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Congenital pyloric stenosis in infAnts, Xhirargiia 34 no.5:111-112
my 15 8 (MIRA 11: 7)
1. 1z khtrurgicheakogo (tar. I.Te. Vinogradov) I detskogo (ZAV.
X.G. Sergeyeva) otdeleniy 13olovolzhakoy rnyonnoy bollnitay ChuvAshokoy
(PYLORUS. atenosis
congen. In inf.. surg. (Rul;))
Surgfeii- -technic in so-called Oblack sigma'. Knirurgiia. Moskva 34
no.11:111-112 N 1 58. (NDU 12: 1)
1. Iz khirurgicheelcogo otdelentya (zav. I.Ye. Vinogradov) Belovolzhskoy
rayannoy bollnitsy CbwFjshkoy ASSR (glavnyy vrach A.V. Magalinskaya).
(COWIR, dis.
torsion of sigmoid, aurg. (Ras)).
Abdontnoporicardioetom7 in the district hoffpltal.
JW no.1:7.)-74 Ja-Ir 159. (HIRL 12:10)
1. Iz k-hirurgichaskogo otdelaniya (zav. - 1-Ye.Vinogradov)
Belovolzhnkoy rayomnoy bollnitsy Chuvashakoy kSSR.
Conditions of work in the chemical industi-y. Okhr. truda i sots.
strakh. 6 no.9:20-21 S 163. (MIRA 16;10)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika tekhnicheskogo upravleniya
Gosudarstvennogo komiteta kbiroichaskoy I neftyanoy promyshlonnosti
pri Gosplane SS.M.
Economic efficiency of production standardization, unification and
specialization. Vop. ekon. no.9s78-85 S 163. (MIRA 16:9)
(Machinery industry)
USSR/Chemi8try Miscellaneous FD- '(33
Card 1/1 Pub. 50 - 19/20,
Authors idov K. Faynshteyn, S. Ya., YashunBkaya, F. I.,
V noa.1 - If .1
-1(reysberg, A.-Ya., Grigorlyev, P. I.
Title New items.
Periodical Khim. prom. No 5, 312-318, Jul-Aug 1955
Abstract This section containr! news items dealing with a meeting of
chiefs of central plant laboratories of enterprises of the
Ministry of Chemical Industry USSR, a meeting of technical
personnel engaged in the production of DDT, a meeting of
workers at the Scientific Research Institute of the Tire
Industry, socialistic competition and introduction of im-
provements ih the fixed nitrogen industry, experience of
operators at the "Krasnyy Treugollnik" plant in the con-
tinuous production of rubber footwear by the conveyor
assembly method, and a conference of readers of "Khimiches-
.kaya Promyshlennost"' at the Molotov State Chemical Plant
imeni S. Ordzhonikidze
1. VINOGRAD011, K.
20 USSR (600)
/+. Constrnction Industry - Statistics
79 Capital consturction in the 5th Yive-year plan and tasks of statistics in
capital construction. Vest.stat., no. 6, 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, April -1953, Uncl.
AUTHOR: Vinogradov, K. 2-58-6-21/16
TITLE: Current Problems of Calculation and Statistics of Capital
Construction (Aktuallnyye voprosy uchbta i statistiki kapital'-
nogo stroitel'stva)
PERIODICAL; Vestnik statistiki, 1958, Nr 6, pp 10-19 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Capital construction in the USSR is developing rapidly. While
the 4th Five-Year Plan showed capital investments by the state,
kolkhozes, . cooperative enterprises and organizations amount-
ing to 370 billion rubles, the 5th Five-Year Plan (1951-1955)
reached the sum of 721 billion rubles, an increase of 95 %.
Since the Soviet Union is vitally interested in the most ef-
ficient use of invested capital, strict control over building
activity is exerted by detailed book-keeping and operational
statistics on the part of TsSU (Central Statistics Administration)
and statistical administrations of the Union republics. During
the All-Union Construction Conference in April 1958, the main
subjects discussed were the still existing deficiencies in the
calculations of construction projects and the ways of eliminat-
ing them. One of the most important duties of the government
statistics agencies is calculations of housing construction.
Card 1/2 In 1957, the total floor space of completed government built
. Current Problems of Calculation and Statistics of Capital Construction
dwelling houses in the entire USSR was 48 million sq m with
an additional 770,000 individually built country houses. In
1958, the total housing floor space to be constructed is ex-
pected to reach 61 million sq m plus 800,000 dwellings in
rural communities.
There are 2 tables.
Card 2/2
Conference of composite crews of scientific researcb
institutes. Kbim.prom. no.4:350-351 Je 160.
KRA 13: 8)
(Cbemistr7. Technical--Congresses)
-'.- - -- ~7. -
meeting of the heads of central laboratories in plants of the
Ministry of the Chemical Industry. Xhim, JI-Ag
'55. (KIRA 9:.L)
(Chemical laboratories)
AUTHOR: Vinogradov.---K-. SOV-2-58-8-9/12
TITLE: Determining the Cost of Construction and Assembly rork
According to Estimate and According to the Plan (Oprede-
leniye smetnoy stoimosti i planovoy sebestoimosti stroi-
tellnykh i montazhnykh rabot)
PERIODICALs Vestnik statistiki, 19589 Nr 89 pp 69 - 71 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% In the engineering projects and blueprints, the volume
of every kind of work is fixed. Also established are
norms for labor and material expenditurev as well as the
operating time for construction machines. The expenditure
norms are calculated according to existing tariff rates
for workmen, material wholesale price lieto# electrical
energy and goods transportation tariffs and according to
tariffs for the work of construction machines. The cost
of a unit of construction work, including basic laborers
wages, material expenditure and outlays for the use of
construction machines, is called the unit price for the
particular type of work. The cost of construction work
according to unit price is made up exclusively of direct
Card 1/2 expenditures. To obtain the full estimated cost, the
Determining the Cost of Construction and Assembly Work According to
Estimate and According to the Plan
overhead expenses and the reserve sums due to the con-
struction organization, must be added. The construction
organizations' reserve sums are fixed at 2,5,'f of the tot-
al sum of direct expenditure plus overhead expenses. Thus,
in order to establish the full estimated cost of the com-
pleted construction work, it is necessary to establish
the volume of each kind of work, calculate it according to
unit prices and to the Bum obtained, add the overhead ex-
penses and the reserve sums foreseen by the plan. The
author goes on to explain how the estimated cost of work
on equipment assembling is determined. There is 1 table.
Card 2/2
Public inspection Is mobilizing. Ila otroi.Ros. 6 no.2t
19 F 165. 1 (MIRA 19t1)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika tokhnicheskogo upravlonlya Glavnogo
upravlenlya po stroitelistyu v Moskovskom ekonomicheakom rayons
Ministerstva stroitellstva RSFSR (for Vinogradov). 2. Nachallnik
laboratoril kontrolya kachestva Glavnogo upravleniya po stroi-
tellstvii v Moskovq~kom ekonomicheakom rayone Ministerstva st'roi-
tel'stva RSFSR (for Makarov).
SOSIANTS, Y.G., doteent, obshchiy red.; IVjU1OV, I.T., kand.tekhn.nank, red.;
KLOPATOV, K.K.. inzh., red.; ZMXOV, A.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk.
red.-. GMTATOV, N.Y., kand.takhn.nauk. red.; DBOV, Tu.B.. inzh.,
red.; ANTONOV, I.K., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; THYRNMOV, I.S., Drof.,
doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; DTUSKIN, V.K., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.;
VINOGRADOV. N.A., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; BOTOVA, Tu.P., red.
izd-va; SALAZKOV, H.P.,
(Materials of the Scientific and Technical Conference on Froblems in
Introducing Achievements of Science and Technology in Municipal
Xconomyj Materialy Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo soveahchaniia po voprosam
vnedreniia dostizhanii nauki i takhniki v gorodskoe khoziaistvo.
Moskva. Isd-vo komx=.khDz,RSM. Np#6* [Roqds g ic1pal electric
transportation] Oorodskoi tr-9-nipf-o'A fdorogi. Pod obahchal. red. V.G.
Sosiantes. 1959. 197 P. (MIRA 13:2)
1. liauchno-takhnichoskoye soveshchaniye po voprosam vnedrenlys
dostizhaniy nauki i tekhniki v gorodskoye khozyaystvo. 2. Rukovo-
ditell sektora gorodskogo transports Akademii kommnsl'nogo khozyaystva
(for Sosyants).
(Local transit) (Road construction)
FRINTSEVA, inzh.; RODINA, inth.; IMNISOVA, inzh.; VIMGRADOV, KA&.--kand.
sallokokhozyaystvannykh nauk; IORZHEV, M.P., arkhitaktor
Preserving forests in areas designated for housing construction.
Gor. khoz. Hook. 33 no-7:29-30 Jl 159. (IUU 12:10)
l.Gorproyakt, g.F"m' (for Printsevao Rodim, Donisova). 2.Ruko-
voditell sektora ozeleneniya gorodov Akademii kommunallnogo khozyaystva
(for Vinogradov).
(Forests and forestry)
rospects for housing construction and the housing census in the
U.S.S.R. Vop. ekon. no.10:70-79 0 '59. (MVRA 12:12)
1.Ghlen kollegli TSIS ntrallnogo statiatioheskogo upravlani7a SSSR.
Cooperation of socialist countries in the development of the
machinery industry. Top. ekon. no.2:17-24 7 160. (MBA 13:1)
(Machinery industry) (Mutual Aconomic Aseistance Council)
VINCGRADOV, K. (IJAIU) (Severodvinsk)
Pola antenna vith g&=&-matching device. RWUO no.7tlB-2-9
il .163 a, (MM 16:7)
Further development of landscape gardening and the work of
the Academy of Muzxicipal Services on town planting in Western
Siberia. Trudy TSSBS no.3:5-10 160. (WRA 15:11)
(Siberiao Western-Landscape gardening)
L-1 I- ~- -
PA 6OT62
USU/Nedlaine - Marine OrpnieRb Doc 1947
Medicine - Taxonmy
"Atlantic Elements in the Black Sea Polyhot Fauna,"
Ir. A. Vinogradov, 4 pp
"Dok Akad Nauk SSSR, Nova Ser" Vol LVIII, No 7
Twenty new polyhete disoovered. in Black Sea. Describes
facts which lead scientists to conclude*that some of
thaae.are -also camon to Atlantim fauna, S~bmltted by
Academician I. I. Shmal'gauzen, 23 ttky 1947,
Vinogradova, Z. A. and Vingigpdov, K. A. - "On the discovery of lpncnlet -irt~nchlostorp
lanceolptur, costa in the Black Se~~ at Yarad~,-&," Dokledy Aked. rauk Urr. SSP, :Q. 51
19h8, T). 8-11, (In Lkrznlpn, remime in Russla.-.)
SO: U-L-355, 1L August 53, (letipis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, Ifo. 15, JqLq)
Mu"lology sep/oat 48 -
"ft"ey of the Work of the Karadag Biological Sta-
tiOn an the Fauna and Flora of the Black Sea for
tb*,Paat Thirty Years (1917-1947)," K. A. Viim~~O
Mwledag, 16 yp
OUspekh Sovrem Blol" Vol IXV .9 No 2 (5)
i1saulis of the station's early vork vere published
In 1917. In 1937, it joined the system of the Aoad,
Mai Mrrainien SM. It made a special study of the
shipwr6ra. Studies vere conducted ont zoobenth6s,'
&a 60/49TI3
VW/Biology (Contd) SOP/00t 48
zooplankton, lchtlqofauna (including fish parasites),
pbytobenthos and pbytoplankton, the biology of cray-
fish, zolluske, and fish, an& the -biochexIstx7 of
Xaok Sea organisms. Gives name of many scientists,
"0l ~iosiva) 1949
SO: Letopirt 45,
A list of Black Bes, fishes found in the region of the Xarwlag
Biological Station amd notes on their bioloff and ecology.
Trudy Karad.biol.sta. no.7:76-lo6 149. (mm 9:8)
(Black Sea--Fishes)
Vlnogr-~ov, K. A~ - "7,e P-un- of (Polych~eta) of th- Black &,- , u
1-019, P. 3-eL, - zibl-L-i~: P. 2 -P L.
Karnda-. biol. Ft-,-*.sii, ~7aaue -1,
SO: U-);Qlll, 20 Oct 53, (Letoris ':.hurrual 'ILTvkh St- tf,,,r, No. 16, 1~14t7,).
K. A.
TA 3 9,
UMIYAU01ne - Fish N&r 49
MeUcine - Yeounalty
"The Fertility of Coastal-Fish in the Blaok Sea.1
K' A. Vinograaov., K. S. TImcheva, IraraAag Biol,
Sia, Acaa..Soi um., 4 pp
*Dok Ak Nau.k SSSR" Vol.LXV, No 31
stituea firtility of about'30'forms of Blaok Sea
fish. Ubles show relations betw4en fish size arl
quantity of spawn, wA between"efte andL amount
of mdlt eta. Submitted by Acad L. S. Berg,)
28 Jan
a ~. .'
Solubility of natural games in petroleums. Trudy AzNII DR n0.3;88-93
'56. (MIRA 11:6)
(Gas, Natural)
Biology of the northwestern part of the Dbwk 5" [w1th NWIsh
sumary In Insert], Zool.shur. 35 no.4:492-500 Ap 156. (NW 9:8)
1. OdesmkVa, biologichookays stantslys Instituta gidrobtalogii AN
(Black Sea-Aarine biology)
VINOGRADOV.Konittantin Alaksandrovich.; ROLL, Ta.V.. otv. red.; BRAGINSKIY,
-12d-v-a.; M-CMHIU, V.I., tekhn. red.
[Outline hietorv of Rujisinn hydrobiological etudies carried
out In the Black Sea) Ocherki po Istoril otechestvennykh
gidrobiologichaskikh issladovanii no Cbernom more. Kiev, Isd-yo
Akad. nauk USSR, 1958- 152 P. (MIRA 11:11)
1. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Roll).
(Black Sea-Hydrobiology)
XAMINSKArA, L.D. (Kaminalka. L.D.], student biolog. fakulltata;
VIMGRAWY. K.A. [Vywhradov, X.A.1, nauchnyy rukovoditel
Composition of the bottom population of lislays Inlet of
Kandalaksha Gulf on the White Sea. Pratei Od.un. Zbir.stud.
rob. 149 no.5:155-157 159. (KIRK 13:4)
1. Odeaskiy goaudaretyennyy universitat.
(Kislaya Inlet-Marine bioloff)
Boundaries of Zernov's Fliyllophora fields in the ncrthvesterr
part of the Black Sea. Trudy Od. un. 152. Ser. geol. i geo~.
nauk no.9:179-184 162. (MIRA l7z~f
TSC-LADZF,., L.Ye... otv. rea. ~..A., f.rof., red.;
a -'~ tADC', K.A., prof.,
K-"RZI11::"" G-s" prcf. red.; VEi GT
red. ; VESHLKIDVA, T.N., dokLor biol. nauk, red.;
TAHOMIELID72-E, 0.1., kand. biol. nauk, "ed.
[Transactions of thp r'ir-.t Scientific Conference 1"pdi-
cated to the Study and Use for Fisherie3 of the Inland
11 Geor;71al Trudy Nauchnogo soveshchnn!ift
Bodies of Water ol j
posviashchennogo izueheniiu i rybokhoziaistvennomu Ispoll-
zovaniiu -nutrennikh vodoemov Gruzit., Batumi, Nauchno-Isol.
Rybokhov.aistvennaia rttintslia Gruzli, 1963. 161 p.
(1-11RA 17;7)
1. Nauchnoye soveshchaniye, poxyashchennoye izucheniyu. i
rybokhozyaystvennomu icpollzovanlyu vnutrennikh vodoyemov
Gruzii, lst, Batum, 1961. 2. Direktor Nauchno-issledova-
tellsk(rj Rybokhozjaystvennoy stantsii Gruzli (for TSuladze).
VINGGRADOV, K.A. [Vyzi t.'j. )) ~, ' , 1 i;i, B."'. 1
Polynhaeta 44n t--.e FA~-- of Bjaf~k Sa-&~
Cd.biol.sta. rl,,,65y3-:! 164- %!:fL4
1-11 A I I
VINOGRADOV) K.Ii. [Vynohradov, K.O.1; ZAKUTSKIY, V.P. (Zakul- I.Y1, V.11.1
- r,
A few worda about t4 Echinod6rma-,* (.If 4he hiack Son.
,Od,blol,odta, no-51108--210 164.
(MIRA 1671)
VINOGRADOV, K.A. fVyl.ohradov, XPO*l
Ohara-teriatics of the sLecies of z,~obenaios and ichthycfauna -,f
the rhallcw bayFj in the northwestarn part of the Black Sea. Hauk,
zap.0d.blol.sta. nc,.5~16-25 164-
History of the founding and research conducted at the Odessa
-Biological Station of the Institute of Hydrobiology of the
AcadmW of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Okeanologlia 3
noo3t554-558 t63* ()CERA 16 z8)
(OdessF, Marine biology-Research)
tekhn. red.
(Care of urban plantings) Ukhod za gorodskimi nasazhdeni-
iami. Moskva, Izd-vo Kommun. khoz.RSYSR, 1963. 89 p.
(MIRA 16:7)
1. Akademiya kommunallnogo khozyayatva*.
(Landscape gardening)
VIXOGRADOV., K.A. (Vymhradov, K.013
Feeding are" of benthic f4jib" in the northwestern part of the
Black Sea. Naukzap*Odobiol.sta. noslt%-112 159. (Km 14:7)
(Black Sea-Benthos) (Fishes-Food)
VINOGRADO`Vj K.A. [Vynohradov, K.O.]
Brief outlinslof the - qnimtion and activities of the Odessa
Biological S~ation at the Institute of H~drobiology of the Academy
of Sciences of the Mrrainian S.S.R. diarl 1954,-1957., Nauk zap. Od.
biol.sta. n?.1:3-5 159. 6IRA 14:7)
(Black Sea-Hydrobiologiesa research)
CEOWMIOV, V.S., dotsent, kand.biolog.nauk.; KLIM3ffO, V.G.p
prof., doktor biolog.nank, red,; prof., doktor
biolog.nauk, red.; RWASM, M.S., dotsent, kond.biolog.nauk,
[Transactions of the Ichthyological Conference on the Study of the
Lagoons of the northwestern part of the Black Sea) Trudy I-oy
ikhtiologicheakoi konferentaii po izuehaniiu morskikh limanov severo-
zapadnoi chasti Chernogo moria. Kishinev, Kishinevskii goo.univ.,
196o. 215 p. (mmA 14:2)
1. Ikhtiologichaskaya konferentsiya po ixucheniyu morskikh limanov
severo-zapaduoy chasti Chernogo morya. lot, Kishinev, 1 9.
2. Kishinevskiy Gosuniversitet (for Chopurnov, Burnashev . 3. Odes-
okaya biologichaskaya stantsiya Instituta gidrobiologii Akedemii nauk
USSa (for Vinogradov). (Black Sea region-Fishes-Congresses)
V,0rJOGRAd ovi
USSR/Chemistry - Contamination of water with chemicals FD-886
Card 1/1 Pub-50 - 19/24
Author : *Vinogradov, K. F.
Title : The maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water
Periodical : Khim. prom., No 6, 376 (56), Sep 1954
Abstract : The highest permissible concentrations of harmful chemicals in water
basins are listed on the basis of standards established by the Main
State Sanitary Inspection USSR.
Institution : Scientific Research Institute Division (*Chief) of the Technical
Administration, Ministry of Chemical Industry USSR
Plus the chemicalization of the national economy. Priroda 53 no.4:17-
26 164. (MIRA 17s4)
1. Gosudarstvennyy komitet khimichaskoy promyshlennosti pri Gosplane
SSSR, Moskva.
USSR/Chemistry - Trainin6l, Organizational
Card 1/1
Author : Vinogradov, K. F.
Title : More attention to the preparation of scientific personnel through
Periodical : Khim. prom. 4, 1-4 (193-196), June 1954
Abstract : Di3cusses shortcomings in the training of aspirants at the scientific
research institutes of the Ministry of Chemical Industry, giving ex-
amples pertaining to individual institutes and emphasizing delays in
the preparation of dissertations. Says that' out of 72 aspirants who
were supposed to defend dissertations at the institutes of the Minis-
try in 1953, only 9 actually did so. Outlines in detail the require-
ments for the admission of aspirants in 1954.
Institution : Technical Administration, Ministry of.Chemical Industry USSR
Cormetitive filling of nositiona in scientific-reaearch inntitittes.
Xhim.prom. no.4:252-254 Je '57. (1-FLaA 10:,~);
8(l) SOV/26-59-2-8/53
AUTHOR: Vinogradov, K.F.
TITLE: The Development of the Chemical Industry and Science
(Razvitiye khimicheskoy promyshlennopti i nauka)
PERIODICAL: Priroda, 19599 Nr 2t PP 31-38 (USSR)
ABSTRAOTt The Seven Year Plan foresees an aocelerated develop7
ment of the ohemioal industry in general, and parti-
cularly in the field of production of synthetic
and artificial fibers and plastic materials. The
Plan foresees an expenditure of over 100 billion
rubles for the oonstruction of 140 new and recon-
struction of 130 old large chemical plants. After
the second world war, when more than 50% of the che-
mical plants were destroyedg apart from reconstruc-
tion, a series of new powerful plants was built:
Sterlitamakskiy sodovyy zavod (Sterlitamak Soda Plant)
Ufimskly zavod sinteticheskogo kauchuka (Ufa Synthetic
Rubber Plant), Sumgaitskiy zavod sinteticheskogo
kauchuka (Sumgait Synthetic Rubber Plant)(Pigure 1),
Card 1/2 Dzhambulskiy superfoofatnyy zavod (Dzhambul Superphos-
The Development of the Chemical Industry and Science
hate Plant), Samarkandskiy superfosfatnyy zavod
Bamarkand Superphosphate Plant), Rustavskiy Azot-
no-tukovyy zavod (Rustavi Nitrogen and Fertilizer
Plant) (Figure 2), Lisichanskiy khimicheskiy kombinat
(Lisichansk Chemical Combine), etc. In 1957, the
global production of chemicals increased 5.2 times
in comparison with 1940. Neverthelessq the produc-
tion cannot satisfy the requirements of the national
economy. The USSR occupies only 5th place in the
production of plastics and 6th in the production of
chemical fiber. The author then gives a description
of different artificial and synthetic fibers, the
production of which would realize huge savings of
metal, minerals and money. There are 5 photographs.
ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy komitet Boveta Ministrov SSSR po
khimii (State Committee on Chemistry at the Council
of Ministers of the USSR)- Moscow,!#
Card 2/2
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0: Prodwdw at Rolls for
0 't U~ 2011ing AM P-11'. Odchikanov
K. K VjqugTwN oti- zoo
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usitn' Iferald,
IM. V(;. 14, Pp. 310-51). 110 authors tje;~~bc In detnif the pro.
0 duction of chromium-steel rolls for oold-rolling, with a (lig"Icter lip =00
09 a to 45 cm., by the Ural Ifeary Machine Buittling Works. The most too
difficult fiffije fit production in the heat treatment, to assure a high
000 zoo
uniform hardnem of the working surface, a tough eon-, RINI a mm#x)th
004 tranxition from the hartlened layer of the barrel to the cm- anti to too
00C (tic wift journalm. (in Russian).
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00 j 4amv twitcr Lwic jjwt~tl" than A Cr h, I ,I Ow wo
00 46-imalably. A Oral -I wet--# sw,el. .-mc k' ;;o 0
11,2 ox., NItIlv4 41.11. I.J." 11,40, f..0 1", go*
!W$$ I,. W.. IVI I ;., I_.%. A1.1 M.. 0.1 ff #I '- 1 1-14,11".
0It hor lbe'sWts. I hiV Lal. f Ci Nk,. 1-1 in I_. 1% t%-1
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Afe 0
LI 4,
U 9 AT An w
it At Matt ItaKwa 1 14 IF
0 a 0 * 0 0;; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ab 0 .0 0 0 o 0 0 0
0000001000000*100*000ool 001400400004000000000eli
-, ' nl-nT V- V
- - W~-' - n. - t. f
Planning and cost e-timates in construction design orCanizations Yoskva, Gos. --trkhitek-
turnoe izd-vo, 1947. 133 p. (48-16059)
1. ',Rus3ia - arkhitektury. 11. Russia 1923- U.S.S.R. statutes, etc.
AUTHOR: Korolev, A.A., Candidate of Technical Scie,-.,,ces
TITIE.- eveloginjProspects for the Manufacture of Metallurgical
99FIre t v h razvitiya metallurgicheskogo mashino-
PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1958, Nr 6, pp 80-82 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A branch conference on metallurgical engineering plant,
convened at the Uralmashzavod in Sverdlovsk by the Otdel
mashinostroyeniya Gosplana (Mechanical Engineering Division
of the State Planning Comiission of the USSR) is reported.
400 delegates representing 22 economic councils, 14 research
institutes, 24 design institutes and 29 metallurgical
equipment manutacturing plants were present (including the
Uralmshzavod, the Novo-Kramatorskiy zavod (liovo-Kramatorskiy
Works), Staro-Kramatorskiy mashinostroitellniy zavod
(Staro-Kramators1dy Plant) glektrostallskiy zavod tyazhelogo
mashinostroyeniya (Elektr"ostall Plant), the Yuzhno-Ural'-
skiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeniya (Yuzhno-Ux-allskiy
Plant), the Irkutskiy mashinostroitel"nyy zavod (Irkutsk
Plant), the Novosibirskiy mashinostroiteilniy zavod
(Novosibirsk Plant)) as well as 16 steel Works (including
the Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat, the Azovstal',
Development' Prospects for the Eanufacture of Yetallurgical r1ouipment
the Zaporozhstall , the Aovo-TagillakiyWorks,
metal lurgicheskiy konbinat (Ktzznc1;sk L'etallizi.- Jicr.,'
In his opening aduxess, le,S. Novoselov, Lini6tcr ~).L' the
USSR, emphasised that the State Planning Commission attached
great importance to the conference. Vinogradov I K.K'.1
deputy director of the mechanical-engineering divicion of
the State Planning ComiAszion, pointed out that the
production of metallurgical equipment increased 16-f-31d
in the period between 1932 and 1957. The manufacture of
rolling-mill equipment increased 24-fold. Bet-aeen 1951 and
1957, 27 blast furnades, 5? open-hearth furnaces, 35 rolling
and tube mills were built and erected and 22 rollino mills
were completed, awaiting erection. This equipment was
responsible for an increase of 18.2 million tons of piS iron,
24.9 million tons of steel and 19.3 million tons of rolled
products. An improvement in quality and a rise in
productivity have taken place. During the period between
1959 and 1965, the manufacturers have the task of con-
structing powerful blast furnaces of 1 ?19 m and even
2 286 m3 capacity, the largest in the world. Hew designs
of automatic skip hoists, weighing carriages, charging
SOTI/122- 58-0-~72/3?
Development Prorr:ecto for the Planufacturc of 1.1etallurgical. Equlpmeir,f.-
machines, spout-closure guns and others must be developed.
new chargin7 machines for steel melting plant with a load
capacity of 15 tons, powerful ladle cranes, converters and
other equipment should be designed. A great increase in
quartity of rolling-mill equipment is fcreseen. Completely
mechanised and largely automated rolling mills are planned,
primarily sheet mills, rolled section mills and tube mills
with continuous rolling, mills for the production of bent
profiles and recurrent sections. Several powerful blooming
and slabbinG mills with an output of 3.5-4.5 millien tons
each must be erected and several continuous rolling mills
for plate, sections, sheet and tubes. The task set is the
production of over 100 million tons of steel per annum by
1972. The two chairman of the State Planning Commissions
of the Russian and Ukrainian Republics, I.Z. Shlykov and
V.A. Yanchilin, reported on the planned specialisation among
metallurgical equipment manufacturing plants and urged
co-operation between constructors. Tselikov, A.I., Corres-
ponding Member of the Ac.Sc.USSR, director of the design
office for metallurgical-engineering at the TsNIITMASh
CaZd 7 read a paper on the basic trends of technical development and
r IMW - -A-1 ;M
[Construction economics; textbook] Zkonomiks stroitalletva; uchabnos
posobie. goskva, Gos.lzd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960. 534 p.
(KIRA 14:1)
1. Kommunistichaskays partiya Sovetskogo Boyuza. Vysshaya partiy-
nays shkols. 2. Chlen kollegii TSentrallnogo statiatichaskogo
upravleniya S= (for Vinogradov).
(Construction industry)
AUTHORS: Vinogradov, K.K., Umnyagin, M.G., Kharaker, G.M., Engineers
TITLE; Heavy Machine Building Development in the Seven-Year Plan
PERIODICAL- Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, 1960, No. 8, PP. 7-17
TEXT: A general review is made of the development planned for 1959-1965
in the production of equipment for electric power plants, metallurgy, mining,
oil and gas industry and in the production technology of machine works that have
to build the equipment. For heat power plants single steam turbines will be de-
veloped, mainly condensation turbines of 300,000 kw with an initial steam pres-
sure of 240 atm and 5800C, and a few 600,000 k-Ar turbines; condensation turbines
of 150 and 200 thousand kw with 130 atm and 5650C; heating turbines with steam
bleeding for industrial use, of 50 and 100 thousand kw and 130 atm/5650C, and some
of 12 and 25 thousand kw. Experimental sets will be built for 300 atm/6500C and
higher. Gas turbines will be built for 25 and 50 thousand kw and 750-8000C gas
temperature (the maximum before 1959 was 12 thousand kw and 6500C). SIngle gas
turbines of up to 100 thousand kw are planned. Large-scale output of 4,000,
6,000 and 9,000 kw gas turbines is under preparation for compressor stations on
Card 1/6
Heavy Machine Building D-eivelopment in the Seven-Year Plan
long-distance gas pipe lines, Gas turbines will be used in railroad transport,
the metallurgical and oil industry. The power of single water turbines will be
raised to 300,000 kw. One of the major tasks at the time being is the develop-
ment of 215,000 kw turbines for the Bratskaya GES (Bratsk Hydroelectric Power
Plant). Turbocompressors will be built of up to 150,000 m3AIour capacity and
8-9 atm pressure; blast furnace compressor pressure will be raised to 3.8-4.2
atni. Boilers of two or three different designs for different fuel have to be
developed for 200,000 and 300,000 kw steam turbines; with 810 ton/hour steam ca-
pacity and 315 atm for the 300,000 kw turbines; and of 950 and 1,900 ton/hour
and IhO atm and 570OC; 25 atm and 5850C. In the metallurgical industry, a
blast furnace with 1,749 m~ volume will be used in the main Rart; 1,003, 1,386
and 1,513 m3 furnaces will also be built; the first 2,000 m-) furnace is being
built in 1960, and in 1961 e uipment for 2,700 m3 volume blast furnaces will be
produced. The first 2,700 ml furnace has to be built in 1962. Steel output
will be increased mainly W designing 500-600 tons and larger open-hearth fur-
naces. The oxygen process in converters is coming into use. The annual output
of 65-70 million tons of rolled steel (at least 35 % of it sheet) to be reached
by 1965 will take new rolling mills with automatic control; the continuous rol-
Card 2/6
Heavy Machine Building Development in the Sev-~n-:Tear Plan
ling process can eliminate the roughing mills ~hlooming and slabbing mills) If
the new equipment combining the continuous teeming unit and the rolling mill will
be a success. The rolling speed already reaobed ie high- 11-12 m/se-, in con-
tinuous sheet miliz; 15-18 m/sec in continuous merchant mills and 2155-,40 m1sec in
wire mills. But ltdgher speeds are needed and the rolling mills must bt built
in a shorter tITS. Planetary mills and multi-roll mills for 0.1-m eheets of com-
mon and special eteel, heavy anl light nonferrou!i metals and very thin 1-2-micron
bands of high-melting and iare metals are mentio-jed as be, very important.
Th& number of tube rolling mill types Is low compaz-Fd with foreign practice. A
new cold tubs mill type is developed roll-Ing thin-walled tube with high surface
finish (wall thloknsss less than 1/100 of dlamet!~r). The -fi& ng (eliminating
defects, piling, markIng, sorting, etc.) occuirling 80 % of labor must be mecha-
nized. In the ore-mining Industry, mora than 150 new machines have to bi~ deve-
loped, including waltibuoket wheel excavators with overburden bridge of up to
3,000 m3/hour capacity, one-bucket excavators with 25, 30 and 50 m3 bucket. In
coal mines work has to be mec-hanizei or automated; dislodging of coal by hydrau-
lic means has to be raised 10 times. About 700 new coal mining ma,-,hine types
Card 3/6
Heavy Machine Building Nvelopment in the Seven-Year Plan
have to be produced- Onf~ erample is a stooing machint set with a cutter-loader
for 0.85 to !.8-m flat coal seam3, with hydraulic propping system. In the oil
and ga3 induetz-j thA output of drilling equipment. has to bA dcubled and the dril-
ling speea ratsti. The well diameters will be rsduced. Tuxbo-drills and elec-
tric drills of n&4 dasigne will be used. For off-shore dr-111ing new equipment
is needed for drilling at, longer distancs from the shore, az- well as for 8 to
10 thouaand meter d4ipths. The oil refi-ns3ries will be equipp6d for a 2 million
tons annual output instriad of 600,000 tons ty 1952-1958. For foundries of ma-
china Wilding works t'he mechanization problep B,:6,ma to be solv,~d in two recon-
struction projects dsvel:)Ded by MI tvazb-~Iogo mashinostroyenlya (VPTI of Heavy
Machine Building) for the UraJ.mashzavod and. the Elektrostal'sk.Jy zavod tyaz~hslo-
go mashinostroyeniya (Elektrostal. Macbdne Building Works). The Uralgi-
_pax-ticipated in the projects. Casting of up to 800 kg
protyazhmasti institute
will te produced in three semi-automatic production lines placed across the six
bays of the foundry and each bay -will be "zpe-Aalized"; 2-3-ton castings will
be prGduoed in :~,eparate plots with modernized 17-ton molding ma-lbines and a 40-
ton table; large cas,linga welghing 30-40 tonzs ortil be made in -Apecial m-3cha-
Card 4/6
Heavy Machine Building Development in the Seven-Year Plan
nized casings ("caissons"), and very large castings of up to 150 tons in rein-
forced concrete casings, using oatilever sand slingers of 40-50 m3/hour capacity.
Cores will be made on 12 lines. The mixing will be mechanized, large castings
will be knocked out automa ically; hydraulic and shot-blaat chambers will be
used for cleaning castings, and a new electrolytic cleaning method will come in-
to use. It is estimated that the Uralmashzavod will raise the output of steel
castings to 90 tons per man from the present 58 tons annually,cut costs by 23
"Jacket molding" used at the Elektrosto& works and experiments with a mechanical
molding casing at the NKMZ ave a proof that. large castings can be produced 2
to 2.5 times faster comparing with 10-30 days with manual molding when molds are
Joined from standardized sections made from quick-drying mixtures in molding
machines. The first mechanical line for the preparation of large mold boxes
(up to 3x2.5xl m), designed by VPTI, is working at the Electrostal' works since
1959. It is a merry-go-round installation with 6 carriages bearing "coordinate
plates" with automatic fixing of patterns, preparing 32 molding box halves per
hour TsKIITMASH has developed a 2-position molding mac th pressing mem-
branes for making shell molds from mixtures with water g1 ir The foreign
molding method with the use of wet bentonite mixes will be used, as it eliminates
Card 5/6
Heavy Machine Building Develoomentiln:the Seven-Year Plan
the drying and facing of molds. CentriNgal and the casting will be used for a
wider range of castings than before, and it is planned to develop equipment and
technology for centrifugal casting of steel and cast iron blanks weighing up to
50 tons. It is mentioned that electroslag welding will be used extensively for
joining portions of heavy forgings, and presently the method is used in produc-
tion of turbine shafts (previously one-piece 190-ton forgings had to be produced).
Of the existing machine tools 30-40 % must be replaced by new equipment, and
20-30 % must be modernized; machining methods are to be improved. There are 4
Card 6/6
AUTHORS: VLnDgradQx#_K.Z.,, Cief of Department, and Umyagin,
M.Gaq Director
TITLE: Complex mechanization and automation in heavy
PERIODICAL: Ve8tnik mashinostroyeniyap no. 10, 1961, 9 - 16
TEXTs The author state that the Soviet-engineering industry has
mastered technological methods of manufacturing individual compo-
nente. Great importance is attached to slag weldingg and the use
of unit and special prupose machine tools as well as broaching.
Sp*JSW stands equipped with milling, boring and planning heads
foi single piece production are designed by machine tool makers,
with work organized around the component. The Uralmashgavod organi-
zes prr-auction so as to have 40 % of the components made up of
standa~-ized parts,, 40 % of general designation componentsp and on-
ly 40 % of special items. Casting is to be organized in new and re-
constructed shops on the basis ft flow lines envisaged by the steel
Card 1/4
Complex mechanization and D221/D304
oastings 4kepartment of the Uralmashzavod or Blektrostallskiy Plant
of Heavy Engineering. Castings are grouped according to size and
weight which are handled by specialized sections bring complex
automation of basic and auxiliary operations. Patrein and moulding
box manufacture is normalized. Each group has 3 ain.Tle coordir,te
m6ulding plate and moulding box size whiarj uerp;i-u.~ thr~ -)roness
be automated. The planned output of one operator on a L..Liz of caj-
tings with maximum weight of up to 5000 kg increasec 3-4 Ames as
compared to the present production of jastin6a ou forming nachine8
with a capacity of 5 toneq whereas oL iiLaa with lighter castings
this rise may reach 6 times. large castinga to be made -7'n me-
chanized caissons, reinforced concrete cals$ons are foreseen in the
case of very large mouldsp with application of overhang sand-thro-
were having a capacity of 40-50 m-)/hour. Cores are made in blocks
1 m long and wide. These lines are composed of a rotary installa-
tion of six trolleyst on which coordinates plates with automatic
clamping of patter are mountedo Output of line is '52 half forms
by shiftp with max?pMum size of mouldip x 2.5 x 1 M. Sand-jet form-
ing increases the work efficiency by 1.5 - 2.5 times. Handling is
Card 2/4
bo'mp-L-ex mell,.,,anization and D221/D304
automated. I'~-! complex automa'tio,% of -oundry includes the Droblem
of an electro-;- o computer for cupola charge and control of-.:,alting
process. Desigr. and modernization of foundry machines is also im-
portant. In the field of forgingg VPTI has developdd a projec-6 of
complex mechanization. Thermal treatment is tD be automated
furnace doors operated from the control panel-of charger or load-
ing crane. The level of mechaniz,-;;ion is planned to be raised from
50 to 75 %9 and that of handlJ-~g from 60 to 99 %. Work efficiency
of an operator will increase by 1.5 times, output per square meter
of shop floor will be stepped up by 2.5 times, with a simultaneovs
reduction of average specific labour by 2.5 times. The introduc-
tion of flow lines in manufacturing head and main beams for elec.
tric travelling cranes should be mentioned. The use of special
stands fn-- mat~hiriing large components at Uralmashzavod is of grept
impor'o.,'~-iaa The authors consider that the main problem of engineer-
ing i -,lie reduction of volume of machining by rational approxima-
tion ,, 'Amensions and surface finish of blanks. The stability of
machining processes and typicalization as well as standardization
of components are also decisive in automation. Increased use of
Card 3/4
Complex mechanization and ...
S/122,/61/000/01l) /011
computers for work preparation is called fc--,:. "Pchaniza"Ll-ion of au-
xiliary operationag which utilizes now abcw-~* ~ "-f of the o-pe-ra-tor-
in USSR is considered as urgent. There ar,.- 5 figures. Oll
ASSOCIATIONs Otdel ekonbmiki i razvitiya mashinn~,t --s-
niya Gosekonomsoveta SSSR (Departmeiit- e -
the De-elopment of Heavy Machine ri-)r i-,h-
Gosekonomeovetq USBP '1; VPTI ty,_.,,hel-og~- -3 nost-,)Ve-
niya (VPTI of Heavy Machin- i;,cl.
Card 4/4
y,4 -) e
Tasks of heavy machinery manufacture durinp, t~e reri , f *1h crr~atl* -,n
of the material and technical foun.--~ation of communism.. 'lioi-7. 4:on,
no-1:30-38 Ja 162. (M!,Ut 15:1)
(Machinery industry)
Introduction of new machinery design and technological development's
in industry. Vest.mashinostr. 42 no.11:3-8 N 162. OMIRA 15:11~
1. Nachaltnik otdola ekonimiki i razvitiya tyazhelogo mashino-
stroyeniya Gosudarstvemogo okonimicheskogo soveta SSSR.
(Machinery industry)
VINOGRADOV, A.K., inzh. in the machinery industry. Vest.mashinostr.
43 no.2:34 F 163. (MIRA 16:3)
(Machinery industry)
% 6
0 %
VINOGRADOV,_K.,!~,,._ inzh.
---------- -
Some problems in the development of the mAchinery Industry in
socialist countries. Vest.mashinostr. 43 no.5t63-67 Pq 163.
1 (MA 1615)
(Communist countries--4*chinery induptry)
VINOGRAW07, R.K., Lizh.
Cr,upril-ation and international divivion of labor in the michlr,,~ry
Industry in SOC-fftliSt COUntries. 'Test. mashinostr. 43 nu.12:61--
67 D 163. (MIRA 17: F)
nbjectives of the machinery industry- in 1964-1965. Vest.
mashinostr, " no, 24:3-6 F 164.
L Zamostitoll nachAI'MI(a ordala Yin rodno-1: hozyap; t vennogo
plana po ma3hinostroyeni.,u Gosplana SS311.
Tasks of the mchinery industry in supplying new advanced equi.ment
to the national economy. Vest. ir.,ashinostr. " no.8.3-8 Ag 104.
(MIRA 17:9)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika otdela narodnokhozyaystvennogo plana
po mashinostroyeniyu Gosplana SSSR.
Development of the machinar7 induistr7 in countriee) umbers of
the Council for Mutual Economic Amsistanceo Vent.maahinostr. 44
nool2j64-68 D 164. (MIRA 18:2)
VINO014DOV, K.,~.
Problems of the specialization of production in the machinery
industry. Vest.mashinoxtr. 45 no.,90-8 S 165a (W RA is 4 10)
1, Rachallnik otdela narodnokhozyaygtvennogo plana po mashinoatro-
yeniyu Gosplana SSSR.
Development of the machinery industry in member countries
of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance in 1964.
Vest.mashinostr. 45 no.10:70-72 0 165.
(MIRA 18: 11)
East German combined rolling mills. Vest.mashinostr. Z,5
no.11:81-83 N 165. (1-',IFA 18:12)
Objectivesof the machinery Industry In 1966. Vast.
mashinostr. 46 no.1:3-6 Ta 166. (Mim 19: 1)
1. Nachallnik otdela tyazhelogo, transportnogo i energeti-
cheskogo mashinostroyeniya Gosplana SSSR.
ACC NRt AP7003839 SOURCE CODE: UR/0122/67/000/G01/,DrG--/30,)-
AUTHOR: Win rado (Member of Gosplan SSSR)
~ORG: none
TITLE: Machine construction in the USSR
iSOURCE: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 11 19672 3-8
!TOPIC TAGS: machine industry, mechanical engineering
The author analyzes the problem of machine construction in 1967. Improve-
ments in various branches of machine construction for the tractor, mining,
automobile, and agricultural industries are analyzed, and increases in
productivity are forecast. New machines to be built are also described,
and new methods of'planning are proposed. Suggestions on how to improve
the work of scientific research organizations are also given.
iSUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: none/.ATD pRESS.. 5113
Ca~d UDCLL~ne
'S&EBHYANNTY , Leonid Ruvirrovich; VD70G-ZADOV, A.f .,, aklider.,%,
otv. red.; lv'FYSHTA-T.,TA, MI.I., do;rtor geogr. nauk, ot~. r--J.
[Progress of radiocarbon dating in Quaternary geolcgy;
for the 7th INQUA Congress (U.S.A., 1965)] Primenenle ra-
diouglerodnogo metoda v chetvertichnoi geologii. Mookvh,
Nauka, 1965. 269 p. 0-.1RA lg:g)
A A.
crridit:,~rE F,~-verr1ng the zonal melting of the earth's
J! 165*
(MIR-k 18:11)
geokhW! 1. anallticheuko7 khimii imeni V.I.
AN Mos~va. Submitted April 6, 1965-
14ateoritic substance. GookhimiJa no.12:1275-1312 11 16,45.
(KdRA 19: 1 )
1. Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khikii im. V.I. Vernadskogo
AN SSSR, Moskva. Submitted August 6, 1965.
Some problems in the developing of electrophotographic layers .
Zhur.nauch.i prikl.fot.i kin. 7 no-1:59-60 Ja-F t62.
(MIRA 150)
1. Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy irwtitut imeni S.I.Vavilova.
Successes of Zovlot Elsetrophotography; A Scientific and Technical
Comforenco an iuestlons of zI*ctrogrophyLj..j'.,,., 6- 00 bee. rb
~Vlno rado# described some of the features or the
u7nd,,no'ho's of aloctrophotoCraphle do-
volopment. T . . arposhko devoted big report to the
criterion of light sensitivity of the elctrophotoCraptLie
process. After the reportst a discus 8lon took place
on 20 thods of determining the light sensitivity of
.1.4trophotcoWhIc layers. A.H. CD21alshey spoke on the
prospects of developing polygraphic-p-RMses using
electric and magnetic forces. O.Y. GX~Mv (speaking also
for I.I. Zhilevich, A.A. SukhLy, V.A. Gordoyeva, A.,.
PaUsha and Yu. 1. Kovalaytis ) reported an the develop-
sent of aletraphatographic reproducing equipsient. A.S.
t'. camau (speaking &Igo for I.T. Zhilevich, A.S. Borlso-
vlah, W.U. GalOvidiks and U.I.Rautkounk4e) reported
an the use of aloctrographic methods in recording
oncillographs and other recording instruments.
Card 4110 or,
"MeaGurement of Rmse Veiccity and Attenuation of Sixface '.aves 6:4 z; id.3.
paper presented at the All-Union Conf. on Acoustics, Moscow, 26 may e Jun 5d,.
3OV/ 11-1- G- 5-1-5-2?/ 32
AUTHOR.3':Ul'ya-nov, G. K. and Tino.--radov, K. '*. -
TIME: Lleasurement of InhomoGeaeou3 Permanent Macnetic Fields
Clzmereniye neodnorodnykh Dostoyannykh magnitnykh poley)
PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1958, Hr 5, pp 102-104
ABSTRACT: The investi--ation was conducted with a series of perman-
ent 'horseshoe' magnets, all made of magnetic alloy AETK 0-4.
The lhorsesh-ia' geometry was achieved as follows: from a
cylinder of ALK 0-4, diameter 60 mn, thickness 30 mm, a
36 mm diameter cylinder was removed eccentrically, so that
its circumference was within a few nLm of the circumference
of the outer cylinder at their closest approach. A slice
of the alloy separating the two circumferences in the closest
approach region was then removed and the walls on either side
of the -an were magnetised with mutually opposite polarity
0 -
to -qa:..-e the pole-pieces of the 'horseshoe'. The only diff-
crence in the gootrietry of the various pormanerit arigncts lay
_Ln the nature of the gap between the pole-pieces. In every
case this rpap was bounded by two planes parallel to the
cylinder axes, but the angle 2oL between these planes assurned
the respective values: 00 , 300 1) 400 arid 500 in the four
Card /3 cases investigated. The set-up for measurin,; the highly
U 1-1
Measurement of Inhomofeneous Permanent Ma:~-netic Fields
0 0
inhomo-eneous magnetic fields around the pole-pieces of
these ma-nets was essentially an alternatin- current
Wheatstone bridge, having impedances Rl, R 21 R3' R4 in
that order, clockwise around the bridge. The AC input from
a si~,mal ,,-,enerator was applied across the -*anctions
R1/R2 and R 3/R4 Impedances R 1 and R 2 were kept
fixed. The i-m-ledance R,, was that of a taut molybdenun
'Wire 0.05 na in diameter and of a length somewhat in excess
of tAe thicImess (30 mm) of the horseshoe magnet, so that the
latter could be located with its pole-pieces either side of
bhe wire withLout foulin'- tho terminals. The impedance R 4
of the oolybdenum wire was then rplatud to the magnetic
field in which it found itself. The bridge was balanced, by
adjustin't" R_ , for each of a nuober of positions of each Der-
Lvanent ula,,-aA in relation to the molybdenum wire; the record
of R_ for tiie various positions rave the variation of R and
:,','easur-27aent of Inhomogeneous Parmanent M-anmetic Fields
hence of the magnetic field. For each magnet the field was
determined over two planes (OX, OY) intersecting orthogonally
at the centre of the Cap, the OY plane including; the axes of
the cylinder defining the inner and outer 'sides' of the
horseshoe. For all values of 2m the field over OY wa3 found
to decrease monotonically aiid sym-7iietrically away from the
contre of the gap; for 2(x = 00, 30", 400 the field over OX
also decreased away from the centre, but asjmmctrically;
for 2a - 500 U", field over OX had asymmetric peaks either
side of the gal,. The text contains 5 figures and 5 refer-
ences, 4 of which are Soviet and 1 English.
AiSOCIATION: Leningradskiy korablestroibellnyy institut (Leningrad
Shipbuilding Institute)
SUBMITTED: November 18, 1957.
Card 3/3
24(1), 24(6) 5 011/46 -4/32
,119 THORS sVinogradov, K.11. and Ullyanov, G,K.
TITL3t Measurement of the Velocity and Attenuation of Ultrasonic Surface
yfaves In Solids (Izmereniye skoroati I zatukhaniya ul'trazvulcovykh
poverkhnostnykh voln v tvardykh materialakh)
PERIODICAL:Akusticheskiy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, Nr 3, pp 290-293 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The paper was presented at the IV-th All-Union Conference on Acoustics
in 1956. The authors used three methods to measure the ultrasonic
surface-wave velocity. The pulse method was used to measure the velocity
in dielectrics (optical glass and fused quartz). Wedge-shaped
transducers with a variable angle were used to obtain approximate values
of the surface-wave velocity. The standing-wave method was used to find
precise values of the surfacb-oave velocity in metals. In the pulse
method the authors used wed go -transdu cars as sources and receivers.
Construction of a wedge-transducer is shown schematically in Fig 1.
where 1 is a plastic wedge, 2 a samPlo and 3 a piezo-element. Mineral
oil was used to achieve good acoustical contact between the transducers
and the sample. The mhole apparatus is shown schematically In Fig 2
where 1 is a pulse generator, 2 is an h.f. oscillator, 3 is the
Ca rd 1/4 radiating transducer, 4 is the sample, 5 is the receiving transducer,
Measurement of the Velocity and AttemLation of Ultrasonic Surface Wave3 in Solids
6 is an h.f. amplifier with a detector and 7 is a cathode-ray oscillograph.
The pulse method yielded the following results for the surface-wave
velocity (accurate to within 24%)-. optical glass K-8 - 3.15 x 105CM/see,
fused quartz - 3.40 x 105CM/Sac., The variable-angle wedge method is
based on the relationship:
CR = CLO'nOcrl
where CR is the surface wave velocity In the sample, CL is the
longitudinal -wave velocity In the wedge and Oar Is th6 critical wedge
angle at which transformation of icngitudinal into surface waves is
most efficient. A variable-angle vedge transducer is shown in Fig 3,
where 1 is a cylindrical sector made of polystyrene, 2 is a polystyrene
slider and 3 is a piezo-elament. The angle of incidence of the
ultrasonic beam from the piezo-element, 0, is varied by moving the
piezo-element along the sector surface. The measurement technique is
simple and It is possible to obtain rapidly fairly accurate (-2% error)
estimates of the surface-,%ova velocity in various materials. More
exact measurements of the surface-move velocity in metals were made
using the standing-wave method (Ref 1). The surface wave ins excited
Card 2/4 by means of a wedge transducer. A contactleas magneto- acoustic
Measurement of the Velocity and Attenuation of Ultrasonic Surface Waves in Solids
transducer, which could be moved along the sample surface by means of a
micrometer,was used an a receiver. This magnoto-acoustic transducer
(Fig 4) consisted of a horse-shoo magnot 1, pole-pieces 2 and s. coil 3.
Eddy currents duo to vibrations of the metal-sample surface induced
a.m.f.s in the transducer coill these o.m.f.s were of the same frequency
as the ultrasound in the sample. Complete apparo~tus used in the standing-
-wave measurements In shown schematically in Fig 6. Using the s tanding-
mave method at 2.6 Me/s results ranging between 2.76 and 2.99 x 105cm/soc
(accuracy t 0.2y.) ware, obtained for the surface-wave velocity in
aluminium A-1 Armco iron, steel 5, duralumin D-1, magnesium alloy
YA-3 (Table l'). Attenuation was measured using the pulse method
(transducers were X-cut quartz wedges). One of the transducers was kept
fixed and the other was moved along the surface. Attenuation was deduced
from the relative change in the received-sigml amplitude with increase
of distance along the sample. Measurements were made at 2.6, 5.0 and
8.0 Mc/s. The results at 2.5 Me/e were estimates rather than precise
values because ofmalc attenuation at this frequency and consequent
considerable errors in measurement of small changes in the signal
Card 3/4 amplitude. Table 2 shows that the attenuations of surface and volume
Measurement of the Velocity and Attenuation of Ultrasonic Surface Waves in Solids
raves in steel 3, duralumin D-1, magnesium alloy MA-3, fused quartz and
optical glass K-8 are of the same order at 8.0 Mc/s (0.01-0.2 dB/cm)'.
The ourface-wave attenuation depends strongly on the surface finish,
presence of the rasidual stresses or oxide films ate. For example
oxidation of a magnesium alloy MA-3 sample Increased absorption of
8.0 Mc/s surface waves from 0.08 to 0.25 dB/cm. There are 6 figures,
2 tables and 6 references , 3 of which are Soviet and 3 English.
ASSOMMONsLeningradskiy korablestroitellnyy institut (Leningrad Shipbuilding
SUMITTEDs July 15, 1958
Card 4/4
Innovators' certificates and patents. Mashinostroenie no. 2:
103-109 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 170)
TOPACHEVSKIY, O.V.[Topachevalkyi, O.V.), glav. red.; MOVCHAN, V.A.,
red.; All,~AZOV, O.M., doktor geor-. nauk, red.;
VLADMIROV, V.IjVlady~=ov, V.I., doktor biol. nauk, red.;
VINOGRADOV, K.O. 'Vynohradov, K.O.), doktor biol. nauk, red.;
TSM,yr,!j",'fW.'ra--.fT!e-eb, IA.IA.], doktor biol. nauk, red.;
SALINIKOV, F'~.Ye.[Sallnykov, N.H.]. kand. biol. nauk, red.;
ZEROVI K.K., kand. biol. nauk, red
(Desna River within the boundaries of the Ukraine; sanitar7-
hydrobiological and hydrochemical characteristics] Desna v
mezhakh Ukrairy; sanitarno-hidrobiologichna ta hidrokhimichna
kharakterystyka. ?',yiv, V-yd-vo lll;aukova dumka," 1964. 156 p.
(MIRA 17:7)
1. Akademiya nauk UILISIR. Kiev. Instytut hydrobiologii. 2. Chlen-
korrespondent AN Ukr.SSR (for Topachov3kiy). 3. V.-osoyuznya
akaden.iya sellskokhozzyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina i
chlen-korrespondent A14 Ukr.SSil, (for Movchan).
- - --------
VINOGUDOVA, Z.A. (Vynohradova, Z.A.]; VINOGRADOV., K.O. (Vynohradcrv, K.O.)
Zoobenthos of Eastern Sivash. Pratai Inst. gidrobio2. AN URSi
no.3500-71 160. OMIRA 1424)
VIMGRADOV, L.D. [Vynohradov, K.O.]
Black Sea expeditions of 2960-61 on the seiner "Miklukhe,4Kaklain
organized by the Odessa Biological,Etation of the Institute of
Hydro-biology of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian S.S.R.
Dop. A$ URSR no.2:267-270 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Black Sea-0ceanographic, research)
-VINOGRADOVA, Z.A. [Vynohradova, Z.A.); VINOGRLDOVp K.O. [Vynohmdcyv, K.O.]
Zoobenthos of Ialm Molochnoye. Pratai Inot. gidrobiol. AN URSR
no.35s243-155 160, (MIRA 14:4)
(Moloobnoye, Lake-Benthon)
ZAYTSHV, YuvenBliy Petrovich [Zeitnev, IU Pj; VINOGRADOV, K.O.
(Tynahradov, K.O.3, doktor biolog:rwuk.110" - MNWAT"'
L.P. [Brahinalkyi, L.P.], red.izd-va; MATVITCMK, 0.0,0
(Plankton eggs of fishes in the Odessa Gulf and contiguous
regions of the Black Sea] Ikhtioplankton Odealkol zatoky i
sumizhnykh dilienok Chornoho moria.. Kyiv, Vyd-vo Akad.nauk
Um. 1959. 94 p. (MIRA 12:9)
(Odessa Gulf--Fishes) (zooplankton)
Scientific ties of the Odessa Biological Station vith foreign
research scientists. Dbp.AN URSR no.8:1130-1131 160. (MIRA 13:9)
SLLISKIY, Valentin Aleksandrovich [Sallalkyl, T.O.1; YINOGRADOT. K.O*. doktor
biol. nauk, prof., vidp. red.. BRAGINSKIT. L.P. [Brahinolkyi, IP.],
vidavn,,red.;,KCMXIW# Me, tek:hn, red,
[Mollusks of the northwestern part of the Black Sea] Noliusky
pivnichno-zakbidnoi chastyny Chornobo moria. Kyiv, Tyd-vo Akad:7
nauk URSR, 1958. 40 p. (KIRA 11.
:(Black Sea,-Mollusks)
Fertility of the Black-Sea flah. Dop.Al OM no.2118-22 '48.
Mu 9: 9)
1.Preilstavleno diyonim chlenom AN URSR D.K.Trotlyakovis.
(Black See,--Fishes)