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B.;aKiT, S.I., arkhttaktor; VIRABOV, S.A., inzh. Automatic protective device for rope passage apertures. Ugoll Ukr. 4 n0.7:34-35 Jl 160. (KMA 13:8) (Hoisting machinery) lee poll #Sftl 1,~ Airplane gastolints of high w1sne numlwf A. t i all lAt$ t-. 11 #,'.1 Atom: jv, 1A. 14-111mm, -vo j;j(.4T4wvd sticso Itight gastilow with art tartame tut. of ON fil"o=ruli'Mit, 71wits"Jurimmkithrdby'Untfu. fif florl 'At frelm be4vy Tualowl firr hyt undrr 1w sarm clindimm, an amam w, td i Crachms -pi krrt~ite in prearitite of AlCh coniki 00 love somfints flaving urtan't tax, o( ev" 11LAO 4 in gmtewwr fin the ol 1wr hand. the light (tacimms of 410 0 i%staffirsw switi-limot, olkfit. ?%N1w KIt" *011 oreig sm"40u. with,kilew ru..t.fliel f1h, %Wb air r% f- Of.-3 3 so , r. so 10 goo e$ so* be* -00 A oj1A%jVV&KAL 11TIF1144111 CIAWFIC&TIC- It &.- . u 0 ", *3 1, ; ; . I r , I , o 1 a I I'll An I % I ad a 01 a I w It (W I !I to lo 0 000 00 0 0 0 0 c 9 e 0 0 411 0 f wde not mol 't t 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 009 0 0 * 0 0 1111 0 4111 41 6 0 0 a 00 0; e 0 9 0 0 0 0 a fp 000 0 0 9 01,111 41 0 411 0 0 a 0 a 0 4 alma S/020/60/132/05/04/069 AUTHORs Virabyan, G. V. TITLE- The Spectrum ofa Certain OperFtor and Dirichlet's Problem for the Equation U + 4 u + 2 ~ 4" f(X)Y~Zpt). PERIODICAL: Doklady _41-c,L#emii nauk SSSR, 1960, vo 132 No, 5, pp~ 966-989 TEXT: Let X1 be the finite domain bounded by x' + y' + z' + t' - 1 = 0. Consider in A the Hilbert spac H* which arises by completion of the linear manifold D of t'):i-e B B finite funotions infinitely differentiable in with the scalar pro- duct (U,V),, where j'~ "". I- 'L a "~W IV . Ys ,L L t- + ~-~ .2 p7 t ;ax~L a~L + I-V L + + 2- + 2 + 2 it7 2-1 ;Lv + 4 r r r Card 1/5 81688 S/020/60/132/05/04/069 The 3pectrum of a 'Certain Operator and Dirichlet's Probelm for the 2. !-' 0 u + 2 -~4" Equation u + 4 +,,t ~ f(xfyqzft)-. 2 2 where In H"*(Jl ) let the operator B be defined by B 6 B it-V is the inverse operator to the biharmonic Laplace operator for Ir 0. 2 Theorem 1: B is symmetric, bounded and positive definite on the dense manifold D of the space H*I( B B Theorem 2; Thqspectrum of B in H: is discrete. The following boundary value probelm is c nsidered - . L Ll~!: (7) L(u)= C1 I U + 4 ]~- 0 u , 2 'a~t4 f(XY$Z-t) IA-X 0, (8-) 0, where Ir qz MA'~ I r Card 2/ 5 81688 S/020/60/132/05/04/069 The Spect7um of a Certain Operator and Dirichlet's Problem for the ZL QQ Equatior u + 4 u + 2 f(xqytzlt). I ~Jtlf * is the exterior normal of F, .Letdj be a finite domain bounded by * sufficiently mooth surface r . Theorem 3: if B possesses a complete normed orthogonal system of eigenfuncti ons in H * (,J-L ) , then for the uniqueness of the snl;.ition of (7), (8), (a,) iv -S nece ssary and sufficient that the numl,~,r is no eigenvalue of B in H* Wz)- B Let f(X,Y,Z,t) & WL and 2 (11) P(X,Y,Z,t) From F r-- W it 2 (12) F = F + 0 where ~,K are the Card 3/ 5 t 3 follows that >a eigenfunctions f (x, y, z, t) d-c . 2 of B B;L680 S/020/60/132/05/04/069 The Spectrum of a Certain Operator and Dirichlet's Probelm. for the Equation 0 u + 4 z u + 2 i!LAf ~ f (X I yl z t t) - '7T % +* Theorem 4: If the series 00 F.z z V-=j converges, then the boundary value problem posse3ses a solution in W(1)(A 2 Let H be the Hilbert space which arises by completion in D ~n the sense of the scalar product B L- 2-V 4 ~~ 'V hV A U Zx ~j j2 ~e Z)t ;)t7 x Card 4/5 81688 S/020/60/132/05/04/069 The Spectrum of a Certain Operator and Dirichlet's Probelm for the z ~2- '4 tu' Equation u + 4 3U- C1 u + 2 TtR = f(X?y9zIt)- Let B where is the inverse operator to the Laplace operator for vanishinG boundary conditions. Lete the hypermaximuln extension of B be denoted again with B. Theorem 5: The limit spectrum of B in H is identical with the interval Lo'll . The author mentions R. Denchev and S.L. Sobolev, Academician, whom he thanks. There are 5 references: 4 Soviet and 1 erman. ASSOCIATIOY: VychislitejInyy tsentr Aka~deimii nauk Arm SSR (Computing -- Cent'U'r AS Armenian SSR) PRESENTED: February 24, 1960, by S. L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: January 25, 1960 K Card 5/5 VIRABYAR, G. T. Spectrum of one operator sad tho Dirichlet problem f the equation CI Zik * .1 4-,x a L4. +ZW* Dokl,AN SSSR n 0 U~ j yj 7- ' . 7r 6) 132 ato-5:986-969 Js (MIM 13: 1. Vyc!~Ivlltel"W teentr Akademii nauk ArMSBRs Prodstavleno akademikom S.L.Sobolevyme (Differential equations, Partial) (Operators (Mathematics)) I- UUMAN, G.V. Spectral equivaler-ce of two operators generated Ivy one clase of Sobolev differential equation systems. Dok.I.AJF SSSR 1312 no.6:1238-1241 Je 160. MU 13:6) 1. TyQhIslitel'Wy te4atr Akademii nauk ArmSSR. Predstavleno akademikom S.L.Sobolevym. (Operators (Hathematices)) 81385 S/02OJ60/132/06/04/068 C111/C222 AUTHORt Virabyan, G.V. TITLEt The Spectral Equivalence of Two Operators Generated by a Certain Class ofSobolev's Systems of DiR-erential Equations PERIODICALt Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR,1960, Vol-132,No.6,pp. 1238-1241 TEXT: Let S1 be a finite domain in the R with a suitably smooth boundary n Let D(,.( be the linear manifold of the smooth solenoidal n-dimensional vectors the components of which are integrable in the square in S1 . Lot the Hilbert space H arise by the closure of DC, in the sense of the scalar product (1) (u, V) 1 - ~ ~j' .~ j u 1 V1 ++ unvn d S-t In H, let the operator &t be defined by ,~. , Q v - Av + B grad 3v Sv - 11 (2) v C~~, D Card 1/4 The 3pnctral Equivalence of Two Operators S/020/60/132/06/04/068 Generated by a Certain Class of Sobolev's CIII/C222 Systems of Differential Equations where P has to be determined from (3) L(P) div Av P'fIr_ - 0 where L 1 2- ) is a differential 6perator of second ij order of elliptic type with variable;6oefficients, A . Ilaijil, B -jib ijil 2 ijj = 1f2f ... n; A , E ; B-positively definite; AB m BA. The operator Or is generated by a system of differential equations of S.L. Sobolev (com- pare (Ref.1)). Lot DQ be the linear manifold of the infinitely differentiable finite functions in Let th-e,,Hilbert space H2arise from DQ by the closure in the sense of the scalar product (5) (U,V)2 Lu - V d fZ. Let the operator q be defined in H 2 by q L_1 M , where L111-I"I Card 2/ 4 81385 The Spectral Equivalence of Two Operators 5/020/6o/132/06/04/068 Generated by a Certain Class of Sobolev's C111/C222 Systems of Differential Equations n ? ) I 11 M ~;-- Tx- aij 57 cij 11 =~Ii:aij bijil Let H(A ) be the prop r sub ace of the operator which corresponds to the matrJ-x1A. The subspa:es 77 and 110) correspond to the discrete parts 1 2 of the spectra of in H 11 A and of Q in It . Let 2 (7) H If H(A) H(1) H . H HQ), 1 1 1 Q 2 2 Theorem i In the case of a continuous spectrum in HOC the complete system of eigendifferentials for the operator q in H Q can be constructed with the aid of the complete system of eigendifferentials of the operator 1Y- and reversely. Card 3/4 81385 The Sp"tral Equivalence of Tvo Operators 3102016011321061041068 GeAerated by a Certain Class of Dobolov's C111/(C222 Synte4a of Differential Equations The author-RaiRtions R.A. Aleksandryan, -There are 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Vychislitellnyy tsentr Akademii nauk Arm SSR (computing Center of the AS Armenian SSR) PRESENTEDs February 24, 1960, by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: January 25, 1960 Card 4/4 2 16(1) AUTHOR: Virabyan, ---G-V. --, SOV/20-128-1-2/,-8 TITLEs Spectral Equivalence of two Operators PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk 3MSH,1959,vol 126,TTr 1,pp 13-16 (USSR) ABSTRACTs S.L. Sobolev.[ Ref 1_7 has shown that small oscillations of a rotating fluid satisfy the equation . - B where ;) t2 B z 2i . The connection between B and the operator ?Z2 C is considered which expresses the derivative of the velo- cities of an oscillating rotating fluid. Let HA be the Hilbert space of the complex solenoidal vectors, the components of which are square-integrable in the con- sidered domain S? with the boundary r lot the scalar pro- duct be (AO, A40),& (V + V '; + v )d 51 . In the linear x x y y z z Card 1/ 4 Spectral Equivalence of two Operators SOV20-128-1-2/58 manifold DA which is dense in H A let the operator A b9 defined by ')P0 P1 (1) AAD-,"G, AOC_-D + Wy A X y ~P ~P v v V + i W ;,6 P" Y JX ~y z x 'AP iPV. +avy P 0 P 0 1 ~-Tx ) Y) 01f 11f It is A C2~ Let the Hilbert space HB arise by closing the linear manifold of infinitely differentiable finite functions in the sense of z Card 2/ 4 Spectral Equivalence of two Operators SOV2C-128-1-21f~ ~rl Ju )- ) u )u 3 -,; v (it v J x, jy d Y + d'-1Z - Let 11* B 7x Jzj 'A 0 are proper subspaces. HA HA I where H I Hi Fundamental theorem s 1. The set of points of the spectra of A in HA and B in 11B are identical. 2. The eigen values of A in R * and B in H are the same . including multiplicities. A B 3- In the case of a continuous spectrum one can construct with the aid of a complete system of eigen differentials of A in Hit the complete system of eigen differentials of B in A "B and inversely. R.A. Aleksandryan is mentioned by the author. Card 3/4 Spectral Equivalence of two Ope.rators SOV20-12e-1-2/518 There are 2 Soviat references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudaretvonnyy universitet imeni 1!.V.Lononosova (Yoscow State University imeni 1T.V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: May 14? 1959, by S.L. Sobolev, Academician SUBMITTED: May 11, 1959 Card 4/4 L 13827~63 ACMSIOH HRs AP3003546 S/0020/63/151/002/0258/0261 AUTHCRs Vir~byan, 0, 'TITLE% Resolvent of an p2trator 1SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 151, no. 2, 194,3, 258-261 Green functiong operator resolvent TOPIC TAGSs boundary-value problem ABSTRACT: The author constructs Greenle function for the boundary-value problem (1) and (2) of the enclosur6,, when the domain'is a quadrant, a strip, a half-strip, and a square. It is indicated that the construction of the Green's function is equiv~len equivalent to the construction of the resolvent of the operator ~"TS# where T Is the; operator Inverse to the Laplacian and S is the wave operator. "I take this oppor- tunity to express my sincere gratitude to my teachers S. L. Sobolev and R. A, -Uleksandryan for proposing the problem and for valuable suggestions In carrying out this work." The paper was presented by Academician S. L. Sobolev on 2 Febrvary 19f-3. Orig. art. bass 9 formulas. jASSOCIATIONt Vy*chislitellny*,v tsentr Akademii nauk ArmSSR (Computer Center, ;Academy of Sciences-ArSSR) , :SUBMUTEB: 04 Nov 0z DATE ACQ: 30 Jul 63 ENCL: 01 NO REF SOIV4 002. OTHERi 002 'RB COM MM ard IM VIRABTAIJ, G.V. The resolvent of a certain operator. DokI. AN SSSR 151 no.2s 258-261 11 163. (14IRA 16-7) 1. Vychislitellnyy tsentr AN Armyanskoy SSR. Predstavleno akademikom S.L.Sobolevym. (Operators (Mathematics)) VIRABTAN, G.V. Sbeetral properties of operators generated by Sobolev-type differential equations of higher order. DAL AN SSSR 150 no.lsl3-16 VV 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. VychislitelInyy tsentr AN ArmSSR i Yerevanakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. #~edstavleno alcademikom S.L.Sobolevym. (Operators (Mathematics)) (Differential equations) MANVELTAN, M.G,; KU',,'tMIHA, N.I.;_VIRABYJUI. V.A. An opaque glaze for electric insulating articles. Stek.1 ker. 18 no.5:24,25 Yq 161. (MM 14: 5) 1. Cblen-korreapond;At Akademii nauk AraWanskoy SSR (for Manvelyan), (Glazes) (Electric insulators and insulation) VIRABYANTS, R.A. , Physical and chemical methods for testIng furnace black. Gaz.prom. no.9:30-34 S 157. (MIRA 10:10) (Carbon black) kand, khi RYBAK, Boris Moiseyevich; yjRAB AN m. nauk, retsenzent; KLMIENOVA, X.F., ved. red.; LEVINA, Ye-S., ved. red.; POLOSDIA, A.S., tekhn. red. [Analysis of petroleum and petroleum products] Analiz nefti i nefteprodukto-v. Izd.5., dop. i parer. Eoskva, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 887 p. (Petroleum analysis) (KIRA 15:3) VIRAG, A. E-,!on=lc problevi of the Into-.rurl.oen pautoir, tive tranBTo,-,Lat,Lrn in the U.S&A. Modun trarsp 10 no.22137.-40 D 164. KF.IITI-'S,-,. OttO f6yor' ; VIRAG, Antal (C,,,or) I k j ------ -. tr,,O,--3 In track Vasut 12 New working =e 4 - I Mr 162. GROSANU, I . i M. ~, 1 - f a re! -~oncre --ii pile r-z ~ ve-ol '...alculating `,3 2'-r~!Ss - - I intlo ~he grouni by vibrcper~~us3icn5. Bul St si Tenn Tim 9 no.2:313-320 31-D '64. VIRAGJ Imre (Budapest II. Keleti Karo2,v U.30) Once more on the perlite-case. Muss elet 16 no.18:5 l61. 7 7 1"MME BAKACSI, Gyula, dr.; SZABO, Iajos, dr.; TROJAN, Emil, dr.;_VIRAG, Istvan, dr. On the problem of acute ostemiyelitis in infants and children. Ory. het1l. 103 no.5:205-207 F 162., 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Gyermkkliniks. (OSTEOKMITIS in inf. & child.) (ANTIBIOTICS therapy) (CORTISONE therapy) v I I..", r r~ ." - ,, -,. I. - ~s I . n7 y 1,4 c r no . V); 2 3 1 Cy--,rm;:kkl i nika !),,moko. Ir. .,~cdiaLrics PATAKI, Lajos, Dr, Cabriella, Dr, I IRAI~; 5 'L. I Ferenc, Dr: ,V,edical University of Sze~~ed, Pediatric Clinic director: 2-02A, Domokos, !)r) (Szegedi Orvostudom-anyi Eryetem, Gyemekklinika), and National Blcod Transfusic Service,Branch Center (head: CAL, Gyorgy, Dr) (OV3Z -- Orszagos Vertranszfu- z1os Szolgalat --, Alkozpont), Szc,,,ed. 11 New Therapeutic Possibility for the Hemolytic Disease of Newborn Caused by R'- !so-Immunization. The Use of Hh-Positive Blood Based on the Testing of the Free Anti-D Antibody of the Newborn. (Preliminary Communication.)." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 1GS, No 8, 19 Feb 6?,-pages 352-354 'bstract: ~Authors' Hun,-!arian summary] 1) The free ant4 A .1 - .-D antibody can he bound to Rh-positive blood; when the exchange transfusion is continued with Fh-negrative blood, the'bound antibody can be removed more effectively. 2) anti-D antibody ' absent, hynerbilirubinemia does not always develop in spite of a positive' direct Ccombs reaction. in these cases, an eAcbange transfusion can be av6ided. 3) In the case of hype, rbili rubinem ia with a positive direct Coombs reaction but absence of free anti-D ant.1body, tnp ey.- -C'-anre transfusion cian be carried out with Rh-positive blood as well. 4) it, Seems orobable tha+4~the indications and perfonnance of exchan,,e translfusl=5 in casks of Rh incorpatibility will be modified, in the future, by testing for the presence of free anti-D antibodies in the circulation of the newborn. 1 Hungarian, 11 Western references. TOTI I , ('svorgy, dr.; IR RAC'i, T.-i tvan , dr. ; DI I X, Enio, tir. ; RGII A! o', Fktreric, dir. Borie, marrr,,j disea~,e in u. infant -PuLc.,d 'u- -1-1 1 I y trc..at_ ment (Sacerno) of tKe mother during f.,regrancy. Orv. hetil. 106 no.22:1.029-1030 30 My'65- 1. Szegodi Or-n,.3tlu,l(aiiwtA FgyeLeim, Gyi~.irmekklirilka. VIRAG) JozSGf Modern meat industry machinery. Technika 7 no.7:&-7 il 163. 1. Gepterveso es Muszaki Iroda. v_i:UIG) j. New Hungarian machines for the meat indlistry. P. 20. (GEP.) (Budapest, Hungary) Vol. 9, No. 7/8, Oct./tiov. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EF-AI) LC. Vol. 7, No. 5, L'~58 JDAGp LaJos (Ydakunhalan) Farewell to Pensioners In Ylskunhalas, YAU maut 6 Tir.24:6 15 D 162. 1 LELEK, Iatvan; NAGY, Dazeo; XADAS, I4Bzloj VIRAG, Lajoa A lipoid-nobilizing hormone in man. Kiserlates orrostud. 13 =o.4: 430-433 Ag 161. 1. Soproni Allami Szanatorium Belosstaly ~s Vasmagye Tanacea avarkusovozky" Korbaza Proventuraja. (LIPIDS, metab) (PITUITARY GLAND POSTERIOR hormonea) KADAS. Laszlo- VIRAG, Lajos Role of the neuro-ondocrine relationship in blood coagulation. Kiserletes Orwostud. 12 no.6:572-577 D 160. 1. Vasmegyel Tanace KorhAzanak Korssovettani Laboratoriuma. (BLOOD COAGULATION pharmacol) (CORTISONE pharmacol) (CORTICOTROPIN pbarmacol) JANI, Sandor; SZEBUIYI, Lajos; VIRAG, Lajos Water suppl.7 of industrial plants. MaU ep ipar 13 ro.7:4-00-4.06 'U,,. GEHO, S.; FARKAS, K.; GERGELI, I.; YAKkB, L; CIIEKELI, L; VIHAG..__~~; TSUFF0111 A. Preventive effectd of 6 -lipoprotein immization in the development of expea~imental cholesterol atherosclerosis. Vest,AMN SSSR 1-6 no-3: 20-27 161. WIRA 14:7) 1. 3-Ya Meditsinskaya klinika Budapeshtskogo universiteta, Gtdel patologii Budapeshtskogo gosudarstvennogo revmatologicheskogo instituta. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS) (LIPOPROTEDIS) GERGELY) JaMOB, dr.; GEROt S&ndor, dr.i JAKAB, Lajos, dr.1 SZEKELY, Judit, dr.; VIR&G. Sandor, dr.; CUPPOR, Alfred, dr. Studies on beta-lipoprotein antigenB. Antigenic relationship between beta-lipoprotains from atherosclerotic patients and experimmtal animals. Orv.hetil. 102 no.31:1450-1452 30 JI 161. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, III. oz. Belklinika as a MTA Manzaki Fizikai Kutato Intezet Mikomorfologiai Oaztalya. (ARTFAUOSCLEROSIS immunol) (LIPOPROTEINS blood) (ANTIGENS) GERO, Sandor, dr.; GERGELY, Janos, dr.; DEVMI, Tibor; JAKAB, Lajos, dr.; SZEKELY, Judit, dr.; VVILIRUAG, Soandoor, dr. Role of mucoid substances of the blood vessel in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosiff. Orw. hetil. 102 no.25:1165-1168 IS Je '61. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, III oz. Belklinika. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS etiol) (BLOOD VESSMS chem) GICRO? Sandor., dr.; GERGELY, Janos.. dr.; DISM11, Tibor, dr.; JAM, Lajos, dr.; SZEMY, Judit, dr.; VIRAGI.SAndor, dr. .-Effect of nueopolyeaccharides on the auto-lipolytic activity of the ~Taxcular uall. Orr. hetil. 103 no.17:781-782 29 Ap 162. 1. Sudapentl Oryoatudomanyi lastem, III mz.-~lelklinika. MUCOPOLISACCHARIDES pharmacol) PIDS metab) M (BLOOD VMSELS pharmacol) GERO, Sandor, dr.; FARXAS, 31aroly, dr.; GERGELY, Janos, dr.: JAKAB Lajos,dr.; SZENELY, Judit, dr.; VIRAG-S , dr.; GZUPPON, Alfred, &r. Inhibition of cholesterol atherosclerosis by Imnunization with ~-lipoprotein. Orv.hevil. 101 no.41:1441-1447 9 0 160. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Igyetem, 111. as. Balklinika, Orazagos Rheum& as Furdougyi Inteset, Pronectura, NTA Mussald Yizikai lutatointezet. (ARTERIOSCIZROSIS exper) (LIPOPRMEINS) GERO, Sandor, dr.; GERGELY, Janos, dr.; JAKAB, Lsjox, dr.; SZEKELY, Judit,dr.; JIM, Bandor, dr. Comparative immuno-electrophoretic studies on different vaicular regions. Orv.hetil. 102 no.6:247-248 5 F'61. 1. Budapeeti Orvostudomanvi Egyetem. III. Belklinika. (BLOOD VESSELS) (ELECTROPHORESIS) VIRAGH., Antal; MOLNAR., Bela Continuous manufacture of some sorts of chopped meat products - special chopped meat,, morning canned goods and luncheon meat. Konzerv paprika no-5:156-158 S-0 162. I* Budapesti Konzer7gyar. DORRE, Pal, okleveles mernok;,YXFAGH,--Be!A,-okleveles mernok Line correction of the HungariV State Railways at -4alatoa&zfo. Melyapitestud--ozemle 13 no.1+314 -150 Ap 163. 1. Tovarosi Melyepitesi Tervezo Vallalat cooportvezetojo (for Dorre). 2. MAY muszaki fotanacsos; MkV BWIapesti Epitesi Fonokseg fomernoke (foriViragh). HUNGARY . ,papartmental Research Group in :medical VODROS, Daniel, and VI~~~IpLu Radiology (Orosradiof-ogiai Akademiai Tanszeki Kutato Csoport) of t~e ,~-,A (Di4rector: Prof Dr Zoltan ZSSBOK). "Measurement of Irradiation Per Unit Time Using ionization Chambers with Vibratory Condenser" &,dapest, Mailyar RadioloFia, Vol 18. lb 6, L~oc 66; pp 357-360. Abstract [Authors' English su;=ary]; The iorAiza-~.Jon currents produced by dif- farent gamnia-radiating isotopes in ionization chambers have been measured by authors by means of an electrometer with vibratory condenser. Using ionization chambers with volume of 1. 10, 100, 2500 and lo,obo cm3 and with ra"sistanco of 109.1010 and 1011 ohms, the intensity of the doses used in radiological practice may be determined with groat accuracy. 3 Raferencos, all Eastern. FERENNI, Endre, dr.; STOLL, Kalman, dr.; VIRAGH, Gyula, dr. -00" Epidemiological aspects of infectious enterocolitis in Budapest. Nepegeszse&W,.4j no.6.*160-168,Je 160, T T (COLITIS epidemiol) 11T~2-.(TI I. Seed uned for P. 3. (,Maf-ar Vol.. 11, no. ", jari. SO: Conthly List of `-I'ast I%urop~an Accer-ion 11". Vol. 6, no. 7, Ji-,I.-,- lr~157. T'ncl. VPAGfII I. Decaying of seed in storage. p. 9. (Magjar Mezogazdasag, Vol. 11, no. 7, Apr. 1956 Budapest) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Uncl. .YIRAGH,I. VIRAGHO K. Some problems of corn seed. II. P- 5 Vol. 11, no. 8. Apr. 1956 MAGYAR I-TE-20GAZDASAG AGRICULTURE Budapest, Hungary So: East European Accession, Vol. 6, No. 3, Harch 1957 '~'T 7 v . .I I . VI-I * " " Z11 4 T. For 2 ouslitative cult'Vfti0P Of p ants. Vcj.. 11, no. 11, June 1956 Bud,'Fest, Hiungry So: ~-I'ast Europcan Accession, Vol. 6, :0- 5, 1'57 VIRAGH, I. VIRAGH, 1. - The quality of seeds of cereal grains. P. 5 Vol. 11, no. 14, July 1956 Magyar Mezogazdasag - Budapest. Hungary SOURGE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Vol. 6, No. 4. kpril 1957 GEREB, Oyorgy, dr.; VIRAGH, Laszlo .11 Psychological testing of the fatiguing effect of work processes I performed by workers at hemp spinning miIls. Magy pszichol ozemle 18 no.3.-294,305 161. 1. Szegedi )(anderfonogyar (vallalatvezeto; Nagygyorgy Maria). %-*11~1~ VMGHf Sz.; VIRAGH-KISS, Julia Changes in the heart's conduction system in hypertensive states, Acta Morpb. Acad. Sci. Hung. 11 no.2:239-255 162. 1. Department of Pathological AnatooW, University Medical School, Szeged (Director: Prof. B. KorpaeBy) (HURT pathol) (WERTENSION pathol) YIRAGHO-azabolcaj- PCRTE, Aim Studies in the innervation and stimulus conduction system of the heart on the basis of examining the heart of rats by means of an electronmicroscope. Biol orv k,'fzl MTA 13 no,1-2.-159-190 062. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Korbonctani es Korazovettaid Intezete es a Strasbourgi Egj~teiq Korbonctani es Korszovettani Intezete. -111RAGH SU.130WS, Dr.; s7ABO REZ SO, Dr.; KOLLER KATALIN, Dr. Eisenmenger complex in adolescence associated with open Botalli dmat nnfl nortic coarctation. Orv. hetil. 99 no.45:1584-15% 9 NoT 58. 1. A Szegedi OrvostudomarWi ?Cyetem Korbonctani as Korszovettani Intez- etenek (ignzgato: Xorpassy Bela dr. egyat tanar) as II ex-Balklinika- junal: (db. vezeto: Szigetoi Istvan dr. adjunctus) koz1amenya. (CARDIOVASGUIAR DI=TS, CON(WITLL, case reports Eiseumenger complex with patent d=tue arterioeus & coaretation of aorta in adolescent girl (Han)) (DUGTUS ARTMUOSUS, PATINT, case reports with Eisenmenger complex & coarctation of aorta in adolescent firl. (Ban)) (GOAR(;TATICH OF AORTA, case reports with lisenmenger complex & patent dactue arteriosus In adDlesoent girl (Hun)) HUNGARY VIRAGH S of the Institute of Morbid Anatomy of the Modical Urd- vorsitL_~ Szog3d [Original version not given3. y or "kaectron Mcroscopy of the Impulse-Conducting System and Nervous Elements of the Heart" Budapest Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum. Hungaricae, Supplement to Vol 2i, 1963;PP 9-10- Abstract [Author'.% Mglish sumrary]: In the rat and guinea pig no basic difference has been found to exist between the conductor fiber and the common muscle fibers of the heart. There are, however, certain differen- ces in tile quantity and location of x-ayofibrils, in the organization of the endoplastic reticul=, in the distribution of the mitochondria and in the connection between fibers, etc. The most typical conductor ele- ments are to be found in tho sinus node. The largest number of nerve f1bars aro found in the Aschoff-Tawara node of the heart. There is a certain difference between the individuAl and collective innervation of tho nerve fibers. Lj_/1 VWGH, Szabolos, Dr.; SCUMMETY, Sandor, Dr. Malignant nourinoma in the region of the cardia. Orv. hat!l. 99 no.49: 1726-1728 7 Dec 58. 1 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Korbonctani e9 Korazovettani Intezetenek (igazgato: Korpassy Bela dr. egyat. tamr) es I. sz. Sebea- zeti Klinikajanak (igazgato., Jaki GyulR dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenye. (STOMCH NEOPIASMS, case reports neurinoma, malignant, in re'gion of cardia (Hun)) ORRMILMMM, case rnports malignnnt neurinoma. in region of cardia vemriculi (Hun)) ~__L 15501-66 AGC NRI T6007447 SOURCE CODE: ffU/2505/65/O26/0OX/W+9 9 AUIVOR: V _,Se;___~ovacs, Ks; Tiboldi, Tel 11odi, Mel Julosz, Me ORG: modical University of Budapest, Institute of Histology and Embryologi--, (Budaposti Orvostudomanyi Egyetom, Szovettani as Fojlodestani. Intotet); Medical University of Szeand, Department of 14edicino (Szogodi Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, I. Belgyogya9zati Tanazek) TITIZi Electron-microscopic structure of the pituitary transplanted into the anterior chamber of the eye jThis paper was presented at the 29th Meeting of the Hunearian Physiological Society hold in Szeged from 2 to 4 July 196.4j SOTTRCEi Academia scientiarum hungaricaos Acta phyalologica, ve 26, Supplement. 1965. 49 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscopy, histology, animal physiology,_~,ndocrino ogy, gland, hormone, rat ABSTRACT-.. Homologous adenohypophysis, transplanted into the anterior chamber of the eye- of male albino rats, was'! examined 50 days after transplantation and later. The transplanted organ underwent significant structural and cellular changes but the presence of ,every normal type of cell demonstrat~d-by electron microscopy. Pe ~qrd- 1/~ L 15501-66 --ACC NR i - AT6oo7WO ;cell ratio underwent a change in the fratis~lants as the elements containIng' granules characteristic of the acidophilic mamm6tropic cells gained prepon- dora-noe. It was . dpnonstrated earlier by functional studies that the s see'reted luteotrophin-' The pituiti transplanted hypophyse 0 ry r-,cially near the blood vessels. possess well-develorx2d and regular endo- ..,.:plasm!Lc reticulum characteristic of active function and they often contain' 'i6turinq granules. The results appear to indicate Uat the GOLGI,appar4tus-a-~ ~too, has a role in the production of the secretqr7jranules,~" PP147 SUB COM 06 SUER DATE t none. 2/2. _Pqrd ,B,r - ~; . j, 'r .6 - -Vr,~~Ucn, - phOturltj+r,;. ..-12 , ~)qj lic 9~$)~-- .vus jou;: Rof Zhur - Fizil", l-'a 4 19, .'.ut'-ior %lir~%~ht-.hly 1k;z- Ilu; v TaQ Priacip-LI. in r)bjc,,-tiv,. 1, ~iq Ori PU~ Q'~ alltOE.Ltt.) No 4, 97-1,),) 1. 1, 2 + Ia cbj~ctuiv,2 Col. of li~;ht uf c,.-, of tbc r,hotocurront-, -,:iotrjcQllc -Ath s -, n:~ i t i v.-L' tv .171w indicat-cs conflf.tiol-Ir, for th,~ poz- sibility of r,2cLlculatlion of t',.~,L~ tr, t'1-, int-r- mat-ional of calol- coordinatus. -.-. G.1i. lloatian C a 9:3 VIRAGHS Sz.; VIRAGH-KISS, ju3.ia Changes in the heartle conduction system in hypertensive states. Acts, Morph. Aced. Sci. Hung. 11 no.2:239-255 162. 1. Department of Pathological Anatony, University Yodical Schoolt Szeged (Director: Prof. B. Korpassy) (HURT pathol) (HYPERTENSION pathol) TINA00TSKIT. A.S.. (g.Petrodvorets). 00% 1 Using the topics of thp 20th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in chemistry classes. Xhim.v shkole 11 no.5:16-28 8-0 1~6. OffdRA 9:11) (Chemistry, lAorganic-Study and teaching) LEBEDEVA, G.K.1 VIPUKHOVSKIT, G.S.; SHMANINA, Te.K. Iffect of sulfuric acid impurities on the quality of ammonium sulfate. roks i khim. no.6:4o-42 6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Vbstochn" ugloUbImicheskiy institut (for lAbedeva). 2. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat (for Virakhovskiy, Smetanina). (Ammonium sulfate) (Sulfuric acid) VIRAUOVSKIY, G.S.; SKIMIM, TO.K. Production of white a=onium sulfitef Koks i khim. no-7:40-43 060. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheakiy kombinat. (PaMitogorsk--Ammonium sulfate) MM P J. QTechnics of electronic computing in marLq ement and national economyn by G.Forbrig and H.Luck. Reviewed by J.Virant. Elektr vest 29 no.8/10:234-235 161. VIRABOVSKIT, G.B., inzhener. Removal of valve liners from IM steam engines. Energetik 4 a9.9:14 S 156. (Steam engines--Maintenance and repnir) (MLEA 9:10) VIRANOVSKIYp V.V.,- PODGORODETSKIY, A.A. Improving the quality of the delivored product* Metallurg 8 no.11: 32-33 N 163..-.---?- : - IV- (MIRA 16s12) "'V. ; i t." FISCHER, Antal, dr.,; SZBC=IY, Andor, dr..; VIRA11YI, Andras, dr. Neural regulation of function of the kidney tubules. Haff . belorv. arch. 8 no.2:25-35 Apr 55. 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomaqui. Rgyatem III. sz. Balklinikaja (igazato: Gomori Pal dr. egyatemi tanar) as III. 9z. Sebeszeti Klinikaja (igazgato: Rubsmyi Pal dr. egyetemi tanar) kozlemonve. (KLX%'YS. physiology. regulation b7 nervous system in dogs) (NERVOUS SYSTEM, physiology. regulation of kidney funct. in dogs) v T, BACH, I.; SZMUK. I.; GYUIAI, E.; VIR M I, A. Investigation of the pituitary and adrenal gland system in experimental fever; now method for sosinophil call count. Orv. hatil., Budap, 93 n0,35:1117-1125 2 Sep 1951. (CUM 21: 1) 1. Internal Department (Head Physician - Prof. Dr. Imre Bach) and Laboratory (Head Physician - Dr. Imra Ssmuk), Peterfy Sandor-utcai Metropolitan Hospital, Budapest. VIRANI j. M~;ox- .(HL 3 M) "inal notes on the OCK-Mm competition on the Czeeboolovak "Field Day.* Radiotocbmiks 12 no*9s287 3 162. VIRANYI, Miklos Balance sheet of the "ether card" during the past 8 months. Radiotechnika 11 no.7:206 J1 161. r-4 Graias IMIGOY/Cult'vate" PI ""1272 9, Abo Jour U~, - 1 Author : szmlto, G.., viranyi, S. Inst : cso.,It- ajl~j t1le 1,,utwu ~j,' Lc,, dnous Plal"tv, ill Ioit1C : The I'r Hin,jary. OriG Pub : ;,~ratucixlany, 1957, 9, 11c, 6, 21-27- Abstract : 110 albotract'. CarO 1/1 7 14 :;o. jkl1y - lull a a 1~pfp f lit, P1 7 ON, 'If fit- I-M It, lite Nvllwilv V llfi~Vllt tri Ific lraj~jh,,N- 11111 111t, poit'rlile. It R d-,pemiq on lite 11 Viliv and is proportional tit (lie wh power, Illell r F(Ov,!11, %dit'l e c Me) = In". lo-teml of (lie vjjji:-.lIjcs p, x, v, I file ;Itillinr inlro, diii-cs ;j tc(jjl(-Cd velocij% p = v(b/r Y )"", r,jortli- 11.1les X 11 = Wg-2)""y and a redill-cd little A- ("g-91111, and gi,6eq the solotion of tile problem fol lit(' rrilocrtl variables in (CrIlls of I will a p.1rallictcr q, idicr~ 7 is file ariLle of inclination to lite horizontal of [lie hll~crlt to the trajectory, and it being lite -.-clocity of Ow particle at It slinilDit of lit,- trajectorv. Since lite tra- ict-tories corresponding to line and lit(.- sarne valne of file parameter q are similar, it issnilfiriont for lhc~ohifion of file parlide problem t o cabilafe a family of s4.lolions for a 't-laill (Civ for it = 2, .1, S). I it C( range of valites for q (sclyar.% t1w case where the density of the air varies willi lite .11titode, or fit(- exilonrnt n varies willt file velocity r, [lie killistir coufficient b beconies a variable (loantily and (lie methoul cif socucs:iive arcs lionIff lie applied, [it any caw. file anthor (hinis that tile protedtire involved in his niethfol i,;~,iojplvr than that (if file G. 11. Nt. (Garnier-1 bag-Marct1q) F11011041. lit 1he case of aviation boinbs it is qufficient to restrict it to (lie case it = 2. E. Leimanis (Vancouver, B. MUM# SAO P901IF41 No$ m so Oslo d s o 00 oew a.m AIs.ILA MCIALLOPSCAL LIMAISM CLAN04CATIN so 'so 'go 4*0 Zee log 0. ego ~ 400 ,goo we 0 Zee ego* too b-US0,10 111; gooo,oo 0 0 * 0 * 0 o ori is lisi~: 6, 0 0-16-0-0-10 Is :-: : : : 1%,1 g iil; # 4 4 i. .- 00*0*000*oore * * is 0 see 0 0 0 0 0 * * 0 o A A a 1 0 t " if 11 Ii U is to FY to to a 1 At j It i r a I I t 11 J7 n A, is 14 17 ip it 0 of 9? Al h! a a j? if if 4 1 At Al a 4 1! 0 00 - A 9 y I A t, . f.-A 1- -1 AA W " 0 K t A J I d I I . -o'clslis ..o I#,- -1 1 I.,.Is 00 I - 00 Ditoutim of juLff*w cuts o Wak-base pe a. It. A, VMAS-YAN AND V - 00 . VA. (;0VASOV. Groxwxskii Ntfs),smik 2, No. I t-13. A2 e0(tIL12) -GvMny straight. 00 9 rusiperaffin be%- lastAine was broken up into S' cuts and the antiknoicArpropertbes of thp 0 cuts were invr%ttgalrd under standard conditiocis. Threliminatlonolownrof the frar- lifins f4w the purpose of Irntwoving the ant1knock properties of Gromy geartline wat fou d t b t h di i i h f : o e cwt expens n owever, compoun ve; t mom o ng w the Baka gunlines g which stv high in naphthenes was found quite (vasible from the em point of vww A. A. BommPor .0 00 00 60 W W coo 00 0 0 00 0 9*0 r.00 A 200 lk IiLf 'a --I L'& elf AttURGIC AL W9114f4ilt CLAISHFICATION 91. - --- - - - - I -.-- . I - - - - -- . . - I evew 11 ill* Ito. o & ,, loomis -F l 1410tj a., c-l siltil ow s-- 6%, too U AV $o it T-11-T-11 An a-,- ad i I or W 9 -W , 11 s : R U R tt W K14 4 1 M K a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo 0 a 000 0 0 0 eie 0 0 0 0 00 go 0 0 0000 0 00 ,a a a a 0 a q 0 0 0 * a is 0 Gig 00 000 *too 40sees 0411004009-so '0 "it u X11 gas- maps "441614 .,Imp OC artopLao ape 8% T-W.72' a ON if 9 n w -6 M tittle 1-0 WIN- ..v foolpt 0 moo 001 -ftf..Li meol 8 00, 10.06 ro'.49 00 F too Pee lprqd- 10 IUA v". Mu q*-ov A," . tow WPM$ jol - I AjqIj% 10 %99 **AP IIA *p.*j ' -%"P - " p- MW460 v ow*-W eel 144 P I 'GMIC "a"4 a 4 DU%WA&P Us M Plown" Igo pal P rl*-:) U"If =,y - VASVIUA ju ijq~ au--( IMI rIfs W.N""x '. 600 r P-l- . . - - P" so- W's, ,*a P see 09-1 00 "go r 00 0.. 4~ I a P b IP moxallux fin 1100f Itaw Rote Ifullar" "It III 14"firellild ti #I pill leg 4-Whs 'It*** a Me VAI 0 0 o o o 4 o o 0 a o 0 o 0 0 A 00 90 .4 9 9 v 9 v t. w W 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 a * 4 VO 0 4 0 6 0 4 0 4i9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 1 6 0 -0 it f1 it 4 "1 to I t# to A It U 4 14 fS 16 P A A L It 1: U III D Is I/ ismi, it 4:., nf- 11 L-A-Ld-A a A A k a I, F 6 4 111 v it -4. 1 -1 AA Of CC 90 It t b -00 CA_ Reassals Ain sepilidsvisk seW Asiolits. lit. A. VINASIVAIN18 AND it A, Asrow'siv -00 GPORS"Al NPf1)w44 1, Mix 2 J. ". His 1. M, NA WORM) 31). - - Ilia *xsI 00 60 a AS&-ILA 1 410. 44 "SlAthenic scid wai, is calcil. by multit4ying Isy 2 tlw amisunt %4 nallithtnic st-61- -46 I hir implithtisic strids wert, cktd. as tApirs; 14) jr. of the product wat dissolytt) In sit alcAmnAtive mixt. (1:4) and then titrated with an sk. caustic soln. in the prewom .4 -00 alkali blue. 71w &k. begiarvic mist. was first neutralisett. A (t. I or 0 Ul N alkali -90 viln shipuld lir umd. aleproviling on the ctmets. of the acid in the distillate. The ain. .00 Irni J 0604IN111c "q in Mkiml Imetlims it: Womm distillate from paraffin 1- 41, 01000, WPM; gas 41 distillstr friva partifin bow crude od. 0.11140 0 1"114%; kew w1wilatillst lr-mwmilaraffinbewcmicaiLOO134).OU16%-. ps-iAldistiUstsinsin WWjPWrA11= Cnjoj~ 'A. ff0I3jj.UI#%; kerownr dWflbtw from awhalf,haw 1-00 Cruth. all Unsuitalik- lof making lulvicantIe, OAW 0 (Pklp%- Su"41 distillate .b4aintol 0 ; Q 1 A k irrownt, E . 0.0 4 . I frvsw The 4bUW crudk- -oil. In OW p %, 1 r d.. labrivisting oil. 0, M-4), 1W) distillate how ast"t,bast, crude od wit" for M 4 gas oil distillate from the above crude oil. 0.2011 (1 We %. The sot. of osplithirnic 6 7 fl l b . 5.4 for lirrowrisc sn4 achis was dctd. hy imilliplying the amt. of W)~ by Ow cur y ll l th i l h i i d N f esir . c er mid wt now it ng ca for flas-od distil ates. Corls. for ot rect e 40 acidia. COUM "Brid OIL** am Fe,r . in m4w by the action of dil. 11.90. on Ow alkali sludge. The absence of a&* in " "acid ad" is conslidered of great stlyantsile becowe there is me ond for vecial cositshern and the product can be transported in task can. AwAhn advantagie of thbi esirtbod is thic abstrive of H.O. which c-"tutea 60% in V. and A. ciperienced diffictitty In preliji. "add od" cimimmial Ito specifications. which require kas than 15% ad. an 6M no. of 196 and a sp. or. of A. A. Honsirwitim SITALLUVGKAL LITIIATL49 CLOSIFICATKO tall", . . C a _V_Y U If a 0 0 a 0 0 0 4 1 -.0 0 too too bee foe ado ii As a --=O 0 it it if It NO III Is 11 to loop "KI1,440 4-0 to 111IN& -Cog ..90 so -00 go 00- 004 oombewic add soles.. A. jVaIjP~-1WWj4. 0 v -00 .00 goal U. A. Amnu= uso~wftile "WO an 1. %-~k N % -00 o. . th, r4odwt to 0 mialliff of ity .00 "d C-IL mw ijiming vdib " hthwilill' Add 001""t T MOO , he sap g-wW-A,0 V O:Vwkos all frac4itittit is tfmfdol- '300 1, 00 W gas " ties Isis CFO* Islow S1.4 v. s - Idna t A Iwo Al l us" " W loaded "it omw co . IT 4 zi r 'At wo "R to t im 0. A 0041 0081, =3 sled r Me a 0 It - 1# ". I JOA 0 (S W. IS k a fit vov'10). rwm,avo MLAL- NtKJIWL OWS., : d I newifief ; low. 0 IN MO. prow% of emkims CABWOL AUMM- U u AV 00 a 11 1 a :::N91906969496609099 00 ire* =go 00 30 is** ml L I I pw 0 .1 N 0 a IF '11 RAG, A. Development and state of the interurban bus transportaticn in the United States. Medun transp 10 no.11:38-39 N 164. VI&G, Eva Sociaty news. FaiFar 12 no.12:384-3 of ccrTer D 162. -1 " VIRAG., Eva Society news. Faipar 13 nol-.31-32 Ja 163. YIMG,, Eva Association news, Faipar 13 n0-4--132 Ap 163. VIRAG, Eva Society news. Faipar 12 no.10:319-320 0 162. L'~~`Tv.; Vill",ki, Al. Cbser/atinns on the ncrrzl form of the elerrnt-. of a S 1 162. Studia ibniv B-B S. Math-Phys 7 r,.c.l;-9-23 Ufthesews a ipme MA d OWNSWoreb laderiss. Imore ~~V.jg. jjpjYjooj~4pw*y 2. The feeding of ~i kS m4,h (cunix, 110% dry matter) during the let ball of jervianey caused no totic effect in Et"ll4tire w0 Varkthirr pip. Most of the ywag Pigs of laws W with such mado in the 2nd ball of pregnancy died from septic indammation A the itomach and intestines caused by the SO, contained in the nk;i~h (IfM mg. total SO,.Iday). Eight Yarkhirr Ings were given 2 ke. presged mash, can##. 11.10 mg, SO, dAlly for & month. The daily wt. increase and feed utiliza- tion were very low. When 2M g. disintegrated corricobi day were &I-0 fed. the wt. increase was consid"AlY z. A cow fed daily 6 lig. mash (contg, W mg. free C and 4267 ins. total SO.) tor 3 weeks gave only A 1. milk daily is* agodam ZI 1. normal milk ykW Tlw best no"hod Pur relliciving Sch from the m,&%b is "44mentallou folknored by ~nfsdugind at titessing the sediment in "I" we yield- lots AL product clon(g. a 41% water. Tberze" e_i it i. nrcor~,gry to oNain a lower wAUT content. 4zh.A,,j limild be sieved And crutrifulvd. Dwitilt this ;aucroismg AUSCh i- revioved, mind a valuable feed is obtained. Istvin Finkly MAURER, I.Gy.; PURDEA, 1.; VIBUIG, 1, (Cluj) A topology of univocal applicaticns of a set in space. =at'-, Rum 6 no.3/4:19r,--206 162 [publ. t641. 1. Submitted April 12, 1963. HUNGARY TXH, Gyorgy, Dr, Medical University of Szeged, Pediat- ric Glinic (directori BODA, Domokos. Dr) (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Gyermekklinika). "The Technique of Exchange Transfusion. Description of a New Apparatus," Budapest, Orvosl Hetilap, Vol 107, No 17, 24 Apr 66, pages 793-794. Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary] A survey of various methods of ex- change transfusion is followed by the description of the apparatus used by the authors. It has a few new features such as a special stopcock, the use of paired syringes and R new method of haparinization. It is suited for the simple and safe performance of the exchange transfusion in a closed system. 4 Hungarian. 22 Western references. 18 - dhYAS, Bela; KAROLYI, JTbzsef; FEIIER, Jozsef; KEILWERT, Vilmos; "G, Jozsef; GAI.'GZR, Gyorgy Requirements of the food industry toward machine manufacture. Elelm ipar 17 no.2:36-46 F 163o 4 1. Flelmezeaugyi Miniazterium (for Gulyao). 2. Orazagos Terv.hivata:L (for larolvi), 3, Geptervezo eo Muszaki Iroda (for Feher)v 4. Lang E~pgyar (for Keilwert). 5. Geptervezo es Muszaki Iroda (for Virag). 6. Hutolane Tarcakozi Bizottsag Titkarsaga (for Ganger), % VIRAGI L.; SZABO, D. "Experiences From the Introduction of Extended Teeth in Rip-Band Saws", P. 74, (FAIPAR, Vol. 4. No. 32 Mar. 1954, Budapest., Hungary) SO; Monthly List of East European Acceasions, (EFAL), LCq Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. URI, J.;CSOW, G..-VI"GH. 2. The antibacterial effect of the flavonol-dyestuff, rhamistin. Acta physiol. hung. 2 no.2:223-228 1951. (GLML 21:2) 1. Of the institute of Pharmacclopff of Debrecen University. "Phosphatic roek with urnnium ccritent ir, the 71-in"sic of the upInndj around Pecnelv." F, P,-,. FOLi"'AIII K0,11JOHY. BUTIF IN :J THE, Ioldtani Tarsul~~t). 1"un,,,z!ry, Jan.lrnr. 19 Monthly list of -EI13t Eurorin-an Arces.-itIcris (FFJJ), 1,C, Vol. Au,-ust Uncla . VIRAG, lajos, aspirans, aklev(,~Ivs villamo5memok --l- I - Some me'lhods for the irirraare of dependability. Feres auto.-At 12 no. 1: 13-16 164. Antibacte" Offed cd the flavomol dye, thametin. CH. G. Csobin. and L. Weigh (Univ. Debrecen, flung. 1. Arta Phyyi-W. Arad. &i. Hang. 2.2z1I-Y4 I M1,1(in F'ngli-A).- The antibacterial effect of davonol dyei weTe rxamd. on varims micrtArg3nisins by the wriaNfiln, methm]: The #ffect was meAsur"I nephrlotneirically. RhAnitartin was strongly antibiotic agAn.tNAtfAjoAmotesr ampras. 11)4rreri- SIA-Lit APIWAf4 at A) M 'Y1"1L and IvOrticidal artim at If*) -V/ttd. in ritra. The antihacleri.11 effect can be kv-441 on the ". oxiclation-veduction potential o( rit.unnrlin It. I Chmn Ile- VMIGII, Janos, oklevelors banyamernok Winning methods applied in the Komlo coal bacin. Bony lap 96 no.12:881+ W 163. 1. Komloi Szenbanyaszati Tiroazt, Komlo, SURNAME, Given Nams /* Countrys Hungary Academic Degreess Affiliatians Hemp spinning Mill of Szeged (Szegedi ~enderfonc;gyar),- -,-Manaij7e-tt-(V-aTl-a-IiitV6i~i~t8)-M&ria NAGyqY 9_gqy Sources Budapest, Magyar Pszichol6giai Szemle, Vol 18, No 3, 1961, pp 294-305. Datas "Psychological Investigation of the Fatiguing Effects of Working Processes Among Hemp Factory Workers." Authors: VGER4B, Gy?*'rgy, Dr -VIRAGH, Lasz16 Gro gsli%3