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ANDREYEV . V. N. ; _ _ Y4LNaj_D. Vs -
Use of old horizontal control materials, Geod. i kart. no. 3:50-51
mr 161. OMIRA 14:4)
(Aerial photogrammetry)
Card 1/2
Yil~ner, D. q., En.-ineer -,f the
'-1-v -er7T-ov-o-k--A G -r
On the Problem of the Revision of Maps (K voprosu ob
obnovleriii kart)
Geodeziya i kartot-,ra-fiya, 19-18, 11r 9, pp 69 - 70 (USSR)
Thio is a lettor to the editor, The following rules
are laid down for the revision of maps: 1) Maps are
to be reprinted in smaller editions, but using systematic
mothods of compilation. 2) The information requirf!d
for the revision of maps must be made available by all
inotitutioni and authorities to the work of which
alterations of geographical features are due. 3) On
the basis of this inforr~iation P. diary is to be kept.
4) New flighits will considerably reduce the amount of
revision world to be done. 5) It will be expedient either
to establish special departments in the Ae~ial Surveying
Authorities, which are closely associated with the
Gosgeonadzor (State Surveying Inspection) or to transfer
t.-.e functions of the latter institution to the Aerial
VILIMM, Dje., inzh.
Automatic interlocking of autoclaves. Bezop. truda v prom. 3
no.11:32-34 N '59. (MIRA 13:3)
(Autoclaves-Safety appliances)
OUSIEN 0 V. F, 4 011'r J'j,~" L( f 'HMIURIN, A.V.; MUNUGH, T.A.; VILIMR, E.A.
p I -NJ A.A.;
Ponponne to nur upponenta. lleterlrxirlLn 41 no.12.,70-?2 11, 164.
(muru, 18:9)
1. Leningradskiy nauc~iro-is.,ile(lovrit-311.ukl.y voterlnarn3r
y Institut.
(Leningrad Scientific Research Veterinary Institute)
"Concerning the problem of toxicity of dithiophos"
Veterinariya, Vol. 39, no. 7, July 1962 pp. 84
V I jT T T
Musyakov, Leonid Abramovich, Girsh Solomonovich Villner, and Anatolly
Vasillyevich Yastrebov
Avtomatizatsiya kak sredstvo ozdorovlenir,u:lovii truda (Improved
Working Conditions Through Automation M scow Profizdat, 1958.
71 P. 5,000 copies printed.
Ed.: I.S. Denisova; Tech. Ed.: A.A. Golichenkova.
PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for personnel responsible for
saf4ty engineering.
COVERAOE: The booklet describes simple mechanization and automatiza-
tion methods, that if used by individual plants may significantly
reduce working hazards in agoting, cutting, and forming metals and
processing chemicals. Examples showing instrumentation of m4chine
tools and other equipment with various feeders, loaders, and other
safety devices are Included. No personalities are mentioned.
Card 1/2
Improved Working Conditions Through Automation SOV12100
There are no references.
Introduction 3
Automatization of Hazardous and Labor Consuming Jobs 8
Automatization of Dangerous Jobs 31
Automatization of Transport Operations 55
AVAILABLEi Library of Congress (TJ213A83)
Card 2/2 8-14-59
MUSYAKOV, Leonid Abramovich; VILIKER, Girsh-Zolomonovich; YASTREBOV,
Anatoliy Vasilly6-ii-W, DBNISOVA, I.S.. red.; GOLICHMOVI,
LAutomatization as a means of improving working conditions]
Avtomatizataiia kak sredstvo osdorovleniia uslovii truda.
Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1958. 71 P. (MIRA 12:2)
(Automatic control)
-. V41 NM, G. S.
Diamond needles for profilometers and profilographs. Standar-.
tizataiia 24 no.8:42-43 Ag 160.-1 (MIRA 13;9)
(Diamonds, Industrial--Standards)
-Vn'NMt G.S.
Truing and dressing abrasive wheels with diamond rolls. Stm i
instr. 32 no.2:37 F 161* (MIRA 14:2)
(Grinding wheels)
Diamond grinding wheels. StandarlAzatsiia. 25 no.12-46~48
D 161, (MIRA 14-11)
Grinding., wheels--Standards)
amonds, Industrial)
Sn/1111, Yevell Leybovich; VILIZIER, G.S., inzh., retsonzen't.;
RYCHIN, S.A., inzh., retsenzent; t1;b-REYE7A-GjALU'%DA,
Ye.TS., prof., nauchn. red.; MISHYIEVICH, G.I., red.
(Safety measures in working with pneumatic hand tools
in shipbuilding] Tekhnika bezopasnosti pri rabote 9
ruchnym pnevraticheskin instrumentom v sudostroenii.
Leningrad, Sudostroenie, 1961,. 60 p. (MIRA 18:2)
P. I. Romanovskii's "Fourier series. Field theory.
Analytical and special functions. lAplace transform-"
Reviewed by I. K. Villner. Usp. mat. nauk 16 no.lt235-238
Ja_F 161. (MIRA 14..6)
(Romanovskiif P.I.)
AUTHORi Villner, I.A. 307/42-131-4-4/11
TITLE: Topology and Geometry of the Space of an Imaginary Anamorphosis
(Topologiya i geometriya prostranstva mnisoy anamorfozy)
PERIODICAL% Uspekhi matematicheskikh nauk, 1958,vol 13,Nr 4,pp 173-178 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: For imaginary noaograns in a complex projective plane of four
dimensions the author gives a real practically realizable
interpretation. Eleven theorems and several definitions and
conclusions are formulated. The author partially uses own not
generally usual notations introduced in earlier papers.
There are 6 references, 5 of which are Soviet, and I German,.
SUBMITTED: January 23, 1956
Card 1/1
Call Nr: AF 1108825
Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematioal Congress *(Cont. )408cov
Jun-Jul '561 Trudy 56, v. 1, Sect. Rpts., Izdatellstvo AN &13SR, mosc7w, 19c6, 237 pp.
Vasil-yiv, A. M. (Moscow). On Dependence Between
Differential-geometric Properties. 144
Vedernikov, V. I. (Voronezh). conformal Superposition
of Surfaces. 1/ 144-145
Mention is made of Norden, A. P.
Verbitskiy, L. L. (Nikolayev). Conformal-Ruclidean Metric
of VII in 145
(M Anamo h sis Problem and,
Villner, I-. A. F7.,) Womographic Interpretation of
Complex Variable Functions. 145-146
Villfter,I A. (Moscow). Nomographing Functions of
Many Variables Based on the Method of Adjusted Points. 146
Volkov, Yu. A .(Leningrad). On the Existence of Convex
Surfaces With Given Metric. / 146
Mention is made of Aleksandrov, A. D.
Card 47/80
Stereoscopic nomography and e atial anamorphosis with a given
Ocala [with summary In 71 T. Ultr.mat.zhur. 9 no.2:121-133
'57. (KERA 10:7)
Nomographic approximation of elliptic functions and nomograms
in complex projective planes. Vych.nat. no.70-74 161.
(MIRA 15:4)
(Nomography (Mathematics)) (Functions, Elliptic)
6~sometry, Projective)
Vil'ncr I A
-It v of anglytic functioni. Dol, laffy
these Rev. 9, 344; 8, 4943 of theconditions undu which an
'anal, t'( function F(.-, ul) =0 can bi, reprosented by an ali~n-
inctit chart with owt~ ~~calvs for z ~mrf two Ecaks for tv, thc
author intruduces parameters K~, (j-1. 2, 3, 4) and J1,
(.; --- 1, 2, 3) depending on th,,: Cost four derivatives of iv
Avith respect to -. The representation in que~5tion is possiLle
if and OnN, if all of thc K,, are r"I and constarit. In that
ca". Al -calt- are cur\.cd if in(] only If K,, and K., -ire both
dilk-rent from zoro If K,, (or K,.) wily iN zvro tj (or z)
0111v has straight Prales and Imally it both K,, and K,, are,, all scales are strai,,,ht. Cationiua! fornis are given for
ph-A xS indicated. 'Flix:v
root of a linear function of the Weierstrass fliptic unction.
The irwariant.- 92 and g3arc given in terwof the parameters
Kj.. Deuiils of applying the-ze resiflts are to th- given el~c-
where. R. Church (Aiinapolis. IM
V4.3 t ~J-' T --I tj. C a 1. Re V t -j? V r) I 'ri r'
___~_n;~ L-L. N
VIL'IMR, I.A.. , Vmnd.f Iziko-matamticheakikh nauk
Nomogram for determining the excess of air during -Incomplete
combustion of fuel@ Toploo'nergetika 7 no.2:M-89 7 160.
(MIRA 13:5)
1. VassoyusyWy saoch6yy politekhnichookiy Inatitut.
n 1k
vi 8
j u
Vol a fl,
g2 g~,
A a
.19 ii! 4 iIac I
3 0 , I -,,HI ~
pu, 41 Nk
VI 1, 1 NrR,, .1 -167, Avintsionnyy pf~r.10, kv. 27, S.11,SR); GAI,A'iIjA,
__josif A. (Moskva A
Pa~WTTGalajda, Pavel]
Nonelementary relations of the equations of' the thIrd nrmog-rriphi.-
order and their automorphic transformations. Mat fyz cas SAV
14 no.1:6-43 164.
1. Department of Mathematics o~ the Faculty of' Mochanical Engine-ering,
Higher School of Technology, Kosice, KomenqPeho 40 (for GaInj(4,A).
Submitted March 1, 1963.
fjr,i ci~jfzci c i,o-2 -it h 11'r I
c ol ex I .,;,o !R Dok :,ull
0 'All 1j"
aa t t I
OJI0 )q
0 ,~X.1,
:1131,q aq I
k all 1 1,
0! 11 ;M1 I
1W tj~. ~7070am Aq ;m!-
I A An furi, coapllc~ vaini: ble
ii-i th,~ii nm tn,iarn:i.
!1' 71 'JO
I 'Fl ~hij Ff u If X% llcrv is t 'I c
p, rL (it hmil to licloill, to thl: filf';t
r"PI'll if it m 1w I-, dil( ("I if. 1%i o wal v(pl.1tioll",
S/55 !/0'
AUTHOR: Villner, I.A.
TITL-]: On nomo~:.raph-ic approxi:7---tion o-f ellirtic tfunctio.,-.s
nomo~;rwns in complex pro-ective nlanes
Soul*'CE': '~-.ademiya nauk I-SSR. Vychis-litelInyy tsentr. Ilych--;s-
liiellnaya imatematika, no. 7, 1961, 3 - 74
T- -" X TT-Ine article consists of 2 chapters: !) Nor-ographic approxi-
a t -1 o no--F' elliptic functions, wavid !I) ;`.'omogrw.-.,s in complex ;rojec-
Tive Dlanes. Chapter I: A nol-ogranhic metho,~ is nronosed for obtai--
u ~~- -~ i
ning elenenTary approximations to func--311,s. V.-core u
cal asDect of the metliod vias consill"Ie~-i;d in earlier works by 2the au-
thor. ~he normalized elliptic in'~eCral of the firs'll.kind
V-1 k(1) z d (1.1)
(1) v
0 k2 s lin2
is considered, where
Card 1/10
S/5 58/6 1 /U"00/ 'COYCO 1 /006
On nomographic approximation of D299/D702
p(l ) + q(1 k(1 z = a + b i , i = V:: -1. 0.2)
The canonical reoresentation of 1-i3q. (1. 1 ) is 6iven by 2 4ointly no-
.1 U,
mo~-ra,jhable and vanis.hin,-1 ',*,-;.ssot determinants. The coniplex r.-,.odu'lus
Z) - -
k describes a lemniscate. Let m = Vlcj~ (k 1 being related to k).
The curves m = const, are d-rawn, and an exac-,. nomorraph is cons~-ruc-
ted for calculLtins ellintic functions and iite6rais. By a -projec-
formnation of the first nomo-r m, one obt,_-tins anoth(~r c'r-
uive 'trans- cl~ a
cular metrical one. It was found ihat the best nomogram If'or
(1.1) (and in general for any analytic expression), is its exact
nomo,ram. The latter not only faci.Litates the finding of a possib_,e
approximation, but car. De --!so used for the construction of alp-
Proximate 0Y_pre!3sioAn -for (1 .1 ). At present, there are no
means for nomographic appro%in,,-.tion, except tile e-X-act, nomo-~,aph.
Let the function w be holomo.rphic Inside and or. tl.,c r)ouln::,,~-
~-Y of -uhe circle C of 1,andius H. This function ia expandcd In i.,
lor series. Vlith n o.-e ob-tains
Card 2/10
On nomographic approximation of D299/D302
/R,/ - IIR (-)2 (3.6)
R - r R
where one can take as Rl the distance between the pol'nt z 0 and the
nearest sinaularit oll' -,.he function -(z). Under certain conditions
Eq. (~-l) (w = f(z~) can be approximated by
Vl,-f(z ) + 0) fl(z ) + 0) ffl(z 0. 9)
0 1 .1 ~ 0 2! 0
if argf"(z 0) =51-r.12, then Eq. (3-9) is nomographable by a nomogram
of the second kind. The first, more accurate approximation, is ob-
tained by sol4ing a system of elliptical equntions. Kfter co--puta-
tions one obtains
ell, (X, -V-111)
2m c.':4 x
t -;- 2 02 cos. X cl;J X
and (5-12)'
Card 3/10
oximatiOn of D299%302
On nomOgraphic appr -2-,
2 2 cos xch x
ch 2x-2m, sh X +V(2m-i ) + 4mMl
dn 2 (X 2 h?)c (5-13)
~entary derived for Viejer
.imate elen
an appro7 ) = rly(x). one obta4ne
Furtherp functiOn HX# 821 g3
(rn - 111
?":On -
(6.6) (6. b)
where 3X 111) 9,2 proximate
i 4. is possible to find an ap
-u U . 0
By means of these for 1a8 ion. For the integral
6 -fun c to
expression for any elliPtil - - ------- (6.8)
dz z=a+bi
S/558 6 - .-- '30/ 'GU7/Gf;1/UG6
On nomographic approximation of D299YD3G"2
one obtains'the approximate formulas
cc.-, z =z:- sinz:z,
V Ch ci Y C!IW
for m = 0.5. The accuracy of the obtained approximations is very
high. The obtained formulas can be also used for complex values of
x. Welerstrass's formula can be rewritten as
2,,? (rn - 2) sh2 x, 1-5rn-(t'I+ 1) 1" j2M-f)-'j-!,rIIrn I cmi-' Jr I ch* X,
4'. , X
i + sh- x, -
.MS Cosa X, ch-
where' (6.25)
"Further, rougher approximation is considered. Nomographs -are given
of some elementary functions, (hyperbolic trigonometric functions
of a complex argument). The accuracy of the obtained formuias is
compared with well-known approximations of elliptic functions, ob-
Card 5/10 V-
On nomographic approximation of D299/D302
tained by expansion in infinite series or products. The obtained
formulas yielded more accurate resuits. Th'e numerical examnles il-
lustrated the usefulness of nomographic approximation of hi,-her
transcendental functions Dy means of elementary functions, and the
nontriviality of this approximation. 11i"'urther, general methodologi-
cal principles of nomographic approximation are set forth and some
function-theoretical noroCraphic results (obtained recently by A.1%
Kolmogorov and his school), are reviewed. The case is considered
when no best approximation (in the sense of Chebyshev) exists; in-
stead of the best approximation, one eetermines tne allowed appro-
ximation of the function z = P(x, y), given on the set M, by t1he
nomographic functions z = f(x, Y), also -iven on M. Let
d = d(f, F; T.",) = sup,,,/2(x, y)- f(x, y)l. (13.0
The number do = in.-'L'.,d is called the index of accuracy of the no-.o-
graphic approx-..-i-ti~n of 1-1 on the set 1.i, by functions which nelonr,*
to a given class of functions f. AlthouCh the problen of Zincing
nomographable approxiwations, is indeterminate in general and a lar-
ge number of unrelated pracLical methods exist, the author propo-
card 6/1o
S/55 61/000/007/001/008
On nomographic approximation of D299NJO2
ses to calculate the indexes of accuracy of a nomographic approxi-
mation of P, by means of continuous nomo-raphable functions of
each of the given class of functions f, and to fiA the simplest
possible method of choice of the allowed function f on the i0asis of
the accuracy e >-do of the allowed nomographic approximation. The
class of nomographable functions of a complex variable is expressed
by Z-Z. OZ-4)
I wo
W, =A +w,=A \ -- (13.6)
zurther, a concrete method of nomographic app~roximation to analytic
functions by j%eans of analytic nomographable functions is proposed;
the method is based on a theorem proved by the author. Finally, it
is shovm that the approximate formulas for the derivatives o.,,* el-.Jp-
tic functions (Jacobi's as viell as Vleierstrass's), can be obtaired^
in two different ways. The degree of accuracy of the approximazions
is estimated. Chapter II: The theory is developed of nomographing
of functions of a complex double or dual variable in the reai Dro-
jective plane. The concept is introduced of double or dual nomo-
Card 7/10
On nomographic approximation of ... D29VD302
grams of functions of type 10(zif Z21 z 3 = 0, considered in the
projective plane and defined over double(elliptic complex numbers
z = x + Eylp j__2 = +1 ) or dual (parabolic numbers z = x + wy, w2 = 0)
algebras, -whose geometr is studied in reference 3 (B.A. Rozenfei'd
Neyevklidovy geometrii T'111on-Euclidean Geometries), GITTL, 1955).
This chapter consti tuted the second part of an earlier work by the
author (Hefo. 1: Topologlya i geometriya prostranstva mnimoy anarmo-
fozy. MX, v. 13, no. 4 (82), 1958); there it was published in ab-
breviated form. The basic formulas for nonographability of ifunct-
ions of double or dual variables, are derived. It is shovm that
many geometrical properties, characteristic of nomograms of ordina-
0 -
ry functions of a complex variable, are retained. rurther, a real
sDace is constructed lo-- the interpretation of the corresponding
complex nomograns of functions of more thar 2 complex variables
x + sy or x + wy. The projective plane, constructed over double and
dual algebrast is denoled by i~ 2 and Y21 and the corresponding line-
ar real spaces -- by 1* and 17'*. The linear interpretations of lt;he
4 4
complex nomograms have two applications: 1) The hyperbolic, parabo-
ard 8/10 Gf
On nor;-,ographic approximation of D299/D302
iic and ell-i-otic numbers are used ir. the study of the li-near :--eo.-::e-
Tries of the corresponding non-Euclidean and Euclidean sraces, andi
2) In the 9 plane ~eo;-.~.etries of Klein, corresT)ondin,-, to the 9 !'.-Oss-
ible metrics of ler.Gt:i and angle. 'After the pr-ojective space ~2 a[I-S
been constructed, the space L* is defined as the space of pairs of
real straight lines of the space :33 hich are recinrocal Dolars
3 co1' r' - -
with respect to the imar-inaary sphere K. The nairs of strai' lines
U - - A. -
are called "points" oll' the space L 40 The configuration theorems
(Desar,F,uels, Pascalls, etc.) hold in L The above theoretical con-
siderations make it possible to design a "straight line" of space
U in the form of a material "ruler". This rule.- is made of -2 rect-
a gular metal strips, put together so as to form an 11X-shapell,(Scis-
sors); similar "rulers" are constructed in the spaces L* and 11*
1 4 4-
The rulers fo all ~ spaces L*j L* and * can be executed in the
4 4 4
form of a simDle instrument, (sho%-m in a figure). The constructed
linear sDace contains a linear Interpretation'of double and dual
variables, isomorphic to real nomograms. It is noted that all 3
Card 9/10 1
On nomographic approxJmatfor of D299/D302
2 2 +1' W2 = 0), are of nractica-
complex nomographs (i 1,
interest in nomograpI incr., functions of corresponding co-mDiex variab-
les, met in linear real Eeometries of hyperbolic, ellip1lic and z-)a-
rabolic s-oace. -Finally, various conformal nomographs are considere-_'.
Thereby the corresponding Euclidean and ?iemannia:7. metrics are in-
troduced in the conformal planes z = a + oi, z = a + bl-7, and z =
= a + bw. The author notes that the construction of nomorrraphs in
projective 6paces can be further developed, in partictilar over
other aiEebras (quaternions, alternions, etc.). There are 21 firu-
res and 25 references (14 belon inG to the first chapter, and 11 t
Q -o
the second): 17 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviel-bloc (including 5
-translations). reference to t,ie English--Language publication
reads as follows: A.L '. Albert, Quadratic forms permit ttlinE
T.i.ono Anno of Matha, 43, 1942, 161-177.
Caz*d 10/10
UZR/~rfathematlcs 1111O.-nography 1 may 53
"Algebraic Solution of the Problem of Anar-crphosis of Functions in Invariant Form,"
I. A. Villner
DAN SSSR, Vol 90, No 1, Pp 5-8
Data the vectors (i =(1,2,3) from the eq F This eq is encountered in the problem
of the anamorphosis of a function F that depends on three abstract variables 21' Z21 13 and
on any number of parametric abstract variables z4' z5, ..(which influence automatically the.
dimension and nature of the scales and fields of the nomogram). Makes tho nonrestrictive
assumption that vector i does not depnd on zl, Z2- Cites the book Nomograficheakiy
Sbornik (Womographic Symposium), Moscow State Univ, 1951. Thanks Acad A. N. Kolmogorov
who presented the paper 12 Mar 53.
t1ilner I A. Diagrams for cakWating the hyperboUc and
-ent- and co~tsa ~enfq of wmalu
Ym c n
-N 1~,!d N, R I App~ Ma!ll "I.,
.1 S 2 Al
An d'
four in One reLr,
f ~jo t v ~ vr-
..I cwlf~,Tt~.wm
23' 1 The rquation~
fin, V;j I hc~,,r
i ~t a '-T -1
-,a; .'s f, tr,' T!; r TTI! t
v 4 -eii. The s~cales ~-,rc iiLi-, ca-hora-tL,,,4 so thev can b-Z us;~l for
a (a+ rc R. Church (An'napolls, Md.).
VC, I No
JNI-,'Li sLil )o ),)-)(qnc ;1111 sl QUO 'SuollmIrnill fit'
vuoii.3unj itl-Sla oi ~ji.-lci J,,Vllddl~ 0111 F-1931 -'Nly 0121 uuoj zqi
ut at ioi uakt.X ijr l4tjqluodsamo.-j uoq--)unj 3q.(jL-uv
ur -10) al,11,~f-cAttly &I vall-j4 ~QAjn3 lo jaqwnu ppo uV :)!uoD
v U(:V )L;1 Put- q2jsn-~ fb pur ln~ ~ puu. 0
'2ull ).Ivt4) 1!41 'P~'9qr1r'V; r. JO' I OIA
,b 'r -]o) -vu .411)
-ul.-I C-Is OUUO~j 7:11- -"P
;o akj~l ;)E;j ju Isoq -11 IC'Ell
lo 1. 0l 4low aq_l
q.)voA_j uri"!qj ca
suol -)U0; R
~!V09,P s-U--%s q v s~aErluiruNowou sal jns -V
imaginary anamorphosis* USP& MRt*
Topoleg7 and space geometry *f (MIRA 12:1)
nauk 13 no.4:173-178 Jl-Ag '58.
(Geometry) (Nomography (Yathematics))
AUTHOR:- Villner, I.A.
TITLE: The Problem of the General Anamorphosis in the Space and on the
Plane, its Algebraization and Stereoscopic Nomography
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, 1960, No.9, p.201,
Abstract No.11003. Sb.statey,
1958, vyp.21, pp.98-118
TEXTs The paper contains the consideration of numerous questions of thev~
theoretical nomography, especially of those mentioned in the title. The
problem of the anamorphosis in the N+1-dimensional space is reduced to
the N-dimensional case by a repetition of the variables and by an
empirical selection of the solutions of certain functional equations.
[Abstracter's notes The above text is a full translation of the
original Soviet abstract.)
Card 1/1
V I LN ~ KJ J: ~,
SUBJECT USSR/11ATHEMATICS/Applied mathematics CARD 1/2 PG - 699
TITLZ stereoscopl-5 nomography and the solution of the problem of
general anamorphosia in the 1T-dimensional space.
PERIODICAL Uspechi mat.Nauk 11L 4, 123-130 (1956)
reviewed 4/1957
The author proposes the application of spatial nomograms with the aid of the
stereoscopic projection. Let the problem of the general spatial anamorphosis
of the equation be solved, the point M(X,Y,S) of the spatial nomogram be
iven by the author's formulas tcompares Villner, Doklady Akad.Nauk 58 5,
71947)1 Doklady Akad.Nauk 20.g. 1, (1953); Uspechi mat.Nauk 8
_.L (1953)1 Mat.
Sbornik,n.Ser. 27, 1, (1950)). Lot (a,, b,, oi) be the aent*ra of projection
which e.g. agree with the pupil of the left hand eye (i-1) or the right hand
eye (1-2). The projections of M onto the image plane of the nomogram (X,Y)
for the left hand eye and the right hand eye are given by
x-ai y~bi
i X-C, i - -i X-C i '
Taking c 1 M 02 C, b 2 b 1 0 and a 2 -al - -a, then one obtains simpler
relations. The obtained equations represent two simple simultaneously
Uspechi mat.Hauk IIL.4, 123-130 (1956) CARD 2/2; PG - 699
nomogrammable systems the nomograms of which can be established in advance
without difficulties so that such a spatial nomography becomes not more
difficult than the ordinary one.
'Under neglection of details some generalizations are given.
VTL'N M. 1, A.
Annliticheskiyr3 funktsii ko-l-leksnngo peromennogo rervoFo nomoarafichesknF7o klassa I
ikh nomogrammy-. DAN, 53 '1946), 191-194.
Nornogramwj analiticheskikh funktsiy kompleksnogo poremennogo M., Dissertntsiya (1947
SO: Mathematics in the U~;"~R, 1917-1947
edited by Kurosh, A.G.,
Markushevich. A.1.,
Rashevskiy, P.K.
Moscow-Leningrad, 1948
Algebraic Solution of the Problem of the' Anamorphoso of Fw)otions in an lnyarient
Form. DAII SSMt. n. Ser. 90, 5-8- a953).
VIL11M, I. A.
*Nomograms of Analytical Functions of a Complex Variable (First Class).*
Sub 3 Mar 47, Moscow Order of Lenin State U Imml M. V. Ioomonosov
Dissertations prevented for degrees In science and engineering in Moscow
in 1947
SO: Sm No. 457, 18 Apr 55
VTWER, 1. A. Cand. Physicomath. Sci.
Dissertations ONomogranes of Analytical Functions of a Complex Variable (First Glass).0
Moscow Order of Imnin State U. imeni M. V. Lomonosov. 5 Mar. 1947.
SO: Veghernw= Moskva,.-Mar. 1947 (Project #17836)
USSR/Mathematics - Nonlograms
Card 1/1
Author : Villner, I. A.
Title : Nomograms for the computation of elliptic functions and integrals
Periodical : Usp. mat. nauk, 9, No 2(6o), 113-124, 1954
Abstract : Seven nomograms that permit one to find the value of x sn(t,k) for
complex values of the modulus k and the variables x and t.
Acknowledges the assistance of L. A. Lyusternik, Corresponding Member
of the Academy of Sciences USSR. Methods are shown for finding the
values of the other elliptic functions (cn(t,k), dn(t,k) and the
integrals t = 44(l - K2sin2z) - 1/2 dz.
Submitted May 8, 1952
NtP As
Mathematical Reviews
Vol. 14 No. 10
Nov. 1953
Numerical and Graphical
Vil'ner, 1. A~~ihld
'analytic -theory of nomogritphing a
Function of a complex variable of the first class. Niat.
Slmrnik N.S. Z7(69), 3-46 (1950). (Russian)
Ill varintis earlier papers C-see especially Doklady Mad.
Nauk SSW (N.S.) 58, 721) -732 (1947);'thrse Rev. 9, 5341
the atithor has given summaries and certain practical
applicat ioii% of his work oil repre4cotingatianalytic 'fonction
1-+iq=f(tr+ib) is an alignment chart. The present paper
rives a more detailed account of this work, stressing its
mathematical aslwcts. The poper is, however, far from self-
contained; essential steps in arguments and even statements
of rcsults are abbreviated by detailed references to the
aittlior's dim;crlation (19,16) which js tinfrirtunately riot
available to (lie reviewer. As not explicitly mentioned in
pri-vimisly reviewed papers the following may he men-
limied: (1) st-veral further sets of necessary and sufficient
C011(lilimis for iv -f(.-) to-be of first class (i.e., no more than
two of the Wir scales rurvcd), (2) the- theorem and Mille
comulliclices that if z is of first class with 0 sciles
mr.i4tht. I lie same is trne of s - In f(w), and (J) the derivi-
tion of relmions linong nomograms for branches of n
filliclioll if Oirv are of the flint class.
R, Church (Alonterey, Calff.).
Relations between the minors of one or two matrices. Usp.mat.nauk 8 no.5;139-
146 S-0 153. (W-RA 6:10)
% ~I I.- a I I- ~ - I - ~ -
Privedenio Somografirwmoy analiticheskoy savisimosti K norml,,noy form. Doklady Akad.
Nauk dmer, Novaya seriyt. lziz,, go 1, 1949, c. 3-6 Bibliogr: 7 Nezv.
SOslietopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 45# Moskva, 1949
'ne 1. A. Algebraic solution of the problem of ana-
=04 of Nuctions In inv"nt form. Dokl. Akad.
USSR f,1,uk STSR (N.S.) 90, 5-8 (.1953),
VII'ner,I.A. Solution of the problem of aaarnorphftis Of
'TiUn~onsln (N-1)-dimensiontil space by vector-
algebroic mothods. ljqlwhi Mat. Nauk (N.S.) 8, no.
3(55). 153-150 (1953). (Rumian)
In'the first of thei-e two papera it is atated that the vanish-
ing of the fourth order determinant jaij,
is necemary and sufficient for the rep..-esentation as a scalar
Further necefsary and suffirient conditions for the repre-
sentation of F as a scalar triple product (Alassau detcrrii-
nant) d3-fi1XC12, WI1CrC each vector Cri depends only on the
corresponding variable zi, are the vanishing of two more de-
terminants of third order: I (Z q 1. 4jj ~ F4v". k 1, 2. If it is
I ~j;rlr-ji* -SITC;i _e,f -ifie-c-x I F) not no grit ins
earl;trant g"%ve CC. R . (Doklj(ly) Acad. Sci. URSS (N.S.)
55, 7S3 -786 (1947), M R 9, 106] the canonical rcpresenta-
tion and defining equations. Applications to the soliltion of
certain eqn.ttions involving elliptic intvgrafs am natlinfd.
Approximate formillas ior elliptic fiirction% that Lave bcen
ol-,tilintil from thosc investigations are given.
R. Church (I'viontercy, Calif.).
ViVner, L A. 0a~re-J&tJOUS g=ong the MinefS Ot Wfdla
--This_-paper- contains theoretos which co
th~ theorem -
on--i'development-l~y-lion~~pto6hi!!i Co.
faetors". One such theorem is -the following, which Con.---
terns minors of an (n+ 1) X?t matrix. Let It, ji be integers,
Let Ari b4 the
ftX;x minor determinanton the firoft rows~ let-At s' be the
minor determinant obtained by striking out rows with
indices Ij (all i) and columns with indices ji+1 (all i). Let
At, be the "Xts minor determinant on all rows except the
ah; let M.' be the minor determinant obtained by strik
ing out the (n+l)th row and rows with indices Ij (iges)
and columns with indices i,+ J~ (all t); then the relation
holds. More complicated theorems
are given for m;nors of an (tj4-r)Xn inatrix.
J. L. Brenner (Pullman, Wash.).
AUTHORS: Villn er3l-.L-.D. (Deceased), Rautian, S.G. and
K'Ea_~Jkin, A.S.
TITLE: On some possible applications of the Fabry-Perot
interferometer with internal illumination
PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v. 12, no. 3, 1962,
-437 - 439
TEXT: The authors are concerned with the properties of a
Fabry-Perot interferometer containing an emitting medium between
the plates. This type of modification of the Fabry-Perot inter-
ferometer is of interest in view of the suggestion made by
A.M. Prolchorov (Ref. 1 - ZhEETLF, 34, 1658, 1958) that it may be
suitable for use as a resonator for a quantum oscillator
(Ref. 2 - N.G. Basov, O.N. Krokhin, Yu.M. Pckpov - Usp. fiz.
nauk, 72, 161, 1960). Other applications zarxeMiscussed in the
present paper. It is assumed that the medium between the plates
has a finite absorption coefficient and emits uniformly through-
out its volume. A formula is derived for the intensity
Card 1/2
On some possible applications .... E05-VE311,
distribution and it is shown that the resulting interference
pattern takes the form of concentric interference rings.
Analysis show's that this arrangement improves the line-to-
background ratio and may therefore be suitable for the spectral
analysis of very small quantities of impurities and similar
applications. There is 1 figure.
SUBMIT'I'ED: June 12, 1961
Card 2/2
Study of some conditions for trypsination of monkey kidneys
capable of Increasing cell harvests. Vop.virus 7 no-4:119-121
Jl-Ag 962. (MIRA 15:8)
1. Institut poliomiyelita I virusnykh entsefalitov AMN SSSRp
ZAXI.Mr". V.A.; UWsSIM, K*G*
Comparative study of the epidemiological effectiveness of vacci-
nations with tissue culture and brain vaccines against tick-
borne encephalitis. Yop. virus. 8 no.3.*307-315 My-Je'63.
(MIRA 16:10)
1. Institut poliomyelita i virusnykh entsegalitov AMN SWRj,
Moskva i Kemerovskaya oblasUaya sanitarno-opidemiologichookaya
atantaiya.. (ENCEPHAwTis--FRsmTrvz iwcumow
VIL'NP-R, L. Master med Sci (diss) -- '-Ihe chick ambryo as an exp-2rLa2ntal
model in the study of the virulence and immunogenicity of strains of S. typhi".
Moscow, 1959. 15 pp (Min Health USSR, Central Inst for the Advanced Training of
Physicians), 200 copies (KL, No 8, 1959, 130")
Cultivation of typhoid microbes in developing J-hick embryos. Zhur.
mikrobiol. epid i i=ran. 31 no.6:17-19 -Te 160. (MIFA 13:8)
1. Iz Gosudarstvennogo kontrollnogo instituta meditsinskikh biologiche-
skikh preparatov imenj Tarasevicha.
Possibility of culturizg the poliomyelitis virus an simple media.
Vop. virus, 7 no. 1:115-218 A-F 161. (MIRA l4t4)
1, Institut po izueboniyu polimiyelits, AMN SSSRp Moskva,
Comparative study of the dynamics of the inactivation of a virus
in dialy2ed and nondialyzed specimens of vaccine against poliomyelitis
detoxified with formaldehyde. Vop. virus. 6 no.5t6l()-617 5-0 161,
(m:TjI 15:1)
1. Institut poliomiyelita i virusnykh entsefalitov AMN SSSR, Moskva.
Study of conditions,
against tirk-borne
properties of Lhe
und revaccination.
vacclni~ r,,
Vop. vlr,..,,:.
of &,f,---iinization
ilr~,A! lf,,flw~nce of
(',,',TRA 18:1-0)
rkh w!"r-Ifl, Ill AlMli SSSR, Moskva.
1. Institut poliomiielita i virwsm
M.K.; SV.7T--X0I.DAlr-YllY, G.Ya.
flonencephalitogenic formollized vaccine agalrst ticK-borne encephal'Lis.
Vop. vir-us. 9 no.2:3.67-1-69 Yx-Ap 164. OMIRA 17:12)
1. IrristiLut. pollcmiyelita i virusnykb entsefalitov A',!V SSSR, Mo3'kva.
Effect of the length of intervals between inoculations on the
efficacy or vaccination and revaccination against tick-borne
encephalitis. Vop. virus. 10 no.3:266-270 W-je 165.
(MIRA 18:7)
1. Institut poliomiyelita i viruanykh entsefalitov A141 SSSR, Moskva,
I Kemerovakaya oblastnaya aanitarno-epidemlologicheskaya otantsiya.
vi 1 INER I- S.
Some ddta on 12-e recu:t:; -i! *:-eu,--ent of cancur pat4,a!-,:5
Cadmium i-Aide and L,--4.d at
Veior.-] United Mcs~:-)w district -r LenLrip-gad.
4 " L7: 2)
Vcp. :)nk. 9 (M-Tq
2. lz 2-cy cbl'yed nt~~moy t,,~l 'r It=y WskovskLgo -ayona (glivinyy
vv5 ih - F.G. Ka,~iv,. I - va).
VILI OR, P.D..(Kuybyshev); OSIPOT, N.Ya. (Kuyb7shey)
Determining dynamic rigidities of rotors by th* miethed
of expansion of dynamic flexures In a6riso according tue
natural forms. Izv. vys. uchob. zav.; av.tokh. 2 no.l:
111-124 159. (MIRA 12:3)
.,A, M.M,~ -;K"'~Z.
v,juk~ KATKO
VARENIISAV YeoTml) ;~,Lktor tAolog. C, hr-A r
nalik; VIVNER,
M Lhe wGi-rkf. lnn'rj6kAyf,4 F""m-
1,3jug hybrid bu~lls f-'c, 'o
Xmi. -- 1 , ,
nc .3 Hi
tseW-ra-jl~,jylth rayoncy
GAPEYEV, boris Mikhaylovich; VILIMM, S.L.., rotsenzen-t; SMIR110VA,
G.V., tekhn. red. - ~ -
(Taking apart, cleaning and roassembling wrist watcheol?,az-
borkap chistka i sborka naruchnykh chasov. Moskvap I-Iashgizp
1961 20 p. WIRA 15:9)
iClocks and watches-Repairing and adjusting)
I VILIM, V.A.. inzh.* (Kiyev) SOK0107, VwG., inzh. (Kiyev)
71ne grained improved asphalt concrete* Gor. khoz. Hoek. 32
no.6:31 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7)
(Asphalt concrete)
VILIKEER, Yakov Molseyevich, dots.; VOPI,7YARSUY, Josif 'P1jJ(huno%r1ch,
Tirofeye%lch, dots.; KUZMENKOV,
Vasiliy Ivanovich, dots.; UIZAREVICH, Ivan Grigorlyevich,
dots.; SHULT1111, Igor' Aleksandrovich, dots.; AKALOVICH,
N.M. , red.
[Laboratory practice in hydraulies: Manual and methodological
instructions on laboratory procedures in hydraulics; for cor-
respondence and part-time students) Laboratorryi praktikum po
gidravlike: Rukovodstvo i metodicheskie -kazaniia po pro-ede-
nilu laboratorzrikh rabot po gidravlik dlia studentov zaach-
nogo i vechernego obucheniia. (By) IA.M.Villner i dr. Minsk,
Izd-vo M-va vysshego, srednego spetsialtnogo i professionall-
nogo obrazovaniia BS&R, 1961. 131 p. (MIRA 18:4)
1. Kafedra gidravliki belorusskogo politekhnicheskogo insti-
tuta (for all except Akalovich).
t' VL
V T t r- "r , - .
aCIRM MICA bec-3 Vol,11/9 Endocrinology SePt57
1683. VILNLANSKY L. 1. Ukrainian Inst. of Tuberc. and Clin. Sect., Ukrainian Inst.
V ENVER60-Crinol., Kharkov, USSR. *Some peculiarities in the
clinical course of tuberculosis in patients with diabetes
mellitus (Russian text) PROBL.ENDOKR.1956.2/3(64-68)
The symptomatology of the infiltrative form of tb in diabetes mellitus shows some
peculiarities; a.more protracted cIT roe with little or no symptoms, less pronoun-
ced febrile reactions, a rare onset in form of a grippe, and difficulties in finding
tb bacilli In the sputum. The subjective picture to at first reminiscent of diabetes
mellitus manifestations. Theme peculiarities impose the necessity of systematic
roentgenological Investigations in all patients with diabetes to reveal the tb in time.
Krimsky - Moscow (XV, 3. 6)
More about the quality and classification cf fine w-,61. Tckzt.jrrr;=.
23 no.8125-27 Ag 163. (MIRA 160)
1. Glavnyy Inzh. Nevinriomysskoy fabriki pervichnoy obrabotki
Quality of the wool from fine-wooled sheep bred in the Northern
Caucasus and Kalmyk A.S.S.R, Tokst. pr,3m. 24 no.2:18-19 F 164.
(141RA 17:3)
1. Kafedra tovarovedentya I tekhnologii zhivotnogo syrIya
Moskovskoy veturinarnoy akiidamii (for Orlov)* 2. GlavnYY inzh,
Nevinnomysskoy fabriki pervichnoy obrabotki shersti (for V111nina).
3. Nacha.11nik nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii Nevirmomysskoy
fabriki pervichnoy obrabotki sherati (for Motallkova).
J,,)' f.~J` -,(
AOR ACAD). (KLI 3-619 213).
AUTHORS: Gull, V. Ye.; Villnits, S. A._ SOT/156-58-2-41/46
TITLE: Temperature Influence on the Kinetics of Growth of the
Cutting of Vulcanizate (Yliyaniye temperatury na kinetiku
razrastaniya nadreza v vulkanizate)
PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady vyashey shkoly. Khimiya i khimicheskaya
tekhnologiya,1958, Nr 2, Pp. 365-368 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Several new papers (Refs 1- 4) give evidence of the fact
that the rupture of the vulcanizate represents a process
which continues to develop in the course of time. A slow
and a rapid staGe of rupture is distinguished. (Ref 1).
It was shown by slow-motion pictures that the velocity of
tearing is first very small but later it increases jump-like,
This can be observed with as well as without a cutting. The
influence of cutting was investigated in detail (Ref 5), The
tearing of a vulcanizate has much in common with the tearing
of btittle materials (L.N. Tsarskiy and G.Z. Krasikova
participated in the experiment). Nevertheless the difference
between the mechanism of a highly elastic and a brittle
Card 1/4
Temperature Influence on the Kinetics of Growth BOV/156-58-2-41/48
of the Cutting of Vulcanizate
tearing is so considerable that important changes of the
time course of its growth within the range of the passing
from the highly elastic to the vitrified state could be
expected. This was the purpose of the present investigation.
Filled vulcanizates served for the experiment: mixture Hr 1:
rubber SKB and Nr 2: SKB mith natural rubber at a ratio of
4 : 6, mixture Nr 1 contained 45~, Nr 2 - '106 of soot. The0
vulcanizates could be tested at temperatures of up to - 57 -
The projection of the slow-motion pictures made possible a
retardation by 10 to 500 times- It can be seen from the
elaboration of the motion pictures on the analyzer that at
all temperatures the shape of the curves described already
earlier could be observed (Ref 5). The initial velocity of
tearing is so small that it cannot be investigated by means
of the alow-motion picture method. Immediately before the
end of tearing its velocity increases Jump-like. In the case
of the same conditions the maximum velocity is determined
by the temperature of examination. At a lowering of temperature
Card 2/4
Temperature Influence on the Kinetics of Growth SOV/156-58-2-41/48
of the Cutting of Vulcanizate
from 22 to 00 the velocity decreases from 2500 to 1000 mm/sec.
The0 latter continues to decrease and then increases again at
-50 and lower: it then reaches values of approximately
3000 mm/sec. Figure I shows the dependence concerned. Velocity
does not change regularly. Apparently this change of the time
course is in connection with the passing from a highly elastic
tearing to a brittle one. The passing from a highly elastic
state into a vitrified one is accompanied by a decrease of
velocity of the formation of cracks and other phenomena. Their
consideration is of great importance for the solution of
practical problems which are connected with the mechanical
destruction of vulcanizates. There are 2 figures and 9
references, 8 of which are Soviet,
Card 3/4
Temperature Influence on the Kinetics of Growth BOY/156-58-2-41/48
of the Cutting of Vulcanizate
ASSOCIATION: Kafedra fiziki Mookovskogo inatituta tonkoy khtmicheskoy
tokhnologii im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Physics of the
Moscow Institute for Fine Chemical Technology imeni M.V.
Lomonosov Moscow)
SU13MITTED: October 29, 1957
Card 4/4
Z1140VOYEV, Vladimir Andreyevich, prof.[doceased]; FRlSHEDIKO,
Nikolay Avtonomovich; VILJULj,_,&u3,j
I -,
FADEYEV, I.I.,, red.; NCUROVA, Yu.F.,- red.
(Machine parts] Detali ma8hin. Izd.2. Vloskvap Vysshaia
shkola, 1964. 347 P. (MIRA 17:U)
V'Yfi_ el par in, N. I; N-5;
fq. IN; Tsarsliciy. 11. -and Krasikova, G.
TITLIC: Investiration of the Possibility.of Pulverizin.- Chilled
Rubber ~Razrabotlca sposoba izmel'cheniya okhlazhaennykh
PERIODICAL: Kauchuk i Rezina, 1958, Nr 10, pp 22 r 2B (VSSA)
ABSTRACT: Much rubber scrap is not re-us6d bee4un-e of the difficul-
ty of pulverizinZ the material.* This difficulty can be
overcome by chillip-,; the rubber. The authors first
review the changes in physical and'mechanical properties
of rubber at low temperature. Fir-.1 shows maximu!n speed
of rupture (mm/sec) against tempe~r'ature for a vulcanized
mixture of SO and n.~.tunal -rubber. Fig.2 shovis the same
for SKB (Butyl) rubber. Each figure shows curves for
threz? dif4[erent rates of def orjaa6 '(11on. The maximum speed
of rupture is "hat which occurs im~iediately before the
specimen parts. The re-oriontation of material at the
point where ruptiire comi.-iorices was studied by scribin't, a
line across the specimens, and comparin,! the thickness
of the line where rup ture commences with the thickness
of the line in the unruptuced part of the stretched
Card 1/5 specimen. In Fig.4 these rel,~itive thicknesses are plot-
Investigation of the Possibility of PalverizinLl- Chilled Rubber
ted a,"ainst time for specimens of 3KB and natural rubber
at four different temperatures. The specimetis were de-
formed at a rate of 500 mm/min. At -5300 no re-orientation
at the rupture point occurs. Fi-.5 shows stress versus
relative elon,-atior~ for the same rubber mix at different
temperatures. Firr.6A shows the relative elon,[;ation versus
temperature, and FiFr.6b the stress versus temperature at
the moment of rupture, in each case for three different
rates Qf deformation. In FiL.7 the work of deformation
'L L
Ocg/cm0) is plotted against temperature for SKB-50 and
the same in Fig.8'for SKB-50 plus natural rubber. By
comparin,~_ Fi-s. 2, 6 and 7 one sees that the-temperature
for maximum work of deformation'to rupture corresponds
to that for minimum speed of rupture and for maximum re-
lative elon,-ation at rupture. At low temperatures the
low mobility of the molecular structure prevents re-
orientation at the point of rupture As is seen in Fi--4j
the resistance to rupture and relativ- elon-,;ation de-
crease and the speed*of rupture increases. Fif,-9 sho'as
stress versus relative elongation for samples of rubber
and fabric, cut from a tyre casinC, at three different
Card 2/5 rates of deformation for four temperatures. These follow
Investi ;j
,Zation of the Possibility of PulverizinC Chilled Rubber
the same form as the plain rubber specimens in Fi--5.
In order to obtain a brittle state when pulverizIng
rubber and fabric materials the temperature must be
lowered and the spqed of pulverization or rupture must
be increased. The apparatus shown in Fia.10 was con-
strfteted to determine optimum speed of deformation for
pulverization. Specimens 10 - 20 min wide and 1 - 6 min
thick are clamped to the'periphery of a 200 min disc
which can be rotated at various speeds. The disc runs
in an insulated taec. The specimens strike against a
pin mounted on a sprinE, so that the force actinE on the
pin can be measured dynamometrically, aryd the emriy of
deformation in fracturinZ the specimens can be calculated.
Optimum speed was found to be in the re:;ion of 3000 r.p.m.
Frofil the parameters established, the hammer-mill type oZ
pulverizer, shown in Fif,.11, was constructed. The gap
between the hammers and the saw-toothed periphery of the
mill casinf, is 1.5 - 2 min. The mill runs at 3000 r.p.m.
The mill is fed with pieces of rubber about 40 x 20 x B mm
Previously cooled in a dry ice and alcohol mixture. Pul-
Card 3/5 verized material discharged through the gratire at the
Investigation of the Possibility of PulverizixZ Chilled Rubber
base of the mill was subjected to sieve analysis. Energy
input was measured by a recording wattmeter. Table 1
shows results with this pulverizer for various rubber
and rubber fabric materials. The size of the openings
in the discharge gratin, was either 5 mm or 2'mm. Material
was cooled to temperatures of -660, -600 and -500C. Time
and k.w.h. to pulverize 400 gramme quantities of matetial
are given, and the specific energy requirement In k 0 w.h.
per metrie'ton of material is given in the last column*
Table 2 gives the sieve analysis for the various samples
for 5 mm and for 2 mm openings in the discharge grating.
To complete the calculation for energy requirementsl the
power in k.w.h. required to cool one ton of material to
temperatures between 50C and -550C are given. These
calculations are based on an initial temperature of 200C.,
specific heat of material 0.5, and 59.5;5 cool-
Card 4/5 ine efficiency from a Freon 12-refrigeration circuit as
Investii--ation of the Possibility of PulverizirC Chilled liubber
in Fir,-12 with a furtripr 20/'0" loss to air allowed for.
There are 12 Fif,ures., 2 Tablesand 7 3oviet References
ASSOCIATION:Yloskovskiy institut tonkoy lchimiches'coy tekhnoloLil
im. M. V. Lomonosova (Mosoow-'Inutitm of Precision
Chemical.Technology imeni M.V. Lomonosov)
Card 5/5
Rate of decompooitioA of Kara-Tau phoophorites treated b7 the
chamberless proceos (in nonthickening pulp@). Zhur. prikl..kbim.
34 nov2:259-265 F 161:o (MIRA 14:2)
1. Leningradakiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta,
ALI, G.E., doktor med.nmik; AHOSOY, N.M., prof.; ANTELAYA, N.V., prof.;
L.I.,; LAPINA, A.A., prof.; MASSINO, S.Y., doktor
med.nauk; KIMMOT, F.A., prof.; RABUKHIK, A.Te., prof.;
KHRUSHCHOYA, T.H., prof.; SHAMIN, I.A., prof.; TABLOKOV, D.D.,
prof.; ZYNIS, V.L., prof., zoaluzhannyy dayatell winki,;
KORNNT, P.G., prof., red.; KUMTAYTSHVA, A.I., prof., red.
(deceased]; LAPINA, A.I., red.; WUMA, Z.A.,,
red.; STRUKOY, A.I., prof.i red.; SWANOT, F.Y., prof.. zaslu-
zhannyy dayatell nauki. red.toma; (JRINWff`U" , To.M., red.; LTUD-
KOVMCAYA, H.I.. teklmi.rod.
Dfultivolum winuRl on tuberculosis] Hnogotomnoe rukovodstvo
po tuberkulezu. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo mad.lit-ry. Vol.2. [Tuber-
culosis of the respiratory organs] Tuberkulez ormnov dykhaniia.
Red.tom A.B.Rabukhin i F.T.Shobanov. Book 2. 1959. 408 p.
(KIRA 13:5)
1. Chleny-korrespondenty ANN SM (for Antelava, Bogush, Tablokov.
Strukov). 2. Daystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Kornev).
&perimental tuberculosis in white rate with allozan diabetes.
Medych.2hur.24 no.4:27-34 '54. (MLRA 8:10)
1. Utcrainalkiy naukovo-doslidniy tuberkullozniy inatitut
(DIABETES IfELLITUS, experimental,
with tuberc. in white rats)
(TLT9ERCULOSIS, experimental.
with alloxan diabetes in white rats)
Some clinical aspects of tuberculosis in diabetes mellitus. Probl.
andok. i gorm. 2 no.3:64-68 my-je 156. (XLRA 9:10)
1. Is Ukrainskogo Instituta tubarkulaza (dir. - dotsent N.M.Yanor)
i klinicheakogo otdola (rukoyoditall - prof. X.A.Kipolovich)
Ukraiankogo instituta eksperimentallnoy endokrinologii (dir. -
kandidat zeditsinskikh nauk B.T.Kaksimov)
tubere., pulm.. role of low resist. i diabetes. diag.
(TUBERCUI46IS, PULMONARY. atiol. and compl.
diabetes mellitus, Tole of low resist. In diabetes,
diag, & ther.)
Soc-15 Vol-10/5 Che~A D!5~,is-s
1373. VILNkA-ISKY L. 1. Ukrainian Inst. of Tuberc. and Clin. Sect., Ukrainian
Inst. oF7x_Ir_En_,Tucrinol., Kharkov, USSR. #Some peculiarities In
the clinical course of tuberculosis in patients with dia-
betes mellitus (Russian text) PROBL.ENDOKRINOL.GOlQAONO-
TERAPH 1956, 2/3 (64-68)
The symptomatologry of the infiltrative form of tb in diabetes mellitus shows some
peculiarities: a more protracted course with little or no symptoms, less pro-
nounced febrile reactions, a rare onset in form of a grippe, and difficulties in
finding tb bacilli in the sputum. The subjective picture is at first reminiscent of
diabeter, mellitus manifestations. These peculiarities impose the necessity of
systematic roentgenological investigations in all patients with diabetes met. to
reveal the th in time. The correct treatment of diabetes mel., the early dis-
covery of tb and the timely combined treatment with the antibacterial preparations
(streptomycin. plithyvaside) and, where indicated, with artificial pneurnothor:
and correcting operations, considerably improve the prognosis, lessen the fre-
quency c7f progressive forms of tb in such patients and not infrequently achieve
complete cure.
Krimsky_.~_ Moscow (XV. 6
VILINITSKIY, Moisey -BoriB-Qvich [Vil'nyts'Iqi, 14.B.], kand. filos. nauk;
VAStL-ETS-, I.P. [Vasilets', I.P.)., red.; 14ATVIICIIUK, O.A.,
tekhn. red.
(Lenin on space and time and the theory of relativity] Lenin pro
prostir i chas ta teoriia vidnosnosti. Kyiv, 1961. 48 p. (To-
varystvo dlia posbyrennia politychnykh i naukovykh 9-man' Ukrains'-
koi RSR. Ser.1, no.23) (MIRA 15:1)
(Lenin, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924)
(Relativity (Physics))
I S/080/61/034/001/00711020
22.oc) ID91i 10'1~( 115-s- A057/A129
AUTHORS: Bezukladnikov, A.B., Villnyanskiy, Ya.Ye.
TITLE: Effect of the Chlorides of Iron and Aluminum on the Chlorination
Rate of Titanium Dioxide
PERIODICALt Zhurnal Prikladnoy Kh1mii, 1961, Vol. 34, No. 1, PP. 49-53
TEXTs Chlorination of titanium-bearing slags in molten chlorides (carnallite)
is currently being introduced into industry. Amongst other questions the
effect of iron and aluminum chlorides on the chlorination kinetics of ti-
tanium oxides is important. This question was investigated in the present
paper and the results of laboratory experimenp are presented. Chlorination
was carried out with 100o chlorine gas at 500 -9000C. 150 g carnallite
(0.20% Mg, 0.0005% Fe and 0.001% T102)0 was mixed in a quartz tube with 1.6 g
ied petroleum coke and melted at 700 C during 1 hr, introducing chlorine
gas at a rate of 4.5 l/hr. Then a dried mixture containing 1.6 g T102 and
0-4 g coke were added after adjusting the heating to the temperature of the
experiment. TiCl 4 evolved was absorbed in diluted H2504 . The chlorination
Card 1/10
Effect of the Chlorides of Iron and Aluminum on tho Chlorination Rate of
Titanium Dioxide
kinetics was investigated without additions of FeCl or AM Reaction be-
tween the latter and suspended TO 2 particles wan siudied by3c,111orination of
molten carnallite (containing 2 g coke) during 1.5 hr at 7500C. After thin
period carnallite melt containing FeClx (10 g).or AlClj (24.6 g) was added,
and after 10-15 min the first sample wa"s taken Then g T102 and 1 g coke
was added and 3 g samples of the melt were periodically analyzed. The ob-
tained results demonstrate (Fig.2) that in the first 15 min at low tempera-
tures (5000 and 6000C) the chlorination rate is high. This stage of chlor-
ination was not taken into account in calculations of the medium chlorina-
tion rate (Fig.3). The results indicate that chlorination rate in the molten
carnallite depends on the temperature of the bath. According to the slope
of the curve 1 in Fig-3 the authors assume that chlorination at the investi-
gated temperatures occurs in the kinetic range. Dependence of the chlorina-
tion rate constant on temperature is given by: log K - 4.114 - 11,200/4-574T
(11,200 - apparent activation energy). The results obtained for the chlor-
ination of T102 with FeCl, and A1013 admixtures (Fig.4 and 5) demonstrate
Card 2/10
Effect of the Chlorides of Iron and Aluminum on the Chlorination Rate of
Titanium Dioxide
that the chlorination rate increases with the concentration of these admix-
tures. A considerable increase In the FeC13 and AlC13 content at the end of
reaction indicates that exchange reaction according to E.I. Krech [Ref.1i
ZhOKh,VII,8,1249 (19372 may occur. Experiments on the chemism of the reac-
tion show (Fig.6) that at a concentration of 0.4% T'02 practically all fer-
rom chloride changes into ferri chloride. With decreasing T102 the FeC13
content increases. Apparently the following reaction takes place:
4 FeCl3 +T102+ C 0 T'Cl4 + 4 FeC12 + C02, 2 FeC12 + C12 ---,w 2 FeCl Ex-
change reaction with AM 9.7) occurs until A1203 is formed. kith de-
3 (F'
creasing T102 concentration the content of AlCl increases due to the chlor-
ination of A1203. Thus AlC'3 and Fe C13 are catalysts for the T102 chlorina-
tion. Catalysis of iron compounds in chlorination of oxides was observed al-
ready by Ashkroft [Ref.21 V.M. Gus1kov, Sistematicheskoye sobraniye patentov
(Systematic Collection of Patents) CONTI (1938)]. Chlorinations of T102 in
carnallite melt at 500 0- goo0C with 2% FeC13 demonstrated (Pig.3, curve 2)
that at 6800C chlorination changes from the kinetic to the diffusion range
Card 3/10
3/060/61/034/00 1 /007/020
A057/Al 29
Effect of the Chlorides of Iron and Aluminum on the Chlorination Rate of
Titanium Dioxide
and the apparent activation energy decreases from 7,340 cal to 770 cal. The
obtained results indicate that above 6800C intensification of mixing of the
melt is advantageous since a better mass exchange takes place. The chlorina-
tion rate can be increased not as much by raising the temperature, but by in-
creasing the content of FeCl3 or AlCl3 in the melt. There are 7 figures and
2 references: 2 Soviet-bloc.
ASSOCIATIOla Bereznikovskiy filial VAMI (Bprezniki branch of the All-Union
Aluminum and Magnesium Institute) and Urallskiy politekhniches-
kiy institut (Ural Polytechnical Institute)
SUBMITTED: February 24, 1960
Card 4/10
VIL111101, L.M.
Use of chick embryos as experimental models studying the iwinogenic
and virulent iwODerties of :;almonalla typhi. ZhW.-Inikro'H6I,-iPId.
i immpn. 29 no-10:133-137 0 158. (MIRA 11:12)
1. Iz Gosudaretvannogo kontrollnogo instituta syvorotok i vaktain
imeni Tarasevicha.
immunogenic & virulent propertiee, determ. on chick
embryo (Run))
VILOYINA, N.A.; ORZOV, I.M., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik.
Improve the quality of wool sorting. Takst. prom. 18 noe'B-.32-34
Ag '58. (MIRA 11:10)
l.Nachallnik teekha mortirovki Nevinnomysekoy fabriki pervichnoy
obrabotki shersti (for Villnina. 2. ?Sentralinyy nauchno-iseledo-
vatellskly institut shersti (for Orlov).
(Woolen and worsted manufacture)
VILIIIITSKIY, M.B. rvilinitalkyi, M.B.], kand.filoo.nauk; DYSHIXVTI, P.,
nd.f --
Lenin and natural science. Nauka i zhyttia 8 no.4:1-4 Ap '58.
(lenin, Vladimir Illich, 1870-1924)