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ILIMOVAP V. A.;,VITALINA, M. D. Use of a cation exchanger in the determination of fluorine by thorimetrie titration in fluoroorganosilicon compounds. Izv. AN SSSR Otd. khim. nauk no.12:2245-22 D 162, eMIRA 16: 1) 1. Institut organicbeekoy khinii in. N. D. Zelinskogo AN SSSR. (Fluorine-Analynin) (Silicon organic compounds) KLIMOVA) V.A.; V, Quantitative determination of germanium in organogermanium compounds. Zhur,ana-l,pkhime 19 no.10.-:1254-2257 164, (MIRA 17:12) 1. N.D.Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry., H.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, Moscow. VITALINA, M*D,; KLIKOVAp V.A. Simultaneous determination of germanium and halogens in organic compounds. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.9:3-105-1108 D 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Coamistry, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R., Moscow* (Germanium-Analysis) (Halogens) (Organic compounds) VITALIS, Gyargy, dr. Ingineering-geologic investigations performed during the design and construction of the Oroszlany-Bokod barrage. Foldt, kozl 92 no,4:40D-415 N-D 162, VITALIS. Gy2ggZ dr. Hydrogeological examination of the lnrlu3trial sapply of the flejoesaba Cement and Lima Works. Hidrologlai kozl~ny 45 no,2:74-77 F 165. 1. Central Pescarch Inst-ttute of Building Xate.-itils of the Ministry of Constructicn, Budapest) and Fdit,)ria'-- Board Member, "Hidrologiai Kozicny.," VITA% Qrorgr r .1 e Investigation of the Borlad ftse-vnir from the Doirit of view of hydrogeology and amtUnoering geology. Hj&0logja4 kozlony r-zo.3t208-217 J91W. WAS, Uszlo; VITALTS, Oyorgy Fqdrogeological conditions of the Bakesevabs vater research area. Ridrologiai kozlony 38 no.2181-89 Ap'58. VITALIS Gyorgy dr. I.Q Uwa"..0 Geologic possibilities for the water dupply of larger settle- ments and establishments in the Alt&Ur_ Valley. Ridrologimi kozlony 43 no.6:458-476 D 163. 1. Epiteanyagipari Kozponti Kutate Intezet, Budapest; 'Ridro- logia.i KazlonyO szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. VITALISS Gyorgy Geologic poasibilitie~- for water storage planned around the city of Salgotarjan. Hidrologiai kozlony 40 no.3:208-223 Je 160. 1. Epitesugyi, Miniazterium Velyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat, Buda- pest. VITALIS., Gyorgy "Geology of Hungaryn by Elemer Vadasz. Reviewed by Gyorgy Vitalis. Hidrologiai kozlonY 41 no.1:30 F 161. VITALIS, Gr. Hydrogeologic and technical-geologic investigation of the Borjad Reservoir. p.208 FOLDRAM ERTESITO. Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 39, no- 3., June 1959 Poj!xly List of East European Accessions (EW)., TZ. Vol. 8, No. 9# September 1959 no VAGAS, Istvan; ERDELYI, Mihaly, dr.; ERDI, Sandor; CRATER, Lorant; VITALIS, Gyorgy, dr.; RONAI, Andras, dr. Possibilities for irrigation by driven wells in Nograd County. Hidrologiai kozlony 44 no.6t254-260 Je 164. 1. Editorial board member, "Hidrologiai Koz1ony" (for Vagas, Erdelyi, Vitalis). VITA.L150 Gyor&;%,dr, Geologic-,examination Of the Mihalygerge-Jegerfo storage reservoir, Hidr~~ogiai koslony 42 no.2tl32-144 Ap 162. 1. Epiteaugyi Miniszterium Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat, Du~ dapest; "Hidrologial Kozlonylt szorkeazto bizottsagi tagja. .U~. VITALIS.. Oy-orgy ~o geology of the Uppony Mountains. Hidrologlai kazlony '129 n0.5075-380 0159. VITALIJ.-Gvr,rgy, dr. Geologic inve St4 gation of the LiZ~-, K~!.rtrca Valley Reservoir. Bidrologiai kozlonY 42 no.3;309.-318 Ag 162. 1. Epitesugyi Miniszterium Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat, Buda- pest; I'Hidmlogiai Kazlony" szerkv-iz',;') bi-,ottsagi tagja. -Al T-S I AND (if flun- B it I if: nv, I~u 4 fnr extracting At. pdilfly X11cm .in([ sisiMble procc?4c 4-11-L 41C t d W O? - . cemca nre , An . 7 AND 300 Lff?(R '9Q A-11 4- A 8 JAI IWO 1. AND ~J AM "ys of flun- ~Igarian bauxtici -ind quitable prot(Fwg for extracting At, 41W, and cenicrit are ric4cribed. *ND VV L I T -jJ'z-I-L;-L9 01 in VITALIS, I - "t" vyml At. K,4., IV, Cltecj nf 'tullk-S Ictlt firc Anj cen Alp? fR Lil I 710.010.?0.010.01 01 a I L L Al- f.- 00 A AND 01100AINS *C41 00 00 00 00's .00 00 .00 0o 06811 "o0 a . , 2849. CuAL PESUuRCSS OF R hED MRITIDRY OF UkPER HUNGARY AND 00 ' I 1 1*0 o0 CARPATHIA. Vitalls I on (Roy. Hungarian islatine Joseph ~Mn T!Roy pt 1, )(0j. god University, -Fu-Sfs-. f6pt Hot. nwn' Vol. 11, 137-149) Big. 00 =00 0 g: r-o 0 00, %0 00 .4 ill 06 o 0 %0 fee See WOO SNIALL&ISIGICAL MKIATIPItt CLMUFKAIAN I -L1 Isom 11"411" R&O. 60"Inw We o ;tt $*BODO .19 CRT a" *$Iasi &A 0.. J14 U a AT S 4 r ; ~ a 9 T YA 0 9 1 IT a 9 a a 2 1 V 0 ;V ; It ; I AIII i~ :000000000000000000000*000000000000000000 0 F2 io:::oolooooooooeeooooooo0000000000000000000001 jW 0 a . 1 .1 &.- - . ~ 'V O o o 1 0 - - - ' ' ' a . . . . - t lAt . ?I 1 ll?" % 0 " " U TV f 5078, BRUNN COAL IN BASIN ARCUM) ZIRC, IMNURS. 1. (Banyast, Kohast. Lapol (NoSo)v 1946, vol. 1, 33-401 abstr. in Chem. Abstr., 9 10th May, 1948, vol. 42, 2897). A brown cool discovered in the sptin& of 1946 at Dudar contaiaW moisture 26.09-58%. ash 8.88- 1.07%, and ignitable sulphur 2.66-2.81%, and yielded tar 9.Z7- 10.63A, coke 45.92-47.80%, and gas 12.01g, heatin(; value was 423b-9 calt/g. The estimated yield daily is 1-2000 metric tons brown cool. ! 7~1 zoo C*A. Air go 0 1 zoo moo f A-ILA TtLL~VGKAL LITERATUINI CLAISWKATION U90 U P ZA 61L so two v__ 0 * of 0 to 11 a it It a x v 0t is 99 It MKW R 1 14 0 I 1: : : 0 f 0 0 0 00000 0 * * 0 * 6 0 * 0 0 * 0 0 9 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 - - is 0 0 0 a 0 00004 46941604*041*9 f.00 is*** so so* 1 49 "Ills suft% M 'A A-L-A A 0 AX A L-L-A-A-r-A VA.- JL. t, ~ L.- -A.-& i, ~,J 4 00 -00 I-of ~,;i 6079s BROWN COAL IN UOUNTAIN 14ATRAe Wt*W, I. (banyass. Kohass. 00 Lapok 1946, vol. 1, 63-641 abstr. in Chen. Abstr., 20th April. 1946, vol. 42, 2741). The brown coal originating from rernyopussta (upper Mediterransous aes) is oasily ignitable' and contains 11 02.74, ash 38.16. S 7.61, It 4.60. C 34.71%1 he In& me 2 at a value is 4661 cal. Examination by Fischer's matnod, showed a tar yield of 26,70% and a semlooke yield of 66.70~. 0 C.A. tzeo tie* tree SL no* "TALLUROCAL UVINAIM CLAMFICATIGN -0 a Ka' It S. n- U, I' two MY1W1"SAaG34 I U is AV 00 a It A I 00 0 00 0 6 0 * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 * e~i N 9-2--w-9-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 * 0 0 0 0 0001 *51 Del. ,o %'111 is 14 1 U W 0 k W a to 41 41 a a A ,1-f r all . L-1 .. V A- 1 0 1 0 N 00 A, low A.o.j-) ""fol -~A- of 00 2216. EH SPSCIAL CUL TYKS OF HUNURT. Vitalist to (Math. 90 Maturwo, Anas tlnW* Akad. inse., im. q,-Tw em, chem 041 Abstr. 1947, 41, 7704)o Samples from Pqmywpuesta In the Mountain Coolt-Wapscatut Tran lyanis (11), wid from 00 Matra (1), f ram 0 the Snow Mountains of Ifframaros U wore ex". I contained *0 moisture 2.74, ash 38o 16o 6 7951, H 4*60, C B4*71# and 0 plus N 12.24%; heating value was 4661 cale, " extractable bitumen content of 20.75%o This is a brawn ooal of high tar content. II contained moisture 13.90, ash 24.10, and 8 10.60%t heating value was 3833 cal. III is on anthrecitia coal with moisture 2.66 - 97, ash 17s47 - 18*53, C 75.16, H 1*40, and combustible So" - *56% heating value was 8349.6"7 cal# lUtIlisation of the coals is discussed. d 01 L A 06TA&LUSGIC41, UT911ATWE CLAI$OKATI" 7- A? CPNI Got I UP A it i K. .5 lei: 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 0*0 -40 -00 .0e 4114141 nee see go 0 coo 400 as 0 C. A. Del Ile* A a &1 0 01 1 ff N2 a a 3 9 V XA 0 0 0 002 00b 002 002 I c A k - of 0 py a I T w Aw PC ifivio 1L1 L domdmyi Koslimy, 72. 129-31% (1940).-Typn ot Ifun- tan tmuzioeq and suitabit prix'"'Or, for extraning AL rjv#t1)% arul crincia ariv d4clAuibed* jq- 11,191.1704 0.- 1 O.W-0i, P to 0 IF M*K A*14 got all 40914(valf lcoga fee 0 0 else be owf-v- If 0 0, 6*60*41immalsk ---------- 11 u ji Ill a III IF a 0 42 a ad 41 it co v u n i 41. 94 r a -.4tiW.-Jua I it I IF I of 61 $1 It Q It 0 a I, a 6 1 A I I It I 0 0 0 IS IS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : If 9 a 0 a a On 00S ,600 000 I . ~ ~ ~ . ~ I . I ~ I I ~ ~ A , . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ - 1. ~ . ~ - il A. 0 A 6 C 0 IF 4 0 X L a 0 a P4 it I f ur v a IS C --Pt--k-j IL Oil AkD IND LFITIN -Aul.o. Is .3191)lhnlfl~ maniffilli 1WINIVIllylif v I S I v : t VldliS, BAUXITS I AND Ai.UMMtrk rermfivils- do;;W 'KAglipoy, 72, 29 .13 (1"0. --Typn 44 Hun- all 1141,%6teq slut sultabk prmvtws for extracting Al. tic. til sole" "it anvii ~ ;F~ w 0 LU-11 4 49 000 jr 4%. SISMO.. - op 5-J I I T or a is 51 " n a 11 4, a 0 to v 00 000000000 00 0 0 0 0 00000000000060:006 mom- NyMMSMNS-Im- I I I &A tt W tt 6 4 A 09 .00 00 00 90 Ku"Off" 'Coal and too-ou promem. -,j.-Yjj Iapok 4L .93114 Ill. i;~ All Fwt. 0 1-fown cmalq ci ow t .iwr 4 ~itv%vnr to itaktour jotountain in itaipeary r w a v the estd. Intuawn and 4 kow trmp. tan ow"x" with Milt id pynpo*wte Itiun4 near flalle. Gemistur S, It be YIPOALT 00 00 .00 00 0 0 0: 00 6-j 400 .00 t40 I L &9TAkti.FrK&L LMRAT"( CLASWICATICU f z =00 or.. 1. . 1, It I i A . G 1 1-1 w 1 6 0 f - 4 4 u 00 45 if It It .1 a K cl rt if (4 060 (1 1'14 *TOO 0 0 a 9 a q o 0 0 FOCCESUI 4MV, "Orfaills Wets lee .4~ -00 to 44, 110 (bum 00 it amp&-Univ. serve., IM 1 $14) moo . , , d8po" an 004 004 A. 4. X W. 00% 000 WOO moo 11104, moo 109 LR924109 CL&SWICATON woo Raw 11VI411W. 0#00 o"JAW woo -1 off ifiifi -ado-I lose*,) "it 040 dai u 0 v# 03 '0 0 go see es 00000 &600"0000 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 a 0 0 A 0 is 0 010 o o * 0 0 0 G a 0 & 0 0 0 0 * 0 6 & & 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 & a a 0 0 a of* 0 & : v vimx 4 ST 8 Oro a$ A it, 361 u 311 x 30 81 a a d k : o, -P-0 t, 4 oil I ..p. Aft- t.f I.. Wr ..r f ox ... t. - - I ov 00 0 Sol 00 0 v Ll 0o go-- so 000 go 00, 00 0 0- 00o 2"sr,0133 TIM OU 00 00- 00 09- 00 oe-r 1 -117--- - 0 00 a Oiw'- Sol &, r4l'sp 'Ift Do"M ..' ".. ... 'I. " y--.9-61 I'. I. Sol "1 10, on 1. I--r'I-I-- j 4 ITITI r 00 I g 03.0 a ton to ssillAll to till - 0 x a m 4 o - J 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e i 0 . 0 0 00. 0 00 go go O's eiwooe-o 03 1 1 off of 11611ull AA. a 00 00 06 0 A 0 00 a so 00 1 00 -3 00 00 of 09 0 0 * o 11 Isw11 1 011 Ila visa xv0*10'all uu Jim mumps 'W's wore m F I a I I I I A. 1-1 AA It (A fiff I I I 1_6 4. A '04W a so* is HUNW7. 1. vi PAW$%-JOMPh Usir. IWA. W475M Md. S, W 93(19M),-FUUff*$ rarlb at NalylkOny (rAw Budspw) cactaim HO S" M.smv 9.63, AlA 17.22-22.7f), Fev% 3M 6.08. C&O 2.90- 2-93. U40 2M-4-77r, m0 tram of alWi metals. The availability for men. purpows is diwLmed. S. S. de FinAly -09 -00 -00 00 .00 -00 -00 moo zoo re 0 C;oo go 0 zoo VIP I 4 ,o# $ Joe 0 t:v 0 A I I L A MCIALtURCICAL LITCOATWE ctallifKA11CM 4 o zoo S 1 T 0 9 1 w p I a a 9 T u a W3 is' a in I* " v & 00*0000004000000000400000.00000000009000000 to"o 0 o 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000:0000*040000000000:: ,j* ~;Ptlf ?'I$ ??It I itio. A It A~ I. to x r s i I v i i o IV U10 k a i A I A I 1 0 1 00 00 -00 0* amwa total to the bagn iwwnd Loc. Hw - 111?~" . IUY 00 1 44)(1041 q -*a 8 --A'Urr4n tial diwaverrot In the spoins 44 1041tal thadmir 00 i-141161"or'l Ismittlas, 6.11 SM It 07,",., and 00 4 IAC S And yield.A tAt 0211-10MI"', 00 114, 45AJ-47,107p, anti ju 11W-'p, brating value ts" 42j&-9 call./S. The esid. yield It dally 1-211M) ifwIrio* 14vne Imown cold. IDIVA" MAN see 0 .00 log 09 00 tie 9 011TALLUNGKAL 1.4114ATLOR CLASSIFICATION age A a Is 3 ji 0 It V It It W At 0 a R 9 KKR It 1IKLOn line 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 0 ~ o 0 ~ a, I. WIT I 1. 4 L.- Z r A A L A. M 0-r .4..I,11, W 114, 1 0* Aluminum-itisa aces in cosixectim with the Hungarian basmims. ISIV04VIIA111. Rd's ydn. KoUst. LA;jW 64,4W 90.511- 7(1931 I-ExtistswL wtrr Inside o(lit;a-ifife ContIr ' &Ics Mountains. The lorsart contain much Fe. and arr I,A1A Imu;i it A III lid kofty and % 0 0 04 fAtin,maidili.a.l. Thr tictwIrrisce at Mat consislisof xtuiij Iditsitite, I,w Al vid re"). 00 it clife 111, .00 111111111d q1I lite sultivglying good bauxite. Thus tbcfr would oilly tk- A 111111111tAl iNs,t I.W 06 00 1 lite utininx of this Laycr which isaboust 2m~ thick aud i% esid- at about Its) millism quits 041 IAN III I;V oft kX%AW ANCAlf to the MilMll. Lab CIP4.11 hiker IftliCat"I thist JIU-' 14- vall 1W N,qkr.l lip by Irluctim &lid list tic :~ -n to (1) At volfurl,- F, we ailli ;V, r 5 As At t mitrnt, lip orr t Fr Assid tit (2) a rich A 0 410j zoo 00 00 00 00 see 00 '00 of Lie* At. it A jIALLi$&.KAL tiff.aftiff CLAJ%IflkA?#CN '00 it , U Nil rop 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b a A A I I Of 66 0 a it a -9 ItnIs 0 0 S` 0 0 0 0 0 41 0 0 It's v 0 a I 1 :11.1 0 0 & 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, We 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 10 a 0 c .1 di I e, lato " 11 r a a 1_1 M. y 00 a% the bauxite occuffirace at Hatimbs. ItualsfY, and its industriall Yaluc Ist% 4N -00 . ; i .00 VITALIS- 144x%,zjs. Kohdiz Lopok 65. 34u, 9, 'W1.,jr_'(ltkT,) ATrwitt tocilitler.-MAdt bfii"Mr'woiking up thew orm The pisolite-coutS. ittat ter coul(I Pelham tic tned by I see 00 mduction nod magnetic "pn. for pmtuctitm of re oce. cenjent alltl a hy4ifalci Al- 0.0 go 3 jj,,uxijp eve 71te trmr,,.jtkma" bousite om cmtS. little SvjO,, but much Fe Should 1W 0 %tudivil m4 rrXwd% a new mtIhM f(w their tifilisation. .11 1& vs FmALY -00 00 3 -.00 00 -4 '00 re o 00 400 00 bo 0 00 -rWA j Z A S 14. A Me fALLMMICAL LITIOATW CLAILA"'C"740' sz-- 0 -o- r-, -1 -6 --F a 0 a I IF of I a a I I U It AV 00 Is KID a 1 94 OR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 001 a 0 It 9 4 0 0 41 0 41 0 0 41 0 9 0 9 0 0 sit unid sis on P*4tda m4 vu 0 C 0 V 4 4 AN L a 0 0 Pu A I I W %I CIO #1 111 IS a *Or 0 Awt. met, $M UvApi '4 IN IN )Q lqalA "WMJG V P" "lall-ve p 1444 Air$ 6 r4lk'14% Lu s.- of u1 ljqd Aq --S I= IM ant" 3 ort it 119,1 s '91 'Re qsv,#1. togI tgw Ims *ojqw%juXf lum ii (aft grAmuUMINVI wwl Siq1trupItAo FlIco U-0 Ww. 'Isr ra-w..! Olt 1) S N 1 V&4rlv W"umm allm saws a 33 rl -Of, r-f v 0 -d-,r-lr y # # j R 11 a & a a Ito* 00 SO, *& 00 1.00 1' 0 I-J-4=6 aft a & a a I A-A-1-41A of Q 09 Cf*t .1 t f I A At A! TeCA. &O4. Xri-.Spj;Off, Pk$. Pet$ Aflifive MIL 7. go c % 74(19U)~-At Ujakna a nvW &~dif b4% t"0 f-luu) 411 nets cams, in mtiin pactions of the dM*it 46 WS IN. A IPCCW tWkbesdag Pro"" Was Wcltkcd Wit tu pfixluce a 0 cancartmfir cantS. 40're Un how cc t coats. 23-21 % Un. S. S~ de Finkiv 00 00 00 coo =06 -.00 U*o L-OCICAL LI IRA Aj&.jL& -fTAL wee, 71-:4 -.IT, u , ; I a ~ a i i ~ ~ ii 'i 3 . - it x of ff ff It 0 0 0 0 0 o * * 0 NP ti P. I . . . . a 1 4 % A 1 0 . 18 -4 -1 _jk 1100 .Aa x r a a a t A j go 1-00 00 1-00 3M, HUNGARIAO BROW OUW WITH WMWALLY HIGH HUTING VALOSS. 4141 00 9 Vital I a J.y. (Moth, natruv. Any. magar-Akad. Wise., 1942, 61, 2345 '00 00 of Qi~m iistr. 19/.5, 39, 3145). "onozatc, Lower Miocene brown ocal 00 sr;,; the -1:1gostarjanor basin has an sy. soi turt, iontent of 10 and an &v. beating value of M kgo cal. in oorAreat with the coals from, oe, a . !i: CeaksrWbasa (northern bay of the basin), which have a moisture 0 0 content of 3.5 to 6.0% with a hosting value of 6280 to 6586 kg. cal. Soo a Since the Usakanybosa anal had boom. penetrated. by a basalt Intrusion, -00 **,I the unusually high heating value (7830 kg. cal on the pure coal basis) 000 a can be attributud to the dehydrating action of the hi6t volcanic temp. ,90 The hooting vilue of the OUSocano Alocene brown coals of Uglyo, Gsnya, and Visk (hostitat haromaros) to 6513-7708 kg cal., with a moisture content of 2.2 to 3.5A. The pessonce or andesito and rhyolite AA4 xtrusions at many points in th a region avid thoprosones ot stroatur~4 dislocations (fbldo and faults) Indicate the he beating value Is see partly diis to dehydration tr the high tompetused by the structural so changes and volcanic action. The very hiek beating value In the moisture WC and ash free boots (7628-7966 kg cal) or well as the high content '200 of primary tar (16-20) leads to the conclusion that In the tormistion 00 -T tL I N $ISO a U F at WON 3P 1 lip PP 1P 1P OP is of it of 19 IN IS it It 0 o!O 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *1 ato 141a0so a Is - 0 0 0 v 0 00 0 a * :, 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 4 0 0 00 0 41~ *;;::****O*Oooo::oeooeoooeoooooeoooooOsoooooooooos & 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 so 00 of 00 00 09 00 00 00 0 of these ooals materials of a Upold obarecter suoh as resins, vexamp oils, fate, (pollenof blooming plants, spores if lower plants, all obaracterizod by a high wax and oil content) played an important role. Resins and waxes a.-@ little changed during the process of coal formation, have a ifitIng value of 9200 to 9800 kg ca. and form primary tar on distn at moderate temps. 00 *0 00 00 00 so 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0 ooooooooooooooooo*000000000000000000000000000 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOGO*9000000000)ooo.0000-00-000--ofee .all I I T IL -f A JI-. A k 0o 00 A! 00 J! 0 Im J1 sow 00 41 a 0 0 0 11 14 It a 111,11, WIT p I It. V- T, - a 6 OP. A ol 4 ft I 1 ~iv un U10 %V give 41 41 as 4 *P* 1.4 4 Ii., I I 1 9 0 ON! 00d Rsm~ Of IM Se-boorpraW DWL* ce smum N=my Ed Tumhwlw (Royal Hungarian PILIMine-Joseph ET,-Oiersitj,-Nbljotwn, of th. DepArtment of M"'ng And MetAIIUW, 1940, vol. 12. pp. 06). A. I EZ-- .11TALLUNGICAL LITINAIWAI CLAUIFKATIOP 3 U IS AT to It I AA A S-V -ftd a 0 a 'I N of 9 a , If to op K Kf( gin Kati Its 40 A T 1 Z., 'T :o -00 .00 .00 000 00 see %0 goo coo goo goo COO moo woo moo woo too A. �-,q f A -jl~ 00 -00 31030 COAL F&SOUHCZS OF, RK-INCOMRATID DISTRICTS Of KUTSM so RMARY AND TRMLTANIA. Malls I!t. T (Royal Humpr&n Palatino- 00 lee Joooph UnIv., Publ. Dep. W.-TW~K-1;40, 85-106). 4 lee moo ago Joel goo Ago too moo A a A 81,1ALLORMAL L"fNATLO1 CLASUFKATION boo lee r W u s AV 00 is 41 a It' 5 sw I If 61 9 a a 3 9 o o Is o 9 o 4 0 - 1. --- - - 4 ; -6101mommlimrm- - I I i AI - 4 1 1 f 0 11 O~ -A A L.- 11 LAL.A-A, A ------ -,I 00 -00 010 00 00 2217* ESTIMATION OF THK COAL AMD PEAT SUPPLY OF HUNOARY. S. .00 (Magyar Tech., 1946, 1, 210-14; Chem. Abstr-, 1947, 41, 7704). 0 f 1 , ! AS , , 00 The opened supplies o7 coal are astd at 104 million ~tric tons. Future findings are estd at a further 939 million tons. Post available is 1124 million ou.u. with 80-90% moisture content (with 3600 *&1. juel value In the air-dry state). zoo It in hoped that further stocks will produce 376 million ZO 0 Ar cusm. more* -0 0 C.A., ~ f lVALLURWAL 011041W CLASIVIC4710 A OR A do too 411 0 0 S V rw 0 0 1 1 V W 0 A a U 11 00 is 1." PnIT9044 Wd its Pt cc ts tt It KW RI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 4* : 0 : V: 00 0 0 0 01 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 9 0 41 6 002 004 004 go or ood so If 4041 sea oou to's xlwoal; H10011w, low ~OWHOI FA" lop 0 'A, A I U &I IstimAdw of the OW and post sUn Aof H;!!!n vilmis. M=? rrCA. 1. 21 ~_ 4tIM 11Z a , ~ At 101 t1kiltim rrwtfic -~W, W.T_~"_=Olinp aIV mt-1, At A futthcr!K* ntillim ton.. P. twis. Pe-Atavitibbleis 1124 millimcu- M, with MW-W" 111(tiOule contettl (with.3am cal. ftwl VAUC in the alr~lr; %fatr). It is hopc4 tlwt lurthrr stocks will proltuv 37,n cu. flip "UW AS V 4 P 0 41 41 43 a 4 IC -.00 IP -00 -00 -00 .00 -00 004 ass 0,16 too is 00 .900 J. 6600600000000000006460ij PLA it. L A dWIMMICA16 1,11111MON4 CLjjjWjc&jIQp ,=I:, 00 188040 At 041 deg woo I i's is u s AV I too A. Of I 1w a It v It I A 4 If Of 00 a ass a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00=0 0 :00 L - 9 01- 0 0 0 a 0 -0- 0 * 0 0 0- 0940.60 00066, VITALISJ.S,; SZABO, G.; VALYI-NAGY, T. Comparison of the morphology of streptacycin-producing and nonproducing strains of Streptomyces griseus. Acta biol. aced. sci. Hung. 14 no.1:1-15 163. 1 Biological Institute, Medical University, Debrecen (Neadt G: Szabo) and Pharmacological Institute, Medical University, Debrecen (Head T. Valyi-Nagy). (STREPTOMYCIN) (STREPTOMYCES) (CULTURE MEDIA) (HETHYLENE BLUE) (NUCLEIC ACIDS) (PERIODIC ACIDS) VITAVUS,-Sando.r. dr.; B07.1301PI, Dones; SZABO, Pal Zoltnn, dr.; PAP, Ferenc; IASZLCFYY, Woldemar, dr. An accoimt of the 46th general. meeting arrangad by the Hungarian Hydro:Logical Society on March 14.. 1963 dealing with its work in 1962. Ilidrologiai koz1ony 43 no.3:272-275 Je 163. 1, Magyar Ifidrologiai Tarsasag e1noko (for Vitalis). 2. Magyar Ridrologiai Tarsasag fotitkaraj- "Hidrologiai KozIony" 3zerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for Bozsuny). 3. Magyar llidroloi;iai Tarsas:--,- Deldunantuli Csoportja; Magyar Foldrajzi Tarsasag (for Szabo). 4. "Hidrologiai Koz1any" ozerk-3azto bizottsagi tagja (for Lasz- loffy). -Y.ITALIS,-Sandor. "Underground water map of the Alfold" by Andras Romi. Reviewed by Sandor Vitalis. Foldt kozl 42 no.2:246-247 Ap-Je 162. VITALT,3, S. FOLDTANI KOZLONY. BULLETIN OF THE HUNGARIAN GEO1,OGICAL SOCD=,. (Magyar Foldtani Tarsulat) Budapest. Geologic research in the development of socialism. P. 356 Vol. 88, No. 3, July/Sept. 1958 Monthly List of East European Acessions (EEAI), LC, Vil. 8, No-3, March 1959 Unclass. VITALIS., Sandor., dr.; BOZSONY, Denes An account of the 45th general meeting dealing with the 1961 activity of the Hhngarian Hydrological Society held on February 2. 1961. Ridrologlai kozlony 42 no.2tl77-183 Ap 162. 1. Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsasag elnoke (for Vitalls). 2. Magyar Hidrologiai Tarsasag fotitkara~,*Hidrologiai Kozlony" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja (for BozBony .I~T dr.; BORONKAY, Pal; SZABO, Pal Zoltan; DEGFX, Imre ~LIS, ~B'P4~Fp' An account of the 47th general meeting arranged by the Hungarian Hydrological Society held on May 28, 1964, dealing with the election of officers. Hidrologiai kozlony 44 no.9: 423-428 S 164. 1. President'. Hungarian Hydrological Society (for Vitalis). 2. Head, Nat:Lonal Water Board, Budapest (for Degen). VITALISNE MARY, Lidia Differentiation of the species Operculinella vaughani (Cushman). Foldt kozl 94 no.1:107-11-1 Ja-Mr 164. PHASE I BOOK FXPLOITATION SO11/6389 Terentlyev, Sergey Nikolayevichand -Vitaliy Filippovich Kartavykh Triodnyye peredatchiki detsimetrovykh voln (Triode Microwave Transmitters). Kiwv, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1962. 345 P. 8500 copies printed. Ed.: L. 0. Polyanskaya; Tech. Ed.: S. M. Matusevich. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians. It may also be useful to students specializing in radio engin6ering COVERAGE: The calculation and design of separately excited and self-excited vacuum-tube gener*tors, oscillatory circuits, and feedback elements, and the problems of matching separate stages to their loads are discussed, as well as operating conditions of the AM and FM generators descr~Lbed. New sources of materials were used extensively by the authors in the ccmpilation of this book, The participation of the following persons, namely Ca rd V8 -,-. Triode Microwave Transmitters SOV/6389 14., S. Neyman, S. 1. Yevtyanov, A. B. Ivanov, L. N. Soanovkin, G. S. Ramm, 1. D. Denisov, S. M. Gerasimov, D. P. Lindeand others, is acknowledged. There are 12 references, all Soviet. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 3 SEPARATELY EXCITED DECIMETRIC WAVE GENERATORS Ch. 1. Oscillatory Systems of Decimetric Wave Generators 6 1 Basic electrical characteristics of coaxial resonators 7 2: Methods of tunin,i, noaxial circuits 20 3. Coaxial resonator with capacitance tuning 21 4. Calculation of the platform, for a straight-line frequency tuning capacitor of coaxial circuit 28 5. Tuning coaxial resonator by varying Its length 32 6. Short-circuiting pistons with sliding contacts 34 Card 2/ ,8- 6 A_J_ A S. a 0 F 1. 0 1 1 to v r L 04 0 ts 4! The adesian w~U of the fass factory at 8&%6W$n. 'And -ol Vithlis- 16114, Nolvilly 12, 405, 124191K), The or, I _ " ZM i walf-I 1. 17* s1 the o"1111oloor arml 2L,,, at I he A jW. to.. 1hr 11441 AMI-4110 .4 01- s, mg J~r V."A C,~Jllwl 1, 00 xf",- 'The -I fire CO, As I he .,oil fl-), LNi flog 1. 1. C~4. JAIA At, 111,aIMI-1. 00 Zoo es 6040 Of 200 ~!oo 00 va 0 00 1 L A IffAI.LoPQKA, LiffilAlLoof CLW;FKATICft is lot 'I A t7 ro, it x 14 K it R I all s 1 on4 2- of -00 .3 a) l rx all 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 * 0 0 0 # Of 9 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *60OU06096900999099 4 90404400604400066 0009 A I T r 9 I It 9 3 V.t~. I " - I : I - q . I - . " -1 " I I-;, ~ , " . , I . I . I I .e -- II-, ~11-1 rlip ; ~~ . T*, ., j.- .I.", - .) r, ' . o' -- - !. -, 1 . i;-t. , :' I - ' ' - ' Oax- I (Cniori-atnf) no ) Olorz -~ '.!,, ;~) cw 'c~rbAydtaln by dwen4ft 681olletift, allot N. 361, vllnl'~ I'li!aR OArd. last,. Y&MUty). Mlienj t 0: ' 4 T.-4AIdathow of warkAts cartanhydratco and vv6led %ultoulaam we" mde toy adoln, of flo-W ml. K,Cr,(h main, loO.0". I it, omfok, falltrored by e(pul voL of IfilIVII., bmtLow 10-MMI" dila trrttnwnt with 2r, 9 1 witt Iltill- i'l; beat forniturtivily IcAloorw-I jt~l gjwssc&kd.brOAW(o-b f.whortralomI.I(ScrA used. (normality not stated). lo und. thicoquIfIte uVol, and or Is *Ampk wt. No multi or mentioned. (,. SL K. GERSHTF,TN, B.G.; VITAL'SKIY, I.A. -: -, - - . Casting racks umed for.anctional hobbing cuttnro. Stan. i Instr. 29 no-9:36-37 S 158. (14IILk 11:10 (Metal cutting tools) SOV/12i-58-9-12/21 AUTHORS: Gershteyn, B.G. and V4tai.lskiy, !.A._ TITLE: The Casting of Racks fcr Built-up Gear Robbing Cutters (Otl--ivka reyek dl7a sborny'kh chervyachnykh frez) PERIODICAL: Stanki i Instrument., 1958, Nr 9, pp 36 - 37 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The manufacture of cast racks using tool oteel waste as practised at the Yaroslavsk-Ly avtozavod (Yaroslavlmotor Works) in the T.BSR Is described, Tplve racks of 2.5 mm module and a pressure angle of 20 are assembled into a hobbing cutter. A master rack was placed on a baseplate and surrounded with a steel jacket in which the mould for mak!,Rg the losz wax patterns was cast at a temperature of 200 C in ari alloy consisting of 30% tin, 55P/o lead and 15016 antimon~y, after co-,4-ering the master with soot. The n,asting patterns were made of a composition containing 10% paraffin wax and 50016 stearin. All twelve patterns with teeth downwards were joined to a stem in a spoke formation sloping down from the centre, The assembled pa-:;zer was covered with three layers of a fire-resisting paste and a reinforcing fourth !a-ver. The fire-resisting _-c-)n8isted of 30-315% hydrolised ethyl silicate of crthc-z;-41i,~o- and 60-701116 of powdered quartz. The ethyl C;ardl/'4 ailicat-e-so'lutlon consisted of 600% ethyl silicate, 3% SOV/121--58-9--12/21 The Casting of Rack3 for Built-up Gear Hobbing_ Cutters ethyl al-.:ohol and 101~o of a weak aqueous solution of hyd-rozhiGriz acid. The reinforcing coat consisted of 35% waterglass solution apd 65,v' of powdered quartz previously heated to 900 C. The casting mould was filled with a d--y filler on a mould-ing machine d8veloped at the works and heated to a temperature of 900 C for three houro. The _11ost wax pattern was melted out with hot air. The steel- was melted In a high-frequency induction furnace of 150 g crucible capacity, using a charge con- taining 43% of high-.speed steel scrap (with 18% tungsten), 5J..Wo' of :asting scrap, i.0% of ferrochrome, 2.5116 of ferro- tuxLgaten,. 1.5% of ferro-vanadium and 0.1% of crushed el-a-.trcdeo.. The oxidising agents were 0.1% of secondary a, A.UMini='. 0.5% of ferro-rsilicon. and 1.0% of ferro- manganese. The metal was heated to 1 600 "C and reached the w--mal. zomposition of.high,-apeed Steel. The steel bou I WaS jt2red at 9 t 1 470 C intQ the moulds and pre.-heated to about '50 C. Before pouring, the ladles were heated to 750 "~C. The cast racks were fettled by sandblasting after boil'-mg for five hours in a 50% solution of potassium Uard2/4 Or ewdi-,= hydroxide. The cast racks had a hardness of SOV/121-58-9-12/21 The Casting of Racks for Built-up Gear Hobbing Cutters about 53 Rockwall C. Heat treatment consisted of heating to 880 C. holding for six hourg, cooling and further holding for three hours at ?40 C, then further cooling to .boom temperature. The racks, thus softened to 30 Rock- well C, were machined in sets of twelve and heat-treated by quenching in oil from a tempera8ure of 1 270 OC and a treble tempering treatment to 560 C. Initially, cast racks had a shorter cutting life but were restored to a standard endurance by several measurer., including the simultaneous pressing of all the patterns in the set, the reduction of machining allowances to about 0.4 mm, all round, improving the accuracy specifications, reducing the assumed shrinkage from 2.(Ylo to 0.?%, introducing ferro-titanium (0.4%) inzo the charge and ensuring the precision of the theimal cycles, as well as eliminating the first annealing uarck 5/4 SOV/121-58-9-12/21 The Casting of Racks for Built-up Gear Hobbing Cutters treatment. The machining has been reduced to grinding the teeth and the latest racks are said to be 3016 cheaper than thGse made from forged blanks. There are 5 figures and 1 table. uard 4/4 VITALISM. V.A. .1 Road vrxder 6 F '57- operator and efficiency promoter. Avt. dor. 20 no.2: (KM 10:4) (Skotnikov. K.P.) VITALISKIT, V.A. . -OMMIMOODWOMM-1w The work brigade method is increasing labor productivity and the quality of road repair* Avt.dor.17 noo2:23-24 S-0 154. (KWA 8:4) (Roads--Maintenance and repair) (Iabor productivity) ~-- - -I- -~- I- - -, , . , , - - ---- - --.- - -,~ I -- I - - - - . -, - - - - -11-MR.-IMPIRRIN VITALIYEV, M., inzh. A superheterodyne using five transistors. Radio no.11:40-44 N l62. (MIRA 15:12) (Transistor radioa) VITALI.YEV, N.j BELOBORODOV, V., shttwmqn (Penza); VISHNEVSKIY, Ye. (Balu) By telephone and telegraph from airplanes. Grazhd.av. 2,-) no.12:13 D 163. (MIRA 17:2) VITALIYE;V, V. Efficient single-cyrle law-frequency amplifier. Radio no.6s46-47 je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Amplifierep Transistor) VITAWYN, V.P., inshener. Koisture characteristics of insulating material used In heating systems. Blek.sta. 27 no-9:7-10 S 156. (KM 9:11) (Insulation (Heat)) YI!EALIYBY, V.P., k%nd.tekhn.nauk; GROSYAN, D.A.# InSh* Protection of beating lines against external corrosion by means of nonmetallic materials. Teploonergetiks, no.4: 47-52 Ap 160. (KIRL 13:8) 1. Gosudaretvennyy trest po organizateli i ratsionalizateii alektrostantely. (EWating pipsm-Corromion) Cf VITALIY-~7. 7.1 - of C ~~ -'r:! f ~7 Z' Ft-nt Diitril-,-tion Ntworks." Publl,-ih,~d th'M 'Vin Economy PSF'SR. Ac:!d-.--r of Cor,mun-1 Econorry ii,,:oni K.D. Par-S i I ov. 1,03cowl l9rAb. (Di!!~tert-ti- n for +~~! Di~-rr-,- of C'-.1y"idate Jn Technical -cionce) So: l(nlztin,-.y-- Letopi'll , 170. IP, 1956, V 4:~L L/ r r SOV/96-59-6-19/22 TITLIs Conference an the Construction of Thermal Systems (Soveshchardye po Yoprosam stroltollstTa toplovykh Way) PIMDEALI Toploonorgotike, 1959, Ir 6, pp 90-91 (USSR) A34123=1 An LU-Unlon Conference an the construction of thermal systems was hold In roscov on the lIth - l3th March it vas convened by the Moscow, Directorate of the Scientific- Technical Society of the Paver Industry (District Rooting B~cticn). Representatives of the Acad.5al. USSR GOSSTROY USSR9 GOSPLAX USSR, Councils of National 1conomy, design, oper&tLr4, and erection organlsatlons, and educational and research institutes participated In the conference. Thirteen reports vers read and a mutbor of c0lasuAle4tions vor* made. -To.Ya. Sokolov read a report on ITh~ present state and *jUtur-o-j-fosgects, of distrIct heating'. The reports by Inglnoer . .19 Zakharanko of Mostoplosettetroy and Engineer 1.1. Oorbko (MQAPo4ZftstroY) dealt with the used for a revivir-of- methods of laying heating system . U41coor A I card i/2-Rdinum (Glavioningradstroy)d*scrlbod the 4NMally calt conditions of laying heating systems In Lanincrad. The report of Cand.Tach.dai. A.A. Skvortsov of the AU-Unlon Thermal-TochnIcal need to aachaniso the construction of heating system$ as far as possible. NMlu~or A.A. LZ!xl of Kosenergaproyakt described the use of roady-01149 r~Lnrorced concrete ducts for the construction of arge diameter heat supply pipe$. Cand.lsah.Sci., VrL_jJ"jLjeY of ONORW discussed costs of 1 rent m*thVh1Rr-1WKrIWjr"tIng system. SagIneor 1RO r of Toploaloktroproyekt discussed the strength of different types of heating supply system 11struotlon. The Conference noted the need to Introduce nov types of construction and therewl, Insulation. The Conference requested various responsible bodied to test a mAbor of new typed of construction. OWw Card W 4~t4ilod reammadadatlaw more mads. there are so figured, me reforsaw. VITALIYEV, V.P., inah. Selection of nixing pumps. Vod,i san.tekh* no.11:18-21 N 162~ (HIP-A 15--U) (Heating from rAmtral stations) (Pumping machinery) VITALIYV , V.P., inshener. --,, Moisture in suspended insulation construction of heating networks. Xek. sta. 25 no.6:23-25 Ja 154. (MLRA 7:7) (Heating pipes) (Insulation (Hoat)) VILCEANU, Sabin,, student (Bicuresti); DMIGA, M.Gh.p absolvent (Breaza); I ZAMFIRESGU, Tador I., student (Bucurs4stl); CAPITAN, Gh*lop rrrofe I I (Anina); WSZTIG, Gb., clev (Timi"ara); BAZACOV, Gh. (Tr.S.*-verin) . I GBORGESCU, Corneliu, prof. (Craiova); B. VITALYOS, Emsebet (Cluj). Solved problems. Gaz mat B 14 no.32:669-678 N163 VITALYOS, L. gElectronic Speed Control of d.c. Motors.0 (Basic principles; detailed description of a Hungarian system based on speed control by IR compensation (up. 201-204. Yig. 23, p. 204, shows the r.p.m.-curreat characteristics of a Hungarian system with a 2 HP, 800 r.p.m. d.c. motor and a regulation range of about 1:25). SO: ELIKTROTECHNIKA YLECTROUCHNICS), Vol, 45- No. 7. July 1952 (Aj5Qj5Q2) VrrALYOS, L. and ROSA, J. T1.111; ":T Olektronische Drelizah-Iregelting von Gleichstronmotorcri, by ROSA, J., und VITALYOS L., in Elektrotectinika (Ungarische Olektrotechnik) Budapest, 1952, Nr. 7 S. 197-2(~t, 24 Bilder magazine borrowed from the Library of Congress x idrvt4~.(k X~O~k_ open, sdnrce~- mtterial given below'- _71 7 Decen-foer 1'~',53 "Tra sductors Vol. J.6, 6, J!;ne !953, PC Vo L. !tOv nt',"ly List of Kdnt I-xiol, tic S, ,-!r r h~ -.,-c u J- c c r.;r td cj 111111g,"ry) SO: i4crthly Li.-.t of La~.: Eurcl.can 1--.c cssions, L.G., Vol. 2, I~o. U, i-cv. 1~~,3, Uncl. 1 4 I a r; 111! 4.1 ; ff 14 1us I li 15 1 1 g I ISO I A I all a i I Ittial 'i, I ni., A I !a I 1~I I I . 19 11 It -0 4a z . -i .*11 cl VITALYOS, Iaszlo,--dr.p fomernok Iff-the center of industrial automation. Ujit lap 14 no.14:5 25 JI 162. VITALYOS, L. cand of Transient behaviour of controlled rectifiers feeding exciting coils of electric machines. Acta techn Hung 28 no.1/2:87-UO 96o. (E&I 9: 7) 1. Research Institute for Electrical Industryq Budapest. (Electric machiner7) (Electric coils) (Electric current rectifiers) VITALYOS., L. "Some remarks about a ebaper of the tbeory of the Erid-controlled Actifiers." In German, P. 285 PERIODICA POLYTECIINICtt. (Budapesti Muszaki Ecyetem) Budapest,, HunEary Vol. 2. No. 4. 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAi) Lc.. Vol. 8., No. 6, june 1959 Uncl. 111011C field Willillit'giolaccific 111101111:1. Vi I I I F/:All oNchull 1. VIA. 5). oi)7, N 1, No, The jrqi_~r simim irj/,(-4 Ill., lJ.lti11?l(1,4 toir'-wrillill., Illu It-0 ,%-hite 1,puration if vtIll.c.01trol t. I Milil. r,, %%fivii I'vi-Jill" crg 1"I till,: r.4 %jitIl rol.ilit-cly groit Iliductivity, Illvitqil~.lltly tile trplisi.lits are tlikus.~-d. Somo p-pints -4 Vii-tv arv m.-ittitinvil MOO If (ilk-M lilt" 11CCOM11- 1113Y improvo tilt, hAlavlo r ()r tile trait4lent provesse!j. j% lilt-fit 13, *Lho,I 1, L, ;! -, 'If %v ch the current io, - nvoi by ay bt volvillatol whol OIL! igilitioll .1119ILi vativ-4 With load. For tilt; S-0m. of Simplicity 1,ilhft-11113.1.4-- ftill-wave rectificn.4 tile in ,,tjiWt atloptetl rtill c;j4jI%, I)c f,)r rectifier.5 of till)- litulifycr (if fot aliv clioll'.01(ill. This Is 111tiAtrateii by a sliort 11cscrip. tioll t;f a (rcc-MIC-lill'! 01111WHOll frv(IttClltIV liswit file t11C luvdill, nt ficht %%lillifil"i, VITALYOS, Laszlo "Operating Conditions of d.c. Motors fed by Grid Controlled Rectifiers". (Rathe- matical investigation of the current and voltage relations for continams and dis- continous current flow through the rectifier and aleo of the mechanical characteristics.) S): ELEKTROTECHNIKA(ELECTROTECHNICSI, Vol, 45, -No. 7. Juby 1952 (M 5035OZ) VITIIIAO:~ it X : - 1, ~* ~" dr., re~-alation. Elel~trotechnika 57 jrst-*tule of Electrie inciltuitry, 11ozaef Attila u.24. KERTAY, Nandor, dr.; MARTON, Sandor, dr.; Technikai munkatarsakzPAZSITKA, JTozsef;,,VITAL7OS, Tibor Comparative bacteriological examination of bronchial secretions for tubercle bacilli with the aid of Marton's apparatus. Orv. hetil. 103 no.12:553-555 25 Mr '62. 1. Orszagos Koranyi TBC, Intezet. (TUBERCULOSIS FMONARY diag) (SPUTUM microbiol) _.Y~AM~IIILy dnija Aleksandrov V.SkIlt Boris Dav-idovich; PALFIEV Il IV U' ' "" ~ng; KATSI I F, YJin . re) d , Illys, ~!sa" A~avics; TELADZE,S.S., red.; SOBOLE;VA,YeX.p te T [Atcapization of liquids by spray nozzles) Rasp7livanic zhi&.osti forsunkami. Pod red. S.S.Kutateladze. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 263 p. (MIRA 15:7) (Atomization) (Combustion) VTTA14VAS, Z. A bridge for mea!-,uring the static characteristics of vacuum tubes. p. 68. (Sdelovaci Technika. Vol. 5, no. 3, Mar. 1957. Praha, Czechoslovakia) SOt Monthly List of East European iccessions (EEAL) LC, vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. oxi 5-=- e of V~ - V~ 65. fiz 17 ric'. h Fin! Ressarcn c 964. ~,lbMiLted C~c c cc-trli) tiircs stllrjjic~: cn the (-f* l (Tietniurcia Si cc'nstrictda De nc Ic c, r,- 4 .1w;.i,nnia -~:nthly IndeX Or EnLt hl!ror,,~-= P-cces, Vol 7 Febracry 1~~~ Lao AU THORS3 TITLE: 22975 'e',' t.5og, 159T s/18o/61/000/003/003/012 E021/E135 Meyerson, G.A., and.-Vitanli, I.V., (Moscow) The intensification of contraction during sintering of powders PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Metallurgiya i toplivot 19619 No.3, pp. 42~49 TEXTs In investigations aimed at increasing the density, simple binary molybdenum-nickel alloys were used to determine the influence of the characteristics and methods of preparation of the initial powders on the pPoperties of sintered alloys. Three alloys were tested: 17% Mo and 83% Ni which in a solid solution; 28.5% Mo and 71.5% Ni corresponding to the p phas 4 Ni4Moj and 50% Mo and 50% Ni corresponding to a mixture of Y and 6 phases (N13Mo and NiMo). Two methods of preparation wero usedt a mixture of nickel and molybdenum powders, or powdered alloy obtained by reduction of a mixture of nickel and molybdenum oxides. The results of particle-size measurements are given in Fig.1, where the percentage of the powder corresponding to different fractions (in microns) is given (curve I - Ni, curve 2 - Mo, curve 3 - Ni-17% Mo, Card 1/7 22975 S/18o/61/000/003/003/012 The intensification of contraction ... E021/E135 curve 4 - Ni-28.5% Mo, curve 5 - Ni-50% NO). Table 2 gives the porosity (n, %) and density (f) After pressing for the different alloys, as a function of the ype of charge and the pressing pressure P. After pressing, the samples were sintered in nickel boats in a tube furnace using a pure dry hydrogen atmosphere. Sintering of alloys containing 17 and 28.5% Mo was carried out at 1250 OC, and alloys containing 50% Mo at 1190 OC. The influence of the sintering time (T , hours) on the density (e, g/cm3) of the alloys in shown in Fig.2. Curves I relate to powdered alloy, and curves 2 relate to mechanical mixtures of the metal powders. The top two curves are for Ni-17% Mo, the next four curves for Ni-28.5% Mo, and the bottom four curves for Ni-50% Mo. The continuous lines refer to sintering after pressing at 4 t/cm2, and the discontinuous lines after presming at 2 t/cm2. It can be seen that the most intensive densification is obtained from the powdered alloys. This is especially marked In the alloys containing intermetallic compounds. Fig-3 shown the effect of aintering time (T , hours) on the relative porosity (vnop/v nop) Of Ni-50% MO alloys (curve I - mixture of powders, curve : - powdered alloy). Microstructures of Ni-28.5% Mo from a mixture of powders, Card 2/7 22975 S/180/61/000/003/003/012 The intensification of contraction ... E021/E135 Ni-28.5% Mo from powdered alloy, and Ni-50% Mo from powdered alloy after 4 hours sintering (x 400) are reproduced in the paper. The microstructure of the Ni-28.5% Mo alloy prepared from powdered alloy is more dense than that from a mixture of powders. The alloy containing 50% Mo is more dense and has a finer grain structure. Strength and electrical resistance measurements were also carried out. The change in both properties with sintering time was very similar to the change in density. X-ray investigations showed that the powdered alloy containing 17% Mo was a face centred cubic lattice with a a 3.547 X corresponding to a solid solution of Mo in Ni. The powdered alloy containing 28.5% Mo showed lines of a tetragonal lattice corresponding to N14M6, but the presence of other lines showed that it was not a single phase. The powdered alloy containing 50% Mo did not show sharp lines corresponding to any phase, which shows the extremely fine crystal structure of the particles of powder. It is possible that both the 28.5% and 50% Mo alloys had other phases present because of incompleteness of the diffusion processes. This metastable character of the structure could be one reason why the alloys had such high activity during sInterIng. Card 3/7 22975 S/180/61/000/003/003/012 The intensification of contraction ... E021/9135 There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 6 referencest 1 Soviet, 2 German and 3 English. The English language references read as followst Ref.21 F. Kelley. Powder metallurgy. Electr. Engng., 1942, v. 61, 468. Ref-3t P. Duwez, H. Martens. Nickel-iron-molybdenum alloys. Metals Technology, 1948, v. 15, 4, 156. Ref.4: C. Goetzel. Treatise on powder metallurgy, p. 632, New York, 1950. SUBMITTED: October 27, 196o Card 4/7 VITANYI, Pal, okleveles kohomernok I Heat treatment of heat resistbig alumimm alloys. Koh lap 95 no.10:Suppl.: Ontode 13 no.M234-236 0 162. PETKOV,, P. Em.; lq-TA~T5_~. Development of e0itnective tiesue near the pancreatic laleta of langerhans in the human fetus. Mauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sbfia, 41 no.i:qi-io8 162. 1. Predstavena, ot, akademik prof. A. Khadzhiolov. ISLANDS OF LANGEIRANS) ~CONNZCTIVZ TISSUE) (FETUS) VITANOV, Aleksandur, inzh. Short cizfcuits accompanied bv interruptions; their computation vith symoetrical components and net modelo. Elektroenergila 13 no,n,5-11 N 162. VITANOV Aleksand .,inzh. Approximate 2omputation of the intercoile short circuits In genera- tors connected in triangle. Elektroenergiia 12 no.9:14-19 161. 1. Institut po energetika pri Bularskata akademiia na naukite. (Electric coils) (Dynamo4s) (Short circuits) ~ -- %,,.. - - -F VITAMV., Aleksandw Selector of faulty phases. Izv Inst eaerg BAN 3:179-201 162. VITANOV, A. "Blocking against the swinging of remote electric-circuit brakers.11 EIEKTROF-fiERGIIA, Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 9. no. .10/11, Oet./Nov- 1958. Monthly Idst of East European Accessions Index (EEAI),, The Library of Congress, Volume 8, No. 8, August 1959. Unclassified VTVM7Jq A. 1114ethorJ3 for searching c-thle damages." p. 16 (Elektroenergiia, Vol. 9, no. 1, 1958, Sorti.a, 'Pl.t1garin) Monthly index of East European Accessions (.P-.Al) W, Vol. 7, no. 9. September 1958 AUTHORt Vita ngineer (Bulgaria, Sofia) 105-56-~_'-.7/'~J;' TITLEz Negative Phase-Sequence Filters With Independent Arms (Fil'try otritsatelinoy posledovatellnosti a nezavJsi-- mymi plechami) PERIODICkLi Elektrichestvo, 1958, Ur 6, pp. 29-32 (USSR) ABSTRACT- An attempt is made to create the foundations for a uni.. form theory of all filters with independent arms and to set up a general formula the analysis of which will make it possible to select the optimum filter-variants. First:. voltage-filters of negative sequence are investigated. Generally a device for the separation of any symmetrical component of the voltage consists of the potential. trans.- former and the filter. In the special case the devie may consist of a filter only. Filters with independent arms may be both one-armed and two-armed. One-armed filters are a special case of the two-armed ones. First the two- -armed filters are investigated and the following equa.. tions derived: (1o) for the ratio of free motion, (12) Card 1/4 for the full resistance with short-circuit of the filter, Negative Phase-Sequence Filters WJth Independent Irms 105-58-6-7/33 (16), (17) and (18) for amperage, voltage and wattage when the relay is connected at the points x and y; 09) for the wattage caused only by the voltage of positive sequence, (2o) for the ratio of maximu-m power on the re- lay to the power-consumption with U 1 W U2 (applied vol- tages), (25) for the ratio of the relative voltage of the *unbalance" caused by the deviation of frequency to the relative change of frequency. The corresponding Pqua tions for one-armed filters are obtained by eliminating all terms containing the n from the formulae (1o), (12), (16), (17), (18), (19), (2o) and (25) and by introducing the value 9 from the equation (25) into all of them. z3 + Z 4 z2 z + Z I 1 2 z1 Current-filters of negative sequence are the next to be investigated. In general form, a filter for separazing Card 2/4 any symmetrical current-component is analogous to the Negative Phase-Sequence Filters With Independent Arms 105-58-6-7/33 filter for the separation of the symmetric voltage-com- ponents and consists of the same parts. The diagram of any current-filter car. be obtained from the diagram of the voltage-filter by composing of a dual cJrcuit with conjugated elements. The equations derived for voltage- filters are also applicable for current-filters obtained in this wayj if the parameters (37), (38) and (39) are introduced and if the current of positive sequence I, is applied everywhere instead of U1 and if the current of negative sequence 12 is applied instead of U2' The formulae derived here can be applied for the determina- tion of the characteristics of any filter with indepen- dent arms, with the determination of filter-parameters and with the selection of the optimum filter. U1-voltage of positive sequence. U2-voltage of negative sequence. There are 6 f igures and 2 Soviet references. Card 3/4 f, I.