,on June 3o, 19ro: "Develon7~ent of the I ; Devices for Rectifier Method for t'ie Calculction of Smoothinr J. Subotation3l'. Official opponents vicre:Doctor of Technical Sciences Professor M. 1. Mil-ha-,,,lov and Encinecr S. M. Sordinov, I. I. R,43.ov, on 1.4arch 2, 1951: 11 Atmospheric Excess Volta~,-es Card 2/4 in Traction Equipment of D,C.-Railroads". Official opponents Dinsertations 1,~, C f- - ~ C~ - " - 3 1 j , - ; vrere:Doctor of Technical Sciences Profecoor V. V. Diir:~sdorf and EnZ;ineer V. I. Tromifov. B. Ye. Geronivius, on May 25, 1951: "Selection and a','--intainannce of External Optimum Characteristics for Mercury-Arc Rectifier Train Subutations of Mainline Ruilroado". Official oponents Y,orc:Doctor of Technical Sciences 1.11. A. Chornynhev and En.,,i- neer L. 1-1. Pertsovskiy. V. D. Radchenkojon December 14, 1951: 11 Protection of D.C. Electro-Locomotivea A.,~--inst Atnospheric Excess Volta~;es". Official opponents -.,.,ere:Doctor of Technical Sciences 11. A. Chernyshev and Candidate of Technical Sciences D. V. Razevig. Ye. P. Ivanov, on December 28, 1951: "Determination of Ex- ce,,,s Ronuperat'ion Enorr,-j in Electrified R,-ilroads".Official opponents were: Doctor of Technical Sciences M. A. Chernyshev and Candidate ()f Technical Sciences 1.11. Yo. Yrestlyanov. Yu. L. Xartvolinl 1952-. "Investigation hvili,,.. on January 18, of th-, Oporation of Tv,~in Elt-;ctronotoro in Locomotivop in an Operation Witn Weakened Field". Official opponents were: Doctor of Tec,Lnical Sciences Profeznor Ye. V. 'IiIu3ov and Card 5/4 Doctor of Technical Sciences A. S. Dimitradze. Di.;ocrtut.ioro S. '"'. Domanit2i-iy,on 1,~arch 13, 1"-/'53: 11 Rxcitation A,~ito-matior, in Train Goner~,.tcrs in Diecol Loco::-Lotivan When Ur-,i.'1,3 !-*,.,.Lnetic Off.-ILcivI o-)2oncnts vicre:Doctor of Tcc',nical Sciences 'professor Ye. V. Nitusov and Candidate of Tec*anical Sciences Docent 111. D. Ste )ftnov. V. S. XIvostov,on Do,~c--.'Ler 25, 1951: 11 Calculations and Construction of t';.e Collector PoterAial Curves in D.C. Traction Motors". Off-;cjal ojoonent- viere:Doctor of TechnIcal SCiC-,CCs N. 'W'. COrOj'h0V tL11!! C~-,,Aiilate of Technic~-,-l Sciences Docent P. N. Shlyakhtc. VAILABLE: Librawy of Con_.-ress 1. Electrical engineering-Reports Card 4/4 VIA-SOV, Ivan Ivanovich; XAIININ, V.X.. insh., red.; ICHITROT, P,A,, tekbn. red. 40" - -6-1mmummCL [Mechanical calculations for vertii~r-i chain contact suspensions] HekhanicheBkie raschety vertikallnykh teepuya kontaktnykh podvesov. Moskva, Ube. transp. shol.-dor. Izd-vo, 1957. 222 p. (Noscov. Vse- aoiuznyi nauchno-iseledovatel'skii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.138). (KIRA 10:12) (Blectric railroads--Wires and wiring) VLASOV, Ivan Ivanovich: SIDOROV, N.I.. insikener, red.; VERINA, G.P., [ContRot systems ot electric railroads] Xontaktnals set'. Izd.2-oe, dopA Ispr.'Mosk7a, Gos.transpahel-dorAzd-yo, 1957. 425 p. (MIRA 10:12) Ollectric railroads--Wiree and wiring) VUSGV I. I Fahrleitungsnetz. Schen Reichsbahn Hrs.-. Von der u der Deut. Leipzig, Fachbuchverlad, 1955. 321 P. Illus., DiaCre. Tables. Translat'l-on from the ribssian: Ken'laktnaya SEV, U~1.3 . V71 Lehrruttelstelle MOSCOW, 19'Dl. vLk-"V p I . I . Cold storage 04, vefetp-bles Moci/vq, Gortor7izdat, J~A?. 2P z:. W-,7L64-~) TP49z,.V57 VLA-110,11 i. i. Cold storage for vegetables 2., dop. izd. Mocllna, Gootorcizdat, 191111. 10 P. r -1 ~ ry u --- 1. Vel-letables, Frozen. 2. Refriqeration and refri~er,,',-- =, in ,.,~Asc,vl I.I. Vlasov, I.I. "The experlences in the :3torade of food potatoes in freezers of engineer M.M. Krylov's desi[7r, rlurlr.[: the ar4 su7xer r;,~rlkods," Sbornik- nauch. rabot (Nauch.-issled. in-t tor,-ovli i ol-Ishchestv. pitaniya), ljoscow, 1949, p. 104-07 'DO: U-5241, 17 December 1953, (Lotopis 1zhurnal Inykh Statcy, No. 26, 10,40,). "L-.Scl.' ) v 1 1. i., Vlasov, I.I., Kanayev, A.F. and Sheps, IT.F. "Extended storp ge of fmsh tomatoes 11 Sbornlk nauch. rabot (Nauchissled in-t tor,,o,.rli i o;,shchestv. pitaniya~, MOSCOW, 1949, p. 137-43, - Bibliog: 8 items SO: U-5241~ 17 December 1953(Letonis tzhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 26, 1949). VLASOV, 1. 1. Preservatiom of vegetables Eoskva, Gos. torEove izd-vo, 19'3. 29 p. (54-40395) SB323.V57 1. Vegetables-Storage VLASOV, Ivan Ivanovichy doktor tekhn. nauk; PORSIUIEV, Wris Georgiyevich, inzh.; FMFELID, Aleksandr Vladimirovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; BARANOVA, M.A., inzh. [DeBign of the contact networks of electrified railroads] Proaktirovanie kontaktnoi seti elektrifitsirovannykh zhe- leznykh dorog. 2., perer. i dop. izd. Mookvit, Izd-vo "Transport," 1964. 328 P. (MIRA 17:6) VWOVj 1, 1. Vlasov, 1. 1. Talculation of the volume of earth-moving work in an excavation on a slope,," Sbornik nauch. trudov (KiWbyshevak. inzh.-strolt. in-t. Im. Ilikoyana), issue 2. 191+8, p. 167-91. Sot U-3736,, 21 May 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, N., 17, 1949). PROKHORDV, Dmitriy Vasil'yovich, Inzhener; GRIIEVSKIY, I.A., Inzhnner rodaktor; YTAA.SOY, I.I., inzhener; TUDZOH, D.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. (Construction of contact systems on electric railways] Sooru- zhenim kontaktnni n"ti na n1aktrifitsirusVkh zh"laznykh dorogakh. Moskva,, 1955. 170 P. (MLRA.8:11) (Electric railroads--Wiresand wiring) VIASOV ,LL,-kand. istor. nauk$ dots.; ABEYDUIMIp S.K.9 ktmd. ist.naulc, polkovnik; KOVAIEV, S.S.., kand. ist,naul:, dots., polkovnik; SHAYDAYEV) M.G.,, kand. ist.nau , dot's., polkovnik; SHCHEDRMICV, V.F., kand. ist.naukp dots.; CREBUSHU, I.V,, polkcrniik, red.; KUVMIII, I.F., tekhn. red. (Party and political work in the Soviet Armed Forces; a textbook for military schools] Partiino-politicheskaia rabota v Vooruzhenrqkh Si- lakh SSSR; uchebnoe posobie dlia voenwjkh uchilishch. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va oborony SSSR, 1961. 294 P. (MIRA 14-~12) (Russia-Armad Forces-Political activity) PHASE I BOOK EXPL40ITATION SOV/4825 Alekseyev, Vladimir Alekseyevich, and Ivan Ivanovich--Vlasov Sto priborov-avtomatov (One Hundred Au"t-nmatic Devices) [Moscow] Izd-vo I'Moskovskiy rabochiy," 1960. 62 p. 2,500 copies printed. Ed.: Ye. Chernov; Tech. Ed.i S. Pavlova. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for plant personnel concerned with the automa- tion of industrial processes. COVERAGE: The booklet des!ribes in a popular form some of the 100 efficiency improvements and inven,ions introduced jointly by the authors during the post- war years at the laboratory of the Moskovskiy zavod imeni Vladimira Illich,a.) (Moscow PlAnt imeni Vladimir Illidh). The following'automatic instrinhent~'are described: devices for checking the plate renistance of rheostats; electric 11compasses'! which determine stator polarity ele.-tric motor; devices for the automatic adjustment of low temperatures; control command devices for the plastics d,~partment of the plant and for conveyers; and a Prelay-combine" now. being developed for the automatic maintenance of the required temperature and water level in boilers. The foreword was'written by N. Galkin, Party.Committee Secretary of the plant. There are no re'Lerences, GORNp VON.# jnzhO; VJ&SOV# I.I., doktor tekhn.nauk Replies to the readers$ questions. Alek.i tepl.tiaga 4 no.4:44 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Blectric railroads) VIASOV, I.I. Utilization of heavy-t7pe mavhinery. Pat' i put.khoz. 4 no.6: 2-3 Je 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1*'Starshiy inzhener po ekepluatataii putevykh mashin i mekbanizmov, g stalino. (Railroads-Maintenance a-ad repair) VIASOV, T.T._,._.49ktor tekhn.nauk Ways to reduce copper conermptlo" on electrified railroads. Vest.TSNII XPS 19 no.2:9-14 160. (KMA 13:6) (Ilectric railroads--Zquipment and supplies)