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- lrf~.Pr ( d ?,,T h ,,
)0830-66 V-170)
ACCESSION NR% AP5015911 UR/0103/65/026/006/1094/1098
AUTHOR: Vinogradov, V. N. (Moscow); Golubey, O.-A. 300W)
TITLEs One statistical protlem in the synthesis of a control system
SOURCEi Artomatike I telemekhanika, V. 26, no. 6, 1965, 1094-1098
,TOPIC TAOSs automatic control,'automatic control design, automatic control system,
automatic control theory
ABSTRiCT-. A plant B is des1cribed by this m-order differential equation:
dt di
atY) Tit -0) b)(t) T11 aG1 > 1) SW YN ut
and has constrained control in ut The plant output variable registers with t
t5 s he
value of the useful signal S( at a fixed advanced time instant t
N. An additive
mixture of the useful signal and noise (a Gaussian random process) is applied to
the controller A. Under the above conditions, an algorithm for controlling the
plant during tt.N is synthesized. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 42 formulas.
- - - --- I
! I
tjj~,: r (),I '. r". ; ~ , r 1 . ~ . , o 'i, 1. '1
- a , ~~ I~j . . ) , I . . . I I -, : ~, . I . . Ji .
,;,-, - t' ~-- -,,!!~s -air-raslur -"Ir-
U- -1 -~l - I I - n .- 11 - ~~ - - -
r I
I L.14. (x-FA lavL)
A j i
T Fr I I E: ly,51c:- ti F a'~ i') w a
SOURCE: Avtomati ka i telernelk ka. v. 26. no. 3. 196 5, 427 -4 34
TOPIC TAGSi a~_,tomatir aao:naA",;_ (-sign, a~tor,-Latic conEraj
iyetern, automatic control theorvoptimal control ayfitem
ABSTRACT- The problern of synthe5iniag -an optimal system with a 1,,rriited
actuatiniz sqignal is t~ieoreticAl!v 5olv-~ Z~~c "IrkAln f 11he f 'i
I. rl~ .1 j e ft w it
i a 41 r r 1-7,
-rr~ati,,r 'he ft;:
he~,, ~-%v r-~ntrril 7 A . -;ass. T ~w s Ynh e s
-.27 ~_F11-:_=MN F'i
"-R-5 - )p
L '12580-65
A 7:71 '; P. A P -
proble.r, ir, reduced to the problern oi creating the beat estimator of the useful
signal and to the problern of constructing the follower. Orig. art. has: 2 figures
SUBMIT*i r~D: 28SeP64 ENCL~ 00
NO REF SOV: 003 OTHER: 001
Snowslides. Priroda 52 no.12:123 163. (MA 17:3)
1. Institut vylkanologii Sibirskogo otdelaniya AN SSSRp
MIKHA7LOV, M.I., otv. red.; TUROK-POPOV, V.M., red.; VIVOGRADOV, --
~.N..,. red.; ROGINSKAYA, A.Ye.., red.; VOLKONT,.-7."7.-.-- --
(The labor movement in modern times] Rabochee dvizhenle v
novoe vremia; sbornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo "Nauka,"
1964. 542 p. (MIRA 170)
1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Inatitut istorli.
VINOGRADOV, V.N.; APOLLOV, B.A., Prof. (Moskva)
Snow dams in Kamhatka. Pri-roda 53 no.3-126-IZ7 '64. 4K---RA -',":4)
1. Institut vulkanologii Sibirskago otdoloniya AN SSSR, Petropavlovsk-
G.M., tekbn. red.
(Drawing] Cherchenie. Minsk, Izd-vo 14-va vysshego, sred-
nego spetsiallnogo i professiona.11nogo obrazovaniiA BSSR,
1963. 96 p. (MIRA 16-.12)
(Mechanical drawing-Instruction)
Scotch pine on sands of the lower Dnieper Valley during the
drought season, Bot.zhur, 47 no.Usl675-1680 N 162.
(KMA 16 11)
1. Nizhnedneprovelmya nauchno-iseledovatellskiya stantelys.
oblesenlya peskov i vinogradarstva na peakakh, g. TSyurupinak.
(Dnieper Vallei-Pins) (Plants, Effect of aridity on)
--- -
Methodology ffor a comparative economic evaluation of' mineral
deposits. Razved. i okh. nedr. 28 no.7:22-24 J1 '62.
(MIRA 15:8)
1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut minerallnogo
(Kinee owd PtIneral rowircep)
Clinical picture of collapse in myocardial infarctione Temp,
arkh. 33 no.100-11 161. VIUM 15: 1)
1. Iz fakulltetskoy teraperticbeskoy kliniki (dire - deystvitell-
nyy oblen ANN SSSR prof. V.N. Vinogradov) I Moskovskogo ordena
lanina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova.
Pathogenesis of experimental dtherosclerosis in dogs. Biochemical,
functional and morphological A~diOS on dogs with difforont degrona
of hypercholesterinemia. Vest. AM SSSR 16 no.12:43-54(KIA 15:2)
1. 1 Moskovskiy meditshis~dy institut i Institut normallnoy i
patologiche k fjzjO]LO--
!iffy L'. T
T-7 .-~ I r I --
N33'rAllOV, R.I. (Moskva): T11611IIISKIY, M.D. (Leningrwl); OCK1W. N.N.(Kiyev);
DOLGO-SABUROV, B.A. (Leningrrad); ZAXUSOV. V.V. (Moskva); MMMTM, S.N.
(Moskva); CHUM&KOV, M.P. (Moskva); ZKWIO'V, V.M., prof. (Moskva);
NEGOVSKIY. V.A., prof. (Moskva): BIRYUKOV. D.A* (Leningrad):
LITVIHOV, N.H., prof. (Moskva); SOKOLOVA-PONOWWA, O.D. (Moskva);
EWALOV, P.S. (Leningrad); BATKIS, G.A. (14oskva)-. KOSYAKOV, F.U.,
prof. (Moskva); SHMELEV, N.A. (Moskva); BUSALOV, A.A., prof.
(Hookva); HOLCIJAHOVA. 0.P. (Moskva); STRA311UH, I.D.; BLOKHIN, N.H.
(Koskva); PRNCBRAZHXNSKIY, B.S. (Moskva)-, VISHIIEVSKIY. A.A. (Moskva)
CHMIIOOVSKIY, V.H. (Moskva); FAVLOVSKlY, Ye.H., akademik (Leningrad);
MYASIRKOV, A.L. (Moskva) Moskva); HATSVSKIY, V.I.;
D&VYDOVSKlY, I.V. (Moskva ; IOM, V.I. Moskva); KURASHOV, S.V.:
AHOMUN, P.K. (Moskva); BOGD101OV, I.D. (Kiyev); ZIL'BER, L.A.
(Moskva); BRONOVITSKIY, A.Yu.; CHRBUTAREV. D.P., prof.
Debate on the address by Professor V.V.Parin, academician
secretary of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R.;
abridged comments by members of the Academy of Medicine and
the directors of institutes. Vest.Alfll SSSR 14 no.8:lq-31
'59. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Deystvitel'nyye chleny AMN SS571 (for Nesterov, Tushinakiy,
Gorev, Zaknzsav, Kupalov, Strashun, Preobrazhanulciy, Viahnnvokly,
Chernigovskiy, Myasnikov, Vinogradov, Anokhin, Zil'ber).
(Continued on next card)
NESTMOV. A.I.---(continued) Gard 2.
2. Chlenr-karreepondenty AMN SSbR (for Dolgo-Saburov, Chmkav,
Zhdanov, Biryukov, Sokolova-.Pononareva, Batkie, Shnelev, Holchanova,
Blokhin, Ioffe, Bogdanov). 3. Direktor Instituta gerontologii
AHN SSSII (for Gorev). 4. Direktor InRtituta farmakologli I
kliinioterapii AW SSSR (for Zalnisov). 5. Deystvitel'nvy chlen
Vuesoyuznoy alusdemii sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Imeni V-1-Lenina
(VASXhIIIL); direktor Inatituta apidemiologii i m1krobiologii Imeni
Gwiialei AM :33SR (for Muromtsev). 6. Direktor Instituta po
izucheni,.ni polionlyelita AMI SSM (for Chunakov). 7. Direktor
Instituta eksperimentallnoy meditsiny AHN SSSR (for Biryukov).
8. Direktor Instituta obahchey i konminallnoy gigiyeny A14N SSSR
(for Litvinov). 9. Direktor Instituta pediatril AMN SSSR (for
Solcolova-Ponomareva). 10. Direktor Instituta virusologii A1,01
SM (for Kosyukov). ii. Direktor Instituta tubericilaza AM
SSbll (Shmelev). 12. Direktor Instituta grudnoy khirqirgii AMN
SSMI (for Busalov). 13. Direktor Instituta pitantyu AMU SSSR
(for Molchanova). 14. Direktor Instituta ekRporlmentallnoy i
klinichookoy onkologii AHII S:i.')R (for Blokhin). 15. Direktor
Inatituta khirurgii AHN SSbR (for Vlahnevskiy).
NNSMOV. A.I.--- (continued) Card 3.
16. Direktor Instituta fiziologii AM SSSR (for Chernigovski7).
17. Direktor Inatituta terapil. AM SS6R (for Hyasnikov). 18.
Direktor Gosudaretvannogo izdatel'stva meditsinskoy literatury
(for gayevskiy). 19. Vitae-prezident AMIT SSbR (for Davydovskiy).
20. Ministr zdravookhraneniyu SSSR (for lurashov). 21. Direktor
Instituta lnfektaionnykh bolezney AM SSSR (for Bogdanov).
22. Chlen-korrespondent AN BSSR: predsedatell Uchenogo meditain-
kogo soveta Miniaterstva zdravookhraneniya BSSR (for Bronavit-
kly). 23. Predsedatell Uchenogo meditainekogo soveta Hinlaterstva
sdravookhraneniya USM (for Chebotarev)o
VINOGRADOT,, V,N,, prof.,, Geroy Sotsialisticheakogo Truda; YARESHKO, N.T.
Autl4uluromidase and anti-O streptolysin in patients with acute
pephiitioe Klin.meds 38 no,8:4&-% Ag 160. (KMA 130-1)
I* Dayotvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR (for Vinograda7),
BMIMOVp Ye.I.,' general-PO:Lkavnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, glav. red.; VOVSI,,M.S.,
general-mayor maditainakoy oluzhbyt otv. red.; 'VlHWABAWVj.VN. p red.;
DAVIDEMOV, SOL# polkoynik maditoinskoy aluzhbyy red.; LANG, G*F4pp redo
(dec'easedlj SHULITSEV, G.K., red.; GOROVOT-SHALTAJI, V.A., prof@, polkov-
tik maditsinakoy sluzhbyp red.
[Soviet medicine in the Great Patriotic War 1941-19451 Opyt sovetakoi
meditsiny v Velikoi aechestrannoi voine 1941-1945 gg. Moskva, Med-
giz. Vol.26. 1949. 312 p. (MIRA 14:6)
1. Depstvitellnyy chlen Akademii maditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Vovo-,
Vinogradov, De:vIdenkov)
PHAU 1 9009 KIPLIOrTATION S07/5053
Vanso naya konrarentelya po tromiyu I lznosu v xashlnakh. 3do
Isnox I Ltnosostoykast-. Antlfrlkts Lonny" saterisaY (Wear and
Wear Resistance. Antirrletlon Raterialt) Poscow, Izd-vO AN
SSS1. 1960. 2T3 V. Irrata slip Inserted. 3.500 Copies printed.
(Strlef: Itat Trudy. V. 1)
Sponsoring Agency: kkadenlya cook SM. InAtitut mM3hInOved*nl7a.
Reap. Xd.; N. X. Khrushchov. troressor; zda. of Publishing
Rouse: X. Y&. lasbanov, and S. L. Orpik; Toth. Ed.:
PMUICSIs This collection or articles Is Intended for pmeticing
waglowere and research scientists,
COVERAM The calloctlo% published by the rnstltut mashinovedonlys.
AN 3331 (Institute of Selene* of RachInes. Academy of Sciences
033A) contains papers presented at the III V"soyuzna!l Kon-
farvatalza go tronlyu I Itnosu V xashinakh (Third All Union
Conference an Prictlon and Wear In Xachines) which was bold
April 9-15. 1958. ?"bleme discuss d were In 5 main areas;
1) Irdrodynamic Theory of Lubrlcati:n a:nd Friction Bearings
(ChAIrsweAl Ts. JL Cut-yar. Doctor or Technical 3clencos, and
A. K. D-7achkov. Doctor or Technical Sciences); 2) Lubrication
and Lubricant MAterials (Chairman: 0. V. Umogradov. Doctor of
Chemical Sciences); 3) Dry, and Round&" Friction (Chairmen:
B. V. Doryagin, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science&
OUR. and 1. V. XraZol'skly, Doctor or Technical Sciences);
4) Wear and Wear Realstanct (Chairman: X. X. Xrushehov,
Doctor of Technical Selene*$); and 5) Friction and AntIrric-
t1on PAterlels (ChaIrmen: 1. V. Xragel Iskly, Doctor of Tech-
11cal Sciences. and M. M. Krushebov, Doctor of Technical
S.1onces). Chalroan or the general assembly Can the first and
last day of the conference) was AcadomdviAn A. A. Illagoaravov.
L. To. Frazhanskly. Candidate of Technical 3clonces, was sci-
entific secretary. The transactions or the conference were
published In 3 volumes, or which the present volume is the
first. This volume contains articles concerning the '&*or and
Near V~slststee Or antifrIction materials. Among the topics
covered are: modern developments in the theor7 and ezp*rl-
mental &clone* or wear resistance of materials. specific data
an the wear resistance or various combInatlons of materials.
methods for Increasing the wear resistance of certain material&.
the effects of rrlctlo" and wear on the structure of rat&rL&la.
the mechanism of the seizing of metals. the effect of various
types or lubricating waterials an solzing, abrasive wear of a
wide warlaq or materials and components under many different
conditiomov modern developments In antirriction materialev and
the effects or finish machining on wear resistame. Many Do-
scoalltleS are mentioned In the text. References accompany seat
S wear Resistance Of Enamel coatings
sh nostr.". No. 2. 1958, under the title
Pna!i".!A ~t" 2TI
Resistance or zramel coatings of Xac?%Lne Part&*)
rimasin X. L and V log the
Wis-11101:411Y.4-- W Mhalocrwam
gr) f Drill "YP hinostr.', No. 7.
1 59 271
Laboratory Investleatlon of the
W--oiv* Idemr of Stools In the Case of Alternating
A ra
Rotary Notion (1Vsstn.msxhlnoxtr.', No .7. 2959) 271
Laboratory Invostigation Or Contact
Jeffiti~ru_a 1or-1011ung 3'arraces (*Troniye I IznO4 v
.asblnakh*. ab. XV. Ixd. AN SSSR) 271
_Causito of Da=go. to Crankshaft Bearings
MR-62-1151h-114to-Daded Diesels ('Vestn.msshIno~tr.'. No. 7.
1959) ZTI
card 12/13
Development of telecasting in 1960. Test.sviazi 20 ao.2:
5-6 7 160. (MIRA 13:5)
(Television broadcasting)
A UTITOR: --Vinogradov,_V. N.,_,Engineer 9OV/111-59-1-7/135
TITLE: The Development of the Technolog
I _y of
the Television Trans-
mission Network (Razvitiye tekhniki p eredayushchey televi-
zionnoy seti)
PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1,159, Nr 1, pp 6 - 9 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: There now are 60 powerful TV stations and over 70 low-powered
relay stations in the USSR. An area with about 50 million
people is reached by the TV programs. A total of 2,5 mil-
lion TV sets have now been sold. The plan, between 1959
and 1965, provides for the constructi on of dozens of TV and
TV relay stations, the establishment of more special channels
for an exchange of TV programmes amon g Moscow, Leninprad,
the capitals of the republics, and th e important centers of
the country, and the introduction of color TV. The 211-,
5/2-5- and 15/7-5-kw FM TV stations o perating on the first
five channels and the mobile PTS-52 TV station as well as
a lot of other TV equipment does not meet present require-
ments. Production of a new 4-channel studio camera Was Dre-
Dared in 1957 t0'58. The Proyektnyy institut 71'inisterstv
C ard 1/5 svvazi SSSR (Pro;ect 'Institute of the USSR Communications
The Development of the Technology of the Television Transmission Network
Ministry) has worked out a series of new types based on this
camera. They will be suitable to cover all kinds of nro-
grams including full-length film3, for which 2 channels are
reserved. Photoconductive camera tubes will be largely uti-
lized. Specific equipment for small TV centers has been
worked out at one of the scientific research institutes of
the Cosudarstvennyy komitet po radioelektronike (State Ra-
dioelectronics Committee), simultaneously with the new type
projects (series 418 to 63) prepared by the Project Tnsti-
tute of the USSR Communications Ministry,: The new small
TV center equipment includes two studio TV channels for
KT-611 cameras with Ll-201 pick-up tubes of the image-ortbi-
con type and two film channels for KT-30 cameras with pho-
toconductiVe Dick-up tubes, The small TV center will also
be equipped with two movie projectors for wide film (35 mm)
and substandard film (16 mm) and a projector for stills.
It is possible to reduce the number of cl-annels, in order
to 'Lessen costs. Unifying interchangeability of essential
parts was one of the muiding principles in design. rhe ca-
Card 2/5 mera channels operate on three different transmission ca-
The Development of the Technology of the Television Transmission Network
meras with either LI-201, LI-101 or photoconductive pisk-up
tubes. This applies also to the mobile PTS-59 TV station.
The center of the frame is characterized by 600 horizontal,
550 vertical and an anFular equivalent of 500 lines. This
makes possible the distinction of at least 8 shades of estab-
lished bri,,-htness. The geometrical raster distortion is
not more than 3A. An adjusting gamma correct,.on within the
limits from 0,35 to IcO is provided in the apparatus, 7'he
4-channel type of a small TV center contains about 1,200
radio tubes of 26 types, IM semiconductors and 34 electron
tubes of 8 types. So are the centers of Kherson, Nikola-vev,
Orenbur-g, Komsomol; sk.na_.4m11h-_ Petropavlovsk (i(amchatka),
and 1,11agadan. The new mobile ~V PTS-3 station is goine, to
replace the former PTS-52, it will be installed in a ZIL-
159 bus. A still more advanced type of a mobile TV station
will be the PTS-59 which is under development, It will have
4 camera channels and may be used in conn'betion with the
other PTS or the ARTU (car-borae)ar RTU (portable) TV in-
stallations. It has a range oi over 30 km. ARTU TV in-
Card 3/ 5 stallation
.,mounted on a ZIM ca r, may record street scenes
The Development of the Technology of the Television Tranamis3ion Network
at a speed of 5 km/h of the ZIM, It will have a range of
5 km and may be operated in connection with the PTS-59,
The RTU installation has a maximum ranpe of 500 m The
transmitting camera has small dimensions and weighs about
2 kg; it has a photoconductive pick-up tube. The entire
installation weighs 16 kg. Production of PTS-5q, ARTU and
RTU will start in 1959. On order of the USSR Communications
Ministry, the Nauchno-issledovatel;skiy kinofotoinstitut
(Scientific Research Institute for Motion Pictures and Pho-
tography) topether with the ,Moskovskaya televizionnaya, fi-
lial-laboratoriya (-',Toscow Television Branch-Laboratory)
brought into being a TV programme~canning device of type
UZTP-57. it has a special picture tube of about 230 mm
diameter. It operates in conjunction with a standard movie
camera and 35 mm film. At present UZTP-57 is tested in the
Moscow TV center. An ever expanding network of TV relay
and rediffusion stations and points is being established
to render possible the reception of at least two TV pro7
Card 4/5 grammes, Stations would use channels 7 to 12 in the 174
The Development of the TecYnoloU of the Television Transz:ission Netw
6 7 K
to 230 mc range and, from 1959 on, channels 1 to 5 in the
46 to 100-mc range. New automatized TRSA-56 (TRSA-100)
low-power rediffusion stations (Figure 4) will replace
the present TRSO-20/7 rediffusion stations. TRSA-56 may
be operated by remote control over 10 km from the station
site or operate automatically. The image transmitter will
have a power of at least 100 w, the sound transmitter about
30 w. The receiving antenna will be a 5-element wave duct;
the transmitting antenna is of the double-turnstile type.
V-ere are 4 nhotos and 1 table,
Card 5/5
(Radio trade] Torgovlia radiotovarami. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1932.
98 pe (KLRA 9:12)
(Radio industry)
"The Selecting and Maxing of Tree Varieties as Windbreaks for the
Protection of Fields." Cand Agr Sci, Khartkov Agricultural Inst) Khar1kov
1953- (RZhBiol, No 4, Oct 5h)
Survey of Scientifir and Technical Dissertations Defended a', USSR
Higher Educational Institutions (10)
So: Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55
1. VVIVqMV~ V. 11.
2. U55-4 (600)
4. Ukraine - Walnut
7. TIalnuts in the Ukraine west of the Dniener. D-s i steT)I, 5, No. 1, 1953.
9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified.
Growth ag *arepean chestnut (Castanea sativa Kill.) ix the forest
plantations of Podolia. Bot.shur.41 no-7:1035-1037 J1 156,
(Podolia--Chestnut) (MW 9: 10)
V_//A V,
Subject USSR/Radio
Card 1/1 Pub. 89 - 7/15
AID P - 4347
Authors Krivosheyev, M. I., Chief, Television Department, Main
Radio Administration, Ministry of Communications, USSR
and V. N. Viymgradov, Senior Eng., Television Department.
Title Developing the television network of the USSR
Periodical Radio, 2. 32-33$ F 1956
Abstract The article reviews the first 5 years of television in
the USSR and enumerates networks already in operation.
The majority of these stations are equipped with stand-
ardized equipment and transmit pictures at a 5 kw and
sound at a 2.5 kw capacity, although stations operating
at a 15 kw and 7.5 kw capacity have already been establish
Data on equipment particularly tubes, are given. A good
explanation of t~e networks' operations is presented.
Institution : None
Submitted : No date
VINOGRADOVY V. N. Senior 'Engincer, Television Department
KRIVOSHEYEV, M. I., Chief, Television Dept., Central Radio Administration, Ministry
of Communications 'J33R:
"Development of a Television Transmission Network in the USSR"
Radio, No. 2, 1956, PP 32-33
Translation M-1287, 8 Nov 56
- - 7, -11.
27918. Vl,*~*CGRAD(V, V. ..' 11 Y-L-ICIAP %1'. -- Lachanlye khronicheakiki,
nespetsifiche3kikh z%boleviniy ).egkikh bronko3*,~opickesklm metodaq. 'Fz-udi
XIII vsesoyuz. Slyezda ter,ipevtov. L., 1949, S. 219-26.
SO: Letopial Zhuraallnykh Statey. Vol. -47, 1.949.
VI ti
[Trais of radio and television apparatus and appliances] Torgovlia
radi6tovarami. Moskva, Goo. torgovoe izd-vo, 1953. 111 P.
(KIRA 7:2)
(Radio industry)
VINO' denotes
matrix exp(-(H,, + C *)/kT). The phonon
bi('Y") and
b~3'-) with the
the averaging with the density
creation and annihilation oper-.
and the
(4 ~j
.P j
0 J11 are used in the Heisenberg representation. jI and J" denote the
numbers of the spectral branches. The operators bL "d b- depend on the
time t' and t, respective 1~. Furthermore, Q(t) for t-) P, Q(t) 0 for
t Z, r is the
boundary of 3) and n the outer norma.1 of r' . Since under the assumption of a
sufficient smoothness of r by a conformal mapping the problem can be reduced
to a corresponding problem for the unit circle, the author gives a solution
only for the latter case. The solution U(XVY) is said to be a function which
satisfies (1) and (2) and which possesses continuous derivatiYes of first
order and generalized derivatives of second order in the sense of SobolQT.
INSTITUTION: Mathematical Institute, koad.Sci. USSR6
]gy9gRADQy,-Z-cA'-,_Cand ~nys Nt3th Sci -- (diss) "Boundary/,,
problems for systems of differnntial equations of the first
order and Fe-qu-at7i-,n-S---; sec(-.nd orderl of the elliptic type.,'
hi?, /-rub House of Acad Sci US519, 1958, 7 PP (Acad Sci
As -
USSR. Math Inst im V.A. Steklov) 130 =)ies. jibliography
at end of text (18 titles) KL, 23-~h, 101)
- 3 -